Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

2010-06-21 Thread nicolas75

mikkeldaase;556669 Wrote: 
 The responses on the board is discouraging for potential touch buyers

May be because that satisfied people are less prone to spend time about
telling it.
I have to say I use TinySC with a usb-powered, NTFS formated, Western
Digital 500 GB 2.5 DD

I have about 150 MB of flac files on it (and a lot of others files not
related to audio in different directories)

I am quite satisfied with it, and after the first scan (about 40 mns)
everything is fine.

I don't even talk about the very easy, fast, and efficient result when
I use a 8 GB usb key


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

2010-06-21 Thread m1abrams

nicolas75;556674 Wrote: 
 I have about 150 MB of flac files on it (and a lot of others files not
 related to audio in different directories, which is bad practice)

Bragging about having ~5 FLAC songs play well on the Touch is not
really a great endorsement ;).  Did you mean to say 150GB?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

2010-06-21 Thread garym

nicolas75;556674 Wrote: 
 May be because that satisfied people are less prone to spend time about
 telling it.
 I have to say I use TinySC with a usb-powered, NTFS formated, Western
 Digital 500 GB 2.5 DD
 I have about 150 GB of flac files on it (and a lot of others files not
 related to audio in different directories, which is bad practice)
 I am quite satisfied with it, and after the first scan (about 40 mns)
 everything is fine.
 I don't even talk about the very easy, fast, and efficient result when
 I use a 8 GB usb key

Agree, As I have mentioned before, I set up a touch system running
tinySC for a relative. With a WD (powered) 500GB USB drive. 54,000 mp3
files and it has worked perfectly since setup (4 or 5 weeks ago).

The average TOUCH (or SB) user doesn't even know these forums exist.
They buy it, set it up, it works, story over.  This is not to discount
that people have real issues. Most can be resolved (and most that I see
are related to the USB DRIVE or the network).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

2010-06-21 Thread nicolas75

m1abrams;556675 Wrote: 
 Bragging about having ~5 FLAC songs play well on the Touch is not really
 a great endorsement ;).  Did you mean to say 150GB?
Correct, that is 150 GB


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

2010-06-20 Thread floater

erland;552712 Wrote: 
 Let's face it, if all you want is a simple single room device that's
 fast and you are satisfied with decent audio quality from high bit rate
 lossy compressed music files, you should really get an iPod. For this
 kind of usage an iPod with a docking station beats the Squeezebox
 For simple usage as described above, which probably cover a large part
 of the user base, an iPod it probably a cheaper and better solution.
 To see the advantage of a Squeezebox Touch, we need to talk about
 things like audio quality, multi room solutions with synchronized
 playback, remote control from the couch and maybe also support for
 online Internet radio.
 The built-in server is a marketing feature, it can work really good if
 you can live with its limitations and have the right equipment
 connected to it. However, if you want to make sure you get the most out
 of your Squeezebox Touch, you really need an external server IMHO. Some
 people are satisfied with the limitations you have to live with if you
 use the built-in server and some aren't. Some people has successfully
 used the built-in server with larger libraries and some haven't, often
 because they connect a hard disk that isn't optimized to get good
 performance with a Touch. If you don't want an external server and only
 need a single room solution and doesn't care about high-end audio
 quality, get a iPod instead instead of a Touch, it will save you a lot
 of trouble.
 I think it's important to understand that for some people, an iPod is
 really a better solution. If all you want is the functionality of an
 iPod, you will surely not get a better solution with a Squeezebox
 However, if you need a multi room solution or you want high-end audio
 quality, do not get an iPod because in this scenario a Squeezebox Touch
 will offer a better solution.
 To sum it up, a Squeezebox Touch can do the same things as an iPod can
 do when the iPod sits in a docking station, it's just that the iPod
 will do most things better in a simple setup. The reverse is not true,
 an iPod cannot do everything a Squeezebox Touch can do, for example
 multi room synchronization.

iPod=Works as advertised
Touch=Doesn't work as advertised. Maybe it will eventually, but it
certainly doesn't with a USB drive right now. 

Nothing anyone is saying changes that. So just give up on the waffle
OK. If you all REALLY want to compare functionality, I suspect an iPod
Touch actually can have more uses that the Squeezebox of the same name.
I hear you can even get a related model with a phone...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

2010-06-20 Thread carib

floater;556547 Wrote: 
 iPod=Works as advertised
 Touch=Doesn't work as advertised. Maybe it will eventually, but it
 certainly doesn't with a USB drive right now. 
 Nothing anyone is saying changes that. So just give up on the waffle
 OK. If you all REALLY want to compare functionality, I suspect an iPod
 Touch actually can have more uses that the Squeezebox of the same name.
 I hear you can even get a related model with a phone...

This is just NO TRUE.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

2010-06-03 Thread toby10

mfw;552518 Wrote: 
 I love my new Touch. But what is it?

A Networked Music Player with exceptional qualities and features.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

2010-06-03 Thread mfw

thank you for your thoughtful post. I think its length demonstrates my

Phil Leigh;552599 Wrote: 
  (let's ignore Internet Radio for a moment)
The Internet radio was what drew me to squeezebox.  I think that means
the indexing of streams on is another key component
of the product experience. 

The more interesting discovery was the community of developers and
these forums, with a generally positive, supportive attitude.  The
iPeng is really impressive. 


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

2010-06-03 Thread iPhone

floater;551397 Wrote: 
 Missing the point completely. Is it not the opposite scenario that is of
 Troll. First rule of holes: when in one stop digging. 
 I'll not waste any more effort on you. Bye.

I think Phil was thinking and talking about the end result of what the
device are best at between Touch and iPhone/iPod. iPhone/iPod (modern
ones) don't play FLAC or connect to just any stereo with high fidelity
output and the Touch is not a portable MP3 player no matter what the
two have  (having an OS, a CPU, play music) neither were meant to do
what the other excels at!


Media Room:
Transporter, VTL TL-6.5 Signature Pre-Amp, Ayre MX-R Mono's, VeraStarr
6.4SE 6-channel Amp, Vandersteen Speakers: Quatro Mains, VCC-5
Reference Center, four VSM-1 Signatures, Video: Runco RS 900 CineWide
AutoScope 2.35:1   

Living Room:
Duet, ADCOM GTP-870HD, Cinepro 3K6SE III Gold, Vandersteen Model 3A
Signature, Two 2Wq subs, VCC-2, Two VSM-1  

Kitchen: Squeezebox BOOM
Bedroom: Second Boom
Bathroom: Squeezebox Radio
Ford Thunderbird: Duet, Mac Mini
Ford Expedition: SB Touch, USB drive

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

2010-06-03 Thread garym

floater;552676 Wrote: 
 The Touch (with all its extra, SECONDARY features) still can't handle a
 large library with an attached USB drive that wouldn't trouble an iPod,
 which is kind of sad and the ONLY point I've been making. So a touch was
 never designed designed to excel at reliably playing music from a USB
 drive? Well I never!! 

I probably already made this point earlier in the thread (maybe in a
different thread), but I will point out once again that my totally
non-technical brother has a TOUCH, an older 500GB USB drive (with its
own power) attached to it containing 54,000 tracks, and it works and
plays perfectly from day 1 (maybe for 5 or 6 weeks now). And he has
since added a BOOM to the house and the TOUCH is serving all this music
to the BOOM as well (via WIFI) and this is working perfectly. 

So yes, the TOUCH will work with a large library with only a USB drive
(and serve that library to another SB player as well).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

2010-06-03 Thread iPhone

floater;552676 Wrote: 
 The Touch (with all its extra, SECONDARY features) still can't handle a
 large library with an attached USB drive that wouldn't trouble an iPod,
 which is kind of sad and the ONLY point I've been making. So a touch was
 never designed designed to excel at reliably playing music from a USB
 drive? Well I never!! 
 If you think nitpicking differences negates that, well, good for you.
 Why so defensive? It wouldn't be so bad if you were even accurate:
 Ipods can play lossless and can produce high quality output with the
 right dock e.g. one that will output digital. Plenty of people have
 been fooled when they thought they were listening to an expensive CD
 player. Even from it's analogue output. 
 Maybe Logitech will make it work, maybe they won't. For a product
 delayed six months to fix that function it's a pretty poor show.
 I loathe Apple fanboys, but hadn't realised Logitech was afflicted too.
 You live and learn. Keep drinking the Kool Aid.

Now who is the Troll? Please tell me who makes an iPod or MP3 player
with a 500GB memory that plays FLAC? I don't think you can. For one
that likes to live in the world of broad generalizations your
statements are very inaccurate. I never said the iPod would not play
lossless, I said modern ones will NOT play FLAC. I can see why you
missed that fact since it is very specific and you are from the world
of broad generalizations where FLAC equals Apple Lossless! Just for
clarity, it doesn't.

And I am not drinking the Kool-Aid, I am using my Touch daily without
issue in a broad range of uses. Does that make me a fanboy of the
Touch, it just might because I am a music junky and get loads of music
enjoyment from my Touch.

I also said that the Touch 'excels' at what it was designed for. Its
main use and purpose is as a Network Media Player (NMP). One that is
using server software called SBS, and I dare you to even hint that it
does not excel at being a NMP for only $300. As to TinySC, it is a
feature. One doesn't buy TinySC, one buys a Touch which is a NMP
designed to use SBS. A 'feature' of this NMP is using it standalone
with TinySC. Is this the best use of a Touch, in my opinion it is not.
Am I using it without problems I am and I am willing to help anybody
that is having problems even if that means they might have picked a
less then optimum USB product and need to buy a new one to get better

Lastly your comparison between an iPod and Touch with TinySC is very
flawed. It again comes back to my point that the Touch excels as a NMP
(and was designed and built as one to be used with SBS) and the iPod
excels as a portable MP3 player. There isn't a portable MP3 player that
can handle and play the size library that a Touch using SBS can. Which
is where I feel your world of broad generalization comes into play.
Touch with SBS is not the same as Touch with TinySC and it is stated no
where that it is. And no matter how hard one tries or wants it to be, it
never will be. There is not enough room to get full SBS on the Touch nor
does the Touch have the memory or CPU to run full SBS.

I am opened minded and willing to try many things. This is why I use my
Touch in so many different ways and environments. But I also see that
Touch with TinySC has limitations. Because Touch is a NMP, there has to
be a point to stop at because if one keeps going then it is no longer a
Touch it is an SBS Server with a touch screen.

What would l like to see of future Touch products: a 7 or 11 inch
screen, 4 times the CPU, and 4GB of RAM.


Media Room:
Transporter, VTL TL-6.5 Signature Pre-Amp, Ayre MX-R Mono's, VeraStarr
6.4SE 6-channel Amp, Vandersteen Speakers: Quatro Mains, VCC-5
Reference Center, four VSM-1 Signatures, Video: Runco RS 900 CineWide
AutoScope 2.35:1   

Living Room:
Duet, ADCOM GTP-870HD, Cinepro 3K6SE III Gold, Vandersteen Model 3A
Signature, Two 2Wq subs, VCC-2, Two VSM-1  

Kitchen: Squeezebox BOOM
Bedroom: Second Boom
Bathroom: Squeezebox Radio
Ford Thunderbird: Duet, Mac Mini
Ford Expedition: SB Touch, USB drive

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

2010-06-02 Thread floater

Phil Leigh;552159 Wrote: 
 And for some reason you still refuse to accept that what the SBS/tinySC 
 is doing is NOTHING like what an iPod/Archos/etc is doing. 

Playing music from a hard drive perhaps? Jesus H. Christ, I don't
usually resort to abuse on forums, but you are a f uckwit pedant. I
suppose next you'll be saying a dynamic speaker and an electrostatic
speaker don't do the same thing. This really is goodbye. 

PS Linn sucks ass!!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

2010-06-02 Thread mfw

Aside from demonstrating some intemperate attitudes by some posters, I
think this thread demonstrates we don't really have a good vocabulary
for describing squeezebox.  Servers and players (and controllers?) are
all components we can weave into systems. How does one describe
squeezebox in a simple declarative sentence? Without saying it is
completely different than X, to which it does seem to bear an
incidental resemblance. 
I love my new Touch. But what is it?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

2010-06-01 Thread ntom

This really is an apples / oranges comparison, but one which logitech
have brought upon the product.

I use an ipod  hate itunes.  It's a portable device.

My Squeexbox Players are intended for quality, no high quality home
listening as priority one, then remaining players for convenience
sharing a central database of music.

They have always been a little 'techie' to set up.  A long time ago I
gave up on wireless connection for example for serious listening...
just inherent problems with wi-fi not specifically squeezebox.

I would like a Touch.  When I can find one... at a sensible price!  For
wired ethernet listening and ability to stream hi-res tracks without
probs.  It'll be a plug in replacement for a Classic.

So by comparison to an ipod it is for me a completely differnt beast. 
Logitech could do much better at really making clear what this device
is for.  

The poster who complains the SBTouch doesn't compare to an ipod
well just plug some cheap active speakers into your ipod  be done?


SB3, Perpetual Technologies P1-A / P3-A, Naim82 pre + 4xNaim135 powers,
Martin Logan SL3's(+ 2nd SB3  2xSB2's around the hus)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

2010-06-01 Thread floater

ntom;552103 Wrote: 
 The poster who complains the SBTouch doesn't compare to an ipod
 well just plug some cheap active speakers into your ipod  be done?

If you'd been paying attention you'd know I don't own an iPod - was
just comparing performance at that trivial task of playing music
without crashing ;-). I can't believe people are arguing over this, but
that's an internet forum I suppose.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

2010-06-01 Thread Phil Leigh

floater;552157 Wrote: 
 If you'd been paying attention you'd know I don't own an iPod - was just
 comparing performance at that trivial task of playing music without
 crashing ;-). I can't believe people are arguing over this, but that's
 an internet forum I suppose.

And for some reason you still refuse to accept that what the SBS/tinySC
is doing is NOTHING like what an iPod/Archos/etc is doing. SBS is a
multi-device server that has to manage synchronization and/or multiple
parallel streams across a TCP/IP network. What the iPod or any embedded
control programme for a dedicated hardware platform is doing is
(relatively) trivial - what SBS is doing is much more complex/demanding
- and it has to do it on multiple platforms/operating systems of
bewildering variety and over which it has no absolute control at all.

Apples and Oranges.

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...
Touch(wired/XP) - TACT 2.2X (Linear PSU) + Good Vibrations S/W - MF
Triplethreat(Audiocom full mods) - Linn 5103 - Aktiv 5.1 system (6x
LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend Supertweeters, Blue
Jeans Digital,Kimber Speaker  Chord Interconnect cables
Kitchen Boom, Outdoors: SB Radio

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

2010-05-31 Thread Phil Leigh

rotho;551884 Wrote: 
 It would be very interesting to investigate the different parameters
 which influence the CPU usage on the Touch with Tiny SC (when handling
 a large collection of files), in order to understand why certain
 users do not have any problem and others have constant re-buffering
 Phil, could you please share the following information regarding your
 standalone setup :
 - The size, brand and model of your HDD
 - The file format of your HDD (FAT32, NTFS, ...)
 - The size of your music collection (in Gb)
 - Do you use the Controller to operate the Touch ?
 - Whatever other parameter you think could influence the CPU usage on
 the Touch...
 Here are the info about my own setup :
 - 1.5 Tb d2 quadra LaCie HDD (with its own power supply), FAT32
 formatted with Disk Utility on an iMac
 - approximately 20,000 FLAC files (400 Gb used), including around 100
 hi-res files
 Here are my own findings, when using TinySC :
 - Little re-buffering problem at the beginning of first tracks of
 16/44.1 albums
 - Slow update of the Touch display when going from one track to the
 - Very very slow update of the Touch (and Controller) display and more
 re-buffering problems when operating the Touch from the Controller
 - Constant re-buffering problems when reading certain 24/96 files (I
 tried those without the Controller of course !).
 On the other hand, I have no problem when reading those 24/96 files on
 the same HDD when it contains only a couple of albums.
 (And I have none of the above problems when running SBS of my Mac
 instead of using Tiny SC...)


the three powered - as in they have their own PSU - USB drives I have

1) Buffalo JustStore 1Tb (FAT32)
2) Samsung 103UJ 1TB (NTFS) which is an SATA drive I mounted in a box
with a USB/Sata adaptor
3) Lacie 1Tb - this is a Seagate drive - not sure of the exact model

All my file are FLAC at -5 compression (well there are a very small
number of 320 kbs MP3's too). The total file size is 932Gb. None of my
filenames has any special characters in them and all tags are
immaculate (FLAC tags only, RG + MusicIP). All artwork is in cover.jpg
files. I have no playlists.


Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...
Touch(wired/XP) - TACT 2.2X (Linear PSU) + Good Vibrations S/W - MF
Triplethreat(Audiocom full mods) - Linn 5103 - Aktiv 5.1 system (6x
LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend Supertweeters, Blue
Jeans Digital,Kimber Speaker  Chord Interconnect cables
Kitchen Boom, Outdoors: SB Radio

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

2010-05-31 Thread Tony T

rotho;551884 Wrote: 
 - Little re-buffering problem at the beginning of first tracks of
 16/44.1 albums

How are you selecting 'Play for an Album?  Are you clicking on a Track
to start Play, or are you selecting More '+' and then Play (I get a 1st
track rebuffering on the former, but not the latter).


Tony T

#63743;  SBTouch #9834; SBRadio #9836;

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

2010-05-31 Thread pounce

floater;551346 Wrote: 
 iPod has no audible output of its own, but you can connect headphones.

Not that it matters much, but this is not a true statement. iPods have
a speaker and can play music without headphones.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

2010-05-31 Thread garym

pounce;551894 Wrote: 
 Not that it matters much, but this is not a true statement. iPods have a
 speaker and can play music without headphones.

some do, some don't. depends on the model.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

2010-05-31 Thread pounce

garym;551897 Wrote: 
 some do, some don't. depends on the model.

Fair enough. The quote is still not a true statement.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

2010-05-31 Thread rotho

Tony T;551891 Wrote: 
 How are you selecting 'Play for an Album?  Are you clicking on a Track
 to start Play, or are you selecting More '+' and then Play (I get a 1st
 track rebuffering on the former, but not the latter).

You're right : I never use '+' to play a track. I will try your method
and report back...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

2010-05-31 Thread Tony T

rotho;551914 Wrote: 
 You're right : I never use '+' to play a track. I will try your method
 and report back...

No, not for a track, for an album.

Tony T

#63743;  SBTouch #9834; SBRadio #9836;

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

2010-05-31 Thread rotho

Tony T;551945 Wrote: 
 No, not for a track, for an album.

Yes, that what I meant : to play an album, I always selected the first

Now, I have tried your method, by selecting '+' and then 'Play' : you
were right, now the rebuffering problem is gone. Great !!!

But :
1) I find this method less direct than selecting the first track of an

2) This way of selecting an album does not solve my re-buffering
problem with certain 24/96 files.

Let's keep on experimenting...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

2010-05-31 Thread Tony T

Its a bug that I'm sure will be fixed.  They just have to delay the
playing until the playlist it built.

Tony T

#63743;  SBTouch #9834; SBRadio #9836;

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

2010-05-30 Thread Tony T

JohnSwenson;551564 Wrote: 
 The server (squeezeboxServer) is written in perl, the player part
 (SqueezePlay) uses lua as its user interface language. 
 In both cases major parts are written in C linked into the particular
 In the player the audio samples exist entirely in C code with the lua
 code handling the UI parts (what is in a menu, what a button looks
 like, what to do when a button is pushed). The actual drawing on the
 frame buffer is also done by C code.
 The server is written in perl to be transportable to many different
 plattforms. It uses many perl modules that have complex C
 implementations but they use standard ones that have already been
 ported to many different platforms. 
 I have not spent too much time in the guts of the server so I can't
 give precise details, primarily because I hate perl. I too would prefer
 Lua was chosen for the player I presume because the basic
 implementation of the server is quite small and it interfaces well to
 underlying C code. There is a large amount of custom C code in the
 player. With the player they were aiming at specific hardware
 implementations so did not need to maintain portability to a large
 number of platforms so large amounts of custom C code was not as big a
 deal as it would be for the server. 
 John S.

Thanks.  That was very informative.  I'm always interested in 'how
things work' (I was ssh'ing into the SBRadio on the 2nd day of
purchase), and this is something that a user won't find in the manual.

Tony T

#63743;  SBTouch #9834; SBRadio #9836;

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

2010-05-30 Thread Tony T

iwannatouch;551584 Wrote: 
 You may be right, but that's not how Logitech is marketing the Touch to
 consumers. Instructions on the use of a connected USB drive to play
 music and display photos are described on 11 of the feature guide's 30
 pages. That makes it sound like a prominent, rather than
 inconsequential, feature to me.

Works for me (almost) as advertised.   The problem I had was that that
Touch would not power my 2.5 320g USB drive -- an $8 ac/dc adaptor
solved the problem.

Tony T

#63743;  SBTouch #9834; SBRadio #9836;

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

2010-05-30 Thread Polar

mlsstl;551514 Wrote: 
 I think it is a very legitmate question for a buyer to have some idea if
 this device is going to work for him. There are a number of people who,
 for various reasons, would love to have a Touch directly play their
 music from a USB drive without the need for an external server. 

I intend to buy a Touch and this only becuase of its USB functionality
(I already own a Duet), so I do not have to use a server anymore (that
never stops running) or do SSODS upgrades that become more complicated
every time (at least for me, my knowledge of Linux is zero).

If people are in doubt as to how many songs Tiny SBS can handle via
their USB stick or USB drive I would advise them to take their USB
stick or USB drive to the shop and test if it works. That is what I am
going to do and only if I am satisfied I will buy the Touch. Although I
don't expect that my 1200 MP3 song collection(on USB stick)will present
any problems.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

2010-05-30 Thread Tony T

Polar;551626 Wrote: 
 I intend to buy a Touch and this only because of its USB functionality
 (I already own a Duet), so I do not have to use a server anymore (that
 never stops running) or do SSODS upgrades that become more complicated
 every time (at least for me, my knowledge of Linux is zero).
 If people are in doubt as to how many songs Tiny SBS can handle via
 their USB stick or USB drive I would advise them to take their USB
 stick or USB drive to the shop and test if it works. That is what I am
 going to do and only if I am satisfied I will buy the Touch. Although I
 don't expect that my 1200 MP3 song collection (on USB stick) will
 present any problems.

Even some online stores (i.e. Crutchfield) will allow a return at no
charge if the product does not work as advertised.

Tony T

#63743;  SBTouch #9834; SBRadio #9836;

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

2010-05-30 Thread Phil Leigh

jaynlisa;551617 Wrote: 
 He didn't say it was a high-spec portable mp3 player, and you totally
 misquoted him.   He said it didn't function as well as a portable mp3
 player, and in terms of handling large amounts of files, I'd have to

It wasn't a quote (otherwise I'd have used the quote function of the

It was a statement by me - the quotation marks are mine.

The point I was making in response is that the Touch is NOT a portable
player, nor is it marketed as one, so comparing it with one seems
wrong. Nor in fact is its primary function to be an MP3 player although
of course it can do that.

The onboard functionality of an iThing is very much lower. Leaving
aside the fact that it is mostly locked to proprietary Apple formats
and software. 

They don't sound great either... but that isn't their primary purpose.
Their primary purpose is portability/accessability. The Touch is NOT
portable (in the sense of a personal stereo/Walkman-like device).

The Touch handles my 35,000 FLAC files (including 2000 hi-rez files)
fine from a standalone (self-powered) USB drive (I've tried 3 so far),
so there is no inherent generic problem.

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...
Touch(wired/XP) - TACT 2.2X (Linear PSU) + Good Vibrations S/W - MF
Triplethreat(Audiocom full mods) - Linn 5103 - Aktiv 5.1 system (6x
LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend Supertweeters, Blue
Jeans Digital,Kimber Speaker  Chord Interconnect cables
Kitchen Boom, Outdoors: SB Radio

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

2010-05-30 Thread floater

Phil Leigh;551638 Wrote: 
 It wasn't a quote (otherwise I'd have used the quote function of the
 It was a statement by me - the quotation marks are mine.
 The point I was making in response is that the Touch is NOT a portable
 player, nor is it marketed as one, so comparing it with one seems
 wrong. Nor in fact is its primary function to be an MP3 player although
 of course it can do that.
 The onboard functionality of an iThing is very much lower. Leaving
 aside the fact that it is mostly locked to proprietary Apple formats
 and software. 
 They don't sound great either... but that isn't their primary purpose.
 Their primary purpose is portability/accessability. The Touch is NOT
 portable (in the sense of a personal stereo/Walkman-like device).
 The Touch handles my 35,000 FLAC files (including 2000 hi-rez files)
 fine from a standalone (self-powered) USB drive (I've tried 3 so far),
 so there is no inherent generic problem.

Keep on digging...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

2010-05-30 Thread floater

dsdreamer;551653 Wrote: 
 But an iPOD needs a serious computer running iTunes to perform the
 scanning part of work flow. 

Please note that a couple of folks have referred to mp3 players that do
indeed scan and maintain their own database, without the horrible kludge
of iTunes for the iPod. Mp3 players dating back many years too, not the
latest models!

My Archos AV400 scans files at a rate of approximately 2500 per minute,
without the aid of a PC at all. This is six year old technology! My
Touch is considerably slower with a brand new hard drive.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

2010-05-29 Thread Phil Leigh

floater;551332 Wrote: 
 So we have what is in essence a high spec. mp3 player that can't
 function as well as a portable mp3 player...  It would seem SBS is not
 very efficient  the legacy of having it run on a PC has caught out
 Logitech with their hardware specification for the Touch.
 If an iPod behaved like this would people be happy?? An iPod Classic
 with 160GB drive claims to be able to store up to 40,000 songs. Has
 anyone got near this  does it still work? I'd expect a domestic
 equivalent (e.g. Touch) to work better, if anything!

1) The Touch is not a high-spec portable mp3 player - it is a (very)
high quality Network Music Player. It has no audible output of its own
and does not run on batteries.

2) The Touch and an ithing have nothing in common.

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...
Touch(wired/XP) - TACT 2.2X (Linear PSU) + Good Vibrations S/W - MF
Triplethreat(Audiocom full mods) - Linn 5103 - Aktiv 5.1 system (6x
LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend Supertweeters, Blue
Jeans Digital,Kimber Speaker  Chord Interconnect cables
Kitchen Boom, Outdoors: SB Radio

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

2010-05-29 Thread floater

Phil Leigh;551339 Wrote: 
 1) The Touch is not a high-spec portable mp3 player - it is a (very)
 high quality Network Music Player. It has no audible output of its own
 and does not run on batteries.
 2) The Touch and an ithing have nothing in common.


iPod plays music, indexed by tags.

Touch plays music indexed by tags.

iPod plays said music from directly connected hard drive.

Touch plays said music from directly connected hard drive.

iPod has no audible output of its own, but you can connect headphones.

Touch has no audible output of its own, but you can connect

iPod runs on an internal battery, but could use an external power

Touch runs on external power suuply, but could be rigged up to
batteries if desired: I believe one forum member uses one in his car.

No, nothing in common whatsoever!!! Thanks for the biggest laugh of the
day so far.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

2010-05-29 Thread andynormancx

Phil Leigh;551339 Wrote: 
 2) The Touch and an ithing have nothing in common.
Now that isn't really true is it ?

They both run the same family of processors and they both have to run
software that categorizes music by artist, album, genre etc

The iPod (Classic) has a very much slower CPU than the Touch, but one
can only assume its software is somewhat more efficient than than a
bunch of Perl scripts ;)

Though that said the iPod has the advantage that it gets to build it's
database offline as part of the iTunes sync process.

There is a device out there however that also uses an ARM CPU slower
than the Touch, builds its database online and manages to operate
faster than even SBS running on a powerful PC. Even better, it was a
device designed in the previous century...

...the device, the empeg in car mp3 player, a marvel of efficient code
and hardware.


Yes, it will. Yes, all of them. Yes, SoftSqueeze as well. What ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

2010-05-29 Thread floater

andynormancx;551349 Wrote: 
 The iPod (Classic) has a very much slower CPU than the Touch, but one
 can only assume its software is somewhat more efficient than than a
 bunch of Perl scripts ;)

Maybe Logitech should hire a C++ programmer...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

2010-05-29 Thread Tony T

floater;551352 Wrote: 
 Maybe Logitech should hire a C++ programmer...

Or at the very least move to python scripts.
(Is all of SBS and TinySC really in Perl?)

Tony T

#63743;  SBTouch #9834; SBRadio #9836;

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

2010-05-29 Thread Phil Leigh

andynormancx;551349 Wrote: 
 Now that isn't really true is it ?
 They both run the same family of processors and they both have to run
 software that categorizes music by artist, album, genre etc

You know what I meant...

Go to any retail web site - find iThings under Portable Music Players
and find SB devices (if you CAN find them) under Wi-fi Music Players or
Network Players or Media Streamers.

They are chalk and cheese. 

So they have a similar CPU? - so does my Dishwasher!

The only functional similarity is that both they have software that
organises music on a hard disk into a library... 

I could change nothing to very little.

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...
Touch(wired/XP) - TACT 2.2X (Linear PSU) + Good Vibrations S/W - MF
Triplethreat(Audiocom full mods) - Linn 5103 - Aktiv 5.1 system (6x
LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend Supertweeters, Blue
Jeans Digital,Kimber Speaker  Chord Interconnect cables
Kitchen Boom, Outdoors: SB Radio

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

2010-05-29 Thread Phil Leigh

floater;551346 Wrote: 
 iPod plays music, indexed by tags.
 Touch plays music indexed by tags.
 iPod plays said music from directly connected hard drive.
 Touch plays said music from directly connected hard drive.
 iPod has no audible output of its own, but you can connect headphones.
 Touch has no audible output of its own, but you can connect
 iPod runs on an internal battery, but could use an external power
 Touch runs on external power suuply, but could be rigged up to
 batteries if desired: I believe one forum member uses one in his car.
 No, nothing in common whatsoever!!! Thanks for the biggest laugh of the
 day so far.

Yeah, right. I really feel like walking down the street with a Touch +
disk drive + large battery pack in my pocket so I can plug some
headphones in...

As a retail product they have nothing in common. Technology is

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...
Touch(wired/XP) - TACT 2.2X (Linear PSU) + Good Vibrations S/W - MF
Triplethreat(Audiocom full mods) - Linn 5103 - Aktiv 5.1 system (6x
LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend Supertweeters, Blue
Jeans Digital,Kimber Speaker  Chord Interconnect cables
Kitchen Boom, Outdoors: SB Radio

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

2010-05-29 Thread floater

Phil Leigh;551382 Wrote: 
 Yeah, right. I really feel like walking down the street with a Touch +
 disk drive + large battery pack in my pocket so I can plug some
 headphones in...

Missing the point completely. Is it not the opposite scenario that is
of relevance?

Troll. First rule of holes: when in one stop digging. 

I'll not waste any more effort on you. Bye.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

2010-05-29 Thread m1abrams

Big difference between the iPod and the Touch.

The iPod does not scan and generate the database!  iTunes does on your


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

2010-05-29 Thread floater

m1abrams;551399 Wrote: 
 Big difference between the iPod and the Touch.
 The iPod does not scan and generate the database!  iTunes does on your

My many years old Archos mp3 player does just that: scans the database
on disconnection from the PC. The only way I have ever added tracks to
it has been by cutting  pasting. No database on the PC at all. And it
just works  has never crashed. Now, my touch with a directly connected
drive has been somewhat different! Which has the most hardware resources
I wonder...

In any case, the Touch crashes AFTER the database is created too (using
USB), so that is a red herring anyway.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

2010-05-29 Thread Phil Leigh

floater;551397 Wrote: 
 Missing the point completely. Is it not the opposite scenario that is of
 Troll. First rule of holes: when in one stop digging. 
 I'll not waste any more effort on you. Bye.

0/10 - there's only 1 Troll here...

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...
Touch(wired/XP) - TACT 2.2X (Linear PSU) + Good Vibrations S/W - MF
Triplethreat(Audiocom full mods) - Linn 5103 - Aktiv 5.1 system (6x
LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend Supertweeters, Blue
Jeans Digital,Kimber Speaker  Chord Interconnect cables
Kitchen Boom, Outdoors: SB Radio

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[SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

2010-05-28 Thread Tony T

How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

Tony T

#63743;  SBTouch #9834; SBRadio #9836;

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

2010-05-28 Thread garym

not sure. My brother uses tiny SbS and has about 54,000 mp3/aac files on
the external powered USB drive. All have embedded album art.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

2010-05-28 Thread floater

Tony T;551170 Wrote: 
 How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

On mine 18000, mostly flacs is hopeless.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

2010-05-28 Thread Tony T

floater;551206 Wrote: 
 On mine 18000, mostly flacs is hopeless.

I'm at 8,000 FLAC's with the only minor annoyance so far is
're-buffering' when I select a random song mix.  I'm hoping that I
don't run into problems as I add CD's (...but I only buy about 2-4 a
month, so it will build slowly from my 8k)

I do expect (hope) that updates to TinySC will improve as time goes by.

Tony T

#63743;  SBTouch #9834; SBRadio #9836;

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

2010-05-28 Thread m1abrams

Tony T;551209 Wrote: 
 I'm at 8,000 FLAC's with the only minor annoyance so far is
 're-buffering' when I select a random song mix.  I'm hoping that I
 don't run into problems as I add CD's (...but I only buy about 2-4 a
 month, so it will build slowly from my 8k)
 I do expect (hope) that updates to TinySC will improve as time goes by.

I would recommend that you look into setting up SBS.  I would consider
8,000 FLAC to be a large collection and worthy of a dedicate media


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

2010-05-28 Thread Tony T

m1abrams;551212 Wrote: 
 I would recommend that you look into setting up SBS.  I would consider
 8,000 FLAC to be a large collection and worthy of a dedicate media

ok, so what if someone had 5,000 flac's?  What is the 'tipping point'?

Tony T

#63743;  SBTouch #9834; SBRadio #9836;

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

2010-05-28 Thread m1abrams

Tony T;551217 Wrote: 
 ok, so what if someone had 5,000 flac's?  What is the 'tipping point'?

ugh one thread please.  The tipping point is when it starts failing for
you.  Why do you need a generic range number?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is too large for TinySC?

2010-05-28 Thread JohnSwenson

Tony T;551217 Wrote: 
 ok, so what if someone had 5,000 flac's?  What is the 'tipping point'?

There is no one tipping point. Its a server shoe-horned into a player,
that even at its best is near maxing out the resources of the hardware.
It doesn't take much to push it over the edge. 

The result is that many different things can be the the cause of a
problem, or especially a combination of things. The result is you if
you have issue X the tipping point will probably be different than if
you have issue Y. It can vary radically depending on what is causing
the problem in a particular case. 

Things like 24/96 files put a lot more strain on the system than
16/44.1 files. High compression flac puts more strain on the system
than low compression or wav files. Usage also plays an important part.
Playing an album straight through puts less strain on a system than
skipping around in the middle of songs or shuffle. Drive condition can
make a difference. A fragmented drive can cause problems, especially if
one of the other high strain issues is in play. A drive which is
starting to get a little flaky can also cause problems. If it takes
some retries to read a sector but eventually does get it correct, this
can take extra CPU resources to deal with it, and especially if
something else is taking up cpu resources (such as playing 24/96 flacs)
it can push the system over the edge. 

There are a lot of such things that can cause problems, especially in
combination with each other. Because of this its impossible to make
blanket statements of the form this configuration is guaranteed to
work, and this is guaranteed to fail 

OK I will make one configuration that is probably not going to work.
100,000 24/96 high compression flac files each of which has a 2kx2k
embedded artwork image on a highly fragmented, slow, slightly flaky
drive with a user who likes to skip around in the middle of songs. I
think is fairly safe to say that is not going to work. 

John S.


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