Re: [Tutor] Unpacking lists

2014-07-09 Thread Alan Gauld

On 09/07/14 02:44, Robert Nanney wrote:


list1 = [1, 8, 15]
list2 = [2, 9, 16]
list3 = [[3, 4, 5, 6], [10, 11, 12, 13], [17, 18, 19, 20]]
list4 = [7, 14, 21]
one_list = zip(list1, list2, list3, list4)
first_round = [one_list[x][y] for x in range(len(list3)) for y in range(4)]

My first thought is that you are using indexing too much.
The above would be clearer using:

first_round = [tup[x] for tup in one_list for x in range(4)]

second_round = []
for i in first_round:
 if not isinstance(i, list):
 for x in range(len(i)):

and this loop could be
for item in i:

But I think list addition would do the job more easily.
Something like (untested)

second_round += i

While this seems to do the trick, I feel there is probably a
better/more pythonic way to accomplish the same thing.

I agree but I don;t have time right now to figure it out!
But it seems there should be a more straightforward method.

I'm thinking something like

result = []
for L in (list1,list2,list3):
if isinstance(L,list)
   result += L
else: result.append(L)


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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Re: [Tutor] Unpacking lists

2014-07-09 Thread Alan Gauld

On 09/07/14 06:58, Alan Gauld wrote:

list1 = [1, 8, 15]
list2 = [2, 9, 16]
list3 = [[3, 4, 5, 6], [10, 11, 12, 13], [17, 18, 19, 20]]
list4 = [7, 14, 21]

I'm thinking something like

result = []
for L in (list1,list2,list3):
 if isinstance(L,list)
result += L
 else: result.append(L)


Too early in the morning...
There needs to be another loop around that.

for L in (list1,list2,list3):
   for index in len(list1):  #???
  if isinstance(L[index],list)
 result += L[index]
  else: result.append(L[index])

double mebbe.
Anyway I'm off to work... :-)

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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Re: [Tutor] How can I open and use gnome-terminal from a Python script?

2014-07-09 Thread Walter Prins
Hi Jim,

On 8 July 2014 21:45, Jim Byrnes wrote:

 I would like to automate running virtualenv with a python script by:

 opening gnome-terminal
 cd to proper directory
 run source /bin/activate

 I found some examples of using os.system() to get gnome-terminal to open
 but I can't figure out how then cd to the proper directory in the new

 My biggest frustration right now is that I can't find any documentation on
 how to use os.system().  Looking at the docs on the Python site I don't see
 system() under the os module.  Googling hasn't helped.

Could you explain what you're trying to achieve?  Virtualenv is about
setting up an OS/Unix shell environment (For Windows there's a Powershell
variant of virtualenv...) so that a custom Python installation is used by
default instead of the system wide on (including possibly using a custom
Python executable.)  It therefore seems that trying to automate
activating a virtualenv with python (which presumably would use the
system wide python) is not adding much value? Hence my question: What are
you actually trying to achieve?

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Re: [Tutor] A beginner having problems with inheritance

2014-07-09 Thread Sydney Shall

On 06/07/2014 23:06, Danny Yoo wrote:

My apologies to the tutors.
I have identified my error, which was predictably elementary.
With many thanks,

By the way, can you say what your conceptual error was or give an
example?  It might help the other folks here who are learning and who
may be making a similar mistake.  (And I'm curious!)  But if you don't
want to say, that's ok too.

Good luck!

Thanks Danny,

My error was simply that I inadvertently used the same name for a method 
(function) in the derived class that I had already used in the parent class.
The result was then a very obscure error because the wrong calculation 
was performed and later on an array was empty.
Fortunately, thanks to you very generous tutors I have learned to read 
the error trace very carefully indeed.

Thanks a lot.

Sydney Shall
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Re: [Tutor] How can I open and use gnome-terminal from a Python script?

2014-07-09 Thread Jim Byrnes

On 07/09/2014 04:27 AM, Walter Prins wrote:

Hi Jim,

On 8 July 2014 21:45, Jim Byrnes wrote:

I would like to automate running virtualenv with a python script by:

opening gnome-terminal
cd to proper directory
run source /bin/activate

I found some examples of using os.system() to get gnome-terminal to open
but I can't figure out how then cd to the proper directory in the new

My biggest frustration right now is that I can't find any documentation on
how to use os.system().  Looking at the docs on the Python site I don't see
system() under the os module.  Googling hasn't helped.

Could you explain what you're trying to achieve?  Virtualenv is about
setting up an OS/Unix shell environment (For Windows there's a Powershell
variant of virtualenv...) so that a custom Python installation is used by
default instead of the system wide on (including possibly using a custom
Python executable.)  It therefore seems that trying to automate
activating a virtualenv with python (which presumably would use the
system wide python) is not adding much value? Hence my question: What are
you actually trying to achieve?


I forgot to mention I am using Linux (Ubuntu 12.04).

I am working my way through a book about breezypythongui which uses 
Python 3, hence virtualenv.  I found that each time I started to work 
with it I did the above 3 steps, I was just looking to automatic that 
repetitive task.

Regards,  Jim

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Re: [Tutor] How can I open and use gnome-terminal from a Python script?

2014-07-09 Thread Jim Byrnes

On 07/08/2014 06:39 PM, Alan Gauld wrote:

On 08/07/14 21:45, Jim Byrnes wrote:

I would like to automate running virtualenv with a python script by:

opening gnome-terminal
cd to proper directory
run source /bin/activate

Thats almost certainly the wrong approach.
Instead of trying to automate what the user does in the terminal replace
the terminal with Python.

Run the cd command from within Python (os.chdir())
Run Activate from within Python (this is where os.system()
could be used, but is considered better

I found some examples of using os.system() to get gnome-terminal to open
but I can't figure out how then cd to the proper directory in the new

You can't. os.system() just runs a command it has no way to interaxct5
with the command, you do that manually. Its perfectly fine for
displaying a directory listing (although os.listdir() would be better)
or sending a file to a printer, or even opening a terminal/editor
for the user to interact with. But its no good for your program
interacting with it. Thats what subprocess is for.

Alan and the others that offered advice, thanks. I see that I have taken 
the wrong approach.  My intent was to automate something I was doing 
manually time after time and learn a little more Python as well.

My biggest frustration right now is that I can't find any documentation
on how to use os.system().  Looking at the docs on the Python site I
don't see system() under the os module.

You should, although they don;t have a lot to say...


 Googling hasn't helped.

When you know the module use the browser search tools on the page itself
- that's how I found it. I searched for os.system and it
was the 3rd occurence.

My mistake.  I went to the Docs page and clicked on modules and then os. 
For some reason as I was scrolling down the page I thought the  subject 
had changed and stopped reading.  Now I see I stopped reading to soon as 
it is much further down the page.

Thanks,  Jim

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[Tutor] How does this work (iterating over a function)?

2014-07-09 Thread steve10brink

I've been learning Python concepts for about 6 months now and was doing okay 
with most of these. However, I ran into a fairly simple program developed by 
Mark Pilgrim in his Dive Into Python text that puzzles me and am hoping some 
of you can explain how this works. He is creating the Fibonoci sequence by 
iterating over a function that has a generator in it (i.e. no return 
statement). The code is as follows: 

def fibonacci(max): #using a generator 
a, b = 0, 1 
while a  max: 
yield a 
a, b = b, a+b 

for n in fibonacci(1000): 
print n, 

The program works beautifully buy I can't figure out what we are actually 
iterating with. When the function is called it 'yields' the value a which is 
then updated to b, etc. But what is the value of 'n' as it iterates through the 
function? I can understand iterating through lists, strings, range(), etc. but 
how this iterates through a function is puzzling me. Obviously the answer, n, 
is the Fibonocci series but by what mechanism does this work? What is the 
iterable component of a function? 

BTW, this is one of the many things that fascinates me about Python. It's easy 
to learn but also has some unique (at least to me) ways of doing things. 

Steve Tenbrink 
Los Alamos, NM ___
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Re: [Tutor] How does this work (iterating over a function)?

2014-07-09 Thread Raúl Cumplido

Let's see what happens iteration by iteration. First iteration:

def fibonacci(max):  #using a generator

a, b = 0, 1

 # The value of a is 0 and b is 1, easy :)

 while a  max:

yield a

# yield a (0) (yield is a keyword that is used like return but returns a
generator). This value will be sent to the for iteration on the first

On the second iteration:

 a, b = b, a+b

# a is 1 now and b is 1 (1+0)
And then yield a which now is 1

On the third iteration:

 a, b = b, a+b

# a is 1 now and b is 2 (1+1)
And then yield a which now is 1

On the forth iteration:

 a, b = b, a+b

# a is 2 now and b is 3 (2+1)
And then yield a which now is 2

 for n in fibonacci(1000):
 print n,

n is the value for each iteration that the yield statement is returning.
You can read the response on this thread if you want to understand more
about yield, generators and iterators.

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Re: [Tutor] How does this work (iterating over a function)?

2014-07-09 Thread Raúl Cumplido

A little bit more on this :)

Python iterator protocol will call the next() method on the iterator on
each iteration and receive the values from your iterator until a
StopIteration Exception is raised. This is how the for clause knows to
iterate. In your example below you can see this with the next example:

 gen = fibonacci(3)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module


On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 4:18 PM, Raúl Cumplido


 Let's see what happens iteration by iteration. First iteration:

 def fibonacci(max):  #using a generator

 a, b = 0, 1

  # The value of a is 0 and b is 1, easy :)

 while a  max:

 yield a

 # yield a (0) (yield is a keyword that is used like return but returns a
 generator). This value will be sent to the for iteration on the first

 On the second iteration:

 a, b = b, a+b

 # a is 1 now and b is 1 (1+0)
 And then yield a which now is 1

 On the third iteration:

 a, b = b, a+b

 # a is 1 now and b is 2 (1+1)
 And then yield a which now is 1

 On the forth iteration:

 a, b = b, a+b

 # a is 2 now and b is 3 (2+1)
 And then yield a which now is 2

 for n in fibonacci(1000):
 print n,

 n is the value for each iteration that the yield statement is returning.
 You can read the response on this thread if you want to understand more
 about yield, generators and iterators.


Raúl Cumplido
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Re: [Tutor] Tkinter resizable menu??

2014-07-09 Thread Albert-Jan Roskam
- Original Message -
 From: Alan Gauld
 Sent: Tuesday, July 8, 2014 8:56 PM
 Subject: Re: [Tutor] Tkinter resizable menu??
 On 08/07/14 16:46, Albert-Jan Roskam wrote:
  I pasted the code here because it is a bit much (sorry):
 Too much for me, I gave up without spotting the problem.

Hi Peter, Alan, 

Yes, that was too much code indeed. Peter's suggestion helped though --thanks! 
After I added the row/columnfigure commands it was resizable. What  a lot of 
work for a small menu!
 One thing that did strike me though was that you spend quite
 a lot of code setting up scrollbars etc on your list boxes.
 The Tix module has a scrollable listbox widget which is
 quite easy to use and does all that stuff for you.
 Simply replace
 import Tkinter as tk
 import Tix as tk

Ahh, I will certainly look into that. Today somebody recommanded Python 
Megawidgets to me ( Might be something similar. I 
gets much more problem-oriented without all the 'mandatory' stuff like 

Thanks again!

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Re: [Tutor] How does this work (iterating over a function)?

2014-07-09 Thread Deb Wyatt

 I've been learning Python concepts for about 6 months now and was doing
 okay with most of these. However, I ran into a fairly simple program
 developed by Mark Pilgrim in his Dive Into Python text that puzzles me
 and am hoping some of you can explain how this works. He is creating the
 Fibonoci sequence by iterating over a function that has a generator in it
 (i.e. no return statement). The code is as follows:
 def fibonacci(max): #using a generator
 a, b = 0, 1
 while a  max:
 yield a
 a, b = b, a+b
 for n in fibonacci(1000):
 print n,
 Steve Tenbrink
 Los Alamos, NM

I am pretty new to Python myself, so I don't know all that much, but you can 
get a visualization of how the code works at the following website.  It is a 
highly useful tool.  just copy/paste and step through.

Deb in WA, USA

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Re: [Tutor] Tkinter resizable menu??

2014-07-09 Thread Alan Gauld

On 09/07/14 16:54, Albert-Jan Roskam wrote:

The Tix module has a scrollable listbox widget which is
quite easy to use and does all that stuff for you.

Ahh, I will certainly look into that. Today

 somebody recommanded Python Megawidgets to me

The PMW are fine too but Tix comes as part of the standard library.
Documentation isn't great though - you often find better
examples on the Tcl/Tk Tix site.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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Re: [Tutor] A beginner having problems with inheritance

2014-07-09 Thread Danny Yoo
 My error was simply that I inadvertently used the same name for a method
 (function) in the derived class that I had already used in the parent class.
 The result was then a very obscure error because the wrong calculation was
 performed and later on an array was empty.
 Fortunately, thanks to you very generous tutors I have learned to read the
 error trace very carefully indeed.

Ah, yes, that one.  It's happened to me too.

It's one of the reasons why inheritance makes me nervous sometimes.
It's a problem that's fairly language-independent.

(If you'd like to know the details, the example that I was involved in
is described in the comments on:  Essentially, we
subclassed some base class, and wrote a method called BigNumber.exp()
to do exponentiation.  Unfortunately, we didn't realize that our
superclass already had defined an exp() method.  It ended up showing
up as a very strange, obscure error.  Same class of problem.)

Side note, Python does have a hack called name mangling that can be
used to try to avoid this problem:

Good luck!
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Re: [Tutor] How does this work (iterating over a function)?

2014-07-09 Thread steve10brink

- Original Message -

I guess my higher level question is: what makes this function iterable? and 
the answer appears to be the fact that it 
uses a generator instead of a return function. Is that correct? 

-Steve Tenbrink 


Message: 1 
Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2014 16:24:46 +0100 
From: Ra?l Cumplido 
Cc: tutor 
Subject: Re: [Tutor] How does this work (iterating over a function)? 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 


A little bit more on this :) 

Python iterator protocol will call the next() method on the iterator on 
each iteration and receive the values from your iterator until a 
StopIteration Exception is raised. This is how the for clause knows to 
iterate. In your example below you can see this with the next example: 

 gen = fibonacci(3) 
Traceback (most recent call last): 
File stdin, line 1, in module 


Ra?l Cumplido 
-- next part -- 
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Re: [Tutor] How does this work (iterating over a function)?

2014-07-09 Thread Raúl Cumplido
Yes, every generator is an iterator (but not viceversa) and you can iterate
over an iterator.

An iterator is one object that implements the Python iterator protocol.


On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 7:59 PM, wrote:


 I guess my higher level question is: what makes this function iterable?
 and the answer appears to be the fact that it
 uses a generator instead of a return function.  Is that correct?

 -Steve Tenbrink


 Message: 1
 Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2014 16:24:46 +0100
 From: Ra?l Cumplido
 Cc: tutor
 Subject: Re: [Tutor] How does this work (iterating over a function)?
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8


 A little bit more on this :)

 Python iterator protocol will call the next() method on the iterator on
 each iteration and receive the values from your iterator until a
 StopIteration Exception is raised. This is how the for clause knows to
 iterate. In your example below you can see this with the next example:

  gen = fibonacci(3)
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in module


 Ra?l Cumplido
 -- next part --
 An HTML attachment was scrubbed...

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Raúl Cumplido
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Re: [Tutor] How does this work (iterating over a function)?

2014-07-09 Thread Danny Yoo
By the way, it may be really instructive to read the article when
generators were officially introduced into Python 2.2:

It's written for the perspective of someone who doesn't know what
generators are.  Because of that, it should be fairly approachable.
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Re: [Tutor] How does this work (iterating over a function)?

2014-07-09 Thread Danny Yoo
It might also be useful to see what an equivalent version of that
fib() iterator looks like if we don't take advantage of generators
ourselves.  Here's an attempt at it:

def fib1(max):
a, b, = 0, 1
while a  max:
yield a
a, b, = b, a+b

class fib2(object):
def __init__(self, max):
self.max = max
self.a, self.b = 0, 1

def __iter__(self):
return self

def next(self):
if self.a = self.max:
raise StopIteration
result = self.a
self.a, self.b = self.b, self.a + self.b
return result

## We should see the same output between this:
for n in fib1(10):
print n,
## and this:
for n in fib2(10):
print n,

fib1 is the original iterator of this thread.  fib2 is an iterator
that manages its state by itself.  The difference is that when we're
writing a generator, we can depend on the resuming part to restore our
state when we want to pick up the next value.  In contrast, in the
version without generators, we have to manage all that state

For this example, it's not necessarily hard, but it's slightly tedious.

That's why generators are so closely tied to iterators: generators
make it really easy to write an iterator.  You can write an iterator
without using the generator feature, but it can be a hassle.
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Re: [Tutor] Unpacking lists

2014-07-09 Thread Wolfgang Maier

On 09.07.2014 08:16, Alan Gauld wrote:

On 09/07/14 06:58, Alan Gauld wrote:

list1 = [1, 8, 15]
list2 = [2, 9, 16]
list3 = [[3, 4, 5, 6], [10, 11, 12, 13], [17, 18, 19, 20]]
list4 = [7, 14, 21]

I'm thinking something like

result = []
for L in (list1,list2,list3):
 if isinstance(L,list)
result += L
 else: result.append(L)


Too early in the morning...
There needs to be another loop around that.

for L in (list1,list2,list3):
for index in len(list1):  #???
   if isinstance(L[index],list)
  result += L[index]
   else: result.append(L[index])

double mebbe.
Anyway I'm off to work... :-)

The working solution closest to Alan's attempt appears to be:

list1 = [1, 8, 15]
list2 = [2, 9, 16]
list3 = [[3, 4, 5, 6], [10, 11, 12, 13], [17, 18, 19, 20]]
list4 = [7, 14, 21]

final = []
for outer in zip(list1, list2, list3, list4):
for inner in outer:
if isinstance(inner, list):
print (final)

but his general idea is right.

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[Tutor] How to Create Webpage with Python

2014-07-09 Thread John Cast
First, please forgive any ignorance in my post here as I am not good with
HTML and new to python.

I have a bunch of excel spreadsheets (all in the same format) that I am
writing a python script to go through and pick out some information and
post to a wiki page. I'm new to python and have gone through some basic
tutorials. I feel confident that I can figure out how to read an excel
spreadsheet in python. However, I am feeling a bit overwhelmed with
figuring out how to do the web stuff in python. The webpage doesn't exist
yet and I have envisioned that the wiki webpage is created once and then
simply update it every time the script is run. However, I don't know much
about how persistence works with webpages.

I have two main questions:

1) Considering the webpage doesn't exist yet, do I need to 'serve' or
'post' a webpage (as was brought up below)?

2) How do I create this wiki webpage? and does this happen in python every
time the script is run?

3) How do I send my data to this webpage?

I don't have to have full blown answers here, just a link or advice or
anything to help me with navigating all of the information out there on

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Re: [Tutor] How can I open and use gnome-terminal from a Python script?

2014-07-09 Thread Walter Prins
Hi Jim,

On 9 July 2014 14:43, Jim Byrnes wrote:

 On 07/09/2014 04:27 AM, Walter Prins wrote:

 I forgot to mention I am using Linux (Ubuntu 12.04).

 I am working my way through a book about breezypythongui which uses Python
 3, hence virtualenv.  I found that each time I started to work with it I
 did the above 3 steps, I was just looking to automatic that repetitive task.

In that case you should put these commands in your .bashrc file so it gets
set up as your user's default.  (The .bashrc file is somewhat like DOS's
autoexec.bat file, if you're familiar with this, except each user has
their own .bashrc.)  You can also create a shell script that does this for
you.  (You can install virtualenv wrapper which gives you some further
commands to make working with virtualenvs easier.)


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Re: [Tutor] How to Create Webpage with Python

2014-07-09 Thread Walter Prins
Hi John,

Welcome you to the Python tutor mailing list.

On 9 July 2014 19:26, John Cast wrote:

 First, please forgive any ignorance in my post here as I am not good with 
 HTML and new to python.

Not a problem.  Although the list if formally about learning the
basics of Python, there's many people on here with both diverse and
deep knowledge so people often get lucky with what would be formally
off-topic questions.

 I have a bunch of excel spreadsheets (all in the same format) that I am 
 writing a python script to go through and pick out some information and post 
 to a wiki page. I'm new to python and have gone through some basic tutorials. 
 I feel confident that I can figure out how to read an excel spreadsheet in 

I imagine you're referring to using the xlrd module?

 However, I am feeling a bit overwhelmed with figuring out how to do the web 
 stuff in python. The webpage doesn't exist yet and I have envisioned that the 
 wiki webpage is created once and then simply update it every time the script 
 is run. However, I don't know much about how persistence works with webpages.


 I have two main questions:

 1) Considering the webpage doesn't exist yet, do I need to 'serve' or 'post' 
 a webpage (as was brought up below)?

That depends. Actually both approaches are feasible but to make a
choice either way would depend really on what you're actually trying
to achieve and what constraints you operate under in terms of web

 2) How do I create this wiki webpage? and does this happen in python every 
 time the script is run?

 3) How do I send my data to this webpage?

Again, that depends.

You need to decide what approach would suit your context better:

1) Generating a static HTML website from your data

- Hosts anywhere, not backend Python required
- Setup, Management and generation is relatively straightforward, and
web pages themselves can be written up in e.g. simple text formats
(Markdown etc)
- Light, fast
- Easy to version control

- No DB backend so site is less interactive than it would otherwise be.

Example: Pelican web framework for Python.  See here: and here:

2) Build a website with Python on the back-end

- Much more flexible.
- You can pretty much do anything
- Setup and management is more involved/complex.

- Usually not quite as fast as a static site
- Requires hosting that can comply with your backend needs (Python +
whatever framework you want to use.)

- Django web framework:
- Web2py web framework:

There's of course a myriad of related and alternatives to what I've
mentioned above which may or may not be applicable to what you're
doing but without knowing more about your operational and other
requirements it's impossible to make further suggestions.  I just want
to address one other point -- you mention the term wiki, note that
the items I've mentioned aren't wiki's in their own right, however if
you really do want wiki functionality then just to note that there are
Python powered CMS's and wiki's as well (some powered by the
framework's I've mentioned).

Hope that helps,

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Re: [Tutor] How to Create Webpage with Python

2014-07-09 Thread Alan Gauld

On 09/07/14 19:26, John Cast wrote:

I have a bunch of excel spreadsheets (all in the same format) that I am
writing a python script to go through and pick out some information and
post to a wiki page. I'm new to python and have gone through some basic
tutorials. I feel confident that I can figure out how to read an excel
spreadsheet in python.

Its trickier than you might think.
But there are a couple of third party modules you can download.
Google is your friend.

figuring out how to do the web stuff in python.

Python has lots of web frameworks and to be honest there isn't
much to choose between them IMHO. They are all fairly easy to
use and offer the same kind of things.

The webpage doesn't exist yet and I have envisioned that the

 wiki webpage is created once and then simply
 update it every time the script is run.

Thats OK. whats not clear is where you intend to host this 'wiki'?
Is it a traditional hosting company? If so you need to create
the new html file and copy it to the hosting site (maybe using
ftp - Python has an ftp module). But if you are hosting the site
on your own server then you can create the HTML file directly
on the host server.

However, I don't know much about how persistence works with webpages.

I'm not sure what you mean by persistence?
You could do it in several ways but the easiest way is to just recreate 
the page each time from a template but substituting the latest data.
But another way is to have a dynamic web page that reads the data from a 
database either on the server or via JSON (requires some minimal 

1) Considering the webpage doesn't exist yet, do I need to 'serve' or
'post' a webpage (as was brought up below)?

where below?

You need a web server somewhere. Either you provide it yourself or
you hire space on a web providers estate.

2) How do I create this wiki webpage? and does this happen in python
every time the script is run?

Lots of options. It depends on how you want it to run, how often it gets 
updated, which web framework you choose etc.

3) How do I send my data to this webpage?

See my comments above, but again it depends a lot on where
the web site lives...

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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Re: [Tutor] How to Create Webpage with Python

2014-07-09 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 09/07/2014 19:26, John Cast wrote:

First, please forgive any ignorance in my post here as I am not good
with HTML and new to python.

I have a bunch of excel spreadsheets (all in the same format) that I am
writing a python script to go through and pick out some information and
post to a wiki page. I'm new to python and have gone through some basic
tutorials. I feel confident that I can figure out how to read an excel
spreadsheet in python. However, I am feeling a bit overwhelmed with
figuring out how to do the web stuff in python. The webpage doesn't
exist yet and I have envisioned that the wiki webpage is created once
and then simply update it every time the script is run. However, I don't
know much about how persistence works with webpages.

I have two main questions:

1) Considering the webpage doesn't exist yet, do I need to 'serve' or
'post' a webpage (as was brought up below)?

2) How do I create this wiki webpage? and does this happen in python
every time the script is run?

3) How do I send my data to this webpage?

I don't have to have full blown answers here, just a link or advice or
anything to help me with navigating all of the information out there on


For the excel side see

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask 
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

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[Tutor] Off topic - Ruby similar list?

2014-07-09 Thread Mike Nickey
Just curious if there's a similar list like this one for Ruby-ists.
Anyone know of one or two?

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Re: [Tutor] Off topic - Ruby similar list?

2014-07-09 Thread Danny Yoo
On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 3:40 PM, Mike Nickey wrote:
 Just curious if there's a similar list like this one for Ruby-ists.
 Anyone know of one or two?

Hi Mike,

I believe the general ruby-talk mailing list is what you're looking for.  See:
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Re: [Tutor] How can I open and use gnome-terminal from a Python script?

2014-07-09 Thread Cameron Simpson

On 09Jul2014 09:00, Jim Byrnes wrote:

My mistake.  I went to the Docs page and clicked on modules and then os. For 
some reason as I was scrolling down the page I thought the subject had changed 
and stopped reading.  Now I see I stopped reading to soon as it is much further 
down the page.

When searching for doco on particular functions I find the Index is a good 
place. Go to the S section and find system; there should be a link directly 
to the relevant doc section.

Cameron Simpson

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is. - Yogi Berra
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Re: [Tutor] How can I open and use gnome-terminal from a Python script?

2014-07-09 Thread Cameron Simpson

On 09Jul2014 22:16, Walter Prins wrote:

On 9 July 2014 14:43, Jim Byrnes wrote:

On 07/09/2014 04:27 AM, Walter Prins wrote:

I forgot to mention I am using Linux (Ubuntu 12.04).

I am working my way through a book about breezypythongui which uses Python
3, hence virtualenv.  I found that each time I started to work with it I
did the above 3 steps, I was just looking to automatic that repetitive task.

In that case you should put these commands in your .bashrc file so it gets
set up as your user's default.  (The .bashrc file is somewhat like DOS's
autoexec.bat file, if you're familiar with this, except each user has
their own .bashrc.)

I am aginst this. It makes _every_ one of your interactive bash instances 
(assuming you're even using bash, though that is probable) use that virtualenv.

You can also create a shell script that does this for
you.  (You can install virtualenv wrapper which gives you some further
commands to make working with virtualenvs easier.)

I think this is a better approach.

Even a tiny shell script that sources activate and then execs $SHELL (your 
shell, whatever one it is) will ease your pain. Eg:

  . /path/to/venv/bin/activate
  exec ${SHELL:-/bin/sh}

Cameron Simpson

Many are stubborn in pursuit of the path they have chosen, few in pursuit
of the goal. - Friedrich Nietzsche
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Re: [Tutor] How does this work (iterating over a function)?

2014-07-09 Thread Cameron Simpson

On 09Jul2014 15:00, wrote:

I've been learning Python concepts for about 6 months now and was doing okay with most of 
these. However, I ran into a fairly simple program developed by Mark Pilgrim in his 
Dive Into Python text that puzzles me and am hoping some of you can explain 
how this works. He is creating the Fibonoci sequence by iterating over a function that 
has a generator in it (i.e. no return statement).
The code is as follows:

def fibonacci(max): #using a generator
a, b = 0, 1
while a  max:
yield a
a, b = b, a+b

Please post in plain text, not HTML. Something is eating your code indentation.

Returning to your question:

for n in fibonacci(1000):
print n,

The program works beautifully buy I can't figure out what we are actually 
iterating with. When the function is called it 'yields' the value a which is 
then updated to b, etc. But what is the value of 'n' as it iterates through the 
function? I can understand iterating through lists, strings, range(), etc. but 
how this iterates through a function is puzzling me. Obviously the answer, n, 
is the Fibonocci series but by what mechanism does this work? What is the 
iterable component of a function?

Other have tried to explain, but let me try a different metaphor.

Pretend (or actually try) the fibonacci() function says: print a instead of yield 

You can see then that it will print the sequence directly.

When you write a generator function (a function with yield statements), what 
you get back when you call it is an iterator which iterates over the values the 
yields produce.

It is a little like a pipeline: the for loop acts as though it is reading the 
values from the yields (or prints).

What happens is that when you call fibonacci, it sets up the function in 
memory and _does not run it_.

When the for loop iterates, the function runs until it hits a uyield 
statement. And stalls. The for loop gets the yielded value and does whatever.  
Next time the for loop iterates the fibonacci function runs again, briefly, 
until the next yield.

I hope this helps you visualise the process.

Cameron Simpson
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