Re: Admin, please remove me

2001-03-13 Thread Brett W. McCoy

On Tue, 13 Mar 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Anyone out there with admin privileges? Whoever setup this system should
 re-evaluate it. There are so many people trying to unsubscribe and all we
 get back is a message stating that our email address are not on the list yet
 we keep on receiving messages (on the average 150 a day).
 I just need to be take off this list . PLEASE HELP ...ALL OF US

What did you do to unsubscribe?  I unsubscribed and resubscribed myself
successfully just a couple of minutes ago.  To unsubscribe, just send
email to:


It does work.  Make sure the address you are unsubscribing is the one you
are actually subscribed with.

-- Brett

I/O, I/O,
It's off to disk I go,
A bit or byte to read or write,
I/O, I/O, I/O...

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Re: Classpath

2001-03-12 Thread Brett W . McCoy

On 2001.03.12 02:27 Jeff Finley wrote:

 I receive the following errors:
 javax.servlet.ServletException:  Cannot create bean of class Joe
 Here is the source for the jsp:
 jsp:useBean id='joe' scope='session' class='Joe'/

Your bean needs to have the fully qualified class name for the class attribute.
 It's in the spec for JSP 1.1.

-- Brett

"Call immediately.  Time is running out.  We both need to do something
monstrous before we die."
-- Message from Ralph Steadman to Hunter Thompson

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Re: Logout of telnet session - tomcat stops

2001-03-12 Thread Brett W . McCoy

On 2001.03.12 06:41 Gary Lawson wrote:

 I want to be able to control tomcat on a remote (Solaris) machine by telnet
 from a PC.
 It starts fine but when I close the telnet session, tomcat stops.
 More detail:
 1. Log in as gary.
 2. su root (it runs on port 80)
 3. start tomcat (runs fine)
 4. logout root (tomcat still running)
 5. logout gary (tomcat stops)

Try "nohup " when you startup Tomcat.  That will start it up and
detach it from any running terminals.

-- Brett

For your penance, say five Hail Marys and one loud BLAH!

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Re: problems with conf

2001-03-10 Thread Brett W . McCoy

On 2001.03.10 18:10 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I get this message when I try to open up server.xml:
 The XML page cannot be displayed
 Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please correct the error and
  then click the Refresh button, or try again later.

What are you trying to open it up with, Internet Explorer?  You should be using
a text editor to make modifications to the server.xml file.  I suggest notepad
or something similar.

-- Brett

I can't decide whether to commit suicide or go bowling.
-- Florence Henderson

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Re: problems with conf

2001-03-10 Thread Brett W . McCoy

On 2001.03.10 18:41 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 when I open it with notepad it gets all mushed and ugly, very incoherent. Is 
 there any other editor that can open it.

Ultraedit is a good editor for Windows.  I use emacs on Windows for all of my
editing, but there are lots of other ones you can use.

-- Brett

It is more rational to sacrifice one life than six.
-- Spock, "The Galileo Seven", stardate 2822.3

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2001-03-08 Thread Brett W. McCoy

I am using Apache + mod_ssl with Tomcat, and can't seem to get certain
directives to work with Tomcat files.

I have something like this:

Directory "D:/dev/public_html/Login"

in my httpd.conf, within the 443 virtual host , but acessing the URL in
question without https:// still works, which it shouldn't.  It should be
denying access to non-SSL enabled connections and only allowing encrypted

I have mod_jk.conf included before all of my SSL stuff, but this doesn't
seem to matter.  Even putting my JKMount directives inside the virtual
host section doesn't make a difference, non-SSL connections are still
going through and not being denied.  Is there something in Tomcat I also
need to configure?

I should point out that I am not enabling SSL for the entire site, just
specific directories and files within the site.

-- Brett

I don't do it for the money.
-- Donald Trump, Art of the Deal

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Re: CLASSPATH for beans different than WEB-INF for JSPs?

2001-03-07 Thread Brett W. McCoy

On Wed, 7 Mar 2001, David Wall wrote:

 This is great, but it doesn't seem like that classpath is available to the
 javabeans that my JSPs use.  Does that make sense?  Is the classpath only
 setup for the JSPs (and if not, why does Jasper report the classpath setting
 for each JSP page invoked?)?

I ran into this issue and thought it was a classpath problem, but after
reading the JSP spec, discovered that you have to use the fully qualified
classname for beans.  You might want to take a look in the 1.1 spec under
the section for jsp:useBean.

-- Brett

Yow!  I'm having a quadrophonic sensation of two winos alone in a steel mill!

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Re: tomcat ssl config and apache

2001-03-07 Thread Brett W . McCoy

On 2001.03.07 21:36 mikhail malamud wrote:

 Do I need to configure anything on Tomcat for SSL if I already have SSL
 working on Apache and Apache  works together with Tomcat. Why?

There's very little you need to configure, actually.  You will probably want to
capture some of the SSL session variables that Apache uses.  See

for the full details.  It's actually quite simple, just a couple of directives
in the mod_jk.conf file.

Note that you *must* use Ajp13 and mod_jk to be able to do this.

-- Brett

Any stone in your boot always migrates against the pressure gradient to
exactly the point of most pressure.
-- Milt Barber

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Re: mod rewrite, RequestDispatcher and intercepting requests to the server

2001-03-06 Thread Brett W. McCoy

On Tue, 6 Mar 2001, frederic barachant wrote:

 I also have the idea of doing this, and thought that we could make all accesses 
create a 404, simply
 by having an empty site) then, by having all of them going to a servlet, you would 
do the first part. (interception)
 By moving the http port of Apache to an other, we could, after rewriting, recreate 
the request, and
 send it directly to it. There would be no collision problem.
 The problem to achieve this is:
 How to redirect 404 to a single servlet?

You can use the error-page element in server.xml to map errors or
exceptions to the path of a resoruce in the web application.  See page 67
of the Servlet 2.2 spec.

-- Brett

The Fifth Rule:
You have taken yourself too seriously.

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RE: Tomcat usability as a WebServer?

2001-03-06 Thread Brett W. McCoy

On Tue, 6 Mar 2001, Samson, Lyndon [IT] wrote:

 Or maybe your could just pass the cgi to a shell of some sort, it would set
 up the enviroment ( .cshrc etc ) for you. The shell should inherit its
 initial environment from its parent, ie the java exec.

 Oh yes, this causes 2 calls to exec|CreateProcess but if you really really
 have to have CGI...

I think for all that trouble, it might be easier to just use Apache, since
it handles CGI very efficiently (especially if you want to use mod_perl).

-- Brett

Cutler Webster's Law:
There are two sides to every argument, unless a person
is personally involved, in which case there is only one.

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2001-03-06 Thread Brett W. McCoy

On Tue, 6 Mar 2001, Stephane Boffin wrote:

 Has anyone setup SSL with Tomcat ?

 If yes, could I get a starting point to do that.

There's a document on the Jakarta website that covers SSL configuration.

-- Brett

... the MYSTERIANS are in here with my CORDUROY SOAP DISH!!

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Re: Configuring Servlet for alternative URL access

2001-03-06 Thread Brett W. McCoy

On Tue, 6 Mar 2001, Gordon Rose wrote:

 What I can't seem to figure out is how to configure (and in which
 file?) in order to be able to access the HelloWorld servlet using a
 URL of


 I know I can do this with JRun (first environment with which I
 worked).  Is it even doable in Tomcat?  I have to believe so, and that
 I've just missed it somehow.

Yes, you should look at the docs for web.xml for creating
servlet-mappings.  In fact, take the plunge and look at the specs
available at Sun for servlets 2.2:

 In a related question, how do I create a URL mapping for a servlet
 (again, via what conf file) that is located in a directory other than
 the WEB-INF\classes folder (but under the root of the particular web

I think this is done also in web.xml, using the same facilities as defined
in the 2.2 specs.

You may also need to define a servlet context in server.xml, depending on
how your directory structure is created.

-- Brett

I worked in a health food store once.  A guy came in and asked me,
"If I melt dry ice, can I take a bath without getting wet?"
-- Steven Wright

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Re: web.xml configuration

2001-03-05 Thread Brett W. McCoy

On Mon, 5 Mar 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 My Java applet says that the servlet file cant be found. The servlet is
 supposed to return a Vector
 with customers.

I think for your mapping you don't want that full directory path for your
url pattern.  The idea is that you don't want to use that full path, but
something simple that will get mapped automagically to that path.  I think
you just want url-patternnData/url-pattern in there.

-- Brett

In the realm of scientific observation, luck is granted only to those who are
- Louis Pasteur

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Re: Tomcat usability as a WebServer?

2001-03-05 Thread Brett W . McCoy

On 2001.03.05 12:36 Manish Shahdadpuri wrote:

 I am a new Tomcat user. As far as I understand, tomcat is also a  web
 server in itself. Is it possible to use tomcat alone as a web server
 without using any other WebServer e.g Apache etc.

Only if you are serving JSP and servlets and no static pages or standard CGI
programs.  For that you will need Apache, iPlanet, IIS, etc.

-- Brett

Murphy's Law is recursive.  Washing your car to make it rain doesn't work.

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Re: loading problem -apache 1.3.19

2001-03-05 Thread Brett W. McCoy

On Mon, 5 Mar 2001, Diman wrote:

 in jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1-src/src/native/apache1.3
 I successfully ran
 /usr/local/sbin/apxs -o mod_kj.o -I/usr/local/jdk1.2.2/include  /
 -I/usr/local/jdk1.2.2/include/freebsd -DFREEBSD -I../jk -c mod_jk.c

mod_kj.o?  That should be mod_jk.o

-- Brett

"BTW, does Jesus know you flame?"
-- Diane Holt, [EMAIL PROTECTED], to Ed Carp

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Re: error cannot LoadModule jk_module libexec/

2001-03-04 Thread Brett W . McCoy

On 2001.03.04 23:32 Rick Yu wrote:

   Now, I use to start tomcat firstly, and use /www/bin/apachectl
 startssl to start apache, but it display
 "Syntax error on line 8 of /usr/local/tomcat/conf/mod_jk.conf-auto:
 Invalid command 'LoadModule', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not
 included in the server configuration"

Do you have mod_so support built into Apache?  It's required for DSO support.

-- Brett

You'd best be snoozin', 'cause you don't be gettin' no work done at 5 a.m.
-- From the wall of the Wurster Hall stairwell

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Re: Mail

2001-03-03 Thread Brett W. McCoy

On Fri, 2 Mar 2001, Arafat Mohamed wrote:

 I apologize if this is the wrong forum, but I really need a quick solution.

 I have a jsp page with an error associated with it. How do I set it up so
 that the error.jsp emails me with the error message?

Can you dump the stack trace from an exception into a variable and email
that to you?  You could even have the variable containing that stacktrace
in a hidden variable in a form, and have a textbox that will allow the
user to also add extra notes to send along with it.

-- Brett
If you don't like the way I drive, stay off the sidewalk!

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Re: More on JServ to Tomcat

2001-03-03 Thread Brett W. McCoy

On Fri, 2 Mar 2001, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:

 ApacheCon Advertisement
 I am doing a session at ApacheCon next month in Santa Clara that highlights the
 important issues of migrating from Apache JServ to Tomcat.
 /ApacheCon Advertisement

Dang, probably won't be there.  And my deadline to have this done is in 2
weeks.  Is there any way to get a trascription or any handouts form your

-- Brett
Do not believe in miracles -- rely on them.

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Re: set auto-apache-config to ajp13

2001-03-03 Thread Brett W . McCoy

On 2001.03.03 18:17 Thomas wrote:

 How do you set tomcat to create its mod_jk.conf-auto file with:
 JkMount /*.jsp ajp13
 instead of the default:
 JkMount /*.jsp ajp12

You have to put that in by hand -- Tomcat defaults to using Ajp12 with Apache
unless you tell it otherwise.

-- Brett

Inheritance taxes are getting so out of line, that the deceased family
often doesn't have a legacy to stand on.

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Re: Beans

2001-03-02 Thread Brett W. McCoy

On Fri, 2 Mar 2001, Brett W. McCoy wrote:

 Why does the creation of a Bean fail when I do this:

 jsp:useBean id="usersTable" scope="session" class="Table"

 But when I do this:

 jsp:useBean id="usersTable" scope="session" class=""

 it builds fine?  The bean is in the CLASSPATH (not under WEB-INF), and the
 fully qualified package is imported at the top of the JSP file.  All of
 the other classes used in the JSP file are found, but not the Bean.  Is
 Tomcat using it's own class loader that isn't using the classpath?

Never mind, I found the asnwer.

-- Brett
I can't complain, but sometimes I still do.
-- Joe Walsh

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SSL Tomcat

2001-03-01 Thread Brett W. McCoy

I have some questions regarding the use of mod_ssl with Apache and Tomcat.
The onlie docs don't go into great detail about configuration, so hopefuly
someone here has more clue than I.

In the online docs, the author recommends putting the mod_jk directives
under the SSL port 443 virtual host seciotn in httpd.conf.  In doing this,
though, does this put everything in my configured context under SSL?  If I
only want specific documents using SSL, but have the rest of the URLs on
the server accessible without requiring SSL, should I do my JkMount
directives outside the SSL virtual host section, and just use directory by
directory or file-based directives inside the SSL section?  Is it possible
to use .htaccess files with the SSL directives for JSP files?

Thanks in advance for any help...

-- Brett
God is real, unless declared integer.

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SSL Tomcat, continued

2001-03-01 Thread Brett W. McCoy

I forgot one more question, that is more of a programming question than a
configuration question.  I need to be able to use a custom error page that
gets served if SSL is not available.  Can this be accomplished with a JSP
file, by capturing the error and redirecting to the error page in a
manner analogous to redirecting to a custom 404 page?

-- Brett
One difference between a man and a machine is that a machine is quiet
when well oiled.

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Re: ask a don't exists page and show other

2001-03-01 Thread Brett W. McCoy

On Thu, 1 Mar 2001, Carlos wrote:

 i have my pages from asp to jsp
 the problem is that there are users that asks asp pages.
 there is any way for make this:
 if my browser asks a *.asp page forward (show) the index.jsp page?

You'd have to have a redirection in your ASP page to the new JSP file.

-- Brett
It is your concern when your neighbor's wall is on fire.
-- Quintus Horatius Flaccus (Horace)

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Re: default error page

2001-03-01 Thread Brett W. McCoy

On Thu, 1 Mar 2001, Carlos de la Flor wrote:

 can anybody says me how can i configure a default error page?
 if in my pages there is any error i want to show a error page, my error
 is thios posible?
 how can i make it?

In your web.xml file for you r application, you will want to have
something like this:

Youth is a blunder, manhood a struggle, old age a regret.
-- Benjamin Disraeli, "Coningsby"

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Re: gmake

2001-02-28 Thread Brett W. McCoy

On Wed, 28 Feb 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 To run pgsql with Tomcat I need a soft name gmake (GNU make) the
 only thing i found is a make version by GNU, but no gmake software, does
 anyone know where I can find gmake

 It's very important thks for your answer

Don't worry, gmake is GNU make.  PostgreSQL will build with it.  I've done
it many times myself.  Did you even try to build it?

-- Brett
People are always available for work in the past tense.

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Re: Help with Cable Modem

2001-02-28 Thread Brett W. McCoy

On Wed, 28 Feb 2001, Dave Parkin wrote:

 I have an RCA cable modem supporting ATT high speed cable modem internet

 I installed tomcat.  Got examples running (started tomcat successfully,


 Big problem resulted - now I cannot ping the gateway. Does anyone know why
 and what I should do to fix it.

 ATT tech said to get tomcat out the registry.

 Is anyone aware of configuration settings that could be changed to allow for

I don't think the tech knew what he was talking about. Maybe he thought
your were trying to run a server off of their service, whihc some cable
companies don't allow.  AFAIK, Tomcat doesn't use any registry settings.
I'm using Tomcat on Win2K and it doesn't use the registry for anything --
it's all Java and runs the same on Unix as it does Windows.

What does ipconfig tell you about your network?  Have you tried using

-- Brett
Kill Ugly Processor Architectures
- Karl Lehenbauer

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Re: Can tomcat do ASP in VBScript

2001-02-28 Thread Brett W. McCoy

On Wed, 28 Feb 2001, mike thomas wrote:

 So back to my question, can tomcat serve up ASP
 pages written in VBSCript?


-- Brett
The best man for the job is often a woman.

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Re: newbi javabeans

2001-02-28 Thread Brett W. McCoy

On Thu, 1 Mar 2001, teh j wrote:

 I am fairly new to java beans but i was wondering if
 it were possible for one java bean to call another
 should it need to?
 Im fairly certain it is possible
 its just that i havent really seen this done before.

A Javabean is just a Java class that adheres to a specific design pattern
for public methods and events.  If you have a bean and want to interface
with another bean, you know that the other bean will have defined ways of
manipulating its behavior.

You should probably see for more
information on Javabeans.

-- Brett
"If that man in the PTL is such a healer, why can't he make his wife's
 hairdo go down?"
-- Robin Williams

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Re: alias servlet in Tomcat

2001-02-28 Thread Brett W. McCoy

On Wed, 28 Feb 2001, AC wrote:

 Does anyone know how to configure it so all I need is

We solved this problem by having an index.jsp in the root directory that
does a little bit of validation (checking for cookie support, etc.), then
redirects to the real login servlet.

-- Brett
Once a word has been allowed to escape, it cannot be recalled.
-- Quintus Horatius Flaccus (Horace)

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Re: Missing folders under Tomcat webapps

2001-02-27 Thread Brett W. McCoy

On Tue, 27 Feb 2001, c cw288 wrote:

 I downloaded the Tomcat 3.2.1 on my NT and
 under the directory there should be 4 folders (admin, examples, ROOT
 and test) and 4 files (admin, examples, ROOT and test).

 I only see 4 files listed. the folders are not list,
 What's happening here?

The files will get expanded (they are web archive files, or WARs, built
with jar) into their respective directories when you startup Tomcat and
access the application in question.

-- Brett
The more I know men the more I like my horse.

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Re: tomcat-apache.conf and startup

2001-02-27 Thread Brett W. McCoy

On Tue, 27 Feb 2001, Michael Whitman wrote:

 Everytime i run tomcat/bin/ my modified
 tomcat-apache.conf gets overwritten with the original version of the file.
 Any idea why this is happening?

Because Tomcat creates that file everytime you start it up.  Copy the
modified file to a different name and include the modified version in your

-- Brett
Boycott meat -- suck your thumb.

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More on JServ to Tomcat

2001-02-27 Thread Brett W. McCoy

In my JServ properties file, there is a section on servlet aliasing, like

Does anyone know if this the same as the servlet mapping statement in
the web.xml file?  If not, what would be the equivalent?

-- Brett
We really don't have any enemies.  It's just that some of our best
friends are trying to kill us.

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Aliases mappings

2001-02-27 Thread Brett W. McCoy

Found the information in the old JServ docs -- servlet aliases in JServ
and servlet mappings in Tomcat are one in the same.

Might be handy to have a tool to convert JServ servlet zones to something
Tomcat can deal with (like web.xml).  Might even do it myself...

-- Brett
Center meeting at 4pm in 2C-543.

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Re: Newbie: mod_jk

2001-02-27 Thread Brett W. McCoy

On Tue, 27 Feb 2001, Xu, Lifeng wrote:

 We are now running Apache  mod_jserv  Tomcat and would like to know about
 mod_jk. Can someone points me to the direction where I should start? such as
 where I can find doc about mod_jserv, what it does and who to install, etc.
 Will mod_jk replace mod_jserv? What's the advantage/disadvantage of using
 mod_jk, insteaded of mod_jserv?

Have you looked at the Tomcat Documentation Bundle on
There's quite a few docs on what you are looking for.

-- Brett
Every man is as God made him, ay, and often worse.
-- Miguel de Cervantes

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Re: get init parameters

2001-02-27 Thread Brett W. McCoy

On Tue, 27 Feb 2001, Carlos de la Flor wrote:

 in the web.xml i have some init parameters:
 param namename/param-name
 in the jsp page with the %=request.getInitParameter("name")%
 i print the value.
 But how can i this value put in a string? (String name2 = ... )??
 or how can i put the value into this:?
 %=w.myservlet(XX)% the XX must to be the value of the init parameter.
 Is this posibnle?
 can anybody help me?

% String name2 = request.getInitParameter("name"); %

-- Brett
Truth will out this morning.  (Which may really mess things up.)

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Re: log() ?

2001-02-27 Thread Brett W. McCoy

On Tue, 27 Feb 2001, Shahed Ali wrote:

 Sorry for this stupid question,
 but how do I use the log() method in servlets ?

 In JSP application.log() seems to work,
 but in servlets, I tried getServletContext().log("adad") etc and
 I keep getting NullPointerExceptions

The function signature is log(String message, Throwable, throwable).  Is
this what might be casuing the null pointer exception?

-- Brett
Stupidity, like virtue, is its own reward.

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Global Init Parameters

2001-02-26 Thread Brett W. McCoy

I have in
A rock store eventually closed down; they were taking too much for granite.

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global init param context-param

2001-02-26 Thread Brett W. McCoy

I am using context-param to set global variables for my servlets,
but my servlets are still not seeing them (the value is showing up as
null).  Here is an example:


And the code snippet using the param:

oamFileProps.load(config.getInitParameter("bw.client.configDir") +
System.getProperty("file.separator") +

And the exception being generated: null\ (The system
cannot find the path specified)

I'm not sure why this is coming up as null.  Or should this be defined as
init-param for the servlets?  This could be a problem because there are
dozens and dozens of servlets using these parameters, and which ones those
are I don't know (I'm not part of the programming team for this, just the
sysadmin trying to deploy it all).  Again, this value was defined as a
global init parameter in the older JServ properties file.

-- Brett
Those who have had no share in the good fortunes of the mighty
Often have a share in their misfortunes.
-- Bertolt Brecht, "The Caucasian Chalk Circle"

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RE: global init param context-param

2001-02-26 Thread Brett W. McCoy

On Mon, 26 Feb 2001, Brett Knights wrote:

  oamFileProps.load(config.getInitParameter("bw.client.configDir") +
  System.getProperty("file.separator") +
 Context.getInitParameter for globals

Argh, I was hoping you wouldn't suggest a code change.  :-)

-- Brett
A wise person makes his own decisions, a weak one obeys public opinion.
-- Chinese proverb

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RE: JServ - mod_jk

2001-02-26 Thread Brett W. McCoy

On Mon, 26 Feb 2001, Adam Fowler wrote:

 Mod_jk has its own config file called you'll need to caopy
 this to something like mod_jk.conf.correct and edit it for your paths etc.
 After this make sure apache is including it.

I got the problem sorted out (not having mod_jk.conf included wasn't the
issue -- it was being included).  For some reason my modified CLASSPATH
wasn't being seen globally on Windows 2000.  When I ended up rebooting the
machine over the weekend (for other reasons), it all started working (go
figure, it's Windows).  Now comes the fun of documenting the code impacts
I've discovered in our application server (which uses GNU JSP) and having
to document all of the API deprecations.  *sigh*  At least I'm the
programmer who has to do the re-coding...

-- Brett
Wasting time is an important part of living.

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RE: JServ - mod_jk

2001-02-26 Thread Brett W. McCoy

On Mon, 26 Feb 2001, Brett W. McCoy wrote:

 *sigh* At least I'm the programmer who has to do the re-coding...

Oops, that should be "At least I'm NOT the programmer..." :-)

-- Brett
My uncle was the town drunk -- and we lived in Chicago.
-- George Gobel

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RE: Connecting to a servlet from within an applet

2001-02-26 Thread Brett W. McCoy

On Mon, 26 Feb 2001, Randy Layman wrote:

   I've found it easire to simply pass the session ID as a parameter,
 and then in my servlet receive it back and use the
 HttpSessionContext.getSession(sessionID).  I find it easier than messing
 with the cookies.

According to the 2.2 spec of the Servlet API, HttpSessionContext is
deprecated and is going to be removed from the API.  It has been
deprecated for security reasons.

-- Brett
A man may be so much of everything that he is nothing of anything.
-- Samuel Johnson

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JServ - mod_jk

2001-02-23 Thread Brett W. McCoy

I am trying to migrate some applications from Apache/JServ to Tomcat using
mod_jk, and I am having trouble getting Tomcat to find servlets that are
in my classpath.

The web application is really just a presentation layer on top of a
proprietary application server built with Java.  Many of the various
packages that the application server is built from have servlets
associated with them.  Right now, these classes are not archived but are
under a development directory which is in the classpath.  Here is the
basic structure of the entire system (this is on Windows 2000):

\dev\src -- has all of the Java packages, unarchived, including servlet
 classes.  This is in the CLASSPATH

\dev\public_html -- document root (JSPs)  Apache is pointing here and a
 Context also exists in server.xml

\3rdpart\jakarta -- TOMCAT_HOME
\3rdparty\apache -- APACHE_HOME

Tomcat and Apache work fine using the default contexts (i.e., everything
under /examples works just fine).

Now, when I start up the servers, the index.jsp under the document root
loads, runs some JavaScript to see if cookies are enabled:

if (document.cookie.indexOf("acceptCookies=")  0)


When the redirect occurs, I get

Not Found (404)

Original request: /servlets/com.appserver.servlets.Login

Not found request: /servlets/com.appserver.servlets.Login

in the browser.

The JSPs are building and compiling just fine (the compiled classes are
showing up under %TOMCAT_HOME%\work), but the servlet classes are just not
being seen.

What am I missing?

-- Brett
You will receive a legacy which will place you above want.

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Re: Recommendations for JSP development tools?

2001-02-08 Thread Brett W. McCoy

On Thu, 8 Feb 2001, John Coonrod wrote:

 I'd like to improve the productivity of my people here. To date, I've done
 all my JSP development with a text editor.

 Has anyone had any luck with JSP and any of the FrontPage type programs
 (including FrontPage?).

Borland JBuilder is a good choice.  It's also cross-platform (Windows,
Linux  Solaris, I believe).

Stay away from FrontPage -- it's OK for beginners, but it's not really
suited for professional work.

-- Brett
"Consequences, Schmonsequences, as long as I'm rich."
-- "Ali Baba Bunny" [1957, Chuck Jones]

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RE: Recommendations for JSP development tools?

2001-02-08 Thread Brett W. McCoy

On Fri, 9 Feb 2001, Chris Janicki wrote:

 I used to be a Cafe user, and hated every minute.  Then I moved to Kawa
 and was very happy, but limited to Windows environments.  Now with Forte
 I am *very* satisfied.  (And its free too!)

Dare I say it...?

emacs (or xemacs) is actually my preferred code editor.  It does syntax
highlighting, indenting, and will even compile your code for you.  I use
it for all of my language development (Perl and C, in addition to Java).

-- Brett
And we heard him exclaim
As he started to roam:
"I'm a hologram, kids,
please don't try this at home!'"
-- Bob Violence

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