Re: looking for a MID

2009-03-19 Thread Steve Paine
The only mids in EU at the moment are the Nokia n810, iphonewait, check
out my database
UMID MBook and viliv s5 looking good.
feel free to send me questions. ill do my best to help.


2009/3/18 (``-_-´´) -- BUGabundo

 I'm looking to get a MID in the (really) near future to replace my 2,5 old
 SonyEricson K600i.

 I refuse to get and IPhone (no mater how good it can get with 3.0
 firmware), and OpenMoko FR is too much geek time consuming.

 What can you guys recommend from the devices available in Europe that can
 run some FOSS OS, preferably Ubuntu.

 I've hear about SmartQ 5 but dont have any clues about its performance or

 Thanks in advance.

 Hi, I'm BUGabundo, and I am Ubuntu (
 Linux user #443786GPG key 1024D/A1784EBB
 ps. My emails tend to sound authority and aggressive. I'm sorry in advance.
 I'll try to be more assertive as time goes by...

 Ubuntu-mobile mailing list
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Steve 'Chippy' Paine
Promoting mobile computing devices through
Ubuntu-mobile mailing list
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Re: looking for a MID

2009-03-19 Thread Steve Paine
The only mids in EU at the moment are the Nokia n810, iphonewait, check
out my database
UMID MBook and viliv s5 looking good.
feel free to send me questions. ill do my best to help.


2009/3/18 (``-_-´´) -- BUGabundo

 I'm looking to get a MID in the (really) near future to replace my 2,5 old
 SonyEricson K600i.

 I refuse to get and IPhone (no mater how good it can get with 3.0
 firmware), and OpenMoko FR is too much geek time consuming.

 What can you guys recommend from the devices available in Europe that can
 run some FOSS OS, preferably Ubuntu.

 I've hear about SmartQ 5 but dont have any clues about its performance or

 Thanks in advance.

 Hi, I'm BUGabundo, and I am Ubuntu (
 Linux user #443786GPG key 1024D/A1784EBB
 ps. My emails tend to sound authority and aggressive. I'm sorry in advance.
 I'll try to be more assertive as time goes by...

 Ubuntu-mobile mailing list
 Modify settings or unsubscribe at:

Steve 'Chippy' Paine
Promoting mobile computing devices through
Ubuntu-mobile mailing list
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Compal Tabasco MID

2008-12-16 Thread Steve Paine
Pocketables tracked down a very nice MID.

Some of you on the list will know about this but for the others, here's the
If anyone has any deets, sing up!

Steve 'Chippy' Paine
Promoting mobile computing devices  to
over 220,000 people per month through
Ubuntu-mobile mailing list
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Re: Supporting Ubuntu Mobile

2008-11-10 Thread Steve Paine
It certainly looks like Win7 would take back the Netbook market from
Linux with W7 at this stage.
Having tested it at the weekend, its clear that the 1.6Ghz processor,
1GB mem and a reasonably fast disk will be fine and offers a far more
comfortable, productive and enjoyable environment than any Linux
distro i've seen.

I don't see any Linux distribution increasing their share in the
netbook market with WM7 around UNLESS, 1) Microsoft charge full rates
for W7 licenses AND 2) Win XP for ULCPCs goes away. In this case,
Linux could give OEMs the chance to save some up-front licensing

It leaves the MID market where 4GB flash, 800Mhz processors aren't
good enough for Win7 and MS doesn't have an X86 product to offer
(assuming XP goes away and WM7 does not support X86 architechture.)


On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 8:59 AM, Tal Beno [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I could not resist sending this to you all ...
 Its amazing to hear that MS is actually suffering on the OS business - and
 just because of the fact that 30% of the Netbooks are sold with Linux.

 It just emphasize what I have been trying to say here - which is that on the
 desktop level Windows is too dominant to defeat at this point. But you have
 a unique opportunity until next December when Windows7 is supposed to be
 released to eat more and more market share in the Netbook domain.

 I may be hallucinating but Canonical and the community here need to
 concentrate all of the efforts around a real winning opportunity, which in
 my opinion is probably the Mobile edition. Instead of spreading the
 resources thin. I am not sure how soon an opportunity such as this will come
 our way to make a difference.


 On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 11:30 PM, Tal Beno [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sorry for rumbling more about it ...

 As stated software strategy is an elusive trade. Putting aside enterprise
 software and focusing on the consumer market, we are facing a unique
 opportunity here. Microsoft is making a dual strategic mistake in my humble
 opinion when not pushing XP as the mobile (netbook/umpc/mid) OS. It has
 corrected itself by not eliminating it and reversing the process. But they
 are also heavily invested in Windows mobile and as a big corporation it is
 almost impossible for them to maneuver to the right direction.
 The mobile OS should no longer be considered as a different entity but a
 derivative of the desktop OS, with agility and resolution adaptation. The
 Ubuntu mobile project seems to have all of that. Actually if I were to
 speculate as stated in my original reply, I would say that Canonical has
 much more chances with the mobile edition than with the desktop one,
 concerning market share and the possibility to finally put a Linux flavor as
 a truly wide distribution for the consumer market.

 But my personal opinion is probably different from most open source fans.
 I don't see any open source project becoming the next big thing without big
 corporations standing behind it. And I may be stating a strange opinion
 here, but open source and big corporations should go together. I can see
 various software companies which could adopt the Ubuntu mobile project for
 various reasons. Without spending big money on this effort the community
 will just get frustrated. That said if played right the wonderful community
 around Ubuntu could definitely make the difference and elevate it to the
 right places.

 To summarize, I can't help thinking that ATM this project is still not on
 the road for glory. I don't see Canonical aiming high enough nor have the
 vision or the killer instinct they could show. I would personally take
 Steve's advice if I were them concerning the forums the advertisement and
 the OEMs. I would also suggest putting this agenda as the number one
 priority for the company and revamping the Ubuntu front page with mobile

 Tal Beno

 On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 2:11 PM, Steve Paine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I think TAL has a good point that there's an opportunity here that could
 take root if given more support from the back-end. Over the last week we've
 all seen the active response from users too which is an even better
 indication that this distro could be worth focusing on by both the community
 and Canonical.

 Its great to hear that Canonical are putting weight behind it then.
 Thanks for the feedback from Emmet.

 As a further encouragement to Canonical and the community I want to say
 that I am personally getting queries from OEMs and manufacturers about what
 I think of Linux on netbooks and UMPCs. They are worried about the user
 experience and (possibly unfounded) reports of higher return rates for
 Linux-based netbooks. OEMs want a solution and they want a well-recognised
 solution but if there's a risk of it damaging their brand, they wont take
 it. It's here that I see Canonical playing the main role. You are obviously

Re: Installing

2008-10-31 Thread Steve Paine
Hi John

Check out this post for some info on UMPC and MID versions with download

Unfortaunely Ubuntu-mid does work on MIDs yet. I dont understand why (Intel
drives not available yet?) but thats for Canonical and Intel to sort out.
Hopefuly very soon!


On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 3:15 PM, John Rudd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 With the new Intrepid release, yesterday, do I just need to get the USB
 version of that dist. and use that to install it on my Samsung Q1 Ultra?  Do
 I need to do anything special, or get a Mobile/UMPC specially cooked version
 of Intrepid, or will the main version of Intrepid just work?



 Ubuntu-mobile mailing list
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Steve 'Chippy' Paine
Promoting mobile computing devices  to
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Ubuntu-mobile mailing list
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Ubuntu-MID on Aigo (COmpal JAX-10) Worth promoting?

2008-10-30 Thread Steve Paine
You might have seen a few reviews on the Aigo MID recently on the net.
published one today,
I have one for 
will be promoting and selling them in the EU) and if you've got an
hour to kill, we did a live session with it the other day and recorded the

General opinion is that the software stack, based on Midinux, isnt that
refined. The apps are rather poor and there's an Asian focus on some of the
the features.
The worst thing is that although many of the fans/hackers are doing a great
job on working out workarounds and enhancements, they cant feed back into
Midinux because for our English speaking community, its impossible to
communicate efficiently.

I'm about to highlight the release of Ubuntu-UMPC and Ubuntu-MID in an
article and will take the chance to update people with an overview of the
options out there but what i'd like to do is to say to potential Aigo (and
Benq S6 and SFR Mi PC) owner/developers ' take the latest Ubuntu-MID and
lets work with that. ' Ubuntu-MID at a stage where an Aigo owner could install it and be
confident that at least Wifi, BT stack and a decent browser was available.
The last time I tried it (on a Gigabyte version of the Jax-10 some months
ago) it wasnt too enjoyable.

Maybe someone could give some feedback so that I can round-up some of this
valuable community resource and stear it to a channel that will not only be
easier to communicate with, but is likely to feed quality changes down into
a release that everyone can benefit from.

Looking forward to some help on this.


Steve 'Chippy' Paine
Promoting mobile computing devices  to
over 220,000 people per month through
Ubuntu-mobile mailing list
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Re: Supporting Ubuntu Mobile

2008-10-08 Thread Steve Paine
I think TAL has a good point that there's an opportunity here that could
take root if given more support from the back-end. Over the last week we've
all seen the active response from users too which is an even better
indication that this distro could be worth focusing on by both the community
and Canonical.

Its great to hear that Canonical are putting weight behind it then. Thanks
for the feedback from Emmet.

As a further encouragement to Canonical and the community I want to say that
I am personally getting queries from OEMs and manufacturers about what I
think of Linux on netbooks and UMPCs. They are worried about the user
experience and (possibly unfounded) reports of higher return rates for
Linux-based netbooks. OEMs want a solution and they want a well-recognised
solution but if there's a risk of it damaging their brand, they wont take
it. It's here that I see Canonical playing the main role. You are obviously
talkingn to OEMs directly in the b/g but how about tempting other OEMs and
developers via high quality branded blogs and not via IRC (Please, IRC is
great but users, OEMs, ISVs, resellers jsut dont have the time to
participate. ) or mailing lists. Canonical also need to do marketing. Now.
Not when Ubuntu Mobile is launched. Its almost funny that this distro was
announced on a personal blog until you realise what potential we're talking
about here.

Ubuntu Mobile seems to be taking root. ISVs and community members need
reasons to join now. Canonical need to provide the feedback that gives them
confidence that this project will go forward with aggression, good end-user
focus and with long-term goals to become the de-facto choice on netbooks and
medium sized touchscreen devices.

I have a to-do to write another Ubuntu Mobile article soon bul will probably
fire a few questions to Canonical PR before I do that. I'll try and tie it
in with the first release at end of October with a new video.

I'll also be campaigning for Poulsbo/SCH/GMA500 support for the next release
as I know some OEMs that are looking for a solution here. (Some faith in
Ubuntu-MID appears to have been lost through the delays with the Gigabyte
M528/Compal JAX10 device.)

Good luck to all for Intrepid release.

On Sat, Sep 27, 2008 at 7:25 PM, Emmet Hikory [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Tal Beno wrote:
  I wish to comment please on Steve's original mail as well as on the
  reply that Steve got from Mr. Emmet Hikory.

 Although I've been replying to a number of these mails, it's not
 that I'm someone particularly special when it comes to Ubuntu Mobile:
 I'm just a user who was unsatisfied with both Ubuntu MID and Ubuntu
 Desktop on my Kohjinsha SR.  Oliver credits me with some help with the
 installer, but that truly belongs to the many contributors to the
 installer technologies used, some originating in Ubuntu, and some in
 Debian.  I may be an Ubuntu Developer, but that's just because I've
 been an Ubuntu user and contributor for long enough that someone
 granted me upload rights (I have not checked to see if any of my
 patches are in Ubuntu Mobile).  Nothing I'm saying represents anything
 other than my opinion, and shouldn't be taken as a statement of policy
 of any sort.

  But as many analysts are claiming the Linux landscape is way too
  in general and on the mobile front, so to make this one stand out of the
  crowd and give MS a real fight (as with the desktop edition) Canonical
  throw it on the community as a prime resource, at least not at this
  I beg to argue that this is all a big waste of time if you don't intend
  realizing the huge potential you have in your hands, and invest much more
  resources on its success. The community will follow only when seeing your
  own initial commitment ...

 I take great issue with this assertion.  Ubuntu is developed by a
 large and diverse community, and that Ubuntu Mobile is developed
 entirely within and as part of Ubuntu is surely a good means by which
 to ensure that the work done includes the work of the largest number
 of interested parties.  While is it certainly true that Canonical
 offers significant support to Ubuntu, including almost all of the
 infrastructure and funding for a number of the developers (I believe
 it to be over 10%, including more than a third of the most active
 developers, although I could be mistaken), for which much appreciation
 is deserved, it is not the case that Ubuntu Mobile is something which
 Canonical is throwing on the community, nor is it the case that
 Ubuntu Mobile being community created and community supported
 necessarily means that nobody associated with Canonical will be
 involved in that community.

While Oliver has created the initial preview image for Ubuntu
 Mobile, the idea originates from the UDS held in Prague, has been
 discussed in the #ubuntu-mobile channel in freenode for some time, and
 relies heavily on the work of the entire Ubuntu community in order to
 function as 

Supporting Ubuntu Mobile

2008-09-26 Thread Steve Paine
Ubuntu Mobile team and community.

I've been impressed with what Oliver has done with Ubuntu Mobile in such a
short time and I see an opportunity. We, the mobile community, finally have
a project that we can get behind with confidence. Ubuntu-MID is great but
there's a feeling that Intel, Canonical and others are tied up with OEMs and
that the project is not so accessible. Not least becuase there isn't a
single instance of it in the wild yet! Ubuntu-Mobile looks like its almost
in a usable state, is platform independant, is as open as it can be, has a
good brand behind it and covers more than just MIDs. It could really help
the UMPC and Netbook community.

My proposal is that UMPCPortal officially supports the Ubuntu Mobile project
and tries to rally dev support for it. My feeling is that the project could
really benefit from more dev and community support, and that we are in a
position to help seed that. This project could capture a big chunk of
netbook, umpc and mid owner support.

My question is, can we do this in some semi-formal way? I want to post an
article (today if possble), place a promotional ad button and donate some
equipment to Oliver. Can someone from Canonical informally 'approve' and
'recieve' our support such that the community sees that it's a two-way link?
One note - I also want to promote Ubuntu Mobile as a potential distro for
the larger Poulsbo-based UMPCs and possibly MIDs. I know Ubuntu-MID is there
for that but I see Ubuntu-MID more of a 'developer' or 'OEM' edition and as
such, it doesnt connect with the community as well. This is the key element
and advantage I see with Ubuntu Mobile.

Anyone from Canonical got thoughts on this? Good? Bad?

Steve 'Chippy' Paine
Promoting mobile computing devices  to
over 250,000 people per month through
Ubuntu-mobile mailing list
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Re: Trying to boot a Samsung Q1 (non-Ultra) with a Ubuntu Mobile flashed USB

2008-09-26 Thread Steve Paine
Seems very strange that it worked second time around. I can't see why it
didnt work the first tie round. I thought a dd copied raw data to the disk
starting at the first sector therefore overwriting anything, including
formating, that was on the disk before.
Great that its working now though. Have you tried an install to HDD yet?
AFAIK, the install function isnt working for anyone yet.
I'll have a go at a manual grub fix later today.


On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 10:20 AM, Javier Gálvez Guerrero 


 Thank you all for your answers. I must say it finally worked. How? Check
 this out...

 As I said in previous mails, dumping data (with 'dd') to a USB key and
 trying to boot the latest Ubuntu Mobile 
 image't work with two different 
 USB keys and three different devices (Samsung
 Q1 UMPC, Asus G1 laptop and Acer TravelMate 3000 laptop).

 Just to give it a try, I created a Ubuntu MID image with Moblin's MIC tool,
 but it neither worked. I didn't give any importance to that as I didn't care
 too much about the target CPU architecture, I just wanted to see how the
 behaviour of the devices was when trying to boot from the USB key with a
 MIC-created image.

 Then, I dumped again an Ubuntu Mobile image with 'dd'; just the same
 procedure as the first try and with the same image. worked in
 Samsung Q1 (remember, non-Ultra), Asus G1 laptop and in Asus R2 UMPC as

 In Asus R2 the touchscreen didn't work at all, just the buttons but
 everything else was OK, as in the other two devices (in SQ1 the touchscreen
 worked properly). Well, I need to check the network connectivity as I need
 to configure static IP networking instead of automatic DHCP, but wireless
 networks are properly scanned.

 So, can be possible that Moblin's MIC tool prepared/formatted the USB key
 in such a special way that it could be properly booted? If not, I can't
 understand what happened at all.

 Steve, have you checked this out? If not and you feel like doing it,
 please, some feedback would be much appreciated.

 Thank you all again for your time and support,

 2008/9/25 Prajwal Mohan [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 HI Javi,
   Try using 'bs=4096' with the dd command. I have seen USB key not boot
 when dd is used without setting byte size.

 Javier Gálvez Guerrero wrote:

 I'm using 'dd' in a Ubuntu 8.04 box.

 The blinking cursor appears with a SanDisk Cruzer Micro (4GB) USB key.

 I have just tried with a Kingston Datatraveler (2GB) and, instead of the
 blinking cursor, I got a No bootable partition in table message.

 Any additional steps to prepare the bootable USB key?

 Thank you for your help,

 2008/9/25 Ryan Gallagher [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:

How are you preparing the usb key? Are you just copying over or
using DD from a linux box?

Javier Gálvez Guerrero wrote:


I have downloaded both September 23rd and 25th images of Ubuntu
Mobile from here and, after following
the instructions here,
I haven't been able to boot my Samsung Q1 (note it is not an
Ultra version). As I was said it should work both in Ultra an
non-Ultra versions of the UMPC, I thought I wouldn't have any
problem at all, but that's not the case.

I've set the BIOS booting priorities properly and I've checked
the two images in 3 different devices (2 laptops and the UMPC)
and all terminals and images have the same problem: instead of
booting Ubuntu a blinking cursor appears in the top left corner
of the screen, no activity at all, neither in the USB nor in the
UMPC (I have waited for more than 15 minutes...).

Should I have any special USB key to make it boot?

Any help would be much appreciated as I'm quite interested in
developing and testing under this platform. If needed more info,
please, tell me.

Thank you all,

--Ryan Gallagher
ConnectMeAnywhere Limited

Call me local ... Reach me worldwide!
UK London:  +44 (0)207 099 1077
USA Palo Alto: +1 650.644.1303


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Re: Install not working properly- Error 15 upon reboot

2008-09-26 Thread Steve Paine
Yup. This is the problem that others are having. Canonical are aware.
I'm sure a fix will filter through in the bext build so hold on for a bit!


On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 12:31 PM, Ryan Gallagher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I am able to run it just fine in the live version.  At first I tried to
 install it into a 20GB partition I had created for this but that failed
 with an error 15 on reboot.  I liked it so much I decided to format the
 whole hard drive and install it, unfortunately it still does not boot
 and gets an error 15 upon reboot.  I have tried about 15 times using
 different settings in the partitions on install.  I have also
 reformatted in Ubuntu 8.04 and then tried again but no luck.  Anyone
 else having a problem with the install?  Any ideas on what is going
 wrong?  It is a Q1 Ultra which has no trouble running MID and 8.04.


 Ubuntu-mobile mailing list
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Steve 'Chippy' Paine
Promoting mobile computing devices  to
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Re: Supporting Ubuntu Mobile

2008-09-26 Thread Steve Paine
Hi Emmet. Thanks for your response.
My responses inline.

  My question is, can we do this in some semi-formal way? I want to post
  an article (today if possble), place a promotional ad button and donate
  some equipment to Oliver. Can someone from Canonical informally
  'approve' and 'recieve' our support such that the community sees that
  it's a two-way link?

 I can't speak on behalf of Canonical, but speaking from my
 experience in Ubuntu, it's generally better to get more people who each
 have their own hardware involved than to send lots of hardware to some
 specific person.  More developers with more hardware would help get
 Ubuntu Mobile from being something that a couple people fiddle with to
 something rich, robust, and widely supported.  While Oliver would likely
 enjoy being drowned in hardware, it's unlikely that such a model would
 result in the significant ongoing testing that is required to ensure
 that the releases meet the desired level of polish.

I was proposing that I send an SC3 to Oliver (mainly as I know him and he's
not far from me in Germany) to help out with the SCH/Poulsbo testing, not
buying up the contents of Dynamism and shipping it to him ;-)
I doubt you'll find many devs with poulsbo/touch hardware out there to be
honest either so unless Canonical are sending engineers devices, where do
they start?
How many people on the Ubuntu Mobile (distro) team right now though? I get
the impression that its, er, not many more than Oliver?

Also, I think that rather than creating a link between a UMPC
 Portal Ubuntu Mobile Community and a Canonical Ubuntu Mobile
 Developer, it may be more sensible to join both as part of an Ubuntu
 Mobile Community using Ubuntu resources (forums, wiki), this mailing
 list, and the IRC channel, to discuss items of interest.  Such a group
 may also pull other interested parties, from other sources, where all
 can collaborate towards a common goal.

No problem. you tell me where people should gather. I'll try and promote
that meeting point.
Dont say IRC or mailing lists though. Open, easy to use forums is probaly
the best way to achieve the critical seeding process.

  One note - I also want to promote Ubuntu Mobile as
  a potential distro for the larger Poulsbo-based UMPCs and possibly MIDs.
  I know Ubuntu-MID is there for that but I see Ubuntu-MID more of a
  'developer' or 'OEM' edition and as such, it doesnt connect with the
  community as well. This is the key element and advantage I see with
  Ubuntu Mobile.

 Well, no, Ubuntu MID specifically isn't there for that.  Ubuntu MID
 is very much not ideal for use on the larger devices (speaking as
 someone who used Ubuntu MID on a 7 laptop as a primary computing
 platform all through Intrepid UDS).  These larger devices are definitely
 a target for Ubuntu Mobile, and if sufficiently large, may even be
 better with Desktop than either MID or Mobile.

Dont forget, touch-interfaces are important here with the mid-range devices.
With either large or small screen, the finger doesnt change its size so
moving to desktop just because a device has a large screen is a mistake. I
see Ubuntu Mobile targeted at the nobile devices. Sub 1KG, often without


OK. I'm happy to promote Ubuntu-Mobile for UMPC-sized Poulsbo devices and
very happy to see it happen.
Send me details of the ubuntu forum that people should plug into, details of
the team and its project wiki/plan and
I'll create a news item to say that we're behind Ubuntu Mobile as our #1
hope for UMPCs. Some promo work has to be done somewhere along the lines, I
hope this little bit will help to seed enough support and action to get
things moving quickly. Netbooks, MIDs and UMPCs are the biggest chance that
Linux has ever had to get into the hands of millions but in my opinion, you
havent got long before others come in on the scene.


Steve 'Chippy' Paine
Promoting mobile computing devices  to
over 220,000 people per month through
Ubuntu-mobile mailing list
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Re: [Fwd: Re: Install not working properly- Error 15 upon reboot]

2008-09-26 Thread Steve Paine
Same error here.
I also tried installing the new kernel by chrooting and apt-get but although
it booted, I only had cmd line.

On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 3:56 PM, Ryan Gallagher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Ok I tried this but when I get to step two (aptitude download
 linux-image-2.6.27-4-generic) I get the following error (copied by hand):

 Err intrepid/main linux-image-2.6.27-4generic
 404 Not found [IP:]

 Any ideas?


 -Original Message-
 *To*: Ubuntu Mobile[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *Subject*: Re: [Fwd: Re: Install not working properly- Error 15 upon
 *Date*: Fri, 26 Sep 2008 21:08:24 +0900

 Ryan Gallagher wrote:
  Ah, I wish I had not formatted my hard drive now hehe.  I'll wait for
  the new build then but it would have been good for them to have let us
  know that a bit more up front.
  Thanks for letting me know, I wish I had posted here sooner, I thought
  it was something dumb I was doing :-D

 The workaround I used for this was to boot again on the USB stick,
 and run the following commands.  You may need to adjust to taste:

 sudo apt-get install aptitude
 aptitude download linux-image-2.6.27-4-generic
 sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
 sudo cp linux-image*deb /mnt
 sudo chroot /mnt /bin/bash
 dpkg -i linux-image*deb
 sudo umount /mnt
 sudo reboot

 The resulting reboot worked, and my system (Kohjinsha SR) was installed.

 I've also filed bug #274753 about this.


 Ubuntu-mobile mailing list
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Steve 'Chippy' Paine
Promoting mobile computing devices  to
over 220,000 people per month through
Ubuntu-mobile mailing list
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Re: Feedback on Ubuntu Mobile - 7-9 device edition.

2008-09-25 Thread Steve Paine
Having read the Wiki now:
the details are clear. I guess anyone joining the community know isn't going
to have a problem. It was just that I always had the Moblin builds as
'Ubuntu Mobile' in my head. Which is, in fact, more confusing that the
terminology that has been chosen now.

The new naming makes sense:
*Ubuntu Mobile* for UMPC's and netbooks. (Ubuntu+Gnome)
*Ubuntu MID* for MIDs (Moblin+Hildon)
All created by the Ubuntu Mobile team.

It appears then that netbook remix is no more. Correct?

It was interesting to read that Ubuntu Mobile might include support for
Silverthorne/Poulsbo-based devices, which include MIDs. I think its a great
idea. The only Poulsbo-based device i have myself is the Kohjinsha SC3 which
is a 7 device running Vista and it badly needs Ubuntu Mobile!


On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 10:28 AM, Beno, Tal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I totally agree with Steve's renaming suggestion. It makes a lot of sense
 to target this to the UMPC and Netbook markets. Also most Netbooks are going
 up to 10 so why stop at 9?

 I think that your naming policy ATM is very confusing. How is the Ubuntu
 Netbook Remix related to this 7-9 device edition? From my perspective this
 is the true Ubuntu Netbook Edition. You should probably rename the Netbook
 Remix to something else or consolidate.



 *From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *Steve Paine
 *Sent:* Thursday, September 25, 2008 3:36 AM
 *Subject:* Feedback on Ubuntu Mobile - 7-9 device edition.

 Firstly, well done! For a 'first try' as Oliver put it in his blog, its
 excelent on the Q1 Ultra. Far better than stuff i've tested before and in
 the case of the Q1 Ultra, a useable system.
 Its aso showing promise for Atom based netbooks and even
 SIlverthorne/Poulsbo-based MIDs.
 I tested/demoed it to about 60 people on UMPCPortal/live this evening and
 we were all pretty impressed.
 Some early feedback here:

 Will be doing more testing as are some of the readers and members at

 One thing I want to mention though - MIDs, in the eyes of most people that
 have been following the segment, are only 4-6 devices.
 When you say 7-9 MIDs its very confusing as you're really talking about
 UMPCs and Netbooks.
 Can I suggest a rename to
 Ubuntu Mobile Touch or Ubuntu Ultra Mobile or Ubuntu UMPC build. Or
 something similar that doesn't make it sound like a new version of the
 existing Ubuntu Mobile for 4-6 MIDs.


 Steve 'Chippy' Paine

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Re: Trying to boot a Samsung Q1 (non-Ultra) with a Ubuntu Mobile flashed USB

2008-09-25 Thread Steve Paine
I wasnt able to get the image to boot from a Q1b last bight as the BIOS
doesn't seem to support it. THe Q1b is a VIA-based device but maybe the BIOS
is simlar in that it doesnt allow booting from flash. I might be able to try
it on a Q1P later today for you.

For reference, Q1U, Wibrain, SC3, Everun Note, MSI Wind all boot OK from the
same flash image.(ALthough maybe not work 100%)


On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 12:06 PM, Javier Gálvez Guerrero 


 I have downloaded both September 23rd and 25th images of Ubuntu Mobile from
 here and, after following
 the instructions here, I
 haven't been able to boot my Samsung Q1 (note it is not an Ultra version).
 As I was said it should work both in Ultra an non-Ultra versions of the
 UMPC, I thought I wouldn't have any problem at all, but that's not the case.

 I've set the BIOS booting priorities properly and I've checked the two
 images in 3 different devices (2 laptops and the UMPC) and all terminals and
 images have the same problem: instead of booting Ubuntu a blinking cursor
 appears in the top left corner of the screen, no activity at all, neither in
 the USB nor in the UMPC (I have waited for more than 15 minutes...).

 Should I have any special USB key to make it boot?

 Any help would be much appreciated as I'm quite interested in developing
 and testing under this platform. If needed more info, please, tell me.

 Thank you all,

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Poulsbo support in Ubuntu Mobile?

2008-09-25 Thread Steve Paine
Obviously Ubuntu-MID will have support for Poulsbo/SCH but what about the
bigger devices using Silverthorne/Poulsbo. Ubuntu-MID doesnt really, er,
KJS have a couple of big screen devices. Viliv are working on two. Wibrain
and even Dell who will have a 12 netbook using Silverthorne Poulsbo.
Windows XP works of course but SCH drivers are primitive. Video codec
support is a nightmare as is finger fiendlyness on the touch devices.
Vista is simply too much for most of these devices. Ubuntu-Mobile fits in
well and could generate some serious dev. interest.

How difficult would it be to build in the Poulsbo drivers from Ubuntu-MID at
an early stage so I can present it to the UMPC/Netbook community as
something they SHOULD be getting involved in?


Steve 'Chippy' Paine
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Feedback on Ubuntu Mobile - 7-9 device edition.

2008-09-24 Thread Steve Paine
Firstly, well done! For a 'first try' as Oliver put it in his blog, its
excelent on the Q1 Ultra. Far better than stuff i've tested before and in
the case of the Q1 Ultra, a useable system.
Its aso showing promise for Atom based netbooks and even
SIlverthorne/Poulsbo-based MIDs.
I tested/demoed it to about 60 people on UMPCPortal/live this evening and we
were all pretty impressed.
Some early feedback here:

Will be doing more testing as are some of the readers and members at

One thing I want to mention though - MIDs, in the eyes of most people that
have been following the segment, are only 4-6 devices.
When you say 7-9 MIDs its very confusing as you're really talking about
UMPCs and Netbooks.
Can I suggest a rename to
Ubuntu Mobile Touch or Ubuntu Ultra Mobile or Ubuntu UMPC build. Or
something similar that doesn't make it sound like a new version of the
existing Ubuntu Mobile for 4-6 MIDs.


Steve 'Chippy' Paine
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Re: [Ubuntu MID] I have a problem to install Ubuntu MID.

2008-08-11 Thread Steve Paine
About half way down this thread, you'll find some notes I made the last time
I installed to a Q1 Ultra.

Hope it helps


On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 10:40 AM, Jeong-Mok Yoo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 My name is JeongMok Yoo.

 I have a problem to install Ubuntu MID to Samsung Q1 Ultra.

 I used disk duplicate command by using dd if=ume-file.img of=/dev/sdd.
 But, I got a message the usb disk is the wrong partition.

 And so, I could boot the Samsung Q1 Ultra by using usb disk.
 But, the installation step could not proceed.

 Please let me know how to solve this problem.

 Thanks a lot.

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Re: is reachable?

2008-07-29 Thread Steve Paine
I've forwarded this info to a few contacts in Intel.


On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 11:29 AM, Caleb Eggensperger [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 12:26 AM, Hiro Yoshioka
  It is off topics.
  Is reachable?
  Is it still alive or dead?
  Thanks in advance,
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 Caleb Eggensperger

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Release date of Ubuntu Mobile.

2008-04-28 Thread Steve Paine
Hi All.

I've had a few people asking about Ubuntu Mobile on the UMPCPortal forums
and checking through monthly reports and IRC meeting notes I can't really
find any concrete info on when UME is going to be available. On the Wiki you

We are targeting our first release slightly after Ubuntu 8.04

Could someone let me know the status so I can update people on the portal?


Steve Paine
Promoting MIDs, UMPCs and Netbooks to
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Re: [Moblin Dev] Google's Open Source Mobile Platform

2007-11-10 Thread Steve Paine
 it: This is an 
 incline plane. You roll stuff down it. Or is it one of those incline planes 
 have been used throughout the millenia, from the Egyptian pyramids to this 
 stupid science class videos?
 - Jasmine Lee


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Steve Paine
Carrypad - Promoting UMPCs through
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Re: [Moblin Dev] Google's Open Source Mobile Platform

2007-11-10 Thread Steve Paine
Correction to my last post.
Pepper do have an SDK.
Sounds like google are reinventing the wheel!

On Nov 10, 2007 12:11 PM, Steve Paine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a feeling that Android will be available for arm and x86 and
 that programmers will only have access to the SDK. It would make sense
 if it's java as google already has apps running on java.
 I'm no java expert but similar projects i've seen running like this
 have been fairly memory intensive. Pepper's desktop, for example. A
 very similar project to Google's but with no SDK!! Maybe that's why
 they're in trouble.

 Anyone know what browser core will be used? Mozilla?

 Maybe this isn't the right place to discuss Android but i'm sure there
 are going to be connections between the projects. Maybe the Moblin
 guys are already building the x86 version of the core for Intel


 We'll see next week when the SDK is released

 On Nov 10, 2007 9:22 AM, Kwon, Owen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Is Android just a middleware and Google application set? If then could we 
  port Android to moblin stack and run simultaneously with native Linux 
  application? Or run Android in separate virtual console?
  Owen Kwon (Ohkeun Kwon)
  Technical Marketing Engineer
  +82 2 767 2428 (Office)
  +82 10 9034 4820 (Mobile)
  From: Paul Bartell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2007 9:55 AM
  To: Kwon, Owen
  Cc: Naveen Verma; Amit Karpe; Ubuntu India Local Community;; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: [Moblin Dev] Google's Open Source Mobile Platform
  I would think not... Depending on what JVM they are using, it could be good 
  for expandability, and not needing a different binary for each type of 
  device. I know sun's JVM is fairly memory intensive.
  On Nov 7, 2007 4:43 PM, Kwon, Owen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I heard that Android is strongly based on Linux/Java. Is Java a good
  middleware for linux device?
  Owen Kwon (Ohkeun Kwon)
  Technical Marketing Engineer
  +82 2 767 2428 (Office)
  +82 10 9034 4820 (Mobile)
  -Original Message-
  Of Naveen Verma
  Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2007 3:28 PM
  To: Amit Karpe
  Cc: Ubuntu India Local Community;;
  Subject: Re: [Moblin Dev] Google's Open Source Mobile Platform
  Yes, this is interesting, somehow I feel that distribution may be like
  have with different version of linux, Fedora, Ubuntu, Suze etc.
  On Nov 6, 2007 10:09 PM, Amit Karpe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
   Hi all,
   Google's Open Source Mobile Platform :
   As expected, today Google took the wraps off of the gPhone (as the
   media have for months been referring to the rumored project). Google
   is leading a broad industry alliance to transform mobile phones into
   powerful mobile computers, and will be licensing its software to all
   comers on an open source basis under the Apache license. (The Wall
   Street Journal's Ben Worthen demonstrates a miserable grasp of what
   open source means.) Google's US partners include Nextel and Sprint,
   but not ATT nor Verizon. Phones will be available in the second half
   of 2008 - not the spring as earlier reports had speculated.'s
   analysis warns that Google won't take over the mobile market
   overnight, though they quote Forrester in the opinion that Google may
   be one of the three biggest mobile players after several years of
   From :
   Also for more info
   Interesting stuff !!!
   Now I just want to know who will win ???
   Qutopia , Open Moko , Moblin or Andriod ???
   I think FOSS will win !!!
   dev mailing list
  dev mailing list
  Ubuntu-mobile mailing list

Re: Image building taking hours. Normal?

2007-10-19 Thread Steve Paine
it looks like the moblin server is slow from here - Gernany.
I`ll let it rum. no rush.

On 10/19/07, Ian Lawrence [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Using the image builder on 7.1 but its taking hours (and hours) to build
  Have I got a local issue or is 4 hours (and counting) normal?

 It took me @ 8 hours to create a project before I created a local mirror
 server...this process is
 explained here:



Steve Paine
Carrypad - Promoting UMPCs through
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Re: Image building taking hours. Normal?

2007-10-19 Thread Steve Paine
It must have been an issue with my PC because after aborting a few times due
to zero activity, cleaning up and retrying, it worked on the 3rd try.
I've just written a RW image to USB.
Thanks for all your tips.


On 10/19/07, GrueMaster [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Seeing as how Ubuntu just released Gutsy a couple of days ago, I'd guess
 their servers are a bit strained.  It should return to normal in a week, as
 mirrors get populated.

 My daily build process takes ~1 hour from start to finish, including a
 daily git snapshot of image-creator and building all 3 USB images (Instal,
 Live, LiveRW) with an average download speed of 160K/s.  Today it is still
 running, and the cron job kicked off 2 hours ago.

 Give it time.


 On Fri, 2007-10-19 at 12:41 +0100, Steve Paine wrote:

 it looks like the moblin server is slow from here - Gernany.
 I`ll let it rum. no rush.

  On 10/19/07, *Ian Lawrence* [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Using the image builder on 7.1 but its taking hours (and hours) to build
  Have I got a local issue or is 4 hours (and counting) normal?

 It took me @ 8 hours to create a project before I created a local mirror
 server...this process is
 explained here:



 Steve Paine
 Carrypad - Promoting UMPCs through
 Bonn, Germany.

   -- Tobin Davis

 Your manuscript is both good and original, but the part that is good is not
 original and the part that is original is not good.
   -- Samuel Johnson

Steve Paine
Carrypad - Promoting UMPCs through
Bonn, Germany.
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Image building taking hours. Normal?

2007-10-19 Thread Steve Paine
Hi All.

I finally got my Q1 Ultra the other day and its time to start testing UME!
Using the image builder on 7.1 but its taking hours (and hours) to build an
Have I got a local issue or is 4 hours (and counting) normal?


Steve Paine
Carrypad - Promoting UMPCs through
Bonn, Germany.
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Re: I tested the latest build on various UMPCs

2007-08-06 Thread Steve Paine

All the Intel McCaslin/Menlo based UMPCs (known to me) are listed
Specification for the Kohjinsha SH6 is

Its currently available in Korea/Japan but being imported into EU/US. Due
for a real US version in just a week or two.
Looks like a laptop but its got a tablet mode. (convertible screen)
Preview and video overview

If you need deeper hardware info, let me know. I can maybe get you the dmesg
output if its useful. Also happy to do futher testing and be remote hands
for this device. Just let me know.


On 8/6/07, Adilson Oliveira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Steve Paine wrote:


  Are you guys going to get hold of the other McCaslin devices (Fujitsu
  U1010, Kohjinsha SH6) and get things working on that or is this distro
  only for Samsung Q1Ultra?
  Support for Q1 and Q1P would be good though as that's the most popular

 Of course the idea is to cover the largest possible hardware base, not
 only including McCaslin. Right now we are focusing on Q1 because it's
 the device we have available for testing.

  I'll continue testing on the SH6. If anyone fancies helping me install
  touch and wifi modules, please do!

 I didn't find the detailed specs of this SH6. Would you care to tell us?



Steve Paine
Carrypad - Promoting UMPCs through
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Re: I tested the latest build on various UMPCs

2007-08-06 Thread Steve Paine
Hi Adilson.

The dmesg from the SH6 (Booting from 5th August build I think) is

the wifi is a USB-connect module from Ralink technology. Model RT73.
They have linux source available but maybe its already pre-built somewhere
else in Ubuntu land?

I cant find the cam details at the moment and i'm assuming that the evtouch
module is not built into the nightly builds yet.

Synaptics touchpad works but the synaptics touch pointer not..
There are extra buttons on the SH6 'launcher' and 'shutter' it would be good
to map these to the relevant UME apps. Haven't done any power testing yet.
Is powertop in the  nightly build?


On 8/6/07, Adilson Oliveira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Steve Paine wrote:

  Specification for the Kohjinsha SH6 is here.
 ... snip ...
  If you need deeper hardware info, let me know. I can maybe get you the
  dmesg output if its useful. Also happy to do futher testing and be
  remote hands for this device. Just let me know.

 It's quite an interesting machine but yes, I would need more detailed
 information as the page you pointed me to (actually, I found this one
 before) don't tell me, for instance, what's the wifi chipset and that
 was one of the things you were'nt able to make work.



Steve Paine
Carrypad - Promoting UMPCs through
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Re: I tested the latest build on various UMPCs

2007-08-05 Thread Steve Paine
And a funny after-story.
I just realised they were installs and not live-usb images

Will have to rebuild a Q1P and SH6 now. Lucky all my data is in the cloud!


On 8/4/07, Steve Paine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I know you're building for the McCaslin platform (actually only the Q1
 Ultra by the looks of it) but I thought i'd test the latest build (4th
 August) on all the UMPCs I have here.

 Firstly the Kohjinsha SH6 which uses an A100 processor and (i think) the
 same screen as the Q1 Ultra. (could be a different touch component I guess.)
 It boots and then after configuring the Ethernet port (I can't see wifi
 interface) I can do the changes to apt sources and apt-get
 The flash homepage works but none of the applications launch. Touchscreen
 is not working. (See video below)

 Q1P (Intel Pentium). Boots up until X11 and then loops. Haven't
 investigated further.

 Raon Digital Everun.. (AMD Geode) Boots up but I think it cant mount the
 USB drive. Not sure.Havent investigated further.

 Q1B (Via C7+VX700) wont boot from USB stick.

 Are you guys going to get hold of the other McCaslin devices (Fujitsu
 U1010, Kohjinsha SH6) and get things working on that or is this distro only
 for Samsung Q1Ultra?
 Support for Q1 and Q1P would be good though as that's the most popular

 A couple of images of the build running on Kohjinsha SH6 
 A video showing the status here. (If it
 doesnt stream, download the WMV here.)
 Sorry its Windows format but MovieMaker is jsut so easy!

 I'll continue testing on the SH6. If anyone fancies helping me install
 touch and wifi modules, please do!


 Steve Paine
 Carrypad - Promoting UMPCs through
 Bonn, Germany.

Steve Paine
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Re: Question about supported hardware/processor

2007-06-27 Thread Steve Paine

I've added all the devices  I know about to the
All specs are listed
links to more specs, images, news, etc etc etc.[[,119,99,103,97,117,116,121,106,107,108,105]]

I didn't want to add the link to the Wiki because it looks like I'm
advertising my website.


On 6/27/07, Matt Zimmerman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Good idea.  I was updating a bit
today to add information about devices people can use UME with, and added
the Q1 Ultra as the primary example I'm aware of.  Please feel free to
that into a hyperlink and add more details about the platform.

Also, if there are other suitable devices available to the public, please
add them ot the page.

On Wed, Jun 20, 2007 at 11:01:56AM -0700, Rusty Lynch wrote:
 I was thinking about this on the way to the office this morning.  How
 about adding a new Wiki page for each device that people are trying to
 make ubuntu mobile work on?  We could start with a page for the Samsung
 Q1 Ultra and post info on:
 * What devices are contained in the device, and the status of getting
 those devices functional (including any temporary hacks)
 * Status on Ubuntu Mobile working on the device (including any temporary
 hacks to get the device up and running)
 * Device specific tips

 I don't mind starting the page for the Samsung device and dumping
 everything I've learned from the few days I've had on the device, but
 where it the right place to add this page?


 On Wed, 2007-06-20 at 10:50 -0700, Spencer, Bob wrote:
  We recently got a Q1 Ultra to play with-- it seems like a good
  intermediate device to get Ubuntu mobile working on.  We've had a bit
  trouble getting the touch screen calibrated and don't have a driver
  the camera  (anyone know more information on the camera?)
  Adilson Oliveira wrote:
   Ronald Stewart escreveu:
   Please email me any improvements or breakthroughs in terms of
   tweaking performance on the Q1 Ultra running Linux because that is
   why I joined.
   Hi Ronald.
   I can't possibly email anyone individually but I'm trying to keep
   this list up with all the work we are doing so any news I have, will
   pop up here ASAP so, keep tunned ;)

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Steve Paine
Carrypad - Promoting UMPCs through
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