Re: [U2] Version Control

2011-03-05 Thread Susan Joslyn
Regarding your snippets  below:


Would this really be something you want?  Your ongoing work merged into
everyone else's ongoing work every day - before your work is finished and

I approached the whole concept of items being checked out to others
differently - you can take a branch copy, but the idea of a branch copy is
that it branches from the root - the live version, I guess.  Each person can
work on their branch, but one gets tested and goes live separately from the
other - unless you choose to combine the projects.   


Also went down the road of automatically merging work in a program done by
two different people for two different reasons.  It can be fraught with
error - at least in my experience.  It needs human eyes to decide what goes
where!  Depending on the complexity of the changes, I guess.


We overcame the problem of someone coming along later with a higher priority
project by allowing the branches to be swapped out, so the first programmer
does not have to check-in/lose their work.


Lots of ways to skin this cat, I have learned over the years.




Message: 15

Date: Fri, 04 Mar 2011 10:42:58 +

From: Wols Lists


And the nice thing is, every time you change branch, or every morning or

whatever, you can do a pull; merge and you're development copy keeps

in sync with all the changes every one else is making.



But I would say, even if no-one else in your organisation is using it,

it's a damn good tool for you to use for your own work. If you've got

several people working on a centralised VCS, I've had enough pain where

we've been tripping over each other trying to update the same file. You

can have a master branch tracking the central system, then do your own

development in your own branches. When you need to commit, sync your

master with central, check out central, merge your changes into your

master, then commit back to central. That way, you're not held up

because you can't check out a file, and you're not swearing when you're

half way through make a LOT of not-so-important changes, and someone

comes along saying you need to check that back in, I've got an

emergency to fix!.


I'd say play with git! It's a nice system, and there's absolutely no

need whatsoever for it to impact on anybody else around you, unless you

want it to. And other people will probably start using it too, once you

realise how nice and powerful it is.







U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Version Control

2011-03-05 Thread Wols Lists
On 05/03/11 11:53, Susan Joslyn wrote:
 Regarding your snippets  below:
 Would this really be something you want?  Your ongoing work merged into
 everyone else's ongoing work every day - before your work is finished and

Sorry, but I have to respond here ...


Not my work merged into everyone else's, but the master tested copy
merged into mine!

I keep my tree in sync with the master version, I totally agree you
shouldn't keep syncing your untested work into the master tree!

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Version Control

2011-03-05 Thread Steve Romanow

On 03/05/2011 06:53 AM, Susan Joslyn wrote:

Regarding your snippets  below:

Would this really be something you want?  Your ongoing work merged into
everyone else's ongoing work every day - before your work is finished and

I think the idea is you move discrete, completed patches to the main 

If 2 people apply patches to completed separate areas of the same code, 
there should be caution, but I wouldnt call everything to a halt 
because I have the src right now.  At this point I think communication 
occurs to make sure all parties are aware of each other.

If 2 people apply patches to the same lines, that is a more serious 
condition.  testing needs to occur repeatability as the parties 
reconcile their projects.

The code reservation I think is an older paradigm.  Nowadays, projects 
work in  parallel, and a responsible party is watching the stream of 
patches.  Every dev is aware that they are not working in a vacuum.

For the end-user, I think they are happier and better served because 
projects can occur in parallel and delivery _can_ occur faster.  I know 
I have said many times in my shop, We are waiting on project X to 
finish because they have resources we need.

Some of the tools have specific features to handle particular 
workflows.  They are not all equal and the chore is picking the correct 
one for your organization.

This is just my opinion here.  Please set me right if I am off base.

Git-   I personally think git is best for very large workgroups working 
on a single large codebase (i.e. an os kernel).  It is primarily geared 
to people comfortable in the shell.  It does _not_ have good win32 
support so it is a non-starter for me.

Subversion - Very popular, but declining.  The leader in the 
centralized repo group.  It replaced cvs as the defacto standard for 
the 90's and 2000's.  There is only one copy of the repo and to record 
_any_ change you must make a network connection.  A shortcoming I see is 
if this repo is damaged, all of your resources are in one place.  Google 
subversion merge hell and see how many hits you get.  Subversion also 
suffers from speed problems with large repo's.  All three major dvcs's 
(git, bazaar (bzr), and mercurial (hg)) were designed to combat all 3 of 
these problems.

DVCS's are much faster.  Here are some benchmarks. 

DVCS's are much safer.  Here are some links.

This one is interesting because he includes massive numbers of binary 
files, i.e. jpegs and word docs.
Not that svnquickly gets to the 20 minute range where all 3 dvcs's are 
in the 1-2 minute range for the same activity.  I have a least one 
workflow that requires good performance on binary files (optio dcl files).

For safety, if anything happens to any  of  the dvcs local dev repo's 
all  they have lost are  changes they have not pushed upstream.  
Learning to operate in a my repo, your repo, master repo environemnt, me 
and devB are aware of each others work, I am pulling her new changes 
into my repo.  We basically have a 3 way backup going on.  If you count 
the repo on my laptop, there is a 4th backup.  If there is a massive 
fire at hq and the server and both devs machines are smoldering  heaps, 
my laptop repo may contain 99% of all the src.  Since it is not a main 
machine, I likely and not pulling changes as frequently.

Bazaar is very similar to git and hg.  It seems to be primarily tied to 
Canonical LLC's projects and not a lot of activity outside of that 
world.  I used it for a short time but found hg to meet my needs better.

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Version Control

2011-03-05 Thread Wols Lists
On 05/03/11 09:30, Steve Romanow wrote:
 Git-   I personally think git is best for very large workgroups working
 on a single large codebase (i.e. an os kernel).  It is primarily geared
 to people comfortable in the shell.  It does _not_ have good win32
 support so it is a non-starter for me.


I take your point about it being a cli program, not a gui.

But why is it best for large workgroups? True, it makes merging stuff
into a single central repository easy, but most of its features are
aimed at the lone developer. It's just that they're the same features
that are needed by a group.

If you're trying to work on several things at once, it makes your life
easy. Where's the difference between one developer multi-tasking, and
multiple developers co-operating?

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Version Control

2011-03-05 Thread Steve Romanow

On 03/05/2011 03:29 PM, Wols Lists wrote:

On 05/03/11 09:30, Steve Romanow wrote:

Git-   I personally think git is best for very large workgroups working
on a single large codebase (i.e. an os kernel).  It is primarily geared
to people comfortable in the shell.  It does _not_ have good win32
support so it is a non-starter for me.


I take your point about it being a cli program, not a gui.

But why is it best for large workgroups? True, it makes merging stuff
into a single central repository easy, but most of its features are
aimed at the lone developer. It's just that they're the same features
that are needed by a group.

If you're trying to work on several things at once, it makes your life
easy. Where's the difference between one developer multi-tasking, and
multiple developers co-operating?

U2-Users mailing list
I stand corrected.  I have not used git so I should prob reserve any 

I guess the only thing I have experienced with it is it seems more 
complicated than both  hg and bzr.  I like the single hg command with 
many subcommands and the plugin structure of bzr and hg.

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Version Control

2011-03-05 Thread Susan Joslyn
I completely and enthusiastically agree that the time for parallel
development has arrived!  There are many ways to approach that challenge.
We've tried a few - and I've looked at a lot of tools that have different
approaches in different environments.  When you are dealing with a
development environment where the concept of a build is truly relevant -
where you are taking a snapshot of the program and its whole working
environment, it works to let everyone take to their own sandbox and
re-check-in/merge in whatever order the work is completed.  In our
environment this poses certain additional challenges. It is difficult to
predict what components will constitute the build for any particular
program in a U2 environment - even more so when SB+ or other
dictionary-driven ADEs are used.

Our compromise is to 'branch' the individual components in the order that
they are taken.  If a branched item needs to promote before the others a
step must be taken to swap out the priority so that then this branch of this
program is tested in the environment and delivered with whatever goes along
with it.  In an environment where coding is done in single, discrete
procedural programs it might work to go with a sandbox and isolated testing.
Our approach to branching is test-driven.  What I mean by that is how the
software will be tested is the driving force.  Accommodating a realistic
test bed.

Some folks try on the concept of many different dev areas - like sandboxes
but full working copies of the production software.  This provides a
platform for testing the overall functionality of a completed project, but
then once that software is moved in to where other changes may have occurred
- not just to the program in question but to anything around it - it all has
to be tested again, anyway.

Which one of the various approaches will work best depends upon the way the
software is designed, the personalities and productivity of the programmers,
the sheer volume of change and - the great flattener - whether there are
really testers/testing going on.   The quality and control at that level.

Over the years, PRC has been taught to accommodate many approaches.  We've
found that it practical use, some seem to work better than others.  Short of
isolating a product to one solitary developer, there are not perfect answers
- well, not that I have been able to discover, yet!  I'm fascinated to hear
anyone else's ideas and experiences.


-Original Message-
From: Steve Romanow [] 
Sent: Saturday, March 05, 2011 8:30 PM
To:; U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] Version Control

On 03/05/2011 06:53 AM, Susan Joslyn wrote:
 Regarding your snippets  below:

 Would this really be something you want?  Your ongoing work merged 
 into everyone else's ongoing work every day - before your work is 
 finished and tested?

I think the idea is you move discrete, completed patches to the main

If 2 people apply patches to completed separate areas of the same code,
there should be caution, but I wouldnt call everything to a halt because I
have the src right now.  At this point I think communication occurs to make
sure all parties are aware of each other.

If 2 people apply patches to the same lines, that is a more serious
condition.  testing needs to occur repeatability as the parties reconcile
their projects.

The code reservation I think is an older paradigm.  Nowadays, projects
work in  parallel, and a responsible party is watching the stream of
patches.  Every dev is aware that they are not working in a vacuum.

For the end-user, I think they are happier and better served because
projects can occur in parallel and delivery _can_ occur faster.  I know I
have said many times in my shop, We are waiting on project X to finish
because they have resources we need.

Some of the tools have specific features to handle particular workflows.
They are not all equal and the chore is picking the correct one for your

This is just my opinion here.  Please set me right if I am off base.

Git-   I personally think git is best for very large workgroups working 
on a single large codebase (i.e. an os kernel).  It is primarily geared to
people comfortable in the shell.  It does _not_ have good win32 support so
it is a non-starter for me.

Subversion - Very popular, but declining.  The leader in the centralized
repo group.  It replaced cvs as the defacto standard for the 90's and
2000's.  There is only one copy of the repo and to record _any_ change you
must make a network connection.  A shortcoming I see is if this repo is
damaged, all of your resources are in one place.  Google subversion merge
hell and see how many hits you get.  Subversion also suffers from speed
problems with large repo's.  All three major dvcs's (git, bazaar (bzr), and
mercurial (hg)) were designed to combat all 3 of these problems.

DVCS's are much faster.  Here are some benchmarks.

Re: [U2] Version Control

2011-03-05 Thread Susan Joslyn
This would be easy for me to implement - thinking out loud, though, I don't
think I have any customers who promote to live that frequently.  But I
suppose it could poll live each morning and make the suggestion.  Any of my
(PRC) customers who see this and are intrigued by this, pipe in or email me
off line.

And the nice thing is, every time you change branch, or every morning or
whatever, you can do a pull; merge and you're development copy keeps in
sync with all the changes every one else is making.


U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Version Control

2011-03-04 Thread Wols Lists
On 04/03/11 00:55, Bill Brutzman wrote:
 It is not clear to me how SubVersion and GIT developers refer to the latest 
 rev of their subs.  Also the reverse...what programs use the subs.  This is 
 where OSGI fits in.  I have heard rumblings that people are working on an 
 Eclipse-compatible OSGI SCM thing.  OSGI is worth learning about.  OSGI is a 
 configuration tool that grew up out of the cell phone industry to handle 
 config control on say, a Nokia family of products.

Git, certainly, you have two techniques. The commit ID for any given
file(s), and the tag or branch for any given application. Application
in quotes because it can refer to as much or as little of your system as
you want.

I'm currently playing with / learning git.

The whole point of a DVCS is that there is NO master copy, other than by
convention. So each developer is likely to have their own development
account, and then there's the central development account. Where git
really scores (dunno about other systems) is the ability to switch
between different problems very quickly and easily.

You could have a long-term project you're working on, and a medium term
development job. It's dead easy to switch between the two - commit a;
checkout b and you've just changed from one to t'other. Then someone
might come to you with drop everything - we've got a problem on live
so stash; checkout new branch from live and you're running on a copy
of live, in a new branch, where you can modify and test things. Once
it's all working, commit; push to live system (or pull from live
system) and the fix has gone live.

drop copy of live; checkout development; and you're back where you

And the nice thing is, every time you change branch, or every morning or
whatever, you can do a pull; merge and you're development copy keeps
in sync with all the changes every one else is making.

And these commands probably take longer to type than to run :-)

But I would say, even if no-one else in your organisation is using it,
it's a damn good tool for you to use for your own work. If you've got
several people working on a centralised VCS, I've had enough pain where
we've been tripping over each other trying to update the same file. You
can have a master branch tracking the central system, then do your own
development in your own branches. When you need to commit, sync your
master with central, check out central, merge your changes into your
master, then commit back to central. That way, you're not held up
because you can't check out a file, and you're not swearing when you're
half way through make a LOT of not-so-important changes, and someone
comes along saying you need to check that back in, I've got an
emergency to fix!.

I'd say play with git! It's a nice system, and there's absolutely no
need whatsoever for it to impact on anybody else around you, unless you
want it to. And other people will probably start using it too, once you
realise how nice and powerful it is.

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Version Control

2011-03-04 Thread Bill Brutzman
When fixing THIS.APP, 
copy all the source code from THIS.APP.R3 to THIS.APP.R4, 
complile .R4, 
test .R4 in a SandBox, 
change VOC in LIVE from R3 to R4.

1: PA


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Hona, David
Sent: Friday, March 04, 2011 1:59 AM
To: 'U2 Users List'
Subject: Re: [U2] Version Control

If you are using U2 environment a lot of stuff won't work without utilising the 
VOC some fundamental or critical way. VOC entries for files, programs, 
paragraphs/PROCS, etc. Granted, in some cases these don't change often. Unless 
you are like some poor sites I have seen and run their entire or parts of their 
application process from a paragraph or proc in the VOC file - more common than 
you would like to think or hope!

Likewise, control information inside U2 files are in many case extremely 
critical for many applications - this also needs to be managed and versioned, 
rolled-back if required, etc., etc.

Any configuration management application needs to take everything into account 
not just source code.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Doug
Sent: Friday, 4 March 2011 1:48 PM
To: 'U2 Users List'
Subject: Re: [U2] Version Control

Hi Bill:

The U2 world works inside the database.  The rest of the world thinks source 
code control should be outside the database.  Your use of VOC is very unique 
and probably applicable to a small set of the U2 community.  Source code 
control, except for U2, is done from the local workstation and not on the 

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U2-Users mailing list
U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Version Control

2011-03-04 Thread Bill Brutzman
One year ago, I was editing all of my code with EditPlus, an FTP editor.  From 
an editing perspective, the source code was a file in a folder on a Unix box, 
the same Unix box that was running UniVerse.  Inside UniVerse, there was a file 
pointer (in VOC) to the source and object code.

One of the selling points of SubVersion (and others) is that a programmer could 
write code on a plane and then re-sync once the plane lands.

As a lone ranger, checking code in and out has little meaning.

Graphic 1: How does VOC knows what is the LIVE rev?.

Is U2Logic's Version Control included with the XLr8 editor?


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Doug
Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2011 9:48 PM
To: 'U2 Users List'
Subject: Re: [U2] Version Control

Hi Bill:

The U2 world works inside the database.  The rest of the world thinks source 
code control should be outside the database.  Your use of VOC is very unique 
and probably applicable to a small set of the U2 community.  Source code 
control, except for U2, is done from the local workstation and not on the 

When I was a Configuration Manager for a telecom software company, many moons 
ago, we did not store any changes inside either the Informix or Sybase 
databases.  We stored all of source code revisions on several Unix boxes that 
the programmers had to check out and check in from their workstations.

I have created a web page that shows how Eclipse maintains a local version.
There is a graphic of what U2 project looks like as well as few more.  You need 
to look at the last graphic.  That is where version control shines and shows 
you what you checked in and why.  The pretty pictures of Eclipse version 
control using the XLr8Editor plug-ins is feature here and you can click on any 
of images to enlarge them: 

Universe and Unidata Eclipse based tool supplier

U2-Users mailing list
U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Version Control

2011-03-04 Thread Doug

You are editing locally: that is how Eclipse works.  You must copy from the
database or version control to edit the programs in this case.  Unidata and
Universe do not have an external BASIC compiler.  We must compile within the
U2 database.  We have created tools in Eclipse to copy all or a single
program from the U2 database to your workstation.  You then edit your
program on your work station.  When you want to compile it, we send the
program back the place we got it from and compile it on the database server.
All version control packages in Eclipse copy those programs locally as well,
where you can then edit them.

When creating a project you point to the Test or Live Account you want to
edit the source from.  When you are done editing, Eclipse will copy it back
into that account.  If you are happy with the results after testing, you can
Team it in to your version control with notes on what got changed.

That is all you have to do.  No editor wrappers, no scripts for Windows or
Unix, no changes to your Universe or Unidata database, no external or
internal programs to worry about, no accounts to load, no software to
install on your database server.  

XLr8Editor uses Version control from what every plug-in you have on Eclipse.
Be it Subversion, CVS, GIT, or Perforce, you pick what version control you
want.  Where the version control software lives is your choice as well.

XLr8Editor for Universe or Unidata still $49.00

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Bill Brutzman
Sent: Friday, March 04, 2011 9:04 AM
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] Version Control

One year ago, I was editing all of my code with EditPlus, an FTP editor.
From an editing perspective, the source code was a file in a folder on a
Unix box, the same Unix box that was running UniVerse.  Inside UniVerse,
there was a file pointer (in VOC) to the source and object code.

One of the selling points of SubVersion (and others) is that a programmer
could write code on a plane and then re-sync once the plane lands.

As a lone ranger, checking code in and out has little meaning.

Graphic 1: How does VOC knows what is the LIVE rev?.

Is U2Logic's Version Control included with the XLr8 editor?


U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Version Control

2011-03-04 Thread Doug
Hi Bill:

I find this very messy.  After a program has been changed 50 times, do I
really care what the other 49 versions look like in my U2 account.  I think

I sometimes change a program every 1 to 5 minutes as I'm going through
testing process.  Then sometimes about an hour into it I think, wow I would
like to have the version from 30 minutes ago which worked better than the
current version.  With Eclipse there is a local history and I save the last
100 copies, so I use the local compare editor to find the version I would
like to go back to.  You can change this preference to fit your needs.

Eclipse makes me more productive.  I can work on multiple accounts within
the same window using tabs.  I feel that my code is cleaner because of the
Outline capability of all my variables in the program, the ability to double
click and see where the variable is used.   Other things like the way
Eclipse ruler show me visually where all those variables are so I can check
my scope has made my code less problematic when it comes to unassigned
variables at run time.

The Eclipse U2 Experts

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Bill Brutzman
Sent: Friday, March 04, 2011 8:32 AM
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] Version Control

When fixing THIS.APP, 
copy all the source code from THIS.APP.R3 to THIS.APP.R4, 
complile .R4, 
test .R4 in a SandBox, 
change VOC in LIVE from R3 to R4.

1: PA


U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Version Control

2011-03-04 Thread Steve Romanow

On 3/4/2011 11:59 AM, Doug wrote:

Hi Bill:

I find this very messy.  After a program has been changed 50 times, do I
really care what the other 49 versions look like in my U2 account.  I think

I sometimes change a program every 1 to 5 minutes as I'm going through
testing process.  Then sometimes about an hour into it I think, wow I would
like to have the version from 30 minutes ago which worked better than the
current version.  With Eclipse there is a local history and I save the last
100 copies, so I use the local compare editor to find the version I would
like to go back to.  You can change this preference to fit your needs.

Eclipse makes me more productive.  I can work on multiple accounts within
the same window using tabs.  I feel that my code is cleaner because of the
Outline capability of all my variables in the program, the ability to double
click and see where the variable is used.   Other things like the way
Eclipse ruler show me visually where all those variables are so I can check
my scope has made my code less problematic when it comes to unassigned
variables at run time.
Code annotation is nice too, where you can view code and see the 
changeset that introduced the change (all in one view) in the browser or 

Anyone who has cloned your repo has this exact same visibility for blame 

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Version Control

2011-03-04 Thread Susan Joslyn

I agree! This is my main argument for driving the sdlc / change control from
within U2. ( And of course my product, PRC. )

Plus you can control all kinds of outside stuff - talking back and forth to
other products - from within U2.  Those other applications cannot 'drive'
the change control for the rest of the things inside U2 besides basic
programs in directories.  Plus a separate solution for data integrity is
still required.  




Message: 13

Date: Fri, 4 Mar 2011 17:59:11 +1100

From: Hona, David

To: 'U2 Users List'

Subject: Re: [U2] Version Control


Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii


If you are using U2 environment a lot of stuff won't work without utilising
the VOC some fundamental or critical way. VOC entries for files, programs,
paragraphs/PROCS, etc. Granted, in some cases these don't change often.
Unless you are like some poor sites I have seen and run their entire or
parts of their application process from a paragraph or proc in the VOC file
- more common than you would like to think or hope!


Likewise, control information inside U2 files are in many case extremely
critical for many applications - this also needs to be managed and
versioned, rolled-back if required, etc., etc.


Any configuration management application needs to take everything into
account not just source code.






U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Version Control

2011-03-03 Thread Bill Brutzman

I have been considering this matter for some time...

It seems that software development in the non-U2 world revolves around huge 
Maven scripts to re-compile builds of vast dynasties of code.  The U2 VOC 
concept makes all of this hassle go away.  With VOC, we just update the single 
program that I am working on with a new Rev.ID.   Menus and other programs just 
launch what is in VOC.   The program's rev is specified in VOC.  The calling 
program just references VOC... the latest revision is specified in VOC.  Thus, 
this scheme is modular.

It is not clear to me how SubVersion and GIT developers refer to the latest rev 
of their subs.  Also the reverse...what programs use the subs.  This is where 
OSGI fits in.  I have heard rumblings that people are working on an 
Eclipse-compatible OSGI SCM thing.  OSGI is worth learning about.  OSGI is a 
configuration tool that grew up out of the cell phone industry to handle config 
control on say, a Nokia family of products.

A MultiValue database for rev control makes a lot of sense.

1)While this scheme is editor independent, Eclipse has some nice functionality 
that could be leveraged.
2) While this scheme is intended for code, it works the same way for procs, 
paragraphs, and dictionaries.
3) The updates are on a program-by-program basis, that is, NOT batch.
4) The updates are known to be applied because the screen that shows all of the 
revs, also shows what is in VOC right then.  If the new program has a bug, it 
is easy just to roll back to the prior rev in VOC.

 ChChanges To SHS ___ B.HOP SHIP.STOCK.R91  __Path__ B.HOP
 Voc: R91
  57  R91   CountDown 1  
  56  R89   Deleted [D]eliveries
  16 FEB 11
  55  R86   UpDated PackSlip, Cert  
RR08 FEB 11
  54  R85   Fixed Ship.To.Country   
  07 FEB 11
  53  R81   Fixed Bug, No UPS Acct If UPS Freight   
Karen 16 NOV 10
  52  R80   HK Pays Flag Added  
Karen 08 NOV 10
  51  R79   Writes To PackSlips.X   
Lou   14 OCT 10
  50  R77   Blanked Out PackSlips.X 
Robert12 OCT 10
  49  R75 1  
  48  R74   Show Insurance $ for UPS, FedEx 
Karen 15 JUL 10
  47  R73   Uses New Ship.To.How Codes  
  17 JUN 10
  46  R71   BaseLine
  17 JUN 10
  45  R70   Auto Print Quality Label  1  
SUB.PACK.SLIP.R42  Robert21 APR 10
  44  R69   Enhanced ODBC   
  18 MAR 10
  43  R68   Auto Switch Ship.Via Based.On Weight
  11 MAR 10
  42  R67   Minor CleanUp   
  04 MAR 10
  41  R66   Bin.To.Bin With SnapShot  1  
SUB.BIN.TO.BIN.R50 Mike  25 FEB 10
  40  R65   Link Country and Addr Label 
  26 JAN 10
  39  R64   Fixed Show.As.Late Bug  
  19 JAN 10
   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 []  [##]  [II]mpact  [KK]ill  [NN]ew  [SU].I.Am.A.Sub  [XX]



10L   S
APP   D0
10L   S
REV   D1
80L   M
10L   M
10L   M
10L   M
10L   M

Re: [U2] Version Control

2011-03-03 Thread Doug
Hi Bill:

The U2 world works inside the database.  The rest of the world thinks source
code control should be outside the database.  Your use of VOC is very unique
and probably applicable to a small set of the U2 community.  Source code
control, except for U2, is done from the local workstation and not on the

When I was a Configuration Manager for a telecom software company, many
moons ago, we did not store any changes inside either the Informix or Sybase
databases.  We stored all of source code revisions on several Unix boxes
that the programmers had to check out and check in from their workstations.

I have created a web page that shows how Eclipse maintains a local version.
There is a graphic of what U2 project looks like as well as few more.  You
need to look at the last graphic.  That is where version control shines and
shows you what you checked in and why.  The pretty pictures of Eclipse
version control using the XLr8Editor plug-ins is feature here and you can
click on any of images to enlarge them: 

Universe and Unidata Eclipse based tool supplier

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Version Control

2011-03-03 Thread Hona, David
If you are using U2 environment a lot of stuff won't work without utilising the 
VOC some fundamental or critical way. VOC entries for files, programs, 
paragraphs/PROCS, etc. Granted, in some cases these don't change often. Unless 
you are like some poor sites I have seen and run their entire or parts of their 
application process from a paragraph or proc in the VOC file - more common than 
you would like to think or hope!

Likewise, control information inside U2 files are in many case extremely 
critical for many applications - this also needs to be managed and versioned, 
rolled-back if required, etc., etc.

Any configuration management application needs to take everything into account 
not just source code.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Doug
Sent: Friday, 4 March 2011 1:48 PM
To: 'U2 Users List'
Subject: Re: [U2] Version Control

Hi Bill:

The U2 world works inside the database.  The rest of the world thinks source
code control should be outside the database.  Your use of VOC is very unique
and probably applicable to a small set of the U2 community.  Source code
control, except for U2, is done from the local workstation and not on the

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U2-Users mailing list

RE: [U2] version control

2008-04-28 Thread Stevenson, Charles
From: Brian Leach
 ...The key was to appoint someone who was responsible for it. 
 If it is anything more than trivial, it needs someone charged
 to administer it,

Conan the Librarian

 not just left to the whims of developers!...

Which brings us to the 2nd key: Build in perks for the developers for
using version control.  It shouldn't be another layer of management that
slows them down.  Properly implemented, it should be a programmer
productivity tool.

The more that it helps them be able to compare versions, track what
change happened when  by whom, lump  segregate work, coordinate
activity between programmers, do status reporting . . .,  the more it
directly helps programmers do those tasks, the more enthusiastic they
will be,  the less likely to circumvent or resent enforcement.

I recall implementing it one time where the practice had been to never
delete old code, just comment it out and surround changes with date and
project numbers comment lines.   It got so that a source file had more
commented out stuff than actual compilable code.  Very difficult to
read.   When we implemented version control,  I suggested that this
practice was no longer necessary because they could easily reconstruct
pretty pictures of change history.  They insisted on doing it the old
way, too.  Several months later the staff violently revolted against
their own conservatism and wanted a special internal project just to
clean out all that old stuff because version control was so good to
u2-users mailing list
To unsubscribe please visit

RE: [U2] version control

2008-04-21 Thread David Beahm
Thanks to everyone for their feedback on this.  Brian Leach's article 
was useful, and Edward's advice really gave me a shove in the right 
direction.  It's good to know that others have found Subversion to be an 
appropriate choice -- maybe I am not that crazy after all.  ;^)

I have some more to think about re: how best to implement this in our 
situation, and will likely have more questions later.

David Beahm
u2-users mailing list
To unsubscribe please visit

[U2] Re: [u2] version control

2008-04-18 Thread Lee Bacall /Moley 888
Brian, Jerry, and everyone.

It is possible to implement source code control that is transparent to the
programmer yet capable of supporting complex development and production
scenarios with tools and utilities that were designed and written entirely
in an MV / Pick / U2 environment.

NuControl from Binary Star offers an easily implemented version control
that will manage multiple projects and multiple libraries (code, working and
backup), across multiple systems.  It supports basic code, segments, scripts,
 libraries, configuration data, DICTS, etc. Compare, rollback, release, etc.

blatant ad
I'd be happy to demonstrate NuControl from Binary Star can do, including
full life-cycle management (promotion). It's easy to use and comes with a full
color highlighted programmer's editor.

For details:
(NuControl supports ALL modern mv environments including UniVerse, UniData,
D3, QM Professional and Reality (Northgate).

Lee Bacall
/blatant ad

PRC which is Susan Joslyn's product, offers a unique and capable solution
for (and requiring) System Buiilder.

- Original Message -
From: Brian Leach [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2008 9:29 AM
Subject: RE: [U2] version control

 Jerry et al

 I would say good version control - like all code management - is a skill.

 And more so the more diverse your code base. If you are just hacking away
 (say) an old D3 application you can probably get away with a lot. If you
 need to support multiple versions, platforms, client/server and web tiers,
 probably half a dozen languages, shared libraries etc. the work involved
 just managing that should not be - and all too often is by management -
 underestimated. Hence my comment. This should not be something that is
 put in without thought and left to run by itself. It won't. Time taken to
 plan this now will pay huge dividends down the line. Time not spent will
 bite you in the bum. A badly put together versioning system is worse than
 useless - you won't be able to get out what you need at time of crisis,
 you will have become complacent thinking that it is there.

 In our case we had an excellent developer and DBA who took on the role of
 managing the version control, and did it extremely well. I'm very
 especially when we needed his services. Without one person to manage it,
 would have become a mess. I would probably have been the worse culpit.

 You only really appreciate these things once you've been burned without
 (like a good and verified backup strategy!).
 They need to be approached seriously.

u2-users mailing list
To unsubscribe please visit

RE: [U2] version control [AD]

2008-04-18 Thread Susan Joslyn
Hello Group.
Of course I'll barge in - just in case there's anyone who doesn't know! -
that there is a solution for change control right within U2.  PRC of course.
Changes are tracked automatically without any extra steps.  All the
traditional support, backup copies, merge tools, history/research full
audit.  Source program files but also dictionaries, control data - even
actual data to support emergency data edits.   PRC is also a complete
framework for implementing IT controls that are visible and flexible.
Immediate SOX/other regulatory compliance in a snap.

Just in case you didn't know!  More information at - or drop me
an email.

Susan Joslyn
SJ+ Systems Associates, Inc.
PRC(r) Real software configuration management for U2!

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David Beahm
 Sent: 16 April 2008 21:22
 Subject: [U2] version control
 We are looking to add our UniData/SBClient environment to 
 Subversion, and wanted to get advice from anyone who has done s
 something similar (CVS, etc.)  Searching through past posts, 
 I found Brian Leach's note about generating DICT items from 
 scripts, which I quite like; I suspect there are more ideas 
 like that around.
 First, however, we need to come up with a suitable repository 
 structure.  We have a number of live, proto, and development 
 accounts on one box (HP-UX).  We have some universally shared 
 directory files, but most files are unique to each account.
 To begin with, we are wondering whether it would be best to 
 have individual repositories for each account, or whether 
 there should be one repository with relative paths for each 
 account, or whether each account should be a different branch, etc.
 Suggestions welcome, however we are want to standardize on 
 one solution
 -- Subversion.
 David Beahm

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG. 
Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 269.23.1/1384 - Release Date: 4/17/2008
3:47 PM
u2-users mailing list
To unsubscribe please visit

RE: [U2] version control

2008-04-18 Thread Edward Brown

Have followed this thread with some interest as we've recently moved to
Subversion. This hosts VB6 and unidata source code / dicts / various
control data for a fairly large set of products.

Subversion has met our expectations; we'd dabbled with sourcesafe before
but never really had a revision backup strategy.

In general, we've found it best to (sorry for stating the obvious with
some of these!):
 - Have as much data in directory files as possible, adding a 'normal'
unidata file to subversion does not allow for proper control over each
item within that file
 - Settle on the repository layout at the start - in our case, taking
(mostly enforced) advice from subversion users elsewhere in the company
and adapting to our local needs. We have separate repositories for each
product group with top level 'branches', 'tags'  'trunk' nodes. Bug
fixes go into the 'branches' area, each bug being a copy of the trunk.
Tags contains snapshots of the trunk at release points.

- Branches
  - Bug1
- (structure)
  - Bug2
- (structure)
- Trunk
  - (structure)

Within (structure) we hold essentially a small unidata account, we
develop in another account with pointers back to the subversioned area.
This allows a mixture of content kept under source control plus data 
local settings that we'd not want cluttering up subversion.

Lastly, when switching branches it can take a long time to recompile /
recatalog the unibasic code; I've written a utility that detects changes
by comparing object  source date and just compiles what's needed. For
us, it reduces a 5 - 10 minute task down to just a few seconds, and is
quick enough to use regularly during development if several programs are
being edited. I can make the source available if anyone's interested?


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Susan Joslyn
Sent: 18 April 2008 13:26
Subject: RE: [U2] version control [AD]

Hello Group.
Of course I'll barge in - just in case there's anyone who doesn't know!
that there is a solution for change control right within U2.  PRC of
Changes are tracked automatically without any extra steps.  All the
traditional support, backup copies, merge tools, history/research full
audit.  Source program files but also dictionaries, control data - even
actual data to support emergency data edits.   PRC is also a complete
framework for implementing IT controls that are visible and flexible.
Immediate SOX/other regulatory compliance in a snap.

Just in case you didn't know!  More information at - or drop
an email.

Susan Joslyn
SJ+ Systems Associates, Inc.
PRC(r) Real software configuration management for U2!

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David Beahm
 Sent: 16 April 2008 21:22
 Subject: [U2] version control
 We are looking to add our UniData/SBClient environment to 
 Subversion, and wanted to get advice from anyone who has done s
 something similar (CVS, etc.)  Searching through past posts, 
 I found Brian Leach's note about generating DICT items from 
 scripts, which I quite like; I suspect there are more ideas 
 like that around.
 First, however, we need to come up with a suitable repository 
 structure.  We have a number of live, proto, and development 
 accounts on one box (HP-UX).  We have some universally shared 
 directory files, but most files are unique to each account.
 To begin with, we are wondering whether it would be best to 
 have individual repositories for each account, or whether 
 there should be one repository with relative paths for each 
 account, or whether each account should be a different branch, etc.
 Suggestions welcome, however we are want to standardize on 
 one solution
 -- Subversion.
 David Beahm

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Re: [U2] version control

2008-04-18 Thread doug chanco

   can I get a copy I am definitely interested as we too are moving to 



Edward Brown wrote:


Have followed this thread with some interest as we've recently moved to
Subversion. This hosts VB6 and unidata source code / dicts / various
control data for a fairly large set of products.

Subversion has met our expectations; we'd dabbled with sourcesafe before
but never really had a revision backup strategy.

In general, we've found it best to (sorry for stating the obvious with
some of these!):
 - Have as much data in directory files as possible, adding a 'normal'
unidata file to subversion does not allow for proper control over each
item within that file
 - Settle on the repository layout at the start - in our case, taking
(mostly enforced) advice from subversion users elsewhere in the company
and adapting to our local needs. We have separate repositories for each
product group with top level 'branches', 'tags'  'trunk' nodes. Bug
fixes go into the 'branches' area, each bug being a copy of the trunk.
Tags contains snapshots of the trunk at release points.

- Branches
  - Bug1
- (structure)
  - Bug2
- (structure)
- Trunk
  - (structure)

Within (structure) we hold essentially a small unidata account, we
develop in another account with pointers back to the subversioned area.
This allows a mixture of content kept under source control plus data 
local settings that we'd not want cluttering up subversion.

Lastly, when switching branches it can take a long time to recompile /
recatalog the unibasic code; I've written a utility that detects changes
by comparing object  source date and just compiles what's needed. For
us, it reduces a 5 - 10 minute task down to just a few seconds, and is
quick enough to use regularly during development if several programs are
being edited. I can make the source available if anyone's interested?


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Susan Joslyn
Sent: 18 April 2008 13:26
Subject: RE: [U2] version control [AD]

Hello Group.
Of course I'll barge in - just in case there's anyone who doesn't know!
that there is a solution for change control right within U2.  PRC of
Changes are tracked automatically without any extra steps.  All the
traditional support, backup copies, merge tools, history/research full
audit.  Source program files but also dictionaries, control data - even
actual data to support emergency data edits.   PRC is also a complete
framework for implementing IT controls that are visible and flexible.
Immediate SOX/other regulatory compliance in a snap.

Just in case you didn't know!  More information at - or drop
an email.

Susan Joslyn
SJ+ Systems Associates, Inc.
PRC(r) Real software configuration management for U2!


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David Beahm

Sent: 16 April 2008 21:22
Subject: [U2] version control

We are looking to add our UniData/SBClient environment to 
Subversion, and wanted to get advice from anyone who has done s
something similar (CVS, etc.)  Searching through past posts, 
I found Brian Leach's note about generating DICT items from 
scripts, which I quite like; I suspect there are more ideas 
like that around.

First, however, we need to come up with a suitable repository 
structure.  We have a number of live, proto, and development 
accounts on one box (HP-UX).  We have some universally shared 
directory files, but most files are unique to each account.

To begin with, we are wondering whether it would be best to 
have individual repositories for each account, or whether 
there should be one repository with relative paths for each 
account, or whether each account should be a different branch, etc.

Suggestions welcome, however we are want to standardize on 
one solution

-- Subversion.

David Beahm


No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG. 
Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 269.23.1/1384 - Release Date:

3:47 PM
u2-users mailing list
To unsubscribe please visit

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RE: [U2] version control

2008-04-17 Thread Brian Leach

You might want to check out an article I wrote for Spectrum about this.
Back-issues are on

One other tip:

We used CVS at my last company, which was quite a complex arrangement
handling server and client side code (and keeping these in sync).

The key was to appoint someone who was responsible for it. 
If it is anything more than trivial, it needs someone charged to administer
it, not just left to the whims of developers! 
That was the best decision we made...



 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David Beahm
 Sent: 16 April 2008 21:22
 Subject: [U2] version control
 We are looking to add our UniData/SBClient environment to 
 Subversion, and wanted to get advice from anyone who has done s
 something similar (CVS, etc.)  Searching through past posts, 
 I found Brian Leach's note about generating DICT items from 
 scripts, which I quite like; I suspect there are more ideas 
 like that around.
 First, however, we need to come up with a suitable repository 
 structure.  We have a number of live, proto, and development 
 accounts on one box (HP-UX).  We have some universally shared 
 directory files, but most files are unique to each account.
 To begin with, we are wondering whether it would be best to 
 have individual repositories for each account, or whether 
 there should be one repository with relative paths for each 
 account, or whether each account should be a different branch, etc.
 Suggestions welcome, however we are want to standardize on 
 one solution
 -- Subversion.
 David Beahm
 u2-users mailing list
 To unsubscribe please visit
u2-users mailing list
To unsubscribe please visit

RE: [U2] version control

2008-04-17 Thread JPB-U2UG
It seems that everyone needs to be a specialist these days, even in our

Jerry Banker
Senior Programmer Analyst
IBM Certified Solutions Expert

 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:owner-u2-
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Brian Leach
 Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2008 4:14 AM
 Subject: RE: [U2] version control
 You might want to check out an article I wrote for Spectrum about this.
 Back-issues are on
 One other tip:
 We used CVS at my last company, which was quite a complex arrangement
 handling server and client side code (and keeping these in sync).
 The key was to appoint someone who was responsible for it.
 If it is anything more than trivial, it needs someone charged to
 it, not just left to the whims of developers!
 That was the best decision we made...
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David Beahm
  Sent: 16 April 2008 21:22
  Subject: [U2] version control
  We are looking to add our UniData/SBClient environment to
  Subversion, and wanted to get advice from anyone who has done s
  something similar (CVS, etc.)  Searching through past posts,
  I found Brian Leach's note about generating DICT items from
  scripts, which I quite like; I suspect there are more ideas
  like that around.
  First, however, we need to come up with a suitable repository
  structure.  We have a number of live, proto, and development
  accounts on one box (HP-UX).  We have some universally shared
  directory files, but most files are unique to each account.
  To begin with, we are wondering whether it would be best to
  have individual repositories for each account, or whether
  there should be one repository with relative paths for each
  account, or whether each account should be a different branch, etc.
  Suggestions welcome, however we are want to standardize on
  one solution
  -- Subversion.
  David Beahm
  u2-users mailing list
  To unsubscribe please visit
 u2-users mailing list
 To unsubscribe please visit
u2-users mailing list
To unsubscribe please visit

Re: [U2] version control

2008-04-17 Thread Rex Gozar


We use CVS here.  We store all of our source code in a flat 
file/directory structure.  We use an OS level build script to generate 
the accounts, create the files and dictionaries, and load them with data.

The primary goal in our situation was to create a one-step build for our 
product, where the entire product would be generated from the ground up. 
 Patches for production systems are created by diff'ing the prior and 
current release.

We keep each account as separate CVS module, but it doesn't really 
matter; all accounts could have been in the same module if we designed 
it that way.  The structure we have is:


for example, the dict item NAME for the CUSTOMERS file would be 
stored in


Where the src and DICT directories provide metadata for the build 
script, i.e. src contains U2 files to create (in this case CUSTOMERS), 
and the load DICT portion of the file with the source item NAME.  Note 
that we could have structured this a lot of different ways to get the 
same result.  File type, modulo, and separation are also stored as 
metadata; for the CUSTOMERS dictionary file above, it would be stored in 

Gotcha's: Depending on Windows vs. Unix, certain filenames or characters 
within the filename need to be encoded, e.g. CON and AUX conflict 
with the DOS command line, and * and  can also have special 
meaning.  Universe uses %A for an asterisk, etc. and you'll need to do 
something similar (you could write a function that uses url encoding 
that also encodes DOS keywords).

Suggestion: I wrote an ACCOUNT2DIR utility to create our flat 
file/directory structure.  I was able to tweak it and rerun it until I 
got the strucure I liked.  I suggest that you do something similar so 
you can easily tryout different structures.


David Beahm wrote:
We are looking to add our UniData/SBClient environment to Subversion, 
and wanted to get advice from anyone who has done something similar 
(CVS, etc.)  Searching through past posts, I found Brian Leach's note 
about generating DICT items from scripts, which I quite like; I suspect 
there are more ideas like that around.

u2-users mailing list
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RE: [U2] version control

2008-04-17 Thread Brian Leach
Jerry et al

I would say good version control - like all code management - is a skill.

And more so the more diverse your code base. If you are just hacking away at
(say) an old D3 application you can probably get away with a lot. If you
need to support multiple versions, platforms, client/server and web tiers,
probably half a dozen languages, shared libraries etc. the work involved in
just managing that should not be - and all too often is by management -
underestimated. Hence my comment. This should not be something that is just
put in without thought and left to run by itself. It won't. Time taken to
plan this now will pay huge dividends down the line. Time not spent will
bite you in the bum. A badly put together versioning system is worse than
useless - you won't be able to get out what you need at time of crisis, and
you will have become complacent thinking that it is there.

In our case we had an excellent developer and DBA who took on the role of
managing the version control, and did it extremely well. I'm very thankful,
especially when we needed his services. Without one person to manage it, it
would have become a mess. I would probably have been the worse culpit. 

You only really appreciate these things once you've been burned without them
(like a good and verified backup strategy!).
They need to be approached seriously.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of JPB-U2UG
 Sent: 17 April 2008 13:54
 Subject: RE: [U2] version control
 It seems that everyone needs to be a specialist these days, 
 even in our business.
 Jerry Banker
 Senior Programmer Analyst
 IBM Certified Solutions Expert
  -Original Message-
  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:owner-u2- 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Brian Leach
  Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2008 4:14 AM
  Subject: RE: [U2] version control
  You might want to check out an article I wrote for Spectrum 
 about this.
  Back-issues are on
  One other tip:
  We used CVS at my last company, which was quite a complex 
  handling server and client side code (and keeping these in sync).
  The key was to appoint someone who was responsible for it.
  If it is anything more than trivial, it needs someone charged to 
  administer it, not just left to the whims of developers!
  That was the best decision we made...
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
 David Beahm
   Sent: 16 April 2008 21:22
   Subject: [U2] version control
   We are looking to add our UniData/SBClient environment to 
   Subversion, and wanted to get advice from anyone who has done s 
   something similar (CVS, etc.)  Searching through past 
 posts, I found 
   Brian Leach's note about generating DICT items from 
 scripts, which I 
   quite like; I suspect there are more ideas like that around.
   First, however, we need to come up with a suitable repository 
   structure.  We have a number of live, proto, and development 
   accounts on one box (HP-UX).  We have some universally shared 
   directory files, but most files are unique to each account.
   To begin with, we are wondering whether it would be best to have 
   individual repositories for each account, or whether 
 there should be 
   one repository with relative paths for each account, or 
 whether each 
   account should be a different branch, etc.
   Suggestions welcome, however we are want to standardize on one 
   -- Subversion.
   David Beahm
   u2-users mailing list
   To unsubscribe please visit
  u2-users mailing list
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 u2-users mailing list
 To unsubscribe please visit
u2-users mailing list
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Re: [U2] version control

2008-04-17 Thread Rex Gozar


One other item: in managing development, testing, and production 
accounts, I've found it easier to use relative Q-pointers in the 
software.  So instead setting the Q-pointer:

0001: Q
0002: AR

set it up to use a relative pathname:

0001: Q
0002: ../AR

Every developer can maintain their own unique directory with their own 
copy of the account(s) they need, without having to setup a STEVE.AR, 
BOB.AR, or JIM.AR account.


David Beahm wrote:
First, however, we need to come up with a suitable repository 
structure.  We have a number of live, proto, and development accounts on 
one box (HP-UX).  We have some universally shared directory files, but 
most files are unique to each account.

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[U2] version control

2008-04-16 Thread David Beahm
We are looking to add our UniData/SBClient environment to Subversion, 
and wanted to get advice from anyone who has done something similar 
(CVS, etc.)  Searching through past posts, I found Brian Leach's note 
about generating DICT items from scripts, which I quite like; I suspect 
there are more ideas like that around.

First, however, we need to come up with a suitable repository 
structure.  We have a number of live, proto, and development accounts on 
one box (HP-UX).  We have some universally shared directory files, but 
most files are unique to each account.

To begin with, we are wondering whether it would be best to have 
individual repositories for each account, or whether there should be one 
repository with relative paths for each account, or whether each account 
should be a different branch, etc.

Suggestions welcome, however we are want to standardize on one solution 
-- Subversion.

David Beahm
u2-users mailing list
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Re: [U2] version control

2008-04-16 Thread David Beaty
We use Subversion with a Universe based system. The one piece of advice I 
would give is to split up the program files or xxPROCESS into logical SVN 
projects as we found that with a PROGS file of 2500+ programs it would take 
quite some time to update/commit etc.

In the end we also wrote our own mechanism to deploy from SVN a branch out 
and compile the programs.

Another product we use as we have a team of developers all working on 
similar code is a program called WinMerge which allows easy side by side 
comparison of programs.


- Original Message - 
From: David Beahm [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 9:22 PM
Subject: [U2] version control

We are looking to add our UniData/SBClient environment to Subversion, and 
wanted to get advice from anyone who has done something similar (CVS, 
etc.)  Searching through past posts, I found Brian Leach's note about 
generating DICT items from scripts, which I quite like; I suspect there 
are more ideas like that around.

First, however, we need to come up with a suitable repository structure. 
We have a number of live, proto, and development accounts on one box 
(HP-UX).  We have some universally shared directory files, but most files 
are unique to each account.

To begin with, we are wondering whether it would be best to have 
individual repositories for each account, or whether there should be one 
repository with relative paths for each account, or whether each account 
should be a different branch, etc.

Suggestions welcome, however we are want to standardize on one solution --  

David Beahm
u2-users mailing list
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