Re: Release 8.0 DP 10

2015-11-25 Thread Warren Samples

On 11/24/2015 05:46 AM, Ali Lloyd wrote:

We are pleased to announce the release of LiveCode 8.0 DP 10.

The release notes provided with this version of Livecode Server say it 
requires glibc 2.3.6 or later for 32-bit Intel. This seems not to be the 
case. It won't run in my environment and ldd complains:

 "/lib/ version `GLIBC_2.7' not found" I have glibc 2.5.


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Re: Release 8.0 DP 10

2015-11-25 Thread Warren Samples

On 11/25/2015 08:38 AM, Peter TB Brett wrote:

Yes, the release notes appear to be inaccurate.

We currently build against:

* glibc 2.11 (released Nov 2009) or newer on x86

* glibc 2.13 (released Feb 2011) or newer on x86-64

I will make sure they are updated in time for our next releases.

Out of interest, on which Linux distribution and version are you
attempting to run LiveCode 8 server?


32-bit CentOS 5.11, at WebFaction (


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Re: Java version

2015-11-28 Thread Warren Samples

On 11/28/2015 10:32 AM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

Thanks, but the link in the post there times out so I can't get to it. Could 
you give a brief synopsis? My main confusion is whether I have two versions 
installed (and can therfore uninstall 8 entirely) or whether it's version 6 
that's triggering the update warning.

java has traditionally installed versions side-by-side. A new major 
version should not (didn't used to) uninstall a previous version. I 
haven't used OS X since 10.5 and perhaps it's changed, but if you were 
to go into /Library (or maybe /System/Library ?) you should find a 
folder labeled Java. You would find all installed versions, each in its 
own director, plys a symlink called "java" which points to the latest. A 
lot of java software allows you to explicitly select which java version 
you want to run. It's kind of like running multiple versions of python; 
you might have software which requires 2.6 or 2.7 or some version of 


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Re: Sound, Linux, Embedding

2016-02-17 Thread Warren Samples

On 02/17/2016 03:06 PM, RM wrote:

So, after keeping quiet on this for about 5 years . . .

I was digging away in some ZIP disks I have access to via a SCSI card in
the back of my Linux
box [neither my G3 iMac, nor my G5 iMac having SCSI ports] and I chanced
upon some
"LiveCode" (i.e. Runtime Revolution) stacks I made while I was working
at the University of St. Andrews
for foreign students to practise English vowel sounds . . . and thought
. . .

wouldn't it be "fun" (this involves a fairly broad definition of what
constitutes fun) if it were now
possible to port them to run on Linux, including the ability to embed
the sounds in the stack.



Richmond, you can play audioclips under Linux. I'm not sure what 
dependencies you need to satisfy and you may have to experiment to find 
a format/bit rate/sampling rate that plays, but it can work. For some 
reason some sounds (perhaps due to short length?) don't appear to play 
in the IDE but will play in a standalone. Download and experiment with 
Jacquie's Blocks. The woodtap doesn't play for me in the IDE but works 
in a standalone. The fanfare plays but is truncated in the IDE and works 
fine in the standalone. The sound used to signal the end of a game with 
blocks left plays as white noise instead of whatever it's supposed to 
sound like.

Good luck!

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Re: Finding UTC

2016-02-22 Thread Warren Samples

On 02/21/2016 01:34 PM, Graham Samuel wrote:

Thanks to all those who replied - ‘the internet date’ was the answer I needed, 
since I then didn’t have to get out of my LiveCode comfort zone to do the 
calculation. I’m thinking of time-stamping some interactions that are going to 
go through a program I’m running on LiveCode Server. Right now I have it 
running on DreamHost, whose servers presumably stay in one place, but I wanted 
an invariant time stamp not depending on the location of the server or of any 
particular user, so I saw UTC as the way to go.

My issue was that I didn’t know of a command that I could run on the server, or 
a url to a public time server, that would just give me UTC in its simplest form 
without leaving LiveCode - probably very lazy of me, but I want to keep things 
as simple as I can. I have now written a little homegrown routine that uses 
‘the internet date’ which seems to work fine.

Thanks again


For future reference, anyone needing this and running on a Linux server 
could do:

put shell("date -u")

which will return the current UTC time without any local timezone 


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Re: OS X - how to write to a file associated as a Unix executable

2016-02-29 Thread Warren Samples

On 02/29/2016 03:13 PM, Glen Bojsza wrote:


I am trying to write the from a text field to a file and then change the
file so it is executable.

put field "mytest" into URL "binfile:~/race"
put field "mytest" into URL"file:~/race"

The file race is created in either case but are associated with textedit.

I require it to be recognized as a Unix executable associated with the
terminal application once I have done a chmod +rx on it

If I just save a file from textmate and do a chmod +rx then it works.

So it has to do with how I am saving it out of LC.

Any suggestions?



You could look into fileType in the dictionary. I can recall having to 
explicitly set the file type for images saved from LiveCode or they 
would open in an editor because LiveCode was saving them as text files.

You could also try using 'get shell()' and whatever command or method 
you feel most appropriate given you content, to create the file and then 
make it executable by

'get shell("chomd +x /your/new/file")'

This works here under Linux and  work under OS X because the 
file itself is being created and saved by the system instead of by LiveCode.


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Re: OS X - how to write to a file associated as a Unix executable

2016-02-29 Thread Warren Samples

On 02/29/2016 06:06 PM, Warren Samples wrote:

'get shell("chomd +x /your/new/file")'

Well, that of course won't work jaja.


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Re: OS X - how to write to a file associated as a Unix executable

2016-02-29 Thread Warren Samples

On 02/29/2016 06:09 PM, Glen Bojsza wrote:

This only works IF the file created is associated with the terminal

The issue is creating the proper file format so when the chmod creates it
as Unix executable.

Are you saying that saving a file from TextMate and chmoding it works 
but using Terminal and 'print "something-that-will-execute" > 
/output/file' or 'cat /working/file > /working/file-cloned' and chmoding 
that file doesn't?


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Re: OS X - how to write to a file associated as a Unix executable

2016-02-29 Thread Warren Samples

On 02/29/2016 07:06 PM, Glen Bojsza wrote:

What I am trying to do is within a LC application

1. put field "mytest" into URL "binfile:~/race"

This creates a file called race in the ~/ directory.

The problem is that when you do a chmod +rw race the file is still
recognized as textedit file and NOT a UNIX executable.

When you look at a file created with LC and chmod  verses a file created
with textmate and chmod you can see the differences in the finder or get
info on both files and see the difference.

I understand the problem. What I am asking you is if creating a file 
using the shell function in LC instead of saving it directly from LC 
works. I can't tell from your response if you have tried it.
The first step would be to get the path of a file you know does what you 
want it to do. Then open a terminal and type:

cat /file-that-works > /file-that-works-new


chmod +rx /file-that-works-new

Does this file do what you hope? If it does then the next step is to do 
the same thing using LiveCode's shell function. This should give the 
same result as using a terminal.

get shell("cat /file-that-works > /file-that-works3")
get shell("chmod +rx /file-that-works3")

We are attempting to bypass LiveCode's unfortunate desire to save 
everything as a text file and create a hard association with TextEdit in 

I'm a little curious also about how you are telling TextMate to create 
and/or save the file. Are you explicitly telling it to create a shell 


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Re: OT(ish): Selling software downloads - sales tax?

2016-03-18 Thread Warren Samples

On 03/17/2016 01:06 PM, Graham Samuel wrote:

I have been discussing the sale of a desktop product (developed with LC, 
obviously) with a colleague. We’re thinking of direct sales...He’s in the US

..sell a low volume of product purely as a download with no physical 
fulfilment...I am not sure about the US.

There is no sales tax charged for any online sales in the US except for 
sales to customers located within a state where the vendor has a 
physical office or point of sale. Your stateside partner probably knows 
this already. As far as software with no physical delivery goes, it 
could be considered several different ways which will vary from state to 
state but again you are only concerned with how the state where he is 
qualifies it. Ask your partner to contact the revenue department of the 
state in which he resides and ask them how to proceed. That would be the 
only state where you have any possible obligation and even then, 
depending on how your partnership/company is structured and how they 
consider this kind of product, you might not have any at all.

Good luck!


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Re: Indy Licensing

2016-04-13 Thread Warren Samples

On 04/13/2016 12:26 PM, John Dixon wrote:

I am surprised that this list has not been flooded with questions and 

Have you been away?

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Re: [ANN] Release 8.0.0

2016-05-05 Thread Warren Samples

On 05/04/2016 09:12 AM, Peter TB Brett wrote:

Dear list members,

We are pleased to announce the release of LiveCode 8.0.0, the first
stable release of LiveCode 8.

I'm running openSUSE Leap 42.1 here and finding that Livecode 8 will not 
launch. The installer worked properly. Launching LiveCode displays the 
splashscreen followed either by a rapid crash (IDE itself never 
displays) or a permanent hang at the splashscreen. Running it from the 
command line results in this:

"Use of deprecated SAXv1 function setDocumentLocator
*** Error in 
free(): invalid next size (fast): 0x03d3b820 ***" at the top of 
the full backtrace.

I had been running openSUSE 13.2 until recently and hadn't had this kind 
of difficulty with the dps and the RC of version 8. Under Leap, however, 
I get this same undesired behavior with the  v8 RC. LC versions 6 and 7 
work fine.

Deleting prefs and licenses has no effect.

Any thoughts on what I might be able to install to correct this? (Or, 
what LiveCode might be expecting to find which may or may not be 
available for installation in my distro...)


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Re: [ANN] Release 8.0.0

2016-05-06 Thread Warren Samples

On 05/05/2016 04:55 PM, Warren Samples wrote:

I'm running openSUSE Leap 42.1 here and finding that Livecode 8 will not
launch. The installer worked properly. Launching LiveCode displays the
splashscreen followed either by a rapid crash (IDE itself never
displays) or a permanent hang at the splashscreen. Running it from the
command line results in this:

"Use of deprecated SAXv1 function setDocumentLocator
*** Error in
free(): invalid next size (fast): 0x03d3b820 ***" at the top of
the full backtrace.

I had been running openSUSE 13.2 until recently and hadn't had this kind
of difficulty with the dps and the RC of version 8. Under Leap, however,
I get this same undesired behavior with the  v8 RC. LC versions 6 and 7
work fine.

I spoke too soon :( Earlier versions are launching but they crash when 
selecting items from the top row of the menu bar. This has the same 
appearance of -- maybe the same underlying cause? -- an issue some of us 
had had with early versions of 64bit Linux builds (in case that helps!).


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Re: Running Node (or any unix cmd line program) from Shell from a LC Stack

2016-05-08 Thread Warren Samples

On 05/08/2016 04:07 PM, Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami wrote:

It's something about LC now knowing that I have node installed when invoked via 


Compare what you get when you run 'echo $PATH' in a terminal to what you 
get when you run it in LiveCode using shell(). Make sure the directory 
that contains whatever executable you might be running is installed in 
or linked in a directory that is in the $PATH returned by LiveCode's 
shell function. It would appear that it isn't in this case. You can 
further test by running 'which [command]' in a terminal and see if it's 
located in one of the directories that 'put shell("echo $PATH")' 
returns. It's not about which shell (executable), it's about the env and 
the $PATH.

Good luck!


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Re: [ANN] Release 8.1.0 DP 2

2016-06-30 Thread Warren Samples

On 06/30/2016 11:02 AM, Richmond wrote:

Still waiting (64-bit, Linux) for the Dictionary.


I understand your frustration, Richmond. I can't open LiveCode on my 
Linux machine running the current release of openSUSE (Leap). I can, 
however, run it under different release versions of openSUSE and have it 
open right now in a virtual machine running openSUSE Tumbleweed. The 
dictionary seems to work just fine. I have seen from your previous 
discussion of this problem that you've been willing to go to some 
lengths to get a working dictionary and I salute your perseverance. Have 
you ever tried opening LiveCode from the command line and selecting the 
dictionary to see if it gives you any useful messages?

When I do that it gives me this:

"[0630/] Running without the SUID 
sandbox! See for 
more information on developing with the sandbox on."

Despite this message, the dictionary does open and display content. It's 
possible you'll get some other message which might be useful.

What happens if you put a browser on a card, assign it a URL and select 
the LC browse tool? Does it display content as expected?


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Re: [ANN] Release 8.1.0 DP 2

2016-06-30 Thread Warren Samples

On 06/30/2016 03:10 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

Warren Samples wrote:

 > I can't open LiveCode on my Linux machine running the current release
 > of openSUSE (Leap). I can, however, run it under different release
 > versions of openSUSE and have it open right now in a virtual machine
 > running openSUSE Tumbleweed. The dictionary seems to work just fine.

Good to know the Dictionary works there, but let's explore your other
SUSE versions and see if we can get the boot issue resolved.

Bryan Lunduke works for SUSE, and recently wrote a very enthusiastic
review of LC 8 after running it on SUSE and Elementary:

Have you run LC with ldd to see if it's unable to find an expected package?


Yes, I saw the article and noticed he had tried it under openSUSE. He 
doesn't say in the article which version he used for his review, but he 
has mentioned elsewhere that he prefers a rolling release and uses 

ldd doesn't show anything missing. Getting LiveCode to run under 
Tumbleweed requires no head scratching or additional installation of 
libs, using the official installation DVD and as well the geckoLinux 
spin (rolling version) in both the XFCE and Budgie flavors.

There's a thread on the dev list with the subject "LiveCode fails to 
open in openSUSE Leap".


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Re: [ANN] Release 8.1.0 DP 2

2016-07-01 Thread Warren Samples

On 07/01/2016 10:00 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

Warren Samples wrote:

ldd doesn't show anything missing. Getting LiveCode to run under
Tumbleweed requires no head scratching or additional installation of
libs, using the official installation DVD and as well the geckoLinux
spin (rolling version) in both the XFCE and Budgie flavors.

There's a thread on the dev list with the subject "LiveCode fails to
open in openSUSE Leap".

Searching for that string gave me zero results, and searching for
"OpenSUSE" brought up many old threads.


I follow the lists locally, in my email client, so I can't provide you a 
URL. The thread was started on 6-23 on the LiveCode Developer List. Here 
is the content of the original post:

---(start quote)---

The 64 bit LiveCode IDE fails to open for me under openSUSE Leap 42.1. 
It was previously working under openSUSE versions 12.x and 13.x. While 
there was a period when it failed under Tumbleweed (rolling release), it 
works in at least the last two snapshots. Simple standalones work as do 
simple LC Server scripts.

The first few times I tried, the LiveCode splash screen hanged while 
loading the menu bar (the last text displayed) and the process had to be 
killed. Now the splash screen disappears after less than a second.

Here is the tail of the livecode_tools_log:
 Loading Script Editor...
Enter Script Editor Initialisation
Leave Script Editor Initialisation
Loading User Icon Libraries...
Enter User Libraries Initialisation
Leave User Libraries Initialisation
Loading Error Management...
Enter Errors Initialisation
Leave Errors Initialisation
Loading Menu Bar...
Enter Menus Initialisation
  Trying to get the platform

Starting LiveCode from the command line returns this error:
"Error in 
free(): invalid next size (fast): 0x04e84a80"

and sends this to stderr:
"Use of deprecated SAXv1 function setDocumentLocator

It's strange that SUSE built on older and newer libs both work while the 
current "main" version does not. Do these errors reveal any useful clues 
as to what might be done to get it working?

The shell prints a backtrace. Would this be helpful to see? Running 
LiveCode through strace using some particular option?

--- (end quote)---

To clarify the last sentence of the first paragraph of the original 
(copied here from the dev list) post, simple standalones and LiveCode 
Server do work under Leap, it's the IDE that is the problem.

openSUSE is quietly one of the more popular distros and Leap is the 
current "standard" release so it might be a good thing to get this 
figured out. I wonder what LiveCode does just after it gets the 
platform, as it finishes up the menus initialization. I posted the shell 
backtrace at:


It should be noted that if I run the command several times, the 
backtrace will not consistently end with the same lines; sometimes 
aborting with more lines and sometimes fewer.

Thank you for looking at this :)


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Re: [ANN] Release 8.1.0 DP 2

2016-07-01 Thread Warren Samples

On 07/01/2016 11:53 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

Warren Samples wrote:

 > The 64 bit LiveCode IDE fails to open for me under openSUSE Leap
 > 42.1.
 > The shell prints a backtrace. Would this be helpful to see? Running
 > LiveCode through strace using some particular option?
 > --- (end quote)---
 > To clarify the last sentence of the first paragraph of the original
 > (copied here from the dev list) post, simple standalones and LiveCode
 > Server do work under Leap, it's the IDE that is the problem.

Good sleuthing so far.  Narrowing it down to the IDE is especially
useful, as it suggests something that may eventually affect standalones,
since of course the IDE is just a collection of stacks itself.

I'm not familiar with backtrace, but the output appears to be very
different from strace.  Have you run strace?  To get going I wouldn't
worry about flags, even the defaults would likely yield useful info.

What's the bug report ID for this?  Maybe the logs should be included as
attachments there.


I never filed a bug report. I reported my problem in a reply to another 
release announcement fairly recently and didn't receive any comment from 
any of the devs that have been generously participating on this list so 
I (perhaps stupidly and/or unfairly) took that to mean there was little 
interest in tackling it. Linux is not anything like a single target and 
we've all seen the dreaded "we can't reproduce it here" response that 
has to be as frustrating to the devs as it is to those of us who have 
the problem :D I'm grateful for the interest you and Mark Wieder have 
shown. I'm not averse to filing or contributing to bug reports and will 
do so with your encouragement.

The strace output, run without any flags, is 2.4 MB and 27,000+ lines. 
It means nothing to me, dilettante that I am. You can find it here: 
<> If you can think of any flags 
which might make it more manageable or useful, I will be happy to run it 


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Re: [ANN] Release 8.1.0 DP 2

2016-07-01 Thread Warren Samples

On 07/01/2016 02:49 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

I would suggest filing the report.  If anyone complains, I'll take the
heat. :)

It may be that this is something we'll fix as a community effort, but at
least having it in the bug DB will give us a central place to share
notes and logs as we work toward a resolution.

Please let me know the report ID/URL when you post it so I can add
myself to the CC list and review the info there to see if I can help
triage it.

Thanks -

Thank you, Richard.

Bug 17938 LiveCode fails to open in openSUSE Leap 42.1

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Re: Intel QSV H.264 codec for AVFoundation and DirectShow

2016-07-04 Thread Warren Samples

On 07/04/2016 04:43 AM, Tiemo Hollmann TB wrote:

The x264 codec is a opensource codec and as far as I understand it is not
preinstalled on any system and at least on my Mac a x264 video can't be
played (perhaps there is a chance to manually install it, what I would like
to avoid for my customers)


x264 is only an encoder and does not need to be installed on a client 
machine to enable playback if that's your concern. Whether or not the 
videos are compatible will depend on thoughtful selection of encoding 
options. In this regard x264 offers almost unlimited opportunity to 
experiment (glass half full) and choose badly (glass half empty). 
 The Intel encoder has the 
advantage of using the gpu, where applicable, to accelerate encoding. If 
you've found something that works, it wouldn't be a bad decision to have 
a celebratory beverage of your choice and think about something else!


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Re: What Newbies Expect

2016-07-07 Thread Warren Samples

On 07/07/2016 07:35 AM, Sri wrote:

I am reading this thread on the web and I find two other threads (by Ray
Horsley-2) entangled with this one. What is going on? Do others see this?


I see it in my current email client. There are several people on the 
list wose habit is to start new topics by replying to a message in a 
current thread rather than starting a new thread by posting a "new" 
message. Whether or not this results in disorganization or other issues 
is dependent on how (which email client or web interface) you view the 
list. Many email clients sort lists by subject rather than by the 
message ID in the headers, so not everybody is affected. I mentioned 
this once not too long ago and it didn't generate much response in 
general nor a positive response from those who do it.


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Re: SVG Editors, anyone?

2016-08-05 Thread Warren Samples

On 08/05/2016 09:57 AM, Graham Samuel wrote:

Having got very interested in LC widgets at the conference, I’m about to start 
experimenting, but I need to create some SVG graphics based on my own designs. 
I can’t afford Illustrator - has anyone got any recommendations for a free, or 
at any rate, not very expensive, editor suitable for making 
LC-widget-compatible graphics?



One option:

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Re: [ANN] lcb-mode v0.1.1: Emacs major mode for LCB source code

2016-08-16 Thread Warren Samples

On 08/16/2016 08:44 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

Peter TB Brett wrote:



Whooboy! Fun time's a startin'!

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Re: [TOT] Totally Off . . .

2016-08-26 Thread Warren Samples

On 08/23/2016 05:49 AM, Richmond wrote:

My real book (The Complete . . . ) has labelled bookmarks going back to
when I was gifted that book in 1999 at the UAE University in Al Ain,
UAE, when they, overnight, trashed all their Mac computers and replaced
them with IBM compats running Windows Me, and I had to get to grips with
Toolbook, and remake lots and lots of HC stack as TB programs.

These bookmarks are useful as they stop me having to spend donkey's ages
trawling again.

This would not really be possible with a pdf document.

That may depend on your pdf reader and how it interacts with the 
particular pdf document. I downloaded the hypercard handbook from Lagi's 
link and in KDE's default pdf reader, Okular, I can search text and 
select and copy it and also set bookmarks. Works really well.


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widget inclusion in standalones 8.0.2

2016-09-06 Thread Warren Samples
I've looked through a number of release notes but haven't been able to 
find this information. Is it expected that we have to manually select 
widgets for inclusion when building standalones in 8.0.2?

I'm running Linux, and I note that this happens automatically in 8.1 RC2.


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Re: widget inclusion in standalones 8.0.2

2016-09-06 Thread Warren Samples

On 09/06/2016 09:29 AM, Peter TB Brett wrote:

On 06/09/2016 14:22, Warren Samples wrote:

I've looked through a number of release notes but haven't been able to
find this information. Is it expected that we have to manually select
widgets for inclusion when building standalones in 8.0.2?

Hi Warren,

Yes, just like in LiveCode 8.0.0, you will need to manually choose
widget inclusions in 8.0.2.

Best regards,


Thank you! I feel better now :D


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Re: button width on different platforms

2017-01-04 Thread Warren Samples

On 01/04/2017 01:05 PM, Matt Maier wrote:

I've got some buttons with text in them. On Windows (where I develop) they
look fine. On Linux the buttons are a little bit narrower so the text is
cut off.

Anyone handled a similar problem?


I would suggest dynamically  setting the width of the buttons to the 
formattedWidth of the buttons is the most correct thing to do. You may 
also set the height of the buttons the same way. You will find the 
actual space needed changes with font selection.

I have suggested always setting the height of text fields the same way 
but for some reason that doesn't seem to go over very well. Personally 
I'm not a big fan of fixed height text fields which cut off the 
contained text. This is very common to see in Linux with LiveCode things 
developed on other platforms, including the IDE.

In any event, maybe the worst approach, and also the most common, is to 
start dictating the font selection and size. You can never know what 
reasons the user may have for using a particular font or size.

Dynamic layout is really the best way to go whenever possible. Ask a web 


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Re: Livecode Server on Dreamhost fails in Ubuntu upgrade

2014-11-11 Thread Warren Samples

On 11/11/2014 12:42 PM, Phil Davis wrote:

One thing I noticed is that script execution speed seems to have gotten
dreadfully slow in 64-bit 7.0 - roughly 6x slower.

I have a simple script that repeats 5000 times, adding to a counter and 
populating and sorting a list with seven items. It takes just a little 
less than 4x as long to execute under LC 7 Server as it does under any 
previous version. I'm running 32bit in LC 7, btw.


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Re: LC Server on DreamHost?

2014-11-22 Thread Warren Samples

On 11/21/2014 01:56 PM, Phil Davis wrote:

the speed of loading
is TERRIBLE with the 7.0.1 LC Linux server. It takes 4.5 seconds for
LC to
'execute' a simple page every time. It's not about DNS and a PHP page on
the same site loads immediately by comparison.

Is this possibly related to other slowdowns in the desktop versions?

Unless there is a problem specific to the 64 bit engine it seems more 
likely related to some issue with the DreamHost setup. The script that 
Phil provides in his bug report shows similar nearly instantaneous 
execution times for 6.1.2, 6.5.1 and 7.0.0 served from the same (32 bit) 
machine at WebFaction:


I do have a simple test script with a repeat loop and a list sort that 
takes @ 4 times as long to execute with 7.0.0 as it does with earlier 
versions, but Phil's script doesn't show anything like the same problem 
here as it does on his DreamHost server.


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Re: LC Server on DreamHost?

2014-11-22 Thread Warren Samples

On 11/21/2014 01:56 PM, Phil Davis wrote:

I'm glad it isn't just me:

Phil Davis


Your desktop utility shows a difference of about 8 to 10 times using 
your URLs and about 4 times using mine when run under 6.6.2. Opening the 
URLs in a browser continues to show a significant difference, but it's 
hard to quantify. Could you put a timer in the scripts themselves? Also, 
it seems probable from how they display in the utility and the browser 
that the scripts are not quite identical, with the one at 
 not converting 'CR' to '' as does 
(apparently) the other one. However doubtful it might be that this has 
serious impact, it would be best ensure they are identical.


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Re: OT: Web Server-side ID3 Tagger

2014-12-16 Thread Warren Samples

On 12/16/2014 12:24 AM, Brahmanathaswami wrote:

I need to set the ID3 tags for MP3 files that have already been uploaded
to our web server.

typically my approach is to create a thin desktop client, which can read
our media database from the web server... then I need to send a POST
back to my ""  which in turn then passes some params to [The
ID3 Tagger program] via shell

path to file

locally on a mac this is as simple as getting info in iTunes, adding the
ID3 metadata and iTunes writes it back to the same .mp3 file (or aiff)

Does anyone know of a *nix program that can do the same, that I can call
from shell (would run on CentOS 6.2)

Swasti Astu, Be Well!

Is id3v2 installed, or can you install it?

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Re: Server performance issues: Dreamhost only?

2015-01-26 Thread Warren Samples

On 01/26/2015 01:08 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

We've seen reports of serious performance issues with running LiveCode
Server 7.x on Dreamhost.

I'm working with Peter Brett at RunRev to try to resolve these, and
there's one detail that would be very useful to know:

While we see relatively minor speed differences on the desktop, running
LiveCode Serve on Dreamhost has resulted in requests taking as long as
several seconds, far beyond anything we can account for in the engine

Have any of you seen order-of-magnitude speed loss when running LiveCode
Server on any host other than Dreamhost?

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Systems
  Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web

Not at webfaction where I have various versions of LC Server running as 
as cgi via a Caudium server which in turn runs behind nginx (and maybe 
Apache, I'm not sure if they've left the Apache layer in for the 
deployment of webapps, since putting nginx up front, and am too lazy to 
look it up because it still works so why should I care :D). Request 
handling is fractionally slower since LC 6.5 but the discernable delay 
doesn't seem to have increased here for LC 7. I've already reported that 
script handling is 3 to 4 times slower in LC 7, but that's a different 


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Re: Server performance issues: Dreamhost only?

2015-01-26 Thread Warren Samples

On 01/26/2015 03:28 PM, Warren Samples wrote:

Have any of you seen order-of-magnitude speed loss when running LiveCode
Server on any host other than Dreamhost?

Not at webfaction

It may be relevant to note that all LC Server versions I have installed 
are 32bit, including LC 7. webfaction is still running CentOS 32bit.


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Re: Edit the script of a stack without opening it

2015-05-23 Thread Warren Samples

On 05/23/2015 06:00 PM, wrote:

"Messages button in the toolbar"

Where is this? Did you mean "Suppress Messages" in the menubar?


Under the "View" menu are options to toggle toolbar text and toolbar 
icons. Enable one or both of these and you will find "Messages" right 
between "Select Grouped" and "Errors".


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atom editor and livecode server files syntax package available

2015-07-03 Thread Warren Samples
For those of you who don't participate in the forums for whatever 
reason, but are interested in livecode server, forum user ghettocottage 
has converted the TextMate revigniter-livecode syntax module for the 
cross-platform Atom Text Editor and made it available to all. You can 
install it directly from Atom under Preferences>>Install (search 
packages "revigniter-livecode").

More information regarding Atom can be found here:


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Re: v8 DP3

2015-08-26 Thread Warren Samples

On 08/26/2015 10:23 AM, Richmond wrote:

Really excited, now I have a functioning 64-bit system, to dig into this



Please let me know if you can build a working standalone on your system. 
I can't get a standalone built in any version of LC8 to open and run on 
my system running openSUSE and KDE. Trying to run one from the command 
line doesn't return any messages.


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Re: v8 DP3

2015-08-26 Thread Warren Samples

On 08/26/2015 11:54 AM, Richmond wrote:

I just knocked together a standard stack with one button containing
the script:

on mouseUp
  put "HELLO"
end mouseUp

before I tried building a standalone, that script did NOT work . . .

I built a 64-bit Linux standalone, and it *opened* (the script did not
run, but then it didn't in the IDE either).

I then knocked together a standard stack with one button containing
the script:

on mouseUp
   move me to 50,50
end mouseUp

*worked* in the IDE, and worked as a standalone!

Xubuntu 64-bit, 15.04

Best, Richmond.

P.S. Probably a problem caused by Vladimir *Put*in!




Thank you, Richmond. The Mover standalone ran here and the stack 
successfully compiled and ran as a standalone on my machine. So, I went 
back and see that under Linux standalone settings, 64bit is deselected 
by default and I hadn't even bothered checking (red-face goes here). All 
I did was deselect Windows and OS X... I would like to politely suggest 
if Linux is by default going to build for Windows and OS X, it could 
also build by default for both Linux architectures.

It seems the answer dialog may be a problem in standalone building. 
Opening a standalone that uses an answer dialog returns this error, 
"Error 91,15,1 (linebreak without a comma here in the error message) 
532,52,1 while loading stack: pLibraryName". Clicking "OK" does nothing. 
The dialog has to be dismissed by clicking the close button in the title 
bar. The dialog reappears. Same issue with dismissing/closing it. The 
app window then opens. A button that goes "beep" works as expected. The 
button that displays the answer dialog works and displays the proper 
text but the dialog again cannot by dismissed by clicking "OK".

That's what I have here. Does this happen for you , or anyone else?


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Re: HTML5 test

2015-09-01 Thread Warren Samples

On 09/01/2015 11:36 PM, Alejandro Tejada wrote:

On Ubuntu Linux, works fine Firefox

Chrome and Opera shows this message:
Exception thrown, see JavaScript console

It works here in Opera 31.0 and Chrome 44.0 (also works in Chromium) in 
openSUSE 13.2, 64-bit. I wonder what accounts for the difference in our 
experiences. It does not work in QupZilla or Konqueror using either 
WebKit or KHTML. It also works fine in Vivaldi.


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Re: HTML5 test

2015-09-02 Thread Warren Samples

On 09/02/2015 04:31 AM, Fraser Gordon wrote:

Opera works - it isn’t one that we’d particularly tried to support at this 

Keep in mind that Opera now uses the Chrome/Blink rendering and 
javascript engines, as apparently does Vivaldi.


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Re: Linux software suggestions

2015-09-22 Thread Warren Samples

On 09/22/2015 03:02 PM, AndyP wrote:

Photo / Raw editing - DarkTable - Linux only, I've been wanting to play with
this for ages.

There is also RawTherapee (this is cross platform but not well known to 
Win/Mac users because they don't "sell" it)

LightZone is available for Linux.

I don't know what the current state of color management is under Mint, 
but there are projects which have brought color management to Linux and 
it's worth researching.

dipcalGUI offers monitor calibration

Have fun!


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list etiquette

2015-09-28 Thread Warren Samples

Hello all,

From time to time certain issue of list etiquette have been brought up 
and discussed. Cross-posting to this and the dev list, top or bottom 
responding, succinct message copying, and whether or not to leave a 
message intact while responding or slicing it and responding point by 
point have been some of the issues discussed in recent months.

I would like to respectfully ask that certain members of the list 
consider their method for posting new topics. I have noticed a problem 
with unrelated topics being folded into a single subject thread and from 
looking at message headers it seems this is because each of these topics 
was introduced by replying to a message and changing the subject instead 
of addressing a new message to the list. The result of this can be a 
thread which contains discussions of several different topics. This may 
further result in people not seeing your topic if it falls within a 
thread whose subject doesn't interest them.

An example would be the thread with the subject "Why can't LC do what 
PencilCase does?" Under that thread are 11 completely unrelated message 
threads, each having headers that indicate each new topic was initiated 
as a response to a previous but unrelated message within that thread.

It might be a more polite and better strategy to compose a new message 
to the list to introduce a new topic rather than doing it in a reply to 
a previous (unrelated) message.



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Re: A modest proposal

2015-09-29 Thread Warren Samples

On 09/28/2015 03:23 PM, William Prothero wrote:

I’m putting out what I think is a fantastic idea for an app. It’s much more 
than I’d be willing to take on, but in the US, I think it could be very big. 
But, then again, perhaps it exists already. I’d like to use such an app for my 
aging stepmother. I release the idea into the livecode-sphere.

Problem: Aging population and seniors needing services, and wanting to live in 
their home as long as possible. Getting help is hit and miss and the senior 
help organizations do not actually work very well or consistently. I have been 
pondering this because my mother-in-law is 200 miles away and needs help to be 
able to stay in her home. The kind of app I propose, as the population ages 
further, could be extremely useful.

Solution: Think Uber. Folks who want to offer services to seniors, like take 
them to a doctor’s appointment, go shopping, clean the house, provide company 
(you get the idea).. sign up to the site. Seniors or their “primary overseer” 
(POS: a family member, or some agent who takes responsibility for overseeing 
the senior’s well-being) request services the same as they would do for an Uber 
ride. The service provider leaves notes re their specific experience giving the 
service, on a password protected database available to the POS.  The POS can 
rate the service provider and comment on their service quality. There could be 
a public area, managed by the POS, where public information about the senior 
could be posted.

Challenges would be creating some kind of certification for the service 
provider. Seniors are particularly vulnerable to fraud and abuse, so providers 
would need some kind of strong oversight. Probably it would be best if there 
was a local office for each location where providers were interviewed, checked 
for criminal records, possibly trained, etc. Perhaps a partnership with an 
existing non-profit senior help center would work.

Another challenge is that seniors may, for awhile, not be able to use a mobile 
device. The POS would help in this regard.

Social media would be very important in helping seniors find and evaluate 
appropriate providers and share ideas for strategies for independent living and 
needed care.

Best regards,

William A. Prothero

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Without knowing exactly how you envision this, it can be said that 
services such as this do exist in some form or another. See, for 

POS may not be the very best acronym...



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Re: list etiquette

2015-09-30 Thread Warren Samples

On 09/30/2015 02:03 AM, Kay C Lan wrote:

That's exactly what you'd want isn't it? If you are not interested in the

main topic why on earth would you be interested in a side issue of the main

You are not understanding the problem. These "side issues of the main 
thread" are nothing of the sort. They are completely unrelated topics 
and appear as sub threads only because of poor (lazy?) posting habits.

A possible problem, related to what Mark describes, occurs when marking 
a thread to be ignored.


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Re: Release 6.7.7 / 7.1.0

2015-10-04 Thread Warren Samples

On 10/04/2015 12:50 PM, Peter TB Brett wrote:

Many of the Linux releases seem to misbehave themselves well if one
chooses the "Ayn Rand" option [ You Only ]; since the release of
the first Community version I have found about 25% of them have "gone
wonky" for 'You Only'.

Ah, that's a really interesting data point.  I shall experiment tomorrow
evening (in between everything else I'm supposed to be doing. ;-)

Not to dispute what Richmond reports as his unfortunate experience, I 
can say that I only ever install for "me only" and have never had 
difficulties with the installers.openSUSE 13.2-64bit.


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Re: [OT] Mac/Window duopoly assumptions

2015-10-20 Thread Warren Samples

On 10/20/2015 12:27 PM, Richmond wrote:

P.S. I also use my computer to iron my socks.

Maybe you should put another fan or two in it!

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Re: Release 8.0.0 DP 8

2015-11-03 Thread Warren Samples

On 11/03/2015 12:06 PM, Richmond wrote:

As soon as I clicked on one of the dropDown menus in revMenuBar
everything locked up.


OpenSUSE 64bit with KDE Plasma5. I had no troubles opening this version, 
but get similar behavior to that which Richmond describes here except 
that it's not really frozen or "locked up". What happens here is that 
the main menu bar (top row) refuses to give up focus upon mouse-exit. 
The selected dropdown remains in the extended position. Moving to 
another menu item will open that dropdown which again refuses to retract 
when the mouse leaves. However, selecting any item/action from the 
dropdown list performs the selected task, closes the dropdown and 
everything goes back to normal until another menu item is selected.


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Re: Backdrop in in 6.7.0 dp2 under Lubuntu Linux 13.10

2014-04-26 Thread Warren Samples

On 04/26/2014 12:20 PM, Mark Wieder wrote:

Nonetheless, backdrops are working properly in 6.7-dp2 on linux mint
14, and there are no backdrops in dp1, so it does look like the
problem is fixed.

Also seems to be working fine here in both 6.6.2-rc2 and 6.7.0-dp2 
running openSUSE with KDE4/Kwin.


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Re: Unicode

2014-05-11 Thread Warren Samples

On 05/11/2014 10:31 PM, Alain Farmer wrote:

I am using version 6.1.0-rc-1 (Desktop)

None of the unicode stuff works [for me]:
* set the useUnicode to true
* the unicodeText of field
* the unicodeFormattedText of field
No error messages; just empty.
Can anyone give me a clue as to what to do ?

Is this really the version you're using? That version is almost a year 
old and has been superseded by several newer versions.

Is this stuff that works for you in other versions of LiveCode but not 
in the version you want to use now?


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Re: 7.0.0 dp 5

2014-05-25 Thread Warren Samples

On 05/25/2014 10:29 AM, Richmond wrote:


1. The menubar (Linux) states it it dp 4.

2. Still unable to put an insertion point into the search fields in
the Dictionary and RevOnline.

3. Double-clicking on a control in the toolbar does nothing.

4. Unable to switch back and forth between Browse and Point except via
the menubar.

These problems were all there in dp 3

Effectively unusable at the moment.


It shows the same build number in the "About" screen. You have to wonder 
exactly where the mixup is.

As before, I don't find any of the problems running this in openSUSE 
that you have there. It is possible these are system isolated problems 
or perhaps distro specific. You should consider filing a bug report with 
all system specific information as you can imagine might be relevant.

To the devs -- it seems with recent changes some Linux users are having 
new issues with dependencies where they had previously been running 
LiveCode without problems. Might it be possible to provide a script 
which checks for all known requirements as well as any suggested libs 
(making sure to distinguish 32 and 64 bit versions as necessary!) and 
lists them as installed or missing, in a format a little less cryptic 
than running 'ldd'? Something like this could save a lot of head 
scratching and frustration! I don't know that the problems Richmond is 
experiencing are related to this sort of problem, but in many other 
reported instances of troubles, being able to easily and definitively 
identify missing libs would have been an enormous boon.


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Re: 7.0.0 dp 5

2014-05-25 Thread Warren Samples

On 05/25/2014 11:52 AM, Mark Wieder wrote:

or wait for an actual release announcement.


If we assume this is a mislabeled dp4, I suppose it's possible there are 
problems resolved in the actual dp5 that we can't experience just yet, 
but the issues he's talking about here have plagued him for a few 
releases and do not exist on my system. This is troublesome from many 
perspectives. This, along with other issues experience by Linux users 
lately, does suggest a simple solution to identify dependency issues for 
Linux would be highly useful.

Release announcements have not been entirely consistent, with at least 
one recent release being announced on one list much earlier than on the 
other, and I am in agreement with those who think RunRev needs to find a 
better solution to pre-staging than the current implementation if we 
need to be cautious about downloading what are publicly linked versions.

I have no interest whatsoever in the headaches of attempting to build 
from source, thank you very much.


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Re: 7.0.0 dp 5

2014-05-25 Thread Warren Samples

On 05/25/2014 01:58 PM, Mark Wieder wrote:

...which was also not announced...

With so many parallel versions and more than one place to track 
announcements, it's hard to be sure exactly what is current. The fact 
that there is a public link on the LiveCode site to downloads of 
versions which haven't been announced but are available - fully vetted 
or not - makes it silly to worry someone about downloading them. People 
who might have no idea about these lists and any official release 
announcements are being directed to these builds by RunRev.


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Re: 7.0.0 dp 5

2014-05-25 Thread Warren Samples

On 05/25/2014 10:20 PM, Mark Wieder wrote:


Sunday, May 25, 2014, 12:31:34 PM, you wrote:

With so many parallel versions and more than one place to track
announcements, it's hard to be sure exactly what is current.

Ah, ok... maybe I missed something here. You're saying there was a
version that was released but wasn't announced on this list? That's a
bit disconcerting - which version was that?

The fact that there is a public link on the LiveCode site to
downloads of versions which haven't been announced but are available
- fully vetted or not - makes it silly to worry someone about
downloading them.

I'm not particularly worried about that. I just think it's silly to
download an unreleased version and then complain about it.

People who might have no idea about these lists and any official
release announcements are being directed to these builds by RunRev.

My confusion again, sorry. So RunRev is directing people to download
these versions? I missed that announcement. Maybe I should slog my way
through the Kevin thing after all.

There was recently a version announced on one list which I did not see 
announced on the other. It struck me as odd. I don't remember which and 
I'm sorry but I don't feel inspired to wade through the lists to figure 
it out. I wouldn't suggest it was anything more than an accidental 
oversight, btw.

Again, it doesn't matter if it's been announced. If it's placed in a 
publicly available download location, alongside other releases, it is 
"released". These are accessed from a plainly available link on the 
LiveCode .com website. The link is labeled "View All LiveCode 
Downloads". These unannounced versions have release dates and release 
notes. There is nothing to indicate these are merely "almost releases" 
and "not to be downloaded until some future date".

The staging process is missing a step and it's not the fault of the 


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Re: 7.0.0 dp 5

2014-05-25 Thread Warren Samples

On 05/25/2014 11:35 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

That's what the "dp" and "rc" designations are for, but it would probably be 
more clear if there was a statement on the page explaining what those mean, along with appropriate 
caveats.  Final releases should be clearly marked as stable.

We're discussing the difference between releases which have been 
announced and versions which have been uploaded to the release directory 
before they have actually been given all final checks, not the 
difference between dp, rc and gm versions.

The process which sometimes results in improperly functioning builds or 
installers being publicly available prior to their actual finalization 
and announcement has been discussed in the past and explained by the 
devs, who have suggested that the system was being looked at with an eye 
to fixing this.

But, I agree that a note on the download page, along the lines you 
suggest, would be a good idea :)


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Re: 7.0.0 dp 5

2014-05-26 Thread Warren Samples

On 05/26/2014 12:53 AM, Mark Wieder wrote:

That's what I thought. This urban legend has been batted around

Um, what is it you thought? I didn't say "I once heard somebody say 
their friend's uncle told them about a neighbor..." urban legend style. 
It was my own (recent) observation. I noticed a release announcement on 
one list but not the other. It's not impossible that I missed it, but I 
did look for it at the time. If I missed it, I will not have been the 
only one who has overlooked an announcement for one reason or another.

In any event, depending on these lists to prevent people from 
downloading publicly available software "until it's time" is wildly 
irresponsible and scolding or mocking someone for downloading such 
software is ridiculous. People regularly overlook or miss announcements 
and others might not be downloading immediately from the announcements 
but prefer to go to the download directory at some other convenient 
time. I'm pretty sure there is also hope that curious people are finding 
and downloading LiveCode with the expectation that they'll join these 
lists sometime after rather than vice versa. While it's possible to say 
many of us should know better, there are groups of people who can't and 
others for whom it may not be convenient.

The system is not in any way reliable, nor particularly defensible given 
there are any number of reasons why someone may encounter one of these 
not-ready-for-release releases.


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Re: RELEASE LiveCode 6.6.2

2014-06-07 Thread Warren Samples

On 06/07/2014 12:58 PM, Mike Kerner wrote:

I'm getting an error that the file isn't found.

That error is typically what you get trying to run in a 64 bit 
environment without the 32 bit libs installed. Do you have other 
versions of LiveCode running on this particular computer?


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Re: Nested Repeat loops

2014-06-20 Thread Warren Samples

On 06/20/2014 08:18 PM, Peter Haworth wrote:

Wondering if anyone has an elegant way of exiting all the way out of a set
of nested repeat loops., e.g:

repeat for...
repeat for...
   repeat for
  repeat for
 if . then 
  end repeat
   end repeat
end repeat

end repeat

Right now, I set a flag to true when the exit condition is met then test it
in the  stuff.  Works fine but feels a little kludgy.


Maybe I've completely failed to understand what it is you don't like 
about your current method, but...

Would it be practical and feel cleaner to wrap your nested repeats 
inside a command, say,'doLoop'. When your 'if' condition in the nth 
repeat is met, you 'exit doLoop'. You only have to reference and check a 
condition once this way and you cleanly exit the entire nested structure 
exactly when and where the condition is found.

A useless example that works:

Create a card with four fields and a button. Put this script in the button:

 on mouseUp
   answer "exited loop"
end mouseUp

on doLoop
   repeat 10 times
  add 1 to field 1
  repeat 10 times
 add 1 to field 2
 repeat 10 times
add 1 to field 3
repeat 10 times
   if field 3 is 3 then exit doLoop
   add 1 to field 4
end repeat
 end repeat
  end repeat
   end repeat
end doLoop


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Re: LiveCodeServer - Prints shebang line

2014-07-15 Thread Warren Samples

On 07/15/2014 08:46 PM, Monte Goulding wrote:

Hi Peter

One of the contributions I made just prior to christmas was to handle the shebang 
and basically put the script into 

We are pleased to announce the release of LiveCode 6.6.

Release Contents
*  '#!' now recognised by server

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Re: SHELL text encoding OS X?

2014-07-26 Thread Warren Samples

On 07/26/2014 07:44 AM, Klaus major-k wrote:

Hi friends,

i am currently using some shell commands, mainly "mdfind", to get a list of 
But german UMLAUTS etc. are not correctly displayed.

i thought the shell output would be UTF8, but unidecode(listoffiles) produces 
lots of glibberish 8-)
-> Grabber fuÃàr Anyone.rtf

should of course be:
-> Grabber für Anyone.rtf

This even happens with LC 7dp7, but shouldn't right?

Anyway, what can I do win LC 6.6.2?
Any hints very appreciated!



In LiveCode 7 try something like:

put textDecode(shell("myCommand"),"utf-8")

Works for me retrieving data from shell in Linux.


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Re: SHELL text encoding OS X?

2014-07-26 Thread Warren Samples

On 07/26/2014 08:05 AM, Klaus major-k wrote:

thank you, but my question was:

>>Anyway, what can I do in LC 6.6.2?


You also wrote this:
"This even happens with LC 7dp7, but shouldn't right?"

so it seemed you might be interested in how it's supposed to work there.

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Re: [BUG][SHELL] Could Others Please Test This OS X/Linux

2014-09-30 Thread Warren Samples

On 09/30/2014 10:17 PM, Kay C Lan wrote:

Before I go ahead and submit a bug report I'd like others to test and
report their findings.

openSUSE, LiveCode 6.6.2

Redirected the output to files. Results are identical, except for the 
extra file created by running the initial 'find $PWD > pwdtest.txt'. 
91,426 vs. 91,427.


put shell("find $PWD") into tStore
put the number of lines of tStore

is also the same except for the second file created in the previous step 
and a couple of other files created by the system as it tracks recently 
used applications and documents. (This output was also stored to a file 
and all files were compared using a diff tool.)


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Re: [BUG][SHELL] Could Others Please Test This OS X/Linux

2014-10-01 Thread Warren Samples

On 10/01/2014 08:09 AM, Kay C Lan wrote:

But then why is this not the case
with Linux?

For Linux users who have installed "single user", in their HOME 
directory, the defaultfolder is their HOME directory.. Those who have 
installed for all users, in /opt, will run into these kinds of issues, 
at least sometimes, perhaps depending on what you're attempting to do 
with shell(). The defaultfolder in an /opt install is 
"/opt/runrev/" and 'put shell("find $PWD")' returns file not 
found errors.


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Re: Volume Size

2014-10-14 Thread Warren Samples

On 10/14/2014 04:55 AM, JB wrote:

I can get a file size by listing the detailed files and I can
get a list of all drives and volumes that are mounted by
using the volumes function.  Is there a way to get the
size of a drive or volume that is returned by using the
volumes function?

John Balgenorth

If 'volumes' doesn't work, maybe you can try

get shell("df -h")

You can try 'put shell("df -h")' in the message box to see if it gives 
you a result. If the command is still installed in OS X, you'll get 
information on disc size and usage.


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Re: Volume Size

2014-10-14 Thread Warren Samples

On 10/14/2014 10:37 PM, JB wrote:

The dictionary states,

This function always returns empty on Unix systems.

So, is Linux a Unix OS?

For LiveCode purposes, yes. The dictionary does indicated, by omission 
of the penguin icon, that 'volumes()' is not supported under Linux. I 
find the 'diskSize()' returns an unexpected and useless result here 
under openSUSE, despite the dictionary's indication that it is supported 
under Linux. In Linux you should be able to use shell("df").


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Re: Cleaning Exif Data from an image

2011-05-02 Thread Warren Samples
On Monday, May 02, 2011 04:51:32 PM Andrew Kluthe wrote:
> I do not know much about image manipulation in livecode or in general. But,
> I am looking for a way to scrub exif data off an image easily and without
> loss to the picture. There are libraries in php that let me do this, but I
> would really like a standalone tool that I could automate the process.
> Has anyone done this or know where to get started?
> Thanks,
> Andrew
> ___

Hi Andrew,

Google should turn up plenty of ideas. This seems to be a fairly common 
interest. Photoshop will save files 
without metadata if you tell it to, if you've got it. There are plenty of 
seemingly feature-full tools to add, 
adit and remove various types of metadata, for a price. I recall seeing several 
free and or low cost utilities 
on Versiontracker in the past which were designed specifically to optimize 
images (typically jpegs and pngs) 
for web use which remove such metadata as a part of that optimization.

Here are a some links you may find interesting:

Good luck!

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Re: Cleaning Exif Data from an image

2011-05-02 Thread Warren Samples
On Monday, May 02, 2011 11:00:25 PM J. Landman Gay wrote:
> You can import the image, and then re-export it as jpeg. The engine will 
> decompress the original and strip the exif data. When you export, you 
> may lost some quality, but it may not be noticable.

This is a really elegantly simple solution and works perfectly except that you 
may experience an increase in 
file size unless you set the JPEGQuality before you export. Running a 50.4K 
jpeg through exiftool to delete 
all metadata reduced the file size to 39.4K. Importing that 50.4K image as a 
control in Livecode and exporting 
a snapshot resulted in a file size of 140.2K. Setting the JPEGQuality to 75 
prior to export results in a file 
size of 40.6K. 

Exiftool is available for all platforms as a gui and cli tool, for those 
interested. As a cli tool, it can be 
use with Livecode's 'shell()' to return exif data as well as write/edit/delete 


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Re: Hide group on click

2011-05-06 Thread Warren Samples
On Friday, May 06, 2011 09:48:07 AM Colin Holgate wrote:
> and "visible" should be removed and replaced with "visibility"

Of course this would cause problems with backward compatibility, but I think 
the argument regarding correct 
English grammar is specious.  "the visible" refers to a state or property and 
as such isn't really incorrect: 
the state of the object is "visible" or not "visible". Saying that, I support 
the idea of adding "visibility" 
as a sometimes more intuitive synonym and the idea of the shorthand "vis" is 
appealing, too.



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Re: command line examples

2011-05-06 Thread Warren Samples
On Friday, May 06, 2011 10:10:52 AM Todd Geist wrote:
> Command-line argument variables

Hi Todd,

It looks as if you have to program your app to respond according to what values 
any such variable(s) contain, 
such as 

'if $1 is "true" then doSomeThing'

It looks af it will take some craft in order to ensure that flags and params 
they might pass are properly 
matched and that flag order isn't a problem, but this should only prove fussy 
rather than impossible. 
Experiment! Report back, please :)



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Re: command line examples

2011-05-06 Thread Warren Samples
On Friday, May 06, 2011 03:28:14 PM Todd Geist wrote:
>   But it does appear in my Dock, as I
> expected, but don't want.

I believe this can be avoided by setting a key value in the .plist file inside 
the app bundle. I think you'll 
find this info with a google search.

Good luck!


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Re: OT: How does Windows handle spaces in program names?

2011-05-23 Thread Warren Samples
On Monday, May 23, 2011 04:27:38 PM Graham Samuel wrote:
> I tried "My spacious program.exe" since I couldn't see how to introduce a
> further level of quotes.

Maybe it just won't work, but did you try to use the single quote char ' ? I 
don't know if this is valid under 
Windows, but " and ' are interchangeable in Bash and Livecode lets you use it 
to quote filepaths etc. within a 
quoted string, at least here under Linux.

Good Luck,


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Re: Hash function

2011-05-30 Thread Warren Samples
On Monday, May 30, 2011 10:22:04 AM paolo mazza wrote:
> Hi All,
> has anyone already ported the hash function to LiveCode?
> Using php is a trivial function like this: createHash("10.00","978")
> I looked in the ML archive, and I found that some years ago,
> answering the same question,  Mark wrote "I don't know of one, but
> couldn't you use the built in md5 and do  something simple to reduce
> it from 128 to 32 bits (maybe average the  four groups of 32 bits) ? "
> ... but I do not understand this.
> Thanks a lot
> All the Best
> Paolo Mazza

Have you looked at Mark Smith's libHash-Hmac library?

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Re: Windows?

2011-06-04 Thread Warren Samples
On Saturday, June 04, 2011 05:48:55 PM Colin Holgate wrote:
> I don't know if it's changed, but when I bought Windows to use under
> Fusion, I had to get Ultimate.

>From page 2 of the EULA for Win 7 Professional, Home Remium and Home Basic:

d. Use with Virtualization Technologies. Instead of using the software directly 
on the licensed
computer, you may install and use the software within only one virtual (or 
otherwise emulated)
hardware system on the licensed computer. 

You can find the EULAs here:

You may run into trouble trying to install an OEM lisence on a second computer, 
even if you've removed it from 
the first machine (or virtual machine). The OEM license may be locked to 
particular hardware as part of its 
activation, due to its purpose. I have had to reactivate after updating 
VirtualBox because changes in the 
hardware emulation cause it to raise a flag. (That could just be FUD, but I'm 
not about to install and attempt 
to activate it on another machine just to see what happens to my first 
license!) I have seen it suggested that 
the best option for people whose installation plans require flexibility, and 
this may apply to you, is to buy 
a retail family pack which will allow you to install 32 and/or 64 bit versions 
as well as move them from 
machine to machine, including virtual machines.  



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Re: LIVECODE running in LION

2011-06-08 Thread Warren Samples
On Wednesday, June 08, 2011 09:50:16 AM Andre Garzia wrote:
>  I don't think I like it (just for personal reasons, nothing technical)
> cheers
> andre

*GASP* Blasphemy 

(snicker, snicker)


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Re: LIVECODE running in LION

2011-06-08 Thread Warren Samples
On Wednesday, June 08, 2011 11:14:12 AM J. Landman Gay wrote:
> On one hand, you can't immediately see 
> where you are in the document, but on the other hand, a quick touch 
> brings that up and the remainder of the time the scrollbars stay out of 
> the way

Since we're sharing (and it does relate to UI design practices generally, so 
it's not a bad topic) I don't 
like it. I also find it a very surprising decision in light of the fuss made 
over the "dirty window" 
indicator. I see some inconsistency here, to put it mildly.


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Re: Distinguishing CLI from GUI

2011-06-13 Thread Warren Samples
On Monday, June 13, 2011 07:41:32 AM Richard Gaskin wrote:
> As Todd Geist quoted here earlier, in the Dictionary entry for "$" it says:
>  If you start up the application from the command line (on OS X,
>  Unix or Windows systems), the command name is stored in the
>  global variable $0 and any arguments passed on the command line
>  are stored in numbered variables starting with the $ character.
>  For example, if you start the application by typing the following
>  shell command:
>myrevapp -h name
>  then the global variable $0 contains "myrevapp" (the name of the
>  application), $1 contains "-h", and $2 contains "name".
> In my tests here, it seems this is only partially correct:  $0 contains
> the app name from the command line ("myrevapp" in their example), but $1
> contains the "name" portion after the "-h" option flag, and the flag
> itself does not appear in any $ variable.
> I have an app in which I'd like to have two different behaviors,
> depending on whether it's being run from the command-line or as a GUI.
> This would be easy if the engine worked as described in the Dictionary
> so I could easily detect if the user launched it with "-ui", but it
> seems the option flags are not being passed to the application, though
> everything that doesn't begin with "-" is.
> So my question is two-fold:
> 1. I've tested this on Windows and Linux and get identical behavior, in
> which the "-" flags aren't present in the "$" vars.  Can anyone here
> confirm this on Linux, Win, or OS X?
> 2. If this is indeed a documentation bug and what I see in my tests is
> what happens for everyone, how can I determine whether the app was
> launched with "-ui" or not?
> --
>   Richard Gaskin
>   Fourth World
>   LiveCode training and consulting:
>   Webzine for LiveCode developers:
>   LiveCode Journal blog:


It seems to be working here although certain letters seem not to be usable. For 
example -s does not work. I 
can get an answer dialog to return "-h" when used as a cl flag and the app will 
do something if there is a 
variable $x which equals -h.

as a silly example, this script does exactly what it looks like it should:

on openstack
answer $0 && $1 && $2 && $3 && $4 && $5
if $1 is "-h" then answer "hooboy, it works"
end openstack

using this command: '/myApp -h a-param -o some-param' answers "/myApp -h 
a-param -o some-param" and then 
answers "hooboy, it works".

openSUSE 11.4 with Bash.



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Re: Distinguishing CLI from GUI

2011-06-13 Thread Warren Samples
On Monday, June 13, 2011 12:54:04 PM Richard Gaskin wrote:
> Warren Samples wrote:
> > It seems to be working here although certain letters seem not to be
> > usable. For example -s does not work. I can get an answer dialog to
> > return "-h" when used as a cl flag and the app will do something if
> > there is a variable $x which equals -h.
> > 
> > as a silly example, this script does exactly what it looks like it
> > should:
> > 
> > on openstack
> > 
> > answer $0 && $1 && $2 && $3 && $4 && $5
> > if $1 is "-h" then answer "hooboy, it works"
> > 
> > end openstack
> > 
> > using this command: '/myApp -h a-param -o some-param' answers "/myApp -h
> > a-param -o some-param" and then answers "hooboy, it works".
> > 
> > openSUSE 11.4 with Bash.
> Curious.
> Are you able to get those args when running faceless?
> I haven't, but at least the windowID trick seems to be a reasonable for
> around for the moment.
> --
>   Richard Gaskin

This simple script:

on openStack
  put $0 && $1 && $2 && $3 into url 
if $3 is "-h" then get shell("opera")
end openStack

seems to work as expected with and without -ui. Using this command: 
''launchTest -ui -Q some-param -h" 
launches Opera and creates the file with this line: "launchTest -Q some-param 


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Re: Distinguishing CLI from GUI

2011-06-15 Thread Warren Samples
On Wednesday, June 15, 2011 11:16:19 AM Richard Gaskin wrote:
> > seems to work as expected with and without -ui. Using this command:
> > ''launchTest -ui -Q some-param -h" launches Opera and creates the file
> > with this line: "launchTest -Q some-param -h".
> Thanks for that info.  I've had no such luck in Ubuntu, OS X, or WinXP.
> @Mark Weider:  are you able to get "-ui" in any of the $ vars in your 
> Fedora setup?


Just to point out, although I'm sure you noticed;  while I do get the promised 
$ vars, which appears to be not 
working for you, the "-ui" flag is not being stored here, and it seems you're 
interested in getting that. That 
the $ values exist at all would indicate commandline, but it's not 
inconceivable that one might want some 
conditional behaviors based on whether or not the app is running with a gui, 
thus storing the "-ui" flag could 
be helpful. Such refinement is naturally only useful if the basics can be 
relied on, though :(



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Re: Thanks for DropTools.

2011-06-18 Thread Warren Samples
On Saturday, June 18, 2011 10:05:18 PM Roger Guay wrote:
> As usual, I'm riding the tail end of the wave, but I too want to thank Ken
> Ray and all of you who are contributing to his Drop Tools plugin. Just a
> very minor nit, Ken: LiveCode Preferences is found in the LiveCode Menu
> and not in the Edit menu as indicated in your DropTools User Guide. 
> Thanks again for making LiveCode even greater!
> Cheers,
> Roger

That depends on what platform you're running Livecode in. In Windows and in 
Linux, it is indeed found under 
the Edit menu.



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Re: group name persisting

2011-06-22 Thread Warren Samples
On Wednesday, June 22, 2011 05:09:48 PM Pete wrote:
>  fingers crossed

Nothing wrong with crossed. Just keep them where you can see them.

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Re: Enhanced QT External: Intel-Only?

2011-07-01 Thread Warren Samples
On Friday, July 01, 2011 05:17:44 PM Shao Sean wrote:
> hey.. i am still on ppc.. richard, we need to ban together against the  
> intel heathens :P
> you can always re-compile the external to intel-only to make doubly  
> sure that it is, but i think the released version is universal as it  
> works on my G4..

Or, you could just ignore the AppStore. 


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Re: Mac OS X Lion

2011-07-20 Thread Warren Samples
On Wednesday, July 20, 2011 01:11:55 PM Richard Gaskin wrote:
> For better or worse, it seems those scrollbars are the wave of the future:

Stevie was really enthuastic about his drawers, too. For a while.


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Re: Mac OS X Lion

2011-07-20 Thread Warren Samples
On Wednesday, July 20, 2011 02:37:08 PM Andre Garzia wrote:
> I like drawers :-)

Drawers are indispensible for certain purposes. I have many and use them every 
day, but hated them on my 
computer ;)


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Re: Lion & Xcode 3.2.6

2011-07-20 Thread Warren Samples
On Wednesday, July 20, 2011 11:45:58 PM Terry Vogelaar wrote:
> I wanted to upgrade yesterday, but I couldn't, because it is 'Already
> installed' according to the App Store.

Not to make light of the problems you personally are having, Terry, but would 
this be the same "we provide a 
seamless path to software installation and upgrade, for the ultimate user 
experience" Apple App Store that so 
many people are so excited about? Lordy!


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Re: Mac OS X Lion

2011-07-21 Thread Warren Samples
On Thursday, July 21, 2011 01:11:17 PM Andre Garzia wrote:
> I vote for Mac OS
> X 10.8 Megalomaniac Garfield


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Re: Tahoma Font

2011-07-26 Thread Warren Samples
On Tuesday, July 26, 2011 05:37:14 PM Bob Sneidar wrote:

> 1. ONLY use fonts common to all systems. This is fairly easy with Windows
> and Apple, but becomes problematic with other flavors.  2. Create an
> installer that includes the truetype fonts you use, and install them via a
> shell. This of course may mean licensing the fonts you want to use, unless
> you choose public domain fonts. 3. Script for the detected operating
> system and as Scott said, brute force it. This is just ugly, but is
> probably the most flexible way to go about it.

I have seen font surveys and lists which suggest that even the popular web-safe 
font list is not as bullet-
proof as most sources imply. 

I Don't understand why detecting the system and setting the fonts accordingly 
should seem ugly to anyone. It 
seems like a perfectly natural thing to do. It's certainly not something that 
needs to be rediscovered every 
time one starts a project. Play with it a little one day, and store your script 
snippet. You can do it! It 
doesn't strike me as philosophically any different from bundling a font and 
forcing the use of that font, btw; 
just forces you to jump a different (low) hurdle :)



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Re: OT: I want to buy Lion

2011-07-27 Thread Warren Samples
On Wednesday, July 27, 2011 01:20:05 PM Arie van der Ent wrote:
> Hi Tiemo,
> It is not necessary to wait for Lion on a USB-stick. Don McAllister from
> screencastsonline did the following; 1. buy Lion from App store;
> 2. make a copy from the installer (in your application folder);
> 3. open up the copy of the installer package, then open the folder Shared
> Support in it; 4. there you'll find InstallEDG.dmg;
> 5. copy this file to an USB-stick 8 gb.
> That's all.
> Arie


He's explained why he can't buy 10.7 at the moment. Unless you're silently 
implying Tiemo enlist the aid of 
someone who had purchased it and is willing to share, this is not useful 
information. There seems to be 
conflicting information regarding a clean install of 10.7 with some saying 
they've done it and others saying 
there's got to be 10.6.8 avaible at one point or another to run the installer. 
It does not seem likely that 
Apple will ignore forever those users who need or would simply prefer to be 
able to purchase physical install 
media of some sort or another, though. I wonder if it's possible to clone a 
drive and just install that drive 
in another machine.



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Re: AW: OT: I want to buy Lion

2011-07-28 Thread Warren Samples
On Thursday, July 28, 2011 01:41:57 AM Tiemo Hollmann TB wrote:
> I don't understand why they don't offer anymore any
> "classic download" option for backward compatibility for users who are not
> up to date every day like me.
> Tiemo

They're not interested in helping you to maintain your "backward" status. Apple 
wants its users up to date, 
with the program, and feeding them money through iTunes and the App Store. 



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Re: AW: OT: I want to buy Lion

2011-07-28 Thread Warren Samples
On Thursday, July 28, 2011 11:13:23 AM Bob Sneidar wrote:
> I think that may be harsh. Remember one of Microsoft's excuses for not
> producing a really modern OS for so long was that they had to maintain
> backwards compatibility for all their users. At some point this becomes a
> ball and chain for the vendor

No, Bob, not harsh at all. I don't see much judgement being passed, really. 
There is only slight and mostly 
implied chacterization of Apple's obvious marketring strategy. I'm not going to 
flame you, but your apologia 
strikes me as being almost irrelevant to the issue of directing traffic in a 
gratuitous fashion through 
Apple's various money-making apparatus. Not always convenient for the consumer, 
but certainly convenient for 


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Re: Installing iOS SDK and Xcode on Windows 7.

2011-07-29 Thread Warren Samples
On Friday, July 29, 2011 10:09:13 AM Roger Eller wrote:
> it would be prohibitively slow "in a vm"


Have you some disappointing experience running vms? My own experience running 
VirtualBox is that the guest OSs 
run quite snappily. I cannot recommend that one rely on a virtualized OS for 
development purposes because 
certain OS features are bound to be tied to hardware features that the vm won't 
provide. That said, for many 
purposes, including some kinds of testing during development, they are very 
usable and useful indeed. 



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Re: [OT] More Apple Foolishness

2011-07-29 Thread Warren Samples
On Friday, July 29, 2011 11:44:11 AM David C. wrote:
> ...from iTunes (the single most frustrating and annoying app
> interface-wise on the whole planet on any OS) 
> Absolutely on the mark! To be tied at the hip with that one piece of
> software is absolutely awful and I'm doing just about all that I can
> to remedy that.
> I am so glad to know that I'm not the only one that feels that way.
> Best regards,
> David C.

I almost never used iTunes when I ran OS X. It wasn't my preferred application 
for anything and I was never 
interested in the store. Since the vast majority of the requent updates to 
iTunes focused on the store, I 
eventually tried to get software update to ignore those updates. To no avail. 
Software update refused to honor 
that request. It was the only update that refused to be ignored. 



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Re: Installing iOS SDK and Xcode on Windows 7.

2011-07-29 Thread Warren Samples
On Friday, July 29, 2011 12:04:49 PM Roger Eller wrote:
> running natively on brand new i7 machines with high-end
> video cards.

The Hackintosh is not a great secret, and indeed there is no reason for OS X 
not to run beautifully on non-
Apple hardware once the issues of booting and certain drivers are overcome, but 
the question was regarding 
performance within a virtual machine. I do not suffer any serious degree of 
slowness running any OS inside a 
virtual machine here. I don't particularly encourage the venture proposed by 
the OP, and am very disturbed by 
the preoccupation of the author of the article he references with avoided 
paying what are legitimate fees, but 
my experience does not support your prediction. I think the sort of statement 
you make presents unwarranted 
discouragement to those who may otherwise find virtualization a very useful and 
convenient tool for certain 

What I find most curious about the original post, is how does the OP propose to 
implement this if he cannot 
also test it? It makes me think of a post I saw the other day in a forum, "Here 
fishy fishy..."



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Re: Getting someone's age from dob and current year

2011-07-30 Thread Warren Samples
On Saturday, July 30, 2011 07:16:44 PM Roger Eller wrote:
>convert tToday to seconds
>convert tBorn to seconds

It's been talked about before, but this calls for a reminder: attempting to 
convert a date prior to Jan 1, 
1970 to "seconds" returns "invalid date" instead of a number in Windows. Don't 
do this if you are going to 
need this to work in Windows! Under Windows, you need to subtract the birthyear 
from the current year and 
determine if the current month/day is later than the birth month/day and 
subtract one year if necessary. 
Conveniently, this methods does work on all platforms. 



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Re: [OT] Internet Censorship

2011-08-05 Thread Warren Samples
On Friday, August 05, 2011 10:25:18 PM Alejandro Tejada wrote:
> "This video contains content from SME, who has blocked it
> in your country on copyright grounds."

This doesn't have much or even anything to do with "Censorship". This is about 
honoring commercial distribution agreements which will vary from country to 
country, not content censorship. There are lost of videos, from all over the 
place, which have location restrictions.



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Re: [OT] Internet Censorship

2011-08-05 Thread Warren Samples
On Friday, August 05, 2011 11:30:44 PM Alejandro Tejada wrote:
> many people, around the world, are not supposing to watch

to finish your sentence... "on youtube."

I suppose you could write to Sony and ask them. While this is just speculation, 
it is a possibility that either some performer appears, or some material is 
used in this segment which is affected by contracts which prevent youtube 
distribution whereas the other segments which you can see on youtube are not.



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Re: [OT] Internet Censorship

2011-08-05 Thread Warren Samples
On Friday, August 05, 2011 11:45:46 PM Warren Samples wrote:
> On Friday, August 05, 2011 11:30:44 PM Alejandro Tejada wrote:
> > many people, around the world, are not supposing to watch
> to finish your sentence... "on youtube."
> I suppose you could write to Sony and ask them. While this is just 
> speculation, it is a possibility that either some performer appears, or some 
> material is used in this segment which is affected by contracts which prevent 
> youtube distribution whereas the other segments which you can see on youtube 
> are not.
> Regards,
> Warren

You'll find a discussion of this in another of these clips:

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Re: [OT] Internet Censorship

2011-08-05 Thread Warren Samples
On Saturday, August 06, 2011 12:48:04 AM Alejandro Tejada wrote:
> > You'll find a discussion of this in another of these clips
> >
> > 
> Hmmm, There is no discussion in that page. (or anything else)
> Only the message:
> "This video contains content from SME, who has blocked it
> in your country on copyright grounds."
> Al

Here is a segment of the comments from the page linked to above:

Uploader Comments (timegrinder) 

This video contains an audio track that has not been authorized by WMG. The 
audio has been disabled. More about copyright"


Love these videos!!! 5* for them all
thomandy  2 years ago 

Vid back up.
timegrinder  2 years ago  5  

what happened to the audio? Will it get back?
JaredChacon  2 years ago 

Unfortunatly the entire audio for this vid has been removed as WMG have a 
copyright claim on a short clip in it :-/ Bass part 4 also has copyright issues 
and i have been considering refuting these claims on the basis of educational 
fair use, which is unlikely to succeed. The only other option is to reupload 
the vids with the clips taken out.
timegrinder  2 years ago 

thanks indeed and it if it could be up without the clips at leas that would be 

philmacari  2 years ago 

Would seem all disputed vids are now back up.
timegrinder  2 years ago

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Re: [OT] Internet Censorship

2011-08-06 Thread Warren Samples
On Saturday, August 06, 2011 01:39:13 AM Alejandro Tejada wrote:
> Ideally, I would like to see it.
> My curiosity arises from my contact, for many years,
> with people from the Music Business.
> The stories that I heard from first hand where, at the
> time, like tall tales to me... But now, after confirming
> from different sources, these stories were in fact,
> oversimplifications of the real drama involved in the
> Music Business... :-(
> Al

It sounds like you may be disappointed. This is not about how the music 
business works.


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Re: [OT] Blasted Flash

2011-08-11 Thread Warren Samples
On Thursday, August 11, 2011 08:32:51 AM Richmond Mathewson wrote:
> Firefox 6, Ubuntu 11.04

No probs here in Opera on openSUSE

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Re: [OT] Internet Censorship

2011-08-11 Thread Warren Samples
On Thursday, August 11, 2011 11:53:33 AM Bob Sneidar wrote:
> But the very thought of having people pay royalties on what we consider to be 
> a "gift from God" namely the talent and the inspiration for the music seems 
> to be... well "quenching". The moneychangers in the temple comes to mind. 
> Bob

Bob, how far are you willing to go with argument? Is it just musicians? Who is 
exempt? Is there anyone or any field where you'd to say, "Oh, God doesn't have 
anything to do with that, so I'll pay you"? Let me take my cello down to the 
supermarket and see if they'll give me food if I play for them. Would that 
actually be any different from asking for cash? I dunno, but it is fair to 
suggest that you want to benefit from my, or some musician's talents - and hard 
work invested in developing an nurturing that talent, wthout returning anything 
except maybe a smile. Is your smile worth something in the supermarket? The 
issue of payment and distibution is far more varied and complex than most of 
you seem to be aware of or willing to consider. As consumers your interests 
only reflect a very limited perspective.



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Re: [OT] Internet Censorship

2011-08-11 Thread Warren Samples
On Thursday, August 11, 2011 12:09:47 PM Roger Eller wrote:
> I agree.  In fact, I witnessed the rise of a YouTube artist, and bought his
> very first CD because 1) he was that good, and 2) I wanted to be supportive
> of the hundreds of songs he posted on YouTube (and I enjoyed for free).
> THAT is an artist!  Play it to express what you feel, and if we feel it too,
> we will buy it.

The effect of unlicensed redistribution on the music industry is a topic of 
huge debate. The view the RIAA and AF of M take is certainly an exageration. 
But unlicensed distribution is not harmless. Your anecdote reflects a 
legitimate part of the debate, but the music industry is not some simple 
monolith. Many of us work for wages which are determined by the projected use 
and distribution of the final product. While it is undeniable that the exposure 
gained through unlicensed redistribution can be an incredible boon to some 
projects, it also competes with licensed distribution and certainly makes it 
impossible to fairly compensate many of us when the actual distribution is 

I can't escape the feeling that a part of what some of you are saying is that 
you feel the entities that produced the material have received what you believe 
to be a fair return and they should not be entitled to receive anything more 
and therefore any future use of that product shall be without cost to you. Is 
that really what you think? Is it really reasonable?



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Re: What to Do Since FTP No Longer Supported in Mac OSX Lion?

2011-08-12 Thread Warren Samples
On Friday, August 12, 2011 01:44:32 PM Gregory Lypny wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I was building a nice app with LiveCode the other day.  It used PUT URL and 
> FTP to download files from my remote Mac.  Worked like a charm until 
> yesterday 
when I updated the OS on the remote Mac to Lion.  Now I get socket timeout 
messages.  I then read on the web that FTP is not enabled in Lion but SFTP 
works if 
Remote Login is enabled in the Sharing pane of System Preferences.  I confirmed 
that SFTP works by trying it with Interarchy.  How can I make SFTP work in a 
LiveCode handler?
> Regards,
> Gregory
> ___

You can still use FTP:

"While FTP is still available and configurable from the command line, it's no 
longer supported as an easy to turn on option in System Preferences"
-- from 

Hope that helps,


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