load balance with tomcat

2004-12-29 Thread Stephen Charles Huey
We're trying to install our existing web app on multiple machines and
put a BigIP load balancer in front of them.  Do we need to do anything
different with Tomcat and/or our web app to get this load balancing to
work, or should we basically be able to copy the Tomcat directory onto
each machine and go?  

The reason I ask is because if we access each web server directly via a
public IP address, we can use the web app.  However, if we try to go
through the BigIP's public address, it won't work (and we're trying to
figure out why).  

We're using Tomcat 4.  Thanks for any tips...

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Configuration: jk 1.2 apache 1.3 workers and virtual hosts

2004-12-29 Thread Michael Kastner
since the documentation is not explicit about this, maybe someone on 
this list can help me.

tomcat 5.0
jk 1.2
apache 1.3
I have several virtual hosts running on my system. Does that mean that I 
have to create a separate worker for each virtual host?

# host1
# host2
# host3
Sorry, I wouldn't ask that that question if I had found any 
documentation on virtual hosts and jk 1.2

Any help or hint is very much appreciated
Michael Kastner
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Re: Forwarding *all* webapps with mod_jk

2004-12-29 Thread Mladen Turk
Simon MARTIN wrote:
I've integrated Tomcat successfully into Apache using mod_jk, but 
there's something I've found nothing about: forwarding *all* webapps 
with only one static statement in the configuration files.

I've thought about something like this:
JkMount /tomcat/* ajp13:*  (which of course is wrong I know)
You can use the mod_rewrite:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule   ^/tomcat/(.+)$  /$1 [R,L]
JkMount /* ajp13
But this will map everything to the tomcat.
You can not do (for now):
/tomcat/examples/* - /examples/*
and then back to:
/examples/* - /tomcat/examples/*
This would require that mod_jk when forwarding the request
to Tomcat strips the '/tomcat' from the URL, and then
after receiving the response add the '/tomcat' prefix to
the url. Of course you will be forced to use only the
relative url's inside your application, so the usage
is dubious.
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ClientAbortException in Tomcat 4.1.31 console

2004-12-29 Thread MERCADIER Didier ROSI/SIFAC

I'm running a servlets application (with Xerces and Xalan), and I have a lot of 
ClientAbortException in Tomcat console. My application runs well, it doesn't 
crash nor redirect to an error page. 
Sometimes, when I restart Tomcat, these errors don't appear any more.
Can someone help me ?


My Configuration :
Tomcat 4.1.31 
OS : Windows 2000
JSDK : 1.4.1_07
Browser : IE 6

Stack Trace :

HttpConnector[8080] Demarrage du thread de fond (background thread)
StandardWrapperValve[default]: Servlet.service() pour la servlet default a gen
ere une exception
ClientAbortException:  java.net.SocketException: Software caused connection 
socket write error
at org.apache.catalina.connector.ResponseBase.flushBuffer(ResponseBase.j
at org.apache.catalina.connector.HttpResponseBase.doFlushBuffer(HttpResp
at org.apache.catalina.connector.HttpResponseBase.flushBuffer(HttpRespon
at org.apache.catalina.connector.ResponseBase.write(ResponseBase.java:60
at org.apache.catalina.connector.ResponseStream.write(ResponseStream.jav
at org.apache.catalina.connector.http.HttpResponseStream.write(HttpRespo
at org.apache.catalina.servlets.DefaultServlet.copyRange(DefaultServlet.
at org.apache.catalina.servlets.DefaultServlet.copy(DefaultServlet.java:
at org.apache.catalina.servlets.DefaultServlet.serveResource(DefaultServ
at org.apache.catalina.servlets.DefaultServlet.doGet(DefaultServlet.java
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:696)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:809)
at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(Appl
at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationF
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(StandardWrapperV
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline$StandardPipelineValveContex
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(StandardPipeline.jav
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(ContainerBase.java:948)

at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(StandardContextV
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline$StandardPipelineValveContex
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(StandardPipeline.jav
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(ContainerBase.java:948)

at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.invoke(StandardContext.java:
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(StandardHostValve.j
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline$StandardPipelineValveContex
at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorDispatcherValve.invoke(ErrorDispatche
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline$StandardPipelineValveContex
at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(ErrorReportValve.j
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline$StandardPipelineValveContex
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(StandardPipeline.jav
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(ContainerBase.java:948)

at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(StandardEngineVal
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline$StandardPipelineValveContex
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(StandardPipeline.jav
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(ContainerBase.java:948)

at org.apache.catalina.connector.http.HttpProcessor.process(HttpProcesso
at org.apache.catalina.connector.http.HttpProcessor.run(HttpProcessor.ja
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:536)
ErrorDispatcherValve[localhost]: Remote Client Aborted Request, IOException: Sof
tware caused connection abort: socket write error

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Re: Tomcat 5 startup crash, please help

2004-12-29 Thread Ben Souther
There is actually a listing in Bugzilla this.
Would you mind adding your findings to it?
If this is a jsvc bug, your data might help to find it.

That's a pretty old Linux distribution.
I remember having trouble with Sun's jdk on either RH7.0 or RH7.1
There was a fairly buggy release of the gclib libraries in one of them.
Are you able to try your app on a more recent Linux distribution for

On Wed, 2004-12-29 at 01:30, Michael Kastner wrote:
 Hello Jacob,
 thanks for your reply,
 Jacob Kjome schrieb:
   A stack trace or some other error report would help.  It's a bit vague
   when you simply describe it.  Show the evidence and you will be more
   likely to get assistance.
 that's what I did yesterday, but got no response at all. Then I figured 
 I might have given too much information on the problem.
 So, here's the information on the problem:
 configuration: tomcat 5.0.28
 redhat linux 7.1
 vm: 1.4.2_03
 I'm trying to install tomcat 5.0. Everything works fine as far as using 
 the startup and shutdown scripts provided.
 However, when I try to start the server as a linux daemon with jsvc, the 
 server crashes.
 The catalina.out-log says:
 Another exception has been detected while we were handling last error.
 Dumping information about last error:
 PC= 0x400b0646
 Please check ERROR REPORT FILE for further information, if there is any.
 Good bye.
 pure virtual method called
 jsvc.exec error: Service exit with a return value of 255
 But then again, if I remove the ajp connector entry in server.xml, jsvc 
 and the tomcat just work fine.
 If I try to start the server again after it has crashed once, the 
 catalina.out-log says:
 An unexpected exception has been detected in native code outside the VM.
 Unexpected Signal : 11 occurred at PC=0x400B0646
 NOTE: We are unable to locate the function name symbol for the error
just occurred. Please refer to release documentation for possible
reason and solutions.
 Current Java thread:
 org.apache.xerces.dom.DeferredDocumentImpl.getNodeObject(Unknown Source)
 org.apache.xerces.dom.CoreDocumentImpl.getDocumentElement(Unknown Source)
  at org.apache.commons.modeler.Registry.load(Registry.java:819)
  - locked 0x44cc7428 (a [Lorg.apache.catalina.Connector;)
  - locked 0x44ce5510 (a [Lorg.apache.catalina.Service;)
  at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start(Catalina.java:556)
  at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)
  at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.start(Bootstrap.java:287)
  at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)
 Does anyone have a clue?
 To me, this looks like a problem with jsvc and ajp.
 I do have another instance of 

Re: load balance with tomcat

2004-12-29 Thread Tim Funk
You should be ok with this strategy (until a tomcat dies and the HttpSession 
is lost - but this can be OK too depending on how data is persisted)

Is the BigIp device using sticky sessions?
Stephen Charles Huey wrote:
We're trying to install our existing web app on multiple machines and
put a BigIP load balancer in front of them.  Do we need to do anything
different with Tomcat and/or our web app to get this load balancing to
work, or should we basically be able to copy the Tomcat directory onto
each machine and go?  

The reason I ask is because if we access each web server directly via a
public IP address, we can use the web app.  However, if we try to go
through the BigIP's public address, it won't work (and we're trying to
figure out why).  

We're using Tomcat 4.  Thanks for any tips...
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Re: Where do I specify location of stdout and stderr?

2004-12-29 Thread Ben Ricker
We do this by finding the log entry in catalina.sh. It should be 
something like catalina.out. Change that to whatever you like. I moved 
it myself to fit how our other app servers work.

Ben Ricker
On Dec 29, 2004, at 12:39 AM, Stephen Charles Huey wrote:

Ok, I just figured out that for the Windows box, we specified the
location of the files that the stdout and stderr get routed into in the
service install script.  However, we're not using any service install
script on Linux (should we be doing that?), so where can I specify that
all the stdout and stderr should go into some particular log files
instead of getting lost into thin air?  We need those log files,
particularly when we're troubleshooting!  Thanks...

- Original message -
From: Stephen Charles Huey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat User tomcat-user@jakarta.apache.org
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2004 15:40:09 -0600
Subject: Where do I specify location of stdout and stderr?
I'm trying to move my Tomcat directory from a Windows machine to a 
box, and I've already modified the server.xml to take care of path
differences, but I've noticed that stdout.log and stderr.log are no
longer being generated in the logs directory (I can't find them!).  
anyone have any idea where this would normally be?  I've also tried to
WinGrep for them in my app code, but so far nothing...

I see this in my server.xml, but this doesn't seem to be related to the
stderr and stdout log files:
!-- Logger shared by all Contexts related to this virtual 
 By default (when using FileLogger), log files are created in
the logs directory relative to $CATALINA_HOME.  If you wish,
you can specify a different directory with the directory
attribute.  Specify either a relative (to $CATALINA_HOME) or
absolute path to the desired directory.--

Logger className=org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger
directory=logs  prefix=localhost_log. suffix=.txt
Those log files mentioned above are being generated, but it doesn't
really make sense that I would need to add a node here for the stdout
and stderr ones if they're already being generated on the Windows box
without being mentioned in server.xml...
Thanks for any help...
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Re: Where do I specify location of stdout and stderr?

2004-12-29 Thread Ben Souther
 I'm trying to move my Tomcat directory from a Windows machine to a 
 box, and I've already modified the server.xml to take care of path
 differences, but I've noticed that stdout.log and stderr.log are no
 longer being generated in the logs directory (I can't find them!).  
 anyone have any idea where this would normally be?  I've also tried to
 WinGrep for them in my app code, but so far nothing...

 I see this in my server.xml, but this doesn't seem to be related to
 stderr and stdout log files:

Both stdout and stderr go to TOMCAT_HOME/logs/catalina.out.

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Session restart replication when using jsvc

2004-12-29 Thread Trond G. Ziarkowski
Hi all!
I recently switched from using Tomcat 5.0.28/jk2/Apache2 to running 
tomcat standalone using jsvc. This works great for me except for one 
thing; Sessions are not replicated when I restart tomcat. To stop Tomcat 
I'm using 'kill -9 `cat /var/run/jsvc.pid`'. When Tomcat is stopped this 
way the StandardManager does not serialize the sessions to SESSIONS.ser.

Can I stop Tomcat in another way, to make it serialize the sessions?
Do I have to use a PersistentManager?
Write my own manager?
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Issues with Tomcat on AIX?

2004-12-29 Thread bricker
I am migrating a dozen apps from Solaris and Tomcat 4.0.6 to AIX 5.2 and
Tomcat 4.0.6.

Has anyone done this migration? If not, does anyone run Tomcat on AIX 5.2
( I would assume so)? Do you use IBMs JDK? I am using the 1.3, 64-bit

If you do, do you use Java Security (-security on startup)? I am having an
issue with an security exception being thrown. I can fix the exception by
adding the pertinent grant statement but it does not work on the AIX
version (it does work on Solaris!)?

Here is the error:

Security Violation, attempt to use Restricted Class:
java.security.AccessControlException: access denied

I pinpointed the class in the error msg as being in the server dir. So I
added this grant statement:

grant codeBase file:${catalina.home}/server/- {
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission

This statement fixes the problem using Solaris and Sun's JDK 1.3. It does
NOT fix the issue in the following IBM JDK:

Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.3.1)
Classic VM (build 1.3.1, J2RE 1.3.1 IBM AIX 5L for PowerPC (64 bit JVM)
build caix641311-20011123a (JIT enabled: jitc))

Any ideas?

Ben Ricker

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Re: Forwarding *all* webapps with mod_jk

2004-12-29 Thread Wade Chandler
Mladen Turk wrote:
Simon MARTIN wrote:
I've integrated Tomcat successfully into Apache using mod_jk, but 
there's something I've found nothing about: forwarding *all* webapps 
with only one static statement in the configuration files.

I've thought about something like this:
JkMount /tomcat/* ajp13:*  (which of course is wrong I know)
You can use the mod_rewrite:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule   ^/tomcat/(.+)$  /$1 [R,L]
JkMount /* ajp13
But this will map everything to the tomcat.
You can not do (for now):
/tomcat/examples/* - /examples/*
and then back to:
/examples/* - /tomcat/examples/*
This would require that mod_jk when forwarding the request
to Tomcat strips the '/tomcat' from the URL, and then
after receiving the response add the '/tomcat' prefix to
the url. Of course you will be forced to use only the
relative url's inside your application, so the usage
is dubious.
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Could he not do something like this...doesn't mod_jk now have the 
mod_jk2 stuff in it?

I do this in mod_jk2 in the workers2.properties file
#this will allow all rsg servlets to be run through tomcat.
info=jrsg (extension for RSG controller servlets)
I give all of my servlets an extension in their name.  Though I assume 
this could be done like:

#this will allow all rsg servlets to be run through tomcat.
info= for all servlets in a servlet directory
I then make sure that the native server has the same context/path what 
ever you want to call it as the tomcat web app will have.  This means 
the url path will be correct for both servers.
If I have /someapp in Apache or IIS then my webapp name will be /someapp 
and /someapp/servlets will house the servlets

Can he not do something like this in mod_jk?  What would the equivalent 
be?  Also, if he isn't using the version of mod_jk which has the mod_jk2 
stuff merged in, I would still like to know if the merged version still 
has this capability?

Hope that might help, and thanks for any other info given to the list of 
a similar nature on the same topic.

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Re: Forwarding *all* webapps with mod_jk

2004-12-29 Thread Mladen Turk
Wade Chandler wrote:
You can use the mod_rewrite:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule   ^/tomcat/(.+)$  /$1 [R,L]
JkMount /* ajp13
But this will map everything to the tomcat.
You can not do (for now):
/tomcat/examples/* - /examples/*
and then back to:
/examples/* - /tomcat/examples/*
This would require that mod_jk when forwarding the request
to Tomcat strips the '/tomcat' from the URL, and then
after receiving the response add the '/tomcat' prefix to
the url. Of course you will be forced to use only the
relative url's inside your application, so the usage
is dubious.
#this will allow all rsg servlets to be run through tomcat.
info= for all servlets in a servlet directory

You can use (for JK1.2.8)
JkMount /*/servlet/*
This was not possible on pre 1.2.8.
But I think he ment something else,
and that is dynamically rewriting the url with mod_jk.
For example:
JkMount /tomcat/* ajp13
JkMountPrefix /tomcat ajp13
Something like that would allow that for:
/tomcat/foo/* actuall requests to Tomcat are /foo/*
This still sounds to me somehow silly.
One can create a virtual host inside Apache and
redirect it to Tomcat ROOT so that for example
all requests to http://host are for the Apache,
and http://tomcat.host mapped with 'JkMount /* ajp13'

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META-INF/context.xml TC 5.5.4 deployment problems

2004-12-29 Thread alan . sinclair
I have been trying to deploy my app into 5.5.4 using a META-INF/context.xml 
file type config. The application is deployed according to the log; there are 
no errors. When I access it, I receive a 404 error, none of the JSPs respond. I 
have tried various combinations of path and docBase and have followed the 
documention but no success. I find this stuff very difficult to debug. So far, 
I have resisted putting the Context section into the server.xml since the 
documentation says to avoid that.

How do you configure a 5.5.4 application in a context to log to its own log 
file like the Logger .../ setup in TC 4.1. 

Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: Issues with Tomcat on AIX?

2004-12-29 Thread Dennis Payne
You probably did this alread, but might want to check the access
permissions for all directories and files involved.  That stuff gets
messed up pretty easy.  The user that Tomcat runs under should be the
same user that the JDK was installed with...  Might be a complicating

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12-29-2004 09:51 
I am migrating a dozen apps from Solaris and Tomcat 4.0.6 to AIX 5.2
Tomcat 4.0.6.

Has anyone done this migration? If not, does anyone run Tomcat on AIX
( I would assume so)? Do you use IBMs JDK? I am using the 1.3, 64-bit

If you do, do you use Java Security (-security on startup)? I am having
issue with an security exception being thrown. I can fix the exception
adding the pertinent grant statement but it does not work on the AIX
version (it does work on Solaris!)?

Here is the error:

Security Violation, attempt to use Restricted Class:
java.security.AccessControlException: access denied

I pinpointed the class in the error msg as being in the server dir. So
added this grant statement:

grant codeBase file:${catalina.home}/server/- {
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission

This statement fixes the problem using Solaris and Sun's JDK 1.3. It
NOT fix the issue in the following IBM JDK:

Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.3.1)
Classic VM (build 1.3.1, J2RE 1.3.1 IBM AIX 5L for PowerPC (64 bit
build caix641311-20011123a (JIT enabled: jitc))

Any ideas?

Ben Ricker

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Re: ClientAbortException in Tomcat 4.1.31 console

2004-12-29 Thread Mark Thomas
This is normal. Typically, it happens when the user clicks stop on their 
browser before the page has finished loading.


I'm running a servlets application (with Xerces and Xalan), and I have a lot of ClientAbortException in Tomcat console. My application runs well, it doesn't crash nor redirect to an error page. 
Sometimes, when I restart Tomcat, these errors don't appear any more.
Can someone help me ?

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WebDAV and redirects

2004-12-29 Thread Garret Wilson
I've been struggling with the whole issue of Microsoft WebDAV clients 
failing to including a trailing slash in collection URIs even when I ask 
nicely. It looks like I can fix this with redirects, but that opens up 
another can of worms: the Microsoft client redirect bug. I'm trying to 
get the last word on this, and it looks like Mark Thomas or others may 
be able to set the record straight.

http://nagoya.apache.org/eyebrowse/[EMAIL PROTECTED]msgId=2007923
Basically, Microsoft clients will issue a PROPFIND for 
http://www.example.com/folder instead of http://www.example.com/folder/ 
, even though the latter is the true name of the collection and the 
former is a file that doesn't exist. WebDAV servers get around this by 
issuing a redirect from http://www.example.com/folder to 
http://www.example.com/folder/ .

It appears that some Microsoft WebFolder implementations will follow up 
the redirect with a GET instead of a PROPFIND, breaking WebDAV access. 
For this reason Apache has a redirect-carefully option for user agents 
such as Microsoft Data Access Internet Publishing Provider.

So here are my questions:
* What's the most appropriate redirect to send to redirect from 
http://www.example.com/folder to http://www.example.com/folder/ ? A 301 
(permanent) or 302 (temporary)? Which does Apache do? Which does the 
Tomcat WebDAV servlet do?

* For those clients that do not follow redirects properly, what should 
be done as a workaround? Should the server simply act as if 
http://www.example.com/folder/ were requested when 
http://www.example.com/folder is requested, if the user agent is one of 
those recognized as buggy? Is this what Apache does for 
redirect-carefully? What does the Tomcat WebDAV servlet do?

* Currently, in my implementation I'm sending back a 302 redirect, and 
Microsoft WebFolders handles it fine on Windows XP Professional SP2. But 
is it true that other versions do not follow redirects? As all versions 
send the same user agent identification (Microsoft Data Access Internet 
Publishing Provider), what should the WebDAV server do---implement the 
redirect-carefully hack even with those clients that properly follow 
redirects, as the server can't tell the difference? What does the Tomcat 
WebDAV servlet do?

A lot of this information seems to be on the Internet, but as little 
pieces scattered about.

Thanks in advance,
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Re: Session restart replication when using jsvc

2004-12-29 Thread Wolfgang Hackl
Trond G. Ziarkowski wrote:
I recently switched from using Tomcat 5.0.28/jk2/Apache2 to running 
tomcat standalone using jsvc. This works great for me except for one 
thing; Sessions are not replicated when I restart tomcat. To stop 
Tomcat I'm using 'kill -9 `cat /var/run/jsvc.pid`'. When Tomcat is 
stopped this way the StandardManager does not serialize the sessions 
to SESSIONS.ser.

Can I stop Tomcat in another way, to make it serialize the sessions?

Hi Trond,
by using signal 9 you give Tomcat no chance to perform any further 
action. Maybe you omit -9 from your kill command.

Kind regards,
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Re: META-INF/context.xml TC 5.5.4 deployment problems

2004-12-29 Thread Jacob Kjome
At 09:42 AM 12/29/2004 -0800, you wrote:
I have been trying to deploy my app into 5.5.4 using a META-INF/context.xml
file type config. The application is deployed according to the log; there
are no errors. When I access it, I receive a 404 error, none of the JSPs
respond. I have tried various combinations of path and docBase and have
followed the documention but no success. I find this stuff very difficult to
debug. So far, I have resisted putting the Context section into the
server.xml since the documentation says to avoid that.

Have you read the docs for 5.5.x?  There is no path anymore.  This is 
given by the name of the file when it gets copied to 
CATALINA_HOME/conf/localhost.  The docbase would be something like either 
myapp.war or myapp.

How do you configure a 5.5.4 application in a context to log to its own log
file like the Logger .../ setup in TC 4.1.
Use Log4j.  Search for messages from me on this topic.  I won't repeat it here.

Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: Session restart replication when using jsvc

2004-12-29 Thread Trond G. Ziarkowski
Hi Wolfgang!
by using signal 9 you give Tomcat no chance to perform any further 
action. Maybe you omit -9 from your kill command.
Thanks for the tip. Tried it, but same results.
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Re: Issues with Tomcat on AIX?

2004-12-29 Thread bricker
I had not checked that, although it is true that the JDK was installed
under the same user (well, now it is; I was using the AIX installed 1.3.1
smit pkg but I since coped it to a work directory). I do not see WHY the
owner of the JDK has to be the the same user as the Tomcat PID owner. I
can see why it would need read access. To be sure, I chmod'd everything to
755/644 to make sure. Still no dice.

I tried to setup another app that uses the same base policy and the error
did not arise. Others did but I was able to write in policy changes that
got rid of them.

Man, this is frustrating.

Ben Ricker

 You probably did this alread, but might want to check the access
 permissions for all directories and files involved.  That stuff gets
 messed up pretty easy.  The user that Tomcat runs under should be the
 same user that the JDK was installed with...  Might be a complicating

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12-29-2004 09:51 
 I am migrating a dozen apps from Solaris and Tomcat 4.0.6 to AIX 5.2
 Tomcat 4.0.6.

 Has anyone done this migration? If not, does anyone run Tomcat on AIX
 ( I would assume so)? Do you use IBMs JDK? I am using the 1.3, 64-bit

 If you do, do you use Java Security (-security on startup)? I am having
 issue with an security exception being thrown. I can fix the exception
 adding the pertinent grant statement but it does not work on the AIX
 version (it does work on Solaris!)?

 Here is the error:

 Security Violation, attempt to use Restricted Class:
 java.security.AccessControlException: access denied

 I pinpointed the class in the error msg as being in the server dir. So
 added this grant statement:

 grant codeBase file:${catalina.home}/server/- {
 permission java.lang.RuntimePermission

 This statement fixes the problem using Solaris and Sun's JDK 1.3. It
 NOT fix the issue in the following IBM JDK:

 Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.3.1)
 Classic VM (build 1.3.1, J2RE 1.3.1 IBM AIX 5L for PowerPC (64 bit
 build caix641311-20011123a (JIT enabled: jitc))

 Any ideas?

 Ben Ricker

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FW: j2sdk problems

2004-12-29 Thread Warron French
Can anyone help me on this issue please?

I have reviewed the log files to no end on this issue.  I see nothing at all in 
terms of errors.

The problem is we are running jboss-3.2.5 in conjunction with j2sdk-1.4.1_04 on 
a Red Hat Linux 9 system with the 2.4.20-31.9smp kernel and I have had to 
restart the jboss services.

I have reviewed the /var/log/messages file found nothing in reference to jboss 
or mod_jk2 or j2sdk.
I reviewed the error_log file for the website under its configuration and found 
no errors pointing towards mod_jk2, however there were references to errors 
involving re-initializing of SSL, Directory index forbidden by rule: 
~/public_html (where tilde is the homedir for the site)

I also went to look at the /var/log/httpd/mod_jk.log file and there is nothing 
in it, however, there was a previous log file from over a week ago (since I 
rebooted the server and restarted the service last week).

I don't know where else to look to solve this problem.

Merry Christmas  Happy New Year!
Warron French
Sr. Network Engineer
Xtria, LLC
8045 Leesburg Pike #400
Vienna, VA 22182
Desk: 703-821-6110
Main: 703-821-6000
Fax:  703-827-0374

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Re: FW: j2sdk problems

2004-12-29 Thread bricker
You probably have not had help because there is no PROBLEM listed. What is
the issue? Your question is hoplessly vague as presented. If you see no
errors, then what is the problem? :]

Ben Ricker

 Can anyone help me on this issue please?

 I have reviewed the log files to no end on this issue.  I see nothing at
 all in terms of errors.

 The problem is we are running jboss-3.2.5 in conjunction with
 j2sdk-1.4.1_04 on a Red Hat Linux 9 system with the 2.4.20-31.9smp kernel
 and I have had to restart the jboss services.

 I have reviewed the /var/log/messages file found nothing in reference to
 jboss or mod_jk2 or j2sdk.
 I reviewed the error_log file for the website under its configuration and
 found no errors pointing towards mod_jk2, however there were references to
 errors involving re-initializing of SSL, Directory index forbidden by
 rule: ~/public_html (where tilde is the homedir for the site)

 I also went to look at the /var/log/httpd/mod_jk.log file and there is
 nothing in it, however, there was a previous log file from over a week ago
 (since I rebooted the server and restarted the service last week).

 I don't know where else to look to solve this problem.

 Merry Christmas  Happy New Year!
 Warron French
 Sr. Network Engineer
 Xtria, LLC
 8045 Leesburg Pike #400
 Vienna, VA 22182
 Desk: 703-821-6110
 Main: 703-821-6000
 Fax:  703-827-0374

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Re: Session restart replication when using jsvc

2004-12-29 Thread Wade Chandler
Trond G. Ziarkowski wrote:
Hi Wolfgang!
by using signal 9 you give Tomcat no chance to perform any further 
action. Maybe you omit -9 from your kill command.

Thanks for the tip. Tried it, but same results.
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Hmmm.  Here is the source code of the jsvc-unix.c which is called upon a 

static void handler(int sig) {
switch (sig) {
case SIGTERM: {
log_debug(Caught SIGTERM: Scheduling a shutdown);
if (stopping==true) {
log_error(Shutdown or reload already scheduled);
} else {
if (handler_trm!=NULL) (*handler_trm)(sig);
case SIGINT: {
log_debug(Caught SIGINT: Scheduling a shutdown);
if (stopping==true) {
log_error(Shutdown or reload already scheduled);
} else {
if (handler_int!=NULL) (*handler_int)(sig);
case SIGHUP: {
log_debug(Caught SIGHUP: Scheduling a reload);
if (stopping==true) {
log_error(Shutdown or reload already scheduled);
} else {
if (handler_hup!=NULL) (*handler_hup)(sig);
default: {
log_debug(Caught unknown signal %d,sig);
So, from the text I would assume SIGINT and SIGTERM should perform the 
same shutdown behavior, but you can try to use

kill -s SIGTERM pid
kill -s SIGINT pid
and see what results you get.  If it isn't behaving correctly then you 
need to maybe

1) You might want to make sure you don't have the serialization of 
session turned off some how...is it behaving correctly if you don't use 

2) You are using the right tomcat class to start it up...surely or you 
should get an errorI would imagine anywaysso  maybe forget 
this altogether.

3) You might want to search the tomcat source code for the Daemon 
implementer class and locate the method stop to see if you can figure 
out if it is being called.  It should be I would imagine since tomcat is 
stopping, but if it is not, then I guess it's a Daemon/jsvc error and 
you need to talk to that list. On another note same subject.You can 
look in the daemon src at the file /src/native/unix/native/java.c and 
you could put some code into the java_stop function to see if you can 
figure out if the function is going to call (through jni) the Daemon 
stop method correctly or not.  REMEMBER: The Daemon startup code does 
not force the class used as a Daemon to actually implemnt the interface 
through source code, but the class can simply have the correct 
methods.only know this because of the source code not any 
docsdon't know if Tomcat does this or not.

4) You might look in your jsvc error file...where ever you have put it 
and look for the text 'Cannot stop daemon' or 'Cannot found Daemon 
Loader stop entry point'that mis type of Cannot foundis really 
in the logging of the 1.0 release source code.  Because even though you 
get this text and tomcat goes awaythe method to stop may not have 
been found and the jsvc process is going to kill the JVM anyways.

Hope some of that helps
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RE: FW: j2sdk problems

2004-12-29 Thread Warron French
That's the problem, the j2sdk/jboss services fail after about a week and there 
is no log entries in the /var/log/mod_jk.log file.  Or anywhere else I 
mentioned in my original email.

Merry Christmas  Happy New Year!
Warron French
Sr. Network Engineer
Xtria, LLC
8045 Leesburg Pike #400
Vienna, VA 22182
Desk: 703-821-6110
Main: 703-821-6000
Fax:  703-827-0374

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2004 3:26 PM
To: tomcat-user@jakarta.apache.org
Subject: Re: FW: j2sdk problems

You probably have not had help because there is no PROBLEM listed. What is
the issue? Your question is hoplessly vague as presented. If you see no
errors, then what is the problem? :]

Ben Ricker

 Can anyone help me on this issue please?

 I have reviewed the log files to no end on this issue.  I see nothing at
 all in terms of errors.

 The problem is we are running jboss-3.2.5 in conjunction with
 j2sdk-1.4.1_04 on a Red Hat Linux 9 system with the 2.4.20-31.9smp kernel
 and I have had to restart the jboss services.

 I have reviewed the /var/log/messages file found nothing in reference to
 jboss or mod_jk2 or j2sdk.
 I reviewed the error_log file for the website under its configuration and
 found no errors pointing towards mod_jk2, however there were references to
 errors involving re-initializing of SSL, Directory index forbidden by
 rule: ~/public_html (where tilde is the homedir for the site)

 I also went to look at the /var/log/httpd/mod_jk.log file and there is
 nothing in it, however, there was a previous log file from over a week ago
 (since I rebooted the server and restarted the service last week).

 I don't know where else to look to solve this problem.

 Merry Christmas  Happy New Year!
 Warron French
 Sr. Network Engineer
 Xtria, LLC
 8045 Leesburg Pike #400
 Vienna, VA 22182
 Desk: 703-821-6110
 Main: 703-821-6000
 Fax:  703-827-0374

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Re: FW: j2sdk problems

2004-12-29 Thread Wade Chandler
Warron French wrote:
That's the problem, the j2sdk/jboss services fail after about a week and there 
is no log entries in the /var/log/mod_jk.log file.  Or anywhere else I 
mentioned in my original email.

Merry Christmas  Happy New Year!
Warron French
Sr. Network Engineer
Xtria, LLC
8045 Leesburg Pike #400
Vienna, VA 22182
Desk: 703-821-6110
Main: 703-821-6000
Fax:  703-827-0374
Do you have any information about your memory usage on your computer? 
Do you know which version of Tomcat it is in the JBoss distro?  Which 
version of mod_jk/2?

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Re: FW: j2sdk problems

2004-12-29 Thread Ben Souther
Also, what happens when the user tries to access the app?
A 404 Error?
Can not connect error?
A frozen browser?

Dies can mean a lot of things.

On Wed, 2004-12-29 at 15:52, Wade Chandler wrote:
 Warron French wrote:
  That's the problem, the j2sdk/jboss services fail after about a week and 
  there is no log entries in the /var/log/mod_jk.log file.  Or anywhere else 
  I mentioned in my original email.
  Merry Christmas  Happy New Year!
  Warron French
  Sr. Network Engineer
  Xtria, LLC
  8045 Leesburg Pike #400
  Vienna, VA 22182
  Desk: 703-821-6110
  Main: 703-821-6000
  Fax:  703-827-0374
 Do you have any information about your memory usage on your computer? 
 Do you know which version of Tomcat it is in the JBoss distro?  Which 
 version of mod_jk/2?
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RE: FW: j2sdk problems

2004-12-29 Thread bricker
Again you are unclear. What do you mean by fail? The JBoss process? If you
mean that, then you are on the wrong list. This is for tomcat users, not
JBoss users.

Here is what I would do:

1) If you are having process problems with Jboss, contact a JBoss related

2) If you cannot get access to go from mod_jk to JBoss, check the access
logs. What is the return code for the app? Is it something outside of
200-300? Is there an error given to a user, i.e., on their screen? Try
bumping up the logging levels to debug in the mod_jk config.

These are common troubleshooting techniques. You might want to Google for
'Apache troubleshooting' to get some tips.

Ben Ricker

That's the problem, the j2sdk/jboss services fail after about a week and
 there is no log entries in the /var/log/mod_jk.log file.  Or anywhere else
 I mentioned in my original email.

 Merry Christmas  Happy New Year!
 Warron French
 Sr. Network Engineer
 Xtria, LLC
 8045 Leesburg Pike #400
 Vienna, VA 22182
 Desk: 703-821-6110
 Main: 703-821-6000
 Fax:  703-827-0374

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2004 3:26 PM
 To: tomcat-user@jakarta.apache.org
 Subject: Re: FW: j2sdk problems

 You probably have not had help because there is no PROBLEM listed. What is
 the issue? Your question is hoplessly vague as presented. If you see no
 errors, then what is the problem? :]

 Ben Ricker

 Can anyone help me on this issue please?

 I have reviewed the log files to no end on this issue.  I see nothing at
 all in terms of errors.

 The problem is we are running jboss-3.2.5 in conjunction with
 j2sdk-1.4.1_04 on a Red Hat Linux 9 system with the 2.4.20-31.9smp
 and I have had to restart the jboss services.

 I have reviewed the /var/log/messages file found nothing in reference to
 jboss or mod_jk2 or j2sdk.
 I reviewed the error_log file for the website under its configuration
 found no errors pointing towards mod_jk2, however there were references
 errors involving re-initializing of SSL, Directory index forbidden by
 rule: ~/public_html (where tilde is the homedir for the site)

 I also went to look at the /var/log/httpd/mod_jk.log file and there is
 nothing in it, however, there was a previous log file from over a week
 (since I rebooted the server and restarted the service last week).

 I don't know where else to look to solve this problem.

 Merry Christmas  Happy New Year!
 Warron French
 Sr. Network Engineer
 Xtria, LLC
 8045 Leesburg Pike #400
 Vienna, VA 22182
 Desk: 703-821-6110
 Main: 703-821-6000
 Fax:  703-827-0374

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Changing Stack Size in Tomcat 4.130

2004-12-29 Thread Sweta Kapadia

How would I go about increasing the stack size in Tomcat? Im gettig a 
StackOverflowError, thanks in advance.

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Re: Changing Stack Size in Tomcat 4.130

2004-12-29 Thread Brad Neuberg
Hi Sweta.  I assume you mean increase the stack size available to each 
thread.  From 
http://blogs.sun.com/roller/resources/watt/jvm-options-list.html, which is 
a giant list of JVM options:

-Xsssize - size - set maximum native stack size for any thread
Also do a 'ulimit -a' to determine what your process constraints are on 
stack size; if you increase the stack size using the -Xss option but don't 
give your process permission to use that extra stack size you will get 
exceptions as well.

Hope this works.
At 01:20 PM 12/29/2004, you wrote:
How would I go about increasing the stack size in Tomcat? Im gettig a 
StackOverflowError, thanks in advance.

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Senior Software Engineer, Rojo Networks
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Java, Open Source, etc... then come work with us at Rojo.  If you recommend 
someone and we hire them you'll get a free iPod!  See 

Re: Changing Stack Size in Tomcat 4.130

2004-12-29 Thread Brad Neuberg
Keep in mind that I believe increasing the stack size too large can have 
performance implications.  If I understand correctly each thread has a 
stack that stores process information so that as threads context switch in 
and out this information gets copied into and out of memory; if you 
increase the stack size more memory will have to get copied in and out, 
slowing down performance.

Can folks correct me on this if I am wrong? Is this a correct understanding 
of the stack? Would this be a true bottleneck for performance?

At 01:41 PM 12/29/2004, you wrote:
Hi Sweta.  I assume you mean increase the stack size available to each 
thread.  From 
http://blogs.sun.com/roller/resources/watt/jvm-options-list.html, which is 
a giant list of JVM options:

-Xsssize - size - set maximum native stack size for any thread
Also do a 'ulimit -a' to determine what your process constraints are on 
stack size; if you increase the stack size using the -Xss option but don't 
give your process permission to use that extra stack size you will get 
exceptions as well.

Hope this works.
At 01:20 PM 12/29/2004, you wrote:
How would I go about increasing the stack size in Tomcat? Im gettig a 
StackOverflowError, thanks in advance.

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Senior Software Engineer, Rojo Networks
Weblog: http://www.codinginparadise.org
Check out Rojo, an RSS and Atom news aggregator that I work on.  Visit 
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Rojo is Hiring!  If you're interested in RSS, Weblogs, Social Networking, 
Java, Open Source, etc... then come work with us at Rojo.  If you 
recommend someone and we hire them you'll get a free iPod!  See 
Senior Software Engineer, Rojo Networks
Weblog: http://www.codinginparadise.org
Check out Rojo, an RSS and Atom news aggregator that I work on.  Visit 
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someone and we hire them you'll get a free iPod!  See 

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Re: Changing Stack Size in Tomcat 4.130

2004-12-29 Thread Wade Chandler
Sweta Kapadia wrote:
How would I go about increasing the stack size in Tomcat? Im gettig a 
StackOverflowError, thanks in advance.
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A lot of times when I see this I think about a loop running out of 
control.  Are you getting this from tried and true code, and are you 
getting this when you are debugging (so to see what is going on)?  Maybe 
put in some logging and things before you have to rearrange the stack size.

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Re: Changing Stack Size in Tomcat 4.130

2004-12-29 Thread Wade Chandler
Wade Chandler wrote:
Sweta Kapadia wrote:
How would I go about increasing the stack size in Tomcat? Im gettig a 
StackOverflowError, thanks in advance.

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A lot of times when I see this I think about a loop running out of 
control.  Are you getting this from tried and true code, and are you 
getting this when you are debugging (so to see what is going on)?  Maybe 
put in some logging and things before you have to rearrange the stack size.

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That being a recursion loopbe sure you check for that.
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Re: Changing Stack Size in Tomcat 4.130

2004-12-29 Thread Brad Neuberg

At 02:09 PM 12/29/2004, you wrote:
Sweta Kapadia wrote:
How would I go about increasing the stack size in Tomcat? Im gettig a 
StackOverflowError, thanks in advance.
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A lot of times when I see this I think about a loop running out of 
control.  Are you getting this from tried and true code, and are you 
getting this when you are debugging (so to see what is going on)?  Maybe 
put in some logging and things before you have to rearrange the stack size.
Good call; maybe also analyze where you might be using recursion, and the 
recursive loop never bottoms out and therefore quickly blows the stack.


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Senior Software Engineer, Rojo Networks
Weblog: http://www.codinginparadise.org
Check out Rojo, an RSS and Atom news aggregator that I work on.  Visit 
http://rojo.com for more info. Feel free to ask me for an invite!

Rojo is Hiring!  If you're interested in RSS, Weblogs, Social Networking, 
Java, Open Source, etc... then come work with us at Rojo.  If you recommend 
someone and we hire them you'll get a free iPod!  See 

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Re: web.xml uses non-validating xml?

2004-12-29 Thread D. Stimits
Jacob Kjome wrote:
Quoting D. Stimits [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Peter Crowther wrote:
From: D. Stimits [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
I'm trying to debug something, and the individual
webapps/myapp/WEB-INF/web.xml file seems to be a bit of an
enigma to me.

I went to the DTD's to see what was
written there. Initially I used this DTD:
!DOCTYPE web-app
PUBLIC -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN
...shock and surprise...resource-env-ref is not even in the

Incidentally, this tag is properly described in

Which version of Tomcat are you using, and how did you choose the DTD
against which to validate?  Different versions implement different
revisions of the servlet spec, and it's very likely that you're using a
sufficiently recent version of Tomcat that the 2.3 or 2.4 specs are
Tomcat is version 5.0.30, originally I just copied from a blank struts
app set of files, which used the 2.2 DTD.
Regardless of which DTD's tomcat supports under 5.0, it seems to be a
bug that it ignores the stated DTD and gives no error or warning that a
tag is being used that the DTD does not know anything about. Now if a
DTD version stated in the web.xml file is not supported by tomcat, I'd
expect an error be generated there as well.

I think you have to set validating to true in server.xml.  Otherwise, the file
is parsed in a non-validating fashion.  Sorry, don't remember exactly where you
set this, but I do seem to recall something like this.  It's probably on the
Host tag, but I'm not sure.  Check the docs.
This might be the case, but so far I've been unable to find any 
documentation about this as a feature of tomcat 5. Possibly it is just 
undocumented on the jakarta web site docs. The server.xml file itself 
isn't really XML, so there is no DTD to refer to either.

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Re: web.xml uses non-validating xml?

2004-12-29 Thread Mark Miesfeld
On Wed, 29 Dec 2004 17:46:24 -0700, D. Stimits wrote:

: Jacob Kjome wrote:
:  I think you have to set validating to true in server.xml.  Otherwise, the 
:  is parsed in a non-validating fashion.  Sorry, don't remember exactly where 
:  set this, but I do seem to recall something like this.  It's probably on the
:  Host tag, but I'm not sure.  Check the docs.
: This might be the case, but so far I've been unable to find any
: documentation about this as a feature of tomcat 5. Possibly it is just
: undocumented on the jakarta web site docs. The server.xml file itself
: isn't really XML, so there is no DTD to refer to either.

From the docs at:


The standard implementation of Context is
org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.  It supports the following
additional attributes (in addition to the common attributes listed

Then a little farther down in the attrubute table:

If the value of this flag is true, the TLD files will be
XML validated on context startup.  The default value for this flag is
false, and setting it to true will incur a performance penalty.  

Mark Miesfeld

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Re: web.xml uses non-validating xml?

2004-12-29 Thread D. Stimits
Mark Miesfeld wrote:
On Wed, 29 Dec 2004 17:46:24 -0700, D. Stimits wrote:
: Jacob Kjome wrote:
:  I think you have to set validating to true in server.xml.  Otherwise, the 
:  is parsed in a non-validating fashion.  Sorry, don't remember exactly where 
:  set this, but I do seem to recall something like this.  It's probably on the
:  Host tag, but I'm not sure.  Check the docs.
: This might be the case, but so far I've been unable to find any
: documentation about this as a feature of tomcat 5. Possibly it is just
: undocumented on the jakarta web site docs. The server.xml file itself
: isn't really XML, so there is no DTD to refer to either.
From the docs at:
I'm using 5.0, not 5.5. Are the configurations for 5.5 and 5.0 identical?
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Apache and Tomcat VirtualHost Config Problem

2004-12-29 Thread Aphra Behn
I am currently using Apache httpd 2.0.52, Tomcat 5.0.28 and mod_jk2
configured with workers2.properties and so that tomcat can listen to
apache requests.  I want Apache httpd to serve static files and Tomcat
to serve dynamic files (ex. jsp's).
This all works fine if I have all dynamic files located on the url as
However, I cannot seem to get the dynamic files to work properly if I
want them to be at the same location on the url as the static files so
that www.mysite.com/file.jsp (served by Tomcat as requested by Apache
httpd) and www.mysite.com/index.htm (served by Apache httpd) coexist
without any problems.
I did come up with a config that works partially for jsps at
www.mysite.com/file.jsp but there are some problems.  This is the main
Eventhough I am able to access all the jsp page inside
CATALINA_HOME/webapp/home, I am no longer able to access any jsp page
inside other directory such as CATALINA_HOME/webapp/sample directory.
I have included all relevant config settings below this paragraph.
What can I do diffrently so that Apache can make a direct request to
both CATALINA_HOME/webapp/home and CATALINA_HOME/webapp/sample instead
of just one?  It seems to me that with my original setting (above
mentioned as www.mysite.com/home/file.jsp), requests from Apache will
start from CATALINA_HOME/webapp and start going through different
directory and display it through the url each time it enter a
subdirectory.  However, with my current setting, instead of starting
at CATALINA_HOME/webapp, I just start at CATALINA_HOME/webapp/home, so
eventhough I make a request from www.mysite.com, home does not show
up anymore, but that also makes it impossible to access files from a
directory such as CATALINA_HOME/webapp/sample.  What kind of
configuration do I need to make Apache access a jsp page from Tomcat
without showing up a long url path but instead just something like
www.mysite.com/file.jsp no matter which folder the jsp page is located
inside tomcat?
Here are the relevant config lines:
1)Inside server.xml, I enter the following:
 Host name=www.home.net debug=0
  unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=true
 Context path= docBase= debug=1/
 Valve className=org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve
  directory=logs  prefix=home_access_log. suffix=.txt
  pattern=common resolveHosts=false/
 Host name=www.root.net debug=0
 unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=true
 Context path= docBase= debug=1/
 Valve className=org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve
  directory=logs  prefix=cust2_log. suffix=.txt
  pattern=common resolveHosts=false/
2) Inside worker2.properties, I include the following:
3)  Inside httpd.conf, I include the following:
 DocumentRoot /usr/local/httpd-2.0.52/htdocs/www.mysite.com
 ServerName www.mysite.com
 Location /*.jsp
 JkUriSet worker ajp13:localhost:8009
If anybody knows of a great source of documentation on this I would
like to know.  I have searched online and read through a lot of
documentation such as  Apache 2.0.43 - Tomcat 4.1.12 - jk2 - virtual
host HOWTO at 
document about mod_jk2 at http://rimuhosting.com/mod_jk2.jsp  and at
document about server.xml at
document about virtual host  at
http://httpd.apache.org/docs-2.0/mod/core.html#virtualhost .

Thanks in advance for your help!
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tomcat error page

2004-12-29 Thread alis asma alias
When there is an error in our web application, Tomcat
will produce and error page that list down all the
Exception stack trace and also THe version of the
Apache Tomcat. To avoid displaying the default error
page and to customize the error page, where should we
configure it? 

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Re: web.xml uses non-validating xml?

2004-12-29 Thread Mark Miesfeld
On Wed, 29 Dec 2004 18:23:00 -0700, D. Stimits wrote:

: Mark Miesfeld wrote:
: From the docs at:
:  http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/tomcat-5.5-doc/config/context.html
: I'm using 5.0, not 5.5. Are the configurations for 5.5 and 5.0 identical?

It looks like it.  Change the URL above to ..tomcat-5-0=doc... and you
will see the same tldValidation attribute.


Mark Miesfeld

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Re: tomcat error page

2004-12-29 Thread Ben Souther
On Wed, 2004-12-29 at 21:33, alis asma alias wrote:
 When there is an error in our web application, Tomcat
 will produce and error page that list down all the
 Exception stack trace and also THe version of the
 Apache Tomcat. To avoid displaying the default error
 page and to customize the error page, where should we
 configure it? 
In your app's web.xml file, just after the welcome-file list.


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Re: Session restart replication when using jsvc

2004-12-29 Thread Bill Barker
This is the old, buggy, code that ships with Tomcat.  You need to get the 
code from commons-daemon CVS HEAD if you want shutdowns (and restarts) to 
work properly.

Wade Chandler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 Trond G. Ziarkowski wrote:
 Hi Wolfgang!

 by using signal 9 you give Tomcat no chance to perform any further 
 action. Maybe you omit -9 from your kill command.

 Thanks for the tip. Tried it, but same results.


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 Hmmm.  Here is the source code of the jsvc-unix.c which is called upon a 

 static void handler(int sig) {
 switch (sig) {
 case SIGTERM: {
 log_debug(Caught SIGTERM: Scheduling a shutdown);
 if (stopping==true) {
 log_error(Shutdown or reload already scheduled);
 } else {
 if (handler_trm!=NULL) (*handler_trm)(sig);

 case SIGINT: {
 log_debug(Caught SIGINT: Scheduling a shutdown);
 if (stopping==true) {
 log_error(Shutdown or reload already scheduled);
 } else {
 if (handler_int!=NULL) (*handler_int)(sig);

 case SIGHUP: {
 log_debug(Caught SIGHUP: Scheduling a reload);
 if (stopping==true) {
 log_error(Shutdown or reload already scheduled);
 } else {
 if (handler_hup!=NULL) (*handler_hup)(sig);

 default: {
 log_debug(Caught unknown signal %d,sig);

 So, from the text I would assume SIGINT and SIGTERM should perform the 
 same shutdown behavior, but you can try to use

 kill -s SIGTERM pid


 kill -s SIGINT pid

 and see what results you get.  If it isn't behaving correctly then you 
 need to maybe

 1) You might want to make sure you don't have the serialization of session 
 turned off some how...is it behaving correctly if you don't use jsvc?

 2) You are using the right tomcat class to start it up...surely or you 
 should get an errorI would imagine anywaysso  maybe forget 
 this altogether.

 3) You might want to search the tomcat source code for the Daemon 
 implementer class and locate the method stop to see if you can figure out 
 if it is being called.  It should be I would imagine since tomcat is 
 stopping, but if it is not, then I guess it's a Daemon/jsvc error and you 
 need to talk to that list. On another note same subject.You can look 
 in the daemon src at the file /src/native/unix/native/java.c and you 
 could put some code into the java_stop function to see if you can figure 
 out if the function is going to call (through jni) the Daemon stop method 
 correctly or not.  REMEMBER: The Daemon startup code does not force the 
 class used as a Daemon to actually implemnt the interface through source 
 code, but the class can simply have the correct methods.only know this 
 because of the source code not any docsdon't know if Tomcat does this 
 or not.

 4) You might look in your jsvc error file...where ever you have put it and 
 look for the text 'Cannot stop daemon' or 'Cannot found Daemon Loader 
 stop entry point'that mis type of Cannot foundis really in the 
 logging of the 1.0 release source code.  Because even though you get this 
 text and tomcat goes awaythe method to stop may not have been found 
 and the jsvc process is going to kill the JVM anyways.

 Hope some of that helps


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RE: I need to configure logs on my virtual hosting

2004-12-29 Thread Amit Gupta
Hi Bob,

I am using tomcat 5.0. I found that logger is used below tomcat 5.5.0. Can I 
use logger in context.xml in mywebapp/META-INF/context.xml?

Amit Gupta
Mobile: 91-9818052171
Yahoo IM: amitguptainn
MSN IM : amitguptainn

-Original Message-
From: Roberto Rios [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 8:30 PM
To: tomcat-user@jakarta.apache.org
Subject: RE: I need to configure logs on my virtual hosting


Which tomcat version?

For tomcat 4.X put a LOGGER component inside the context and specify the
directory that you want. Take a look at

This procedure works with TC 5.0.X, but it's deprecated.

For TC 5.5, look at

-Mensagem original-
De: Amit Gupta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Enviada em: terça-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2004 04:27
Para: Tomcat Users List
Assunto: I need to configure logs on my virtual hosting



I need to configure logs on my virtual hosting. How can I do it? Till
now logs are created at global logs directory to which I don't have
access. I need logs in my webapps directory.


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Servletexception from nowhere :/

2004-12-29 Thread Peter Lauri
Best groupmember,

I use the CommonFileUpload package to handle file uploads. I am trying to
get it to work by using the first basic method (from a user-tutorial). The
servlets compiles correctly in Eclipse, and I have all the libs at the
correct places. Servlet-api.jar and jsp-api.jar is in the classpath.
Common-fileupload.jar is in the WEB-INF/lib folder. This snippet throws an

public void doPost (HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse
response) throws ServletException, IOException {
   PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
   if(FileUpload.isMultipartContent(request)) {
  out.println(Ok, there is a multipart content...);
   } else {
  out.println(No multipart content...);

In the Commons mailinglist they said that it is not a problem with
Commonfileupload, but all other Servlets I have created works just fine.

The full message is:

javax.servlet.ServletException: Invoker service() exception

root cause 

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/servlet/ServletInputStream

Suggestions where to start to dig (I have already been digging for a week

-- Best of Times
Peter Lauri

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Where do I set the -server option?

2004-12-29 Thread Michael Kastner
does anybody know where to set the -server option on a linux machine?
Michael Kastner
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jsvc alternatives?

2004-12-29 Thread Michael Kastner
it seems like jsvc runs very unstable on my linux system. Does anybody 
know any alternatives to jsvc?

Michael Kastner
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