Re: ugnet_: And now this!-Baganda royals back 3rd term

2003-12-07 Thread Matekopoko
In a message dated 12/7/2003 9:20:48 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

The Buganda Royals are not the only Ugandan Royals supporting a third term.  
What contributive politics have other Royals done for Uganda??  

Nyabo Rehema:

I hope you do understand that because the Buganda are a major tribe in Uganda, utterances (or rather endorsement of Museveni's third term) by the so called Buganda royal leaders are taken very seriously as compared to utterance of a Mukongo Royal for instance.


Other tribes too can support whatever position they want, and their silence is what has kept them marginalized in politics and then they end up getting jealousy of the Buganda Royals' influence.  
Our Buganda Royals are making some noise to keep the spirit going while other Uganda's Royals marginalize themselves from influencing politics.  Why do other tribes feel threatened by what the Buganda Royals have to say??  Who is keeping other tribes from participating in the game??  The relationship between the influential and the marginalized will always be rocky.  That's expected, nothing new!
Rehema M.

Re: ugnet_: Uncovering the ghosts in UPDF

2003-12-07 Thread Rehema Mukooza
That's just a tip of the iceburg.  There is more dirt in the UPDF, especially dirt of who is really killing people in the North and in Congo.Owor Kipenji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Uncovering the ghosts in UPDF By Andrew M. Mwenda Dec 7 - 13, 2003

The story behind Museveni's army reshuffle and the unending northern war
The recent reshuffle of the military command centred around the issue of ghost soldiers. The actual depth of the problem is yet to be determined, but current indications from the 1,600 pages report submitted to the president estimate that ghost soldiers could account for nearly up to one third of the army. 
In a December 2, 2003 message from President Yoweri Museveni to the army commander, a copy of which the present writer has seen, the commander in chief even lamented that "I am told the Banyarwanda soldiers who deserted the NRA [National Resistance Army] are still being paid. How could this still be possible?"

Col. Benon BiraaroThe presence of so many ghosts on the army register has been a major source of money and power in the UPDF, as commanders and their auxiliaries used the system for self enrichment. But how could this have been possible? Who were its principle architects? When did it begin? How has it been sustained? What has been the effect of ghost soldiers on the institution of the army, on professionalism in our military and on its combat effectiveness? 

How does this relate to Uganda's broader but twisted political landscape? What purpose does this problem serve?
According to the 1,600 pages report of the commission of inquiry, the ghost soldiers fraud took place at three levels: first at the level of field commanders in operational/combat areas inflating the number of auxiliary forces under their command; second, at the level of commanders in the field, colluding with other officers at headquarters to retain dead and missing soldiers on strength; and third and most insidious, collusion between key people at the Ministry of Defence headquarters with others at the treasury not to change the amount of monies released as salaries in spite of clearly declared reduction in numbers by the army.

Col. Fred Tolit
The existence of a large number of ghost soldiers on the army register is not an isolated problem but part of the wider political dilemma of the state in Uganda. It has a direct link with Uganda's wider crisis: the consolidation of "the movement political system" otherwise a one party system, ever-increasing military spending in the context of ever-expanding theatres of war inside and outside of Uganda, lack of professionalism in the army and the calls to amend the constitution in order to remove term limits on the president, - because all these add up to one thing: consolidation of the power of President Museveni.
Army strength is an important aspect in the management of the military because it is the basis for military costs and combat effectiveness. In 1992 when the armed rebellion in northern Uganda was almost ended, official army strength was 120,000; the defence budget was US$ 44m. In 1996 when the rebellion began to resurge, army strength was slightly above 40,000 while defence expenditure had increased to US$ 88m, more than double its 1992 size. President Museveni has consistently used the rebellion to ask for an ever increasing defence budget. 
When Operation Iron Fist kicked off in March 2002, there were only 350,000 people in internally displaced camps and the defence budget was US$ 120m (Shs 240 billion). In September 2002, 30 percent of the budgets of other ministries was cut, and the defence budget was increased to US$ 150m (Shs 296 billion). 
This financial year (2003/04), the defence budget is US$ 160m (Shs 330 billion), army strength is 57,000 soldiers, supported by an assortment of auxiliary forces like Local Defence Units, vigilantes, home-guards, arrow groups etc. 

Col. Benon Biraaro and his boss Brig. Joshua Masaba have a one on one at Bombo (Defence Press Unit photos).Yet, the LRA has spread from its traditional home districts of Gulu, Kitgum and Pader to the districts of Lira, Apac, Katakwi Kaberamaido and Soroti and people in camps have increased to 1.8 million. 

The president justifies ever increasing defence spending arguing that it will improve combat effectiveness. So why is there almost a direct correlation between increased defence spending and the escalation of armed conflict, instead of a reverse trend? 
The answer is deceptively simple: the military budget is used for purposes other than ending the insurgency. Increasing defence spending creates opportunities for army officers to profit from the war through many insidious ways: by inflating the number of auxiliary forces under their command; by not declaring the dead or missing, and therefore retaining them on strength as ghost soldiers; taking tenders to supply food and other supplies to the army in combat zones; getting commissions in the process of procuring military equ


2003-12-07 Thread Mulindwa Edward

Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 

Re: ugnet_: And now this!-Baganda royals back 3rd term

2003-12-07 Thread Matekopoko
In a message dated 12/7/2003 9:47:15 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Just tell me and show me how I am "anti-Buganda"??
Rehema M.


I believe EM is being sarcastic here ! Many on this net have accused EM of being tribalistic or is it a Nubian simply because EM decided to speak out his mind!


Re: ugnet_: And now this!-Baganda royals back 3rd term

2003-12-07 Thread Rehema Mukooza
Just tell me and show me how I am "anti-Buganda"??
Rehema M.Mulindwa Edward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Why are you anti Buganda when your last name is Mukooza?
    The Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"    Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

- Original Message - 
From: Rehema Mukooza 
Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2003 9:02 PM
Subject: Re: ugnet_: And now this!-Baganda royals back 3rd term

1) Yes, We are sleeping today but that does not mean "they" won't wake up one day.  All sleeps have beginings and endings.  I've never seen people who sleep forever.  Maybe our people are sleeping a seasonal sleep throught out the hard times.  Sometimes, instead of facing the harsh hard times of reality, it's best for some people to sleep those realities away.  It refreshnesses and eases the minds of some people.  Wake-Up time will come, believe it or not.
2) We do not have the Kingdom!  Kingdoms have certain levels of independence.
3) We do not hold the Vice presidency post, if it is controlled by others.  The vice presidency post is a shadow.
4) Museveni will never give us Federalism, Ssabasajja will never lead Uganda.  Unless, we get Federalism through our own sweat, that's when we will get it.
5) Something is very very wrong about supporting a third term.  It was best if the Royals said nothing about the issue at all.  By the way, why did they feel a need to say something in a collection??  Do they believe in Constitutionalism at all??  Or their move is one based on survival??
Rehema M.Mulindwa Edward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I start by looking what we have on the ground
1) We are sleeping today
2) We have the kingdom
3) We hold the Vice presidency post
4) When Museveni gives us Federalism Ssabasajja will lead Uganda
What is wrong with supporting a third term?
    The Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"    Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

- Original Message - 
Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2003 1:14 PM
Subject: Re: ugnet_: And now this!-Baganda royals back 3rd term
WRONG MOVE!MatekIn a message dated 12/7/2003 11:54:42 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Baganda royals back 3rd termSUPPORT HIM: Kimbugwe addresses the press. Looking on is NkiinziBy Joyce Namutebi Buganda royals under the Prince Kimbugwe Foundation have announced their support for a third presidential term for President Yoweri Museveni should he desire one. The announcement was made on behalf of the princess and princesses by Prince Edward Kimbugwe at a press conference held at the Foundation offices on Mwanga 11 Road, Kampala on Saturday. The press conference was attended by Nalinya Catherine Nkiinzi, Katikkiro Jimmy Tabalamule from Bugembegembe Kasengejje, Lt. Abasi Kawuki and other foundation members. The foundation, in a three-page statement, highlighted 30 achievements of the Moveme
 government and said, “Because of these reasons we have mentioned, we are unanimously informing Buganda that President Museveni deserves another term.” “We are not sure whether the successors would consolidate these achievements and even ensure that we the royals remain free and respected as we are now,” they added. T hey appealed to all Ugandans to give Museveni a third term if it is his wish. The two-year-old foundation has 240 members out of whom 140 are princes and princesses, Kimbugwe said. They include the president’s former adviser on poverty Nalinya Irene Ndagire. All hell broke loose in January 1999, when Ndagire together with three other princesses went to Kasubi tombs and made an announcement that perturbed many Baganda. They claimed that the Kabaka of Buganda Ronald Muwenda Mutebi 11, was a son of King Freddie Muteesa’s former bosom friend and Kabaka Yekka Member of Parliament, the Late Daudi Ochieng, a distinguished pol
 from Acholi. Kimbugwe announced that they would give 10 bursaries to displaced children from Acholi next year. They commended government for UPE, democracy, human rights, press freedom, immunisation and for returning 70% of the properties that had been taken away from Buganda.Published on: Sunday, 7th December, Gook "You can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom."- Malcom X

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2003-12-07 Thread Mulindwa Edward


Kelly McParland 

National Post 
Saturday, December 06, 2003

Along the shores of Lake Naivasha, one of Kenya's most spectacular locales, 
an encroaching threat is endangering the very survival of the lake itself.
It's roses. And carnations.
Millions of them.
The flower industry in Kenya is booming. Not just any flowers, but hand-cut 
stems bound for bouquets and vases, carefully picked and packaged for immediate 
shipment in chilled containers, turning up within 48 hours in the supermarket 
chains of Britain and across Europe, already wrapped and ready for scanning.
It's a giant industry, and Kenya excels at it. Flower exports bring in 
US$110-million a year, rivalling tea and tourism as the biggest source of 
foreign earnings for a country that badly needs the money. It's also a highly 
competitive business, with Kenya going up against Israel and Colombia as the top 
exporter, with growing interest being shown by Zambia, Zimbabwe and Uganda. 
Kenya is not only holding its own, but has become the biggest supplier in 
Europe, according to the Kenya Flower Council.
Which means a lot of income for people who would not otherwise have it, from 
jobs that otherwise would not exist. All of which sounds disturbingly like good 
news for a country that does not otherwise have a lot of reasons to get out of 
bed in the morning. But, perhaps predictably, a dark cloud has been found to 
blot out that sunny sky. Growing flowers requires pesticides. And fertilizer. 
And people -- lots of people. People in turn create wastes -- not just candy 
wrappers and empty pop tins, but serious sanitation issues. And the wastes tend 
to get into the lake.
As the industry has grown, more and more conservation problems have 
developed. Water levels in the lake have fallen, millions of fish have died, 
fertilizer and chemical residues have been found in the soil near the shoreline, 
and birds have perished from eating poisoned fish. While some of the pollution 
comes directly from the flower farms, the crush of people moving to the area has 
been at least as big a factor. Andrew Enniskillen, who heads the Lake Naivasha 
Riparian Association, told reporters recently the number of people living within 
five kilometres of the lake has multiplied fivefold in 20 years.
"Apart from the direct pollution from flower farms, the uncontrolled 
population growth of poor people in the Naivasha has been the main source of 
pollution," he said.
It was to be expected. Lake Naivasha is a gorgeous place. One of only two 
freshwater lakes in Kenya, it sits just outside Nairobi at the lower end of the 
Great Rift Valley. There are giraffes, buffalo and about 15,000 hippos around 
its shoreline. This is the spot the white folks grabbed for themselves when they 
ran Kenya, establishing tony clubs and country homes, some of which are still 
there. Mr. Enniskillen, an Irish earl as well as an airline pilot and gentleman 
farmer, has an impressive spread of his own by the shore.
Boat planes from Britain used to land on the shallow waters -- the lake is 13 
kilometres across but averages just five metres deep -- the passengers putting 
up at the Lake Naivasha Country Club before hopping the bus to Nairobi. The club 
remains, offering hippo cruises and cocktails in the Flamingo Bar.
At one point in the early 1900s, the entire lake dried up, reappearing a few 
years later after heavy rains. It could happen again: The unpredictability of 
the lake is one reason conservation people are so worried about it. In addition 
to flowers, Kenya is shipping increasing amounts of vegetables to Europe -- 
delicate French beans, snow peas and asparagus shoots, sometimes packaged in 
little containers flown out from Britain to be filled and sent back the next 
As the twin industries expand, they have attracted increasing attention. A 
reporter from Britain's left-wing Guardian newspaper visited the lakeside and 
was predictably perturbed, discovering the workers put in longer hours than 
advertised, were not overpaid and did not live as well as they might. The 
workers are overwhelmingly women, often left single thanks to AIDS and 
unreliable men. They are easily exploited, and, Kenya being a former colony, 
there is a presumption in some circles that those who can exploit, will.
The growers are highly nervous about where this might lead. Europe is a vital 
customer: Britain is an important market, but the Netherlands is even bigger. It 
takes about three-quarters of Kenya's output, most of it for re-export. The 
Kenya Flower Council (KFC) has complained of "a concerted effort by human rights 
groups and the media to target the flower industry," noting 60,000 jobs are at 
risk, each one supporting six or seven dependents. The council has been working 
for some time to limit the damage, largely through an expanding code of 
practice, worked out with authorities in Europe to meet European standards of 
environmental protection and w

Re: ugnet_: And now this!-Baganda royals back 3rd term

2003-12-07 Thread Mulindwa Edward

Why are you anti Buganda when your last name is 
Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 

  - Original Message - 
  Rehema Mukooza 
  Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2003 9:02 
  Subject: Re: ugnet_: And now 
  this!-Baganda royals back 3rd term
  1) Yes, We are sleeping today but that does not mean "they" won't wake up 
  one day.  All sleeps have beginings and endings.  I've never seen 
  people who sleep forever.  Maybe our people are sleeping a seasonal sleep 
  throught out the hard times.  Sometimes, instead of facing the harsh hard 
  times of reality, it's best for some people to sleep those 
  realities away.  It refreshnesses and eases the minds of some 
  people.  Wake-Up time will come, believe it or not.
  2) We do not have the Kingdom!  Kingdoms have certain levels of 
  3) We do not hold the Vice presidency post, if it is controlled by 
  others.  The vice presidency post is a shadow.
  4) Museveni will never give us Federalism, Ssabasajja will never lead 
  Uganda.  Unless, we get Federalism through our own sweat, that's when we 
  will get it.
  5) Something is very very wrong about supporting a third term.  It 
  was best if the Royals said nothing about the issue at all.  By the way, 
  why did they feel a need to say something in a collection??  Do they 
  believe in Constitutionalism at all??  Or their move is one based on 
  Rehema M.Mulindwa Edward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

I start by looking what we have on the 
1) We are sleeping today
2) We have the kingdom
3) We hold the Vice presidency 
4) When Museveni gives us Federalism Ssabasajja 
will lead Uganda
What is wrong with supporting a third 
The Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est 
dans l'anarchie"

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2003 1:14 
  Subject: Re: ugnet_: And now 
  this!-Baganda royals back 3rd term
  MOVE!MatekIn a message dated 12/7/2003 
  11:54:42 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Baganda royals back 3rd termSUPPORT HIM: Kimbugwe addresses the press. 
Looking on is NkiinziBy Joyce Namutebi 
Buganda royals under the Prince Kimbugwe Foundation have 
announced their support for a third presidential term for President 
Yoweri Museveni should he desire one. The announcement was made 
on behalf of the princess and princesses by Prince Edward Kimbugwe at a 
press conference held at the Foundation offices on Mwanga 11 Road, 
Kampala on Saturday. The press conference was attended by 
Nalinya Catherine Nkiinzi, Katikkiro Jimmy Tabalamule from Bugembegembe 
Kasengejje, Lt. Abasi Kawuki and other foundation members. The 
foundation, in a three-page statement, highlighted 30 achievements of 
the Moveme nt government and said, “Because of these reasons we have 
mentioned, we are unanimously informing Buganda that President Museveni 
deserves another term.” “We are not sure whether the 
successors would consolidate these achievements and even ensure that we 
the royals remain free and respected as we are now,” they added. T hey 
appealed to all Ugandans to give Museveni a third term if it is his 
wish. The two-year-old foundation has 240 members out of whom 
140 are princes and princesses, Kimbugwe said. They include the 
president’s former adviser on poverty Nalinya Irene Ndagire. 
All hell broke loose in January 1999, when Ndagire together with 
three other princesses went to Kasubi tombs and made an announcement 
that perturbed many Baganda. They claimed that the Kabaka of 
Buganda Ronald Muwenda Mutebi 11, was a son of King Freddie Muteesa’s 
former bosom friend and Kabaka Yekka Member of Parliament, the Late 
Daudi Ochieng, a distinguished pol itician from Acholi. Kimbugwe 
announced that they would give 10 bursaries to displaced children from 
Acholi next year. They commended government for UPE, democracy, 
human rights, press freedom, immunisation and for returning 70% of the 
properties that had been taken away from Buganda.Published on: 
Sunday, 7th December, Gook "You can't separate 
peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his 


2003-12-07 Thread Rehema Mukooza

You got it all WRONG!!  My intentions were to pass on information of the webpage of Ugandan Anarchists to those who were interested in reading about them and what they stand for.  
I have no problem passing on information to those who are interested in reading it.   anyone check it out if you want.  By the way, I am not an anarchist, I believe in formations of Just gov'ts but l don't mind reading about anarchists.  Information is not bad.
Rehema M.Mitayo Potosi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On another note Rehema, pardon me but I think it was you who, a few weeks ago, was expressing concern about some groups in Uganda adopting anarchysm as their ideological framework.Maybe by now you have discovered the difference between the ordinary usage of this term and as a body of philosophy. From the point of view of philosophy anarchysm has nothing to do with disorder, conflict or mayhem. I got the impression this was your interpretation.Anarchysts propound some kind of idealistic freedoms. Like abolition of taxation, and in general, minimalist state and social structures.In the USA the most prominent anarchyst probably is MIT's Noam Chomsky. And all must agree that our Ugandan bandits m7, Kony etc... are the furtherst thing to such a kind and compassionate individual like Professor Chomsky. Through and throu
 gh he is
 a man of peace.Indeed he has spent a good part of his life speaking out against injustice in the world. He is foremost in his defence of the Palestinians who have been in the refuge camps for the last 50 years.He has battled and exposed the inhumanity of the 500-year settler colonialism in both North and South America. He is an arch-critic of American foreign policy in the Middle East and worldwide.Indeed one of the few critisisms I have heard against him and anarchyst philosophy is that both only point out the wrong in society rather proceed to prescribe concreat solutions. Some others have said that anarchysm is idealism in disguise.Dear Rehema you also may have heard of priests howling against 'materialism'. Surely they are refering to consumerism rather than the materialism associated with philosophy; i.e. dielectical materialism.And there is as much confusion with the term 'materialism' as with
 'anarchysm'.I wish you all the best, and take care.Mitayo Potosi>From: Rehema Mukooza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: Re: ugnet_: Museveni's KALANGALA ACTION GROUP IS FINISHING THE >LANGI>Date: Sun, 7 Dec 2003 08:20:50 -0800 (PST)>>Matekopoko,>I believe your claim unless the UPDF proves, otherwise we all know that >it's them responsible for these civilian killings all along. Instead of >the UPDF killing civilians, why can the gov't of Uganda let the Acholi >region free and separate from Ugandan??>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:>"and where was the national army while such killings was taking place? >Citizens of Uganda should recall that the NRM/A stated clearly before >the nation and Members of the International Community that security >would be beefed up in Lira town and surrounding are
 as. That
 the so called >LRA rebels would massacre people in spite of the beefed up UPDF presences, > simply does not make sense. The UPDF is pretty much killing people and >blaming it on the rebels. I am moved ... very moved to tears!>>Matek>>70 dead bodies found in Lira>By Frank Nyakairu>Dec 7, 2003>>KAMPALA - Authorities in Lira have discovered about 74 bodies of civilians >killed by rebels of the Lords Resistance Army (LRA).>>The bodies, mainly of young men and women were gathered from Amugo >sub-county alone, about 70km southeast of Lira, northern-Uganda.>>The Lira LC-V Chairman, Mr Franco Ojur, told Sunday Monitor yesterday that >relatives of the victims found the bodies in bushes.>>"Because that particular sub-county has been under attack, no one knew how >many people were killed or abducted because most had fled to Lira town," &
 Ojur. Most of the bodies bore deep cuts, proving that the victims were >simply hacked.>>The army in the area however denied knowledge of the reported deaths, but >said people could have been killed in the recent escalation of rebel >attacks.>>"Of course some people have been killed and the rebels are doing that on >orders of their boss, Joseph Kony, but I do not have knowledge of the >numbers you are talking about," said 2nd Lt. Chris Magezi, spokesman of the >5th infantry Division.>>"The only incident I know of in Amugo is that of yesterday when the rebels >attacked a camp looking for food and killed three people there, but we also >caught up with them and killed three of them," Magezi added.>>Lira has been under attack for the last two months leaving several >civilians dead. The army, however, says only 89 were killed in the last two >months. The 17
 war has led to the displacement of over a million >people who now live in displaced people's camps. The rebels have abduct

Re: ugnet_: And now this!-Baganda royals back 3rd term

2003-12-07 Thread Rehema Mukooza
The Buganda Royals are not the only Ugandan Royals supporting a third term.  
What contributive politics have other Royals done for Uganda??  
Other tribes too can support whatever position they want, and their silence is what has kept them marginalized in politics and then they end up getting jealousy of the Buganda Royals' influence.  
Our Buganda Royals are making some noise to keep the spirit going while other Uganda's Royals marginalize themselves from influencing politics.  Why do other tribes feel threatened by what the Buganda Royals have to say??  Who is keeping other tribes from participating in the game??  The relationship between the influential and the marginalized will always be rocky.  That's expected, nothing new!
Rehema M.[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
In a message dated 12/7/2003 3:39:12 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I start by looking what we have on the ground  1) We are sleeping today2) We have the kingdom3) We hold the Vice presidency post4) When Museveni gives us Federalism Ssabasajja will lead Uganda  What is wrong with supporting a third term?  EmEM:A wise politician once told me that in politics you must make your move very carefully. You must make your move bearing in mind the implications of such moves three, four, ten years 
 from now
 on you.  Let us face it... Buganda is part and parcel of Uganda whether one likes it or not. Now ask yourself as to whether the move by the so called Buganda royals will essentially play out well for Buganda Royal with it's relationship with other Ugandan Tribes five years from now after Museveni is gone? ... You immediately begin to see the political Mypic of the Buganda. They are pretty much digging the political grave, so to say, of the so called Buganda Royals ! .. especially as it pertains to the Relationship between the Buganda royals and other tribes of Uganda.  I SEE  EMBIRO!!!Matek 
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Re: ugnet_: And now this!-Baganda royals back 3rd term

2003-12-07 Thread Rehema Mukooza
1) Yes, We are sleeping today but that does not mean "they" won't wake up one day.  All sleeps have beginings and endings.  I've never seen people who sleep forever.  Maybe our people are sleeping a seasonal sleep throught out the hard times.  Sometimes, instead of facing the harsh hard times of reality, it's best for some people to sleep those realities away.  It refreshnesses and eases the minds of some people.  Wake-Up time will come, believe it or not.
2) We do not have the Kingdom!  Kingdoms have certain levels of independence.
3) We do not hold the Vice presidency post, if it is controlled by others.  The vice presidency post is a shadow.
4) Museveni will never give us Federalism, Ssabasajja will never lead Uganda.  Unless, we get Federalism through our own sweat, that's when we will get it.
5) Something is very very wrong about supporting a third term.  It was best if the Royals said nothing about the issue at all.  By the way, why did they feel a need to say something in a collection??  Do they believe in Constitutionalism at all??  Or their move is one based on survival??
Rehema M.Mulindwa Edward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I start by looking what we have on the ground
1) We are sleeping today
2) We have the kingdom
3) We hold the Vice presidency post
4) When Museveni gives us Federalism Ssabasajja will lead Uganda
What is wrong with supporting a third term?
    The Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"    Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

- Original Message - 
Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2003 1:14 PM
Subject: Re: ugnet_: And now this!-Baganda royals back 3rd term
WRONG MOVE!MatekIn a message dated 12/7/2003 11:54:42 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Baganda royals back 3rd termSUPPORT HIM: Kimbugwe addresses the press. Looking on is NkiinziBy Joyce Namutebi Buganda royals under the Prince Kimbugwe Foundation have announced their support for a third presidential term for President Yoweri Museveni should he desire one. The announcement was made on behalf of the princess and princesses by Prince Edward Kimbugwe at a press conference held at the Foundation offices on Mwanga 11 Road, Kampala on Saturday. The press conference was attended by Nalinya Catherine Nkiinzi, Katikkiro Jimmy Tabalamule from Bugembegembe Kasengejje, Lt. Abasi Kawuki and other foundation members. The foundation, in a three-page statement, highlighted 30 achievements of the Moveme
 government and said, “Because of these reasons we have mentioned, we are unanimously informing Buganda that President Museveni deserves another term.” “We are not sure whether the successors would consolidate these achievements and even ensure that we the royals remain free and respected as we are now,” they added. T hey appealed to all Ugandans to give Museveni a third term if it is his wish. The two-year-old foundation has 240 members out of whom 140 are princes and princesses, Kimbugwe said. They include the president’s former adviser on poverty Nalinya Irene Ndagire. All hell broke loose in January 1999, when Ndagire together with three other princesses went to Kasubi tombs and made an announcement that perturbed many Baganda. They claimed that the Kabaka of Buganda Ronald Muwenda Mutebi 11, was a son of King Freddie Muteesa’s former bosom friend and Kabaka Yekka Member of Parliament, the Late Daudi Ochieng, a distinguished pol
 from Acholi. Kimbugwe announced that they would give 10 bursaries to displaced children from Acholi next year. They commended government for UPE, democracy, human rights, press freedom, immunisation and for returning 70% of the properties that had been taken away from Buganda.Published on: Sunday, 7th December, Gook "You can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom."- Malcom X
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ugnet_: Chopper report angers Besigye

2003-12-07 Thread Owor Kipenji
Chopper report angers Besigye By Alex B. Atuhaire Dec 8, 2003

KAMPALA - President Museveni should be punished for his role in the purchase of junk Mi-24 military helicopters, Col. Kizza Besigye has said.
Besigye, a losing candidate in the 2001 presidential election now exiled in South Africa, said this in a statement e-mailed to The Monitor yesterday.

He said Parliament should make sure that action is taken against Mr Museveni. 

Besigye is one of the army officers lined up for action by the Justice Julia Sebutinde Commission of Inquiry set up in 2001 to find what went wrong with the purchase, and who was responsible.Besigye insists Museveni and then Minister of State for Defence, Mr Amama Mbabazi, are to blame for the bogus purchase. 

"Whereas I was not responsible for selecting the 'technical' teams to carry out the PSI [pre-shipment inspection], it is recommended by the JCI [commission] that as their leader, I be held vicariously responsible for their failures; while those who appointed them, and were generally responsible for the procurement exercise take no responsibility whatsoever. 
Instead, the Government in its white paper recommends that I should be directly held responsible!" wrote Besigye, the then chief of logistics and engineering in the army.
Besigye who fled the country in August 2001 is living in exile mainly in South Africa.
"In spite of the reprehensible actions or omissions of President Museveni in managing the MOD [ministry of defence] and UPDF generally, and in the helicopter saga specifically, which were ably documented in the report, the Commission was 'understandably' silent about his culpability in its recommendations," he said in a 3,100 word statement.
He added: "What I cannot understand is why the commission was silent about the responsibility of the minister of state for Defence; who is responsible for the day-to-day running of the MOD generally, and who oversaw the whole helicopter procurement exercise."
Besigye wants Parliament to take action against Museveni and Mbabazi, who is the current minister of Defence.
"Parliament would be abdicating its duty if it does not take action against a president who openly abets serious crime, like he did when he advised Maj. Gen. Saleh to 'go ahead and receive the commission [from the chopper sale] and apply it to special operations in the north'. 
"He knew very well that it was not a 'commission' but a bribe since he [Saleh] was in government service," Besigye wrote.
He wondered why the commission was silent on Mbabazi and why Brig. Joshua Masaba, who is recommended for disciplinary action, was recently appointed chief of staff.
"The implementation of this was to promote Col. Masaba to Brigadier, and appoint him Chief of Staff," he said.
Government lost $6 million in the purchase of the four junk Mi-24V helicopters.Justice Julie Sebutinde's commission of inquiry into the matter submitted its report to government in August 2001.
The report was made public last month.
© 2003 The Monitor Publications   BT Yahoo! Broadband - Save £80 when you order online today. Hurry! Offer ends 21st December 2003. The way the internet was meant to be. 

ugnet_: Movt youth,UYD fight

2003-12-07 Thread Owor Kipenji
Movt youth, UYD fight By Robert Muhereza Dec 8, 2003

KABALE - Pro-Movement youth here violently disrupted a meeting organised by an opposition youth wing.
The meeting, called by the Uganda Young Democrats, the youth wing of the Democratic Party at Victoria Inn yesterday, was disrupted soon after it started.
A group of 10 people, who identified themselves as 'Movement vigilantes' walked into the meeting room at 10:30 a.m. and started beating up participants.
"Why are you here and who are you?" one of them asked angrily, "Who is your leader here? We want him to be an example; Kabale is a no-fly zone for multiparty politicians."
There were about 70 UYD members and several were injured in the ensuing fracas.
Three Norwegian nationals from the Norwegian Labour Youth group, who were attending the function, were also slightly injured.
"This is very unfortunate," Michael Mabikke, a senior UYD official and MP for Makindye East, said afterward. "It should not be fellow Ugandans beating us to the extent of shedding blood."
Calm was restored after the officer-in-charge of Kabale police station, Ms Winfred Butazi, stormed the inn with heavily armed policemen.
The police later questioned the UYD president, Mr Leander Komakech, Mabikke, who is the secretary general, and the group's organising secretary, Mr Godfrey Ntale.
The Kabale district police commander, Mr Martin Amoru, said the police were investigating the matter.
"We are trying to locate these vigilantes so they can record their statements to allow the investigations start," Amoru said.
The officer said that the UYD leaders would also be charged with holding an unlawful assembly.
However, shortly after recording a statement at the police station, Mabikke said he was within his rights to hold the meeting.
"I don't need a passport to organise a meeting here; Kabale is part of Uganda and I am not a foreigner," he said. "I will always come here and meet our people until democracy is got."
Before the meeting was disrupted, Mabikke had urged the participants to fight for democracy.
"You must fight hard to have power lie in the hands of the local people than lying in the hands of gunmen as it is in Uganda today," he said.
The UYD youth had, by last evening, been released on police bond. 
Additional reporting by Siraje Lubwama in Kampala
© 2003 The Monitor Publications   BT Yahoo! Broadband - Save £80 when you order online today. Hurry! Offer ends 21st December 2003. The way the internet was meant to be. 

ugnet_: Uncovering the ghosts in UPDF

2003-12-07 Thread Owor Kipenji
Uncovering the ghosts in UPDF By Andrew M. Mwenda Dec 7 - 13, 2003

The story behind Museveni's army reshuffle and the unending northern war
The recent reshuffle of the military command centred around the issue of ghost soldiers. The actual depth of the problem is yet to be determined, but current indications from the 1,600 pages report submitted to the president estimate that ghost soldiers could account for nearly up to one third of the army. 
In a December 2, 2003 message from President Yoweri Museveni to the army commander, a copy of which the present writer has seen, the commander in chief even lamented that "I am told the Banyarwanda soldiers who deserted the NRA [National Resistance Army] are still being paid. How could this still be possible?"

Col. Benon BiraaroThe presence of so many ghosts on the army register has been a major source of money and power in the UPDF, as commanders and their auxiliaries used the system for self enrichment. But how could this have been possible? Who were its principle architects? When did it begin? How has it been sustained? What has been the effect of ghost soldiers on the institution of the army, on professionalism in our military and on its combat effectiveness? 

How does this relate to Uganda's broader but twisted political landscape? What purpose does this problem serve?
According to the 1,600 pages report of the commission of inquiry, the ghost soldiers fraud took place at three levels: first at the level of field commanders in operational/combat areas inflating the number of auxiliary forces under their command; second, at the level of commanders in the field, colluding with other officers at headquarters to retain dead and missing soldiers on strength; and third and most insidious, collusion between key people at the Ministry of Defence headquarters with others at the treasury not to change the amount of monies released as salaries in spite of clearly declared reduction in numbers by the army.

Col. Fred Tolit
The existence of a large number of ghost soldiers on the army register is not an isolated problem but part of the wider political dilemma of the state in Uganda. It has a direct link with Uganda's wider crisis: the consolidation of "the movement political system" otherwise a one party system, ever-increasing military spending in the context of ever-expanding theatres of war inside and outside of Uganda, lack of professionalism in the army and the calls to amend the constitution in order to remove term limits on the president, - because all these add up to one thing: consolidation of the power of President Museveni.
Army strength is an important aspect in the management of the military because it is the basis for military costs and combat effectiveness. In 1992 when the armed rebellion in northern Uganda was almost ended, official army strength was 120,000; the defence budget was US$ 44m. In 1996 when the rebellion began to resurge, army strength was slightly above 40,000 while defence expenditure had increased to US$ 88m, more than double its 1992 size. President Museveni has consistently used the rebellion to ask for an ever increasing defence budget. 
When Operation Iron Fist kicked off in March 2002, there were only 350,000 people in internally displaced camps and the defence budget was US$ 120m (Shs 240 billion). In September 2002, 30 percent of the budgets of other ministries was cut, and the defence budget was increased to US$ 150m (Shs 296 billion). 
This financial year (2003/04), the defence budget is US$ 160m (Shs 330 billion), army strength is 57,000 soldiers, supported by an assortment of auxiliary forces like Local Defence Units, vigilantes, home-guards, arrow groups etc. 

Col. Benon Biraaro and his boss Brig. Joshua Masaba have a one on one at Bombo (Defence Press Unit photos).Yet, the LRA has spread from its traditional home districts of Gulu, Kitgum and Pader to the districts of Lira, Apac, Katakwi Kaberamaido and Soroti and people in camps have increased to 1.8 million. 

The president justifies ever increasing defence spending arguing that it will improve combat effectiveness. So why is there almost a direct correlation between increased defence spending and the escalation of armed conflict, instead of a reverse trend? 
The answer is deceptively simple: the military budget is used for purposes other than ending the insurgency. Increasing defence spending creates opportunities for army officers to profit from the war through many insidious ways: by inflating the number of auxiliary forces under their command; by not declaring the dead or missing, and therefore retaining them on strength as ghost soldiers; taking tenders to supply food and other supplies to the army in combat zones; getting commissions in the process of procuring military equipment etc.
Ghost soldiers have been an endemic problem in the UPDF, the first attempt to address the issue as early as 1989 resulted into the burning down of the entire army headqua

ugnet_: Adequate food key to health

2003-12-07 Thread Owor Kipenji
Editorial  Monday, December 8, 2003  

Adequate food key to healthA country's average life expectancy is an _expression_ of the level of wealth it has produced and the structure of its horizontal distribution. 
According to a report we published at the weekend, more Kenyans are dying, and at a much younger age, than before. It can only mean that, since independence, our productivity has steadily gone down. 
In a word, poverty has intensified its deadly grip on us during the last three decades. During the two decades since 1984, of course, our death rate would have been greatly catalysed by Aids. 
But let us beware. In the Third World, statesmen are fond of rushing to scapegoats for all their policy failings. Just as, in the Seventies, our Government used to blame all its economic difficulties on "worldwide inflation", the present Government might be tempted to blame everything on Aids. 
To do so would be to try to conceal the fact that Aids itself, though capable of attacking members of all classes, has its highest toll among the poor. The question is: Why? The answer: For the simple reason that they are poor.  
For poverty is the mother of all the other nooses around the necks of members of the lower classes, including ignorance and disease. The poor are more likely to catch Aids because they are ignorant of preventive measures. 
And when they have caught it, they are more likely to die faster because they are too poor to afford the drugs both for managing Aids itself and opportunistic diseases. 
The deadliest effect of poverty is not Aids but hunger. First, some of these drugs will not work on an empty stomach. And even if they did, one must perish sooner than later where the stomach remains empty. 
Thus to blame on Aids our increasing mortality rate and our decreasing life expectancy is to evade the problem. We can get complete mastery over disease only if we have adequate food supplies. 
This presupposes greater and better distributed wealth. But, where our Government seems to prefer to equivocate over wealth production and poverty elimination, how can we avoid more cemeteries nationwide?  
Comments\Views about this article   BT Yahoo! Broadband - Save £80 when you order online today. Hurry! Offer ends 21st December 2003. The way the internet was meant to be. 

ugnet_: Zimbabwe quits Commonwealth, rules out dialogue

2003-12-07 Thread Matekopoko
Zimbabwe quits Commonwealth, rules out dialogue

By Cris Chinaka

HARARE, Dec 7 (Reuters) - Zimbabwe announced on Sunday it had quit the Commonwealth after the organisation's leaders extended a suspension imposed after a widely criticised election last year.

The government said in a statement that President Robert Mugabe had told the leaders of Jamaica, Nigeria and South Africa when they phoned him one after another on Sunday that Harare did not accept the Commonwealth's position.

"Accordingly, Zimbabwe has withdrawn its membership from the Commonwealth with immediate effect," it said.

A summit meeting of the group, comprising 54 nations that are mostly former British colonies, on Sunday decided not to readmit Zimbabwe after suspending it last year on grounds that Mugabe had rigged his re-election and persecuted his opponents.

The issue dominated the summit in the Nigerian capital Abuja, splitting the group along lines of race and wealth.

The Zimbabwe government said the three leaders who called had tried to persuade Mugabe not to quit:

"In response, President Mugabe indicated to each of the three leaders that the decision was unacceptable, as the Republic of Zimbabwe would settle for nothing short of its removal from the Commonwealth suspension and agenda."

It said Mugabe told them: "Anything that you agree on Zimbabwe which is short of this position, no matter how sweetly worded, means Zimbabwe is still a subject of the Commonwealth. This is unacceptable. This is it -- it's quits and quits it will be."

The summit had opened the way for a possible return if Zimbabwe engaged in reconciliation with the opposition.


But the government statement said Mugabe had also indicated he would not be discussing the issue with any leader because Zimbabwe was no longer a member of the group.

Information Minister Jonathan Moyo said Sunday's decision by the Commonwealth had proved beyond doubt that "racist leaders in Britain and Australia" had taken over the organisation.

"These racist leaders are using the Commonwealth to try to punish us over our land reform programme and, by withdrawing our membership, we are saying we have no wish to compromise on the question of achieving social justice for our people," he said.

"Our problem with Britain and Australia is over the land we took over from their white kith and kin to redistribute to the indigenous black people of this country...

"If good governance means that black people should forever live as servants and poor and as inferior citizens to white people, we don't accept it."

Mugabe insists he won last year's election fairly, and says Western governments, principally Britain, have sabotaged Zimbabwe's economy in punishment for his distribution of white-owned commercial farmland to landless blacks.

The main opposition, the Movement for Democratic Change, said Mugabe had no right to leave the Commonwealth.

"It's an irrational decision by Mugabe because, in the state that we are in, we need friends and mediation. But Mugabe says because his pride has been hurt we must suffer," spokesman Paul Themba-Nyathi said.

Political analysts said Mugabe had isolated himself further, but Zimbabwe's withdrawal had also robbed the Commonwealth of a platform to influence his government.

"Mugabe might have his own problems, but the Commonwealth is not looking glorious as well. We might talk about Mugabe and about brinkmanship but the Commonwealth has also badly damaged itself in the manner in which it handled Zimbabwe," said Heneri Dzinotyiwei of the University of Zimbabwe.


ugnet_: Gado on the Somali Peace Jokes!

2003-12-07 Thread Owor Kipenji

Monday, December 08, 2003 

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ugnet_: Where man eats man with relish

2003-12-07 Thread Owor Kipenji

Where man eats man with relishBy BETTY CAPLAN 
On an ordinary day last week, I came across several different references to cannibals. In my philosophy, this heralded more than serendipity – it meant something significant. 
We know that our ancestors engaged in such behaviour without thinking it in the slightest bit odd, and that as recently as 30 years ago, the natives of Papua New Guinea greatly fancied human flesh. 
How do we distinguish between one kind of human cruelty and another? Is it kinder to put prisoners to death by lethal injection, as they do in many states of America, or to shoot them by firing squad, as used to be the case?  
In a world where billions are hungry, we happily torture and kill animals for our food, yet we baulk at the very idea of consuming one another. 
What put me in mind of this was a report of a bizarre trial that is presently taking place in Germany. A 42-year-old computer expert called Armin Meiwes who lived in the town of Rotenburg advertised on the Internet in March 2001 for a "young well-built man who wanted to be eaten". 
A 43-year-old engineer named Bernd Brandes eagerly answered his call and on March 9, the two went up to his bedroom where, according to The Guardian (December 4), "Mr Brandes swallowed 20 sleeping tablets and half a bottle of schnapps before Meiwes cut off Brandes’ private parts, with his agreement, and fried them for both of them to eat". Later on, he finished his victim off properly. 
Mr Meiwes wasn’t known to be an evil man - quite the opposite. He lived quietly, and did all manner of favours for his neighbours like mowing their lawns, repairing their cars, or even inviting them round for dinner. Naturally he would have kept to himself the secrets of his favourite dish until the need finally overcame him. I expect the neighbours were horrified to discover what went on in the large, rambling house next door.  
In civilised urban societies, you don’t expect a murderer to look normal and wear a smart suit. This all went ahead so swimmingly that Mr Meiwes clearly believed he had hit upon an innovative new career when someone in his chat-room blew the whistle and informed the police.  
Meiwes must have noticed that the supply of human flesh neatly packed in the freezer next to the pizza was running short, and so he daringly put out another request which was answered by five other men. That was to be his downfall. 
Now the argument is raging in Germany about whether Mr Meiwes can even be described as a murderer; Germany has no law forbidding cannibalism, and his "partner" had willingly consented to the whole thing. Mr Meiwes might even have been carrying out a kind of mercy killing, sharing a final ritual with a man who desperately wanted to die.  
Lost for words, the police have charged him with "murder for the purposes of sexual pleasure" and with "disturbing the peace of the dead". 
But does the man deserve such a harsh judgment? He showed considerable tact in cooking the meat with a nice garlicky sauce and - not being greedy - parcelling it up for future use, perhaps to serve to unexpected visitors or family who just popped in. 
But the idea of cannibalism as a measure for curing various social ills is central to what is perhaps the greatest piece of irony in the English language – Jonathan Swift’s A Modest Proposal, far less well-known than his Gulliver’s Travels. 
Published in 1729, it suggested cannibalism as a way of "preventing the children of poor people in Ireland from being a burden on their parent country and for making them beneficial to the public". 
In a sustained attack on the English exploitation of his native Ireland, Swift used his power as a man of the church, (he became dean of St Patrick’s in 1713) to prove that the pen can be mightier than the sword. One can well imagine where he would stand on issues of the church today.  
Perhaps the answer to his equivocal position lay in the fact that he wrote anonymously and was paid for only one work - Gulliver’s Travels - for which he received the princely sum of $400.  
The Ireland of his time was literally being "swallowed up" by English absentee landlords who bled the country with the tacit agreement of Parliament. Peasants were so impoverished that they emigrated to the West Indies and other British colonies in America. At the age of one year, having taken sufficient milk from their mothers’ breasts, Swift recommended that children could best be sold as food. Instead of being a burden on the state, "they shall, on the contrary, contribute to the feeding and the clothing of many thousands". 
He didn’t stop there; as if foreseeing the plight of modern-day pregnant schoolgirls, he continued that the scheme would "prevent those voluntary abortions and horrid practice of women murdering their bastard children, alas! Too frequent among us". 
But to return to the here and now, I have to confess to being mesmerised by this weird tale, one of the many dishes of horrors that we are treated to 

Re: ugnet_: And now this!-Baganda royals back 3rd term\matek

2003-12-07 Thread Matekopoko
Mwami James Ssenyange.

Thanx for the rather length information below. 
The fact of the matter is that the people of Uganda can only react to statements issued by the so called Buganda Royal leaders. 

I was perhaps wrong to assume that the so called Buganda Royals who were issuing statement in support of Yoweri Museveni's SAD term, were in essence speaking for the  Buganda as a people.  It is interesting to note (as you so eloquently pointed out)  that there is more political intrigue and intricate in Buganda politics then what meets the eye.

peace! Meanwhile we will keep our ears to the ground... believe me.


In a message dated 12/7/2003 6:59:31 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

You are the one who is myopic, not Baganda. The royal Clan is 
one of the 52 clans of Buganda and I think its population could be between 
200,000 to 800,000. Read the article properly. Those in the nespapers 
associated together to form and register their organization with less than 
500 members. Why did they form that organization? You dont know but the 
reporter gave you a clue. Princess Ndagire with backings from Mu7, Salim 
Saleh, Kakooza Mutale and Prince Kamanya tried to topple Kabaka Mutebi and 
disturbilize the Kingdom with the sole aim of making it politically 
toothless, and eventually wiping it out. They misculculated and Baganda 
behind the Kabaka and Mengo marched to the then cuptured Kasubi Tombs 
without fear of the armed Saleh, Mutale  &co, and eventually took over the 
Tombs. Their step #1 failed misarably. Within a month, the the over powered 
armed Ndagire was enlisted in the president's office and later given the 
post of special adviser. She is still an "adviser" to Mu7.

    Any logical sane person cannot construe from the above 
history and current situation that Kabaka Mutebi, Mengo, Buganda Royals ( 
majority) and Baganda are part and parcel of this group! The tactics mu7 is 
using in the north, are basically the same in the west ( Kigezi ), East and 
Buganda.  He has been telling his philosophy to Ugandans but they dont get 
it. He always tells of "ensenene" ( grasshoppers) being put in a tin by Man 
( mu7). one type of grasshopper ( kulunkalu) bites off another type ( 
kulumbisi) and another type ( mulangira) etc. without realising that their 
enemy is man (mu7) who put them in a tin is hiding somewhre waiting for his 
turn to bite. I think this reminder will put this nosense to its ending.

James Ssenyange

RE: ugnet_: Re: REHEMA_: Introducing Myself

2003-12-07 Thread ssenya nyange

You are welcome.

J. Ssenyange

From: Assumpta Kintu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ugnet_: Re: REHEMA_: Introducing Myself
Date: Sun, 7 Dec 2003 14:52:47 -0800 (PST)
Hello Ms. Mukooza,
Welcome aboard Ugandanet. Will be looking forward to
your unique contributions to the forum. Have smooth
and informative stay aboard!
--- Rehema Mukooza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Members:
> I am Rehema Mukooza.
> A Ugandan, new member here.
> I came to join other Ugandans and see what's going
> on here.
> Rehema M.
> -
> Do you Yahoo!?
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Re: ugnet_: And now this!-Baganda royals back 3rd term\matek

2003-12-07 Thread ssenya nyange
Mr. Matek,

  You are the one who is myopic, not Baganda. The royal Clan is 
one of the 52 clans of Buganda and I think its population could be between 
200,000 to 800,000. Read the article properly. Those in the nespapers 
associated together to form and register their organization with less than 
500 members. Why did they form that organization? You dont know but the 
reporter gave you a clue. Princess Ndagire with backings from Mu7, Salim 
Saleh, Kakooza Mutale and Prince Kamanya tried to topple Kabaka Mutebi and 
disturbilize the Kingdom with the sole aim of making it politically 
toothless, and eventually wiping it out. They misculculated and Baganda 
behind the Kabaka and Mengo marched to the then cuptured Kasubi Tombs 
without fear of the armed Saleh, Mutale  & co, and eventually took over the 
Tombs. Their step #1 failed misarably. Within a month, the the over powered 
armed Ndagire was enlisted in the president's office and later given the 
post of special adviser. She is still an "adviser" to Mu7.

  Any logical sane person cannot construe from the above 
history and current situation that Kabaka Mutebi, Mengo, Buganda Royals ( 
majority) and Baganda are part and parcel of this group! The tactics mu7 is 
using in the north, are basically the same in the west ( Kigezi ), East and 
Buganda.  He has been telling his philosophy to Ugandans but they dont get 
it. He always tells of "ensenene" ( grasshoppers) being put in a tin by Man 
( mu7). one type of grasshopper ( kulunkalu) bites off another type ( 
kulumbisi) and another type ( mulangira) etc. without realising that their 
enemy is man (mu7) who put them in a tin is hiding somewhre waiting for his 
turn to bite. I think this reminder will put this nosense to its ending.

James Ssenyange
Subject: Re: ugnet_: And now this!-Baganda royals back 3rd term
Date: Sun, 7 Dec 2003 15:55:24 EST
In a message dated 12/7/2003 3:39:12 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> I start by looking what we have on the ground
> 1) We are sleeping today
>  2) We have the kingdom
>  3) We hold the Vice presidency post
>  4) When Museveni gives us Federalism Ssabasajja will lead Uganda
> What is wrong with supporting a third term?
> Em

 A wise politician once told me that in politics you must make your move 
carefully. You must make your move bearing in mind the implications of such
moves three, four, ten years from now on you.

Let us face it... Buganda is part and parcel of Uganda whether one likes it
or not. Now ask yourself as to whether the move by the so called Buganda 
will essentially play out well for Buganda Royal with it's relationship 
other Ugandan Tribes five years from now after Museveni is gone? ... You
immediately begin to see the political Mypic of the Buganda. They are 
pretty much
digging the political grave, so to say, of the so called Buganda Royals ! 
especially as it pertains to the Relationship between the Buganda royals 
other tribes of Uganda.  I SEE  EMBIRO!!!


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ugnet_: Aids data:Most of is lies,damned lies and statistics

2003-12-07 Thread Owor Kipenji
Monday, December 8, 2003  

Aids data: Most of it is lies,damned lies and statisticsHIV/Aids has truly impacted on the lives of each one of us in one way or another and the fight must be won. 
Up-to-date facts and figures are a prerequisite in any effective communication on most subjects, and HIV/Aids is no exception. 
Seven hundred Kenyans dying every day, three in five minutes, prevalence rates, and rates of incidence are common terms to us. Such data is bandied around with such adroitness and vigour that sometimes it is as if we are fighting a series of mathematical algorithms rather than an actual virus.  
Whilst there is value in using numbers to describe phenomena, it is essential that when we do so, we understand exactly what these figures represent. 
It was former British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli who once said: "There are three types of lies: Lies, damned lies and statistics". 
This could not be truer for some of the so-called "facts" hurled at us by reputable experts and international agencies in the build-up to World Aids Day. 
In the Sunday Nation of November 30, Arthur Okwemba quoted the Executive Director of an Aids support group from Uganda claiming that there has been a fall in HIV prevalence in Uganda "from more than 30 per cent in 1995 to nearly 5 per cent today". 
This translated in real terms, means that of the 23 million inhabitants of Uganda, almost seven million were HIV positive in 1995 and eight years later, the figure stands at slightly more than one million. 
This means that there are six million less HIV positive Ugandans today than in 1995. If you factor in the Ugandans who acquired the virus after 1995, this leaves a simply enormous body of people who are no longer HIV positive. What has happened to the Ugandans who do not appear in the latest figures? Did they leave Uganda, die or were they cured of HIV? 
If the prevalence figures are inverted, it does not say much for Uganda's widely commended HIV/Aids response if it is unable to prevent the deaths of 800,000 HIV positive people a year. 
In Kenya, it has been stated that HIV/Aids had, by 1998, reduced life expectancy by 13 years to only 51. Taking HIV prevalence in Kenya of 12 per cent and applying a simple weighted average, it is easily proved that this assertion is a mathematical impossibility. In fact, for such a drop in life expectancy to be caused by HIV alone, HIV positive Kenyans would have to have a life expectancy of minus 44 years. That is, they would have been dead a whole two generations before they were born! We cannot be so foolish as to use baseless and incongruous statistics in our arguments.  
Even the great UN, in its much quoted Aids Epidemic Update released recently, makes statements that, on closer inspection, are questionable. 
It is simply not good enough to use tests on pregnant women taken in antenatal clinics as the main source for raw data used to estimate national prevalence in the way the UNAids study has. 
People tested in antenatal clinics are, by the very fact they are women who have had unprotected sex, a high-risk group. The argument presented in the Epidemic Update in justifying the assumptions made by the UN in producing their estimates using this method is both weak and flawed. 
What is needed is a wide reaching and aggressive campaign to derive comprehensive and accurate figures on the scourge that will allow us to plan our response based on knowledge and not conjecture. 
MATTHEW BLACK, Kenya Aids Watch Institute.  
Comments\Views about this article   BT Yahoo! Broadband - Save £80 when you order online today. Hurry! Offer ends 21st December 2003. The way the internet was meant to be. 

ugnet_: Demagogues bound to wreck law review

2003-12-07 Thread Owor Kipenji

Demagogues bound to wreck law reviewBy JOHN NJIRAINI 
The grandstanding over the leadership of the Constitution of Kenya Review Commission (CKRC) may yet prove to be the fatal kiss for the review exercise. Our constitution making may suffer irreparable damage for lack of a consensus if many of those engaged in it lose faith in the leadership.  
Unlike the experiences during the Kanu regime, the proceedings at the Bomas Conference do not enjoy unqualified public support given that the conduct of the delegates has been the subject of repeated public condemnation, which imperils the entire process. 
While those supporting the CKRC chairman Yash Pal Ghai may celebrate temporal success, eventually the initiative will flounder for lack of consensus. The genesis of the current crisis needs to be properly understood and the implications of having a divisive leadership appreciated if the exercise is to be salvaged. 
Those who blindly support Ghai should understand that leadership demands the subordination of individual views to the collective will. It was, therefore, perplexing for Prof Ghai to publicly support those who have taken the commission he leads to court. 
This stand defies common logic and would ordinarily demand that he resigns if the institutional position is greatly at variance with his beliefs. If he chooses to hang onto the office while at the same time supporting the adversary, he merits accusations of opportunism and self-interest. 
As a delegate to the Bomas conference since its inception, I have been struck by the acute absence of principled dialogue in the deliberations. Bomas I plenary debates, for instance, witnessed rampant complaints that the conference had been turned into a views-seeking exercise reminiscent of what happened at the grassroots. 
In addition, a disproportionate amount of time was allowed to certain constituencies, primarily the district delegates and Members of Parliament, leading to the sidelining of other groups. There was also open hostility towards those who took positions perceived to rhyme with the views of the Government, an attitude that still persists. 
The problems have been aggravated by those who have sworn to "see no evil, hear no evil" on the draft constitution or the Commission's leadership.  
Unfortunately, a strong culture seems to have developed of intolerance to any views that contradict either the draft constitution's main proposals or even the conduct of the process. 
This culture appears to have afflicted even the Press, which presently exhibits inexcusable irritation towards any proposals that question the value of continuing with what is clearly a flawed process. It looks as if, for the period of the review, we will have to take collective leave of our faculties and agree to tag along at whatever cost. 
As a patriotic Kenyan, I strongly believe in the need for a more democratic constitution. My disagreement comes when demands are made for endorsement of a new dispensation without the benefit of testing it against a set of pre-agreed principles. 
Indeed the absence of any settled principles to guide the discussions is the primary reason why most debates in the technical committees are merely rubber-stamping the draft's proposals. 
The potentially divisive debate about the Kadhi's courts is a case in point of a provision that breaches the principle of religious parity or neutrality. The controversial question of the cost of the proposed structures arises because of the absence of economic principles or guiding benchmarks on fiscal management. 
This lack of guiding principles has led to the obscene horse-trading that characterises review discussions and is sure to guarantee us a sub-standard constitution. 
I propose that the CKRC provides leadership in agreeing to a set of principles to guide the remaining phases of the process. These principles should include, among others, those on the people's supremacy and universal suffrage, respect for human rights, religious neutrality, administrative efficiency and fiscal or economic sustainability. Any provisions that contradict the principles should be struck out. 
It is doubtful whether a motley crowd of 600 odd individuals spread over a disparate 13 disjointed committees can provide the kind of focus required to mesh all the principles into one solid and wholesome document. Those opposed to the idea of an "experts group" need to soberly rethink this proposal. 
In my view, the single biggest lapse in the draft constitution is its failure to embrace a philosophy on the role and functions of a government in a modern state. For many years, Kenyans have looked to the government as a cash cow, a place to go for jobs and other favours. We have failed to see the government for what it truly should be - a mechanism for facilitating the smooth and efficient pursuit of our individual and collective economic interests. 
Instead of liberating Kenya from this suffocating mentality about government as saviour, the draft 

ugnet_: Re: REHEMA_: Introducing Myself

2003-12-07 Thread Assumpta Kintu
Hello Ms. Mukooza,
Welcome aboard Ugandanet. Will be looking forward to
your unique contributions to the forum. Have smooth
and informative stay aboard!

--- Rehema Mukooza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Members:
> I am Rehema Mukooza.
> A Ugandan, new member here.
> I came to join other Ugandans and see what's going
> on here.
> Rehema M.
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ugnet_: THE BRITS ARE REFUSING THEIR OWN ......Now why am I suprised?

2003-12-07 Thread Mulindwa Edward

Refuse To Accept British Guantanamo Returns 12-7-3


(AFP) -- Britain's Home Secretary David Blunkett is 
blocking moves to repatriate British detainees held by the United States 
in Guantanamo Bay, fearing he would have to release them soon after 
their arrival back home. 
The United States had offered to send at least some of 
the nine Britons held at the US military base in Cuba back to Britain 
for trial, but a decision on their future was being delayed because 
government ministers here were split over the proposal, The Sunday Times 
The prospects of an early resolution had been clouded 
after Blunkett warned that any proceedings in British civilian courts 
would probably end with acquittals through lack of admissible evidence, 
the paper reported. 
It added British intelligence chiefs were concerned 
that any agreement to return the men could result in potentially 
dangerous al-Qaeda supporters being allowed to go free at a time when 
the authorities are nervous amid fears of a terrorist attack in 
More than 660 people from about 40 countries picked up 
during the US "war on terror" are being held at Guantanamo. The United 
States does not consider them prisoners of war and has held them 
indefinitely without setting trial dates. 
The Sunday Times said the US had agreed to allow 
British detainees not sent home to be represented by British civilian 
Washington had also privately indicated that it does 
not intend to seek the death penalty for any of the British detainees, 
the paper reported. 
But official sources told The Sunday Times that 
several British concerns had not been resolved about the fairness of US 
military tribunals which some prisoners could face. 
Such detainees would still be denied the right to see 
all the evidence against them and their ability to question witnesses 
would be restricted, according to The Sunday Times. 
However, some British ministers argued that "if the 
alternative is putting back on the streets people who have been trained 
by al-Qaeda, we should go for the form of US trial that is on offer," 
one unnamed official told The Sunday Times. 
A Home Office source added: "The home secretary wants 
the men to be treated fairly but he doesn't want them in Britain without 
there being a tight legal hold on 
Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 

ugnet_: AIDS AND POPULATION CONTROL....Watch out Africa!

2003-12-07 Thread Mulindwa Edward

CONTROL. Watch out Africa!Dear 
David,With regard to the latest developments on 'cheap AIDS drugs to 
South Africa', an alternative summary of the situation is included here for 
general perusal. In our book, World Without AIDS, we predicted some 
two years ago, that some form of pre-planned, outwardly philanthropic and 
highly publicised move from the pharmaceutical industries would then elicit 
a grateful response from a generally naive populace. So far, it all 
seems to be going according to plan. Steven Ransom Watch out Africa!Everything's 
Hunky Dory at planning level"Our applause for their efforts will serve 
only to drown out the cries of the dying."The following information 
has been excerpted from 'World Without AIDS' and Credence AIDS Update 5 
"Truly, the unedited history of Western AIDS is a medical nightmare. 
And it is not complicated to unravel. The nightmare is plainly visible 
for those who have eyes and minds to see and a will to understand. And 
today, in Africa and other so-called third world countries, this 
nightmare is continuing and growing more frightening as each day goes 
by. Not because of any viral pandemic, sweeping across the plains of 
Africa, but because of an orchestrated pandemic of lies and deceit, 
sweeping across the globe via a Western-controlled media campaign. In 
actual fact, it is pre-existing illnesses (the majority of which could 
be treated relatively easily and cheaply, but which are not) which are 
now accounting for so much of these spiralling conventional AIDS death 
statistics. The World Health Organisation, World Bank, UNAIDS, 
associated UN organisations, the pharmaceutical giants and related media 
colleagues etc., are manipulating the current AIDS 'epidemic' in order to 
continue with their scare-mongering AIDS DEATH HEADLINES.More 
shamefully, these organisations are now colluding in the delivery of toxic 
drugs into Africa and other so-called third world countries, with the 
express intent of using these drugs as a form of population control in the 
recipient nations. The World Bank and the IMF are granting loans to HIPC's 
(heavily indebted poor countries) only if they agree to spend a considerable 
proportion of that loan on combating AIDS... 'the dreadful disease ravaging 
their poor country'. See for 
the truth on 'Drop the Debt'. Clothed in the philanthropic cloak of 'poverty 
reduction programmes', these loans are actually a self-financing form of 
self-poisoning, and are yet another example of the almost perfect 
circle'we will lend you the money for you to buy very poisonous 
drugs that will eventually kill you.' Drugs pledge G7 offers 
billions of pounds for cheap drugs for developing countries 
This form of population control is of course grusomely crude in its 
end delivery. African people with their largely treatable illnesses will 
surely be 'ignored' to death, as an unwitting world applauds the 'sterling 
efforts' of agencies only poisoning people with unnecessary drugs. The 
crudity and cruelty of this demise is offset by the tactical, almost 
admirable genius of those who have orchestrated the plan. They have 
demonstrated absolute mastery in their ability to manipulate the human 
psyche to such an extent that we now actually believe these organisations 
are motivated by a genuine concern for mankind, and that 'world good health' 
is their primary objective. Nothing could be further from the truth. 
But you cannot fool all of the people all of the time. The 
founding father and financier behind the global business of conventional 
pharmaceutical care was none other than JD Rockefeller. A staunch population 
control adherent, JD once addressed a Sunday school class with the following 
words "The American Beauty Rose can be produced only by sacrificing the buds 
that grow up around it." Rockefeller philosophies such as these prompted one 
critic of this notorious 'family' to write "Those who fornicated with the 
devil and deceived all the kings and the wealthiest men of all the nations 
are the Rockefellers." Readers interested in finding out more about 
the origins of that behemoth otherwise known as the pharmaceutical industry 
should visit and check out 'The Pharmaceutical Drugs Racket'. 
The Durban 2000 AIDS conference, held on July 9-14th 2000, had the 
funding of fifteen sponsors, eleven of whom are pharmaceutical 
industries and/organisations who have a direct interest in population 
control. That the Ford Foundation was one of the sponsors of Durban 2000 
will come as little surprise to readers au fait with the population control 
'league of friends'. They are billed on their web-site as 'providing grants 
and loans to projects that strengthen democratic values, reduce poverty and 
injustice, promote international co-operation, and advance human 
achievement.' Whilst The Ford Foun

ugnet_: THE SUFFERING OF ZIMBABWEANS Must never be forgoten

2003-12-07 Thread Mulindwa Edward

How whites invaded, 
conquered and seized fertile land in ZimbabwePosted: 12/05From: ZANU-PFJOHN Taviringana Chirimanyemba, a 
centurion who witnessed whites when they invaded, conquered and seized land in 
Zimbabwe and later emerged as an advocate of the liberation movement, advancing 
the idea of resisting the unjust political, economic and social subjection has 
one wish before he die, to see land given back to its rightful 
owners.Born on September 17, 1896 in Zvimba, Cde Chirimanyemba (107) who 
has seen three different generations and probably the country's oldest person 
said the government should economically empower blacks by resettling them on 
fertile soils."Now that land is being given back to its rightful owners, 
new farmers should work hard and produce enough food for the country. The 
Government should address the unfair distribution of land and empower the 
landless peasant farmers," he said.He said when whites arrived in 
Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) they used to burn houses where villagers used to stay as a 
way of driving them to areas with poor rainfall patterns.Cde 
Chirimanyemba grew up in Zvimba and remembers how his family was displaced in 
1910 from their original homestead to the other side of Manyame river. 
The area has poor soils which are not suitable for the production of 
crops such maize, cotton, and wheat just to mention a few.Although the 
Zvimba people tried to resist the unjust colonial system, they were overpowered 
by whites.The uprising code named "Hondo yaNyamwandura" saw the death of 
many settlers as blacks tried to resist the illegal occupation of their 
land.In an effort to get cheap labour from down-trodden blacks, whites 
introduced "Chibharo" (forced labour) a concept similar to slave 
trade.Villagers were captured in the evening to do manual duties. 
Cde Chirimanyemba said blacks were ill treated and forced to work in 
their land of origin as labourers.In 1921, Cde Chirimanyemba moved to 
Bulawayo to seek employment. After failing to make ends meet because of 
poor remuneration paid by the whites Cde Chirimanyemba and other black 
nationalist migrated to South Africa for further painful labour.He said 
the road to South Africa was bitter as they sometimes could spend some days 
without eating anything.They were not so luck to get employment in that 
country when one of their colleagues got so drunk striped in public and was 
arrested by police. In the process, they were also rounded up and forced to 
return to Zimbabwe.Cde Chirimanyemba is experiencing difficulties in 
walking, seeing and hearing due to old age.He is a good source of our 
national history and several writers have interviewed him about how whites 
arrived in Rhodesia and grabbed land by force from blacks.He spends most 
of his time teaching people especially children about the Chimurenga 
War.Cde Chirimanyemba likes eating traditional food such as pumpkins, 
roasted groundnuts, sadza and game meat.He urged Zimbabweans to remain 
united and work as a family in their common struggle. Thomas Madondoro Click here for a Printable 
Version of this page. 

Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 

ugnet_: Women rock the cashbah

2003-12-07 Thread Owor Kipenji

Women rock the casbah
By Samar Farah | Correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor 
BEIRUT, LEBANON, AND DAMASCUS, SYRIA - Loubna Haddad was at her home in Damascus, watching TV with her grandmother. Suddenly Elissa, a Lebanese pop star with inflated lips, shrunken outfits, and sultry looks, popped on the small screen and outraged the old woman.
Despite plenty of exaggerated wincing, Ms. Haddad says her grandmother, "didn't get up, but kept watching." For Haddad, a TV writer, this was no ordinary generation gap and no petty victory. In a part of the world that still restricts kisses and bed scenes in sitcoms, it was a major development.
Elissa is part of a crop of new female Arab singers to emerge in the last two years, most of them Lebanese. Their music videos bring them - via satellite - into millions of Arab homes, as they blow words of heartache over bare shoulders, writhe on beach sand, and stage trysts with mysterious men.
Some critics are responding with more than cringes. This summer, a rival singer accused Elissa - referred to by one magazine as "the artist of bed sheets" - of using sex to sell her songs. In September, members of the Egyptian Parliament proposed a ban on singer Nancy Ajram's videos. The controversy heated up last month when protesters in Bahrain tried to shut down a concert by the same performer, most famous for a song in which she flutters about an all-male cafe.
But more-liberal Arabs are deeply divided over the videos' long-term influence. On one end are those who, like Haddad, hope the videos will help erode conservative attitudes toward dress and sex. On the opposite end are those who see yet another culprit that promotes women as physical objects. Beneath these different views lie mixed feelings about the benefits of Western influence on Arab culture.
To be sure, if it were simply hanging in a closet, Lebanese singer Haifa Wehbe's notorious short and skintight red dress (which appears rain-soaked in one of her videos) would not be any cause for controversy. Beneath the hijab or at home, even traditional Muslim women are often bolder in their dress, wearing makeup in the house and removing it when they leave to run an errand, for example. And between husband and wife, conservative Muslims say, all sartorial boundaries crumble.
"[A wife] should wear what makes her husband happy," says one female Islamic law student at the University of Damascus who switches off music videos at the first sight of a shimmying hip. That philosophy may explain why lingerie stores are easier to find in downtown Damascus than are cafes.
Nor are bawdy depictions of women foreign to Arab culture. "One Thousand and One Nights," oral stories that date back centuries, feature plenty of sirens starring in sexual exploits. "It's not a new concept - the femme fatale - in Islamic society at all," says Anisa Al Amin Merhe, a psychoanalyst and a professor at the University of Lebanon in Beirut. "But," she adds, explaining the uproar from the December 05, 2003 edition - surrounding the videos, "it's the first time you see it on TV [in the Arab world]."
Moreover, for many observers - directors, musicians, and viewers - while these new performers sing in Arabic and sometimes dance on desert sets to Arabic rhythms, the videos are for the most part a Western phenomenon. The quick shots, the suggestive moves, the pervasive green and blue hues, and the costumes are all American and European influenced.
"There is no Arabic culture in the new songs, bottom line. Just mute the sound, and you'll think [she] is a foreign singer," says Osama Said, a partner at Damascus production house ArtWare Media who has directed videos for Syrian artists.
The result, some say, is nothing more than bad imitation. Ultimately, for Mr. Said and others, Elissa's low-cut, form-fitting Christian Dior dress in her chart-topping video "Aayshalak" ("I live for you") doesn't reflect any kind of shift in attitude toward ideas about freedom or women's equality, but merely an eye for Western fashion.
"We take the tattoos, the long hair [from America], that's it," says Said. Indeed, for the University of Damascus student, sitting on a campus bench in an ankle-length trenchcoat and white headscarf, attempting to establish a link between clothing and freedom is a superficial endeavor.
It's just like MTV 
What's missing, some say, is a really genuine Arab voice, such as lyrics that explore taboo topics and more storytelling, in place of haphazard shots of exposed arms and legs. But other critics say the videos have definitely affected public thinking. After all, they're everywhere, from Damascus cafes and restaurants to hotel lounges. The cumulative effect, they charge, is that women have been turned into commodities. It's a sentiment some religious leaders agree with.
Seated around a lunch table at the Higher Institute of Music in Damascus, Maya Yousef and twins Nadia and Hala Muhamna - members 


2003-12-07 Thread Mulindwa Edward
UN names forces in struggle for Congo gold fields 

Secret report on militias' backers could embarrass Britain 

David Pallister
Thursday December 4, 2003
The Guardian 

A confidential United Nations report has accused Rwanda, Uganda and elements within 
the new transitional government in Congo of continuing to arm militias in the country 
to keep control of the rich diamond and gold fields. 
The document, part of a longer report on the exploitation of the Democratic Republic 
of Congo's mineral resources published in October, was sent privately to the security 
council because of its "highly sensitive" information. 

If the allegations are true they will sorely test the 10,000-strong UN military 
mission trying to bring order to the country. Last week, in his latest assessment of 
the mission's task, Kofi Annan, the UN secretary general, spoke of a "vicious circle 
of lawlessness" and "massive violations" of human rights continuing unabated. 

The report is also likely to embarrass the British government, the biggest bilateral 
aid donor to both Uganda and Rwanda. The former international development minister, 
Clare Short, was a defender of Rwanda's President Paul Kagame, despite criticism that 
UK aid was fuelling Rwanda's intervention in Congo. 

One of the most explosive allegations is that the veteran opposition politician 
Etienne Tshisekedi, who returned to the DRC in September after two years in exile in 
South Africa, is preparing a rebellion, with the support and advice of Rwanda, in the 
central province of Kasai Oriental. 

Mr Tshisekedi's party, the Union for Democracy and Social Progress (UDPS), refused to 
join the transitional government in June after he was denied one of the four 
vice-presidencies. A month later, the report says, his 3,000-strong militia was 
supplied with weapons shipped from an unnamed sub-Saharan country through Rwanda and a 
group of 42 UDPS militiamen was sent to the same country for military training. 

Some observers believe the report's allegations against Mr Tshisekedi may have been 
overtaken by events. After being excluded from the new government he allied himself 
with the Rwandan-backed rebel group Rally for Congolese Democracy (RCD) and denounced 
the president, Joseph Kabila, as a new dictator. But he recently told a South African 
newspaper that he was preparing for the elections expected within two years with "love 
and fraternity". 

The machinations of the Rwandan military "are considered to be the most serious 
threat" to the government in Kinshasa, the report says. It alleges that Rwandan 
officers are providing training and arms for two other militia groups in the east, 
including the Congolese National Army (ANC), the military wing of the former rebel 
faction RCD-Goma, whose leader is now one of four vice-presidents in the government. 
Documents obtained by the panel of experts who produced the report show arms shipments 
to this militia up to August this year, in direct contravention of the July UN arms 
embargo on the eastern part of the country. 

The report says that evidence from internal documents shows that money for the arms is 
raised through the sale of minerals owned by the Congo Holding Development Company, a 
mining and trading firm based in Goma, near the Rwandan border. The company was set up 
by Gertrude Kitembo, a senior member of RCD-Goma and now minister of 
telecommunications. In its previous report last year, the panel recommended financial 
sanctions against the company. 

The other Rwandan-armed group, the Union of Congolese Patriots (UPC), with 10,000 
regulars in the north-east area of Ituri, is under direct control of the Rwandan 
army's high command, the report says. Rwanda formally withdrew its troops from Congo 
last year. 

Uganda, whose troops were pulled out in May, is accused of protecting its commercial 
interests through three proxy militias operating in the prosperous Ituri district. 

In July a plane was intercepted at Beni airport, close to the Ugandan border, 
containing ammunition destined, according to militia passengers, for Commandant Jerome 
Kakawavu Bakonde, the leader of one of the factions, known as FAPC. The report says 
that the arms were to help FAPC to force Ashanti Goldfields, which controls the 
Mongbwala goldfield, to work with Ugandan officials, such as the chief of military 
intelligence, rather than authorities in Kinshasa. 

Receipts obtained by the panel suggest that one of the militias is directly funded by 
the office of President Museveni. The president's press secretary did not respond to 
an email setting out the claim.

Special report

The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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RE: ugnet_: And now this!-Baganda royals back 3rd term

2003-12-07 Thread gook makanga
Bwana Mitayo,
It puzzles me greatly that at this time and age there still exists people amongst us who believe that ones fate is determined by his birth. (Accident of birth)!
However this Mengo people should wake up and realise that Uganda (including mengo) is greater than M7.
What will become of mengo when tomorrow,this this killer of the great lakes region is called by his creator?
Will Mengo follow him there? This is what should be occupying their minds..not the filling of their stomachs while the people in Luwero are still bleeding and astonished by the betrayal that the NRA/M has done to them!

"You can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom."- Malcom X 

Original Message Follows From: "Mitayo Potosi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: RE: ugnet_: And now this!-Baganda royals back 3rd term Date: Sun, 07 Dec 2003 20:12:13 + Gook have you forgotten m7's telling his goons in the so-called 'High command' that imperialism's order to re-institute feudalism had come, whether we like it or not? What happened to Col. Sserwanga-Lwanga and others who opposed feudalism? There may not be much to do except to lay back and enjoy being raped, my friend!! The short time, when none of us could claim to be a higher human being simply because of one's parantage, is long gone. Mitayo Potosi >From: "gook makanga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] >To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] >Subject: ugnet_: And now this!-Baganda royals back 3rd term >Date: Sun, 07 Dec 2003 16:52:13 
 + > _ STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE* << message3.txt >> Add photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.

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Re: ugnet_: And now this!-Baganda royals back 3rd term

2003-12-07 Thread Matekopoko
In a message dated 12/7/2003 3:39:12 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I start by looking what we have on the ground
1) We are sleeping today
 2) We have the kingdom
 3) We hold the Vice presidency post
 4) When Museveni gives us Federalism Ssabasajja will lead Uganda
What is wrong with supporting a third term?


 A wise politician once told me that in politics you must make your move very carefully. You must make your move bearing in mind the implications of such moves three, four, ten years from now on you.  

Let us face it... Buganda is part and parcel of Uganda whether one likes it or not. Now ask yourself as to whether the move by the so called Buganda royals will essentially play out well for Buganda Royal with it's relationship with other Ugandan Tribes five years from now after Museveni is gone? ... You immediately begin to see the political Mypic of the Buganda. They are pretty much digging the political grave, so to say, of the so called Buganda Royals ! .. especially as it pertains to the Relationship between the Buganda royals and other tribes of Uganda.  I SEE  EMBIRO!!!



RE: ugnet_: And now this!-Baganda royals back 3rd term

2003-12-07 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Gook have you forgotten m7's telling his goons in the so-called 'High 
command' that imperialism's order to re-institute feudalism had come, 
whether we like it or not?

What happened to Col. Sserwanga-Lwanga and others who opposed feudalism?

There may not be much to do except to lay back and enjoy being raped, my 

The short time, when none of us could claim to be a higher human being 
simply because of one's parantage, is long gone.

Mitayo Potosi

From: "gook makanga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ugnet_: And now this!-Baganda royals back 3rd term
Date: Sun, 07 Dec 2003 16:52:13 +
STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*
--- Begin Message ---

Baganda royals back 3rd term

SUPPORT HIM: Kimbugwe addresses the press. Looking on is Nkiinzi
By Joyce Namutebi Buganda royals under the Prince Kimbugwe Foundation have announced their support for a third presidential term for President Yoweri Museveni should he desire one. The announcement was made on behalf of the princess and princesses by Prince Edward Kimbugwe at a press conference held at the Foundation offices on Mwanga 11 Road, Kampala on Saturday. The press conference was attended by Nalinya Catherine Nkiinzi, Katikkiro Jimmy Tabalamule from Bugembegembe Kasengejje, Lt. Abasi Kawuki and other foundation members. The foundation, in a three-page statement, highlighted 30 achievements of the Movement government and said, “Because of these reasons we have mentioned, we are unanimously informing Buganda that President Museveni deserves another term.” “We are not sure whether the successors would consolidate these achievements and even ensure that we the royals remain free and respected as we are now,” they added. T
 hey appealed to all Ugandans to give Museveni a third term if it is his wish. The two-year-old foundation has 240 members out of whom 140 are princes and princesses, Kimbugwe said. They include the president’s former adviser on poverty Nalinya Irene Ndagire. All hell broke loose in January 1999, when Ndagire together with three other princesses went to Kasubi tombs and made an announcement that perturbed many Baganda. They claimed that the Kabaka of Buganda Ronald Muwenda Mutebi 11, was a son of King Freddie Muteesa’s former bosom friend and Kabaka Yekka Member of Parliament, the Late Daudi Ochieng, a distinguished politician from Acholi. Kimbugwe announced that they would give 10 bursaries to displaced children from Acholi next year. They commended government for UPE, democracy, human rights, press freedom, immunisation and for returning 70% of the properties that had been taken away from Buganda.
Published on: Sunday, 7th December, 

"You can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom."- Malcom X 
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--- End Message ---

ugnet_: And now this!-Baganda royals back 3rd term

2003-12-07 Thread Mulindwa Edward

I start by looking what we have on the 
1) We are sleeping today
2) We have the kingdom
3) We hold the Vice presidency post
4) When Museveni gives us Federalism Ssabasajja 
will lead Uganda
What is wrong with supporting a third 
Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2003 1:14 
  Subject: Re: ugnet_: And now 
  this!-Baganda royals back 3rd term
  WRONG MOVE!MatekIn a 
  message dated 12/7/2003 11:54:42 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Baganda royals back 3rd termSUPPORT HIM: Kimbugwe addresses the press. Looking on is 
NkiinziBy Joyce Namutebi Buganda royals under the 
Prince Kimbugwe Foundation have announced their support for a third 
presidential term for President Yoweri Museveni should he desire one. 
The announcement was made on behalf of the princess and princesses 
by Prince Edward Kimbugwe at a press conference held at the Foundation 
offices on Mwanga 11 Road, Kampala on Saturday. The press conference 
was attended by Nalinya Catherine Nkiinzi, Katikkiro Jimmy Tabalamule from 
Bugembegembe Kasengejje, Lt. Abasi Kawuki and other foundation members. 
The foundation, in a three-page statement, highlighted 30 
achievements of the Movement government and said, âBecause of these reasons 
we have mentioned, we are unanimously informing Buganda that President 
Museveni deserves another term.â âWe are not sure whether the 
successors would consolidate these achievements and even ensure that we the 
royals remain free and respected as we are now,â they added. T hey appealed 
to all Ugandans to give Museveni a third term if it is his wish. The 
two-year-old foundation has 240 members out of whom 140 are princes and 
princesses, Kimbugwe said. They include the presidentâs former adviser on 
poverty Nalinya Irene Ndagire. All hell broke loose in January 1999, 
when Ndagire together with three other princesses went to Kasubi tombs and 
made an announcement that perturbed many Baganda. They claimed that 
the Kabaka of Buganda Ronald Muwenda Mutebi 11, was a son of King Freddie 
Muteesaâs former bosom friend and Kabaka Yekka Member of Parliament, the 
Late Daudi Ochieng, a distinguished politician from Acholi. Kimbugwe 
announced that they would give 10 bursaries to displaced children from 
Acholi next year. They commended government for UPE, democracy, 
human rights, press freedom, immunisation and for returning 70% of the 
properties that had been taken away from Buganda.Published on: 
Sunday, 7th December, Gook "You can't 
separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his 
freedom."- Malcom X 


2003-12-07 Thread Mitayo Potosi
On another note Rehema, pardon me but I think it was you who, a few weeks 
ago, was expressing concern about some groups in Uganda adopting anarchysm 
as their ideological framework.

Maybe by now you have discovered the difference between the ordinary usage 
of this term and as a body of philosophy.  From the point of view of 
philosophy anarchysm has nothing to do with disorder, conflict or mayhem. I 
got the impression this was your interpretation.

Anarchysts propound some kind of idealistic freedoms. Like abolition of 
taxation, and in general, minimalist state and social structures.

In the USA the most prominent anarchyst probably is MIT's Noam Chomsky. And 
all must agree that our Ugandan bandits m7, Kony etc... are the furtherst 
thing to such a kind and compassionate individual like Professor Chomsky. 
Through and through he is a man of peace.

Indeed he has spent a good part of his life speaking out against injustice 
in the world. He is foremost in his defence of the Palestinians who have 
been in the refuge camps for the last 50 years.

He has battled and exposed the inhumanity of the 500-year settler 
colonialism in both North and South America. He is an arch-critic of 
American foreign policy in the Middle East and worldwide.

Indeed one of the few critisisms I have heard against him and anarchyst 
philosophy is that both only point out the wrong in society rather proceed 
to prescribe concreat solutions. Some others have said that anarchysm is 
idealism in disguise.

Dear Rehema you also may have heard of priests howling against 
'materialism'.  Surely they are refering to consumerism rather than the 
materialism associated with philosophy; i.e. dielectical materialism.

And there is as much confusion with the term 'materialism' as with 

I wish you all the best, and take care.

Mitayo Potosi

From: Rehema Mukooza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Museveni's KALANGALA  ACTION GROUP IS FINISHING THE  
Date: Sun, 7 Dec 2003 08:20:50 -0800 (PST)

I believe your claim unless the UPDF proves, otherwise we all know that 
it's them responsible for these civilian killings all along.  Instead of 
the UPDF killing civilians, why can the gov't of Uganda let the Acholi 
region free and separate from Ugandan??

"and where was the national army while such killings was taking place? 
Citizens of Uganda should recall that the  NRM/A  stated  clearly  before 
the  nation and  Members of the  International Community  that  security 
would be beefed up in Lira town and surrounding areas. That the so called 
LRA rebels would massacre people in spite of the beefed up UPDF  presences, 
 simply does not make sense. The  UPDF is pretty much killing people and 
blaming it on the  rebels. I am moved ... very moved  to tears!


70 dead bodies found in Lira
By Frank Nyakairu
Dec 7, 2003
KAMPALA - Authorities in Lira have discovered about 74 bodies of civilians 
killed by rebels of the Lords Resistance Army (LRA).

The bodies, mainly of young men and women were gathered from Amugo 
sub-county alone, about 70km southeast of Lira, northern-Uganda.

The Lira LC-V Chairman, Mr Franco Ojur, told Sunday Monitor yesterday that 
relatives of the victims found the bodies in bushes.

"Because that particular sub-county has been under attack, no one knew how 
many people were killed or abducted because most had fled to Lira town," 
said Ojur. Most of the bodies bore deep cuts, proving that the victims were 
simply hacked.

The army in the area however denied knowledge of the reported deaths, but 
said people could have been killed in the recent escalation of rebel 

"Of course some people have been killed and the rebels are doing that on 
orders of their boss, Joseph Kony, but I do not have knowledge of the 
numbers you are talking about," said 2nd Lt. Chris Magezi, spokesman of the 
5th infantry Division.

"The only incident I know of in Amugo is that of yesterday when the rebels 
attacked a camp looking for food and killed three people there, but we also 
caught up with them and killed three of them," Magezi added.

Lira has been under attack for the last two months leaving several 
civilians dead. The army, however, says only 89 were killed in the last two 
months. The 17-year war has led to the displacement of over a million 
people who now live in displaced people's camps. The rebels have abducted 
over 20,000 children.

© 2003 The Monitor Publications

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Re: ugnet_: And now this!-Baganda royals back 3rd term

2003-12-07 Thread Matekopoko



In a message dated 12/7/2003 11:54:42 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Baganda royals back 3rd term
SUPPORT HIM: Kimbugwe addresses the press. Looking on is Nkiinzi

 By Joyce Namutebi 

Buganda royals under the Prince Kimbugwe Foundation have announced their support for a third presidential term for President Yoweri Museveni should he desire one. 

The announcement was made on behalf of the princess and princesses by Prince Edward Kimbugwe at a press conference held at the Foundation offices on Mwanga 11 Road, Kampala on Saturday. 

The press conference was attended by Nalinya Catherine Nkiinzi, Katikkiro Jimmy Tabalamule from Bugembegembe Kasengejje, Lt. Abasi Kawuki and other foundation members. 

The foundation, in a three-page statement, highlighted 30 achievements of the Movement government and said, âBecause of these reasons we have mentioned, we are unanimously informing Buganda that President Museveni deserves another term.â 

âWe are not sure whether the successors would consolidate these achievements and even ensure that we the royals remain free and respected as we are now,â they added. T hey appealed to all Ugandans to give Museveni a third term if it is his wish. 

The two-year-old foundation has 240 members out of whom 140 are princes and princesses, Kimbugwe said. They include the presidentâs former adviser on poverty Nalinya Irene Ndagire. 

All hell broke loose in January 1999, when Ndagire together with three other princesses went to Kasubi tombs and made an announcement that perturbed many Baganda. 

They claimed that the Kabaka of Buganda Ronald Muwenda Mutebi 11, was a son of King Freddie Muteesaâs former bosom friend and Kabaka Yekka Member of Parliament, the Late Daudi Ochieng, a distinguished politician from Acholi. 

Kimbugwe announced that they would give 10 bursaries to displaced children from Acholi next year. 

They commended government for UPE, democracy, human rights, press freedom, immunisation and for returning 70% of the properties that had been taken away from Buganda.

 Published on: Sunday, 7th December, 

"You can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom."- Malcom X 

ugnet_: M7 & Amin have a lot in common!---Amin appoints former vice-president Babiiha ad

2003-12-07 Thread gook makanga

December 7 John Babiiha received his appointment letter from Amin at Command Post in Kampala. The letter said Babiiha was to be a special advisor to the president and government. His office was to be located in the office of the president. Amin told Babiiha that he would get a high salary “because of the new responsibility.” He also reminded him that he had appointed him on merit after careful consideration
Amin appoints former vice-president Babiiha adviser

December 2 President Idi Amin announced the appointment of John Babiiha as Presidential Adviser. Amin said he had decided to appoint Babiiha, who was a vice president in the ousted Milton Obote regime, to advise the government because of the good work he had rendered to the nation. Babiiha also held the portfolio of minister of Agriculture and Animal Resources then. December 3 The East African Legislative Assembly adjourned after a two-week session in Kampala. During the session it had taken what amounted to practical steps towards the East African Federation. Before the adjournment the assembly appointed a three-man Federation Committee under the chairmanship of I.B. Munaka. Deputy East Africa Ministers for Common Market and Economic Affairs Silas Munabi and Robert Ndegwe respectively were the other members. The committee was to study proposals for the federation, commend it to the public, assess public support and recommend
  procedures and organs for discussion and implementation. December 4 Amin promised to investigate “mysterious stealing and disappearance” of people in Uganda. He vowed to put an end to the bad practices. The president said that he had learnt with disappointment that a number of Ugandans had fallen victim to what he described as “fitina” or “empalana”. He also said that he had learnt that some people had been killed or victimised simply because they were prosperous businessmen. Others, he added, had been victimised because of love affairs. December 7 John Babiiha received his appointment letter from Amin at Command Post in Kampala. The letter said Babiiha was to be a special advisor to the president and government. His office was to be located in the office of the president. Amin told Babiiha that he would get a high salary “because of the new responsibility.” He also reminded him that he had appointed him on merit after careful consideration. 

"You can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom."- Malcom X 
 STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*

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ugnet_: And now this!-Baganda royals back 3rd term

2003-12-07 Thread gook makanga

Baganda royals back 3rd term

SUPPORT HIM: Kimbugwe addresses the press. Looking on is Nkiinzi
By Joyce Namutebi Buganda royals under the Prince Kimbugwe Foundation have announced their support for a third presidential term for President Yoweri Museveni should he desire one. The announcement was made on behalf of the princess and princesses by Prince Edward Kimbugwe at a press conference held at the Foundation offices on Mwanga 11 Road, Kampala on Saturday. The press conference was attended by Nalinya Catherine Nkiinzi, Katikkiro Jimmy Tabalamule from Bugembegembe Kasengejje, Lt. Abasi Kawuki and other foundation members. The foundation, in a three-page statement, highlighted 30 achievements of the Movement government and said, “Because of these reasons we have mentioned, we are unanimously informing Buganda that President Museveni deserves another term.” “We are not sure whether the successors would consolidate these achievements and even ensure that we the royals remain free and respected as we are now,” they added. T
 hey appealed to all Ugandans to give Museveni a third term if it is his wish. The two-year-old foundation has 240 members out of whom 140 are princes and princesses, Kimbugwe said. They include the president’s former adviser on poverty Nalinya Irene Ndagire. All hell broke loose in January 1999, when Ndagire together with three other princesses went to Kasubi tombs and made an announcement that perturbed many Baganda. They claimed that the Kabaka of Buganda Ronald Muwenda Mutebi 11, was a son of King Freddie Muteesa’s former bosom friend and Kabaka Yekka Member of Parliament, the Late Daudi Ochieng, a distinguished politician from Acholi. Kimbugwe announced that they would give 10 bursaries to displaced children from Acholi next year. They commended government for UPE, democracy, human rights, press freedom, immunisation and for returning 70% of the properties that had been taken away from Buganda.
Published on: Sunday, 7th December, 

"You can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom."- Malcom X 
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ugnet_: Big heads roll in army

2003-12-07 Thread Matekopoko
Big heads roll in army 
Weekly Review --- By Ben Illakut 
Dec 7 - 13, 2003

Political observers have always remarked that one of the reasons why President Yoweri Museveni has managed to stay in power for 17 years without incident is his ability to tame insider betrayal and turn it round, while keeping a tight grip on the guns [read soldiers].

Whatever you may make out of such a remark, it appeared to pass the test this week when the commander-in-chief did a major reshuffle of the Uganda People's Defence Forces (UPDF), leaving the public, opposition politicians and the officers and men in uniform, marvelling at his audacity.

Although numerous reshuffles have come to pass in the past, this time round, it was big; affecting giants and legendary names in the force. And if some people ever thought that there are untouchables - before Museveni, they might as well reverse their thinking.

Let's start it this way. 

President Museveni dropped Brig. Nakibus Lakara from his position as army chief of staff. He also axed Brig. Julius Oketta who has been the chief of Logistics and Engineering in the army.

And despite the fact that the former army commander, Maj. Gen. Kazini is thousands of miles away, attending a top-notch military course in Nigeria, Museveni did not spare him. 

Like others, Kazini is to face the military court martial, headed by Lt. Gen. Elly Tumwiine.

Now you once thought that Kazini was untouchable. Didn't you? Apparently, the president was acting on recommendations of a probe team into the continued existence of "ghost soldiers" in the army.

The Defence minister, Mr Amama Mbabazi, heads the committee. It comprises among others; Lt. Gen. David Tinyefuza and the chief of military intelligence, Col. Noble Mayombo.

Their recommendations appear to be as thorough as they are unflinching. The president also sacked all except two of the five division commanders. Col. John Mugume (Fifth division in Lira), Col. Poteli Kivuna (Division II) and Col. Andrew Guti (Division III) - sending them on forced leave, pending appearance at the court martial.

But that is not all. Museveni also ordered that Brig. Henry Tumukunde, who was once a division commander and until recently, the boss of the Internal Security Organization (ISO) and Brig. Steven Kashaka, appear in the court martial. 

Again, did you not say lots of things about the relationship between Tumukunde and the first family?

But while the heads rolled, some were being held high with confidence. The president promoted Col. Joshua Masaba, who has been the commander of the air force at Entebbe, to the rank of brigadier and appointed him the new army chief of staff.

He also appointed Col. Benon Biraro, who has been in charge of the training school at Jinja to deputise Masaba.

As the week progressed, the story also developed. Defence Minister Amama Mbabazi on Wednesday said that actually more than 60 officers had been sent on forced leave. All army paymasters had also been suspended. 

As 'ghost soldiers' continue to haunt the army, it is hoped that the action will clear the way for the general court martial hearings.

But as the army shook, the Uganda Peoples Congress seized the opportunity to spit at Museveni and the NRM government generally.

The party's Presidential Policy Commission chairman, Dr James Rwanyarare, told a press briefing in Kampala, early in the week, that the officers who had been either sent on forced leave or were due for court martial, were being hunted for alleged opposition to the third term project.

Whatever the truth or lies in Rwanyarare's claims, one thing is clear; this was a mother of all reshuffles.

When guns rock the air, every thing else falls down. That is what news about the reshuffle seemed to do to other important issues this week.

Take for example, the World Aids Day, which was celebrated at Kololo Airstrip on Monday. 

One would have expected the event and the messages thereof to dominate nation talk all week long. But alas, it was overshadowed.

Nonetheless the event which was attended by 11 of the former Big Brother Africa (BBA) housemates, revealed a shocking figure of 70,000 in Uganda having died of Aids - this year alone.

Museveni talked graphically about sex, Aids and the need to stay alive. He also took off time to dismiss the unanimous decision by parliament - denigrating Uganda's BBA representative, Gaetano Kaggwa. The Honourables had disparaged Gae as an unworthy role model in the anti-Aids campaign.

Museveni's argument: It is not time to point fingers and preach morality alone, but time for concerted effort - where all those who pull the crowds should be made use of.

Wise view if you ask. 

And this seemed to be a widely held view. A mini survey conducted by The Monitor revealed that people out there support Gaetano's role in the fight against Aids.

Now, how MPs dedicate enormous energy to demonise an individual who can be made constructive use of, is quite puzzling.

But if this puzzles y


2003-12-07 Thread Rehema Mukooza
I believe your claim unless the UPDF proves, otherwise we all know that it's them responsible for these civilian killings all along.  Instead of the UPDF killing civilians, why can the gov't of Uganda let the Acholi region free and separate from Ugandan?? [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
"and where was the national army while such killings was taking place? Citizens of Uganda should recall that the  NRM/A  stated  clearly  before the  nation and  Members of the  International Community  that  security would be beefed up in Lira town and surrounding areas. That the so called LRA rebels would massacre people in spite of the beefed up UPDF  presences,  simply does not make sense. The  UPDF is pretty much killing people and blaming it on the  rebels. I am moved ... very moved  to tears!  Matek 70 dead bodies found in Lira By Frank Nyakairu Dec 7, 2003KAMPALA - Authorities in Lira have discovered about 74 bodies of civilians killed by rebels of the Lords Resistance Army (LRA).The bodi
 mainly of young men and women were gathered from Amugo sub-county alone, about 70km southeast of Lira, northern-Uganda.The Lira LC-V Chairman, Mr Franco Ojur, told Sunday Monitor yesterday that relatives of the victims found the bodies in bushes."Because that particular sub-county has been under attack, no one knew how many people were killed or abducted because most had fled to Lira town," said Ojur. Most of the bodies bore deep cuts, proving that the victims were simply hacked.The army in the area however denied knowledge of the reported deaths, but said people could have been killed in the recent escalation of rebel attacks."Of course some people have been killed and the rebels are doing that on orders of their boss, Joseph Kony, but I do not have knowledge of the numbers you are talking about," said 2nd Lt. Chris Magezi, spokesman of the 5th infantry Division. "
 The only
 incident I know of in Amugo is that of yesterday when the rebels attacked a camp looking for food and killed three people there, but we also caught up with them and killed three of them," Magezi added. Lira has been under attack for the last two months leaving several civilians dead. The army, however, says only 89 were killed in the last two months. The 17-year war has led to the displacement of over a million people who now live in displaced people's camps. The rebels have abducted over 20,000 children.
© 2003 The Monitor Publications
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Re: ugnet_: Ekimansulo:(NUDE DANCING) Taking Kampala by the zipper

2003-12-07 Thread Rehema Mukooza
The Domestic Bill is letting ebimansulo and prostitution flourish while trying to ban Polygamy??  What is this?!  This is madness!![EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Ekimansulo: Taking Kampala by the zipperBy Agnes AsiimweDec 7 - 13, 2003As we approached Hanny’s bar, it hit me that our car was boldly marked
  in red
 with The Monitor. That obviously wouldn’t fetch me a cheerful welcome at Hanny’s, especially with Amanda and the Moonlight Angels in the house. We decided to drive on and park somewhere ahead.  Shadow’s Angels do their thing in this 2001 file photo. This seems to have been the precursor of the current nude shows. At 8.15p.m I walked into the
 Hanny’s pub is located on Namirembe Road. At the entrance, I was subjected to a thorough check. I paid the entrance fee and walked in.The well-lit stage was empty with a backdrop of red curtains. The chairs were arranged ready for the show, all facing the stage. But 8.30 p.m was too early. The chairs were all empty. Save for 
 stage, the rest of the bar is dimly lit. In the next room was a pool table. No one was playing. A bored barman stood behind the counter. A waitress dozed in a corner. In another room a TV screened; to no one. After my small tour, I decided it was too early, left and returned at 10.30 p.m. On entering, four young men were dancing on stage. They wore a uniform of black flowered shirts and light green jeans. One of the dancers also doubled as the MC and stopped occasionally to address us. He is Kalekyezi, a short and dark humorist who speaks Luganda with a Kinyarwanda accent. They were already sweating, and they mimed songs of local musicians like Bobi Wine, Ziggy D and Chameleone. This went on without any drama, I was beginning to think, oh well these were only malicious rumours.Then their jeans started going down, we started seeing more of pyjamas. One of the boys, tall, th
 in and
 of light complexion, was shy. He looked out of place there. The third young man was vigilant and full of energy. He was dripping with sweat. I silently thought, here is a guy who likes his job. He started pointing his backside to the audience. Two of them grabbed each other and rubbed groins, with their trousers down their legs. The crowd stirred up. The dancing went on. Soon the crowd became restless. They wanted something new.Shaggy’s Strength of a Woman started playing and four barely clad ladies walked in. They were in tiny maroon wrappers and matching revealing tops. They looked uncomfortable and conscious of their nakedness as their hands kept pulling at the tiny pieces of cloth. They had headphones, the kind used in live performances. The audience became attentive. Celine Dion’s Coulda Woulda Shoulda started playing, the girls looked at each other and hesitated. One girl in plastic white high heels came forward and started miming. It was funny looking at her lips. She didn’t know the lyrics of the song. A series of mimes followed. The audience got bored. ‘Stop beeping us,’ one person shouted from the audience. ‘We want kimansulo’, another one shouted. A few erotic strokes were displayed, like peeping inside the girl’s wrappers, grabbing their crotches and rubbing against the girls but nothing more. The girls went back, leaving behind a very disappointed audience. It clocked midnight. A few minutes later, Kalekyezi took off his shirt and announced that all those with cameras “had better leave”. But who doesn’t know that pulling out a camera in such a place is suicidal? The DJ played a Lingala number. Kalekyezi started dancing. His colleague with the microphone encouraged him on, punctuating his phrases with obscenities. Kalekyezi danced on, wriggling his body up and down like a snake, his body got enveloped in sweat. He took off his trousers. He had white pyjamas. He lay down on the floor and feigned a sexual act. He came down to the audience. He was animated and excited, like a different spirit had possessed him. <
 lang=0 style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ff" face=Arial color=#00 size=2 FAMILY="SANSSERIF">The MC kept asking for money, Kalekyezi walked person to person, dancing - putting emphasis on his crotch. After getting money, he would walk to the next person. Soon it was my turn and I felt like going under the chair, I managed to look on mechanically.Later, he grabbed his clothes and went back stage. Other men entertained us. Then Shagg
 song played again, the audience turned their eyes to the backstage entrance, readying for the women. They came, this time in white micro wrappers, made with a fabric of the American flag. They coupled up and danced to a slow number.The MC announced that they were going to show us [sex] positions. The girls lay down and opened their legs, the men got on top. They rubbed crotches. The girls went on all fours and the men stood behind and grabbed their hips, which they lifted rhythmically. There was another ‘position’; the girls’ legs were lifted as their hands

ugnet_: Ekimansulo:(NUDE DANCING) Taking Kampala by the zipper

2003-12-07 Thread Matekopoko
Ekimansulo: Taking Kampala by the zipper
By Agnes Asiimwe
Dec 7 - 13, 2003

As we approached Hannyâs bar, it hit me that our car was boldly marked in red with The Monitor. That obviously wouldnât fetch me a cheerful welcome at Hannyâs, especially with Amanda and the Moonlight Angels in the house. We decided to drive on and park somewhere ahead.
Shadowâs Angels do their thing in this 2001 file photo. This seems to have been the precursor of the current nude shows.  
At 8.15p.m I walked into the bar. 

Hannyâs pub is located on Namirembe Road. At the entrance, I was subjected to a thorough check. I paid the entrance fee and walked in.

The well-lit stage was empty with a backdrop of red curtains. The chairs were arranged ready for the show, all facing the stage. But 8.30 p.m was too early. 

The chairs were all empty. Save for the stage, the rest of the bar is dimly lit. In the next room was a pool table. No one was playing. A bored barman stood behind the counter. A waitress dozed in a corner. In another room a TV screened; to no one. After my small tour, I decided it was too early, left and returned at 10.30 p.m. 

On entering, four young men were dancing on stage. They wore a uniform of black flowered shirts and light green jeans. 

One of the dancers also doubled as the MC and stopped occasionally to address us. 

He is Kalekyezi, a short and dark humorist who speaks Luganda with a Kinyarwanda accent. 

They were already sweating, and they mimed songs of local musicians like Bobi Wine, Ziggy D and Chameleone. This went on without any drama, I was beginning to think, oh well these were only malicious rumours.

Then their jeans started going down, we started seeing more of pyjamas. One of the boys, tall, thin and of light complexion, was shy. He looked out of place there. 

The third young man was vigilant and full of energy. He was dripping with sweat. I silently thought, here is a guy who likes his job. He started pointing his backside to the audience. 

Two of them grabbed each other and rubbed groins, with their trousers down their legs. The crowd stirred up. 

The dancing went on. Soon the crowd became restless. They wanted something new.

Shaggyâs Strength of a Woman started playing and four barely clad ladies walked in. They were in tiny maroon wrappers and matching revealing tops. They looked uncomfortable and conscious of their nakedness as their hands kept pulling at the tiny pieces of cloth. 

They had headphones, the kind used in live performances. The audience became attentive. 

Celine Dionâs Coulda Woulda Shoulda started playing, the girls looked at each other and hesitated. 

One girl in plastic white high heels came forward and started miming. It was funny looking at her lips. She didnât know the lyrics of the song. A series of mimes followed. The audience got bored. 

âStop beeping us,â one person shouted from the audience. âWe want kimansuloâ, another one shouted. 

A few erotic strokes were displayed, like peeping inside the girlâs wrappers, grabbing their crotches and rubbing against the girls but nothing more. The girls went back, leaving behind a very disappointed audience. 

It clocked midnight. A few minutes later, Kalekyezi took off his shirt and announced that all those with cameras âhad better leaveâ. But who doesnât know that pulling out a camera in such a place is suicidal? 

The DJ played a Lingala number. Kalekyezi started dancing. His colleague with the microphone encouraged him on, punctuating his phrases with obscenities. Kalekyezi danced on, wriggling his body up and down like a snake, his body got enveloped in sweat. 

He took off his trousers. 

He had white pyjamas. He lay down on the floor and feigned a sexual act. He came down to the audience. He was animated and excited, like a different spirit had possessed him. 

The MC kept asking for money, Kalekyezi walked person to person, dancing - putting emphasis on his crotch. After getting money, he would walk to the next person. Soon it was my turn and I felt like going under the chair, I managed to look on mechanically.

Later, he grabbed his clothes and went back stage. Other men entertained us. 

Then Shaggyâs song played again, the audience turned their eyes to the backstage entrance, readying for the women. 

They came, this time in white micro wrappers, made with a fabric of the American flag. They coupled up and danced to a slow number.

The MC announced that they were going to show us [sex] positions. The girls lay down and opened their legs, the men got on top. They rubbed crotches. 

The girls went on all fours and the men stood behind and grabbed their hips, which they lifted rhythmically. There was another âpositionâ; the girlsâ legs were lifted as their hands were firmly planted on the ground. The men separated the airborne legs and stood in the middle. The sight of the G. strings, the wriggling bums excited the audience. The girls looked exhausted after just a few minutes. 

There was a particular girl


2003-12-07 Thread Matekopoko
"and where was the national army while such killings was taking place? Citizens of Uganda should recall that the  NRM/A  stated  clearly  before the  nation and  Members of the  International Community  that  security would be beefed up in Lira town and surrounding areas. That the so called LRA rebels would massacre people in spite of the beefed up UPDF  presences,  simply does not make sense. The  UPDF is pretty much killing people and blaming it on the  rebels. I am moved ... very moved  to tears!  


70 dead bodies found in Lira 
By Frank Nyakairu 
Dec 7, 2003

KAMPALA - Authorities in Lira have discovered about 74 bodies of civilians killed by rebels of the Lords Resistance Army (LRA).

The bodies, mainly of young men and women were gathered from Amugo sub-county alone, about 70km southeast of Lira, northern-Uganda.

The Lira LC-V Chairman, Mr Franco Ojur, told Sunday Monitor yesterday that relatives of the victims found the bodies in bushes.

"Because that particular sub-county has been under attack, no one knew how many people were killed or abducted because most had fled to Lira town," said Ojur. Most of the bodies bore deep cuts, proving that the victims were simply hacked.

The army in the area however denied knowledge of the reported deaths, but said people could have been killed in the recent escalation of rebel attacks.

"Of course some people have been killed and the rebels are doing that on orders of their boss, Joseph Kony, but I do not have knowledge of the numbers you are talking about," said 2nd Lt. Chris Magezi, spokesman of the 5th infantry Division. 

"The only incident I know of in Amugo is that of yesterday when the rebels attacked a camp looking for food and killed three people there, but we also caught up with them and killed three of them," Magezi added. 

Lira has been under attack for the last two months leaving several civilians dead. The army, however, says only 89 were killed in the last two months. The 17-year war has led to the displacement of over a million people who now live in displaced people's camps. The rebels have abducted over 20,000 children.

© 2003 The Monitor Publications

ugnet_: Details of US military aid to Uganda revealed

2003-12-07 Thread Matekopoko
Details of US military aid to Uganda revealed 
By Badru D. Mulumba 
Dec 7, 2003

KAMPALA - Details of the United States military support to Uganda are out.
But the assistance does not include spy signals or field military operations.

"The US resumed a small military assistance programme with the Government of Uganda in September after Uganda withdrew its troops from the DRC," the director for Public Affairs at the US Embassy in Kampala, Mr Mark Schlachter told Sunday Monitor last week.

"The scope of this programme is limited to training in civil-military relations, respect for human rights, defense resource management, HIV/Aids, and public affairs."

It is the first time US officials are going public on the scope of military assistance to Uganda, following speculation that it was providing intelligence signals under a new defence programme.

The speculation arose in October following a report in a US publication, Washington Times, which quoted an unnamed State Department source.

Sunday Monitor had earlier learnt that troop withdrawal from the Congo was a US Congress precondition for resumption of military assistance.

In its Foreign Assistance Authorisation Act for financial year 2004, the US Congress says: "It is the sense of Congress that the United States should condition military assistance to Uganda on its international compliance with sustained troop withdrawals from the Democratic Republic of Congo where the presence of Ugandan armies has contributed to the violence and instability in the region."

In parts, the Act that Sunday Monitor has seen, says that the US must "explore the possibility of facilitating the creation of mechanisms for an international monitoring team to enforce this cease-fire as the first step in the process toward a permanent peace."

It adds: "It is the sense of the Congress that the United States should continue supporting the Sudan Peace Process and Danforth Initiative, which include peace talks, donor coordination, regional support, civilian protection and monitoring, and cease-fire verification and consider modeling aspects of this process in northern Uganda."

The Act requires the US government to report back to Congress no letter than April 2004 on the efforts to end the war. 

At the same time, Congress wants to cut off the LRA lifeline. "It is the sense of the Congress that the United States should make available technical resources to seek, track and stop funding for the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) from all sources and condemn all governments and organisations who do assist the LRA," the Act says. It however remains unclear how the US hopes it could track LRA money.

"I do not have any information on how the Senate envisioned tracking LRA funding," Schlachter said, "and I am not aware of any reports that would offer guidance in that regard."

Defence minister Amama Mbabazi could not be reached on Friday. But his personal assistant, who is also Army spokesman, Major Shaban Bantariza said, Friday: "If the US can make head way with Sudan, and can be able to reign in the LRA thugs, we would be no hindrance to such effort."

Asked about the reported military signals from the US to the UPDF, Bantariza said that it was not the UPDF, but the media that gave out these reports. "They had nothing to write," he said.

"We have no problem with the US playing a role," he said. "Jimmy Carter offered to do that. The LRA snubbed the offer."

According to the Act, the US should monitor and support negotiations conducted by third party institutions for an immediate cease-fire between the LRA and UPDF and urge all forces to stop use of child soldiers.

The US should also negotiate humanitarian access to inaccessible populations.
It says that this would offer an opportunity to bring the warring parties together to build confidence, to support an immediate peaceful resolution of the 17- year old conflict.

© 2003 The Monitor Publications


2003-12-07 Thread dbbwanika db


Ian O'Donnell
A New Paradigm for Understanding Violence?: Testing the Limits of Lonnie Athens's Theory
Br J Criminol 2003 43: 750-771.



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2003-12-07 Thread dbbwanika db



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2003-12-07 Thread dbbwanika db
Are rogue security operatives Kampala's new armed threat?

Incidences of theft of cash and motor vehicles seem to have reached an 
unprecedented level in the country, especially in the Kampala area. 
According to Police records, property and cash to the tune of Shs 93bn was 
robbed in 1999 of which only Shs 5bn was recovered. The figures for 
2000 are not yet available but considering that the vice has been growing 
rather than reducing, it's probable that the figure is way beyond Shs 
Already in the first half of 2001, over Shs 500m has been lost in cash, 
not to mention the millions worth of property -- mostly 4WD vehicles.
Between April 18 and May 31, 2001 alone (a period of less than two 
months), at least a dozen people were killed and Shs 400m was lost in armed 
robberies around the country (see opposite story).
But what is more worrying is the daring nature and precision the 
robberies are taking. Often, the robberies have been staged in broad daylight 
in the city centre. In one incident in April, thugs held up traffic 
along Port Bell Road as they robbed money from a Pajero before making an 
effortless escape.
So why is violent crime on the rise in Uganda? Is it a factor of a 
growing (or slumping) economy? Does it have anything to do with the level 
of unemployment? Is it related to increased drug abuse? Or has Police 
simply failed in its duties?
Many Ugandans have been asking themselves these questions since last 
Monday's daring city robbery in which police fought running battles with 
armed thugs who had stolen Shs 5m from Pearl Blankets (see Four Dead In 
Police, Robbers Shoot-out, The Monitor June 12).
While the robbers were eventually over-powered and killed, the fight 
they put up -- complete with light machine guns (LMGs), pump action 
rifles and hand grenades -- has shown that these are no ordinary robbers. It 
points to the existence of well-organised gangs with high security 
This is supported by police investigations that have pointed to a 
Colonel (name withheld) in the UPDF as the man running the ring. The 
Chieftaincy of Military Intelligence (CMI), headed by Lt. Col. Noble Mayombo, 
has also featured high in the police investigations.
A police source that did not want to be named told Sunday Monitor that 
on a number of occasions, robbed vehicles are chased by police patrol 
vehicles and they disappear into CMI headquarters near the Mulago 
roundabout. Indeed this past week, a CMI operative, Lt. Swalleh Okune, was 
arrested with a stolen car as he drove towards CMI headquarters. 
Another officer revealed that several times police dogs taken to scenes 
of robbery sniff out the culprits up to the gates of CMI and the story 
ends there. 
Another pointer to the army was the June 4 robbery of Shs 19m from DFCU 
Masaka branch. Armed men with an LMG, a preserve of the army, and 
several SMGs sealed off the bank and were leading the manager to the strong 
room when their colleague who was taking cover outside fired, killing 
Police Constable Tumusiime. Apparently, the gang was gunning for Shs 1bn 
that had been brought to the bank the previous day. When they heard 
gunshots, they thought police had intervened. The thugs grabbed Shs 19m 
and the six vehicles they used sped into different directions. Sources in 
police say some vehicles entered Kasijagirwa army barracks in Masaka. 
During the infamous June 11 city gunfight, as police battled robbers in 
Kampala, a number of soldiers were holed up in their cars in front of 
the Central Police Station parking lot.
Further, information reaching the police says that before the four 
bodies were moved from the final scene of battle, a UPDF officer drove in a 
Toyota Landcruiser Prado to the City Mortuary to find out whether the 
bodies had been delivered. 
Unconfirmed information from police says three of the dead thugs were 
UPDF soldiers including a Captain and a Lieutenant! 
And while Police were chasing these same robbers, officers monitoring 
the chase and issuing instructions in the radio room were being 
interrupted by a caller from the army who wanted an update of the situation on 
the ground. The intrusion in the communication was so much that police 
cut off communication altogether and the patrol cars were left to chase 
the thugs the hard way! 
Clearly, there is big military involvement in this new wave of 
robberies. A security contact (names withheld) says rogue military officers 
hire out guns and ammunitions to the robbers for between Shs 500,000 and 
Shs 1m per operation.
The robbers must pay this money up front and when the mission succeeds, 
they give him a bonus!
Last year, security agencies in a bid to fight robberies impounded over 
900 guns from security personnel in Kampala. 
?These guns were recovered from officers who fail to hand over their 
arms when they have been transferred, most of the culprits were ISO 
operatives and even senior security personnel who carried more guns than 
they should have


2003-12-07 Thread dbbwanika db

Are rogue security operatives Kampala's new armed threat?

Incidences of theft of cash and motor vehicles seem to have reached an 
unprecedented level in the country, especially in the Kampala area. 
According to Police records, property and cash to the tune of Shs 93bn was 
robbed in 1999 of which only Shs 5bn was recovered. The figures for 
2000 are not yet available but considering that the vice has been growing 
rather than reducing, it's probable that the figure is way beyond Shs 

Already in the first half of 2001, over Shs 500m has been lost in cash, 
not to mention the millions worth of property -- mostly 4WD vehicles.
Between April 18 and May 31, 2001 alone (a period of less than two 
months), at least a dozen people were killed and Shs 400m was lost in armed 
robberies around the country (see opposite story).
But what is more worrying is the daring nature and precision the 
robberies are taking. Often, the robberies have been staged in broad daylight 
in the city centre. In one incident in April, thugs held up traffic 
along Port Bell Road as they robbed money from a Pajero before making an 
effortless escape.

So why is violent crime on the rise in Uganda? Is it a factor of a 
growing (or slumping) economy? Does it have anything to do with the level 
of unemployment? Is it related to increased drug abuse? Or has Police 
simply failed in its duties?

Many Ugandans have been asking themselves these questions since last 
Monday's daring city robbery in which police fought running battles with 
armed thugs who had stolen Shs 5m from Pearl Blankets (see Four Dead In 
Police, Robbers Shoot-out, The Monitor June 12).

While the robbers were eventually over-powered and killed, the fight 
they put up -- complete with light machine guns (LMGs), pump action 
rifles and hand grenades -- has shown that these are no ordinary robbers. It 
points to the existence of well-organised gangs with high security 

This is supported by police investigations that have pointed to a 
Colonel (name withheld) in the UPDF as the man running the ring. The 
Chieftaincy of Military Intelligence (CMI), headed by Lt. Col. Noble Mayombo, 
has also featured high in the police investigations.

A police source that did not want to be named told Sunday Monitor that 
on a number of occasions, robbed vehicles are chased by police patrol 
vehicles and they disappear into CMI headquarters near the Mulago 
roundabout. Indeed this past week, a CMI operative, Lt. Swalleh Okune, was 
arrested with a stolen car as he drove towards CMI headquarters. 
Another officer revealed that several times police dogs taken to scenes 
of robbery sniff out the culprits up to the gates of CMI and the story 
ends there. 

Another pointer to the army was the June 4 robbery of Shs 19m from DFCU 
Masaka branch. Armed men with an LMG, a preserve of the army, and 
several SMGs sealed off the bank and were leading the manager to the strong 
room when their colleague who was taking cover outside fired, killing 
Police Constable Tumusiime. Apparently, the gang was gunning for Shs 1bn 
that had been brought to the bank the previous day. When they heard 
gunshots, they thought police had intervened. The thugs grabbed Shs 19m 
and the six vehicles they used sped into different directions. Sources in 
police say some vehicles entered Kasijagirwa army barracks in Masaka. 
During the infamous June 11 city gunfight, as police battled robbers in 
Kampala, a number of soldiers were holed up in their cars in front of 
the Central Police Station parking lot.

Further, information reaching the police says that before the four 
bodies were moved from the final scene of battle, a UPDF officer drove in a 
Toyota Landcruiser Prado to the City Mortuary to find out whether the 
bodies had been delivered. 

Unconfirmed information from police says three of the dead thugs were 
UPDF soldiers including a Captain and a Lieutenant! 

And while Police were chasing these same robbers, officers monitoring 
the chase and issuing instructions in the radio room were being 
interrupted by a caller from the army who wanted an update of the situation on 
the ground. The intrusion in the communication was so much that police 
cut off communication altogether and the patrol cars were left to chase 
the thugs the hard way! 

Clearly, there is big military involvement in this new wave of 
robberies. A security contact (names withheld) says rogue military officers 
hire out guns and ammunitions to the robbers for between Shs 500,000 and 
Shs 1m per operation.

The robbers must pay this money up front and when the mission succeeds, 
they give him a bonus!

Last year, security agencies in a bid to fight robberies impounded over 
900 guns from security personnel in Kampala. 

?These guns were recovered from officers who fail to hand over their 
arms when they have been transferred, most of the culprits were ISO 
operatives and even senior security personnel who carried more guns than 

ugnet_: On exclusive information distribution

2003-12-07 Thread dbbwanika db

   WE are thankfull for all exclusive information- you have been forwarding to us
   in defence of our motherland. Please continue doing so. There are also
   other information discussion list exclusively started by Ugandans in the
   USA , north america and Europe. Spread such information to those lists as much as you can
   some have got archiving ability and more and more Ugandans are getting
   interested to follow what is happening. 

   - Observe Three four things that must be considered:  

   1. Firstly get several e-mails addresses, these should necessary NOT reveal
   your names; Netscape, Yahoo all can provide free mail addresses. Be careful
   since many show the sources of the mail i.e. by showing the Internet
   protocol (IP) address in the message so called headers. Test first and see
   what is suitable for your needs 

   2. You can enlist one or a few of mail address with several discussion
   lists where there is a sizeable number of Uganda - where information can be
   distributed to several thousand Ugandans in a few seconds. There is
   [EMAIL PROTECTED], acholinet, Upcnet, 

   3. SEND EXCLUSIVE information NOT FROM YOUR COMPUTER or working station as
   some of you have done on several occasions, send from somewhere else where
   your person is protected. I.e from a netcafé and don't keep copies on your

   4. Huge documents and images photo copy using a SCANNER and send as file
   attachment or as JPEG or JPE these are compressed images not as big as
   graphics interchange formats or GIF. Other wise send as a usual text document.

   You co-operation is well appreciated in the fight against tyranny, state
   inspired violence againts the citizens of uganda and the destruction of our



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2003-12-07 Thread Mulindwa Edward

By Tafataona Mahoso 
In the last instalment 
we tried to show how hopeless it is for so-called economic reporters to analyse 
the current crisis of capitalism without a basic knowledge of the history of 
capitalism as a context. One of the lessons of that living history is 
that despite the attempts of such neo-liberal writers as Michael Novak in the 
book, The Spirit of Democratic Capitalism, the human race, and Zimbabwe today, 
is constantly reminded that capitalism neither has a soul nor is it democratic. 
Just a little bit of attention to its history would show how we have 
come to be confronted today by what David Korten calls corporate cannibalism and 
what neo-liberals like to call globalisation. This week President Robert 
Mugabe took up this theme during his State of the Nation address. He was shocked 
by the ways in which the newly enriched African elite in Zimbabwe are 
threatening the survival of the very same national liberation movement which 
alone opened up the post-colonial space in which this group could accumulate 
some wealth. The President said: "The experience of the past few 
years has clearly emphasised the need to resolve basic distortions in the 
economy which have often yielded new and not always helpful personalities in the 
citizenry. It is quite clear to us that two-tier interest rates, two-tier 
exchange rates and a two-tier economy cannot take us forward. "We are 
one country that would be best served by one integrated (national) economy 
driven by clear, predictable, stable and sensible socio-economic rules." 
The President’s observation is a strategist’s realisation that the myth 
of so-called "market forces" which cannot be controlled is being used to 
re-institute an apartheid economy through the back door, an apartheid economy 
where speculative money obtained on the escalators of the parallel market is now 
the new passbook (chibhanzi). An apartheid economy to be policed by 
arbitrary price barriers and rates barriers which have now redrawn separate 
group (class) areas without having to enact another Group Areas Act; polarised 
education zones without a new Bantu Education Act or Native Education Act; and 
even new types of "boys’ meat" and "servants milk" without having to legislate 
for them. This then gives the beneficiaries of the new apartheid the 
audacity to claim that they are the champions of the human rights, transparency 
accountability and democracy since their apartheid is created and reinforced 
without the police or army. This new apartheid economy is being 
reintroduced across the globe and within Zimbabwe through what the visiting 
Cuban Deputy Foreign Minister Cde Jose Armando Guerra Manchero a few weeks ago 
called "a managers’ coup d’ etat" and what Professor Michel Chosudousky calls 
"financial warfare". The Cuban Deputy Foreign Minister said on November 
12 that, when the corporate cannibalists and their middlemen had failed to 
overthrow the Venezuelan government through a number of attempted military coups 
d’etat, they settled for "a managers’ coup d’etat" because this one has no one 
particular centre and it can be waged from the comfort of the executive offices 
and through the computer and the cellphone. After the failure of violent 
mass action to unseat our liberation movement in Zimbabwe, opposition forces 
with their neo-Rhodesian and foreign sponsors decided to go for a managers’ coup 
d’etat. We are still in the middle of it as the President takes his 
anti-corruption campaign from Parliament to the Central Committee and the 
Zanu-PF National Peoples Conference. For the last 25 years, the global 
corporate elite who cultivated our local speculators have been teaching that 
ideas such as those that the President expressed are both heretical and 
out-dated. Journalist Linda McQuaig’s book, The Cult of Impotence 
(1998), was an attempt to confront the deadly teachings of this new global class 
of speculators. Where President Mugabe was saying that the speculative 
behaviour of our robber baron should no longer be tolerated, the beneficiaries 
of the new economic apartheid have been teaching the exact opposite: that it is 
government intervention in the economy which should not be tolerated because 
market forces, including two-tier exchange rates, two-tier fuel prices, two-tier 
education systems, two-tier morals and so on — are so natural as to make 
national governments impotent. Linda McQuaig paraphrases the words of Dr 
Ian Angell, Professor of Information Systems at the London School of Economics, 
who visited Canada and was interviewed on Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s 
radio on a Sunday morning. "First Dr Angell told his interviewer not to 
worry about the massive unemployment which was going to result from 
globalisation and structural adjustment because most of the working population 
had become redundant anyway. "Second, he said the regulatory 
institutions of the welfare state and the industrial age had to be radical


2003-12-07 Thread Mulindwa Edward

For Immediate 
Release: Contact: Alistair HodgettDecember 2, 2003 (202) 544-0200 x 
302Amnesty International Report: US Exports $20 million of Shackles, 
Electro-Shock TechnologyExpanding Global Trade Supplies 
States US Condemned for Torture(Washington, DC) – A new Amnesty 
International report charges that in 2002, the Bush Administration violated the 
spirit of its own export policy and approved the sale of equipment implicated in 
torture to Yemen, Jordan, Morocco and Thailand, despite the countries' 
documented use of such weapons to punish, mistreat and inflict torture on 
prisoners. The US is also alleged to have handed suspects in the 'war on terror' 
to the same countries.The total value of US exports of electro-shock 
weapons was $14.7 million in 2002 and exports of restraints totaled $4.4 million 
in the same period. The Commerce and State Departments approved these sales, 
permitting 45 countries to purchase electro-shock technology, including 19 that 
had been cited for the use of such weapons to inflict torture since 
1990.The report – The Pain Merchants – also reveals that the US approved 
the 2002 export to Saudi Arabia of nine tons of Smith & Wesson leg-irons. 
Former prisoners in Saudi Arabia have stated that their restraints were stamped 
with the name of Smith & Wesson. In a 2000 Amnesty International report, 
Phil Lomax, a UK national who was held for 17 days in 1999, recounted how 
shackles used in Malaz prison in Riyadh, were made in the US: "When[ever] we 
were taken out of the cell we were shackled and handcuffed. The shackles were 
very painful. They were made of steel... like a handcuff ring. The handcuffs 
were made in the USA.""Although torture is endemic in Saudi Arabia, 
Smith and Wesson had no qualms about exporting approximately 10,000 leg-irons to 
Riyadh, and apparently sharing this lack of concern, the Bush Administration 
approved the sale," said Dr. William F. Schulz, Executive Director of Amnesty 
International USA (AIUSA). "For decades, human rights groups and the US State 
Department have documented Saudi Arabia's cruel use of leg-irons and shackles to 
inflict torture and force confessions. With this shameful shipment, we can 
expect the torture of religious minorities and peaceful protestors to continue 
for years to come."Amnesty International acknowledges that the US 
government made several positive changes in recent years, including creating an 
excellent export policy predicated on human rights standards that created 
well-defined export categories and required export licenses for electro-shock 
equipment to all countries except Canada. However, Amnesty International is 
alarmed that the policy is being improperly implemented. In particular, the 
policy has not prevented the approval of exports even when there is a 
significant risk of their use for torture in the destination country.In 
2001, the US approved three sales of electro-shock weapons to Turkey, despite 
continued widespread use of such technology to torture. In a 2002 case, a 
17-year-old schoolgirl who had been detained for distributing leaflets calling 
for Kurdish education was stripped, threatened with rape and tortured with 
electric shocks to her feet, legs and stomach."The US needs to 
completely close the loopholes that have allowed the re-supply of this 
technology to countries that torture," said Maureen Greenwood, AIUSA's Advocacy 
Director for Europe. "Representatives Tom Lantos (D-CA) and Henry Hyde (R-IL) 
have worked to codify in law greater oversight of torture equipment exports, and 
are currently working on legislation that places restrictions on crime control 
exports to foreign governments that have a record of repeatedly engaging in acts 
of torture. The administration should give this legislation its unqualified 
support."Worldwide, there are now at least 856 companies in 47 countries 
involved in the manufacture or marketing of electro-shock technology, restraints 
and chemical irritants that are prone to be used to torture. A 2001 survey by 
Amnesty International found more than 80 such firms – 1 in 10 – were in the 
United States.The number of manufacturers of electro-shock technology 
has more than doubled since 1997, when Amnesty International documented 20 such 
firms. For the period 1999-2003, Amnesty International found at least 59 
manufacturers of electro-shock weapons in 12 countries, including 8 firms in the 
US. For the same period, Amnesty International found 21 manufacturers of leg 
cuffs, leg-irons and shackles in 11 countries, of which six were US 
companies.THE PAIN 
equipment and its use in torture and other ill-treatment
- 30 -
Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 