[ubuntu-uk] What's happened to all the Linux Mags? WHSmiths Watch

2007-06-22 Thread Howard Berry
Hello everyone,
As the is a nation wide listing, I wondered if my experience was
replicated in the rest of the country.
The plethora of buy new cool Vista magazines seems to elbowing the
three Linux magazines out of existence in Wolverhampton and
My main concern is that my favourite magazine Linux User and
Developer, to which I have subscribed for a couple of years, seems to
have gone very ominously silent: no replies to emails, no replies to
telephone messages. The web site is still functioning although cobwebs
seem to be gathering on it.
Is it me that they don't like, or have they gone belly down??

Supporting Open Source Software.
And Open Standards


Re: [ubuntu-uk] What's happened to all the Linux Mags? WHSmiths Watch

2007-06-22 Thread Jim Kissel

Howard Berry wrote:
 Hello everyone,
 As the is a nation wide listing, I wondered if my experience was
 replicated in the rest of the country.
 The plethora of buy new cool Vista magazines seems to elbowing the
 three Linux magazines out of existence in Wolverhampton and
 My main concern is that my favourite magazine Linux User and
 Developer, to which I have subscribed for a couple of years, seems to
 have gone very ominously silent: no replies to emails, no replies to
 telephone messages. The web site is still functioning although cobwebs
 seem to be gathering on it.
 Is it me that they don't like, or have they gone belly down??

I've been having similar problems with the WH Smiths in Camberley, 
Surrey.  All three used to be stocked, but when I subscribed to Linux 
Format, and dropped it from WHS's in-store ordering service, they 
helpfully dropped all three magazines.  Both the in-store ordering 
service and on the shelves.  3 months and many complaints got Linux 
Format, and Linux User back on the shelves and back in my folder.

Unix UD is been a problem for more than three months.  I finally got a 
helpful sole (WH Smith employee) to dig into the problem.  Unix UD was 
a monthly but apparently has switched to 6x per year.  The local WHS 
informed me that the next issue of Unix UD will be out 29th of June.

We live in hope

Simple effective migration to Open Source based computing

Jim Kissel
Open Source Migrations Limited
w: http://www.osml.eu
p: +44(0) 8703 301044
m: +44(0) 7976 411 679


Re: [ubuntu-uk] What's happened to all the Linux Mags? WHSmiths Watch

2007-06-22 Thread Sean Miller
WHSmith in Wells (Somerset) had all three when I went there sometime 
last week...



Re: [ubuntu-uk] What's happened to all the Linux Mags? WHSmiths Watch

2007-06-22 Thread Paul Tansom
** Howard Berry [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2007-06-22 10:42]:
 Hello everyone,
 As the is a nation wide listing, I wondered if my experience was
 replicated in the rest of the country.
 The plethora of buy new cool Vista magazines seems to elbowing the
 three Linux magazines out of existence in Wolverhampton and
 My main concern is that my favourite magazine Linux User and
 Developer, to which I have subscribed for a couple of years, seems to
 have gone very ominously silent: no replies to emails, no replies to
 telephone messages. The web site is still functioning although cobwebs
 seem to be gathering on it.
 Is it me that they don't like, or have they gone belly down??
** end quote [Howard Berry]

I can't speak for WHSmith as I am rarely near one to check, but the
local Tesco Extra (North Harbour, Portsmouth) carries both Linux
Magazine and Linux Format. The local Asda used to have Linux Format, but
trimmed down their offerings in general a year or so back now iirc.
WHSmith in Havant used to a have the 3 Linux Magazines, but I think the
last time I was there to buy one was August last year - nope, I tell a
lie, October last year and then January this year; the joys of doing my
annual accounts - and I can claim them as expenses :)

Paul Tansom | Aptanet Ltd. | http://www.aptanet.com/

Aptanet Ltd. | Registered in England | Company No: 4905028  

Registered Office:  

Crawford House, Hambledon Road, Denmead, Waterlooville, Hants., PO7 6NU


Re: [ubuntu-uk] What's happened to all the Linux Mags? WHSmiths Watch

2007-06-22 Thread Chris Rowson
Here in Hull 'the last bastion of the whippet' I've yet to find a shop
selling Linux mags.



[ubuntu-uk] Unreal Tournament (was Re: suck it and see)

2007-06-22 Thread Josh Blacker

On 6/21/07, Mark Jose [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Which version of UT Josh?  UT2004 has a Linux installer on the DVD - it is a
 shell script which will install the game for youand UT2003 also includes a
 Linux installer.
 Earlier versions are catered for either by installing via Wine or, better
 still, using the Icculus scripts which are obtained from his web site at
 icculus.org. Those scripts need Wine, but tweak the settings per game for
 you. Very nice and straightforward.
 I play the original UT quite often (I find it more fun than the later
 versions) but occasionally play 2004.
 Incidentally, Icculus also wrote the installers used on the official UT2003/4
 Linux installs and wrote the installers which the now defunct Loki Games


I've got Unreal Tourmanent (GOTY) installed on an external hard drive
and have lost (lots of moving to and from uni this year and now we're
packed up to move home, and they're not in any sensible places) the
install disks. On windows I don't need the disks to play. Can I use
this Loki thing to play from an existing install, do you know?

Josh Blacker


Re: [ubuntu-uk] What's happened to all the Linux Mags? WHSmiths Watch

2007-06-22 Thread Ted
Chris Rowson wrote:
 Here in Hull 'the last bastion of the whippet' I've yet to find a shop
 selling Linux mags.
We have four shops within 6 miles stocking Linux mags and a small 
village newsagent withing walking distance stocks Linux Format..
As to Whippets I have one and in our village I have counted a dozen or 

  Ted Wager G3TPI
   High Peak UK
Using Sidux Linux


Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu-uk Digest, Vol 26, Issue 69

2007-06-22 Thread nicoblue 888
 a terminal. Huge mistake, catastrophic mistake,
one of the worst things I have ever done in Linux[0].

What did it do? Displayed a message about Braille, displayed some
trace backs for something that looked like python (something about get
voices failing).

And the froze, but not only did it freeze, it froze the terminal and
it froze all the commands. I could move my cursor but could not click
on anything. Well nuts to this I shall kill it,Ctrl-C in it's
terminal. Nothing, hmm Alt-F2 to get a command line, nope nothing. Ok
this looks serious time to break out the big guns Ctrl-Alt-F1 to get
me console access, wtf that's didn't work either.

Push the power button in a hope that at some level the kernel will see
it and perform a shutdown, nope, Push and hold and power the system

Reboot, login and oddly Orca is started for me ands works, well I say
works but really I mean it does something. Move my cursor around and
hear a garbled voice. I can make out it says something about system
settings, as I had my monitor a notice that my cursor is on my System

Not wanting to cheat I turn the monitor off.

Right now to open FireFox, helpfully I have a shortcut to this on the
toolbar. I wave my mouse upwards and get the system menu again, right
a bit nothing, right a bit more, nothing until I get what sounds like
terminal Ah must be the terminal shortcut. Wave mouse around a bit
more I must be near, and for the life of me all I get is the system
menu description. NOT HELPFUL.

Stuff this, Alt-F2 it mutters something (I forget what) I hit 'f' it
says 'f', I hit 'i' it says 'f' (odd), hit 'r' 'e', it says 'fire' ah
makes sense, I boot up FireFox.

It says something I don't understand, then it says profile chooser, I hit 

Now It says Welcome to Ubuntu, or something similar and HTML BOX (or
similar), that's a fine description of the Ubuntu start page for you.
I try to find the URL bar with the tab key, nothing, nothing, toolbar,
ah close nothing, something I can't quite work out. type in gmails
address, it won't describe the page and hitting tab is not helping.

I give in. Turn screen on and it appears I typed the URL in the search
box. Oops.

Am I doing something wrong here?


[0] Other stupid things I have done i Linux:
1) Used ndiswrapper with an unsupported windows driver (hung the kernel)
2) wrote a kernel module for an arm system and did the IO access a bit
wrong, crashed the kernel.

Computers are like air conditioners.  Both stop working, if you open 
 -- Adam Heath


Message: 4
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2007 02:53:47 +0100
From: Ashley Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [ubuntu-uk] Buying from and supporting Linux Hardware
To: British Ubuntu Talk ubuntu-uk@lists.ubuntu.com
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Message: 5
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2007 10:27:18 +0100
From: Robin Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [ubuntu-uk] Buying from and supporting Linux Hardware
To: British Ubuntu Talk ubuntu-uk@lists.ubuntu.com
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

bill wrote:

  On Wed, 20 Jun 2007 17:27:28 +0100, norman [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  I'm about to start a job in the real-world (after having been forced
  to use Windows, I get to sell, support and consult on Linux from the
  2nd July!) and one of the things I will need as part of my job is a
  solid supplier of hardware that I know will run linux and run it 
  As dell are refusing to sell Linux-based computers outside of the US
  (even the redhat/SLED servers seem to only be sold over there), can
  someone supply me with contact details (a website will do nicely!) of
  a company that are preferably based in the UK and supply
  servers/desktops that will run linux or come pre-installed with 
  Best of luck in your new job. There are, of course, suppliers of
  computers who sell them without pre-installed systems. Perhaps one of
  those could be interested. I have had excellent service from World of
  Computers who are in Cambridge.
  Thanks for the heads-up, do they have a website?
  Well done! we are all pleased for you, and look at CCL computers they
  make then without OS installed if required.
  Bill Smith
I have had very good service from Novatech in Portsmith
Robin Hall


Message: 6
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2007 10:40:23 +0100
From: Howard Berry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [ubuntu-uk] What's happened to all the Linux Mags? WHSmiths
To: ubuntu-uk@lists.ubuntu.com

Re: [ubuntu-uk] What's happened to all the Linux Mags? WHSmiths Watch

2007-06-22 Thread Ted
Chris Rowson wrote:
 As to Whippets I have one and in our village I have counted a dozen or

 No offence to whippets! - I'm guessing you've not seen Only Fools and
 Horses 'To Hull and Back'. Perhaps it was a bit of a random joke!
NO offence taken...Must have missed that episode...My one regret is
that now I am retired I do not have room for a pigeon loft...I do have a 
flat cap,ferrets and the whippet but a loft would be reet handsome...

  Ted Wager G3TPI
   High Peak UK
Using Sidux Linux


Re: [ubuntu-uk] What's happened to all the Linux Mags? WHSmiths Watch

2007-06-22 Thread Chris Rowson
 NO offence taken...Must have missed that episode...My one regret is
 that now I am retired I do not have room for a pigeon loft...I do have a
 flat cap,ferrets and the whippet but a loft would be reet handsome...

Del: ...get me back to Peckham as soon as possible otherwise I'll be
saying hey-up and breeding whippets before I'm very much older - come





Re: [ubuntu-uk] Unreal Tournament (was Re: suck it and see)

2007-06-22 Thread Josh Blacker

On 6/22/07, Mark Jose [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What graphics card are you using ?  To play games, you need the correct 3d
 accelerated driver. Ubuntu will install by default a capable driver for the
 card, but not one which gives 3d acceleration. I use an Nvidia card, and the
 commercial 3d driver for that is in the repositories. Not used ATI for many
 years, so I cannot comment on that.
 It *should* run as fast as it does (or very close to it) in Windows. If it
 seems really slow and clunky, then I think you are correct regarding the

It's an ATI Mobility Radeon M300 I think, or something like that. It
works fine for Beryl (followed the installation guide at
http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty) so I'm not sure why it
doesn't function properly. The OpenGL option for UT doesn't work at
all, it now won't start apart from in 'safe mode'.

 The Loki installer is for installing from the disk - as you have discovered,
 wine is the best option if you have the game already installed on your other

Just as soon as I can sort the graphics!

Josh Blacker


Re: [ubuntu-uk] FLOSS solution for graphing in PHP

2007-06-22 Thread Mark Jose
On Friday 22 June 2007 18:36, Mark Harrison wrote:
 Hi all,

 I've got what I thought would be a simple problem, and google is not
 being my friend this afternoon.

 I have a database (MySQL5), and a webserver (Apache), and a programming
 language that lets me extract info from one and display it with the
 other (PHP5.) These all run on a nice friendly thing you may have heard
 of called Ubuntu :-)

 What I'm after is a free (in both senses) thing (library, probably),
 that can grab some data, and turn it into a pretty-looking bar graph. I
 don't mind particularly how it outputs the graph provided it's something
 that can display within Firefox, so something that could dynamically
 build a PNG or a Flash, or whatever really.

 However, Google has let me down - lots of chargeable libraries, but
 adding the search term free gives me free trial, $69 to buy or the
 like results.

 Has anyone any personal recommendations?


rrdtool  - takes a bit of getting the hang of, but will take data e.g 
temperatures - and output as graphs.
Have a look at my brother in laws temperature graphs - 


Thats the sort of thing you get - you can of course tweak them a bit too.
A cron job gets the data every x seconds and adds the next point to your 



[ubuntu-uk] Whippets ( Was What's happened to all the Linux Mags? WHSmiths Watch)

2007-06-22 Thread ged
Hey Ted,
 You can't beat a bit of bedlington in your whippet. I don't 
mind a nice terrier about the place myself.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Unreal Tournament (was Re: suck it and see)

2007-06-22 Thread Mark Jose
On Friday 22 June 2007 14:42, Josh Blacker wrote:

 Well I got it to run by using 'wine
 /media/MyBook/.../UnrealTournament.exe' but it's very stilted and
 certainly isn't anywhere near as fast as it is on xp (I wasn't
 expecting it to be, but it is considerably slower, to the point that
 it's painful). It's also very dark, even with brightness up to full.
 Looking at the terminal afterwards, there's lots (and I mean lots!) of
 error messages along these lines:

 (0x1d75f8)-(0x4c16c88,(nil),0x21dba0,(nil),): Partially

 I'm guessing I'll have to change the graphics driver it uses?

 I downloaded the loki installer, but it asks for me to mount the
 discs, which I don't currently have!
 Josh Blacker

What graphics card are you using ?  To play games, you need the correct 3d 
accelerated driver. Ubuntu will install by default a capable driver for the 
card, but not one which gives 3d acceleration. I use an Nvidia card, and the 
commercial 3d driver for that is in the repositories. Not used ATI for many 
years, so I cannot comment on that. 
It *should* run as fast as it does (or very close to it) in Windows. If it 
seems really slow and clunky, then I think you are correct regarding the 
The Loki installer is for installing from the disk - as you have discovered, 
wine is the best option if you have the game already installed on your other 



[ubuntu-uk] FLOSS solution for graphing in PHP

2007-06-22 Thread Mark Harrison
Hi all,

I've got what I thought would be a simple problem, and google is not 
being my friend this afternoon.

I have a database (MySQL5), and a webserver (Apache), and a programming 
language that lets me extract info from one and display it with the 
other (PHP5.) These all run on a nice friendly thing you may have heard 
of called Ubuntu :-)

What I'm after is a free (in both senses) thing (library, probably), 
that can grab some data, and turn it into a pretty-looking bar graph. I 
don't mind particularly how it outputs the graph provided it's something 
that can display within Firefox, so something that could dynamically 
build a PNG or a Flash, or whatever really.

However, Google has let me down - lots of chargeable libraries, but 
adding the search term free gives me free trial, $69 to buy or the 
like results.

Has anyone any personal recommendations?



Re: [ubuntu-uk] FLOSS solution for graphing in PHP

2007-06-22 Thread Alec Wright
I think imagemagick might help, but I'm not sure...
On Fri, 2007-06-22 at 18:36 +0100, Mark Harrison wrote:
 Hi all,
 I've got what I thought would be a simple problem, and google is not 
 being my friend this afternoon.
 I have a database (MySQL5), and a webserver (Apache), and a programming 
 language that lets me extract info from one and display it with the 
 other (PHP5.) These all run on a nice friendly thing you may have heard 
 of called Ubuntu :-)
 What I'm after is a free (in both senses) thing (library, probably), 
 that can grab some data, and turn it into a pretty-looking bar graph. I 
 don't mind particularly how it outputs the graph provided it's something 
 that can display within Firefox, so something that could dynamically 
 build a PNG or a Flash, or whatever really.
 However, Google has let me down - lots of chargeable libraries, but 
 adding the search term free gives me free trial, $69 to buy or the 
 like results.
 Has anyone any personal recommendations?
Alec Wright
New Mobile Number: 07932 217 288


Re: [ubuntu-uk] FLOSS solution for graphing in PHP

2007-06-22 Thread Chris Rowson
There's a perl module that makes graphs - I think it's used in the
wifidog system I use for wireless auth to create user stats.




Re: [ubuntu-uk] Marking duplicates in Liferea

2007-06-22 Thread Neil Greenwood
On 17/06/07, luxxius [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Neil  I'd never used Liferea before (thanks, Popey, for mentioning it
 in another thread some while ago - it's brill!).  I didn't realise that
 the duplicates are only marked as read when you're reading items in the
 separate feeds, not when you're reading them in the 'Unread' folder.

Hmm, that doesn't sound quite like what I see.
I tend to read only through the 'Unread' folder. When I first select a
message that is duplicated, it gets marked as read and at the same
time (I think, it's been a while since I've been on holiday and away
from the internet for a week), it marks the duplicate as read too and
it disappears from the 'Unread' folder.

This is what confused me the first time, since I was expecting to see
only one instance of the duplicated message in the 'Unread' folder.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] FLOSS solution for graphing in PHP

2007-06-22 Thread Mark Harrison
Thanks to all who responded - it looks like Alan's suggestion of gd is 
probably what I need.

rrdtool looked interesting, but the home is pretty much all xAP/xPL 
stuff, not least because the HomeVision connector was the first GPL 
application I ever released :-)

Time was (about 2002) when I logged every telemetry event in the house 
(temp changes, lights on-off, occupancy sensors, etc) for about 2 months 
into a MySQL database - trouble was, 1: I couldn't work out what to do 
with the data set, and 2:  we had kids :-) I still have a ludicrous 
amount of home automation hardware sitting on a shelf in the study 
awaiting the day when I'll get the fabled Round Tuit and set it up in a 
child-friendly way.

Too many interesting projects, not enough time.

GD - good call, though. Seems to be what I need.


Alan Pope wrote:
 Hi Mark,

 On Fri, 2007-06-22 at 18:36 +0100, Mark Harrison wrote:
 What I'm after is a free (in both senses) thing (library, probably), 
 that can grab some data, and turn it into a pretty-looking bar graph. I 
 don't mind particularly how it outputs the graph provided it's something 
 that can display within Firefox, so something that could dynamically 
 build a PNG or a Flash, or whatever really.


 gd is the library in php that can generate pretty much any graphical


 Also as previously mentioned rrdtool is often used to generate graphs.
 An example of rrdtool can be seen if you ever view cacti performance and
 other resource usage graphs. You can see an example on the front page of
 the cacti site.




Re: [ubuntu-uk] Whippets ( Was What's happened to all the Linux Mags? WHSmiths Watch)

2007-06-22 Thread Ted
ged wrote:
 Hey Ted,
  You can't beat a bit of bedlington in your whippet. I don't 
 mind a nice terrier about the place myself.
I agree...I once had a Bedlington/Greyhound/Whippet cross and it was 
really fast an ideal rabbiting dog

  Ted Wager G3TPI
   High Peak UK
Using Sidux Linux


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Unreal Tournament (was Re: suck it and see)

2007-06-22 Thread Josh Blacker
Update: despite still getting error messages in terminal while I run
it, I can now load UT every time. Graphics aren't nearly as good as in
Windows but it runs as fast - a small price to pay to run it under
Linux, I feel. I might at a later date try and solve the graphics
problem, but since everything works at the moment without any *major*
issues, I shall leave it as it is.
Thanks everyone for the help on this thread.

On 6/22/07, Josh Blacker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It's an ATI Mobility Radeon M300 I think, or something like that. It
 works fine for Beryl (followed the installation guide at
 http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty) so I'm not sure why it
 doesn't function properly. The OpenGL option for UT doesn't work at
 all, it now won't start apart from in 'safe mode'.

 Josh Blacker

Josh Blacker
