I second this.

Including nonfree drivers and firmware does not result in the least amount of problems; it results in the most amount of problems being hidden. Eventually the nonfree software will fail, and when it does, the person you introduced GNU/Linux to will be frustrated and assume it's a problem with the OS, and that Windows is just better, which isn't true.

On the other hand, if you use a distro like Trisquel, that problem shows itself immediately. This allows you to be up-front with it; rather than your friend thinking everything is good and getting frustrated later, he/she will know about the problem *now*, and he/she will have the option to use the crappy temporary fix, but with the knowledge that it is not a solution and that he/she should buy new, better hardware ASAP. Or preferably, he/she will just buy new hardware in the first place.

It might be tempting to try to sugar-coat the situation, because it does help in the short term, but in the long term, the frustration of things no longer working will only drive people away.

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