Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

2012-02-16 Thread Tony Gravagno
> From: Ed Clark 
> Or you can have a listening program running on your 
> desktop, and the server can connect to it and tell it 
> to open desktop windows.

When people ask for a way to invoke PC applications from a
browser based on interaction with an MV app, that's exactly how I
do it.  There can be an issue accessing clients outside of a LAN,
so I either have a tray utility poll the server for things to do,
or I use a push mechanism that doesn't require a direct socket
from server to client.

All things are do-able.


U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

2012-02-16 Thread Ed Clark
I wondered about that too and googled around. Simple answer: Services can have 
access to a desktop, but it isn't the same as any user's desktop. Apparently 
there are some things that a process can do that require a desktop that nobody 
needs to see. SQL server uses this for task synchronization. So that's why that 
flag is still there.

On Feb 16, 2012, at 9:43 AM, Bob Rasmussen wrote:

> On Thu, 16 Feb 2012, Ed Clark wrote:
>> If the universe server is on windows XP (or windows 2000/nt or I think 
>> windows server 2003) you can use services.msc to allow the universe 
>> telnet server service access to the desktop (there's a checkbox in the 
>> log in tab). Of course that's only useful if you're a desktop user on 
>> the server (remote desktop counts as well). But beginning with windows 
>> vista, services are no longer allowed interaction with the user desktop 
>> at all
>> ...
> In Windows 7, in the Services applet, if you select a service, right-click 
> select Properties, and go to the Logon tab, there is a checkbox for "Allow 
> service to interact with desktop". I am curious whether checking this 
> makes any difference in the issues being described here.
> Regards,
> Bob Rasmussen,   President,   Rasmussen Software, Inc.
> personal e-mail:
> company e-mail:
>  voice: (US) 503-624-0360 (9:00-6:00 Pacific Time)
>fax: (US) 503-624-0760
> street address: Rasmussen Software, Inc.
> 10240 SW Nimbus, Suite L9
> Portland, OR  97223  USA
> ___
> U2-Users mailing list

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

2012-02-16 Thread George Gallen
It was a 32 bit NT server. Also my perl program hung as well. I compiled it 
with perl2exe, so I don't know if the perl module has the same issue.

It would connect, but it hung on the transfer, it was strange.

From: John Jenkins []
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2012 10:42 AM
To: U2 Users List
Cc: George Gallen
Subject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

If you are on 64-bit Windows or Windows 2008 there are some gotchas that can 
make FTP hang - in part as UniVerse is a 32-bit shell.

The Microsoft FTP client interacts directly with the keyboard buffer, and as a 
result can only be run reliably from a "console" type executable shell - a 
shell which has a "Windows keyboard device". Scripting is possible however 
using batch command files (3rd party FTP clients may not suffer from the same 

I recommend using the "-s" option  such as "ftp -s 

Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

2012-02-16 Thread Jeff Schasny
You can also use the -s option to have the FTP command read from a 
script file. Personally I found it easier to use cURL for Windows when 
doing any kind of file transfer from a Universe environment on Windows/DOS.

Robert Porter wrote:

If you're doing FTP, you probably want the "-n" option on the ftp (no prompt for login) 
and then use the "user" ftp command.
We'll build a script for the ftp session and then call it as  "ftp -n 
Inside of scriptname you'll have something along the line of:
open host
user name password
cd /remote_dir
lcd /local_destination_directory
put (or get) filename
Robert F. Porter, MCSE, CCNA, ZCE, OCP-Java

Lead Sr. Programmer / Analyst
Laboratory Information Services
Ochsner Health System
This transmission (including any attachments) may contain confidential information, privileged material (including material protected by the solicitor-client or other applicable privileges), or constitute non-public information. Any use of this information by anyone other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please immediately reply to the sender and delete this information from your system. Use, dissemination, distribution, or reproduction of this transmission by unintended recipients is not authorized and may be unlawful.


Wjhonson  2/15/2012 6:21 PM >>>

Thanks.  What I was saying was that *if* you DOS /c cmd
And that cmd requires input, a task will be created that never dies, evidently.
Or perhaps it was because the cmd I was trying to use was "ftp" perhaps that's 
the culprit that creates the undead task.
Once I killed all the jobs in the Windows Task Manager, the Universe jobs died 
on their own.
Before I did that, you could not kill those jobs even in UniAdmin.

-Original Message-
From: Robert Houben 
To: U2 Users List 
Sent: Wed, Feb 15, 2012 4:11 pm
Subject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

It depends...  You are in DOS mode (as opposed to window mode). If you launch 
nything that requires a graphical environment, it will launch that environment 
s LocalSystem or something equivalent and you'll have a problem (you can 
nd-task in task-manager - you've probably already figured that out).  In 
heory, you can execute just cmd.exe (with no /c option) and you will be able to 
rovide it input through the keyboard.  You just can't do anything that requires 
indow mode.

-Original Message-
rom: [] 
n Behalf Of Wjhonson

ent: February-15-12 3:57 PM
ubject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

h wow.
So any command that requires input will hang, I got that, because it's not 
ctually opening an interactive session with *your process* but rather with the 
erver (or thereabouts).
So I just connected to the server and checked Task Manager and there are a lot 
f processes with my name on them from failed attempts where some input was 
Which also tells me why files weren't closing and updating, and why I was 
etting errors that files were still in use and so on.

Original Message-----
rom: Ed Clark 
o: U2 Users List 
ent: Wed, Feb 15, 2012 3:35 pm
ubject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

eah, they left that out. If you look at the docs for the SH. CSH, and VI 
mmands, they suggest that you look at the unix documentation on those ommands, 
ut they don't mention it in the manual for DOS. Maybe they assumed ou would 
igure that out by looking at the VOC entry:

1 V
2 cmd.exe
3 U
7 /Q
he U on line 3 of the VOC means that running the verb will execute line 2 as an 
command and pass the rest of the command line to the os command. If you anted 
o you could create your own verbs like this, for example if you have ygwin 
nstalled you could run the cygwin shell instead of the cmd.exe shell.
is is more useful on unix than on windows, because the command needs to run in 
e console and not try to open desktop windows. If, for example, you try to run 
TEPAD.EXE like this, your terminal will hang because notepad is running 
mewhere in a virtual desktop that you can't get to.
f you try to use the SH verb on windows, or the DOS verb on unix, you get a 
ssage telling you the command doesn't work on your OS. The "E" on line 4 of he 
oc controls this. Verbs with an E run on windows but not on unix. (There's  
hapter on this in the system description manual).

n Feb 15, 2012, at 4:08 PM, Wjhonson wrote:

I mean they are not document in the Universe manuals for the DOS command 
ecutable at TCL.

You only get the /c
It doesn't even tell you where to go to get more information.
Like "There are other options, go to Dos and type cmd /?"

-Original Message-
From: Robert Houben 
To: U2 Users List 

Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

2012-02-16 Thread George Gallen
I believe I tried the -n and < inputfile method first, and that kept hanging as 
well, So I went with the PERL method; which didn't help either.

I logged into a PC using logmein over the internet, then from that PC I logged 
into UV (on an NT server) using Wintergate and then once logged
In, I did the DOS command to get to dos, and tried to use ftp from there.

The strange part was that the ftp process hung as well, the next day, they 
needed to reboot the UV NT server because Wintergate wouldn't
Let anyone log onto the server as well.

So, there a bunch of potential culprits hereNo one mentioned that it as 
asking for a deny/allow on the server either, so I really don't know.
My workaround by having the PC do the ftp and dropping it into a folder that 
the UV server had access to worked, so I never looked into it further.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Robert Porter
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2012 10:07 AM
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

Probably so from what you were describing...  I was speaking to the expecting 
input causing it not to close. The ftp client on the version of Windows and 
'nix'es I've used immediately prompt for username and password at the open 
command. The "-n" stops it from doing that, then you can use "user (name) 
(password)"  to login. I've also seen credentials in the hostname, but I'm not 
sure that every ftp client will use that. I've had good results with the "-n" 
and "user" command combination.

>>> George Gallen  2/16/2012 8:44 AM >>>
I suspect my issue was not this, more related to the server not letting my 
process access the internet.

I also tried to run a perl program that was "compiled" to open an ftp 
connection and download test data,
  And that process hung as well. Which is what made me think the server popped 
up a prompt to allow/deny
  The process from accessing the internet (and of course, no one is at the 
server during the night).

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

2012-02-16 Thread Robert Porter
Probably so from what you were describing...  I was speaking to the expecting 
input causing it not to close. The ftp client on the version of Windows and 
'nix'es I've used immediately prompt for username and password at the open 
command. The "-n" stops it from doing that, then you can use "user (name) 
(password)"  to login. I've also seen credentials in the hostname, but I'm not 
sure that every ftp client will use that. I've had good results with the "-n" 
and "user" command combination.

>>> George Gallen  2/16/2012 8:44 AM >>>
I suspect my issue was not this, more related to the server not letting my 
process access the internet.

I also tried to run a perl program that was "compiled" to open an ftp 
connection and download test data,
  And that process hung as well. Which is what made me think the server popped 
up a prompt to allow/deny
  The process from accessing the internet (and of course, no one is at the 
server during the night).

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Robert Porter
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2012 9:40 AM
Subject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

If you're doing FTP, you probably want the "-n" option on the ftp (no prompt 
for login) and then use the "user" ftp command.

We'll build a script for the ftp session and then call it as  "ftp -n 
>> Wjhonson  2/15/2012 6:21 PM >>>

Thanks.  What I was saying was that *if* you DOS /c cmd
And that cmd requires input, a task will be created that never dies, evidently.
Or perhaps it was because the cmd I was trying to use was "ftp" perhaps that's 
the culprit that creates the undead task.
Once I killed all the jobs in the Windows Task Manager, the Universe jobs died 
on their own.
Before I did that, you could not kill those jobs even in UniAdmin.

-Original Message-
From: Robert Houben 
To: U2 Users List 
Sent: Wed, Feb 15, 2012 4:11 pm
Subject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

It depends...  You are in DOS mode (as opposed to window mode). If you launch 
nything that requires a graphical environment, it will launch that environment 
s LocalSystem or something equivalent and you'll have a problem (you can 
nd-task in task-manager - you've probably already figured that out).  In 
heory, you can execute just cmd.exe (with no /c option) and you will be able to 
rovide it input through the keyboard.  You just can't do anything that requires 
indow mode.
-Original Message-----
n Behalf Of Wjhonson
ent: February-15-12 3:57 PM
ubject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

h wow.
So any command that requires input will hang, I got that, because it's not 
ctually opening an interactive session with *your process* but rather with the 
erver (or thereabouts).
So I just connected to the server and checked Task Manager and there are a lot 
f processes with my name on them from failed attempts where some input was 
Which also tells me why files weren't closing and updating, and why I was 
etting errors that files were still in use and so on.

Original Message-
rom: Ed Clark 
o: U2 Users List 
ent: Wed, Feb 15, 2012 3:35 pm
ubject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

eah, they left that out. If you look at the docs for the SH. CSH, and VI 
mmands, they suggest that you look at the unix documentation on those ommands, 
ut they don't mention it in the manual for DOS. Maybe they assumed ou would 
igure that out by looking at the VOC entry:
1 V
2 cmd.exe
3 U
7 /Q
he U on line 3 of the VOC means that running the verb will execute line 2 as an 
command and pass the rest of the command line to the os command. If you anted 
o you could create your own verbs like this, for example if you have ygwin 
nstalled you could run the cygwin shell instead of the cmd.exe shell.
is is more useful on unix than on windows, because the command needs to run in 
e console and not try to open desktop windows. If, for example, you try to run 
TEPAD.EXE like this, your terminal will hang because notepad is running 
mewhere in a virtual desktop that you can't get to.
f you try to use the SH verb on windows, or the DOS verb on unix, you get a 
ssage telling you the command doesn't work on your OS. The "E" on line 4 of he 
oc controls this. Verbs with an E run on windows but not on unix. (There's  
hapter on this in the system description manual).
n Feb 15, 2012, at 4:08 PM, Wjhonson wrote:

I mean they are not document in the Universe manuals for the DOS command 
ecutable at TCL.
You only get the /c
It doesn't even

Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

2012-02-16 Thread George Gallen
I suspect my issue was not this, more related to the server not letting my 
process access the internet.

I also tried to run a perl program that was "compiled" to open an ftp 
connection and download test data,
  And that process hung as well. Which is what made me think the server popped 
up a prompt to allow/deny
  The process from accessing the internet (and of course, no one is at the 
server during the night).

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Robert Porter
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2012 9:40 AM
Subject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

If you're doing FTP, you probably want the "-n" option on the ftp (no prompt 
for login) and then use the "user" ftp command.
We'll build a script for the ftp session and then call it as  "ftp -n 
>> Wjhonson  2/15/2012 6:21 PM >>>

Thanks.  What I was saying was that *if* you DOS /c cmd
And that cmd requires input, a task will be created that never dies, evidently.
Or perhaps it was because the cmd I was trying to use was "ftp" perhaps that's 
the culprit that creates the undead task.
Once I killed all the jobs in the Windows Task Manager, the Universe jobs died 
on their own.
Before I did that, you could not kill those jobs even in UniAdmin.

-Original Message-
From: Robert Houben 
To: U2 Users List 
Sent: Wed, Feb 15, 2012 4:11 pm
Subject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

It depends...  You are in DOS mode (as opposed to window mode). If you launch 
nything that requires a graphical environment, it will launch that environment 
s LocalSystem or something equivalent and you'll have a problem (you can 
nd-task in task-manager - you've probably already figured that out).  In 
heory, you can execute just cmd.exe (with no /c option) and you will be able to 
rovide it input through the keyboard.  You just can't do anything that requires 
indow mode.
-Original Message-
n Behalf Of Wjhonson
ent: February-15-12 3:57 PM
ubject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

h wow.
So any command that requires input will hang, I got that, because it's not 
ctually opening an interactive session with *your process* but rather with the 
erver (or thereabouts).
So I just connected to the server and checked Task Manager and there are a lot 
f processes with my name on them from failed attempts where some input was 
Which also tells me why files weren't closing and updating, and why I was 
etting errors that files were still in use and so on.

----Original Message-
rom: Ed Clark 
o: U2 Users List 
ent: Wed, Feb 15, 2012 3:35 pm
ubject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

eah, they left that out. If you look at the docs for the SH. CSH, and VI 
mmands, they suggest that you look at the unix documentation on those ommands, 
ut they don't mention it in the manual for DOS. Maybe they assumed ou would 
igure that out by looking at the VOC entry:
1 V
2 cmd.exe
3 U
7 /Q
he U on line 3 of the VOC means that running the verb will execute line 2 as an 
command and pass the rest of the command line to the os command. If you anted 
o you could create your own verbs like this, for example if you have ygwin 
nstalled you could run the cygwin shell instead of the cmd.exe shell.
is is more useful on unix than on windows, because the command needs to run in 
e console and not try to open desktop windows. If, for example, you try to run 
TEPAD.EXE like this, your terminal will hang because notepad is running 
mewhere in a virtual desktop that you can't get to.
f you try to use the SH verb on windows, or the DOS verb on unix, you get a 
ssage telling you the command doesn't work on your OS. The "E" on line 4 of he 
oc controls this. Verbs with an E run on windows but not on unix. (There's  
hapter on this in the system description manual).
n Feb 15, 2012, at 4:08 PM, Wjhonson wrote:

I mean they are not document in the Universe manuals for the DOS command 
ecutable at TCL.
You only get the /c
It doesn't even tell you where to go to get more information.
Like "There are other options, go to Dos and type cmd /?"

-Original Message-
From: Robert Houben 
To: U2 Users List 
Sent: Wed, Feb 15, 2012 1:00 pm
Subject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

They actually do document these. Go to a command prompt and type:
cmd /?
help cmd
(Both produce the same output)
-Original Message-
n Behalf Of Wjhonson
ent: February-15-12 11:00 AM
ubject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command
h... My

Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

2012-02-16 Thread Bob Rasmussen
On Thu, 16 Feb 2012, Ed Clark wrote:

> If the universe server is on windows XP (or windows 2000/nt or I think 
> windows server 2003) you can use services.msc to allow the universe 
> telnet server service access to the desktop (there's a checkbox in the 
> log in tab). Of course that's only useful if you're a desktop user on 
> the server (remote desktop counts as well). But beginning with windows 
> vista, services are no longer allowed interaction with the user desktop 
> at all
> ...

In Windows 7, in the Services applet, if you select a service, right-click 
select Properties, and go to the Logon tab, there is a checkbox for "Allow 
service to interact with desktop". I am curious whether checking this 
makes any difference in the issues being described here.

Bob Rasmussen,   President,   Rasmussen Software, Inc.

personal e-mail:
 company e-mail:
  voice: (US) 503-624-0360 (9:00-6:00 Pacific Time)
fax: (US) 503-624-0760
 street address: Rasmussen Software, Inc.
 10240 SW Nimbus, Suite L9
 Portland, OR  97223  USA
U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

2012-02-16 Thread Robert Porter
If you're doing FTP, you probably want the "-n" option on the ftp (no prompt 
for login) and then use the "user" ftp command.
We'll build a script for the ftp session and then call it as  "ftp -n 
>> Wjhonson  2/15/2012 6:21 PM >>>

Thanks.  What I was saying was that *if* you DOS /c cmd
And that cmd requires input, a task will be created that never dies, evidently.
Or perhaps it was because the cmd I was trying to use was "ftp" perhaps that's 
the culprit that creates the undead task.
Once I killed all the jobs in the Windows Task Manager, the Universe jobs died 
on their own.
Before I did that, you could not kill those jobs even in UniAdmin.

-Original Message-
From: Robert Houben 
To: U2 Users List 
Sent: Wed, Feb 15, 2012 4:11 pm
Subject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

It depends...  You are in DOS mode (as opposed to window mode). If you launch 
nything that requires a graphical environment, it will launch that environment 
s LocalSystem or something equivalent and you'll have a problem (you can 
nd-task in task-manager - you've probably already figured that out).  In 
heory, you can execute just cmd.exe (with no /c option) and you will be able to 
rovide it input through the keyboard.  You just can't do anything that requires 
indow mode.
-Original Message-
n Behalf Of Wjhonson
ent: February-15-12 3:57 PM
ubject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

h wow.
So any command that requires input will hang, I got that, because it's not 
ctually opening an interactive session with *your process* but rather with the 
erver (or thereabouts).
So I just connected to the server and checked Task Manager and there are a lot 
f processes with my name on them from failed attempts where some input was 
Which also tells me why files weren't closing and updating, and why I was 
etting errors that files were still in use and so on.

----Original Message-----
rom: Ed Clark 
o: U2 Users List 
ent: Wed, Feb 15, 2012 3:35 pm
ubject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

eah, they left that out. If you look at the docs for the SH. CSH, and VI 
mmands, they suggest that you look at the unix documentation on those ommands, 
ut they don't mention it in the manual for DOS. Maybe they assumed ou would 
igure that out by looking at the VOC entry:
1 V
2 cmd.exe
3 U
7 /Q
he U on line 3 of the VOC means that running the verb will execute line 2 as an 
command and pass the rest of the command line to the os command. If you anted 
o you could create your own verbs like this, for example if you have ygwin 
nstalled you could run the cygwin shell instead of the cmd.exe shell.
is is more useful on unix than on windows, because the command needs to run in 
e console and not try to open desktop windows. If, for example, you try to run 
TEPAD.EXE like this, your terminal will hang because notepad is running 
mewhere in a virtual desktop that you can't get to.
f you try to use the SH verb on windows, or the DOS verb on unix, you get a 
ssage telling you the command doesn't work on your OS. The "E" on line 4 of he 
oc controls this. Verbs with an E run on windows but not on unix. (There's  
hapter on this in the system description manual).
n Feb 15, 2012, at 4:08 PM, Wjhonson wrote:

I mean they are not document in the Universe manuals for the DOS command 
ecutable at TCL.
You only get the /c
It doesn't even tell you where to go to get more information.
Like "There are other options, go to Dos and type cmd /?"

-Original Message-
From: Robert Houben 
To: U2 Users List 
Sent: Wed, Feb 15, 2012 1:00 pm
Subject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

They actually do document these. Go to a command prompt and type:
cmd /?
help cmd
(Both produce the same output)
-Original Message-
n Behalf Of Wjhonson
ent: February-15-12 11:00 AM
ubject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command
h... My... God
try DOS /C DIR
hen try DOS /K DIR
how come they don't document this and we have to make guesses?
-Original Message-
rom: Bob Rasmussen 
o: U2 Users List 
ent: Wed, Feb 15, 2012 10:38 am
ubject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command
n educated guess would be that the DOS command invokes the command rocessor in long-ago Windows, cmd.exe now) and passes the \c" (or is it
/c"?) to it.
f in Windows you open a CMD prompt, and type  cmd /?
u can see what options it accepts. My output includes:
/C  Carries out the command specified by string and then terminates
urther down the help display, it gives more information.
n Wed, 15 Feb 2012, Wjhonson

Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

2012-02-16 Thread Ed Clark
If the universe server is on windows XP (or windows 2000/nt or I think windows 
server 2003) you can use services.msc to allow the universe telnet server 
service access to the desktop (there's a checkbox in the log in tab). Of course 
that's only useful if you're a desktop user on the server (remote desktop 
counts as well). But beginning with windows vista, services are no longer 
allowed interaction with the user desktop at all (under some circumstances 
windows will tell the desktop user that there's a program trying to talk to 
them, and acknowledging that will open a virtual desktop with the program in 
it, but otherwise the program does hang in limbo). I think that change bit a 
lot of people (and is still waiting to bite some people who are still using XP).

There are workarounds. For example, you can use Accuterm's scripting which 
allows the server to send a control string telling Accuterm to run a program on 
the user's desktop. Or you can have a listening program running on your 
desktop, and the server can connect to it and tell it to open desktop windows.

On Feb 15, 2012, at 7:21 PM, Wjhonson wrote:

> Thanks.  What I was saying was that *if* you DOS /c cmd
> And that cmd requires input, a task will be created that never dies, 
> evidently.
> Or perhaps it was because the cmd I was trying to use was "ftp" perhaps 
> that's the culprit that creates the undead task.
> Once I killed all the jobs in the Windows Task Manager, the Universe jobs 
> died on their own.
> Before I did that, you could not kill those jobs even in UniAdmin.
> -Original Message-----
> From: Robert Houben 
> To: U2 Users List 
> Sent: Wed, Feb 15, 2012 4:11 pm
> Subject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command
> It depends...  You are in DOS mode (as opposed to window mode). If you launch 
> nything that requires a graphical environment, it will launch that 
> environment 
> s LocalSystem or something equivalent and you'll have a problem (you can 
> nd-task in task-manager - you've probably already figured that out).  In 
> heory, you can execute just cmd.exe (with no /c option) and you will be able 
> to 
> rovide it input through the keyboard.  You just can't do anything that 
> requires 
> indow mode.
> -Original Message-
> rom: 
> [] 
> n Behalf Of Wjhonson
> ent: February-15-12 3:57 PM
> o:
> ubject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command
> h wow.
> rm
> So any command that requires input will hang, I got that, because it's not 
> ctually opening an interactive session with *your process* but rather with 
> the 
> erver (or thereabouts).
> So I just connected to the server and checked Task Manager and there are a 
> lot 
> f processes with my name on them from failed attempts where some input was 
> equested.
> Which also tells me why files weren't closing and updating, and why I was 
> etting errors that files were still in use and so on.
> Original Message-
> rom: Ed Clark 
> o: U2 Users List 
> ent: Wed, Feb 15, 2012 3:35 pm
> ubject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command
> eah, they left that out. If you look at the docs for the SH. CSH, and VI 
> mmands, they suggest that you look at the unix documentation on those 
> ommands, 
> ut they don't mention it in the manual for DOS. Maybe they assumed ou would 
> igure that out by looking at the VOC entry:
>   DOS
> 1 V
> 2 cmd.exe
> 3 U
> 7 /Q
> he U on line 3 of the VOC means that running the verb will execute line 2 as 
> an 
> command and pass the rest of the command line to the os command. If you anted 
> o you could create your own verbs like this, for example if you have ygwin 
> nstalled you could run the cygwin shell instead of the cmd.exe shell.
> is is more useful on unix than on windows, because the command needs to run 
> in 
> e console and not try to open desktop windows. If, for example, you try to 
> run 
> TEPAD.EXE like this, your terminal will hang because notepad is running 
> mewhere in a virtual desktop that you can't get to.
> f you try to use the SH verb on windows, or the DOS verb on unix, you get a 
> ssage telling you the command doesn't work on your OS. The "E" on line 4 of 
> he 
> oc controls this. Verbs with an E run on windows but not on unix. (There's  
> hapter on this in the system description manual).
> n Feb 15, 2012, at 4:08 PM, Wjhonson wrote:
> I mean they are not document in the Universe manuals for the DOS command 
> ecutable at TCL.
> You only get th

Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

2012-02-15 Thread George Gallen
I had that same problem with FTP, but I was remote into the server at the time. 
I figured the process hung, because
it triggered one of those "program xxx wants to access the internet" messages, 
and was waiting for an operator to
Allow or Deny it.

Drove me nuts, I gave up trying to run an ftp session on UV on NT, when I 
accessing it via wintergate from a PC.
Instead I had the PC do the ftp session, wrote/read the files from a common 
folder that the UV server had access to.

But now that you bring it up.maybe this was the culprit.

George Gallen
Senior Programmer/Analyst
Accounting/Data Division
ph:856.848.9005 Ext 220
The Wyanoke Group

[] On Behalf Of Wjhonson []
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 7:21 PM
Subject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

Thanks.  What I was saying was that *if* you DOS /c cmd
And that cmd requires input, a task will be created that never dies, evidently.
Or perhaps it was because the cmd I was trying to use was "ftp" perhaps that's 
the culprit that creates the undead task.
Once I killed all the jobs in the Windows Task Manager, the Universe jobs died 
on their own.
Before I did that, you could not kill those jobs even in UniAdmin.

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

2012-02-15 Thread Wjhonson

Thanks.  What I was saying was that *if* you DOS /c cmd
And that cmd requires input, a task will be created that never dies, evidently.
Or perhaps it was because the cmd I was trying to use was "ftp" perhaps that's 
the culprit that creates the undead task.
Once I killed all the jobs in the Windows Task Manager, the Universe jobs died 
on their own.
Before I did that, you could not kill those jobs even in UniAdmin.

-Original Message-
From: Robert Houben 
To: U2 Users List 
Sent: Wed, Feb 15, 2012 4:11 pm
Subject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

It depends...  You are in DOS mode (as opposed to window mode). If you launch 
nything that requires a graphical environment, it will launch that environment 
s LocalSystem or something equivalent and you'll have a problem (you can 
nd-task in task-manager - you've probably already figured that out).  In 
heory, you can execute just cmd.exe (with no /c option) and you will be able to 
rovide it input through the keyboard.  You just can't do anything that requires 
indow mode.
-Original Message-
n Behalf Of Wjhonson
ent: February-15-12 3:57 PM
ubject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

h wow.
So any command that requires input will hang, I got that, because it's not 
ctually opening an interactive session with *your process* but rather with the 
erver (or thereabouts).
So I just connected to the server and checked Task Manager and there are a lot 
f processes with my name on them from failed attempts where some input was 
Which also tells me why files weren't closing and updating, and why I was 
etting errors that files were still in use and so on.

Original Message-
rom: Ed Clark 
o: U2 Users List 
ent: Wed, Feb 15, 2012 3:35 pm
ubject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

eah, they left that out. If you look at the docs for the SH. CSH, and VI 
mmands, they suggest that you look at the unix documentation on those ommands, 
ut they don't mention it in the manual for DOS. Maybe they assumed ou would 
igure that out by looking at the VOC entry:
1 V
2 cmd.exe
3 U
7 /Q
he U on line 3 of the VOC means that running the verb will execute line 2 as an 
 command and pass the rest of the command line to the os command. If you anted 
o you could create your own verbs like this, for example if you have ygwin 
nstalled you could run the cygwin shell instead of the cmd.exe shell.
is is more useful on unix than on windows, because the command needs to run in 
e console and not try to open desktop windows. If, for example, you try to run 
TEPAD.EXE like this, your terminal will hang because notepad is running 
mewhere in a virtual desktop that you can't get to.
f you try to use the SH verb on windows, or the DOS verb on unix, you get a 
ssage telling you the command doesn't work on your OS. The "E" on line 4 of he 
oc controls this. Verbs with an E run on windows but not on unix. (There's  
hapter on this in the system description manual).
n Feb 15, 2012, at 4:08 PM, Wjhonson wrote:

I mean they are not document in the Universe manuals for the DOS command 
ecutable at TCL.
You only get the /c
It doesn't even tell you where to go to get more information.
Like "There are other options, go to Dos and type cmd /?"

-Original Message-
From: Robert Houben 
To: U2 Users List 
Sent: Wed, Feb 15, 2012 1:00 pm
Subject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

They actually do document these. Go to a command prompt and type:
cmd /?
help cmd
(Both produce the same output)
-Original Message-
 n Behalf Of Wjhonson
ent: February-15-12 11:00 AM
ubject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command
 h... My... God
try DOS /C DIR
hen try DOS /K DIR
how come they don't document this and we have to make guesses?
 -Original Message-
rom: Bob Rasmussen 
o: U2 Users List 
ent: Wed, Feb 15, 2012 10:38 am
ubject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command
 n educated guess would be that the DOS command invokes the command rocessor in long-ago Windows, cmd.exe now) and passes the \c" (or is it
/c"?) to it.
f in Windows you open a CMD prompt, and type  cmd /?
u can see what options it accepts. My output includes:
/C  Carries out the command specified by string and then terminates
urther down the help display, it gives more information.
n Wed, 15 Feb 2012, Wjhonson wrote:
 The DOS command in Universe takes a "/c" argument and then you can specify a t 
le like  DOS \c test.bat  What does \c mean?  Are there other arguments like \z 
r \x  that it can take?
U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

2012-02-15 Thread Robert Houben
It depends...  You are in DOS mode (as opposed to window mode). If you launch 
anything that requires a graphical environment, it will launch that environment 
as LocalSystem or something equivalent and you'll have a problem (you can 
end-task in task-manager - you've probably already figured that out).  In 
theory, you can execute just cmd.exe (with no /c option) and you will be able 
to provide it input through the keyboard.  You just can't do anything that 
requires window mode.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Wjhonson
Sent: February-15-12 3:57 PM
Subject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

Oh wow.

So any command that requires input will hang, I got that, because it's not 
actually opening an interactive session with *your process* but rather with the 
server (or thereabouts).

So I just connected to the server and checked Task Manager and there are a lot 
of processes with my name on them from failed attempts where some input was 

Which also tells me why files weren't closing and updating, and why I was 
getting errors that files were still in use and so on.

-Original Message-
From: Ed Clark 
To: U2 Users List 
Sent: Wed, Feb 15, 2012 3:35 pm
Subject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

yeah, they left that out. If you look at the docs for the SH. CSH, and VI 
ommands, they suggest that you look at the unix documentation on those ommands, 
but they don't mention it in the manual for DOS. Maybe they assumed ou would 
figure that out by looking at the VOC entry:
01 V
02 cmd.exe
03 U
07 /Q
The U on line 3 of the VOC means that running the verb will execute line 2 as 
an s command and pass the rest of the command line to the os command. If you 
anted to you could create your own verbs like this, for example if you have 
ygwin installed you could run the cygwin shell instead of the cmd.exe shell.
his is more useful on unix than on windows, because the command needs to run in 
he console and not try to open desktop windows. If, for example, you try to run 
OTEPAD.EXE like this, your terminal will hang because notepad is running 
omewhere in a virtual desktop that you can't get to.
If you try to use the SH verb on windows, or the DOS verb on unix, you get a 
essage telling you the command doesn't work on your OS. The "E" on line 4 of he 
voc controls this. Verbs with an E run on windows but not on unix. (There's  
chapter on this in the system description manual).
On Feb 15, 2012, at 4:08 PM, Wjhonson wrote:
 I mean they are not document in the Universe manuals for the DOS command 
xecutable at TCL.
 You only get the /c
 It doesn't even tell you where to go to get more information.
 Like "There are other options, go to Dos and type cmd /?"

 -Original Message-
 From: Robert Houben 
 To: U2 Users List 
 Sent: Wed, Feb 15, 2012 1:00 pm
 Subject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

 They actually do document these. Go to a command prompt and type:
 cmd /?
 help cmd
 (Both produce the same output)
 -Original Message-
> n Behalf Of Wjhonson
 ent: February-15-12 11:00 AM
 ubject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

 h... My... God
 try DOS /C DIR
 hen try DOS /K DIR
 how come they don't document this and we have to make guesses?

 -Original Message-
 rom: Bob Rasmussen 
 o: U2 Users List 
 ent: Wed, Feb 15, 2012 10:38 am
 ubject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

 n educated guess would be that the DOS command invokes the command rocessor in long-ago Windows, cmd.exe now) and passes the \c" (or is it
 /c"?) to it.
 f in Windows you open a CMD prompt, and type  cmd /?
 u can see what options it accepts. My output includes:
 /C  Carries out the command specified by string and then terminates
 urther down the help display, it gives more information.
 n Wed, 15 Feb 2012, Wjhonson wrote:

 The DOS command in Universe takes a "/c" argument and then you can specify a t 
 ile like  DOS \c test.bat  What does \c mean?  Are there other arguments like 
\z or \x  that it can take?
 U2-Users mailing list

 ..Bob Rasmussen,   President,   Rasmussen Software, Inc.
 ersonal e-mail:
 ompany e-mail:
voice: (US) 503-624-0360 (9:00-6:00 Pacific Time)
  fax: (US) 503-624-0760
 treet address: Rasmussen Software, Inc.
   10240 SW Nimbus, Suite L9
   Portland, OR  97223  USA 

Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

2012-02-15 Thread Wjhonson

Oh wow.

So any command that requires input will hang, I got that, because it's not 
actually opening an interactive session with *your process* but rather with the 
server (or thereabouts).

So I just connected to the server and checked Task Manager and there are a lot 
of processes with my name on them from failed attempts where some input was 

Which also tells me why files weren't closing and updating, and why I was 
getting errors that files were still in use and so on.

-Original Message-
From: Ed Clark 
To: U2 Users List 
Sent: Wed, Feb 15, 2012 3:35 pm
Subject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

yeah, they left that out. If you look at the docs for the SH. CSH, and VI 
ommands, they suggest that you look at the unix documentation on those 
ommands, but they don't mention it in the manual for DOS. Maybe they assumed 
ou would figure that out by looking at the VOC entry:
01 V
02 cmd.exe
03 U
07 /Q
The U on line 3 of the VOC means that running the verb will execute line 2 as 
s command and pass the rest of the command line to the os command. If you 
anted to you could create your own verbs like this, for example if you have 
ygwin installed you could run the cygwin shell instead of the cmd.exe shell. 
his is more useful on unix than on windows, because the command needs to run in 
he console and not try to open desktop windows. If, for example, you try to run 
OTEPAD.EXE like this, your terminal will hang because notepad is running 
omewhere in a virtual desktop that you can't get to.
If you try to use the SH verb on windows, or the DOS verb on unix, you get a 
essage telling you the command doesn't work on your OS. The "E" on line 4 of 
he voc controls this. Verbs with an E run on windows but not on unix. (There's 
 chapter on this in the system description manual).
On Feb 15, 2012, at 4:08 PM, Wjhonson wrote:
 I mean they are not document in the Universe manuals for the DOS command 
xecutable at TCL.
 You only get the /c
 It doesn't even tell you where to go to get more information.
 Like "There are other options, go to Dos and type cmd /?"
 -Original Message-
 From: Robert Houben 
 To: U2 Users List 
 Sent: Wed, Feb 15, 2012 1:00 pm
 Subject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command
 They actually do document these. Go to a command prompt and type:
 cmd /?
 help cmd
 (Both produce the same output)
 -Original Message-
> n Behalf Of Wjhonson
 ent: February-15-12 11:00 AM
 ubject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command
 h... My... God
 try DOS /C DIR
 hen try DOS /K DIR
 how come they don't document this and we have to make guesses?
 -Original Message-
 rom: Bob Rasmussen 
 o: U2 Users List 
 ent: Wed, Feb 15, 2012 10:38 am
 ubject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command
 n educated guess would be that the DOS command invokes the command rocessor in long-ago Windows, cmd.exe now) and passes the \c" (or is it 
 /c"?) to it.
 f in Windows you open a CMD prompt, and type
 cmd /?
 u can see what options it accepts. My output includes:
 /C  Carries out the command specified by string and then terminates
 urther down the help display, it gives more information.
 n Wed, 15 Feb 2012, Wjhonson wrote:
 The DOS command in Universe takes a "/c" argument and then you can specify a 
 ile like
 DOS \c test.bat
 What does \c mean?  Are there other arguments like \z or \x  that it can take?
 U2-Users mailing list
 ..Bob Rasmussen,   President,   Rasmussen Software, Inc.
 ersonal e-mail:
 ompany e-mail:
voice: (US) 503-624-0360 (9:00-6:00 Pacific Time)
  fax: (US) 503-624-0760
 treet address: Rasmussen Software, Inc.
   10240 SW Nimbus, Suite L9
   Portland, OR  97223  USA 
 -Users mailing list
 2-Users mailing list
 2-Users mailing list
 U2-Users mailing list
2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

2012-02-15 Thread Ed Clark
yeah, they left that out. If you look at the docs for the SH. CSH, and VI 
commands, they suggest that you look at the unix documentation on those 
commands, but they don't mention it in the manual for DOS. Maybe they assumed 
you would figure that out by looking at the VOC entry:

001 V
002 cmd.exe
003 U
007 /Q

The U on line 3 of the VOC means that running the verb will execute line 2 as 
an os command and pass the rest of the command line to the os command. If you 
wanted to you could create your own verbs like this, for example if you have 
cygwin installed you could run the cygwin shell instead of the cmd.exe shell. 
This is more useful on unix than on windows, because the command needs to run 
in the console and not try to open desktop windows. If, for example, you try to 
run NOTEPAD.EXE like this, your terminal will hang because notepad is running 
somewhere in a virtual desktop that you can't get to.

If you try to use the SH verb on windows, or the DOS verb on unix, you get a 
message telling you the command doesn't work on your OS. The "E" on line 4 of 
the voc controls this. Verbs with an E run on windows but not on unix. (There's 
a chapter on this in the system description manual).

On Feb 15, 2012, at 4:08 PM, Wjhonson wrote:

> I mean they are not document in the Universe manuals for the DOS command 
> executable at TCL.
> You only get the /c
> It doesn't even tell you where to go to get more information.
> Like "There are other options, go to Dos and type cmd /?"
> -Original Message-
> From: Robert Houben 
> To: U2 Users List 
> Sent: Wed, Feb 15, 2012 1:00 pm
> Subject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command
> They actually do document these. Go to a command prompt and type:
> cmd /?
> Or
> help cmd
> (Both produce the same output)
> Enjoy!
> -Original Message-
> rom: 
> [] 
> n Behalf Of Wjhonson
> ent: February-15-12 11:00 AM
> o:
> ubject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command
> h... My... God
> mazing
> try DOS /C DIR
> hen try DOS /K DIR
> how come they don't document this and we have to make guesses?
> -Original Message-
> rom: Bob Rasmussen 
> o: U2 Users List 
> ent: Wed, Feb 15, 2012 10:38 am
> ubject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command
> n educated guess would be that the DOS command invokes the command rocessor 
> in long-ago Windows, cmd.exe now) and passes the \c" (or is it 
> /c"?) to it.
> f in Windows you open a CMD prompt, and type
> cmd /?
> u can see what options it accepts. My output includes:
> /C  Carries out the command specified by string and then terminates
> urther down the help display, it gives more information.
> n Wed, 15 Feb 2012, Wjhonson wrote:
> The DOS command in Universe takes a "/c" argument and then you can specify a 
> at 
> ile like
> DOS \c test.bat
> What does \c mean?  Are there other arguments like \z or \x  that it can take?
> ___
> U2-Users mailing list
> egards,
> ..Bob Rasmussen,   President,   Rasmussen Software, Inc.
> ersonal e-mail:
> ompany e-mail:
>voice: (US) 503-624-0360 (9:00-6:00 Pacific Time)
>  fax: (US) 503-624-0760
>  web:
> treet address: Rasmussen Software, Inc.
>   10240 SW Nimbus, Suite L9
>   Portland, OR  97223  USA 
> __
> -Users mailing list
> tp://
> ___
> 2-Users mailing list
> ttp://
> __
> 2-Users mailing list
> ttp://
> ___
> U2-Users mailing list

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

2012-02-15 Thread Bob Rasmussen
Note that in Unix/Linux, the options available may depend on what shell 
you're running (sh, bash, etc.).

On Wed, 15 Feb 2012, George Gallen wrote:

> OK, so it looks like it's just pushing to unix what is on the command line, 
> and
>So the -c is an option to the sh command. I'll have to look into this now 
> as well
>As to whether any of the options are of any  use, other than -c
> George
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Robert Houben
> Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 4:18 PM
> To: U2 Users List
> Subject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command
> The /k option is used to run a command (like a batch file) and "k"eep the 
> command shell around for more commands. The only difference to the /c option 
> is that it does not immediately close after running your command.  *nix 
> doesn't have a /k option (but might have a different one).
> I suspect Universe doesn't document it because what that CMD prompt can do is 
> dependent on the version of DOS/Windows you are running.  They pass off to 
> the O/S cmd.exe executable and it's up to that to determine what it does.
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of George Gallen
> Sent: February-15-12 1:14 PM
> To: U2 Users List
> Subject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command
> I Tried doing the same with UV/Unix (except with the SH command).
> Sh -c 'ls'   gives me directory
> Sh -k 'ls'   gives a strange error: "/bin/ls: /bin/ls: cannot execute binary 
> file"
> I don't have a DOS box to test DOS on, so what happened when you did DOS 
> /K...?
> George
> ___
> U2-Users mailing list

Bob Rasmussen,   President,   Rasmussen Software, Inc.

personal e-mail:
 company e-mail:
  voice: (US) 503-624-0360 (9:00-6:00 Pacific Time)
fax: (US) 503-624-0760
 street address: Rasmussen Software, Inc.
 10240 SW Nimbus, Suite L9
 Portland, OR  97223  USA
U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

2012-02-15 Thread George Gallen
OK, so it looks like it's just pushing to unix what is on the command line, and
   So the -c is an option to the sh command. I'll have to look into this now as 
   As to whether any of the options are of any  use, other than -c


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Robert Houben
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 4:18 PM
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

The /k option is used to run a command (like a batch file) and "k"eep the 
command shell around for more commands. The only difference to the /c option is 
that it does not immediately close after running your command.  *nix doesn't 
have a /k option (but might have a different one).

I suspect Universe doesn't document it because what that CMD prompt can do is 
dependent on the version of DOS/Windows you are running.  They pass off to the 
O/S cmd.exe executable and it's up to that to determine what it does.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of George Gallen
Sent: February-15-12 1:14 PM
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

I Tried doing the same with UV/Unix (except with the SH command).

Sh -c 'ls'   gives me directory
Sh -k 'ls'   gives a strange error: "/bin/ls: /bin/ls: cannot execute binary 

I don't have a DOS box to test DOS on, so what happened when you did DOS /K...?


U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

2012-02-15 Thread Robert Houben
The /k option is used to run a command (like a batch file) and "k"eep the 
command shell around for more commands. The only difference to the /c option is 
that it does not immediately close after running your command.  *nix doesn't 
have a /k option (but might have a different one).

I suspect Universe doesn't document it because what that CMD prompt can do is 
dependent on the version of DOS/Windows you are running.  They pass off to the 
O/S cmd.exe executable and it's up to that to determine what it does.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of George Gallen
Sent: February-15-12 1:14 PM
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

I Tried doing the same with UV/Unix (except with the SH command).

Sh -c 'ls'   gives me directory
Sh -k 'ls'   gives a strange error: "/bin/ls: /bin/ls: cannot execute binary 

I don't have a DOS box to test DOS on, so what happened when you did DOS /K...?


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Wjhonson
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 4:09 PM
Subject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

I mean they are not document in the Universe manuals for the DOS command 
executable at TCL.
You only get the /c
It doesn't even tell you where to go to get more information.
Like "There are other options, go to Dos and type cmd /?"

U2-Users mailing list
U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

2012-02-15 Thread George Gallen
I Tried doing the same with UV/Unix (except with the SH command).

Sh -c 'ls'   gives me directory
Sh -k 'ls'   gives a strange error: "/bin/ls: /bin/ls: cannot execute binary 

I don't have a DOS box to test DOS on, so what happened when you did DOS /K...?


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Wjhonson
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 4:09 PM
Subject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

I mean they are not document in the Universe manuals for the DOS command 
executable at TCL.
You only get the /c
It doesn't even tell you where to go to get more information.
Like "There are other options, go to Dos and type cmd /?"

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

2012-02-15 Thread Wjhonson

I mean they are not document in the Universe manuals for the DOS command 
executable at TCL.
You only get the /c
It doesn't even tell you where to go to get more information.
Like "There are other options, go to Dos and type cmd /?"

-Original Message-
From: Robert Houben 
To: U2 Users List 
Sent: Wed, Feb 15, 2012 1:00 pm
Subject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

They actually do document these. Go to a command prompt and type:
cmd /?
help cmd
(Both produce the same output)
-Original Message-
n Behalf Of Wjhonson
ent: February-15-12 11:00 AM
ubject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

h... My... God
try DOS /C DIR
hen try DOS /K DIR
how come they don't document this and we have to make guesses?

-Original Message-
rom: Bob Rasmussen 
o: U2 Users List 
ent: Wed, Feb 15, 2012 10:38 am
ubject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

n educated guess would be that the DOS command invokes the command rocessor in long-ago Windows, cmd.exe now) and passes the \c" (or is it 
/c"?) to it.
f in Windows you open a CMD prompt, and type
 cmd /?
u can see what options it accepts. My output includes:
 /C  Carries out the command specified by string and then terminates
urther down the help display, it gives more information.
n Wed, 15 Feb 2012, Wjhonson wrote:

The DOS command in Universe takes a "/c" argument and then you can specify a at 
ile like
 DOS \c test.bat
 What does \c mean?  Are there other arguments like \z or \x  that it can take?
U2-Users mailing list

..Bob Rasmussen,   President,   Rasmussen Software, Inc.
ersonal e-mail:
ompany e-mail:
voice: (US) 503-624-0360 (9:00-6:00 Pacific Time)
  fax: (US) 503-624-0760
treet address: Rasmussen Software, Inc.
   10240 SW Nimbus, Suite L9
   Portland, OR  97223  USA 
-Users mailing list
2-Users mailing list
2-Users mailing list

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

2012-02-15 Thread Robert Houben
They actually do document these. Go to a command prompt and type:

cmd /?


help cmd

(Both produce the same output)


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Wjhonson
Sent: February-15-12 11:00 AM
Subject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

Oh... My... God

try DOS /C DIR
then try DOS /K DIR

how come they don't document this and we have to make guesses?

-Original Message-
From: Bob Rasmussen 
To: U2 Users List 
Sent: Wed, Feb 15, 2012 10:38 am
Subject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

An educated guess would be that the DOS command invokes the command rocessor 
( in long-ago Windows, cmd.exe now) and passes the \c" (or is it 
"/c"?) to it.
If in Windows you open a CMD prompt, and type
  cmd /?
ou can see what options it accepts. My output includes:
  /C  Carries out the command specified by string and then terminates
Further down the help display, it gives more information.
On Wed, 15 Feb 2012, Wjhonson wrote:
 The DOS command in Universe takes a "/c" argument and then you can specify a 
at file like

 DOS \c test.bat

 What does \c mean?  Are there other arguments like \z or \x  that it can take?
 U2-Users mailing list

...Bob Rasmussen,   President,   Rasmussen Software, Inc.
personal e-mail:
company e-mail:
 voice: (US) 503-624-0360 (9:00-6:00 Pacific Time)
   fax: (US) 503-624-0760
street address: Rasmussen Software, Inc.
10240 SW Nimbus, Suite L9
Portland, OR  97223  USA 
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Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

2012-02-15 Thread Brian Leach
I guess the thing is, people just don't learn Windows any more. Because it's
so ubiquitous, and so 'just there', they tend to forget (or never learn)
that there's a lot of good stuff going on underneath..

I'm just as bad: until recently I'd never used symlinks on Windows (as I've
done for years on UNIX)..

And most people don't seem to realize that Windows has a very powerful and
capable scripting host (and one that works with UniObjects, which is

The list goes on..


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Wjhonson
Sent: 15 February 2012 19:08
Subject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

This one in particular (the /K) is exactly what I need to debug an issue I'm

A real world issue, in an actual program I'm actually writing at this very
(That large remark is for Tony, who I'm sure will eventually jump in here
and call me a "troll".)

-Original Message-
From: Larry Hiscock 
To: 'U2 Users List' 
Sent: Wed, Feb 15, 2012 11:05 am
Subject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

Ummm ... it's not a UniVerse thing, it's a command prompt thing.  Open up a
ommand prompt window, and type cmd /? And you'll see all the options.
/c means run the following command, then close the window
k means run the following command, and keep the window open
There's a whole list of command options ...
Larry Hiscock
estern Computer Services

Original Message-
rom:] On Behalf Of Wjhonson
ent: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 11:00 AM
ubject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

h... My... God
try DOS /C DIR
hen try DOS /K DIR
how come they don't document this and we have to make guesses?

-Original Message-
rom: Bob Rasmussen 
o: U2 Users List 
ent: Wed, Feb 15, 2012 10:38 am
ubject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

n educated guess would be that the DOS command invokes the command rocessor in long-ago Windows, cmd.exe now) and passes the \c" (or is it
/c"?) to it.
f in Windows you open a CMD prompt, and type
 cmd /?
u can see what options it accepts. My output includes:
 /C  Carries out the command specified by string and then terminates
urther down the help display, it gives more information.
n Wed, 15 Feb 2012, Wjhonson wrote:
The DOS command in Universe takes a "/c" argument and then you can specify
 at file like

DOS \c test.bat

What does \c mean?  Are there other arguments like \z or \x  that it can
U2-Users mailing list

..Bob Rasmussen,   President,   Rasmussen Software, Inc.
ersonal e-mail:
ompany e-mail:
voice: (US) 503-624-0360 (9:00-6:00 Pacific Time)
  fax: (US) 503-624-0760
treet address: Rasmussen Software, Inc.
   10240 SW Nimbus, Suite L9
   Portland, OR  97223  USA
-Users mailing list
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Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

2012-02-15 Thread Wjhonson

This one in particular (the /K) is exactly what I need to debug an issue I'm 

A real world issue, in an actual program I'm actually writing at this very 
(That large remark is for Tony, who I'm sure will eventually jump in here and 
call me a "troll".)

-Original Message-
From: Larry Hiscock 
To: 'U2 Users List' 
Sent: Wed, Feb 15, 2012 11:05 am
Subject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

Ummm ... it's not a UniVerse thing, it's a command prompt thing.  Open up a
ommand prompt window, and type cmd /? And you'll see all the options.
/c means run the following command, then close the window
k means run the following command, and keep the window open
There's a whole list of command options ...
Larry Hiscock
estern Computer Services

Original Message-
rom:] On Behalf Of Wjhonson
ent: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 11:00 AM
ubject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

h... My... God
try DOS /C DIR
hen try DOS /K DIR
how come they don't document this and we have to make guesses?

-Original Message-
rom: Bob Rasmussen 
o: U2 Users List 
ent: Wed, Feb 15, 2012 10:38 am
ubject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

n educated guess would be that the DOS command invokes the command rocessor in long-ago Windows, cmd.exe now) and passes the \c" (or is it
/c"?) to it.
f in Windows you open a CMD prompt, and type
 cmd /?
u can see what options it accepts. My output includes:
 /C  Carries out the command specified by string and then terminates
urther down the help display, it gives more information.
n Wed, 15 Feb 2012, Wjhonson wrote:
The DOS command in Universe takes a "/c" argument and then you can specify
 at file like

DOS \c test.bat

What does \c mean?  Are there other arguments like \z or \x  that it can
U2-Users mailing list

..Bob Rasmussen,   President,   Rasmussen Software, Inc.
ersonal e-mail:
ompany e-mail:
voice: (US) 503-624-0360 (9:00-6:00 Pacific Time)
  fax: (US) 503-624-0760
treet address: Rasmussen Software, Inc.
   10240 SW Nimbus, Suite L9
   Portland, OR  97223  USA
-Users mailing list
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2-Users mailing list

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

2012-02-15 Thread Larry Hiscock
Ummm ... it's not a UniVerse thing, it's a command prompt thing.  Open up a
command prompt window, and type cmd /? And you'll see all the options.

/c means run the following command, then close the window
/k means run the following command, and keep the window open

There's a whole list of command options ...

Larry Hiscock
Western Computer Services

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Wjhonson
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 11:00 AM
Subject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

Oh... My... God

try DOS /C DIR
then try DOS /K DIR

how come they don't document this and we have to make guesses?

-Original Message-
From: Bob Rasmussen 
To: U2 Users List 
Sent: Wed, Feb 15, 2012 10:38 am
Subject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

An educated guess would be that the DOS command invokes the command rocessor
( in long-ago Windows, cmd.exe now) and passes the \c" (or is it
"/c"?) to it.
If in Windows you open a CMD prompt, and type
  cmd /?
ou can see what options it accepts. My output includes:
  /C  Carries out the command specified by string and then terminates
Further down the help display, it gives more information.
On Wed, 15 Feb 2012, Wjhonson wrote:
 The DOS command in Universe takes a "/c" argument and then you can specify
a at file like
 DOS \c test.bat
 What does \c mean?  Are there other arguments like \z or \x  that it can
 U2-Users mailing list
...Bob Rasmussen,   President,   Rasmussen Software, Inc.
personal e-mail:
company e-mail:
 voice: (US) 503-624-0360 (9:00-6:00 Pacific Time)
   fax: (US) 503-624-0760
street address: Rasmussen Software, Inc.
10240 SW Nimbus, Suite L9
Portland, OR  97223  USA
2-Users mailing list

U2-Users mailing list

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

2012-02-15 Thread Wjhonson

Oh... My... God

try DOS /C DIR
then try DOS /K DIR

how come they don't document this and we have to make guesses?

-Original Message-
From: Bob Rasmussen 
To: U2 Users List 
Sent: Wed, Feb 15, 2012 10:38 am
Subject: Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

An educated guess would be that the DOS command invokes the command 
rocessor ( in long-ago Windows, cmd.exe now) and passes the 
\c" (or is it "/c"?) to it.
If in Windows you open a CMD prompt, and type 
  cmd /?
ou can see what options it accepts. My output includes:
  /C  Carries out the command specified by string and then terminates
Further down the help display, it gives more information.
On Wed, 15 Feb 2012, Wjhonson wrote:
 The DOS command in Universe takes a "/c" argument and then you can specify a 
at file like
 DOS \c test.bat
 What does \c mean?  Are there other arguments like \z or \x  that it can take?
 U2-Users mailing list
...Bob Rasmussen,   President,   Rasmussen Software, Inc.
personal e-mail:
company e-mail:
 voice: (US) 503-624-0360 (9:00-6:00 Pacific Time)
   fax: (US) 503-624-0760
street address: Rasmussen Software, Inc.
10240 SW Nimbus, Suite L9
Portland, OR  97223  USA
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U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

2012-02-15 Thread Woodward, Bob
The /c is to close the command session when the supplied
process/batchfile completes.  This returns you back to your originating
session of Universe.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Wjhonson
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 10:28 AM
Subject: [U2] Universe's DOS command

The DOS command in Universe takes a "/c" argument and then you can
specify a bat file like

DOS \c test.bat

What does \c mean?  Are there other arguments like \z or \x  that it can
U2-Users mailing list
U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

2012-02-15 Thread Bob Rasmussen
An educated guess would be that the DOS command invokes the command 
processor ( in long-ago Windows, cmd.exe now) and passes the 
"\c" (or is it "/c"?) to it.

If in Windows you open a CMD prompt, and type 
   cmd /?
you can see what options it accepts. My output includes:
   /C  Carries out the command specified by string and then terminates

Further down the help display, it gives more information.

On Wed, 15 Feb 2012, Wjhonson wrote:

> The DOS command in Universe takes a "/c" argument and then you can specify a 
> bat file like
> DOS \c test.bat
> What does \c mean?  Are there other arguments like \z or \x  that it can take?
> ___
> U2-Users mailing list

Bob Rasmussen,   President,   Rasmussen Software, Inc.

personal e-mail:
 company e-mail:
  voice: (US) 503-624-0360 (9:00-6:00 Pacific Time)
fax: (US) 503-624-0760
 street address: Rasmussen Software, Inc.
 10240 SW Nimbus, Suite L9
 Portland, OR  97223  USA
U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Universe's DOS command

2012-02-15 Thread Robert Porter
>From DOS/Windows days, which also uses the same "/c (argument)", I just 
>assumed it meant "Command".

>>> Wjhonson  2/15/2012 12:27 PM >>>

The DOS command in Universe takes a "/c" argument and then you can specify a 
bat file like

DOS \c test.bat

What does \c mean?  Are there other arguments like \z or \x  that it can take?
U2-Users mailing list
U2-Users mailing list

[U2] Universe's DOS command

2012-02-15 Thread Wjhonson

The DOS command in Universe takes a "/c" argument and then you can specify a 
bat file like

DOS \c test.bat

What does \c mean?  Are there other arguments like \z or \x  that it can take?
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