Re: [ubuntu-uk] libpath-class-perl 0.15-1 - again. And again. And...

2007-05-20 Thread I C McNab
Robert McWilliam wrote:
 On Sat, 19 May 2007 18:11:54 +0100
 Unpacking replacement libpath-class-perl ...
 Setting up libpath-class-perl (0.15-1) ...
 and then it stops.  
 Does it get to successfully applied?

Robert  Hard to say what's really happening.  There's no further 
output in the 'Details' screen to indicate that anything is actually 
being installed.  The Update Manager terminates with the usual 'Updates 
successfully applied' message;  but the package stays in the list of 
available updates.

 I've had a poke in the slim devices repository and the
 libpath-class-perl package there has the same version as the one from
 universe but is different which looks to be confusing apt. 
 It looks like the version locking in synaptic is just using the
 version. Pinning in apt can be more complicated, including where the
 package comes from.
 'man apt_preferences'

I'm very grateful for the trouble you're going to about this.  I'll 
look into pinning the package, as you suggest.  I also wondered whether 
to try uninstalling it, setting sources.list to use the Universe 
repository rather than slimdevice, and reinstalling the package from 

Thanks for your interest and advice.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] libpath-class-perl 0.15-1 - again. And again. And...

2007-05-19 Thread I C McNab
I C McNab wrote:
 I may have asked about this before, as I've had the same problem with 
 Feisty on a different box.  There, it eventually just stopped, without 
 any explanation. (So I never did get round to filing a bug report.)
 I'm getting repeated update notifications about a module called 
 libpath-class-perl 0.15-1;  despite installing the module, the 
 notifications persist.

It turns out someone filed a bug report about this;  it has had no replies.

 But forum posts elsewhere suggest a reason for the problem (which
has been observed by people using Edgy as well as Feisty - common
feature is installation of SlimDevices Slimserver):

 I get a software update notification for libpath-class-perl 1.5.1 
libpath-class-perl 1.5.1 and it never actually updates. I assume there
is some file diff between the lib provided by slimdevices and the file
in the Universe repository since when I commented out the slimdevices
repo the notification remained. I commented out the Universe repo in
synaptic and the update note finally goes away.

 Blocking the Universe repo sounds a bit drastic.  Does anyone have
any thoughts about other options?



Re: [ubuntu-uk] libpath-class-perl 0.15-1 - again. And again. And...

2007-05-19 Thread I C McNab
Robert McWilliam wrote:
 It might be worth trying to lock the version of that package so the
 packaging system doesn't try to upgrade it: Package-Lock Version in
 Synaptic or look up pinning in the apt manual. 
 This will prevent normal updates though so it would be a good idea to
 remove the lock every so often and try updating (you might even get a
 fix for the problem...).

Robert  I tried locking the package, but to no avail.  I notice that 
when the update is supposedly being installed, the 'details' screen reports

Unpacking replacement libpath-class-perl ...
Setting up libpath-class-perl (0.15-1) ...

and then it stops.  Synaptic reports that the update is installed;  but 
the package name stays in the list of items for update;  and the update 
icon on the menu bar does not disappear.

Very curious.



[ubuntu-uk] libpath-class-perl 0.15-1 - again. And again. And...

2007-05-18 Thread I C McNab
I may have asked about this before, as I've had the same problem with 
Feisty on a different box.  There, it eventually just stopped, without 
any explanation. (So I never did get round to filing a bug report.)

I'm getting repeated update notifications about a module called 
libpath-class-perl 0.15-1;  despite installing the module, the 
notifications persist.

Any ideas?



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Odd behaviour of system clock

2007-05-16 Thread I C McNab
John Levin wrote:
 This is a known problem; Ubuntu presumes your system clock is set to 
 UTC; windows presumes it to be local time.
 Solution is to tell Ubuntu to take system clock as local time:

John  Thanks for very helpful - and very quick! - reply.

Best wishes


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Partitioning Questions

2007-05-15 Thread I C McNab
Neil Greenwood wrote:
 Here's the link I mentioned originally:
 What a link-fest!
 Dw i'n dysgu cymraeg. Mae fy merched i byddwch yn mynd i'r ysgol
 gymraeg. So I'd like to be able to understand them!

Neil  Thanks for all the links.  It'll take me a while to work my way 
through all the material.  I'll have a look over the next couple of 
days.  Thanks, too, for the offer of help if I hit any snags.

Mae'n ddrwg genni, ond fi ddim yn siarad Cymraeg.  I too worked with 
Welsh medium schools for a while, but my Welsh didn't get much beyond 
basic politeness.  You're clearly getting on a lot better!

Hwyl fawr


[ubuntu-uk] Odd behaviour of system clock

2007-05-15 Thread I C McNab
I recently set up a dual boot system with Fiesty and WinXP on separate 
drives.  (Previously, I've used various versions of Ubuntu as the only 
OS on a laptop and a desktop.)  I've just noticed on the dual boot 
system that when I restart XP after using Ubuntu the system clock 
appears to have lost an hour.  (I guess it could be resetting to GMT, 
and losing the BST adjustment.)  The Ubuntu clock is fine.

Has anyone had a similar experience?  Is there a fix - apart from 
manually resetting the time (or never using that other OS!)?



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Screen resolution issues with Ver 7.04

2007-05-14 Thread I C McNab
George MacLeod wrote:
 Has anyone else experienced screen resolution problems with installing
 Ubuntu 7.04?
 Then this morning I booted from from the 7.04 install CD on a Dell Dimension
 5150 dual core with screen resolutions up to 1280 x 1024 only to find that
 Ubuntu  live CD only offered 640 x 400 resolution, which is very weird on a
 21 monitor...

I've just installed 7.04 on a similar one-year-old Dimension 5150 with 
nVidia card driving a 17 Dell monitor that prefers a resolution of 1280 
x 1024.  But Fiesty will only offer max 1024 x 768.  This is the same as 
it gives me with a 15 Hanns.G monitor via a Radeon 9000 card on an 
ancient Compaq AMD Athlon machine.

Any suggestions for improvement would be most welcome!  (Though, to be 
honest, at my age, 1024 x 768 is probably easier for my biological 
optical system to resolve!!!)



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Partitioning Questions

2007-05-14 Thread I C McNab
Neil Greenwood wrote:
 One thing you could look at is using LVM, which can resize the
 partitions later. It's probably not the best thing to try if you're
 new to Linux, especially to use for the / partition.
 The other thing you can do is leave some empty space at the moment, in
 case you guess wrong. You can always move a directory tree (such as
 /usr) to another partition - it's quite easy when using a Live CD, but
 you can do it when the partitions are mounted (but it takes some
 fiddling) - if you want to do the latter, I can dig out a link that
 explains what to do step-by-step.

Neil  Thanks for the ideas.  I think you're right about LVM - may be 
a bit advanced for me just now.

I wish I'd had your idea about leaving some space before I went 
ahead.  But never mind - I made / 30Gb, swap 2Gb, and /home got the rest 
of the space.  I guess, if need be, I could split the /home partition, 
which is the last on the drive, and move a directory tree.  I'm hoping 
this won't ever be necessary;  but I'd be grateful if you could send the 
link if you think it might help.

Diolch yn fawr iawn!

Hywl fawr


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Partitioning Questions

2007-05-12 Thread I C McNab
Thomas Steffen wrote:
 On 4/30/07, Stephen Garton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 2. How much space do I _need_ for /?
 A normal installation of Ubuntu (most of Ubuntu, Kubuntu, some of edubuntu,
 development tools, TeX and some simulation software) tends to come out at
 5GB for me. You can get a away with a lot less if you choose your packages
 careful, but I think 10GB of the 80GB you have is not a bad start.

I'm about to install Fiesty on a new 500Gb drive (to boot first in a 
dual boot set up with XP on a 160Gb drive in same box).

I'm going to keep things simple:  partitions for /, /home, and /swap, 
following advice in this thread.

But how big should I make /, given that, if I wanted to, I could give it 
100+Gb.  How much is 'plenty enough for all contingencies', given that 
this is a home desktop box doing fairly routine stuff, plus acting as a 
music server to stream FLAC files to a couple of Slim Devices 
Squeezeboxes (hence the need for a big disc to hold the music files).



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Leaflets [long reply]

2007-05-06 Thread I C McNab
norman wrote:
 ...My grandson, a windows user,
 bought a Freecom Digital TV DVB-T USB Stick Freeview receiver, plugged
 it in and off he went, no problem [SNIP] 

Norman  I think you're pointing to something very important here.  I 
started to make the mental shift towards Open Source/Linux when a few 
months ago, as an MS DOS/Windows power-user for years, I spent £200 on a 
SlimDevices Squeezebox and discovered that it had Open Source music 
server software, and didn't work as I wanted 'out of the box'.

At first, being used to the 'plug  play' simplicity of Windows, I got 
really annoyed at having to mess about in the innards of the software to 
  get the thing to work.  My mind ran on such thoughts as 'You sure as 
hell wouldn't buy one of these things for your Granny!' and 'How dare 
they charge £200 for something that doesn't work unless you devote your 
every waking hour to it for a fortnight?!?'  (I did get it working fine 
- and it is awesome!)

Then I gradually began to understand that I had entered a different 
country.  Here, configuring, tweaking, searching forum posts, reading 
'How-to' docs, and asking for help were the (acceptable) price to to pay 
for immense flexibility, and getting - or getting closer to - a device 
that I could endlessly adjust to my own 'wish list'.

So when I tried out Linux (because someone gave me an old computer with 
no operating system), I was surprised to find that the 'do-it-yourself 
and help-each-other' world of SlimServer was actually a small corner of 
a whole universe that worked like this.  And this changing 
consciousness, started by SlimServer, allowed me (just!) to get through 
the frustrating awfulness of trying to get my wifi PCMCIA card working 
with Dapper, which I had also installed on my laptop.  I tell you, I did 
come very near giving up on Ubuntu that fortnight.

But I didn't, because I'd imperceptibly shifted into a different 
relationship with the technology - just like moving to live in a foreign 
culture, and starting to appreciate and enjoy the different attitudes it 
embodied.  So it was no real surprise to discover a little later that 
Linux and the Open Source movement were not just about technology but 
were embodiments of a pervading philosophy (cf Richahd Stallman, Founder 
of GNU, 'Free software is a matter of liberty not price').

And it's this difference of culture - actually a difference of reality - 
that leads to the conflicts between the opposing MS and Linux forces 
(like  the conflicts among crowds of opposing supporters at 
international football matches, and for rather similar reasons).  No 
amount of rational argument, sound logic, being clearly right, will 
convince someone on 'the other side'.

What works, rather, is experiencing something of the quality behind 
Ubuntu. For me, that was almost accidental;  but the opportunity might 
be offered more systematically: an invitation to 'come and see' without 
being pressurised or given the hard sell;  noticing that Dell offers 
Ubuntu as an option when you're browsing their site;  seeing a cheerful 
and well-written article in a university paper;  seeing a poster for a 
free lunch-time talk, which, when you go, turns out to be lively and 
entertaining;  doing an article (and offering a free support service?) 
in the local free press.  My feeling, from my own experience, is that 
the key is offering people pleasant experiences associated with Ubuntu; 
  being friendly, respectful, and helpful;  giving people options and 
choices, rather than making them feel they have to sign up for something 
(live CD and easily-reversible dual boot are examples of this).  Because 
the problem is that you have to help them get through the change of 
culture when it gets hard - and it will get hard.  (If you've used Linux 
for years, or never had to make this change yourself, it's easy to 
underestimate this strength of this obstacle).

Sorry to have gone on so long - I guess, being a recent convert and, 
worse yet, a product of university during the late 60's and early 70's 
when we invested such hope in 'Community', I'm a bit fired up about 
Ubuntu and the open source idea!

Best wishes


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Dell picks Ubuntu for Linux PCs

2007-05-01 Thread I C McNab
Jim Kissel wrote:
 The wow really starts now!

Excellent news!  But looks like only available in US for now.   :(

Have you seen any info re Dell making this available in UK?



[ubuntu-uk] Mindmapping (was Loading Fiesty into Mac mini)

2007-04-29 Thread I C McNab
TheVeech wrote:
 On Sat, 2007-04-28 at 22:16 +0100, Robin Menneer wrote:
 Nowadays (IIRC like Alan Pope) I'm sticking to GNOME programs, 
 avoiding KDE. I use laptops as a rule, so this prevents resource 
 waste seeing as though there's only one task I rely on -
 mindmapping - that isn't well covered by GNOME.

I noticed your mention of mindmapping.  What app do you use?



[ubuntu-uk] copies of posts

2007-04-29 Thread I C McNab
I wonder if anyone can advise re this.  I'm not getting copies of my own 
posts to the list, though my subscription options have this set.

Sorry to post about an admin matter, but I've e-mailed the listowners 
twice about this, and had no reply.  Any suggestions about fixing this 
would be most welcome.  (At one level, it's no big deal;  but it's 
irritating 'cos it messes up the threading.)



Re: [ubuntu-uk] copies of posts

2007-04-29 Thread I C McNab
Martin Fitzpatrick wrote:
 On 29/04/07, I C McNab [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I wonder if anyone can advise re this.  I'm not getting copies of my own
 posts to the list, though my subscription options have this set.
 This because you're using Google Mail. It drops copies of your own
 mail coming back to you as it already has a copy (from when you sent
 it).  Unfortunately, if you're not using the web interface that means
 you don't see the message coming back...

Martin / Alan  Thanks for very speedy replies (and on Sunday morning, 
too!).  You're right:  I'm using a Googlemail account via pop3/smtp.  I 
was beginning to wonder whether this might be the issue - thanks for 
confirming and explaining.  I'll subscribe from a different a/c.

Many thanks, both.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] copies of posts

2007-04-29 Thread I C McNab
Stephen Garton wrote:
 I C McNab wrote:
 Martin / Alan  Thanks for very speedy replies (and on Sunday morning, 
 too!).  You're right:  I'm using a Googlemail account via pop3/smtp.  I 
 was beginning to wonder whether this might be the issue - thanks for 
 confirming and explaining.  I'll subscribe from a different a/c.
 What I do, which is cheating, is just tell my client (Thunderbird) to
 save my sent messages to my inbox, where the filtering rules pick it up
 and thread it properly.

Steve  Neat trick!  Thanks for the tip.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Mindmapping (was Loading Fiesty into Mac mini)

2007-04-29 Thread I C McNab
TheVeech wrote:
 On Sun, 2007-04-29 at 07:29 +0100, I C McNab wrote:
 TheVeech wrote:
  On Sat, 2007-04-28 at 22:16 +0100, Robin Menneer wrote:
  Nowadays (IIRC like Alan Pope) I'm sticking to GNOME programs, 
  avoiding KDE. I use laptops as a rule, so this prevents resource 
  waste seeing as though there's only one task I rely on -
  mindmapping - that isn't well covered by GNOME.
 I noticed your mention of mindmapping.  What app do you use?
 Hi.  I've used:
 There's some other apps that look interesting, but these three seem to
 be the major ones.  I've heard being recommended, too, but this
 slows down the process.  I didn't rate Vym.  Kdissert I preferred out of
 all of them, but I can't justify installing the KDE libraries for one or
 two applications.  Freemind, I'm waiting for version 0.9.0, which will
 hopefully work with java 6.
 There is a GNOME app: Labyrinth, I think, but, IIRC, it's in a very
 early stage of development.

Thanks for all the info.  From what you say, sounds like there's nothing 
quite like, say, MindManager (only on that other OS), then.  :-(

I'll follow up your recommendations.

Best wishes


Re: [ubuntu-uk] copies of posts

2007-04-29 Thread I C McNab
Toby Smithe wrote:
 Or you could install postfix and set your client to send e-mails not via
 Gmail's SMTP, but via your local sendmail.

Toby  Thanks for the suggestion;  and if I were a bit less of a 
newbie with Linux I might have a go.  (I will look into this option, 
though, and see whether it's within my competence).

For the moment, Steve's suggestion of 'cheating' by copying sent mail to 
the account inbox in Thunderbird, and letting the filtering rules do the 
rest seems to be working.

Best wishes


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Problem with update manager after upgrade

2007-04-23 Thread I C McNab
Anders / Baz  Just to close this thread, I have to report that the 
nag about the libpath-class-perl update has mysteriously stopped.  Its a 
mystery.  But thanks for your interest.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Problem with update manager after upgrade

2007-04-22 Thread I C McNab
Anders  Many thanks for your advice. I'm now not sure this is
actually a bug - someone on another forum mentioned exactly the same
issue with chronic repeated update notifications about a
libpath-class-perl update, but in 6.10. So I'm now wondering whether the
fact it started when I upgraded may be a red herring. Anyone else come
across this?


Anders Jacobsen wrote:
 Hi Ian, I'd report it over at Launchpad as a bug:

 On 4/22/07, I C McNab [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ...I just successfully upgraded an
 elderly Compaq desktop from 6.10 to 7.04. But the update manager keeps
 telling me there's an update to install: libpath-class-perl - but it
 wants to upgrade to the version already installed: 'from ver 0.51-1 to
 ver 0.51-1'.  When I do the update, apparently successfully, the update
 manager continues to report that the package needs to be installed. 


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Problem with update manager after upgrade

2007-04-22 Thread I C McNab
baz wrote:
 On Sun, 2007-04-22 at 22:09 +0100, I C McNab wrote:
 Anders  Many thanks for your advice. I'm now not sure this is
 actually a bug - someone on another forum mentioned exactly the same
 issue with chronic repeated update notifications about a
 libpath-class-perl update, but in 6.10. So I'm now wondering whether the
 fact it started when I upgraded may be a red herring. Anyone else come
 across this?
 I'm not seeing it here.

Baz  Yes, I guessed it might not be a general issue.  I wonder 
whether update-manager has some database or list somewhere of successful 
updates that I could tweak just to turn off the irritation (if that 
wouldn't cause serious problems?).  Don't know enough about Linux to 
know where to look.  Ideas welcome!


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Firefox and BBC video clips

2007-04-16 Thread I C McNab
alan c wrote:
 ...Is anyone finding they can play stuff from bbc please? It might give 
 me some clues?

Alan  Realplayer 10 doesn't play in the BBC page itself; but I can 
use 'launch in a stand alone player', and that works fine.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Firefox and BBC video clips

2007-04-16 Thread I C McNab
Tony Arnold wrote:
 On a side note, what is the best way to install RealPlayer on Edgy? I
 previously downloaded it from the Real web site, but I thought it was in
 the commercial repository now.

I installed it ('realplay') from the commercial repository.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Primer on networking - any recommendations

2007-04-14 Thread I C McNab
Colin Murphy wrote:
 Not of the TCP/IP type networking, but of the smb/nfs variety.
 So, anyone got any recommendations, preferably with a Linux bent 'cos my
 knowledge of Windows is minimal in this respect.

Colin  You may have already looked at this, but it seems to have some 
  links to the sort of thing you're after.

Hope it's of some use.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] LUGs

2007-03-29 Thread I C McNab
Lucy wrote:
 The following howto is well worth reading for more information though:

Lucy  Thanks for the link to Val Henson's paper - brilliant! - should
be required reading for everyone.  ::Ian
