Re: Thoughts on quitting and window controls

2010-05-04 Thread NoOp
On 04/07/2010 06:22 AM, Jonathan Blackhall wrote:
 Another issue is with Rhythmbox.  This is especially true for newer
 users. Let's say I just click the 'X' to quit, just like I do with
 Firefox or Calculator.  I don't notice that the icon is still present
 in the Notification Area.  It's not doing any particular harm there
 right now.  However, then I shut down my computer and come back the
 next day.  I open Rhythmbox, and it starts minimized to the
 Notification Area.  I'm sitting there waiting patiently for it to
 open, but it never does.  Now you could argue that this is a bug in
 Rhythmbox (and it has been reported), but my point is that it
 highlights an underlying problem of an application not quitting when
 the user wants it to.

This is configurable: Edit|Plugins|Status Icon|Configure|Status icon:
'Visible with notifications' should give you what you want. When set to
'Owns the main window' clicking 'X' (close window) will close the window
 leave Rhythmbox (with panel icon) running.

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Re: Thoughts on quitting and window controls

2010-04-10 Thread Dylan McCall
 Mind-boggling: yes. Lunatic: not necessarily :)


 If I'm understanding you properly, the user should have no concept of
 services or processes. There is a single list of all applications,
 whether they are running with a window, running as a service, or not
 running at all.
 When the user clicks on an application which is not running, or
 running as a service, then the control window for that application
 opens on top. When all of an application's windows are closed, then
 the process closes (as long as no services are running). If a service
 is running as well, it is responsible for garbage-collecting itself
 when it is no longer doing anything (ie when rhythmbox is no longer
 playing music). When a service process exits like this, the UI
 shouldn't change at all - the user shouldn't even know.

Indeed! I'm glad to know I made sense :)

I think declaring a model for interaction with applications and
windows, like this (or this, even; that would make _me_ happy at
least) would go a long way since we really don't have one right now. I
want to think of a window as a view. Now Close would mean disappear
that view, Minimize means make that view really small and Maximize
means make that view really big, and importantly that meaning should
never, ever vary. The resource being viewed is just there.

 The only question I have right now about this model is the action
 which occurs when an app with a window already open is clicked on in
 the list. In the current windowing model, you can focus the existing
 window (via the task bar) or open a second window (via the menu). With
 the integrated application list, how do we nicely handle both of these
 use cases?


This is something I think gnome-shell handles pretty well. If you
click an application with open windows, it knows, so it focuses those
windows on its own. Right clicking gives you an option to create a new
window. (Personally, I would like a little + button to one corner of
the icon so it isn't a secondary operation). As I understand it,
upcoming stuff will make that kind of behaviour slightly adjustable
per application.

Existing applications use libunique, and I think it's an okay
approach. So, right now if I have Rhythmbox running in the background
and I want to choose a new playlist, I can head to
Applications›Rhythmbox and the existing window is instantly focused.
It's just like opening a fresh instance, as if Rhythmbox's main window
really is in a different process from what plays the music (like the
Telepathy stack). However, this particular job is a loopy mess under
the hood!

 * Application sets up with DBus for the single purpose of watching
for new instances trying to launch.
 * New instance of application is opened, sees the old one, does
something. Hopefully it tells the existing instance that the user has
declared interest in using it, but we never really know.
 * In the ideal case, the existing instance of the application either
creates a new window in the current workspace (good!) or raises the
old window. It's that latter case which breaks my heart: if you aren't
in the same workspace as the old window, it never shows up. It sets
the Urgent window hint and a tiny little item in the window list
appears. Now, in the ideal case, the user journeys to the other side
of his 37 screen, clicks that OTHER thing for no apparent reason, and
finally sees his window... but he's sent to the wrong workspace!

Gnome Shell makes that mess completely the window manager's
responsibility (and the window manager is quite comfortable managing
windows), so there is no likely point of failure.
Not ideal, though, since it doesn't cover everything (at least not
yet). Maybe we just really need a more reliable way for applications
to control their own windows. (Sorry, I just realized I've been
throwing around the words application, process and resource
almost interchangeably. Hopefully this isn't completely nonsense at
this point).

Alas, there is still the issue that, if you had the Rhythmbox
controller window open and focused somewhere and it pretends to open
another by moving that old window to view, your old window is no
longer where you left it…
As for some apps supporting multiple views, err, windows, I think it
makes sense: you can only have one view per _resource_, so for Abiword
that resource is a single document and, if I recall correctly, it
correctly enforces that policy. Most things do. Thankfully for us,
it's just really hard for an application to manage multiple windows
that refer to the same thing. And it (should be) pointless, too.
Every time you choose Rhythmbox from the Applications menu, you're
opening a controller for a single resource: the music service (which
doesn't actually exist, but makes a fine imaginary construct). So, its
behaviour of only allowing one controller is quite consistent!

Oh, my tea is ready!

Bye :)

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Re: Thoughts on quitting and window controls

2010-04-09 Thread Evan
On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 7:57 PM, Dylan McCall wrote:
 On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 8:39 PM, Jonathan Blackhall wrote:
 It's very confusing for me when I click the big 'X' in my window controls,
 only to find that the application I was attempting to close has since been
 minimized to my system try (or notification area or its respective indicator
 applet or wherever it goes instead of quitting).  Examples of programs with
 this behavior include Rhythmbox and Empathy in the default install.  To me,
 the 'X' signifies closing and quitting the application.  If I wanted to
 minimize it and keep it open, I would think to click the 'Minimize' button
 before clicking the 'X'.  In fact, I'd argue that the only reason anyone
 thinks this is appropriate is because it's what's been done in the past.
 The reason I find this so frustrating is because in order for me to eXit an
 application, I have to go searching through menus (File-Quit) or know some
 fancy keyboard shortcuts (things that casual users never even think about).

 I can only assume that developers' theories behind this (which is definitely
 not a problem unique to Ubuntu) stem from them telling themselves that no
 one would actually want to Quit their application.  What they *really* mean
 to do is close the window, but keep the application running silently.  So
 I'll just save them the trouble of accidentally quitting by changing the
 function of that 'X' button.  I just dislike the fact that it sends mixed
 signals.  After all, if I click 'X' in Firefox or in gEdit or in a whole
 host of other applications, I'm quitting and completely closing it.  Why
 must this be different in Rhythmbox?  And also, when I install a new
 application, what is the 'X' going to do when I click it in this

 I'm not exactly sure what I'd propose to fix this problem.  I really just
 think that the current way is broken.  Maybe the function could be switched
 to the Minimize button, but that would likewise exhibit ambiguity, although
 I'd argue less so than the current incarnation.  Maybe there should be a new
 window button, but that doesn't seem like a very elegant solution either.  I
 thought about filing this as a bug, but then I thought it might be better to
 generate discussion amongst developers.  What are your thoughts?  Do you
 consider the current situation a problem? If so, what do you propose to fix


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 I chewed on this thought for a bit, and I think adding a really
 close button to a window would compromise what is _potentially_ a
 pretty well thought out bit of UI. That's not to say it is well
 thought out yet, but I think it could be!

 Conventionally, a window represents some thing the user is doing, so
 closing it should close that thing. A toplevel window is almost always
 something the user has directly triggered and is directly,
 purposefully interacting with, and I don't think we have anything else
 in the desktop that fits that role. Therefore, if the act of closing a
 window is affecting anything more than what that window is
 representing, something has gone wrong and should be fixed. For most
 web browsers, we're fine; the close button closes the web page
 associated with that window, but the application, other web pages and
 any current downloads (should) keep running.

 The rest is naturally fed by the “Just Works” philosophy; if a process
 is not providing anything, it should become irrelevant (probably by
 exiting). Firefox does this for you all the time. A lot of developers
 think of it as a robotic all window are closed, so exit deal, but I
 think it's more we are no longer serving a purpose, so exit.
 Applications should track what they are doing for the user to decide
 whether they are wasting memory.

 Windows are remote controls for resources. In the case of Tomboy,
 that's a note. (When you close a window in Tomboy, you aren't
 destroying the note!). For Empathy, that's an instant messaging
 account (Telepathy). When you close the buddy list, it doesn't log you
 out, but you can open the buddy list and tell it to log you out. (In
 this case that's technically the case, too; Telepathy, Empathy, etc.
 are split into a whole pile of small, detached programs that run for
 different purposes).

 Rhythmbox is a different example, but let's try to fit it under the
 same theory. It already mostly does. The Rhythmbox main window is for
 controlling what music the Rhythmbox service (represented by its
 indicator icon) is playing. It just happens that the Rhythmbox service
 is, technically, the same process as the Rhythmbox main window. Users
 don't care about that, though.
 Someone opens Rhythmbox to control the playing music (to pause it or
 play it), then closes it when that is done and the 

Re: Thoughts on quitting and window controls

2010-04-09 Thread Derek Broughton
Evan wrote:

 On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 7:57 PM, Dylan McCall

 I chewed on this thought for a bit, and I think adding a really
 close button to a window would compromise what is _potentially_ a
 pretty well thought out bit of UI. That's not to say it is well
 thought out yet, but I think it could be!

 Conventionally, a window represents some thing the user is doing, so
 closing it should close that thing. A toplevel window is almost always
 something the user has directly triggered and is directly,
 purposefully interacting with, and I don't think we have anything else
 in the desktop that fits that role. Therefore, if the act of closing a
 window is affecting anything more than what that window is
 representing, something has gone wrong and should be fixed. For most
 web browsers, we're fine; the close button closes the web page
 associated with that window, but the application, other web pages and
 any current downloads (should) keep running.

 The rest is naturally fed by the “Just Works” philosophy; if a process
 is not providing anything, it should become irrelevant (probably by
 exiting). Firefox does this for you all the time. A lot of developers
 think of it as a robotic all window are closed, so exit deal, but I
 think it's more we are no longer serving a purpose, so exit.
 Applications should track what they are doing for the user to decide
 whether they are wasting memory.

 Windows are remote controls for resources. In the case of Tomboy,
 that's a note. (When you close a window in Tomboy, you aren't
 destroying the note!). For Empathy, that's an instant messaging
 account (Telepathy). When you close the buddy list, it doesn't log you
 out, but you can open the buddy list and tell it to log you out. (In
 this case that's technically the case, too; Telepathy, Empathy, etc.
 are split into a whole pile of small, detached programs that run for
 different purposes).

 Rhythmbox is a different example, but let's try to fit it under the
 same theory. It already mostly does. The Rhythmbox main window is for
 controlling what music the Rhythmbox service (represented by its
 indicator icon) is playing. It just happens that the Rhythmbox service
 is, technically, the same process as the Rhythmbox main window. Users
 don't care about that, though.
 Someone opens Rhythmbox to control the playing music (to pause it or
 play it), then closes it when that is done and the service goes on in
 the background. If the music is stopped and Rhythmbox's controller is
 closed, Rhythmbox has no reason to continue running, so the process
 should exit. That should have absolutely no impact on the surrounding
 user interface, however.

 The Problem: that does have a strange impact on the surrounding user
 interface. Particularly strange for Rhythmbox, since the indicator
 serves as a launcher for the controller. Unless we want that Rhythmbox
 indicator to be permanent, it always will create a bizarrely
 shape-shifting desktop within the current design. It always will with
 a really close button, too, because really closing the window will
 kill the Rhythmbox service and, therefore, the indicator applet.
 Consider the inconsistency at hand from a lower level: killing the
 Rhythmbox process kills its indicator, its controller, and the music.
 Killing the Empathy process kills the buddy list but maintains your
 accounts  as they are and the message indicator. Killing Evolution
 does not delete your email (unless you were having a good day; it gets

 Good news, in my books: gnome-shell has launchers and running
 applications in the same place ;)
 That is a more profound improvement than mere cosmetics. It means
 things don't move unexpectedly. Personally, I want to be able to
 reliably head to wherever I start applications and open my Buddy List,
 unconcerned with whether a process called empathy was already
 running, and I want to do that as quickly as heading to the message
 indicator and opening my Buddy List from it. I want to do that because
 the same functionality fits for anything, not just instant messaging;
 from notes to music to calendars and todo lists.
 We can either have a specialized launcher in the top panel for every
 single type of desktop service, or we can have a smarter application

 PS: Granted, my chewing on this was in the midst of a billion things
 happening at once, so I realize I may be coming across as a complete
 Mind-boggling: yes. Lunatic: not necessarily :)
 If I'm understanding you properly, the user should have no concept of
 services or processes. There is a single list of all applications,
 whether they are running with a window, running as a service, or not
 running at all.
 When the user clicks on an application which is not running, or
 running as a service, then the control window for that application
 opens on top. When all of an application's windows are closed, then
 the process closes (as long as no services are 

Re: Thoughts on quitting and window controls

2010-04-09 Thread Derek Broughton
Brandon Kuczenski wrote:

 Derek Broughton wrote:
 John McCabe-Dansted wrote:
 Maybe. But the paradigm isn't really that pressing the Close
 button minimizes the window to the systray.
 I beg to differ.  Think as a user, not a developer.  I submit that
 _users_ do not generally understand a difference between minimizing to
 the tray or the task bar - except that they know something minimized to
 the task bar is taking up more space.
 The paradigm is that closing a
 window closes that window *and* that closing a window never closes a
 Again, I disagree.  Users think close and don't stop to think...
 I think most people would be confused if e.g. clicking close on
 the main sound preferences dialog stopped the sound server.
 ...what closing a sound server means.  I think most people are confused
 _any_ change to their system.  [I'm confused by the fact that Firefox now
 has the ability to hang my entire machine, which it only started to do
 the last upgrade]  Yes, making the close button shut down a server and
 the minimize button minimize to either the task bar or the system tray
 _would_ be initially confusing but imo is more logical, and would be more
 I think it's unwise to try to imagine a 'typical' user. 

I thought that was my point.  We shouldn't be imagining, we should 
actually be trying to figure out who the typical user is.

 There are
 [apparently] a great many people who like the way mac handles the
 desktop environment- I have never been able to fathom it, but that's why
 I don't use it.  (among other reasons :P )  Mac users and Windows users
 coming to Ubuntu will expect different things- but Ubuntu is something
 else entirely 

I couldn't care less who Mac, Windows and Ubuntu users are - I just wish 
people were designing to some UI standard, and would hope that we had some 
analysis that would suggest a good direction for that standard.  Instead, we 
have people designing any old UI that works for them, with human issues 
largely ignored.  That way lies slavish imitation, not innovation.  Whatever 
you think of the Mac interface (I can't fathom it either), it exists because 
Apple _knows_ that it works for a large number of people.

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Re: Thoughts on quitting and window controls

2010-04-09 Thread Evan
On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 8:40 PM, Derek Broughton wrote:
 Evan wrote:

 On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 7:57 PM, Dylan McCall

 I chewed on this thought for a bit, and I think adding a really
 close button to a window would compromise what is _potentially_ a
 pretty well thought out bit of UI. That's not to say it is well
 thought out yet, but I think it could be!

 Conventionally, a window represents some thing the user is doing, so
 closing it should close that thing. A toplevel window is almost always
 something the user has directly triggered and is directly,
 purposefully interacting with, and I don't think we have anything else
 in the desktop that fits that role. Therefore, if the act of closing a
 window is affecting anything more than what that window is
 representing, something has gone wrong and should be fixed. For most
 web browsers, we're fine; the close button closes the web page
 associated with that window, but the application, other web pages and
 any current downloads (should) keep running.

 The rest is naturally fed by the “Just Works” philosophy; if a process
 is not providing anything, it should become irrelevant (probably by
 exiting). Firefox does this for you all the time. A lot of developers
 think of it as a robotic all window are closed, so exit deal, but I
 think it's more we are no longer serving a purpose, so exit.
 Applications should track what they are doing for the user to decide
 whether they are wasting memory.

 Windows are remote controls for resources. In the case of Tomboy,
 that's a note. (When you close a window in Tomboy, you aren't
 destroying the note!). For Empathy, that's an instant messaging
 account (Telepathy). When you close the buddy list, it doesn't log you
 out, but you can open the buddy list and tell it to log you out. (In
 this case that's technically the case, too; Telepathy, Empathy, etc.
 are split into a whole pile of small, detached programs that run for
 different purposes).

 Rhythmbox is a different example, but let's try to fit it under the
 same theory. It already mostly does. The Rhythmbox main window is for
 controlling what music the Rhythmbox service (represented by its
 indicator icon) is playing. It just happens that the Rhythmbox service
 is, technically, the same process as the Rhythmbox main window. Users
 don't care about that, though.
 Someone opens Rhythmbox to control the playing music (to pause it or
 play it), then closes it when that is done and the service goes on in
 the background. If the music is stopped and Rhythmbox's controller is
 closed, Rhythmbox has no reason to continue running, so the process
 should exit. That should have absolutely no impact on the surrounding
 user interface, however.

 The Problem: that does have a strange impact on the surrounding user
 interface. Particularly strange for Rhythmbox, since the indicator
 serves as a launcher for the controller. Unless we want that Rhythmbox
 indicator to be permanent, it always will create a bizarrely
 shape-shifting desktop within the current design. It always will with
 a really close button, too, because really closing the window will
 kill the Rhythmbox service and, therefore, the indicator applet.
 Consider the inconsistency at hand from a lower level: killing the
 Rhythmbox process kills its indicator, its controller, and the music.
 Killing the Empathy process kills the buddy list but maintains your
 accounts  as they are and the message indicator. Killing Evolution
 does not delete your email (unless you were having a good day; it gets

 Good news, in my books: gnome-shell has launchers and running
 applications in the same place ;)
 That is a more profound improvement than mere cosmetics. It means
 things don't move unexpectedly. Personally, I want to be able to
 reliably head to wherever I start applications and open my Buddy List,
 unconcerned with whether a process called empathy was already
 running, and I want to do that as quickly as heading to the message
 indicator and opening my Buddy List from it. I want to do that because
 the same functionality fits for anything, not just instant messaging;
 from notes to music to calendars and todo lists.
 We can either have a specialized launcher in the top panel for every
 single type of desktop service, or we can have a smarter application

 PS: Granted, my chewing on this was in the midst of a billion things
 happening at once, so I realize I may be coming across as a complete

 Mind-boggling: yes. Lunatic: not necessarily :)

 If I'm understanding you properly, the user should have no concept of
 services or processes. There is a single list of all applications,
 whether they are running with a window, running as a service, or not
 running at all.
 When the user clicks on an application which is not running, or
 running as a service, then the control window for that application
 opens on top. When all of an application's 

Re: Thoughts on quitting and window controls

2010-04-08 Thread Davyd McColl
 On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 9:45 AM, Derek Broughton

 Neither do I - but for, apparently, opposite reasons.  I don't understand
 why we need, or even want, minimize to tray and minimize to task bar
 (aargh, please don't push _my_ buttons, and write minimise :-) )

Sorry to be the spelling Nazi here, but if anyone's buttons are to be pushed
by the difference in UK and US spelling, it should perhaps be the founders
of the English language, not the ones who choose to drop vowels and replace
consonants at whim. Americans have already won the spelling war in HTML, be
happy with that. I'll continue to spell correctly whenever I can though
(typos withstanding, of course!) :|

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Re: Thoughts on quitting and window controls

2010-04-08 Thread Brandon Kuczenski
Derek Broughton wrote:
 John McCabe-Dansted wrote:
 Maybe. But the paradigm isn't really that pressing the Close
 button minimizes the window to the systray. 
 I beg to differ.  Think as a user, not a developer.  I submit that _users_ 
 do not generally understand a difference between minimizing to the tray or 
 the task bar - except that they know something minimized to the task bar is 
 taking up more space.
 The paradigm is that closing a
 window closes that window *and* that closing a window never closes a
 Again, I disagree.  Users think close and don't stop to think...
 I think most people would be confused if e.g. clicking close on
 the main sound preferences dialog stopped the sound server.
 ...what closing a sound server means.  I think most people are confused by 
 _any_ change to their system.  [I'm confused by the fact that Firefox now 
 has the ability to hang my entire machine, which it only started to do with 
 the last upgrade]  Yes, making the close button shut down a server and the 
 minimize button minimize to either the task bar or the system tray _would_ 
 be initially confusing but imo is more logical, and would be more intuitive.

I think it's unwise to try to imagine a 'typical' user.  There are 
[apparently] a great many people who like the way mac handles the 
desktop environment- I have never been able to fathom it, but that's why 
I don't use it.  (among other reasons :P )  Mac users and Windows users 
coming to Ubuntu will expect different things- but Ubuntu is something 
else entirely and shouldn't aspire to the whims of thoughtless windows 
and mac users.  A 'thoughtful' ubuntu user will quickly realize that 
some programs don't exit when you close the window.  There's nothing 
wrong with that.  Sometimes the change should happen on the other side 
of the display.

For my part, I find the argument that the close button on a window 
closes the window compelling.  By the same token, minimize should 
minimize to the panel, where it can later be restored, remembering its 
position and size and other window-related things. these are window 
controls.  Minimize to tray, where the window seems to disappear, breaks 
the windowing metaphor.

As for the question of how to deal with applications that persist as 
services, it seems like it's a quarrel with the application and not with 
the desktop environment.Maybe they need to notify the user more 
clearly that they continue to run-- maybe the icons in the notification 
area can bounce up and down when their windows are closed :)   (unless 
it infringes on a patent).   Better, the user should be notified when 
the program *starts* that a service has been started as well.

If it is controversial, as it seems to be with rhythmbox, it should be a 
preference setting.  But don't change the law to fight a parking ticket.

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Re: Thoughts on quitting and window controls

2010-04-08 Thread Dylan McCall
On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 8:39 PM, Jonathan Blackhall wrote:
 It's very confusing for me when I click the big 'X' in my window controls,
 only to find that the application I was attempting to close has since been
 minimized to my system try (or notification area or its respective indicator
 applet or wherever it goes instead of quitting).  Examples of programs with
 this behavior include Rhythmbox and Empathy in the default install.  To me,
 the 'X' signifies closing and quitting the application.  If I wanted to
 minimize it and keep it open, I would think to click the 'Minimize' button
 before clicking the 'X'.  In fact, I'd argue that the only reason anyone
 thinks this is appropriate is because it's what's been done in the past.
 The reason I find this so frustrating is because in order for me to eXit an
 application, I have to go searching through menus (File-Quit) or know some
 fancy keyboard shortcuts (things that casual users never even think about).

 I can only assume that developers' theories behind this (which is definitely
 not a problem unique to Ubuntu) stem from them telling themselves that no
 one would actually want to Quit their application.  What they *really* mean
 to do is close the window, but keep the application running silently.  So
 I'll just save them the trouble of accidentally quitting by changing the
 function of that 'X' button.  I just dislike the fact that it sends mixed
 signals.  After all, if I click 'X' in Firefox or in gEdit or in a whole
 host of other applications, I'm quitting and completely closing it.  Why
 must this be different in Rhythmbox?  And also, when I install a new
 application, what is the 'X' going to do when I click it in this

 I'm not exactly sure what I'd propose to fix this problem.  I really just
 think that the current way is broken.  Maybe the function could be switched
 to the Minimize button, but that would likewise exhibit ambiguity, although
 I'd argue less so than the current incarnation.  Maybe there should be a new
 window button, but that doesn't seem like a very elegant solution either.  I
 thought about filing this as a bug, but then I thought it might be better to
 generate discussion amongst developers.  What are your thoughts?  Do you
 consider the current situation a problem? If so, what do you propose to fix


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I chewed on this thought for a bit, and I think adding a really
close button to a window would compromise what is _potentially_ a
pretty well thought out bit of UI. That's not to say it is well
thought out yet, but I think it could be!

Conventionally, a window represents some thing the user is doing, so
closing it should close that thing. A toplevel window is almost always
something the user has directly triggered and is directly,
purposefully interacting with, and I don't think we have anything else
in the desktop that fits that role. Therefore, if the act of closing a
window is affecting anything more than what that window is
representing, something has gone wrong and should be fixed. For most
web browsers, we're fine; the close button closes the web page
associated with that window, but the application, other web pages and
any current downloads (should) keep running.

The rest is naturally fed by the “Just Works” philosophy; if a process
is not providing anything, it should become irrelevant (probably by
exiting). Firefox does this for you all the time. A lot of developers
think of it as a robotic all window are closed, so exit deal, but I
think it's more we are no longer serving a purpose, so exit.
Applications should track what they are doing for the user to decide
whether they are wasting memory.

Windows are remote controls for resources. In the case of Tomboy,
that's a note. (When you close a window in Tomboy, you aren't
destroying the note!). For Empathy, that's an instant messaging
account (Telepathy). When you close the buddy list, it doesn't log you
out, but you can open the buddy list and tell it to log you out. (In
this case that's technically the case, too; Telepathy, Empathy, etc.
are split into a whole pile of small, detached programs that run for
different purposes).

Rhythmbox is a different example, but let's try to fit it under the
same theory. It already mostly does. The Rhythmbox main window is for
controlling what music the Rhythmbox service (represented by its
indicator icon) is playing. It just happens that the Rhythmbox service
is, technically, the same process as the Rhythmbox main window. Users
don't care about that, though.
Someone opens Rhythmbox to control the playing music (to pause it or
play it), then closes it when that is done and the service goes on in
the background. If the music is stopped and Rhythmbox's controller is
closed, Rhythmbox has no 

Re: Thoughts on quitting and window controls

2010-04-07 Thread Ryan Dwyer
On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 2:21 PM, Jonathan Blackhall

  I like the new button idea. It could be only on applications that
  could be minimized to the tray.

 The button has actually been discussed previously:

 I actually don't think the new button is a particularly elegant or
 ideal solution, but it also wouldn't be terrible.  I just wish there
 was a way to build a solution into the current workflow without
 needing to add an additional button to confuse people.

Maybe it could be made more obvious by changing the colour of the button.
For example, red (current) if the button will close the application, and
orange if it will only close the window and leave the app running in the
notification area.

  Maybe you want to put this problem/solution ideas on the brainstorm
  website. Then people can vote what solution they like best.

 I'd rather start the discussion here.  You're free to submit the idea
 and propose a solution there, though.


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Re: Thoughts on quitting and window controls

2010-04-07 Thread Bruno Girin
On Tue, 2010-04-06 at 21:05 -0700, Akkana Peck wrote:
 Jonathan Blackhall writes:
  It's very confusing for me when I click the big 'X' in my window controls,
  only to find that the application I was attempting to close has since been
  minimized to my system try (or notification area or its respective indicator
  applet or wherever it goes instead of quitting).
 I hit that recently with gwibber. Thought maybe it could be a good
 alternative to the difficult Facebook website ... but then I quit
 it, or at least told it to quit, and later found random gwibber
 windows popping up.
 The result was that it taught me not to use gwibber for anything,
 because running it even to try it out means a hassle later when I
 have to run ps to find it and kill it.

At least Gwibber gives you the choice: just go to Gwibber - Preferences
and you can check / uncheck Minimise to tray on close.


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Re: Thoughts on quitting and window controls

2010-04-07 Thread Florian Diesch
Jonathan Blackhall writes:

 It's very confusing for me when I click the big 'X' in my window controls,
 only to find that the application I was attempting to close has since been
 minimized to my system try (or notification area or its respective indicator
 applet or wherever it goes instead of quitting).  Examples of programs with
 this behavior include Rhythmbox and Empathy in the default install.  To me,
 the 'X' signifies closing and quitting the application. 

As far as I know it has always been Close this window.

 I can only assume that developers' theories behind this (which is definitely
 not a problem unique to Ubuntu) stem from them telling themselves that no
 one would actually want to Quit their application.  What they *really* mean
 to do is close the window, but keep the application running silently.  So
 I'll just save them the trouble of accidentally quitting by changing the
 function of that 'X' button.  I just dislike the fact that it sends mixed
 signals.  After all, if I click 'X' in Firefox or in gEdit or in a whole
 host of other applications, I'm quitting and completely closing it. 

In Firefox and gEdit clicking the X means Close this windows, not
Quit this app - just try it with multiple windows open.

 Why must this be different in Rhythmbox?

Think about Rhythmbox as some kind of service running in the
background. The window is just a user interface for that service that
you can close if you don't need it, without stopping the service.

Simple dict-like Python API for GConf: 

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Re: Thoughts on quitting and window controls

2010-04-07 Thread Friedrich Strohmaier
Hi Jonathan, *,

Jonathan Blackhall schrieb:

It's very confusing for me when I click the big 'X' in my window
 controls, only to find that the application I was attempting to close
 has since been minimized to my system try (or notification area or
 its respective indicator applet or wherever it goes instead of


 I can only assume that developers' theories behind this (which is
 definitely not a problem unique to Ubuntu) stem from them telling
 themselves that no one would actually want to Quit their application.
 What they *really* mean to do is close the window, but keep the
 application running silently.  So I'll just save them the trouble of
 accidentally quitting by changing the function of that 'X' button. 
 I just dislike the fact that it sends mixed signals.

I agree with You here: Even if it might be a good Idea to assume some
user intention it is *always* a bad idea to realize that by *cheating*.


I'm not exactly sure what I'd propose to fix this problem.  I really
 just think that the current way is broken. 

A simple and clear solution might be to hide the X button where
developer thinks closing is not intended by hitting it, and put a
possibility for that into the userinterface of the app. Additionaly
putting a dock to systray item in the context menu of the window bar
might not harm at all. :o))

 Maybe the function could be switched to the Minimize button, but that
 would likewise exhibit ambiguity, although I'd argue less so than the
 current incarnation.

A less evel result in my eyes isn't worth thinking about.. :o))

 Maybe there should be a new window button, but that doesn't seem like
 a very elegant solution either.

One more less evel.. .

I think Window behavior management by window bar symbols should be kept


 What are your thoughts?  Do you consider the current situation a

I do.

 If so, what do you propose to fix it?

As You do, I prefer the straight way: steal the button, if you don't
want it to be used!

Let the user experience herself if closing was not the intended thing
and give a short way to achieve it.

I hate to be spoon-fed in any way. So I'd vote for the latter.

If I remember that windows with deactivated sizing, showing a list of
items to select - each shortened and beginning with the same term..

my 0.02 EUR :o))

Schöne Grüße von der Sonnenalb

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Re: Thoughts on quitting and window controls

2010-04-07 Thread Jonathan Blackhall
  Why must this be different in Rhythmbox?

 Think about Rhythmbox as some kind of service running in the
 background. The window is just a user interface for that service that
 you can close if you don't need it, without stopping the service.

Ok, I'll give you that it technically means 'close' the window.  My
issue still stands, however. On most applications, closing a single
window is synonymous with quitting the application.  My frustration
comes when this doesn't happen.  Closing my last Firefox window
doesn't leave it running in the notification area as a service.  I
understand in theory why keeping Rhythmbox open and running as a
service is useful.  In practice, however, I should be able to fully
quit any application (at least when there's only a single open window)
by clicking a single button.  None of this File-Quit business.
(Being able to quit an application with a single button even with
multiple windows open is an interesting idea.)  Again, it's
frustrating when a button behaves one way for some applications and
not others.  And it's frustrating not being able to quit an
application with a single button click.

The current behavior can cause a number of problems.  As other users
pointed out (and I have also experienced), sometimes you want to quit
an application, such as Empathy or Gwibber, only later to find
yourself still logged in, online, and maybe receiving messages.
Another issue is with Rhythmbox.  This is especially true for newer
users. Let's say I just click the 'X' to quit, just like I do with
Firefox or Calculator.  I don't notice that the icon is still present
in the Notification Area.  It's not doing any particular harm there
right now.  However, then I shut down my computer and come back the
next day.  I open Rhythmbox, and it starts minimized to the
Notification Area.  I'm sitting there waiting patiently for it to
open, but it never does.  Now you could argue that this is a bug in
Rhythmbox (and it has been reported), but my point is that it
highlights an underlying problem of an application not quitting when
the user wants it to.

Just for reference, I have a problem with this bug almost daily, and I
can't seem to teach myself to remember File-Quit to close certain
applications but not others.

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Re: Thoughts on quitting and window controls

2010-04-07 Thread Evan
On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 9:22 AM, Jonathan Blackhall wrote:
  Why must this be different in Rhythmbox?

 Think about Rhythmbox as some kind of service running in the
 background. The window is just a user interface for that service that
 you can close if you don't need it, without stopping the service.

 Ok, I'll give you that it technically means 'close' the window.  My
 issue still stands, however. On most applications, closing a single
 window is synonymous with quitting the application.  My frustration
 comes when this doesn't happen.  Closing my last Firefox window
 doesn't leave it running in the notification area as a service.  I
 understand in theory why keeping Rhythmbox open and running as a
 service is useful.  In practice, however, I should be able to fully
 quit any application (at least when there's only a single open window)
 by clicking a single button.  None of this File-Quit business.
 (Being able to quit an application with a single button even with
 multiple windows open is an interesting idea.)  Again, it's
 frustrating when a button behaves one way for some applications and
 not others.  And it's frustrating not being able to quit an
 application with a single button click.

 The current behavior can cause a number of problems.  As other users
 pointed out (and I have also experienced), sometimes you want to quit
 an application, such as Empathy or Gwibber, only later to find
 yourself still logged in, online, and maybe receiving messages.
 Another issue is with Rhythmbox.  This is especially true for newer
 users. Let's say I just click the 'X' to quit, just like I do with
 Firefox or Calculator.  I don't notice that the icon is still present
 in the Notification Area.  It's not doing any particular harm there
 right now.  However, then I shut down my computer and come back the
 next day.  I open Rhythmbox, and it starts minimized to the
 Notification Area.  I'm sitting there waiting patiently for it to
 open, but it never does.  Now you could argue that this is a bug in
 Rhythmbox (and it has been reported), but my point is that it
 highlights an underlying problem of an application not quitting when
 the user wants it to.

 Just for reference, I have a problem with this bug almost daily, and I
 can't seem to teach myself to remember File-Quit to close certain
 applications but not others.

For the record, the keyboard shortcuts are much less ambiguous and
much more consistent...
Ctrl-Q: Quit the application
Alt-Space-C: Close the window

Since I use my keyboard for almost everything I have never run into
the problem you describe in any serious way. It does sound like a
usability issue though.

Just my 2 cents,

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Re: Thoughts on quitting and window controls

2010-04-07 Thread Davyd McColl
For what my input is worth, I'd just like to point out that I'm one of those
people who is annoyed when an app which runs in the systray *exits* when I
close the interface window (main or otherwise). For apps that support the
minimise to tray functionality instead of closing the window minimises to
tray idea, I find it particularly difficult to re-train myself to minimise
instead of close. To me, minimise means minimise to the task bar.

Personally, I don't think that an extra button in the title-bar would cut
the mustard either. Seems that the only viable option that I can see is to
handle both preferences (far be it for me to force *my* preferences on
another person) -- perhaps the solution is a global preference for this kind
of thing so that neither I nor the OP have to configure multiple tray-aware
apps to bend to our personal preference.

This option could perhaps be a checkbox in the Window Preferences settings
dialog available from System-Preferences-Windows

Of course, getting tray-aware apps to honor this setting is a whole other
bowl of pudding entirely.

The competent programmer is fully aware of the limited size of his own
skull. He therefore approaches his task with full humility, and avoids
clever tricks like the plague. - Djikstra.
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Re: Thoughts on quitting and window controls

2010-04-07 Thread Derek Broughton
Davyd McColl wrote:

 For what my input is worth, I'd just like to point out that I'm one of
 those people who is annoyed when an app which runs in the systray *exits*
 when I close the interface window (main or otherwise). For apps that
 support the minimise to tray functionality instead of closing the
 window minimises to tray idea, I find it particularly difficult to
 re-train myself to minimise instead of close. To me, minimise means
 minimise to the task bar.
 Personally, I don't think that an extra button in the title-bar would cut
 the mustard either. 

Neither do I - but for, apparently, opposite reasons.  I don't understand 
why we need, or even want, minimize to tray and minimize to task bar 
(aargh, please don't push _my_ buttons, and write minimise :-) )

Surely an app should minimize to one or the other, in which case Close 
could close.

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Re: Thoughts on quitting and window controls

2010-04-07 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 9:45 AM, Derek Broughton de...@pointerstop.cawrote:

 Neither do I - but for, apparently, opposite reasons.  I don't understand
 why we need, or even want, minimize to tray and minimize to task bar
 (aargh, please don't push _my_ buttons, and write minimise :-) )

OK. Both are correct.

 Surely an app should minimize to one or the other, in which case Close
 could close.

Maybe. But the paradigm isn't really that pressing the Close
button minimizes the window to the systray. The paradigm is that closing a
window closes that window *and* that closing a window never closes a
service. I think most people would be confused if e.g. clicking close on the
main sound preferences dialog stopped the sound server. Arguably, the fact
that you can get the window back via the systray doesn't mean that the
*window* has been minimized to the systray any more than saying that we
minimize a document window to the My Documents folder.

I think nobody expects the X button to close services that were started on
start-up. So AFAICT the debate has more to do with the question:
1) If we launch a systray service the same way we launch an application:
a)  should we also shut down the service the same way we would shut down an
application?; or
b)  should we shut down the service we would shut down other services found
in the systray?

Or, another question under debate:
2) Should closing a window *ever* close a service found in the systray?

These are related, but note for example that we could specify that
applications should never put an icon in the systray unless the user
explicitly asks them to register themselves as a service, so we could answer
yes to both 1a and 2.

John C. McCabe-Dansted
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Thoughts on quitting and window controls

2010-04-06 Thread Jonathan Blackhall
It's very confusing for me when I click the big 'X' in my window controls,
only to find that the application I was attempting to close has since been
minimized to my system try (or notification area or its respective indicator
applet or wherever it goes instead of quitting).  Examples of programs with
this behavior include Rhythmbox and Empathy in the default install.  To me,
the 'X' signifies closing and quitting the application.  If I wanted to
minimize it and keep it open, I would think to click the 'Minimize' button
before clicking the 'X'.  In fact, I'd argue that the only reason anyone
thinks this is appropriate is because it's what's been done in the past.
The reason I find this so frustrating is because in order for me to eXit an
application, I have to go searching through menus (File-Quit) or know some
fancy keyboard shortcuts (things that casual users never even think about).

I can only assume that developers' theories behind this (which is definitely
not a problem unique to Ubuntu) stem from them telling themselves that no
one would actually want to Quit their application.  What they *really* mean
to do is close the window, but keep the application running silently.  So
I'll just save them the trouble of accidentally quitting by changing the
function of that 'X' button.  I just dislike the fact that it sends mixed
signals.  After all, if I click 'X' in Firefox or in gEdit or in a whole
host of other applications, I'm quitting and completely closing it.  Why
must this be different in Rhythmbox?  And also, when I install a new
application, what is the 'X' going to do when I click it in this

I'm not exactly sure what I'd propose to fix this problem.  I really just
think that the current way is broken.  Maybe the function could be switched
to the Minimize button, but that would likewise exhibit ambiguity, although
I'd argue less so than the current incarnation.  Maybe there should be a new
window button, but that doesn't seem like a very elegant solution either.  I
thought about filing this as a bug, but then I thought it might be better to
generate discussion amongst developers.  What are your thoughts?  Do you
consider the current situation a problem? If so, what do you propose to fix

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Re: Thoughts on quitting and window controls

2010-04-06 Thread Erik Andersen
On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 20:39, Jonathan Blackhall wrote:

 It's very confusing for me when I click the big 'X' in my window controls, 
 only to find that the application I was attempting to close has since been 
 minimized to my system try (or notification area or its respective indicator 
 applet or wherever it goes instead of quitting).  Examples of programs with 
 this behavior include Rhythmbox and Empathy in the default install.  To me, 
 the 'X' signifies closing and quitting the application.  If I wanted to 
 minimize it and keep it open, I would think to click the 'Minimize' button 
 before clicking the 'X'.  In fact, I'd argue that the only reason anyone 
 thinks this is appropriate is because it's what's been done in the past.  The 
 reason I find this so frustrating is because in order for me to eXit an 
 application, I have to go searching through menus (File-Quit) or know some 
 fancy keyboard shortcuts (things that casual users never even think about).

 I can only assume that developers' theories behind this (which is definitely 
 not a problem unique to Ubuntu) stem from them telling themselves that no one 
 would actually want to Quit their application.  What they *really* mean to 
 do is close the window, but keep the application running silently.  So I'll 
 just save them the trouble of accidentally quitting by changing the function 
 of that 'X' button.  I just dislike the fact that it sends mixed signals.  
 After all, if I click 'X' in Firefox or in gEdit or in a whole host of other 
 applications, I'm quitting and completely closing it.  Why must this be 
 different in Rhythmbox?  And also, when I install a new application, what is 
 the 'X' going to do when I click it in this application?

 I'm not exactly sure what I'd propose to fix this problem.  I really just 
 think that the current way is broken.  Maybe the function could be switched 
 to the Minimize button, but that would likewise exhibit ambiguity, although 
 I'd argue less so than the current incarnation.  Maybe there should be a new 
 window button, but that doesn't seem like a very elegant solution either.  I 
 thought about filing this as a bug, but then I thought it might be better to 
 generate discussion amongst developers.  What are your thoughts?  Do you 
 consider the current situation a problem? If so, what do you propose to fix 


I like the new button idea. It could be only on applications that
could be minimized to the tray.

Maybe you want to put this problem/solution ideas on the brainstorm
website. Then people can vote what solution they like best.

We could also add deluge to the list of applications that do this.


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Re: Thoughts on quitting and window controls

2010-04-06 Thread Akkana Peck
Jonathan Blackhall writes:
 It's very confusing for me when I click the big 'X' in my window controls,
 only to find that the application I was attempting to close has since been
 minimized to my system try (or notification area or its respective indicator
 applet or wherever it goes instead of quitting).

I hit that recently with gwibber. Thought maybe it could be a good
alternative to the difficult Facebook website ... but then I quit
it, or at least told it to quit, and later found random gwibber
windows popping up.

The result was that it taught me not to use gwibber for anything,
because running it even to try it out means a hassle later when I
have to run ps to find it and kill it.


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Re: Thoughts on quitting and window controls

2010-04-06 Thread Jonathan Blackhall
 I like the new button idea. It could be only on applications that
 could be minimized to the tray.

The button has actually been discussed previously:

I actually don't think the new button is a particularly elegant or
ideal solution, but it also wouldn't be terrible.  I just wish there
was a way to build a solution into the current workflow without
needing to add an additional button to confuse people.

 Maybe you want to put this problem/solution ideas on the brainstorm
 website. Then people can vote what solution they like best.

I'd rather start the discussion here.  You're free to submit the idea
and propose a solution there, though.


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