Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Newbie with Questions for the Experts

2011-04-10 Thread Gazjam

Can this VHQ linear for SOX be set in the custom.convert.conf for
squeezecentre do you know?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Fiber Cable?

2011-04-10 Thread garym

bitstopjoe;623954 Wrote: 
 As a soon to be owner of a Touch ( LONG story on how I got here) I am
 curious if anyone can recommend a good, albeit inexpensive, digital
 cable for the Touch? I assume any TOS Link will do ya? Saw a 4 ft one
 on Amazon for about $17 bucks. Or can one just get any old cheapo one (
 also saw one for less than 2 bucks). I mean light is light, right? How
 somehow can make that light transfer better to sound better is beyond
 Thank you

You do need a decent quality optical cable, but don't fall for the 
hype of expensive cables. Many folks around here, including myself, are
very happy with stuff from blue jeans cable.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Ethernet problem - SB on wrong subnet mask

2011-04-10 Thread garym

octafish;624425 Wrote: 
 I'm using a new Synology DS111 (1.6GHZ CPU  265MB RAM) NAS, which is
 plugged in directly to the router.  The SBS is on my Samsung laptop
 (operating wirelessly) and the SB Touch is connected using ethernet
 over powerline to the router.  The Synology is a lovely bit of kit but
 I may need to look at its power-saving settings.
 I cam across advice to from Logitech to map the music folder and, maybe
 this helped, today the library was still there from yesterday and even
 allowed a 'scan for updated tracks', although even this took over half
 an hour.
 Who knows whether it'll be there tomorrow morning.  Before starting the
 SBS I make sure that I put in the security creds for the NAS and this
 seems to work, so far.
 Playlists work fine but I notice when I let it randomly choose from the
 6,500 (mostly hi-res tracks) that it often stalls within a few seconds
 of starting the track.  I gave up trying to use the SB Touch's wireless
 connectivity simply because the hi-fi is in the worst possible spot for
 coverage and it constantly dropped out, although the laptop functions
 perfectly in the same area.
 But as I said the SBT connected with the high quality interconnects, I
 also bought, to my Sugden 21a (pure Class A power) is a revelation now
 that I can properly hear my 24 bit 96KHz tracks: depth, detail, focus
 and stability which were all great are just that much better still.

laptops have much better antennas than the TOUCH, so don't assume a
good laptop connection will be good enough wifi for the TOUCH. Plus,
streaming music is much more intensive than surfing the web. You don't
notice when there is a a micro second drop when loading a web page, but
you do when listening to music!

SbS struggles with very large playlists. Much better, if possible, to
use erlands plugins to manage playlists (where it automatically feeds
only 10 songs at a time, for example). Check out: dynamic playlists,
SQL Playlists, Custom Browse.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Fiber Cable?

2011-04-10 Thread bitstopjoe

So it uses a standard TOS Link fiber cable then??

Thank you for the info and link.
I currently have an Elightened Audio Design T-7000 CD transport going
into a Elightened Audio Design DSP 7000 DAC with a glass fiber cable.
Since I will transfer all my CD's to FLAC format on a USB thumb, and
some SD cards, I hope to phase out the CD Transport and use that same
glass fiber cable from the Touch to the DAC. So I guess what I am
asking is IF that cable does not work then I assume a standard TOS
fiber will??


Joe Sica

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Fiber Cable?

2011-04-10 Thread garym

bitstopjoe;624485 Wrote: 
 So it uses a standard TOS Link fiber cable then??
 Thank you for the info and link.
 I currently have an Elightened Audio Design T-7000 CD transport going
 into a Elightened Audio Design DSP 7000 DAC with a glass fiber cable.
 Since I will transfer all my CD's to FLAC format on a USB thumb, and
 some SD cards, I hope to phase out the CD Transport and use that same
 glass fiber cable from the Touch to the DAC. So I guess what I am
 asking is IF that cable does not work then I assume a standard TOS
 fiber will??

it will work with glass or plastic toslink. there are pros and cons
with both (not related to the touch, but just in general). Not your
question, but do keep in mind that unless you are talking about a
handful of files, you will likely be MUCH MUCH happier with SbS running
on a computer with your FLAC files accessible from there. The tinySbS in
the TOUCH does work, but it is not very powerful and not full function. 
There are lots of good choices for a 24/7 headless computer as server
(vortexbox, which I use, or a fit2pci). And of course, the server can
be in the basement or a back closet. Doesn't need to be near your


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Fiber Cable?

2011-04-10 Thread bitstopjoe

Eventually I plan to do just that ( SBS), but I need to add more storage
space. Right now I have four 10k RPM FastSCSI III 32 gb drives. I know I
can hook up the USB or SD card to my PC and use it that way via the
server ( which I might actually do if I cant get the USB or SD to
perform as I want in the Touch). Since I don't have my Touch yet (
MAYBE next week) I can't play with all my options just yet, but I do
like to learn and be prepared. Which is why this is a great forum.

As always THANK YOU!!


Joe Sica

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Fiber Cable?

2011-04-10 Thread garym

bitstopjoe;624492 Wrote: 
 Eventually I plan to do just that ( SBS), but I need to add more storage
 space. Right now I have four 10k RPM FastSCSI III 32 gb drives. I know I
 can hook up the USB or SD card to my PC and use it that way via the
 server ( which I might actually do if I cant get the USB or SD to
 perform as I want in the Touch). Since I don't have my Touch yet (
 MAYBE next week) I can't play with all my options just yet, but I do
 like to learn and be prepared. Which is why this is a great forum.
 As always THANK YOU!!

understand!  And do keep in mind that you can pick up a 2TB USB HD for
way less than $100. Copy your music to it, plug it into your USB port
on PC and you're good to go. Super fast internal Hard Drives are not
neccesary for supplying music to SbS for serving to the TOUCH or other
SB players.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Fiber Cable?

2011-04-10 Thread garym

and if you're starting down the ripping path. learn a bit and do it
right the first time. Don't make my mistake of ripping over 5,000 CDs
as high quality mp3 only to have to do it all again as lossless FLAC
files. Space is cheap. Rip once and you can always easily create a
library of lossy mp3 files from your lossless archive of FLAC files for
playing on ipods, etc. This is what I do.  Probably use EAC or
dbpoweramp. I use dbpa and very much like it. mp3tag will be another
useful program for cleaning up tags. Yes it does FLAC too.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Fiber Cable?

2011-04-10 Thread bitstopjoe

garym;624494 Wrote: 
 and if you're starting down the ripping path. learn a bit and do it
 right the first time. Don't make my mistake of ripping over 5,000 CDs
 as high quality mp3 only to have to do it all again as lossless FLAC
 files. Space is cheap. Rip once and you can always easily create a
 library of lossy mp3 files from your lossless archive of FLAC files for
 playing on ipods, etc. This is what I do.  Probably use EAC or
 dbpoweramp. I use dbpa and very much like it. mp3tag will be another
 useful program for cleaning up tags. Yes it does FLAC too.

Yep Already using EAC and ripping to FLAC :) Not my first rodeo (
been using FLAC and APE for a long time now) Heck been on the net since
92 and online ( BBS's) with a 300 baud modem since 83 :) Even built my
first PC in 89. CRAP I am old :)
But I appreciate the suggestion..


Joe Sica

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Fiber Cable?

2011-04-10 Thread garym

bitstopjoe;624495 Wrote: 
 Yep Already using EAC and ripping to FLAC :) Not my first rodeo (
 been using FLAC and APE for a long time now) Heck been on the net since
 92 and online ( BBS's) with a 300 baud modem since 83 :) Even built my
 first PC in 89. CRAP I am old :)
 But I appreciate the suggestion..

I hear you. I was on the net with an Apple II and 300baud modem in
1982, when everything was text line commands and you had to know the
actual internet address for transferring files, etc. I thought I'd died
and gone to heaven when I acquired one of the original IBM PCs and a
14.4 modem! And when I eventually had one of the first graphical user
interface for accessing the web (Mosaic), that was simply amazing.
We've come a long way!!!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Fiber Cable?

2011-04-10 Thread bitstopjoe

Amen brother!! I even went with an Atari ST for a while and 80 meg HD a
WHOLE 80 meg :) Was the cats meow at the time. One can only wonder what
another 20 years will bring, God willing, we are still around to play
with our toys.


Joe Sica

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Fiber Cable?

2011-04-10 Thread Hwirt

bitstopjoe;624495 Wrote: 
 Yep Already using EAC and ripping to FLAC :) Not my first rodeo (
 been using FLAC and APE for a long time now) Heck been on the net since
 92 and online ( BBS's) with a 300 baud modem since 83 :) Even built my
 first PC in 89. CRAP I am old :)
 But I appreciate the suggestion..

Bitstopjoe, another recommendation is to get a free file tagging
utility like MP3Tag.  Properly tag your files with the correct
information and cover art as you go.  It becomes a monumental task
after thousands of CD's are already converted.


McIntosh MC352, 2 MC2300's gone but not forgotten 
Carver M1.5t  C1
1 Squeezebox Classic, 2 Booms  1 Touch -w- 6000+ CD's 
Sony PS-X600 Shure V15 type V
JBL L220 Oracle  K2 9800SE

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Fiber Cable?

2011-04-10 Thread bitstopjoe

Thank you, will do


Joe Sica

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Album Sort Order

2011-04-10 Thread guidof

pieronip;623079 Wrote: 
 I'm probably being really stupid but when I look in 'Albums' in my
 Touch, I get a list of Albums in alphabetical order of Album title with
 Album title as the main display field - so far so good.  Now when I look
 at 'Artists', I get a list of Artists, but still in alphabetical order
 of Album title with Artist as the main display field.  

The default is for Artists to be listed in the alphabetical order of
their first name -- *not* by that of the Album.

Try resetting the factory settings by pressing on the button in the
back of the Touch for about 15 seconds.

Guido F.


*Front End*: Marantz TT 15S1 Turntable, Virtuoso Wood Cartridge;
Cambridge Azur 840C CD Player; Oppo BDP--83 Universal Player; 
Squeezebox Touch Music File Player (digital out to Cambridge Azur 840C
*Preamps*: Conrad Johnson Motif (Phono); Adcom GFP-750 (Line)
*Amps*: Music Reference RM-200 Mk II (Main); Little Tube Mk III
*Subwoofer Equalizer*: DSpeaker Antimode 8033
*Speakers*: Martin Logan SL3s; REL T1 Subwoofer
*Headphones*: AKG K701

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Fiber Cable?

2011-04-10 Thread aubuti

bitstopjoe;624495 Wrote: 
 Yep Already using EAC and ripping to FLAC :) Not my first rodeo (
 been using FLAC and APE for a long time now) 
EAC is excellent, but if you have a lot of new ripping to do you should
really consider shelling out the $36 or so for dBpoweramp. In terms of
secure rips and using AccurateRip it's as good as EAC. But where I
think dBpoweramp really has the edge is its PerfectMeta feature,
which intelligently gets metadata (tag) information from multiple good
sources, including AMG which imo is far superior to the others. When
those sources disagree it usually picks the right one (at least
according to my tastes). dBpoweramp also has advantages over EAC in
terms of more options for adding standard tags (like ARTISTSORT) at rip
time, and for doing Album ReplayGain calculations and tags (EAC only
does track gain). 

If you care about (a) having good tags and (b) not spending a lot of
your time fixing tags, then dBpoweramp is well worth it. There is a
30-day free trial -- use it for ripping a dozen CDs or so and see if
you agree.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Newbie with Questions for the Experts

2011-04-10 Thread earwaxer9

Gazjam;624459 Wrote: 
 Can this VHQ linear for SOX be set in the custom.convert.conf for
 squeezecentre do you know?

I know squeezecenter uses SOX. Not sure how. Maybe a programmer could
weigh in on that. I'm curious myself what goes on in my Transporter. I
kind of assume that it upsamples everything to at least 24/96. Would
like to know what algorithms are used. I upsample my redbook before I
send it to the Transporter. I find it sounds better.


System: modified Winsome Labs Mouse, modified Maggie MMG's, Transporter,
HSU sub 12, MSB DAC to 500 watt sub slave amp, JPS labs power cords,
Silver audio interconnect, Audioquest Granite speaker cable.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Very basic questions, no doubt - which one and how

2011-04-10 Thread earwaxer9

I also have found dividends in upsampleing redbook to 24/96 before
sending it to the Touch/Transporter. Need a laptop to handle that. Also
I like to run the beta squeezecenter. Frequent updates would be a real
pain on a NAS. Just get a big ass hard drive.


System: modified Winsome Labs Mouse, modified Maggie MMG's, Transporter,
HSU sub 12, MSB DAC to 500 watt sub slave amp, JPS labs power cords,
Silver audio interconnect, Audioquest Granite speaker cable.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] My Album Art went poof!

2011-04-10 Thread branon

themouse;622166 Wrote: 
 The 7.5.4 is now an official firmware release (and not a beta version
 any more).
 I've tested it for a few days now and it works great with my attached
 USB hard drive. Faster navigation, and all mp3 album art (folder and
 embedded) is showing fine.
 You can download it from here:

Can you tell me how to install it in the touch device?


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