Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Big problem + Choosing usb hd for Touch...

2010-05-31 Thread SomersetGuy

jwo;551919 Wrote: 
 So how shall I reason when I go to the store and buy my new usb hdd?
 What hdd shall I choose? Its like gambling or what? There must be a hdd
 THAT JUST WORKS for a a music collection about 200 Gb ( I dont have a
 100TB  megasize musiccollection )  :)

I share your frustrations(!) I bought two HDDs, on the recommendations
of others (both Seagate), and worryingly both packed up after very
limited use with the SBT (and seemingly random reliability!), but it
was difficult to ascertain which was at fault -- the HDD or SBT -- even
when I always followed the instructions, ejected the HDD always, before
disconnecting, etc.

Again, like you, I don't have a vast collection, only modest -- about
200 Gb of (mainly) flacs.

Since then, I've taken to listening to my current favourite 30 or so
flac albums on a 16GB USB stick, and this seems to work fine, but I'm
definitely not going to buy another HDD until Logitech have updated the
firmware on the SBT, and until things are at least more stable than they
are currently.

My advice? Hold on to your money and wait until the latest FW release
yields more positive responses from users on the forum, and then
hopefully some users will make known which HDDs they are having sucess
with, in using the new FW, whenever it arrives.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] USB playback comlaints unfair

2010-05-28 Thread SomersetGuy

The reason for the negative posts in the nascent days of the SBT is the
discrepancy between the description on the website and actual
*real-life* experiences of users in using the device, at least in the
early days, which I hope will be addressed and rectified with the next
FW update.

Again, I reiterate: It doesn’t matter if your library includes 100
tracks or 100,000. and You can access music and pictures stored on
flash drives and memory cards. -- this is what the website states, and
this is what I and others expect if the device is advertised as such. If
there were footnotes to these statements, stating that not all drives
might work or that not all USB connectivity is the same for all
USB-compatible devices, then users would understand the situation
better, but don't be dismissive of users' mixed/negative comments on
their initial experiences.

It doesn't matter how ambitious a product is on release or whether
some users may be expecting too much from a $300 device, the point is
that the product *must* perform according to how it is described. This
is what we expect, as consumers. End of story. It's only by being made
aware of such mixed experiences (both positive and negative) that a
manufacturer can hope to develop and improve their current and future

On a very positive note, the main point that is generally agreed upon
in the vast majority of posts on the forum is the outstanding sound


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] USB playback comlaints unfair

2010-05-28 Thread SomersetGuy

m1abrams;551120 Wrote: 
 You put this in just about everyone of your posts but not with a link to
 where it states this. I read through Logitechs site on the Touch and can
 not find either of those statements.  Also I notice that you have the
 quoted statements separate.  The Touch and SBS certainly can handle
 100,000 tracks and it can access music directly stored on flash and
 memory cards.  So what is the issue?  Your quotes do not state that it
 can access 100,000 tracks from a flash drive.

If you'd bothered to navigate past the 1st page of the website and
clicked on the Learn More and Features links, you'd find the
quotations at the following URL:


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] USB playback comlaints unfair

2010-05-28 Thread SomersetGuy

iPhone;551147 Wrote: 
 Yes the top of the page says Squeezebox Touch because that is the player
 you came in under, but the info is about Squeezebox, any Squeezebox.

That's exactly my point! So, using your argument, any visitor /
potential customer would read that part of the website headed
Squeezebox Touch and understand that the info therein implies a
general statement about all SBs but does not / might not apply to the
Touch, would they? Somehow, I doubt it.

The website needs more info and less ambiguity. For example, under the
General section of the Specifications link, we have USB host connector
for accessing music and photos via USB drive or USB key -- absolutely
no mention anywhere of the exact USB requirements / limitations, e.g.
max 32GB for USB sticks (as some have mentioned on the forums, if
indeed there is a limit), USB certification / specs, etc.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] NOT READY FOR PRIME TIME (music) PLAYER

2010-05-25 Thread SomersetGuy

No, you're not being a worry wart(!), but your concerns are valid. I,
too, am very disappointed with things as they stand, and I have spent
half a grand on two SBTs with the initial expectations that they would
do what they say on the tin -- or rather what the website wording
states. They don't, and my initial posts were met with disdain by
several on the forum when I mentioned consumer regulations in the UK,
designed primarily to protect consumers from companies selling products
that are not fit for purpose and/or do not perform according to how they
are described on the vending website.

In fact, I bet if we were to conduct a poll among SBT users on here, as
to whether they are satisfied with their purchase / whether the SBT does
what they expected it to / whether the SBT performs all features as
expected, we'd get a mixture of responses.

So, yes, I would hold off on getting one, at least until the developers
have sorted out the firmware and have addressed the numerous problematic
issues detailed herein, which seem mostly associated with HDD
recognition / reliabile connectivity issues. Anyone who says this is
nonsense -- well, just read the numerous posts to this effect.

If I know someone personally who is looking to buy a media streamer /
network music player that purports to do what the website states, in
this case, and I quote verbatim from Logitech's website: You can
access music and pictures stored on flash drives and memory cards. and
It doesn’t matter if your library includes 100 tracks or 100,000. --
well, I can't simply recommend it with the software in its current
incarnation, again based on both my experience and that of other

Would you buy a car, knowing that some owners have had to return that
same model to the garage / go on a car-user forum / call customer
support to get it to work reliably, because it drove fine for 100
miles, but then stopped working?

Cheers, and spend your money wisely!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] internal server doesn't finish the scan

2010-05-18 Thread SomersetGuy

...Interesting, isn't it, how Logitech's website detailing the Touch's
feature states, and I quote verbatim:

It doesn’t matter if your library includes 100 tracks or 100,000.


You can access music and pictures stored on flash drives and memory

I've paid over half a grand for two SBTs, and so far, as the posts on
the forum reflect, my experiences have been mixed, leaving me largely
disappointed at the SBT's poor stability in normal use.

Time for Logitech to amend the website wording?

I live in the hope that FW updates beyond 7.6 (no substantial
improvement sadly from 7.5) render a better, more stable hardware.


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[SlimDevices: Touch] Logitech please take note: UK Sale of Goods Act 1979

2010-05-05 Thread SomersetGuy

As a purchaser of two new Squeezebox Touches (and long-time user of
previous SB products), I, like other users, am disappointed and
frustrated with its unreliable functionality concerning its
connectivity with external HDDs. I have read and followed the manuals
to the letter, followed customer support's advice, and followed
numerous posts on the forum, and still there are major connectivity
issues in getting files to play reliably from USB-connected HDDs.

Seeing as the Touch's major selling point is its purported ability to
play music files from attached USB HDDs and memory sticks, I am
disappointed that Logitech evidently have not developed this feature to
its fullest extent prior to the product's release on the market.

In the UK, the Sale of Goods Act 1979 states that goods sold by a
trader must be (1) as described; (2) of satisfactory quality; and (3)
fit for purpose. The SB Touch in my experience fails with regard to (1)
and (3), so I am currently liaising with Trading Standards and the
Office of Fair Trading to formulate appropriate action. It is a
criminal offence in the UK for a manufacturer to release a product that
fails to meet one or more of these aforementioned points. Trading
Standards, under British law, takes appropriate action as it sees fit.

I look forward to hearing from the company's staff in due course, and
if I do not receive a satisfactory response and outcome to these
serious problems, this issue will be escalated further.

I am sorry to be blunt in this matter, but it is unacceptable for a
product not to perform according to its description. British laws for
consumer products are comprehensive and protective in this regard.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Logitech please take note: UK Sale of Goods Act 1979

2010-05-05 Thread SomersetGuy

Thanks -- Can I also say to other British SBT users: if, after having
tried all the steps that I mentioned in my first post, you too are not
satisfied with the overall function of the SBT, please do contact The
Office of Fair Trading ( They keep notes on all
individuals' complaints and of the companies/traders mentioned, and, as
aforementioned, will take action as deemed appropriate.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Logitech please take note: UK Sale of Goods Act 1979

2010-05-05 Thread SomersetGuy

Thanks for your input. FYI: yes, I have made numerous efforts to
troubleshoot the problems I've been having, with several different
members of Logitech's technical support team, both via phone and via
email. I have read at great length the numerous posts on this forum
about other users' experiences with the SBT, and the solutions

I am not a techie newbie or someone who is afraid to go the extra mile
to sort out a technical problem, but on the other hand, I do not expect
to have to invest many hours of my own time trying to rectify problems
that should have been sorted out at the development stage.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Logitech please take note: UK Sale of Goods Act 1979

2010-05-05 Thread SomersetGuy

Thanks for your input. FYI: yes, I have made numerous efforts to
troubleshoot the problems I've been having, with several different
members of Logitech's technical support team, both via phone and via
email. I have read at great length the numerous posts on this forum
about other users' experiences with the SBT, and the solutions

I am not a techie newbie or someone who is afraid to go the extra mile
to sort out a technical problem, but on the other hand, I do not expect
to have to invest many hours of my own time trying to rectify problems
that should have been sorted out at the development stage.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Logitech please take note: UK Sale of Goods Act 1979

2010-05-05 Thread SomersetGuy

zen2000;543610 Wrote: 
 I have the exact same hard drive and it works fine even without a
 powered usb hub. I initially had the same problem as yours and thought
 it was due  to the lack of external power. After using a powered usb
 hub I still had the same problem. My solution was to do a factory reset
 and a wipe and rescan. So far it has worked great WITHOUT any external
 power (powered usb hub) and spins up fine after it goes to sleep.

Thanks, zen2000 and iPhone -- Ah, now whether or not to use the USB
hub(!) OK, could you please detail the exact sequence that you carried
out with connecting the drive and the factory reset, etc.? I have done
quite a few resets now in between connecting the drive and scanning. I
presume the sequence is (and this is what I have been doing): eject
drive; push reset button at back and wait a few seconds for startup
sequence; configure the ethernet connections again; reconnect drive;
and wait for scan to finish.

There appears to be differing opinions as to whether to use a
mains-powered USB hub or just to connect the drive directly to the back
of the SBT.

zen2000 -- what power options have you set your Seagate Go drive to?

Thanks everyone.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Logitech please take note: UK Sale of Goods Act 1979

2010-05-05 Thread SomersetGuy

Thanks iPhone and everyone else, for taking the time to provide help and
suggestions. I'll try your suggestions, with the factory reset etc. and
will report back on my findings in due course.

Thanks again.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Logitech please take note: UK Sale of Goods Act 1979

2010-05-05 Thread SomersetGuy

m1abrams;543621 Wrote: 
 I have a FreeAgent Xtreme drive (not the go, but the full sized version)
 and have not used it with my Touch but did notice that it would be
 problematic on my PC when it would sleep.  It would take an extremely
 long time to come out of sleep mode to the point that I found it
 unusable and got rid of sleep all together.  So it may be possible that
 your drive is just taking too long to wake up.

Thanks m1abrams -- Ah -- maybe that's the issue here. I wonder if
there's anything else that one could reconfigure on the HDD's settings.
Like I said before, I can change the sleep times, and there's an option
to cancel sleep altogether on the drive, but surely that would reduce
the life of the HDD.

zen2000 mentioned that his exact same make/model of HDD worked fine
after reset/wipe/rescan -- what power settings do you have on your


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Logitech please take note: UK Sale of Goods Act 1979

2010-05-05 Thread SomersetGuy

Thanks, NS1. In my case, I had only the USB HDD, no SD card, connected.
I'll report my findings, as per recommended course of action, very


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Logitech please take note: UK Sale of Goods Act 1979

2010-05-05 Thread SomersetGuy

Thanks Mortslim and all others, for your replies and advice on this
issue. I have decided to remove my initial posts on this issue, since I
do not wish my initial posts to be misinterpreted or to cause offence to

The issues I was having before appear to have been resolved, after
considerable configuration changes and tweeking. My initial post
mentioned that I was having problems in getting the SBT to recognize
the HDD. This issue has now been resolved, and I am quite happy with
things as they are at the moment.

Again, thanks to all those who have helped out with this issue.

Best wishes, SomersetGuy


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Logitech please take note: UK Sale of Goods Act 1979

2010-05-05 Thread SomersetGuy

zen2000;543727 Wrote: 
 I have mine set to the default ( I think 5 or 10 minutes for spin down)
 and I also disabled the hd activity lights (settings are in software)
 to minimize power usage since I am not using any external power. ..
 I ejected my drive first then went to the factory reset option from the
 touch menu(If you use the reset button I think you have to hold it down
 for 15 seconds or more to do a full factory reset).Because it was
 easier for me, I took the hard drive to my computer and deleted the
 .squeezebox folder so it would rebuild it from scratch when I
 reconnected it. 

Many thanks, Zen2000 (and iPhone) for your advice. I took the steps you
both mentioned, and so far the HDD/SBT connectivity appears to be very
good and stable now.


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