[tryton-dev] Calling find method in scenario

2017-12-13 Thread Christophe (.net)


I try to calling 'find' method in a scenario with this piece of code:

Period = Model.get('account.period')
period = Period.find(company.id)

and when i running the scenario the followikg error appear

line 143, in scenario_account_asset.rst

Failed example:
period = Period.find(company.id)
Exception raised:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/doctest.py", line 1315, in __run
compileflags, 1) in test.globs
  File "", line 1, in 
period = Period.find(company.id)
"/home/ccr/Technique/tryton/ate-dev/proteus/proteus/__init__.py", line 
765, in find

"/home/ccr/Technique/tryton/ate-dev/proteus/proteus/config.py", line 
172, in __call__

result = rpc.result(meth(*args, **kwargs))
line 227, in search

args = args[:]
TypeError: 'int' object has no attribute '__getitem__'

it would seem that the method called is that of proteus and not that of 
the class Period. How to call that of the class?

Christophe CRIER
Adiczion - http://adiczion.com

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[tryton-fr] Règlement de facture par un tiers payeur.

2017-11-24 Thread Christophe (.net)


J'aimerais savoir comment résoudre avec tryton (v4.4).
J'ai 2 factures :
  Client X : 324,00€ TTC
  Client Y : 432,00€ TTC

Le client X règle les 2 factures par virement. Je fais donc la saisie 
d'un relevé avec une ligne pour le client X de 756,00€

Quand je lance l'assistant de réconciliation il trouve bien la facture 
du client X, mais comment faire pour lui associer aussi la facture du 
client Y ?

Ou alors je dois passer par une autre procédure, si oui comment faire ?

Christophe CRIER
Adiczion - http://adiczion.com

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[tryton-fr] Utilisation des séparateurs décimaux dans SAO

2017-11-22 Thread Christophe (.net)


Il semblerais que dans le client web (v4.4) lors de la saisie des 
chiffres il faille utiliser le séparateur décimal anglais (le point) et 
non la virgule. Aurais-je loupé un truc dans la configuration ?

Christophe CRIER
Adiczion - http://adiczion.com

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Re: [tryton] Use of module 'Sale Promotion'

2017-11-10 Thread Christophe (.net)

Le 10/11/2017 à 16:51, Cédric Krier a écrit :

On 2017-11-10 15:36, Christophe (.net) wrote:

A note or 2 on the use of this module (v4.4).
1) I recognize that the terms promotion means a decrease in price but if
the rule generates a price higher than the unit price the promotion is
not applied. I think it's a shame, it might be necessary to change the
name of the module :-)

I do not understand.

To not limit the operation to a single price decrease but also allow an 
increase ...

2) Another point that stems from the first one, it is necessary that ALL
the lines having an applicable promotion causes a reduction of the price
otherwise nothing is applied even if certain lines could have a
promotion, it's very restrictive in real life, no ?

What are you proposing to decide if a promotion applies or not?

For example the display of the 2 fields (before and after promotion) or 
a flag.

How would you choose between two promotions?

Perhaps a priority in promotions and take the first that matches.

Christophe CRIER
Adiczion - http://adiczion.com

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[tryton] Use of module 'Sale Promotion'

2017-11-10 Thread Christophe (.net)


A note or 2 on the use of this module (v4.4).
1) I recognize that the terms promotion means a decrease in price but if 
the rule generates a price higher than the unit price the promotion is 
not applied. I think it's a shame, it might be necessary to change the 
name of the module :-)
2) Another point that stems from the first one, it is necessary that ALL 
the lines having an applicable promotion causes a reduction of the price 
otherwise nothing is applied even if certain lines could have a 
promotion, it's very restrictive in real life, no ?

My 2 cents

Christophe CRIER
Adiczion - http://adiczion.com

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Re: [tryton-fr] flask_tryton web portal : problème lié aux transactions en lecture seule.

2017-09-20 Thread Christophe (.net)

Le 20/09/2017 à 02:48, guile520 a écrit :


Mon projet de portail client (app flask_tryton) avec paiement paypal avance:
le web user créé dans la base de données tryton peut se connecter (flask
session) et voir ses commandes/factures (imprimer).

sur la page https://pypi.python.org/pypi/flask_tryton :
"By default transactions are readonly except for PUT, POST, DELETE and
PATCH request methods."

Pourtant j'obtiens l'erreur suivante lors de l'appel à
UserSession::get_user() du module tryton web_user en cas d'expiration. (si
la "session" a expiré, UserSession::get_user() la supprime)

InternalError: cannot execute DELETE in a read-only transaction

Comment puis-je régler ce problème ?

Passé ce détail, il me restera à intégrer le paiement paypal via un bouton.
(déjà utilisé l'api paypal php)
J'ai trouvé ce projet qui m'a l'air assez simple à mettre en place :


Je suis intéressé par ce type de projet, est-ce que le projet est 
accessible quelque part ? Avez vous besoins de contributeurs ?

Christophe CRIER
Adiczion - http://adiczion.com

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Re: [tryton-fr] Re: tryton web_user module aim and a customer portal 'how to'

2017-09-19 Thread Christophe (.net)

Le 15/09/2017 à 17:31, guile520 a écrit :

J'ai installé flask et trytond + modules, puis flask_tryton.
Comment dois-je configurer l' "app" flask pour utiliser une base postgresql
tryton existante ? (pas sqlite)

J'ai visité http://hg.b2ck.com/flask-tryton et quelques liens google, ne
trouve pas d'informations.


Pour les tests que j'ai fais j'ai initialisé les variables :


En principe dans le fichier de conf de Tryton tu as les informations de 
connexion à la base de donnée.

Christophe CRIER
Adiczion - http://adiczion.com

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Re: [tryton-fr] Re: Manuel de l'utilisateur

2017-06-09 Thread Christophe (.net)

Le 08/06/2017 à 10:16, Armand Mpassy-Nzoumba a écrit :

On Wednesday, March 29, 2017 at 3:25:05 PM UTC+1, Camille wrote:

Une question à ceux qui interviennent en entreprise :

Existe-t'il un manuel de prise en main à l'attention des comptables (et
autres utilisateurs) ?

Je suis allé voir le wiki-livre, mais à part les titres...


J'ai commencé ce travail. J'écris plus un manuel fonctionnel sur la gestion
informatisé avec Tryton qu'un manuel sur Tryton.  Il est en Francais. Je le
traduirai plus tard en Anglais. Il introduit des notions de base de gestion
(compta, finances, etc.) et explique comment les appliquer avec Tryton. En
effet il s'adapte plus au public Africain.
Si quelqu'un est intéressé par ce travail, prière de contacter.
En passant je remercie encore Cedric et Nicolas qui m'ont permis de
m'introduire dans le monde merveilleux de l'Open Source et Tryton.

Est-il possible de contribuer a cet ouvrage ?


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Re: [tryton] Created invoice not in DB

2016-07-11 Thread Christophe (net)

Le 11/07/2016 à 09:20, Sergi Almacellas Abellana a écrit :

El 10/07/16 a les 12:05, Christophe (net) ha escrit:



On Tryton 3.0, is there a way to store created invoices on disk rather
than in the database ?

Do you mean storing invoice pdf on filesystem? There is an issue[1]
which implements it for trunk version.

[1] https://bugs.tryton.org/issue5693

Yes that's right (I did not see this issue).



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[tryton] Created invoice not in DB

2016-07-10 Thread Christophe (net)


On Tryton 3.0, is there a way to store created invoices on disk rather 
than in the database ?


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Re: [tryton] Next Tryton Unconference

2016-07-06 Thread Christophe (net)

Le 01/07/2016 à 19:06, Albert Cervera i Areny a écrit :

Hello everyone,
you may have notice we're a bit late with the organization of this
year's Unconference. However, I can already announce this year will be
held again in Barcelona and most probably in mid-october. So that will
become TUB2016.

Hopefully next week we'll be able to communicate the exact dates so
those who want or need, can start planning their trip.

Looking forward to meeting you all again!

We'll keep you updated!

I draw your attention to the dates of the pycon-fr [1] from 13 to 16/10, 
we have to make choices :-)

[1] : https://2016.pycon.fr/ (sorry in french)


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Re: [tryton] Funding GTK+-3 client

2016-06-21 Thread Christophe (net)

Le 21/06/2016 à 19:08, Cédric Krier a écrit :

We would like to see if there is enough interest in the community to
start the crowd funding campaign.



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[tryton] Calendar view in Tryton 3.8

2016-03-02 Thread Christophe (net)


In Tryton 3.8 I cannot see the calendar view. Yet I have no error 
message but the calendar views are empty, I think I'm missing a library 
but I don't now which.

Any ideas?

Christophe CRIER


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[tryton] Get a list of module

2016-01-05 Thread Christophe (net)


I am looking to get the list of modules tryton maintained by the 
foundation (excluding partners modules) in a parsable format (xml, json, 
etc). Does that exist?



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Re: [tryton] Get a list of module

2016-01-05 Thread Christophe (net)

Le 05/01/2016 10:29, Cédric Krier a écrit :

On 2016-01-05 10:03, Christophe (net) wrote:


I am looking to get the list of modules tryton maintained by the foundation
(excluding partners modules) in a parsable format (xml, json, etc). Does
that exist?


So simple, thanks.


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[tryton-dev] Syntax in views

2015-12-10 Thread Christophe (net)


It seems that the following syntax for the 'states' attribute doesn't 
work in 3.8 :

I would have missed something ?


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Re: [tryton-dev] Stopping all developments on Tryton

2015-12-03 Thread Christophe (net)

Le 03/12/2015 11:33, Cédric Krier a écrit :

On 2015-11-24 19:21, Cédric Krier wrote:


I'm going to stop all the developments on Tryton as far as this issue is
not fixed:

We have no more any CI working so we can not ensure that modifications
don't break anything. The author of tox seems to not have enough time to
fix the issue right now (but it seems he can be helped by purchasing
support to his company).

Or if someone has a way to hide the offending release of tox from devpi,
I could implement it on the server.

Until this is fixed and CI is back to normal, you must consider the
repositories as frozen, just like before any release.

Just a quick update on the situation.
The foundation offered to buy support from the tox developer but the
Foundation doesn't have enough for the expected required effort. So the
developer will do what he can in the available time, the next week.

So this means that the all Tryton development is still on hold for an
undetermined time.



How much is missing in order to purchase the service ?


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[tryton-dev] Set language when init database.

2015-09-16 Thread Christophe (net)


when I init. an empty database with the following command:
 trytond -d  --all
the default language isn't set with the value in tryton's config file.
Is there a way to set the default language when I init database.


Re: [tryton] Starting a POS module

2015-08-17 Thread Christophe (net)

Le 16/08/2015 23:39, Cédric Krier a écrit :


I will maybe have the opportunity to start working on a simple POS module
for Tryton. As I already explained many times, I think extending the
sale object is wrong because the workflows are too much different.
Also for me, a POS should work with tax included price as bases, it
should not create shipments nor invoice by default.

So the idea is to have a quite simple object with only:

 - order number
 - employee
 - shop
 - lines (product, quantity, unit price (tax included), price)
   The price will come from a new list price tax included on the

It will have a button to add payments registered as lines on it:

 - journal
 - amount

with change line created on cash journal.

may be able to differentiate the types of payment: cash, credit card, 
check ...

Once it is fully paid, the order will create:

 - an account move for the sale (on account define in the
 - stock moves from shop location to customer

But this default workflow could be modified by requesting an invoice, if
so the party will be requested. This request should be possible on
already paid POS order.
Of course the account move generated by the POS order should be the same
as the one generated by the invoice.

The design should be take into account such possible extension:

 - using a wizard to add lines
 - allow to request a shipment (included back-order)
 - support for sale_extra and sale_promotion
 - fidelity card

The design should not care about price list, nor grouping modules.

I think it could be the foundation for more complex POS using specific
UI (like a web base).

Did I forget something? Or do you see a use case that could not be



[tryton] Question about name of accounting journal.

2015-07-14 Thread Christophe (net)


I've seen some posts on the translations so I took the opportunity to 
open a question. In the French accounting the accounting journals for 
sales and purchases are called 'Sale' and 'Purchase' and not 'Expense' 
and 'Revenue'. I have spoken with Cédric and instead of adapting the 
translation of 'Expense' to 'Purchase' (in french) and 'Revenue' to 
'Sale' (in french), he advised me to ask the question here: Does anyone 
have any objections to rename accounting journal 'Expense' and 'Revenue' 
to 'Sale' and 'Purchase' ?


Re: [tryton] Proteus for database creation ?

2015-07-14 Thread Christophe (net)

Le 14/07/2015 22:19, Cédric Krier a écrit :

On 2015-07-14 19:37, Christophe (net) wrote:


I would need to create and configure several Tryton database. Proteus and
scenario sounds like a good way to do. However, I stumble on the creation of
the database (postgres). I tried several track found here and there (irc,
etc) but nothing really conclusive. There is there a way to create that base
with Proteus or should I do it outside? and if I have to create in outside
how to initialize it ?

database creation is no more managed by proteus.
proteus can only initialize an existing empty database.

Ok, how i can do initialization of an empty database? do you have any 
link or example?


[tryton] Proteus for database creation ?

2015-07-14 Thread Christophe (net)


I would need to create and configure several Tryton database. Proteus 
and scenario sounds like a good way to do. However, I stumble on the 
creation of the database (postgres). I tried several track found here 
and there (irc, etc) but nothing really conclusive. There is there a way 
to create that base with Proteus or should I do it outside? and if I 
have to create in outside how to initialize it ?


Re: [tryton] Tryton Server

2015-07-12 Thread Christophe (net)

Le 10/07/2015 16:00, Pintu Makwana a écrit :


 I have tryton server installed but tryton client side perfectly not

When server run at time new database created in Tryton client while
Error Generated as are following:

  Traceback (most recent call last):
line 228, in create
 pool.init(update=True, lang=[lang])
line 140, in init
line 92, in start
line 325, in register_classes
 for package in create_graph(get_module_list())[0]:
line 158, in create_graph
 raise Exception('Module %s not found' % module)
Exception: Module project_revenue not found
  Please solution give me about above error generate and how to tryton
server run with addons.

It seems you not have installed the module 'project_revenue', either you 
have removed (deleted) or it's a dependency that is not satisfied.

Tryton in each module can be dependent on another module, then it must 
satisfy the dependency chain in order to install the selected module.

Pintu Makwana
Email :  makwanapint...@gmail.com

Mobile : +91 - ( 8306583063)


[tryton] Error when restore database from client.

2015-07-05 Thread Christophe (net)


I try to restore a database from client but when i click on 'Restore' 
the button, I have the following error (the backup file has been made by 
the client without problem).

Traceback (most recent call last):
line 1320, in sig_db_restore

res = rpcprogress.run(False)
line 1292, in run

return self.process()
line 1319, in process

return return_()
line 1312, in return_

raise self.exception
TypeError: read-only buffer for 0x1f255a0, size -1, offset 0 at 
0x7f08f23bf1f0 is not JSON serializable

Client version : Tryton 3.6.1

Any idea about this error ?


Re: [tryton] How to create invoice based on actual customer shipments?

2015-07-01 Thread Christophe (net)

Le 01/07/2015 08:53, Ossi Viljakainen a écrit :

On Tuesday, June 30, 2015 at 10:30:05 PM UTC+2, Cédric Krier wrote:

On 2015-06-30 09:58, Ossi Viljakainen wrote:
 At which stage the invoice is generated?

It all depends on the configuration of the sale.
But if you configured to invoice based on shipment, it will
generate an
invoice once the shipment is sent.

Ok this is great. But in case when the Sale was created with On Order 
Processed, but then afterwards it becomes necessary to split it into 
several shipments, and invoice all of them separately, is there a way 
to do this afterwards? Or is the only possiblity to return the sale, 
and create new sale with On Shipment Sent invoice mehtod? What does 
Manual mehtod do - is it completely independent from Sale  
Shipments so that once sale is processed, no draft invoices nor 
shipments are automatically created?

 Is it possible to generate one invoice, where several shipments
are listed
 as invoice lines, or is it always one shipment, one invoice?

There is the module sale_invoice_grouping:

This looks very good and what I was looking for.

 Sometimes customer has done a partial payment of previous
invoice and there
 remains a due amount. Is there a way to include the previous
 shipment in the invoice

Not really and it will be a bad idea to do that because you will
on your invoice temporal data which could even be inacuratt once the
customer will receive it.

True. But the recipient of invoice can adjust the amount accordingly, 
if they have made a payment in-between.

The proper way to manage dunning is with the account_dunning module
which will allow to generate a report of the actual dunning of a
customer at a specific date.

Yes, I have it already installed but not fully configured. But suppose 
customer just paid wrong amount due to typing error, and paid just 
less than 1 euro too little. Sending a dunning letter for this purpose 
is kind of overkill, and it would be most practically handled to show 
the current invoice amount, old balance and the new balance in the 
invoice. That would not require any extra work, making dunning letter, 
sending etc.


Although Cedric was right on the bottom, we also had the same problem 
and below  you'll find the code we put on the bottom of our invoices for 
the list of amounts still due.

if test=inv.lines_to_pay

*Timelines and/or advance*




for each=line in inv.lines_to_pay

formatLang(line.maturity_date, inv.party.lang, date=True)

line.amount_second_currency and formatLang(line.amount_second_currency, 
inv.party.lang, currency=inv.currency) or formatLang(line.credit, 
inv.party.lang, currency=inv.currency)

line.amount_second_currency and formatLang(line.amount_second_currency, 
inv.party.lang, currency=inv.currency) or formatLang(line.debit - 
line.credit, inv.party.lang, currency=inv.currency)


for each=l in inv.payment_lines

formatLang(l.date, inv.party.lang, date=True)

formatLang(l.credit, inv.party.lang, currency=inv.currency)

formatLang(l.debit, inv.party.lang, currency=inv.currency)


Amount to remain

formatLang(inv.amount_to_pay, inv.party.lang, currency=inv.currency)




Re: [tryton] how to add a company logo to reports with company_logo Module

2015-06-04 Thread Christophe (net)

Le 04/06/2015 16:11, kaheinzelma...@gmail.com a écrit :


i am trying to add a company logo to the Reports for example in invoices.
I am using the spanish Module company_logo and add the image to the
company settings in register 'Report' where you can also set the header
and footer.
but on the reports the picture will not be displayed.
Does anybody use this Module or is there a other way to add logos in

Thanks, Karl

For our use we changed the default reports (the * .odt) and placed our 
files in a specific module that overrides the default call of reports.


Re: [tryton] Update a one2many field

2015-06-02 Thread Christophe (net)

Le 02/06/2015 09:16, Sergi Almacellas Abellana a écrit :

El 02/06/15 a les 09:12, Christophe (net) ha escrit:

Le 02/06/2015 09:08, Jean C a écrit :

2015-06-02 9:01 GMT+02:00 Christophe (net) c...@adiczion.net

I try to update a value in a one2many through the on_change_*
I saw that it was possible to use the form:
   {O2M: {'update': [{field: value, ...}]}}
but the latter does not update the records currently displayed in
the client and it is not possible to achieve in particular
Is there a better way?

Since the 3.4 version (I think), you do not have to return anything in
on_change methods (NOT true
for on_change_with methods). Juste update the values of your field, and
reset it to make sure it
is detected as modified :

def on_change_...(self):
 self.lines[0].name = 'some new name'
 # Force modification detection
 self.lines = self.lines

That's all !

Thank, but sorry i forgotten to precise, I'm on 3.0

You have to return the id in the dict values in order to the client know
which record you want to update. So it will be:

{O2M: {'update': [{'id': record_id, field: value, ...}]}}

Hope it helps!

It'works ! thanks.


Re: [tryton] Update a one2many field

2015-06-02 Thread Christophe (net)

Le 02/06/2015 09:08, Jean C a écrit :

2015-06-02 9:01 GMT+02:00 Christophe (net) c...@adiczion.net

I try to update a value in a one2many through the on_change_* method.
I saw that it was possible to use the form:
   {O2M: {'update': [{field: value, ...}]}}
but the latter does not update the records currently displayed in
the client and it is not possible to achieve in particular recording.
Is there a better way?

Since the 3.4 version (I think), you do not have to return anything in
on_change methods (NOT true
for on_change_with methods). Juste update the values of your field, and
reset it to make sure it
is detected as modified :

def on_change_...(self):
 self.lines[0].name = 'some new name'
 # Force modification detection
 self.lines = self.lines

That's all !

Thank, but sorry i forgotten to precise, I'm on 3.0


[tryton] Update a one2many field

2015-06-02 Thread Christophe (net)


I try to update a value in a one2many through the on_change_* method.
I saw that it was possible to use the form:
  {O2M: {'update': [{field: value, ...}]}}
but the latter does not update the records currently displayed in the 
client and it is not possible to achieve in particular recording.

Is there a better way?


Re: [tryton-dev] Get current value from class method.

2015-05-30 Thread Christophe (net)

Le 28/05/2015 18:00, Marc Murray a écrit :

On Thu, 2015-05-28 at 11:55 +0200, Christophe (net) wrote:

Le 28/05/2015 11:46, Cédric Krier a écrit :

On 28 May 11:10, Christophe (net) wrote:

Le 28/05/2015 10:34, Cédric Krier a écrit :

On 28 May 10:18, Christophe (net) wrote:


I try to find out when I create a new address on a party if this is the
first or not. Depending on the answer it must set a boolean in the address
I seek from the method of class 'default_name_of_field' has reached the
values of current instance. There is a way to do that (I am in v3.0) ?

It sounds strange because addresses are already ordered by the field
And moreover using the default value will not work properly with

Bizarre, on my installation the sequence field of the object party.address
is empty, I would forget something?

Because it is done like that by design.
The order is on (sequence, id).

Ok, but to return to my original question, is it possible (and how) to
reach the values of the instance from a class method?
Is there an example somewhere ?

If you know any other object-oriented programming language, you would
understand why your question is strange. By definition, a classmethod is
a method that runs at the level of the class object itself. Not an
instance. As a result, there is no way to access instance attributes
from a class method.

I understand, but my question was not about the object-oriented 
languages and their possibility, but was around Tryton. There is in the 
context or elsewhere the opportunity to catch the current record when 
the method to set the default value is executed (and as the 
initialization method of default values is either '@staticmethod' or 
'@classmethod ...)

 From your description though, you may want to look into the on_change_*
and on_change_with_* methods. They will allow you to access instance
values. But, I think they'll only allow access to the fields specified
in the @fields.depends descriptor or the depends attribute of the field.

If I understand correctly, this is an action on the client triggers the 
'on_change' not the server and not when assigning default values. I look 
at the trigger conditions of the on_change_with_*

PS: tryton-dev@ is to discuss the development of Tryton, tryton@ is
better place for such question.

Ok, how to move the thread ?

You can't, it will be for the next one.


[tryton] About new modules for Tryton

2015-05-29 Thread Christophe (net)


Where do I post the making available of a new module for Tryton ?


Re: [tryton-contrib] Release of version 3.4.1 of the module sale_tax_included

2015-05-29 Thread Christophe (net)

Le 29/05/2015 13:03, Cédric Krier a écrit :

On 29 May 12:23, Christophe (net) wrote:


The Version 3.4.1 of our module for sales management with prices all
included tax is released.

This module allows to manage sales and billing with product prices with tax

A small documentation is provided in the doc directory of the module.

The module is available on Gitlab
(https://gitlab.com/ate_modules/a4t-sale_tax_included) and PyPI

What are the differences with the price list with tax included? And why
not use it?

It provides the ability to set a price with tax included, which is not 
the result of a formula.
And if I understand correctly, the possibility of using the price list 
for this feature appeared in 3.6, this module exists since version 3.0

PS: By cons are there somewhere documentation on the use of price lists 
and this feature (with examples)?


[tryton-dev] Get current value from class method.

2015-05-28 Thread Christophe (net)


I try to find out when I create a new address on a party if this is the 
first or not. Depending on the answer it must set a boolean in the 
address object.
I seek from the method of class 'default_name_of_field' has reached 
the values of current instance. There is a way to do that (I am in v3.0) ?


Re: [tryton-dev] Get current value from class method.

2015-05-28 Thread Christophe (net)

Le 28/05/2015 10:34, Cédric Krier a écrit :

On 28 May 10:18, Christophe (net) wrote:


I try to find out when I create a new address on a party if this is the
first or not. Depending on the answer it must set a boolean in the address
I seek from the method of class 'default_name_of_field' has reached the
values of current instance. There is a way to do that (I am in v3.0) ?

It sounds strange because addresses are already ordered by the field
And moreover using the default value will not work properly with

Bizarre, on my installation the sequence field of the object 
party.address is empty, I would forget something?

PS: tryton-dev@ is to discuss the development of Tryton, tryton@ is
better place for such question.

Ok, how to move the thread ?


Re: [tryton-dev] Get current value from class method.

2015-05-28 Thread Christophe (net)

Le 28/05/2015 11:46, Cédric Krier a écrit :

On 28 May 11:10, Christophe (net) wrote:

Le 28/05/2015 10:34, Cédric Krier a écrit :

On 28 May 10:18, Christophe (net) wrote:


I try to find out when I create a new address on a party if this is the
first or not. Depending on the answer it must set a boolean in the address
I seek from the method of class 'default_name_of_field' has reached the
values of current instance. There is a way to do that (I am in v3.0) ?

It sounds strange because addresses are already ordered by the field
And moreover using the default value will not work properly with

Bizarre, on my installation the sequence field of the object party.address
is empty, I would forget something?

Because it is done like that by design.
The order is on (sequence, id).

Ok, but to return to my original question, is it possible (and how) to 
reach the values of the instance from a class method?

Is there an example somewhere ?

PS: tryton-dev@ is to discuss the development of Tryton, tryton@ is
better place for such question.

Ok, how to move the thread ?

You can't, it will be for the next one.


Re: [tryton-dev] Get current value from class method.

2015-05-28 Thread Christophe (net)

Le 28/05/2015 12:30, Cédric Krier a écrit :

On 28 May 11:55, Christophe (net) wrote:

Le 28/05/2015 11:46, Cédric Krier a écrit :

On 28 May 11:10, Christophe (net) wrote:

Le 28/05/2015 10:34, Cédric Krier a écrit :

On 28 May 10:18, Christophe (net) wrote:


I try to find out when I create a new address on a party if this is the
first or not. Depending on the answer it must set a boolean in the address
I seek from the method of class 'default_name_of_field' has reached the
values of current instance. There is a way to do that (I am in v3.0) ?

It sounds strange because addresses are already ordered by the field
And moreover using the default value will not work properly with

Bizarre, on my installation the sequence field of the object party.address
is empty, I would forget something?

Because it is done like that by design.
The order is on (sequence, id).

Ok, but to return to my original question, is it possible (and how) to reach
the values of the instance from a class method?
Is there an example somewhere ?

I don't understand the question. Which instance?

For example I would have to know the value (the current one) of the 
field 'party' from the method 'default_my_new_field of the object 


[tryton-dev] Replace property field by function field

2015-05-16 Thread Christophe (net)


I need to override a property field by a function field. All seems all 
right but when i call the field my function isn't call. It seems that it 
is still the old definition that is called.

Is it possible to make it in 3.4 ?


Re: [tryton-dev] RFC: check stock quantity on sale

2015-05-14 Thread Christophe (net)


I think it's better to have an explicit option to avoid checking. Use 
different information (like suply delay) may not respond to the greatest 
possible number of cases.

My 2 cents


Le 13/05/2015 17:46, Cédric Krier a écrit :


I started a review for a new module sale_stock_quantity [1]
See the description for a complete explaination of the behaviour.

I have just one concern about a possible option to skip the check for
some products.

[1] https://bugs.tryton.org/issue4752



Re: [tryton-dev] RFC: check stock quantity on sale

2015-05-14 Thread Christophe (net)

Le 14/05/2015 09:00, Cédric Krier a écrit :

On 14 May 08:29, Christophe (net) wrote:

Le 13/05/2015 17:46, Cédric Krier a écrit :


I started a review for a new module sale_stock_quantity [1]
See the description for a complete explaination of the behaviour.

I have just one concern about a possible option to skip the check for
some products.

I think it's better to have an explicit option to avoid checking. Use
different information (like suply delay) may not respond to the greatest
possible number of cases.

And where will you put this option?

for me on the object product.product


Re: [tryton-dev] Question on translation

2015-04-07 Thread Christophe (net)

Le 07/04/2015 20:12, Cédric Krier a écrit :

On 07 Apr 19:49, Christophe (net) wrote:

Le 07/04/2015 19:14, Cédric Krier a écrit :

On 07 Apr 17:57, Christophe wrote:


In a new module I defined a selection field whose elements are updated
dynamically (by a method that returns tuples). I translate all fields in the
module (including tuple of selection) but at the time of display in a view
the list of items still desperately in English. Yet in the documentation
states that the default selection fields are translatable.
I have this problem in v3.0, v3.2, v3.4 (I have not tested on versions prior
to v3.0).
Has anyone ever encountered this trouble?

If you are using a method to define the selection options, the method
must manage itself the translation of the options.

Ok, is there somewhere a sample to make that ?

Usualy such data come from the database so you just have to use a
translatable field.

Sorry i don't understand your answer, i have the following code

('t_inc', 'Tax included'),
('t_exc', 'Tax excluded'),

class Sale(Workflow, ModelSQL, ModelView):
__name__ = 'sale.sale'

price_type = fields.Selection('get_price_type', 'Price type', 

'readonly': (Eval('state') != 'draft') | (Bool(Eval('lines'))),
selection_change_with=['party', 'shop', 'shop_price_type', 

help='Type of price of this sale.')

def get_price_type(self):
return _PRICE_TYPE

In fact the 'get_price_type' method isn't exactly like that but i have 
the same issue with this code,

Where i need to put the 'translatable field' to make the items of 
price_type translated in the view.


Re: [tryton-dev] Price list with tax included

2014-12-29 Thread Christophe (net)

Le 29/12/2014 16:52, Cédric Krier a écrit :


I'm trying to solve a problem for price with tax included.
Generally, when companies work this way they store the price with tax
included on the product for example (could be the list price field).
So the problem is how to make it works on the current sale design.

Here is my idea, we could create a new module
sale_price_list_tax_included (name to be reworked) which will add a flag
on the price list to announce it will return a unit price that should be
considered as tax included.
On the sale, when such price list is used, we reverse compute the unit
price without tax using the tax on the line (for which the tax rule has
been applied).
Normally, if we have enough decimal on the unit price, it should always
be possible to find such unit price. The number of decimal needed will
depend on the rate of the taxes of course and the quantity sold.
So if we change tryton's module to use a configuration parameter for the
digits (instead of the hard coded 4), a good value could be defined for
each company according to their use case.

So what do you think about such module?


I have work on a such module : 
https://gitorious.org/ate_modules/trytond-sale_b2bc, it is not perfect, 
there's still a problem with the price lists but it work and I use it 
with one of my customers.


Re: [tryton-dev] Remove constrainte

2014-12-09 Thread Christophe (net)

Le 09/12/2014 09:09, Guillem Barba Domingo a écrit :

El 05/12/2014 16:50, Christophe c...@adiczion.com
mailto:c...@adiczion.com va escriure:
  Le 05/12/2014 16:16, Sergi Almacellas Abellana a écrit :
  El 05/12/14 a les 15:41, Christophe ha escrit:
  Is there a way to remove constrainte put by a required clause ?
  In details, I have a field that have a constrainte put by the
  clause and i want to remove this constainte by overload of the class.
  it-is possible ?
  Yes, it's possible. You have to do the following things.
  1. Update fields definition to set required to false.
  2. Drop the not null constraint on the database.
  BTW: Can you tell us which is the field you want to remove the
  constraint? This will help us to prevent having to much constraints on
  base modules.
  I have made (1) for (2) i try with __register__ method but it don't
work (or i have made a mistake)
  def __register__(cls, module_name):
   super(Article, cls).__register__(module_name)
   TableHandler = backend.get('TableHandler')
   cursor = Transaction().cursor
   table = TableHandler(cursor, cls, module_name)
   table.not_null_action('content', action='remove')

Have you set the required flag of field to False?
It must to be set in __setup__() method

No, I thought to overload the field by removing the flag 'required' was 
sufficient ...

  For BTW : I try to remove constrainte from 'content' field because in
my overload this field is not necessary (it is replaced by another).
  PS : I also view the Cedric response and what I want to do is perhaps
not be possible.

It could be done, but it is in the good practices to don't do it...
But sometimes it is the way.

In you example, it seems content is not strictly required. The main
module should remove this flag and, provably, protect some parts of the
code that asumes this field is not empty... Or you have tp be careful
with the code you use from parent module to don't get an error because
content is empty.

You say that you replaced content field for another.
Which kind of field? Why don't use content?

As I said in an issue on the github of nereid_cms (# 69), I think that 
writing an article with multimedia content in rst or markdown is 
complicated for a non-programmer, so I test an alternative.

I'm thinking if it makes sense to fill content field in create
method no avoid databases not null error.

That's right, so I override the create method to do that, and now the 
original question is solved for me, but we can continue the thread for a 
better solution.


Re: [tryton-dev] Tax included in price for sale and invoice.

2014-01-21 Thread Christophe (net)

Le 20/01/2014 19:31, Cédric Krier a écrit :

On 20 Jan 15:41, Christophe (net) wrote:

I return to the subject of the sales price with tax included.
I have carefully read the blue print and I have followed the
discution with Cedric on  TUB2013, the general idea had concensus was
to define a object dedicated for these sales. If I agree with this
idea, the implementation is heavy (many module to modify based on
this new object: sale_pos, nereid, ...) ,

Those module will have to be adapted any way.

Yes of course but the change will be less important.

this weekend I decided to
overload the Sale object and Invoice object to allow sales management
with prices tax included.

That's very unfortunate.
Because it was clearly identify that the workflows were very different.

For my needs the current workflow enough and I needed to go fast.

This new module (sale_b2bc) depends on the module sale_shop from
In summary:
  - Adding a flag on products to indicate if the list_price is tax included

This will break any module that rely on list_price being tax excluded.
So it must be an other field.

You're right, at first I needed to test the sales flow quickly for the 
rounding error so I made this choice, but I just changed it to add 
another field as you suggest.

- Adding a choice  to the store to indicate if sales can be made ​​tax
included, tax excluded or both
- Adding an option to object Sale  to indicate if price is tax
included or not.

What happens if changed after filled lines?

After the first line this field is locked

Why having such flag? As in any way, a unit price tax excluded should be
computed, why not just put it on the sale line?

I have to keep the possibility of sales in 2 modes it had seemed wise to 
leave the choice to the user.

Currently I do not calculate the VAT but the total price of the line HT

- Change the calculation of taxes on sale and invoice to add tax
included possibility

The reverse tax computation should be interresting.

- Modification of invoice object to adding tax included calculation
like sale.

What is the point? Why would you want an invoice tax included? And what
does it mean?

Sometimes we need to make a invoice without a full sales flow, either 
with price with tax include or not

- Modification of the generation of accounting entries

The accounting should not be changed if you sale with tax included or

it seems to me that the amount of accounting movements (credit or debit) 
is generated from the amount of the invoice line which in my case may be 
include tax or tax excluded

what remains to be done
  - The integration with stock management : valuation movements and
invoice creation from deliveries

Don't understand this should have nothing to do with taxes.

  - Add the installation procedure for PyPI
  - Add unit tests
  - Add doc
  - And tests, tests and still test :-)

You can find the repository of the dev version here:
https://gitorious.org/ate_modules/trytond-sale_b2bc : branch dev_3.0

I doubt such module could be included.

I understand this position and I repeat this module is just that until 
one of the official version.


[tryton-dev] Tax included in price for sale and invoice.

2014-01-20 Thread Christophe (net)

I return to the subject of the sales price with tax included.
I have carefully read the blue print and I have followed the discution 
with Cedric on  TUB2013, the general idea had concensus was to define a 
object dedicated for these sales. If I agree with this idea, the 
implementation is heavy (many module to modify based on this new object: 
sale_pos, nereid, ...) , this weekend I decided to overload the Sale 
object and Invoice object to allow sales management with prices tax 
This new module (sale_b2bc) depends on the module sale_shop from 

In summary:
 - Adding a flag on products to indicate if the list_price is tax included
- Adding a choice  to the store to indicate if sales can be made ​​tax 
included, tax excluded or both
- Adding an option to object Sale  to indicate if price is tax included 
or not.
- Change the calculation of taxes on sale and invoice to add tax 
included possibility
- Modification of invoice object to adding tax included calculation like 

- Modification of the generation of accounting entries

what remains to be done
 - The integration with stock management : valuation movements and 
invoice creation from deliveries

 - Add the installation procedure for PyPI
 - Add unit tests
 - Add doc
 - And tests, tests and still test :-)

You can find the repository of the dev version here: 
https://gitorious.org/ate_modules/trytond-sale_b2bc : branch dev_3.0

Tél : +

Re: [tryton-dev] Tax included in price for sale and invoice.

2014-01-20 Thread Christophe (net)

Le 20/01/2014 19:11, Albert Cervera i Areny a écrit :

2014/1/20 Christophe (net) c...@adiczion.net:

I return to the subject of the sales price with tax included.
I have carefully read the blue print and I have followed the discution with
Cedric on  TUB2013, the general idea had concensus was to define a object
dedicated for these sales. If I agree with this idea, the implementation is
heavy (many module to modify based on this new object: sale_pos, nereid,
...) , this weekend I decided to overload the Sale object and Invoice object
to allow sales management with prices tax included.
This new module (sale_b2bc) depends on the module sale_shop from
In summary:
  - Adding a flag on products to indicate if the list_price is tax included
- Adding a choice  to the store to indicate if sales can be made tax
included, tax excluded or both

I'd separate the shop/store module from the tax included one. I think
there's no need to depend on stores...
I put this dependency because I needed to choose whether a store can 
make sales with taxe included or not, but this should be in a separate 

- Adding an option to object Sale  to indicate if price is tax included or
- Change the calculation of taxes on sale and invoice to add tax included
- Modification of invoice object to adding tax included calculation like

I think invoice should be done in a different module.
Why, because if a sale is made with price with tax included invoice must 
also tax included ?

 By the way, did

you take into account account_invoice_line_standalone?

Not in this version this is my first writing ...

 It should not

be possible to mix lines with tax included with lines with tax
excluded in the same invoice.

Of course :-)

- Modification of the generation of accounting entries

what remains to be done
  - The integration with stock management : valuation movements and invoice
creation from deliveries
  - Add the installation procedure for PyPI
  - Add unit tests
  - Add doc
  - And tests, tests and still test :-)

You can find the repository of the dev version here:
https://gitorious.org/ate_modules/trytond-sale_b2bc : branch dev_3.0

I could not see the code. Just the .gitignore file...

change the branch : dev_3.0

Note that Cédric preferred to have slightly different objects sharing
a large common base for managing both types of sales on the grounds

- Tax included/excluded was a very important information that made it
not a very good option to have all fields at sale line and use ones or
the others depending on a flag
- The workflow of sales could be different
Yes, I wrote this module until the official version because I needed it 
now, and to do some advance topic

That means that maybe your proposal it is hard it will be included in
Tryton as is, but I'm still very interested in it.
I do not think this module has now its place in the official version but 
if it can help someone that is perfect 

Tél : +

Re: [tryton-dev] Tax included in price for sale and invoice.

2014-01-20 Thread Christophe (net)

Le 20/01/2014 20:31, Cédric Krier a écrit :

On 20 Jan 19:34, Christophe (net) wrote:

That means that maybe your proposal it is hard it will be included in
Tryton as is, but I'm still very interested in it.

I do not think this module has now its place in the official version
but if it can help someone that is perfect 

So tryton-contrib is the right mailing list.
Here is about Tryton development so everything is looked in the
perspective of being included.

I had not seen this list, ok, my next post will be there

[tryton-dev] Nereid and the payment.

2013-12-29 Thread Christophe (net)


I continue my tests with Nereid, I got to the payment stage and I'm a 
little confused, the module 'nereid_checkout' proposes a method 
'_process_payment' but empty and there is a module 'nereid_payment'.

What should I use for this operation?

Tél : +

Re: [tryton-dev] Design of product view.

2013-12-27 Thread Christophe (net)

Le 26/12/2013 19:04, Cédric Krier a écrit :

On 26 Dec 18:37, Christophe wrote:


I saw more modules overload form view products, and each uses the
description field as the basis for overload (stock_product_location,
nereid_catalog, ...) and this generate some conflict.

It should not if done correctly.

What do you
think put this famous field 'description' in a tab directly in the
original view of the module product so everyone can add tabs for
those specific fields ?

I don't think it is a good idea as description is on the template, it
will require to have a tab inside the General tab of product.

As you want, but without putting in tab the size for each field is 
becoming smaller (description, locations, attributes, boms, e-commerce 
(from nereid), ...)

Tél : +

Re: [tryton-dev] Small questions about Tryton and Nereid

2013-09-22 Thread Christophe (net)

Le 16/09/2013 04:55, Sharoon Thomas a écrit :

The module adds a context_processor [8] to the nereid template context.
This means that the function `menu_for` would be available
anywhere/anytime in the template context and calling it would call the
method `nereid.cms.menu.menu_for` [9]. The usage is explained in the doc

Yes, I saw this information and I also find a very comprehensive example 
(for me) in the test function of the module. But my question was wearing 
rather the relationship between the object Menu and the object MenuItem. 
Specifically I can not building a custom menu with product category 
(that's OK) and MenuItem objects pointing to article category (my pb is 
here) or any other object.
