Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Instructions for connecting USB DAC to Touch

2011-03-20 Thread nidfix

Thank you John for the feedback.
I had previously restored the default port described in the original
asound.conf. I actually started to play with aplay when I noticed that
after I did the configuration and rebooted the Touch it could not start
anymore until I disconnect again from the dCS (when I guess it
invalidates the fact that default output is the USB Dac...)

I will try with -v option in order to see if I fall into the case you

I wonder if the format of the test file is important (so far I did
not have any SD card to send new files, therefore I used wav files
available by default on the Touch OS). I will also bring my own audio
files that I know are regular 16/44.1 stereo files (most of the files
in the Touch are mono from what I can see)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Instructions for connecting USB DAC to Touch

2011-03-20 Thread johann

JohnSwenson;619335 Wrote: 
 When trying to use aplay to play music you have to make sure that
 squeezeplay is not connecting to it. If squeezeplay is connected then
 you will get the cannot set hw params message.

If squeezeplay is using a device, you will get an error.
However, you will not get the cannot set hw params message.
Instead the error you get is 

aplay: main:590: audio open error: Device or resource busy



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Most of Internet Radio seems to be MP3 Format..............

2011-03-20 Thread garym

aubuti;619343 Wrote: 
 Try doing an ABX sometime (foobar2k has a tool that makes it very easy).

+1 on using foobar2000 and its ABX tool to do some personal testing. I
predict you'll be very surprised at the bitrate at which things are
transparent for you.  Given my age (and 99.% of us have age related
hearing loss at certain frequencies), it is almost impossible for me to
consistently ABX between 160kbs (or even 128 in many cases) and
lossless, for most types of pop music (rock, country, etc.). That said,
I do use FLAC in my home system, because I can. For my mobile devices I
use LAME VBR 192kbs mp3, but that is probably overkill.

p.s. I probably have no good FM stations to test, because ALL my local
FM can be beat by even 64kbs streams.  Not that a single one of my FM
local stations has anything I want to listen to other than NPR news.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Numptie Appeal for Help Please

2011-03-20 Thread garym

DaveKen;619032 Wrote: 
 Hi Gary,
 If I start the proceedings with a 'Restore Factory Settings' everything
 works as it should, but only for a short period  -  the longest being
 just short of 4 hours and the shortest being about 4 minutes.
 If I just switch it on from the point at which I switched it off
 before, it goes straight into the same condition as above, namely: - 
 there is no track or cover art information displayed, just the same
 'wallpaper' as if the track and cover art info was there, and the 'Now
 Playing' bar at the top and the 'track progress' bar at the bottom, but
 the 'track progress' bar is locked, it doesn't move and remains at the
 far RH end (i.e. track ended position). 

Odd. And to confirm, even though you don't get track info, does the
track play audio just fine. And can you fast forward to next track,
etc.  That is, you don't SEE track info/art, but you do hear the track
and it plays all the way through, etc.

DaveKen;619032 Wrote: 
 If I let it run in this state eventually the screen totally defaults to
 the digital clock screen but still the music keeps playing  -  weird or

This is probably normal. You might have the digital clock set as your
screensaver.  When it starts showing digital clock does it continue to
play the AUDIO just fine?

DaveKen;619032 Wrote: 
 I don't know whether it will help or confuse further but, immediately
 after a 'Restore Factory Settings', I can control the Lgtech Touch
 using iPeng app on my iPod Touch, complete with all the same track and
 cover art info as is displayed on the Lgtech Touch. But once the Lgtech
 Touch loses the track and cover art info, so does the iPod Touch AND the
 iPod Touch will no longer control the Lgtech Touch.

I think this is an important symptom. Assuming the track's audio is
still playing fine (as asked above), the fact that you can't control
anything from any source and you don't see info tells me that the
player is somehow losing some portion of the communication between the
Server (SbS) and the player (Touch). I wonder if this is some sort of
antivirus program that kicks in after a while.

I recall you have other things running on your Server Computer related
to video, etc. Are you using TWONKY or something like that. I wonder if
something else you are using also uses the 9000 port for communication.
If so, maybe it is something that kicks in every so often and causes
you to loose certain communication with your SbS.

Maybe you should change the port for SbS from 9000 to something else,
maybe 9001. See picture at bottom of message below. You access this
option from SbS  Settings  ADVANCED tab, then use the dropdown menu
in upper left hand side to select Networking. 

After that you should probably reboot your computer running SbS, unplug
your touch and plug it back in after you've rebooted your computer and
restarted SbS.

DaveKen;619032 Wrote: 
 The Lgtech Touch RC will however, in ALL situations,control the Lgtech

This is normal. the regular TOUCH remote is an infrared remote. It just
uses line of sight and is not communicating via your Local Area Network.

|Filename: capture1.jpg |


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[SlimDevices: Touch] Another perplexing situation...

2011-03-20 Thread Mike K

I use iTunes.

I now realize that in order to display my cover art on the SBT I cannot
also have it show my iTunes playlists.

This is not really an issue as I dont use playlists often, I usually
just randomly access my entire collection. But I have an audio buddy
and we get together once a month and listen to music at each others
homes. For those occasions I prepare a playlist (I was using a ROKU
Soundbridge before getting the SBT). The ROKU could see the iTunes
playlists but not display cover art.

So the question is, how do I use iTunes to create a playlist that the
SBT will see?


Mike K

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Numptie Appeal for Help Please

2011-03-20 Thread DaveKen

Hi again Gary, 
If I've got this right my respnses to each of your points are posted
below the relavent point below: -

garym;619406 Wrote: 
 Odd. And to confirm, even though you don't get track info, does the
 track play audio just fine. And can you fast forward to next track,
 etc.  That is, you don't SEE track info/art, but you do hear the track
 and it plays all the way through, etc.

Yes, that's exactly the case. I would add one further bit of info
though. I happened to be looking at the screen last night at exactly
the point at which it dropped the track and cover art info. It happened
within a few seconds of the end of a track, the track terminated a few
seconds early and the next track started playing with NO gap between
and at the same time the track and cover art info disappeared (it was
there for the first track but gone for the second track). This happened
about 15 to 20 minutes into the listening session.

  This is probably normal. You might have the digital clock set as your
 screensaver.  When it starts showing digital clock does it continue to
 play the AUDIO just fine? 
I have the digital clock set to display when I'm not listening to music
via the Touch.

  I think this is an important symptom. Assuming the track's audio is
 still playing fine (as asked above), the fact that you can't control
 anything from any source and you don't see info tells me that the
 player is somehow losing some portion of the communication between the
 Server (SbS) and the player (Touch). I wonder if this is some sort of
 antivirus program that kicks in after a while.
 I recall you have other things running on your Server Computer related
 to video, etc. Are you using TWONKY or something like that. I wonder if
 something else you are using also uses the 9000 port for communication.
 If so, maybe it is something that kicks in every so often and causes
 you to loose certain communication with your SbS.
I do have foobar 2000 set up on my PC to play music from the same
library as the Touch but I NEVER have them running together. Both
sources are fed by digital co-ax into my Beresford 7520 DAC which also
acts as a source switch.

  Maybe you should change the port for SbS from 9000 to something else,
 maybe 9001. See picture at bottom of message below. You access this
 option from SbS  Settings  ADVANCED tab, then use the dropdown menu
 in upper left hand side to select Networking. 
 After that you should probably reboot your computer running SbS, unplug
 your touch and plug it back in after you've rebooted your computer and
 restarted SbS.
I'll try this later today and let you know  -  busy watching football
(soccer to you ;-) ) at the moment.

 This is normal. the regular TOUCH remote is an infrared remote. It just
 uses line of sight and is not communicating via your Local Area

Thanks again Gary for your continuing help  -  much appreciated.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Numptie Appeal for Help Please

2011-03-20 Thread garym

DaveKen;619414 Wrote: 
 Yes, that's exactly the case. I would add one further bit of info
 though. I happened to be looking at the screen last night at exactly
 the point at which it dropped the track and cover art info. It happened
 within a few seconds of the end of a track, the track terminated a few
 seconds early and the next track started playing with NO gap between
 and at the same time the track and cover art info disappeared (it was
 there for the first track but gone for the second track). This happened
 about 15 to 20 minutes into the listening session.

I wonder if this starting next track with no gap is related to
crossfade being turned on. This is a setting. SbS  SETTINGS  Player 
Audio (see attached pic at end of this message). Although even if
crossfade is on, this shouldn't cause you to lose track info/art.

DaveKen;619414 Wrote: 
 I do have foobar 2000 set up on my PC to play music from the same
 library as the Touch but I NEVER have them running together. Both
 sources are fed by digital co-ax into my Beresford 7520 DAC which also
 acts as a source switch.

This should NOT be an issue on the port. I also use foobar2000 on my
windows computer and can run SbS at the same time with no issue.  I was
wondering more about things in your media system computer where you are
also feeding video, or may even have something turned on that you don't
use, but it is still interfering with SbS. I'm just guessing here. But
changing to port 9001 in SbS may be a useful experiment.

enjoy the football!

|Filename: capture2.jpg |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch + external HD - Getting worse

2011-03-20 Thread braslau

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Getting worse

- Yes
- No

I have been using usb external disk drives with the Touch,
formatted either NTFS or ext3. I at first had problems with
huge artwork images and multiple artwork files. Since cleaning
up my collection being careful with filenames (NTFS on Windows
cannot handle :, for example, although this is POSIX valid
and legal with ntfs-3g), I have had no problems.

My collection is pretty big (and still growing): 11665 tracks
240Gb. I am pretty happy now.

Perhaps, if you were to patiently describe your problems using
a usb disk, someone might be able to help you.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How do you organise your music files???

2011-03-20 Thread aubuti

braslau;619420 Wrote: 
 Too bad that the tinySC of the Touch cannot (for now) be set to scan
 from a particular directory, unlike bigSC of the squeezeserver. For
 now, my usb disk cannot be allowed to contain the lower-quality format
 mp3 transcoded versions that I use with iPods and in my car...
That is inconvenient, but as a dead-simple workaround, put the lossy
versions in a hidden directory, and TinySBS will never see them. For
example, instead of putting the lossy copies under /music/lossy , make
it /music/.lossy (followed by usual artist/albums structure).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Question for expert, disable scan

2011-03-20 Thread braslau

aubuti;616447 Wrote: 
 I don't have my Touch in front of me so I can't give you the exact menu
 paths, but under Settings  Advanced there is an option to enable
 sharing the HDD over the network. The Touch runs a Samba server, which
 is the standard software used by NASs and other devices.

Advanced-USD  SB Storage-Sharing

Works great!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] menus stop working after starting music after reboot|

2011-03-20 Thread ingesol

Thanks for reply!

Yes, that's correct, I've chosen ethernet in the menus. Same behaviour
in both wireless and ethernet.

The wireless router is placed right next to the squeezebox, by the way

Additional info: The squeezebox display says Connecting to approx once a minute after it stops responding in the
display. As I said before, controlling it via the web remote controller
works just fine.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch says Nothing when playing some musics

2011-03-20 Thread pumabr

I contacted the technical assistance of the Squeezebox and I reported
this problem. By the research they did, this is a software bug, a new
version of firmware will solve this problem...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Album Cover Art not rendering on Touch

2011-03-20 Thread AndrueC

Hmph. Having a bit more time on my hands I found out what was going on
with 'folder.jpg'. Turned out it was marked with the System attribute.
Having removed that it was the correct image so I'm still left
wondering why the Touch wasn't showing anything. Now I can add to that
the mystery of what set the System attribute on that file?

I've been developing software for Windows/DOS for over a quarter of a
century and I can't think of any reason why SBS should have done it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Album Cover Art not rendering on Touch

2011-03-20 Thread aubuti

andruec;619432 Wrote: 
 now i can add to that the mystery of what set the system attribute on
 that file?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Problem of SB Touch disconnected from internet radio every 1 to 2 minute(s)

2011-03-20 Thread Bloody95

Cut-Throat;618624 Wrote: 
 What is the speed of your internet?
 I have this problem if I listen to radio stations that stream at over
 256 kbps.  - It does not happen with stations that stream at less than

Fast enough (although not fast enough for my taste) : as I said, a Duet
at the same location has no trouble at all. Even Deezer, at 320 Kbps,
does not suffer any dropouts on the Touch.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Newbie with Questions for the Experts

2011-03-20 Thread tmauceri

Sitting here listening to the new Lucinda Williams and thought I would
update my Squeezebox friends. I've finished ripping my CD collection
1014 as of yesterday, flac of course. I've got my database the way I
want. Compilations, soundtracks, classical and christmas in there
place. Artwork for every CD. I even ripped my DVD-A discs in 24/96 with
DVD Audio Copy. I am very pleased and highly recommend the SBT and VBA
combo. Thanks to all who helped me with this endeavor. tmauceri


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How To Connect Hard Drive To Squeezebox Touch?

2011-03-20 Thread ppopp

I have a WD 1TB HDD connected to my Touch. The WD has a wall wart for
power. It works every time (so far). It has about 300GB of songs,
almost all of which are stored @ 320 kbps.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] couldn't resolve ip address for

2011-03-20 Thread DCGuy

I've been using a Squeezebox Touch for some time to listen to music on a
hard drive and Internet radio via a wifi connection.  I recently bought
a Squeezebox Radio for use in another room.  Since adding the radio, I
sometimes have trouble switching from My Library to anything
requiring Internet access.  I can restore the internet connection by
turning my off my computer's wireless connection off and keeping it off
while I restart the Touch.  If anybody knows of a way to avoid this I'd
really appreciate it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] couldn't resolve ip address for

2011-03-20 Thread toby10

Are you using your computer for the WiFi access?  i.e.  WiFi devices
connect to your computer and not a WiFi router?
If yes, my suggestion would be to buy a good WiFi router, that alone
may solve your issue.

Or you could have an IP conflict (two devices having the same IP #)
regardless of which device you are using for WiFi access.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Album Cover Art not rendering on Touch

2011-03-20 Thread AndrueC

aubuti;619435 Wrote: 
 wmp?Slightly less unlikely than SBS I suppose :)

Unfortunately I still haven't got the album art back on the Touch for
the affected album :-/


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Instructions for connecting USB DAC to Touch

2011-03-20 Thread nidfix


Still no luck.

Here is messages I can see:

# aplay -l
 List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices 
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 1: Scarlatti [dCS Scarlatti], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 2: fab4 [fab4], device 0: fab4-ak4420 []
Subdevices: 0/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
# aplay -Dplugusb -v /media/mmcblk0p1/11\ Piste\ 11.wav
Playing WAVE '/media/mmcblk0p1/11 Piste 11.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little
Endian, Rate 44100 Hz, Stereo
aplay: set_params:1022: Unable to install hw params:
RATE: 44100
PERIOD_TIME: (125011 125012)
PERIODS: (3 4)

The definition of plugusb in asound.conf is:
pcm.usbdac {
type hw;
card Scarlatti;
pcm.plugusb {
type plug;
slave.pcm usbdac;
ctl.plugusb {
type hw;
card Scarlatti;

At the same time, if I stream the file to hw:0,0 (the SPDIF card) it
works fine.

It runs kernel SqueezeboxTouch

Any idea is welcome


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] mixed genres in one compilation album

2011-03-20 Thread streumix

Any news on this issue ?

I'm experiencing a similar issue with the tiny server runnin on the
If I try to access my music via genres and choose a file of an artist
with just one file in this genre (or maybe missing album tag), the
listed album is empty (leer in german UI). I cannot pick this
empty item and consequently cannot access the song(s) of this artist.

Running the regular SBS on my PC (Linux) for the same files, it lists
the empty album item as well, but it does list a second group marked
as no album (or sim ilar - can't remember), which contains the
requested songs.
On SBS I'm able to access these files.

I've tested both options for the filter settings as described above,
but it didn't make a difference. 
Is this a known bug for 7.5.3 ? Does 7.6 firmware show similar
behaviour ? (It it worth an upgrade ?)
Any suggestions ?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] My Album Art went poof!

2011-03-20 Thread MDDLMN

Changing the ID tags from v2.3 to v2.4 restored all the album covers on
my touch! Thats certainly the easiest way to resolve this issue!

Thanks for the hint, tole!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Instructions for connecting USB DAC to Touch

2011-03-20 Thread nidfix

I start to think that a module is missing for my case.

Can someone that successfully had Touch working and has access to a
standard linux compare the outcome of lsmod just after the boot
before connecting the USB Dac and after connecting it?
I can clearly see that in my case it loads snd-usb-audio modules and
some others of the same class. As these modules are missing on the
Touch, that could explain why the hardware detects the device but
cannot make it play.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Another perplexing situation...

2011-03-20 Thread Mike K

This must be truly perplexing60 looks and no solution. ;)

Mike K

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Another perplexing situation...

2011-03-20 Thread garym

Mike K;619492 Wrote: 
 This must be truly perplexing60 looks and no solution. ;)

I suspect this shouldn't be a problem (itunes playlists and artwork
issue). But not many people use the itunes/SbS integration (or at least
of those that hang around here). I use itunes, I use SbS but I don't mix
the two.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Newbie with Questions for the Experts

2011-03-20 Thread garym

tmauceri;619454 Wrote: 
 Sitting here listening to the new Lucinda Williams and thought I would
 update my Squeezebox friends. I've finished ripping my CD collection
 1014 as of yesterday, flac of course. I've got my database the way I
 want. Compilations, soundtracks, classical and christmas in there
 place. Artwork for every CD. I even ripped my DVD-A discs in 24/96 with
 DVD Audio Copy. I am very pleased and highly recommend the SBT and VBA
 combo. Thanks to all who helped me with this endeavor. tmauceri

Excellent. And I'm a big Lucinda fan!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Radio access problem

2011-03-20 Thread SaintGermain

Problem solved: it was a DNS lookup problem.

I used a Seagate Dockstar with a Debian to host the SBS. The standard
Debian installation put a fixed /etc/resolv.conf (with the IP address
of my ISP DNS server) which obviously is not the same for every ISP.

I installed resolvconf to have a dynamic /etc/resolv.conf and
everything is now working smoothly.

The log file on the SBS gave me the hint.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Radio access problem

2011-03-20 Thread garym

SaintGermain;619511 Wrote: 
 Problem solved: it was a DNS lookup problem.
 I used a Seagate Dockstar with a Debian to host the SBS. The standard
 Debian installation put a fixed /etc/resolv.conf (with the IP address
 of my ISP DNS server) which obviously is not the same for every ISP.
 I installed resolvconf to have a dynamic /etc/resolv.conf and
 everything is now working smoothly.
 The log file on the SBS gave me the hint.

Excellent.  Enjoy!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] mixed genres in one compilation album

2011-03-20 Thread JJZolx

This is a known bug. Please register on the bugzilla site and add your
vote to help prioritize fixing it.

There are other bugs related to mixed genre albums:

An album should never appear 'Empty', regardless of which options are
set. If the album is listed for a given genre, then SBS should display
at least one track from that genre when the album is browsed.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Another perplexing situation...

2011-03-20 Thread Mike K

Thanks Gary.

Can I just create a folder in the directory where I store all my music
titled Playlists and then copy the tunes I want into it? 

If I have the artwork already imbedded then the SB should pick up both
the data and the art...yes?

I do not integrate the SB and iTunes either. The SB is told to scan the
drive where my music is stored but I do not check the use iTunes box.

I was just looking for a way to create the playlist in the iTunes
program and then have the SQ see it...if that means using iTunes and
copying all the music into another folder, thats OK.

Would that work? Maybe?

If not, you said you use SB and do you create playlists
that the SB can see. 

Thanks in advance.


Mike K

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Another perplexing situation...

2011-03-20 Thread aubuti

Playlists are only lists of tracks in a particular format. It wouldn't
make any  sense to copy the music into another folder just because it's
in an iTunes playlist. 

I don't have iTunes installed anywhere at present -- is it possible to
save or 'export' an iTunes playlist as an .m3u file? If so, then do
that, and place the .m3u file in the folder you specified for playlists
under SBS Settings  Basic Settings  Playlist Folder. Then do a rescan
of playlists and SBS should pick them up.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Another perplexing situation...

2011-03-20 Thread Mike K

Oh man, that worked like a charm!

Thank you very much!


Mike K

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] My Album Art went poof!

2011-03-20 Thread 808htfan

808htfan;608456 Wrote: 
 Just thought I'd add that I just noticed after upgrading to 7.5.3 and
 doing a complete rescan (deleted .squeezebox folder) my Touch using
 TinySBS and a USB HDD no longer shows artwork for any mp3 files.  I
 have embedded art (500 x 500 or smaller, jpg) in all full albums as
 well as in many 'singles', and a folder.jpg of the same image in each
 album's folder. All my flac files (singles or full albums) show
 artwork, as they did before.  In previous versions of TinySBS, mp3 full
 albums would show artork and singles would not. In TinySBS 7.5.3, no mp3
 files show art.

I just installed fab4_7.5.4_r9376.bin from,, thought I should
mention that all my mp3 art now shows.  ID3 v2.3 and even the single
tracks w/ embedded art dumped in a 'singles' folder work.  So if anyone
doesn't like using the 7.6 firmware or changing tag types to v2.4
there's 7.5.4 beta.


I want NBC's *-Ed-* on DVD/Blu-ray!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Instructions for connecting USB DAC to Touch

2011-03-20 Thread JohnSwenson

nidfix;619480 Wrote: 
 I start to think that a module is missing for my case.
 Can someone that successfully had Touch working and has access to a
 standard linux compare the outcome of lsmod just after the boot
 before connecting the USB Dac and after connecting it?
 I can clearly see that in my case it loads snd-usb-audio modules and
 some others of the same class. As these modules are missing on the
 Touch, that could explain why the hardware detects the device but
 cannot make it play.

There are no modules, on the Touch everything is compiled directly into
the kernel rather than as loadable modules, thus lsmod doesn't show
anything, that doesn't mean they aren't there, it just means they are
not loaded at run time but linked directly into the kernel.

A general purpose linux distribution HAS to use loadable kernel modules
because every body's computer has different hardware, it has to be able
to load the drivers for that specific hardware. Well all the Touches
are exactly the same hardware so there is no need for run time loadable

lsmod tells you what loadable modules you have loaded, NOT what drivers
are active. On a system where everything is a module you can sort of use
lsmod to tell you what drivers are there, but with the Touch its pretty
much useless.

John S.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Instructions for connecting USB DAC to Touch

2011-03-20 Thread JohnSwenson

nidfix;619467 Wrote: 
 Still no luck.
 Here is messages I can see:
 The definition of plugusb in asound.conf is:
 pcm.usbdac {
 type hw;
 card Scarlatti;
 pcm.plugusb {
 type plug;
 slave.pcm usbdac;
 ctl.plugusb {
 type hw;
 card Scarlatti;
 At the same time, if I stream the file to hw:0,0 (the SPDIF card) it
 works fine.
 It runs kernel SqueezeboxTouch
 Any idea is welcome

This is your problem, you didn't go back to the original asound.conf.
If you want to play music using aplay over the USB port, you CANNOT
have the USB DAC setup as the default device. Squeezeplay opens the
default device, and if its the USB, squeezeplay gets it, which means
aplay cannot open it, (because squeezeplay already HAS it).

Here is the rule: to play music with aplay, the default device CANNOT
be the USB DAC. If you want to play music with squeezeplay (the Touch's
normal player, from the touch screen etc), the default device HAS to be
the USB DAC,

You cannot switch between the Touch and aplay with the same

John S.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Newbie with Questions for the Experts

2011-03-20 Thread tmauceri

garym;619496 Wrote: 
 Excellent. And I'm a big Lucinda fan!

If you like Lucinda, you might like Ryan Bingham he is another Lost
Highway artist.


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