Re: [Trisquel-users] Did Microsoft invest in Dell to curb GNU/Linux adoption?

2013-02-09 Thread chris
Dell isn't taking GNU/Linux anywhere. Dell is at best using GNU/Linux for  
publicity and/or to make baseless threats toward Microsoft to coerce better  
deals. They are certainly no threat to Microsoft though. Microsoft has all  
the major companies under its tight grip. If there was any threat Microsoft  
would probably pull funding or make a major investment in the company. Think  
something along the lines of what they did with Nokia, Netflix, or any number  
of other companies. Microsoft certainly knows how to keep GNU/Linux at bay.  
They don't even need to buy these companies. A mere investment is sufficient.

[Trisquel-users] Did Microsoft invest in Dell to curb GNU/Linux adoption?

2013-02-09 Thread tegskywalker
Dell has offered Ubuntu based laptops in the past and not really advertised  
them much and recently they came out with new XPS models that run the latest  
Ubuntu. I don't know how well they are selling, but it was good to some that  
a big vendor supported GNU/Linux in some way.

I then read about Microsoft investing $2 billion into Dell to help them  
privatize and there are rumors going around that part of the initiative was  
to stop Dell from carrying Ubuntu laptops and also stop dell from offering  
hardware support for GNU/Linux as a whole. I don't know if Dell offers Ubuntu  
as well on server setups, but any server admin knows how to setup a  
distribution without help from a company like Dell.

Here is my source:

"...influence hardware designs in a post-PC world while protecting itself  
from the growing influence of Linux-based operating systems in mobile devices  
and servers...It may also be an attempt to secure the partnership and to stop  
the PC maker from looking toward alternative operating systems like Linux."

Re: [Trisquel-users] Richard Stallman

2013-02-09 Thread tegskywalker

Re: [Trisquel-users] Richard Stallman

2013-02-09 Thread Sachin Dey
Church Of Emacs?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Richard Stallman

2013-02-09 Thread pamelatorent

One more.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ethical dillema about Trisquel GNU'LINUX. In need of the community response.

2013-02-09 Thread Fabian Rodriguez

Hash: SHA1

Le 13-02-09 01:48 PM, a écrit :
> Dammit, I just order a card for myself, I wish I could bought him one...I got 
> no more money to spare,
until the end of the month.
> I have an idea:
> I will try to persuade him to purchase a new WiFi card with the idea
that we will share the cost of purchase.

Instead, wait to get your card. Test yours in his system (be careful
when disassembling/reassembling :).

If it works, it msakes your point, including zero risk for him to order
another one.


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Re: [Trisquel-users] Dependency Error Gtk-Gnutella

2013-02-09 Thread mikko . viinamaki
I guess you could go upstream for a fishing expedition.§ion=all&keywords=libfontconfig1

This specific package has no obvious licensing problems. Generally speaking  
packages marked 'restricted' and 'multiverse' are proprietary. More info at

Dunno if installing a newer package breaks your system. If it does, you get  
to keep both pieces!

Re: [Trisquel-users] trisquel 6

2013-02-09 Thread chris
He is sticking to the current path because either way you go there will be  
upset users. Which I think is a fair answer. I think at some future date  
there is going to be a better answer. However for the time being it is what  
it is.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ethical dillema about Trisquel GNU'LINUX. In need of the community response.

2013-02-09 Thread chris
The problem with randomly installing GNU/Linux is the hardware in general  
isn't well supported. It'll work today although not tomorrow. There really  
isn't a problem with Ubuntu on hardware which is better supported from an  
ease of use perspective.

Getting people to move away from a non-free OS to a mostly free OS /w  
non-free pieces can also create its own problems. By attracting such users  
who are willing to accept non-free pieces you introduce disincentive to those  
supporting free software.

If Ubuntu has 90% of the GNU/Linux market it is harder to make the argument  
that free software is a necessity for companies to support GNU/Linux.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ethical dillema about Trisquel GNU'LINUX. In need of the community response.

2013-02-09 Thread davidvargas1


 Exactly, If I'm successful I believe I graduated from Step one.

So, in your own interpretation,  what is Step 2?

 Be my Polaris star on this one, just guide me.

 Hey, I could pin point with accuracy the Polaris star at night, If you need  

 During my Army days, One of the advance land navigation techniques, was only  
to use and manufacture a field improvise sextant, without a magnetic compass  
or map in a triple canopy swamp jungle in Panama for three weeks of living  

 My team was able to locate all 30 markers, in 12 hours. In an area of 60  
miles. Infested with exotic animals that were hungrier than you and deadlier,

  Our only motivation to survive was:

1- The desire and dream that all of us would survived collectively,

2- Be at the bar on Friday Night drinking piña colada with our love ones and  

3- Not to include the "next day Off, much need it "rest"

4- We were the first team to established a mew installation training record  
and standard. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ethical dillema about Trisquel GNU'LINUX. In need of the community response.

2013-02-09 Thread davidvargas1


Excellent suggestions.

You just gave me more ammunition to reinforce my comments.Are you sure  
you are a Lawyer? lol

Thank You

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ethical dillema about Trisquel GNU'LINUX. In need of the community response.

2013-02-09 Thread davidvargas1


 If I'm successful in persuading him, once I purchase what ever adapter we  
choose. Don't forget to toss a mouse pad in the package just for "libre"  
purposes. LOL

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ethical dillema about Trisquel GNU'LINUX. In need of the community response.

2013-02-09 Thread davidvargas1

Ronbravo and MAGIC FAB

 Thanks for your suggestion, all are valid.

  I'm going to stick to my game plan on persuade him to purchase  and sharing  
the cost for a card or an adapter, that will ease the pain. I think he is  
getting a sweet deal from me, sort of speak.

  While typing, on my previous post. This plan an idea came from reading  
everyone's view.

  I just want to keep him around Trisquel GNU/LINUX and the concept of  
"Libre" software.

  In the future, As he becomes Linux savvy, If he chooses to "drift" to other  
Linuxes That would be his decision, not mines.

 I could said: I did my best from the start.

 I will go the extra mile, to keep him around, not taking any short cuts yet.

When I was introduced to Linux. no one help me, I learn by reading and  
experimenting with other distributions. I discover GNU/LINUX specially  
Trisquel by accident. I'm not a developer or a software writer, but a person,  
who had problems of a particular proprietary software that I paid for,  
suddenly stop working. Specially when the old laptop was still working.

[Trisquel-users] Dependency Error Gtk-Gnutella

2013-02-09 Thread stevekilleen
I am currently using Trisquel 6.0 x86 with Gnome and I installed Gtk-Gnutella  
from the package manager. The version available in the package manager is out  
of date and out of date versions of Gtk-Gnutella are unusable, so I  
downloaded the newest version from the Gtk-Gnutella website and tried to  
install it but got this error message:

Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libfontconfig1 (>= 2.9.0)

How can I update the dependencies?
Are dependencies not to be messed with?

The version of Gtk-Gnutella currently in the package manager is:

Gtk-Gnutella 0.98.2 stable

Newest version currently:

Gtk-Gnutella 0.98.4

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ethical dillema about Trisquel GNU'LINUX. In need of the community response.

2013-02-09 Thread Jason Self
I've heard others advocate a similar strategy involving a multi-step
strategy of moving people to free software. The problem I find with
this is that everyone then spends all of their time on step one (being
more free than they were in step zero) and no one moves on to step two
(fully free.) We need more people to work on step two -- There are
already plenty working on step one.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why Abrowser and not IceCat?

2013-02-09 Thread Jason Self
> So compiling a modified version is trivial without branding.

Indeed, but to quote Brett:

"Unfortunately, such a restriction in a trademark license does make the
software nonfree.  As we've said in the past, a requirement that you
rename the software when you modify it is fine -- but a requirement that
you rename it before you distribute it commercially goes too far."

So what you have is a situation where people can't make full use of
freedom #2 to redistribute *exact copies of the original*, either
gratis or for charging a fee, to anyone anywhere.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ethical dillema about Trisquel GNU'LINUX. In need of the community response.

2013-02-09 Thread onpon4
Not wanting to spend money because the computer is old. Sounds like my mom.  
If you're feeling charitable, you could offer to buy something for him, but  
that might not be something you can do.

Try mentioning this: if a new component is bought, it can be used on future  
laptops and other computers in addition to his current laptop, so it isn't a  
waste. That can be said about a lot of components, actually, and it's kind of  
odd that people don't seem to notice this. Perhaps to make this argument work  
(since some laptops are difficult to open up), a USB adapter would make more  
sense, but that depends on how easy it is to put a new wireless card into  
your friend's laptop.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ethical dillema about Trisquel GNU'LINUX. In need of the community response.

2013-02-09 Thread onpon4

I second this.

Including nonfree drivers and firmware does not result in the least amount of  
problems; it results in the most amount of problems being hidden. Eventually  
the nonfree software will fail, and when it does, the person you introduced  
GNU/Linux to will be frustrated and assume it's a problem with the OS, and  
that Windows is just better, which isn't true.

On the other hand, if you use a distro like Trisquel, that problem shows  
itself immediately. This allows you to be up-front with it; rather than your  
friend thinking everything is good and getting frustrated later, he/she will  
know about the problem *now*, and he/she will have the option to use the  
crappy temporary fix, but with the knowledge that it is not a solution and  
that he/she should buy new, better hardware ASAP. Or preferably, he/she will  
just buy new hardware in the first place.

It might be tempting to try to sugar-coat the situation, because it does help  
in the short term, but in the long term, the frustration of things no longer  
working will only drive people away.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ethical dillema about Trisquel GNU'LINUX. In need of the community response.

2013-02-09 Thread davidvargas1

Sorry guys, been working extra long hours on the field.

 Here is the latest news, as of today.

 After explaining, the lack of full cooperation, That certain companies  
consider those drivers and firmware to be theirs, and sometimes there is no  
support TO THE GNU/linux COMMUNITY:  hes reply was:  "DO WHAT IS BEST FOR  

 My friend told me, since his laptop is old , he wishes not to spend any  

 Honestly, I sence, he is getting a bit hesitant about it. I got to finish  
the project, no deadline yet, but the body gestures and eyes, do speak a  
million words.

 Dammit, I just order a card for myself, I wish I could bought him one...I  
got no more money to spare, until the end of the month.

 I have an idea:

 I will try to persuade him to purchase a new WiFi card with the idea  that  
we will share the cost of purchase.

 Looking. at the worst case scenario, If he say's NO! What other Linux distro  
will you recommend?

Trisquel Live CD testing.

 The live CD boot=s up well and it works on the nick card, but the WiFi is  
totally screw. It registers the WiFi mac address, but the functionality is  
zero to nothing.


Gracias for the hints, I was lost for a moment in finding the replacement  
free software.

 "I wish you could send me my WiFi PCI card, that I order" ASAP so I could  
show him!

Just kidding Christ.

Everyone's suggestions are great, remember, it is my friends property, and he  
has the final word.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Ethical dillema about Trisquel GNU'LINUX. In need of the community response.

2013-02-09 Thread Fabian Rodriguez

Hash: SHA1

Le 13-02-09 12:37 PM, a écrit :
> Most here may not agree with my response but I would suggest, for someone who 
> is new to the GNU Linux
environment, to get them a distro that will give them the least problems
when it comes to compatibility with hardware. I did this with my friends
and family as I gave them Ubuntu distributions first so that they could
get used to using a different OS period. As time has gone on I have
slowly weaned them off of Ubuntu to Trisquel.

I don't agree with this.

I was a huge Ubuntu advocate until recently.

I stopped doing what you suggest as it would backfire to me frequently,
and people would ask many questions about Canonical's recent decisions.
It didn't matter if I agreed or not, this introduced a far more negative
impression, and implied I should explain the rationale (and incoherence)
of such decisions.

I have now switched to using primarily Trisquel (version 6) and Debian.
It makes more sense to make a bit more effort to have properly supported
hardware, contribute to Gnome, get friendly help here (including not
being blasted when I make a choice based on my ethics), etc.


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Re: [Trisquel-users] Ethical dillema about Trisquel GNU'LINUX. In need of the community response.

2013-02-09 Thread Fabian Rodriguez

Hash: SHA1

Le 13-02-08 10:24 PM, a écrit :
> Besides the USB G adapter option there is also a mini pci card option most 
> likely. You can
replace the card inside the laptop. It looks like it should be an easy
thing to do. There appears to be one screw holding on a cover on the
bottom of this laptop which contains the mini pci card. I don't believe
acer has digital restrictions on any of its laptops in regards to the
mini pci slot.
> That said it appears either of the following two cards we sell should
be compatible:

I'd highly recommend the above, make sure they would fit in that laptop
by double-checking the maintenance manual (normally available online on
the website).

The links for the hardware Chris mentioned are:


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Re: [Trisquel-users] trisquel 6

2013-02-09 Thread tegskywalker
Those issues would be solved if he moved from a LTS to LTS release so 6 will  
be 12.04 and 7 will be 14.04. At the pace right now, the Trisquel releases  
will always be 4-6 months behind the Ubuntu release.

But this is Ruben's distribution and his rules and we are just users waiting  
for whatever he puts out there. Are we consumers? Are we the product? If not,  
how much pull does the "community" really have in the development of  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ethical dillema about Trisquel GNU'LINUX. In need of the community response.

2013-02-09 Thread ron
Most here may not agree with my response but I would suggest, for someone who  
is new to the GNU Linux environment, to get them a distro that will give them  
the least problems when it comes to compatibility with hardware. I did this  
with my friends and family as I gave them Ubuntu distributions first so that  
they could get used to using a different OS period. As time has gone on I  
have slowly weaned them off of Ubuntu to Trisquel.

The Ubuntu community and resources is huge, and I wanted them to have a  
positive experience as they transition from Windows to GNU Linux. I am not  
always available for support so this would allow them to get answers to  
problems on their own. While WiFi may be the only problem currently, there is  
the potential your friend could have existing or new hard he may try to use  
with his laptop that might be incompatible later. This can be a headache for  
new users who are not as patient as myself or many of the users here.

As your friend begins to get comfortable with the new OS environment, you can  
also educate him on the software ideals of Free Software. Which is the most  
important part. Education of what Free Software is. If the overall experience  
is positive, then he may be more willing to move to a completely free system  
like Trisquel.

You DO NOT have to cut your friend off of non-free software cold turkey. Help  
him to make a graceful and smoother transition into a more ethical software  

While my solution is not ideal, I use it as a compromise. As I watch the  
Trisquel project mature and gain support through the donation and hardware  
support through thinkpenguin, I feel it is close to getting to the point  
where I can have friends and family make the transition cold turkey.

For now I chose to compromise in favour of delivering an overall positive  
experience for their first time using GNU Linux.

Re: [Trisquel-users] TrueCrypt

2013-02-09 Thread mattij . lammi

Have you considered using Tomb?

Its CLI only, I think, but basically it is the same as TrueCrypt.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ethical dillema about Trisquel GNU'LINUX. In need of the community response.

2013-02-09 Thread gustavo_cm

No links appeared, Chris.

Jodiendo, I would boot the system with a Trisquel LiveCD and test the  
wireless; if it doesn't work, which is most probable, then I would teach my  
(your) friend about what many companies do in order to have control of the  
market: restrict the consumer/user's freedom of movement so he depends only  
on some entity (company) to get support for the product. Sometimes he is even  
forced to buy new "restricted" equipments to use some proprietary/restrictive  
software he got from people/companies who has agreements with the producers  
of such equipment... search for "planned obsolescence".

If my (your) friend really wanted that wi-fi card working, discarding the  
hypothesis of buying friendly hardware which doesn't restrict his decisions,  
then I would show him some GNU/Linux distribution which includes  
proprietary/restrictive software -- after all, it's better to be restricted  
only in what regards to wireless, BIOS and CPU microcode than to be  
restricted in that and in everything else. I would do that keeping very clear  
that, simultaneously, he is acquiring freedom in many ways but not in other  
ways; and, if you do not have freedom in 100% of your machine, then you are  
not free with it: there is no human percentage of freedom, you keep being  
restricted, bounded to third parties' decisions.

Also, let's remember that, if he needs specialized applications like AutoCAD,  
he may not be able to use it in GNU/Linux; perhaps in Wine ( ), but  
this is not guaranteed. Also, I bet there is unfortunately no comparable CAD  
application for GNU/Linux.

If in last instance he can't use GNU/Linux only, you could manage to dual  
boot it with Windows so he could use the one of his preference, or even  
virtualize Windows within Trisquel or other distro, using e.g. VirtualBox,  
available in Trisquel repositories.

If that would not happen, take a look at this list of Free Software programs  
for Windows and, with his consentment, begin replacing the current installed  
stuff for it: (there is many  
compilations of Free Software for Windows; search for "OpenDisc", "Qumble",  

Re: [Trisquel-users] trisquel 6

2013-02-09 Thread gustavo_cm
It's only possible to upgrade an installation of a STS (short-term support)  
version of Ubuntu (therefore Trisquel also) to the very next version, be it  
STS or LTS (long-term support). (LTS installations can be upgraded either to  
the very next STS version or to the next LTS, launched every 2 years.)

Re: [Trisquel-users] I will be using Trisquel 6 with Cinnamon

2013-02-09 Thread tegskywalker
System resources wise, I still get better performance with MATE, but MATE is  
a fork of Gnome 2 and I am technically using older versions of Gnome  
applications that are name differently. For example, Eye of Mate instead of  
Eye of Gnome and Caja instead of Nautilus.

With Cinnamon, I am using the same Gnome 3 and GTK 3 apps from the Ubuntu  
repos that Ubuntu uses with some exceptions like the the Nemo file manager.  
Nemo is a fork of Nautilus that maintains the same features of version 3.2  
before the Gnome team bastardized it in 3.4. They throw in some new features  
not in Nautilus and I personally prefer Nemo now.

Now the question is how hard it would be to bring over the Trisquel theme for  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why Abrowser and not IceCat?

2013-02-09 Thread Quiliro Ordóñez
El 08/02/13 11:24, Jason Self escribió:
> "This is an appropriate use of the trademark"
> Actually, Mozilla's trademark policy goes too far:


"In addition, if you compile a modified version, as discussed above,
*with branding enabled* (the default in our source code is branding
disabled), you will require Mozilla's prior written permission."

* emphasis is mine

So compiling a modified version is trivial without branding.

Saludos libres,

Quiliro Ordóñez
Presidente (en conjunto con el resto de socios)
Asociación de Software Libre del Ecuador - ASLE
Av de la Prensa N58-219 y Cristóbal Vaca de Castro
Quito, Ecuador
(593)2-600 8579

Todo correo que reciba será tratado como información pública, de libre copia y 
modificación, sin importar cualquier nota de confidencialidad.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I will be using Trisquel 6 with Cinnamon

2013-02-09 Thread john . wilkins21
I installed JUST the Cinnamon desktop and  as far as I can tell that doesn't  
install any extra programs, for instance the default browser is still  
abrowser and there are no programs available other than the standard Trisquel  
6 ones in the menu.