Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Battery PSU

2015-12-31 Thread liffy99

:)Jeff07971 wrote: 
> :)

Sighted listening for me but did unsighted with the wife over a
selection of tracks (palyed back to back with shuffling the order of the
devices used) - she was about 70/30 in favour of the battery.
But perhaps a proper regulated supply would be best of all. They seem to
be quite expensive in the audiophile world though.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Battery PSU

2015-12-31 Thread liffy99

Jeff07971 wrote: 
> Was this off load not being charged, Off load being charged, on load not
> being charged or on load being charged ?
> The touch may take more current on startup which will cause the battery
> voltage to drop, possibly below the drop-out voltage of the first
> regulator

5.11v was no load and without being charged. So from what you say this
will increase a little when on charge. Shame if this is the case as I've
not seen too many 6v (say) bettery packs around (apart from humungous
bike batteries etc).

Yes, audiophile mucking about - switching from mains power to battery
definitely makes a small improvement.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Battery PSU

2015-12-31 Thread liffy99

Aha - that did it. Keeping the battery on charge at the same time did
the trick (although manufacturer states that charging and draining the
battery at the same time is not the best thing to do).
The battery was giving 5.11v by the way.
I assume the Touch needs to draw a slightly higher voltage on boot up ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Battery PSU

2015-12-31 Thread liffy99

Julf wrote: 
> Not just nominal but actual - have you measured the battery voltage? Did
> you try to power up the Touch with the charger connected?

Battery is 5V. I've not measured it though.
Not tried having it 'on charge' at the same time - will do now.

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[SlimDevices: Touch] Battery PSU

2015-12-31 Thread liffy99

I have a Touch that's been running happily for a few years now - best
with the TT3 software tweaks in my opinion. But thought I'd try a
battery PSU.
This has worked in the past but this week it just won't start.
The PSU is essentially a mobile phone charger rated at 5V / 2.4amps
(RAVPower) and happily powers my Raspberry Pi for many hours.
The symptoms I get on power up are;

"Logitech" logo screen appears for a few seconds then disappears.

"Free Your Music" message on a blue background then appears for just a
couple of seconds,

Then the "Logitech" logo reappears again - and we keep going round this

The battery is fully charged.

Any ideas anyone ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2015-10-10 Thread liffy99

I installed EDO but I now have severe problems getting the Touch to
actually start. It's connected via ethernet to a Buffalo wireless bridge
if it helps (all works OK without EDO).
On turn on I get the 'Unsupported by Logitech" message but then the same
message keeps re-displaying every few seconds (10-20 typically). I have
to try powering off and on many times (sometimes into double figures) to
get the Touch to progress to its normal, coloured, menu screen from
where I can use it satisfactorily.
I use a 5v battery pack to power the Touch - again this works fine
without EDO installed.
Any clues as to what's going wrong ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Disable WLAN on Squeezebox Touch

2012-02-20 Thread liffy99

All sorted after a factory reset - thanks.
What I didn't realise is that tt -s on the Touch interface shows
'Modification WLAN - Disabled' which actually means the WLAN is ON !
(The status refers to the intention of the modification, not the actual
status of the parameter). A bit confusing but there now . . .

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Disable WLAN on Squeezebox Touch

2012-02-15 Thread liffy99

I've installed a Buffalo wireless bridge to provide an Ethernet feed to
the Touch. It shows it is connected to my wifi network. Then disabled
the WLAN on the TOUCH ( tt -WLAN from ssh) and plugged a cable from the
bridge to the Touch. Now I can't see the Touch on the network at all! 
As I have also disabled the IR remote control and screen I'm a bit
stuck - neither can I get access using the WINSPC / putty programme I
used to install Souncheck's mods.
Any idea where I have gone wrong ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Basics for IPod Touch use

2010-08-27 Thread liffy99

No getting away from ITunes then !
So is all of the screen info on the Touch replicated on the ITouch ? I
want to be able to see the titles / album art etc. without having to
squint at a screen metres away.


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[SlimDevices: Touch] Basics for IPod Touch use

2010-08-14 Thread liffy99

Is there an idiots guide for getting and setting up an IPod Touch for
use as a remote ?
Which model IPod Touch would I need ?
Where do I get IPeng (and version ?)
Configuration needed.
Does the IPod replicate all of the screen information displayed on the
Touch ?

Just that long range visibility of the Touch screen / std remote is
driving me mad !



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Viewing the Touch from across the room...

2010-05-29 Thread liffy99

Getting there, I think . . .. 

I installed Custom Clock / Helper on the server and have picked the
options up on the Touch so that I now have a number of different Custom
Clock configurations under Custom Clock Settings.

I then tried to replace the setting for 'Now Playing' with one of the
VU meter options - so that when I now play a track I get a pair of
meters along with Artist / track etc. Great.

However when I've tried to select a different option (eg replace the VU
Meters with another config option under the Screen Settings, for example
"Now Playing GW" and return to playing a track, the VU meters still
remain. I've turned the Touch off and on again but the VU meters are
still there.

Am I missing a step somewhere ?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch - first impressions and questions

2010-05-29 Thread liffy99

I can only agree with the disappointing readability of the Touch screen.
I for one find the album art a gimmick and would far prefer to do away
with that for a larger font I can read from 4m plus away. And why do I
need to see three song titles at once ? My SB3 was perfectly adequate
showing one at a time and I just scrolled.

I think Logitech have got this seriously wrong - the Touch would be
fantastic as an in car item (where the proximity and touch elements of
the screen would be perfect) but for remote operation it's next to
hopeless. What is the point of a 5cm picture of album art that you can
barely see from a listening position ?

So are there any cures ? Would / could Logitech release a software
update that did away with (or provided an option to replace) the 3 song
titles / small font thing and tried to emulate the SB3 ? Is there a
remote device that can handle the display info in your hand (like the
Sonos) ? I've heard mention of Itouch / Ipeng etc but haven't a clue
how this might work.

Oh, and please Logitech, can I have my analogue sound level meters back
. . . .

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[SlimDevices: Touch] Duplicate name

2010-05-12 Thread liffy99

Getting to know the finer details of my Touch now (and thanks for the
post about fixing the volume output - seems to work fine).
But during the setup phase I managed to create a second name / details
for my Touch so that I get a dropdown choice of which Touch (there is
only one) I want to use.
Is there a way of deleting the set of details I don't want - I can't
find anything ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] I've got one !

2010-04-12 Thread liffy99

Oh Bu**er !

I only run 6.5.4 on my TS201. I don't think this NAS ever had the
cojones to run later versions did it.
Looks like time for a new NAS - this is getting expensive !
Vortexbox methinks . . .


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[SlimDevices: Touch] I've got one !

2010-04-12 Thread liffy99

And a very nice little piece of kit it looks too.
Unfortunately I've not got very far in listening yet - I assumed it
would simply pick up Slimserver running on my QNAP NAS. But it seems to
want me to download a much more recent version of Squeezebox Software.

I've no idea how to install this on my NAS. 

Anyone any clues ?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch or NAS

2010-03-13 Thread liffy99

So much tech talk my head is spinning !
So some questions in plain English . . . 
Assuming a I have a Touch with an attached USB HDD;

1) I can manage (add, delete, organise, tag) files on the Touch HDD
through my PC or Apple via the home wireless network.
2) The Touch will be able to play the content of the attached HDD with
no PC needing to be on elsewhere.
3) Plugins, like Alien BBC, wouldn't be available (but they would be if
one went down the conventional NAS / Squeezecentre route)
4) The Touch could feed other Squeezeboxes across a wireless network
(e.g. the SB3 I have in my kitchen could play the files on the HDD
attached to the Touch - would the Touch need to be switched on in this
case and where would player settings need to be managed from).
5) Is bandwidth a problem ? Especially with high res 24/96 files which,
in FLAC, are likley to consume, say, 2000kbs plus ?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] technical info audiophile about SB Touch

2009-12-07 Thread liffy99

So does this mean that a Touch, wired to an external Hard Drive (how
noisy are the stand alone ones) would remove the need for a NAS ?
Presume not if more than one Touch is used (e.g. in another room).
Also to get files on and off the hard drive would probably mean hooking
up a laptop every time.


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