Re: [Tutor] SSL Error

2018-08-03 Thread Terry Carroll

On Wed, 1 Aug 2018, Marc Tompkins wrote:

On 01/08/18 05:07, Saket Mehrotra wrote:


I am also not using any Open SSL package.
I have just added  " import requests" in py file. And when I run the


I   get the SSL package error ,not sure why.

Give us the _whole_ error message, even the parts that look like they don't
make any sense.  For one thing, the traceback tells us exactly which line
of code triggered the exception - and which file that line of code came
from.  From your description, it sounds like the error is being thrown by
the requests module, but we can't tell.

Also, before your "import requests" line, include these:

import sys

After the  "import requests" line, include this:


Terry Carroll
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Re: [Tutor] Wish to upgrade Python 3.6.5 to Python 3.6.6 for Linux Mint 19

2018-07-15 Thread Terry Carroll

On Sat, 14 Jul 2018, boB Stepp wrote:

Linux Mint 19 comes with Python 3.6.5 pre-installed
But after much searching I cannot find an _easy_ way to do
this upgrade.

Unlike many distributions, Mint's philosophy is *not* to install most 
updates by default, on the "if it's not broken, don't fix it" theory.

That being said, if you do want to update to the latest version available 
for Mint, this command should do it for you:

  sudo apt-get install --only-upgrade python3

If Mint doesn't have a vetted 3.6.6 yet, I would leave it alone.

Terry Carroll
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Re: [Tutor] Regex not working as desired

2018-02-27 Thread Terry Carroll

On Mon, 26 Feb 2018, Terry Carroll wrote:

Instead of looking fo re xcaprions..

Wow. That should read "Instead of looking for exceptions..." Something 
really got away from me there.

Terry Carroll
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Re: [Tutor] Regex not working as desired

2018-02-27 Thread Terry Carroll

On Mon, 26 Feb 2018, Roger Lea Scherer wrote:

""" ensure input is no other characters than digits
sudocode: if the input has anything other than digits
return digits  """


p = re.compile(r'[^\D]')

I'm not so great at regular expressions, but this regex appears to be 
searching for a string that matches anything in the class start-of-string 
of non-digit.

 "[...]" says, look for anything in this set of characters; and you have 
two things:

 ^ : start-of-string
 \D : any non-digit

Instead of looking fo re xcaprions, I would look for what you *do* want. 
this regex should do it for you:


This is looking for a start-of-string ("^"); then a digit ("\d") that 
occurs at least once (the "+" qualifier); then an end-of string ("$").

In other words, one or more digits, with nothing else before or after.

Here's a simple looping test to get you started (ignore the "from 
__future__" line; I'm running Python 2):

from __future__ import print_function
import re
p = re.compile(r'^\d+$')
test_data = ["4jkk33", "4k33", "4jjk4", "4334", "4","44", "444", ""]
for thing in test_data:
m = p.match(thing)
if m is None:
print("not all digits:", thing)
print("all digits:", thing)

Terry Carroll

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[Tutor] Java equivalent of Python-Tutor?

2018-02-07 Thread Terry Carroll
In my early days of using Python I benefited greatly from this Tutor list, 
thanks to both Alan and Steven as well as as many contributors. I still 
check in now and then and try to chime in to help now that I have a bit 
more experience under my belt.

I'm doing a few projects in Java now and would love to find a similar 
resource that covers that language, and the Eclipse IDE. Some of my 
questions are too newbie for a forum like stackoverflow (and most of the 
responses there assume a non-newbie level of knowledge).

Any suggestions? (I acknowledge that this is a bit off-topic, but I hope 
the blatantly obsequious sucking up at the beginning of my note makes up 
for it.)

Terry Carroll
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Re: [Tutor] Logging exceptions, but getting stderr output instead

2016-05-26 Thread Terry Carroll

On Wed, 25 May 2016, Alex Hall wrote:

You're not missing anything; I wasn't clear. I wasn't sure if raise or
sys.exit(1) were the preferred ways, or if there was some other way I
didn't know about.

If you're aborting because of the exception after unsuccessfully trying to 
handle it, you can always just use "raise" with no operands, which will 
re-raise the underlying exception. That's what I usually do:

except ZeroDivisionError:
print "oops."


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "[...]\", line 2, 

ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero

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Re: [Tutor] Getting started in testing

2016-05-24 Thread Terry Carroll
Thanks to Alan, Danny, Albert-Jan and Ben for their suggestions. I've now 
gotten my feet wet in unittest and have gone from not quite knowing 
where to start to making substantial progress, with a small suite of tests 
up and running.

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[Tutor] Getting started in testing

2016-05-19 Thread Terry Carroll

Is anyone aware of any good tutorials on testing one's Python code?

These days, I'm a hobby programmer, writing little things just for my own 
use, and don't really sweat testing much. But I do have one niche 
open-source project where I need to be a bit more regimented, and 
specifically need to develop a set of tests to be passed before releasing.

Any resources would be helpful. I am aware of the docs on unittest, but 
I'm looking for a more tutorial approach.

I use Python 2.7, and my project is a module with no GUI, if that matters. 

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Re: [Tutor] sqlite

2016-05-18 Thread Terry Carroll

On Tue, 3 May 2016, Crusier wrote:

I am just wondering if there is any good reference which I can learn how to
program SQLITE using Python

I can not find any book is correlated to Sqlite using Python.

"The Definitive Guide to SQLite" is about SQLite, but includes a chapter 
on both PySQLite and APSW for Python access. One of the book co-authors, 
Michael Owens, is the original author of PySQLite.

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[Tutor] Plotting with python

2015-10-30 Thread Terry Carroll
If you were going to get started doing some simple plotting with Python 
2.7 (in my case, I'm simply plotting temperature against time-of-day) what 
would you use?

 - matplotlib [1]
 - gnuplot [2]
 - something else entirely?

Assume no substantial familiarity with the underlying plotting software, 
let alone the Python bindings.

The only thing I can think of that might be special is to specify the 
upper/lower bounds of the plot; for example, in my case, I know the 
temperatures vary between somewhere around 70-78 degrees F., so I'd want 
the Y-axis to go, say 60-90, not arbitrarily start at zero; but I suspect 
this is a pretty standard thing in almost any plotting package.

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Re: [Tutor] Your confirmation is required to leave the Tutor mailing list

2014-02-10 Thread Terry Carroll

On Mon, 10 Feb 2014, wrote:

Mailing list removal confirmation notice for mailing list Tutor

We have received a request for the removal of your email address, from the mailing list.  To confirm
that you want to be removed from this mailing list, simply reply to
this message, keeping the Subject: header intact.  Or visit this web

Or include the following line -- and only the following line -- in a
message to

   confirm c3fa710640d780363ebaec9fd955eefa81f1b46c

Note that simply sending a `reply' to this message should work from
most mail readers, since that usually leaves the Subject: line in the
right form (additional Re: text in the Subject: is okay).

If you do not wish to be removed from this list, please simply
disregard this message.  If you think you are being maliciously
removed from the list, or have any other questions, send them to

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[Tutor] How can a CGI program get the URL that called it?

2014-01-10 Thread Terry Carroll
How can my Python 2.7 CGI program find the URL that caused the program to 
be called?

I have a program that creates a JPG or PNG file on the fly, and needs to 
construct a URL to it. I know the path relative to my program is, for 
example, ../temp/tmpiicack.png (the filename generated by 
tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile).  From this, I want to generate a URL for the 
image so it can be displayed.

I invoke My CGI program (in testing) with the URL 
http://localhost:8000/cgi-bin/ It is 
usually invoked using a form at http://localhost:8000/cgi-bin/, 
which generates the URL, but can also be invoked by directly going to the 
URL with parameters specified (I want to be able to email a complete URL, 
for example).  In this instance, the URL I want to generate would be 
http://localhost:8000/temp/tmpiicack.png.  The problem is, my program does 
not know the http://localhost:8000; part.

Module urlparse has facilities for generating a URL from relative parts, 
but requires that I know a base URL to begin with. I've looked in 
os.environ to see if anything is presented, but the only thing close is 
os.environ['HTTP_REFERER'], which is only populated if the program is 
invoked from the form-click, not if directly entered (e.g. copy/paste).

(That's my fall-back solution; but it will mean the image-support will 
fail if a URL is entered directly, and will work only if invoked from a 

I've also checked os.environ['PATH_INFO'] as suggested in a post on 
stackoverflow,[1] but that is not populated.  (I can't recall whether it's 
a zero-length string or None, but it has nothing useful).

I'm testing using CGIHTTPServer as my server, if it matters.


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Re: [Tutor] How can a CGI program get the URL that called it?

2014-01-10 Thread Terry Carroll

Ah, I discovered what my problem was...

On Fri, 10 Jan 2014, Alan Gauld wrote:

its calling your file. You should know where your file is?

My problem was that, I know where the file is in the host's file system, 
and relative to my CGI program.  I do not have a URL to that file.

If you want to create a png file and display it to the user then you 
just store the file somewhere in your web site and create an html file 
that has an img tag referencing that location.

Right; I am producing HTML output (using the print command, not as a 
file), with an img tag.  The img tag has a src attribute, which must 
provide the URL of the referenced image file.

But I do not have that URL.  I know where that file is in the file system, 
and relative to my CGI program.  But I do not have a URL to the file.  My 
thinking was that, if I have the URL to my program, it's pretty trivial to 
construct the URL to the file.

And here's where my real problem was:  I had tried specifying just a 
relative path in the src tag, and that did not work consistently; 
specifically, I found that it worked in Chrome, but not Firefox.

As it turns out, since I was testing on a Windows box, os.path.relpath was 
(reasonably) using a '\' as the separator character (surprisingly, so does 
posixpath.relpath).  By simply adding:

   relative_path = relative_path.replace('\\', '/')

It uses the '/' required in a URL (even a relative-path URL) and works. 
Chrome was forgiving of the '\'; other browsers not so much.

It was not until I posted the img tag into a draft of this reply that I 
noticed the '\' characters.

I swear I looked at this for hours without noticing this before.
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Re: [Tutor] How can a CGI program get the URL that called it?

2014-01-10 Thread Terry Carroll

On Sat, 11 Jan 2014, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

However, if you pass a path using \ to posixpath, it treats them as

That's apparenbtly what's happening.  I didn't investigate much, once I 
found out that using posixpath didn't address the issue I was having; 
using replace() was pretty straightforward.

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Re: [Tutor] Which computer operating system is best for Python developers?

2012-03-02 Thread Terry Carroll

(Re Python on Windows 7)

On Thu, 23 Feb 2012, Tim Golden wrote:

On 23/02/2012 09:00, Alan Gauld wrote:

If you do a reinstall, download the ActiveState version rather
than the version.

I also recommend the ActiveState distro.

I am going to third Alan's and Tim's recommendations of the Activestate 
distribution; and further suggest that you use the 32-bit version, anod 
not the 64-bit version, even if you have the 64-bit Windows 7.  Some 
Python extensions are built only for 32-bit Python and will not work with 

I recently ran into this on two modules; one was PIL and I cannot remember 
the other.  The easy fix was to uninstall the 64-bit Python and install 
32-bit in its place.

I'm referrng to Python 2.7 above.
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Re: [Tutor] The Perennial 3.2 vs 2.7

2011-11-19 Thread Terry Carroll

On Thu, 17 Nov 2011, Wayne Werner wrote:

On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 8:45 PM, Mark Lybrand wrote:

  so, use my 2.7 and not my 3.2 for my study? Or use my 3.2 for
  study and then do what I have to in 2.7 after including those

Honestly it probably doesn't matter. Many 3rd party libraries have now 
been ported to Python 3.x, so unless you have a particular library 
you're interested in, I would start with 3.2 until you find something 
you can't do.

Personally, that's the biggy for me, and why I remain on 2.7.  wxPython 
has not yet been ported to Python 3, and that's a substantial big deal for 

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Re: [Tutor] Stacks and Stack underflow/Stack overflow

2011-11-19 Thread Terry Carroll

On Sat, 19 Nov 2011, Joe Batt wrote:

Hi All 
Could some kind soul please explain why you get a stack underflow and a
stack overflow.

I am getting the following error in Python 3

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /Users/joebatt/Desktop/python/pickling puzzle, line 39, in
_pickle.UnpicklingError: unpickling stack underflow

when I am running the following

import pickle
print (a)

When you created the pickle file, did you create it in binary form (with 
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Re: [Tutor] regexp

2011-11-06 Thread Terry Carroll

On Sat, 5 Nov 2011, Dinara Vakhitova wrote:

I need to find the words in a corpus, which letters are in the alphabetical
order (almost, my etc.)
I started with matching two consecutive letters in a word, which are in
the alphabetical order, and tried to use this expression: ([a-z])[\1-z], but
it won't work, it's matching any sequence of two letters. I can't figure out
why... Evidently I can't refer to a group like this, can I? But how in this
case can I achieve what I need?

First, I agree with the others that this is a lousy task for regular 
expressions.  It's not the tool I would use.  But, I do think it's doable, 
provided the requirement is not to check with a single regular expression. 
For simplicity's sake, I'll construe the problem as determining whether a 
given string consists entirely of lower-case alphabetic characters, 
arranged in alphabetical order.

What I would do is set a variable to the lowest permissible character, 
i.e., a, and another to the highest permissible character, i.e., z 
(actually, you could just use a constant, for the highest, but I like the 

Then construct a regex to see if a character is within the 
lowest-permissible to highest-permissible range.

Now, iterate through the string, processing one character at a time.  On 
each iteration:

 - test if your character meets the regexp; if not, your answer is
   false; on pass one, this means it's not lower-case alphabetic; on
   subsequent passes, it means either that, or that it's not in sorted
 - If it passes, update your lowest permissible character with the
   character you just processed.
 - regenerate your regexp using the updated lowest permissible character.
 - iterate.

I assumed lower case alphabetic for simplicity, but you could modify this 
basic approach with mixed case (e.g., first transforming to all-lower-case 
copy) or other complications.

I don't think there's a problem with asking for help with homework on this 
list; but you should identify it as homework, so the responders know not 
to just give you a solution to your homework, but instead provide you with 
hints to help you solve it.

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Re: [Tutor] Assigning variables with names set by other variables

2011-11-04 Thread Terry Carroll

On Fri, 4 Nov 2011, Max S. wrote:

Is it possible to create a variable with a string held by another variable
in Python?  For example,

It's possible, but in almost all cases where this comes up, the better 
approach is to use a dictionary.___
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Re: [Tutor] Mailing list archive oddity?

2011-09-29 Thread Terry Carroll

On Thu, 29 Sep 2011, Hugo Arts wrote:

* someone from the future is in need of python help and is sending
messages back in time.

I'm betting this is Guido and his time machine again.
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[Tutor] xrange() with start or stop sys.maxint?

2011-05-18 Thread Terry Carroll
Is there any way to use xrange with a start or stop value that exceeds 

import sys
print sys.maxint


start = sys.maxint-1
for i in xrange(start, start+1):

...   pass

start = sys.maxint
for i in xrange(start, start+1):

...   pass
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
OverflowError: Python int too large to convert to C long

Works okay with range, though:

start = sys.maxint
for i in range(start, start+1):

...   pass

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Re: [Tutor] Overriding a method in a class

2011-05-15 Thread Terry Carroll

On Sat, 14 May 2011, Alan Gauld wrote:

Is there any reason you can'tt override in the uisual way by inheritance?

Doh!  Of course I should.  I've written plenty of classes before, but 
never one intended to be inherited, and now that you point it out, it's 
obvious that that's what I should be doing here.  Thanks.

On Sat, 14 May 2011, Peter Otten wrote:

If you define a function in the class body and then instantiate that
class [snip]
You can find a thorough explanation at

Thanks, Peter; that's very helpful.  I'll read that page in detail.

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[Tutor] Overriding a method in a class

2011-05-13 Thread Terry Carroll
I have a pretty basic point of confusion that I'm hoping I can have 
explained to me.  I have a class in which I want to override a method, and 
have my method defined externally to the class definition invoked instead. 
But when I do so, my external method is invoked with a different argument 
signature than the method it overrides.

(I'll illustrate with a toy example named that maintains a list of 
strings; the actual use case is a wxPython drag-and-drop shell that I find 
I keep re-using over and over, so I decided to try to turn it into a 
general-purpose module for my own use.)

### example 1 begin

class Thing(object):
def __init__(self):
self.stuff = []
def addstuff(self, text):
def add_the_stuff(self, s1):

A = Thing()
print A.stuff

### example 1 end

So far, this works as expected.  addstuff invokes add_the_stuff; and the 
line print A.stuff prints out as ['ABCDEFG'], as expected.

Now, here's where I am getting befuddled, with the following additional 

### example, continued
def addlower(self, s2):
self.stuff.append(s2.lower()) # add it as lower case

B = Thing()
print B.stuff
### end

My *intent* here is to patch the Thing object named B so that the 
B's add_the_stuff method is replaced with this additional addlower method 
that I define external to the object.  My expectation would be that, just 
as add_the_stuff method was called with two arguments (self and the 
string), the patched-in addlower would also get called the same way.

What I *expect* is to see ['abcdefg'] printed.  What I get is:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File E:\Personal\py\DragDrop\, line 22, in module
  File E:\Personal\py\DragDrop\, line 7, in addstuff
TypeError: addlower() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)

I'm assuming I'm missing some fundamental concept.  What is it?
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Re: [Tutor] Overriding a method in a class

2011-05-13 Thread Terry Carroll

On Fri, 13 May 2011, Terry Carroll wrote:

What I *expect* is to see ['abcdefg'] printed.  What I get is:

Sorry, mixed multiple examples;  What I had expected was ['wxyz'].  Still 
the same question though.

BTW, I forgot to mention: Python 2.7.1, under Windows.  (Still not used to 
the Python 2.x/3.x thing)

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Re: [Tutor] Overriding a method in a class

2011-05-13 Thread Terry Carroll

On Fri, 13 May 2011, David Knupp wrote:

I think the problem is this bit about overriding an object's internal 
method with one that is defined externally.

Yes, that describes the phenomenon.

My gut feeilng is that you'd 
now have to explicitly pass the object (i.e., self) as well as the 
string, i.e.:

B.addstuff(B, WXYZ)

...which seems clunky.

But worse, it would mean that you couldn't have the default un-overridden 
method for those cases where you don't need to override it.

I'm not familiar with this particular technique. Is it common to do 
something like this?

Certainly the problem is common.

For my specific case, I'm going to go with a Plan B of using callbacks; 
and provide default unbound callbacks present in the module, but not 
defined in the class itself.

But I'd still like to have a better understanding of how the call gets 
transmuted from a two-argument call to a one-argument call based upon the 
target.  I suspect something along these lines is going on:

begin uninformed speculation
When a bound method is called, Python inserts a reference to self as an 
additional first argument, before the other arguments.  It does not do this 
with unbound methods.

In my first case, when I created object A, the name add_the_stuff 
references the bound method add_the_stuff as defined in the Thing class. 
When add_stuff calls add_the_stuff, because add_the_stuff references a 
bound method, Python does the automagical insertion of the self argument.

In my second case, when I created the object B, the name add_the_stuff 
*initially* references the bound method add_the_stuff; but then, when I 
override, I make B.add_the_stuff reference the unbound external method. 
Now, when addstuff calls add_the_stuff, Python sees that it is referencing 
an unbound method, and does not insert the self reference into the 
argument list.

end uninformed speculation

Now I'll wait for one of the experts to edify me.

On Fri, 13 May 2011, Terry Carroll wrote:

I have a pretty basic point of confusion that I'm hoping I can have 
explained to me.  I have a class in which I want to override a method, and 
have my method defined externally to the class definition invoked instead. 
But when I do so, my external method is invoked with a different argument 
signature than the method it overrides.

(I'll illustrate with a toy example named that maintains a list of 
strings; the actual use case is a wxPython drag-and-drop shell that I find 
I keep re-using over and over, so I decided to try to turn it into a 
general-purpose module for my own use.)

### example 1 begin

class Thing(object):
   def __init__(self):
   self.stuff = []
   def addstuff(self, text):
   def add_the_stuff(self, s1):

A = Thing()
print A.stuff

### example 1 end

So far, this works as expected.  addstuff invokes add_the_stuff; and the 
line print A.stuff prints out as ['ABCDEFG'], as expected.

Now, here's where I am getting befuddled, with the following additional 

### example, continued
def addlower(self, s2):
   self.stuff.append(s2.lower()) # add it as lower case

B = Thing()
print B.stuff
### end

My *intent* here is to patch the Thing object named B so that the B's 
add_the_stuff method is replaced with this additional addlower method that 
I define external to the object.  My expectation would be that, just as 
add_the_stuff method was called with two arguments (self and the string), 
the patched-in addlower would also get called the same way.

What I *expect* is to see ['abcdefg'] printed.  What I get is:

Traceback (most recent call last):
 File E:\Personal\py\DragDrop\, line 22, in module
 File E:\Personal\py\DragDrop\, line 7, in addstuff
TypeError: addlower() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)

I'm assuming I'm missing some fundamental concept.  What is it?
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Re: [Tutor] Overriding a method in a class

2011-05-13 Thread Terry Carroll

On Fri, 13 May 2011, Terry Carroll wrote:

For my specific case, I'm going to go with a Plan B of using callbacks; and 
provide default unbound callbacks present in the module, but not defined in 
the class itself.

Here's a callback-with-default approach, which works:

def add_the_stuff(obj, s1):

class Thing(object):
def __init__(self, callback=add_the_stuff):
self.stuff = []
def addstuff(self, text):
self.cb(self, text)

# ###
import Thing

A = Thing.Thing()
print A.stuff

def addlower(obj, s2):

B = Thing.Thing(callback=addlower)
print B.stuff

Which produces, as expected:


But still...

But I'd still like to have a better understanding of how the call gets 
transmuted from a two-argument call to a one-argument call based upon the 

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Re: [Tutor] module to parse XMLish text?

2011-01-14 Thread Terry Carroll

On Fri, 14 Jan 2011, Stefan Behnel wrote:

Terry Carroll, 14.01.2011 03:55:

Does anyone know of a module that can parse out text with XML-like tags as
in the example below? I emphasize the -like in XML-like. I don't think
I can parse this as XML (can I?).

Sample text between the dashed lines::

Blah, blah, blah

You can't parse this as XML because it's not XML. The three initial child 
tags are not properly closed.

Yeah, that's what I figured.

If the format is really as you describe, i.e. one line per tag, regular 
expressions will work nicely.

Now there's an idea!  I hadn't thought of using regexs, probably because 
I'm terrible at all but the most simple ones.

As it happens, I'm only interested in four of the tags' contents, so I
could probably manage to write a seried of regexes that even I could 
maintain, one for each of the pieces of data I want to extract; if I try 
to write a grand unified regex, I'm bound to shoot myself in the foot.

Thanks very much.

On Fri, 14 Jan 2011, Karim wrote:

from xml.etree.ElementTree import ElementTree

I don't think straight XML parsing will work on this, as it's not valid 
XML; it just looks XML-like enough to cause confusion.

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Re: [Tutor] Writing to the terminal?

2010-12-12 Thread Terry Carroll

On Fri, 10 Dec 2010, Modulok wrote:

Assume I'm working in a command shell on a terminal. Something like
tcsh on xterm, for example. I have a program which does *something*.
Let's say it counts down from 10. How do I print a value, and then
erase that value, replacing it with another value? Say I had something
like '10' that appears, then wait a second, then the 10 is replaced by
'9'... '8'.. and so forth.

import time
for t in range(10,0, -1):
print %s \x0D %t,
print # get to next line
print Done!

The magic is \0x0D, which resets to the front of the line; and the 
trailing comma, which suppresses starting the next print on a new line.

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Re: [Tutor] Writing to the terminal?

2010-12-12 Thread Terry Carroll

On Mon, 13 Dec 2010, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

Which operating system and terminal did you use?

In my experience, using print is not satisfactory...

You're right; it worked under Windows, but not under Linux.  Given the 
other details of the question, my suggestion is not an adequate solution.

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Re: [Tutor] Which non SQL Database ?

2010-12-08 Thread Terry Carroll

On Sat, 4 Dec 2010, Jorge Biquez wrote:

What would do you suggest to take a look? If possible available under the 3 

I would second the use of SQLite.  It's built into Python now, on all 

But you specified non SQL, so one other thing I'd suggest is to just 
create the data structure you need in Python and use pickle to save it.

I recently had an exercise of recovering files from a damaged hard drive. 
The problem is, it recovered a lot of legitimately deleted files along 
with the recovered live files.  All the files had generic names, with 
only filetypes to guide me for content, like 028561846.avi instead of 
descriptive names.

I wrote a program to read every single one of these files and determine 
its MD5 checksum; I stored the results in a dictionary.  The key to the 
dictionary was the checksum; and the value was a list of files that had 
that checksum; the list was usually, but not always, only one element.

Then I pickled that dictionary.

In another program, I ran os.walk against my archive CDROMs/DVDRROMs, or 
some other directories on my hard drive, finding the MD5 of each file; and 
if it corresponded to a rescued file, it deleted the rescued file.

Ideally, I would have also updated the dictionary to drop the files I'd 
cleaned up, and at the end of processing, re-pickle the edited 
dictionary; but that wasn't an option as I usually had 2 or 3 instances of 
the program running simultaneously, each processing a different directory 
of CD/DVD.

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Re: [Tutor] Question on tkinter event binding

2010-12-03 Thread Terry Carroll

On Fri, 3 Dec 2010, Albert-Jan Roskam wrote:

I'm trying to make a small improvement on a data entry program and it is
literally giving me a headache.

Followed shortly thereafter with:

On Fri, 3 Dec 2010, Albert-Jan Roskam wrote:

Aaahhh, got it! Peace! ... I'll paste the working code below. It's 
partially in Dutch, but hey, so is Guido van Rossem. ;-)

Once again proving the Zen of Python:

import this
   The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters
. . .
   There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.
   Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you're Dutch.
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Re: [Tutor] Pyserial and invalid handle

2010-12-02 Thread Terry Carroll

On Wed, 1 Dec 2010, Walter Prins wrote:

But whatever the case may be, suffice it to say I've reproduced your issue
on my Win7 64bit box, and then resolved it by installing the PyWin32

I'd like to put in a plug for Activestate Python here.  Activestate has a 
free distribution of Python for Windows that not only includes the basic 
Python program and libraries, but also commonly used extras including the 
Win32 modules.

I've always used Activestate Python from the start, and recommend it.

They have distributions for both Python 2 and 3, each both in 32-bit and 

I have no association with Activestate, I'm just a satisfied customer. 
Well, not even a customer.  I'm a satisfied freeloader.

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Re: [Tutor] Python and Tkinter Programming by Grayson--New Version?

2010-11-28 Thread Terry Carroll

On Thu, 25 Nov 2010, Alan Gauld wrote:

Yves Dextraze wrote 

Sent from my iPod

There is no mention on Amazon of any new editions and they usually announce 
several months in advance...

A pity a new Tkinter book using Tix and ttk instead of PMW would be a really 
useful resource!

Odd -- Yves's note shows up on my system as a reply in a long-dormant 
thread from March 2009.

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Re: [Tutor] %T as a strftime format identifier

2010-11-27 Thread Terry Carroll

On Sat, 27 Nov 2010, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

[st...@sylar ~]$ python2.5
Python 2.5 (r25:51908, Nov  6 2007, 16:54:01)
[GCC 4.1.2 20070925 (Red Hat 4.1.2-27)] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.

import time


Interesting.  On my Windows systems (Windows 7 and Vista, both Activestate 
Python I get:

import time


On Linux (Ubuntu 10.04 and 10.10, Python 2.6.5) I get:

import time


It may be an Activestate thing, hewing closely to the docs.
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[Tutor] %T as a strftime format identifier

2010-11-26 Thread Terry Carroll

Was %T ever a valid format specifier for time.strftime in Python?

I just installed a Python streaming MP3 server called Edna 
(  It was an easy install except that I got 
a ValueError on one line, essentially for:

  time.strftime(%a, %d %b %Y %T GMT)

After a few seconds experimentation, I found that %T is not recognized, 
but that in ANSI C strftime, it's a shorthand for %H:%M:%S.  I changed it 

  time.strftime(%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S PST)

and it worked fine.

My question: was %T ever a valid format specifier in Python?  My best 
guess is that it was when Edna was written (the most current release is 
from 2006, and the docs say it needs at least Python 1.5.2, which gives 
you an example of its age).  It seems odd that the format identifier would 
be dropped if it had existed, though; that seems like a needless 
upward compatibility issue.

I got this working, so this is mere curiosity; anyone know?
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[Tutor] wxPython, Tkinter (was: program hangs in while loop using wx.yield

2010-11-16 Thread Terry Carroll

On Tue, 16 Nov 2010, Patty wrote:

Hi Terry - I am an alumni of UCSC (University of California, Santa Cruz) 
and live really close so I can request books throughout the UC system 
just like you describe and there is no limit - or maybe an extremely 
high limit - to the number of books I can check out from McHenry 
Library.  It is so worth paying alumni dues!  There is no way they would 
transport books to the public library to make it easier for people 
though - not with the way the city and the university feel about each 
other :}

You might be surprised.  I would't have expected to get a book from San 
Diego State University sent to the San Jose Public Library, but it did. 
I just entered teh request, and a few hours later, I had anote saying it 
was on the way.  The system finds the copy and obtains it.

It's not on a one-to-one basis, i.e., as if SJPL had an arrangement with 
SDSU; it's more of the libraries deciding to patricipate in the pool.

If I just can't figure out how to do this with Tkinter and the Python Imaging 
Library, is 'wxPython' the additional software I would want to install and 
try with?

wxPython is an alternative to Tkinter.  The advantage of Tkinter is that 
it comes as part of standard Python.  You know that it will be installed 
on any reasonably current Python installation.  If you write a program 
using Tkinter and send it to me, you can be sure that I can run it as long 
as I have Python installed (at least as far as the GUI is concerned; other 
things such as PIL might still be an issue).

wxPython is an API over the cross-platform wxWidgets GUI.  I think it 
provides a cleaner and more native look compared to Tkinter. For what my 
opinion is work (and that's not much -- I'm pretty inexperienced at GUI 
stuff), I find it at least as easy to use as Tkinter, but I recall a 
learning curve when I started.

I don't use Tkinter any more, preferring wxPython, but opinions will vary.

Here's a comparison of the two; it's hosted on a wxPython site, so it's 
undoubtedly slanted toward wxPython:

Another couple:

However, if you would like an example of using Tkinter with PIL, I would 
be happy to provide you with a very rough program I wrote several years 
ago for my own use (when I still used Tkinter).  It loads an image that 
was taken with a digital camera; reads the date the photo was taken from 
the image's EXIF data; adds a timestamp to the photo, and saves it.

It's very rough; I have the habit of writing something only to the point 
where it's good enough for me, and then stop development on it.  But you 
might find it helpful of a straightforward program that uses both.  It's 
from about 2006 or so, and I am by no means a GUI programming expert and 
was even less so then, so my techniques may be suspect; but I'd be happy 
to send it to you for what it's worth.

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Re: [Tutor] program hangs in while loop using wx.yield

2010-11-15 Thread Terry Carroll

On Sun, 14 Nov 2010, Alex Hall wrote:

Is there a basic tutorial for this sort of thing?

Chapter 3 (Working in an event-driven environment) of the book wxPython 
in Action is a pretty good tutorial on event-driven GUI programming in 
wxPython.  The book in general is pretty good; I no longer buy many 
computer books, but this one was worth it.

If you don't want to buy it, if you're in the U.S., you can go to and plug in your zip code to see if 
a library near you[1] has it.

[1] or a library that has inter-library loan arrangements with a library 
near you.  I'm currently reading Essential SQLAlchemy, courtesy of the 
San Diego State University library.  My local library (San Jose Public 
Library) borrowed it from SDSU and then lent it to me.  It's kind of cool 
that one library will send a book 400 miles to another, just because I'm 
too cheap to buy a copy and asked for it.

Apologies to anyone at SDSU who's learning SQLAlchemy and wondering why 
they can't find this book in their library.

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[Tutor] Stupid bug

2010-11-10 Thread Terry Carroll
This isn't a question, I'm just offering it as a cautionary tale and an 
opportunity to laugh at my own stupidity.

I have a small function to calculate the MD5 checksum for a file.   It's 
nothing fancy:

import hashlib
def md5(filename, bufsize=65536):

Compute md5 hash of the named file
bufsize is 64K by default

m = hashlib.md5()
with open(filename,rb) as fd:
content =
while content != :
content =
return m.hexdigest()

I've discovered a need to calculate the checksum on the first 10K or so 
bytes of the file (faster when processing a whole CDROM or DVDROM full of 
large files; and also allows me to find when one file is a truncated copy 
of another).

This seemed like an easy enough variation, and I came up with something 
like this:

def md5_partial(filename, bufsize=65536, numbytes=10240):

Compute md5 hash of the first numbytes (10K by default) of named file
bufsize is 64K by default

m = hashlib.md5()
with open(filename,rb) as fd:
bytes_left = numbytes
bytes_to_read = min(bytes_left, bufsize)
content =
bytes_left = bytes_left - bytes_to_read
while content !=  and bytes_left 0:
bytes_to_read=min(bytes_left, bufsize)
content =
bytes_left = bytes_left - bytes_to_read
return m.hexdigest()

Okay, not elegant, and violates DRY a little bit, but what the heck.

I set up a small file (a few hundred bytes) and confirmed that md5 and 
md5_partial both returned the same value (where the number of bytes I was 
sampling exceeded the size of the file).  Great, working as desired.

But then when I tried a larger file, I was still getting the same checksum 
for both.  It was clearly processing the entire file.

I started messing with it; putting in counters and print statements, 
using the Gettysburg Address as sample daya and iterating over 
20 bytes at a time, printing out each one, making sure it stopped 
appropriately.  Still no luck.

I spent 90 minutes over two sessions when I finally found my error.

My invocation of the first checksum was:

checksumvalue = my.hashing.md5(filename.txt)
# (Not an error: I keep my own modules in Lib/site-packages/my/ )
print checksumvalue
# [several lines of code that among other things, define my new
# function being tested]
checksumvalue2 = md5_partial(filename.txt, numbytes=200
print checksumvalue

Turns out my function was working correctly all along; but with my typo, I 
was printing out the value from the first checksum each time.  Doh!

Well, no harm done, other than wasted time, and I did turn up a silly but 
harmless off-by-one error in the process.

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Re: [Tutor] Data Directory under site-packages

2010-11-10 Thread Terry Carroll

On Wed, 10 Nov 2010, Greg Lindstrom wrote:

I'm writing my first module that I intend to put under our company's
site-packages directory for everyone to use in their programs.  The
problem I'm having is that I want to place files in a data directory under
the module directory (under site-packages) and I don't know how to set the
path so I pick up the files.  If I use open('./data/myfile') I get the path
of the file importing the module (which could be just about anywhere).  I've
tried various combinations using os.path.abspath() and os.path.dirname() but
have the same problem.  Is there a way I can use files in the subdirectory
(I really do not want dozens more files in the main directory)?

I'm not sure I follow.

You want to put data, i.e., non-python code, in the import path?  That 
sounds unusual to me.

You can find the filename from which a module is imported with the 
module's __file__ attribute; and then os.path.dirname() can get you the 
directory.  So if you wanted to address a subdirectory named data in the 
same directory from which you imported a given module, or a file 
myfile.txt in that subdirectory, that's possible.

Using the sqlite module as an example on my system:

import sqlite3


import os


os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sqlite3.__file__), data)


os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sqlite3.__file__), data, myfile.txt)


Is this the kind of thing you're thinking of?

Again, it's highly unusual to put non-code data in the import path; I've 
never heard of this being done before, and it makes me shiver in 
revulsion.  I'm not sure I can articulate exactly what bad effects it will 
have, apart from the inherent messiness of it, but I don't like it.

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Re: [Tutor] Too different 2.6 vs 2.7?

2010-11-08 Thread Terry Carroll

On Mon, 8 Nov 2010, Jorge Biquez wrote:

Are there really BIG differences between version 2.6 and 2.7?

I'm in a similar boat.  I use Ubuntu 10.04 aw well as Windows XP, Vista 
and 7.  I keep to similar levels just to avoid confusion and at present 
run Python 2.6 on all systems.

If I had an urgent enough need, I'd go to ActivePython 2.7 on the Windows 
boxes, but so far, no need other than to have the latest.

The only feature I'm pining for at all is the new argparse; but it depends 
on your needs.

Under my ubuntu configuration I can not install version 2.7, searching the 
why, but the version 2.6 is maintained and installed by the ubuntu software 

It's possible to install 2.7 on Ubuntu, but I'm not piqued enough to do 
so.  If you're interested, a couple posts on Ubuntu Forums describe it:

As a newby , trying to learn all the features of all the libraries. Will I 
miss TOO much if I stay under version 2.6? Or it will be better to stay under 
2.7 (in that case under Windows XP)

For myself, I think I'll be fine in 2.6.  I usually upgrade when I see a 
particular feature I want.

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Re: [Tutor] Interactive visualization in python

2010-11-07 Thread Terry Carroll

On Sun, 7 Nov 2010, Alan Gauld wrote:

Most GUI toolkits have a tree widget like the Wiondows Explorer tree view.
The Tkintrer version is included in the Tix module which extends the basic
Tkinter widgets.

I'm pretty sure wxPython will have one too.

I haven't used it, but wxPython's tree widget is wx.TreeCtrl


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Re: [Tutor] Reading the CDROM in Linux

2010-11-06 Thread Terry Carroll

On Fri, 5 Nov 2010, Terry Carroll wrote:

Aha, this looks like it will work; I was starting to think along these lines; 
I was thinking of reading the output of df, but this is cleaner.

Just to close this out, here's what's working for me.  It will need to be 
prettied up, and the /media/ parameterized, but it's my proof of concept 
that lets me know how to solve my problem:

import subprocess, os
def getvolid(mountpoint):
p = subprocess.Popen([volname, mountpoint],
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
(response, errmsg) = p.communicate()
errmsg = errmsg.rstrip()
if len(response)==0:
return (volid, errmsg)

# Test it
things_to_try = [/dev/sr0,# VBOXADDITIONS_3.2.6_63112
 /dev/cdrom1, # symlink to sr0
 /dev/sr1,# MP_04_074
 /dev/cdrom,  # symlink to sr1
 /dev/sr2]# no such mount point, return an error
for thing in things_to_try:
volid, error = getvolid(thing)
print mount point=%s; volid=%s; errormsg=%s % (thing, volid, error)

# Try the os.walk:
(volid, errmsg) = getvolid(/dev/sr0)
for (r, d, f) in os.walk(/media/+volid):
print (r, d, f)


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Re: [Tutor] Reading the CDROM in Linux

2010-11-05 Thread Terry Carroll

On Sat, 6 Nov 2010, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

Anyway, more modern Linux systems automatically mount CDs and DVDs. By 
convention, /mnt/... is used for manually mounts, and /media/... for 
automatic mounts of media.

I am seeing my volume in /media ; however, I won't know the volume name 
when my program runs.  I can't use whatever shows up in /media, because 
there could be more than one drive.

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Re: [Tutor] Reading the CDROM in Linux

2010-11-05 Thread Terry Carroll

On Sat, 6 Nov 2010, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

Terry Carroll wrote:
I have a program that traverses the directory of a CDROM using os.walk. I 
do most of my work on Windows, but some on (Ubuntu) Linux, and I'd like 
this to work in both environments.

On Windows, I do something along the lines of this:


What if the user has two CD drives? What if they have a second hard disk 
mounted on D:/, and a network drive on E:/, and use F:/ or A:/ or Z:/ for the 
CD drive?

D:/ doesn't enter into it.  That's on Windows, I'm asking about Linux.  I 
used D:/ to show a single example of what works on Windows to explain 
what I am looking for on Linux.

In practice, the drive specification will be coming from a config file. 
It would be D:? on some systems, E:/ on others or maybe both.

But my question is not about Windows, which I already have covered.  My 
question is, to put it succinctly:

How can one use os.walk to walk a directory structure of a CDROM on LInux 
when the volume name is not known?

On Unix and Linux systems, there are two conventions for mounting external 
media. One is that if you, the user, mount something by hand using the 
mount command, it gets placed in /mnt (old-school Unix sys admins had

keyboards without vowels *wink*). Often people would use subdirectories under 


are the two most common ones.

No such luck:

t...@vraspberry:~$ ls -pal /mnt
total 8
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4096 2010-04-23 03:23 ./
drwxr-xr-x 23 root root 4096 2010-10-04 10:42 ../

t...@vraspberry:~$ ls -pal /mnt/cdrom
ls: cannot access /mnt/cdrom: No such file or directory
t...@vraspberry:~$ ls -pal /mnt/floppy
ls: cannot access /mnt/floppy: No such file or directory

The other convention is that modern window/desktop managers like KDE and 
Gnome will automatically mount devices by name under /media.

Yes, I mentioned this, but it requires knowing the volume name.

If you only have one CD drive, and no other devices mounted, you can 
just look at /media and walk over that without caring what the CD drive 
is called. In other words, just use /media as the starting point, and 
let os.walk discover the name of the CD under it.

But that has the same problem I already mentioned in the prior note: what 
if there's more than one device?  The same thing you pointed out above 
about D:/

Well that was easy. You need to query the external tool volname, which
should be present on just about any Linux system.

Use the subprocess module to call volname /dev/cdrom.

Aha, this looks like it will work; I was starting to think along these 
lines; I was thinking of reading the output of df, but this is cleaner.

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[Tutor] Optparse question: if only certain values are acceptable

2009-05-08 Thread Terry Carroll
I'm tryng to use optparse for the first time.

The toy summary is that I want to have the following command format:

  prognam -f FORMAT

Where FORMAT, if specified, must be one of X, Y, or Z.

In otherwords, if the user enters:

 progname -f X

It runs, producing its output in format X.  Similar if Y or Z is
specified instead of X.

But if the user specifies

 progname -f A

I want it to spit up because A is not a recognized format.

I don't see anything in the docs that directly addresses this.  Is this 
something that I should use the callback parameter for?

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Re: [Tutor] Optparse question: if only certain values are acceptable

2009-05-08 Thread Terry Carroll
On Sat, 9 May 2009, Sander Sweers wrote:

 Is the below what you are looking for?

It's exactly what I was looking for.  Thanks very much.

Now I'm going to have to re-read the docs and see why I couldn't pick that 
up from them. 

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Re: [Tutor] Parsing suggestion? (CUE file)

2009-02-03 Thread Terry Carroll
On Tue, 3 Feb 2009, Kent Johnson wrote:

 Ah, I see. I imagined something more ambitious, that treated the lines
 as fields. 

I find that the more ambitious my projects become, the less likely I am to 
complete them!  With two toddlers, on a good day, I get 30 to 60 minutes 
of discretionary time, some of which I can do some coding!

 You are using csv to do kind of a smart split() function.

That's an excellent summary.

 I would look at pyparsing for that, and make sure cuetools won't do
 what you want.

csv seems to be working well for me, and it's a standard piece of Python,
which I prefer to use.  I don't think I'm twisting it out of its intended
useh: despite its name, it's really about splitting up uniform delimited
input lines.  The ability to use other delimeters and to trim the
left-padding seems consistent with my use of it.

The time it took between thinking of using CSV and getting it to actually 
work was probably a lot less time than I would have spend downloading and 
installing pyparsing, and figuring out how it worked.

Thanks for the cuetools tip.  I hadn't heard of it before.  I spent some 
time looking for tools related to Audacity and CUE files, and couldn't 
find much (apart from one forum posting pointing out that Audacity didn't 
support CUE files, but it would be pretty easy to convert a CUE file to an 
Audacity label file).

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[Tutor] Parsing suggestion? (CUE file)

2009-02-03 Thread Terry Carroll
I am parsing certai

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Re: [Tutor] Parsing suggestion? (CUE file)

2009-02-03 Thread Terry Carroll
On Tue, 3 Feb 2009, Terry Carroll wrote:

 I am parsing certai

Sorry about that.  I was composing this message last night when my 
Internet connection went down.  When I logged on this morning, I had a 
partial message.  I meant to cancel but unfortunately, in pine, the SEND 
key (CTRL-X) is adjacent to the CANCEL key (CTRL-C), and I hit the wrong 

The silver cloud to my temporary Internet outage was that I was able to 
solve my problem, in the process discovering that the csv module can parse 
a CUE file[1] quite nicely if you set up an appropriate csv.Dialect class.

Comma Separated Values; it's not just for commas any more.


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Re: [Tutor] Parsing suggestion? (CUE file)

2009-02-03 Thread Terry Carroll
On Tue, 3 Feb 2009, Kent Johnson wrote:

 On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 2:55 PM, Terry Carroll wrote:
  The silver cloud to my temporary Internet outage was that I was able to
  solve my problem, in the process discovering that the csv module can parse
  a CUE file[1] quite nicely if you set up an appropriate csv.Dialect class.
 What is the dialect? That sounds like a useful trick.

This seems to be working for me, at least with the sample CUE files I've 
tested with so far:

import csv

class cue(csv.Dialect):
Describe the usual properties of CUE files.
delimiter = ' '
quotechar = ''
doublequote = True
skipinitialspace = True
lineterminator = '\r\n'
quoting = csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL
csv.register_dialect(cue, cue)

f = open(test.cue, r)
reader = csv.reader(f,dialect=cue)
for row in reader:
print row

The dialect is the same as the standard excel dialect, which I cribbed out
of, except for delimiter and skipinitialspace.

My project is to write a program to convert a CUE file into a list of 
labels that can be imported into Audacity; and perhaps a file of ID3 info 
that can be imported into MP3 tagging software.  If I had to parse the 
blank-separated fields of quoted text that included blanks, I don't know 
how long this would have taken me.

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Re: [Tutor] MP3Info class usage

2008-12-19 Thread Terry Carroll
On Thu, 18 Dec 2008, Gareth at Serif wrote:

 I've not installed it, I've just imported it in my main program.  How do you
 install eyeD3, there's no installation package?  I read the readme, which
 talks about executing 'configure', but that just reports back that it is not
 recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch

I'm betting that you'e on windows, like me.

configure is s shell script.  You'll need a version os shell that runs on 

make, too, I'll bet.

I run Cygwin on windows, which is a pretty good thing to have apart from 
this.  It's free and avaliable from

By default, I believe make is not installed; you'll have to request it.

You'll still get the error that configure is not recognized as a valid 
command, but invoking it with sh congigure works for me.

It would be nice if Eyed3, which is not OS-specific, did not have such an 
OS-specific install process.

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Re: [Tutor] MP3Info class usage

2008-12-19 Thread Terry Carroll
On Fri, 19 Dec 2008, Terry Carroll wrote:

 configure is s shell script.  You'll need a version os shell that runs on 
 windows.  make, too, I'll bet.
 I run Cygwin on windows, which is a pretty good thing to have apart from 
 this.  It's free and avaliable from
 It would be nice if Eyed3, which is not OS-specific, did not have such an 
 OS-specific install process.

You know, I just reinstalled Eyed3, and compared the installed result to
the six files distributed in the zipped tarfile, and they're identical
except that one file is named instead of, and
has two doc variables defined with templates.

If you want to avoid having to install a Unix-like environment,
I suggest you just

1) unzip and untar the zipped tarfile,
2) copy the eyeD3 directory from  eyeD3-0.6.16/src/ to Python's
Lib/site-packages/ directory
3) rename to
4) (probably cosmetic) in, edit the lines:

   eyeD3Version = @PACKAGE_VERSION@;
   eyeD3Maintainer = @PACKAGE_BUGREPORT@;


   eyeD3Version = 0.6.16;
   eyeD3Maintainer = Travis Shirk;

Someone else will now explain why this is a terrible idea.

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Re: [Tutor] ftplib.storbinary and using a progress bar

2008-09-06 Thread Terry Carroll
On Sat, 6 Sep 2008, johnf wrote:

 I'm currently using ftplib.storbinary() to upload a file to a FTP server.  
 However, I would like to inform the user of the progress being made during 
 the file transfer (it could be a very long transfer).  But 
 ftplib.storbinary() has no callback like retrbinary() so does anyone have a 
 thought on how I can update my user on the progress of the transfer.  

Callbacks are being added in 2.6, and are in the 2.6 source now.  You can
download the current version of ftplib at

When I do something along these lines, I save it (usually under the 
local directory of the python program that uses it) under a modified name, 
i.e. or; then import with:

  import ftplib26 as ftplib


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Need help with Factorial algorithm using Python

2008-09-05 Thread Terry Carroll
On Sat, 6 Sep 2008, John Fouhy wrote:

 2008/9/5 Terry Carroll [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  So here's my routine to address the problem.  It consists of making a
  multiplication table of coefficients that includes the factor such as 5,
  25, 125, etc., and their values (1, 6, 31, etc).  Then, starting with the
  highest ones first, successievely determining how many times each factor
  goes into the number of zeroes.  For example, to do the prior example
  working backwards, what factorial will give you 71 zeroes?
 I think there is a simpler solution :-)

Definitely, but most require calculating the factorial first, and for 
large factorials, that going to be a huge computational burden.

 You can count the number of fives in the prime decomposition of a
 number by just dividing by 5 repeatedly until you don't get a whole

But that requires having the number first, doesn't it?  In other words, 
don't you have to calculate N! in order to find out how many terminal 
zeroes N! has?
The method I proposed determines the number of terminal zeroes in N! 
by examination of N, without calculating N!, which is a substantial 
computational savings when N is large; and in fact, makes the problem 
tractable for large values of N.

 Although I am curious to know how long it took your algorithm to find
 the answer for 7**20 ...

Under a second.  In a trial, I put print time.asctime() before and after 
the calculation, and it printed the same time in both print statements.  
How much under a second, I'm not sure.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Need help with Factorial algorithm using Python

2008-09-05 Thread Terry Carroll
On Fri, 5 Sep 2008, Terry Carroll wrote:

 On Sat, 6 Sep 2008, John Fouhy wrote:
  You can count the number of fives in the prime decomposition of a
  number by just dividing by 5 repeatedly until you don't get a whole
 But that requires having the number first, doesn't it?  In other words, 
 don't you have to calculate N! in order to find out how many terminal 
 zeroes N! has?

Ah, never mind, I took a closer look at your code.  We're on a very 
similar tracks.

But the number of divisions you do scales up substantially for very large 
numbers.  By working with successive powers of 5 instead, you would only 
need to do log(N,5) divmods; for N=7*20:


Only 25 divmods; then, of course, 25 multiplications to calculate the
actual zero count.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Need help with Factorial algorithm using Python

2008-09-04 Thread Terry Carroll
On Thu, 4 Sep 2008, Robert Berman wrote:

 It can easily be seen that 6! = 720 and has exactly one
 trailing zero. What is the lowest integer, x, such that x! has 7^20
 trailing zeros?
 It does not, on the surface, appear to be a frontal lobe breaker. Design
 an algorithm to build factorials; count the number of trailing zeros, and
 the first time we hit it, we have the lowest integer. To test, I computed
 factorials for 50,000--12,499 trailing zeros,100,000 trailing
 zeros--24,999, 150,000 trailing zeros 37,498, and finally 200,000
 trailing zeros of 49,998.
 Obviously, running a test on 100 would take some time and would not
 even be close to the required number of trailing zeros.

At the risk of spoiling with a solution (don't worry, all code is at the 
end), the trick here is to realize that this is all about counting 5's.

you get a zero on the end when a 10 gets into the factorial; and 
a 10 factors down to 2 x 5.  At first glance, you'd have to count both 2s 
and 5s, but 2s are so plentiful in comparison to 5s, that you really only 
need to count 5s.

So 5! has one 5, at 5.  For that matter, so does 6!, 7!, 8! and 9!.  All 
of those will have only one trailing zero.

At 10! you have another 5, and now have 2 trailing zeroes; at 15!, you 
have 3; and at 20! you have 4.

25!, however, gives you 6 zeroes.  That's because 25 = 5*5, so it's giving 
you 2 more fives instead of just one.  30! will get you 7 zeroes, etc.

Here's how I started thinking about it:
 every 5 is worth one five.
 every 25 is worth 5 fives, plus one more five, for a total of 6 fives; 
and that score includes all numbers below it.
 every 125 is worth 5 twenty-fives, plus one more five, for a total of 31 

What does this get us?  Well, let's say you want to know how many terminal
zeroes in 290!.  290 is 2*125 + 1*25 + 3*5.  A 125 is worth 31; a 25 is 
worth 6; and a 5 is worth 1; 2*31 + 1*6 + 3*1 = 71, so there should be 71 

That turns out to be right:

[some code snipped]
 f = fact(290)
 print f, num_trailing_zeros(f)
00 71

So here's my routine to address the problem.  It consists of making a
multiplication table of coefficients that includes the factor such as 5,
25, 125, etc., and their values (1, 6, 31, etc).  Then, starting with the
highest ones first, successievely determining how many times each factor 
goes into the number of zeroes.  For example, to do the prior example 
working backwards, what factorial will give you 71 zeroes?

Well, 71/31 gives you 2, remainder 9; so we know there are 2 125s;
9/6 gives you 1, remander 3; so we know there is 1 25;
3/1 gives you (duh) 3, so there are 3 5s.

so the answer to the question what is the first factorial with 71
trailing zeros? is 2*125 + 1*25 + 3*5 = 290; i.e. 290!


def find_lowest_factbase(num_z):
This function returns a lowest value N for which N! terminates
with num_z zeroes
i.e., find_lowest_factbase(2) = 10; because 10! = 3,628,800
coefflist is a list of lists, each sublist of which has two elements:
 0: value of 5**N
 1: weight of value
for i in range(1,100):  #will break out well before a million
value = 5**i
if i == 1:
weight = 1
weight = (coefflist[-1][1]*5)+1
if weight  num_z:
coefflist.append([value, weight])

for L in coefflist:
(quotient, remainder) = divmod(zerosleft, L[1])
productpairs.append([quotient, L[0]])
zerosleft = remainder
for pair in productpairs:
product = product + pair[0]*pair[1]
return product

I tested it by comparing the output of the two sets, one testing through 
45! and one testing through 10 zeros (which works out to be the same):

def fact(n):
for i in range(1,n+1):
m = m*i
return m

def num_trailing_zeros(n):
s = str(n)
s_no_zeros = s.rstrip('0') 
numz = len(s)-len(s_no_zeros)
return numz

#brute force: 
for i in range(1,50):
k = fact(i)
nz = num_trailing_zeros(k)
if nz  max_nz:
print nz=%s at %s! (%s) % (nz, i , k)
max_nz = nz

# fives-algorithm:

for i in range(1,11):
k = find_lowest_factbase(i)
print nz=%s at %s! (%s) % (i, k , fact(k))

And your answer?


Re: [Tutor] Need help with Factorial algorithm using Python

2008-09-04 Thread Terry Carroll
On Thu, 4 Sep 2008, Robert Berman wrote:

 Time to do some reading about regex. And here I thought I was slick
 working with lists and strings.

You shouldn't need a regexp for this.  An easy way to count the trailing
zeros is:

 - convert the number to a string;
 - make a copy, stripping off the trailing zeroes, using rstrip('0')
 - compare the lengths of the two strings

The difference in the lengths is the number of trailing zeroes.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Decimals 'not equal to themselves' (e.g. 0.2 equals 0.200000001)

2008-08-05 Thread Terry Carroll
On Sun, 3 Aug 2008, CNiall wrote:

 As you can see, the last two decimals are very slightly inaccurate. 
 However, it appears that when n in 1/n is a power of two, the decimal 
 does not get 'thrown off'. How might I make Python recognise 0.2 as 0.2 
 and not 0.20001?

It's not a Python thing, it's a computer thing.  Thsi would be present 
regardless of what computer language you're using.

An oversimplificationis that computers use binary, i.e., base-2.  The only 
non-1 factor of 2 is 2 itself, and computers can only give you an exact 
representation of a fraction whose denominator only has factors of 2.

So these are exact representations:

 .5 # 1/2
 .25# 1/4
 .125   # 1/8
 .875   # 7/8

But suppose you want 1/10.  Well, 10 is factored into 2 and 5, and that 
pesky 5 makes it impossible for a computer to store exactly; same with 

 .1 # 1/10
 .2 # 1/5

Do you remember when you learned decimal fractions in garde school, and 
realized you couldn't represent, for example, 1/3 or 1/7 exactly?  You had 
to content yourself with 0.333 or 0.14285714285714285... with 
digits repeating forever?  

That's the equivalent problem in our usual base-10: we can't exactly
represent any fraction unless the denominator factors only into 2s and 5s 
(which are the factors of 10).

So representing 1/2, 1/4, 1/20 all are no problem in decimal; but 1/3 and 
1/21 can't be exactly represented.

A corallary of this, by the way, is that, because there are so many 
fractions that can't be exactly represented in binary notation, you should 
never compare floating point numbers looking for equality.  It just won't 

Consider the following code:

 x = 0.0
 while x != 1.0:
...   print x
...   x = x + 1.0/7.0

You might expect this to look through 0.0, 0.142, 0.285..., 0.428
up to 10., and then stop. But it won't.  because it never quite equals
1.0.  It goes right up to a number near 1.0, that might display as 1.0,
but is not really 1.0, and blasts on through to 1.142... etc, in an
endless loop.

So when comparing floating point numbers you should either use a 
comparison like = (if using it as a limit) or a construct like

  if abs(x-y).1:

to see if they're close enough to equal to keep you happy.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] adding a watermark to a sequence of images

2008-07-21 Thread Terry Carroll
On Sun, 20 Jul 2008, Christopher Spears wrote:

 Has anyone used Python to watermark of sequence of images?

There's a recipe for watermarking using PIL here:

I have a half-baked program that goes through a directory of images and 
time-stamps them with information from the EXIF data, which I'd be happy 
to share with you.  I started writing it because my wife likes to have our 
photos timestamped, and I don't, so this was our compromise; but she later 
came around to my point of view so I never really cleaned it up.  It 
works, but needs some polish.  It would be easy to adapt to a fixed 

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Advice for my function, isPrime(n), please

2008-07-21 Thread Terry Carroll
On Mon, 21 Jul 2008, Daniel Sarmiento wrote:

 What about the following function?
 if x == 0:
 return False
 return True

I don't like it, myself.  You have multiple points of exit, and, yes, you 
can see that the fallthough is only executed if the condition is not met, 
but it makes you do a double-take when reading it.

If you insist on having the conditional, this is clearer:

if x == 0:
return False
return True

I'd rather have the condition test for truth, though:

if x != 0:
return True
return False

But that leads to what you don't like anyway, which I think is your best 

return x != 0

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] adding a watermark to a sequence of images

2008-07-21 Thread Terry Carroll
On Mon, 21 Jul 2008, Christopher Spears wrote:

 By all means, share your script!  Even if I don't use it, I can learn
 something from it!

Well, maybe.  If nothing else, perhaps you'll learn some new bad habits.

The timestamp on this file shows that I dropped this project in June 2005, 
and you can see it's unfinished.  It still has a few raw edges (including 
a prompt for a preserve EXIF feature that never got written; and lots of 
debugging print statements), but it's not bad as a proof-of-concept.

The code imports and depends on Gene Cash's module; it now 
apparently lives at rather than 
the URL in the code.  But still, if the EXIF module doesn't exist, it just 
uses the file's timestamp as the date -- not exactly the safest way of 
figuring the date the photo was taken.

At the time I wrote this, I was unaware that PIL had some 
then-undocumented EXIF support; I probably would have used that to avoid 
importing a non-standard module.

Use this code however you wish, if you find it helpful.  Ignore the 
copyright statement; BaishuSoft was just a little joke between my wife and 

import Tkinter as Tk
import tkFileDialog
import os, sys, time
import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont, ImageTk

class MyApp:
Begin a Tkinter-based application

def __init__(self, root):
initializer for Tkinter-based application
self.root.title(Picture TimeStamper)
NoticeFrame = Tk.Frame(self.root)
headertext = u
Baishusoft Picture TimeStamper
\U00A9 2005 Baishusoft LLP

ButtonFrame = Tk.Frame(self.root)
SelButton = Tk.Button(ButtonFrame, 
text=Select Directory,
QuitButton = Tk.Button(ButtonFrame, text=Quit, 

OptionsFrame = Tk.Frame(self.root)
self.EXIFvar = Tk.IntVar()
self.EXIFCheckbox = Tk.Checkbutton(
text=Preserve EXIF (requires JHead),
variable = self.EXIFvar)
self.Progressvar = Tk.IntVar()
self.ProgressCheckbox = Tk.Checkbutton(
text=Show progress,
variable = self.Progressvar)
self.StatusFrame = Tk.Frame(self.root)
self.ImageLabel = Tk.Label(self.StatusFrame)
self.FilenameLabel = Tk.Label(self.StatusFrame)

def select(self):
dirname = tkFileDialog.askdirectory()
if dirname != '':
os.path.walk(dirname, self.process_files, None)

def quit(self):
print EXITING.

def process_files(self, junk, dirpath, namelist):
for filename in namelist:
stamped_filename = self.getstampedfilename(filename)
if stamped_filename is not None:
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dirpath,stamped_filename)):
print FILE EXISTS, SKIPPING:, stamped_filename
self.updatestatus(dirpath, filename)
datetext = self.timestamp(dirpath, filename, 
print FILE IMPRINTED:, stamped_filename, datetext

def updatestatus(self,dirpath,filename):, filename))
print time.asctime(), thumbnailing..., filename, im.mode, im.size
print time.asctime(), showing..., filename, im.mode, im.size
self.Tkimage = ImageTk.PhotoImage(im)
print created

def getstampedfilename(self, filename):
fn, ft = os.path.splitext(filename)
if ft.upper() in [.JPG, .JPEG] and \
   not (fn.upper().endswith(-DATED)):
return fn + -dated + ft
return None

def timestamp(self, dirpath, original_filename, new_filename):
full_original_filename = os.path.join(dirpath, original_filename)
full_new_filename = os.path.join(dirpath, new_filename)
font=ImageFont.truetype(Arial.ttf, 40)
datetext = GetFileDate(full_original_filename)

Re: [Tutor] Any way of monitoring a python program's memory utilization?

2008-07-17 Thread Terry Carroll
On Thu, 17 Jul 2008, Monika Jisswel wrote:

 Well, you can check whether your system has reached its limits or not, but
 what for ? 

So I can debug the problem.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Any way of monitoring a python program's memory utilization?

2008-07-17 Thread Terry Carroll
On Thu, 17 Jul 2008, Monika Jisswel wrote:

 I see no problem, if you open very BIG files then your memory will get
 filled up  your system will halt,

I'm going to disagree with you on this one.

First, in general, it is not the case that opening a very large file will 
cause memory to be filled up. In general, only the portion of the file 
that is being processed needs to actually be in memory.  A tarfile appears 
to be an exception to that general rule.  The question is, why?  Can that 
exception be avoided and a program that's processing a tar file be as 
well-behaved in terms of resource consumption as a program that processes 
other types of files?

Second, although most resource constraint problems can often be addressed 
by buying more resource, that's not usually a good approach.  Where, as 
here, the resource constraint surfaces only in rare cases (i.e., 
processing a tarfile), the better approach is to find out if something is 
out of whack with respect to that one case.  

Simply adding resources is a poor use of, um, resources, for a couple
reasons.  I'd rather spend my money on a nice dinner than on adding memory
to a computer system that is perfectly adequate in every other way, other
than in processing a single file.  And adding resources, whether memory, 
disk, or CPU, is a band-aid: it gets you over this hump, but not the next.  
If I add enough memory to process a 4-Gb file, great, I can now process a 
4-Gb file.  But if I get a 6-Gb file in a couple months, I have to pull 
out the checkbook again.

But managing the resource utilization is a scalable scheme.

 can you buy more food than your fridge can handle , and write to a list
 asking to invistigate the problem ?

This is such an off-the wall analogy that it's difficult to respond to, 
but what the heck.

First, I'm not writing to the list to ask it to investigate the problem.  
I'm writing to the list to find out what tools are available so that *I*
can investigate the problem.

Second, under this analogy, you're looking at a scenario where food is 
put into a refrigerator in containers, and when consumed, the containers 
are left in the refrigerator.  Now, your solution here might be to keep 
buying more or larger refrigerators.  Mine would be to see if I can get 
rid of all the empty containers that are uselessly occupying space in the 
refrigerator, so I can utilize the space for useful purposes 
(refrigerating food) rather than chilling empty containers for no reason.

Back to the real Python case: now that I can monitor my memory usage, I
can try various strategies to solve the problem, and I can do it with a
subset of data.  Instead of running the program on a 4Gb file and waiting
to see if it blows up or halts my system in 15 minutes after processing a
couple gig, I can run it with a much smaller 60 Mb file, and track its

For anyone who cares about the real issue: it seems that caches
every member it processes in an internal list.  The list isn't actually
used if accessing the file as an iterator, so by reinitializing it to [],
the memory consumption problem is avoided.  This breaks other methods of
the module, which are used to extract particular desired members, but in
my case, that's okay.  I'm currently experimenting to see if I can come up
with a patch that will either allow both means of accessing the members
(as an iterator and directly), or, as a less desirable alternative, if a
parameter like cache=False is specified, allow access as an iterator and
raise an exception if the other methods are used.

Thanks to a couple experts on comp.lang.python for their 
insight on this.

Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] Any way of monitoring a python program's memory utilization?

2008-07-16 Thread Terry Carroll
Is there any way of having my program see how much memory it's using?

I'm iterating through a vey large tarfile (uncompressed, it would be about
2.4G, with about 2.5 million files in it) and I can see from some external
monitors that its virtual storage usage just grows and grows, until my
whole system finally grinds to a halt after about 1.2 million members have
been processed.

I'd like to try various strategies, but as I try them I'd like for it to 
monitor its own memory usage so I can assess the different strategies I 
use, and in any event, abort before it gets to the point of hanging my 

Is there anything within Python (I'm on 2.5) that can check this?  Failing 
that, are there any Windows/XP line-oriented commands that I could invoke 
and parse the output of?  (I also have Cygwin installed, in case there are 
any gnu-based commands that woudl work, too.)

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Any way of monitoring a python program's memory utilization?

2008-07-16 Thread Terry Carroll
On Wed, 16 Jul 2008, Terry Carroll wrote:

 The obvious thing to do is to also filter by PID, which is the second 
 element; Of course that opens a new question: how to find one's own PID 
 from within Python.  More googling awaits.

And, while searching for that, I found out hwo to find memory utilization.  
For those who care:

def memusage():
import win32process
current_process = win32process.GetCurrentProcess()
memory_info = win32process.GetProcessMemoryInfo(current_process)
return memory_info[WorkingSetSize]

Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] Anyone using tarfile?

2008-07-15 Thread Terry Carroll
I'm trying to use tarfile with no luck.  Anyone on this list used it 

Here's a sample program pared down to illustrate the error.  I'm 
arbitrarily trying to extract the 4th TARred file in the tarball (a file 
that I know from other debugging efforts is data/c410951c, and that I can 
see by inspection does exist in the tarball). 

My code (file

import tarfile, os
TARFILENAME = freedb-update-20080601-20080708.tar.bz2
assert os.path.exists(TARFILENAME)
assert tarfile.is_tarfile(TARFILENAME)

tf =, r:bz2)
tf.debug=3 ; tf.errorlevel=2
tmembers = tf.getmembers()
sample = tmembers[4]
RC = tf.extract(sample)

The result:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\test\freedb\, line 10, in module
RC = tf.extract(sample)
  File C:\Python25\lib\, line 1495, in extract
self._extract_member(tarinfo, os.path.join(path,
  File C:\Python25\lib\, line 1562, in _extract_member
if upperdirs and not os.path.exists(upperdirs):
  File C:\Python25\lib\, line 255, in exists
st = os.stat(path)
TypeError: stat() argument 1 must be (encoded string without NULL bytes), 
not str

The file comes from here:

The bzip2 compression is unrelated to this.  If I manually bunzip the .bz2 
file to a plain old tar file (and open it with mode r instead of 
r:bz2), I get an identical error.

During some earlier poking around, I see some interesting things: instead 
of being data/c410951c (13 characters) or /data/c410951c 
(14 characters) as I would expect, it's a 169-character string:

11034624707 11032232071 /data/c410951c.  I think those are zeroes, not 

Curiously, there is also another attribute named prefix that is not
documented in the documentation.  prefix is a 155-character
string that is equal to the first 155 characters of this oddly-too-long
name.  In fact, if you cut off this prefix from the name, you're left
with /data/c410951c, whic his kind of what I was expecting name to be in
the first place.

The deeper I look into this, the more mystified I become.  Any ideas?

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Anyone using tarfile?

2008-07-15 Thread Terry Carroll
On Tue, 15 Jul 2008, Kent Johnson wrote:

 What version of Python are you using? I have 2.5.2 and the line
 numbers in my are quite different than yours. The changelog
 for Python 2.5.2 shows many fixes to tarfile so an upgrade may be in

And that was it!  I pulled the most current version from , saved it as and used import tarfilex as tarfile, and it's now working.

You know how sometimes when you're a newbie, every time you get an
unexpected result, you jump to there must be a bug in the program I'm 
using?  Well, I've been programming long enough that I tend to assume the 
opposite: I must be doing something wrong.

 My version of the source picks up a prefix string and adds it to the
 start of the path unless the file is a GNU sparse file.

I saw that too, but it still struck me as odd.  For one thing, I don't
understand where sparseness of the tar file (which has to do with whether
tar bothers storing all of sparse files -- files that have data space
allocated but not initialized) would have anything to do with a file name.  
That's one of the things that led to my the deeper I look into this, the
more mystified I become comment.

For another thing, prefix still isn't documented; I'd have expected the
variable name to be along the lines of _prefix, or not retained in the
class instance if it wasn't intended for consumption.  But that might just
be my naivete.

Anyway, problem solved.  Thanks, Kent.

Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] Traversing a two-dimensional array(was: (no subject)

2008-06-18 Thread Terry Carroll
On Wed, 18 Jun 2008, amit sethi wrote:

 Hi , Could you please tell me , how i can traverse a two dimensional array ,
 i am sorry , it must be pretty simple but I am new to python am not able to

What many languages would call a two-dimensional array would be 
represented in Python as a list of lists; i.e., a list where each item in 
the list is itself another list.

For example, if we have a list like this:

 list_of_lists = [
...  [1, 2, 3, 4],
...  ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'],
...  [I, II, III, IV]
...  ]
[[1, 2, 3, 4], ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'], ['I', 'II', 'III', 'IV']]

You can traverse it like this:

 for inner_list in list_of_lists:
...   print inner_list is:, inner_list
...   for item in inner_list:
... print item:, item
inner_list is: [1, 2, 3, 4]
item: 1
item: 2
item: 3
item: 4
inner_list is: ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']
item: A
item: B
item: C
item: D
inner_list is: ['I', 'II', 'III', 'IV']
item: I
item: II
item: III
item: IV

There's no need for each inner list to be of the same length, by the way; 
I just made it so for this example.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] do I need f.close()

2008-06-12 Thread Terry Carroll
On Wed, 11 Jun 2008, dave selby wrote:

 The whole topic came up because I just finished reading 'learning
 python' 3rd edition OReilly as a refresher where there are multiple
 instances of suggesting that you do the exact opposite eg ...
 [line.rstrip() for line in open('myfile')] ... p361
 for line in open('') ... p261 p276 where it is described as
 'best practice' for reading files line by line
 etc ...

But that's for use of an input file.  The question was about writing.  I 
wouldn't worry too much about closing file that was used as input, as I am 
about one for output, where you want to be careful that the file contents 
are left in a particular desired state.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] How to get a script to open a text file with Python?

2008-06-10 Thread Terry Carroll
On Tue, 10 Jun 2008, Alan Gauld wrote:

 If TextPad is your default txt editor just use

or os.startfile(foo.txt); sounds like the equivalent, but for some 
reason, I prefer it.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Little problem with math module

2008-05-21 Thread Terry Carroll
 Tiago Katcipis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote 
  def newton_divergente(x): 
   return math.pow(x, 1.0/3.0)
  but when x = -20 it returns this error
  return math.pow(x, 1.0/3.0)
  ValueError: math domain error
  but why is that? is it impossible to calculate -20 ^ (1/3) ?

Can I chime in late on this one?  I'm catching up on some old email.

It's already been pointed out that a negative number cannot be raised to a
fractional power.  But as long as you're only looking to calculate roots
you should be able to calculate them unless the number is negative *and*
the root is even. For example, you cannot (without getting into complex
numbers) take the square root (an even root) of -8.  But the cube root (an 
odd root) of -8 is -2.

N**1/x is equal to -(-N**1/x), as long as the constraints above are 
met.  Relying on this, you can easily write an nthroot routine that 
calculates the non-complex nth root of a number, unless the number is 
negative and the root-number is even:

def nthroot(x, n):
returns the non-complex nth root of x
if x  0:
return x**(1.0/n)
elif n%2 == 1:
return -(-x)**(1.0/n)
raise ValueError, even root cannot be calculated for negative number

For example:

 nthroot(100, 2)
 nthroot(8, 3)
 nthroot(-8, 3)
 nthroot(-8, 2)  # this is a no-no; negative number  even root
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
  File, line 8, in nthroot
raise ValueError, even root cannot be calculated for negative number
ValueError: even root cannot be calculated for negative number

Now, if you *are* willing to get into complex numbers, i.e., numbers with 
an imaginary component, you should be aware that there's no such thing as 
*the* Nth root of a number.  Instead there are N Nth roots, evenly spaced 
in a circle centered on 0+0i.

For example, the number 16 has two square roots, at 4 and -4; or more
completely 4+0i and -4+0i.

But it has 4 4th roots.  Obviously it has 2 and -2 (2+0i and -2+0i); but 
it also has 0+2i and 0-2i:

   (0+2i)*(0+2i)*(0+2i)*(0+2i) = -4 * -4 = 16
   (0-2i)*(0-2i)*(0-2i)*(0-2i) =  4 *  4 = 16

The following (barely-tested) routine should calculate all the Nth roots
of a given x, even when x is negative and N is even:

def nthroots(x, n):
returns a list of all nth roots of x
from math import pi, cos, sin
roots = []
if x =1:
startangle = 0
startangle = pi/2
firstroot = abs(x)**(1.0/n)
for i in range(0, n):
angle = (i*(2*pi)/n)+startangle
root = complex(firstroot*cos(angle), firstroot*sin(angle))
return roots


[(2+0j), (1.2246063538223773e-016+2j), (-2+2.4492127076447545e-016j), 

Apart from precision issues, those are 2+0j, 0+2j, -2+0j and 0-2j.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Little problem with math module

2008-05-21 Thread Terry Carroll
On Wed, 21 May 2008, Terry Carroll wrote:

 The following (barely-tested) routine should calculate all the Nth roots
 of a given x, even when x is negative and N is even:

I realize I'm probably talking to myself here, but for the benefit of the 
archives, I found a more elegant approach after reading  The following routine instead uses 
the formula at the end of the page (although I must admit I needed to read 
the entire page very carefully before I actually understood it):

def nthroots(x,n):
returns a list of all nth roots of x;
from math import atan2, pi
from cmath import exp
i = 0+1j
# express the cartesian (x+yi) complex number z
# as polar (modulus R  argument theta) 
R = abs(z)
theta = atan2(z.imag, z.real)
coef = R**(1.0/n)
return [coef * exp(i*(theta/n + 2*pi*k/n)) for k in range(0,n)]  

I'm not sure it's faster than the method from the prior email, but it 
certainly seems a bit less ham-handed.  It could probably be sped up, at 
the cost of some obfuscation, by pulling a few more things out of the list 
comprehension, e.g.,

X = i*theta/n
Y = (0+2j)*pi/n
return [coeff * exp(X + Y*k) for k in range(0,n)]

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] web programming tutorials?

2008-04-18 Thread Terry Carroll
On Fri, 18 Apr 2008, Che M wrote:

 Thank you, everyone, for all the responses!  I will wade through them
 and try to get some understanding and then will no doubt come back with
 some questions in some days.  Much appreciated. -Che

Che, I've done several superficial web programs over the years, and I'm 
inclined to agree with those who suggest trying some imple CGI programs 
first to understand how it works under the covers.

That being said, for an upcoming personal project, I'm going to be using 
at least CherryPy and perhaps some other Turbogears components, and 
perhaps even Turbogears itself.

To that end, I've found the Turbogear parts of the book Professional Python 
Frameworks: Web 2.0 Programming with Django and 
Turbogears ( ) to 
be very helpful in understanding Turbogears.  This may just be a point of 
personal preference, but I found it a better explanation than the 
Turbogears book rapid Web Applications with Turogears referred to at 

You may wish to try a few simple web programs, and then look at whether a 
framework (whether small like CherryPy or big like Turbogears, Zope or 
Django) would be appropriate for you.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Diff for Python

2008-04-05 Thread Terry Carroll
On Fri, 4 Apr 2008, Wayne Watson wrote:

 Is there a Linux diff-like command for Python code? I'd like to see the 
 difference between two py files.

You could just use diff.

Python itself also has difflib:

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Video file metadata? (MP4/WMV)

2008-03-05 Thread Terry Carroll
On Tue, 4 Mar 2008, Allen Fowler wrote:

 I can't seem to find a simple description of the MP4 sepc... it might be
 because there is not one. :)

Does this help?

I think, though, that using Python to drive an already-written utility 
that understands the file format (like ffmpeg, as siggested by Ian) will 
probably be your best bet.

I was going to suggest looking into Pymedia, , but 
don't see anything suggesting MP4 support on

I don't know if it's being developed any longer either.  Its last release 
was in 2005.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Python oddity

2008-02-27 Thread Terry Carroll
On Wed, 27 Feb 2008, Keith Suda-Cederquist wrote:

 I'm using iPython and I've run into an occasional problem that I don't
 understand.  Here is what I'm seeing:
 print aa
 print bb
  # okay, everything allright at this point
 bb[5]=0  #change bb
 print aa
 [0,1,2,3,4,0,6,7,8,9]  #aa has changed!!!
 print bb
 So the problem is that when I change bb, aa also changes even though I
 don't want it to.  Is this supposed to happen?  If it is can someone
 explain to me why this is a good thing?  and finally, can someone give
 me some advice on how to avoid or work-around this problem.

In addition to Luke's comments, let me try it from a slightly different 


The id() function provides the unique ID number of an object.  Note that 
aa and bb have the same ID; they are just two names for the same object.  
Once you realize that, it will be more clear that a change to aa is also a 
change to bb.

In fact, here's something that really drives home they're the same object:

 aa is bb

Instead of using the assignment statement, which just puts a new label on
an object, you can subject your list to an operation that produces another
list that is identical to the list it operates on.

One example:


list() takes something as input and produces list from it. if you hand a 
list to list() you get a new list (i.e., a new object) that is identical 
to the list that was input.

 id(cc)   # note: new object id
 aa==cc   # note: aa is equal to cc
 aa is cc # but they're not the same object

Another approach is to take a list slice that just happens to slice out 
the entire list:

 id(dd)   # note: new object id
 aa==dd   # note: aa is equal to dd
 aa is dd # but they're not the same object

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] library to create venn diagrams?

2008-02-25 Thread Terry Carroll
On Tue, 26 Feb 2008, John Fouhy wrote:

 On 25/02/2008, Danny Navarro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi all,
   Does anyone know a Python library to generate Venn diagrams with more
   than 3 datasets? The area of the datasets and the intersections should
   be proportional to the quantity of data.
 I don't ...

I don't either, but...
 ... also, how would you draw in two dimensions a Venn diagram of four
 mutually-intersecting sets? I can't see how it is possible in

Although with most Venn diagrams, the enclosing shapes are generally 
circles, they don't need to be the same shapes, and you can have Venn 
diagrams with more than three sets.  Some examples here:

Also, a Venn diagram technically is a subset of the more general Euler
diagram.  The Venn diagram illustrates regions for all possible
combinations of intersections, e.g., for three sets ABC, A-only, B-only,
C-only, A+B only, A+C only, B+C only and A+B+C.  A Euler diagram can be
used where, for example, A intersects B but not C. More info at

I note the External Links section on the Venn diagram lists links to 
several tools to create Venn diagrams.  I don't know if any of  them are 
python, but if the OP is not limited to python-only solutions, they may 

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Change dictionary value depending on a conditional statement.

2008-02-13 Thread Terry Carroll
I don't think I saw anyone point this out yet, but, using list as a
variable name is a bad idea, because it hides the list method.

 x = list(abcdefg)
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g']

This works.  You now have a variable named x that is a list.

 list = list(hijklmnop)
['h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p']

This works, sort of.  You now have a variable named list that is a list. 
But since you reused the name list, it can no longer point to the list 

 y = list(qrstuv)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
TypeError: 'list' object is not callable

And so this fails.

On Tue, 12 Feb 2008, Norman Khine wrote:

 Thank you all, very nice.
 Steve Willoughby wrote:
  Kent Johnson wrote:
 list.append({'id': 'name', 'link': ('YY','XX')[total  0]})
  I'd caution against that, though.  It's clever and cute, sure, but the 
  meaning of it is obfuscated enough to be unpythonic because [total  0] 
  as a subscript doesn't mean anything unless you know you're taking 
  advantage of an implementation detail that booleans are 0 for false and 
  1 for true.  No matter how reliable that fact may be, I don't think that 
  value should be stuck into a numeric context like that.
  Or, in Python 2.5,
 list.append({'id': 'name', 'link': ('XX' if total  0 else 'YY')})
  This is much more clear, and would IMHO be fine.
  Tutor maillist  -
 Tutor maillist  -

Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] What web framework?

2008-01-28 Thread Terry Carroll
I'm writing a pretty small database program.  It tracks CDROMs with
archives of, say, MP3 files; although I'm writing it with an eye to to
generalize to, for example, support a collection of image files, or actual 
audio CDs, as well; or just about any types of files that might lend 
themselves to being stored on CDROM in a consistently organized manner.

I've decided to split out the program(s) to add and delete data from the
querying.  Data will be added by reading a CDROM and processing all the
files; all the data going into the database is derived from the files
themselves, so there's no data entry.  Similarly, data will only be
deleted by deleting all rows that relate back to a particular volume; I'll 
probably do that with a separate program that does just that function.  
Neither of these is really worthy of a flashy GUI interface.

But querying's different.  I'd initially planed on making this a wxPython 
application, but I think it might be simpler to have it as a web app, even 
though I'll be the only user, and the db will be resident on the same 
program I'm querying from.

This calls for using a web framework, and I'm casting about for advice on 
which one to use.  This probably isn't the best-formed question, because I 
don't know what factors should influence a choice of framework.  Some 
factors that come to mind are:

- this application will be query-only; no updating, adding or deleting.
- the database is SQLite.
- security and authentication are not important; there's no private data 
  here, I'm the only user, and I'm firewalled. If a particular framework
  has security features, I'll use them, but I don't see them as important.
  (Famous last words.)

I'd like something that doesn't take forever to get up to speed on, but
that isn't short on features.  Although this is the only framework project
I see in the immediate future, I can imagine I might want to do another
project sometime in the future.  I really want to be framework-monogamous
here: I don't program for a living, and getting up to speed on a framework
seems like work to me.

It looks like the leading candidates here are Turbogears and Django.  
Turbogears looks kind of nice to me, but it looks like it's going through
some big changes right now.  Apparently, on the database side, SQLObject
is being replaced with SQLAlchemy, and on the templating side, Kid is
being replaced with Genshi.  I worry that a lot of the time put into 
learning TG in its present form will ultimately be time wasted.

Any thoughts on these two frameworks, or another that I might be 
overlooking?  Oh, since I don't know enough about frameworks to even know 
what factors are worth considering: what factors would I be considering?

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Projects

2008-01-23 Thread Terry Carroll
On Wed, 23 Jan 2008, Jason Massey wrote:

 An example routine to translate a number into [its] english equivalent 
 was given (again, this is Java):
   static String convertDigitToEnglish(int d)  {
   switch ( d )
  case 1: return one;
  case 2: return two;
  case 3: return three;
  case 4: return four;
  case 5: return five;
  case 6: return six;
  case 7: return seven;
  case 8: return eight;
  case 9: return nine;
  default: return \nFatal Error!\n; // should I abort pgm?
   } // end of switch
   } // end of convertDigitToEnglish
 In Python I'd just use a dictionary.

I'm no Java expert, but isn't Java's Map more or less equivalent to 
Python's dictionary?

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] data structure question

2008-01-18 Thread Terry Carroll
On Fri, 18 Jan 2008, Alexander wrote:

 I'm trying to write a small todo list/task manager...

Hi, Alexander.  Not to derail your actual question, but have you looked at 
Task Coach? It's a small todo list/task manager, written in Python using 

It does much, perhaps all, of what you're looking for, and it's open 
source.  You might be able to take it and either use it as-is, or modify 
it to meet your needs.  (And donate back the changes, if you feel 

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] 2 problems in a small script

2007-10-12 Thread Terry Carroll
On Fri, 12 Oct 2007, Kent Johnson wrote:

 Dick Moores wrote:

  I'm just not comfortable with list comprehensions yet,
 Hmm, too bad. I use list comps and generator expressions constantly.

It took me a while to get list comprehensions.  It's one of those things 
that suddenly snaps into place and you're suddenly comfortable with.

What took me the longest time is to realize that it's really a way of 
generating one list from another list.  Once I got that, I started 
naturally turning to list comprehensions whenever I found myself 
generating one list from another.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] os.rename anomaly in Python 2.3 on Windows XP

2007-10-10 Thread Terry Carroll
On Tue, 9 Oct 2007, Tony Cappellini wrote:

 Unfortunately,os.listdir() returns the same string as glob.glob, for
 the problem file I mentioned.

Tony --

Try specifying the argument to os.listdir as a unicode string.  I've found
that cures many ailments like this.

e.g., instead of something like:

filelist = os.listdir('.')


filelist = os.listdir(u'.')

I don't think glob supports this.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] random number generator

2007-10-04 Thread Terry Carroll
On Thu, 4 Oct 2007, Jim Hutchinson wrote:

  Any idea what I'm doing wrong? 

 while (guess != number):

This is your problem.  Like all^h^h^h most numbers in computing, floating
point numbers are stored in binary.  They only approximate the decimal
values they print out as.

Two numbers can print as the same value but actually have different 

If you want to see if the numbers are identical to 10 decimal places, use 
this instead:

while (abs(guess-number)  0.01):

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] random number generator

2007-10-04 Thread Terry Carroll
On Thu, 4 Oct 2007, Jerry VanBrimmer wrote:

 I'm no Python wizard, I'm still learning myself. But I think you need
 another if statement to check if guess is equal to number.
 if guess == number:
 print Congratulations!

No, he's got the equivalent function in his while statement:

while (guess != number):

The idea is to stay in the loop as long as they're UNequal, and then drop 
out to the Congratulations part.

But comparing floats as equal or not equal is never a very robust idea.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Need help speeding up algorithm.

2007-10-02 Thread Terry Carroll
Ian, thanks for cleaning this up and submitting it.  I was curious what 
its performance would be.

On Wed, 26 Sep 2007, Ian Witham wrote:

 while count  0:
 fivecount += count
 count /= 5

This is a great improvement, and I'm embarrased that I didn't think of it 

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] detecing palindromic strings

2007-09-28 Thread Terry Carroll
On Fri, 28 Sep 2007, Christopher Spears wrote:

 I'm trying to write a script that detects if a string
 is palindromic (same backward as it is forward).  This
 is what I have so far:

 my_str = raw_input(Enter a string: )
 string_list = []

Here you are creating a list and assiging the name string_list to it.

 for s in my_str:

Now you've manipulated this list

 string_list_orig = string_list

Here is the problem: you're thinking you're creating another list, named 
string_list_orig, which is a copy of string_list.  you're not.  What 
you're actually doing is assigning another name, string_list_orig, to the 
existing list that was created above.


Now you're reversing that single list.

 print string_list_orig
 print string_list

Now you're printing that list twice, once using each name.

 The problem is that the script gives results like so:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ./chap6 117 python
 Enter a string: abc
 ['c', 'b', 'a']
 ['c', 'b', 'a']

Using your approach, the easiest quick fix is to replace the line:

 string_list_orig = string_list


 string_list_orig = string_list[:]

This creates a new list by slicing from string_list, and assigns it a 
name string_list_orig.  Then you're dealing with two different lists, 
and reversing one does not affect the other.

The notation string_list[:] produces a slice of a list.  You usually see 
it with numbers in there, a la:

 L = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J']
['C', 'D', 'E']

This slices from position 2 up to (but not including) position 5. ('A' is 
at position 0).

The default for where to start is 0, so L[:5] is the same as L[0:5] :

['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']

The default for where to end is the end of the list, so L[2:] is the same 
as L starting at 2 and going to the end of the list:

['C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J']

Putting those two defaults together, leaving both the start and end out 
means to start at the first element and go all the way to the end:

['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J']

So that's what the funky [:] notation gets you.

 How do I get around this?  Is there a better way to
 write this script?  I can't figure out how to loop
 through a string starting from the last character.

You can slice strings the same way you can slice lists.  And what's more, 
you can specify a third parameter on the slice that specifies the stepping 
of the slicing; the default is 1, but, for example, using 2 will select 
every other element:


And, here's the thing: if you use a negative number for ttep, it works 
from the right side of the string, rather than the left.  So, if you use a 
step of -1 you get:


And that's the easiest way to reverse a string, rather than converting it 
to a list and reversing the list.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] largest and smallest numbers

2007-09-25 Thread Terry Carroll
On Tue, 25 Sep 2007, John Fouhy wrote:

 You've got upper and lower bounds - maybe you could do a binary search
 to find the max exactly? It should only take the same number of steps

I thought of that; and then I thought I'd rather go home and have dinner.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Need help speeding up algorithm.

2007-09-25 Thread Terry Carroll
On Tue, 25 Sep 2007, Ian Witham wrote:

 As I was using a list comprehension I wasn't sure how to make the
 calculations stop when the result of integer division == 0.

I don't see how to do that, either.  Someone on this list (sorry, I forget 
who) once suggested that the list comprehension should support a while 
predicate, similar to the if filter.  Such a predicate would not just 
filter the generated list, but actually stop its computation.

I think that would be a great idea, and this is a good use case why.  
Absent that capability, your only alternatives that I see are either 1) 
use the if-filter to filter out the list entries beyond those needed; or 
2) force the programmer to work backwards to figure out when that 
while-condition would be hit, and bake that into something like a range 
(as you did).

The downside of #1 is the computational expense: you generate a lot of
potential list enties, just to throw them away.  The downside of #2 is
that it's programmer-intensive, wasting programmer time, and prone ro
errors, as you discovered.

Now that you've solved your code, here's the function I came up with.  As 
I said, it resists implimentation as a list comprehension:

def numfaczeroes(n):

return the count of trailing zeroes from n!
e.g., 10! = 3628800; count of trailing zeros = 2

exponent = 1
fivecount = 0
while (n//(5**exponent))  0:
fivecount += n//(5**exponent)
exponent += 1
return fivecount

But what I like about is is that the only math is integer division and 
addition (and all the addition is simple incrementation).  No use of 
logarithms, not even any multiplication (which is just perverse, when you 
think about the fact that it's analyzing factorials, which are pure 

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Need help speeding up algorithm.

2007-09-25 Thread Terry Carroll
On Wed, 26 Sep 2007, Ian Witham wrote:

 My solution still took over 5 seconds on the Sphere Judge machine.

How much data are they throwing at you?  For the sample data they provide 
on the website, your first slow solution finished on my machine almost 

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] quick question

2007-09-24 Thread Terry Carroll
On Mon, 24 Sep 2007, max baseman wrote:

 for example how hard would it be to write a program that take's a  
 input of a in out table and finds the rule
   in  out
   10  23
   5   13
   1   5
   0   3
 the rule is in*2+3

This is called linear regression.  A search for Python Linear Regression
should help you out.  Some sample code is at

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] largest and smallest numbers

2007-09-24 Thread Terry Carroll
On Mon, 24 Sep 2007, Christopher Spears wrote:

 How can I find the largest float and complex numbers?

That's an interesting question..

I just tried this:

x = 2.0
while True:
x = x*2
print x
if repr(x) == 1.#INF: break

to just keep doubling X until Python began representing it as infinity.  
My output:

 . . .
 . . .

So I'd say, the answer is somewhere between 8.98846567431e+307 and double 

On complex numbers, I'm not so sure.  My math is rusty. Is there a concept
of greater than or largest in complex numbers on different axis?  
Which is larger, 4+2i or 2+4i?

 complex(4,2)  complex(2,4)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
TypeError: no ordering relation is defined for complex numbers

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Need help speeding up algorithm.

2007-09-24 Thread Terry Carroll
On Tue, 25 Sep 2007, Ian Witham wrote:

 I am attempting to do this project for
 the Sphere Online Judge.

(Summary of the problem: for a given integer N, determine the number of 
trailing zeroes in N!  For example, for N=10, N! = 3628800, so the number 
of trailing zeroes is 2.)

 for d in testnums:
 maxer = int(d ** .2) + 1
 g = sum(d / (5 ** x) for x in xrange(1, maxer))
 sys.stdout.write('%d\n' % g)
 Any ideas on how to speed this up?

I think you're on the right track, but it can actually be much less 
computationally intensive.

The track I think you're on is that each trailing zero means that the 
factorial, if factored out, had both a 2 and 5 among its factors (because 
2x5 is 10, and the only way of getting 10).  Furthermore, because there 
are so many 2s, it's really about counting the number of times 5 is 
multiplied in.

For example, in 10!, you have two occurances of 5: at 5 itself, and at 10 
(2x5).  For 30!, you'd have fives at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30, which at 
first glance is 6; but since the 25 is actually 5x5, it counts for two, 
for a total of 7.  And, sure enough 20! is 
26525285981219105863630848000, with 7 trailing zeoes.

So, an approach might be:

1. Integer-divide N by 5.  That gives the number of times it's divisible 
by 5.
2. Integer-divide N by 5*5, i.e., 25; That gives the number of times it's 
also divisible by 25.
3. Integer-divide N by 5*5*5, i.e, 125.  That gives the number of times 
it's also divided by 125
4. through whatever: keep doing this.  You can stop when the result of the 
integer division is zero.

If you add up all the counts you got in the previous steps, you now have a 
number that tells you, if you were to have actually calculated N!, and 
then factored it, the number of times 5 would have been a factor.  And 
since for each one of these there's at least one 2, you happen to also 
have the count of how many times N! was multipled by 2*5, or 10, which is 
also the number of trailing zeroes.

I just tried this approach out, using the values given at that web page, 
and it works both quickly and accurately:

if __name__ == __main__:
sampleinput = [3, 60, 100, 1024, 23456, 8735373]
sampleoutput = [0, 14, 24, 253, 5861, 2183837]
actualoutput = []
for n in sampleinput:
assert actualoutput == sampleoutput
print actualoutput

[0, 14, 24, 253, 5861, 2183837]

I'll leave the coding of the numfaczeroes function as an exercise.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Finding even and odd numbers

2007-09-19 Thread Terry Carroll
On Wed, 19 Sep 2007, Boykie Mackay wrote:

 if not n1:
 return false
 The above should return false for all even numbers,numbers being
 represented by n.I have tried to wrap my head around the 'not n1' but
 I'm failing to understand what's going on.Could someone please explain
 the statement.

Others have explained why this works, but let me rail against this code 
for a moment.  IMHO, a bitwise operation is appropriate only when the 
field being operated on is a set of bits with bitwise information; for 
example, if the right-most bit was a flag bit of some sort, N1 is a 
perfectly appropriate operation.

But evenness/oddness is a property of numbers, and the code would be much 
easier to understand if the parameter was treated as a number, rather than 
as a field of bits, i.e.:

 def isodd(n):
...  return bool(n%2)

Mind you, I'll bet that the bit-checking method is slightly faster than
the modulus operation in my little piece of code above.  I'll also bet
that, if you added up the amount of time that was saved by using the
bitwise approach over the modulus approach, over all executions of the
program everywhere, it probably would be a smaller amount of time than it
would take for a programmmer maintaining the program to find out what that
line of code is supposed to do.


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] referencing vars()

2007-09-16 Thread Terry Carroll
On Sat, 15 Sep 2007, John wrote:

 I'm trying to do the above, but of course get an error because vardict is
 only referencing vars(), thus changes size... also, I tried
 vardict=[vars()], but this fails as well??

How about 

 import copy

That way, you've made a copy of vars, and any changes that happen in the 
meantime don't matter.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] evaluating AND

2007-09-14 Thread Terry Carroll
On Fri, 14 Sep 2007, Rikard Bosnjakovic wrote:

 For me, if x would be enough. If you think it's a bad thing when x
 is of the wrong data, then you really should check that it contains
 *correct* data as well.

That's an okay approach, but, but it's also non-Pythoninc; more of the 
look-before-you-leap approach rather than ask-forgiveness-not-permission.

 Using the the two function of yours, setting x to an integer:
  x = 2
  print test01(x)
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in ?
   File /usr/tmp/python-3716vZq, line 3, in test01
 TypeError: unsubscriptable object
  print test02(x)
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in ?
   File /usr/tmp/python-3716vZq, line 8, in test02
 TypeError: unsubscriptable object

which is exactly what I would want it to do: raise an exception on bad 

 Rewriting your test01-function into this:
 def test01(x):
  if (type(x) == type((0,)) and
  (x is not None) and
  (length(x) == 2)):
   if x[0]0:
return x[1]/x[0]
 and testing again:
  x = 2
  print test01(x)

This silently produces an incorrect result, which is a Bad Thing; and it 
took a lot more code to do it, too.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Just bought Python in a Nutshell

2007-09-14 Thread Terry Carroll
On Thu, 13 Sep 2007, Lamonte Harris wrote:  Used, has anyone read this
 book.  Any additional information that you like,dislike about this book?

I love it, and use it more than any other Python book.

Much as I hate to be the bearer of bad news here, though, the URL you give
above is for the first edition, published four years ago.  Alex put out a
second edition just last year.  The edition you bought covers through
Python 2.2 or 2.3.  The current edition covers through 2.5.

That being said... it's still very useful, and while I've thought about
buying a second edition, I still find the first edition to be extremely
useful.  I'd suggest reviewing the Python release notes for 2.4 and 2.5 to
see what's changed since then.

I've bought a *lot* of slightly-out-of-date computer books used and cheap, 
and you can still learn an awful lot from them.

 [I like having real books and stead of ebooks because its better on the

I'm with you.  I like to do my reading laying on my bed before going to 
sleep; and even when using a book as a reference while coding, I like to 
look from my editor and leaf back and forth in the book; much more 
effective, to me, than screen swapping.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] remove blank list items

2007-09-14 Thread Terry Carroll
On Fri, 14 Sep 2007, Michael Langford wrote:

   What you want is a set, not a list. Lucky for you, a python dict uses a
 set for its keys, so cheat and use that.

Is that true?

 d={1:a, 2:b}
type 'list'

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] evaluating AND

2007-09-13 Thread Terry Carroll
On Thu, 13 Sep 2007, Orest Kozyar wrote:

 Given a variable x that can either be None or a tuple of two floats [i.e.
 (0.32, 4.2)], which syntax is considered most appropriate under Python
 coding standards?
 if x and x[0]  0:
 if x:
   if x[0]  0:

I would like either one if instead of if x you used if x is not None; 
that seems a lot easier to me to read.  It's a bit jarring to see the same 
variable used in one expression as both a boolean and a list/tuple.

Besides, suppose somehow x got set to zero.  It would pass without error, 
something you wouldn't want to have happen.  Even if you've set things up 
so that it couldn't happen, it's not obvious from looking at this code 
that it couldn't happen.

If you really want to test for x being non-None, test for x being 

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] evaluating AND

2007-09-13 Thread Terry Carroll
On Thu, 13 Sep 2007, Adam Bark wrote:

 The problem is what if it's an empty list or tuple? It would pass but have
 not value
 whereas if x would work fine.

Exactly.  The poster stated that x is supposed to be either None or a 
tuple of two floats.

Just to put a bit of meat on the example, let's create a function whose 
job is to return x[1]/x[0], but only if x[0]  0.  Otherwise, it just 
falls off, i.e., returning None.

Here are two versions, one using if x is None; the other using just 
if x

 def test01(x):
...  if x is not None:
...   if x[0]0:
...return x[1]/x[0]
 def test02(x):
...  if x:
...   if x[0]0:
...return x[1]/x[0]

When x is None, both work:

 x = None
 print test01(x)
 print test02(x)

When x is, in fact, a tuple of two floats, both work:

 x = (2.0, 5.0)
 print test01(x)
 print test02(x)

Now... if x is an empty tuple:

 x = tuple()
 print test01(x)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
  File stdin, line 3, in test01
IndexError: tuple index out of range
 print test02(x)

The first one, which checks if x is None fails.  This is a good thing.  

The second one, which just checks if x and is satisfied with any false
value, including an empty tuple, does not raise the error condition, even
though the data is bad.  This is a bad thing.

Tutor maillist  -

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