Re: [ubuntu-uk] wifi dongles

2016-12-04 Thread George Tripp
> I've never needed to compile a driver for a Wifi Dongle. Most all use 

> the same chipsets and are well supported.
> if you struggle to find one that works try buying one which is supported 
> by Raspberry Pi.. If it works on Raspbian (a Debian derivative) it's 
> almost certain to work on Ubuntu.

The one I recently returned did claim to be raspberry pi compatible. this is 
why I assumed it would be OK.

However as I said before I couldn't get it to work. I'm running 64 bit Ubuntu 
on a 
AMD Phenom processor.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] wifi dongles

2016-12-01 Thread George Tripp
Thanks for all your replies. The thing is I recently bought one on Amazon. It 
turned out that it definitely wasn't plug and play. It did include a linux 
driver you had to compile. I'm afraid I failed at this and ended up returning 
it. I wanted to avoid repeating this! (I have one I bought years ago from the 
Linux Emporium & that just works.)  



[ubuntu-uk] wifi dongles

2016-11-30 Thread George Tripp
Can anyone recommend a wifi dongle that's plug & play / compatible with 16.04. 



[ubuntu-uk] wifi dongles

2016-11-10 Thread George Tripp
Can anyone recommend a wifi dongle that's plug & play / compatible with 16.04. 



Re: [ubuntu-uk] How old is your computer?

2014-12-08 Thread George Tripp
>>  I feel it's a pity that Canonical don't collaborate with a supplier 

>> to provide PC / laptops ..
> Why would installing Ubuntu invalidate the warantee?  You can always
> restore Windows from the install CDs or whatever restore system is
> provided with the machine.

In theory this is true by might not be possible depending on the on the nature 
of the problem which has developed.

However I think my point really is that it shouldn't be necessary to have to 
pretend I'm using a different operating system in order to have the have 
consumer rights. 

Canonical seem to recognise that the way to get Ubuntu Touch on devices they 
need to liaise with hardware suppliers. Surely the same is true for Ubuntu 

Anyway I'll shut up about it now!



Re: [ubuntu-uk] How old is your computer?

2014-12-06 Thread George Tripp

- Original Message -
> From: Barry Titterton 
> To:;
> Cc: 
> Sent: Thursday, 4 December 2014, 15:26
> Subject: [ubuntu-uk] How old is your computer?
> Hi All,
> How old is the oldest computer that you have in regular use?
> I was prompted to ask this question by a comment that I over heard while
> doing some Linux advocacy at my local community centre. They run
> beginners computer courses (Windows only) so I popped along to see if
> anyone would be interested in Linux and FOSS. There was a conversation
> which included the statement "If your machine is 3 to 4 years old it
> must be getting worn out, so you need to think about getting a new one".
> This got me thinking about my own machines and I realised that my main
> desktop PC (Pentium D 3.2GHz), that I use every day, will be 9 years old
> in February, and it is still capable of running Ubuntu 14.04 very well.
> So how old is your machine?.
> Regards,
> Barry T
> -- 

Hi All

This PC I'm usng at the moment is a 2002 Packard Bell. I'm running Lubuntu 
14.04. Was running standard (Unity) 12.04 until recently but there were display 
issues, (Still get issues with LXDE albeit different ones.) Suspect I might be 
reaching the end of the machine's useful life.

I feel it's a pity that Canonical don't collaborate with a supplier to provide 
PC / laptops which are definitely compatible with Ubuntu. I'd be a potential 
customer. Although I have installed it on a variety of machines over the years 
I still feel reluctant to spend £500 or so on something, invalidate the 
warrantry and have no certainty that it will run the operating system I'd like 
to use.   

Perhaps I'm a wimp.:)



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Public library OS choice

2013-06-11 Thread George Tripp
>>  This is the way things are going to go as outsourcing becomes the

>>  norm and unless councils find a good reason to adopt FLOSS (and cost
>>  doesn't seem to be one, despite what we're told about making
>>  savings), it isn't going to change.
> Cost is one reason - it's more expensive to support a Linuxy desktop
> than a Windows one, generally, and by more than the cost of a heavily
> discounted Windows license.
> Windows support is easier to find and Windows people are cheaper.
> -- 
> Avi
> -- 

Having started my IT career a long (long) time ago I remember there used to be 
a saying "No one evers gets sacked for buying IBM". I think the same maxim 
applies these days if you substitute MS for IBM.

(Having said that I'd still happily sack them if I could!)



Re: [ubuntu-uk] 13.04 unable to copy folders from a samba share

2013-04-30 Thread George Tripp
Thanks for all your suggestions I'll give them a try when I get a moment. (Pity 
it's broken though - maybe it'll be fixed in the next LTS :) )



[ubuntu-uk] 13.04 unable to copy folders from a samba share

2013-04-28 Thread George Tripp
Having just installed 13.04 I was a bit surprised to find that I can't copy 
folders / files from my 12.04 machine - nautilus hangs.

This seems to be a known error / bug to do with gvfs. I was hoping there might 
be a simple-ish workround of some sort but so far have failed to find one.

Can anyone point me in the right direction? 




Re: [ubuntu-uk] Sorely disappointed with U1 Music Store

2013-04-17 Thread George Tripp
>I'm still confused as to how having a rant on a mailing list is going to get 
>the problem resolved ...

I'm not sure whether this is really a "rant" or not and whether if it was that 
matters! It is however an issue related to Ubuntu so is surely relevant to this 

As I see it the matter has been discussed, Bill has been advised how to 
progress it and hopefully get it resolved on a personal level and the U1 team 
are aware of it and will be able to improve the experience of future users.

Possibly even a success story. :)



[ubuntu-uk] Posts reaching mailbox in wrong order?

2012-08-08 Thread George Tripp
Is it just me? I seem to be getting some replies arriving before the original 
question! Anyone else experiencing this or am I just going mad?



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Replacing Linux Mint 13 with Ubuntu 12.04

2012-07-03 Thread George Tripp
- Original Message -
> From: Gordon Burgess-Parker 
> To: UK Ubuntu Talk 
> Cc: 
> Sent: Monday, 2 July 2012, 21:48
> Subject: [ubuntu-uk] Replacing Linux Mint 13 with Ubuntu 12.04
> If I want to replace Linux Mint 13 with Ubuntu 12.04, will it just be a case 
> of 
> installing over the top, and if so will that affect my Home directory at all?
> In other words if I do this will my Home directory stay intact or do I need 
> to 
> back it up then restore after installation of Ubuntu?
My advice would be to back up all "your" data (ie. not config files) and do a 
default install then put your data back. That way 12.04 will provide all the 
config files correct for the versions of software in the distro. 

I know it can take a bit of time setting stuff up how you want it but in my 
experience this is usually less time consuming that trouble shooting 
configurations which don't work correctly with the versions of programs in the 
new distro.


PS. For what it's worth I always keep all my data in a file structure 
imaginatively called "mystuff" in my home directory to make the above process 


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Fwd: Re: MS-DOS not being added to GRUB menu (Lubuntu 12.04)

2012-03-19 Thread George Tripp
> I'd also encourage good trimming of posts, but for dealing with those that 

> aren't with Thunderbird, there is an addon which collapses quotes here:

Some of us Luddites just use web-mail!:)



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Partitioning Question

2012-03-10 Thread George Tripp
>From: Nigel Verity 
>To: Ubuntu UK Mailing List  
>Sent: Saturday, 10 March 2012, 14:32
>Subject: [ubuntu-uk] Partitioning Question
bit of advice on partitioning, please.
currently dual-boot Xubuntu and Windows 7. I've now got to the happy
situation where I no longer need any Windows applications.
Consequently I'd like to delete Windows and reclaim the 80 Gb of disk
space it takes up. Would I be better off simply clearing down the
whole machine and re-installing Xubuntu from scratch, or is it safe
to mess about with the partitions using a tool like GParted. If the
latter, perhaps somebody knows of a good idiot's guide, as I've had a
few problems in the past resizing partitions.

Run up an Ubuntu/Xubuntu live disc. Use the disk partitioner to delete the 
unwanted partition and extend the Xubuntu one.

Run commands to sort out grub to get rid of the windows option:
sudo update-grub
sudo grub-install /dev/sdx (amend sdx to where you want to install grub)

Hopefully all should be good.

In the unlikely event that something breaks you still have the option of a 



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Unity is not working.

2012-02-24 Thread George Tripp
>Linux Mint is higher in the rankings than Ubuntu.

Mint 12 is newer than Ubuntu 11.10 so people are interested to see what's on 
offer.  I suspect when 12.04 comes out that will regain top place for the same 

>Why is it that Unity requires the user to be an expert.

When I first used Gnome 2 (6.06 Dapper Drake) having previously used KDE  
(Mepis) there were a few things that weren't that intuitive. However over time 
you get to know the system & all seems good. There are things about Unity that 
annoy me (which I shall keep secret for the time being!) however I can say the 
same about LXDE XFCE & KDE.

At the moment it's usable & hopefully will be even better in 12.04 so let's not 
get too upset!


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Recommendations for a printer?

2012-01-24 Thread George Tripp

>On the subject of ink,
>I've used
>  for a few years now. Very good people to deal with.
also seem pretty good. Currys/PC World £28 per cartridge - Prink £2.50 & they 
work fine!

(These are for my 10 year old epson printer but assume others would be priced 


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Novatech - Ubuntu good news?

2012-01-16 Thread George Tripp

> With a current thread I have seen about laptop buying in mind, I
> called in to Novatech Reading on my travels. I spoke to the Manager
> Alex Burrows.  I had discussed Ubuntu etc with him on a previous
> occasion or two over the years and received agreement in principle to
> try out Ubuntu on specific kit by arrangement (at non busy times).

This is excellent news. When about a year ago I asked the same question of a 
member of staff (admittedly not the manager) I was told that this was not 

I'll have another look at their website later!



Re: [ubuntu-uk] CTS @ computer fairs - Bracknell Local activity etc

2011-12-07 Thread George Tripp
> In addition, it may be of interest to mention here that I also run a

> couple of groups within the U3A 'clubs'. 

I've recently joined Northampton U3A. I'm intending to attend a computing group 
next month however having spoken to the leader there doesn't currently seem to 
be a lot of interest in open source or Linux. 

Could well be that in the longer term I'll look to starting a similar group to 
yours in Northampton.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu - Wrong Direction?

2011-12-02 Thread George Tripp
>  There's no doubt that Unity has split the Ubuntu userbase considerably

Hey I got upset when the buttons moved from right to left! 

I've tried other distros but generally find there's something that needs 
fiddling to get it work whereas Ubuntu seems to set up all the stuff I want to 
do more or less out of box.

For that reason I've stuck with Ubuntu and currently have a plethora of 
different desktops installed regularly changing between them because I'm 
fickle! No real winner at the moment as far as I'm concerned.

If people want to stay with Gnome 2 then why not 10.04 - it's supported until 
2013. Or the install Gnome fall back package in 11.10 which gives a desktop 
approximating Gnome 2.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] 10.04 lost sound - fixed more by luck than judgement!!!!!

2011-11-27 Thread George Tripp
> As a first step, because you are likely to have old kernels still

> installed, I would recommend trying the kernel of the same version as
> the liveCD to see if that works better.

Tried various kernels but unfortunately to no avail.

The happy ending bit:

As a last resort I thought I'd try removing pulse / alsa etc. then reboot 
before re-installing them. I used the remove option in aptitude.

Under the impression that I'd removed anything likely to generate any sound I 
was therefore quite amazed when on rebooting I got the login sound.

Not really sure what's going on here but hey a result!

Thanks to everyone who offered suggestions.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] 10.04 lost sound

2011-11-24 Thread George Tripp
Thanks for the suggestions:

>Maybe rename your .pulse folder (if there is one) to see if it works? 
>If not, rename it back.

Tried this & a new folder is generated but still doesn't work :(

>Have you run 

Looked at this & as far as I can see nothing's muted etc. Also looked at the 
pulseaudio utility. The meters move when something plays and the application 
playing the file is correctly identified but no actual sound!

not the run 'killall pulseaudio' restart any audio apps then test. If 
that worked, >pulseaudio needs reconfiguring or removing

No luck here either.
>Remove sound card, boot, shutdown, add soundcard, boot, test.

Presume you mean physicaly remove the soundcard. It was quite a struggle to fit 
so I'm a little reluctant to mess with it and risk damaging it.

Looking increasingly likely I'm going to end up having to reinstall. A shame 
really since it's only sound that's the problem. That's life!


Only other things I would do is a full system update. Remove sound card, boot, 
shutdown, add soundcard, boot, test.


[ubuntu-uk] 10.04 lost sound

2011-11-24 Thread George Tripp
Not sure what happened (or what I've done!) but I don't seem to have sound any 

I'm convinced it's a software issue as if I boot from a live CD the sound works 

I've tried uninstalling / reinstalling alsa & pulse in synaptic to no avail + 
various terminal commands (doing similar things) found in on-line forums. All 
to no avail.

Is there a way to reinstall the sound system?

Can anyone point me in the right direction as to how I should proceed.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Help gnome 3 broke my laptop!

2011-11-20 Thread George Tripp
> From: Pete 

>Sent: Sunday, 20 November 2011, 20:05
>Subject: [ubuntu-uk] Help gnome 3 broke my laptop!
>hi all,
>I was playing around trying to install gnome 3 onto my Ubuntu 11.04 system, 
>this was done via synaptic, since then I have been given the choice of 'gnome 
>classic, KDE (plasma workspace), Arios (my original system based on Ubuntu), 
>recovery console, unity 2d, user defined session' at login but none of them 
>are my original desktop session and most give the error 'unable to load 
>session' with the option to logout.
>I have since got the KDE desktop working to write this post.
>I have 'completely removed' gnome 3 in synaptic but it only removed 1 package 
>not the 139 it installed when I installed it!
>My question(s) are
>1/ most important how do I recover my original desktop session?
>2/ why did it install the KDE desktop environment without me even trying?
>3/ is there a way of listing the packages installed on a certain date/time to 
>ensure I can manually remove them with the hope of restoring my system to it's 
>previous state?
>thanks in advance (and no I will not be trying to install extra desktops on an 
>existing system again, I will dual boot in future!!)

Strangely enough I've been trying different desktops as I find Unity still 
seems to create problems for me. (Sorry!) The thing is when you select a 
particular desktop in Synaptic it includes loads of other stuff including apps 
for that particular desktop to make it work. Presumably it then doesn't know 
which packages you need for other so won't delete anything other than the 
"desktop package" itself.

If you really need to get back to where you started probably the surest way is 
to save your data to another device and reinstall.

Probably not what you to hear.

Maybe someone else has got a better idea.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] AcidRip and Ubuntu forums

2011-10-18 Thread George Tripp
Another thing worth a go is to install Ubuntu-Restricted-Extras. Can't recall 
having to install LAME manually for ages so imagine this probably includes it & 
perhaps other encoders/codecs which may be relevant to your prob.


>From: Bruce Beardall 
>To: ** ; UK Ubuntu Talk 
>Sent: Monday, 17 October 2011, 21:29
>Subject: Re: [ubuntu-uk] AcidRip and Ubuntu forums
>Have you tried installing LAME? Maybe one or other update removed it.
>On 14 October 2011 21:40, **  wrote:
>I am trying to use AcidRip but according to the debug log it has apparently 
>"couldn't find encoder for codec mp3" Since it used to work OK I can only 
>assume an update has changed something. I have tried Googling it but the best 
>matches are on the Ubuntu forums and for some reason I cannot log in there 
>either. Anyone any ideas?
>>I have tried my old username and password but they didn't work. I tried to 
>>get re-advised of the password but the email did not appear in my inbox (or 
>>in junkmail). So I tried registering with a new username and password but 
>>when I tried to log in with it this also failed. And then when I tried the 
>>re-advise password link again, the email for this also did not arrive in my 
>>inbox. If anyone has an email address for the forum admins, could you let me 

Re: [ubuntu-uk] What's in a name?

2011-06-11 Thread George Tripp
>Windows is a familiar word. It's releases have progressive names, Windows XP, 
>Windows Vista, Windows 7. They sound cool.
>Mac OS X 'sounds' cool. Its big cat release names sound powerful. Lion is soon 
>to be released and is very cheap. This is cool. 

In my experience people use these OSs not because they think they sound cool 
because they're on the PC/laptop when they buy it.

>If it doesn't sound cool it isn't gonna sell, even if it's free! Any 
>freelancer will tell you this.

Not at all convinced that sounding cool will help. Until Ubuntu is available 
pre-installed alongside other PCs/laptops in retail outlets I suspect that the 
only users are going to be enthusiasts (such as us in this forum) and their 
friends/relatives who have corrupted their computers and lost their original 
installation disks!

Sorry if this sounds a bit negative.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] unity & gimp

2011-05-31 Thread George Tripp
>From: John Stevenson 
>Move the mouse between the Gimp menu and the indicators on the panel and press 
>the middle mouse button (or left/right buttons together).  This cycles through 
>the windows open on the workspace.

Thanks John (and everyone else who replied) - this seems to have the desired 


Re: [ubuntu-uk] unity & gimp

2011-05-30 Thread George Tripp
- Original Message 
> From: Avi 
> Sounds like alt+tab might be one?

Yeah kind of works. Tend not to use/remember keyboard short cuts. I'll see how 
get on.




[ubuntu-uk] unity & gimp

2011-05-30 Thread George Tripp
Just when I thought I'd got used to unity & I can probably live with it I tried 
using the gimp.

Previously with this I have the main window maximised & set up toolbox & layers 
as normal windows hidden behind the main one.

In gnome2 it's easy to get at these other two windows from the bottom panel. 
However in unity this option obviously isn't there. 

Clicking on the gimp icon on the launcher does get the option to choose which 
the 3 open windows you want so all is not lost but it does seem a lot of clicks 
and messing!

Anyone else find this annoying? Any solutions? 

Perhaps I'll get used to this as well!



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu User experience survey

2011-05-26 Thread George Tripp
> Tried doing this in but it keeps telling me "Looks like you have a  question 
> two that still needs to be filled in." 
> Can't see what  I'm supposed to have missed.
> Any hints?

Worked OK for me this am. (Someone's playing with my mind!)



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu User experience survey

2011-05-25 Thread George Tripp
> If you have an opinion on Ubuntu, please  take 5 minutes to fill out
> the following Ubuntu User-Experience survey:

Tried doing this in but it keeps telling me "Looks like you have a question or 
two that still needs to be filled in." 

Can't see what I'm supposed to have missed.

Any hints?



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Broadcom driver problem (sigh).....

2011-02-08 Thread George Tripp
> another possibility is a usb wifi dongle?

The Linux Emporium also sell these stating that they work with 10.04. I bought 
one (although not the same model as they sell now) a year or two back and it 
worked with every Ubuntu version I've installed up to 10.10 and other distros. 
Only costs about £20 as well!




Re: [ubuntu-uk] buying a laptop?

2011-01-18 Thread George Tripp
Ta to all the people who have replied to this thread so far it's certainly 
me some food for thought. 

Novatech has been mentioned positively quite a few a few times. 

Just wondered are there any novatechi3 
( users out 
there who can comment on Ubuntu compatibility?

Thanks again



Re: [ubuntu-uk] buying a laptop?

2011-01-18 Thread George Tripp
> From: Barry Drake 

> Just been put in touch with:
> LinuxLaptops2Go.  See how  you get on with them.

Found this site before. All their products seem to be out of stock. Is this an 



Re: [ubuntu-uk] buying a laptop?

2011-01-18 Thread George Tripp
>From experience, the pcspecialists machines work faultlessly with Ubuntu. Just 
>fyi, You do need to use a proprietary wifi driver though. 

It was pcspecialists themselves who alerted me that there was a problem!


Re: [ubuntu-uk] buying a laptop?

2011-01-16 Thread George Tripp
Don't really want to go beyond £500ish.

- Original Message 
> Whats your  budget?
> Simon
> On Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 5:39 PM, George Tripp  wrote:
> >  Up to now I've put Ubuntu on ancient PCs I already had. Currently I'm  
> > about getting a laptop but don't want to spend my hard earned  cash find 
> > bought something that can't run the operating system I  wish to.
> >
> > Looked at a couple of companies which will sell  machines without any op 
> > Pcspecialists: apparently there's a  problem that the touchhpad doesn't 
> > work 
> > ubuntu
> > Novatech:  don't know if their hardware is compatible with ubuntu or not
> >
> >  Looked round PC World a few machines there look reasonable spec/price but  
> > appear on the Ubuntu-certified hardware list.
> >
> > What  do other people do? Any advice?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >  --
> >
> >
> >
> >
> -- 



[ubuntu-uk] buying a laptop?

2011-01-16 Thread George Tripp
Up to now I've put Ubuntu on ancient PCs I already had. Currently I'm thinking 
about getting a laptop but don't want to spend my hard earned cash find I've 
bought something that can't run the operating system I wish to.

Looked at a couple of companies which will sell machines without any op system. 
Pcspecialists: apparently there's a problem that the touchhpad doesn't work 
Novatech: don't know if their hardware is compatible with ubuntu or not

Looked round PC World a few machines there look reasonable spec/price but don't 
appear on the Ubuntu-certified hardware list.

What do other people do? Any advice?

