Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Track Info etc. on OLED for PCP

2022-12-31 Thread psketch

Hi Gary

Glad you got it working :-)  FYI, I posted a very slightly updated
version of the files a couple of days ago.  Basically just moved a
couple of things a little, but the main thing was to allow you to
specify the fonts you want to use for the display - have a look in the
oled cfg file.  You can just put anything .ttf you like in the fonts
folder and modify the cfg file to choose what font you want.

If you pull down the updated files, or add a font, don't forget to do a
pcp bu afterwards or you'll loose things after a reboot.

pete S

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Rpi4 + PCP 8 vs Audiophile Streamer

2022-12-31 Thread psketch

If you want to really maximise the potential of PCP on Pi, there's a
really detailed blog - I mean REALLY detailed - at with
some really useful tweaks to make.  YMMV of course and it's always the
law of diminishing returns, but an interesting read if nothing else. 
Some of these, like CPU isolation, are a must for sure.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Track Info etc. on OLED for PCP

2022-12-20 Thread psketch

Oh, and one more thought  Does your LMS have a username/password
specified?  Or, do you have to do something specific to open ports on
the NAS perhaps?  The script uses port 9090 for telnet and port 9000 for
json, so they'll both need to be open.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Track Info etc. on OLED for PCP

2022-12-19 Thread psketch

connoleg wrote: 
> Hey Pete,
> Many thanks for this, Ive been on a journey with getting my EvoSabre to
> work. I've come from PcP with previous streamer/dac but thought I'd
> start using the images provided by Audiophonics. Anyway, I glad I'm back
> to PcP!! :)
> I've installed files and python scripts as per your github page with no
> issues. I have squeezelite connecting to my LMS on a NAS. LMS can see
> the EvoSabre squeezlite player but the display, after the splash screen,
> loops around connecting to LMS IP and Player not
> connected. Tried defining the LMSIP in PcP and commandline with no
> improvement in the issue. Any ideas?
> Pi4/64bit PcP8.2
> cheers
> gary

Hi Gary

Hmm - odd one.  So, if you don't enter the IP address on the command
line, it's giving you that error message?  Is the IP address correct for
your LMS - i.e. is discovery working ok.  Is there anything funny with
your LMS setup?

First, can you take a look at pcp_boot.log - in the PCP UI, go to Main
Page, Diagnostics, Logs, Boot.  Anything interesting in there?  

Try posting that here.  If there's  othing interesting, let's turn on
debug and capture the log.

If you boot the pcp without starting the script (remove it from the
startup commands), or if you're OK with it, kill the process (ps -a,
then sudo kill ) you can then run the process from the cmd line

python3 /home/tc/ OLED=SSD1322 LOGFILE=DEBUG

it'll write the logs to /var/log/oled4pcp.log.  Hit cntl-c to stop the
process after a while and send me the log.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer 7 on Audiophonics EVO-SABRE Balanced DAC 2xES9038Q2M

2022-02-04 Thread psketch

brambil wrote: 
> I looked to your python code, I will merge some of yours mods in mine
> and share. In particular your conversion to Python 3 is better than mine
> and also the revisiting of LMS info extraction.
> On my side I removed everything about volume control and fixed the
> volume control inside LMS (I leave the Volume Control to the DAC), so I
> removed everything from the display.
> Idem in the code there are parts about SPDIF (maybe from Audiophonics
> Rasptouch).
> I'm working on change the screensaver from a clock to a Vu-Meter ( like:
> but I think is abandoned) when a
> song is playing.
> In this moment I'm on DietPi but the approach is similar. 
> Also I made some change to LIRC:
> - manage the poweroff input 
> - ignore any other remote command except play/pause and Poweroff.
> - I'm looking to integrate the support to another remote, maybe by
> Rpi-bluetooth 
> If you make a Github I will contribute. I don't like volumio at all.
> I attach my version, as wrote before, you managed better than me the
> Python 3 conversion and the info extraction from LMS. I will merge your
> mods in mine and share again.
> 37114
> In this days I am in war with LMS, sometimes it decide to not start or
> take minutes to start... I don't know why. Nothing in log, nothing
> anywhere.


Yes, I'll post something to github when I'm back - I'm away at the
moment.  I have done some recent updates - not sure if you have them. 
The main change was to auto-detect the LMS IP address by broadcasting
the discovery packet, which is quite nice.  It'll also happily retry
until it finds the server - for example if you're rebooting the server
after updating a plugin etc..

On the volume front, I just have mine set to 100% in LMS and then the
code just doesn't display the volume - I also don't use the volume here.
My own IR file is also more limited, but I thought I'd post something
with all the same options as the original for people.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer 7 on Audiophonics EVO-SABRE Balanced DAC 2xES9038Q2M

2022-02-02 Thread psketch

brambil wrote: 
> Dear!
> I was trying to do something like what you did using dietpi.
> Do you plan to put your script on Github or to share in any other way?

Yep - happy to share it however you like.  It started off as a deitpi
download from Audiophonics, but that was a) not on PCP which is what I
wanted b) really outdated (old versions of python etc.), and c) used
lots of generic approaches to things rather than trying to be efficient
with LMS etc..

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 8.0.0

2021-12-16 Thread psketch

pmendiuk wrote: 
> I would like to write some python scripts in PcP and I am running into
> some issues with creating and using an extension that contains the
> required python packages.  
> I installed python3.8-pip and installed all the required packages and my
> script runs fine.  Pip installed all the packages into
> /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages. When I ran pip list shows all
> the installed packages.  I then ran mksquashfs on the /usr directory and
> copied the .tcz file to /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/optional.  I then added
> the .tcz filename to /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/onboot.lst and ran pcp bu and
> pcp rb.  I then tried to run the script and it failed at the import of
> the first package that was previously installed.   I then ran pip list
> and pip and setuptools were the only listed packages.  I ran tce-load -i
> newextension.tcz and it said it was loaded.
> Is there something else I need to do with python packages in extensions?

I'll send you over the script I use to build the evosabre extension when
I dig it out.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer 7 on Audiophonics EVO-SABRE Balanced DAC 2xES9038Q2M

2021-12-14 Thread psketch

If anyone wants it, I've built a fresh PCP 8.1.0 image and just
installed the updates for the second screen, infra red etc..  So, it's
just a stock image with the changes to make it work with the EvoSabre. 
I've also updated the script so that it'll discover the LMS server so
you don't have to change the user commands.  So, it should basically
just work as soon as you start up the dac.  You'd just need to change
the name etc..

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer 7 on Audiophonics EVO-SABRE Balanced DAC 2xES9038Q2M

2021-12-06 Thread psketch

pmendiuk wrote: 
> The rotary knob just cycles through the various inputs on my units, I
> don't see anything about display.  Maybe different firmware.

Sorry - my fault.  I was going from memory and thought it was on the
rotary knob.  Doh.  It's on the remote instead.  It's the blank button
on the remote - will pull up the filter options.  Then up and down arrow
on the remote to select different items - one of which is display.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer 7 on Audiophonics EVO-SABRE Balanced DAC 2xES9038Q2M

2021-12-06 Thread psketch

pmendiuk wrote: 
> Have you done anything with the Nuvoton processor on the Evo-Sabre
> board?  I would like to be able to put the left display into an "off" or
> screen saver state without powering down the board.  I would also like
> to be able to select a specific input rather than cycle through with the
> rotary encoder.

No, I haven't looked at this - not sure how accessible any of that it. 
BTW, you can enable an auto off for the left screen.  Use the rotary
button to seelect Display - it defaults to Always On.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer 7 on Audiophonics EVO-SABRE Balanced DAC 2xES9038Q2M

2021-12-04 Thread psketch

Now you've got it working, please let me know if you have any questions.
comments or suggestions.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer 7 on Audiophonics EVO-SABRE Balanced DAC 2xES9038Q2M

2021-12-04 Thread psketch

pmendiuk wrote: 
> Thanks the image worked great.  I still would like to understand why my
> manual installation couldn't find that module.

Yes, likewise would be good to know, but pleased it worked - you'll just
have to change the IP address on the user command and that should be it
I think.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer 7 on Audiophonics EVO-SABRE Balanced DAC 2xES9038Q2M

2021-12-04 Thread psketch

pmendiuk wrote: 
> I don't think I purchased the RPIs from Audiophonics.  
> Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.2 4GB

If you still struggle, I've created a backup of a clean pcp 8 image with
the extensions and config already done which works on my Pi4B.  Happy to
share it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer 7 on Audiophonics EVO-SABRE Balanced DAC 2xES9038Q2M

2021-12-03 Thread psketch

pmendiuk wrote: 
> It's installed:
> > 

  >   > tc@pCP:~$ tce-load -i  
  > evosabre-py38-deps is already installed!

> > 
> I started with a fresh PcP 8 install and then installed the extensions
> and python script.  The RPI was rebooted several times since setting
> up PcP and the extensions.

Yes, if it says it's installed, then it's rebooted.  OK, so 2 plans. 
Firstly, maybe something's up with the .tcz I sent you.  Maybe it's
loading but it's not right.  So, I'll email you just the .tcz.  If that
doesn't work, I'll build a new pcp8 again, and just post an image of the
SD for you to download.  That will only work on the same generation of
Pi though - what model are you using - I assume you're just using the
supplied Pi4?

I don't really understand why it's not working - as I said, I just did a
new PCP 8.0.0 yesterday, installed the .tcz and the .py, and it just
worked first time.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer 7 on Audiophonics EVO-SABRE Balanced DAC 2xES9038Q2M

2021-11-30 Thread psketch

pmendiuk wrote: 
> Hi Pete,
> It looks like it's all there.
> > 

  >   > tc@pCP:~$ ls /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/optional/evo*
  > /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/optional/evosabre-py38-deps.tcz
  > tc@pCP:~$ more /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/onboot.lst
  > pcp.tcz
  > pcp-8.0.0-www.tcz
  > freetype.tcz
  > python3.8.tcz
  > pcp-lirc.tcz
  > evosabre-py38-deps.tcz
  > python3.8-pip.tcz
  > tc@pCP:~$

> > 

Hmm - what if you do


tce-load -ic  /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/optional/evosabre-py38-deps.tcz

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer 7 on Audiophonics EVO-SABRE Balanced DAC 2xES9038Q2M

2021-11-30 Thread psketch


That's saying that the module evosabre-py38-deps.tcz either didn't load
properly, or I've sent you the wrong one.  This loads the dependencies
for the script, and includes netifaces.

If you do 

ls /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/optional/evo*

do you see 


Then, if you do

more /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/onboot.lst

is evosabre-py38-deps.tcz included?

pete S

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer 7 on Audiophonics EVO-SABRE Balanced DAC 2xES9038Q2M

2021-11-18 Thread psketch

Hmm- I'll have a look at that later.  For now, I've emailed them to you.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer 7 on Audiophonics EVO-SABRE Balanced DAC 2xES9038Q2M

2021-11-12 Thread psketch

Hi pmendiuk

There's a and zip file with everything in it 'here'
(  Let me know
how you get on.

pete S

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: LMS Monitor 2020

2021-09-30 Thread psketch

sandbagger wrote: 
> That will be perfect for now.
> yes I have the EVO SABRE Balanced DAC 
> yea, directions/files would be a lot of help, to be honest I have
> forgotten more than I ever knew about linux :P 
> I have been using PicorePlayer for a while now with just a 9038 or the
> AK4493 DAC hats but wanted balanced
> would love the cool display stuff listed in the tread, but it can wait
> Thanks

pm me your email and I'll send it all over

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: LMS Monitor 2020

2021-09-30 Thread psketch

sandbagger wrote: 
> any updates? 
> just got my Audiophonics dac up and running on PiCore and would love to
> get the 2ndary screen running 
> Thanks

Depending on which audiophonics dac you're talking about, I built an
extension for pcp for the 'EVO-Sabre'

You can see more info 'here '
Let me know if you want it - I built a set of instructions, the
extensions, fonts etc.

pete S

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Prebuilt picoreplayer?

2021-08-18 Thread psketch

No touch screen, but I recently got 'this '
and have built the necessary extensions to get it all working (second
screen, IR etc.) with pcp 7 & 8.  See 'here '
you're interested.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 8.0.0

2021-08-10 Thread psketch

mini11 wrote: 
> Yesterday I tried to run one of my players with with Audiophonics
> I-Sabre Q2M dac with the new pcp 8.0 (fresh install, no update). After I
> had configured squeezelite, the hardware volume of the dac did not work
> by changing volume on display or with justboom ir-remote. There was only
> software volume control.
> So I compared the squeezelite command strings that are setted after
> adjusting the dac in squeezelite. Here is the result:
> piCore 6.1:  /usr/local/bin/squeezelite -n " Player " -o hw:CARD=DAC -a
> 80:4::1: -D -D -v -V Digital
> piCore 7.0:  /usr/local/bin/squeezelite -n " Player " -o hw:CARD=DAC -a
> 80:4::1: -v
> piCore 8.0:  /usr/local/bin/squeezelite -n " Player" -o hw:CARD=DAC -a
> 80:4::1
> The dac only runs with all functions if the settings are like in pcp
> 6.1. Music can be played with all of the 3 settings but the additional
> functions are not availible in 7.0 and 8.0.
> Adding "-D -v -V Digital" to Various Options of the squeezelite
> configuration page solved the problem in pcp 8.0.

I use this dac in
with no problems.  Just have to set "ALSA Volume Control" to "Digital". 
I also set Device supports DSP/DoP to "0:dop" just for completeness -
probably not necessary vs just "0", but that adds "-D 0:dop" to the
command line.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Linux noob

2021-07-30 Thread psketch

I think it's very device specific.  I have an old Western Dig 2TB USB
drive, and hdparm won't spin it down.  I know hd-idle on raspbian would
spin it down OK from previous experience, but I tried a chunk of messing
around to get it to spin down on pcp with no luck (but didn't find the
hd-idle thread, else I'd have tried that).  It wasn't a problem for me
as I had a "general" use pi as well running dietpi and just moved the
drive to that one instead, but given that we have hdparm available as an
extension, it would likely be appreciated to have hd-idle available as

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer 7 on Audiophonics EVO-SABRE Balanced DAC 2xES9038Q2M

2021-07-29 Thread psketch

I've been continuing to fiddle around with this, and have it pretty much
finished now.  I've updated the script quite a bit to make it more
native to LMS (e.g. reading the track info from LMS vs. from ALSA as it
was before), reading all the info from LMS in one go rather than loads
of separate calls, pick up if volume is 100% and if so, don't show it,
made some of the other calls more native etc.

I'd like to thank @Steve Agnew for his help testing things and tidying
up the readme I created.  If be happy to share the files with anyone
that wants them.  All in all, I'm really happy with the DAC now and I
think it's a good high-er end addition to the family.

pete S

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Linux noob

2021-07-29 Thread psketch

slartibartfast wrote: 
> Does this help?
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

That's interesting.  I must admit I gave up and just ended up moving my
drive to another pi running dietpi and share it from there, but it might
be interesting to see if paul might be willing to add an hd-idle.tcz if
it works for some people.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Linux noob

2021-07-28 Thread psketch

d6jg wrote: 
> An overnight reboot isn’t a bad idea. A number of people report SQ
> deterioration over time which is sorted by a full system reboot. I get
> it on 2 pi’s very occasionally. Both are Pi2 and both use USB Dacs. A
> reboot always sorts it.

Yep, like I said - "unless you want to reboot".  I don't find the need -
haven't rebooted my server or players on a schedule for years and don't
have any problems.  They typically only get rebooted when I do an update
tbh, but i know some people prefer a nightly reboot.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Linux noob

2021-07-27 Thread psketch

Now you've got the commands sorted, you could add them to a .sh file in
/home/tc and run it using a custom cron command in the cron section in
Tweaks maybe, unless you actually want to reboot each day of course.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Linux noob

2021-07-22 Thread psketch

Muele wrote: 
> I have setup up one the the backupdisks as datamount for pCP (as the
> main one still lives inside the old server) and it does spin down after
> a while not in use. It´s an WD btw.
> So, if only pCP can do the backup it would seem I am golden much more
> easily than I have dreamed.
> I think  I could bring home an old rpi3 from work without cost, to run
> with dietPi, but I would rather have a all in one solution.

pcp does have rsync.tcz extension available (from the Main
Page/Extensions/Available).  That's likely what you want I think.  Then
you could add a cron job as a user command on the Tweaks page to
schedule the rsync.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Linux noob

2021-07-22 Thread psketch

I have a similar set of requirements, and were managing them all fine
using PCP with  LMS running on that, using SAMBA for file sharing of USB
disks attached to the Pi.  The only problem I ran into was that I
couldn't get my disk to spin down when not in use (old WD drive with
lots of known funniness in that area).  So, I moved my drives to a
second pi which I use more as a NAS, run piHole, syslog etc..  That one
runs dietPi, which is debian based.  I'm like you - tech windows
skillset with a little bit of linux thrown in.  I found dietPi to be a
nice balance of usability and functionality.

You could of course run the whole lot on dietPi - it has packages for
LMS and squeezelite available to install, but then you lose the whole
lovely PCP UI and configuration.  For me, that's worth running a
separate Pi for - I've got 7 others running PCP just as players.  The
dietpi device acts as a central point for everything else - piHole was a
must for me and had a maintained dietPi package.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 8.0.0

2021-07-14 Thread psketch

Boogie2005 wrote: 
> Hi paul, Firts Page:
> Does this mean I can no longer use HDMI audio? I have the pi4 with
> PiCore 7 connected via HDMI to my AVR, and only listen to music via HDMI
> out.

I did an inplace upgrade from 7.0.1 and got no audio via HDMI.  However,
I set the audio back to headphones and then back to HDMI again, and it's
all working again.  So insitu worked fine for me, but I had to force a
"reinstall" of HDMI by deselecting and reselecting it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 8.0.0

2021-07-11 Thread psketch

psketch wrote: 
> InSitu update completed on 8 players, including one LMS on a mixture of
> pi 2,3 and 4 with a mixtures of configs.  All ran perfectly.  I'll
> likely get around to updating them from clean install at some point, but
> insitu ran perfectly for me.
> pete S

OK, one caveat on everything worked   As paul said, HDMI audio is a
problem.  One of my players uses HDMI, and I'm not getting any audio -
video is fine.  I see the various force edid etc. are in the config
file, so not sure what to try.  Not a problem as I can go USB but
wondering if there are any tricks to try.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 8.0.0

2021-07-11 Thread psketch

InSitu update completed on 8 players, including one LMS on a mixture of
pi 2,3 and 4 with a mixtures of configs.  All ran perfectly.  I'll
likely get around to updating them from clean install at some point, but
insitu ran perfectly for me.

pete S

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer 7 on Audiophonics EVO-SABRE Balanced DAC 2xES9038Q2M

2021-06-12 Thread psketch

Firstly, as with all these things, I always start - erm - blatantly
copying and learning from others.  On that note, I'd like to call out
the great work done by gregex 'here '
who got a lot of this going to the raspdac mini.

Then, you know the way of it - once I start on something, I find it hard
to put down until it's done.  So, kept chipping away at it until it was
working well...

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[SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer 7 on Audiophonics EVO-SABRE Balanced DAC 2xES9038Q2M

2021-06-11 Thread psketch

I've been looking for a more upto date replacement for my Transformer,
and settled on 'Evo-Sabre DAC'
from Audiophonics.  It's a really nice device, and with a second OLED
for displaying track etc. information.

Audiophonics provide a dietPi image with a custom Python script for this
second screen and lirc settings for the remote.  However, I run PCP
everywhere else, so wanted to get PCP running.  It took a little work
and involved

Building a custom tcz for all of the Python 3 modules
Updating the scripts to Python 3
Updating the lirc settings to use the native Squeezelite lirc support
(vs an old expect script)
Update the script to pick up the MAC address automatically, and take the
LMS IP as a parameter

The steps (ignoring the backups and reboots) are something like

Install standard extensions

Install custom extension

Copy the custom .py and fonts sub directory to /home/tc

Configure squeezelite in pcp
Set Card to Audiophonics ISabre Q2M
Disable onboard audio
Set ALSA Volume Control to Digital

User Command to python3 /home/tc/ LMSIPAddress

gpio-shutdown : Yes, GPIO-17, Active Low, Pull Up

Install LIRC
GPIO : 4
Upload custom lircd.conf and .lircrc

If anyone's interested, let me know and I'll post all the files.  By
default, the Audiophonics setup uses a full Simplified Chinese font for
album titles - i.e. it's a font with all languages in there, including
simplified chinese - so it's large and take a while to load when you
start the script.  I can understand why they did this - some people will
obviously want track titles in chinese, but I created a everything
except chinese version, which is about 1% of the size, so unless you
want the large one, I'll likely post the short one.

pete S

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2021-06-09 Thread psketch

error output when trying to pip install luma.core is 


  Building wheels for collected packages: spidev
  Building wheel for spidev ( ... error
  ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1:
  command: /usr/local/bin/python3.8 -u -c 'import sys, setuptools, tokenize; 
sys.argv[0] = '"'"'/tmp/pip-install-vcnpqe_4/spidev/'"'"'; 
 '"'"'open'"'"', open)(__file__);'"'"'\r\n'"'"', 
'"'"'\n'"'"');f.close();exec(compile(code, __file__, '"'"'exec'"'"'))' 
bdist_wheel -d /tmp/pip-wheel-d6tospu4
  cwd: /tmp/pip-install-vcnpqe_4/spidev/
  Complete output (12 lines):
  running bdist_wheel
  running build
  running build_ext
  building 'spidev' extension
  creating build
  creating build/temp.linux-armv7l-3.8
  gcc -pthread -Wno-unused-result -Wsign-compare -DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O3 -Wall 
-O3 -pipe -march=armv6zk -mtune=arm1176jzf-s -mfpu=vfp -use-ld=gold -O3 -pipe 
-march=armv6zk -mtune=arm1176jzf-s -mfpu=vfp -use-ld=gold -fPIC 
-I/usr/local/include/python3.8 -c spidev_module.c -o 
  spidev_module.c:28:10: fatal error: Python.h: No such file or directory
  28 | #include 
  |  ^~
  compilation terminated.
  error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1
  ERROR: Failed building wheel for spidev
  Running clean for spidev
  Failed to build spidev
  Installing collected packages: spidev, luma.core
  Running install for spidev ... error
  ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1:
  command: /usr/local/bin/python3.8 -u -c 'import sys, setuptools, tokenize; 
sys.argv[0] = '"'"'/tmp/pip-install-vcnpqe_4/spidev/'"'"'; 
 '"'"'open'"'"', open)(__file__);'"'"'\r\n'"'"', 
'"'"'\n'"'"');f.close();exec(compile(code, __file__, '"'"'exec'"'"'))' install 
--record /tmp/pip-record-vebbc7i6/install-record.txt 
--single-version-externally-managed --user --prefix= --compile 
--install-headers /home/tc/.local/include/python3.8/spidev
  cwd: /tmp/pip-install-vcnpqe_4/spidev/
  Complete output (12 lines):
  running install
  running build
  running build_ext
  building 'spidev' extension
  creating build
  creating build/temp.linux-armv7l-3.8
  gcc -pthread -Wno-unused-result -Wsign-compare -DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O3 -Wall 
-O3 -pipe -march=armv6zk -mtune=arm1176jzf-s -mfpu=vfp -use-ld=gold -O3 -pipe 
-march=armv6zk -mtune=arm1176jzf-s -mfpu=vfp -use-ld=gold -fPIC 
-I/usr/local/include/python3.8 -c spidev_module.c -o 
  spidev_module.c:28:10: fatal error: Python.h: No such file or directory
  28 | #include 
  |  ^~
  compilation terminated.
  error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1
  ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1: /usr/local/bin/python3.8 -u -c 
'import sys, setuptools, tokenize; sys.argv[0] = 
 '"'"'open'"'"', open)(__file__);'"'"'\r\n'"'"', 
'"'"'\n'"'"');f.close();exec(compile(code, __file__, '"'"'exec'"'"'))' install 
--record /tmp/pip-record-vebbc7i6/install-record.txt 
--single-version-externally-managed --user --prefix= --compile 
--install-headers /home/tc/.local/include/python3.8/spidev Check the logs for 
full command output.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2021-06-09 Thread psketch

paul- wrote: 
> Python modules can be tricky, sometimes downloading the source and using
> works better than pip.   pip will sometimes pull in precompiled
> binaries that don't work well in our environment.   I would be happy to
> take a look.
> Is this the list?

Thanks Paul

spidev isn't directly imported - it's a dependency in luma.core and the
import breaks at that point.  I've imported extensions python3.8,
python-pip, python-setuptools, python-pillow and python-gpio already. 
Then I can pip import pylms ok, but luma.core fails - I didn't actually
try luma.oled.

When I built my own python, the reqs.pip was 

pillow --global-option="build_ext" --global-option="--disable-jpeg"
--global-option="--disable-zlib" --global-option="--enable-freetype"

pyusb, smbus2, and pyserial are dependencies of luma.core I think - but
i think it seemed to pull them ok when I tried to import luma.core

BTW - when I built my own, I had to do "CFLAGS="-fcommon" pip install -r
reqs.pip " because otherwise rpi.gpio won't build, but I assume the
python-gpio extension would bypass that...

Happy to try anything

As I said, I can build it anyway, but the extension route will be much
easier for others, and I'm trying to persuade Audiophonics to provide a
pcp standard image instead of the very fat dietpi image they push out at
the moment.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2021-06-09 Thread psketch

Hi Paul & pcpteam

I'm trying get pcp working on the Audiophonics
I've now got it all running, but the second screen uses luma.core and
luma.oled with a python script.  To get this working, I had to build my
own python as the luma.core and luma.oled modules are available as
tcz's.  If I install the various python modules that are available
(python38, python-pip, python-setuptools, python-rpi) and compiletc and
then try and import the modules using pip install oled.core, it fails to
build one of the dependencies - spidev.

The python script also uses pylms, but I can import that OK with PIP,
although a tcz for that would be nice :-)

I'm going to post a thread on how to get this dac running pcp - i've
replaced my Transporter with it, and it's a really nice device.  But I
wanted to see if we could make it easier for people so they don't have
to run through the rather long process of building their own python.


pete S

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2021-06-08 Thread psketch

paul- wrote: 
> That's silly.  The default minimum string length for "strings" is 4.
> end is only 3.  Surprised nobody has ever ran across that before
> > 

  >   > 
  > "end"  is only 3
  > "end " is 4 and works fine.

> > 
> Using file is a better way to do it, but we don't have file.tcz loaded
> by default.   I'll take a look at other options.   using "strings -n
> 1" should fix it.

I guess not many people use lirc without jivelite.  I have 2 other pcp's
with jivelite installed, but this one is in a DAC, so just want to use
the remote with lirc, so came across it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2021-06-07 Thread psketch

paul- wrote: 
> Can you send me the original file created by vscode?

Hi Paul

I just uploaded the last one - let me know if you anything else

pete S

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2021-06-06 Thread psketch

I'm creating them on a pc, but using vs code, so they're just plain text
i think.

If I create a new file, enter 2 lines


and upload it, only "begin" makes it - the "end" is removed.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2021-06-06 Thread psketch

I was trying to enable lirc (without jivelite) on one of my players
(7.0.01) today and came across something strange.  When I upload the the
lircd.conf and .lircrc file, the upload process is doing some parsing,
and it actually incorrectly formats the .lircrc file making it

The format of the file is 



one for each button.  However, for some reason, the upload process is
parsing the file (i guess to take out any characters lirc won't like as
it seems to be really fussy) and during the upload process it removes
all of the "end" statements.

So, the file just has multiple "begin" blocks, but no "end"s to those
blocks.  squeezelite (and irexec) won't reach this .lircrc - you get an
error in pcp_squeezelite.log that squeezelite can't read the file.

If I just manually upload the original file via ssh, then it works fine.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2021-06-01 Thread psketch

CJS wrote: 
> As indicated by carsten_h, you can update your Squeezelite version by
> clicking "Full Update" at the top of the pCP main page. This should give
> you Squeezelite v1.9.9-1386-pCP.
> And the latest version of www (web interface) is v00016. I think you
> will get that version by clicking "Patch Update" at the bottom of the
> main page.

I found you need to do a Patch update first, and then when you do a
minor update, you'll see the 7.0.1 update available.  I found if I did a
minor update on its own, it didn't show an update as available.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2021-05-18 Thread psketch

doggod wrote: 
> Wow, thanks Greg for such a quick reply! :-) Will give it a try asap
> when time permits. Cheers.

If you want to combine mono with the use of the equalizer, then you can
make your asound.conf look something like this - asjust the soundcard as


# default - Generated by piCorePlayer
  pcm.!default {
  type plug
  #slave.pcm "hw:0,0"
  slave.pcm "sound_device";
  pcm.pcpinput {
  type hw
  card ALSA
  device 0
  #---ALSA EQ Below
  pcm.sound_device {
  type plug
  slave.pcm {
  type hw
  card sndrpihifiberry;
  device 0
  ctl.equal {
  type equal;
  controls "/home/tc/.alsaequal.bin"
  library "/usr/local/lib/ladspa/"
  pcm.plugequal {
  type equal;
  slave.pcm "sound_device";
  controls "/home/tc/.alsaequal.bin"
  library "/usr/local/lib/ladspa/"
  pcm.equal {
  type plug;
  slave.pcm plugequal;
ttable {
  0.0 0.5   # L(0) to L(0) at 0.5 volume
  1.0 0.5   # R(1) to L(0) at 0.5 volume
  0.1 0.5   # L(0) to R(1) at 0.5 Volume 
  1.1 0.5   # R(1) to R(1) at 0.5 Volume

Or, nowadays, there's actually a much easier route - if you use LMS 8.2,
and update to the latest squeezelite, you can mono under Output Channel
Mode in Player Settings.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2021-04-21 Thread psketch

papaiannis wrote: 
> Are there any plans to provide a driver dedicated to the Audiophonics
> AK4493 DAC board?
> I currently use the generic "rPi DAC" driver, and it works well. Is
> there a better choice?

'This '
suggests you might want to give the Hifiberry DAC driver a go ...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2021-04-09 Thread psketch

sdiesel77 wrote: 
> I m currently using PcP 5.0.1 (PCP via Synology NAS and Rpi3+Digione)
> and I might be doing something wrong but when trying to launch update
> from PCP page I get this error messge: Insitu upgrade to 7.0.0 is not
> available for version 5.0.1
> Any idea? thx

I'd suggest it means exactly what it says - you can't do an insitu
upgrade from 5.x to 7.x - too many changes to allow an upgrade.  You
likely just need to make a note of your settings and do a nice clean
fresh install and reset your config.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2021-03-19 Thread psketch

paul- wrote: 
> Python 3.8 is available in pCP, it is just not installed by default.  
> There is nothing irregular about the python support.   But I've not had
> any issue with audiophonics stuff without python.   The main problem
> with audiophonics is the lack of accurate wiring diagrams.   They
> routinely change wiring without and indication tot he user as to how
> things should be wired.

Yes, I thought the "lack of python" thing might be a bit of an excuse. 
I believe python is just for the screen updates - they use 'PydPiper '
(  I guess the hope would be that
they build the scripts so that you can install pcp with the oled and
lirc pre-configured - as they seem to have done with dietpi.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2021-03-19 Thread psketch

jasc wrote: 
> Thank you again, Ronnie.
> I will give it a go, as per the above, but will have to find the time.
> For the record, I got a response from Audiophonics themselves, who had
> this to say, referring to insufficient / irregular Python support in
> pCP:
> The Audiophonics RaspDAC Diet Pi image (and Moode image) can be found
> 'here'
> (
> Best regards,
> jasc

Is the "lack of python support" still actually a problem?  It would be
really good if the Audiophonics players (and displays) could work with
PCP.  Jasc, did you learn what the DietPi images are actually using as a
player - they talk about LMS, but don't say what player they're using -
I assume it's a LIRC ready version of squeezelite, but they don't say. 
I've pinged them a question as well.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Simple Linux OS for Jivelite, LMS on PC

2021-03-16 Thread psketch

I use 'Raspberry Pi Desktop'
( on an old
PC, and it works well.  Not as simple as pcp of course, but it's
lightweight and there's something quite nice about using OS from a Pi to
recycle an old pc into something useable.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2021-02-25 Thread psketch

pgf wrote: 
> The other issue I have is that when pCP first boots, squeezelite doesn't
> come up -- it fails because hw1mix isn't available.  If I simply restart
> squeezelite, it works fine.  I'll either figure out a fix, or a
> workaround.

You can likely use a similar approach to this

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2021-02-25 Thread psketch

diode84 wrote: 
> Hello
> Is anyone using an IR remote control with pCP7. I ask as I had it
> running in the past, not sure if it was pCP6, but cannot get any joy
> with pCP7 today.
> The IR transistor is working and connected to +5, 0, and GPIO 22.
> If I clear default keytable (sudo ir-keytable -p -all), then test output
> (sudo ir-keytable -t) there is nothing. The IR sensor is pulsing on a
> oscilloscope
> so is working
> Has anyone any ideas the cause of the problem.
> Thanks
> diode84

I'm using an IR transistor with pcp 7 (32 bit) without any problems.  I
seem to recall that i couldn't get it working post an in-situ upgrade
but with a fresh install and checking the GPIO setting, I didn't have
any problems.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2021-02-23 Thread psketch

Ah - ok - found it.  It's Update vs. Full Update.  

"Update" of PCP doesn't fix it.  There's obviously another dependency -
have to do a "Full Update", which I saw updated some other dependencies
as well - alac and perhaps some others.

After update PCP shows the new version and works fine, but mono only
works after a Full Update.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2021-02-23 Thread psketch

paul- wrote: 
> What's your output device?  Change to one of the "hw: xx" outputs. 
> That will bypass all of the asound configurations.

Hardware device is hw:CARD=sndrpihifiberry

So, just did a fresh 7.0.0 install and updated squeezelite

piCorePlayer v7.0.0 | www v00011 | linux 5.4.83-pcpCore-v7 | piCore
v12.0pCP | Squeezelite v1.9.9-1356-pCP

Set the output to the Hifiberry etc., but nothing else.  No sound on
Mono still.  Flick to stereo and I get left channel (since that's the
one connected), but flick back to mono and no output at all.

Changed to use analog output with device hw:CARD=Headphones - same
thing.  No output on Mono, one channel on Stereo.

Any logs anyone wants?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2021-02-23 Thread psketch

ralphy wrote: 
> Is this with or without the alsa equalizer?
> I've had several users confirm that the Both Channels (Mono) support
> works, as it does for me.
> Did you have the pcp squeezelite v1.9.9-1356 synced with another player?
> That's the only time that LMS enables the Output Left only or Output
> Right only option.
> Only Both Channels (Stereo) and Both Channels (Mono) support unsynced
> players.
> Also, changing the Channel Output Mode only takes affect with the next
> track change, or stopping and restarting playback.

Hmm - I'll do some more digging.  So, this is without the equaliser and
with a default asound.conf (taken from another player that I hadn't
messed with it on).  Player's aren't synced, and this one never has been
synced to anything- it's in a bathroom, so no real need ;-)  "Left only"
works - as that the channel I have the speaker connected to.

If I flick to "Both Channels", I get left channel sound only (that being
the speaker I have connected).  If I flick to mono, I get nothing.

I'm running 

Logitech Media Server Version: 8.2.0 - 1613989247 @ Mon Feb 22 11:46:34
CET 2021
piCorePlayer v7.0.1 | www v00015 | linux 5.4.83-pcpCore-v7 | piCore
v12.0pCP | Squeezelite v1.9.9-1356-pCP

I know that it's picking up the default asound.conf as my normal one
does the mono work (i.e. I'd hear the right channel sound from the left
speaker if it was still using that one).  So, something's not working,
but I have messed around with different thigns.  I can try taking a
default 7.x and setting it up on a fresh card - only takes a few mins -
if there's no other ideas.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2021-02-23 Thread psketch

ralphy wrote: 
> You should be able to use it with the alsa equalizer, but I haven't
> tried it.
> The mono downmix is performed in squeezelite before sending the audio to

Hi Ralphy

I just tried the new mono mode with Squeezelite v1.9.9-1356-pCP, pcp
7.0.1 and the latest LMS 8.2 nightly, but when I select Mono in the
Audio settings, I get no output at all.  Setting Both or Left I get just
the left channel as I'd expect.  I've taken a default asound.conf and
turned off equaliser at the moment, so I think it's just back to a
default config.  Could anyone else give this a try and see if it's

pete S

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2021-02-22 Thread psketch

ralphy wrote: 
> The squeezelite extension has been updated to v1.9.9.1356 to support
> down mixing the L + R channels to MONO and sending the MONO mix to both
> the LEFT and RIGHT speakers.
> This will allow you to connect a single speaker to a pCP player on
> either channel for a MONO setup.  No more need to modify alsa.conf
> The new feature requires LMS 8.2.0-1613989247 from February 22nd 2021 or
> newer then at the bottom of the LMS Player Audio Settings change Output
> Channel Mode to Both Channels (Mono).
> 33514
> Thanks to philippe44 for both the LMS feature and squeezelite changes.

Hi Ralphy - that's nice :-)  It's been a asound.conf edit for me always,
so this will make things easier to maintain.  One question (since I know
this requires careful tweaking of asound.conf) - can you use this
setting with the equaliser?  My single speakers setups are small, so
need a little help from equaliser settings.  I'm guessing if this is a
squeezelite setting, it's separate to the equaliser changes in asound,
but just thought I'd ask

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2021-02-17 Thread psketch

Pommes wrote: 
> Well, I am using picore 7 on a raspberry 3B and a raspberry 4, both, as
> server and player and  it is running rocksolid all day, all night,
> faster and better than ever before. So i guess it is either your
> configuration, or some malfunctioning hardware part.
> I hope you can figure it out.

Same here - I have 7 PCPs on 2, 3 and 3b.  Been running them 24*7 since
god knows what version of PCP and I don't think I've ever had just a
crash of that type.  So, regular crashing is indicative of some other
problem IMHO.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: LMS Monitor 2020

2021-01-30 Thread psketch

I'm also very interested in the idea of the EVO Sabre as a replacement
for my venerable Transporter.  As you say, it's WIP, but in the mean
time, I wondered how you found the EVO Sabre from a SQ perspective?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Pcp Update to LMS 8.1.2

2021-01-17 Thread psketch

I found that you have to do a Manual update in pcp to get it to switch
over to the new version.  So, looking at the stable.xml, it showed
8.1.2, but checking for updates showed no new version, although I was on
the last 8.1.1 nightly.  Just doing a manual update in pcp pulls 8.1.2,
and I assume will now pull the 8.1.2 nighties.

It seems like the "is there a new nightly" check doesn't work across
versions, but just doing one manual update does the switch.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: LMS Monitor 2020

2021-01-11 Thread psketch

shunte88 wrote: 
> @Aki7 I've quite the collection of DAC's I upgrade at least one device
> once a year and I've never had an issue
> Not sure whats going on with your setup.
> The monitor does not interact with the DAC in anyway shape or form, and
> it doesn't care if a DAC is attached or not, nor if a hat, USB flavor,
> audio over HDMI or the on-board audio is involved.
> Pseudo Power Save is functioning on two of my test setups as well as
> being tested against a Touch - they all function the same.
> Its a soft power-off - power off through the webend and the OLED fades
> to black.  Note this is not a hard power-off - unplugging the power on
> the device - the warnings functionality implemented October/November
> would trigger there.
> Were simply reading the power attribute that the server publishes, not
> too complex - its either a 1 (on) or 0 (off)
> @psketch - Audiophonics pinged me back in November/December with offers
> of help.  The SSD1322 is implemented in the current build but I've yet
> to kick the tires and ensure its fit for purpose.  Driving the device is
> only half the solution as where possible I'd like to take advantage of
> everything the device offers, more real-estate so side by side meter
> modes as well as gray scale graphics.
> It is an awfully nice unit and I've had it sitting on my bench for
> months now and Id really like it up and running in a new setup I'm
> currently building - when I find the time to assemble the mono-blocks
> and power supplies.  So many projects ;|
> I'm going to shoot for the end of the week to bless the build and then
> I'll progress the graphics additions
> I've trimmed a good bit of fat the last couple of releases so I want to
> avoid taking the build in the wrong direction.  It may be a separate
> binary - same repo just another make definition.
> My 1322 rig is sitting here on the bench as I type so I'll be bringing
> it online shortly and getting to work. Its a bare bones standalone - a
> 1G Pi4 which I don't mind bricking as I beat on code - the Audiophonics
> setup not so much ;)
> Ill keep you all posted re-progress.

Thanks for the update.  It does look like a really exciting addition to
the pcp family if it's fully working.  The original stereo DAC is very
well reviewed (same one as in the volumio Primo I think), but this is
the new dual mono version, so even better :-)  If you can add in support
for the second screen, I do feel like we may have a transporter
replacement device.  Now, it's not cheap, but a) it's WAY less than the
transporter's were and b) it's in the same ball park as other decent
DACs plus Pi4 - add in the nice case as a lovely OLED and you could
almost convice yourself it's a bargain!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: LMS Monitor 2020

2021-01-11 Thread psketch

shunte88 wrote: 
> I'll be working on supporting the latest Audiophonic DAC which supports
> dual displays as well as being a stellar DAC
> RCA'
> (
> I've used a couple of their DACs and was able to sideline their built in
> OLED functionality
> This model adds a 256x64 OLED as an additional display
> I'll look to add functionality to support the 256x64 display, however it
> may spawn a separate project if it looks to be a major retool
> Watch this space for updates
> I'll continue with enhancements a bug fixes to LMSMonitor 2020 and will
> post when available


I've been looking at the Sabre-Evo Dac - looks like a great device and
possible modern replacement for a transporter with up to date codec
support.  I wondered if you'd made any progress on support for this
device?  I spoke to the Audiophonics and learned that PCP works, but no
support on the second display and I gather they're also pretty excited
about using LMS Monitor on the second screen.


pete S

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Starting piCorePlayer without on screen console-messages possible?

2021-01-05 Thread psketch


Glad you got this fixed, but I'm curious why you don't think about using
Jivelite?  This will give you a nice "now playing" screen option, and
you can set timeouts for the differents modes (playing, paused, off) so
you don't have to worry about the OLED.

pete S

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Starting piCorePlayer without on screen console-messages possible?

2021-01-04 Thread psketch

Or, could you just install Jivelite on pcp and then set the screen saver
to blank?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Mono sound

2021-01-04 Thread psketch

AngloCuencano wrote: 
> I have a similar use case for a piCorePlayer built into an old
> transistor radio, and I have found the asound mono settings to work
> reliably. 
> I usually start with Squeezelite Settings > Card Control and uncheck
> Enable/disable built-in audio (so that built in audio is disabled), and
> hit save. Then in Squeezelite Settings, clear the Output settings box,
> and hit save. 
> In the Asound settings select:
> Mono
> Any volume adjustment you want to make
> Either hw or plughw (I use plughw)
> Card: 0
> And hit write. Squeezelite should restart, and hopefully you will be in
> business.

I certainly used the UI controls in the past, but 

1) I haven't tried them in pcp 7, and the underlying card control has
changed with the latest kernel.   Probably still works of course, but
not sure - e.g. if you're using HDMI, which devices is device 0?
2) It's a bit trial and error as to which card and device you're
specifying.  Easy if you're using the built in audio if that's device 0,
but less easy if you've got more cards
3) You can't use this approach with equaliser, which was actually my
original use case.

It's easy to modify the asound.conf anyway, and adding new devices there
for me makes it easier to know for sure what I'm doing and doesn't risk
messing up any built in behaviour.

pete S

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Mono sound

2021-01-04 Thread psketch

Hi Tim

Yes, I found it all rather confusing when I first started looking at it,
but it's not too bad.

So, the default asound.conf looks like


  # default - Generated by piCorePlayer
  pcm.!default {
  type plug
  slave.pcm "hw:0,0"
  pcm.pcpinput {
  type hw
  card Headphones
  device 0
  #---ALSA EQ Below
  pcm.sound_device {
  type plug
  slave.pcm {
  type hw
  card Headphones
  device 0
  ctl.equal {
  type equal;
  controls "/home/tc/.alsaequal.bin"
  library "/usr/local/lib/ladspa/"
  pcm.plugequal {
  type equal;
  slave.pcm "sound_device";
  controls "/home/tc/.alsaequal.bin"
  library "/usr/local/lib/ladspa/"
  pcm.equal {
  type plug;
  slave.pcm plugequal;

The first bit


pcm.!default {
  type plug
  slave.pcm "hw:0,0"

creates a default device for alsa to use if no device is specified.  The
UI in the Extras\asound modifies this device.  BTW, that's why is says
that the entry for output on the squeezelite page must be blank - so
that default is used.

However, I think it's easier if you're going to edit asound anyway, to
create a new device specifically for mono.  So, take the default
asound.conf (use the above maybe if you've messed around with it to
start from scratch), edit it and add


  pcm.HifiBerryDevice {
  type plug
  slave.pcm {
  type hw
  card sndrpihifiberry;
  device 0
  pcm.HifiBerryMono {
  type plug;
  slave.pcm HifiBerryDevice;
ttable {
  0.0 0.5   # L(0) to L(0) at 0.5 volume
  1.0 0.5   # R(1) to L(0) at 0.5 volume
  0.1 0.5   # L(0) to R(1) at 0.5 Volume 
  1.1 0.5   # R(1) to R(1) at 0.5 Volume

The devices in asound.conf build on top of each other.  So, this creates
a device called HifiBerryDevice, which refers to the underlying hardware
you have (I have the same one).  Then, on top of that, it creates a
device called HifiBerryMono, which creates the mapping table.

Add that to asound.conf, save it, then go to the main page and do a
Backup (to keep the changes) and Restart to restart Squeezelite.  Then,
if you look at the Squeezelite Settings page, and click on more next to
output settings, you'll see a new device called HifiBerryMono available
to choose.  Select that, save it, and you should be good to go.

If you just want volume from the right speaker, you could change the
mapping table to


  0.0 0   # L(0) to L(0) at 0 volume
  1.0 0   # R(1) to L(0) at 0 volume
  0.1 0.5   # L(0) to R(1) at 0.5 Volume 
  1.1 0.5   # R(1) to R(1) at 0.5 Volume

but maybe start with dual mono to check it's working.

I'm no huge expert in this - just my findings from fiddling around.

pete S

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2021-01-03 Thread psketch

paul- wrote: 
> It’s on the boot codes page, just add time to the waitusb value.  As the
> drive often needs to be spun up before it will show itself to the
> kernel.

Yep - exactly what I found.  If the drive isn't spun up, the kernel
won't recognise it, so the mount fails.  So, adding 10 seconds to
waitusb means it spins up and mounts.  Once it's mounted, it spins down
when not in use, then when it's accessed to play something from the
library, it quite happily spins up and plays.  As others have said, so
much of my playback is online now (was tidal but switching to qobuz to
avoid MQA) that I don't want the drive spinning all day when it's only
used occasionally.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Mono sound

2021-01-03 Thread psketch

Hi Tim

I think your problem may be different to strebor's original one.  He was
using the 10 band equaliser on the tweaks page, which will set the
output device on the squeezelite page to "equal".  However, you then
can't use the mono setting on the Extras/Asound page - both things want
to change the asound.conf file and the UI isn't setup to do that - you
have to change it manually.

However, if you're not using the equaliser, you shouldn't need to
manually edit the asound.conf.  The changes you've made below to the
conf won't do anything btw - you're telling the equaliser to play in
mono, but you're not using the equaliser, so nothing's going to happen

Your slave.pcm line looks wrong to me - you're not telling it what
device to use - I would expect hw:0,0 for example.  TBH, I'm not
completely sure if the mono default works nowadays - this isn't really a
mainstream area of pcp.  What output device are you using normally -
i.e. when squeezelite is running and you're just getting mono, and what
do you see in the available devices listed?

pete S

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2021-01-02 Thread psketch

P Nelson wrote: 
> Two weeks ago I installed PiCore 6.1 & LMS 8.0 on a 3B+ and it was
> working fine.  I followed the instructions on the documentation, and the
> only issue I had was I could not transfer the LMS data and cache files
> to the USB hard drive. (Perhaps because drive was Fat32, but that is a
> different issue.)  I noticed when not streaming any music to my 3 SB
> Radios and Touch, the hard drive would go so sleep. 
> Yesterday, I upgraded to PiCore 7.0 (32 Bit) and LMS 8.1. As
> recommended, I did a complete fresh install of flashing piCore 7 onto
> the SD card.   In summary, the following has changed from my prior
> set-up:
> >   >   > 
  - PiCore 6.1 to piCore 7.0 32 bit
  - LMS 8.0 to LMS 8.1
  - LMS data files and cache on SD moved to the USB drive
  - A Toshiba FAT32 drive to a new Seagate NTFS drive, both 1 TB
  > > > 
> Could the movement of the LMS cache to the hard drive prevent the
> drive from going to sleep?  The PiCore LMS page has an option to move
> just the data files to the hard drive, as opposed to both the cache
> and data files.  A test would be to move the cache back to the SD
> card, but I am not sure how to do that.  I see there is a Remove Cache
> (Remove LMS Cache and Preferences from pCP) button.  Would that work,
> or would I have to remove LMS and reinstall?
> Or is there some other solution that the smart people on this forum
> already figured out?
> Thank you.
> Paul

Hi Paul

I wondered if the spin down is actually causing problems?  I have mine
deliberately set to spin down - to save power.  I find it just spins up
when I access it.  The only thing I needed to change was to set the wait
time in PCP to 10 seconds or so, so that pcp will mount the drive OK
when I boot it - there's an option under Extras to do that.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] pCP7 and HDMI Audio

2021-01-02 Thread psketch


I may well be misunderstanding this, but I wondered why, when you select
HDMI output, the Squeezelite sample format defaults to 32 - Signed 32
bit Big Endian.  Reading 'this'
and checking with alsacap, it looks like the max sample format is
S16_LE.  So, shouldn't the default for HDMI be 16, not 32?  Or, am I
mixing 2 different things up?


pete S

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2020-12-29 Thread psketch

BitStream wrote: 
> @psketch
> It's the same for me on a b3+, HDMI is not displayed here. I've been
> trying everything for two days but I only get the headphones displayed.
> > 

  >   > tc@picore:~$ aplay -l
  >  List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices 
  > card 0: Headphones [bcm2835 Headphones], device 0: bcm2835 Headphones 
[bcm2835 Headphones]
  > Subdevices: 8/8
  > Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
  > Subdevice #1: subdevice #1
  > Subdevice #2: subdevice #2
  > Subdevice #3: subdevice #3
  > Subdevice #4: subdevice #4
  > Subdevice #5: subdevice #5
  > Subdevice #6: subdevice #6
  > Subdevice #7: subdevice #7

> > 
> > 

  >   > tc@picore:~$ aplay -L
  > null
  > Discard all samples (playback) or generate zero samples (capture)
  > default
  > plugequal
  > equal
  > hw:CARD=Headphones,DEV=0
  > bcm2835 Headphones, bcm2835 Headphones
  > Direct hardware device without any conversions
  > plughw:CARD=Headphones,DEV=0
  > bcm2835 Headphones, bcm2835 Headphones
  > Hardware device with all software conversions
  > sysdefault:CARD=Headphones
  > bcm2835 Headphones, bcm2835 Headphones
  > Default Audio Device
  > dmix:CARD=Headphones,DEV=0
  > bcm2835 Headphones, bcm2835 Headphones
  > Direct sample mixing device

> > 


As Paul mentioned in another post, the kernel version for 7.x uses
different devices for the audio/headphone output and HDMI, and so will
only show the HDMI devices if the Pi thinks it's connected to an HDMI
display.  After having selected HDMI and rebooted, I wasn't seeing
anything still, since that Pi is connected to the HDMI input on an amp,
and that amp doesn't tell connected devices that HDMI is there unless
the right input is active on the amp, and the monitor is on.  So, I
selected the right input on the amp, turned the monitor on, and hey
presto, I see the Pi bootup process when I restart and the HDMI device
is available as an output.  Then, adding the lines to config.txt forces
the Pi to always think there's a display there.

So, if you're not seeing anything, do you see the Pi bootup processes
etc. on the hdmi display, and is the device there when the whole display
chain is active?

pete S

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2020-12-29 Thread psketch

bogasman wrote: 
> It didn't work for me. When I choose HDMI the output is being populated
> with "sysdefault:CARD=b1". However there i no such device on the
> available outputs list, hence squeezelite doesn't start.
> I've added both lines into config.txt but it didn't change anything. If
> I change back to Analog and then go back to HDMI again, then both lines
> disappear and I have to add them back again.

Did you reboot after changing to HDMI before looking for the outputs
list?  It won't appear until HDMI is available.  On the config.txt
change, i added them in the Custom section


#---Begin-Custom-(Do not alter Begin or End Tags)-

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2020-12-28 Thread psketch


I'm not sure if this is a PCP or LMS thing, but I've selected the stable
builds, so getting 8.1.1.  When I used the UI to switch over to Stable
from release, it told me to do a manual download, which I did and it
downloaded 8.1.1.  However, it doesn't show any nightlies being
available - checking for updates shows that nothing is available. 
However, if I just do another manual update, it pulls down the latest
stable build.  So, it's pointing to the Stable branch, but for some
reason, not seeing that a new nightly is available.

pete S

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2020-12-27 Thread psketch

paul- wrote: 
> Pete,
> Those lines should be added when you select HDMI for audio on the
> squeezelite page
> Paul

Hi Paul

I just had another check, and it doesn't look like they get added.  I
set back to USB, removed the lines I'd manually added, rebooted, changed
it back to HDMI, rebooted, and squeezlite wouldn't load.  I checked
config.txt and those lines aren't there - adding them manually and
squeezelite works fine again.

I had the same problem when I did a clean install of 7.0 as well, which
is what made me go and look for it again.

pete S

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2020-12-27 Thread psketch


When I created new images for my PCPs for 7, I was reminded of an HDMI
problem, which is perhaps more relevant now with the different handling
of HDMI in the new kernel.

If you're using HDMI output, not all devices show as connected if the
display or amp isn't on, or isn't switched to the correct input.  In the
old kernel, Squeezelite would still start, but not output video to the
HDMI port.  Now, with the seperation of HDMI and headphone, if you
select HDMI output, but don't have that display turned on when you do
it, Squeezelite won't start because the HDMI devices aren't available.

To make this work reliably, you need to add



to config.txt.  hdmi_force_hotplug=1 sets the pi to use HDMI mode even
if no HDMI monitor is detected. hdmi_drive=2 sets the pi to normal HDMI
mode (Sound will be sent if supported and enabled). Without this line,
the pi would switch to DVI (with no audio) mode by default.

I wonder if it's worth adding a "Force HDMI Output" tweak to the tweaks
page to write this to config.txt

pete S

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2020-12-24 Thread psketch

paul- wrote: 
> While the Pi3 is a 64bit processor,  with only 1GB of ram, there is not
> much of a reason to run 64bit.   In fact 64bit has a little more
> overhead, which will reduce available memory.  The Kernel just happens
> to run on PI3/4 so you can try it if you wish.

Hi Paul.  That's interesting.  So, is the reality that we may as well
stick to 32bit unless we're running Pi4.  My players are a mixture of 2
and 3 whilst my LMS is 3b.


Pete S

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Memory Leak in Perl Engine on piCorePlayer?

2020-12-16 Thread psketch

mherger wrote: 
> > That's interesting.  I used to find that I'd get stuttering with
> older
> > hardware players with flac, due I think to tidal flac being highly
> > compressed.  So, I have a flac to flac re-encode with -1 to make it
> less
> > hard work for my boom and transporter.  Does your comment mean that I
> > don't need that with 8.0.1?
> It will be in the upcoming 8.1.0, not 8.0.1.
> Or install a nightly if you want to give it a try:
> Would be great to see it tested!
> -- 
> Michael

Hi Michael

OK - i've moved to the dev release - Logitech Media Server Version:
8.1.0 - 1608064080 @ Tue Dec 15 22:13:24 CET 2020 - should that have the
changes in?  Will let you know what I find.

pete S

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Memory Leak in Perl Engine on piCorePlayer?

2020-12-16 Thread psketch

mherger wrote: 
> > FLAC would play without transcoding - until we 
> introduced transparent transcoding for TIDAL(?) to work around the 
> stuttering reported before LMS 8.
> Michael

Hi Michael

That's interesting.  I used to find that I'd get stuttering with older
hardware players with flac, due I think to tidal flac being highly
compressed.  So, I have a flac to flac re-encode with -1 to make it less
hard work for my boom and transporter.  Does your comment mean that I
don't need that with 8.0.1?


pete S

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Memory Leak in Perl Engine on piCorePlayer?

2020-12-16 Thread psketch

paul- wrote: 
> The fix is now in the 8.1 branch.

I wondered if this was going to make its way into the 8.01 branch as
well in a while.  I'd rather avoid running the dev branch on my main
system, particularly at this time of year when it seems to be running
pretty much full time.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Memory Leak in Perl Engine on piCorePlayer?

2020-12-12 Thread psketch

paul- wrote: 
> So I signed up for a tidal a month free to play.   Here
> in the US, tidal is using AWS Cloudfront.
> I started testing with no transcoding in the LMS server.  pCP players
> handle AAC natively.
> When a track is played from tidal, it sends to complete track as fast as
> it can.  All of the track data is sitting in the socket receive buffer
> and when the track is complete from Tidal, the socket goes to a
> "CLOSE_WAIT" status.  Once LMS pulls all of the data from the socket, It
> sends the acknowledgement and transitions to "LAST_ACK".  I've seen
> tidal take some time to respond to this ack.  But if the socket is
> sitting in "CLOSE_WAIT" the problem likely resides in LMS.
> Now I set my squeezelite player to only accept flacso the LMS server
> is now transcoding...that is where things go awry.  Tidal plays the
> track, and when done sending data, it goes to CLOSE_WAIT, however at the
> end of the track, it never sends the close acknowledgement.and is
> sitting in CLOSE_WAIT 
> I had to make a custom rule such to force LMS to transcode Pandora mp3
> to flacand the problem is there too.
> So.  This problem is not specific to pCP nor tidal, this seems to
> affect any http(s) stream where LMS has to transcode the stream.

Not sure if it's transcoding, or just flac.  I saw the problem yesterday
playing a tidal album that was flac, played on pcp with native.  When I
use transporter, I do have a custom re-encode set as the older hardware
can't handle flac files which are really heavily compressed, so I
re-encode them to -1.  That setting is tied to the mac address though,
so doesn't affect the pcp situation above. 

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Mono sound

2020-11-04 Thread psketch

... or the way I do it normally - install bitvise SSH client, which is
handy for other things anyway - and just open the file in notepad++ or
vs code, or any other editor you trust not to leave anything messy in
the file

That's what you get for asking a windows person how to edit a linux file

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Mono sound

2020-11-03 Thread psketch

Hi Strebor

When you enable equal, you overwrite asound.conf.  You need to edit that
manually - it's in /etc.  Don't forgot to do a backup on the main page
once you've changed it.

You need to change pcm.equal section to 

pcm.equal {
type plug;
slave.pcm plugequal;
ttable {
0.0 0.5   # L(0) to L(0) at 0.5 volume
1.0 0.5   # R(1) to L(0) at 0.5 volume

0.1 0.5   # L(0) to R(1) at 0.5 Volume 
1.1 0.5   # R(1) to R(1) at 0.5 Volume

i.e. add the ttable section to remap the sound.

pete S

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] BETA: piCorePlayer6.0.0 - PI4 support

2020-04-05 Thread psketch

Mirage wrote: 
> Kind of, but I'm not sure what I did...:o
> I think what solved the problem was that I went to the tweaks page were
> the setting for timezone is and pressed Save. The correct timezone was
> already there, I just pressed Save. I'm not sure if it was this or
> something else that solved the problem, but the clock is now correct in
> all of my players.

Paul's released a patch to the shipping version on 6.0.0 to fix the time
zone problem i was having.  you might want to install the full version
and then apply the patch.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-04-04 Thread psketch

paul- wrote: 
> Is your time right on your system?  perhaps your NTP server choice is
> too slow to respond.
> Since the timezone would not have anything to do with a year of 1970

Yep.  Date was showing 1970 so just a coincidental ntp failure,  Sorry,
should have check that, but not something common for me.  So, the patch
seems to work for me.  Rebooted and restarted lms and the time stays
correct.  Thanks 

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-04-04 Thread psketch

paul- wrote: 
> Alright, not going to get into a timezone argument.  I've updated the
> start scripts to include the current timezone in the httpd environment.

Hi Paul - thanks for looking at this, but it's now not serving up any
time.  My Boom and Transporter are now showing midnight 1970 when I

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-04-04 Thread psketch

paul- wrote: 
> We wait for a valid time (I.e.  year 2020) before starting LMS.
> Pressing the restart button in the web interface would run with a
> different environment.  I can check the web server environment, but even
> if the web server is running with UTC time, LMS “should” be smart enough
> to handle that.
> Edit: The web server is running in UTC, so any commands issued from
> within the web interface will be in UTC time.  For those players, do you
> have the timezone set properly at

I haven't logged into for ages, but just took a look and both
my boom and transporter are GMT, which seems likely correct, as there
doesn't seem to be any summer time setting in

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-04-04 Thread psketch

paul- wrote: 
> This doubtfully has anything to do with pCP.  PCP doesn’t run an time
> server, so the time would come through LMS, or direct from my
> squeezebox.   Best to ask in those forums.   I don’t have any squeeze
> hardware myself.

Yep, i thought that as well, and there's a thread with Michael, but
there are a number of posts in different threads with time problems and
the all are running pcp6.  Also, I only see the problem if I restart the
lms using the button in the ui. If the lms restarts due to addin a
plugin, I don't see the problem.

Some other threads are

The really strange thing is it only shows up on old SB devices, boom,
transporter for me.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] BETA: piCorePlayer6.0.0 - PI4 support

2020-04-03 Thread psketch

ElFishi wrote: 
> Yup, here. 
> SB3 and Squeezelite players are now two hours behind since the clock
> change. (Same timezone as you.)
> pCP/LMS Server has the right time.
> Did you find a fix?

i have a similar problem with the 6.0.0 release version.  You might want
to post over there

pete S

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-04-03 Thread psketch

I've found an odd behaviour with DST time setting.  I'm running pcp 6 on
pi 3b for my LMS, and have updated LMS to 8.0.0 nightly.  Most of my
clients are also pcp's, but I also have a Transporter and a Boom.  When
I reboot the pi with the LMS, all works fine.  However, if I restart the
LMS only through the pcp UI, the time shown on the Boom and the
Transporter is out by 1 hour.  I'm in the UK and we shifted to summer
time last week, so it seems like it's somehow not understanding the
shift to summer time.  The time on the LMS is correct (as shown by a
date command under SSH), and the time after a reboot of the pi LMS is
fine.  However, restarting or stopping and starting the LMS through the
UI somehow sends a different time to the Boom and transporter.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Which is the advantage to switch from Lms 7.9.2 to 7.9.3 or 8.0?

2020-04-03 Thread psketch

psketch wrote: 
> OK, so to perhaps add a more general case to Grumpy Bob's comments on
> timing 
> I upgraded yesterday from 7.9.2 to 8.0.0 nightly for the tidal
> integration - which is brilliant btw - thanks Michael.  My server is on
> a Pi3b picoreplayer 6.0.0.  LMS version is 8.0.0 - 1585662085.  So, my
> config is pretty much the same as Bob's.  I run mostly other pcp
> players, but also have a Transporter and a Boom.  These both show the
> time on their display 1 hour early.  So, date on the LMS via SSH give me
> 08:42:41 BST 2020, but the time on the Boom shows as 07:42.  I'm also in
> the UK, so changed the summer time this weekend.  It looks like the time
> being served up to the boom by the LMS isn't picking up the summer time
> shift perhaps

OK - actually I think I've found the cause, or at least the specific
actions which cause it - in line with what Bob mentioned about his power
cut.  If you reboot the server, the correct time is served up to the
Boom & Transporter.  However, if I restart just the LMS (using the UI in
pcp lms page), then the time is out by an hour on the clients.  So, this
may not actually be an 8.0 thing at all - could be a pcp thing as I
rarely use restart.  On this occasion, I found that now I was adding a
load of Tidal albums, I played a couple of random tracks, which
stuttered terrible.  Digging back through threads I found that i needed
a custom-convert.conf to run them through sox, which fixed the problem
but meant I was restarting the LMS as I tested it.  The stutter wasn't
specific to the new LMS 8 approach for tidal btw - I just came across it
when trying to play a few tracks - Dear Prudence by Siouxsie and the
Banshees was particularly terrible.  Michael, think this might be a pcp
6 problem?  I haven't tried it back on 7.9.x yet.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Which is the advantage to switch from Lms 7.9.2 to 7.9.3 or 8.0?

2020-04-03 Thread psketch

OK, so to perhaps add a more general case to Grumpy Bob's comments on

I upgraded yesterday from 7.9.2 to 8.0.0 nightly for the tidal
integration - which is brilliant btw - thanks Michael.  My server is on
a Pi3b picoreplayer 6.0.0.  LMS version is 8.0.0 - 1585662085.  So, my
config is pretty much the same as Bob's.  I run mostly other pcp
players, but also have a Transporter and a Boom.  These both show the
time on their display 1 hour early.  So, date on the LMS via SSH give me
08:42:41 BST 2020, but the time on the Boom shows as 07:42.  I'm also in
the UK, so changed the summer time this weekend.  It looks like the time
being served up to the boom by the LMS isn't picking up the summer time
shift perhaps

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-03-21 Thread psketch

paul- wrote: 
> The mirror selection is at the footer of the main page.  That tells the
> pCP which pCP repo to use.  Sourceforge has been a pain in the rear for
> sometimesometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.  The main repo is
> fine.
> 29820

Thanks.  Never saw that before.  Worked fine off main.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-03-21 Thread psketch

paul- wrote: 
> We have zero affiliation with the piCore/tinycore sites.  We have no
> control as to the content on their site.  We fully control the
> piCorePlayer repo, and content.

Ok, so I get the same error installing extensions from either repo.  I
couldn't find the lame extension on the main site, so I tried util-Linux
and see the same error from either repo.  It seems like installing a new
extension from either repo gives me the html error.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-03-20 Thread psketch

paul- wrote: 
> They are mirrors.  And yes it's there.

Sorry, I must be misunderstanding something.  If I look at the available
extension list fir PiCoreplayer repo vs Official picore repo, the very

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-03-20 Thread psketch

paul- wrote: 
> I've noticed sourceforge doing that from time to time, try the main
> repo.

It doesn't look like the pcp-lame (or just lame) extensions are in the
main repo :-(

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-03-20 Thread psketch

I was trying to install the pcp-lame extension on 6.0, but just get

Downloading: html>
Error on html>

I've got the repository set to piCorePlayer - tried changing it to
piCore and back again, but no change.

Any ideas?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite for piCorePlayer

2020-03-18 Thread psketch

Jeff07971 wrote: 
> Leads me to believe you havent got something set up correctly
> See (poor) screenshots from mine
> HD (Non Grid)
> Jeff

Hi Jeff

Thanks, but I agree the HD skin looks ok.  My point was when using the
joggler skin, it's not full screen, but it does have 5 or 6 now playing
skins, e.g. The VU Meter.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite for piCorePlayer

2020-03-18 Thread psketch

mherger wrote: 
> > I'm using Jivelite with my main TV - and running the 1920*1080 HD grid
> > screen.  With this, I understand I'm limited on the Now Playing
> screens
> > - the choices seem limited to Joggler I think - which doesn't look
> great
> > running in an envelope on the TV.  Is there any way to get the other
> Now
> > Playing screens showing up on HD displays?
> The HD skin should come with its own set of screensavers, all optimized 
> for the higher resolution.
> -- 
> Michael

Hi Michael

With the HD Grid screen, there's only only two - Artwork & Text and
Spectrum Analyzer, vs the 5 or 6 I see with Joggler skin.  Is that what
would be expected?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite for piCorePlayer

2020-03-18 Thread psketch

I'm using Jivelite with my main TV - and running the 1920*1080 HD grid
screen.  With this, I understand I'm limited on the Now Playing screens
- the choices seem limited to Joggler I think - which doesn't look great
running in an envelope on the TV.  Is there any way to get the other Now
Playing screens showing up on HD displays?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-03-11 Thread psketch

mherger wrote: 
> >
> One more (potentitally important?) detail: the in-situ update didn't 
> really work at first. It went through all the necessary steps, but then
> ended on the "Ok" message, without offering me to reboot. I re-run the 
> update a second time (without re-booting), and this time it went through
> - with the aforementioned result. Maybe that hiccup was responsible for
> the missing configuration?
> Michael

I had the same thing.  I updated 6 players, one with LMS.  3 updated OK,
got the reboot now message and all fine.  3, including the LMS one, got
through the update, but just at at the OK message and didn't give the
"reboot now" message.  When I rebooted them, the LMS one didn't work at
all, and the other two seemed part upgraded, so I just reinstalled the
three of them from scratch.  Sadly, I'm not sure how much use this is as
they were different devices that worked and didn't, i had one 3B that
worked and one that didn't for example.

Thankfully, i had the LMS config backed up, and rebuilding just the
players is easy.  There is something funny in there about the "reboot
now" message though.

pete S

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite for piCorePlayer

2020-03-02 Thread psketch

Paul Webster wrote: 
> What is your JiveLite running on?
> If a Raspberry Pi (but not pCP - for now at least) ... then you might be
> able to use the TV remote to control it - via HDMI CEC.

Yep, it's running on PCP.  However, CEC is a no-no for me.  I've always
found it to be unreliable and to cause all sort of underlying hdmi sync
problems - so I always turn it off on all devices.  Thanks anyway.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite for piCorePlayer

2020-03-01 Thread psketch

mherger wrote: 
> > Well, as a first pass, being able to mimic the key presses would be
> > great.  Open a socket and send a keystroke.  Skip the ir to lirc to
> > Jivelite steps.  I wondered how Jivelite listened to lirc...
> But what you want is to control the _player_, not the controller? Use 
> LMS' CLI commands to do so.
> -- 
> Michael

Hi Michael

No, actually here I want to control the controller, not the player.  I
already use cli to control other players, but here I have Jivelite
displayed on my TV and want to be able to use the UI to select music


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