Re: [ubuntu-uk] Anybody seen this, thought it might be shown, as nobody has mentioned it on here yet.....

2013-08-22 Thread Kris Douglas
On 21 August 2013 22:30, scoundrel50a wrote:
 On 21/08/2013 10:17, Alan Pope wrote:

 On 21 August 2013 10:13, scoundrel50a wrote:

 Hi, I really dont understand the attitude of attack when somebody posts
 something like this. Not everybody is competant in using Ubuntu, and not
 everybody understands the risks involved especially considering for years
 its been pushed as a safe OS. All i have done is post this to the group, I
 dont appreciate this attitude. It doesnt give Ubuntu a good light when
 people see this.

 Nobody is attacking anyone. Get a grip.

 Just to be clear, when I said you, this is what I meant, I dont appreciate
 being told to get a grip..especially when I wasnt the one to shoot
 anybody down..

Good morning,

Respectfully, I would prefer my inbox not be full of this dross every
time I turn my computer on in the morning. If people are going to keep
sprouting cr*p he said this, I'm being bullied I don't want to be on
this list any more.

Quite frankly this list is here to talk about GNU/Linux and more
specifically Ubuntu. Having petty, poorly spelt arguments about being
called this, that and the other only serves to make everyone party to
the discussion look like a complete moron.

The point that was raised was valid, however there have always been
attacks around capable of hosing a Linux system, for as long as I can
remember. All of these hacks required some form of mistake on the part
of the user, much the same as Windows. A good analogy is giving
someone a top of the range safe, but the recipient, not being trained
to lock it, accidentally leaves it open, or does something to
compromise the security. It's not the fault of the safe, merely that
the user didn't know how to secure it.

Around all of the rubbish that people have been sprouting on here,
there is some logic. Using unofficial repositories is always a good
way of increasing the risk factor of a break in, but by all means this
doesn't mean don't use them at all if they are reputable. Another
popular one is not running any scripts or Java executables from
websites which aren't necessarily trustworthy. That's opening the door
for someone to slip a nice rootkit in to your machine and start
causing havoc. The chances of this actually happening, unless you are
really gullible are quite low anyway, but perhaps it's worth going and
reading some articles/books on improving your skills at preventing and
detecting infections if you feel unskilled.

In summary, (to everyone) kindly use your brains before spraying your
verbal diarrhoea into a public conversation and speak to someone as
you would like to be spoken to yourself.

Kris Douglas MBCS


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Anybody seen this, thought it might be shown, as nobody has mentioned it on here yet.....

2013-08-22 Thread Colin Law
On 21 August 2013 22:12, scoundrel50a wrote:
 I'm sorry but if you think that Peter Maddison's reply to me was acceptable
 then I dont see the point in saying anything, and you shot me down yourself.
 Which is why I answered the way I did.

The only post I can see from Peter Maddison was a reply to Pete
Smout's post not yours, and anyway it was the content of the link he
was commenting on not anyone's post here.  Note also that I commented
on his post, pointing out that it did not make sense, but it was still
not an attack on you.  I don't see where I shot you down.

 I dont see any posts on here that warn people that Linux isnt completely
 safe and whenever its bought up, people are treated like they are idiots and
 its always those people that are knowledgeable about Linux.the rest of
 us are treated like I have been now.

I agree entirely that it is possible to get Malware on a Linux PC, so
one should always be careful where one is installing software from.
As I said before I don't see where you have been treated like an
idiot, and if you got the impression that I was treating you like an
idiot then I apologise sincerely.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Anybody seen this, thought it might be shown, as nobody has mentioned it on here yet.....

2013-08-22 Thread Paul Sutton
On 21/08/13 22:12, scoundrel50a wrote:
 On 21/08/2013 17:07, Colin Law wrote:
 On 21 August 2013 16:57, Gareth France wrote:
 On 21/08/13 10:13, scoundrel50a wrote:

 Hi, I really dont understand the attitude of attack when somebody posts
 something like this. Not everybody is competant in using Ubuntu, and
 everybody understands the risks involved especially considering for
 its been pushed as a safe OS. All i have done is post this to the
 group, I
 dont appreciate this attitude. It doesnt give Ubuntu a good light when
 people see this.

 On the whole I have stopped posting to this group since there are a
 of people who are obviously on pedestals above us lowly minions. Not
 so long
 back after starting a thread I was shot down in an unforgivably
 harsh manner
 by people who made assumptions about me based on absolutely no
 evidence and
 proceeded to trample all over my opinion and my self esteem.

 I have said it before and I'll say it again, not everyone is an
 expert, not
 everyone understands things that are obvious to you. Be careful how you
 respond as we are supposed to be wanting to encourage mass adoption
 and as
 many new users as possible. Insulting them, depressing them, making
 feel small, they will only leave.
 I don't think we know what it was that scoundrel50a was taking
 exception to as the post he complained about was not about anything he
 said.  Scoundrel50a can you clarify exactly what it was that worried


 I'm sorry but if you think that Peter Maddison's reply to me was
 acceptable then I dont see the point in saying anything, and you shot
 me down yourself. Which is why I answered the way I did.

 I dont see any posts on here that warn people that Linux isnt
 completely safe and whenever its bought up, people are treated like
 they are idiots and its always those people that are knowledgeable
 about Linux.the rest of us are treated like I have been now.

 An its not just this thread its thread after thread that people are
 shouted down in, by the same people every time.

If there is a threat out there,  no matter small people should be a)
aware of it, and b) advised on how to avoid problems,  if everyone does
small things to protect their own systems, then surely the wider
community benefits,

Look at how many bot nets are out there,  there seems to be several
million compromised Windows computers out there all chugging away and
awaiting some instruction to do something nasty, 

some of the suggestions offered are easy to implement others not so
unless you understand what it is asking you to do


Do not install unsigned packages
# Do not add unofficial repositories without investigating said repository
# Keep your system up to date at all times
# Keep all browser plugins up to date
# If your distribution has SELinux, use it
# Do not let others install software on your machines
# Use solid passwords
# If asked to enter root user (or sudo) password, always know why

Maybe what is needed here are links to sites that advise on all the
above issues,  the reference to SELinux could have a link to the SELinux
website and an explanation of what this is, why its important. useful
and what I should use it,  it says don't install things you don't
understand,  well you have asked me to install SELinux which i sort of
understand does this mean I should or should not install it,  (look at
that from a complete new user viewpoint)

Sometimes when advice sounds like the obvious to an expert it really
does baffle the novice,  lets take a step back and address each of the
above and perhaps help people (esp new users) to make their systems more
secure through education and advice.

I am happy to host information on the dcglug website blog if people can
help me explain each of the above points please, this information will
then be in one place and can act to help others both expert and novice
help others.
Hope this helps

In fact such information could or would quite possibly be something to
include in the ubuntu-manual project and lubuntu documentation, 




Software freedom day event - 21st September 2013  -

I am committed to safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable groups and 
expect any school or establishment I am involved with to share this commitment. 


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Anybody seen this, thought it might be shown, as nobody has mentioned it on here yet.....

2013-08-22 Thread pete smout
On 22/08/13 11:41, Paul Sutton wrote:
 On 21/08/13 22:12, scoundrel50a wrote:
 On 21/08/2013 17:07, Colin Law wrote:
 On 21 August 2013 16:57, Gareth France wrote:
 On 21/08/13 10:13, scoundrel50a wrote:

 Hi, I really dont understand the attitude of attack when somebody posts
 something like this. Not everybody is competant in using Ubuntu, and
 everybody understands the risks involved especially considering for
 its been pushed as a safe OS. All i have done is post this to the
 group, I
 dont appreciate this attitude. It doesnt give Ubuntu a good light when
 people see this.

 On the whole I have stopped posting to this group since there are a
 of people who are obviously on pedestals above us lowly minions. Not
 so long
 back after starting a thread I was shot down in an unforgivably
 harsh manner
 by people who made assumptions about me based on absolutely no
 evidence and
 proceeded to trample all over my opinion and my self esteem.

 I have said it before and I'll say it again, not everyone is an
 expert, not
 everyone understands things that are obvious to you. Be careful how you
 respond as we are supposed to be wanting to encourage mass adoption
 and as
 many new users as possible. Insulting them, depressing them, making
 feel small, they will only leave.
 I don't think we know what it was that scoundrel50a was taking
 exception to as the post he complained about was not about anything he
 said.  Scoundrel50a can you clarify exactly what it was that worried


 I'm sorry but if you think that Peter Maddison's reply to me was
 acceptable then I dont see the point in saying anything, and you shot
 me down yourself. Which is why I answered the way I did.

 I dont see any posts on here that warn people that Linux isnt
 completely safe and whenever its bought up, people are treated like
 they are idiots and its always those people that are knowledgeable
 about Linux.the rest of us are treated like I have been now.

 An its not just this thread its thread after thread that people are
 shouted down in, by the same people every time.

 If there is a threat out there,  no matter small people should be a)
 aware of it, and b) advised on how to avoid problems,  if everyone does
 small things to protect their own systems, then surely the wider
 community benefits,
 Look at how many bot nets are out there,  there seems to be several
 million compromised Windows computers out there all chugging away and
 awaiting some instruction to do something nasty, 
 some of the suggestions offered are easy to implement others not so
 unless you understand what it is asking you to do
 Do not install unsigned packages
 # Do not add unofficial repositories without investigating said repository
 # Keep your system up to date at all times
 # Keep all browser plugins up to date
 # If your distribution has SELinux, use it
 # Do not let others install software on your machines
 # Use solid passwords
 # If asked to enter root user (or sudo) password, always know why
 Maybe what is needed here are links to sites that advise on all the
 above issues,  the reference to SELinux could have a link to the SELinux
 website and an explanation of what this is, why its important. useful
 and what I should use it,  it says don't install things you don't
 understand,  well you have asked me to install SELinux which i sort of
 understand does this mean I should or should not install it,  (look at
 that from a complete new user viewpoint)
 Sometimes when advice sounds like the obvious to an expert it really
 does baffle the novice,  lets take a step back and address each of the
 above and perhaps help people (esp new users) to make their systems more
 secure through education and advice.
 I am happy to host information on the dcglug website blog if people can
 help me explain each of the above points please, this information will
 then be in one place and can act to help others both expert and novice
 help others.
 Hope this helps
 In fact such information could or would quite possibly be something to
 include in the ubuntu-manual project and lubuntu documentation, 
Although I have heard of SELinux I have never used it, I believe (not
certain) that it comes as default on modern *buntu systems?!
Does it need setting up, if so a link to a how to would be good!
What are the benefits if using / installing it over not having it?
What are the pitfalls of using it (for example I use the mozilla ppa as
the firefox version in the Ubunutu repos is too out of date for certain
webpages, let alone from a security point of view, will it allow me to
continue using it?)

I think some more research on my part is needed as in my everyday world
SEL means Shelf Edge Label so the name leads to confusion ;)

Good Job I'm not working today and I have the time to research, if
anyone has some good links on the subject I (if not anyone else) would
be interested 

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Anybody seen this, thought it might be shown, as nobody has mentioned it on here yet.....

2013-08-22 Thread pete smout
On 22/08/13 11:59, pete smout wrote:
 On 22/08/13 11:41, Paul Sutton wrote:
 On 21/08/13 22:12, scoundrel50a wrote:
 On 21/08/2013 17:07, Colin Law wrote:
 On 21 August 2013 16:57, Gareth France wrote:
 On 21/08/13 10:13, scoundrel50a wrote:

 Hi, I really dont understand the attitude of attack when somebody posts
 something like this. Not everybody is competant in using Ubuntu, and
 everybody understands the risks involved especially considering for
 its been pushed as a safe OS. All i have done is post this to the
 group, I
 dont appreciate this attitude. It doesnt give Ubuntu a good light when
 people see this.

 On the whole I have stopped posting to this group since there are a
 of people who are obviously on pedestals above us lowly minions. Not
 so long
 back after starting a thread I was shot down in an unforgivably
 harsh manner
 by people who made assumptions about me based on absolutely no
 evidence and
 proceeded to trample all over my opinion and my self esteem.

 I have said it before and I'll say it again, not everyone is an
 expert, not
 everyone understands things that are obvious to you. Be careful how you
 respond as we are supposed to be wanting to encourage mass adoption
 and as
 many new users as possible. Insulting them, depressing them, making
 feel small, they will only leave.
 I don't think we know what it was that scoundrel50a was taking
 exception to as the post he complained about was not about anything he
 said.  Scoundrel50a can you clarify exactly what it was that worried


 I'm sorry but if you think that Peter Maddison's reply to me was
 acceptable then I dont see the point in saying anything, and you shot
 me down yourself. Which is why I answered the way I did.

 I dont see any posts on here that warn people that Linux isnt
 completely safe and whenever its bought up, people are treated like
 they are idiots and its always those people that are knowledgeable
 about Linux.the rest of us are treated like I have been now.

 An its not just this thread its thread after thread that people are
 shouted down in, by the same people every time.

 If there is a threat out there,  no matter small people should be a)
 aware of it, and b) advised on how to avoid problems,  if everyone does
 small things to protect their own systems, then surely the wider
 community benefits,

 Look at how many bot nets are out there,  there seems to be several
 million compromised Windows computers out there all chugging away and
 awaiting some instruction to do something nasty, 

 some of the suggestions offered are easy to implement others not so
 unless you understand what it is asking you to do


 Do not install unsigned packages
 # Do not add unofficial repositories without investigating said repository
 # Keep your system up to date at all times
 # Keep all browser plugins up to date
 # If your distribution has SELinux, use it
 # Do not let others install software on your machines
 # Use solid passwords
 # If asked to enter root user (or sudo) password, always know why

 Maybe what is needed here are links to sites that advise on all the
 above issues,  the reference to SELinux could have a link to the SELinux
 website and an explanation of what this is, why its important. useful
 and what I should use it,  it says don't install things you don't
 understand,  well you have asked me to install SELinux which i sort of
 understand does this mean I should or should not install it,  (look at
 that from a complete new user viewpoint)

 Sometimes when advice sounds like the obvious to an expert it really
 does baffle the novice,  lets take a step back and address each of the
 above and perhaps help people (esp new users) to make their systems more
 secure through education and advice.

 I am happy to host information on the dcglug website blog if people can
 help me explain each of the above points please, this information will
 then be in one place and can act to help others both expert and novice
 help others.
 Hope this helps

 In fact such information could or would quite possibly be something to
 include in the ubuntu-manual project and lubuntu documentation, 


 Although I have heard of SELinux I have never used it, I believe (not
 certain) that it comes as default on modern *buntu systems?!
 Does it need setting up, if so a link to a how to would be good!
 What are the benefits if using / installing it over not having it?
 What are the pitfalls of using it (for example I use the mozilla ppa as
 the firefox version in the Ubunutu repos is too out of date for certain
 webpages, let alone from a security point of view, will it allow me to
 continue using it?)
 I think some more research on my part is needed as in my everyday world
 SEL means Shelf Edge Label so the name leads to confusion ;)
 Good Job I'm not working today and I have the time to research, if
 anyone has some good links on the subject I 

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Anybody seen this, thought it might be shown, as nobody has mentioned it on here yet.....

2013-08-22 Thread J Fernyhough
On 22 August 2013 12:21, pete smout wrote:
 Right a quick google of 'SELinux ubuntu 13.04' a link top of page to an
 Amazon page trying to sell me a Ubunutu DVD for £6.49 (even I am not
 that stupid) the SELinux wiki page is helpful if long-winded, and I have
 found a folder /selinux which is completely empty on my system? does
 that mean it is there?
 Or is it there and never been configured for use?
 And on a single user system (as opposed to a server) do I need it at all?

 I apologize in advance if I (1) should start a new thread (will happily
 do so), or (2) am asking stupid questions, but this thread has got me

 Pete Smout

Ubuntu uses AppArmor rather than SELInux (which is used by e.g.
Fedora, CentOS and SUSE). This is probably why you haven't found a lot
about it wrt Ubuntu!



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Anybody seen this, thought it might be shown, as nobody has mentioned it on here yet.....

2013-08-22 Thread Kris Douglas
On 22 August 2013 12:21, pete smout wrote:
 On 22/08/13 11:59, pete smout wrote:
 On 22/08/13 11:41, Paul Sutton wrote:
 On 21/08/13 22:12, scoundrel50a wrote:
 On 21/08/2013 17:07, Colin Law wrote:
 On 21 August 2013 16:57, Gareth France wrote:
 On 21/08/13 10:13, scoundrel50a wrote:

 Hi, I really dont understand the attitude of attack when somebody posts
 something like this. Not everybody is competant in using Ubuntu, and
 everybody understands the risks involved especially considering for
 its been pushed as a safe OS. All i have done is post this to the
 group, I
 dont appreciate this attitude. It doesnt give Ubuntu a good light when
 people see this.

 On the whole I have stopped posting to this group since there are a
 of people who are obviously on pedestals above us lowly minions. Not
 so long
 back after starting a thread I was shot down in an unforgivably
 harsh manner
 by people who made assumptions about me based on absolutely no
 evidence and
 proceeded to trample all over my opinion and my self esteem.

 I have said it before and I'll say it again, not everyone is an
 expert, not
 everyone understands things that are obvious to you. Be careful how you
 respond as we are supposed to be wanting to encourage mass adoption
 and as
 many new users as possible. Insulting them, depressing them, making
 feel small, they will only leave.
 I don't think we know what it was that scoundrel50a was taking
 exception to as the post he complained about was not about anything he
 said.  Scoundrel50a can you clarify exactly what it was that worried


 I'm sorry but if you think that Peter Maddison's reply to me was
 acceptable then I dont see the point in saying anything, and you shot
 me down yourself. Which is why I answered the way I did.

 I dont see any posts on here that warn people that Linux isnt
 completely safe and whenever its bought up, people are treated like
 they are idiots and its always those people that are knowledgeable
 about Linux.the rest of us are treated like I have been now.

 An its not just this thread its thread after thread that people are
 shouted down in, by the same people every time.

 If there is a threat out there,  no matter small people should be a)
 aware of it, and b) advised on how to avoid problems,  if everyone does
 small things to protect their own systems, then surely the wider
 community benefits,

 Look at how many bot nets are out there,  there seems to be several
 million compromised Windows computers out there all chugging away and
 awaiting some instruction to do something nasty,

 some of the suggestions offered are easy to implement others not so
 unless you understand what it is asking you to do


 Do not install unsigned packages
 # Do not add unofficial repositories without investigating said repository
 # Keep your system up to date at all times
 # Keep all browser plugins up to date
 # If your distribution has SELinux, use it
 # Do not let others install software on your machines
 # Use solid passwords
 # If asked to enter root user (or sudo) password, always know why

 Maybe what is needed here are links to sites that advise on all the
 above issues,  the reference to SELinux could have a link to the SELinux
 website and an explanation of what this is, why its important. useful
 and what I should use it,  it says don't install things you don't
 understand,  well you have asked me to install SELinux which i sort of
 understand does this mean I should or should not install it,  (look at
 that from a complete new user viewpoint)

 Sometimes when advice sounds like the obvious to an expert it really
 does baffle the novice,  lets take a step back and address each of the
 above and perhaps help people (esp new users) to make their systems more
 secure through education and advice.

 I am happy to host information on the dcglug website blog if people can
 help me explain each of the above points please, this information will
 then be in one place and can act to help others both expert and novice
 help others.
 Hope this helps

 In fact such information could or would quite possibly be something to
 include in the ubuntu-manual project and lubuntu documentation,


 Although I have heard of SELinux I have never used it, I believe (not
 certain) that it comes as default on modern *buntu systems?!
 Does it need setting up, if so a link to a how to would be good!
 What are the benefits if using / installing it over not having it?
 What are the pitfalls of using it (for example I use the mozilla ppa as
 the firefox version in the Ubunutu repos is too out of date for certain
 webpages, let alone from a security point of view, will it allow me to
 continue using it?)

 I think some more research on my part is needed as in my everyday world
 SEL means Shelf Edge Label so the name leads to confusion ;)

 Good Job I'm not working today and I have the time to 

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Anybody seen this, thought it might be shown, as nobody has mentioned it on here yet.....

2013-08-22 Thread pete smout
On 22/08/13 12:33, Kris Douglas wrote:
 On 22 August 2013 12:21, pete smout wrote:
 On 22/08/13 11:59, pete smout wrote:
 On 22/08/13 11:41, Paul Sutton wrote:
 On 21/08/13 22:12, scoundrel50a wrote:
 On 21/08/2013 17:07, Colin Law wrote:
 On 21 August 2013 16:57, Gareth France wrote:
 On 21/08/13 10:13, scoundrel50a wrote:

 Hi, I really dont understand the attitude of attack when somebody posts
 something like this. Not everybody is competant in using Ubuntu, and
 everybody understands the risks involved especially considering for
 its been pushed as a safe OS. All i have done is post this to the
 group, I
 dont appreciate this attitude. It doesnt give Ubuntu a good light when
 people see this.

 On the whole I have stopped posting to this group since there are a
 of people who are obviously on pedestals above us lowly minions. Not
 so long
 back after starting a thread I was shot down in an unforgivably
 harsh manner
 by people who made assumptions about me based on absolutely no
 evidence and
 proceeded to trample all over my opinion and my self esteem.

 I have said it before and I'll say it again, not everyone is an
 expert, not
 everyone understands things that are obvious to you. Be careful how you
 respond as we are supposed to be wanting to encourage mass adoption
 and as
 many new users as possible. Insulting them, depressing them, making
 feel small, they will only leave.
 I don't think we know what it was that scoundrel50a was taking
 exception to as the post he complained about was not about anything he
 said.  Scoundrel50a can you clarify exactly what it was that worried


 I'm sorry but if you think that Peter Maddison's reply to me was
 acceptable then I dont see the point in saying anything, and you shot
 me down yourself. Which is why I answered the way I did.

 I dont see any posts on here that warn people that Linux isnt
 completely safe and whenever its bought up, people are treated like
 they are idiots and its always those people that are knowledgeable
 about Linux.the rest of us are treated like I have been now.

 An its not just this thread its thread after thread that people are
 shouted down in, by the same people every time.

 If there is a threat out there,  no matter small people should be a)
 aware of it, and b) advised on how to avoid problems,  if everyone does
 small things to protect their own systems, then surely the wider
 community benefits,

 Look at how many bot nets are out there,  there seems to be several
 million compromised Windows computers out there all chugging away and
 awaiting some instruction to do something nasty,

 some of the suggestions offered are easy to implement others not so
 unless you understand what it is asking you to do


 Do not install unsigned packages
 # Do not add unofficial repositories without investigating said repository
 # Keep your system up to date at all times
 # Keep all browser plugins up to date
 # If your distribution has SELinux, use it
 # Do not let others install software on your machines
 # Use solid passwords
 # If asked to enter root user (or sudo) password, always know why

 Maybe what is needed here are links to sites that advise on all the
 above issues,  the reference to SELinux could have a link to the SELinux
 website and an explanation of what this is, why its important. useful
 and what I should use it,  it says don't install things you don't
 understand,  well you have asked me to install SELinux which i sort of
 understand does this mean I should or should not install it,  (look at
 that from a complete new user viewpoint)

 Sometimes when advice sounds like the obvious to an expert it really
 does baffle the novice,  lets take a step back and address each of the
 above and perhaps help people (esp new users) to make their systems more
 secure through education and advice.

 I am happy to host information on the dcglug website blog if people can
 help me explain each of the above points please, this information will
 then be in one place and can act to help others both expert and novice
 help others.
 Hope this helps

 In fact such information could or would quite possibly be something to
 include in the ubuntu-manual project and lubuntu documentation,


 Although I have heard of SELinux I have never used it, I believe (not
 certain) that it comes as default on modern *buntu systems?!
 Does it need setting up, if so a link to a how to would be good!
 What are the benefits if using / installing it over not having it?
 What are the pitfalls of using it (for example I use the mozilla ppa as
 the firefox version in the Ubunutu repos is too out of date for certain
 webpages, let alone from a security point of view, will it allow me to
 continue using it?)

 I think some more research on my part is needed as in my everyday world
 SEL means Shelf Edge Label so the name leads to confusion ;)

 Good Job I'm not 

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Anybody seen this, thought it might be shown, as nobody has mentioned it on here yet.....

2013-08-22 Thread Tony Arnold
On 22/08/13 13:06, pete smout wrote:
 On 22/08/13 12:33, Kris Douglas wrote:
 On 22 August 2013 12:21, pete smout wrote:
 On 22/08/13 11:59, pete smout wrote:
 On 22/08/13 11:41, Paul Sutton wrote:
 On 21/08/13 22:12, scoundrel50a wrote:
 On 21/08/2013 17:07, Colin Law wrote:
 On 21 August 2013 16:57, Gareth France wrote:
 On 21/08/13 10:13, scoundrel50a wrote:

 Hi, I really dont understand the attitude of attack when somebody posts
 something like this. Not everybody is competant in using Ubuntu, and
 everybody understands the risks involved especially considering for
 its been pushed as a safe OS. All i have done is post this to the
 group, I
 dont appreciate this attitude. It doesnt give Ubuntu a good light when
 people see this.

 On the whole I have stopped posting to this group since there are a
 of people who are obviously on pedestals above us lowly minions. Not
 so long
 back after starting a thread I was shot down in an unforgivably
 harsh manner
 by people who made assumptions about me based on absolutely no
 evidence and
 proceeded to trample all over my opinion and my self esteem.

 I have said it before and I'll say it again, not everyone is an
 expert, not
 everyone understands things that are obvious to you. Be careful how you
 respond as we are supposed to be wanting to encourage mass adoption
 and as
 many new users as possible. Insulting them, depressing them, making
 feel small, they will only leave.
 I don't think we know what it was that scoundrel50a was taking
 exception to as the post he complained about was not about anything he
 said.  Scoundrel50a can you clarify exactly what it was that worried


 I'm sorry but if you think that Peter Maddison's reply to me was
 acceptable then I dont see the point in saying anything, and you shot
 me down yourself. Which is why I answered the way I did.

 I dont see any posts on here that warn people that Linux isnt
 completely safe and whenever its bought up, people are treated like
 they are idiots and its always those people that are knowledgeable
 about Linux.the rest of us are treated like I have been now.

 An its not just this thread its thread after thread that people are
 shouted down in, by the same people every time.

 If there is a threat out there,  no matter small people should be a)
 aware of it, and b) advised on how to avoid problems,  if everyone does
 small things to protect their own systems, then surely the wider
 community benefits,

 Look at how many bot nets are out there,  there seems to be several
 million compromised Windows computers out there all chugging away and
 awaiting some instruction to do something nasty,

 some of the suggestions offered are easy to implement others not so
 unless you understand what it is asking you to do


 Do not install unsigned packages
 # Do not add unofficial repositories without investigating said repository
 # Keep your system up to date at all times
 # Keep all browser plugins up to date
 # If your distribution has SELinux, use it
 # Do not let others install software on your machines
 # Use solid passwords
 # If asked to enter root user (or sudo) password, always know why

 Maybe what is needed here are links to sites that advise on all the
 above issues,  the reference to SELinux could have a link to the SELinux
 website and an explanation of what this is, why its important. useful
 and what I should use it,  it says don't install things you don't
 understand,  well you have asked me to install SELinux which i sort of
 understand does this mean I should or should not install it,  (look at
 that from a complete new user viewpoint)

 Sometimes when advice sounds like the obvious to an expert it really
 does baffle the novice,  lets take a step back and address each of the
 above and perhaps help people (esp new users) to make their systems more
 secure through education and advice.

 I am happy to host information on the dcglug website blog if people can
 help me explain each of the above points please, this information will
 then be in one place and can act to help others both expert and novice
 help others.
 Hope this helps

 In fact such information could or would quite possibly be something to
 include in the ubuntu-manual project and lubuntu documentation,


 Although I have heard of SELinux I have never used it, I believe (not
 certain) that it comes as default on modern *buntu systems?!
 Does it need setting up, if so a link to a how to would be good!
 What are the benefits if using / installing it over not having it?
 What are the pitfalls of using it (for example I use the mozilla ppa as
 the firefox version in the Ubunutu repos is too out of date for certain
 webpages, let alone from a security point of view, will it allow me to
 continue using it?)

 I think some more research on my part is needed as in my everyday world
 SEL means Shelf Edge Label so the name 

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Anybody seen this, thought it might be shown, as nobody has mentioned it on here yet.....

2013-08-22 Thread Phill Whiteside
SEL takes a bit of getting your head round (well, I found it the hardest
part of the Red Hat Engineer course I did).

The notes from Red Hat are very good and I include two links for those who
wish top learn more.



On 22 August 2013 13:30, Tony Arnold wrote:

 On 22/08/13 13:06, pete smout wrote:
  On 22/08/13 12:33, Kris Douglas wrote:
  On 22 August 2013 12:21, pete smout wrote:
  On 22/08/13 11:59, pete smout wrote:
  On 22/08/13 11:41, Paul Sutton wrote:
  On 21/08/13 22:12, scoundrel50a wrote:
  On 21/08/2013 17:07, Colin Law wrote:
  On 21 August 2013 16:57, Gareth France
  On 21/08/13 10:13, scoundrel50a wrote:
  Hi, I really dont understand the attitude of attack when somebody
  something like this. Not everybody is competant in using Ubuntu,
  everybody understands the risks involved especially considering
  its been pushed as a safe OS. All i have done is post this to the
  group, I
  dont appreciate this attitude. It doesnt give Ubuntu a good light
  people see this.
  On the whole I have stopped posting to this group since there are
  of people who are obviously on pedestals above us lowly minions.
  so long
  back after starting a thread I was shot down in an unforgivably
  harsh manner
  by people who made assumptions about me based on absolutely no
  evidence and
  proceeded to trample all over my opinion and my self esteem.
  I have said it before and I'll say it again, not everyone is an
  expert, not
  everyone understands things that are obvious to you. Be careful
 how you
  respond as we are supposed to be wanting to encourage mass
  and as
  many new users as possible. Insulting them, depressing them,
  feel small, they will only leave.
  I don't think we know what it was that scoundrel50a was taking
  exception to as the post he complained about was not about
 anything he
  said.  Scoundrel50a can you clarify exactly what it was that
  I'm sorry but if you think that Peter Maddison's reply to me was
  acceptable then I dont see the point in saying anything, and you
  me down yourself. Which is why I answered the way I did.
  I dont see any posts on here that warn people that Linux isnt
  completely safe and whenever its bought up, people are treated like
  they are idiots and its always those people that are knowledgeable
  about Linux.the rest of us are treated like I have been now.
  An its not just this thread its thread after thread that people are
  shouted down in, by the same people every time.
  If there is a threat out there,  no matter small people should be a)
  aware of it, and b) advised on how to avoid problems,  if everyone
  small things to protect their own systems, then surely the wider
  community benefits,
  Look at how many bot nets are out there,  there seems to be several
  million compromised Windows computers out there all chugging away and
  awaiting some instruction to do something nasty,
  some of the suggestions offered are easy to implement others not so
  unless you understand what it is asking you to do
  Do not install unsigned packages
  # Do not add unofficial repositories without investigating said
  # Keep your system up to date at all times
  # Keep all browser plugins up to date
  # If your distribution has SELinux, use it
  # Do not let others install software on your machines
  # Use solid passwords
  # If asked to enter root user (or sudo) password, always know why
  Maybe what is needed here are links to sites that advise on all the
  above issues,  the reference to SELinux could have a link to the
  website and an explanation of what this is, why its important. useful
  and what I should use it,  it says don't install things you don't
  understand,  well you have asked me to install SELinux which i sort
  understand does this mean I should or should not install it,  (look
  that from a complete new user viewpoint)
  Sometimes when advice sounds like the obvious to an expert it really
  does baffle the novice,  lets take a step back and address each of
  above and perhaps help people (esp new users) to make their systems
  secure through education and advice.
  I am happy to host information on the dcglug website blog if people
  help me explain each of the above points please, this information
  then be in one place and can act to help others both expert and
  help others.
  Hope this helps
  In fact such information could or would quite possibly be something
  include in the ubuntu-manual project and lubuntu documentation,

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Anybody seen this, thought it might be shown, as nobody has mentioned it on here yet.....

2013-08-22 Thread Peter Maddison
Yep, that's exactly what I meant, if you don't use the 'official' repo then 
you're open to all manner of 'nasties' ready to infect your PC.
Pete M ( :-P )

 Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 09:34:31 +0100
 Subject: Re: [ubuntu-uk] Anybody seen this, thought it might be shown, as 
 nobody has mentioned it on here yet.
 On 21/08/13 08:27, Colin Law wrote:
  On 21 August 2013 04:05, Peter Maddison wrote:
  NOTE the keyword -- IF you install it.
  Unless you NEVER use the OFFICIAL REPO and are totally careless with your 
  system then there's a VERY high chance you could infect your system with 
  ANY virus.
  I don't think that is what you meant to say, but I am not sure what
  you did mean.
 I think he meant UN-official repos! And I am more fussy today than i was
 6 years ago when i first made the leap from windoze do Ubuntu partly
 because I have now found my favourite packages, and know what I want,
 partly because I am more aware of the risks!
 In some ways this has narrowed my view, and I am less likely to
 experiment with the latest ( possibly greatest) new thing out there,
 but at least my productivity has improved ;)
 in short as long as we are aware of the risks, we are (hopefully) all
 intelligent enough to make an informed choice, and we just have a duty
 to put the info out there to inform new users of the potential risks of
 adding random PPA's so they are equally well informed.
 Pete S (the first one);)

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Anybody seen this, thought it might be shown, as nobody has mentioned it on here yet.....

2013-08-22 Thread Peter Maddison
Are you referring to the guy who wrote the piece or my reply?If my piece, 
what's wrong with it?

Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 10:13:18 +0100
Subject: Re: [ubuntu-uk] Anybody seen this, thought it might be shown, as 
nobody has mentioned it on here yet.


Hi, I really dont understand the
  attitude of attack when somebody posts something like this. Not
  everybody is competant in using Ubuntu, and not everybody
  understands the risks involved especially considering for years
  its been pushed as a safe OS. All i have done is post this to the
  group, I dont appreciate this attitude. It doesnt give Ubuntu a
  good light when people see this.




  On 21/08/2013 04:05, Peter Maddison wrote:

  NOTE the keyword -- IF you install it.
Unless you NEVER use the OFFICIAL REPO and are totally
  careless with your system then there's a VERY high chance you
  could infect your system with ANY virus.

I like the way he also goes on about it must mean that
  Linux must becoming a popular OS. and that Window$ gets hacked
  too. If hacking was THAT bad, Window$ would be no more. But
  it's STILL here, but do you notice there are virtually NO
  hacks reported or otherwise on Win95 or higher up to 200 and
  probably dying out on the XP as there's Vista, 7 and 8 to
  attack now.

Pete (a different one :-)  )





 Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 22:16:41 +0100

 Subject: Re: [ubuntu-uk] Anybody seen this, thought it
might be shown, as nobody has mentioned it on here yet.


 On 20/08/13 17:38, scoundrel50a wrote:



 Thanks for the heads up first i'd heard of it

 suppose we all have to be more careful now we are no
longer the silent

 minority but gaining market share!










--   --

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Anybody seen this, thought it might be shown, as nobody has mentioned it on here yet.....

2013-08-22 Thread Peter Maddison
Thanks, I don't know what his problem is?

Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 11:25:05 +0100
Subject: Re: [ubuntu-uk] Anybody seen this, thought it might be shown, as 
nobody has mentioned it on here yet.

On 21 August 2013 10:13, scoundrel50a wrote:


Hi, I really dont understand the
  attitude of attack when somebody posts something like this. Not
  everybody is competant in using Ubuntu, and not everybody
  understands the risks involved especially considering for years
  its been pushed as a safe OS. All i have done is post this to the
  group, I dont appreciate this attitude. It doesnt give Ubuntu a
  good light when people see this.
I don't think he was talking about you, he was commenting on the article you 
provided the link for.



--   --

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Anybody seen this, thought it might be shown, as nobody has mentioned it on here yet.....

2013-08-21 Thread Colin Law
On 21 August 2013 04:05, Peter Maddison wrote:

 NOTE the keyword -- IF you install it.
 Unless you NEVER use the OFFICIAL REPO and are totally careless with your 
 system then there's a VERY high chance you could infect your system with ANY 

I don't think that is what you meant to say, but I am not sure what
you did mean.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Anybody seen this, thought it might be shown, as nobody has mentioned it on here yet.....

2013-08-21 Thread pete smout
On 21/08/13 08:27, Colin Law wrote:
 On 21 August 2013 04:05, Peter Maddison wrote:

 NOTE the keyword -- IF you install it.
 Unless you NEVER use the OFFICIAL REPO and are totally careless with your 
 system then there's a VERY high chance you could infect your system with ANY 
 I don't think that is what you meant to say, but I am not sure what
 you did mean.
I think he meant UN-official repos! And I am more fussy today than i was
6 years ago when i first made the leap from windoze do Ubuntu partly
because I have now found my favourite packages, and know what I want,
partly because I am more aware of the risks!

In some ways this has narrowed my view, and I am less likely to
experiment with the latest ( possibly greatest) new thing out there,
but at least my productivity has improved ;)

in short as long as we are aware of the risks, we are (hopefully) all
intelligent enough to make an informed choice, and we just have a duty
to put the info out there to inform new users of the potential risks of
adding random PPA's so they are equally well informed.

Pete S (the first one);)


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Anybody seen this, thought it might be shown, as nobody has mentioned it on here yet.....

2013-08-21 Thread scoundrel50a
Hi, I really dont understand the attitude of attack when somebody posts 
something like this. Not everybody is competant in using Ubuntu, and not 
everybody understands the risks involved especially considering for 
years its been pushed as a safe OS. All i have done is post this to the 
group, I dont appreciate this attitude. It doesnt give Ubuntu a good 
light when people see this.

On 21/08/2013 04:05, Peter Maddison wrote:

NOTE the keyword -- IF you install it.
Unless you NEVER use the OFFICIAL REPO and are totally careless with 
your system then there's a VERY high chance you could infect your 
system with ANY virus.

I like the way he also goes on about it must mean that Linux must 
becoming a popular OS. and that Window$ gets hacked too. If hacking 
was THAT bad, Window$ would be no more. But it's STILL here, but do 
you notice there are virtually NO hacks reported or otherwise on Win95 
or higher up to 200 and probably dying out on the XP as there's Vista, 
7 and 8 to attack now.

Pete (a different one :-)  )

 Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 22:16:41 +0100
 Subject: Re: [ubuntu-uk] Anybody seen this, thought it might be 
shown, as nobody has mentioned it on here yet.

 On 20/08/13 17:38, scoundrel50a wrote:

 Thanks for the heads up first i'd heard of it
 suppose we all have to be more careful now we are no longer the silent
 minority but gaining market share!




Re: [ubuntu-uk] Anybody seen this, thought it might be shown, as nobody has mentioned it on here yet.....

2013-08-21 Thread Alan Pope
On 21 August 2013 10:13, scoundrel50a wrote:

 Hi, I really dont understand the attitude of attack when somebody posts 
 something like this. Not everybody is competant in using Ubuntu, and not 
 everybody understands the risks involved especially considering for years its 
 been pushed as a safe OS. All i have done is post this to the group, I dont 
 appreciate this attitude. It doesnt give Ubuntu a good light when people see 

Nobody is attacking anyone. Get a grip.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Anybody seen this, thought it might be shown, as nobody has mentioned it on here yet.....

2013-08-21 Thread John MM
What a surpriseno change the then
On 21 August 2013 10:13, scoundrel50a wrote:

 Hi, I really dont understand the attitude of attack when somebody posts
something like this. Not everybody is competant in using Ubuntu, and not
everybody understands the risks involved especially considering for years
its been pushed as a safe OS. All i have done is post this to the group, I
dont appreciate this attitude. It doesnt give Ubuntu a good light when
people see this.

Nobody is attacking anyone. Get a grip.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Anybody seen this, thought it might be shown, as nobody has mentioned it on here yet.....

2013-08-21 Thread Colin Law
On 21 August 2013 10:13, scoundrel50a wrote:

  Hi, I really dont understand the attitude of attack when somebody posts
 something like this. Not everybody is competant in using Ubuntu, and not
 everybody understands the risks involved especially considering for years
 its been pushed as a safe OS. All i have done is post this to the group, I
 dont appreciate this attitude. It doesnt give Ubuntu a good light when
 people see this.

I don't think he was talking about you, he was commenting on the article
you provided the link for.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Anybody seen this, thought it might be shown, as nobody has mentioned it on here yet.....

2013-08-21 Thread Colin Law
On 21 August 2013 09:34, pete smout wrote:
 On 21/08/13 08:27, Colin Law wrote:
 On 21 August 2013 04:05, Peter Maddison wrote:

 NOTE the keyword -- IF you install it.
 Unless you NEVER use the OFFICIAL REPO and are totally careless with your 
 system then there's a VERY high chance you could infect your system with 
 ANY virus.

 I don't think that is what you meant to say, but I am not sure what
 you did mean.


 I think he meant UN-official repos!

Even then it  doesn't make sense - unless you never use the
UN-official repo .. then your are likely to get a virus.  I really
don't know whether he is saying we are most unlikely to get a virus or
we are very likely to.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Anybody seen this, thought it might be shown, as nobody has mentioned it on here yet.....

2013-08-21 Thread Daniel Llewellyn
On 21 August 2013 11:32, Colin Law wrote:

 On 21 August 2013 09:34, pete smout wrote:
  On 21/08/13 08:27, Colin Law wrote:
  On 21 August 2013 04:05, Peter Maddison
  NOTE the keyword -- IF you install it.
  Unless you NEVER use the OFFICIAL REPO and are totally careless with
 your system then there's a VERY high chance you could infect your system
 with ANY virus.
  I don't think that is what you meant to say, but I am not sure what
  you did mean.
  I think he meant UN-official repos!

 Even then it  doesn't make sense - unless you never use the
 UN-official repo .. then your are likely to get a virus.  I really
 don't know whether he is saying we are most unlikely to get a virus or
 we are very likely to.

And that's the problem with starting with a negative and then negating it!

I believe the intention was similar to the following:

If you REGULARLY use UNOFFICIAL REPOs and you are totally careless with
your system then there's a VERY high chance you WILL infect your system
with a virus of some sort

Daniel Llewellyn

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Anybody seen this, thought it might be shown, as nobody has mentioned it on here yet.....

2013-08-21 Thread Colin Law
On 21 August 2013 14:12, Daniel Llewellyn wrote:
 On 21 August 2013 11:32, Colin Law wrote:

 On 21 August 2013 09:34, pete smout wrote:
  On 21/08/13 08:27, Colin Law wrote:
  On 21 August 2013 04:05, Peter Maddison
  NOTE the keyword -- IF you install it.
  Unless you NEVER use the OFFICIAL REPO and are totally careless with
  your system then there's a VERY high chance you could infect your system
  with ANY virus.
  I don't think that is what you meant to say, but I am not sure what
  you did mean.
  I think he meant UN-official repos!

 Even then it  doesn't make sense - unless you never use the
 UN-official repo .. then your are likely to get a virus.  I really
 don't know whether he is saying we are most unlikely to get a virus or
 we are very likely to.

 And that's the problem with starting with a negative and then negating it!

 I believe the intention was similar to the following:

 If you REGULARLY use UNOFFICIAL REPOs and you are totally careless with
 your system then there's a VERY high chance you WILL infect your system with
 a virus of some sort

At least that makes sense, but I don't think it is true.  I think on
Linux there is /slight/ chance of being infected if you are careless,
whereas on Windows there is a /high/ chance of infection in those



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Anybody seen this, thought it might be shown, as nobody has mentioned it on here yet.....

2013-08-21 Thread Gareth France

On 21/08/13 10:13, scoundrel50a wrote:
Hi, I really dont understand the attitude of attack when somebody 
posts something like this. Not everybody is competant in using Ubuntu, 
and not everybody understands the risks involved especially 
considering for years its been pushed as a safe OS. All i have done is 
post this to the group, I dont appreciate this attitude. It doesnt 
give Ubuntu a good light when people see this.

On the whole I have stopped posting to this group since there are a 
number of people who are obviously on pedestals above us lowly minions. 
Not so long back after starting a thread I was shot down in an 
unforgivably harsh manner by people who made assumptions about me based 
on absolutely no evidence and proceeded to trample all over my opinion 
and my self esteem.

I have said it before and I'll say it again, not everyone is an expert, 
not everyone understands things that are obvious to you. Be careful how 
you respond as we are supposed to be wanting to encourage mass adoption 
and as many new users as possible. Insulting them, depressing them, 
making them feel small, they will only leave.

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Anybody seen this, thought it might be shown, as nobody has mentioned it on here yet.....

2013-08-21 Thread Gareth France

I think he meant UN-official repos!

Even then it  doesn't make sense - unless you never use the
UN-official repo .. then your are likely to get a virus.  I really
don't know whether he is saying we are most unlikely to get a virus or
we are very likely to.


It's fairly obvious he meant to say if rarely use the official repos and 
if you are sloppy with your security then you are likely to get a virus. 
He obviously got a little tongue tied in his thinking.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Anybody seen this, thought it might be shown, as nobody has mentioned it on here yet.....

2013-08-21 Thread Colin Law
On 21 August 2013 16:57, Gareth France wrote:
 On 21/08/13 10:13, scoundrel50a wrote:

 Hi, I really dont understand the attitude of attack when somebody posts
 something like this. Not everybody is competant in using Ubuntu, and not
 everybody understands the risks involved especially considering for years
 its been pushed as a safe OS. All i have done is post this to the group, I
 dont appreciate this attitude. It doesnt give Ubuntu a good light when
 people see this.

 On the whole I have stopped posting to this group since there are a number
 of people who are obviously on pedestals above us lowly minions. Not so long
 back after starting a thread I was shot down in an unforgivably harsh manner
 by people who made assumptions about me based on absolutely no evidence and
 proceeded to trample all over my opinion and my self esteem.

 I have said it before and I'll say it again, not everyone is an expert, not
 everyone understands things that are obvious to you. Be careful how you
 respond as we are supposed to be wanting to encourage mass adoption and as
 many new users as possible. Insulting them, depressing them, making them
 feel small, they will only leave.

I don't think we know what it was that scoundrel50a was taking
exception to as the post he complained about was not about anything he
said.  Scoundrel50a can you clarify exactly what it was that worried



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Anybody seen this, thought it might be shown, as nobody has mentioned it on here yet.....

2013-08-21 Thread scoundrel50a

On 21/08/2013 17:07, Colin Law wrote:

On 21 August 2013 16:57, Gareth France wrote:

On 21/08/13 10:13, scoundrel50a wrote:

Hi, I really dont understand the attitude of attack when somebody posts
something like this. Not everybody is competant in using Ubuntu, and not
everybody understands the risks involved especially considering for years
its been pushed as a safe OS. All i have done is post this to the group, I
dont appreciate this attitude. It doesnt give Ubuntu a good light when
people see this.

On the whole I have stopped posting to this group since there are a number
of people who are obviously on pedestals above us lowly minions. Not so long
back after starting a thread I was shot down in an unforgivably harsh manner
by people who made assumptions about me based on absolutely no evidence and
proceeded to trample all over my opinion and my self esteem.

I have said it before and I'll say it again, not everyone is an expert, not
everyone understands things that are obvious to you. Be careful how you
respond as we are supposed to be wanting to encourage mass adoption and as
many new users as possible. Insulting them, depressing them, making them
feel small, they will only leave.

I don't think we know what it was that scoundrel50a was taking
exception to as the post he complained about was not about anything he
said.  Scoundrel50a can you clarify exactly what it was that worried


I'm sorry but if you think that Peter Maddison's reply to me was 
acceptable then I dont see the point in saying anything, and you shot me 
down yourself. Which is why I answered the way I did.

I dont see any posts on here that warn people that Linux isnt completely 
safe and whenever its bought up, people are treated like they are idiots 
and its always those people that are knowledgeable about Linux.the 
rest of us are treated like I have been now.

An its not just this thread its thread after thread that people are 
shouted down in, by the same people every time.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Anybody seen this, thought it might be shown, as nobody has mentioned it on here yet.....

2013-08-21 Thread scoundrel50a

On 21/08/2013 10:17, Alan Pope wrote:

On 21 August 2013 10:13, scoundrel50a wrote:

Hi, I really dont understand the attitude of attack when somebody posts 
something like this. Not everybody is competant in using Ubuntu, and not 
everybody understands the risks involved especially considering for years its 
been pushed as a safe OS. All i have done is post this to the group, I dont 
appreciate this attitude. It doesnt give Ubuntu a good light when people see 

Nobody is attacking anyone. Get a grip.

Just to be clear, when I said you, this is what I meant, I dont 
appreciate being told to get a grip..especially when I wasnt the one 
to shoot anybody down..


[ubuntu-uk] Anybody seen this, thought it might be shown, as nobody has mentioned it on here yet.....

2013-08-20 Thread scoundrel50a 


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Anybody seen this, thought it might be shown, as nobody has mentioned it on here yet.....

2013-08-20 Thread pete smout
On 20/08/13 17:38, scoundrel50a wrote:
Thanks for the heads up first i'd heard of it
suppose we all have to be more careful now we are no longer the silent
minority but gaining market share!



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Anybody seen this, thought it might be shown, as nobody has mentioned it on here yet.....

2013-08-20 Thread Peter Maddison
NOTE the keyword -- IF you install it.Unless you NEVER use the OFFICIAL REPO 
and are totally careless with your system then there's a VERY high chance you 
could infect your system with ANY virus.
I like the way he also goes on about it must mean that Linux must becoming a 
popular OS. and that Window$ gets hacked too. If hacking was THAT bad, Window$ 
would be no more. But it's STILL here, but do you notice there are virtually NO 
hacks reported or otherwise on Win95 or higher up to 200 and probably dying out 
on the XP as there's Vista, 7 and 8 to attack now.
Pete (a different one :-)  )

 Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 22:16:41 +0100
 Subject: Re: [ubuntu-uk] Anybody seen this, thought it might be shown, as 
 nobody has mentioned it on here yet.
 On 20/08/13 17:38, scoundrel50a wrote:
 Thanks for the heads up first i'd heard of it
 suppose we all have to be more careful now we are no longer the silent
 minority but gaining market share!