Re: [TruthTalk] Truth

2006-03-08 Thread Lance Muir

Is that the one owned by Dolly Parton?

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: March 07, 2006 20:06
  Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Truth
  Won’t buy him a 
  ticket to Gloryland. iz
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance MuirSent: Tuesday, March 07, 2006 5:39 
  AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] 
  Gary is the 
  one artist on TT.

- Original Message - 

From: Judy 



Sent: March 
07, 2006 06:21

Subject: Re: 
[TruthTalk] Truth


I thank the Lord for that if what 
you have been proferring are "original 

Remember GO - There is nothing new 
under the sun, it has all been thought, 

and done before.  Your so 
called "original thoughts" may not be as original as 



On Mon, 6 Mar 2006 21:33:27 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  indeed, it suggests you 
  are incapable of thinking an original 
  On Mon, 6 Mar 2006 23:16:22 -0500 Judy Taylor 

No evidence 
suggests that I am not in the habit of proof 

Re: [TruthTalk] Addendum to 'snakes anyone'?

2006-03-08 Thread Lance Muir

I don't mind funnin' even at my expense. Why would 
I as I've done so often, often myself. However, shall I ask of you, Iz, whether 
you believe the Appalachian snake handlers to be testing God or, obeying His 
I note that upon raising an actual matter (HS & 
tongues) everyone fled to the hills. We all know that none of you has access, 
through the Word of God, to THE understanding on ALL issues. Does anyone of you 
brash souls wish to differ on this point? As our beloved moderator has said 
...Hm...what has he actually said in the last 24 hours consistent with a 
week ago?  
Any takers? 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: March 07, 2006 20:06
  Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Addendum to 
  'snakes anyone'?
  I guess Paul went 
  overboard, too, when he shook that snake off his hand and didn’t get 
  sick.  Such a literal guy. iz
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance MuirSent: Tuesday, March 07, 2006 5:28 
  AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: [TruthTalk] Addendum to 'snakes 
  That was an reference to the 
  'Appalachian snake handlers'. Thus, those who've gone a touch overboard on 
  literalism. Look in the mirror 

Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread Lance Muir

IFO thought quite the opposite. But then you know 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: March 07, 2006 20:06
  Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of 
  DaveH, I can’t help 
  but notice the change in you of late.  It hasn’t been good.  Think 
  about it.  iz
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dave HansenSent: Tuesday, March 07, 2006 9:02 
  AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of 
  The truth is not Ad. Hom attacks if one 
  can prove his point to a reasonable conclusion(whose conclusion? Why mine 
  decision of course)DAVEH:   
  Did the rules change, Dean?  Are the rules being modified on the fly to 
  suit the needs of the moderator???   As a moderator, is that what 
  you consider to be fair?(maybe he found love for me after 
  all.)DAVEH:   We all love you, 
  Dean.  I'm just not sure we all can tolerate, let alone survive, 
  you!    (I'll copy this to John, as he may appreciate the irony 
  in it.)Dean Moore wrote: 
  Moderator: No-The truth is not Ad. Hom 
  attacks if one can prove his point to a reasonable conclusion(whose 
  conclusion? Why mine decision of course)-Please explanation after my 
  coming chastisement from David.But don't jump the gun and attack me as he 
  seems to be hesitating(maybe he found love for me after all.)-and if 
  wrong you will still be dealing with a moderator-that will not take any 
Subject: Re: 
[TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk? 

DAVEH:   Dean, does this not qualify as an 
ad-hom?Dean Moore wrote: 

cd:   or lose all 
creditability as Lance had done in my opinion of this 

   -- ~~~Dave Hansen[EMAIL PROTECTED] you wish to receivethings I find interesting,I maintain six email lists...JOKESTER, OPINIONS, LDS,STUFF, MOTORCYCLE and CLIPS.

Re: [TruthTalk] An Offensive Gospel.

2006-03-08 Thread Lance Muir

JRRT, CSL, John Updike, Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, 
Lamott...Care to comment as to whether their's was a or b? 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: March 07, 2006 20:06
  Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] An Offensive 
  And me.  I use 
  my imagination whenever I create a new design for a quilt, for example.  
  Or decorate my home.  Or write.  Or make a collage (I’m creating one 
  around Romans 8.)  Don’t confuse a godly imagination with a 
  worldly/fleshly one.  (God used His when He created the Universe.) 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Judy TaylorSent: Tuesday, March 07, 2006 5:47 
  TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] An Offensive 
  John Lennon and three year 
  On Tue, 7 Mar 2006 06:39:56 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


  From: Judy 
  Hey Kevin, this is 
  excellent - one question - is there room for "original 
  On Mon, 6 Mar 2006 20:24:10 -0800 (PST) Kevin 

There is no room for broadmindedness in the 
chemical laboratory. Water is composed of two parts, hydrogen and one 
part oxygen. The slightest deviation from the formula is forbidden. 
There is no room for broadmindedness in music. The skilled director will 
not permit his first violin to play even so much as one-half note off 
the written note, chord, and key. There is no room for broadmindedness 
in the mathematics classroom. Neither geometry, calculus, nor 
trigonometry allows any variation from exact accuracy, even for old 
time's sake. The solution of the problem is either right or it is wrong 
(no tolerance there). There is no room for broadmindedness on the 
athletic field. The game is to be played according to the rules with no 
favors shown for 'charity's sake.' There is no room for broadmindedness 
in the garage. The mechanic there says the piston rings must fit the 
cylinder walls within one-thousandth part of an inch. Even between 
friends there cannot be any variation if 'the motor is to run smoothly.' 
How then shall we expect that broadmindedness shall rule in the realm of 
Christianity and morals? 

He that forsakes the truth of God, forsakes the 
God of truth. 
Judy Taylor 

Christ.  He is the WAY, the TRUTH, and the 


On Mon, 6 Mar 2006 20:34:18 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  ..praise the God of 
  Abe, Isaac, and Jacob, eh, C :) 
  On Mon, 6 Mar 2006 20:27:40 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

(2+2 is 4, the Earth revolves around the Sun, gravity dictates the 
ebb & flow of Earth's oceanic tides, 
'truth came 
through Jesus Christ')


On Mon, 6 Mar 2006 12:38:14 -0500 "Lance 


- Original 
Message - 

From: Judy Taylor 



Sent: March 06, 2006 

Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] An 
Offensive Gospel.



Jesus said 
"Thy Word is truth", not 
part of the 


Yahoo! MailBring photos to life! New 
PhotoMail makes sharing a breeze. 



Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread Kevin Deegan
In order for you to really understand SP's you would have to God's call on your life.  Not a few would wade into crowds of assembled thousands to stand alone & lift their voice like a trumpet. Like their Master and at His command. But of course this is another difference between the jesus of Mormonism and the Jesus of the Bible.  JN 7 In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink.  He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.     Is 58 Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins. 
    And how could one have such a call except they are changed to the core by the power of God? It is not a natural ability but a supernatural one that is displayed in the face of  sometimes angry crowds  2 Co 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.     So you will be frustarted in any attempt to "understand"Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  to clear the confusion one should be able to prove their charge they make against others. DAVEH:   That's what I asked you to
 do when you made a false accusation about me (condoning violence) a few months back.  Your response was that you didn't know how to use the archives, and that is was my responsibility to prove that I didn't say something that I didn't say.  Which is logically illogical.So what is you better idea?DAVEH:  Practice what you preach.By the way I can change the rules if there is good reason to do so-but you cannot.DAVEH:  Ahhh..May I assume this is your perception of fairness?!?!?!    When I joined TT, it was proudly proclaimed there was only one rule in TT.  It seems several moderators have put that fallacy to show no hesitation provoking me-Why is that?DAVEH:  I'm not sure, Dean.  I find SPers to be cut from a different bolt of
 cloth.  It seems like some SPers live in a different world, where they are in constant battle with everybody, including some that at first appear to be on their side of the fence.  Other than the few Spers I've found on TT, I really don't have much experience with them, so I find how they think and operate to be rather interesting.  (e.g., Waving underwear in the faces of those they want to convert.)  To me it seems such a strange way to sell a product, so to speak.  Yet some SPers seem (from my perspective) to lack a measure of ___(I'll leave it for the reader to fill in the word), which to me seems at odds with their mission statement.  So I've got to wonder what makes them tickjust what is it that makes SPers the way they are.  I don't know if that makes much sense, Dean.  It's late and I suppose I'm just rambling onwith the way things are going He should be able to read it here in a short amount
 of time.DAVEH:   ???   What's that mean, Dean?  Are you going to invite the Bishop of TT to return?The truth is not Ad. Hom attacks if one can prove his point to a reasonable conclusion(whose conclusion? Why mine decision of course)DAVEH:   Did the rules change, Dean?  Are the rules being modified on the fly to suit the needs of the moderator???   As a moderator, is that what you consider to be fair?   Moderator: No, DaveH but there are many levels of Ad. Hom attacking going on here so to clear the confusion one should be able to prove
 their charge they make against others. One should not knock an idea unless one can offer a better one or lose credibility-So what is you better idea?I am all ears. By the way I can change the rules if there is good reason to do so-but you cannot.(maybe he found love for me after all.)DAVEH:   We all love you, Dean.  I'm just not sure we all can tolerate, let alone survive, you!   Moderator: For someone who expresses concerns about surviving me-you show no hesitation provoking me-Why is that? Also love a little harder as it isn't quite coming through my computer Dave.           (I'll copy this to John, as he may appreciate the irony in it.)  Moderator : Just save it-with the way things are
 going He should be able to read it here in a short amount of time.Dean Moore wrote: Moderator: No-The truth is not Ad. Hom attacks if one can prove his point to a reasonable conclusion(whose conclusion? Why mine decision of course)-Please explanation after my coming chastisement from David.But don't jump the gun and attack me as he seems to be hesitating(maybe he found love for me after all.)-and if wrong you will still be dealing with a moderator-that will not take any crap:-)     Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?   DAVEH:   Dean,
 does this not qualify as an ad-hom?Dean Moore wrote: cd:   or lose all creditability as Lance had done in my opinion of this matter.   --   ~~~  Dave Hansen  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.langli

Re: [TruthTalk] ***************Respose - Moderator commentADHOM*************

2006-03-08 Thread Kevin Deegan
Are you implying Dean called you such NAMES?Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Dave why are you trying to fuel dissection between the groups?DAVEH:   Hwell, I hadn't thought about dissecting you guys, but it is a tempting thought you've given me!  ;-) Is it the Mormon in you doing such-or are you just plain mean?DAVEH:  LOL..Sometimes I think SPers are their own worst enemy!  You have the power to push the button that bars me from TT, Dean.  If you do such, I don't think your problems will all go with me.   I've been called a pagan here, a snake in the grass, satan's messenger boyand I've been falsely
 accused of condoning violence against SPers.  So let me ask you, Dean..Is it the Christian in you doing such-or are you just plain mean?Dean Moore wrote: cd:Dave why are you trying to fuel dissection between the groups??Is it the Mormon in you doing such-or are you just plain mean?.      - Original Message -   From:
 Lance Muir   To:  Sent: 3/7/2006 11:03:40 AM   Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] ***Respose - Moderator commentADHOM*The latter.- Original Message -   From: Dave Hansen   To:   Sent: March 07, 2006 10:10  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] ***Respose - Moderator comment ADHOM*  IFO would not have such an assessment of anyone on TT.DAVEH:   Is that is because you do not consider yourself a protected friend of the moderator and fear reprisal, Lance.or is
 it because you have a measure of respect for TT rules and other TTers?Lance Muir wrote:   So Kevin, at least I know where we stand. Thanks for the clarity in your judgment. IFO would not have such an assessment of anyone on TT. - Original Message -   From: Kevin Deegan   To:   Sent: March 07, 2006 09:17  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] ***Respose - Moderator comment ADHOM*  This is why I call you UNREGENERATE/LOST Lost in sin dull of hearing of God's word not mine.Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   ROTFLOL No you are in Sin 'cause YOU bore false witness. So there! Take that!
 Nya nya!! - Original Message -   From: Kevin Deegan   To:   Sent: March 07, 2006 07:43  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] ***Respose - Moderator comment ADHOM*You are in SIN you bore false witness  Du 19:16 If a false witness rise up against any man to testify against him that which is wrong; Then both the men, between whom the controversy is, shall stand before the LORD, before the priests and the judges, which shall be in those days;  And the judges shall make diligent inquisition: and, behold, if the witness be a false witness, and hath testified falsely against his brother; Then shall ye do unto him, as he had thought to have done unto his brother: so shalt thou put the evil away from among you.   Then you added SIN to SIN in refusing to answer questions about such False testimonyLeviticus 5:1. And if a soul sin, and hear the voice of swearing, and is a witness, whether he hath seen or known of it; if he do not utter it, then he shall bear his iniquity. Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Point proven?? Like I said, I stay for the humour. - Original Message -   From: Dean Moore   To:   Sent: March 06, 2006 21:05  Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] ***Respose - Moderator comment ADHOM*  Moderator: Point proven Kevin-Thank you-There is truth here in what you say.Carry on . 
     - Original Message -   From: Kevin Deegan   To:  Sent: 3/6/2006 8:55:37 PM   Subject: [TruthTalk] ***Respose - Moderator comment ADHOM*Moderator: Kevin can you prove this to be true about Lance?     Noun: false witness  A person who deliberately gives false testimony     Ex 20:16 thou shalt not bear false witness against your neighbor     Read the post from DH about then lance's response, he says   "Me too, Dave. When TRUELY OBJECTIONABLE BEHAVIOUR is objected to (by 'acting out') these persons occasionally do seem surprised."     Does repeating stories about which one was not a witness qualify for bearing FALSE WITNESS?     IF YOU WANT TO BE JUDGE then according to DU 19 you need to make DILIGENT INQUIRY INTO THE MATTER! This is only FAIR and according to God's word it is also RIGHT!  Du 19:16 If a false witness rise up against any man to testify against him that which is wrong; Then both the men, between whom the controversy is, shall stand before the LORD, before the priests and the judges, which shall be in those days;  And the judges shall make diligent inquisition: and, behold, if the witness be a false witness, and hath testified falsely against his brother; Then shall ye do unto him, as he had thought to have done unto his brother: so shalt thou put the evil away from am

Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread Lance Muir

DH:TT has a NEW POPE! You're just going to have to 
adjust. IMO your mystification re:SP types ain't a mystery. Preach the (their) 
gospel (their doctrine) by any means whatsoever. As they see it the end 
justifies the means. Though you and I are most assuredly not of one mind as to 
Jesus yet, we are seen as occupying the same camp. That camp is the camp of the 
lost/damned/bound for hell. I do see why they do what they do. This is the same 
sort of logic employed by their commander in chief over the Middle 

  - Original Message - 
  Dave Hansen 
  Sent: March 08, 2006 02:03
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of 
  to clear the confusion one should be 
  able to prove their charge they make against others. 
  DAVEH:   That's what I asked you to do 
  when you made a false accusation about me (condoning violence) a few months 
  back.  Your response was that you didn't know how to use the archives, 
  and that is was my responsibility to prove that I didn't say something that I 
  didn't say.  Which is logically illogical.So what is you better 
  idea?DAVEH:  Practice what you 
  preach.By the way I can change the rules if 
  there is good reason to do so-but you 
  cannot.DAVEH:  Ahhh..May I assume 
  this is your perception of fairness?!?!?!    When I 
  joined TT, it was proudly proclaimed there was only one rule in TT.  It 
  seems several moderators have put that fallacy to show no hesitation provoking me-Why is 
  that?DAVEH:  I'm not sure, Dean.  I find 
  SPers to be cut from a different bolt of cloth.  It seems like some SPers 
  live in a different world, where they are in constant battle with everybody, 
  including some that at first appear to be on their side of the fence.  
  Other than the few Spers I've found on TT, I really don't have much experience 
  with them, so I find how they think and operate to be rather 
  interesting.  (e.g., Waving underwear in the faces of those they want to 
  convert.)  To me it seems such a strange way to sell a product, so to 
  speak.  Yet some SPers seem (from my perspective) to lack a measure of 
  ___(I'll leave it for the reader to fill in the word), which to me seems 
  at odds with their mission statement.  So I've got to wonder what makes 
  them tickjust what is it that makes SPers the way they are.  I don't 
  know if that makes much sense, Dean.  It's late and I suppose I'm just 
  rambling onwith the way things are going 
  He should be able to read it here in a short amount of 
  time.DAVEH:   ???   What's 
  that mean, Dean?  Are you going to invite the Bishop of TT to 

  The truth is not Ad. Hom attacks if one can 
  prove his point to a reasonable conclusion(whose 
  conclusion? Why mine decision of 
  course)DAVEH:   Did the rules change, 
  Dean?  Are the rules being modified on the fly to suit the needs of 
  the moderator???   As a moderator, is that what you consider to 
  be fair?
   Moderator: No, DaveH but there are many 
  levels of Ad. Hom attacking going on here so to clear the confusion one 
  should be able to prove their charge they make against others. One 
  should not knock an idea unless one can offer a better one or lose 
  credibility-So what is you better idea?I am all ears. By the way 
  I can change the rules if there is good reason to do so-but you 
  cannot.(maybe he found love for me after 
  all.)DAVEH:   We all love you, Dean.  
  I'm just not sure we all can tolerate, let alone survive, 
  Moderator: For someone who expresses concerns 
  about surviving me-you show no hesitation provoking me-Why is 
  that? Also love a little harder as it isn't quite coming through 
  my computer Dave.
     (I'll copy this to John, as he may 
  appreciate the irony in it.)
  Moderator : Just save it-with the way things 
  are going He should be able to read it here in a short amount of 
  time.Dean Moore wrote: 

Moderator: No-The truth is not Ad. Hom 
attacks if one can prove his point to a reasonable conclusion(whose 
conclusion? Why mine decision of course)-Please explanation after my 
coming chastisement from David.But don't jump the gun and attack me as 
he seems to be hesitating(maybe he found love for me after 
all.)-and if wrong you will still be dealing with a moderator-that 
will not take any crap:-)
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk? 
  DAVEH:   Dean, does this not 
  qualify as an ad-hom?Dean Moore wrote: 

cd:   or lose all 
creditability as Lance had done in my opinion of this 

Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread Lance Muir

How can that (my interpretation implies Dean) be 
wrong? Where does one go from here? Your honour, my client pleads 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: March 07, 2006 18:36
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of 
- Original Message - 
Sent: 3/7/2006 6:04:30 AM 
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' 
of truthtalk?

Follow your conscience, Dean. Sometimes your 
conscience is directed by God but, sometimes
cd: I do not preach another conscience Lance-I 
preach the written word of God -from the Bible itself-again words have 
meaning and it is written in English .How can that be 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: March 06, 2006 20:56
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' 
  of truthtalk?
  cd: Is speaking of the greatness if Christ "objective" to you 
  Lance? That is what I we do. Would you like to come and hear me speak-or 
  Kevin? He is Just across the falls and I will meet you there? We only 
  encourage others to come to Jesus-why are we wrong to do 
- Original Message - 
Sent: 3/6/2006 12:23:25 PM 
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 
'spirit' of truthtalk?

BEHAVIOUR is objected to (by 'acting out') these persons occasionally do 
seem surprised.
- Original Message - 

  Sent: March 06, 2006 10:43
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 
  'spirit' of truthtalk?
  DAVEH:  OK Dean, I understand your sensitivity to 
  such and will respond without using the words you find objectionable. 
    I would like to continue to discuss this, as I find it 
  interesting to see how SPers think.    I am 
  curious as to why one would still show up on somebody's doorstep when 
  an objectionable topic is mentioned rather than discuss it with them 
  via the phone or email?  What is to be accomplished by a personal 
  visit?  Most folks would understand such a visit to be a physical 
  threat, even though it could be claimed that the offended has a 
  constitutional right to confront the 
  offender.    The reason I ask this is because 
  it seems to me that many SPers seemed surprised that they are 
  physically attacked when confronting sinners on the streets.  Yet 
  they feel compelled to stare the jaws of death (so to speak) in the 
  mouth.  Is this a martyr complex of sorts?  Does it give 
  SPers confidence if they are persecuted for the Lord's sake ?  I 
  suppose an argument can be made that if one dies while in the service 
  of the Lord, it would be a feather in the cap of the persecuted while 
  at the same time driving the persecutor even deeper into hell.  
  To me that seems like rather odd logic, considering that the SPer (or 
  guy showing up on the doorstep) is somewhat a catalyst in this 
  scenario.  IOWIs a SPer guilty of promoting a problem when he 
  uses his constitutionally guaranteed free speech to aggravate a 
  situation that can and will likely turn to 
  violence?Dean Moore wrote: 

 Moderator: Wouldn't have to show up in 
Portland DaveH-all I would have to do is click a button and my 
problem is solved and that is exactly what I going to do the next 
time you use the words-** in the combination that 
you used them below. Discussion over-warning given!

  Original Message - 
  3/5/2006 12:52:41 PM 
  Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?
  DAVEH:   Dean, from what 
  you said previously about the oneness of husband and wife, if I 
  were to ask you about ,, you would take that as 
  a personal attack on ** and would then presume it to be a 
  personal attack on you as well, and then proceed to come to 
  Portland and show up on my that correct?  

Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread Lance Muir

It'd appear that we do all speak English, Dean. 
Now, as everyone else has taken, IMO a rather unconvincing, run at the fg, may I 
ask YOU, Dean...Rather than proof-texting (the exceptions having been Bill, 
David and John), are you able to open say the gospel of John or the book of 
Ephesians and, thereafter explain it in it's entirety without difficulty for 
either yourself or any believer? If yes then, please demonstrate. If no then, 
qualify your statement (what you say) in line with what you can actually 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: March 07, 2006 18:28
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of 
- Original Message - 
Sent: 3/7/2006 5:54:36 AM 
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' 
of truthtalk?

THE truth to read MY truth or, truth as I 
interpret it.
How I read the words that are spoken-We 
all do speak English right?

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: March 06, 2006 18:13
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' 
  of truthtalk?
  Moderator: No-The truth is not Ad. Hom attacks if one can 
  prove his point to a reasonable conclusion(whose conclusion? Why mine 
  decision of course)-Please explanation after my coming chastisement from 
  David.But don't jump the gun and attack me as he seems to be 
  hesitating(maybe he found love for me after all.)-and if wrong you will 
  still be dealing with a moderator-that will not take any 
- Original Message - 
Sent: 3/5/2006 12:52:42 PM 
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 
'spirit' of truthtalk?
DAVEH:   Dean, does this not 
qualify as an ad-hom?Dean Moore wrote: 



  cd:   or lose all 
  creditability as Lance had done in my opinion of this 
Dave Hansen
If you wish to receive
things I find interesting,
I maintain six email lists...

Re: [TruthTalk] Addendum to 'snakes anyone'?

2006-03-08 Thread Kevin Deegan
Hey man it is a sign of God and obviously if one claims to have these sign gifts   THIS IS THE REAL MCCOY  Hey ALL WILL BELIEVE if you display These gifts  Another BIGGIE is drinking poison MK16  And if one has the gifts they NEED to have these too  Hey if it was good enough for Paul it should be good for you.     Like our Mormon friends who are wells without water who fiegn the gift of healing I have yet to meet a one who fiegns the other two!  MK 16 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.     Got gifts?  If you have them, you "SHALL" have ALL Three  Whoso boasteth himself of a false gift is like clouds and wind without rain.     Maybe this is why someone tried to eliminate the ending of MK 16?  Easy to fake one not easy to fake the other two.  Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  I don't mind funnin' even at my expense. Why would I as I've done so often, often myself. However, shall I ask of you, Iz, whether you believe the Appalachian snake handlers to be testing God or, obeying His Word?     I note that upon raising an actual matter (HS & tongues) everyone fled to the hills. We all know that none of you has access, through the Word of God, to THE understanding on ALL issues. Does anyone of you brash souls wish to differ on this
 point? As our beloved moderator has said ...Hm...what has he actually said in the last 24 hours consistent with a week ago?       Any takers? - Original Message -   From: ShieldsFamily   To:   Sent: March 07, 2006 20:06  Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Addendum to 'snakes anyone'?  I guess Paul went overboard, too, when he shook that snake off his hand and didn’t get sick.  Such a literal guy. iz     From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance MuirSent: Tuesday, March 07, 2006 5:28 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: [TruthTalk] Addendum to 'snakes anyone'?   That was an reference to the 'Appalachian snake handlers'. Thus, those who've gone a touch overboard on literalism. Look in the mirror
 folks.__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread Kevin Deegan
SP's are really Secret Agents for GWB! LOL  Are you a conspiracy theorist?Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  DH:TT has a NEW POPE! You're just going to have to adjust. IMO your mystification re:SP types ain't a mystery. Preach the (their) gospel (their doctrine) by any means whatsoever. As they see it the end justifies the means. Though you and I are most assuredly not of one mind as to Jesus yet, we are seen as occupying the same camp. That camp is the camp of the lost/damned/bound for hell. I do see why they do what they do. This is the same sort of logic employed by their commander in chief over the Middle East.- Original Message -   From: Dave Hansen   To:   Sent: March 08, 2006 02:03  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?  to clear the confusion one should be able to prove their charge they make against others. DAVEH:   That's what I asked you to do when you made a false accusation about me (condoning violence) a few months back.  Your response was that you didn't know how to use the archives, and that is was my responsibility to prove that I didn't
 say something that I didn't say.  Which is logically illogical.So what is you better idea?DAVEH:  Practice what you preach.By the way I can change the rules if there is good reason to do so-but you cannot.DAVEH:  Ahhh..May I assume this is your perception of fairness?!?!?!    When I joined TT, it was proudly proclaimed there was only one rule in TT.  It seems several moderators have put that fallacy to show no hesitation provoking me-Why is that?DAVEH:  I'm not sure, Dean.  I find SPers to be cut from a different bolt of cloth.  It seems like some SPers live in a different world, where they are in constant battle with everybody, including some that at first appear to be on their side of the fence.  Other than the few Spers I've
 found on TT, I really don't have much experience with them, so I find how they think and operate to be rather interesting.  (e.g., Waving underwear in the faces of those they want to convert.)  To me it seems such a strange way to sell a product, so to speak.  Yet some SPers seem (from my perspective) to lack a measure of ___(I'll leave it for the reader to fill in the word), which to me seems at odds with their mission statement.  So I've got to wonder what makes them tickjust what is it that makes SPers the way they are.  I don't know if that makes much sense, Dean.  It's late and I suppose I'm just rambling onwith the way things are going He should be able to read it here in a short amount of time.DAVEH:   ???   What's that mean, Dean?  Are you going to invite the Bishop of TT to return?The truth is not Ad. Hom attacks if one can prove his point to a reasonable conclusion(whose conclusion? Why mine decision of course)DAVEH:   Did the rules change, Dean?  Are the rules being modified on the fly to suit the needs of the moderator???   As a moderator, is that what you consider to be fair?   Moderator: No, DaveH but there are many levels of Ad. Hom attacking going on here so to clear the confusion one should be able to prove their charge they make against others. One should not knock an idea unless one can offer a better one or lose credibility-So what is you better idea?I am all ears. By the way I can change the rules if there
 is good reason to do so-but you cannot.(maybe he found love for me after all.)DAVEH:   We all love you, Dean.  I'm just not sure we all can tolerate, let alone survive, you!   Moderator: For someone who expresses concerns about surviving me-you show no hesitation provoking me-Why is that? Also love a little harder as it isn't quite coming through my computer Dave.           (I'll copy this to John, as he may appreciate the irony in it.)  Moderator : Just save it-with the way things are going He should be able to read it here in a short amount of time.Dean Moore wrote: Moderator: No-The truth is not Ad. Hom attacks if one can prove his point to a reasonable conclusion(whose conclusion? Why mine decision of course)-Please explanation after my coming chastisement from David.But don't jump the gun and attack me as he seems to be hesitating(maybe he found love for me after all.)-and if wrong you will still be dealing with a moderator-that will not take any crap:-)     Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?   DAVEH:   Dean, does this not qualify as an ad-hom?Dean Moore wrote: cd:   or lose all creditability as Lance had done in my opinion of this matter.   --   ~~~  Dave Hansen  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ~~~  If you wish to receive  things I find interesting,  I maintain six email lists...  JOKESTER, OPINIONS, LDS,  STUFF, MOTORCYCLE and CLIPS.--   ~~~  Dave Hansen  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ~~~  If you
 wish to receive  things I find interesting,  I maintain six email lists...  JOKESTER, 

Re: [TruthTalk] Addendum to 'snakes anyone'?

2006-03-08 Thread Lance Muir

Thanks for this, Kevin. I can almost understand 
you. Have you ever been bitten by a venemous snake? Did you seek medical 
assistance? If you haven't then, were such to occur, would you seek medical 
More specifically Kevin, are those 'snake handlers' 
testing God or following his word?
Can one claim to have been baptised in the Spirit 
without speaking in tongues. Is tongues the evidence?

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: March 08, 2006 05:57
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Addendum to 
  'snakes anyone'?
  Hey man it is a sign of God and obviously if one claims to have these 
  sign gifts 
  Hey ALL WILL BELIEVE if you display These gifts
  Another BIGGIE is drinking poison MK16
  And if one has the gifts they NEED to have these too
  Hey if it was good enough for Paul it should be good for you.
  Like our Mormon friends who are wells without water who fiegn the gift of 
  healing I have yet to meet a one who fiegns the other two!
  MK 16 They 
  shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly 
  thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and 
  they shall recover.
  Got gifts?
  If you have them, you "SHALL" have ALL Three
  Whoso boasteth himself of a false gift is 
  like clouds and wind without rain.
  Maybe this is why someone tried to eliminate the ending of MK 16?
  Easy to fake one not easy to fake the other two.
  Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I don't mind funnin' even at my expense. Why 
would I as I've done so often, often myself. However, shall I ask of you, 
Iz, whether you believe the Appalachian snake handlers to be testing God or, 
obeying His Word?
I note that upon raising an actual matter (HS 
& tongues) everyone fled to the hills. We all know that none of you has 
access, through the Word of God, to THE understanding on ALL issues. Does 
anyone of you brash souls wish to differ on this point? As our beloved 
moderator has said ...Hm...what has he actually said in the last 24 
hours consistent with a week ago?  
Any takers? 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: March 07, 2006 20:06
  Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Addendum to 
  'snakes anyone'?
  I guess Paul went 
  overboard, too, when he shook that snake off his hand and didn’t get 
  sick.  Such a literal guy. iz
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance MuirSent: Tuesday, March 07, 2006 5:28 
  AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: [TruthTalk] Addendum to 
  'snakes anyone'?
  That was an reference to the 
  'Appalachian snake handlers'. Thus, those who've gone a touch overboard on 
  literalism. Look in the mirror 
  __Do You 
  Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread Kevin Deegan
Paul said:  But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience,     Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery  BTW what is wrong with preaching Jesus Christ?  or should we preach SS & Conversion at our evangelistic meetings?  Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  DH:TT has a NEW POPE! You're just going to have to adjust. IMO your mystification re:SP types ain't a mystery. Preach the (their) gospel (their doctrine) by any means whatsoever. As they see it the end justifies the means. Though you and I are most assuredly not of one mind as to Jesus yet, we are seen as occupying the same camp. That camp is the camp of the lost/damned/bound for hell. I do see why they do what they do. This is the same sort of logic employed by their commander in chief over the Middle East.- Original Message -   From: Dave Hansen
   To:   Sent: March 08, 2006 02:03  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?  to clear the confusion one should be able to prove their charge they make against others. DAVEH:   That's what I asked you to do when you made a false accusation about me (condoning violence) a few months back.  Your response was that you didn't know how to use the archives, and that is was my responsibility to prove that I didn't say something that I didn't say.  Which is logically illogical.So what is you better idea?DAVEH:  Practice what you preach.By the way I can
 change the rules if there is good reason to do so-but you cannot.DAVEH:  Ahhh..May I assume this is your perception of fairness?!?!?!    When I joined TT, it was proudly proclaimed there was only one rule in TT.  It seems several moderators have put that fallacy to show no hesitation provoking me-Why is that?DAVEH:  I'm not sure, Dean.  I find SPers to be cut from a different bolt of cloth.  It seems like some SPers live in a different world, where they are in constant battle with everybody, including some that at first appear to be on their side of the fence.  Other than the few Spers I've found on TT, I really don't have much experience with them, so I find how they think and operate to be rather interesting.  (e.g., Waving underwear in the faces of those they want to convert.)  To me it seems such a strange way to
 sell a product, so to speak.  Yet some SPers seem (from my perspective) to lack a measure of ___(I'll leave it for the reader to fill in the word), which to me seems at odds with their mission statement.  So I've got to wonder what makes them tickjust what is it that makes SPers the way they are.  I don't know if that makes much sense, Dean.  It's late and I suppose I'm just rambling onwith the way things are going He should be able to read it here in a short amount of time.DAVEH:   ???   What's that mean, Dean?  Are you going to invite the Bishop of TT to return?The truth is not Ad. Hom
 attacks if one can prove his point to a reasonable conclusion(whose conclusion? Why mine decision of course)DAVEH:   Did the rules change, Dean?  Are the rules being modified on the fly to suit the needs of the moderator???   As a moderator, is that what you consider to be fair?   Moderator: No, DaveH but there are many levels of Ad. Hom attacking going on here so to clear the confusion one should be able to prove their charge they make against others. One should not knock an idea unless one can offer a better one or lose credibility-So what is you better idea?I am all ears. By the way I can change the rules if there is good reason to do so-but you cannot.(maybe he found love for me after all.)DAVEH:   We all love you, Dean.  I'm just not sure we all can tolerate, let alone survive,
 you!   Moderator: For someone who expresses concerns about surviving me-you show no hesitation provoking me-Why is that? Also love a little harder as it isn't quite coming through my computer Dave.           (I'll copy this to John, as he may appreciate the irony in it.)  Moderator : Just save it-with the way things are going He should be able to read it here in a short amount of time.Dean Moore wrote: Moderator: No-The truth is not Ad. Hom attacks if one can prove his point to a reasonable conclusion(whose conclusion? Why mine decision of course)-Please explanation after
 my coming chastisement from David.But don't jump the gun and attack me as he seems to be hesitating(maybe he found love for me after all.)-and if wrong you will still be dealing with a moderator-that will not take any crap:-)     Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?   DAVEH:   Dean, does this not qualify as an ad-hom?Dean Moore wrote: cd:   or lose all creditability as Lance had done in my opinion of this matter. 
  --   ~~~  Dave Hansen  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ~~~  If you wish to

Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread Lance Muir

I'm not. John is.  

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: March 08, 2006 06:02
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of 
  SP's are really Secret Agents for GWB! LOL
  Are you a conspiracy theorist?Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

DH:TT has a NEW POPE! You're just going to have 
to adjust. IMO your mystification re:SP types ain't a mystery. Preach the 
(their) gospel (their doctrine) by any means whatsoever. As they see it the 
end justifies the means. Though you and I are most assuredly not of one mind 
as to Jesus yet, we are seen as occupying the same camp. That camp is the 
camp of the lost/damned/bound for hell. I do see why they do what they do. 
This is the same sort of logic employed by their commander in chief over the 
Middle East.

  - Original Message - 
  Dave Hansen 
  Sent: March 08, 2006 02:03
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' 
  of truthtalk?
  to clear the confusion one should 
  be able to prove their charge they make against others. 
  DAVEH:   That's what I asked you to 
  do when you made a false accusation about me (condoning violence) a few 
  months back.  Your response was that you didn't know how to use the 
  archives, and that is was my responsibility to prove that I didn't say 
  something that I didn't say.  Which is logically 
  illogical.So what is you better 
  idea?DAVEH:  Practice what you 
  preach.By the way I can change the rules 
  if there is good reason to do so-but you 
  cannot.DAVEH:  Ahhh..May I assume 
  this is your perception of fairness?!?!?!    When I 
  joined TT, it was proudly proclaimed there was only one rule in TT.  
  It seems several moderators have put that fallacy to show no hesitation provoking me-Why is 
  that?DAVEH:  I'm not sure, Dean.  I 
  find SPers to be cut from a different bolt of cloth.  It seems like 
  some SPers live in a different world, where they are in constant battle 
  with everybody, including some that at first appear to be on their side of 
  the fence.  Other than the few Spers I've found on TT, I really don't 
  have much experience with them, so I find how they think and operate to be 
  rather interesting.  (e.g., Waving underwear in the faces of those 
  they want to convert.)  To me it seems such a strange way to sell a 
  product, so to speak.  Yet some SPers seem (from my perspective) to 
  lack a measure of ___(I'll leave it for the reader to fill in the 
  word), which to me seems at odds with their mission statement.  So 
  I've got to wonder what makes them tickjust what is it that makes 
  SPers the way they are.  I don't know if that makes much sense, 
  Dean.  It's late and I suppose I'm just rambling onwith the way things are going He should be able to read 
  it here in a short amount of 
  time.DAVEH:   ???   What's 
  that mean, Dean?  Are you going to invite the Bishop of TT to 

  The truth is not Ad. Hom attacks if one 
  can prove his point to a reasonable conclusion(whose 
  conclusion? Why mine decision of 
  course)DAVEH:   Did the rules change, 
  Dean?  Are the rules being modified on the fly to suit the needs 
  of the moderator???   As a moderator, is that what you 
  consider to be fair?
   Moderator: No, DaveH but there are 
  many levels of Ad. Hom attacking going on here so to clear the 
  confusion one should be able to prove their charge they make against 
  others. One should not knock an idea unless one can offer a better 
  one or lose credibility-So what is you better idea?I am all 
  ears. By the way I can change the rules if there is good reason to 
  do so-but you cannot.(maybe he found 
  love for me after all.)DAVEH:   We all 
  love you, Dean.  I'm just not sure we all can tolerate, let alone 
  survive, you! 
  Moderator: For someone who expresses 
  concerns about surviving me-you show no hesitation provoking me-Why 
  is that? Also love a little harder as it isn't quite coming 
  through my computer Dave.
     (I'll copy this to John, as he may 
  appreciate the irony in it.)
  Moderator : Just save it-with the way 
  things are going He should be able to read it here in a short amount 
  of time.Dean Moore wrote: 

Moderator: No-The truth is not Ad. Hom 
attacks if one can prove his point to a reasonable conclusion(whose 
conclusion? Why mine deci

Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread Kevin Deegan
Boy you ask a lot for one who is the master of one word answers and Total avoidance of some questions     Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  It'd appear that we do all speak English, Dean. Now, as everyone else has taken, IMO a rather unconvincing, run at the fg, may I ask YOU, Dean...Rather than proof-texting (the exceptions having been Bill, David and John), are you able to open say the gospel of John or the book of Ephesians and, thereafter explain it in it's entirety without difficulty for either yourself or any believer? If yes then, please demonstrate. If no then, qualify your statement (what you say) in line with what you can actually do.  - Original Message -   From: Dean Moore   To:   Sent: March 07, 2006 18:28  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?       - Original Message -   From: Lance Muir   To:  Sent: 3/7/2006 5:54:36 AM   Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?THE truth to read MY truth or, truth as I interpret it.  How I read the words that are spoken-We all do speak English right?- Original Message -   From:
 Dean Moore   To:   Sent: March 06, 2006 18:13  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?  Moderator: No-The truth is not Ad. Hom attacks if one can prove his point to a reasonable conclusion(whose conclusion? Why mine decision of course)-Please explanation after my coming chastisement from David.But don't jump the gun and attack me as he seems to be hesitating(maybe he found love for me after all.)-and if wrong you will still be dealing with a moderator-that will not take any crap:-)    - Original Message -   From: Dave Hansen   To:  Sent: 3/5/2006 12:52:42 PM   Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?  DAVEH:   Dean, does this not qualify as an ad-hom?Dean Moore wrote: cd:   or lose all creditability as
 Lance had done in my opinion of this matter.   --   ~~~  Dave Hansen  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ~~~  If you wish to receive  things I find interesting,  I maintain six email lists...  JOKESTER, OPINIONS, LDS,  STUFF, MOTORCYCLE and CLIPS.__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread Lance Muir

Don't I though?

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: March 08, 2006 06:09
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of 
  Boy you ask a lot for one who is the master of one word answers and Total 
  avoidance of some questions
  Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

It'd appear that we do all speak English, Dean. 
Now, as everyone else has taken, IMO a rather unconvincing, run at the fg, 
may I ask YOU, Dean...Rather than proof-texting (the exceptions having been 
Bill, David and John), are you able to open say the gospel of John or the 
book of Ephesians and, thereafter explain it in it's entirety without 
difficulty for either yourself or any believer? If yes then, please 
demonstrate. If no then, qualify your statement (what you say) in line with 
what you can actually do.  

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: March 07, 2006 18:28
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' 
  of truthtalk?
- Original Message - 
Sent: 3/7/2006 5:54:36 AM 
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 
'spirit' of truthtalk?

THE truth to read MY truth or, truth as I 
interpret it.
How I read the words that are 
spoken-We all do speak English right?

  - Original Message - 
  Dean Moore 
  Sent: March 06, 2006 18:13
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 
  'spirit' of truthtalk?
  Moderator: No-The truth is not Ad. Hom attacks if one can 
  prove his point to a reasonable conclusion(whose conclusion? Why mine 
  decision of course)-Please explanation after my coming chastisement 
  from David.But don't jump the gun and attack me as he seems to be 
  hesitating(maybe he found love for me after all.)-and if wrong you 
  will still be dealing with a moderator-that will not take any 
- Original Message - 
Sent: 3/5/2006 12:52:42 PM 

Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 
'spirit' of truthtalk?
DAVEH:   Dean, does this not 
qualify as an ad-hom?Dean Moore wrote: 



  cd:   or lose all 
  creditability as Lance had done in my opinion of this 
   --   ~~~  Dave Hansen  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ~~~  If you wish to receive  things I find interesting,  I maintain six email lists...  JOKESTER, OPINIONS, LDS,  STUFF, MOTORCYCLE and CLIPS.
  __Do You 
  Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread Lance Muir

Did you send your kids to SS? Do you have no 
evangelistic mtgs where you are? Do some in attendance at either ever get 
converted? Do you have other names you prefer over 'conversion', Kevin. 

That you Kevin, believe yourself 'fully known 
(Paul's) doctrine' I've no doubt. I'd recommend to the moderator that we all 
take a hiatus from writing and, just let you teach us.  

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: March 08, 2006 06:07
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of 
  Paul said:
  But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, 
  longsuffering, charity, patience,
  Now to him that is of power to stablish you 
  according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according 
  to the revelation of the mystery
  BTW what is wrong with preaching Jesus 
  or should we preach SS & Conversion at our 
  evangelistic meetings?
  Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

DH:TT has a NEW POPE! You're just going to have 
to adjust. IMO your mystification re:SP types ain't a mystery. Preach the 
(their) gospel (their doctrine) by any means whatsoever. As they see it the 
end justifies the means. Though you and I are most assuredly not of one mind 
as to Jesus yet, we are seen as occupying the same camp. That camp is the 
camp of the lost/damned/bound for hell. I do see why they do what they do. 
This is the same sort of logic employed by their commander in chief over the 
Middle East.

  - Original Message - 
  Dave Hansen 
  Sent: March 08, 2006 02:03
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' 
  of truthtalk?
  to clear the confusion one should 
  be able to prove their charge they make against others. 
  DAVEH:   That's what I asked you to 
  do when you made a false accusation about me (condoning violence) a few 
  months back.  Your response was that you didn't know how to use the 
  archives, and that is was my responsibility to prove that I didn't say 
  something that I didn't say.  Which is logically 
  illogical.So what is you better 
  idea?DAVEH:  Practice what you 
  preach.By the way I can change the rules 
  if there is good reason to do so-but you 
  cannot.DAVEH:  Ahhh..May I assume 
  this is your perception of fairness?!?!?!    When I 
  joined TT, it was proudly proclaimed there was only one rule in TT.  
  It seems several moderators have put that fallacy to show no hesitation provoking me-Why is 
  that?DAVEH:  I'm not sure, Dean.  I 
  find SPers to be cut from a different bolt of cloth.  It seems like 
  some SPers live in a different world, where they are in constant battle 
  with everybody, including some that at first appear to be on their side of 
  the fence.  Other than the few Spers I've found on TT, I really don't 
  have much experience with them, so I find how they think and operate to be 
  rather interesting.  (e.g., Waving underwear in the faces of those 
  they want to convert.)  To me it seems such a strange way to sell a 
  product, so to speak.  Yet some SPers seem (from my perspective) to 
  lack a measure of ___(I'll leave it for the reader to fill in the 
  word), which to me seems at odds with their mission statement.  So 
  I've got to wonder what makes them tickjust what is it that makes 
  SPers the way they are.  I don't know if that makes much sense, 
  Dean.  It's late and I suppose I'm just rambling onwith the way things are going He should be able to read 
  it here in a short amount of 
  time.DAVEH:   ???   What's 
  that mean, Dean?  Are you going to invite the Bishop of TT to 

  The truth is not Ad. Hom attacks if one 
  can prove his point to a reasonable conclusion(whose 
  conclusion? Why mine decision of 
  course)DAVEH:   Did the rules change, 
  Dean?  Are the rules being modified on the fly to suit the needs 
  of the moderator???   As a moderator, is that what you 
  consider to be fair?
   Moderator: No, DaveH but there are 
  many levels of Ad. Hom attacking going on here so to clear the 
  confusion one should be able to prove their charge they make against 
  others. One should not knock an idea unless one can offer a better 
  one or lose credibility-So what is you better idea?I am all 
  ears. By the way I can change the rules if there is good reason to 
  do so-but you cannot.(maybe he found 
  love for me after all.)DAVEH:   We all 
  love you, Dean.  I'm just not sure we all can tolerate, let alone 
  survive, you! 
  Moderator: For someone w

Re: [TruthTalk] Addendum to 'snakes anyone'?

2006-03-08 Thread Kevin Deegan
Read the verse real slow   And these signs shall follow them that believe     What is so difficult about plainess of speech?Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Thanks for this, Kevin. I can almost understand you. Have you ever been bitten by a venemous snake? Did you seek medical assistance? If you haven't then, were such to occur, would you seek medical attention?     More specifically Kevin, are those 'snake handlers' testing God or following his word?     Can one claim to have been baptised in the
 Spirit without speaking in tongues. Is tongues the evidence?- Original Message -   From: Kevin Deegan   To:   Sent: March 08, 2006 05:57  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Addendum to 'snakes anyone'?Hey man it is a sign of God and obviously if one claims to have these sign gifts   THIS IS THE REAL MCCOY  Hey ALL WILL BELIEVE if you display These gifts 
 Another BIGGIE is drinking poison MK16  And if one has the gifts they NEED to have these too  Hey if it was good enough for Paul it should be good for you.     Like our Mormon friends who are wells without water who fiegn the gift of healing I have yet to meet a one who fiegns the other two!  MK 16 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.     Got gifts?  If you have them, you "SHALL" have ALL Three  Whoso boasteth himself of a false gift is like clouds and wind without rain.     Maybe this is why someone tried to eliminate the ending
 of MK 16?  Easy to fake one not easy to fake the other two.  Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  I don't mind funnin' even at my expense. Why would I as I've done so often, often myself. However, shall I ask of you, Iz, whether you believe the Appalachian snake handlers to be testing God or, obeying His Word?     I note that upon raising an actual matter (HS & tongues) everyone fled to the hills. We all know that none of you has access, through the Word of God, to THE understanding on ALL issues. Does anyone of you brash souls wish to differ on this point? As our beloved moderator has said ...Hm...what has he actually said in the last 24 hours consistent with a week ago?       Any takers? - Original Message -   From: ShieldsFamily   To:   Sent: March 07, 2006 20:06  Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Addendum to 'snakes anyone'?  I guess Paul went overboard, too, when he shook that snake off his hand and
 didn’t get sick.  Such a literal guy. iz     From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance MuirSent:
 Tuesday, March 07, 2006 5:28 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: [TruthTalk] Addendum to 'snakes anyone'?   That was an reference to the 'Appalachian snake handlers'. Thus, those who've gone a touch overboard on literalism. Look in the mirror folks.  __Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 
		Yahoo! Mail
Bring photos to life! New PhotoMail  makes sharing a breeze. 

Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread Kevin Deegan
John is a SA for GW?Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  I'm not. John is.  - Original Message -   From: Kevin Deegan   To:   Sent: March 08, 2006 06:02  Subject: Re:
 [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?SP's are really Secret Agents for GWB! LOL  Are you a conspiracy theorist?Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  DH:TT has a NEW POPE! You're just going to have to adjust. IMO your mystification re:SP types ain't a mystery. Preach the (their) gospel (their doctrine) by any means whatsoever. As they see it the end justifies the means. Though you and I are most assuredly not of one mind as to Jesus yet, we are seen as occupying the same camp. That camp is the camp of the lost/damned/bound for hell. I do see why they do what they do. This is the same sort of logic employed by their commander in chief over the Middle East. 
   - Original Message -   From: Dave Hansen   To:   Sent: March 08, 2006 02:03  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?  to clear the confusion one should be able to prove their charge they make against others. DAVEH:   That's what I asked you to do when you made a false accusation about me (condoning violence) a few months back.  Your
 response was that you didn't know how to use the archives, and that is was my responsibility to prove that I didn't say something that I didn't say.  Which is logically illogical.So what is you better idea?DAVEH:  Practice what you preach.By the way I can change the rules if there is good reason to do so-but you cannot.DAVEH:  Ahhh..May I assume this is your perception of fairness?!?!?!    When I joined TT, it was proudly proclaimed there was only one rule in TT.  It seems several moderators have put that fallacy to show no hesitation provoking me-Why is that?DAVEH:  I'm not sure, Dean.  I find SPers to be cut from a different bolt of cloth.  It seems like some SPers live in a different world, where they are in constant battle with
 everybody, including some that at first appear to be on their side of the fence.  Other than the few Spers I've found on TT, I really don't have much experience with them, so I find how they think and operate to be rather interesting.  (e.g., Waving underwear in the faces of those they want to convert.)  To me it seems such a strange way to sell a product, so to speak.  Yet some SPers seem (from my perspective) to lack a measure of ___(I'll leave it for the reader to fill in the word), which to me seems at odds with their mission statement.  So I've got to wonder what makes them tickjust what is it that makes SPers the way they are.  I don't know if that makes much sense, Dean.  It's late and I suppose I'm just rambling onwith the way things are going He should be able to read it here in a short amount of time.DAVEH:   ???   What's that mean, Dean?  Are
 you going to invite the Bishop of TT to return?The truth is not Ad. Hom attacks if one can prove his point to a reasonable conclusion(whose conclusion? Why mine decision of course)DAVEH:   Did the rules change, Dean?  Are the rules being modified on the fly to suit the needs of the moderator???   As a moderator, is that what you consider to be fair?   Moderator: No, DaveH but there are many levels of Ad. Hom attacking going on here so to clear the confusion one should be able to prove their charge they make against others. One should not knock an idea unless one can offer a better one
 or lose credibility-So what is you better idea?I am all ears. By the way I can change the rules if there is good reason to do so-but you cannot.(maybe he found love for me after all.)DAVEH:   We all love you, Dean.  I'm just not sure we all can tolerate, let alone survive, you!   Moderator: For someone who expresses concerns about surviving me-you show no hesitation provoking me-Why is that? Also love a little harder as it isn't quite coming through my computer Dave.           (I'll copy this to John, as he may appreciate the irony in it.)  Moderator : Just save it-with the way things are going He should be able to read it here in a short amount of time.Dean Moore wrote:
 Moderator: No-The truth is not Ad. Hom attacks if one can prove his point to a reasonable conclusion(whose conclusion? Why mine decision of course)-Please explanation after my coming chastisement from David.But don't jump the gun and attack me as he seems to be hesitating(maybe he found love for me after all.)-and if wrong you will still be dealing with a moderator-that will not take any crap:-)     Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?   DAVEH:   Dean, does this not qualify as an ad-hom?Dean Moore wrote: cd:   or lose all creditability as Lance had done in my opinion of this matter.   --   ~~~  Dave Hansen  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ~~~  If you wish to receive  things I find interesting,  I maintain six e

Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread Kevin Deegan
Your not teachableLance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Did you send your kids to SS? Do you have no evangelistic mtgs where you are? Do some in attendance at either ever get converted? Do you have other names you prefer over 'conversion', Kevin.      That you Kevin, believe yourself 'fully known (Paul's) doctrine' I've no doubt. I'd recommend to the moderator that we all take a hiatus from writing and, just let you teach us.  - Original Message -   From: Kevin Deegan   To:   Sent: March 08, 2006 06:07  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?Paul said:  But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience,     Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery  BTW what is wrong with preaching Jesus Christ?  or should we preach SS & Conversion at our evangelistic meetings?  Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  DH:TT has a NEW POPE! You're just going to have to adjust. IMO your mystification re:SP types ain't a mystery. Preach the (their) gospel (their doctrine) by any means whatsoever. As they see it the end justifies the means. Though you and I are most assuredly not of one mind as to Jesus yet, we are seen as occupying the same camp. That camp is the camp of the lost/damned/bound for hell. I do see why
 they do what they do. This is the same sort of logic employed by their commander in chief over the Middle East.- Original Message -   From: Dave Hansen   To:   Sent: March 08, 2006 02:03  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?  to clear the confusion one should be able to prove their charge they make against others.
 DAVEH:   That's what I asked you to do when you made a false accusation about me (condoning violence) a few months back.  Your response was that you didn't know how to use the archives, and that is was my responsibility to prove that I didn't say something that I didn't say.  Which is logically illogical.So what is you better idea?DAVEH:  Practice what you preach.By the way I can change the rules if there is good reason to do so-but you cannot.DAVEH:  Ahhh..May I assume this is your perception of fairness?!?!?!    When I joined TT, it was proudly proclaimed there was only one rule in TT.  It seems several moderators have put that fallacy to show no hesitation provoking me-Why is that?DAVEH:  I'm not
 sure, Dean.  I find SPers to be cut from a different bolt of cloth.  It seems like some SPers live in a different world, where they are in constant battle with everybody, including some that at first appear to be on their side of the fence.  Other than the few Spers I've found on TT, I really don't have much experience with them, so I find how they think and operate to be rather interesting.  (e.g., Waving underwear in the faces of those they want to convert.)  To me it seems such a strange way to sell a product, so to speak.  Yet some SPers seem (from my perspective) to lack a measure of ___(I'll leave it for the reader to fill in the word), which to me seems at odds with their mission statement.  So I've got to wonder what makes them tickjust what is it that makes SPers the way they are.  I don't know if that makes much sense, Dean.  It's late and I suppose I'm just rambling onwith the way
 things are going He should be able to read it here in a short amount of time.DAVEH:   ???   What's that mean, Dean?  Are you going to invite the Bishop of TT to return?The truth is not Ad. Hom attacks if one can prove his point to a reasonable conclusion(whose conclusion? Why mine decision of course)DAVEH:   Did the rules change, Dean?  Are the rules being modified on the fly to suit the needs of the moderator???   As a moderator, is that what you consider to be fair?   Moderator: No, DaveH but there are many levels of Ad. Hom attacking
 going on here so to clear the confusion one should be able to prove their charge they make against others. One should not knock an idea unless one can offer a better one or lose credibility-So what is you better idea?I am all ears. By the way I can change the rules if there is good reason to do so-but you cannot.(maybe he found love for me after all.)DAVEH:   We all love you, Dean.  I'm just not sure we all can tolerate, let alone survive, you!   Moderator: For someone who expresses concerns about surviving me-you show no hesitation provoking me-Why is that? Also love a little harder as it isn't quite coming through my computer Dave.           (I'll copy this to John, as he may appreciate the irony in it.) 
 Moderator : Just save it-with the way things are going He should be able to read it here in a short amount of time.Dean Moore wrote: Moderator: No-The truth is not Ad. Hom attacks if one can prove his point to a reasonable conclusion(whose conclusion? Why mine decis

Re: [TruthTalk] Addendum to 'snakes anyone'?

2006-03-08 Thread Kevin Deegan
More specifically Kevin, are those 'snake handlers' testing God or following his word?     Maybe I was not clear and I would think it is OBVIOUS on the face of the issue. This is why few claim this gift.  Whoso boasteth himself of a false gift is like clouds and wind without rain. Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Thanks for this, Kevin. I can almost understand you. Have you ever been bitten by a venemous snake? Did you seek medical assistance? If you haven't then, were such to occur, would you seek medical
 attention?     More specifically Kevin, are those 'snake handlers' testing God or following his word?     Can one claim to have been baptised in the Spirit without speaking in tongues. Is tongues the evidence?- Original Message -   From: Kevin Deegan   To:   Sent: March
 08, 2006 05:57  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Addendum to 'snakes anyone'?Hey man it is a sign of God and obviously if one claims to have these sign gifts   THIS IS THE REAL MCCOY  Hey ALL WILL BELIEVE if you display These gifts  Another BIGGIE is drinking poison MK16  And if one has the gifts they NEED to have these too  Hey if it was good enough for Paul it should be good for you.     Like our Mormon friends who are wells without water who fiegn the gift of healing I have yet to meet a one who fiegns the other two!  MK 16 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.     Got gifts?  If you have them, you "SHALL" have ALL Three  Whoso boasteth himself of a false gift is like clouds and wind without rain.     Maybe this is why someone tried to eliminate the ending of MK 16?  Easy to fake one not easy to fake the other two.  Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  I don't mind funnin' even at my expense. Why would I as I've done so often, often myself. However, shall I ask of you, Iz, whether you believe the Appalachian snake handlers to be testing God or, obeying His Word?     I note that upon raising an actual matter (HS & tongues) everyone fled to
 the hills. We all know that none of you has access, through the Word of God, to THE understanding on ALL issues. Does anyone of you brash souls wish to differ on this point? As our beloved moderator has said ...Hm...what has he actually said in the last 24 hours consistent with a week ago?       Any takers? - Original Message -   From: ShieldsFamily   To:   Sent: March 07, 2006
 20:06  Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Addendum to 'snakes anyone'?  I guess Paul went overboard, too, when he shook that snake off his hand and didn’t get sick.  Such a literal guy. iz     From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance MuirSent: Tuesday, March 07, 2006 5:28 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: [TruthTalk] Addendum to 'snakes anyone'?   That was an reference to the 'Appalachian snake handlers'. Thus, those who've gone a touch overboard on
 literalism. Look in the mirror folks.  __Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around __Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread Kevin Deegan
"Have you received a ministry from the Lord? If so, you must be faithful to it - to consider your life valuable only for the purpose of fulfilling that ministry. ...To do this we must have close fellowship with Jesus and must know Him as more than our personal Savior. And we must be willing to experience the full impact of, - 'I will show him how many things he must suffer for My name's sake.' ...He is not offering us a choice of how we can serve Him; He is asking for absolute loyalty to His commission"    Oswald Chambers 'My Utmost For His Highest'
 Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Paul said:  But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience,     Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery  BTW what is wrong with preaching Jesus Christ?  or should we
 preach SS & Conversion at our evangelistic meetings?  Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  DH:TT has a NEW POPE! You're just going to have to adjust. IMO your mystification re:SP types ain't a mystery. Preach the (their) gospel (their doctrine) by any means whatsoever. As they see it the end justifies the means. Though you and I are most assuredly not of one mind as to Jesus yet, we are seen as occupying the same camp. That camp is the camp of the lost/damned/bound for hell. I do see why they do what they do. This is the same sort of logic employed by their commander in chief over the Middle East.- Original Message -   From: Dave Hansen   To:   Sent: March 08, 2006 02:03  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?  to clear the confusion one should be able to prove their charge they make against others. DAVEH:   That's what I asked you to do when you made a false accusation about me (condoning violence) a few months back.  Your response was that you didn't know how to use the archives, and that is was my responsibility to prove that I didn't say something
 that I didn't say.  Which is logically illogical.So what is you better idea?DAVEH:  Practice what you preach.By the way I can change the rules if there is good reason to do so-but you cannot.DAVEH:  Ahhh..May I assume this is your perception of fairness?!?!?!    When I joined TT, it was proudly proclaimed there was only one rule in TT.  It seems several moderators have put that fallacy to show no hesitation provoking me-Why is that?DAVEH:  I'm not sure, Dean.  I find SPers to be cut from a different bolt of cloth.  It seems like some SPers live in a different world, where they are in constant battle with everybody, including some that at first appear to be on their side of the fence.  Other than the few Spers I've found on TT,
 I really don't have much experience with them, so I find how they think and operate to be rather interesting.  (e.g., Waving underwear in the faces of those they want to convert.)  To me it seems such a strange way to sell a product, so to speak.  Yet some SPers seem (from my perspective) to lack a measure of ___(I'll leave it for the reader to fill in the word), which to me seems at odds with their mission statement.  So I've got to wonder what makes them tickjust what is it that makes SPers the way they are.  I don't know if that makes much sense, Dean.  It's late and I suppose I'm just rambling onwith the way things are going He should be able to read it here in a short amount of time.DAVEH:   ???   What's that mean, Dean?  Are you going to invite the Bishop of TT to return?   
 The truth is not Ad. Hom attacks if one can prove his point to a reasonable conclusion(whose conclusion? Why mine decision of course)DAVEH:   Did the rules change, Dean?  Are the rules being modified on the fly to suit the needs of the moderator???   As a moderator, is that what you consider to be fair?   Moderator: No, DaveH but there are many levels of Ad. Hom attacking going on here so to clear the confusion one should be able to prove their charge they make against others. One should not knock an idea unless one can offer a better one or lose credibility-So what is you better idea?I am all ears. By the way I can change the rules if there is good reason
 to do so-but you cannot.(maybe he found love for me after all.)DAVEH:   We all love you, Dean.  I'm just not sure we all can tolerate, let alone survive, you!   Moderator: For someone who expresses concerns about surviving me-you show no hesitation provoking me-Why is that? Also love a little harder as it isn't quite coming through my computer Dave.           (I'll copy this to John, as he may appreciate the irony in it.)  Moderator : Just save it-with the way things are going He should be able to read it here in a short amount of time.Dean Moore wrote: Moderator: No-The truth is not Ad. Hom attacks if one can prove his point to a reasonable conclusion(whose conclusion? Why mine decisio

Re: [TruthTalk] Addendum to 'snakes anyone'?

2006-03-08 Thread Lance Muir

Thanks for the clarification.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: March 08, 2006 06:22
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Addendum to 
  'snakes anyone'?
  More specifically Kevin, are those 'snake handlers' testing God 
  or following his word?
  Maybe I was not clear and I would think it is OBVIOUS on the face of 
  the issue. This is why few claim this gift.
  Whoso boasteth himself of a false gift is 
  like clouds and wind without rain. 

Thanks for this, Kevin. I can almost understand 
you. Have you ever been bitten by a venemous snake? Did you seek medical 
assistance? If you haven't then, were such to occur, would you seek medical 
More specifically Kevin, are those 'snake 
handlers' testing God or following his word?
Can one claim to have been baptised in the 
Spirit without speaking in tongues. Is tongues the evidence?

  - Original Message - 
  Kevin Deegan 
  Sent: March 08, 2006 05:57
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Addendum to 
  'snakes anyone'?
  Hey man it is a sign of God and obviously if one claims to have these 
  sign gifts 
  Hey ALL WILL BELIEVE if you display These gifts
  Another BIGGIE is drinking poison MK16
  And if one has the gifts they NEED to have these too
  Hey if it was good enough for Paul it should be good for you.
  Like our Mormon friends who are wells without water who fiegn the 
  gift of healing I have yet to meet a one who fiegns the other two!
  MK 16 They 
  shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly 
  thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, 
  and they shall recover.
  Got gifts?
  If you have them, you "SHALL" have ALL Three
  Whoso boasteth himself of a false gift is 
  like clouds and wind without rain.
  Maybe this is why someone tried to eliminate the ending of MK 
  Easy to fake one not easy to fake the other two.
  Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

I don't mind funnin' even at my expense. 
Why would I as I've done so often, often myself. However, shall I ask of 
you, Iz, whether you believe the Appalachian snake handlers to be 
testing God or, obeying His Word?
I note that upon raising an actual matter 
(HS & tongues) everyone fled to the hills. We all know that none of 
you has access, through the Word of God, to THE understanding on ALL 
issues. Does anyone of you brash souls wish to differ on this point? As 
our beloved moderator has said ...Hm...what has he actually said in 
the last 24 hours consistent with a week ago?  
Any takers? 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: March 07, 2006 20:06
  Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Addendum 
  to 'snakes anyone'?
  I guess Paul 
  went overboard, too, when he shook that snake off his hand and didn’t 
  get sick.  Such a literal guy. iz
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance 
  MuirSent: Tuesday, 
  March 07, 2006 5:28 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: [TruthTalk] Addendum to 
  'snakes anyone'?
  That was an reference to 
  the 'Appalachian snake handlers'. Thus, those who've gone a touch 
  overboard on literalism. Look in the mirror 
  __Do You 
  Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 
  __Do You 
  Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread Lance Muir

There is a rather large distinction between 
agreeing with you Kevin, and being teachable.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: March 08, 2006 06:17
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of 
  Your not teachableLance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Did you send your kids to SS? Do you have no 
evangelistic mtgs where you are? Do some in attendance at either ever get 
converted? Do you have other names you prefer over 'conversion', Kevin. 

That you Kevin, believe yourself 'fully known 
(Paul's) doctrine' I've no doubt. I'd recommend to the moderator that we all 
take a hiatus from writing and, just let you teach 

  - Original Message - 
  Kevin Deegan 
  Sent: March 08, 2006 06:07
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' 
  of truthtalk?
  Paul said:
  But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, 
  faith, longsuffering, charity, patience,
  Now to him that is of power to stablish 
  you according to my gospel, and the 
  preaching of Jesus Christ, 
  according to the revelation of the mystery
  BTW what is wrong with preaching Jesus 
  or should we preach SS & Conversion at 
  our evangelistic meetings?
  Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

DH:TT has a NEW POPE! You're just going to 
have to adjust. IMO your mystification re:SP types ain't a mystery. 
Preach the (their) gospel (their doctrine) by any means whatsoever. As 
they see it the end justifies the means. Though you and I are most 
assuredly not of one mind as to Jesus yet, we are seen as occupying the 
same camp. That camp is the camp of the lost/damned/bound for hell. I do 
see why they do what they do. This is the same sort of logic employed by 
their commander in chief over the Middle East.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: March 08, 2006 02:03
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 
  'spirit' of truthtalk?
  to clear the confusion one 
  should be able to prove their charge they make against others. 
  DAVEH:   That's what I asked you 
  to do when you made a false accusation about me (condoning violence) a 
  few months back.  Your response was that you didn't know how to 
  use the archives, and that is was my responsibility to prove that I 
  didn't say something that I didn't say.  Which is logically 
  illogical.So what is you better 
  idea?DAVEH:  Practice what you 
  preach.By the way I can change the 
  rules if there is good reason to do so-but you 
  cannot.DAVEH:  Ahhh..May I 
  assume this is your perception of 
  fairness?!?!?!    When I joined TT, it was 
  proudly proclaimed there was only one rule in TT.  It seems 
  several moderators have put that fallacy to show no hesitation provoking me-Why is 
  that?DAVEH:  I'm not sure, 
  Dean.  I find SPers to be cut from a different bolt of 
  cloth.  It seems like some SPers live in a different world, where 
  they are in constant battle with everybody, including some that at 
  first appear to be on their side of the fence.  Other than the 
  few Spers I've found on TT, I really don't have much experience with 
  them, so I find how they think and operate to be rather 
  interesting.  (e.g., Waving underwear in the faces of those they 
  want to convert.)  To me it seems such a strange way to sell a 
  product, so to speak.  Yet some SPers seem (from my perspective) 
  to lack a measure of ___(I'll leave it for the reader to fill in 
  the word), which to me seems at odds with their mission 
  statement.  So I've got to wonder what makes them tickjust 
  what is it that makes SPers the way they are.  I don't know if 
  that makes much sense, Dean.  It's late and I suppose I'm just 
  rambling onwith the way things are 
  going He should be able to read it here in a short amount of 
  time.DAVEH:   ???   
  What's that mean, Dean?  Are you going to invite the Bishop of TT 
  to return?

  The truth is not Ad. Hom attacks if 
  one can prove his point to a reasonable conclusion(whose 
  conclusion? Why mine decision of 
  course)DAVEH:   Did the rules 
  change, Dean?  Are the rules being modified on the fly to 

Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread Lance Muir

A hearty Amen to the statement and, the originator 
of it (Oswald Chambers).

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: March 08, 2006 06:30
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of 

"Have you received a ministry from the 
Lord? If so, you must be faithful to it - to consider your life valuable 
only for the purpose of fulfilling that ministry. ...To do this 
we must have close fellowship with Jesus and must know Him as more than 
our personal Savior. And we must be willing to experience the full 
impact of, - 'I will show him how many things he must suffer for My 
name's sake.' ...He is not offering us a choice of how we can 
serve Him; He is asking for absolute loyalty to His 
Oswald Chambers 'My Utmost 
For His Highest' 
  Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
Paul said:
But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, 
faith, longsuffering, charity, patience,
Now to him that is of power to stablish you 
according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according 
to the revelation of the mystery
BTW what is wrong with preaching Jesus 
or should we preach SS & Conversion at 
our evangelistic meetings?
Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  DH:TT has a NEW POPE! You're just going to 
  have to adjust. IMO your mystification re:SP types ain't a mystery. Preach 
  the (their) gospel (their doctrine) by any means whatsoever. As they see 
  it the end justifies the means. Though you and I are most assuredly not of 
  one mind as to Jesus yet, we are seen as occupying the same camp. That 
  camp is the camp of the lost/damned/bound for hell. I do see why they do 
  what they do. This is the same sort of logic employed by their commander 
  in chief over the Middle East.
- Original Message - 

Sent: March 08, 2006 02:03
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 
'spirit' of truthtalk?
to clear the confusion one should 
be able to prove their charge they make against others. 
DAVEH:   That's what I asked you 
to do when you made a false accusation about me (condoning violence) a 
few months back.  Your response was that you didn't know how to use 
the archives, and that is was my responsibility to prove that I didn't 
say something that I didn't say.  Which is logically 
illogical.So what is you better 
idea?DAVEH:  Practice what you 
preach.By the way I can change the rules 
if there is good reason to do so-but you 
cannot.DAVEH:  Ahhh..May I 
assume this is your perception of 
fairness?!?!?!    When I joined TT, it was 
proudly proclaimed there was only one rule in TT.  It seems several 
moderators have put that fallacy to show no hesitation provoking me-Why is 
that?DAVEH:  I'm not sure, Dean.  
I find SPers to be cut from a different bolt of cloth.  It seems 
like some SPers live in a different world, where they are in constant 
battle with everybody, including some that at first appear to be on 
their side of the fence.  Other than the few Spers I've found on 
TT, I really don't have much experience with them, so I find how they 
think and operate to be rather interesting.  (e.g., Waving 
underwear in the faces of those they want to convert.)  To me it 
seems such a strange way to sell a product, so to speak.  Yet some 
SPers seem (from my perspective) to lack a measure of ___(I'll leave 
it for the reader to fill in the word), which to me seems at odds with 
their mission statement.  So I've got to wonder what makes them 
tickjust what is it that makes SPers the way they are.  I don't 
know if that makes much sense, Dean.  It's late and I suppose I'm 
just rambling onwith the way things 
are going He should be able to read it here in a short amount of 
time.DAVEH:   ???   
What's that mean, Dean?  Are you going to invite the Bishop of TT 
to return?

The truth is not Ad. Hom attacks if one 
can prove his point to a reasonable conclusion(whose 
conclusion? Why mine decision of 
course)DAVEH:   Did the rules change, 
Dean?  Are the rules being modified on the fly to suit the 
needs of the moderator???   As a moderator, is that what 
you consider to be fair?
 Moderator: No, DaveH but there are 
many le

Re: [TruthTalk] Addendum to 'snakes anyone'?

2006-03-08 Thread Lance Muir

I read it slow. As you did not answer, I then 
assumed that such was not true of you. Sorta like CPP/WMD!
Based on your non-answer I'd still assume that they 
don't ALL reflect your experience.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: March 08, 2006 06:15
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Addendum to 
  'snakes anyone'?
  Read the verse real slow 
  And these signs shall follow them that 
  What is so difficult about plainess of speech?Lance Muir 

Thanks for this, Kevin. I can almost understand 
you. Have you ever been bitten by a venemous snake? Did you seek medical 
assistance? If you haven't then, were such to occur, would you seek medical 
More specifically Kevin, are those 'snake 
handlers' testing God or following his word?
Can one claim to have been baptised in the 
Spirit without speaking in tongues. Is tongues the evidence?

  - Original Message - 
  Kevin Deegan 
  Sent: March 08, 2006 05:57
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Addendum to 
  'snakes anyone'?
  Hey man it is a sign of God and obviously if one claims to have these 
  sign gifts 
  Hey ALL WILL BELIEVE if you display These gifts
  Another BIGGIE is drinking poison MK16
  And if one has the gifts they NEED to have these too
  Hey if it was good enough for Paul it should be good for you.
  Like our Mormon friends who are wells without water who fiegn the 
  gift of healing I have yet to meet a one who fiegns the other two!
  MK 16 They 
  shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly 
  thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, 
  and they shall recover.
  Got gifts?
  If you have them, you "SHALL" have ALL Three
  Whoso boasteth himself of a false gift is 
  like clouds and wind without rain.
  Maybe this is why someone tried to eliminate the ending of MK 
  Easy to fake one not easy to fake the other two.
  Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

I don't mind funnin' even at my expense. 
Why would I as I've done so often, often myself. However, shall I ask of 
you, Iz, whether you believe the Appalachian snake handlers to be 
testing God or, obeying His Word?
I note that upon raising an actual matter 
(HS & tongues) everyone fled to the hills. We all know that none of 
you has access, through the Word of God, to THE understanding on ALL 
issues. Does anyone of you brash souls wish to differ on this point? As 
our beloved moderator has said ...Hm...what has he actually said in 
the last 24 hours consistent with a week ago?  
Any takers? 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: March 07, 2006 20:06
  Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Addendum 
  to 'snakes anyone'?
  I guess Paul 
  went overboard, too, when he shook that snake off his hand and didn’t 
  get sick.  Such a literal guy. iz
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance 
  MuirSent: Tuesday, 
  March 07, 2006 5:28 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: [TruthTalk] Addendum to 
  'snakes anyone'?
  That was an reference to 
  the 'Appalachian snake handlers'. Thus, those who've gone a touch 
  overboard on literalism. Look in the mirror 
  __Do You 
  Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 
  Yahoo! MailBring photos to life! New 
  PhotoMail makes sharing a breeze. 

Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread Lance Muir

John is a CT 'big time' at least with respect to 
the Kennedy assassination. I don't know about other CTS.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: March 08, 2006 06:16
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of 
  John is a SA for GW?Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

I'm not. John is.  

  - Original Message - 
  Kevin Deegan 
  Sent: March 08, 2006 06:02
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' 
  of truthtalk?
  SP's are really Secret Agents for GWB! LOL
  Are you a conspiracy theorist?Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

DH:TT has a NEW POPE! You're just going to 
have to adjust. IMO your mystification re:SP types ain't a mystery. 
Preach the (their) gospel (their doctrine) by any means whatsoever. As 
they see it the end justifies the means. Though you and I are most 
assuredly not of one mind as to Jesus yet, we are seen as occupying the 
same camp. That camp is the camp of the lost/damned/bound for hell. I do 
see why they do what they do. This is the same sort of logic employed by 
their commander in chief over the Middle East.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: March 08, 2006 02:03
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 
  'spirit' of truthtalk?
  to clear the confusion one 
  should be able to prove their charge they make against others. 
  DAVEH:   That's what I asked you 
  to do when you made a false accusation about me (condoning violence) a 
  few months back.  Your response was that you didn't know how to 
  use the archives, and that is was my responsibility to prove that I 
  didn't say something that I didn't say.  Which is logically 
  illogical.So what is you better 
  idea?DAVEH:  Practice what you 
  preach.By the way I can change the 
  rules if there is good reason to do so-but you 
  cannot.DAVEH:  Ahhh..May I 
  assume this is your perception of 
  fairness?!?!?!    When I joined TT, it was 
  proudly proclaimed there was only one rule in TT.  It seems 
  several moderators have put that fallacy to show no hesitation provoking me-Why is 
  that?DAVEH:  I'm not sure, 
  Dean.  I find SPers to be cut from a different bolt of 
  cloth.  It seems like some SPers live in a different world, where 
  they are in constant battle with everybody, including some that at 
  first appear to be on their side of the fence.  Other than the 
  few Spers I've found on TT, I really don't have much experience with 
  them, so I find how they think and operate to be rather 
  interesting.  (e.g., Waving underwear in the faces of those they 
  want to convert.)  To me it seems such a strange way to sell a 
  product, so to speak.  Yet some SPers seem (from my perspective) 
  to lack a measure of ___(I'll leave it for the reader to fill in 
  the word), which to me seems at odds with their mission 
  statement.  So I've got to wonder what makes them tickjust 
  what is it that makes SPers the way they are.  I don't know if 
  that makes much sense, Dean.  It's late and I suppose I'm just 
  rambling onwith the way things are 
  going He should be able to read it here in a short amount of 
  time.DAVEH:   ???   
  What's that mean, Dean?  Are you going to invite the Bishop of TT 
  to return?

  The truth is not Ad. Hom attacks if 
  one can prove his point to a reasonable conclusion(whose 
  conclusion? Why mine decision of 
  course)DAVEH:   Did the rules 
  change, Dean?  Are the rules being modified on the fly to 
  suit the needs of the moderator???   As a moderator, is 
  that what you consider to be fair?
   Moderator: No, DaveH but there are 
  many levels of Ad. Hom attacking going on here so to clear the 
  confusion one should be able to prove their charge they make 
  against others. One should not knock an idea unless one can 
  offer a better one or lose credibility-So what is you better 
  idea?I am all ears. By the way I can change the rules if 
  there is good reason to do so-but you 
  cannot.(maybe he found love for me 
  after all.)DAVEH:   We all love 
  you, Dean.  I'm just not sure we all can tolerate, le

Re: [TruthTalk] spirit of Hinn

2006-03-08 Thread Kevin Deegan  benny is a False prophet in 1989 at Orlando Christian Center he prohesied:     "The Lord also tells me to tell you in mid 90s -- about '94 or '95, no later than that -- God will destroy the homosexual community of America . . . He will destroy it with fire."     "The Spirit of God tells me -- an earthquake will hit the East Coast of America and destroy much in the 90s."     "The Spirit tells me -- Fidel Castro will die in the 90s. . . Holy Spirit just said to me, it'll be worse than any death you can imagine."   __Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread Kevin Deegan
For someone who is so concerned with such you are very set in your doctrineLance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  There is a rather large distinction between agreeing with you Kevin, and being teachable.- Original Message -   From: Kevin Deegan   To:   Sent: March 08, 2006 06:17  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?  Your not teachableLance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   Did you send your kids to SS? Do you have no evangelistic mtgs where you are? Do some in attendance at either ever get converted? Do you have other names you prefer over 'conversion', Kevin.      That you Kevin, believe yourself 'fully known (Paul's) doctrine' I've no doubt. I'd recommend to the moderator that we all take a hiatus from writing and, just let you teach us.  - Original Message -   From: Kevin Deegan   To:   Sent: March 08, 2006 06:07  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?Paul said:  But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience,     Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery  BTW what is wrong with preaching Jesus Christ?  or should we preach SS & Conversion at our evangelistic meetings?  Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  DH:TT has a NEW POPE! You're just going to have to adjust. IMO your mystification re:SP types ain't a mystery. Preach the (their) gospel (their doctrine) by any means whatsoever. As they
 see it the end justifies the means. Though you and I are most assuredly not of one mind as to Jesus yet, we are seen as occupying the same camp. That camp is the camp of the lost/damned/bound for hell. I do see why they do what they do. This is the same sort of logic employed by their commander in chief over the Middle East.- Original Message -   From: Dave Hansen   To:   Sent: March 08, 2006 02:03  Subject: Re:
 [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?  to clear the confusion one should be able to prove their charge they make against others. DAVEH:   That's what I asked you to do when you made a false accusation about me (condoning violence) a few months back.  Your response was that you didn't know how to use the archives, and that is was my responsibility to prove that I didn't say something that I didn't say.  Which is logically illogical.So what is you better idea?DAVEH:  Practice what you preach.By the way I can change the rules if there is good reason to do so-but you cannot.DAVEH:  Ahhh..May I assume this is your perception of fairness?!?!?!    When I joined TT, it was proudly proclaimed there was only one rule in TT.  It seems
 several moderators have put that fallacy to show no hesitation provoking me-Why is that?DAVEH:  I'm not sure, Dean.  I find SPers to be cut from a different bolt of cloth.  It seems like some SPers live in a different world, where they are in constant battle with everybody, including some that at first appear to be on their side of the fence.  Other than the few Spers I've found on TT, I really don't have much experience with them, so I find how they think and operate to be rather interesting.  (e.g., Waving underwear in the faces of those they want to convert.)  To me it seems such a strange way to sell a product, so to speak.  Yet some SPers seem (from my perspective) to lack a measure of ___(I'll leave it for the reader to fill in the word), which to me seems at odds with their mission statement.  So I've got to wonder what makes them tickjust what is it that makes
 SPers the way they are.  I don't know if that makes much sense, Dean.  It's late and I suppose I'm just rambling onwith the way things are going He should be able to read it here in a short amount of time.DAVEH:   ???   What's that mean, Dean?  Are you going to invite the Bishop of TT to return?The truth is not Ad. Hom attacks if one can prove his point to a reasonable conclusion(whose conclusion? Why mine decision of course)DAVEH:   Did the rules change, Dean?  Are the rules being modified on the fly to suit the needs of the
 moderator???   As a moderator, is that what you consider to be fair?   Moderator: No, DaveH but there are many levels of Ad. Hom attacking going on here so to clear the confusion one should be able to prove their charge they make against others. One should not knock an idea unless one can offer a better one or lose credibility-So what is you better idea?I am all ears. By the way I can change the rules if there is good reason to do so-but you cannot.(maybe he found love for me after all.)DAVEH:   We all love you, Dean.  I'm just not sure we all can tolerate, let alone survive, you!   Moderator: For someone who expresses concerns about surviving me-you show no hesitation provoking me-Why is that? Also love a little harder as it isn't quite comi

Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread Kevin Deegan
I bet if I was a Canadian SP you would sing " Canada" Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  A hearty Amen to the statement and, the originator of it (Oswald Chambers).- Original Message -   From: Kevin Deegan   To:   Sent: March 08, 2006 06:30  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?"Have you received a ministry from the Lord? If so, you must be faithful to it - to consider your life valuable only for the purpose of fulfilling that ministry. ...To do this we must have close fellowship with Jesus and must know Him as more than our personal Savior. And we must be willing to experience the full impact of, - 'I will show him how many things he must suffer for My name's sake.' ...He is not offering us a choice of how we can serve Him; He is asking for absolute loyalty to His
 commission"    Oswald Chambers 'My Utmost For His Highest' Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Paul said:  But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience,     Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery  BTW what is wrong with preaching Jesus Christ?  or should we preach SS & Conversion at our evangelistic meetings?  Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  DH:TT has a NEW POPE! You're just going to have to adjust. IMO your mystification re:SP types ain't a mystery. Preach the (their) gospel (their doctrine) by any means whatsoever. As they see it the end justifies the means. Though you and I are most assuredly not of one mind as to Jesus yet, we are seen as occupying the same camp. That camp is the camp of the lost/damned/bound for hell. I do see why
 they do what they do. This is the same sort of logic employed by their commander in chief over the Middle East.- Original Message -   From: Dave Hansen   To:   Sent: March 08, 2006 02:03  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?  to clear the confusion one should be able to prove their charge they make against others.
 DAVEH:   That's what I asked you to do when you made a false accusation about me (condoning violence) a few months back.  Your response was that you didn't know how to use the archives, and that is was my responsibility to prove that I didn't say something that I didn't say.  Which is logically illogical.So what is you better idea?DAVEH:  Practice what you preach.By the way I can change the rules if there is good reason to do so-but you cannot.DAVEH:  Ahhh..May I assume this is your perception of fairness?!?!?!    When I joined TT, it was proudly proclaimed there was only one rule in TT.  It seems several moderators have put that fallacy to show no hesitation provoking me-Why is that?DAVEH:  I'm not
 sure, Dean.  I find SPers to be cut from a different bolt of cloth.  It seems like some SPers live in a different world, where they are in constant battle with everybody, including some that at first appear to be on their side of the fence.  Other than the few Spers I've found on TT, I really don't have much experience with them, so I find how they think and operate to be rather interesting.  (e.g., Waving underwear in the faces of those they want to convert.)  To me it seems such a strange way to sell a product, so to speak.  Yet some SPers seem (from my perspective) to lack a measure of ___(I'll leave it for the reader to fill in the word), which to me seems at odds with their mission statement.  So I've got to wonder what makes them tickjust what is it that makes SPers the way they are.  I don't know if that makes much sense, Dean.  It's late and I suppose I'm just rambling onwith the way
 things are going He should be able to read it here in a short amount of time.DAVEH:   ???   What's that mean, Dean?  Are you going to invite the Bishop of TT to return?The truth is not Ad. Hom attacks if one can prove his point to a reasonable conclusion(whose conclusion? Why mine decision of course)DAVEH:   Did the rules change, Dean?  Are the rules being modified on the fly to suit the needs of the moderator???   As a moderator, is that what you consider to be fair?   Moderator: No, DaveH but there are many levels of Ad. Hom attacking
 going on here so to clear the confusion one should be able to prove their charge they make against others. One should not knock an idea unless one can offer a better one or lose credibility-So what is you better idea?I am all ears. By the way I can change the rules if there is good reason to do so-but you cannot.(maybe he found love for me after all.)DAVEH:   We all love you, Dean.  I'm just not sure we all can tolerate, let alone survive, you!   Moderator: For someone who expresses concerns about surviving me-you show no hesitation provoking me-Why is that? Also love a little harder as it isn't q

Re: [TruthTalk] spirit of Hinn

2006-03-08 Thread Lance Muir

IFF he (BH) did say that then, he is. I'd like to 
hear from DM on this one. He has come to Hinn's defence often.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: March 08, 2006 06:41
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] spirit of 
  benny is a False prophet in 1989 at Orlando Christian Center he 
  "The Lord also tells me to tell you in mid 90s -- about '94 or '95, no 
  later than that -- God will destroy the homosexual community of America . . . 
  He will destroy it with fire."
  "The Spirit of God tells me -- an earthquake will hit the East Coast of 
  America and destroy much in the 90s."
  "The Spirit tells me -- Fidel Castro will die in the 90s. . . Holy Spirit 
  just said to me, it'll be worse than any death you can imagine."
  __Do You 
  Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread Lance Muir

I'm not certain that I know all of the words. Let 
me see  O Canada...nope..that's as far as I can go.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: March 08, 2006 06:49
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of 
  I bet if I was a Canadian SP you would sing " Canada" 

A hearty Amen to the statement and, the 
originator of it (Oswald Chambers).

  - Original Message - 
  Kevin Deegan 
  Sent: March 08, 2006 06:30
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' 
  of truthtalk?

"Have you received a ministry from 
the Lord? If so, you must be faithful to it - to consider your life 
valuable only for the purpose of fulfilling that ministry. 
...To do this we must have close fellowship with Jesus and must know 
Him as more than our personal Savior. And we must be willing to 
experience the full impact of, - 'I will show him how many things he 
must suffer for My name's sake.' ...He is not offering us a 
choice of how we can serve Him; He is asking for absolute 
loyalty to His commission"  
Oswald Chambers 'My 
Utmost For His Highest' 
  Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
Paul said:
But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, 
faith, longsuffering, charity, patience,
Now to him that is of power to stablish 
you according to my gospel, and 
the preaching of Jesus 
Christ, according to the revelation of the 
BTW what is wrong with preaching Jesus 
or should we preach SS & Conversion 
at our evangelistic meetings?

  DH:TT has a NEW POPE! You're just going 
  to have to adjust. IMO your mystification re:SP types ain't a mystery. 
  Preach the (their) gospel (their doctrine) by any means whatsoever. As 
  they see it the end justifies the means. Though you and I are most 
  assuredly not of one mind as to Jesus yet, we are seen as occupying 
  the same camp. That camp is the camp of the lost/damned/bound for 
  hell. I do see why they do what they do. This is the same sort of 
  logic employed by their commander in chief over the Middle 
- Original Message - 

Sent: March 08, 2006 
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 
'spirit' of truthtalk?
to clear the confusion one 
should be able to prove their charge they make against others. 
DAVEH:   That's what I asked 
you to do when you made a false accusation about me (condoning 
violence) a few months back.  Your response was that you didn't 
know how to use the archives, and that is was my responsibility to 
prove that I didn't say something that I didn't say.  Which is 
logically illogical.So what is you 
better idea?DAVEH:  Practice what 
you preach.By the way I can change 
the rules if there is good reason to do so-but you 
cannot.DAVEH:  Ahhh..May I 
assume this is your perception of 
fairness?!?!?!    When I joined TT, it was 
proudly proclaimed there was only one rule in TT.  It seems 
several moderators have put that fallacy to show no hesitation provoking me-Why is 
that?DAVEH:  I'm not sure, 
Dean.  I find SPers to be cut from a different bolt of 
cloth.  It seems like some SPers live in a different world, 
where they are in constant battle with everybody, including some 
that at first appear to be on their side of the fence.  Other 
than the few Spers I've found on TT, I really don't have much 
experience with them, so I find how they think and operate to be 
rather interesting.  (e.g., Waving underwear in the faces of 
those they want to convert.)  To me it seems such a strange way 
to sell a product, so to speak.  Yet some SPers seem (from my 
perspective) to lack a measure of ___(I'll leave it for the 
reader to fill in the word), which to me seems at odds with their 
mission statement.  So I've got to wonder what makes them 
tickjust what is it that

Re: [TruthTalk] Addendum to 'snakes anyone'?

2006-03-08 Thread Kevin Deegan
O a hint about CPP?     NON ANSWER? compared to your total avoidance until this GREAT MOMENT in TT History?   CMON     Again, perhaps I was not clear I just thought it was obvious on the face of it besides the scripture are of GREAT PLAINESS  Where & in what way did I practice what you preach NON ANSWER?     Your mischaracterization is surely not a good tatic on your part if you really want others to weigh in on the question as you claim!Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  I read it slow. As you did not answer, I then assumed that such was not true of you. Sorta like CPP/WMD!  Based on your
 non-answer I'd still assume that they don't ALL reflect your experience.- Original Message -   From: Kevin Deegan   To:   Sent: March 08, 2006 06:15  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Addendum to 'snakes anyone'?Read the verse real slow   And these signs shall follow them that believe     What is so difficult
 about plainess of speech?Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Thanks for this, Kevin. I can almost understand you. Have you ever been bitten by a venemous snake? Did you seek medical assistance? If you haven't then, were such to occur, would you seek medical attention?     More specifically Kevin, are those 'snake handlers' testing God or following his word?     Can one claim to have been baptised in the Spirit without speaking in tongues. Is tongues the evidence?- Original Message -   From: Kevin Deegan   To:   Sent: March 08, 2006 05:57  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Addendum to 'snakes anyone'?Hey man it is a sign of God and obviously if one claims to have these sign gifts   THIS IS THE REAL MCCOY  Hey ALL WILL BELIEVE if you display These gifts  Another BIGGIE is drinking poison MK16  And if one has the gifts they NEED to have these too  Hey if it was good
 enough for Paul it should be good for you.     Like our Mormon friends who are wells without water who fiegn the gift of healing I have yet to meet a one who fiegns the other two!  MK 16 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.     Got gifts?  If you have them, you "SHALL" have ALL Three  Whoso boasteth himself of a false gift is like clouds and wind without rain.     Maybe this is why someone tried to eliminate the ending of MK 16?  Easy to fake one not easy to fake the other two.  Lance Muir
 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  I don't mind funnin' even at my expense. Why would I as I've done so often, often myself. However, shall I ask of you, Iz, whether you believe the Appalachian snake handlers to be testing God or, obeying His Word?     I note that upon raising an actual matter (HS & tongues) everyone fled to the hills. We all know that none of you has access, through the Word of God, to THE understanding on ALL issues. Does anyone of you brash souls wish to differ on this point? As our beloved moderator has said ...Hm...what has he actually said in the last 24 hours consistent with a week ago?       Any takers? - Original Message -   From: ShieldsFamily   To:   Sent: March 07, 2006 20:06  Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Addendum to 'snakes anyone'?  I guess Paul went overboard, too, when he shook that snake off his hand and didn’t get sick.  Such a literal guy. iz     From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance MuirSent: Tuesday, March 07, 2006 5:28 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: [TruthTalk] Addendum to 'snakes anyone'?   That was an reference to the 'Appalachian snake handlers'. Thus, those who've gone a touch overboard on literalism. Look in the mirror folks.  __Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around   Yahoo! MailBring photos to life! New PhotoMail makes sharing a breeze. 
		Yahoo! Mail
Bring photos to life! New PhotoMail  makes sharing a breeze. 

Re: [TruthTalk] spirit of Hinn

2006-03-08 Thread Kevin Deegan
Do you need a tape?Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  IFF he (BH) did say that then, he is. I'd like to hear from DM on this one. He has come to Hinn's defence often.- Original Message -   From: Kevin Deegan   To:   Sent: March 08, 2006 06:41  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] spirit of Hinn  benny is a False prophet in 1989 at Orlando Christian Center he prohesied:     "The Lord also tells me to tell you in mid 90s -- about '94 or '95, no later than that -- God will destroy the homosexual community of America . . . He will destroy it with fire."     "The Spirit of God tells me -- an earthquake will hit the East Coast of America and destroy much in the 90s."     "The Spirit tells me -- Fidel Castro will die in the 90s. . . Holy Spirit just said to me, it'll be worse than any death you can imagine."     __Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has
 the best spam protection around __Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: [TruthTalk] spirit of Hinn

2006-03-08 Thread Lance Muir

Actually I don't. I've heard him say some pretty 
wierd 'inspired' stuff'. 
- Original Message - 

  Sent: March 08, 2006 06:55
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] spirit of 
  Do you need a tape?Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

IFF he (BH) did say that then, he is. I'd like 
to hear from DM on this one. He has come to Hinn's defence 

  - Original Message - 
  Kevin Deegan 
  Sent: March 08, 2006 06:41
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] spirit of 
  benny is a False prophet in 1989 at Orlando Christian Center he 
  "The Lord also tells me to tell you in mid 90s -- about '94 or '95, 
  no later than that -- God will destroy the homosexual community of America 
  . . . He will destroy it with fire."
  "The Spirit of God tells me -- an earthquake will hit the East Coast 
  of America and destroy much in the 90s."
  "The Spirit tells me -- Fidel Castro will die in the 90s. . . Holy 
  Spirit just said to me, it'll be worse than any death you can 
  __Do You 
  Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 
  __Do You 
  Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: [TruthTalk] spirit of Hinn

2006-03-08 Thread Kevin Deegan
Just another snake handler and again the proof is in the pudding!     he who has ears Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  IFF he (BH) did say that then, he is. I'd like to hear from DM on this one. He has come to Hinn's defence often.- Original Message -   From: Kevin
 Deegan   To:   Sent: March 08, 2006 06:41  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] spirit of Hinn  benny is a False prophet in 1989 at Orlando Christian Center he prohesied:     "The Lord also tells me to tell you in mid 90s -- about '94 or '95, no later than that -- God will destroy the homosexual community of America . . . He will destroy it with fire."     "The Spirit of God tells me -- an earthquake will hit the East Coast of America and destroy much in the 90s."     "The Spirit tells me -- Fidel Castro will die in the 90s. . . Holy
 Spirit just said to me, it'll be worse than any death you can imagine."     __Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 
		Yahoo! Mail
Bring photos to life! New PhotoMail  makes sharing a breeze. 
__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: [TruthTalk] Addendum to 'snakes anyone'?

2006-03-08 Thread Lance Muir

Ya gots me. C'mon who doesn't love the arms 
trade?  Is it not a sensible way of 'culling'? Now, if only we could get 
the deer in New York to shoot one another.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: March 08, 2006 06:54
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Addendum to 
  'snakes anyone'?
  O a hint about CPP?
  NON ANSWER? compared to your total avoidance until this GREAT MOMENT in 
  TT History? 
  Again, perhaps I was not clear I just thought it was obvious on the 
  face of it besides the scripture are of GREAT PLAINESS
  Where & in what way did I practice what you preach NON ANSWER?
  Your mischaracterization is surely not a good tatic on your part if you 
  really want others to weigh in on the question as you 
  claim!Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

I read it slow. As you did not answer, I then 
assumed that such was not true of you. Sorta like CPP/WMD!
Based on your non-answer I'd still assume that 
they don't ALL reflect your experience.

  - Original Message - 
  Kevin Deegan 
  Sent: March 08, 2006 06:15
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Addendum to 
  'snakes anyone'?
  Read the verse real slow 
  And these signs shall follow them that 
  What is so difficult about plainess of speech?Lance 

Thanks for this, Kevin. I can almost 
understand you. Have you ever been bitten by a venemous snake? Did you 
seek medical assistance? If you haven't then, were such to occur, would 
you seek medical attention?
More specifically Kevin, are those 'snake 
handlers' testing God or following his word?
Can one claim to have been baptised in the 
Spirit without speaking in tongues. Is tongues the 

  - Original Message - 
  Kevin Deegan 
  Sent: March 08, 2006 05:57
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Addendum 
  to 'snakes anyone'?
  Hey man it is a sign of God and obviously if one claims to have 
  these sign gifts 
  Hey ALL WILL BELIEVE if you display These gifts
  Another BIGGIE is drinking poison MK16
  And if one has the gifts they NEED to have these too
  Hey if it was good enough for Paul it should be good for 
  Like our Mormon friends who are wells without water who fiegn the 
  gift of healing I have yet to meet a one who fiegns the other 
  MK 16 They 
  shall take up serpents; and if they drink any 
  deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the 
  sick, and they shall recover.
  Got gifts?
  If you have them, you "SHALL" have ALL Three
  Whoso boasteth himself of a false 
  gift is like clouds and wind without rain.
  Maybe this is why someone tried to eliminate the ending of MK 
  Easy to fake one not easy to fake the other two.
  Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

I don't mind funnin' even at my 
expense. Why would I as I've done so often, often myself. However, 
shall I ask of you, Iz, whether you believe the Appalachian snake 
handlers to be testing God or, obeying His Word?
I note that upon raising an actual 
matter (HS & tongues) everyone fled to the hills. We all know 
that none of you has access, through the Word of God, to THE 
understanding on ALL issues. Does anyone of you brash souls wish to 
differ on this point? As our beloved moderator has said 
...Hm...what has he actually said in the last 24 hours 
consistent with a week ago?  
Any takers? 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: March 07, 2006 
  Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] 
  Addendum to 'snakes anyone'?
  I guess 
  Paul went overboard, too, when he shook that snake off his hand 
  and didn’t get sick.  Such a literal guy. 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance 

Re: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] spirit of Hinn

2006-03-08 Thread Lance Muir

Who, pray tell, is the 'other snake 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: March 08, 2006 06:58
  Subject: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] spirit of 
  Just another snake handler and again the proof is in the pudding!
  he who has ears 

IFF he (BH) did say that then, he is. I'd like 
to hear from DM on this one. He has come to Hinn's defence 

  - Original Message - 
  Kevin Deegan 
  Sent: March 08, 2006 06:41
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] spirit of 
  benny is a False prophet in 1989 at Orlando Christian Center he 
  "The Lord also tells me to tell you in mid 90s -- about '94 or '95, 
  no later than that -- God will destroy the homosexual community of America 
  . . . He will destroy it with fire."
  "The Spirit of God tells me -- an earthquake will hit the East Coast 
  of America and destroy much in the 90s."
  "The Spirit tells me -- Fidel Castro will die in the 90s. . . Holy 
  Spirit just said to me, it'll be worse than any death you can 
  __Do You 
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  PhotoMail makes sharing a breeze. 
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Re: [TruthTalk] Addendum to 'snakes anyone'?

2006-03-08 Thread Kevin Deegan
Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Ya gots me. C'mon who doesn't love the arms trade?  Is it not a sensible way of 'culling'? Now, if only we could get the deer in New York to shoot one another.- Original Message -   From: Kevin Deegan   To:   Sent: March 08, 2006 06:54  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Addendum to 'snakes anyone'?O a hint about CPP?     NON ANSWER? compared to your total avoidance until this GREAT MOMENT in TT History?   CMON     Again, perhaps I was not clear I just thought it was obvious on the face of it besides the scripture are of GREAT PLAINESS  Where & in what way did I practice what you preach NON ANSWER?     Your mischaracterization is surely not a good tatic on your part if you really want others to weigh in on the question as you claim!Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  I read it slow. As you did not answer, I then assumed that such was not true of you. Sorta like CPP/WMD!  Based on your non-answer I'd still assume that they don't ALL reflect your experience.- Original Message -   From: Kevin Deegan   To:   Sent: March
 08, 2006 06:15  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Addendum to 'snakes anyone'?Read the verse real slow   And these signs shall follow them that believe     What is so difficult about plainess of speech?Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Thanks for this, Kevin. I can almost understand you. Have you ever been bitten by a venemous snake? Did you seek medical assistance? If you haven't then, were such to occur, would you seek medical attention?     More specifically Kevin, are those 'snake
 handlers' testing God or following his word?     Can one claim to have been baptised in the Spirit without speaking in tongues. Is tongues the evidence?- Original Message -   From: Kevin Deegan   To:   Sent: March 08, 2006 05:57  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Addendum to 'snakes anyone'?Hey
 man it is a sign of God and obviously if one claims to have these sign gifts   THIS IS THE REAL MCCOY  Hey ALL WILL BELIEVE if you display These gifts  Another BIGGIE is drinking poison MK16  And if one has the gifts they NEED to have these too  Hey if it was good enough for Paul it should be good for you.     Like our Mormon friends who are wells without water who fiegn the gift of healing I have yet to meet a one who fiegns the other two!  MK 16 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.     Got gifts?  If you have them, you "SHALL" have ALL Three  Whoso boasteth himself of a false gift is like clouds and wind without rain.     Maybe this is why someone tried to eliminate the ending of MK 16?  Easy to fake one not easy to fake the other two.  Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  I don't mind funnin' even at my expense. Why would I as I've done so often, often myself. However, shall I ask of you, Iz, whether you believe the Appalachian snake handlers to be testing God or, obeying His Word?     I note that upon raising an actual matter (HS & tongues) everyone fled to the hills. We all know that none of you has access, through the Word of God, to THE understanding on ALL issues. Does anyone of you brash souls wish to differ on
 this point? As our beloved moderator has said ...Hm...what has he actually said in the last 24 hours consistent with a week ago?       Any takers? - Original Message -   From: ShieldsFamily   To:   Sent: March 07, 2006 20:06  Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Addendum to 'snakes anyone'?  I guess Paul went overboard, too, when he shook that snake off his hand and didn’t get sick.  Such a literal guy. iz     From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance MuirSent: Tuesday, March 07, 2006 5:28 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: [TruthTalk] Addendum to 'snakes anyone'?   That was an reference to the 'Appalachian snake handlers'. Thus, those who've gone a touch overboard on literalism. Look in the mirror folks. 
 __Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around   Yahoo! MailBring photos to life! New PhotoMail makes sharing a breeze.   Yahoo! MailBring photos to life! New PhotoMail makes sharing a breeze. 
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Re: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] spirit of Hinn

2006-03-08 Thread Kevin Deegan
THE other?  "another"  see dictionary for distinction     or do you want more names?  Gordon B Hinckley     Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Who, pray tell, is the 'other snake handler'?- Original Message -   From: Kevin Deegan   To:   Sent: March 08, 2006 06:58  Subject: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] spirit of HinnJust another snake handler and again the proof is in the pudding!     he who has ears Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  IFF he (BH) did say that then, he is. I'd like to hear from DM on this one. He has come to Hinn's defence often.- Original Message -   From: Kevin Deegan   To:   Sent: March 08, 2006 06:41  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] spirit of Hinn  benny is a False
 prophet in 1989 at Orlando Christian Center he prohesied:     "The Lord also tells me to tell you in mid 90s -- about '94 or '95, no later than that -- God will destroy the homosexual community of America . . . He will destroy it with fire."     "The Spirit of God tells me -- an earthquake will hit the East Coast of America and destroy much in the 90s."     "The Spirit tells me -- Fidel Castro will die in the 90s. . . Holy Spirit just said to me, it'll be worse than any death you can imagine."     __Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around   Yahoo! MailBring photos to life! New PhotoMail makes sharing a
 breeze.   __Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 
		Yahoo! Mail
Bring photos to life! New PhotoMail  makes sharing a breeze. 

		Yahoo! Mail
Bring photos to life! New PhotoMail  makes sharing a breeze. 

Re: [Bulk] Re: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] spirit of Hinn

2006-03-08 Thread Lance Muir

I agree with you once again. (another 
PS:DH:Would you concur that should your 'prophet', 
in reality, NOT be a prophet of God then, he must be designated 'a false 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: March 08, 2006 07:19
  Subject: [Bulk] Re: [Bulk] Re: 
  [TruthTalk] spirit of Hinn
  THE other?
  see dictionary for distinction
  or do you want more names?
  Gordon B Hinckley
  Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Who, pray tell, is the 'other snake 

  - Original Message - 
  Kevin Deegan 
  Sent: March 08, 2006 06:58
  Subject: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] 
  spirit of Hinn
  Just another snake handler and again the proof is in the 
  he who has ears 

IFF he (BH) did say that then, he is. I'd 
like to hear from DM on this one. He has come to Hinn's defence 

  - Original Message - 
  Kevin Deegan 
  Sent: March 08, 2006 06:41
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] spirit 
  of Hinn
  benny is a False prophet in 1989 at Orlando Christian Center 
  he prohesied:
  "The Lord also tells me to tell you in mid 90s -- about '94 or 
  '95, no later than that -- God will destroy the homosexual community 
  of America . . . He will destroy it with fire."
  "The Spirit of God tells me -- an earthquake will hit the East 
  Coast of America and destroy much in the 90s."
  "The Spirit tells me -- Fidel Castro will die in the 90s. . . 
  Holy Spirit just said to me, it'll be worse than any death you can 
  __Do You 
  Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection 
  Yahoo! MailBring photos to life! New 
  PhotoMail makes sharing a breeze. 
  __Do You 
  Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 
  Yahoo! MailBring photos to life! New 
  PhotoMail makes sharing a breeze. 
  Yahoo! MailBring photos to life! New 
  PhotoMail makes sharing a breeze. 

Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread Judy Taylor

Lance you talk like they are holding a "doctrinal 
seminar" out there.  Their message is "Repent or Perish" which
are the only options in my Bible.  What do you 
think they should be saying "God has a wonderful plan for your life .. 
son was incarnated into the womb of his mother so that 
you can come to the mother church and everyone can just go
go on to glory together because he loves you so much that your old stinkin flesh won't 
matter one bit because it has
been subsumed?"  (or whatever the word is that you 
and Bill use)
On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 05:22:36 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  DH:TT has a NEW POPE! You're just going to have 
  to adjust. IMO your mystification re:SP types ain't a mystery. Preach the 
  (their) gospel (their doctrine) by any means whatsoever. As they see it the 
  end justifies the means. Though you and I are most assuredly not of one mind 
  as to Jesus yet, we are seen as occupying the same camp. That camp is the camp 
  of the lost/damned/bound for hell. I do see why they do what they do. This is 
  the same sort of logic employed by their commander in chief over the Middle 
- Original Message - 
Dave Hansen 


Sent: March 08, 2006 02:03
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' 
of truthtalk?
to clear the confusion one should be 
able to prove their charge they make against others. 
DAVEH:   That's what I asked you to do 
when you made a false accusation about me (condoning violence) a few months 
back.  Your response was that you didn't know how to use the archives, 
and that is was my responsibility to prove that I didn't say something that 
I didn't say.  Which is logically illogical.So what is you better 
idea?DAVEH:  Practice what you 
preach.By the way I can change the rules if 
there is good reason to do so-but you 
cannot.DAVEH:  Ahhh..May I assume 
this is your perception of fairness?!?!?!    When I 
joined TT, it was proudly proclaimed there was only one rule in TT.  It 
seems several moderators have put that fallacy to show no hesitation provoking me-Why is 
that?DAVEH:  I'm not sure, Dean.  I 
find SPers to be cut from a different bolt of cloth.  It seems like 
some SPers live in a different world, where they are in constant battle with 
everybody, including some that at first appear to be on their side of the 
fence.  Other than the few Spers I've found on TT, I really don't have 
much experience with them, so I find how they think and operate to be rather 
interesting.  (e.g., Waving underwear in the faces of those they want 
to convert.)  To me it seems such a strange way to sell a product, so 
to speak.  Yet some SPers seem (from my perspective) to lack a measure 
of ___(I'll leave it for the reader to fill in the word), which to me 
seems at odds with their mission statement.  So I've got to wonder what 
makes them tickjust what is it that makes SPers the way they are.  
I don't know if that makes much sense, Dean.  It's late and I suppose 
I'm just rambling onwith the way things 
are going He should be able to read it here in a short amount of 
time.DAVEH:   ???   What's 
that mean, Dean?  Are you going to invite the Bishop of TT to 

The truth is not Ad. Hom attacks if one can 
prove his point to a reasonable conclusion(whose 
conclusion? Why mine decision of 
course)DAVEH:   Did the rules change, 
Dean?  Are the rules being modified on the fly to suit the needs of 
the moderator???   As a moderator, is that what you consider 
to be fair?
 Moderator: No, DaveH but there are many 
levels of Ad. Hom attacking going on here so to clear the confusion 
one should be able to prove their charge they make against others. 
One should not knock an idea unless one can offer a better one or 
lose credibility-So what is you better idea?I am all ears. By 
the way I can change the rules if there is good reason to do so-but you 
cannot.(maybe he found love for me after 
all.)DAVEH:   We all love you, 
Dean.  I'm just not sure we all can tolerate, let alone survive, 
Moderator: For someone who expresses concerns 
about surviving me-you show no hesitation provoking me-Why is 
that? Also love a little harder as it isn't quite coming 
through my computer Dave.
   (I'll copy this to John, as he may 
appreciate the irony in it.)
Moderator : Just save it-with the way 
things are going He should be able to read it here in a short amount of 
time.Dean Moore wrote: 

  Moderator: No-The truth is not Ad. Hom 

Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread Lance Muir

Some of that which you said sounds OK, Judy. Look, 
if they want to present themselves as 'sandwich board ppl' ssup to them. Some 
SEE THEMSELVES as 'fools for Christ' while some are seen as just...well you 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: March 08, 2006 08:01
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of 
  Lance you talk like they are holding a "doctrinal 
  seminar" out there.  Their message is "Repent or Perish" 
  are the only options in my Bible.  What do you 
  think they should be saying "God has a wonderful plan for your life .. 
  son was incarnated into the womb of his mother so 
  that you can come to the mother church and everyone can just 
  go on to glory together because he loves you so much that your old stinkin flesh won't 
  matter one bit because it has
  been subsumed?"  (or whatever the word is that 
  you and Bill use)
  On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 05:22:36 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
DH:TT has a NEW POPE! You're just going to have 
to adjust. IMO your mystification re:SP types ain't a mystery. Preach the 
(their) gospel (their doctrine) by any means whatsoever. As they see it the 
end justifies the means. Though you and I are most assuredly not of one mind 
as to Jesus yet, we are seen as occupying the same camp. That camp is the 
camp of the lost/damned/bound for hell. I do see why they do what they do. 
This is the same sort of logic employed by their commander in chief over the 
Middle East.

  - Original Message - 
  Dave Hansen 
  Sent: March 08, 2006 02:03
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' 
  of truthtalk?
  to clear the confusion one should 
  be able to prove their charge they make against others. 
  DAVEH:   That's what I asked you to 
  do when you made a false accusation about me (condoning violence) a few 
  months back.  Your response was that you didn't know how to use the 
  archives, and that is was my responsibility to prove that I didn't say 
  something that I didn't say.  Which is logically 
  illogical.So what is you better 
  idea?DAVEH:  Practice what you 
  preach.By the way I can change the rules 
  if there is good reason to do so-but you 
  cannot.DAVEH:  Ahhh..May I assume 
  this is your perception of fairness?!?!?!    When I 
  joined TT, it was proudly proclaimed there was only one rule in TT.  
  It seems several moderators have put that fallacy to show no hesitation provoking me-Why is 
  that?DAVEH:  I'm not sure, Dean.  I 
  find SPers to be cut from a different bolt of cloth.  It seems like 
  some SPers live in a different world, where they are in constant battle 
  with everybody, including some that at first appear to be on their side of 
  the fence.  Other than the few Spers I've found on TT, I really don't 
  have much experience with them, so I find how they think and operate to be 
  rather interesting.  (e.g., Waving underwear in the faces of those 
  they want to convert.)  To me it seems such a strange way to sell a 
  product, so to speak.  Yet some SPers seem (from my perspective) to 
  lack a measure of ___(I'll leave it for the reader to fill in the 
  word), which to me seems at odds with their mission statement.  So 
  I've got to wonder what makes them tickjust what is it that makes 
  SPers the way they are.  I don't know if that makes much sense, 
  Dean.  It's late and I suppose I'm just rambling onwith the way things are going He should be able to read 
  it here in a short amount of 
  time.DAVEH:   ???   What's 
  that mean, Dean?  Are you going to invite the Bishop of TT to 

  The truth is not Ad. Hom attacks if one 
  can prove his point to a reasonable conclusion(whose 
  conclusion? Why mine decision of 
  course)DAVEH:   Did the rules change, 
  Dean?  Are the rules being modified on the fly to suit the needs 
  of the moderator???   As a moderator, is that what you 
  consider to be fair?
   Moderator: No, DaveH but there are 
  many levels of Ad. Hom attacking going on here so to clear the 
  confusion one should be able to prove their charge they make against 
  others. One should not knock an idea unless one can offer a better 
  one or lose credibility-So what is you better idea?I am all 
  ears. By the way I can change the rules if there is good reason to 
  do so-but you cannot.(maybe he found 
  love for me after all.)DAVEH:   We all 
  love you, Dean.  I'm just not sure we all can tolerate

Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread Judy Taylor

Badmouthing GWB is at best ignorance. Our youngest 
girl's flatmate was a missionary to the Ukraine
for 5yrs and has just gotten back from a trip to 
Germany by way of the Ukraine to visit her friends there. 
She speaks Russian and when the plane couldn't 
land because of fog was able to translate for the
Ukrainians on board who had to return to Budapest and 
spend the night. She tells me that men come
from all over to look for a wife in the Ukraine 
and there were two of them from the US on her flight one 
of whom must have been a 
disciple of whoever Lance is listening to because he badmouthed GWB 

the entire time in a loud voice.
From: Kevin Deegan 


SP's are really Secret Agents for GWB! 
Are you a conspiracy theorist?Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

  DH:TT has a NEW POPE! You're just going 
  to have to adjust. IMO your mystification re:SP types ain't a mystery. 
  Preach the (their) gospel (their doctrine) by any means whatsoever. As 
  they see it the end justifies the means. Though you and I are most 
  assuredly not of one mind as to Jesus yet, we are seen as occupying 
  the same camp. That camp is the camp of the lost/damned/bound for 
  hell. I do see why they do what they do. This is the same sort of 
  logic employed by their commander in chief over the Middle 
- Original Message - 

Sent: March 08, 2006 
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 
'spirit' of truthtalk?
to clear the confusion one 
should be able to prove their charge they make against others. 
DAVEH:   That's what I asked 
you to do when you made a false accusation about me (condoning 
violence) a few months back.  Your response was that you didn't 
know how to use the archives, and that is was my responsibility to 
prove that I didn't say something that I didn't say.  Which is 
logically illogical.So what is you 
better idea?DAVEH:  Practice what 
you preach.By the way I can change 
the rules if there is good reason to do so-but you 
cannot.DAVEH:  Ahhh..May I 
assume this is your perception of 
fairness?!?!?!    When I joined TT, it was 
proudly proclaimed there was only one rule in TT.  It seems 
several moderators have put that fallacy to show no hesitation provoking me-Why is 
that?DAVEH:  I'm not sure, 
Dean.  I find SPers to be cut from a different bolt of 
cloth.  It seems like some SPers live in a different world, 
where they are in constant battle with everybody, including some 
that at first appear to be on their side of the fence.  Other 
than the few Spers I've found on TT, I really don't have much 
experience with them, so I find how they think and operate to be 
rather interesting.  (e.g., Waving underwear in the faces of 
those they want to convert.)  To me it seems such a strange way 
to sell a product, so to speak.  Yet some SPers seem (from my 
perspective) to lack a measure of ___(I'll leave it for the 
reader to fill in the word), which to me seems at odds with their 
mission statement.  So I've got to wonder what makes them 
tickjust what is it that makes SPers the way they are.  I 
don't know if that makes much sense, Dean.  It's late and I 
suppose I'm just rambling onwith 
the way things are going He should be able to read it here in a 
short amount of time.DAVEH:   
???   What's that mean, Dean?  Are you going to 
invite the Bishop of TT to return?

The truth is not Ad. Hom attacks if 
one can prove his point to a reasonable conclusion(whose 
conclusion? Why mine decision of 
course)DAVEH:   Did the rules 
change, Dean?  Are the rules being modified on the fly to 
suit the needs of the moderator???   As a moderator, 
is that what you consider to be fair?
 Moderator: No, DaveH but there 
are many levels of Ad. Hom attacking going on here so to 
clear the confusion one should be able to prove their charge 
they make against others. One should not knock an idea 
unless one can offer a better one or lose credibility-So what 
is you better idea?I am all ears. By the way I ca

Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread Judy Taylor

Can you describe what you call "being teachable" looks like for us 
On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 06:33:12 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  There is a rather large distinction between 
  agreeing with you Kevin, and being teachable.
- Original Message - 
Kevin Deegan 

Sent: March 08, 2006 06:17
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' 
of truthtalk?
Your not teachableLance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

  Did you send your kids to SS? Do you have no 
  evangelistic mtgs where you are? Do some in attendance at either ever get 
  converted? Do you have other names you prefer over 'conversion', Kevin. 
  That you Kevin, believe yourself 'fully known 
  (Paul's) doctrine' I've no doubt. I'd recommend to the moderator that we 
  all take a hiatus from writing and, just let you teach 
- Original Message - 
Kevin Deegan 

Sent: March 08, 2006 06:07
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 
'spirit' of truthtalk?

Paul said:
But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, 
faith, longsuffering, charity, patience,
Now to him that is of power to stablish 
you according to my gospel, and 
the preaching of Jesus 
Christ, according to the revelation of the 
BTW what is wrong with preaching Jesus 
or should we preach SS & Conversion 
at our evangelistic meetings?

  DH:TT has a NEW POPE! You're just going 
  to have to adjust. IMO your mystification re:SP types ain't a mystery. 
  Preach the (their) gospel (their doctrine) by any means whatsoever. As 
  they see it the end justifies the means. Though you and I are most 
  assuredly not of one mind as to Jesus yet, we are seen as occupying 
  the same camp. That camp is the camp of the lost/damned/bound for 
  hell. I do see why they do what they do. This is the same sort of 
  logic employed by their commander in chief over the Middle 
- Original Message - 

Sent: March 08, 2006 
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 
'spirit' of truthtalk?
to clear the confusion one 
should be able to prove their charge they make against others. 
DAVEH:   That's what I asked 
you to do when you made a false accusation about me (condoning 
violence) a few months back.  Your response was that you didn't 
know how to use the archives, and that is was my responsibility to 
prove that I didn't say something that I didn't say.  Which is 
logically illogical.So what is you 
better idea?DAVEH:  Practice what 
you preach.By the way I can change 
the rules if there is good reason to do so-but you 
cannot.DAVEH:  Ahhh..May I 
assume this is your perception of 
fairness?!?!?!    When I joined TT, it was 
proudly proclaimed there was only one rule in TT.  It seems 
several moderators have put that fallacy to show no hesitation provoking me-Why is 
that?DAVEH:  I'm not sure, 
Dean.  I find SPers to be cut from a different bolt of 
cloth.  It seems like some SPers live in a different world, 
where they are in constant battle with everybody, including some 
that at first appear to be on their side of the fence.  Other 
than the few Spers I've found on TT, I really don't have much 
experience with them, so I find how they think and operate to be 
rather interesting.  (e.g., Waving underwear in the faces of 
those they want to convert.)  To me it seems such a strange way 
to sell a product, so to speak.  Yet some SPers seem (from my 
perspective) to lack a measure of ___(I'll leave it for the 
reader to fill in the word), which to me seems at odds with their 
mission statement.  So I've got to wonder what makes them 
tickjust what is it that makes SPers the way they are.  I 
don't know if that makes much sense, Dean.  It's late and I 
suppose I'm just rambling onwith 
the way things are going He should be able to read it here in a 
short amount of time.DAVEH:   
???   What's that mean, Dean?  Are you going to 

Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread Lance Muir

It is not necessary, Judy. DM, BT, JS, Caroline, 
Debbie & Slade have all attempted to do so, unsuccessfully. I perceive each 
to be superior to me so..

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: March 08, 2006 08:13
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of 
  Can you describe what you call "being teachable" looks like for us 
  On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 06:33:12 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
There is a rather large distinction between 
agreeing with you Kevin, and being teachable.

  - Original Message - 
  Kevin Deegan 
  Sent: March 08, 2006 06:17
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' 
  of truthtalk?
  Your not teachableLance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Did you send your kids to SS? Do you have 
no evangelistic mtgs where you are? Do some in attendance at either ever 
get converted? Do you have other names you prefer over 'conversion', 
That you Kevin, believe yourself 'fully 
known (Paul's) doctrine' I've no doubt. I'd recommend to the moderator 
that we all take a hiatus from writing and, just let you teach 

  - Original Message - 
  Kevin Deegan 
  Sent: March 08, 2006 06:07
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 
  'spirit' of truthtalk?
  Paul said:
  But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, 
  faith, longsuffering, charity, patience,
  Now to him that is of power to 
  stablish you according to my 
  gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the 
  revelation of the mystery
  BTW what is wrong with preaching Jesus 
  or should we preach SS & 
  Conversion at our evangelistic meetings?
  Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

DH:TT has a NEW POPE! You're just going 
to have to adjust. IMO your mystification re:SP types ain't a 
mystery. Preach the (their) gospel (their doctrine) by any means 
whatsoever. As they see it the end justifies the means. Though you 
and I are most assuredly not of one mind as to Jesus yet, we are 
seen as occupying the same camp. That camp is the camp of the 
lost/damned/bound for hell. I do see why they do what they do. This 
is the same sort of logic employed by their commander in chief over 
the Middle East.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: March 08, 2006 
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 
  'spirit' of truthtalk?
  to clear the confusion one 
  should be able to prove their charge they make against others. 
  DAVEH:   That's what I asked 
  you to do when you made a false accusation about me (condoning 
  violence) a few months back.  Your response was that you 
  didn't know how to use the archives, and that is was my 
  responsibility to prove that I didn't say something that I didn't 
  say.  Which is logically illogical.So what is you better 
  idea?DAVEH:  Practice what you 
  preach.By the way I can change the 
  rules if there is good reason to do so-but you 
  cannot.DAVEH:  Ahhh..May 
  I assume this is your perception of 
  fairness?!?!?!    When I joined TT, it was 
  proudly proclaimed there was only one rule in TT.  It seems 
  several moderators have put that fallacy to show no hesitation provoking me-Why is 
  that?DAVEH:  I'm not sure, 
  Dean.  I find SPers to be cut from a different bolt of 
  cloth.  It seems like some SPers live in a different world, 
  where they are in constant battle with everybody, including some 
  that at first appear to be on their side of the fence.  Other 
  than the few Spers I've found on TT, I really don't have much 
  experience with them, so I find how they think and operate to be 
  rather interesting.  (e.g., Waving underwear in the faces of 
  those they want to convert.)  To me it seems such a strange 
  way to sell a product, so to speak.  Yet some SPers seem 
  (from my perspecti

Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread Lance Muir

How could one ask for more than to be present on a 
'chat room' where ppl illustrate the absence of a democratic frame of 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: March 08, 2006 08:10
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of 
  Badmouthing GWB is at best ignorance. Our youngest 
  girl's flatmate was a missionary to the Ukraine
  for 5yrs and has just gotten back from a trip to 
  Germany by way of the Ukraine to visit her friends there. 
  She speaks Russian and when the plane couldn't 
  land because of fog was able to translate for the
  Ukrainians on board who had to return to Budapest and 
  spend the night. She tells me that men come
  from all over to look for a wife in the Ukraine 
  and there were two of them from the US on her flight one 
  of whom must have been a 
  disciple of whoever Lance is listening to because he badmouthed GWB 
  the entire time in a loud voice.
  From: Kevin Deegan 


  SP's are really Secret Agents for GWB! 
  Are you a conspiracy theorist?Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

DH:TT has a NEW POPE! You're just going 
to have to adjust. IMO your mystification re:SP types ain't a 
mystery. Preach the (their) gospel (their doctrine) by any means 
whatsoever. As they see it the end justifies the means. Though you 
and I are most assuredly not of one mind as to Jesus yet, we are 
seen as occupying the same camp. That camp is the camp of the 
lost/damned/bound for hell. I do see why they do what they do. This 
is the same sort of logic employed by their commander in chief over 
the Middle East.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: March 08, 2006 
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 
  'spirit' of truthtalk?
  to clear the confusion one 
  should be able to prove their charge they make against others. 
  DAVEH:   That's what I asked 
  you to do when you made a false accusation about me (condoning 
  violence) a few months back.  Your response was that you 
  didn't know how to use the archives, and that is was my 
  responsibility to prove that I didn't say something that I didn't 
  say.  Which is logically illogical.So what is you better 
  idea?DAVEH:  Practice what you 
  preach.By the way I can change the 
  rules if there is good reason to do so-but you 
  cannot.DAVEH:  Ahhh..May 
  I assume this is your perception of 
  fairness?!?!?!    When I joined TT, it was 
  proudly proclaimed there was only one rule in TT.  It seems 
  several moderators have put that fallacy to show no hesitation provoking me-Why is 
  that?DAVEH:  I'm not sure, 
  Dean.  I find SPers to be cut from a different bolt of 
  cloth.  It seems like some SPers live in a different world, 
  where they are in constant battle with everybody, including some 
  that at first appear to be on their side of the fence.  Other 
  than the few Spers I've found on TT, I really don't have much 
  experience with them, so I find how they think and operate to be 
  rather interesting.  (e.g., Waving underwear in the faces of 
  those they want to convert.)  To me it seems such a strange 
  way to sell a product, so to speak.  Yet some SPers seem 
  (from my perspective) to lack a measure of ___(I'll leave it 
  for the reader to fill in the word), which to me seems at odds 
  with their mission statement.  So I've got to wonder what 
  makes them tickjust what is it that makes SPers the way they 
  are.  I don't know if that makes much sense, Dean.  It's 
  late and I suppose I'm just rambling onwith the way things are going He should be able 
  to read it here in a short amount of 
  ???   What's that mean, Dean?  Are you going to 
  invite the Bishop of TT to return?

  The truth is not Ad. Hom attacks 
  if one can prove his point to a reasonable conclusion(whose 
  conclusion? Why mine decision of 
  course)DAVEH:   Did the rules 
  change, Dean?  Are the rules being modified on the fly to 

Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread Judy Taylor

The United States of America is not a Democracy Lance; 
it is a Democratic Republic - which is good
training because God's Kingdom is not a "Democracy" 
either. You should be relieved that the will of
fallen humanity is not on the throne.
On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 08:28:53 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  How could one ask for more than to be present on 
  a 'chat room' where ppl illustrate the absence of a democratic frame of 
From: Judy Taylor 
Badmouthing GWB is at best ignorance. Our youngest 
girl's flatmate was a missionary to the Ukraine
for 5yrs and has just gotten back from a trip 
to Germany by way of the Ukraine to visit her friends there. 
She speaks Russian and when the plane couldn't 
land because of fog was able to translate for the
Ukrainians on board who had to return to Budapest 
and spend the night. She tells me that men come
from all over to look for a wife in the 
Ukraine and there were two of them from the US on her flight one 

of whom must have been a 
disciple of whoever Lance is listening to because he badmouthed GWB 

the entire time in a loud voice.
From: Kevin Deegan 


SP's are really Secret Agents for GWB! 
Are you a conspiracy theorist?Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

  DH:TT has a NEW POPE! You're just 
  going to have to adjust. IMO your mystification re:SP types ain't 
  a mystery. Preach the (their) gospel (their doctrine) by any means 
  whatsoever. As they see it the end justifies the means. Though you 
  and I are most assuredly not of one mind as to Jesus yet, we are 
  seen as occupying the same camp. That camp is the camp of the 
  lost/damned/bound for hell. I do see why they do what they do. 
  This is the same sort of logic employed by their commander in 
  chief over the Middle East.
- Original Message - 


Sent: March 08, 2006 
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] 
The 'spirit' of truthtalk?
to clear the confusion 
one should be able to prove their charge they make against 
others. DAVEH:   That's 
what I asked you to do when you made a false accusation about me 
(condoning violence) a few months back.  Your response was 
that you didn't know how to use the archives, and that is was my 
responsibility to prove that I didn't say something that I 
didn't say.  Which is logically illogical.So what is you better 
idea?DAVEH:  Practice what you 
preach.By the way I can change 
the rules if there is good reason to do so-but you 
Ahhh..May I assume this is your perception of 
fairness?!?!?!    When I joined TT, it 
was proudly proclaimed there was only one rule in TT.  It 
seems several moderators have put that fallacy to show no hesitation 
provoking me-Why is 
that?DAVEH:  I'm not sure, 
Dean.  I find SPers to be cut from a different bolt of 
cloth.  It seems like some SPers live in a different world, 
where they are in constant battle with everybody, including some 
that at first appear to be on their side of the fence.  
Other than the few Spers I've found on TT, I really don't have 
much experience with them, so I find how they think and operate 
to be rather interesting.  (e.g., Waving underwear in the 
faces of those they want to convert.)  To me it seems such 
a strange way to sell a product, so to speak.  Yet some 
SPers seem (from my perspective) to lack a measure of 
___(I'll leave it for the reader to fill in the word), which 
to me seems at odds with their mission statement.  So I've 
got to wonder what makes them tickjust what is it that makes 
SPers the way they are.  I don't know if that makes much 
sense, Dean.  It's late and I suppose I'm just rambling 
onwith the way things are 
going He should be able to read it here in a short amount of 
???   What's that mean, Dean?  Are you going to 
invite the Bishop of TT to return

Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread Lance Muir

Mayhap thou misseth the point, Judy?

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: March 08, 2006 08:47
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of 
  The United States of America is not a Democracy 
  Lance; it is a Democratic Republic - which is good
  training because God's Kingdom is not a "Democracy" 
  either. You should be relieved that the will of
  fallen humanity is not on the throne.
  On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 08:28:53 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
How could one ask for more than to be present 
on a 'chat room' where ppl illustrate the absence of a democratic frame of 

  From: Judy Taylor 
  Badmouthing GWB is at best ignorance. Our 
  youngest girl's flatmate was a missionary to the Ukraine
  for 5yrs and has just gotten back from a 
  trip to Germany by way of the Ukraine to visit her friends there. 
  She speaks Russian and when the plane 
  couldn't land because of fog was able to translate for the
  Ukrainians on board who had to return to Budapest 
  and spend the night. She tells me that men come
  from all over to look for a wife in the 
  Ukraine and there were two of them from the US on her flight one 
  of whom must have been 
  a disciple of whoever Lance is listening to because he badmouthed GWB 
  the entire time in a loud voice.
  From: Kevin Deegan 


  SP's are really Secret Agents for 
  Are you a conspiracy theorist?Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

DH:TT has a NEW POPE! You're just 
going to have to adjust. IMO your mystification re:SP types 
ain't a mystery. Preach the (their) gospel (their doctrine) by 
any means whatsoever. As they see it the end justifies the 
means. Though you and I are most assuredly not of one mind as to 
Jesus yet, we are seen as occupying the same camp. That camp is 
the camp of the lost/damned/bound for hell. I do see why they do 
what they do. This is the same sort of logic employed by their 
commander in chief over the Middle East.

  - Original Message - 
  Dave Hansen 
  Sent: March 08, 2006 
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] 
  The 'spirit' of truthtalk?
  to clear the confusion 
  one should be able to prove their charge they make against 
  others. DAVEH:   That's 
  what I asked you to do when you made a false accusation about 
  me (condoning violence) a few months back.  Your response 
  was that you didn't know how to use the archives, and that is 
  was my responsibility to prove that I didn't say something 
  that I didn't say.  Which is logically 
  illogical.So what is you 
  better idea?DAVEH:  Practice 
  what you preach.By the way I 
  can change the rules if there is good reason to do so-but you 
  Ahhh..May I assume this is your perception of 
  fairness?!?!?!    When I joined TT, it 
  was proudly proclaimed there was only one rule in TT.  It 
  seems several moderators have put that fallacy to show no hesitation 
  provoking me-Why is 
  that?DAVEH:  I'm not sure, 
  Dean.  I find SPers to be cut from a different bolt of 
  cloth.  It seems like some SPers live in a different 
  world, where they are in constant battle with everybody, 
  including some that at first appear to be on their side of the 
  fence.  Other than the few Spers I've found on TT, I 
  really don't have much experience with them, so I find how 
  they think and operate to be rather interesting.  (e.g., 
  Waving underwear in the faces of those they want to 
  convert.)  To me it seems such a strange way to sell a 
  product, so to speak.  Yet some SPers seem (from my 
  perspective) to lack a measure of ___(I'll leave it for 
  the reader to fill in the word), which to me seems at odds 
  with their mission statement.  So I've got to 

Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread Judy Taylor

The lines may be blurred in countries like the US, 
Canada, Australia, and the UK (to all but the SP's :)
However, they are quite apparent to anyone who has 
lived in a third world country recently.  I was commenting
on the article in the current National Geographic about 
the Ukraine which shows a photo of a peninsula there
with mansions on it.  Our Missions friend told me 
this is the fruit of graft, corruption, and the Russian Mafia 
which have risen to the top 
of the heap rather quickly.  Our island born SIL can tell you the same 
about his 
homeland. Whoever rises to 
the top in Government treats the treasury like their own checkbook and their 

children are the ones who go 
overseas to attend the best schools.  
Of course there is a lot of it in the countries named 
above also, we observe Congress giving themselves 

raises all the time and a Congressman who just spent 
20yrs in prison will still get his pension whereas 
serviceman would have to forfeit his... so although 
imperfect - with checks and balances in place 
our system
still beats any in the third world until the Lord 
returns to straighten it all out for us.   Maranatha!!
On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 08:47:36 -0500 Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  The United States of America is not a Democracy 
  Lance; it is a Democratic Republic - which is good
  training because God's Kingdom is not a "Democracy" 
  either. You should be relieved that the will of
  fallen humanity is not on the throne.
  On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 08:28:53 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
How could one ask for more than to be present 
on a 'chat room' where ppl illustrate the absence of a democratic frame of 

  From: Judy Taylor 
  Badmouthing GWB is at best ignorance. Our 
  youngest girl's flatmate was a missionary to the Ukraine
  for 5yrs and has just gotten back from a 
  trip to Germany by way of the Ukraine to visit her friends there. 
  She speaks Russian and when the plane 
  couldn't land because of fog was able to translate for the
  Ukrainians on board who had to return to Budapest 
  and spend the night. She tells me that men come
  from all over to look for a wife in the 
  Ukraine and there were two of them from the US on her flight one 
  of whom must have been 
  a disciple of whoever Lance is listening to because he badmouthed GWB 
  the entire time in a loud voice.
  From: Kevin Deegan 


  SP's are really Secret Agents for 
  Are you a conspiracy theorist?Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

DH:TT has a NEW POPE! You're just 
going to have to adjust. IMO your mystification re:SP types 
ain't a mystery. Preach the (their) gospel (their doctrine) by 
any means whatsoever. As they see it the end justifies the 
means. Though you and I are most assuredly not of one mind as to 
Jesus yet, we are seen as occupying the same camp. That camp is 
the camp of the lost/damned/bound for hell. I do see why they do 
what they do. This is the same sort of logic employed by their 
commander in chief over the Middle East.

  - Original Message - 
  Dave Hansen 
  Sent: March 08, 2006 
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] 
  The 'spirit' of truthtalk?
  to clear the confusion 
  one should be able to prove their charge they make against 
  others. DAVEH:   That's 
  what I asked you to do when you made a false accusation about 
  me (condoning violence) a few months back.  Your response 
  was that you didn't know how to use the archives, and that is 
  was my responsibility to prove that I didn't say something 
  that I didn't say.  Which is logically 
  illogical.So what is you 
  better idea?DAVEH:  Practice 
  what you preach.By the way I 
  can change the rules if there is good reason to do so-but you 
  Ahhh..May I assume this is your perception of 
  fairness?!?!?!    When I joined TT, it 
  was proudly proclaimed there was only one rule in TT.  It 
  seems several moderators have put that fallacy to show no hesitation 
  provoking me-Why is 
  that?DAVEH:  I'm 

Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread Judy Taylor

Explain the point to me then Lance
How can one's mind be renewed in God's Word and 
continue to have a "democratic frame"
to it when Jesus never had a "democratic" bone in his 
On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 08:53:03 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  Mayhap thou misseth the point, Judy?
From: Judy Taylor 
The United States of America is not a Democracy 
Lance; it is a Democratic Republic - which is good
training because God's Kingdom is not a "Democracy" 
either. You should be relieved that the will of
fallen humanity is not on the throne.
On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 08:28:53 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

  How could one ask for more than to be present 
  on a 'chat room' where ppl illustrate the absence of a democratic frame of 
From: Judy 
Badmouthing GWB is at best ignorance. Our 
youngest girl's flatmate was a missionary to the Ukraine
for 5yrs and has just gotten back from a 
trip to Germany by way of the Ukraine to visit her friends there. 

She speaks Russian and when the plane 
couldn't land because of fog was able to translate for the
Ukrainians on board who had to return to 
Budapest and spend the night. She tells me that men 
from all over to look for a wife in the 
Ukraine and there were two of them from the US on her flight one 

of whom must have 
been a disciple of whoever Lance is listening to because he badmouthed 
the entire time in a loud voice.
From: Kevin Deegan 


SP's are really Secret Agents for 
Are you a conspiracy theorist?Lance Muir 

  DH:TT has a NEW POPE! You're just 
  going to have to adjust. IMO your mystification re:SP types 
  ain't a mystery. Preach the (their) gospel (their doctrine) by 
  any means whatsoever. As they see it the end justifies the 
  means. Though you and I are most assuredly not of one mind as 
  to Jesus yet, we are seen as occupying the same camp. That 
  camp is the camp of the lost/damned/bound for hell. I do see 
  why they do what they do. This is the same sort of logic 
  employed by their commander in chief over the Middle 
- Original Message - 

Dave Hansen 

Sent: March 08, 2006 
Subject: Re: 
[TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?
to clear the 
confusion one should be able to prove their charge they make 
against others. 
DAVEH:   That's what I 
asked you to do when you made a false accusation about me 
(condoning violence) a few months back.  Your response 
was that you didn't know how to use the archives, and that 
is was my responsibility to prove that I didn't say 
something that I didn't say.  Which is logically 
illogical.So what is you 
better idea?DAVEH:  
Practice what you preach.By 
the way I can change the rules if there is good reason to do 
so-but you cannot.DAVEH:  
Ahhh..May I assume this is your perception of 
fairness?!?!?!    When I joined TT, 
it was proudly proclaimed there was only one rule in 
TT.  It seems several moderators have put that fallacy 
to show no 
hesitation provoking me-Why is 
that?DAVEH:  I'm not sure, 
Dean.  I find SPers to be cut from a different bolt of 
cloth.  It seems like some SPers live in a different 
world, where they are in constant battle with everybody, 
including some that at first appear to be on their side of 
the fence.  Other than the few Spers I've found on TT, 
I really don't have much experience with them, so I find how 
they think and operate to be rather interesting.  
(e.g., Waving underwear in the faces of those they want to 
convert.)  To m

Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread Lance Muir

I believe GWB to be sincere also.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: March 08, 2006 09:07
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of 
  The lines may be blurred in countries like the US, 
  Canada, Australia, and the UK (to all but the SP's :)
  However, they are quite apparent to anyone who has 
  lived in a third world country recently.  I was commenting
  on the article in the current National Geographic 
  about the Ukraine which shows a photo of a peninsula there
  with mansions on it.  Our Missions friend told 
  me this is the fruit of graft, corruption, and the Russian Mafia 
  which have risen to the 
  top of the heap rather quickly.  Our island born SIL can tell you the 
  same about his 
  homeland. Whoever rises to 
  the top in Government treats the treasury like their own checkbook and their 
  children are the ones who 
  go overseas to attend the best schools.  
  Of course there is a lot of it in the countries named 
  above also, we observe Congress giving themselves 
  raises all the time and a Congressman who just spent 
  20yrs in prison will still get his pension whereas 
  serviceman would have to forfeit his... so although 
  imperfect - with checks and balances in place 
  our system
  still beats any in the third world until the Lord 
  returns to straighten it all out for us.   Maranatha!!
  On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 08:47:36 -0500 Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
The United States of America is not a Democracy 
Lance; it is a Democratic Republic - which is good
training because God's Kingdom is not a "Democracy" 
either. You should be relieved that the will of
fallen humanity is not on the throne.
On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 08:28:53 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

  How could one ask for more than to be present 
  on a 'chat room' where ppl illustrate the absence of a democratic frame of 
From: Judy 
Badmouthing GWB is at best ignorance. Our 
youngest girl's flatmate was a missionary to the Ukraine
for 5yrs and has just gotten back from a 
trip to Germany by way of the Ukraine to visit her friends there. 

She speaks Russian and when the plane 
couldn't land because of fog was able to translate for the
Ukrainians on board who had to return to 
Budapest and spend the night. She tells me that men 
from all over to look for a wife in the 
Ukraine and there were two of them from the US on her flight one 

of whom must have 
been a disciple of whoever Lance is listening to because he badmouthed 
the entire time in a loud voice.
From: Kevin Deegan 


SP's are really Secret Agents for 
Are you a conspiracy theorist?Lance Muir 

  DH:TT has a NEW POPE! You're just 
  going to have to adjust. IMO your mystification re:SP types 
  ain't a mystery. Preach the (their) gospel (their doctrine) by 
  any means whatsoever. As they see it the end justifies the 
  means. Though you and I are most assuredly not of one mind as 
  to Jesus yet, we are seen as occupying the same camp. That 
  camp is the camp of the lost/damned/bound for hell. I do see 
  why they do what they do. This is the same sort of logic 
  employed by their commander in chief over the Middle 
- Original Message - 

Dave Hansen 

Sent: March 08, 2006 
Subject: Re: 
[TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?
to clear the 
confusion one should be able to prove their charge they make 
against others. 
DAVEH:   That's what I 
asked you to do when you made a false accusation about me 
(condoning violence) a few months back.  Your response 
was that you didn't know how to use the archives, and that 
is was my responsibility to prove that I didn't say 
something that I didn't say.  Which is logically 
illogical.So what is you 
better idea?DAVEH:  
Practice what you preach.By 

Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread Judy Taylor

What is your comment supposed to mean 
What does GWB have to do with what I have been 
As I have noted before - you are forever locked into 
the personal
On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 09:11:53 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  I believe GWB to be sincere also.
From: Judy Taylor 
The lines may be blurred in countries like the US, 
Canada, Australia, and the UK (to all but the SP's :)
However, they are quite apparent to anyone who has 
lived in a third world country recently.  I was commenting
on the article in the current National Geographic 
about the Ukraine which shows a photo of a peninsula there
with mansions on it.  Our Missions friend told 
me this is the fruit of graft, corruption, and the Russian Mafia 

which have risen to the 
top of the heap rather quickly.  Our island born SIL can tell you the 
same about his 
homeland. Whoever rises 
to the top in Government treats the treasury like their own checkbook and 
children are the ones who go overseas to attend the best schools.  

Of course there is a lot of it in the countries 
named above also, we observe Congress giving 
raises all the time and a Congressman who just 
spent 20yrs in prison will still get his pension 
whereas a
serviceman would have to forfeit his... so although 
imperfect - with checks and balances in 
place our system
still beats any in the third world until the Lord 
returns to straighten it all out for us.   
On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 08:47:36 -0500 Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

  The United States of America is not a Democracy 
  Lance; it is a Democratic Republic - which is good
  training because God's Kingdom is not a 
  "Democracy" either. You should be relieved that the will of
  fallen humanity is not on the 
  On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 08:28:53 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
How could one ask for more than to be 
present on a 'chat room' where ppl illustrate the absence of a 
democratic frame of mind?

  From: Judy 
  Badmouthing GWB is at best ignorance. Our 
  youngest girl's flatmate was a missionary to the Ukraine
  for 5yrs and has just gotten back from a 
  trip to Germany by way of the Ukraine to visit her friends there. 
  She speaks Russian and when the plane 
  couldn't land because of fog was able to translate for 
  Ukrainians on board who had to return to 
  Budapest and spend the night. She tells me that men 
  from all over to look for a wife in the 
  Ukraine and there were two of them from the US on her flight one 
  of whom must have 
  been a disciple of whoever Lance is listening to because he badmouthed 
  the entire time in a loud voice.
  From: Kevin Deegan 


  SP's are really Secret Agents 
  for GWB! LOL
  Are you a conspiracy theorist?Lance Muir 

DH:TT has a NEW POPE! You're 
just going to have to adjust. IMO your mystification re:SP 
types ain't a mystery. Preach the (their) gospel (their 
doctrine) by any means whatsoever. As they see it the end 
justifies the means. Though you and I are most assuredly not 
of one mind as to Jesus yet, we are seen as occupying the 
same camp. That camp is the camp of the lost/damned/bound 
for hell. I do see why they do what they do. This is the 
same sort of logic employed by their commander in chief over 
the Middle East.

  - Original Message - 
  Dave Hansen 
  Sent: March 08, 2006 
  Subject: Re: 
  [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?
  to clear the 
  confusion one should be able to prove their charge they 
  make against others. 
  DAVEH:   That's what 
  I asked you to do when you made a false accusation about 
  me (condoning violence) a few months back.  Your 
  response was that you didn't know how to u

Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread Lance Muir

This goes back to 'badmouthing GWB is at best 
ignorance', Judy. It's kinda like shutting down free speech'. Thus, the 
subsequent comment on democracy. I'm accustomed to my own stream of 
consciousness thinking but, surprised when I find it in others. 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: March 08, 2006 09:41
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of 
  What is your comment supposed to mean 
  What does GWB have to do with what I have been 
  As I have noted before - you are forever locked into 
  the personal
  On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 09:11:53 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
I believe GWB to be sincere also.

  From: Judy Taylor 
  The lines may be blurred in countries like the 
  US, Canada, Australia, and the UK (to all but the SP's :)
  However, they are quite apparent to anyone who 
  has lived in a third world country recently.  I was 
  on the article in the current National Geographic 
  about the Ukraine which shows a photo of a peninsula there
  with mansions on it.  Our Missions friend 
  told me this is the fruit of graft, corruption, and the Russian Mafia 
  which have risen to 
  the top of the heap rather quickly.  Our island born SIL can tell you 
  the same about his 
  homeland. Whoever rises to the top in Government treats the treasury like 
  their own checkbook and their 
  children are the ones who go overseas to attend the best schools.  
  Of course there is a lot of it in the countries 
  named above also, we observe Congress giving 
  raises all the time and a Congressman who just 
  spent 20yrs in prison will still get his 
  pension whereas a
  serviceman would have to forfeit his... so 
  although imperfect - with checks and balances in place our system
  still beats any in the third world until the Lord 
  returns to straighten it all out for us.   
  On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 08:47:36 -0500 Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
The United States of America is not a Democracy 
Lance; it is a Democratic Republic - which is good
training because God's Kingdom is not a 
"Democracy" either. You should be relieved that the will of
fallen humanity is not on the 
On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 08:28:53 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

  How could one ask for more than to be 
  present on a 'chat room' where ppl illustrate the absence of a 
  democratic frame of mind?
From: Judy 
Badmouthing GWB is at best ignorance. Our 
youngest girl's flatmate was a missionary to the 
for 5yrs and has just gotten back from 
a trip to Germany by way of the Ukraine to visit her friends there. 

She speaks Russian and when the plane 
couldn't land because of fog was able to translate for 
Ukrainians on board who had to return to 
Budapest and spend the night. She tells me that men 
from all over to look for a wife in 
the Ukraine and there were two of them from the US on her flight one 

of whom must 
have been a disciple of whoever Lance is listening to because he 
badmouthed GWB 
the entire time in a loud 
From: Kevin Deegan 


SP's are really Secret Agents 
for GWB! LOL
Are you a conspiracy theorist?Lance Muir 

  DH:TT has a NEW POPE! You're 
  just going to have to adjust. IMO your mystification re:SP 
  types ain't a mystery. Preach the (their) gospel (their 
  doctrine) by any means whatsoever. As they see it the end 
  justifies the means. Though you and I are most assuredly 
  not of one mind as to Jesus yet, we are seen as occupying 
  the same camp. That camp is the camp of the 
  lost/damned/bound for hell. I do see why they do what they 
  do. This is the same sort of logic employed by their 
  commander in chief over the Middle East.
- Original Message 

Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread Judy Taylor

What's this "stream of consciousness" business...  
don't you think before you speak Lance?
I'm all for "freedom of speech" - for instance you are 
free to disagree and state that "badmouthing GWB
is a sign of intellectualism or intelligence" if you 
On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 10:06:59 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  This goes back to 'badmouthing GWB is at best 
  ignorance', Judy. It's kinda like shutting down free speech'. Thus, the 
  subsequent comment on democracy. I'm accustomed to my own stream of 
  consciousness thinking but, surprised when I find it in others. 
From: Judy Taylor 
What is your comment supposed to mean 
What does GWB have to do with what I have been 
As I have noted before - you are forever locked 
into the personal
On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 09:11:53 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

  I believe GWB to be sincere 
From: Judy 
The lines may be blurred in countries like the 
US, Canada, Australia, and the UK (to all but the SP's :)
However, they are quite apparent to anyone who 
has lived in a third world country recently.  I was 
on the article in the current National 
Geographic about the Ukraine which shows a photo of a peninsula 
with mansions on it.  Our Missions friend 
told me this is the fruit of graft, corruption, and the Russian Mafia 

which have risen to 
the top of the heap rather quickly.  Our island born SIL can tell 
you the same about his 
homeland. Whoever rises to the top in Government treats the treasury like 
their own checkbook and their 
children are the ones who go overseas to attend the best schools.  

Of course there is a lot of it in the countries 
named above also, we observe Congress giving 
raises all the time and a Congressman who just 
spent 20yrs in prison will still get his 
pension whereas a
serviceman would have to forfeit his... so 
although imperfect - with checks and balances in place our system
still beats any in the third world until the 
Lord returns to straighten it all out for us.   
On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 08:47:36 -0500 Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

  The United States of America is not a 
  Democracy Lance; it is a Democratic Republic - which is 
  training because God's Kingdom is not a 
  "Democracy" either. You should be relieved that the will 
  fallen humanity is not on the 
  On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 08:28:53 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
How could one ask for more than to be 
present on a 'chat room' where ppl illustrate the absence of a 
democratic frame of mind?

  From: Judy Taylor 
  Badmouthing GWB is at best ignorance. Our 
  youngest girl's flatmate was a missionary to the 
  for 5yrs and has just gotten back 
  from a trip to Germany by way of the Ukraine to visit her friends 
  She speaks Russian and when the 
  plane couldn't land because of fog was able to translate for 
  Ukrainians on board who had to return to 
  Budapest and spend the night. She tells me that men 
  from all over to look for a wife in 
  the Ukraine and there were two of them from the US on her flight 
  of whom must 
  have been a disciple of whoever Lance is listening to because he 
  badmouthed GWB 
  the entire time in a loud 
  From: Kevin Deegan 


  SP's are really Secret 
  Agents for GWB! LOL
  Are you a conspiracy theorist?Lance 

DH:TT has a NEW POPE! 
You're just going to have to adjust. IMO your 
mystification re:SP types ain't a mystery. Preach the 
(their) gospel (their doctrine) by any means whatsoever. 
As they see it the end justifies the means. Though you 
and I are most assuredly not of one mind as to Jesus 

Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread Judy Taylor

Can you do this Lance?
Are you saying that Dean is called to 
be a teacher to the body of Christ?
Rather than proof-texting (the 
exceptions having been Bill, David and John), are you able to open say the 
gospel of John or the book of Ephesians and, thereafter explain it in it's 
entirety without difficulty for either yourself or any believer?
On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 05:30:14 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  It'd appear that we do all speak English, Dean. 
  Now, as everyone else has taken, IMO a rather unconvincing, run at the fg, may 
  I ask YOU, Dean...Rather than proof-texting (the exceptions having been Bill, 
  David and John), are you able to open say the gospel of John or the book of 
  Ephesians and, thereafter explain it in it's entirety without difficulty for 
  either yourself or any believer? If yes then, please demonstrate. If no then, 
  qualify your statement (what you say) in line with what you can actually 
From: Lance Muir 

  Sent: 3/7/2006 5:54:36 AM 
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' 
  of truthtalk?
  THE truth to read MY truth or, truth as I 
  interpret it.
  How I read the words that are spoken-We 
  all do speak English right?
- Original Message - 
Dean Moore 

Sent: March 06, 2006 18:13
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 
'spirit' of truthtalk?

Moderator: No-The truth is not Ad. Hom attacks if one can 
prove his point to a reasonable conclusion(whose conclusion? Why mine 
decision of course)-Please explanation after my coming chastisement from 
David.But don't jump the gun and attack me as he seems to be 
hesitating(maybe he found love for me after all.)-and if wrong you will 
still be dealing with a moderator-that will not take any 


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: 3/5/2006 12:52:42 PM 
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 
  'spirit' of truthtalk?
  DAVEH:   Dean, does this not 
  qualify as an ad-hom?Dean Moore wrote: 

cd:   or lose all 
creditability as Lance had done in my opinion of this 
Dave Hansen
If you wish to receive
things I find interesting,
I maintain six email lists...

Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread Lance Muir

Nothing of the kind, Judy. I only wish for it to be 
legitimate in a democratic society. Apparently, you do not. I actually 
understand this kind of thinking.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: March 08, 2006 10:18
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of 
  What's this "stream of consciousness" 
  business...  don't you think before you speak Lance?
  I'm all for "freedom of speech" - for instance you 
  are free to disagree and state that "badmouthing GWB
  is a sign of intellectualism or intelligence" if you 
  On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 10:06:59 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
This goes back to 'badmouthing GWB is at best 
ignorance', Judy. It's kinda like shutting down free speech'. Thus, the 
subsequent comment on democracy. I'm accustomed to my own stream of 
consciousness thinking but, surprised when I find it in others. 

  From: Judy Taylor 
  What is your comment supposed to mean 
  What does GWB have to do with what I have been 
  As I have noted before - you are forever locked 
  into the personal
  On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 09:11:53 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
I believe GWB to be sincere 

  From: Judy 
  The lines may be blurred in countries like 
  the US, Canada, Australia, and the UK (to all but the SP's 
  However, they are quite apparent to anyone 
  who has lived in a third world country recently.  I was 
  on the article in the current National 
  Geographic about the Ukraine which shows a photo of a peninsula 
  with mansions on it.  Our Missions 
  friend told me this is the fruit of graft, corruption, and the Russian 
  which have risen to the top of the heap rather quickly.  Our island 
  born SIL can tell you the same about his 
  homeland. Whoever rises to the top in Government treats the treasury like 
  their own checkbook and their 
  children are the ones who go overseas to attend the best schools.  
  Of course there is a lot of it in the 
  countries named above also, we observe 
  Congress giving themselves 
  raises all the time and a Congressman who 
  just spent 20yrs in prison will still get 
  his pension whereas a
  serviceman would have to forfeit his... so 
  although imperfect - with checks and balances in place our system
  still beats any in the third world until the 
  Lord returns to straighten it all out for us.   
  On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 08:47:36 -0500 Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
The United States of America is not a 
Democracy Lance; it is a Democratic Republic - which is 
training because God's Kingdom is not a 
"Democracy" either. You should be relieved that the will 
fallen humanity is not on the 
On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 08:28:53 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

  How could one ask for more than to be 
  present on a 'chat room' where ppl illustrate the absence of a 
  democratic frame of mind?
From: Judy Taylor 
Badmouthing GWB is at best ignorance. 
Our youngest girl's flatmate was a missionary to the 
for 5yrs and has just gotten back 
from a trip to Germany by way of the Ukraine to visit her 
friends there. 
She speaks Russian and when the 
plane couldn't land because of fog was able to translate for 
Ukrainians on board who had to return 
to Budapest and spend the night. She tells me that men 
from all over to look for a wife 
in the Ukraine and there were two of them from the US on her 
flight one 
of whom must 
have been a disciple of whoever Lance is listening to because he 
badmouthed GWB 
the entire time in a loud 
From: Kevin Deegan 


SP's are really Secret 
Agents for GWB! LOL

Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread Lance Muir

I'm contrasting the two, Judy. Yes, I can but, not 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: March 08, 2006 10:57
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of 
  Can you do this Lance?
  Are you saying that Dean is called 
  to be a teacher to the body of Christ?
  Rather than proof-texting (the 
  exceptions having been Bill, David and John), are you able to open say the 
  gospel of John or the book of Ephesians and, thereafter explain it in it's 
  entirety without difficulty for either yourself or any believer?
  On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 05:30:14 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
It'd appear that we do all speak English, Dean. 
Now, as everyone else has taken, IMO a rather unconvincing, run at the fg, 
may I ask YOU, Dean...Rather than proof-texting (the exceptions having been 
Bill, David and John), are you able to open say the gospel of John or the 
book of Ephesians and, thereafter explain it in it's entirety without 
difficulty for either yourself or any believer? If yes then, please 
demonstrate. If no then, qualify your statement (what you say) in line with 
what you can actually do.  

  From: Lance Muir 
Sent: 3/7/2006 5:54:36 AM 
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 
'spirit' of truthtalk?

THE truth to read MY truth or, truth as I 
interpret it.
How I read the words that are 
spoken-We all do speak English right?

  - Original Message - 
  Dean Moore 
  Sent: March 06, 2006 18:13
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 
  'spirit' of truthtalk?
  Moderator: No-The truth is not Ad. Hom attacks if one can 
  prove his point to a reasonable conclusion(whose conclusion? Why mine 
  decision of course)-Please explanation after my coming chastisement 
  from David.But don't jump the gun and attack me as he seems to be 
  hesitating(maybe he found love for me after all.)-and if wrong you 
  will still be dealing with a moderator-that will not take any 
- Original Message - 
Sent: 3/5/2006 12:52:42 PM 

Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 
'spirit' of truthtalk?
DAVEH:   Dean, does this not 
qualify as an ad-hom?Dean Moore wrote: 



  cd:   or lose all 
  creditability as Lance had done in my opinion of this 
Dave Hansen
If you wish to receive
things I find interesting,
I maintain six email lists...

Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread Judy Taylor

Are you saying that his decisions are illegitimate just 
because some ppl disagree with them
Lance?  As per your second point. No you don't 
understanding my kind of thinking at all; this
is obvious by your responses to same.
On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 12:22:55 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  Nothing of the kind, Judy. I only wish for it to 
  be legitimate in a democratic society. 
  Apparently, you do not. I actually understand 
  this kind of thinking.
From: Judy Taylor 
What's this "stream of consciousness" 
business...  don't you think before you speak Lance?
I'm all for "freedom of speech" - for instance you 
are free to disagree and state that "badmouthing GWB
is a sign of intellectualism or intelligence" if 
you want.
On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 10:06:59 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

  This goes back to 'badmouthing GWB is at best 
  ignorance', Judy. It's kinda like shutting down free speech'. Thus, the 
  subsequent comment on democracy. I'm accustomed to my own stream of 
  consciousness thinking but, surprised when I find it in others. 
From: Judy 
What is your comment supposed to mean 
What does GWB have to do with what I have been 
As I have noted before - you are forever locked 
into the personal
On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 09:11:53 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

  I believe GWB to be sincere 
From: Judy 
The lines may be blurred in countries like 
the US, Canada, Australia, and the UK (to all but the SP's 
However, they are quite apparent to anyone 
who has lived in a third world country recently.  I was 
on the article in the current National 
Geographic about the Ukraine which shows a photo of a peninsula 
with mansions on it.  Our Missions 
friend told me this is the fruit of graft, corruption, and the 
Russian Mafia 
which have risen to the top of the heap rather quickly.  Our 
island born SIL can tell you the same about his 
homeland. Whoever rises to the top in Government treats the treasury 
like their own checkbook and their 
children are the ones who go overseas to attend the best schools.  

Of course there is a lot of it in the 
countries named above also, we observe 
Congress giving themselves 
raises all the time and a Congressman who 
just spent 20yrs in prison will still get 
his pension whereas a
serviceman would have to forfeit his... so 
although imperfect - with checks and balances in place our system
still beats any in the third world until 
the Lord returns to straighten it all out for us.   
On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 08:47:36 -0500 Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

  The United States of America is not a 
  Democracy Lance; it is a Democratic Republic - which is 
  training because God's Kingdom is not a 
  "Democracy" either. You should be relieved that the will 
  fallen humanity is not on the 
  On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 08:28:53 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
How could one ask for more than to 
be present on a 'chat room' where ppl illustrate the absence of 
a democratic frame of mind?

  From: Judy Taylor 
  Badmouthing GWB is at best ignorance. 
  Our youngest girl's flatmate was a missionary to the 
  for 5yrs and has just gotten 
  back from a trip to Germany by way of the Ukraine to visit her 
  friends there. 
  She speaks Russian and when the 
  plane couldn't land because of fog was able to translate for 
  Ukrainians on board who had to return 
  to Budapest and spend the night. She tells me that men 
  from all over to look for a wife 
  in the Ukraine and there were two of them from the US on her 
  flight one 
  of whom 
  must have been a disciple of whoever Lance is listening to 
  because he badm

Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread Lance Muir

1. No.
2. I do.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: March 08, 2006 12:27
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of 
  Are you saying that his decisions are illegitimate 
  just because some ppl disagree with them
  Lance?  As per your second point. No you don't 
  understanding my kind of thinking at all; this
  is obvious by your responses to same.
  On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 12:22:55 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Nothing of the kind, Judy. I only wish for it 
to be legitimate in a democratic society. 
Apparently, you do not. I actually understand 
this kind of thinking.

  From: Judy Taylor 
  What's this "stream of consciousness" 
  business...  don't you think before you speak Lance?
  I'm all for "freedom of speech" - for instance 
  you are free to disagree and state that "badmouthing GWB
  is a sign of intellectualism or intelligence" if 
  you want.
  On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 10:06:59 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
This goes back to 'badmouthing GWB is at 
best ignorance', Judy. It's kinda like shutting down free speech'. Thus, 
the subsequent comment on democracy. I'm accustomed to my own stream of 
consciousness thinking but, surprised when I find it in others. 

  From: Judy 
  What is your comment supposed to mean 
  What does GWB have to do with what I have 
  been discussing?
  As I have noted before - you are forever 
  locked into the personal
  On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 09:11:53 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
I believe GWB to be sincere 

  From: Judy Taylor 
  The lines may be blurred in countries 
  like the US, Canada, Australia, and the UK (to all but the SP's 
  However, they are quite apparent to 
  anyone who has lived in a third world country recently.  I 
  was commenting
  on the article in the current National 
  Geographic about the Ukraine which shows a photo of a peninsula 
  with mansions on it.  Our Missions 
  friend told me this is the fruit of graft, corruption, and the 
  Russian Mafia 
  which have risen to the top of the heap rather quickly.  Our 
  island born SIL can tell you the same about his 
  homeland. Whoever rises to the top in Government treats the treasury 
  like their own checkbook and their 
  children are the ones who go overseas to attend the best schools.  
  Of course there is a lot of it in the 
  countries named above also, we observe 
  Congress giving themselves 
  raises all the time and a Congressman who 
  just spent 20yrs in prison will still 
  get his pension whereas a
  serviceman would have to forfeit his... 
  so although imperfect - with checks and balances in place our system
  still beats any in the third world until 
  the Lord returns to straighten it all out for us.   
  On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 08:47:36 -0500 Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
The United States of America is not a 
Democracy Lance; it is a Democratic Republic - which is 
training because God's Kingdom is not a 
"Democracy" either. You should be relieved that the will 
fallen humanity is not on the 
On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 08:28:53 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

  How could one ask for more than 
  to be present on a 'chat room' where ppl illustrate the 
  absence of a democratic frame of mind?
From: Judy Taylor 
Badmouthing GWB is at best 
ignorance. Our youngest girl's flatmate was a missionary to 
the Ukraine
for 5yrs and has just gotten 
back from a trip to Germany by way of the Ukraine to visit 
her friends there. 
She speaks Russian and when 
the plane couldn't land because of fog was able to translate 
for the

Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread Kevin Deegan
Isn't it just folly to judge motives?  AND  Aren't  you just trying to elevate your crowd at the expense of my crowd?  Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Some of that which you said sounds OK, Judy. Look, if they want to present themselves as 'sandwich board ppl' ssup to them. Some SEE THEMSELVES as 'fools for Christ' while some are seen as just...well you know.. - Original Message -   From: Judy Taylor   To:   Cc:   Sent: March 08, 2006 08:01  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?Lance you talk like they are holding a "doctrinal seminar" out there.  Their message is "Repent or Perish" which  are the only options in my Bible.  What do you think they should be saying "God has a wonderful plan for your life .. his  son was incarnated into the womb of his mother so that you can come to the
 mother church and everyone can just go  go on to glory together because he loves you so much that your old stinkin flesh won't matter one bit because it has  been subsumed?"  (or whatever the word is that you and Bill use)     On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 05:22:36 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:DH:TT has a NEW POPE! You're just going to have to adjust. IMO your mystification re:SP types ain't a mystery. Preach the (their) gospel (their doctrine) by any means whatsoever. As they see it the end justifies the means. Though you and I are most assuredly not of one mind as to Jesus yet, we are seen as occupying the same camp. That camp is the camp of the
 lost/damned/bound for hell. I do see why they do what they do. This is the same sort of logic employed by their commander in chief over the Middle East.- Original Message -   From: Dave Hansen   To:   Sent: March 08, 2006 02:03  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?  to clear the confusion one should be able to prove their charge they make against others.
 DAVEH:   That's what I asked you to do when you made a false accusation about me (condoning violence) a few months back.  Your response was that you didn't know how to use the archives, and that is was my responsibility to prove that I didn't say something that I didn't say.  Which is logically illogical.So what is you better idea?DAVEH:  Practice what you preach.By the way I can change the rules if there is good reason to do so-but you cannot.DAVEH:  Ahhh..May I assume this is your perception of fairness?!?!?!    When I joined TT, it was proudly proclaimed there was only one rule in TT.  It seems several moderators have put that fallacy to show no hesitation provoking me-Why is that?DAVEH:  I'm not
 sure, Dean.  I find SPers to be cut from a different bolt of cloth.  It seems like some SPers live in a different world, where they are in constant battle with everybody, including some that at first appear to be on their side of the fence.  Other than the few Spers I've found on TT, I really don't have much experience with them, so I find how they think and operate to be rather interesting.  (e.g., Waving underwear in the faces of those they want to convert.)  To me it seems such a strange way to sell a product, so to speak.  Yet some SPers seem (from my perspective) to lack a measure of ___(I'll leave it for the reader to fill in the word), which to me seems at odds with their mission statement.  So I've got to wonder what makes them tickjust what is it that makes SPers the way they are.  I don't know if that makes much sense, Dean.  It's late and I suppose I'm just rambling onwith the way
 things are going He should be able to read it here in a short amount of time.DAVEH:   ???   What's that mean, Dean?  Are you going to invite the Bishop of TT to return?The truth is not Ad. Hom attacks if one can prove his point to a reasonable conclusion(whose conclusion? Why mine decision of course)DAVEH:   Did the rules change, Dean?  Are the rules being modified on the fly to suit the needs of the moderator???   As a moderator, is that what you consider to be fair?   Moderator: No, DaveH but there are many levels of Ad. Hom attacking
 going on here so to clear the confusion one should be able to prove their charge they make against others. One should not knock an idea unless one can offer a better one or lose credibility-So what is you better idea?I am all ears. By the way I can change the rules if there is good reason to do so-but you cannot.(maybe he found love for me after all.)DAVEH:   We all love you, Dean.  I'm just not sure we all can tolerate, let alone survive, you!   Moderator: For someone who expresses concerns about surviving me-you show no hesitation provoking me-Why is that? Also love a little harder as it isn't quite coming through my computer Dave.           (I'll copy this to John, as he may appreciate the irony in it.) 
 Moderator : Just save it-with the way things are going He should be able to read it here in a short amount of t

Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread Judy Taylor

1. If they are not illegitimate why do you badmouth him 
as much as you do?
2. One of us is a liar - and since IYO noone can know 
truth anyway - which one is it?
On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 13:18:04 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  1. No.
  2. I do.
From: Judy Taylor 
Are you saying that his decisions are illegitimate 
just because some ppl disagree with them
Lance?  As per your second point. No you don't 
understanding my kind of thinking at all; this
is obvious by your responses to same.
On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 12:22:55 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

  Nothing of the kind, Judy. I only wish for it 
  to be legitimate in a democratic society. 
  Apparently, you do not. I actually understand 
  this kind of thinking.
From: Judy 
What's this "stream of consciousness" 
business...  don't you think before you speak Lance?
I'm all for "freedom of speech" - for instance 
you are free to disagree and state that "badmouthing GWB
is a sign of intellectualism or intelligence" 
if you want.
On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 10:06:59 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

  This goes back to 'badmouthing GWB is at 
  best ignorance', Judy. It's kinda like shutting down free speech'. 
  Thus, the subsequent comment on democracy. I'm accustomed to my own 
  stream of consciousness thinking but, surprised when I find it in 
  others. (you)
From: Judy 
What is your comment supposed to mean 
What does GWB have to do with what I have 
been discussing?
As I have noted before - you are forever 
locked into the personal
On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 09:11:53 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

  I believe GWB to be sincere 
From: Judy Taylor 
The lines may be blurred in countries 
like the US, Canada, Australia, and the UK (to all but the SP's 
However, they are quite apparent to 
anyone who has lived in a third world country recently.  I 
was commenting
on the article in the current National 
Geographic about the Ukraine which shows a photo of a peninsula 
with mansions on it.  Our Missions 
friend told me this is the fruit of graft, corruption, and the 
Russian Mafia 
which have risen to the top of the heap rather quickly.  Our 
island born SIL can tell you the same about his 
homeland. Whoever rises to the top in Government treats the treasury 
like their own checkbook and their 
children are the ones who go overseas to attend the best schools.  

Of course there is a lot of it in the 
countries named above also, we observe Congress giving themselves 
raises all the time and a Congressman 
who just spent 20yrs in prison will still get his pension whereas a
serviceman would have to forfeit his... 
so although imperfect - with checks and balances in place our system
still beats any in the third world 
until the Lord returns to straighten it all out for 
us.   Maranatha!!
On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 08:47:36 -0500 Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

  The United States of America is not a 
  Democracy Lance; it is a Democratic Republic - which is 
  training because God's Kingdom is not 
  a "Democracy" either. You should be relieved that the will 
  fallen humanity is not on the 
  On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 08:28:53 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
How could one ask for more than 
to be present on a 'chat room' where ppl illustrate the 
absence of a democratic frame of mind?

  From: Judy Taylor 
  Badmouthing GWB is at best 
  ignorance. Our youngest girl's flatmate was a missionary 
  to the Ukraine
  for 5yrs and has just gotten 
  back from a trip to G

Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread Kevin Deegan
Don't blame Lance it's U NO WHO's fault!Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  What is your comment supposed to mean Lance?  What does GWB have to do with what I have been discussing?  As I have noted before - you are forever locked into the personal     On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 09:11:53 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:I believe GWB to be sincere also.From: Judy Taylor      The lines may be blurred in countries like the US, Canada, Australia, and the UK (to all but the SP's :)  However, they are quite apparent to anyone who has lived in a third world country recently.  I was commenting  on the article in the current National Geographic about the Ukraine which shows a photo of a peninsula there  with mansions on it.  Our Missions friend told me this is the fruit of graft, corruption, and the Russian Mafia   which have risen to the top of the heap rather quickly.  Our island born SIL can tell you the same about his  
 homeland. Whoever rises to the top in Government treats the treasury like their own checkbook and their   children are the ones who go overseas to attend the best schools.       Of course there is a lot of it in the countries named above also, we observe Congress giving themselves   raises all the time and a Congressman who just spent 20yrs in prison will still get his pension whereas a  serviceman would have to forfeit his... so although imperfect - with checks and balances in place our system  still beats any in the third world until the Lord returns to straighten it all out for
 us.   Maranatha!!     On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 08:47:36 -0500 Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:The United States of America is not a Democracy Lance; it is a Democratic Republic - which is good  training because God's Kingdom is not a "Democracy" either. You should be relieved that the will of  fallen humanity is not on the throne.     On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 08:28:53 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:How could one ask for more than to be present on a
 'chat room' where ppl illustrate the absence of a democratic frame of mind?From: Judy Taylor      Badmouthing GWB is at best ignorance. Our youngest girl's flatmate was a missionary to the Ukraine  for 5yrs and has just gotten back from a trip to Germany by way of the Ukraine to visit her friends there.   She speaks Russian and when the plane couldn't land because of fog was able to translate for the  Ukrainians on board who had to return to Budapest and spend the night. She tells me that men come  from all over to look for a wife in the Ukraine and there were two of them from the US on her flight one   of whom must have been a disciple of whoever Lance is listening to because he badmouthed GWB   the entire time in a loud voice.        From: Kevin Deegan  
 SP's are really Secret Agents for GWB! LOL  Are you a conspiracy theorist?Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  DH:TT has a NEW POPE! You're just going to have to adjust. IMO your mystification re:SP types ain't a mystery. Preach the (their) gospel (their doctrine) by any means whatsoever. As they see it the end justifies the means. Though you and I are most assuredly not of one mind as to Jesus yet, we are seen as occupying the same camp. That camp is the camp of the lost/damned/bound for hell. I do see why they do what they do. This is the same sort of logic employed by their commander in chief over the Middle East.- Original Message -   From: Dave Hansen   To:   Sent: March 08, 2006 02:03  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?  to clear the confusion one should be able to prove their charge they make against others. DAVEH:   That's what I asked you to do when you made a false accusation about me (condoning violence) a few months back.  Your response was that you didn't know how to use the
 archives, and that is was my responsibility to prove that I didn't say something that I didn't say.  Which is logically illogical.So what is you better idea?DAVEH:  Practice what you preach.By the way I can change the rules if there is good reason to do so-but you cannot.DAVEH:  Ahhh..May I assume this is your perception of fairness?!?!?!    When I joined TT, it was proudly proclaimed there was only one rule in TT.  It seems several moderators have put that fallacy to show no hesitation provoking me-Why is that?DAVEH:  I'm not sure, Dean.  I find SPers to be cut from a different bolt of cloth.  It seems like some SPers live in a different world, where they are in constant battle with everybody, including some that at first appear to
 be on their side of the fence.  Other than the few Spers I've found on TT, I really don't have much experience with them, so I find how they think and operate to be rather interesting.  (e.g., Waving underwear in the faces of those they want to convert.)  To me it seems such a strange way to sell a product, so to speak.  Yet some SPers seem (from my perspective) to lack a meas

RE: [TruthTalk] Addendum to 'snakes anyone'?

2006-03-08 Thread ShieldsFamily

Yes, I think the snake handlers are
testing God and are out of line.  I don’t understand what you want to
know about speaking in tongues.  Do I? Yes.  Do I think those who don’t
aren’t saved? No.  Any other question? Iz


[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance Muir
Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2006
4:00 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Addendum
to 'snakes anyone'?


I don't mind funnin' even at my expense. Why would I as I've
done so often, often myself. However, shall I ask of you, Iz, whether you
believe the Appalachian snake handlers to be testing God or, obeying His Word?


I note that upon raising an actual matter (HS & tongues)
everyone fled to the hills. We all know that none of you has access, through
the Word of God, to THE understanding on ALL issues. Does anyone of you brash
souls wish to differ on this point? As our beloved moderator has said
...Hm...what has he actually said in the last 24 hours consistent with a
week ago?  


Any takers? 

- Original Message - 

From: ShieldsFamily


Sent: March 07, 2006

Subject: RE: [TruthTalk]
Addendum to 'snakes anyone'?


I guess Paul went overboard, too, when he
shook that snake off his hand and didn’t get sick.  Such a literal
guy. iz


Behalf Of Lance Muir
Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2006 5:28
Subject: [TruthTalk] Addendum to
'snakes anyone'?


That was an reference to the 'Appalachian snake handlers'.
Thus, those who've gone a touch overboard on literalism. Look in the mirror

RE: [TruthTalk] An Offensive Gospel.

2006-03-08 Thread ShieldsFamily

I would say that no one’s work is
100% perfect when it comes to honoring the Lord.  Everyone is on a continuum
including those you have mentioned.  When I read Lamott I laugh out loud (especially
what she wrote about her in a swimsuit!) and some of what she writes really
touches me, but I often wonder if she really is saved.  I know she has a whole
lot of growing in godliness to do; still has a huge issue with rebellion.  But
I think she is a baby Believer.  She, IMO, is on the outer fringes of those you
mentioned—not in the same league. iz


[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance Muir
Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2006
4:02 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] An
Offensive Gospel.


JRRT, CSL, John Updike, Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Lamott...Care
to comment as to whether their's was a or b? 

- Original Message - 

From: ShieldsFamily


Sent: March 07, 2006

Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] An
Offensive Gospel.


And me.  I use my imagination
whenever I create a new design for a quilt, for example.  Or decorate my
home.  Or write.  Or make a collage (I’m creating one around
Romans 8.)  Don’t confuse a godly imagination with a worldly/fleshly
one.  (God used His when He created the Universe.) Iz


Behalf Of Judy Taylor
Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2006 5:47
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] An
Offensive Gospel.


John Lennon and three year olds


On Tue, 7 Mar 2006 06:39:56 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Imagination anyone?

From: Judy Taylor


Hey Kevin,
this is excellent - one question - is there room for "original


On Mon, 6 Mar 2006 20:24:10 -0800 (PST) Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

There is no room for broadmindedness in the chemical laboratory. Water
is composed of two parts, hydrogen and one part oxygen. The slightest deviation
from the formula is forbidden. There is no room for broadmindedness in music.
The skilled director will not permit his first violin to play even so much as
one-half note off the written note, chord, and key. There is no room for
broadmindedness in the mathematics classroom. Neither geometry, calculus, nor
trigonometry allows any variation from exact accuracy, even for old time's
sake. The solution of the problem is either right or it is wrong (no tolerance
there). There is no room for broadmindedness on the athletic field. The game is
to be played according to the rules with no favors shown for 'charity's sake.'
There is no room for broadmindedness in the garage. The mechanic there says the
piston rings must fit the cylinder walls within one-thousandth part of an inch.
Even between friends there cannot be any variation if 'the motor is to run
smoothly.' How then shall we expect that broadmindedness shall rule in the
realm of Christianity and morals? 

He that forsakes the truth of God, forsakes the God of truth. 

Judy Taylor

TRUTH IS Jesus Christ.  He is the
WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE


On Mon, 6 Mar 2006 20:34:18 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

..praise the God of Abe, Isaac, and Jacob,
eh, C :) ?


On Mon, 6 Mar 2006 20:27:40 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

myth (2+2 is 4, the Earth revolves around
the Sun, gravity dictates the ebb & flow of Earth's oceanic tides, 'truth came through Jesus Christ')


On Mon, 6 Mar 2006 12:38:14 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:



- Original Message - 

From: Judy Taylor



Sent: March 06, 2006

Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] An
Offensive Gospel.



Jesus said "Thy Word is
truth", not part of the truth.




Yahoo! Mail
Bring photos to life! New
PhotoMail makes sharing a breeze. 



Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread Dean Moore



- Original Message - 
From: Lance Muir 
Sent: 3/8/2006 5:23:10 AM 
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

DH:TT has a NEW POPE! You're just going to have to adjust. IMO your mystification re:SP types ain't a mystery. Preach the (their) gospel (their doctrine) by any means whatsoever. As they see it the end justifies the means. Though you and I are most assuredly not of one mind as to Jesus yet, we are seen as occupying the same camp. That camp is the camp of the lost/damned/bound for hell. I do see why they do what they do. This is the same sort of logic employed by their commander in chief over the Middle East.
cd: But Lance you said that it was fair earlier to moderate using those principles-and even earlier that that you said that you were glad I was moderator-now only hatred exists? What happened? Pope is a little much-How about Bishop Moderator-or better yet Moderator Bishop-nay.. still doesn't work..O' well we can keep trying ?The lost comments are correct Lance-This is not meant to be mean to you but to help you understand-One cannot refuse as much of the Bible as you do and be one of God's-it doesn't work that way Lance-I would much rather say this now and get you to understand the principle behind my words than to be there when God say's "depart from me". At that time it will then be too late-I fear that will happen to you.

- Original Message - 
From: Dave Hansen 
Sent: March 08, 2006 02:03
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?
to clear the confusion one should be able to prove their charge they make against others. DAVEH:   That's what I asked you to do when you made a false accusation about me (condoning violence) a few months back.  Your response was that you didn't know how to use the archives, and that is was my responsibility to prove that I didn't say something that I didn't say.  Which is logically illogical.So what is you better idea?DAVEH:  Practice what you preach.By the way I can change the rules if there is good reason to do so-but you cannot.DAVEH:  Ahhh..May I assume this is your perception of fairness?!?!?!    When I joined TT, it was proudly proclaimed there was only one rule in TT.  It seems several moderators have put that fallacy to show no hesita
tion provoking me-Why is that?DAVEH:  I'm not sure, Dean.  I find SPers to be cut from a different bolt of cloth.  It seems like some SPers live in a different world, where they are in constant battle with everybody, including some that at first appear to be on their side of the fence.  Other than the few Spers I've found on TT, I really don't have much experience with them, so I find how they think and operate to be rather interesting.  (e.g., Waving underwear in the faces of those they want to convert.)  To me it seems such a strange way to sell a product, so to speak.  Yet some SPers seem (from my perspective) to lack a measure of ___(I'll leave it for the reader to fill in the word), which to me seems at odds with their mission statement.  So I've got to wonder what makes them tickjust what is it that makes SPers the way they are.  I don't know if that makes much sense, Dean.  It's late and I suppose I'm just rambling onwith the way things are going He should be able to read it here in a short amount of time.DAVEH:   ???   What's that mean, Dean?  Are you going to invite the Bishop of TT to return?

The truth is not Ad. Hom attacks if one can prove his point to a reasonable conclusion(whose conclusion? Why mine decision of course)DAVEH:   Did the rules change, Dean?  Are the rules being modified on the fly to suit the needs of the moderator???   As a moderator, is that what you consider to be fair?
 Moderator: No, DaveH but there are many levels of Ad. Hom attacking going on here so to clear the confusion one should be able to prove their charge they make against others. One should not knock an idea unless one can offer a better one or lose credibility-So what is you better idea?I am all ears. By the way I can change the rules if there is good reason to do so-but you cannot.(maybe he found love for me after all.)DAVEH:   We all love you, Dean.  I'm just not sure we all can tolerate, let alone survive, you! 
Moderator: For someone who expresses concerns about surviving me-you show no hesitation provoking me-Why is that? Also love a little harder as it isn't quite coming through my computer Dave.
   (I'll copy this to John, as he may appreciate the irony in it.)
Moderator : Just save it-with the way things are going He should be able to read it here in a short amount of time.Dean Moore wrote: 

Moderator: No-The truth is not Ad. Hom attacks if one can prove his point to a reasonable conclusion(whose conclusion? Why mine decision of course)-Please explanation after my coming chastisement from David.But don't jump the gun and attack me as he seems to be hesitating(maybe he found 

Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread Dean Moore



- Original Message - 
From: Lance Muir 
Sent: 3/8/2006 5:33:55 AM 
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

How can that (my interpretation implies Dean) be wrong?
cd: Because your interpretation disallows large sections of the Bible Lance that are included in my understanding.
 Where does one go from here? Your honor, my client pleads insanity.
cd: That's it Judge Moore-Thank you Lance.Kinda reminds me of the Sylvester Stallion movie" Judge Dredd" or something like that. Hence forth that's what it will be-"Judge Moore" at your service:-)

- Original Message - 
From: Dean Moore 
Sent: March 07, 2006 18:36
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?



- Original Message - 
From: Lance Muir 
Sent: 3/7/2006 6:04:30 AM 
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

Follow your conscience, Dean. Sometimes your conscience is directed by God but, sometimes
cd: I do not preach another conscience Lance-I preach the written word of God -from the Bible itself-again words have meaning and it is written in English .How can that be wrong?

- Original Message - 
From: Dean Moore 
Sent: March 06, 2006 20:56
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

cd: Is speaking of the greatness if Christ "objective" to you Lance? That is what I we do. Would you like to come and hear me speak-or Kevin? He is Just across the falls and I will meet you there? We only encourage others to come to Jesus-why are we wrong to do so?


- Original Message - 
From: Lance Muir 
Sent: 3/6/2006 12:23:25 PM 
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

Me too, Dave. When TRUELY OBJECTIONABLE BEHAVIOUR is objected to (by 'acting out') these persons occasionally do seem surprised.
- Original Message - 

From: Dave Hansen 
Sent: March 06, 2006 10:43
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?
DAVEH:  OK Dean, I understand your sensitivity to such and will respond without using the words you find objectionable.   I would like to continue to discuss this, as I find it interesting to see how SPers think.    I am curious as to why one would still show up on somebody's doorstep when an objectionable topic is mentioned rather than discuss it with them via the phone or email?  What is to be accomplished by a personal visit?  Most folks would understand such a visit to be a physical threat, even though it could be claimed that the offended has a constitutional right to confront the offender.    The reason I ask this is because it seems to me that many SPers seemed surprised that they are physically attacked when confronting sinners on the streets.  Yet they feel compelled to stare the jaws of death (so to speak) in the mouth.  Is this a martyr complex of sorts?  Does it give SPers confidence if they are persecuted for the Lord's sake
 ?  I suppose an argument can be made that if one dies while in the service of the Lord, it would be a feather in the cap of the persecuted while at the same time driving the persecutor even deeper into hell.  To me that seems like rather odd logic, considering that the SPer (or guy showing up on the doorstep) is somewhat a catalyst in this scenario.  IOWIs a SPer guilty of promoting a problem when he uses his constitutionally guaranteed free speech to aggravate a situation that can and will likely turn to violence?Dean Moore wrote: 

 Moderator: Wouldn't have to show up in Portland DaveH-all I would have to do is click a button and my problem is solved and that is exactly what I going to do the next time you use the words-** in the combination that you used them below. Discussion over-warning given!

- Original Message - 
From: Dave Hansen 
Sent: 3/5/2006 12:52:41 PM 
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?
DAVEH:   Dean, from what you said previously about the oneness of husband and wife, if I were to ask you about ,, you would take that as a personal attack on ** and would then presume it to be a personal attack on you as well, and then proceed to come to Portland and show up on my that correct?  Wouldn't it be smarter just to say the same thing to me via email or a phone call, rather than show up on my doorstep?  What would be accomplished by coming to Portland?      If I were then to assume you are on my doorstep for a reason other than an amicable discussion, and felt my life was being threatened by your presence on my doorstep, I would probably not answer the door.  Wouldn't that just frustrate your reason for going to all that effort, cost, time and travel in an effort to come to my doorstep?  Would you proceed to pound on my doo r expecting me to open it?  If I did not respond to your poundin

RE: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread ShieldsFamily

Being teachable is a state of heart.  A
lack of pride.  A humility.  A brokenness.  Eagerness to repent.  iz


Behalf Of Lance Muir
Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2006
7:27 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The
'spirit' of truthtalk?


It is not necessary, Judy. DM, BT, JS, Caroline, Debbie
& Slade have all attempted to do so, unsuccessfully. I perceive each to be
superior to me so..

- Original Message - 

From: Judy Taylor



Sent: March 08, 2006

Subject: Re: [TruthTalk]
The 'spirit' of truthtalk?


Can you describe what you call "being teachable" looks like
for us Lance?


On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 06:33:12 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

There is a rather large distinction between agreeing with
you Kevin, and being teachable.

- Original Message - 

From: Kevin


Sent: March 08, 2006

Subject: Re: [TruthTalk]
The 'spirit' of truthtalk?


Your not teachable


Did you send your kids to SS? Do you have no evangelistic
mtgs where you are? Do some in attendance at either ever get converted? Do you
have other names you prefer over 'conversion', Kevin. 


That you Kevin, believe yourself 'fully known (Paul's)
doctrine' I've no doubt. I'd recommend to the moderator that we all take a
hiatus from writing and, just let you teach us.  

- Original Message - 

From: Kevin


Sent: March 08, 2006

Subject: Re: [TruthTalk]
The 'spirit' of truthtalk?


Paul said:

But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of
life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience,


Now to him that is of power to stablish you
according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery

BTW what is wrong with preaching Jesus

or should we preach SS & Conversion at
our evangelistic meetings?

Lance Muir

DH:TT has a NEW POPE! You're just going to have to adjust.
IMO your mystification re:SP types ain't a mystery. Preach the (their) gospel
(their doctrine) by any means whatsoever. As they see it the end justifies the
means. Though you and I are most assuredly not of one mind as to Jesus yet, we
are seen as occupying the same camp. That camp is the camp of the
lost/damned/bound for hell. I do see why they do what they do. This is the same
sort of logic employed by their commander in chief over the Middle

- Original Message - 

From: Dave Hansen 


Sent: March 08, 2006 02:03

Subject: Re: [TruthTalk]
The 'spirit' of truthtalk?


to clear the confusion one should be
able to prove their charge they make against others. 

DAVEH:   That's what I asked you to do when you made a false
accusation about me (condoning violence) a few months back.  Your response
was that you didn't know how to use the archives, and that is was my
responsibility to prove that I didn't say something that I didn't say. 
Which is logically illogical.

So what is you better idea?

DAVEH:  Practice what you preach.

By the way I can change the rules if there is good reason to
do so-but you cannot.

DAVEH:  Ahhh..May I assume this is your perception of

    When I joined TT, it was proudly proclaimed there was only
one rule in TT.  It seems several moderators have put that fallacy to

you show no hesitation provoking me-Why is that?

DAVEH:  I'm not sure, Dean.  I find SPers to be cut from a different
bolt of cloth.  It seems like some SPers live in a different world, where
they are in constant battle with everybody, including some that at first appear
to be on their side of the fence.  Other than the few Spers I've found on
TT, I really don't have much experience with them, so I find how they think and
operate to be rather interesting.  (e.g., Waving underwear in the faces of
those they want to convert.)  To me it seems such a strange way to sell a
product, so to speak.  Yet some SPers seem (from my perspective) to lack a
measure of ___(I'll leave it for the reader to fill in the word), which to
me seems at odds with their mission statement.  So I've got to wonder what
makes them tickjust what is it that makes SPers the way they are.  I
don't know if that makes much sense, Dean.  It's late and I suppose I'm just
rambling on

with the way things are going He should be able to read it
here in a short amount of time.

DAVEH:   ???   What's that mean, Dean?  Are you going
to invite the Bishop of TT to return?


The truth is not Ad. Hom attacks if one can prove his
point to 

Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread Dean Moore



- Original Message - 
From: Lance Muir 
Sent: 3/8/2006 5:34:32 AM 
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

It'd appear that we do all speak English, Dean. Now, as everyone else has taken, IMO a rather unconvincing, run at the fg, may I ask YOU, Dean...Rather than proof-texting (the exceptions having been Bill, David and John), are you able to open say the gospel of John or the book of Ephesians and, thereafter explain it in it's entirety without difficulty for either yourself or any believer? If yes then, please demonstrate. If no then, qualify your statement (what you say) in line with what you can actually do. 
cd: Sure Chapter are we speaking of? Fire away.

- Original Message - 
From: Dean Moore 
Sent: March 07, 2006 18:28
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?



- Original Message - 
From: Lance Muir 
Sent: 3/7/2006 5:54:36 AM 
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

THE truth to read MY truth or, truth as I interpret it.
How I read the words that are spoken-We all do speak English right?

- Original Message - 
From: Dean Moore 
Sent: March 06, 2006 18:13
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

Moderator: No-The truth is not Ad. Hom attacks if one can prove his point to a reasonable conclusion(whose conclusion? Why mine decision of course)-Please explanation after my coming chastisement from David.But don't jump the gun and attack me as he seems to be hesitating(maybe he found love for me after all.)-and if wrong you will still be dealing with a moderator-that will not take any crap:-)


- Original Message - 
From: Dave Hansen 
Sent: 3/5/2006 12:52:42 PM 
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?
DAVEH:   Dean, does this not qualify as an ad-hom?Dean Moore wrote: 

cd:   or lose all creditability as Lance had done in my opinion of this matter.
Dave Hansen
If you wish to receive
things I find interesting,
I maintain six email lists...

RE: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread ShieldsFamily

Lance, showing one’s ignorance is
not only legitimate but is an art in democracy.  iz


[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance Muir
Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2006 11:23
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The
'spirit' of truthtalk?


Nothing of the kind, Judy. I only wish for it to be
legitimate in a democratic society. Apparently, you do not. I actually understand
this kind of thinking.

- Original Message - 

From: Judy Taylor



Sent: March 08, 2006

Subject: Re: [TruthTalk]
The 'spirit' of truthtalk?


What's this "stream of
consciousness" business...  don't you think before you speak Lance?

I'm all for "freedom of
speech" - for instance you are free to disagree and state that
"badmouthing GWB

is a sign of intellectualism or
intelligence" if you want.


On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 10:06:59 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

This goes back to 'badmouthing GWB is at best ignorance',
Judy. It's kinda like shutting down free speech'. Thus, the subsequent comment
on democracy. I'm accustomed to my own stream of consciousness thinking but,
surprised when I find it in others. (you)

From: Judy Taylor


What is your comment supposed to mean

What does GWB have to do with what I
have been discussing?

As I have noted before - you are forever
locked into the personal


On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 09:11:53 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

I believe GWB to be sincere also.

From: Judy Taylor


The lines may be blurred in countries
like the US, Canada, Australia,
and the UK
(to all but the SP's :)

However, they are quite apparent to
anyone who has lived in a third world country recently.  I was commenting

on the article in the current National
Geographic about the Ukraine
which shows a photo of a peninsula there

with mansions on it.  Our Missions friend
told me this is the fruit of graft, corruption, and the Russian Mafia 

which have risen to the top of the heap
rather quickly.  Our island born SIL can tell you the same about his 

homeland. Whoever rises to the top in
Government treats the treasury like their own checkbook and their 

children are the ones who go overseas to
attend the best schools.  


Of course there is a lot of it in the
countries named above also, we observe Congress giving themselves 

raises all the time and a Congressman
who just spent 20yrs in prison will still get his pension whereas a

serviceman would have to forfeit his...
so although imperfect - with checks and balances in place our system

still beats any in the third world until
the Lord returns to straighten it all out for us.   Maranatha!!


On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 08:47:36 -0500 Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

The United States of America is not a
Democracy Lance; it is a Democratic Republic - which is good

training because God's Kingdom is not a
"Democracy" either. You should be relieved that the will of

fallen humanity is not on the throne.


On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 08:28:53 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

How could one ask for more than to be present on a 'chat
room' where ppl illustrate the absence of a democratic frame of mind?

From: Judy Taylor


Badmouthing GWB is at best ignorance. Our
youngest girl's flatmate was a missionary to the Ukraine

for 5yrs and has just gotten back
from a trip to Germany by
way of the Ukraine
to visit her friends there. 

She speaks Russian and when the
plane couldn't land because of fog was able to translate for the

Ukrainians on board who had to return to
Budapest and
spend the night. She tells me that men come

from all over to look for a wife in
the Ukraine and there were
two of them from the US
on her flight one 

of whom must have been a disciple of
whoever Lance is listening to because he badmouthed GWB 

the entire time in a loud voice.



From: Kevin

SP's are really Secret Agents for GWB! LOL

Are you a conspiracy theorist?


DH:TT has a NEW POPE! You're just going to have to adjust.
IMO your mystification re:SP types ain't a mystery. Preach the (their) gospel
(their doctrine) by any means whatsoever. As they see it the end justifies the
means. Though you and I are most assuredly not of one mind as to Jesus yet, we
are seen as occupying the same camp. That camp is the camp of the
lost/damned/bound for hell. I do see why they do what they do. This is the same
sort of logic employed by their commander in chief over the Middle

- Original Message - 

From: Dave Hansen 


Sent: March 08, 2006

Re: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] spirit of Hinn

2006-03-08 Thread Dean Moore

cd: Ouch:-) Hey I have that picture in mutli's-The High Priest that Ruben hung out (what was his name?)with gave us copies to tear up in from of the Temple-but we didn't do so. Kevin I guess I will Get DavH off you back for a while as soon as David shows of-or better yet I might as well get stated on that:-)So I will be busy for a while-Group Please keep off the Ad. Hom. grass so I can give the "Provoker" some attention.


- Original Message - 
From: Kevin Deegan 
Sent: 3/8/2006 7:20:00 AM 
Subject: Re: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] spirit of Hinn

THE other?
see dictionary for distinction
or do you want more names?
Gordon B Hinckley
Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Who, pray tell, is the 'other snake handler'?

- Original Message - 
From: Kevin Deegan 
Sent: March 08, 2006 06:58
Subject: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] spirit of Hinn

Just another snake handler and again the proof is in the pudding!
he who has ears Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

IFF he (BH) did say that then, he is. I'd like to hear from DM on this one. He has come to Hinn's defence often.

- Original Message - 
From: Kevin Deegan 
Sent: March 08, 2006 06:41
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] spirit of Hinn
benny is a False prophet in 1989 at Orlando Christian Center he prohesied:
"The Lord also tells me to tell you in mid 90s -- about '94 or '95, no later than that -- God will destroy the homosexual community of America . . . He will destroy it with fire."
"The Spirit of God tells me -- an earthquake will hit the East Coast of America and destroy much in the 90s."
"The Spirit tells me -- Fidel Castro will die in the 90s. . . Holy Spirit just said to me, it'll be worse than any death you can imagine."
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__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

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Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread Dean Moore



- Original Message - 
From: Lance Muir 
Sent: 3/8/2006 8:12:14 AM 
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

Some of that which you said sounds OK, Judy. Look, if they want to present themselves as 'sandwich board ppl' ssup to them. Some SEE THEMSELVES as 'fools for Christ' while some are seen as just...well you know.. 
cd: Just another conformation that you need what you think you already have Lance?

1Co 1:27 But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; 
And what is wrong with Sandwich signs:

Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread Kevin Deegan
Somehow ppl think you are a serious fanatic if you wear a sandwich board!Dean Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:     - Original Message -   From: Lance Muir   To:  Sent: 3/8/2006 8:12:14 AM   Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?Some of that which you said sounds OK, Judy. Look, if they want to present themselves as 'sandwich board ppl' ssup to them. Some SEE THEMSELVES as 'fools for Christ' while some are seen as just...well you know..   cd: Just another conformation that you need what you think you already have Lance?1Co 1:27 But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;   And what is wrong with Sandwich
		Yahoo! Mail
Bring photos to life! New PhotoMail  makes sharing a breeze. 

Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread Dean Moore



- Original Message - 
From: Dave Hansen 
Sent: 3/8/2006 2:04:08 AM 
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

to clear the confusion one should be able to prove their charge they make against others. DAVEH:   That's what I asked you to do when you made a false accusation about me (condoning violence) a few months back.  Your response was that you didn't know how to use the archives, and that is was my responsibility to prove that I didn't say something that I didn't say.  Which is logically illogical.
cd: You claimed it to be false I do not-but if I remember correctly you stated at that time that you understood why I was having difficultly finding the posting in the archives because you also tried the search to no avail-Has that you made  statement changed?Maybe the owner of TTwould stop being so cheap and get us a better search engine-with word search?So what is you better idea?DAVEH:  Practice what you preach.
cd: When have I done otherwise? Posting please?By the way I can change the rules if there is good reason to do so-but you cannot.DAVEH:  Ahhh..May I assume this is your perception of fairness?!?!?!
cd: Yes the fair chance everyone else has who is moderator-I noticed you have never been asked-seems your fairness is the one in question here not mine?Also sound like a jealously issue on your part-Be honest-get a mirror and tell me if your face is red-even now?    When I joined TT, it was proudly proclaimed there was only one rule in TT.  It seems several moderators have put that fallacy to rest.
cd: The Ad. Hom rule does exist I am only pin pointing it's preamters.If I applied the rules as it is stared I would have to put almost everyone off this site-starting with you-So I am trying to keep you and your friends on this site and still apply the rule that I must apply to do my job? Do You Have Any Helpful Idea's?you show no hesitation provoking me-Why is that?DAVEH:  I'm not sure, Dean.  I find SPers to be cut from a different bolt of cloth.  It seems like some SPers live in a different world, where they are in constant battle with everybody, including some that at first appear to be on their side of the fence. 
cd: That is because you lack understanding in the gospel Dave-that you refuse to accept.It is a tool used to create conformity to God's will as stated in the King James Bible. ;-) Kevin.
 Other than the few Spers I've found on TT, I really don't have much experience with them, so I find how they think and operate to be rather interesting.  (e.g., Waving underwear in the faces of those they want to convert.)  To me it seems such a strange way to sell a product, so to speak. 
cd: Maybe you do not accept the idea that they are not always trying to sell something-In the underware situation they are holding up a part used for false teaching and declaring it to be such-as a warning from God for repentance. The more you complain about this and use it against the believers the deeper you are getting into offending God Dave-receive the Bible/repent of the underware thingy and Mormonism and all will be well-If you have worn them more than 3/4 hours you have defiled them with human waste anyway (1/2 hours if you are an old man).
 Yet some SPers seem (from my perspective) to lack a measure of ___(I'll leave it for the reader to fill in the word), which to me seems at odds with their mission statement.  So I've got to wonder what makes them tickjust what is it that makes SPers the way they are.  I don't know if that makes much sense, Dean.  It's late and I suppose I'm just rambling on
cd: You are right you do not make much sense Dave: Isa 58:1 Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and show my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins. 
with the way things are going He should be able to read it here in a short amount of time.DAVEH:   ???   What's that mean, Dean?  Are you going to invite the Bishop of TT to return?
cd: John is back on now Dave.

Re: [TruthTalk] ***************Respose - ModeratorcommentADHOM*************

2006-03-08 Thread Dean Moore



- Original Message - 
From: Dave Hansen 
Sent: 3/8/2006 2:17:54 AM 
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] ***Respose - ModeratorcommentADHOM*

Dave why are you trying to fuel dissection between the groups?DAVEH:   Hwell, I hadn't thought about dissecting you guys, but it is a tempting thought you've given me!  ;-) 
cd: Hey, but fair Dave? You try monitoring 150 odd posting and then spell discretion?Is it the Mormon in you doing such-or are you just plain mean?DAVEH:  LOL..Sometimes I think SPers are their own worst enemy!  You have the power to push the button that bars me from TT, Dean.  If you do such, I don't think your problems will all go with me.   I've been called a pagan here, a snake in the grass, satan's messenger boyand I've been falsely accused of condoning violence against SPers.  So let me ask you, Dean..Is it the Christian in you doing such-or are you just plain mean?
cd: O BIG SLIP UP DAVE-You just acknowledged that Mormons are not Christians for the first time-That means you were lying all the other times you made the claim to be a Christian-So I say/demand again " Get the "Church of Jesus Christ" name off your temple Pagan!!!" BTW prove to me that your were called-"A snake in the grass" and "satans messenger boy-I suspect you may be right about the word"Pagan".Dean Moore wrote: 

cd:Dave why are you trying to fuel dissection between the groups??Is it the Mormon in you doing such-or are you just plain mean?.

Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread Dean Moore



- Original Message - 
From: Kevin Deegan 
Sent: 3/8/2006 6:59:22 PM 
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

Somehow ppl think you are a serious fanatic if you wear a sandwich board!
cd:I wonder where they ever got that idea? Have you been wearing one?;-) I'm on a roll:-)Dean Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 



- Original Message - 
From: Lance Muir 
Sent: 3/8/2006 8:12:14 AM 
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

Some of that which you said sounds OK, Judy. Look, if they want to present themselves as 'sandwich board ppl' ssup to them. Some SEE THEMSELVES as 'fools for Christ' while some are seen as just...well you know.. 
cd: Just another conformation that you need what you think you already have Lance?

1Co 1:27 But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; 
And what is wrong with Sandwich signs:

Yahoo! MailBring photos to life! New PhotoMail makes sharing a breeze. 

Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread Kevin Deegan
Just make sure you are on THE roll up yonder!Dean Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:- Original Message - From: Kevin Deegan   To:  Sent: 3/8/2006 6:59:22 PM   Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?Somehow ppl
 think you are a serious fanatic if you wear a sandwich board!  cd:I wonder where they ever got that idea? Have you been wearing one?;-) I'm on a roll:-)Dean Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:      - Original Message -   From: Lance Muir   To:  Sent: 3/8/2006 8:12:14 AM   Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?Some of that which you said sounds OK, Judy. Look, if they want to present themselves as 'sandwich board ppl' ssup to them. Some SEE THEMSELVES as 'fools for Christ' while some are seen as just...well you know..   cd: Just another conformation that you need what you think you already have Lance?1Co 1:27 But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;   And what is wrong with Sandwich signs:     Yahoo! MailBring photos to life! New PhotoMail makes sharing a breeze. 
		Yahoo! Mail
Bring photos to life! New PhotoMail  makes sharing a breeze. 

Re: [TruthTalk] An Offensive Gospel.

2006-03-08 Thread ttxpress

On Tue, 7 Mar 2006 12:15:07 -0500 as "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
writes about this topic, so might  g , e.g.:

  ..I've been reluctant to write anything 
  personal at all..[to 
  those who] .. mock 
  persons [mesmerized by Mother Mary's Mercy-Man managing 
  moment by moment the quintessential demystifying of morality-based 
  (faith-less) merchandising of middel class mammon merged 
  mindlessly mainly with merciless megalomyopiate mostly 
  memorized 'merican mythology]

Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread Kevin Deegan
  You & Lance can attack all you want. God says and eternity will reveal the wisdom of winning souls!     Pr 11:30 The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.     1 co 1:18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.     1 co 1:21 For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.     JN 4:36 And he that reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit
 unto life eternal: that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together.     2 Co 9:6 But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.  Dean Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:- Original Message - From: Lance Muir   To:  Sent: 3/8/2006 5:23:10 AM   Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?DH:TT has a NEW POPE! You're just going to have to adjust. IMO your mystification re:SP types ain't a mystery. Preach the (their) gospel (their doctrine) by any means whatsoever. As they see it the end justifies the means. Though you and I are most assuredly not of one mind as to Jesus yet, we are seen as occupying the same camp. That camp is the camp of the lost/damned/bound for hell. I do see why they do what they do. This is the same sort of logic employed by their commander in chief over the Middle East.  cd: But Lance you said that it was fair earlier to moderate using those principles-and even earlier that that you said
 that you were glad I was moderator-now only hatred exists? What happened? Pope is a little much-How about Bishop Moderator-or better yet Moderator Bishop-nay.. still doesn't work..O' well we can keep trying ?The lost comments are correct Lance-This is not meant to be mean to you but to help you understand-One cannot refuse as much of the Bible as you do and be one of God's-it doesn't work that way Lance-I would much rather say this now and get you to understand the principle behind my words than to be there when God say's "depart from me". At that time it will then be too late-I fear that will happen to you.- Original Message -   From: Dave Hansen   To:   Sent: March 08, 2006 02:03  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?  to clear the confusion one should be able to prove their charge they make against others.. DAVEH:   That's what I asked you to do when you made a false accusation about me (condoning violence) a few months back.  Your response was that you didn't know how to use the archives, and that is was my responsibility to prove that I didn't say something that I didn't say.  Which is logically illogical.So what is you better idea?DAVEH:  Practice what you
 preach.By the way I can change the rules if there is good reason to do so-but you cannot.DAVEH:  Ahhh..May I assume this is your perception of fairness?!?!?!    When I joined TT, it was proudly proclaimed there was only one rule in TT.  It seems several moderators have put that fallacy to show no hesita tion provoking me-Why is that?DAVEH:  I'm not sure, Dean.  I find SPers to be cut from a different bolt of cloth.  It seems like some SPers live in a different world, where they are in constant battle with everybody, including some that at first appear to be on their side of the fence.  Other than the few Spers I've found on TT, I really don't have much experience with them, so I find how they think and operate to be rather interesting.  (e.g., Waving underwear in the faces of those they want
 to convert.)  To me it seems such a strange way to sell a product, so to speak.  Yet some SPers seem (from my perspective) to lack a measure of ___(I'll leave it for the reader to fill in the word), which to me seems at odds with their mission statement.  So I've got to wonder what makes them tickjust what is it that makes SPers the way they are.  I don't know if that makes much sense, Dean.  It's late and I suppose I'm just rambling onwith the way things are going He should be able to read it here in a short amount of time.DAVEH:   ???   What's that mean, Dean?  Are you going to invite the Bishop of TT to return?   
 The truth is not Ad. Hom attacks if one can prove his point to a reasonable conclusion(whose conclusion? Why mine decision of course)DAVEH:   Did the rules change, Dean?  Are the rules being modified on the fly to suit the needs of the moderator???   As a moderator, is that what you consider to be fair?   Moderator: No, DaveH but there are many levels of Ad. Hom attacking going on here so to clear the confusion one should be able to prove their charge they make against others. One should not knock an idea unless one can offer a better one or lose credibility-So what is you better idea?I am all ears. By the way I can change the rules if there is good reason 

Re: [TruthTalk] An Offensive Gospel.

2006-03-08 Thread Kevin Deegan
Mainly gibberish with an M[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:        On Tue, 7 Mar 2006 12:15:07 -0500 as "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes about this topic, so might  g , e.g..:..I've been reluctant to write anything personal at all..[to those who] .. mock persons [mesmerized by Mother Mary's Mercy-Man managing moment by
 moment the quintessential demystifying of morality-based (faith-less) merchandising of middel class mammon merged mindlessly mainly with merciless megalomyopiate mostly memorized 'merican mythology]     ||
		 Yahoo! Mail 
Use Photomail to share photos without annoying attachments.

Re: [TruthTalk] An Offensive Gospel.

2006-03-08 Thread ttxpress

forgive me--it's actually 
spelt 'middle'
On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 19:19:33 -0800 (PST) Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

  Mainly gibberish with an M[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

On Tue, 7 Mar 2006 12:15:07 -0500 as "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
writes about this topic, so might  g , e.g..:

  ..I've been reluctant to write anything 
  personal at all..[to those who] .. mock persons [mesmerized by Mother 
  Mary's Mercy-Man managing moment by moment the 
  quintessential demystifying of morality-based 
  (faith-less) merchandising of middel class 
  mammon merged mindlessly mainly with merciless 
  megalomyopiate mostly memorized 'merican 
  Yahoo! MailUse 
  Photomail to share photos without annoying attachments.

Re: [TruthTalk] An Offensive Gospel.

2006-03-08 Thread ttxpress

"Well they'll choose a man for you to meet 
tonightYou'll play the fool and learn how to walk through doorsHow to 
enter into the gates of paradiseNo, how to carry a burden too heavy to be 
yoursYeah, from the stage they'll be tryin' to get water outta rocksA 
whore will pass the hat, collect a hundred grand and say thanksThey like to 
take all this money from sin, build big universities to study inSing 
"Amazing Grace" all the way to the Swiss banks..
Yes, I guess I love..him tooI can still 
see him in my mind climbin' that hillDid he make it to the top, well he 
probably did and droppedStruck down by the strength of the willAin't 
nothin' left here partner, 
just the dust of a plague that has left 
this whole town afraidFrom now on, this'll be where you're fromLet the 
dead bury the dead. Your time will comeLet hot iron blow as he raised the 
..there ain't no goin' back when your 
foot of pride come downAin't no goin' back"B Dylan, Copyright © 1983 Special Rider Music  
On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 20:36:21 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  forgive me--it's actually 
  spelt 'middle'
  On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 19:19:33 -0800 (PST) Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Mainly gibberish with an M[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  On Tue, 7 Mar 2006 12:15:07 -0500 as "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
  writes about this topic, so might  g , e.g..:
..I've been reluctant to write 
anything personal at all..[to those who] .. mock persons [mesmerized 
by Mother Mary's Mercy-Man managing moment by moment the 
quintessential demystifying of morality-based 
(faith-less) merchandising of middel 
class mammon merged mindlessly mainly 
with merciless megalomyopiate mostly memorized 'merican 

Yahoo! MailUse 
Photomail to share photos without annoying attachments. 

RE: [TruthTalk] An Offensive Gospel.

2006-03-08 Thread ShieldsFamily

Mumbo jumbo.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kevin Deegan
Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2006
9:20 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] An
Offensive Gospel.


Mainly gibberish with an M




On Tue, 7 Mar 2006 12:15:07 -0500 as "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
writes about this topic, so might  g , e.g...:

..I've been reluctant to write anything personal at all..[to those who] .. mock persons [mesmerized by Mother Mary's
Mercy-Man managing moment by moment the quintessential demystifying
of morality-based (faith-less) merchandising of middel class
mammon merged mindlessly mainly with merciless megalomyopiate
mostly memorized 'merican mythology]




Yahoo! Mail
Photomail to share photos without annoying attachments.

Re: [TruthTalk] An Offensive Gospel.

2006-03-08 Thread ttxpress

enlighten the matron of the shields 
family to what yer g word iz, Bro
On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 22:20:44 -0600 "ShieldsFamily" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

  On Behalf Of Kevin 
  DeeganSent: Wednesday, March 
  08, 2006 9:20 PMTo: 
  TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgCc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: 
  [TruthTalk] An Offensive Gospel.
  Mainly gibberish with an M||

Re: [TruthTalk] An Offensive Gospel.

2006-03-08 Thread ttxpress

..who put the g in 
On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 21:31:13 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  enlighten the matron of the 
  shields family to what yer g word iz, 
  On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 22:20:44 -0600 "ShieldsFamily" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


On Behalf Of Kevin 
DeeganSent: Wednesday, 
March 08, 2006 9:20 PMTo: 
TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgCc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 
Re: [TruthTalk] An Offensive Gospel.
Mainly gibberish with an M||

Re: [TruthTalk] An Offensive Gospel.

2006-03-08 Thread ttxpress 
On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 23:16:16 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  ..who put the g in 
  On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 21:31:13 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
enlighten the matron of the 
shields family to what yer g word iz, 
On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 22:20:44 -0600 "ShieldsFamily" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kevin DeeganSent: Wednesday, March 08, 2006 9:20 
  PMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgCc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 
  Re: [TruthTalk] An Offensive Gospel.
  Mainly gibberish with an M||

Re: [TruthTalk] An Offensive Gospel.

2006-03-08 Thread ttxpress

..i bet the matron of the shields family 
prefers j to g; like the j in jumbo is much more palatable than the g 
in gumbo
(ever heard of mumbo gumbo, Bro? 
On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 23:23:44 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 
  On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 23:16:16 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
..who put the g in 
On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 21:31:13 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  enlighten the matron of the 
  shields family to what yer g word iz, 
  On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 22:20:44 -0600 "ShieldsFamily" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kevin 
DeeganSent: Wednesday, 
March 08, 2006 9:20 PMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgCc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] An 
Offensive Gospel.
Mainly gibberish with an M||

Re: [TruthTalk] An Offensive Gospel.

2006-03-08 Thread ttxpress realize the matron sf's 
morality is much more mated to j-dams than g-dams, Bro--she's known 
t'be Xtremely kNowledgable about the sensitivities & nuances of 
our newcuular nomenclature
On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 23:29:47 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  ..i bet the matron of the shields 
  family prefers j to g; like the j in jumbo is much more palatable than 
  the g in gumbo
  (ever heard of mumbo gumbo, Bro? 
  On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 23:23:44 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 
On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 23:16:16 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  ..who put the g in 
  On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 21:31:13 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
enlighten the matron of the 
shields family to what yer g word iz, 
On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 22:20:44 -0600 "ShieldsFamily" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kevin 
  Wednesday, March 08, 2006 9:20 PMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgCc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] An 
  Offensive Gospel.
  Mainly gibberish with an 

Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

2006-03-08 Thread Dave Hansen

DAVEH:   I can understand you saying that about Lance, Kevin.but,
why did you include Judge Dean in that rant?

Kevin Deegan wrote:
& Lance can attack all you want. God says and eternity will reveal
the wisdom of winning souls!
11:30 The fruit of the righteous is a
tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.
  1 co 1:18 For the
preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness;
but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
  1 co 1:21 For after
that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased
God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.
  JN 4:36 And he that reapeth receiveth
wages, and gathereth fruit unto life
eternal: that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice
  2 Co 9:6 But this I
say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which
soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.
  Dean Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

- Original Message - 

  From: Lance Muir 
  Sent: 3/8/2006 5:23:10 AM 
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of
  DH:TT has a NEW POPE! You're
just going to have to adjust. IMO your mystification re:SP types ain't
a mystery. Preach the (their) gospel (their doctrine) by any means
whatsoever. As they see it the end justifies the means. Though you and
I are most assuredly not of one mind as to Jesus yet, we are seen as
occupying the same camp. That camp is the camp of the lost/damned/bound
for hell. I do see why they do what they do. This is the same sort of
logic employed by their commander in chief over the Middle East.
  cd: But Lance you
said that it was fair earlier to moderate using those principles-and
even earlier that that you said that you were glad I was moderator-now
only hatred exists? What happened? Pope is a little much-How about
Bishop Moderator-or better yet Moderator Bishop-nay.. still doesn't
work..O' well we can keep trying ?The lost comments are correct
Lance-This is not meant to be mean to you but to help you
understand-One cannot refuse as much of the Bible as you do and be one
of God's-it doesn't work that way Lance-I would much rather say this
now and get you to understand the principle behind my words than to be
there when God say's "depart from me". At that time it will then be too
late-I fear that will happen to you.

Dave Hansen
If you wish to receive
things I find interesting,
I maintain six email lists...

Re: [TruthTalk] ***************Respose - ModeratorcommentADHOM*************

2006-03-08 Thread Dave Hansen

BIG SLIP UP DAVE-You just acknowledged that Mormons are not Christians
for the first time

DAVEH:   Have you been sniffing glue lately?  Just how did you come to
that conclusion, Judge Dean?  Despite doing unChristian things such as
making false accusations against me, I've never considered that you
weren't a Christian, Dean.  Just because I acknowledge your
Christianity does not diminish mine.  H..If that is the way
you think, then I can start to understand why you seem to want to deny
my Christianity.  Faulty logic, IMO.

were lying all the other times you made the claim to be a Christian

DAVEH:   Are you going to stand by that statement, Judge Dean, or are
you willing to retract it with an apology for making a false accusation?

say/demand again " Get the "Church of Jesus Christ" name off your
temple Pagan!!!

DAVEH:    I view this as an blatant ad-hom, Judge Dean.  If you want to
play loose with the TT ad-hom rule Dean, does that mean you will allow
me to say something that will make you feel uncomfortable?  Orare
you going to rule TT using a double standard, Judge?

to me that your were called-"A snake in the grass" and "satans
messenger boy

DAVEH:   Huh?!?!?!   Why should I have to prove that to you, Judge
Dean?  I know what was said about me.  If
you think I am going to search archive for you -you are mistaken.I
don't have the time nor the inclination to do so now-but if you want to
prove your innocence then use these keywords-"snake
in the grass" and "satans messenger boy"- search a couple of years back
should bring results-balls in your court play it or drop it your choice

I suspect you may be right about the

I suspect you reaffirmed it with you below comment.I say/demand again "
Get the "Church of Jesus Christ" name off your temple Pagan!!!

      Now, do you want to
apologize for this ad-hom before it becomes an embarrassment Dean?  It
would be very easy for you to admit making this error and apologize for
it before it eats you alive, Judge.  Or, do you want to risk being
viewed as a hypocritical Christian?

Dean Moore wrote:

Dave why are you trying to fuel
dissection between the groups?

DAVEH:   Hwell, I hadn't thought about dissecting
you guys, but it is a tempting thought you've given me!  ;-) 
cd: Hey, but fair Dave? You try monitoring
150 odd posting and then spell discretion?

Is it the Mormon in you doing such-or are you just plain

DAVEH:  LOL..Sometimes I think SPers are their own worst enemy! 
You have the power to push the button that bars me from TT, Dean.  If
you do such, I don't think your problems will all go with me.   I've
been called a pagan here, a snake in the grass, satan's
messenger boyand I've been falsely accused of condoning
violence against SPers.  So let me ask you, Dean..Is it
the Christian in you doing such-or are you just plain mean?
O BIG SLIP UP DAVE-You just acknowledged that Mormons are not
Christians for the first time-That means you were lying all the
other times you made the claim to be a Christian-So I
say/demand again " Get the "Church of Jesus Christ" name off your
temple Pagan!!!" BTW prove to me that your were called-"A snake
in the grass" and "satans messenger boy-I suspect you may be
right about the word"Pagan".

Dean Moore wrote: 

  cd:Dave why are you trying to fuel
dissection between the groups??Is it the Mormon in you doing
such-or are you just plain mean?.


Dave Hansen
If you wish to receive
things I find interesting,
I maintain six email lists...