Re: [twsocket] Fw: ICS SSL Questions

2008-09-28 Thread jlist

Thanks Arno, for the example. I'll give it a try.

 Private Key and certificate may exist in the same file.
 It's not a method in TX509Base, however you can derive your
 own class and add this functionality. Something like below 
 should do the trick:

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[twsocket] ICS SSL Questions

2008-09-27 Thread jlist
Although I was a contributor ICS SSL, I haven't really got to play
with it. I gave it a try last night with V6 and had a few questions.

1. I see two sets of .bdsproj files in Vc32 folder, one with Ssl
in the file names and have USE_SSL;USE_ZLIB_OBJ defined, one without.
Should I install both to use wsocket with and with SSL at the same
time? I installed the copy with SSL and it looks like I'm getting
both the SSL and non-SSL components so I suppose the SSL version
is a super set?

2. I first installed OpenSSL 0.9.8.h on my Windows XP machine but
none of the tools ran. (Windows can not execute ... error) then I
installed 0.9.8.e and thing worked fine. Is this a know issue?

3. After I generated the cert files, HttpsTst demo worked fine. My
question here is, is there an easy way to use an embedded cert and key
string, as opposed to external files? I notice that the SslContext
class takes file names.


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Re: [twsocket] ICS SSL Questions

2008-09-27 Thread jlist
Hello Arno,

Thanks for the reply.

 3. After I generated the cert files, HttpsTst demo worked fine. My
 question here is, is there an easy way to use an embedded cert and key
 string, as opposed to external files? I notice that the SslContext
 class takes file names.

 No way, however both are required only if the server requests a client
 certificate which is mostly not the case.

Do you mean it's not a good idea, or it's not technically possible?
Because to me the file content is just a string. Can I set a
string property in SslContext instead of a file name?


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Re: [twsocket] Fw: ICS SSL Questions

2008-09-27 Thread jlist
Hello Arno,

 Usually you do not need a certificate to connect to a SSL server.
 Your client might however communicate with multiple servers requesting
 a client certificate. If that is case leave both properties unassigned
 and handle event OnSslCliCertRequest instead, this is demonstrated in
 the HttpsTst demo.

Good to know!

 Because to me the file content is just a string. Can I set a
 string property in SslContext instead of a file name?

 Uhh, sorry, I probably missed the point. What do you want to achieve?

What I want to do is to avoid providing the two .pem files as
separate files. Instead, I'd like to read the content of the two
files and hard-code them in a string variable, or in resource.
In this case, I'd like to have a method in TX509Base called
LoadFromString() or LoadFromStream() instead of LoadFromPemFile()
so that I can load the value from a string or a memory stream.


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Re: [twsocket] Poor man's SSL/TLS?

2008-09-11 Thread jlist
Yes. It would make most sense to use OpenSSL for most applications.
I thought about the other direction only because in one of my
applications there is a download size restraint and the OpenSSL
libraries are fairly large.

Given the sizes of the DLLs, I can imagine there is a huge amount
of code in OpenSSL. But I suppose a good portion of the code is
some legacy code that is not used most of the time. Then I don't
know it enough to tell how big that portion is.

Thanks for the replies.


Thursday, September 11, 2008, 8:36:25 AM, you wrote:

 I would add to Arno words that one has to look at the size of OpenSSL source
 code. It is huge !
 I don't see any reason to rewrite it given it is open source and recognized
 as a high quality software.
 But maybe you see something I missed...

 The author of the freeware multi-tier middleware MidWare
 The author of the freeware Internet Component Suite (ICS)

 - Original Message - 
 From: Arno Garrels [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: ICS support mailing
 Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 11:52 AM
 Subject: Re: [twsocket] Poor man's SSL/TLS?

 that encourage people to use the OpenSSL library. I hope
 those who worked on ICS-SSL could shed some light...

 Beside the huge effort it would take to implement the SSL
 from scratch, do you realy believe that any home-grown
 solution, written by non-experts in cryptography could be
 more secure than an open source library that is standard in
 unix world, with contributers like IBM etc.?

 Arno Garrels [TeamICS]

 jlist wrote:
 I was reading TLS's wikipedia page the other day. I find
 that although it's a lot of work, it is probably not
 too bad to write the SSL handshake and encryption from
 scratch, say, with ICS. I must be seriously overlooking
 the details and complexities. I wonder what are the potential
 issues of taking this approach and what is the main reasons
 that encourage people to use the OpenSSL library. I hope
 those who worked on ICS-SSL could shed some light...

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[twsocket] Poor man's SSL/TLS?

2008-09-10 Thread jlist
I was reading TLS's wikipedia page the other day. I find
that although it's a lot of work, it is probably not
too bad to write the SSL handshake and encryption from
scratch, say, with ICS. I must be seriously overlooking
the details and complexities. I wonder what are the potential
issues of taking this approach and what is the main reasons
that encourage people to use the OpenSSL library. I hope
those who worked on ICS-SSL could shed some light...


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Re: [twsocket] SessionClosed and close/shutdown

2008-08-16 Thread JLIST
Hello Francois and Arno for the replies.

I read online that on Unix, close() reduce a ref count for
a socket. The last close() will call shutdown() automatically.
I'm not sure if the same is true on Windows but I would think
so because it makes sense and the whole TCP/IP thing starts on
Unix platforms.

Anyway to answer my original question, I made a test and found
out that calling shutdown(0) locally will not trigger a SessionClosed
on remote side. Calling shutdown(1) and shutdown(2) will.

Sunday, August 10, 2008, 10:44:15 PM, you wrote:

 Yes, Shutdown at one side will cause session close at the other side.
 Actaully, Shutdown is the way to gracefully close a connection. Shutdown
 send to the other part a close request. The other part respond with a close.
 The the initiating part call close. This is really the proper way to
 negociate session end.

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[twsocket] SessionClosed and close/shutdown

2008-08-10 Thread JLIST
Hello all,

ICS TWSocket only has a SessionClosed event for close of
connection. I suppose a socket.close() from the remote side
(or local) will trigger this event. I wonder if shutdown(0/1/2)
will also trigger the event? For example, a browser using
HTTP/1.0 often sends a request then does a shutdown(1).
Will in this case the ICS server component get a SessionClosed
event? What if it's a shutdown(0) or shutdown(2)?

Best regards,

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Re: [twsocket] ICS won't work anymore...

2008-02-27 Thread JLIST
It looks like HttpTst User-Agent header is triggering
the firewall on the web server. Use another User-Agent string,
it will go through.

 I got a strange problem, I am downloading (XML) news from
 different website, and it all was working for a long time. But now
 it won't download anymore from reouters
 First I thought it was a bug in my program, but then I test the
 ICS own example program HttpTst (BCB6) and same problem there. It
 starting the download, but never get any data, only the head, then
 the timeout break the connection. It works fine in firefox or
 explorer, even a program call XMLSpy download it all. Anyone has an
 idea, I don't want to replace ICS with another tools, so I was
 hopping there is a solution. 

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Re: [twsocket] UDP Hole Punching

2008-02-23 Thread JLIST
My understanding is that it works on certain types of NAT firewalls.
On these NATs, an external port is mapped to an internal IP:Port.
If this is the case, all packets going to that external port will
go to the internet IP:Port.

Making it work is not that simple though, with the difficult part
being coordinating two parties that do not talk to each other.
I'm not sure what's being used in real life solutions but it sounds
to me that both A and B have to have very frequent UDP communications
with S, or have a TCP connection with S in order to coordinate a hole
punching attempt.

 Isn't the translation state based on the remote peer IP address, too? Then
 the same translation created for A-S and B-S would not work when you try to
 connect directly A with B.

 - Original Message - 
 From: wayne forrest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: ICS support mailing
 Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2008 8:22 PM
 Subject: [twsocket] UDP Hole Punching

 Has any one made a UDP Hole puncher with ICS ?

 Let A and B be the two hosts, each in its own private network; N1 and N2
 the two NAT devices; S is a public server with a well-known globally
 reachable IP address.

1. A and B each begin a UDP conversation with S; the NAT devices N1
and N2 create UDP translation states and assign temporary external port
2. S relays these port numbers back to A and B
3. A and B contact each others' NAT devices directly on the translated
ports; the NAT devices use the previously created translation states
send the packets to A and B

 If I were to implement the above, is it really that simple?

 or is there much more to it than that ?

 Any help appreciated, or alternatives, maybe a plugin / generic solution
 that can be incorporated.

 Our current setup is Server on PC behind nat and then client on Cell

 We will have a lot of users not knowing how to do port forwarding.

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[twsocket] Some components not included in ICS v5

2008-01-25 Thread JLIST
It seems that some components are not included in ICS v5
project file. For example, DnsQuery. Was this intentional?


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[twsocket] UDP IP Spoofing Possible with ICS?

2008-01-07 Thread JLIST
Hello all,

Is it possible to UDP IP spoofing with twsocket component?
Not that I'm trying to create a security threat - it's used
in UDP firewall traversal, commonly used in VOIP apps.

I think I should be able to do it with raw socket but it
doesn't really work very reliably (and it doesn't work on some
OS at all) and it's more work to construct the whole IP packet.

It'll be great if it's a feature TWSocket provides for UDP

Best regards,

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Re: [twsocket] UDP IP Spoofing Possible with ICS?

2008-01-07 Thread JLIST
Hello Arno,

 Is it possible to UDP IP spoofing with twsocket component?

 The only possibility is to use raw sockets with any component
 built around winsock API.

 You may want to use WinPCap instead
 which allows sending raw packets as well.

I see. In that case I suppose I can still use ICS for receiving
the packets and use WinPCAP for sending.


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