Re: New proposal for Ubuntu Backporters Team Charter

2023-07-11 Thread Robie Basak
On Wed, Jun 07, 2023 at 05:35:21PM +0200, Mattia Rizzolo wrote:
> Today we had a Backporters meeting, and indeed we don't have any
> opposition to this latest proposal, thank you for the prods, and I'm
> happy that this topic is finally coming to a close!


> Please do email us a bit more "formally" once it's done, so that we have
> a good authoritative reference to link to later on :)

Consider this the formal email then please?

> I think following this ratification the next question would be: where is
> a good place to collect them?  Personally I'm going to copy it under
> our "wiki space" (and perhaps under launchpad as well?  It's short
> enough…), but the final goal was for the TB to define a bunch of
> these for all the other interesting teams too, so I wonder if you
> already have something good in mind?

I've documented this at for now. As it
grows, it could move to its own page.


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Re: New proposal for Ubuntu Backporters Team Charter

2023-03-01 Thread Robie Basak

Thank you for your time on this.

On Wed, Mar 01, 2023 at 04:22:13PM +0100, Mattia Rizzolo wrote:
> > > So I think we are starting to get to the crux of the difference in
> > > viewpoints from the TB to the backporters team. Due to the past history
> > > of some perceived dysfunction within the backporters team, I feel it is
> > > important to try and set some more specific expectations for how the
> > > newly rebooted team would function - particularly to an outsider wishing
> > > to contribute.
> The problem in my opinion is that also your (rbasak's) original proposal
> is also "useless" for an aspiring contributor.  Also, what's
> "contributor" here?  Somebody wanting to propose a backport update is
> really not served by these documents (either Charter or Policies)...

I wonder if it's worth first discussing what the text would actually be
used *for*, since your reply suggests to me that we might not have the
same view on this here.

I see the (my) proposed text as a point of reference between the
backporters team and the rest of the project, but generally only for use
to guide the backporters team in defining their own policies, procedures
and documentation, cases where it was unclear what their
responsibilities are, or in case of some kind of unhappiness (eg. we
hope it won't happen, but a repeat of the previous team being unable to
review submissions at all).

What I *don't* expect it to be used for directly is for anything to do
with aspiring contributors. I would expect that to be covered by
documentation that the backporters team controls and defines as they
feel appropriate. Similarly you'd be free to adjust that documentation
as the need arises, rather than having a "locked in" document that
requires negotiation with a board to have changed.

I think aspiring contributors would still benefit from having things
clearly defined in this text, because that clarity would then filter
down into your own processes, procedures and documentation. But I
wouldn't expect them to actually _use_ the formal text directly (unless
they were asking for changes in those processes, or wanted to escalate


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Re: Ubuntu Backports charter

2022-04-05 Thread Robie Basak
On Tue, Mar 22, 2022 at 04:46:45PM -0400, Dan Streetman wrote:
> > However the equivalent text you have now only says "The mission of the
> > Ubuntu Backporters Team is to maintain the backports pocket of all
> > stable Ubuntu releases." with no mention of that.
> >
> > In fact that's the case for basically everything I proposed previously.
> >
> > Is this deliberate? Would you consider replacing your "Mission
> > Statement" with the text I suggested previously?
> I don't think so, no.
> > And if not, why not?
> Because your statements aren't a mission, they are policy; and your
> statements are not objective. For example, "all requests receive an
> appropriate answer in a reasonable amount of time" is not at all
> objective and so has no actual meaning in a charter.

I'm not sure if we're arguing semantics here in terms of what we each
mean by "mission", "policy" and "charter". I'd like to avoid that.

I am suggesting that we (both the TB and the backporters team) agree to
these statements because they would be able to form the documented terms
of reference between the rest of Ubuntu and backporters team. They would
be the reason for the existence of the backporters team. If a future
problem were to arise like the one we had in the past that led to the
recent revitalization, then we would be able to use these statements to
quickly identify the problem.

I agree that "reasonable amount of time" is subjective. However I don't
think it's a problem for there to be subjectivity here. Objectively, it
was the fact that requests _weren't_ being processed in a reasonable
amount of time that was the problem last time. Stating and agreeing to
this helps set expectations.

Consider what would happen if the backporters team stopped responding to
requests, or became unreasonably slow in doing so. That would obviously
be a problem - just as it was previously. If it couldn't be resolved
directly between everyone involved, somebody might escalate to the TB,
and the TB would probably agree that some intervention is required. In
other words, it's *already* a hard expectation that "all requests
receive an appropriate answer in a reasonable amount of time" whether or
not it's written down and directly agreed to. So why don't we agree and
write it down to help set everyone's expectation to what the reality is
anyway? Isn't that the point of documenting this kind of thing, and
exactly the sort of documentation you've said elsewhere you think is

> > > > IMHO it's best if each team - including the backporters team - decides
> > > > for themselves how they want to operate, and are free to change things
> > > > as and when they want. To that extent, if the backporters team wants
> > > > have a detailed document like the one you have written, then that's
> > > > absolutely fine.
> > > >
> > > > But why are you looking for the TB to "ratify" it
> > >
> > > So that the powers delegated to the team are explicitly stated...
> >
> > I agree that this part makes sense.
> >
> > > that the "main" rules are also explicitly stated (with "main" being
> > > subjective, and decided by our team).
> >
> > Why do you want this to be part of the TB's ratification?
> Because it's completely unclear what powers/policies/rules the TB
> reserves for itself.

Am I right in understanding that your concern is that the TB will later
tell you that you aren't allowed to do something that you've written
down in your rules already?

Would it work for you if the TB were to look at your document and agree
just that the set of rules you've written for yourself seem reasonable
and are all within the remit of the backporters team to perform, rather
than also formally binding anyone to anything?

I would still like to talk about having a documented delegation in the
form that I proposed, but this suggestion would address my separate
concern that you're asking the TB to lock the backporters team down in a
way that I don't think is appropriate.

> There is no section called "team responsibilities" nor "powers
> delegated to the team" so I'm not 100% clear on what you *do* think
> the TB needs to ratify, vs. what you *do not* think the TB should be
> involved in...can you clarify?

"powers delegated to the team" were your words. "team responsibilities"
are a heading in my email here:

Specifically what I think would be useful for the TB to ratify is what I
wrote in my email here:

> Any sections that you feel should be removed from the Charter (i.e.
> moved into the team official policies document:
>, please let me know.
> Assuming you are speaking for the TB, of course.

I think it's premature to "speak for the TB" at this stage. Let's first
try and figure out a way forward that everyone agrees upon. If we can
achieve that, then "speaking for" any partic

Re: Ubuntu Backports charter

2022-03-22 Thread Robie Basak
On Tue, Mar 22, 2022 at 04:10:38PM -0400, Dan Streetman wrote:
> The team has had previous discussions around governance, yes, and of
> course those discussions played a part in forming this document. I
> don't really know what exactly you mean by any/all discussions being
> 'incorporated' into the document?

For example, I had suggested the text "Any review process must accept or
reject every backport request on its technical merit, and be neutral to
who is requesting it" with a footnote that explained the rationale as
"the process must avoid the current situation where only privileged
people can get their uploads reviewed, and everyone else is blocked"

("current" there is now, I believe, "past")

However the equivalent text you have now only says "The mission of the
Ubuntu Backporters Team is to maintain the backports pocket of all
stable Ubuntu releases." with no mention of that.

In fact that's the case for basically everything I proposed previously.

Is this deliberate? Would you consider replacing your "Mission
Statement" with the text I suggested previously? And if not, why not?

> > IMHO it's best if each team - including the backporters team - decides
> > for themselves how they want to operate, and are free to change things
> > as and when they want. To that extent, if the backporters team wants
> > have a detailed document like the one you have written, then that's
> > absolutely fine.
> >
> > But why are you looking for the TB to "ratify" it
> So that the powers delegated to the team are explicitly stated...

I agree that this part makes sense.

> that the "main" rules are also explicitly stated (with "main" being
> subjective, and decided by our team).

Why do you want this to be part of the TB's ratification?

> > and lock in the
> > requirement that the TB must approve any changes? For example, you've
> > said "This charter, and any changes to it, must be approved by the TB
> > before taking effect" but also you've got minutiae in there such as
> > which IRC channel is used and on what network. Won't causing the TB to
> > "lock this in" be excessively beaurocratic? And what if you need a minor
> > change? Are you expecting to go to the TB every time? Won't that be
> > impractical?
> Sorry, these questions seem subjective and rhetorical - I'm not sure
> if you intend for our team to answer them? Do they need to be answered
> for the TB to review and/or ratify this charter?

I don't think the questions are rhetorical. I do think they need
answering because if unanswered then I don't understand why it's within
scope for the TB to consider ratifying these details at all.


1) Details of team responsibilities and "powers delegated to the team"
make sense for the TB to ratify.

2) Details of how the team carries out their responsibilities seem like
matters for the team to manage themselves and I currently don't see why
they're any business of the TB unless some kind of conflict or other
problem arises (and I don't know of any). I invite further discussion
and argument to why they should be within the scope of the TB today, but
in the absence of any explanation or argument, I'm inclined to consider
this part out of scope and therefore (wearing my TB hat) decline to get


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Re: Ubuntu Backports charter

2022-03-22 Thread Robie Basak
On Mon, Mar 21, 2022 at 12:44:43PM -0400, Dan Streetman wrote:
> I see this charter as the one and only official document (except where
> the charter specifically delegates to other document(s)) for guiding
> what the team does and how the team does it. It supersedes any
> previous discussion. Is that what you are asking?

I'm asking to what extent you consider the previous discussion to have
been incorporated into your current document, if at all.

IMHO it's best if each team - including the backporters team - decides
for themselves how they want to operate, and are free to change things
as and when they want. To that extent, if the backporters team wants
have a detailed document like the one you have written, then that's
absolutely fine.

But why are you looking for the TB to "ratify" it and lock in the
requirement that the TB must approve any changes? For example, you've
said "This charter, and any changes to it, must be approved by the TB
before taking effect" but also you've got minutiae in there such as
which IRC channel is used and on what network. Won't causing the TB to
"lock this in" be excessively beaurocratic? And what if you need a minor
change? Are you expecting to go to the TB every time? Won't that be

In case it's not clear, I think what you're proposing is rather
different from my suggestion. I was focusing on the team
responsibilities only - very deliberately leaving *how* the team might
choose to fulfil those responsibilities out of it.


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Re: Ubuntu Backports charter

2022-03-21 Thread Robie Basak
On Mon, Mar 21, 2022 at 10:21:19AM -0400, Dan Streetman wrote:
> The Ubuntu Backports team has drafted a Charter and we request that
> you review it and, if you approve, please provide your approval
> ("ratification") by email. If you have any concerns or comments,
> please let us know.

Related discussions:
(under "Team Responsibilities")

Dan, how do you see that fitting in here?

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Ratifying a formal delegation

2022-02-09 Thread Robie Basak
Dear Backporters Team,

Thank you for your work in restoring the team and a functional process,
and congratulations on your recent announcement on the reopening of the
backports pocket.

There is one thing I'd like to wrap up relating to the reboot please. In
my email that kicked this off
I had a section of text under the heading "Team Responsibilities"). Is
this text something you would be willing to accept as a formal
delegation from the Technical Board? If so, I'd like to next propose to
the TB that they ratify it as such.

Here's the text again, with one minor edit (s/defined/decided/) for
clarity, and I've also removed the last sentence because that's not
really an essential part of the description.


 * Establish and manage an effective process to handle backport
   requests. Any review process must accept or reject every backport
   request on its technical merit, and be neutral to who is requesting

 * Maintain the backports pocket based on this process, making sure that
   all requests receive an appropriate answer in a reasonable amount of

 * Maintain quality in the backports pocket, where the definition of
   quality is driven by the team, but decided by consensus within the
   wider Ubuntu developer community.

 * Handle your own process reform and membership management, but making
   sure that any responsibility can be carried by any contributor who
   demonstrates the required capacity and competence.


My motivation for requesting this is that I hope that with a more formal
delegation, then should the same situation arise again, it'd be less
painful to address that time.

Another currently relevant point is that this would make it clear that
the team will manage its own membership. We will need to see if the TB



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Re: Plan to reform the Ubuntu Backporters Team [was: Proposal: sunset the backports pockets]

2021-07-30 Thread Robie Basak
Hi Iain,

Perhaps I see the situation differently from you. From my perspective,
this is an extraordinary intervention "from above" by consensus from
Ubuntu developers. The backporters team has been unable to act for an
extended period of time, and when threatened with closure, nobody from
the team has been able to volunteer to continue in any role, let alone a
leadership role. Others _have_ volunteered; therefore the team is being

Nothing stops previous team members from continuing, subject to any
requirements from _new_ team leadership, but they haven't even
volunteered to continue. From my perspective they have effectively
resigned through their extended absence.

On Fri, Jul 30, 2021 at 02:24:31PM +0100, Iain Lane wrote:
> > Assuming the change is made, following my proposal detail, I intend to
> > remove everyone from ~ubuntu-backports and add Dan as its sole admin,
> > and then let Dan take it from there (I assume he will add Mattia as a
> > team member, and maybe Iain).
> To be honest, I think you could - and I'd prefer it if you would - leave 
> this up to the team, especially if there are newly active members.

From my perspective, this would be as if people who have neglected[1]
matters for years, and effectively blocked progress, would be retaining
their ability to block progress. This is why I'm against your

IMHO, previous team members who have not participated in this thread
should therefore no longer have the status of being in the team. I agree
with you to leave membership up to the team, but I might differ from you
in that I want this to be up to the *new team*, not people who have
their name attached but haven't done anything for the team in multiple
years and are not stepping up to do so now. IMHO the old and inactive
team members should, due to neglect[1], have no more say than the wider
set of Ubuntu developers in this matter. I value their experience and
opinions, but the final decision making should no longer be up to them
due to their extended absence. IMHO, any previous backporters team
member who doesn't want this to happen has had multiple opportunities to
step up or speak up, and has not done so.

You, Iain, are an exception because you have actually participated in
the conversation. Thank you :)

Further IMHO, I think having old inactive members there is harmful. For
example, for years people have been blocked on backports under the
illusion that the team exists and team members just need to appear to
review and approve their stuff. In reality, the team ceased to exist
years ago; it was just Launchpad that was behind. If the team membership
in Launchpad had been empty accordingly, we'd probably have sought to
address the situation much sooner.

So, my proposal is to empty the team membership, _once_, as part of this
revitalisation. IMHO, only those volunteering to do the whole task of
resurrecting the backports process (so far that's just Dan) should
really have a decision making power here, since they are the only ones
actually taking responsibility. Then the new team members will manage
the team membership list as they feel appropriate.

> I'd like to talk with the new team about this, but I'm personally not 
> interested in participating in the current process. It's broken by 
> design IMO. I'd be interested in participating in creating a reformed 
> process and more than happy to explain to the team what I consider to be 
> wrong with the way things are now, but I'll probably not be leading any 
> reform efforts myself just for spoons reasons. On that basis I'd be OK 
> stepping down from being an administrator, and possibly leaving the team 
> altogether, depending on what the active members consider their 
> priorities to be.

Thank you for staying involved! Under my proposal I would expect you to
end up being re-added, but I think that would/should be entirely up to
the new team to decide. Specifically this is because if you're unable to
help drive the reform, then that's fine but I think that also means that
you cannot also be a decision-maker as to whether you get re-added or
not. That would be up to those who _are_ driving the reform, since part
of their remit and responsibility is to drive the process for team

>   Again I'd prefer to work that out with the team rather 
> than the new owners doing this 'from above'.

IMHO, that ship has sailed. The "from above" approach has become
necessary because the existing team and team leadership has not managed
to make any progress on this themselves; nor did they engage when Thomas
volunteered to join the team to help. You can't have it both ways here.

I expect Dan to work with you, and Ubuntu developers at large, to figure
out a process that works for everybody. But I don't think he should be
tied by the need to seek approval from team alumni who have neglected
their responsibilities for years[1]. I think that one way to make this
clear is by explicitly removing old, ina

Re: Plan to reform the Ubuntu Backporters Team [was: Proposal: sunset the backports pockets]

2021-07-28 Thread Robie Basak
On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 10:53:37AM -0400, Thomas Ward wrote:
> I volunteered via IRC in #ubuntu-devel to ddstreet.  I think that got buried
> though...

Great. Thank you!

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Re: Plan to reform the Ubuntu Backporters Team [was: Proposal: sunset the backports pockets]

2021-07-28 Thread Robie Basak
Hi Mattia,

Thank you for organising getting things going!

I'll stay out of any decisions since I won't be a member of the new
team. I'd like to suggest, though, that you try and keep discussion in
ubuntu-devel@ if possible. IMHO, keeping ubuntu-backports@ discussions
separately in its own list will only hurt opportunities to get more
Ubuntu developers involved in backporting activities. I would only split
off into a different list if traffic gets too dense in the more general

However, that's just my opinion and it should be entirely up to the new
team to decide how to run their affairs. I'm just happy to see the team
active again!


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Re: Plan to reform the Ubuntu Backporters Team [was: Proposal: sunset the backports pockets]

2021-07-28 Thread Robie Basak
On Thu, Jul 22, 2021 at 05:00:26PM -0400, Dan Streetman wrote:
> So as far as next steps based on your proposal, it seems like:

I detailed the next steps specifically in my proposal but focused on
slightly different things, so I appreciate you laying out your
perspective also. What you suggest here is essentially the same anyway.

> 1) Open call for initial volunteers
> - I volunteer for the leadership role (at least for the initial
> re-establishment), assuming there are no objections

Looks like there have been no objections. To be clear, I understand that
you're also volunteering for the day-to-day role?

> - mapreri volunteers for day-to-day role (thanks Mattia!)
> - this email thread seems like a good enough call to the community for
> anyone else who wants to volunteer, either in a leadership role or
> day-to-day role

+1. It appears that Mattia and Dan are currently the only volunteers.

> 2) Administrative changes to ~ubuntu-backporters
> - I don't see any public documentation on an existing process for
> membership changes to ~ubuntu-backporters, so I assume your proposal
> along with the disussion here is enough justification to ask the TB to
> make the changes, assuming there is no objection from the TB of
> course, or from existing active members (Laney I assume all this
> sounds ok to you?)

There has been no objection, so I intend to make the changes as agreed
in this thread as soon as ~techboard gets control of the team. Since
there is consensus here, I see no need to ask for TB permission
specifically (or, if you prefer to consider it this way, I will use my
TB hat to JFDI).

I haven't managed to reach ScottK who currently owns the
~ubuntu-backporters team. However he stepped away from Ubuntu
development quite a long time ago, and I don't think he would have any
objection to handing over the reins to ~techboard. So I filed yesterday to
request this change.

Assuming the change is made, following my proposal detail, I intend to
remove everyone from ~ubuntu-backports and add Dan as its sole admin,
and then let Dan take it from there (I assume he will add Mattia as a
team member, and maybe Iain).

If we can't have ~ubuntu-backporters, I suppose I could register
~ubuntu-backporters2 and swap the queue ACLs over, but this seems
unlikely (and suboptimal).

> 3) New team has initial public irc meeting (and email/chat
> communication as needed) to make any process reforms (membership,
> backports process, etc)
> 4) update public documentation
> 5) New team starts work on reviewing backports
> does that seem correct?

This sounds good to me. These steps 3-5 would be for you (Dan) to



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Re: Plan to reform the Ubuntu Backporters Team [was: Proposal: sunset the backports pockets]

2021-07-21 Thread Robie Basak
Hi Mattia,

Thank you for your support, and for volunteering for the second role!

On Wed, Jul 21, 2021 at 12:56:07PM +0200, Mattia Rizzolo wrote:
> > [1] To be clear, I believe that the current process requires
> > sponsorship/upload of a suitable backport, and the backporters team only
> > reviews once an upload has taken place.
> I believe you are wrong on this.
> They way the current process is worded, uploads should be done by people
> in ~ubuntu-backports only, effectively causing a huge load on the team.
> The reform needed here (as you more or less imply), is that upload
> rights should follow the usual rules, with ~ubuntu-backports only
> reviewing the uploads once they end in the "unapproved" queue (i have no
> idea how the staging queue for backports is currently called).

The point I was trying to make in my footnote was merely that I'm not
intending to demand that the backporters team take on all the work
themselves as soon as someone requests a backport without providing any
further work themselves.

I haven't checked myself, but there seem to be different opinions on how
it currently works, exactly, based on the discussion so far. However, I
think we're all agreed on the process to reform it, so I'll leave the
details to the newly formed backporters team to sort out :)


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Plan to reform the Ubuntu Backporters Team [was: Proposal: sunset the backports pockets]

2021-07-21 Thread Robie Basak
Thank you for volunteering! As we have at least one qualified person
committed, I'd be very happy to see the backports pocket continue. As a
concrete proposal, I suggest we do this by reforming ~ubuntu-backporters
as follows.

In particular I wanted to enumerate a specific transition plan and the
reformed team's responsibities below, since my opinion on sunsetting the
backports pocket is only moot if this actually happens.

Feedback appreciated!

# Team Roles

For clarity, initially there will be two roles in the team: 1) a
leadership role, driving re-establishment and reform; 2) people doing
the regular day-to-day work, such as reviews.

I think the first role could only effectively be taken by suitably
qualified, existing and established Ubuntu developers. We'll see if
there are any other volunteers, and if there are, see if there is
consensus that they can also take on the role.

The second role would be open to anyone who meets the requirements of
the new process, which is yet to be defined.

To get started I suggest continuing the old process, while allowing for
the new team's leadership to drive process reform.

# Transition Plan

 * This entire plan is predicated on there being at least one suitably
   qualified, experienced and established Ubuntu developer committed to
   taking on both roles. So far, that's Dan, but others may join him.

 * ~techboard takes ownership of ~ubuntu-backporters.

 * Existing but inactive team members are removed.

 * Those that we have agreed will take on the first role are added as
   team admins.

 * Those still active in the team and are willing to do the second role
   (if any; I think only Iain qualifies if he is willing) are added as
   regular team members.

 * A process for future management of team membership would be up to the
   team itself to establish.

# Team responsibilities

Here I've tried to define what we need, rather than specify how the
backporters team will deliver it. I'd prefer to leave the team to drive
that. For example, Gunnar asked some good questions in the thread; I've
deliberately not answered those, leaving that for the backporters team
to figure out later as part of the process reform.

 * Establish and manage an effective process to handle backport
   requests. Any review process must accept or reject every backport
   request on its technical merit, and be neutral to who is requesting

 * Maintain the backports pocket based on this process, making sure that
   all requests receive an appropriate answer in a reasonable amount of

 * Maintain quality in the backports pocket, where the definition of
   quality is driven by the team, but defined by consensus within the
   wider Ubuntu developer community.

 * Handle your own process reform and membership management, but making
   sure that any responsibility can be carried by any contributor who
   demonstrates the required capacity and competence. Specifically,
   since the DMB has never managed membership of ~ubuntu-backporters,
   there is no requirement for the DMB to be involved. Unless you want
   to delegate that, in which case that's a conversation to have with
   the DMB.

How does this sound? Feedback appreciated.


[1] To be clear, I believe that the current process requires
sponsorship/upload of a suitable backport, and the backporters team only
reviews once an upload has taken place. I am not suggesting that we
require the backporters team to do any more than that - for example
responding to a backport request with no upload with "please find a
sponsor[2] to upload an appropriate backported package and then we'll
review it" would be fine. But the process must avoid the current
situation where only privileged people can get their uploads reviewed,
and everyone else is blocked.

[2] Availability of sponsors is a separate issue. I'd like to address
that too, but I don't think it's appropriate to pull that into the scope
of backports reform.

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Re: Proposal: sunset the backports pockets

2021-07-19 Thread Robie Basak
[Dropping random extra Ccs; let's not just spam all the lists, please.
If you want people on other MLs to be aware of this thread, I think it's
sufficient to just send one email to point to it]

On Mon, Jul 19, 2021 at 11:25:48AM -0700, Erich Eickmeyer wrote:
> When was the last time this was brought up? I don't remember seeing anything 
> on any public mailing lists, discourse, the fridge, Planet Ubuntu, or even 
> Ubuntu Weekly News about this. This tells me that it was never brought-up 
> publicly, aka no call for volunteers. If that's the case, then that's the 
> failure, not people like me saying it's a bad idea.

> What I'm saying is that you might be posting to these mailing lists, but 
> that's not *public enough* to get the attention this needs to drum-up 
> qualified 
> volunteers. Not everybody who is qualified is subscribed to these lists.

I'm surprised to hear that you think that ubuntu-devel@ isn't a wide
enough audience here. Maybe we differ in who we consider qualified? One
key aspect of driving a process change like this in Ubuntu is to have a
good working knowledge of how Ubuntu development process in this area
works already. I'd therefore only consider an existing and experienced
Ubuntu developer to be qualified.

A successful process reform might mean that other people become
qualified to drive backports in the future - and in fact I think we're
all agreed that this would be the point of any reform itself. But that's
distinct from the set of people qualified to drive the process change

If you want to disseminate this discussion more widely in places that
you think are relevant, here's your opportunity to do so.

> So, yes, I will block a so-called "improvement" when it comes down to 
> quitting 
> vs exhausting all other options, because, in my opinion, quitting is not an 
> option.

We'll have to disagree here then. I call again for volunteers to drive
reform, but in the absence of anyone qualified actually stepping up, I
stand by my position that blocking my proposal is equivalent to
demanding that the current damaging status quo remains.


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Re: Proposal: sunset the backports pockets

2021-07-19 Thread Robie Basak
Hi Erich,

On Mon, Jul 19, 2021 at 10:18:36AM -0700, Erich Eickmeyer wrote:
> TL;DR: Don't sunset the backports, but reform the process.

Ubuntu is a meritocracy. We invite anybody, from any company, to
participate in any aspect of the project.

I would be happy to see the backports process stay, with reform that
actually works. Like you, I would prefer that, so in that sense, I
completely agree with you.

However, somebody needs to drive that reform. Nobody has. The last time
the topic of reform came up, nobody apart from me bothered to respond to
the thread.

There are many people making many suggestions in this thread now, but
still so far, nobody has volunteered. I don't think that anybody has
disagreed that the current situation is actively damaging to our

*Given that* nobody is stepping up to reform the process, I think that
sunsetting the process is the least worst option. It might be a
difficult, unwelcome decision, but it is one that needs to be made.

I appreciate the points you're making. However, unless you (or somebody
else qualified) are actively volunteering to step in and drive the
reform, I cannot give your position much weight. Because how can I,
knowing that nobody volunteering means that the current harmful
situation will continue? To me, when you say you want reform, I hear
that the status quo will continue because nobody will step up to drive
that reform, and for me that is unacceptable.

Please don't block an improvement by requesting work that nobody is
volunteering to do.

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Re: Proposal: sunset the backports pockets

2021-07-19 Thread Robie Basak
On Mon, Jul 19, 2021 at 10:17:44AM -0400, Jeffrey Lane wrote:
> Would it be worthwhile, (or possible) to keep it open quietly for
> special cases?

We can certainly leave ourselves open for the backports process to
restart if someone steps up and adapts it into something workable.
Similarly, I'm sure the occasional exception will be fine, with the
caveat that I don't want publication to the backports pocket to
effectively only be available to privileged people as I mentioned in
another subthread.

> Or perhaps amend the SRU process to incorporate bits
> of Backports?

The key difference between the updates and backports pockets is that
users have to explicitly opt-in to backports, whereas the updates
pockets is recommended to all users. Therefore, the general user
expectation is that the updates pocket will not change behaviour from a
user's perpsective. There are exceptions, but that's the general rule.
So I'm not keen on stretching the SRU process to accommodate backports
in the general case, unless the updates already qualify under the
existing SRU policy anyway. However, other alternatives to the backports
pocket already exist.

For apps, we have snaps, which have the advantage of third party
developers being able to publish directly and safely, without manual
review being required. The problem we have with manual review shortages
doesn't exist with snaps.

For everything else, third party PPAs are still possible - they have
their own problems, but apart from an "official" stamp / trust anchor,
and therefore requiring a more explicit opt-in on a per-PPA basis, they
are exactly functionally equivalent to the backports pocket. An official
stamp for any kind of deb-based publishing necessarily requires manual
review. "Official" manual review is exactly the problem we're facing,
and it's the only property we'd lose if a backport went into a PPA
instead of the backports pocket. So either we figure out how to deal
with the manual review problem, or we lose nothing in sunsetting

Admittedly there's a nuance here which is that putting an official stamp
on things but with a more relaxed review might also be acceptable,
because that helps draw attention and fix problems by providing a common
coordination point. So that's possible too, and I have said I support,
in principle, keeping the backports pocket open if somebody wants to
drive such a change. But, to date, we have no volunteers for that, so
that's why I think it's time to sunset it now, rather than delaying
further for reform that experience shows us won't come.

> Specifically, I'm thinking of cases like this bug I've been working on:

As we discussed privately, I think this bug qualifies for an SRU under
our "hardware enablement" exception, and I recommend doing that in this



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Re: Proposal: sunset the backports pockets

2021-07-19 Thread Robie Basak
On Mon, Jul 19, 2021 at 05:16:30PM +0200, Gunnar Hjalmarsson wrote:
> If I have upload rights for a package, I can also upload to the SRU queue.
> When doing so, I'm supposed to take pains that the upload and related bug
> report comply with the SRU policy, to facilitate the review by an SRU team
> member. Same ought to apply IMO when uploading to the backports queue. It's
> not about bypassing the review.

I think we're derailing ourselves on the minutae of the process here.
What matters is who is involved in getting packages all the way to being
released into the backports pockets. Right now, my understanding is that
the Ubuntu Backporters Team are the sole team ultimately responsible for
approving that, regardless of ACLs, and that's where contributors are
getting blocked.

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Re: Proposal: sunset the backports pockets

2021-07-19 Thread Robie Basak
On Mon, Jul 19, 2021 at 10:42:06AM -0400, Thomas Ward wrote:
> Have we actually confirmed this though, Robie?  If I remember right, I was
> able to push something to -backports with my coredev once, and it didn't
> complain on the upload permissions side of things.  Unless I am forgetting
> something, it LOOKS like upload rights from Core Dev still give backports
> access...

There's the ACL, and then there's the social/governance side.

On the ACL side I don't care much, because I trust that core devs and
others with similar ACL privilege will follow the policies and processes
set by our project.

On the social/governance side, as far as I understand, the Ubuntu
Backporters Team is delegated authority over the backports pocket, and
nobody should be uploading/approving to the backports pocket without
adherence to their process. If I'm wrong, I am happy to be corrected. If
any core dev is _supposed_ to be able to upload backports, or otherwise
bypass review by the Ubuntu Backporters Team, then that should be
documented and we need some process to at least set some expectations
around what qualifies, etc.

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Re: Proposal: sunset the backports pockets

2021-07-19 Thread Robie Basak
On Mon, Jul 19, 2021 at 02:33:58PM +0100, Iain Lane wrote:
> The best way forward would be if someone had the spoons for that.
> happy to help review, but I'm not likely to drive it, sorry. In the 
> absence of any of this happening, I would support notifying folks that 
> the current process is deprecated.

Right - this is the problem. We all have ideas about how to improve
things. But until/unless someone steps up and drives, I think we're
actively harming our community by the broken process still existing.
Given that nobody has managed reform in years, I think it's time we gave
it up.

Separately, I'm unhappy about continuing any process which gives some
set of privileged people access to upload to backports but is
effectively closed to everyone else. This isn't very Ubuntu. Either the
privileged people need to sort out an effective review process, or the
pocket should generally be closed to new uploads regardless of your

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Re: Proposal: sunset the backports pockets

2021-07-19 Thread Robie Basak
On Mon, Jul 19, 2021 at 02:24:30PM +0200, Mattia Rizzolo wrote:
> I don't remember teward's proposals from 2 years ago...

For reference, here's that thread:

and, from the following month:

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Proposal: sunset the backports pockets

2021-07-19 Thread Robie Basak
Dear Ubuntu Developers,

As far as I am aware, the Ubuntu Backports Team has been inactive for
years now, and backports requests and uploads just languish in
Launchpad. Thomas Ward last proposed an effort to revitalise it over two
years ago, but with no response. I believe he's no longer available to
contribute now.

My concern is that the backports documentation and process still exist,
so users and contributors are being misled into thinking that something
will happen, when it won't.

I would be very happy for the backports process to continue, but I think
it's time to accept that it isn't happening, call a spade a spade, and
shut the process down and document this properly to stop misleading
users about it.

For example, I just handled LP: #1902198 having received an out-of-band
ping, and looking at there
are multiple recent requests that we know are not going to be answered
from a backports pocket perspective.

Any objections? If you do object, please provide an alternative proposal
that will mean that users stop getting misled.


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[Bug 1422417] Re: ceph radosgw needs mod-proxy-fcgi for apache 2.2

2017-01-20 Thread Robie Basak
Thanks. Let's close the bug then, so it's clear that nobody is expecting
this to ever happen in Trusty. The bug is valid, so rather than Invalid
I'll mark it Won't Fix (as we don't intend to fix it).

This isn't intended to exclude anyone else doing it. If you want to work
on this, please raise it in this bug and we can reopen.

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[Bug 1422417] Re: ceph radosgw needs mod-proxy-fcgi for apache 2.2

2017-01-20 Thread Robie Basak
(still subject to SRU team approval, etc)

** Changed in: apache2 (Ubuntu Trusty)
   Status: Confirmed => Won't Fix

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[Bug 1604209] Re: apache2 in trusty-backports is vulnerable to CVE-2016-5387

2016-08-02 Thread Robie Basak
No action for the main apache2 package. This affects the Trusty
backports project only.

** Changed in: apache2 (Ubuntu)
   Status: New => Invalid

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[Bug 1512688] Re: service haproxy stop does not work

2015-11-05 Thread Robie Basak
Thank you for taking the time to report this bug and helping to make
Ubuntu better.

Does this issue affect the backport only, or does it also affect haproxy
on Trusty or the release the backport was from?

Since you've reported this as affecting the backport I'll reassign to
the backports project, but if it also affects an Ubuntu release without
backports then we need a bug task for that and should fix it there too.

** Package changed: haproxy (Ubuntu) => trusty-backports

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  service haproxy stop does not work

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[Bug 1494141] Re: HAProxy 1.5 init script does not terminate processes

2015-09-17 Thread Robie Basak

I can't sponsor your debdiff into backports, but be careful of ordering
issues in your patch. clean() should be defined before the trap is set,
and tmp should be defined before any point that clean() could be called.
In general you should quote "$tmp" as well in case it ends up with
spaces (eg. if $TMPDIR has a space in it).

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  HAProxy 1.5 init script does not terminate processes

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[Bug 1414482] Re: Backport xtables-addons 2.6-1 to trusty

2015-07-22 Thread Robie Basak
As discussed, this bug needs a justification against SRU policy to make
any progress, so marking this as Incomplete for Trusty. Alternatively
(sorry I failed to mention this on IRC) you can seek a backport via the
backports pocket so users can opt in to using it. See for process details.

** Changed in: xtables-addons (Ubuntu Trusty)
   Status: New => Incomplete

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  Backport xtables-addons 2.6-1 to trusty

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[Bug 1472713] Re: HAProxy 1.5.3 requires security updates

2015-07-10 Thread Robie Basak
** Package changed: haproxy (Ubuntu) => trusty-backports

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  HAProxy 1.5.3 requires security updates

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[Bug 1451412] Re: Please backport to trusty

2015-05-05 Thread Robie Basak
Thank you for taking the time to report this bug and helping to make
Ubuntu better. In case you are not familiar, documents the process that needs
to be followed for this. Volunteers welcome.

** Package changed: bcache-tools (Ubuntu) => trusty-backports

** Changed in: trusty-backports
   Status: New => Incomplete

** Summary changed:

- Please backport to trusty
+ Please backport bcache-tools to trusty

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  Please backport bcache-tools to trusty

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[Bug 1175049] Re: Please merge squid3 3.3.3-2 (main) from Debian unstable (main)

2013-05-01 Thread Robie Basak
** Changed in: squid3 (Ubuntu)
   Status: New => Triaged

** Changed in: squid3 (Ubuntu)
   Importance: Undecided => Medium

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  Please merge squid3 3.3.3-2 (main) from Debian unstable (main)

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[Bug 986649] Re: puppet agent can't obtain catalogs

2012-04-23 Thread Robie Basak
** Also affects: maverick-backports
   Importance: Undecided
   Status: New

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Backporters, which is subscribed to maverick-backports.

  puppet agent can't obtain catalogs

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