Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Scan experiences with the internal squeezebox server of the Touch (USB-HD)

2010-04-30 Thread perro6969

I sent the squeezebox touch back.
They can't be serious that a simple HDD should take more than 9 hours
to be scaned! I’m really disappointed about that.
If you want the touch as a stand alone player, just forget it!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How to check the progress of a scan of the USB drive?

2010-04-20 Thread perro6969

RichardLittlewood;537662 Wrote: 
 Hey, you're not alone.I've got a big library of 250 Gbytes, and had
 numerous issues getting my new Squeezebox touch to work properly. 
 My main problem was that when scanning for files, after about 4 hours
 of scanning the HDD, some time after starting to scan album art, the
 squeezebox stops with an error music server stopped due to a problem.
 I tried 4 different models of USB HDD (including a powered one) and I
 bought a USB powered hub in case the unpowered USB HDDs couldn't supply
 sufficient current without luck. 
 Some issues I had along the way included:
 1) USB connection dropped repeatedly.
 2) When I navigate to a file and try to play it I get an error Problem
 can not open file for:
 3) GUI freezes or is unuseably slow
 4) Server needs restarting
 5) Impossible to browse by tags because every time you enter a menu
 such as Artists It takes forever to populate the entries. That would
 be OK if it remembered them, but as soon as you exit that menu and
 re-enter it does the same thing again.
 6) Squeezebox hangs saying it is scanning but it's not, the HDD isn't
 even spinning.
 Eventually after several scans, wipe and rescans and factory resets, I
 got it to scan everything although albumart is missing (which was
 working at one point), I can't log into the squeezebox server (which
 was working) and the device is permanently scanning for new files
 (which I guess is making the GUI so slow).Wouldn't it make more sense
 to be able to manually control the file scanning and choose the
 directories. I have other stuff on my HDD I don't want scanned. 
 I also tried to point the picture viewer at a picasa album embedded URL
 and that failed too.
 So, I'm very unimpressed so far but I haven't given up yet.

I'm having the same problems as you...

I still can't find a solution. Even the Logitech support couldn't give
me a good answer to my problems. I think we can forget using the touch
as a stand alone player for USB HD's containing big music collections


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[SlimDevices: Touch] Scan experiences with the internal squeezbox server of the Touch (USB-HD)

2010-04-19 Thread perro6969


I would like to open this thread to collect experiences of scaning
times of your music from an external USB HD using the internal
squeezebox server of the Touch (Touch as a stand alone player using an
external USB HD).
I've already posted my experiences in another thread, but I would like
to open this one, so we can get an overview of how the touch behaves
depending of the mount of data to be scaned or the type of USB HD (2,5
or 3,5 external HD's).
Maybe we can get something usefull from this for the developers of the
server software...

USB-HD: Toshiba 2,5, 500 GB, AC powered
Files: ~5
Scan time: ~9-12 hours
Scan results: sucessfull, but when trying to play something, the server
stops, restarts and begings to scan the USB for new files
Scan for new files time: ~9 hours

If you have any solution to reduce the scan times, we will be very glad
to hear about it! (please don't write to have less files)

You can use this template for your results:

Scan time: 
Scan results: 
Scan for new files time: 

Thanks and regards!


PS: To the moderators, if you think this is a bad idea, just ignore
this thread, but if you think this can be usefull, please create a
Sticky, to have it always on the first page.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Scan experiences with the internal squeezebox server of the Touch (USB-HD)

2010-04-19 Thread perro6969

pounce;537474 Wrote: 
 Have you updated the firmware after unboxing?

The firmware is up-to-date (first thing done after starting the touch
for the first time), but what do you exactly mean with unboxing?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Scan experiences with the internal squeezebox server of the Touch (USB-HD)

2010-04-19 Thread perro6969

ah...ok. Thanks!
...and how is your experience with the scaning?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Scan experiences with the internal squeezebox server of the Touch (USB-HD)

2010-04-19 Thread perro6969

and what about a small NAS solution? how faster is it? Is there any not
too expensive (more or less 100 EUR) NAS HD, in which the squeezebox
server can be installed? I've already seen the list on the wiki, but
they all are too expensive and big.
Any experiences with this?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Scan experiences with the internal squeezebox server of the Touch (USB-HD)

2010-04-19 Thread perro6969

krochat;537518 Wrote: 
 I think there should be an option to disable or bypass the new file
 scan once the database has been created. It could even prompt with
 scan for new files? when a drive with an existing scan database has
 been newly attached (or the Touch has been rebooted).

yeah...I would say they should add an option to disable the scan at
all, or to choose between a deep scan (ID3 tag scan) or a simple folder
and filename scan (no ID3 tag, only file structure). The search modul
should then be able to search for folder or filenames. The ID3 Tag
information could be read from the file and be displayed directly while
playing the title.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 2 USB drive questions for Touch

2010-04-17 Thread perro6969

JJZolx;536328 Wrote: 
 _During_ the initial library scan?  Yeah, it can probably be expected to
 be slow.  Afterward, it should be acceptable.

I scaned the HD again. It took 9 hours!!. After that I have the same
problems searching or starting a title.
Now I'm waiting more than 1 hour to re-scan (searching for new files).
I think I will call the logitech support, because this CAN'T be OK.
How long did you wait for the first scan?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 2 USB drive questions for Touch

2010-04-17 Thread perro6969

kidstypike;536497 Wrote: 
 Brand new LaCie 500 gig mains powered USB HD 27000 tracks, initial scan
 5.5 hours, crashed during artwork scan. Restarted server, this time
 completed artwork scan, about 6.5 hours total. Playing an album or
 random songs, usually the first track is ruined by stuttering -
 restarting, but eventually settles down and plays ok until I try to
 skip a track, this usually crashes the server, restarting the server,
 Thinking there was a problem with the HD, I attached the Maxtor 500 gig
 HD that I use for my PC Squeezebox server. Scan times similar to the
 first HD, however after two crashes attempting to scan the artwork, I
 gave it up.
 I deleted loads of albums from the first HD, down to 14500 tracks.
 Checked all tags with Mp3tag, checked all embedded artwork was below
 150kb, with TagRename. Mounted this squeaky clean drive on the Touch.
 Scan took about 2 hours with no problems. (Remaining scan time is way
 out, you can practically double whatever is displayed).  Exactly same
 problems with stuttering/crashing. DISCOVERING_DIRECTORY PROGRESS now
 takes 11.5 minutes.
 I bought the Touch with a view to this being the basis of my audio
 set-up, however, using the inbuilt server has completely ruined the
 Touch user experience for me. As it stands at the moment, I would not
 recommend the Touch as a stand alone player/server.

Many thanks for your feedback!!
I thought I was the only one having this problem so I called the
Logitech support in Germany and they said it was for sure a software
problem and that I should wait for the new version of the server.
I'll wait for the new version and if I still have the same problem,
I'll send the touch back.
I hope they are right and logitech can solve this bug with the new


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 2 USB drive questions for Touch

2010-04-17 Thread perro6969

Ali Tait;536566 Wrote: 
 How often are new versions released?

they told me that maybe in 2 or 3 weeks there will be a new version of
the server. I hope the information is real and they didn't say it just
to calm me.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 2 USB drive questions for Touch

2010-04-16 Thread perro6969

Hello everybody,

I'm having similar problems...
I have an 500 GB 2,5 external USB HD. Because the Squeezebox had some
problems recognizing the drive, I bought an AC self powered USB Hub to
solve the problem.
There are more or less 5 titles on the HD. It took 8 hours to scan
it. I thought that now everything should go faster, but no!
It takes a very long time to navigate through artists or albums (more
or less 7-10 sec) and when I choose a song, then it takes other 5-8 sec
to be started or added to the playlist.

I don't have this problem when accessing the same USB HD connected to
my PC via WLAN. I installed the server on it and run the scan. The
navigation is fast and starting a title takes no longer than 1 sec.

Is this normal? I thought if the Squeezebox Touch accesses the USB HD
directly it should be faster than via WLAN. For me it makes no sense.
That's why I think something should be wrong with my Squeezebox Touch.
What do you think? I am doing something wrong? Is it better to use a
3,5 external HD?

Many thanks for your help and comments in advance!



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 2 USB drive questions for Touch

2010-04-16 Thread perro6969

I don't know...
Today I don't have too much time, but tomorrow, I can compare the
database files created by the server on the PC (have to find out first
where is it located) and the one created by the embedded server
(located on the HD itself). If they are the same, I suppose this could
be done. It's a good idea if it works! thanks!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 2 USB drive questions for Touch

2010-04-16 Thread perro6969

hmmm...In that case, then I think it won't work. thanks for the

But coming back to the original question...Is it normal that navigating
through the artist or album list or starting to play a title is so
Do you have the same problem? if not, which USB HD are you using?


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