Re: [Trisquel-users] Topic locked, huh? Follow up to making Coreboot work with full disk encryption on ASUS KFSN4-DRE

2017-06-12 Thread info
It's probably better to come to #libreboot if you're having issues with it.  
on freenode IRC

Re: [Trisquel-users] Alternative site to youtube that is built on free open source and uncensored

2017-06-12 Thread info

free image site. software that runs it is AGPL licensed

Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-12 Thread info
I'd say you're the one desperate, judging by all the lies and contradictions  
you've submitted in this thread that wasn't even about Minifree. But everyone  
is free to judge and they have your track record as reference too. Good  


Re: [Trisquel-users] Mission impossible: Family privacy

2017-06-12 Thread info
telling your kids not to use social networking like the book of faeces or  
instant cramp, might be hard for them socially. if you can make them avoid  
those kinds of sites, though, and perhaps teach them more privacy-respecting  
ways of social communication online, you could set up a VPN router in your  
house, with a good provider, one that puts you on a random IP every time you  
connect (if they have IPv6, great). and encourage your kids to use tor

libreCMC has a setting in it for VPN, i believe

Re: [Trisquel-users] Topic locked, huh? Follow up to making Coreboot work with full disk encryption on ASUS KFSN4-DRE

2017-06-12 Thread info
afaik USB support is broken in GRUB, on that board, as are a few other  
features, making it unusable. I don't remember the details, all I know is  
that tpearson said seabios is to be used instead of grub

since seabios doesn't understand luks/dm-crypt, that means you have to leave  
/boot/ unencrypted. /boot/ simply contains your kernel, and perhaps a  
bootloader. The rest of the system can be encrypted.

Even without encrypted /boot/, there are precautions that you can take, such  
as checking before boot that your kernel hasn't somehow been tampered with  
before you boot it. Same for your bootloader.

Re: [Trisquel-users] A Liberated Version of Youtube-DL is Almost Here!

2017-06-12 Thread info

it makes sense that javascript would be executed, given how youtube works

it's possible in firefox to install greasemonkey and replace those scripts  
anyway. perhaps replace the JS and make youtube-dl use that instead?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-12 Thread info
I think that the lack of libre EC on libreboot-supported thinkpads is a great  
shame, and I hope that swiftgeek well be successful in his work to liberate  

There are some laptops (Rockchip ARM chromebooks) in Libreboot that have  
libre EC, but in return for lack of wifi or video acceleration.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-12 Thread info
This just reeks of desperation on Tiberiu's part. Unhappy with my (quite  
legitimate) criticisms of him, he proceeds to slander me and spread false  
rumours about Minifree mistreating its customers.

He wishes to discredit me, by (as of right now) spouting outright lies about  
my company, simply because I criticized his company...

Tiberiu, do you realize the extreme irony in your current behaviour, right?
You are outright engaging in slander against me. My criticisms against you  
were real, and you respond with unsubstantiated claims that Minifree is  
somehow mistreating its customers. You even post false testimonies from  
customers who you theoretically have, claiming that they said Minifree gave  
them a bad service.

Do you even realize that what you're currently doing is wrong?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-12 Thread info
Since you go on accusing Technoethical, below another complaint from one of  
your customers:

"Buying from Minifree was a nightmare experience (I will spare you the  
details) and I don't want to interact with [Leah] anymore."

Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-12 Thread info
Go to any company on earth that is large enough, and you'll find that a  
minority of their customers will give pretty bad reviews, almost indictments  
you could say. It happens.

Bringing a few people here who had a bad experience (because yes, I am only  
human and do make mistakes sometimes) is an excellent way to make Minifree  
appear worse than it actually is. In reality, the vast majority of Minifree's  
customers are happy with the service that they receive.

Even if you did get maybe 5, even 10 people, to come here, I have 1200 other  
people on my customer logs over the past 4 years who could all tell you that  
they received an excellent service at Minifree.

You accuse me of FUD... but, oh, the irony!

Yeah, I'm out. See you at FOSDEM 2018, i guess

Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-12 Thread info


Do you mind me bringing my recent customers here too and asked them to  
comment on the excellent service that they received?

because i have a lot of them recently, and they'll probably tell you that  
minifree is doing a good job


Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-12 Thread info
Trying to spin it again? As you know, I was talking about customers of  
Minifree that have been mistreated by you.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-12 Thread info

Yes, please do tell us how Minifree mistreated you.

Tiberiu, this is beyond ridiculous now, you know that right?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-12 Thread info
Unlike you, I would never impersonate people. The complaint pasted here is  
real and will stand in court.

I invite people that have been mistreated by Minifree to come forward and  
become whistleblowers.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-12 Thread info

You are now engaging in slander.

Minifree would never provide such poor service as indicated by that apparent  
complaint you pasted. And we always refund people when they request it, if we  
do a poor job (since we get so many orders, so mistake are sometimes made).

Your tactics will not work on me. Feel free to paste as many "testimonies" as  
you like. Considering that it's in your economical interest to do me harm,  
you'll say and do whatever it takes towards that end.

Why don't you get those people to make the complaints themselves? Then we'll  
have proof that they're real, and not just made up by you.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-12 Thread info
Victimize yourself what you want. You have made claims about our product that  
you haven't (heat problems) and couldn't (warranty problems) prove. Nice try  
spinning what you've done.

I am disappointed, the world is disappointed in you because of your actions  
and that's why you don't receive as many orders as you were used to. You say  
you're changed, but you keep doing wrong to people, like jacking this thread  
with your alleged T400s issues.

It's not that Technoethical doesn't know sources for lots of 100-150 laptops,  
but we can't afford to pay them because we don't have your capital. But I  
feel I'm repeating myself too much.

You have re-added the suppliers page in the middle of the night and told  
people on the #libreboot IRC channel that it's urgent, you need to commit the  
page that night. You now write "Minifree was already doing quite well". But  
earlier today you wrote "Minifree simply adjusted its pricing, to match the  
current market trends. We were not receiving any sales, before the price  
drop, since our laptops were overpriced." I kindly ask you to make up your  

You write "I'm not motivated by money, unlike you." Do you have any idea what  
kind of sacrifices I've made and I'm making to advance software freedom?  
Above all I'm a free software activist with more than 10 years of activity  
ranging from community building and event organizing to policy influencing.

And since I promised you and I have to prove that I'm not spreading FUD about  
your company practices, here it is the first complaint. I will publish more  
as you continue to spread FUD about Technoethical.

"I ordered [the laptop] with [language] keyboard with 8GiB RAM, 480 SSD and  
paid [$950+]. I had to beg her to send it to me; over a month later she  
shipped it to me; it had no [language] keyboard, no 8 GiB RAM and no 480GB  
SSD, no cable for [my country]. I kept bugging her about it and she finally  
sent me a 480GB SSD that I installed but no money back for the [language]  
keyboard or the missing RAM."

Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-12 Thread info
You accuse me of anti-competitive business practices and FUD, just because I  
made a few criticisms. You then "threaten" me by publishing details customers  
of yours gave you about Minifree's practises. What practises? Minifree does a  
good job. There might be a few customers who are unsatisfied with our  
service, but that's normal with any business.

It's not Minifree's fault that you're able to buy T400 for 250 EUR and we're  
able to buy it for 60 EUR. Or less, but we pay more so that our suppliers  
ensure quality before they ship to us, and then we also perform our own  
quality checks.

Having better suppliers is not anti-competitive. It just means that we can  
source them much cheaper.

If this is how you feel about me simply pointing out issues and offering  
constructive advice, then that's a shame.

I'm highly disappointed in your responses thus far. I will stop responding in  
this thread, but not because you told me to; I don't care about any "threats"  
that you make against me. I'm ceasing this discussion because it's pointless.  
ThinkPenguin tried to have similar discussions with you in the past, and they  
failed for the same reason, specifically that you are overpowering and will  
use whatever dirty tactic you can find to try to discredit your opponents.

The irony is that you accuse me of the very thing you are doing: FUD.

Regarding X220: indeed, it is not RYF certified. It's also not currently sold  
by Minifree, not even on pre-order. We went back to selling T400 instead.  
Work is still underway on the X220, and yes, we are still FSF RYF endorsed  
for T400: in fact links to Minifree's Libreboot T400 product.

I didn't re-add the suppliers page (with approval from others in the  
community) because I needed links to Minifree. Minifree was already doing  
quite well. No, I actually added it because I wanted to make it easier for  
people to start using Libreboot, so I issued a Pull Request adding all 4  
known Libreboot sellers to that page on the libreboot site:

* libiquity
* minifree
* technoethical
* vikings

You are fairly represented on the Libreboot website. I think you ought to be  
more grateful.

I wish your venture well, regardless of these discussions. However, I'm  
highly disappointed with the way that you have responded to my criticisms.  
You act as though you are paranoid that I'm trying to destroy you (and you  
even accuse me of such a thing.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-12 Thread info
1. The "potential issues" you claim to exist is FUD. We at Technoethical  
guarantee this. The reviews of our products and the comments prove our  
products are of the best quality.

2. We have already answered to your unsubstantiated claims. It's not  
criticism because you don't hold the object of critic (our laptop) in your  
hands. It's not constructive because you are trying to invalidate our  
product, not improve it.

3. Your claims that proved to be false:

* "The actual thickness of the T400S is not much different to the T400"

* "on regular T400 you can install and use a quad-core CPU"

* "the T400S can get quite a bit hotter than the T400"

4. We've tested the two laptops (T400s and T400) using processors of about  
the same frequency. We don't compare apples with pears. You should know  

5. You don't give any detail about your tests. T400 using what processor,  
what system, what testing software, for how long.

6. Let's not talk about the quality of your products and service. Please  
don't make me break the silence by posting under anonymity the complaints  
from our customers that have previously ordered from you and were mistreated  
by you and deeply disappointed by your company.

7. You wrote: "That's why I personally made sure that your company was openly  
endorsed on". Are you seriously bringing this up after mocking  
me for opening the issue that only Minifree was ever listed (except for  
Libiquity for a brief moment) as supplier at

You then have decided to delete the suppliers page altogether, but you needed  
it again after FSF didn't link to your products anymore, after seeing that  
you have redirected X200 and T400 to X220, which violates the RYF  

Should I also remind you that initially you have separated your company from  
Technoethical and Vikings with a wall of text about eBay sellers that you  
have called "Sellers on eBay" (because it helped your alphabetical ordering;  
S < T < V) and that few days later you have introduced product categories in  
the list so that visitors have to scroll down if they want to learn about  
other suppliers?

8. You are again comparing apples with pears. When comparing Technoethical  
products with the ones from other suppliers, you intentionally don't take  
into consideration the final prices and the laptop configurations for their  
respective prices.

9. You wrote: "We were not receiving any sales, before the price drop, since  
our laptops were overpriced." I'd say that cutting the price to half from  
€500 to €250 in 6 months is a price dump. I'm not the only one that says  

10. We are based in Romania, so please spare us the lecture about you  
suddenly wanting to help free software users from poorer countries. Again, if  
we could afford to buy one lot of 100 laptops with €20/piece we'd probably  
could compete with you. But Technoethical is 2 orders of magnitude smaller  
than Minifree, so we don't have the capital to do that. The *cost* of our  
T400 laptop is 250 EUR (not including the service), so how could anyone  
expect us to sell it at cost and continue with our business?

11. Regarding ThinkPenguin, I've never made unsubstantiated claims and the  
proofs are in the forum discussions that other community members have  
contributed to as well.

12. I promise you, I'll break the silence about your Minifree's practices if  
you attempt to spread more FUD about Technoethical products.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 on Minifree reduces in price once again

2017-06-12 Thread info

We sometimes have AZERTY keyboard in stock too.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 8 on Libreboot X60: : "error: file 'vmlinuz' failed to load.

2017-06-12 Thread info
This issue seems to affect other distros too. If anyone finds a fix, please  
submit a patch to libreboot's grub.cfg:

Note that manually booting works fine (e.g. linux /vmlinuz root=/dev/sda1,  
initrd /initrd.img) in most setups.

This issue needs to be fixed for the next release; can you file a bug report?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Librebooted and trisquelised MacBook2, 1: Where is the '@'?

2017-06-12 Thread info


can you document any solution that you find to this on

Re: [Trisquel-users] New development mailing list for Libreboot

2017-06-12 Thread info
Note that this is for development, not support. However, support with  
compiling from source is provided on the development mailing list.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Topic locked, huh? Follow up to making Coreboot work with full disk encryption on ASUS KFSN4-DRE

2017-06-12 Thread info
grub payload is currently broken on kfsn4-dre, so you have to use seabios  
which means that /boot/ has to be unencrypted. ping tpearson about it on  
freenode irc

Re: [Trisquel-users] bunnie about riscv

2017-06-12 Thread info

there was also a fosdem talk about this, which was quite interesting:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 returns on Minifree, with Trisquel preinstalled at permanently reduced price

2017-06-12 Thread info

You're welcome :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] p2p networks supported on trisquel? and p2p encrypted chat supported on trisquel?

2017-06-12 Thread info

tox works pretty well

Re: [Trisquel-users] do you use tox?

2017-06-12 Thread info

there's also a tor-based chat client called ricochet which works well

Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-12 Thread info

Hi Thvie,

The EC firmware is indeed non-free, as it is on all other  
Libreboot-preinstall sellers too:

What you're purchasing is a system that has a free BIOS replacement  
(Libreboot) and free operating system (Trisquel GNU+Linux). This is the same  
as other Libreboot X200/T400 sellers.

swiftgeek, who I work with in #libreboot IRC, is working on a libre EC  
replacement on these laptops, but the work is not yet complete.

Generally, the systems that Minifree ships are in excellent physical  
condition. We always ensure that laptops are of high quality.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-12 Thread info

Hi Tiberiu,

I'm not spreading FUD; I'm simply pointing out potential issues, since I've  
used a T400S myself; overheating and lack of availability (making warranties  
harder to provide) is precisely why Minifree doesn't sell the T400S, and  
instead focuses exclusively on the T400. The T400 is a better product.

I'm not attempting to hijack your thread; I'm simply, once again, providing  
constructive criticism. Would you accuse someone who wasn't me of such  
practise, if they said the exact same things as I do?

Regarding your stress test results: 94C on full load is what I regard as  
overheating. Intel specifications, on most systems, usually set critical  
temperature to around 100-110; this is the temperature at which the system  
will forcibly shut down, to protect itself from damage. Minifree tests all of  
its laptops, ensuring that they do not exceed 80C when stress tested. Many of  
our laptops do not exceed 70C.

Regarding your accusation of anti-competitive practises on the part of  
Minifree; some facts:

I don't feel threatened by your new T400S product, and I'm happy that you're  
making sales of it. I want your company to thrive. That's why I personally  
made sure that your company was openly endorsed on; someone  
recently merged my Pull Request, adding your T400S product to Libreboot's  
suppliers page:

We in Libreboot openly endorse your products, and tell people to buy them. I  
wrote that suppliers page myself.

Yes, you are quite right; Minifree *did*, for a brief period, advertise  
non-FSF-endorsed GNU+Linux distributions (e.g. Debian) on its website, on its  
products. I quickly saw the error of my ways, and Minifree once again  
exclusively ships Trisquel GNU+Linux on all of its products. It is *no longer  
possible* to purchase non-FSF-endorsed GNU+Linux configurations from  

In practise, Minifree only ever shipped Debian during that period. I have  
since contacted those customers, offering to replace their Debian  
installations with Trisquel, to correct my previous error of judgement.

Minifree is the first company to ever achieve FSF Respects Your Freedom  
certification - 3 times (first X60, then X200, then T400). We are still  
openly endorsed by the Free Software Foundation.

Regarding your specific accusation of price dumping (a practise which is even  
illegal in some countries):

You should note, that Vikings also sells the Libreboot X200 (under their own  
brandname of "Vikings X200") for 248 EUR. This is quite considerably cheaper  
than even Technoethical's X200, which stands at 478 EUR.

Will you also accuse Vikings of price dumping?

Minifree simply adjusted its pricing, to match the current market trends. We  
were not receiving any sales, before the price drop, since our laptops were  
overpriced. They are no longer overpriced; in fact, for most people, it's now  
cheaper to buy a Minifree T400 with Libreboot preinstalled, than it would be  
for them to flash a T400 themselves, because of the cost of flashing  

The *actual* reason that Minifree dropped its prices so heavily, is so that  
we could start selling to poorer countries where the minimum wage is 300 EUR  
per month or less. We realized that it was no longer ethical to sell the  
laptops for the previous higher price.

The truth is, that all of your laptops are overpriced. If someone wants a  
Libreboot X200, they can either pay you 478 EUR or pay Vikings 248 EUR:
Vikings X200 is also certified under the FSF's Respects Your Freedom  

If they want a Libreboot T400, they can either purchase yours which is 568(or  
778) EUR or Minifree T400 which is 198 EUR:

If they're in the USA, they can also purchase a Libiquity X200 (which is FSF  
RYF endorsed) for a lower price than Technoethical X200: - Libiquity's X200 is 398  
EUR (when converting from USD to EUR), which is much cheaper than  
Technoethical's 478 EUR

Tiberiu, instead of accusing me of FUD and price dumping (when actually all  
of your competitors are cheaper than you - Libiquity, Minifree and Vikings  
are *all* cheaper than Technoethical), why don't you actually price your  
laptops fairly so that people in Romania (a country where the minimum wage is  
is 300 EUR per month on average) can more easily get Libreboot laptops?

Next time, please do not claim that legitimate criticism and competition is  
FUD. You are currently the least competitive company selling Libreboot  


Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-12 Thread info

Hi uboot,

The kill switch works with our half-size TET-N300DB WiFi card we've launched  
1 month ago:

The full-size TET-N450DB is still more powerful than the TET-N300DB, but we  
are yet to figure out why it doesn't turn off using the hardware switch.

From the feedback we've received from our customers, the kill switch not  
turning off the full-size TET N450DB WiFi (nor BT4.0) is a small  
inconvenience comparing with the performance of these cards. However, we are  
working on making easy for customers to choose the WiFi/BT they prefer from a  
drop down list.

If the kill switch is important to you, we advice you acquire the TET-N300DB.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-12 Thread info
Not at all. I'm simply saying that the cooling is not as efficient; this does  
not mean that the T400S would overheat.

Regarding warranty; have a look online and try to find T400S and T400. You  
will find that the T400 is readily available, but the T400S is much less  
available. The lower availability of the T400S means that providing a  
warranty is much harder; this is likely why Technoethical sells the T400S for  
more than they sell the T400 for.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-12 Thread info


It does seem that you are making speculations and spreading FUD about the  
Technoethical T400s laptop. And at least when it comes to quad-core CPU  
compatibility, it does seem you know less than others about the only laptop  
that you also sell (the T400).

You wrote: "the T400S can get quite a bit hotter than the T400, because the  
T400S has less physical space for airflow". The words "can" and "a bit" show  
that you are speculating without having run any actual test. You also haven't  
provided any data to support your statement. To make it believable you then  
continue with the theory about the physical space that makes the temperature  
go up. This is a simplistic way of looking at technology and not worthy of a  
professional, who has to take into account all related parameters, such as  
power consumption.

This is a comparison between two processors of the same frequency (2.53 GHz)  
that can be found in the two laptops. While the SP9600 in T400s consumes 25W,  
the T9400 in T400 consumes 35W. Thus the SP9600 in T400s is "29% more energy  
efficient" than its counterpart in T400.

More power hungry processors tend to get hotter and need increased cooling.  
It's not the case with the T400s.

We promised to run stress tests on both the T400s and the T400 to avoid any  
doubts about the temperature. We have used clean environments running  
Parabola with 2 processes of "burnP6" from the cpuburn package; while  
watching the temperature with "sensors", from the lm_sensors package; the  
tests ran for 1 hour. The T400s with SP9600 (2.53 GHz) operated at 92-98°C,  
while the T400 with T9550 (2.66 GHz) operated at 94-98°C. When in idle, the  
T400s w/ SP9600 operates at 40°C and the T400 w/ T9550 operates at 43°C.  
This proves your claim is not true.

We don't take lightly unsubstantiated claims and your continued jacking of  
this thread makes us believe that you feel threatened by our new product.

It also seems that you try to scare potential customers for our T400s laptop  
by writing that "the T400S is less available than the T400, so it's less  
possible to provide an extended warranty on it than with the T400". It's none  
of your business how we at Technoethical organize ourselves and what we do to  
ensure the 2-year warranty, how we source our laptops and spare parts, how  
many laptops we have in stock and how we test/fix our laptops before shipping  
them out. What you've done is just another speculation and FUD tactic. It  
does seem we are doing a great job since all our customers are happy and we  
had only one return in one year - an X200 - for a minor fix.

You then go on with "why would someone want to buy one of your T400S"? That  
is a question everyone can ask themselves and you don't get to decide for  
them. Some people appreciate more modern laptops and the hard work we put in  
preparing each such laptop. We already have customers for the T400s, so you  
can stop worrying that no-one would buy it.

We also sell Technoethical T400, which is not more expensive than the T400  
Minifree was selling 6 months ago before going on sale in preparation for the  
launch of X220 with coreboot. A customer would pay €608 EUR (£538 GBP) for  
a T400 with 8GB, inferior N150 Single Band WiFi and Bluetooth 2.1 from  
Minifree, compared to €568 EUR for Technoethical T400 with 8GB, N450 Dual  
Band WiFi, and Bluetooth 4.0.

Technoethical doesn't have Minifree's financial power to buy hundreds of  
laptops at a time for a very small price, so we are the ones directly  
affected by their price dump. A fair economy means being paid the right price  
for your work, even if this means your products are more expensive. We don't  
make any profit and we barely keep up with paying our bills. We hope that  
we'll survive this anticompetitive practice and not get out of business. Time  
will tell, but it would be rather sad for an ethical tech business such as  
Technoethical to be closed by the actions of a business such as Minifree  
which has made several compromises over the time, including shipping their  
laptops with nonfree software:

"We will also install any other distribution that you prefer, on request,  
e.g. Ubuntu, Linux mint, Arch, Parabola, OpenSUSE, Mageia, Manjaro, etc  
request it in the textbox on the checkout page"

Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-12 Thread info


I'm not spreading FUD or speculating. I'm bringing up real issues with your  
product, since I know a bit more about these laptops that others ;)

I think you have a good product, but with the high price and considering that  
it's not much different than the T400 which Minifree sells, why would someone  
want to buy one of your T400S for 778 EUR when they can buy a Minifree T400  
for 198 EUR?

Minifree, like you, also sells high quality, even at such low prices :)

We make sure that our batteries are all at least 50Wh, often they are above  
60 or 70Wh.
We stress test our T400s and make sure that the temperature is 75C or lower  
on load (often it's 65C or lower).
We check the quality of the keyboard (and change to foreign layout, depending  
on customer, if we have their native layout in stock - e.g. German QWERTZ).
We check all the ports to see if they all work (e.g. USB ports, gigabit  

We test the RAM in memtest86+
We even sell Libreboot stickers with our laptops ;)

I'm not even personally making any money on these laptops, at the price  
they're at. The money goes strictly towards funding Libreboot (and paying our  
staff). Any money left for me simply pays my rent, food, utility bills,  
taxes, etc.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-11 Thread info
I'd like to take a moment and remind everyone Trisquel's community Code of  

Some of us here are owners and supporters of different free software  
companies, but we are all working towards the same goal, software freedom.  
Let's avoid non-constructive talk and flames and try to be polite. Thank you.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-11 Thread info

No need to repeat myself. For the answers, please go to:


Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-11 Thread info
Asking community members to confirm a statement is not FUD. I welcome any of  
the Technoethical customers on this forum to come forward if they had to  
return any of our laptops for warranty.

Examples of FUD are:
* "the T400S can get quite a bit hotter than the T400, because the T400S has  
less physical space for airflow"
* "the T400S is less available than the T400, so it's less possible to  
provide an extended warranty on it than with the T400"

Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-11 Thread info
It'd be nice to get some confirmations from customers in the community that  
"Minifree ships T400 with T9400 and T9550 all the time", all the time, but in  
any case I suggest you make it official on the product page which still lists  
P8400 in specifications. Of course, T400 w/ P8400 is more common than w/  
P8600, and w/ P8700 is even less common.

As for the 2-year warranty, we happily offer it for all laptops at  
Technoethical. Please stop speculating and spreading FUD. If you're concerned  
about our shop's well being, drop us an e-mail. We've been selling laptops  
for almost one year now, and we've only had one laptop sent back for a minor  
repair, and that was a X200. That's because all our laptops are heavily  
tested and only shipped if everything works flawlessly.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-11 Thread info
Yes, T9600 (2.80 GHz) usually have double the price of T9550 (2.66 GHz), but  
they're not even remotely as expensive as the T9900 (3.06 GHz) are, with  
prices between 125-225 USD.

Re: [Trisquel-users] A Liberated Version of Youtube-DL is Almost Here!

2017-06-11 Thread info

you can also stream youtube in vlc

ctrl+n, paste youtube url

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 on Minifree reduces in price once again

2017-06-11 Thread info


Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-11 Thread info


Minifree ships T400 with T9400 and T9550 all the time, often without the  
customer even asking. You're also forgetting the P8700. Of course, customers  
can request CPU upgrades too.

T400 CPUs are the same performance-wise as T400S, and the power usage + heat  
generation isn't actually much higher, but the heatsinks and fans are much  
bigger, so T400 has better cooling than the T400S.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-11 Thread info
New pictures with the Technoethical T400s! Enjoy:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-11 Thread info
As I've mentioned before, we at Technoethical have tested compatibility with  
different processors as well. Quad-core doesn't work with regular T400  

T400 usually comes with P8400 (2.26 GHz) or P8600 (2.40 GHz) processors,  
while the T400s comes with better processors, SP9400 (2.40 Ghz) or SP9600  
(2.53 GHz). One other important aspect is that T400s processors have double  
the cache vs. regular T400 processors (6M vs. 3M). Of course, this was to be  
expected for a laptop that was launched 1 year after the X200, T400, T500.

The T400 can match the T400s if it's upgraded with the T9400 processor (that  
also has 2.53 Ghz and 6M Cache), but that's not an easy job for the regular  
user (disassemble, clean and replace thermal paste, reassemble). Better  
processors are harder to get by and they can be quite expensive, with a  
notable exception: T9550 processor. On customer's request, we at  
Technoethical upgrade the processor for our T400 and T500 before shipping  
them out (as standalone products or as part of the installation service).


Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 on Minifree reduces in price once again

2017-06-11 Thread info
transferwise charges like 5 USD i think, and their exchange rates are pretty  
accurate so you don't lose much there either. transferwise is mentioned on  
the automated invoices that sends out when you place an order.  
it's a way to do international wire transfers cheaply

Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-11 Thread info
Yes, I forgot that someone had tested those. In that case, I take back my  
previous statement.

However, the CPUs on T400 are still upgradeable, and there are better CPUs  
available for it than T400S.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-10 Thread info
I'm currently sifting through all the undocumented bits in the intel flash  
descriptor, attempting to find a ME disable bit like we did on GM45 (X200,  
T400, etc) when I worked with sgsit on porting the X200 to Libreboot.  
Progress is going well.

I'm confident that it can be done, since booting the system without the ME is  
already actually possible (but with a 30 minute reset timer). What I'm  
looking for is a way to disable that reset timer, so that the system can run  
for more than 30 minutes.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-10 Thread info
I have no problems with libreCMC myself. I'm using it on my Netgear WNDR3800  
to power my network, and it works very well.

The only issue I've had with it so far is IPv6 support; the lead developer  
didn't have IPv6 last time I spoke to them, so they were unable to test it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-10 Thread info

Forking LibreCMC wasn't and isn't one of the objectives of Technoethical.

[Trisquel-users] New development mailing list for Libreboot

2017-06-10 Thread info

Hi everyone,


We are currently seeking new developers for Libreboot. We now have a mailing  
list for the project, in case anyone wants to get involved.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-10 Thread info
Hmm, a speculation. No noticeable heat problems with the T400s and we've been  
using these laptops for some time now. But we can do comparative stress tests  
with the T400, just to avoid any doubts.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 on Minifree reduces in price once again

2017-06-10 Thread info
We usually ship UK keyboards by default, but where possible we do update the  
keyboard layout. We usually have QWERTZ keyboards, which we regularly install  
on laptops ordered by German customers. We also regularly have scandinavian  
keyboards, for swedish/norwegian customers

Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-10 Thread info
Note that thinner isn't necessarily good for cooling; the T400S can get quite  
a bit hotter than the T400, because the T400S has less physical space for  
airflow. Being thinner also means that the heatsink is thinner and the fan  
much smaller.

8GB RAM upgrade on Minifree laptops is possible, on request. The reason we  
don't offer it directly on the website is due to low availability; the  
customer can also install their own 8GB RAM in their T400, without voiding  
their warranty with us.

We also provide free unbricking services; if the customer updates Libreboot  
after a new release, and bricks their laptop accidentally, we will unbrick it  
for them for free. This is addition to free user support.

We currently have hundreds of T400 in stock and are able to sell them for  
much lower prices; Technoethical's T400S is 778 EUR, while Minifree's T400 is  
198 EUR - further price cuts are also planned for the future, if we get  
enough sales at current price levels.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-10 Thread info
coreboot people have been at this for years and all they've managed was to  
remove some partitions to small down the ME blob.

What makes you sure the goal to completely removal ME from coreboot for X220  
is achievable and what is your progress so far? We at Technoethical might be  
able to lend some hands.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-10 Thread info
Thank you, you should hear GNUs from us soon regarding routers with fully  
free systems and fully free boot firmware.

We were planning to launch routers two years ago, but LibreCMC configs were  
missing for their supported targets and ThinkPenguin's "heavily modified"  
u-boot sources were not public either:

Also LibreCMC developer working for ThinkPenguin was refusing proposals from  
the community (on the now defunct mailing list librecmc-dev) to include  
targets that were compatible with fully free systems and fully free boot  
firmware, choosing instead to focus only on the routers ThinkPenguin had  
commercial interest in.

Since then we have decided to work with a different fully free system for our  
routers. ;-)

---% Please update your "supported hardware" page: if more people will
> know that their devices are compatible with LibreCMC (even if its hard to
> install it on some of devices without specia[l] tools like flashers)
> then LibreCMC will receive more users and gain popularity!

Just because a device appears on a hardware list, supported or
otherwise, it will not increase the popularity of the project. The goal
of libreCMC is to provide a fully free embedded OS (GNU/Linux or
otherwise), not to be part of a larger "popularity" contest. If
libreCMC becomes popular, that is great, but the project's goal does
not include popularity.

Right now, the last thing the libreCMC project needs is to
[artificially] grow out its user base. The focus of the project, right
now, is to clean things up and make the OS/distro [1] smaller. libreCMC
will gain popularity over time because it is fully free and because of
its technological merits, not the list of shitty hardware that it
[won't] support[s].


Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-10 Thread info

Thickness comparison between T400 and T400s in pictures:

Technoethical laptops come with modern Bluetooth 4.0 (25 Mbps), which is 12  
times faster than the Bluetooth 2.1 (2 Mbps) that was shipped by Lenovo (and  
is shipped by Minifree) with these laptops.

Our WiFi is 802.11 N 450Mbps Dual Band, while Minifree's is 150 Mbps Single  
Band. We preinstall 8GB of RAM, while Minifree preinstalls 4GB.

The T400s has easily accessible cards and memory modules that can be upgraded  
by the common user. That is an improvement over X200 too. The cards and  
memory modules in T400 are not that easy to upgrade and to do that one has to  
disassembly the palmrest/keyboard and for WiFi, also a shield.

Regarding the quad-core CPU, it's important to note that actually this is not  
compatible with regular T400. We know this from experience. The chipset  
should be PM45, instead of GM45, to be able to upgrade from dual-core to  

We wish we could have the funds to buy laptops in large quantity (hundreds at  
a time) at €20/piece to be able to offer them presintalled with libreboot  
and GNU/Linux at prices as competitive as Minifree's recent price for the  
T400. Our most affordable laptops are X200 at €478 and T400 at €568. For  
our entire catalog of 5 laptops and installation service, please visit:

Instead, we continue to focus on quality, high-end, and modern laptops with  
fully free BIOS. And we are appreciated by that and for our customer support,  
including after-sales. Technoethical is a community. :-)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-10 Thread info
Tiberiu, are you just using the standard Libreboot releases for this T400S  

There are a few features missing on T400S in Libreboot, which we have not yet  
merged in Libreboot.

Are these patches present in your version of Libreboot for the T400S? They're  
not currently merged in Libreboot officially, so T400S won't work AFAIK  
unless you add them.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 on Minifree reduces in price once again

2017-06-10 Thread info

Thanks :)

I'm currently working on porting the ThinkPad X220 to Libreboot, and I'm  
using the T400 on Minifree to fund the work. Every purchase helps!

Hopefully these new low prices will also make the laptops affordable for  
people living in poor countries (e.g. south america, parts of africa, asia,  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-10 Thread info
I'm currently working on porting the ThinkPad X220 and T420 to Libreboot,  
which includes removing the ME entirely instead of just "neutralizing" it (or  
minimizing it). Once achieved, it will be available on Minifree and we will  
seek FSF RYF endorsement.

In addition, there are some AMD (circa ~2013) laptops that I'm interested in  
paying for porting to Libreboot.

Every purchase of Minifree's Libreboot T400 (which is 75% cheaper than  
Technoethical's T400S) funds my work :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-10 Thread info

Minifree's regular T400 is also available:

The price is much lower than Technoethical's T400S and also has bluetooth  
built in on most models: Minifree's T400 is 198 EUR, Technoethical's T400S is  
778 EUR.

The actual thickness of the T400S is not much different to the T400, while  
the CPUs on the T400S are not upgradeable (for instance, on regular T400 you  
can install and use a quad-core CPU).

In terms of features and performance, the T400 and T400S are almost  
identical. Minifree also provides fast shipping and is run by me, Libreboot's  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-10 Thread info

@Vanecek Thank GNU!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-10 Thread info
Indeed, the X220 and T420 can't be used without the nonfree (smaller-sized or  
not) ME blob in the coreboot ROM, and that's why these laptops are not  
supported by libreboot.

We recommend using the term "minimized" instead of "neutralized" when talking  
about ME, since the most important part of the ME is still in the coreboot  
image. So it's not really "neutralized".

The ThinkPad T400s (June 2009) is the most modern Intel-based laptop that  
actually works with fully free BIOS. The other ThinkPad models supported by  
libreboot are 1 year older, from July 2008.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-10 Thread info
Yes, and the best processor available (soldered on the mainboard, so not  
replaceable) is the SP9600. The screen is LED and much better than the common  
T400 screens. You'll also feel the difference in portability.

Please feel free to buy a ThinkPad T400s and send it over to Technoethical to  
liberate it via our installation service ;-)


Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-09 Thread info
The keyboard is more recent, it's the same keyboard you can find in T420. But  
T420 doesn't have fully free BIOS. The X220 doesn't have fully free BIOS  

Yes, the touchpad is textured. :-)

[Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-06-09 Thread info
Technoethical team is happy to announce the T400s (not to be confused with  
his older brother T400):

This is the ideal laptop for those who waver between the X200 and T400: it is  
much lighter and slimmer than T400 but as powerful, and it has a touchpad, a  
wider screen and an optical unit, when compared to the smaller X200. The  
T400s is the most modern x86_64 laptop supported by Libreboot! It is also  
very rare and the hardest to flash externally with Libreboot, harder than the  
X200 Tablet.

Like all Technoethical laptops, the T400s comes preinstalled with fully free  
distributions of GNU, and by default with Trisquel:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 on Minifree reduces in price once again

2017-06-09 Thread info

I've also lowered the price of the stickers a bit:

and we sell extra batteries:

and trisquel USB drives :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 on Minifree reduces in price once again

2017-06-07 Thread info
I'm sorry that that happened with your bank. Most banks are fine though. You  
could use a service like TransferWise (in fact, Minifree's newer invoices  
recommend this, instead of your bank).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 on Minifree reduces in price once again

2017-06-07 Thread info

and openarena runs well on it, too

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 on Minifree reduces in price once again

2017-06-05 Thread info
The graphics chipset actually performs pretty well. We also optimized it in  
Libreboot; LenovoBIOS allocates 32MiB of Video RAM only.

The chipset itself supports 256MiB VRAM allocation, but factory BIOS doesn't  
do it.

Libreboot does :)

In the recent Libreboot releases, based on Intel datasheets, we made 256MiB  
VRAM the default. This should improve the performance a lot, and things like  
video decoding/encoding work very well now. Certain games which use a lot of  
Video RAM should also perform better in the latest Libreboot releases.

I play games sometimes and most games run well on my T400. I also regularly  
stream 1080p videos and they play smoothly without any lag.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 returns on Minifree, with Trisquel preinstalled at permanently reduced price

2017-06-03 Thread info

Hi everyone,


I reduced the price even further.

Hopefully more people can afford Libreboot laptops now!


[Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 on Minifree reduces in price once again

2017-06-03 Thread info

Hi everyone,

Recently, I made this post about a heavy price cut on Minifree's Libreboot  
T400 product:

Good news!

I've decided to cut it even further.

Base price for T400 with 4GiB RAM, 160GiB HDD is now 198 EUR (was 248 EUR in  
initial price cut)

1TB HDD upgrade now costs 50 EUR (was 100 EUR)

480GB SSD upgrade for 200 EUR replaced with 240GB SSD upgrade for 100 EUR
(at 00:36 June 4th 2017 as I write this post, I still have some 480GB SSDs  
left so the next 10 or so customers ordering 240GB will actually get 480GB if  
they're lucky; everyone after that will get 240GB)

Product is here:

This comes with 100% free/libre BIOS replacement (Libreboot) and Trisquel  
preinstalled, and is endorsed by FSF's Respects Your Freedom certification.

Spread the word!

Hopefully these laptops should be affordable for everyone now, and more  
people can therefore use Libreboot!


Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot website is now wiki-like and we are looking for documentation contributors

2017-06-03 Thread info
By the way, I don't use Parabola myself so I can't be of much use. There are  
several Parabola users in #libreboot IRC though, and swiftgeek uses Arch I  
think. So you might be able to get help on things if you get stuck.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 returns on Minifree, with Trisquel preinstalled at permanently reduced price

2017-06-03 Thread info
You can buy "Advanced Mini Dock" which is pretty good. We don't sell it on  
Minifree, but you can find it online cheaply.

The current release of Libreboot doesn't fully support it, but the next  
release will (coreboot, our upstream, and librecore, our future upstream,  
added support). Namely, the USB ports don't work (next release will support  
them) on the dock. The DVI output on it works, though, as do several other  
ports and the ethernet port on it works.

For additional USB ports, I'd recommend a powered USB hub. You can get these  
for about 10 USD

Re: [Trisquel-users] Vikings X200

2017-06-03 Thread info
Minifree uses fast shipping in Europe, probably about as fast as from  
Germany. Average is about 2 day delivery time once shipped, for eastern  
European countries.

I also use fast shipping for USA; 2-3 day on average once shipped. 1-day is  
possible ;)

Re: [Trisquel-users]

2017-06-01 Thread info
In what way do you think Conways Law is relevant (in either way) to the  
current Libreboot project?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot website is now wiki-like and we are looking for documentation contributors

2017-05-31 Thread info

thanks :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot website is now wiki-like and we are looking for documentation contributors

2017-05-31 Thread info
Lack of translations is a long-standing issue. It should probably use GNU  
Gettext or similar, so that translated texts (compared to english) are  
reverted back to english automatically, if translations of certain texts are  

I'm not sure how that would be implemented in the current infrastructure, but  
feel free to poke around.
Patches welcome! :)

Re: [Trisquel-users]

2017-05-31 Thread info

Hi GNUbahn,

Yes, non-techies are Libreboot's major target in the documentation. We also  
want to have complete documentation, though.

Streamlining everything and simplifying is a current goal.

I ask that you contribute directly to the official Libreboot documentation to  
make these improvements, instead of forking off into, as I  
feel that Libreboot would be better served with its own documentation  

Indeed, I welcome such discussions. You can start it on the bug tracker  
linked on the homepage, and we can go from there with a few examples in the  
form of pull requests. is where most people look so it's better  
to improve that.

The current infrastructure has improved considerably and should be easy  
enough to contribute to nowadays, compared to what it was like before.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 returns on Minifree, with Trisquel preinstalled at permanently reduced price

2017-05-31 Thread info

yes, those exact instructions will also work on trisquel

Re: [Trisquel-users]

2017-05-29 Thread info

I've opened a new thread:

This should hopefully make it clearer to people now how to contribute to the  
real Libreboot site, in terms of documentation and website improvements, so  
as to help more people with better documentation.

GNUbahn, what do you think of this?

[Trisquel-users] Libreboot website is now wiki-like and we are looking for documentation contributors

2017-05-29 Thread info

Hi everyone

We recently added an "edit this page" link to every page on the Libreboot  
website, which leads here:

We have recently made huge changes to the website:
* Site and documentation are now entirely written in Markdown, which is easy  
to use and very similar to the markup languages used on web-based wikis
* Made it more clear how to contribute patches with improvements/edits to the  
site, and how to get those changes merged on the site
* Started using web-based pull requests on, which is our Git  
hosting provider (similar to GitHub, but uses libre software)

We in Libreboot are currently short on people who can work on writing and  
maintaining good documentation.

Any help is appreciated! :)


Re: [Trisquel-users]

2017-05-29 Thread info

Hi GNUbahn,

To make it easier for people, we have now added the following to the  
Libreboot site:
* "Edit this page" link is now added on every page automatically, to every  
page on the website and documentation pages
* More useful instructions for how to contribute to the Libreboot  
documentation and site

The entire is a wiki now. Git-hosted, but the interface is very  
easy to use.


Patches welcome :)


Re: [Trisquel-users]

2017-05-29 Thread info
We used to have static HTML documentation and it was hard to send patches.  
Both problems are solved.

It is now very easy to contribute to the official Libreboot documentation,  
using the instructions on

The documentation is in Markdown, which is very easy to use and much simpler  
than the markup language used in MediaWiki for instance. Notabug's interface  
for sending patches via pull requests is pretty efficient too and we merge  
patches quickly most of the time.

I feel like a separate site will fragment the community. It also means that  
documentation will inevitably go out of date on the forked site as we update  
and improve Libreboot, and it means that we in Libreboot get less  
documentation contributions.

Personally, I think it's better to keep everything under We've  
had problems with third party documentation sites before, for the exact  
reasons mentioned above.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 returns on Minifree, with Trisquel preinstalled at permanently reduced price

2017-05-29 Thread info

Spread the word! :)

I'm looking to bring about a great many new Libreboot users into the  
community with this new initiative (and others that I will announce in the  
near future).

Re: [Trisquel-users]

2017-05-29 Thread info

hi GNUbahn,

We have some pretty extensive documentation on the libreboot website and the  
documentation is in Markdown now so it should be much easier to edit and  
contribute to it. The documentation is in the Git repository. Instructions  
for sending documentation patches:

We've establish quite a solid code review infrastructure using  
pull requests, and we usually merge patches pretty quickly.

Why not contribute to the official Libreboot documentation instead of  
creating a separate site? We currently have a major skills shortage in the  
project, and lack of people who can write good documentation is one of the  
problem areas.

That being said, I like the idea of your site and I will quite happily  
contribute to it when you have it up and running.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Vikings X200

2017-05-28 Thread info

Hi gderok,

You might also consider the Libreboot T400 from Minifree:

It uses the same CPU and GPU as the X200, but has a bigger screen and better  
cooling. It's currently at a special low price on Minifree.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 returns on Minifree, with Trisquel preinstalled at permanently reduced price

2017-05-28 Thread info
Heather, so there you have it. It looks like I was right... except for the  
part about upgrading CPU. It seems you can use ivy CPU on sandy motherboard,  
on T420 at least. not sure about in factory BIOS but maybe you could ask in  
#coreboot IRC about it

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 returns on Minifree, with Trisquel preinstalled at permanently reduced price

2017-05-28 Thread info

What Leah said is true. Thanks, Leah!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 returns on Minifree, with Trisquel preinstalled at permanently reduced price

2017-05-28 Thread info
Heather, you could consider Technoethical to get your X200T flashed, yes. I  
forgot about that one.

As I said, I'm not interested in X200T but you could ship your X200T to  
Technoethical for libreboot install. You'll still have to deal with customs  
and so on (Technoethical is in Romania, afaik).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 returns on Minifree, with Trisquel preinstalled at permanently reduced price

2017-05-28 Thread info
your existing software configuration under GNU+Linux will work just fine.  
I've used KDE, GNOME, OpenBox, LXDE etc just fine on my own X60 and other  
libreboot systems

for libreboot install you just need a terminal, and the libreboot utils (e.g.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 returns on Minifree, with Trisquel preinstalled at permanently reduced price

2017-05-28 Thread info
In our shop Technoethical we sell readily available X200 Tablets with  
libreboot and fully free GNU distros.

And we also offer the service of libreboot installation service for the  
laptops we sell T500, T400, X200 Tablet, X200, and for other hardware on  
customer's request.

We ship and install libreboot both in Europe and America.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 returns on Minifree, with Trisquel preinstalled at permanently reduced price

2017-05-28 Thread info

Hi Heather,

I kind of have no choice but to be social publicly so I just stoic it up but  
yes I totally understand anxiety and all that

If you haven't already, the X60T is really easy to flash. You can it all in  
software, from the distro running on it, without taking it apart:

As for your X200T; that is a little bit harder. Unlike the regular X200 which  
has a SOIC-16 chip and is easier to flash (using a SOIC-16 clip), the X200T  
uses a different type of flash chip; you have to remove it with a hot-air  
gun, and then solder a SOIC-8 SPI chip (same pin-out as the WSON-8 chip on  
X200T) and flash that. swiftgeek on #libreboot IRC uses an X200T and can help  
you with that. My time is stretched so providing flashing service on X200T  
isn't really something I'm personally interested in... but there are people  
in #libreboot IRC who can help you.

Yes, keep an eye out for announcements on if and when X220  
becomes available. T420 would likely be easy, so at that time I'd be happy to  
help you flash it.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 returns on Minifree, with Trisquel preinstalled at permanently reduced price

2017-05-28 Thread info

as a rule, I don't generally take "donations" as such.

Libreboot is currently attempting to re-join the GNU project. If that is  
successful, then the project might start accepting donations through the FSF.

If not, then we might set up our own non-profit organisation (not sure which  
country. Maybe Germany)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 returns on Minifree, with Trisquel preinstalled at permanently reduced price

2017-05-28 Thread info

Hi Heather,

Also, there is Libiquity which is based in New Jersey, USA.

I'm not sure whether they would actually sell T420/X220, when and if it would  
become available for Libreboot, but if you couldn't go to a workshop and  
couldn't install it yourself, you might be able to save a bit of money and  
ship it to them for flashing. You'd save money on international shipping, and  
wouldn't have to deal with customs etc.

That's Patrick's company (I mentioned Patrick in an earlier reply in the  
thread). It's basically Minifree's US counterpart (I don't run Libiquity,  
though, I just know the owner). He doesn't advertise a "libreboot  
installation service" on his website, but he has accepted peoples laptops  
before for that purpose.

That would probably be cheaper for you than getting Minifree to do it, which  
is based in the UK, if you couldn't flash it yourself and couldn't get it  
done at a workshop or hackerspace.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 returns on Minifree, with Trisquel preinstalled at permanently reduced price

2017-05-27 Thread info

Hi Heather,

If X220 porting efforts in Libreboot are successful, and I then add the T420,  
you might be able to get your T420 flashed for free at a workshop somewhere.  
If you have something like a raspberry pi or beaglebone you could also try  
flashing it yourself, you just need a clip (pomona 5250) and some wires, and  
there would be instructions on the libreboot site.

If you live in the USA and/or can travel to boston, the FSF usually hosts a  
Libreboot installation workshop at their annual LibrePlanet conference in  
Boston, MA. I personally ran the LibrePlanet 2015 and 2016 Libreboot  
installation workshops, working alongside Patrick McDermott (a former  
Libreboot developer), where people could bring their laptops for Libreboot  


I didn't attend LibrePlanet 2017, but I'm considering whether to attend  
LibrePlanet 2018 - it depends on whether I'm willing to risk a pat-down by  
TSA. That would only happen on exiting the US though (I live outside of the  
US) in my experience... they don't do body scans when entering the US, when I  
went there.

Which is kind of odd when you think about it, but it is what it is.

But yes, if I do attend LP 2018 and you're able to make it, I'll probably run  
another Libreboot workshop there like I did in previous years.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 returns on Minifree, with Trisquel preinstalled at permanently reduced price

2017-05-27 Thread info
I'm not sure about ivybridge. I'm working on sandybridge, since the X220 is a  
much more usable/popular laptop than the X230 and has more or less identical  

I think swiftgeek is interested in ivy though. Contact him in the #libreboot  
IRC channel on freenode

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 returns on Minifree, with Trisquel preinstalled at permanently reduced price

2017-05-27 Thread info

Hi Heather,

Yes, the T420 uses the same chipsets as the X220. If Libreboot is ported to  
the X220, then the T420 would be trivial. I'm working on the X220 first.


[Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 returns on Minifree, with Trisquel preinstalled at permanently reduced price

2017-05-27 Thread info

Hi everyone

I've re-added the T400 to Minifree, with Trisquel preinstalled by default as  
before. This complies with the FSF's Respects Your Freedom certification.

The price is also much lower than before (it's currently cheaper than all  
other Libreboot laptops sold by other companies):

Spread the word! Every purchase funds my work on the ThinkPad X220 port to  
Libreboot, which I expect to have ready by around December 2017.

For a while, Minifree had been selling the X220 on preorder due to shortage  
of T400 laptops (X200 is discontinued still, for the same reason). Work is  
underway on that laptop still, but I've recently come into contact with a  
batch of 150 T400 laptops, and my suppliers collectively have much more than  
that in-between them.


PS: The FSF RYF page currently lists Libreboot T400 from Minifree as  
discontinued; it was, when they made that change, but that is no longer the  
case. The Libreboot T400 from Minifree is indeed now shipping once again,  

Re: [Trisquel-users] "Tehnoetic" is now Technoethical: Hooray!

2017-05-21 Thread info
@IrishUSA: Thanks for bringing the news! We've realized that it's difficult  
for people to remember the spelling and type in correctly the name  
"Tehnoetic". We've seen it in the Trisquel forum and other free software  
forums/mailing lists many times: Technoetic, Technoethic, Technoethics :-)  
Since our name is composed of two pretty international words, technology and  
ethics, we've decided it's not worth fixating over the Romanian spelling of  
these two words, while people have a hard time finding our website and  
referencing us.

@KurtisHanna: We're almost done rebranding and the redirection  
-> will be the cherry on the cake :-)

@david: Thank you very much for promptly changing the username to  

@BenTheMoose: We'll make sure to include the new Technoethical stickers for  
X200 Tablet in the package for your next order! ;-)

@pfm @Tirifto @loldier: We're happy to see supporters being nostalgic after  
the Romanian spelling of our name and we can't thank you enough for the nice  
words. However, we ship worldwide and since English is the language known by  
most people, and Romanian so little known, we had to make the change. FWIW,  
"Technoethical" is a 50% longer name than "Tehnoetic". :-D We'll keep  
renewing the original domain name for backward compatibility.

@SuperTramp83: Thanks for suggesting it! It's something we'd been thinking  
about and it would be great if it can be made space for a Technoethical ad on  
the Trisquel website. We'll make it a priority to work with the Trisquel  
Project on making this happen.


Re: [Trisquel-users] "Tehnoetic" is now Technoethical: Hooray!

2017-05-20 Thread info
I've just submitted the support request to change the forum username  
Tehnoetic to Technoethical:

Any admin reading this? :-D

Re: [Trisquel-users] Community feedback is needed on whether Libreboot should re-join GNU

2017-04-23 Thread info
Libreboot will soon apply to re-join the GNU project. It is not yet certain  
whether the GNU project would indeed accept Libreboot as a renewed member.

RMS of GNU and John Sullivan of the FSF have both accepted my apologies, via  
private emails. With that, plus consent from Libreboot core maintainers and  
acceptance by the community, an attempt at re-joining the GNU project is now  
in progress.

You can keep up to date with further news, on the Libreboot News section on  
the website:

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