[ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Daniel's edits review

2009-09-01 Thread spg76
I finally got the time to make a review of Daniel's edits.

First, I gotta say that I think that they look better that the old ones.
Overall, I really like the icons with orange or green, but no so much the
ones with yellow or blue which I found too muted.

The actions icons looks pretty good. I wouldn't make any change, except
for the yellow or blue like I wrote before and for the envelope that it
seems kind of dark to me.

In the applications icons there are several icons that I don't like for
different reason (perspective, lack of details, I don't like the metaphor):
accessories-character-map, accessories-dictionary, fusion-icon, gdm,
preferences-desktop-wallpaper and preferences-desktop-theme. Also, the
utilities-system-monitor and utilities-terminal icons, although can be
improved, I don't think that they look better without the reflection.
help-about, help-browser y system-software-update look a little muted (again
the blue color).
I love preferences-desktop-screensaver.

In the categories icons I don't notice much change but I'd say that the
only thing that I don't like it's the color of applications-internet,
preferences-system-network and system-help.

In the devices icons I noticed that the displays has changed and I think
that they look much better that what I did, although I think that with a
little work could look even better.

For the other sections I could say the same that I said before about the
yellow and blue colors. Also I'm not sure about the folder (I have to use
the set a little more).

Well, I think that's all.
Take notice that this it's only my opinion and, of course, I'm open to hear
everyone else's.
That being said, I must add that Daniel did a fantastic job reviewing the
icons and improving most of them. Gracias, Daniel.

Once we resolved what to do with this review, I will try to be back on track
making new icons and reviewing my old ones to improve them and making them
more consistent (colors, perspective, etc.).
Sorry that this take me so long.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Status - Aug 10th 2009

2009-08-15 Thread spg76
Hi everybody.
I'm sorry I didn't reply this before but, as Cory said, I've been busy the
last couple of weeks with some personal stuff and I couldn't get much done
in Breathe.
I hope to get things on track again next week.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] battery status

2009-07-23 Thread spg76
On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 5:52 PM, Cory K. coryis...@gmail.com wrote:

 dani wrote:
  I like it but you should adjust the colors to the palette, as well as
  upload files svg

 Well usually Sebastien just uploads the PNGs just to show and SVGs when

 @Daniel: Do you have more color-corrected SVGS? I was kinda waiting on
 getting more from you until I upload what I have. (I forwarded Seb the
 ones you sent so he could see the colors)

Yeah, there were many files so I didn't upload the SVGs. As Cory said, I
just want to show what I did. If you all like it I'll make the final
adjustments (color palette included) and upload the files to Launchpad.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

[ubuntu-art] [Breathe] battery status

2009-07-22 Thread spg76
I uploaded to the wiki new icons for the battery status.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] mimetypes

2009-07-18 Thread spg76
On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 7:24 PM, Chris Tooley euxn...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 1:56 PM, Cory K.coryis...@gmail.com wrote:

 I think it would show more definition of filetype without the paper
 background as a border.  I also think it's an unnecessary trope left
 over from older systems that tried to represent digital information in
 a physical representation.  If you think about it conceptually, the
 paper is only there to serve as a reminder that the file is a file.
 But what else is it going to be? If we have these distinguishing marks
 (video negative, photos, music note) we may as well go the whole

I see your point but I like paper idea too :)
Of course, this it's a matter of opinion.
I'm gonna make the 16px only with the symbols like Cory suggested and see
how it looks.

On Sat, Jul 18, 2009 at 7:17 AM, Cory K. coryis...@gmail.com wrote:

 mac_v wrote:
  @ Sebastien: Cory is right about too much detail in the video mime
  files. we could remove the 3 / the circles /bars / all 3 of them.

 Well, I actually didn't say that. I just wanted to achieve a balance.

 I kinda think some of Sebastien's icons have become a little less
 detailed over time. Something I'm not keen on. So, if ya wanna pin me
 down, sure. The film might be a little highly detailed but I don't wanna
 see it lowered too much. Just balance.

 You know, for the audio files, we don't /have/ to use a note for all of
 them. We could use a mix of music symbols. Treble/bass clefs for example.

I only make this icons to show the idea, they still need some work. So when
we are good to go, I retouch them and I try to maintain a balance in the
BTW, Cory, what icons do you think need more details?
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] mimetypes

2009-07-16 Thread spg76
To decide about colors and labels I made some samples based on Conn and
mac_v suggestions.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] mimetypes

2009-07-16 Thread spg76
On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 4:54 PM, Cory K. coryis...@gmail.com wrote:

 We could do something like the WAV icon in #2.  Where the design is
 the same for the mimes but the text changes.

I made some other samples and render the icons to show you how it looks in

And I agree with mac_v that we should drop the text (and maybe the lower
 strip) below 24px. Maybe just center the glyph.

Yeah, this is why I like mac_v's idea. Because we can remove the strip and
the text and still recognize the icon for the color.

Or even just lose the paper entirely @16px?

I though about this but, although it give us more space for details, I don't
know if it's such a good idea.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] mimetypes

2009-07-15 Thread spg76

 As much as I hate to say it, I'm leaning toward the 1st version. Maybe
 with some work on the shadows.

 NOTE: While this might end up as our base shape, there's nothing that
 says the inside has to use simple glyphs. We could have the whole paper
 colored to represent certain filetypes with interior details. Point is
 even if our base shape is simple (and a bit boring :P) the rest of the
 design need not be.

 So Sebastien, if you want to go with the 1st version but just play with
 the shadowing that might be the way to go. Thoughts?

Thank you all for the feedback.
I prefer too the first version.
I'm gonna work on the shadows and I'll upload it when it's ready.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] mimetypes

2009-07-14 Thread spg76

 Ok. So while I'm not thrilled with the simplicity of the base I think
 this is our best option now. I also don't want to drag this question out
 any longer.

 @Sebastien: If you wanna do anything to the base go ahead. Then throw it
 up for all to use. Then, we'll go from there as to how the mimes should

I made another version for the mimetypes, this time a little less rigid.
I also compile some Nautilus screenshots to show the in use look.
http://files.getdropbox.com/u/113489/Mimetypes_1.png (1st version)
http://files.getdropbox.com/u/113489/Mimetypes_2.png (2nd version)
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Brainstorming session July 19th 2009

2009-07-12 Thread spg76
On Sun, Jul 12, 2009 at 2:27 PM, Cory K. coryis...@gmail.com wrote:

 I want to schedule a general brainstorming/chat session for anyone
 working on or interested in Breathe. I hope to get discussion points and
 ideas to go over in future meetings.

 So just something general to throw things out there and maybe answer

 Who's interested? (hoping to see artists and respected members here)

I can't confirm my presence right now but I'll try to be there depending on
the time.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Folder icon

2009-07-07 Thread spg76
On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 3:25 AM, mac_v drkv...@yahoo.com wrote:

 BTW , *16px without the folder is a bad idea* , there is no *visual*
 indication that the download arrow is just a folder the user has to read
 the label to realize this ! it seems more like the action buttons.
 Similarly for the audio and the video folders, they seem more like audio
 or video files.the documents is similar to the copy action icon.

 Having the folder in the background of the 16px is better, even if the
 folder is 50% opacity. and even if only 5 px of the folder is visible.

Although I think that without the folder the icons look better (more space
hence more details), you made a very good point about usability (I think
Nicolò mentioned this before :P)
With this in mind I made some retouches and use the folder in the small
Here's a screenshot, http://files.getdropbox.com/u/113489/folders3.png
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Folder icon

2009-07-06 Thread spg76
On Sun, Jul 5, 2009 at 6:00 PM, Cory K. coryis...@gmail.com wrote:

 That said, I do like the idea of using colored items on the folders and
 using just those images for the smaller sizes.

I made some of the folders based on this. Here's a screenshot in Nautilus.
Let me know what you think.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Folder icon

2009-07-06 Thread spg76
On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 6:36 PM, Cory K. coryis...@gmail.com wrote:

 Oliver Scholtz 1 wrote:
  Am Montag, den 06.07.2009, 15:33 -0300 schrieb spg76:
  I made some of the folders based on this. Here's a screenshot in

 not square
 89/folders2.png http://files.getdropbox.com/u/113489/folders2.png
  Let me know what you think.
  I think the emblems on the folders from mac_v are much nicer ...
  Download, music and video aren't nice. Download is to neon and the
  shadow too strong - the music-note isn't the nicest ... but okay!? -
  video isn't clear and ugly ...

 I think as far as the coloring goes its the same as other icons.
 Therefor, I think it's fine as-is or we also change the other icons
 using the color.

 Sebastien, I think these are fine for now. Go ahead and upload to
 /incoming along with the other folders I mentioned in previous emails.
 I'd like to start testing ASAP.

I made this folders to show you the concept of color symbols in xdg folders
and those symbols for the small sizes.
The symbols need some work, so I'll upload them after I retouch them (and
make the others).

Oh! I like that you did a UbuntuOne folder. If we can support that I
 think we should.

I'll do this one too with the new style, altough we should ask the Ubuntu
One people if the folder it's themeable.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Folder icon

2009-07-04 Thread spg76
I like mac_v's folder but we can also make color xdg folders with Andrew's.
I guess that mac_v made this one mostly for the perspective, right?
Also, I really like Nicolò's idea of color categorization.
On the other hand, a made the xdg folders based on Andrew's , the current
home folder and some Micha's xdg folders, and I notice what you guys said
about the details in the small sizes so I didn't use the folder there. Take
a look at them in Nautilus:
Well, we wait for Cory to discuss this and make a decision.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Ubuntu art requests page?

2009-07-04 Thread spg76
On Fri, Jul 3, 2009 at 6:53 PM, Kenneth Wimer kw...@ubuntu.com wrote:

 On Friday 03 July 2009 22:55:05 Mads Rosendahl wrote:
  Do you guys think Ubuntu should have a wiki page like the Gnome art
  request page? http://live.gnome.org/GnomeArt/ArtRequests
  The page exists to keep track of all the artwork and design requests
  the art-team gets. This is great both for artists looking for a
  project, and developers looking for artwork.

 I think it would be a great idea, if we really commit ourselves to solving
 the problems, listening to advice and trying to move forward as a group.
 This is another chance for us to prove ourselves. I suggest that the
 requests are done via launchpad bugs (we already have a lot!) and that we
 perhaps look into coupling this with one hundred paper cuts project.

 Ideas? Critic? Interested in working on this? Let us know!

I really like this idea, and I already thought about doing something like
this for Breathe when we finish the set.
Count me in for icon making :)
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] mimetypes

2009-06-29 Thread spg76
On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 5:34 AM, Cory K. coryis...@gmail.com wrote:

 mac_v wrote:
  spg76 wrote:
  I uploaded to the wiki new icons for mimetypes. It's basically a common
  page (not dog-eared)
  The gradient and the shadows might need some work but I want to show you
  how it looks.
  I'll try to make different versions this week if I have the time.
  Cory wanted a different base for the mime types, he didnt want to use a
  rectangle sheet of paper.

 True as I want to try to have a little style here. But, in the interest
 of moving things along I will say with 32px and below we go with the
 flat sheet. So the sake of simplicity.

I just want to make it as simple as possible.
I could try another perspective and adding other details but I don't think
it's a such good idea.

  Also not using the paper for audio,video, look better.
  The audio-x-generic icon without the paper would look better.

 Actually my thought for all files would be to use the sheet. But I'm not
 hard set.

I'm also think that all files should use the paper sheet except maybe some
files like packages.

On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 4:45 AM, Nicolò Chieffo nicolo.chie...@gmail.comwrote:

 If I can add my 2 cents, even if I'm not an artist:

 1) mimetype icons could rely on emblems, to have a common look, so as
 long as you draw mimetypes, you can also draw emblems
 2) if my first proposal is accepted, you can't draw orange emblems
 since they can be put inside folders, which are already orange
 3) the same icons can be also used to draw the xdg folder icons,
 simply pasting the emblem in the middle of the folder icon, or inside

 Do you think I'm wrong?

I don't think I understand your idea :P
Could you make a graphical explanation?
OT: I made some xdg folders based on Andrew's folder.

On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 10:25 AM, mac_v drkv...@yahoo.com wrote:

 daniel planas armangue wrote:
  Personally I like the mimetypes icons you've made sebastian, however the
  shadow of the image should not be on paper.
  it'n only my opinion but it's suposed to be the image its paste on the
  paper background, not the 3d picture.

 You have a very good point.

 But then the icon wouldnt look good :(
 It would become too simple. Since already the paper is flat.

 That is why *staying away from the paper* [as much as possible] would be
 better , *so that icon could have a better design* .

Why a 3D graphic can't be print on a paper? :)
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe]daniel's camera-video (workin progress)

2009-06-29 Thread spg76
On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 2:28 PM, daniel planas armangue 
daniplana...@gmail.com wrote:

 Although Sebastian has completed all the devices, which some believe
 could be improved, I am working on a new video camera, can see it in the

 hope you like

I really like it.
The 128px looks fantastic but 48px and down I don't like how the display
looks. Maybe you can use the close display there too.

I like the pendrive too but I think it doesn't look very common :)

You know we could make dozens of devices icons based on the FreeDesktop
specification (
So it's not this instead of the other, we could include both.
I mean, we'll include a default icon but we could include different models
That being said, we should try finished the set and then think about this
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] New Boot Experience in Karmic

2009-06-29 Thread spg76
I don't know if I have to announce it here but I made an animation for the
boot and upload it to the wiki.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

[ubuntu-art] [Breathe] mimetypes

2009-06-28 Thread spg76
I uploaded to the wiki new icons for mimetypes. It's basically a common page
(not dog-eared)
The gradient and the shadows might need some work but I want to show you how
it looks.
I also made some screenshots in different zoom views in Nautilus.

I'll try to make different versions this week if I have the time.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Freeze for 0.50 release and review.

2009-06-28 Thread spg76
On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 10:27 AM, mac_v drkv...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Cory K. wrote:
  I have made a big upload today and will have the nm-* icons from mac_v

 I'v uploaded the .png of the nm- icons...

 While Checking out the icons, pls note that this is for the panel and
 the 24px is the one mostly used.

I'm still unsure about this icons.
They're good but I think they do not fit in the set quite well.
A few weeks back, I proposed something like this
but I have not feedback about it.
I also made a screenshot for the wired network.
If you all prefer mac_v's icons it's all right for me but I just want to
propose an alternative.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] wiki/release for Karmic

2009-06-25 Thread spg76
On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 5:41 PM, Cory K. coryis...@gmail.com wrote:

 daniel planas armangue wrote:
  Congratulations Sebastian by the end of the devices! (I deleted the
  category of the wiki)


Thank you :)

 with all the artists together, we can get the release before karmik

 I want to stress that this is *not* a goal. We will take icons as they
 come and if they fit. *If* we reach 1.0 in time for Karmic great. But, I
 don't think we will get there as we need a mass review soon. We're
 letting icons get in that don't quite fit Sebastien's style or still
 need work.

 We will have a review soon. More to come. Stay tuned.

I agreed with you Cory.
We don't need to rush things and a review will be great to polish the work
we have done so far.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Cruft, stuff and other junk...

2009-06-15 Thread spg76
On Sun, Jun 14, 2009 at 11:48 AM, Cory K. coryis...@gmail.com wrote:

 @Sebastien: The 1st set of weather-* icons will be used. Just take into
 account the use-cases of the smaller sizes with regard to detail level.

I'm testing the icons with the clock applet to see how they look.
Anyone knows what else can I use to test them? I mean, what other
applications use them?

 Any idea of when the final new glyphs and such will be done? I know
 mac_v wants to use them in places. They also have to be used on a few of
 Daniel's icons.

Well, I made one version you can see at:
And in use screenshots at:

I was going to make another version with the plus sign only (see nr. 5 here
but I don't like how it looks in the small sizes.
If you don't like the first version I'll give another try.

 Can you get together a keyboard for use with video-display to use as a
 new computer?

I made two versions of the computer icon and upload them to the wiki.

--The base mime icon--

 Danny King's concepts were nice but things like the torn edge detail got
 lost quickly. A simple flat rectangle seems a bit boring. What else can
 we come up with. Maybe someone can assemble some stuff from GNOME-Look
 and places to compare what has been done. (please make it 1 image to
 look at. not a archived set of images)

If a have time, a play around with this and see if I come up with something

 --Media-* icons--

 Can anyone finish out the set based on Olivers previous work?

Again, if I have time I'll finish them.
But a volunteer here would be really appreciated so we can finally wrap this

@mac_v: What's your thinking on the network-manager icons? Seems to have
 a bit.

I made a version for the wireless networks (not the connection animation)
based on the Notify-OSD ones, just to use it on my system.
Here's a couple of screenshots:

Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] weather-clear, weather-clouds and weather-few-clouds

2009-06-11 Thread spg76
On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 6:00 PM, Cory K. coryis...@gmail.com wrote:

 Thorsten Wilms wrote:
  On Wed, 2009-06-10 at 12:07 -0300, spg76 wrote:
  I uploaded to the wiki new icons for weather-clear, weather-clouds and
  Hmm, I think it would be better for quick recognizability at all sizes
  to make them more symbolic.
  The sun not as thing with rays/shine around it, but as single object.
  Clouds in that classic simple, rounded shape.
  The Breathe realism would then be about making this symbols appear like
  solid objects, not a realistic depiction of actual weather phenomena.

 Maybe at particular sizes, say 32px down we can achieve a balance
 between Sebastien's originals and Thorwil's suggestions?

I'll make another version with Thorsten's suggestions and see if we can mix
it with this one, or choose a style between this one an a new one.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Mime chat

2009-06-11 Thread spg76
I don't mind the fold although Thorsten makes a very good point about this
and also he's right about the difficulty to put something in that
As Yann said, I think we should consider something like the concepts in the
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] weather-clear, weather-clouds and weather-few-clouds

2009-06-11 Thread spg76
On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 8:30 PM, Cory K. coryis...@gmail.com wrote:

 So lets stick with the 1st direction.

Ok, I'll continue making the rest of the set with that style.

I agree the 1st were better but we should consider where the smaller
 sizes are used and design for that.

I agree with this and we can always remake the smaller sizes to fit whatever
style we want.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

[ubuntu-art] [Breathe] weather-clear, weather-clouds and weather-few-clouds

2009-06-10 Thread spg76
I uploaded to the wiki new icons for weather-clear, weather-clouds and
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] appointment-soon

2009-06-09 Thread spg76
On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 1:17 PM, Andrew rugby...@googlemail.com wrote:

 Looking at the new version, I would abandon the numbers all togther, make
 the red circle slightly
 larger and abandon the shadow  the month name at the second and possibly
 third smallest resolution.
 I would also make the lines darker for the second smallest resolution.

Thanks Andrew for your comments.
I uploaded to the wiki a new version based on your suggestions.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] New glyphs

2009-06-09 Thread spg76
I uploaded to the wiki a few samples with the new glyphs.
I used a retouched version of the Nr. 2 because a didn't like how the Nr. 3
looks in the small sizes.
Also, I made some screenshots to show you the icons in use.

When I have time I'll make a few sample with the Nr.5
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [BREATHE] Smileys

2009-06-08 Thread spg76
On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 9:45 AM, mac_v drkv...@yahoo.com wrote:

 i have added another base, without the gloss tried to reduce the
 gloss as much as possible without making it too flat...

  if this isnt any good either, i'll wait for you to create a base... :)

I think it's better. The eyes on the 32px and down sizes look kind of
squared and I think it's better if you use a wider border.
Anyway, I made a base and uploaded to the wiki before seeing this.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] appointment-soon

2009-06-08 Thread spg76
On Sun, Jun 7, 2009 at 7:24 PM, Cory K. coryis...@gmail.com wrote:

 Pretty slick sir. We gotta set up a time for that BZR lession. ;)

Thanks Cory and Daniel :)
I uploaded to the wiki another version without the numbers.

@Cory, let me know when you can ;)
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [BREATHE] Smileys

2009-06-07 Thread spg76
On Sun, Jun 7, 2009 at 7:20 PM, Cory K. coryis...@gmail.com wrote:

 mac_v wrote:
  i'v added a *base* for the Smileys in the Breathe wiki submissions page,
  tried to make it look like buttons, and tried a glossy look to separate
   it from the gnome icons...
  Comments? suggestions? Does this fit the Breathe icon set?

 I would say, no. A bit glossy for me. But as-it-is it's nice. You're
 coming along. Maybe we can get Sebastien to make up a base one and you
 can take over from there?

 -Cory K.

 ubuntu-art mailing list

I like them (specially face-Base2).
I also like the button look that you use, although I think it could be a
problem if you want to avoid some glossiness and I wonder if it's good for
all the smileys.
I'll be happy to make a base if you want.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [BREATHE] Emblems

2009-06-07 Thread spg76
On Sun, Jun 7, 2009 at 7:22 PM, Cory K. coryis...@gmail.com wrote:

 mac_v wrote:
  Uploaded 5 emblems to the Breathe submissions page...

 I think you're coming along nicely. Generally, I think these are on the
 right track. Fits in pretty well with what Daniel has done with the
 action buttons.

 I'd like Sebastien to comment.

Overall, I think they are very good.
I only don't like the arrows in emblem-symbolic-link and
emblem-synchronized. They a little odd to me.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] appointment-soon

2009-06-06 Thread spg76
Thanks for the feedback.
I'll make another version based on your suggestions to see how it looks.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Folder Icon

2009-06-05 Thread spg76
Great job, Andrew!
I just render the files on my system to try it out and it looks great.
Thank you.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] New glyphs

2009-06-05 Thread spg76
Thanks for the feedback.
I'm gonna make some samples (with the folder and other files) using the Nro.
3 and 5 to see how they look in the small sizes.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

[ubuntu-art] [Breathe] appointment-soon

2009-06-05 Thread spg76
I uploaded to the wiki a new icon for appointment-soon.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

[ubuntu-art] [Breathe] New glyphs

2009-06-04 Thread spg76
I uploaded to the wiki a few ideas for the new glyph (the one you see on a
new file, new folder, new message, etc.)
Let me know what you think and feel free to make any suggestions.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] setting up a meeting

2009-06-03 Thread spg76
On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 5:47 PM, Cory K. coryis...@gmail.com wrote:

 Kenneth Wimer wrote:
  Cory or Sebastian: could you attend if we held it on Sunday?

 No as I will be well away from a PC.

 If Sebastian cannot attend, then let's do Breathe another time. I'm
 really unsure what needs to be discussed? Things seem to be moving along

I can't on Sunday either.
As Cory mentioned maybe we can discuss Breathe another time if it's OK with
Aside from the meeting, I'll try to join the IRC channel sometime (as I
promised Cory a while ago :).
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] setting up a meeting

2009-06-02 Thread spg76
On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 10:02 AM, Kenneth Wimer kw...@ubuntu.com wrote:

 Sounds like Saturday at 19UTC (21:00 in Germany, 15:00/3pm in New York) is
 the best for everyone. Speak up now if this is a problem!

Sorry, this Saturday I can't :(
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] setting up a meeting

2009-06-01 Thread spg76
I would, depending on the time.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Network Manager-icons

2009-05-31 Thread spg76
On Sun, May 31, 2009 at 11:23 AM, mac_v drkv...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Cory felt the same way too , but he said that he wants *kwwii* (since
 he's done like icon) or *Sebastien* to chime in on the mailing list. so
 that they could approve/modify/improve the icons before thinking about
 using them in breathe...

 once the basic design has been looked into , i'll start to complete the
 whole set for the animation... :)

 I like it but I have a couple of concerns.
You made the large size and I don't know how this looks on the smaller
sizes. Take notice that the 24px version of this icon it's used on the
Secondly, I wonder if we should take the icon set from NotifyOSD as a base
for this icons since the set will inherits from Human and I think that it's
important that we maintain certain consistency (if you are in Jaunty you can
see this icons at /usr/share/icons/Human/scalable/status).
If not, we should make a NotifyOSD set for Breathe as well.
I think that before you go any further with this, we should decide this for
the icons that are present in the NotifyOSD set.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Network Manager-icons

2009-05-31 Thread spg76
On Sun, May 31, 2009 at 2:47 PM, mac_v drkv...@yahoo.com wrote:

 actually i use a *different modified version* of these icons for
 notify-osd... i'v added them to this mail... my preference would be to
 use these color icons for notify-osd too ... thats just me...

  but since the notify-osd uses greyscale, i'v done a quick edit and
 added the the greyscale version of my notify-osd icons of just a 3
 greyscale icons... the rest need a bit more work...

 this way the continuity can be maintained, but i would prefer using the
 color ones ;)

 just test them out with $ notify-send

 also, do test the nm-signal icons, i'v done it in 128x128 since i
 thought i could use it for the notify-osd too , i'v added the 24x24 png
 in the previous mail for quick reference. i feel that they do scale well
 with the 128x128 too. i think u will have a better idea of the look once
 u test it...

I saw now the 24px and they look pretty good.

When I mentioned the NotifyOSD icons I was referring to the shape of the
icons and not the style. If we go with this icon, we should also make the
notifications icons or use this one for the bubbles.
If we gonna stick with the Human NotifyOSD set, we should make this icons
taking notice of those.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Breathe Icon Set - Folder Icons

2009-05-30 Thread spg76
I think that desaturation looks better.
I like the less red, less shadow, less shadows (in the folder) one :)
As Cory said this it's a matter of opinion.
I personally think that none icon it's definitive and if someone comes up
with something better we can change any of them.
That being said, I think it's more productive to focus right now on making
the remaining icons in the set because we can always review, retouch and
remake the current icons in the future.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Bad rendering of left and bottom icons ?

2009-05-17 Thread spg76
On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 12:43 PM, Steve Dodier sidnio...@gmail.com wrote:


 I must say I (again) sent a totally useless email :) James sent me a deb
 with the trunk icons, and indeed, it is fixed. Though, maybe it's time to
 update the package on the PPA ;)

Cory, will be away for a few days, so we ask him to update the PPA when he
comes back.

Oliver and Daniel (and everyone who want to) feel free to fill a report in
Launchpad for the bugs ( https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/breathe-icon-set ).
This way we all can confirm the bugs and keep track of them.
Thank you all for the bug hunting.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] canonical design team

2009-05-11 Thread spg76
Welcome Ivanka!
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

[ubuntu-art] [Breathe] audio-card

2009-05-07 Thread spg76
I uploaded to the wiki a new icon for audio-card.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] audio-card

2009-05-07 Thread spg76
On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 7:45 PM, Cory K. coryis...@gmail.com wrote:

 Grabbed. Will be uploaded tonight.

 Along with the keyboard. (fixes can come later)

Ok, but I'm doing a new version of the keyboard because I'm not happy with
the 1st version.

OT, Cory I downloaded the last revision and it not have the last version of
user-trash that I sent you like a month ago (mostly I retouched the small
sizes). I'm telling you this since you are about to make another upload.
If you don't have the files let me know and I send them to you as soon as I
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

[ubuntu-art] [Breathe] input-keyboard

2009-05-06 Thread spg76
I uploaded to the wiki a new icon for input-keyboard.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Weather Icons

2009-05-06 Thread spg76
It looks great.
About the shadows, I'm with Cory, I think there's not need.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] input-keyboard

2009-05-06 Thread spg76
On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 3:01 PM, Thorsten Wilms t...@freenet.de wrote:

 This would likely be nice at way larger sizes, but in the given ones,
 it's kinda hard to look at. The keys seem to dance in from of my eyes.
 All the gaps and hard contrast work against you.

Yeah, you're right. It's really difficult to do some details on some icons
at this sizes.
And this keyboard it gave me so much work.

I think you should try a traditional gap-less keyboard design.

I gonna give it a try to see how it goes.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Freeze and 1st release

2009-05-06 Thread spg76
On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 9:26 PM, Cory K. coryis...@gmail.com wrote:

 I will make small exceptions for Sebastien if he completes some of his
 ideas currently posted to the wiki.

This week I will try to do the small sizes and some retouches for the
audio-card and make another version of input-keyboard.
Also, I could make other icons based on the new monitor if you all like it
(screensaver and gnome-screenshot comes to mind).

 I will use the time to audit the icons for consistency and bug hunt. I
 will write up a quick HOWTO for anyone who wants to build the set from
 BZR and help test.

If we found a bug, we should report it on Launchpad, right?

In addition, I will need someone to make up a beauty shot of the icons
 to be used in various places we post the release. A 800x600px shot
 should be fine.

 Places to post besides DeviantArt And the *-Look sites?

Do we need a logo for this?

 I have no ETA. I /hope/ to have it ready for this weekend but my work
 schedule is heavy and the release might get pushed into next week. Maybe
 we need a dedicated release manager?

Maybe we do. What the release manager would be doing exactly?
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] New submissions (May 6th 2009)

2009-05-06 Thread spg76
On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 7:41 PM, Cory K. coryis...@gmail.com wrote:

 Oliver Scholtz wrote:
  - Transmission is a nice new candidate. It's similar to oxygen, but our
  own work.

 I'm not feeling it personally, and I am increasingly feeling that using
 the Oxygen icons as a base is clashing with Sebastien's current style.

I'm with Cory. I think it looks similar to the current one. I personally
like the one shipped with the Mac OS X version of Transmission (you can see
on the home page http://www.transmissionbt.com/ ). I don't why they use a
different one for the Linux version. Maybe we could ask them if we can
include it in the set.

 - document-new, folder new are sure canditates, too. Of course, if you
  like the new glymph. ;) (Edit-cut: here I think the outline could be a
  little bit stronger in 22x22 and 16x16.)

 I want to get a set of glyphs done before we proceed.

I've been trying to make some glyphs for the new icons. If I have time
I'll try to do different versions and upload them to the wiki.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] New Monitor

2009-05-04 Thread spg76
I uploaded to the wiki a new icon for video-display.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] zoom-discuss 2

2009-05-04 Thread spg76
On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 7:14 PM, Cory K. coryis...@gmail.com wrote:

 Oliver Scholtz 1 wrote:
  I uploaded all new zoom-icons to the wiki.
  Ready for upload to the BZR.

 +1 here.

 Another from Sebastien and I'll upload 'em.

I really like them.
My only concern is the 16px icons. I don't know if the symbols are very
readable. Maybe taking off the border and making them all white could be
Apart from that,  Oliver you did a great job.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] New Monitor

2009-05-03 Thread spg76
I made a similar monitor a while back when a did the gnome-screenshot icon.
Here's a picture, http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/113489/video-display.png
If you all like it I'll make some changes and see how it looks.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] mail-new?

2009-05-03 Thread spg76
I like B.
But I think that should have a symbols inside like Thorsten mentioned (a
plus sign?) and the color should be a little darker.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] preferences-system-indexed, search, and zoom

2009-05-03 Thread spg76
On Sun, May 3, 2009 at 8:58 AM, Oliver Scholtz 1 scholli...@yahoo.dewrote:

 Am Sonntag, den 03.05.2009, 07:47 -0400 schrieb Cory K.:
  To me, the magnifying glasses need to be consistent across the set. I
  think it's a pain to keep re-creating work. You guys (artists) work this
  one out. I'm not uploading anything until there's a consensus on what
  glass to use.

We already had the one for system-search in the set if you all are okay with
it I'll make all the others based on that one.
On the other hand, I really like zoom-out2 that Oliver made.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Opinions on new edit-paste view-refresh and system-run?

2009-05-03 Thread spg76
I don't like view-refresh either.
I think we should do something more like the current Human one.

system-run it's not bad but the top gear in the 128px icon it's not
consistent with the other two.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] mail series

2009-05-03 Thread spg76
On Sun, May 3, 2009 at 2:18 PM, daniel planas armangue 
daniplana...@gmail.com wrote:

 ok I will upload a relase candidate of my mai icons.
 It contains all the mails. please all the artists look and write your
 comments and suggestions, tomorrow at 17:00 I will send a final pack to

 hope you like

I like them.
I think that the unread glyph should be solid star to be more consistent
with rest of the set.
Also, I'm still not sure about the color of the envelope. A little more
whiter could be better.
Otherwise, I think you did a really great job.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

[ubuntu-art] [Breathe] modem

2009-05-02 Thread spg76
I uploaded to the wiki a new icon for modem.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] modem

2009-05-02 Thread spg76
On Sat, May 2, 2009 at 9:43 PM, Cory K. coryis...@gmail.com wrote:

  You don't read all the email on the list do you? :)

 -Cory K.

Sorry for this :(
Every time that I can check my mail I received 20-30 mail from the list and
it's difficult to me to keep up.
Now that I have a new computer at work I try be more involved, and respond
as fast as I can.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] mail series

2009-05-01 Thread spg76
I think that, as Thorsten mentioned, the envelope still looks a little hard.
Also, I'm not sure about the blurs on the glyphs for unread and new.
Besides from that, I really like the overall look of this icons.
Sorry for enter so late in the discussion.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Some wiki cleanup is needed + notes.

2009-05-01 Thread spg76
On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 6:18 PM, Cory K. coryis...@gmail.com wrote:

@Sebastian: Along with removing unneeded icons I like the modem so
far. Go with it. I also was wondering if you wanted to try your hand
at a tilted version of your keyboard for use in front of our
computer icon? Hell, As much ad I like our current screen, I'm
open to suggestions here if someone wants to tinker with some ideas.

I removed the unneeded icons (the ones that are already in the set and old
I hope to finish the modem this weekend.
I'm still working on the keyboard because I find really difficult to make
small sizes that look good.
As soon as I finish it I'll make a tilted version to go with the screen and
maybe put the mouse too.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] zoom discuss

2009-05-01 Thread spg76
I like the these icons.
I have a couple of suggestions, tough.
I think that it's better if you put the symbols behind the magnifier (like
if you are looking at them through the glass) and make them all black.
I also think that glossiness of the glass should be more subtle.
Sorry I enter so late in the discussion.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] input-mouse

2009-04-30 Thread spg76
On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 6:57 PM, Cory K. coryis...@gmail.com wrote:

 Sebastien: Could you also chime in on some of the newer submissions by
 Daniel and Oliver?

Sorry  I've been a little offline lately but I solved my computer problems
so I have no excuse now :)
As soon as I can I'll take a look at the submissions and try to respond on
their respective threads.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe]camera-video

2009-04-29 Thread spg76
On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 12:54 PM, daniel planas armangue 
daniplana...@gmail.com wrote:

 Sebastian create a great icon for camera-video, but you forgot up svg

Oops, I upload the file but I forgot to make the link.
Now it's fixed.
Thanks for the heads up.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

[ubuntu-art] [Breathe] input-mouse

2009-04-29 Thread spg76
I uploaded to the wiki a new icon for input-mouse.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] input-mouse

2009-04-29 Thread spg76
On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 3:22 PM, Thorsten Wilms t...@freenet.de wrote:

 Quite good, but seems to be a bit long, could be wider.

I'll make a wider version to see how it looks

 Dark spots to the sides of the Ubuntu logo look odd.

I'll try to fix this on the next version.

Daniel, I fixed the link.
Again, sorry :)
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

[ubuntu-art] [Breathe] preferences-desktop-keyboard and gnome-keybinding-properties

2009-04-26 Thread spg76
I uploaded to the wiki new icons for preferences-desktop-keyboard and
gnome-keybinding-properties (this one uses different names depending on the
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe]navigate buttons

2009-04-26 Thread spg76
On Sun, Apr 26, 2009 at 6:31 PM, Cory K. coryis...@gmail.com wrote:

 Good going so far. I'd like to see what Sebastien thinks.

 If you get a +1 from him, these will go in.

Wow, that's was fast, David!
I made go-previous and go-next but you beat me big time :)
I like them too but I think, like Steve points out earlier, that the light
should come from above.
Also, I wonder if all the navigation icons should be orange.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] camera-video

2009-04-22 Thread spg76
On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 9:27 PM, Cory K. coryis...@ubuntu.com wrote:

 Looks good. I'll make another upload to BZR in the next week.

I being a little offline lately due technical difficulties (my work computer
stops working :) but I think that next week I will be making some icons
again ;)
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

[ubuntu-art] [Breathe] camera-video

2009-04-21 Thread spg76
I uploaded to the wiki a new icon for camera-video.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] input-gaming

2009-04-14 Thread spg76
2009/4/14 Thorsten Wilms t...@freenet.de

 On Mon, 2009-04-13 at 17:12 -0300, spg76 wrote:
  I uploaded to the wiki a new icon for input-gaming.

 The shading is odd. Doesn't give the best impression of the volume and
 one could think the controler is grey on the left and black on the

You're right.
I retouched the gradient a little and uploaded the new version to the wiki.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

[ubuntu-art] [Breathe] camera-web

2009-04-14 Thread spg76
I uploaded to the wiki a new icon for camera-web.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

[ubuntu-art] [Breathe] input-gaming

2009-04-13 Thread spg76
I uploaded to the wiki a new icon for
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] gtk-media

2009-04-07 Thread spg76
2009/4/6 Cory K. coryis...@ubuntu.com


 Ok. So we are slowly coming along on these and they look good to me. I'd
 like to hear Sebastien's opinion on these as to how they fit the current
 feel of the set.

I like them too.We just have to try them out to see how they fit with the
applications that use this icons.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

[ubuntu-art] [Breathe] gnome-dev-removable-usb and gnome-dev-removable-1394

2009-04-05 Thread spg76
I uploaded to the wiki new icons for gnome-dev-removable-usb and
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] user-desktop

2009-04-03 Thread spg76
I understand what Ryan it's saying but it's very difficult to make this kind
of icon representing all Ubuntu users desktops (or anyone else for that
Maybe, we should try what Cory it's suggesting about the desktop mat. If I
have time this weekend, I give it a try and I see if I come up with
something different.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

[ubuntu-art] [Breathe] user-desktop

2009-04-02 Thread spg76
I uploaded to the wiki a new icon for user-desktop.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] user-desktop

2009-04-02 Thread spg76
2009/4/2 Cory K. coryis...@ubuntu.com

  I added the icon to BZR but it was a PITA. It had a plate in there
 called 256x256 and kept trying to render out 10 times. Please drop your
 images (minus the plate layers) in a newly pulled template. I did this
 and things rendered fine but I get a blank source SVG image. Very odd.

I think the problem was that I used the 16px user-trash icon and, evidently,
I didn't remove all the rest when I imported the file.
Sorry for the extra work.

  I think you should make the panels thinner. As it is they look way too

 No. I think you're just considering what it looks like here and not in
 actual use.

Yeah, I did the panel that thick because otherwise I can't put much detail
in the smaller sizes.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] media flash various

2009-04-01 Thread spg76
2009/4/1 Thorsten Wilms t...@freenet.de

 The chip is ok. I would prefer a card that looks like something in the
 middle of the specific formats. Maybe in black and white, with a symbol
 that says flash in some way.

I'll go with the chip for now, but I like your idea.
I'll give it a try when I have the time.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

[ubuntu-art] [Breathe] media flash various

2009-03-31 Thread spg76
I uploaded to the wiki new icons for Compact Flash, Memory Stick and Smart
Media cards.
Now I'm gonna make something more generic for media-flash.
Oxygen have some kind of chip that I think it represents the one inside the
cards. I should do something similar or anyone has a better idea?
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] media-flash

2009-03-30 Thread spg76
2009/3/30 Thorsten Wilms t...@freenet.de

 The label is rather overpowering, I think.

As Cory said, I based the label on a card that I have. I searched for other
pictures of SD cards and all looked pretty much alike.
I could try make the colors a little more subtle. Also I don't know if I
should change the color of the card from black to blue because all the SD
cards that I saw have that color.

About the 4GB, I see your point and I like the XL idea. One other thing
that I could try it's an SD logo although I think this icon it's used for
all types of flash cards.
The Oxygen set have different types of flash cards (media-flash,
media-flash-memory-stick, media-flash-sd-mmc, media-flash-smart-media),
maybe we can do something like that but I don't know how this work on GNOME.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] media-flash

2009-03-30 Thread spg76
I made a couple of alternates version and upload them to the wiki as
gnome-dev-media-sdmmc and gnome-dev-media-sdmmc2.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

[ubuntu-art] [Breathe] media-flash

2009-03-29 Thread spg76
I uploaded to the wiki a new icon for media-flash.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] daniel's folder (small sizes, correct)

2009-03-26 Thread spg76
2009/3/26 Cory K. coryis...@ubuntu.com

 I uploaded what's on the wiki and they really look alot better in the
 set now. Much sharper feel. Also, the folder-open needs the same


 -Cory K.

I forgot about this. I'll edit the icon later and post the files in the
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

[ubuntu-art] [Breathe] battery

2009-03-25 Thread spg76
I uploaded to the wiki a new icon for
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] battery

2009-03-25 Thread spg76
@Ryan, I'll edit it and see how it looks.

2009/3/25 Cory K. coryis...@ubuntu.com

 Nice. :) The battery is something we need to discuss a little though.

 Do we plan on doing images that show various power levers of batteries?
 Maybe this one with some meter on the side? Or a window into the batter
 showing charge?

 If so, these images can be many. I believe Andreas mentioned GNOME does
 a single-canvas approach for this as well, but, it spits out many more
 images than we do with our template currently.

 We can grab what they have done and incorporate it into Breathe with a
 custom section in the render script for the battery. *If* we're gonna
 create all the icons for the various states. It might be better than
 editing 20 different files for the battery just to make 1 change for
 it's look. I'll look into exactly how many ASAP.

I think you're referring to the status/battery icons, this is
devices/battery. I actually don't know where it's used.
About the status icons, I counted 13 on Oxygen:
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Additions to Categories

2009-03-25 Thread spg76
2009/3/25 Cory K. coryis...@ubuntu.com

 Cory K. wrote:
  I'm thinking we do 2 more icons for Categories
  * Wine: wine.*
  * Debian Menu: debian-logo.*

 Sebastien? :)

Sorry, I meant to reply this when I saw it and I forgot :)
I agreed about Wine.
I don't know how many people have the Debian Menu and if we added this icon
how different could be from the actual debian logo.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] daniel's folder (small sizes, correct)

2009-03-25 Thread spg76
2009/3/25 Cory K. coryis...@ubuntu.com

 daniel planas armangué wrote:
  I think the edge of the small size is better that way

 Yeah. This has bothered me for a bit. I'll add this soon and mod the
 home folder also.

This has been bothered me too and I made some retouches on the folder and
If you like I can post the files on the wiki.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

[ubuntu-art] [Breathe] camera-web

2009-03-25 Thread spg76
I uploaded to the wiki a new icon for
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] audio-card

2009-03-25 Thread spg76
2009/3/25 daniel planas armangué daniplana...@gmail.com

 hpe you like
 pd: i think this icon needs resize. made please ;9

 ubuntu-art mailing list

I really like the card but I would remove the music note and make the card a
little bigger.
Anyway, great work.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

[ubuntu-art] [Breathe] audio-input-microphone

2009-03-23 Thread spg76
I uploaded to the wiki a new icon for
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] audio-input-microphone

2009-03-23 Thread spg76
Thank you all for the comments :)

2009/3/23 Thorsten Wilms t...@freenet.de

 Consider to turn it around, to make it rising, not falling in western
 reading direction, though ;)

I'll consider it. If this important? Sorry but I just don't know.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

[ubuntu-art] [Breathe] system-search

2009-03-23 Thread spg76
I uploaded to the wiki a new icon for system-search.
I'm focusing on the devices right now but I just made this one to replace
the one that appears when you summon Docky :)
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] drive-optical

2009-03-22 Thread spg76
2009/3/20 Cory K. coryis...@ubuntu.com

 Honestly, I liked the fat one. :) It was different. Let me know which
 one of these will be final.

I like more drive-optical2. The main problem that I see with the fat one
it's the tray, I just don't like how it looks in the small sizes.
But if you all want I can try fix this (and other details).
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] drive-optical

2009-03-19 Thread spg76
I wasn't very happy with this icon for some of the things that commented
Oliver and Thorsten, so I uploaded to the wiki a new version based on the
Gnome and Tango icon.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] New Wave 0.8.0 for Ubuntu

2009-03-18 Thread spg76
Great job, Anton!
I just downloaded the theme and I'm loving the new stuff.
My only (tiny) critic it's that the tabs on the Firefox theme have a
different close button from the rest of the applications.
Of course, that we could add your button to the Breathe theme ;) But if
someone use a different icon theme the button remains the same.
Anyway, the theme it's fantastic.
Keep up the great work.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

[ubuntu-art] [Breathe] drive-optical

2009-03-18 Thread spg76
I uploaded to the wiki a new icon for drive-optical.
Oliver did a great job retouching the small sizes.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] BZR/LP updates March 16th 2009

2009-03-17 Thread spg76
2009/3/16 Cory K. coryis...@ubuntu.com

 spg76 wrote:
  Did you updated the power options icons with the lastest version that I
  you. Let me know If you don't have the files.

 Yes. I uploaded those weeks ago. Let me know if you see anything odd still.

I just download the branch and I see that the power icons aren't the latest
revisions (I retouched the gradients and refine the small icons a little). I
sent those to you, I didn't post them in the wiki. If you want I can send
the files to you or upload them to the wiki
Also, I don't know if you see the latest revisions of the utilities-terminal
and utilities-system-monitor that I sent you some weeks ago.
Again, if you want I can upload the files to the wiki.
Seba (AKA spg76)
ubuntu-art mailing list

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