Re: [Trisquel-users] Xbox 360 controller - works with free drivers?

2011-04-02 Thread go . busto
Nice. This must be a fairly new feature, since 360 pads didn't work with  
Trisquel the last time I checked.

I've added some information on how the axes and buttons are mapped here,  
along with information about the PlayStation 3 SIXAXIS pad.

It seems that the inputs mappings are different to those used by the official  
Windows driver, but that's no bad thing - the Microsoft driver combines both  
triggers into a single axis, and doesn't allow the central logo button to be  

The information was compiled using a simple SDL test program, in case anyone  
was wondering.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Question Concerning Ethics and Gaming

2011-05-09 Thread go . busto
For a long time, I tried to convince myself that games were an exception to  
the Free Software philosophy, because they were for entertainment value and  
were not really a "tool" as such. However, there are several reasons why I  
feel unhappy about this.

Firstly, these programs cannot be altered or shared with friends - something  
of an anti-social idea, given the multiplayer nature of many games.

Secondly, Digital Restrictions Management. There is never an excuse for this.

Thirdly, these "non-tool" programs can sometimes be used as tools.

As for the comparative lack of Free games, I'm of the opinion that this is  
mainly due to a lack of media rather than a lack of time/money. A programmer  
might create an excellent game engine, but lack the necessary textures,  
meshes, music, or sound effects required for it to actually work and/or look  

This last point is one reason why I was overjoyed to discover the Open Game  
Art project, and also why I mention Open Game Art dot org at every  
opportunity I get.

Additionally, projects that aim to replace the original media files of a game  
with Free equivalents can sometimes be raided for media files, although this  
should probably be avoided unless we want to end up seeing the same things  
being re-used over and over in every single game. "Oh, hey, it's wall texture  
#27 again."

There are several excellent APIs available to the bedroom programmer, and a  
GNU/Linux system is certainly capable of running 2D games, at least. Using  
either Nouveau or the Intel graphics drivers, 3D rendering is just as viable  
- even older systems that lack shader functionality can produce some nice  
effects with a bit of craftiness.

Coders who want to make games will do so - not because they are getting paid  
for it, but because they enjoy it.

[Trisquel-users] LibreOffice

2011-05-14 Thread go . busto
I'm informed that Ubuntu is now using Libre Office by default, so I'm  
wondering if Trisquel will also be switching over from in the  
near future - perhaps in version 5.0?

Re: [Trisquel-users] A Plea for Help

2011-05-18 Thread go . busto
Just on a slightly different but related note . what the hell are all  
those people in Microsoft doing?

If a small community of volunteers, committed programmers and supporters can  
produce an operating system as good as this?

The small community of dedicated programmers working on the ReactOS project  
have been working for over a decade, and it is still officially in Alpha  

Let's not be unfair about this - if developing operating systems were that  
easy, HURD would have been finished long ago. To suggest that a community of  
thousands of people working for years on various FLOSS projects is "small" is  
stretching the definition a bit.

[Trisquel-users] ACPI Problem

2011-06-09 Thread go . busto
After using the same laptop for just under a decade, I have finally upgraded  
to a shiny new machine:

However, it looks like Trisquel has a problem with ACPI. Although it works  
just fine when plugged in, strange things happen when running on battery  

* The system randomly freezes.
* The system ALWAYS freezes when shutting down.
* The (wired) network connection stops working a minute of two after the  
machine is unplugged from the wall.

This happens with Trisquel 3.0, 4.0 and 4.5 - I haven't tried reproducing the  
issue with either Ubuntu or Debian yet. Windows Vista seems to work fine, so  
it (probably) isn't a hardware issue.

(I also tried using a really old version of OpenSolaris from 2008, but that  
didn't seem to recognise my ethernet hardware - and also failed to realise  
that it was running on battery power - so I didn't learn much from that.  
Still, it didn't appear to freeze up.)

Booting the Trisquel LiveCD with ACPI disabled appears to cause a crash,  
since all I get is a screen full of text. Presumably this is the Linux kernel  
breaking and filling my display with complaints about how silly my boot  
parameters are, since it looks like the text contains a list of function  

The CPU is an i3-2310M:

The BIOS is from American Megatrends, version 2.10.1208. I note that there  
have been problems with their systems before:

I can't provide much more info right now, but any help is appreciated.

Re: [Trisquel-users] ACPI Problem

2011-06-11 Thread go . busto
Right, I'm back home now, so hopefully I can provide some more useful  

I've just tried the latest Debian 6.0 AMD-64 Stable LiveCD and it doesn't  
have this problem, so this is either an Ubuntu/Trisquel issue OR a problem  
introduced in a newer version of something (Linux?).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Atheros USB-802.11N cards

2011-06-12 Thread go . busto
Coincidentally, I recently bought an Atheros wireless USB device for my new  
laptop, since the built-in wireless (a Realtek 8191SE device, if I recall  
correctly) either doesn't work with Free drivers or isn't recognised by  

I thought that I was buying this:

However, H-Node lists the device ID as 0cf3:1002 - the device I have is  
0cf3:7015 and doesn't seem to work. This value is not listed in the usb.ids  
file, so perhaps it's too new to be recognised yet.

Both the Atheros USB device and the built-in Realtek card work with the  
Ubuntu 11.04 LiveCD, though neither of them work with the Debian 6.0 Stable  
LiveCD. I'm currently seeing what luck I have with Debian testing, since the  
problem might simply be that a newer version of Linux-Libre is required.

tl;dr version: There appear to be multiple devices with the name "Atheros  
Communications Inc TP-Link TL-WN821N" - some of them work with the current  
version of Trisquel and some don't.

Re: [Trisquel-users] ACPI Problem

2011-06-12 Thread go . busto
It's not happening with Ubuntu 11.04 either. More information as events  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Atheros USB-802.11N cards

2011-06-12 Thread go . busto
After some investigation, it looks like the 0cf3:7015 device uses the Atheros  
AR7010 chipset.

Older firmware map:

AR9271 - ar9271.fw
AR7010 - ar7010.fw or ar7010_1_1.fw

Newer firmware map:

AR9271 - htc_9271.fw
AR7010 - htc_7010.fw

It looks like the the atheros-firmware package in Trisquel only includes the  
ar927*.fw file.


Installing the Trisquel atheros-firmware package on Debian Wheezy causes a  
message to be shown during system boot, warning that ar7010_1_1.fw cannot be  

Why is this? Is the ar7010.fw file not Free Software?

NOTE: The file is ar9170.fw on Trisquel, not ar9271.fw as stated on the page.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Atheros USB-802.11N cards

2011-06-13 Thread go . busto
I haven't added the device to H-Node yet, since all I know is that it doesn't  
work without the 7010 firmware - the device works if the ar7010_1_1.fw file  
is put in /lib/firmware/ along with the ar9271.fw file.

Therefore, if the 7010 firmware file is Free Software, the device can be said  
to work with Trisquel (just not out-of-the-box, since you need to hunt down  
the missing firmware file yourself).

If the 7010 firmware file is not Free then the device does not work with Free  

Does anyone know what the status of the 7010 firmware file is, so that we can  
add the device to H-Node correctly?

Re: [Trisquel-users] ACPI Problem

2011-06-13 Thread go . busto

I'm currently using a 64-bit system, sadly.

I've just had the problem occur on Debian Testing (AMD-64), so it looks like  
the problem is simply more prevalent on Trisquel, for some reason.

Annoyingly, there doesn't seem to be anything mentioned in the logs.

Re: [Trisquel-users] ACPI Problem

2011-06-14 Thread go . busto

This is Debian Testing, AMD-64.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Firefox 29 (Australis)

2014-05-10 Thread go . busto
Because that would leave ABrowser unmaintained, and thus open to security and  
compatibility problems.

Australis is terrible, of course... so why not have CTR included by default  
as part of Trisquel? Trisquel is already noted for having a "non-default"  
GNOME layout when first installed, so why not have a "non-default" browser UI  
as well?

And, if a user doesn't like the way the "new" ABrowser UI looks, CTR will  
allow them to customise it right away, without needing to install the add-on  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Tehnoetic wireless USB adapter awarded with FSF's RYF certificate

2014-05-25 Thread go . busto
I tried to order a couple of these, but I couldn't make payments because no  
recipient bank address details were provided on the order form.

I tried to ask for help via the contact form, but I don't think that it  
worked - clicking the "Continue" button did nothing...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Tehnoetic wireless USB adapter awarded with FSF's RYF certificate

2014-05-26 Thread go . busto


Just saw your emails now - they were hiding in the spam folder.

Cheers for helping me sort this out - I'll have another go at getting my bank  
to set up an international transfer shortly. (I didn't want to confirm the  
order until I was sure that I'd be able to get the money transferred.)

It seems that their online transfer form only accepts basic latin characters,  
so I hope you don't mind if "Mostiștea" becomes "Mostistea" somewhere along  
the line...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libre fonts I've found

2014-05-26 Thread go . busto

I saw this the other day; it's licensed under the SIL Open Font License:

[Trisquel-users] GTK+ 3.0 Scrollbars

2014-11-02 Thread go . busto

Hello all,

I've written a simple Tk/Python program that allows you to adjust the delay  
before "zoom mode" is activated for scrollbars in GTK+ 3 applications:

While it doesn't seem to be possible to disable this feature completely,  
setting the "activation delay" to a fairly high value (such as 30 seconds)  
will have much the same effect.

Hopefully the Gnome Tweak Tool will allow you to change this at some point,  
but perhaps someone will find this useful in the interim.

Re: [Trisquel-users] IceCat as default browser?

2010-02-07 Thread go . busto
I support this idea. IceCat supports .OGG video using the HTML5 video tag,  
while Web Browser currently does not.

Trisquel-users mailing list

[Trisquel-users] Radeon HD 3650 AGP and Trisquel 4.0

2010-08-05 Thread go . busto

Hello everyone,

I downloaded the Trisquel 4.0 beta a while ago and installed it on a  
spare-parts machine that used an ancient integrated SiS graphics chip. It  
worked just fine, except in terms of rendering speed - drawing was rather  
slow, with a single Youtube video essentially halting the machine. This is  
rather a problem when you want to write OpenGL programs.

Recently, I decided to see how using a real graphics card would affect  
things, so I tried using a Sapphire ATi Radeon HD 3650 AGP 8x card (with  
512MB of DDR2 RAM) that I happened to have lying around. Before I did,  
though, I tried installing the gNewSense 3.0 beta to see how it was coming  
along. It after installing it successfully and playing about with it for a  
while, I put the new card in and then tried to re-install Trisquel 4.0.

The problem is that my monitor now turns off with a "No input signal" message  
after selecting any option from the initial CD menu (the one with the  
Install/Try without changes/etc options). However, gNewSense 3.0 and Trisquel  
3.0 both work fine.

I'm thinking that Trisquel 4.0 must have updated the support for ATi cards  
since 3.0, but the new code doesn't expect cards such as mine to be AGP. It's  
an unusual card, I'll admit - and, if the official Windows drivers are  
anything to go by, it's a rather awkward attempt to fit a PCIe-shaped peg  
into an AGP-shaped hole.

So, would the developers be interested in attempting to verify and fix this  
(possible) bug in order to increase hardware support? If so, how can I help?  
If not, can anyone point me in the direction of a "decent" AGP card with  
which to fix up this machine? "Decent" here is defined as "it's not as  
terrible as SiS integrated graphics and can do some OpenGL stuff."

Since I'm here, I might as well ask a related question: How well do the  
newest Intel integrated graphics chips (such as the Intel Integrated GMA  
4500MHD) perform using Free drivers? I've been wanting to learn about shaders  
for a while, but currently my only options are MacOSX, Windows, or using  
non-free GNU/Linux drivers. I was looking into getting a new laptop anyway,  
so any information here would be useful.

Thanks for any responses.

[Trisquel-users] ODE - Single versus double precision

2010-08-14 Thread go . busto

Hello all,

Using Trisquel 4.0 beta, I have run into problems with a program of mine that  
relies on ODE for physics.

It seems that the double precision libraries (libode-dev and libode1) don't  
work properly, leading to segmentation faults and invalid argument errors,  
such as "mass must be more than zero" when the mass really is greater than  

For anyone else who runs into these problems, the single precision libraries  
(libode-sp-dev and libode1sp) seem to work just fine.

If I recall correctly, the Windows version of ODE has a similar problem, so  
developers interested in cross-platform development with ODE might want to  
try building their ODE DLLs as single precision rather than double.

I haven't checked to see if this is a known issue with the ODE developers  
yet. Perhaps I will inform them when I have time.

I hope someone finds this information useful.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Radeon HD 3650 AGP and Trisquel 4.0

2010-08-14 Thread go . busto
Hello all,I am currently unable to access the machine mentioned since it has  
been moved out of the way whilst I repair another computer for my father, but  
to answer your questions: Have you tryed to boot with the safe option on the  
live CD?Yes, it has no effect. The screen is still blank. Have you set your  
BIOS plug and play to disabled?I have not checked this yet. I will try it  
when I have time. Could you paste the contents of your xorg.conf file for us  
to see?There is no xorg.conf file - the CD cannot get past the first  
Install/Boot for first HD screen. To clarify:The machine can install and run  
gNewSense 3.0 using the integrated SiS graphics chip.The machine can install  
and run Trisquel 3.0 using the integrated SiS graphics chip.The machine can  
install and run Trisquel 4.0 using the integrated SiS graphics chip.The  
machine can install and run gNewSense 3.0 using the AGP ATi card.The machine  
can install and run Trisquel 3.0 using the AGP ATi card.The machine cannot  
install Trisquel 4.0 using the AGP ATi card.Since gNewSense uses older  
libraries than Trisquel does, I am therefore inclined to think that the  
problems lie with the new deblobbed ATi driver used by Trisquel 4.0 not  
working correctly for the AGP version of the Radeon HD 3650. gNewSense is  
probably using generic display drivers for the card and thus not having any  
issues, whilst Trisquel is detecting that it is an ATi card, attempting to  
use the new, deblobbed drivers, but then floundering because the card is not  
using a PCIe interface as it expects. Sadly, I am no expert at driver  
programming, and so I'm unlikely to be able to be of much help in terms of  
identifying which aspect of the ATi driver source code is causing the issue.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Hardware Database?

2010-08-18 Thread go . busto
It's probably worth mentioning this link here: