Re: [ubuntu-uk] Portable wireless network.?

2012-01-27 Thread Graham Smith
> Based on your description of what you need, you'll probably want to set
up a lightweight server with a wireless adapter or linked to an existing
access point via an ethernet connection - you'll also need to find some way
of sending the delegates to the questionnaire as an initial page.  While
this can be done using netfilter, it's not exactly straightforward.
> Perhaps a good starting point would therefore be some form of captive
portal (commonly used for authenticating wireless guests in public
hotspots) - as these are usually configured to redirect guests to a
login/entry page.  I've only ever set these up on *BSD's so probably
wouldn't be much help here - but a quick search led me to which looks like a
good recipe to get you going
> Hope this helps

I'm afraid this is bit beyond me (having read the link), I was hoping to
upload the questionnaires to my local web server, just as I would to a
remote server, and the give the local users this web address.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Portable wireless network.?

2012-01-27 Thread Graham Smith

Many thanks for this, it certainly gives me a good starting point.


On Friday, 27 January 2012, Gordon Houston  wrote:
> Hi Graham
> Hope I can answer a couple of your questions, or at least give you a few
> On the portable router front I use a d-link DAP-1350 it's very easy to
set up under ubuntu (or anything else for that matter) and has numerous
options for sharing access, securing networks etc - cost around £50.
> If you want to reduce costs further, you can actually just share the
wireless that's built  into your laptop. I apologise my current location
means I am using a desperately slow connection so can't dig out the exact
document, but this should give you somewhere to start.
> As for a cheap "NAS" solution - if it is to be used in the setup you
describe below you could just share either a folder on the server across
the network, or if you needed more storage you can do the same with a USB
drive using the same method, so at most that would cost the price of a new
> Goes through a few options for you. There is samba as which is useful if
the other people in the room are running window.
> Anyway – hope that will gets you started.
> On 26 January 2012 20:26, Graham Smith  wrote:
>> I'm not actually sure what I should be asking here, but I would like to
be able to set up a laptop as a server running questionnaires (created with
StatPac) that need a cgi-bin folder to run a perl script.
>> I would then like to allow people to access the questionnaire from their
laptops via a wireless connection to the laptop/server. Everyone would be
in the same room.
>> I see there are things called portable wireless routers, is this as
simple as installing a Ubuntu server version on the laptop, and plugging in
the router. Then letting the users find the wireless connection.
>> Can anyone advise on what sort of problems I might have, and suggest a
low cost wireless router that might suit. I also see their are wireless
NASs and wondered if that might provide an alternative approach.
>> I will obviously need to read up a bit (a lot) about setting up a
network, but I would appreciate any comments that will highlight any key
issues I would need to consider.
>> Many thanks,
>> Graham
>> --

[ubuntu-uk] Portable wireless network.?

2012-01-26 Thread Graham Smith
I'm not actually sure what I should be asking here, but I would like to be
able to set up a laptop as a server running questionnaires (created with
StatPac) that need a cgi-bin folder to run a perl script.

I would then like to allow people to access the questionnaire from their
laptops via a wireless connection to the laptop/server. Everyone would be
in the same room.

I see there are things called portable wireless routers, is this as simple
as installing a Ubuntu server version on the laptop, and plugging in the
router. Then letting the users find the wireless connection.

Can anyone advise on what sort of problems I might have, and suggest a low
cost wireless router that might suit. I also see their are wireless NASs
and wondered if that might provide an alternative approach.

I will obviously need to read up a bit (a lot) about setting up a network,
but I would appreciate any comments that will highlight any key issues I
would need to consider.

Many thanks,


Re: [ubuntu-uk] No tilde with 11.04 running on Macbook Pro with VMware

2011-08-09 Thread Graham Smith

> Is that the only key not working correctly?
> Also, you are aware that the UK keyboard layout is not the same as the
> *Apple* UK keyboard layout?
Thanks,I tried selecting different keyboards, however, even though Ubuntu
dialog boxes were all saying that I was set up for the UK.  I noticed on
rebooting the set up choices on booting were still saying that it was set up
for the US.

Once in Ubuntu, as far as I could see keyboard, language etc were all set up
for the UK, but running locale in terminal, told me everything was set up
for the US.

Changing the settings at boot up seemed to fix it, and the keyboard is
working properly now.


[ubuntu-uk] No tilde with 11.04 running on Macbook Pro with VMware

2011-08-05 Thread Graham Smith
I have just installed 11.04 on a unibody Macbook pro using VMWare, but the
"~" key prints  on screen as ">".

As far as I can tell I have set up Ubuntu so its using a UK keyboard and
told it that it is a MacBook Pro. This worked fine with earlier versions of
Ubuntu and Parallels

I have found some old comments on this problem (most unanswered) but I can't
find any relating to 11.04.

Has anyone any ideas.

I am of course not sure if this is a Ubuntu or VMWare issue.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] New business

2011-05-26 Thread Graham Smith

There is a lot of advice around for starting a business, just google, but
the Inland Revenue web page is a fair start

When I
started up 7 years, the inland revenue were very helpful , when I phoned
them up a few things I didn't understand


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Linux Awareness

2011-05-23 Thread Graham Smith
A little bit of a ramble here, but hopefully the concepts are clear.

It probably depends on circumstances, but using specialist software such as
stats and GIS, as an example

R and QGIS allow students access to these programs at home, and not as is
the case with the commercial alternatives force students into the University
to work on tasks that need these programs. Something the students like, and
given transport/fuel costs and a desire to reduce carbon footprints this
saves students trips into Uni just to use specialist software. (some stats
programs offer free copies to students, but see below)

This has a knock on effect in reducing skills redundancy, as, in theory at
least they can take both their skills and the software to any job they go

I also know of employers who don't have any stats or GIS capability because
the software is too expensive, giving a useful twist to getting a job as the
graduate can offer not only to bring their  skills, but also the software.

There are of course issue. QGIS isn't an industry standard and this is often
a real disadvantage, but for Stats, R is quickly becoming the standard
across all industries, and even where it isn't,  R skills are still in
demand because of its cutting edge capability.

Something else I find useful, is that with Open Source, I
can introduce students to tools that doesn't require them or
the University to spend any money. This gives a freedom to explore new areas
of teaching and learning that would otherwise have to be avoided because of
the cost.

Most Open Source programs work on Linux, Macs and Windows, so again it opens
these tools up to a wider range of  students (not many use Linux, but an
increasing number are using Macs).


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Microsoft proprietary file types?

2011-05-20 Thread Graham Smith

>  ok so this happens with my local authority application form  if i import
> the native word dociument in to open office the boxes seem to go off the
> edge of the page
> if word is not appropriate what are they meant to use, pdf is fixed, as in
> if filling in (pen) i can't add more rows to my job / education history,  so
> end up including at least 5 more bits of paper with this information on.
>  for the most part a word file can be edited,  in word of course,  there are
> with tables / boxes and other similar features bits that as i said don't
> quite work as they should. or don't seem to
> so what is the most appropriate format?
> oddly a recent job gives me a pdf application form, i can either fill in
> and send off by post, or fill in and e-mail, only as its pdf it isn't
> editable unless i am missing something perhaps i should be using adobe pdf
> suite (or what ever its called) to fill the form in.
> the mind boggles sometimes.
> A non open source but low cost solution to the Word problem is Softmaker

It's not perfect, but it handles things like boxes and complex layouts far
better then OOo.

Having said that I get all sorts in doc and docx formats that I meant to
review and edit, and I find I am forced to run Word (more than one version)
to allow to work on the docs I get sent.

I also use a commercial PDF editing tool

But there are several Open Source pdf editors (assuming the pdf isn't
locked) around, I  have just stuck with PDF Studio (and Softmaker Office) as
I already had Windows licensed before moving to Ubuntu. A search on the
official Ubuntu help forum for editing PDF should throw up several ideas.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Losing wireless Connection - off topic

2011-04-19 Thread Graham Smith

I have a Draytek Vigor 2820 Vn and for some months now it has been
> getting more problematical with wireless networking.  Ten yards (metres,
> furlongs, cubits, whatever you are happy with) away the other day it was
> fascinating to see the signal strength wax and wane on a portable;
> nothing was being moved at that time.  Other client machines show
> similar problems.  The printer in this rooms sometimes just will not do
> its wireless connection to the router also in this room.  The usual way
> to get things going again is to power-cycle the router.
> I think the router is about to be routed to that graveyard in the sky,
> though it might be worth while having a word with Draytek first.
> I have tried changing the frequency but no difference.

This sounds very like my problem except not with my MacBook, but changing
frequency has made no difference, and although the signal strength stays
high the transmission rate drops down and then up again and so on.
Re-starting the router normally fixes it

I'm about 4m from the router, but  having said all that, up until posting
here, it was packing up all together every evening, and since posting its
only stopped working once.

My router is now about 8 years old.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Losing wireless Connection - off topic

2011-04-16 Thread Graham Smith

> It only takes a few seconds to change the channel at the router.
> There is no need to change anything at the PCs, they should
> automatically re-connect at the new frequency.

Thanks, I have now found out how to do this, and as you say its easy to do.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Losing wireless Connection - off topic

2011-04-16 Thread Graham Smith

Have you checked with your router switched off, in case it is hiding
> another network on the same channel?  Also there are other devises
> that can use the same frequencies but do not show up (wireless CCTV
> cameras for example) so it would not do any harm to shift to another
> frequency as far away as possible from the current one just in case
> this is the issue.

Wouldn't this also affect my MacBook ?

But having said that, I think your other post may well be correct, as I am
still connected. This is the first evening in weeks, that I have stayed
connected all evening.

For now, I think I will leave it alone, but I will have a look at changing
frequency, assuming the problem returns.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Losing wireless Connection - off topic

2011-04-16 Thread Graham Smith

>Yes, I did mean a neighbours wifi network etc, some networks are set as
hidden >networks, but generally you'd expect to see them.

Thanks again.

Strangely, this evening, since resetting the router at about 5pm, for the
first time in a couple of weeks, I am still connected ??


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Losing wireless Connection - off topic

2011-04-16 Thread Graham Smith

> There is a known problem with the Broadcom BCM 4132 wi-fi chipset with
> certain Belkin routers.  The problem is certain to show with the Belkin
> F6D4230-4 v1.  When I first experienced it, I went out and bought one to
> see if the problem is repeatable - it is!

Thanks, but the router is a Draytek and all has worked perfectly for the
last 3 years, its just the last few weeks I've been having the problem.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Losing wireless Connection - off topic

2011-04-16 Thread Graham Smith

> I've had a similar problem with my wireless connection getting slower and
> slower, losing connection, resetting etc.
> The same laptop when running Win 7 didn't have the problem, other laptops
> in the house didn't have the problem at the same time I was losing
> connection.
> After a bit of playing around, I ended up changing channels on the router
> and since then, no problems at all.

Thanks, I will have a look at that, it maybe that something has changed
recently, its worked fine for 2 - 3 years.

When you say access points, do you mean something like next door getting a
wireless network, which uses the same channel as my wireless network?

If this was the case wouldn't I pick up the fact there was a wireless
network in range? None are detected.


[ubuntu-uk] Losing wireless Connection - off topic

2011-04-16 Thread Graham Smith
I have a weird problem with my eeepc 901 running  Ubuntu netbook 10.10 (but
the same problem existed with WINXP and puppy linux 5.2) and my wireless

Every evening between 4 and 6 I start to get server  reset error messages
when I am on line. Eventually, but not always I totally lose the wireless
connection (I get a cannot find wireless connection errors).  Resetting the
router usually, but not always, will recover the connection.

Sometimes even when I am getting "connection timed out errors" I am being
told that I still have a wireless connection at 100% with a 54Mb/s

Rebooting the eeepc doesn't help, but even if I have gone an entire evening
without managing to salvage a connection, it is always back working fine the
next morning.

Now, this seems to point to a router error,  but if I sit the eeepc and my
MacBook Pro beside each other, the MacBook works flawlessly while the eeepc
continues to  play up.

Some days I will have had the eeepc on all day, and other days I will switch
it on for the first time around 4pm. This doesn't seem to make any7
difference to the timing, the issue still occurs between 4 and 6.

I find the timing odd, but other than that, its seems to point to the
wireless card in the eeepc having a fault.

Does anyone have any suggestions, it all seems rather weird to me.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] OT Kindle

2011-03-24 Thread Graham Smith

I shall never, myself, be a great advocate of things like the Kindle... I
> spend all day looking at a screen programming, or in my part time job at
> Morrisons supporting self-scans and working on tills, so when I want to "get
> away and relax" the last thing I want is an electronic screen.
> Decent Newspaper and (paper) novel will do me.
> Returning to the subject, what is the advantage of a Kindle over something
> like an iPad which - to me at least - appears to be much better able to view
> PDF files and is fairly decent at books too?

In spite of my disparaging comments about the Kindle, the big advantage is
the reflected light screen that has the same feel as reading paper.  It is a
far more pleasant experience than reading a computer screen. Before buying
the Kindle I read a few reviews from people who owned both Kindles and
iPads, and the concensus was that you could read a Kindle all day, but that
extended reading with the iPad gave eyestrain and head aches.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] OT Kindle

2011-03-23 Thread Graham Smith
A bit late to the party, but..

I bought a Kindle as a way of reading the many manuals/tutorials/books that
are now downloadable. To save me printing them out.

The Kindle works with PDFs, but without the re-flow capability that you get
with the mobi based Kindle formatted books. This means the only way to read
PDFs is with the Kindle in landscape mode. Even then, the font is only
"just" big enough to read.

The next problem is that the scrolling is a screen at a time. If you have a
graph or a table, it is often cut in half, and you can't scroll the page to
get all of the graph in view at the same time.

And maybe this just needed getting used to the search tools, but its a
little slow, and searching for key words, instead of flicking through a
paper manual looking for the bit I wanted, proved frustrating.

It's certainly "doable" but it's not a great experience, and I'm currently
in a quandry as to whether to persevere. It's very convenient having a
collection of manuals on the Kindle, but in practice, I'm not using it much,
and still printing stuff out. :-(

Converting PDFs to Kindle format, when the PDF has tables and graphics,
proved beyond me. I tried various options but tables nearly always ended up
as a list of what had been once a table, and graphics would't convert or
partially convert. I gave up.

However, for reading novels in (original Kindle or converted PDFs) its
wonderful. The screen is excellent, and if I read novels I would be a fan of
the Kindle.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Using Windows live

2011-01-13 Thread Graham Smith

> All she will need to do is create a Windows Live account in her browser,
> choose Empathy from the applications list, click Edit -> Accounts -> Add and
> select the Protocol (probably MSN I should think - dunno, I use xmpp), fill
> in username and password and it'll 'just work' for basic IM.
Thanks, MSN is one of the choices in Empathy, so I will just get her to sign


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Using Windows live

2011-01-13 Thread Graham Smith


It should just be a matter of registering for a Window Live account
> (assuming you haven't already done so),

Not yet

> instant messenger clients available for Ubuntu.  All the clients on
> Ubuntu will handle text and emoticons without problem, which sounds like
> all your other half requires.

It looks like that

Personally I use the Emesene client as it's designed to be clone of the

> Windows Messenger client.

Thanks for the pointer.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Using Windows live

2011-01-13 Thread Graham Smith

you won't have problems accessing the windows site, I do it regularly using
> chromium (with no modifications) on ubuntu.
> Personally, I have a account because they won't allow me to
> sign up with a one... but it's not that bad.

Thanks, that's helpful.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Using Windows live

2011-01-13 Thread Graham Smith

> Firstly, if you go to the Windows Live web site to sign up for an
> account it may tell you to get lost as you are not using Windows.
> However, there are ways for Firefox to fool websites into thinking you
> are using Windows.  Maybe someone will tell us how that's done.

I could probably sign up on a Windows box, if this was a problem

> Then there is the big problem that Empathy does not work well with MSN.
> At least, I have not been able to get it to work with the full video
> experience.  Personally, I think this is one of the major deficiencies
> in Ubuntu at present. However, straight typed chat is no problem.

The idea is typed chat



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Using Windows live

2011-01-13 Thread Graham Smith

> Shouldn't be a problem. She won't need an @hotmail or @live account.
> She can use her own email address.

I didn't realise that, nor sure I understand how that works. I assumed it
was some sort of closed network that you needed to sign into.

When you open Empathy, it asks for account details, so I'm not sure what you
fill in for the chat account details. If you can use you normal email.

> Does she expect to be able to use a webcam / audio?

I don't think that is the plan, just typing

Thanks for your help


[ubuntu-uk] Using Windows live

2011-01-13 Thread Graham Smith
My better half wants to communicate with a relative in Canada, who has told
her its easy, "you just click on the Windows Messenger icon on your desktop"

However, given that my better half is looking at a Ubuntu desktop, it isn't
as easy as suggested.  I know nothing about Instant messaging, but now have
to sort this out.

Can I assume that she will need a Windows Live account, can she sign up for
this from Ubuntu or is Microsoft going to say this isn't Windows go away.

I gather from what I have read that Empathy will work with Windows Live,
once she has an account.

However, does anyone have any advice that will help me avoid any obvious
problems, or suggestions of a best approach.

Many thanks,


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Mounting NAS

2010-12-21 Thread Graham Smith

> This will attempt to mount the directory "/Public" that is at
> onto a local director of "/home/name/Server1 using the CIFS
> protocol type and with the username and password specified.
> My first observation is that CIFS is an implementation of the Windows
> broadcast protocol and one normally talks about "shares and servers"
> rather than IP addresses.
> So for example
> sudo mount.cifs //computer-name/share /media/public -o
> user=username,pass=mypasswd
> Would be the way I would try at first.
> Thanks for the explanation, following Simon's instructions got it working
as it was before.

I least I think it has, I haven't rebooted yet, but

sudo mount -a

mounted both drives after etc/fstab had been edited and saved.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Mounting NAS

2010-12-21 Thread Graham Smith

No, mount doesn't create a mount point, you have to do that. /media is
now the standard though.
> /media is in the root file system by default and makes the disc available
> to everyone, so the fstab entry should be
> // /media/public cifs
> username=username,password=password

many thanks for this, it all now appears to be working.


[ubuntu-uk] Mounting NAS

2010-12-21 Thread Graham Smith
My notes from 2008! say to  mount my NAS by runnng this command

sudo mount -t cifs // 
-o user=QNAP/username%password

BUT I am getting an error that media/public does not exist.

I assumed that this would create media/public, do I need to create this in
advance and indeed is this the best place to mount it.

And is that "%" correct

Additionally, my notes suggest that to mount it everytime I boot needs the
following added to  etc/fstab

// Public
/home/name/Server1 cifs username=adminz,password=

But I am now not sure what this means

Should I be adding

// Public
/home/media/public cifs username=username,password=

Many thanks,


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu 10.10 panels very slow to launch on boot

2010-12-19 Thread Graham Smith

Thanks for this.

If you don't have another machine handy you might be able to figure out
> what's going on using a tty on the same machine: once you get the login
> screen up switch to a tty (ctrl-alt-F1 for the first one) and login
> there, start top, switch back to the graphical login (ctrl-alt-F7) login
> and then in the gap waiting for the panels to appear switch back to the
> tty where top is running and see what the computer is doing.

Although, I do have a laptop SSH sounded a bit beyond me, so I had a go with
the tty option. However, the output from top didn't really mean much to me,
other than there didn't seem to be any specific pattern of something hanging
around for a long time.

BUT after timing the delay twice yesterday (it took exactly 60s after
hitting return on the password for the panel to appear both times) after
doing the tty exercise, the panel is appearing in 6s.

I have no shut down totally, and rebooted three times and its now 6-7s

That's a couple of weeks I have been plagued with this, and there has been
no known changes since booting yesterday and booting today, but it seems to
have fixed itself.

Thanks for everyones help.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu 10.10 panels very slow to launch on boot

2010-12-16 Thread Graham Smith

On 16 December 2010 19:26, Chris Wilson  wrote:

> I too am experiencing this, though I had put it down to my machine being a
> development box and thus has had a lot of extra applications installed, and
> generally been tinkered with.
In my case its a fresh (ish) install only a couple of weeks old, with only a
few additional apps installed  (Emacs, Lyx, Virtual Box with Windows, R and
softmaker office)

The same question has  been up all week on the official ubuntu help forums
but hasn't received a response.

Its rather irritating :-(


[ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu 10.10 panels very slow to launch on boot

2010-12-16 Thread Graham Smith
Over the last few days when booting up Maverick, the screen stays blank
(wallpaper only) for several seconds to over a minute before the panels

I assume I have done something (or an update has done something) but can
anyone suggest a fix for this, I keep on expecting the panels to simply not
appear one of these times.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] connecting to secure network in University

2010-12-11 Thread Graham Smith

Are you by any chance trying to connect to an eduroam network? If so, you
> may find the instructions at this Cambridge university website helpful:

Thanks, I'm not trying to log onto eduroam, but these instructions are still


Re: [ubuntu-uk] connecting to secure network in University

2010-12-10 Thread Graham Smith

there's a bug logged for this against Network Manager:
> I believe this is the same issue you're encountering and in fact it's the
> issue that I have with my company's WiFi and certificates. The same
> certificate is used for 802.1X on the wired network and this works, but it
> doesn't work on the WiFi which uses WPA/WPA2 Enterprise.

Thanks, in fact I now realise that I'm still on 10.04, but its an Asus 901,
which is the same netbook mentioned in the bug report, and it seemed to
start on 10.04. Hopefully, it is the same issue and that it might be fixed
with an update.

The workaround is a bit beyond me :-(


[ubuntu-uk] connecting to secure network in University

2010-12-10 Thread Graham Smith

There has been a change in the security at the University I work at, and
where as before I could connect to the wireless network by simply typing in
password and username (which I can still do with my Macbook Pro) connecting
with Ubuntu 10.10 is defeating me. The   netbook is finding
and identifying the wireless network OK.

Selecting the network gives  a pop up dialog and filling in the connection
settings (as best I can) simply allows the connection details box to
disappear and then re-appear a few seconds later.

There are instructions available for Nokia S60 phones and Windows (but none
for Linux).

Taking the settings from the windows instructions, I have the following set
up as a network connection

Wireless tab:

SSID:  the network name
Mode: infrastructure
BSSID: blank
MAC address: left blank
MTU: automatic

Wireless security:
Security: WPA & WPA2 Enterprise
Authentication: Protected EAP (PEAP)
Anonymous identity: left blank
CA Certificate: None  (but windows instructions tell you to search for
certficate and authenticate it, The Mac does this automatically)
PEAP version: automatic
inner authentication: MSCHAPv2
username; my username
password: my password

IPv4 settings:
Automatic DHCP

IPv6 settings:

The instruction for windows says to select WPA2, PEAP, uncheck authenticate
as computer when computer information is available, uncheck fast reconnect,
 configure secure password (EAP-MSCHAPv2) to either domain account or local
account, and to validate server certificate.

I have been telling Ubuntu to ignore the certificate request, which from
what I have read should still work.

I would be very grateful if anyone can suggest what I should be trying to
get connected.

Many thanks,


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Dual Monitor set up NVIDIA Twinview

2010-12-02 Thread Graham Smith

> If you ran it from System | Administration, it should have asked you
> for your password. That's gksudo - the same as sudo but running
> graphically.

Nope, that would have made sense, as I did run it from
System|Administration, I got an error saying it couldn't parse the x -config
file and an option to OK, which I did, then I got a second dialog box
allowing me to save the config, which I did, but with  no request for a


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Dual Monitor set up NVIDIA Twinview

2010-12-02 Thread Graham Smith

and reboot, or is there something else I should be doing.
> Remember that you must be running as root to save from nvidia-settings.
> Personally, I run it from a terminal:
> $ sudo -s
> # nvidia-settings

Thanks, that sounds like a good idea, but in fact it seems to have saved the
settings in spite of complaining about it. It's now booting with both


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Dual Monitor set up NVIDIA Twinview

2010-11-27 Thread Graham Smith
Mmmm, well this bizarre, I have just tried this again, to see if restarting
X helped. However this time when I went into the NVIDIA GUI, the second
monitor was overlapping the main monitor in the monitor set up display.
before it had been offset to the left.

I dragged the monitor over to the left, applied, and its all working now.

But I have been trying, booting and rebooting all morning and this is the
first time this has worked.

A little worying, but I have rebooted and it's still working as it should.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Dual Monitor set up NVIDIA Twinview

2010-11-27 Thread Graham Smith

Reboots are not necessary, use ctr+alt+backspace to restart X.

Thanks, so can I select the primary display and restart X to see if its
working, without committing to saving the x config.

> Saving to the config file is the only way to keep the configuration after a
> reboot though.

Yes, I knew that :-), I was just scared to save and re-boot into something
that might not work.

> When you say the belinia is acting as the primary, does the gnome-panel
> move to that screen as well?

Yes, everything moves over to the Belinia, the Viewsonic only has the purply
background image  on  it.

Thanks again,


[ubuntu-uk] Dual Monitor set up NVIDIA Twinview

2010-11-27 Thread Graham Smith
Following on from my new monitor thread, I ended up with a Viewsonic VG2227WM
22" Monitor. I know this wasn't mentioned in that thread, but for various
reasons that is what I ended up with.  And, as suggested, I also replaced my
Matrox card (new graphics card is an ASUS geforce EN210 Silent)

The Viewsonic is now my primary monitor (working well ) and I am trying to
use a Belinia monitor as a second screen.

Ubuntu (10.10) seems to disable this second screen by default, as it stays
dead on boot up, and  is listed in the NVIDIA settings GUI as "disabled" .

I have enabled the Belinia, it was already set up as sitting on the left of
the Viewsonic, checked TWINVIEW, and ticked the box on the Viewsonic tab
that makes the Viewsonic the  "Primary display for the X-screen) BUT as soon
as I enable the Belinia, the dock jumps across to the Belinia and dialog
boxes open by default on the  Belinia.

There is an option in this NVIDIA set up GUI to save X to configuration
file, which I assume I need to save to make the monitor set up permanent.
 But of course at the moment the second screen is acting as if it was the
primary screen.

Will this sort wrong primary display problem sort itself out if I save the X
configuration and reboot, or is there something else I should be doing.

Many thanks,


Re: [ubuntu-uk] New Monitor

2010-11-01 Thread Graham Smith

We bought two Samsung 2343BW monitors early this year (or late last) for
> our business and have been very pleased with them.
> They are 23" with a resolution of 2048x1152 and cost about £140 IIRC.
> They work great with Ubuntu as that is all we use in the office :-)
> Al
> These seem to have gone up a fair bit as they now seem around £170 (inc
VAT) so maybe your price was without VAT.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] New Monitor

2010-11-01 Thread Graham Smith

> I have to agree with Al here. They do some nice displayport devices,
> Matrox, but you can't go wrong with a simple ATI or a simple NVidia (I
> think the consensus is ATI is preferred, correct me if I am wrong)
> see :
> I have had a series of Matrox cards, (when using Windows and dual monitors)
and always been very pleased with them , but I agree that an ATI or Nvidia
seems a better bet for  Linux.

I suspect that a change will make my life a lot easier.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] New Monitor

2010-11-01 Thread Graham Smith

You've had some nice monitor recommendations, but I wonder if you've
> considered replacing that card?
> The matrox cards have pretty ropey support at best, and that one is a
> "legacy" card.
Mmmm, yes, I almost mentioned this in my first post.

Any specific suggestions?



Re: [ubuntu-uk] New Monitor

2010-11-01 Thread Graham Smith

I’ve had a couple of LCD monitors from here,
>  were OK and functioned with out problems.

Thanks, I have had a look, and there does seem to be some good buys.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] New Monitor

2010-11-01 Thread Graham Smith

Indeed Graham, I wasn't trying to be dismissive, that's the problem with
> writing speed emails on the Blackberry! :)
> yep, good as they are, Blackberries aren't conducive to a long reply.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] New Monitor

2010-11-01 Thread Graham Smith
Neil, seems to be a nice specced monitor for
> cheap!
> Same model as suggested by Kris, so that's a mini concensus.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] New Monitor

2010-11-01 Thread Graham Smith

I would have a look at something like this:
> I have a similar monitor
> (
> )
> and it works perfectly with Linux.

These both look good, and at a price I would be happy to pay.

Thanks for the pointer.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] New Monitor

2010-11-01 Thread Graham Smith

My personal opinion is that its doubtful you'll have problems with a monitor
> in this day and age. Maybe have a look on or similar I was
> looking at a 19inch widescreen for under £100. I've had several flavours of
> LCD monitor hooked up to both Ubuntu and Windows and my only issues have
> been with the video card not the monitor.
I suspect you are right, but nice to hear another opinion.   I also think
any problems I have may well be to do with the Matrox card.

But its still nice to have some reccomendations to help wade through all the

Thanks for the comment.


[ubuntu-uk] New Monitor

2010-11-01 Thread Graham Smith

Anyone got a  best buy suggestion for a new monitor. Its for Ubuntu 10.10
and I have a Matrox P650 card, as yet not fully rebuilt.

I'm probably looking at about 22", and as cheap as possible/reasonable. I
have already laid out too much on PC stuff just recently.

I have become  a bit nervous about buying hardware since going down the
Linux route so something that someone knows will work or from a maker that
has a reputation of monitors that work with Linux would be very useful.

Many thanks,


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Karmic won't boot with digital projector connected

2010-02-16 Thread Graham Smith
Well, the good news is that grandr worked.

Booted up, plugged in the projector, ran the "Multiple Screens"
(grandr) option from the menu and it showed the projector (VGA) as an
option, which I activated.

Thanks for every ones help.

I'm glad it ended up that simple.


On 15 February 2010 13:26, Graham Smith  wrote:
> Bruno,
>> The way I did it last week on a ThinkPad T42 was to plug in the
>> projector to the VGA port, then go to System -> Preferences -> Display.
>> I will show a second monitor called "Unknown" and will enable you to
>> switch it on. It will then advise that it needs to enable something
>> (can't remember what, maybe randr) and will ask you to log out and log
>> in again. Once you log in again, the second monitor is operational, you
>> can set refresh rate, resolution, rotation for it and whether you want
>> it to mirror the laptop monitor. From that point on, it should all work
>> and you should then be able to enable an external monitor or projector
>> in a few clicks whenever you need to.
> Thanks, that sounds promising, and seems to tie in with the grandr
> option. I will try this out tomorrow.
> Graham


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Karmic won't boot with digital projector connected

2010-02-15 Thread Graham Smith

> The way I did it last week on a ThinkPad T42 was to plug in the
> projector to the VGA port, then go to System -> Preferences -> Display.
> I will show a second monitor called "Unknown" and will enable you to
> switch it on. It will then advise that it needs to enable something
> (can't remember what, maybe randr) and will ask you to log out and log
> in again. Once you log in again, the second monitor is operational, you
> can set refresh rate, resolution, rotation for it and whether you want
> it to mirror the laptop monitor. From that point on, it should all work
> and you should then be able to enable an external monitor or projector
> in a few clicks whenever you need to.

Thanks, that sounds promising, and seems to tie in with the grandr
option. I will try this out tomorrow.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Karmic won't boot with digital projector connected

2010-02-15 Thread Graham Smith

> Stepping back a little, what happens if you plug a projector in after the
> laptop has booted and logged in?

I did try that and nothing happens, ie no signal goes to the projector.

However searching for "external monitor" rather than digital projector
on google and Ubuntu forums has shown many people having similar
problems, with many, like my question to the Ubuntu forum, going

Where it was answered many varied and complex solutions were offered,
and it seems there is a bug report for karmic filed with it hopefully
getting fixed in Lucid.

One of the simplest solutions was to install "grandr" which gives a
simple gui interface (Multiple Screens item gets added to System|Admin
menu) to randr, and allows manual activation of the external display.
As always the success of the offered solutions seemed to vary, and  I
haven't had an opportunity to try this out yet.

> I would
> also look at how your laptop handles displays. Most laptops would have a
> switch between LCD and CRT, which is usually an alt function of one of the
> function keys.

Its Fn+F7 on the thinkpad, but that didn't do anything, but you may be
correct about the auto detect because while I remember needing to use
this when I had Windows XP on this thinkpad I can't remember needing
it since replacing Windows with Ubuntu.

Thanks for your help, if my Multiple Screens option works I will let you know.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Karmic won't boot with digital projector connected

2010-02-13 Thread Graham Smith

> One of the things that changed in karmic is display detection, which now
> happens through dbus, and there isn't a fixed xorg.conf any more, just a
> stub in /etc/X11. You will probably need to set up the projector as a device
> in xorg.conf.
> There might be some clues as to what it's doing in dmesg or
> /var/log/Xorg.0.log. My guess is that the laptop might be attempting to
> switch its default display to the projector.

Thanks for the response.

Not that I fully understand this, but does this mean that I will need
to set up my laptop for every lecture theatre I go into and if I give
a talk off site find time to sort out the off site projector before I
start the talk/lecture?

I have looked at dmesg and /var/log/Xorg.O.log, but they have no dates
so does this mean they only apply to the most recent boot up?



[ubuntu-uk] Karmic won't boot with digital projector connected

2010-02-13 Thread Graham Smith
I have posted this on the Ubuntu forums as well, but hoping to
increase my chances of a solution by spreading the net.

My Thinkpad T42 with Karmic freezes just after login, if I have a
digital projector connected.

This is fresh install of Karmic that doesn't work.

It was working fine with an 8.10 to 9.04 to 9.10 upgrades, so I wasn't
anticipating a problem with this fresh install, so slightly
embarrassing in my class today, especially as it came just after
extolling the virtues of Linux !!

I won't be able to check this out now until next week, but can anyone
suggest what I should do. Until now and since 7.10, it has always
"just worked". Same Thinkpad, same projector, so no idea where to




Re: [ubuntu-uk] "tartan" window when launching Gnome-do or system monitor on Karmic upgrade

2009-11-30 Thread Graham Smith
I have made a bit of a discovery.  In the Gnome-Do preferences, it is
defaulted to Docky as the selected theme and greyed out so you cannot
change it.

Changing the appearance|Visual effects option to normal allows
Gnome-Do to work using the Docky Theme, which you can then change back
to the classic theme, because the option is no longer greyed out.

I haven't yet tried switching off the Visual effects, to see whether
Gnome-Do will continue working now that it is back to using the
Classic Theme.


2009/11/30 Liam Proven :
> On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 3:04 AM, James Thomas  wrote:
>> i get the same on a T22.
> And me, on a Thinkpad X31. I've disabled DRI in xorg.conf for better
> performance on my ancient ATI Rage Mobility chipset, but this made no
> difference.
> At least 9.10 doesn't try to enable Compiz, which 9.04 did. It
> murdered performance on this machine.
> --
> Liam Proven • Profile:
> Email: • GMail/GoogleTalk/Orkut:
> Tel: +44 20-8685-0498 • Cell: +44 7939-087884 • Fax: + 44 870-9151419
> AOL/AIM/iChat/Yahoo/Skype: liamproven • LiveJournal/Twitter: lproven
> MSN: • ICQ: 73187508
> --


[ubuntu-uk] "tartan" window when launching Gnome-do or system monitor on Karmic upgrade

2009-11-28 Thread Graham Smith
I have just upgraded from jaunty to Karmic on Thinkpad T42, but
launching Gnome-do from icon or system monitor from system menu gives
me a rectangular box with coloured lines instead of the window I
expect to get. But launching from the applications menu|system tools

Has anyone any suggestions, I use Gnome-do all the time and not having
it is really irritating.

Launching system monitor from terminal gives an error that selinux is
installed but not enabled,

Gnome-do gives the following:

gra...@t42-laptop:~$ gnome-do --debug
WARNING: [Do.Banshee,1.0] Could not load some add-in assemblies: File
'/usr/lib/banshee-1/Banshee.CollectionIndexer.dll' not found.
ERROR: Errors found in add-in '/usr/lib/gnome-do/plugins/Banshee.dll:
ERROR: The file '/usr/lib/banshee-1/Banshee.CollectionIndexer.dll'
referenced in the manifest could not be found.
[Debug 16:05:21.881] [SystemService] Using
org.freedesktop.DeviceKit.Power for battery information
[Info 16:05:21.892] [Services] Successfully located service of type ILogService.
[Info 16:05:21.893] [Services] Successfully located service of type
[Info 16:05:21.895] [Services] Successfully located service of type
[Info 16:05:21.901] [Services] Successfully located service of type
[Debug 16:05:21.908] [InterfaceManager] "Docky" interface was loaded
[Info 16:05:21.909] [Services] Successfully located service of type ILogService.
[Debug 16:05:21.909] [InterfaceManager] "Mini" interface was loaded
[Debug 16:05:21.910] [InterfaceManager] "Classic" interface was loaded
[Debug 16:05:21.911] [InterfaceManager] "Nouveau" interface was loaded
[Debug 16:05:21.912] [InterfaceManager] "Glass" interface was loaded
[Debug 16:05:21.918] [PluginManager] Loaded
"SessionCommandsItemSource" from plugin.
[Debug 16:05:21.919] [PluginManager] Loaded "NotesItemSource" from plugin.
[Info 16:05:21.942] [Services] Successfully located service of type
[Info 16:05:21.942] [Services] Successfully located service of type
[Info 16:05:21.949] [Services] Successfully located service of type
[Info 16:05:21.951] [Services] Successfully located service of type
[Debug 16:05:21.975] [PluginManager] Loaded "WeatherItemSource" from plugin.
[Info 16:05:21.977] [Services] Successfully located service of type
[Debug 16:05:21.983] [PluginManager] Loaded "InternalItemSource" from plugin.
[Debug 16:05:21.984] [PluginManager] Loaded "ItemSourceItemSource" from plugin.
[Debug 16:05:21.986] [PluginManager] Loaded "PlacesItemSource" from plugin.
[Debug 16:05:21.988] [PluginManager] Loaded "ApplicationItemSource" from plugin.
[Debug 16:05:21.988] [PluginManager] Loaded
"GNOMESpecialLocationsItemSource" from plugin.
[Debug 16:05:21.992] [PluginManager] Loaded "ProfileItemSource" from plugin.
[Debug 16:05:21.993] [PluginManager] Loaded "ScreenshotItemSource" from plugin.
[Debug 16:05:22.008] [PluginManager] Loaded "ScreenItemSource" from plugin.

(Do:2922): Wnck-CRITICAL **: wnck_set_client_type got called multiple times.

[Info 16:05:22.069] [Services] Successfully located service of type
[Debug 16:05:22.069] [PluginManager] Loaded "WindowItemSource" from plugin.
[Debug 16:05:22.086] [PluginManager] Loaded "EmailAction" from plugin.
[Debug 16:05:22.086] [PluginManager] Loaded "OpenAction" from plugin.
[Debug 16:05:22.094] [PluginManager] Loaded "OpenUrlAction" from plugin.
[Debug 16:05:22.095] [PluginManager] Loaded "OpenWithAction" from plugin.
[Debug 16:05:22.095] [PluginManager] Loaded "RevealAction" from plugin.
[Debug 16:05:22.095] [PluginManager] Loaded "RunAction" from plugin.
[Debug 16:05:22.096] [PluginManager] Loaded "OpenSearchAction" from plugin.
[Debug 16:05:22.097] [PluginManager] Loaded "PastebinAction" from plugin.
[Debug 16:05:22.097] [PluginManager] Loaded "NewNoteAction" from plugin.
[Debug 16:05:22.097] [PluginManager] Loaded "SearchNotesAction" from plugin.
[Debug 16:05:22.099] [PluginManager] Loaded "DefineAction" from plugin.
[Debug 16:05:22.099] [PluginManager] Loaded "CopyToClipboardAction" from plugin.
[Debug 16:05:22.100] [PluginManager] Loaded "MakeUrlTinyAction" from plugin.
[Debug 16:05:22.100] [PluginManager] Loaded "RunInTerminalAction" from plugin.
[Debug 16:05:22.100] [PluginManager] Loaded "OpenTerminalHereAction"
from plugin.
[Debug 16:05:22.101] [PluginManager] Loaded "GoogleCalculatorAction"
from plugin.
[Debug 16:05:22.101] [PluginManager] Loaded "TakeScreenshotAction" from plugin.
[Debug 16:05:22.102] [PluginManager] Loaded "WindowMinimizeAction" from plugin.
[Debug 16:05:22.102] [PluginManager] Loaded "WindowMaximizeAction" from plugin.
[Debug 16:05:22.102] [PluginManager] Loaded "WindowCloseAction" from plugin.
[Debug 16:05:22.116] [PluginManager] Loaded "WindowFocusAction" from plugin.
[Debug 16:05:22.116] [PluginManager] Loaded "WindowMoveAction" from plugin.
[Debug 16:05:22.117] [Plugi

Re: [ubuntu-uk] laptops and broadband dongles

2009-09-03 Thread Graham Smith

> I’m looking for some information. My father in law is looking to buy a
> laptop and broadband dongle. We’ve (sort of) found a laptop that we’re going
> to put Jaunty onto but I’d like to know if there are any ISP’s we should
> look at and also any we should avoid?

I found that the 3-mobile  dongle works fine on my Asus eeepc 901 with
mint gloria (aka Jaunty) on it.  3-mobile  give 1gb a month at £10.
(or if you are an existing customer, its £5 a month)

 Mint automatically  found the dongle and identified the network.

However, if you look at the coverage maps, and I hadn't realised this,
you will see the coverage for mobile broadband is very different to
the mobile phone coverage. I had stupidly assumed that of I could get
a mobile phone signal I would get a broadband signal.

For example I pick up no broadband signal in my office or house(6 and
20 miles south of Bath), which now that I have checked is indicated on
the map as not being covered.  Indeed now looking at the map, there
are massive gaps in coverage, and its not just 3-mobile who have these
gaps, so I would check this, as there are lots of unexpected gaps.  On
the outskirts of Newport in South Wales, I picked up a signal fine
with the 3 dongle, but an 02 dongle couldn't find any signal.

In practice, in the 18 months of owning the dongle, I have only picked
up a signal three or four times. This has been across SW England,
South Wales, Central Scotland and North West Scotland.  In most of
these cases I could pick up a good mobile phone signal, but nothing at
all on broadband.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Home partitions do I need one?

2009-06-15 Thread Graham Smith

> But if you have a separate home partition which is quite large, that is
> better, I think, especially as it leaves the root partition for system
> files.

based on what was said here I ended up with 20Gb for Root and 90Gb for
\home out of my 120gb HD.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Home partitions do I need one?

2009-06-14 Thread Graham Smith

> I don't bother any more, but then most of my data is stored on a NAS.
> When reinstalling Ubuntu there is an option for keeping your home directory.

Ah well, done it now, but I suspect it was the ability to keep the
home directory was what I had heard and made me think it wasn't
required anymore.




Re: [ubuntu-uk] Home partitions do I need one?

2009-06-14 Thread Graham Smith

>> Or even NTFS I assume to make it easy for a dual boot Windows
> Well I wouldn't personally format my home partition to NTFS.  I can
> however access my Windows partition with the NTFS3g driver which is
> handy for those occasions when I need to access something off it

Yes i fact this is what I was doing until everything fell about my
ears and Ubuntu and Windows stopped working properly (for unrelated

> What I would love (not sure if something is available) is a addon for
> Firefox so I can save my bookmarks to a central server

I have been using Foxmark now Xmarks  to do this between two Linux
boxes, one Mac and three Windows boxes. But using the Xmarks server
rather than my own. Been using  it for what seems like years and it
seems to work fine.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Home partitions do I need one?

2009-06-14 Thread Graham Smith

> In theory unless something goes completely wrong you should be able to
> upgrade online as each new release is made available but I'd say a
> separate home partition is a good thing.

Yes, I like the principle

 > Having a separate home partition also means
> that you could format your root partition as ext4 for extra performance
> and keep your home partition as ext3 if you wished.

Or even NTFS I assume to make it easy for a dual boot Windows

> I generally allocate about 20 to 40GB for root depending on the size of
> the drive.  On my desktop I used to use 40GB (it was a 750GB drive) and
> on my laptop with a 250GB drive I tend to allocate 20GB for root (mainly
> because I also have Vista installed on it which I give about 60GB) but
> really I think 15GB would probably be plenty.

Thanks, useful to know.

> As far as the swap partition goes (you'd have to create this manually
> too if you do a manual partitioning), if you want to use Hibernate then
> you'd need to allocate a partition at least (if not slightly larger to
> be safe) to match the size of your system memory.  So for instance if
> you have 2GB on your PC, allocate at least 2GB swap (or maybe something
> like 2.2GB).  I found when I got to 4GB though that it was easier just
> to shut the machine down and boot it up as it was quicker than
> hibernate.  Now on my laptop with 4GB memory I have about a 600MB swap
> partition.

Thanks again, these sorts of decsions are always difficult to meake
without some experience.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Home partitions do I need one?

2009-06-13 Thread Graham Smith

Thanks for the reply,

> For future reference, the best time for setting up a /home partition is
> *during* a fresh install.  Just use the 'manual' option during the
> partitioning process, early on in the install sequence, to set up, for
> example, /root, swap, /home  (or whatever arrangement you're going to
> use - has a discussion of options for partitioning)

I'm  afraid all I was thinking about was whether the fresh install
would fix my network problem,I knew the live CD worked but was waiting
for the full install to still not work - but it did work.

I could start from scratch and install again I suppose, maybe that
would be good practice for future installs

I have had a read though the other links, and googled a few more. I
see that Ubuntu susgest 15gb as the maximum size for the root, which
would leave me about 100gb for /home, which was one the things I
wondered about; how to split up the disc.



[ubuntu-uk] Home partitions do I need one?

2009-06-13 Thread Graham Smith
Is it still considered good practice to have a home partition, I have
seen it mentioned in the forums that its no longer required. But it
still seems to make sense to me.

I have just had a fresh install using 09.04 (as no one seemed able to
help me fix my network problem on 8.1, so a fresh install was my last
resort) so this would seem a good time to set up a separate home

Is this a good tutorial to follow?  or can anyone suggest a
 better one.

Many thanks,



[ubuntu-uk] Lost networking during 8.04 to 8.1 upgrade

2009-05-20 Thread Graham Smith
I have posted this on the Ubuntu support forums, but to see if I speed
up getting help, I have also posted it here.  This is a Thikpad T42,
and was working fine before the upgrade and although I allowed
Synaptic to manage the upgrade, I have, since it broke, booted from an
8.1 live CD and the networking is fine with the live CD.

When rebooting the network manager icon spins for a while and then
tells me the network is disconnected and that I am now offline. I have
tried rebooting a couple of times after the upgrade but this doesn't

Same problem occurs whether I try to connect to the wireless or wired networks.

This is only an interim upgrade on my way to jaunty, but I assume I
need to get 8.1 working properly before upgrading. In any case I,
ideally need, to get my network back up and runnning to download

Below are the print outs from lshw -C network and ifconfig and
/etc/network/interfaces only has this in it:

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

any suggestion gratefully recieved.


gra...@t42-linux:~$ lshw -c network
WARNING: you should run this program as super-user.
description: Ethernet interface
product: 82540EP Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Mobile)
vendor: Intel Corporation
physical id: 1
bus info: p...@:02:01.0
logical name: eth0
version: 03
serial: 00:0d:60:fd:6b:7b
width: 32 bits
clock: 66MHz
capabilities: bus_master cap_list ethernet physical
configuration: broadcast=yes driver=e1000 driverversion=7.3.21-k3-NAPI
firmware=N/A latency=64 mingnt=255 module=e1000 multicast=yes
description: Wireless interface
product: PRO/Wireless 2200BG [Calexico2] Network Connection
vendor: Intel Corporation
physical id: 2
bus info: p...@:02:02.0
logical name: eth1
version: 05
serial: 00:0e:35:58:5f:63
width: 32 bits
clock: 33MHz
capabilities: bus_master cap_list ethernet physical wireless
configuration: broadcast=yes driver=ipw2200 driverversion=1.2.2kmprq
firmware=ABG: (Mar 22 2005) latency=64 maxlatency=24 mingnt=3
module=ipw2200 multicast=yes wireless=unassociated
*-network DISABLED
description: Ethernet interface
physical id: 1
logical name: pan0
serial: ca:28:2a:70:43:8d
capabilities: ethernet physical
configuration: broadcast=yes driver=bridge driverversion=2.3
firmware=N/A multicast=yes

gra...@t42-linux:~$ ifconfig
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0d:60:fd:6b:7b
RX packets:333 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:2 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
RX bytes:24988 (24.9 KB) TX bytes:684 (684.0 B)

eth1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0e:35:58:5f:63
RX packets:1 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:1 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:2634 (2.6 KB) TX bytes:1680 (1.6 KB)
Interrupt:11 Base address:0x2000 Memory:c0214000-c0214fff

lo Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr: Mask:
RX packets:38 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:38 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:2744 (2.7 KB) TX bytes:2744 (2.7 KB)


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Getting Evince to print A4

2008-10-22 Thread Graham Smith

> Graham >>> The other day, I noticed that in the printer configuration
> app (System / Administration / Printing) there's a Job Options tab for
> each printer you have installed;  this has a 'Scale to fit' tick box.  I
> guess you should set the media size in the Printer Options tab (A4 in
> your case).

That fixed it :-)

Everything else was already set up for A4, and indeed opening the same
file in Xpdf printed fine, but now with the print to scale box ticked
Evince is also printing properly now

Many thanks,



[ubuntu-uk] Getting Evince to print A4

2008-10-22 Thread Graham Smith
I am having problems getting Evince to print a US letter size PDF as
A4, its cutting off one edge. The printer is set up for A4 but the
properties (in Evince) say US letter size for the document

After a search in google I have added this line to .profile

export LC_PAPER="en_GB.UTF-8"

This hasn't made any difference, anyone any idea what I might have done wrong.




Re: [ubuntu-uk] Windows 7

2008-10-22 Thread Graham Smith
> In return I sent him a CD with Ubuntu 8.04.1 and he has agreed to try
> it. However, is Windows 7 a joke or what?

I like the  Mac based based high security version and the  EU version
designed to not do anything :-)



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Skype video on Ubuntu 8.04

2008-09-28 Thread Graham Smith

> Hi Graham, this may or may not be of any use, but I had to fiddle my
> webcam in skype using gstfakevideo.  I wrote a small howto which you
> can find here:
> It might be worth something, but YMMV

Thanks, strangely everything worked perfectly with 7, it was only
after the upgrade to 8 that I started to have the problems.  At the
moment I think I will pursue the xv issue, but may well come back to



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Skype video on Ubuntu 8.04

2008-09-28 Thread Graham Smith
> yes you should be able to change it back again easily, all you are doing
> is changing the video output, affecting video playback. you can check if
> your device has xv by running
> xvinfo | grep ports

Thanks again, this command give no return at all.

I now realise the vdeo options I listed are not for the device but for
the plugins, the device options are greyed out , but reads

Can I assume that I don't have any xv ports and this is the problem.
Is the obvious starting point to load the Matrox drivers, which I
haven't done as except for the Skype issue, everything seems to be
working fine.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Skype video on Ubuntu 8.04

2008-09-27 Thread Graham Smith

>> Autodetect
>> X Windows system (No xv)
>> X Windows System (x11/xshm/xv)
>> Custom
>> Should I be choosing the 3rd one or is X Windows something else
> X Window, X11, xorg, they all mean the same thing. It's the underlying
> system that draws windows and responds to mouse and keyboard on Linux
> desktops.
> I'd try the 3rd option (just a guess, since I've never used Skype, nor
> re-configured gstreamer).

I assume there is no chance of me mucking up my video, so I can't get
back to change it back again, if its wrong?



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Skype video on Ubuntu 8.04

2008-09-26 Thread Graham Smith
When I launch gstreamer I have the following options

X Windows system (No xv)
X Windows System (x11/xshm/xv)

Should I be choosing the 3rd one or is X Windows something else

I also get a list of unloaded plugins



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Skype video on Ubuntu 8.04

2008-09-26 Thread Graham Smith
> I had problems with skype video where I could only see the recipents
> video and not my own in skype, after some investigation, I found out
> that skype needs xv output to be enabled, do you have the right driver
> for your video card? try changing the video output in
> gstreamer-properties to xv. At the time the ati drivers only provided 1
> xv port and that is why I could only see one video, in your case it
> seems that you have none, this is just my guess :)

Ah, I wonder. Its a matrox PCI 650, which until recently Ubuntu didn't
support it at all.  I shall need to investigate, enabling xv output.

I seem to remember there was some apparently complicated method of
updating the Matrox drivers, maybe this is the solution.




Re: [ubuntu-uk] Skype video on Ubuntu 8.04

2008-09-26 Thread Graham Smith

Thanks for the response

>> When I test the video in skype, Skype shuts down. If I leave it
>> enabled, as soon as the recipient of a call picks up. Skype
>> disconnects (but you do see the video stream briefly)
>>  Initially, this was a problem with a Logitech 5000, and I bought a
>> Logitech 9000 as a recommended replacement, because it worked out of
>> the box, but didn't.
>> Both cameras work fine with Ekiga, Cheese etc, and Skype video worked
>> fine (with the logitech 5000) on Ubuntu 7.
>> I am running the latest version of Skype and I have tried the three
>> different Medibuntu skype options.

> If you run skype from a terminal does it give any kind of error or
> output when it shuts down?

Running from terminal and testing the video gives this:

Starting the process...
Skype Xv: Xv ports available: 0
Skype XShm: XShm support enabled



[ubuntu-uk] Skype video on Ubuntu 8.04

2008-09-25 Thread Graham Smith
I have asked this on the ubuntu forums, but with no success and my
question and similar on the Skype-Linux forums are going unanswered,
but just in case, I will ask again here.

When I test the video in skype, Skype shuts down. If I leave it
enabled, as soon as the recipient of a call picks up. Skype
disconnects (but you do see the video stream briefly)

 Initially, this was a problem with a Logitech 5000, and I bought a
Logitech 9000 as a recommended replacement, because it worked out of
the box, but didn't.

Both cameras work fine with Ekiga, Cheese etc, and Skype video worked
fine (with the logitech 5000) on Ubuntu 7.

I am running the latest version of Skype and I have tried the three
different Medibuntu skype options.

Can anyone here suggest any solutions.

Many thanks,

