Re: image paste

2003-08-19 Thread Andrew
I've noticed that some of my postings have been being sent in duplicate 
or triplicate.  I apologize for that, and I assure you that it's the 
fault of technical forces beyond my control.  If this message gets sent 
many times, I'm sorry.

Jacqueline made some fine suggestions, but I'm having trouble 
implementing them.  First of all, how do you resize an image object to 
a fomattedWidth and Height?
Secondly, I'm still having a lot of trouble getting my second image to 
paste separate from the first image.  I shrink the first image and move 
it over to one side of the card.  Then I click elsewhere on the card 
(so the first image is not selected) and paste my second image.  Still, 
the second image appears right on top of the first one, no matter where 
the first one is located on the screen.

By the way, I'm using Revolution demo.  Could that have anything to do 
with it?

Thanks again for your help!
On Monday, August 18, 2003, at 08:55  AM, 
When you paste an image from the clipboard, Rev opens the painting 
and creates a new image object. The default size of an image object is
the size of the card. After that, whenever you click in the image with 
painting tool, the image is opened for editing. That's why a second
paste places the new image inside the old one.

To create separate image objects which are automatically sized only as
large as the image content, use Import as control in the File menu to
bring in an image from a file on disk.
If your images are not files on disk, you can still paste from the
clipboard. But after you have created an image object this way, you 
need to use a script to resize the image object to the formattedWidth
and formattedHeight of the object. That will make it smaller. Then when
you do the second paste, be sure not to click inside the first image 
you won't accidentally open it for editing.) Click elsewhere on the 
before pasting, and the second paste should create a new image object 
which you will also want to resize, since it too will be as large as 
use-revolution mailing list

Re: image paste

2003-08-19 Thread Andrew
I've noticed that some of my postings have been being sent in duplicate 
or triplicate.  I apologize for that, and I assure you that it's the 
fault of technical forces beyond my control.  If this message gets sent 
many times, I'm sorry.

Jacqueline made some fine suggestions, but I'm having trouble 
implementing them.  First of all, how do you resize an image object to 
a fomattedWidth and Height?
Secondly, I'm still having a lot of trouble getting my second image to 
paste separate from the first image.  I shrink the first image and move 
it over to one side of the card.  Then I click elsewhere on the card 
(so the first image is not selected) and paste my second image.  Still, 
the second image appears right on top of the first one, no matter where 
the first one is located on the screen.

By the way, I'm using Revolution demo.  Could that have anything to do 
with it?

Thanks again for your help!
On Monday, August 18, 2003, at 08:55  AM, 
When you paste an image from the clipboard, Rev opens the painting 
and creates a new image object. The default size of an image object is
the size of the card. After that, whenever you click in the image with 
painting tool, the image is opened for editing. That's why a second
paste places the new image inside the old one.

To create separate image objects which are automatically sized only as
large as the image content, use Import as control in the File menu to
bring in an image from a file on disk.
If your images are not files on disk, you can still paste from the
clipboard. But after you have created an image object this way, you 
need to use a script to resize the image object to the formattedWidth
and formattedHeight of the object. That will make it smaller. Then when
you do the second paste, be sure not to click inside the first image 
you won't accidentally open it for editing.) Click elsewhere on the 
before pasting, and the second paste should create a new image object 
which you will also want to resize, since it too will be as large as 
use-revolution mailing list

Anyone At All Using Valentina?

2003-08-19 Thread Dan Shafer
Poking around database support in Rev, I spent a bit more time looking 
into Valentina this evening.

Is anyone out there using it? I mean, $200 for a database in an era 
when mySQL -- one of the best databases on the planet -- is free and 
ODBC connectors are also mostly free?

So if someone's using it, I'd be mighty curious to know why. It doesn't 
seem to me to have any advantages at all.

If it was $50 or less, I might license it just for testing locally, but 
I can set up a local instance of mySQL for free, so

What am I missing here, people?

Dan Shafer, Revolutionary
Author of forthcoming 3-book set,
Revolution: Programming at the Speed of Thought for More Info
use-revolution mailing list

RE: Anyone At All Using Valentina?

2003-08-19 Thread Monte Goulding

 Poking around database support in Rev, I spent a bit more time looking
 into Valentina this evening.

 Is anyone out there using it? I mean, $200 for a database in an era
 when mySQL -- one of the best databases on the planet -- is free and
 ODBC connectors are also mostly free?

 So if someone's using it, I'd be mighty curious to know why. It doesn't
 seem to me to have any advantages at all.

 If it was $50 or less, I might license it just for testing locally, but
 I can set up a local instance of mySQL for free, so

 What am I missing here, people?

It's the only single user database currently available to us (excluding
ODBC). I've discussed with Tuviah the development of a SQLite external and
think it's on the cards but not yet on the development schedule.



use-revolution mailing list

Re: Anyone At All Using Valentina?

2003-08-19 Thread Trevor DeVore
On 8/18/03 Dan Shafer wrote

Poking around database support in Rev, I spent a bit more time looking 
into Valentina this evening.

Is anyone out there using it? I mean, $200 for a database in an era 
when mySQL -- one of the best databases on the planet -- is free and 
ODBC connectors are also mostly free?

So if someone's using it, I'd be mighty curious to know why. It doesn't 
seem to me to have any advantages at all.

If it was $50 or less, I might license it just for testing locally, but 
I can set up a local instance of mySQL for free, so

What am I missing here, people?

I am using Valentina for a multimedia project I am working on that is powered by a 
database.  I have used mySQL in my web applications for the past 5 years but chose 
Valentina for the database in this project because there is no installation, port 
numbers, daemons, etc. to worry about.  I just need the db files and the XCMD and 
everything works great.  This project will be distributed on CD-ROM and this makes it 
a good solution for this delivery platform.  I have read from numerous people that it 
is very fast and have not experienced anything to the contrary.  A good portion of the 
interface in the project is created dynamically from DB data and the bottleneck is 
definitely not the db.

After using Valentina for a year I really like it and am interested in it's new 
client/server functionality.  This might make Valentina a viable option for networked 
applications in a LAN/WAN environment.

Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Multimedia
use-revolution mailing list

Re: XML-RPC Support?

2003-08-19 Thread Jan Schenkel
--- Andre Garzia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Monday, August 18, 2003, at 02:48  AM, Jan
 Schenkel wrote:
  --- Dan Shafer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I thought I had read or heard somewhere that
  Revolution supports
  XML-RPC. But searching docs turns up no clues.
  Anyone got a pointer?
  Hi Dan,
  Revolution supports SOAP, which one might say
  supersedes XML-RPC.
  Have a look at \Sample stacks\SOAP_Toolbox.rev
  Hope this helped,
  Jan Schenkel.
 I do not think soap supersedes XML-RPC Soap is
 to complicated to 
 use, xml-rpc is simple and does the job well, i
 never knew a project 
 that really needed soap, xml-rpc always live up to
 the job for me.
 the sites:
 Are both from Userland, they've got the specs, the
 implementations and 
 a list of public avaiable services. xml-rpc has more
 services avaiable 
 and is easier to implement. As for Dan question, he
 can implement 
 xml-rpc by himself (it's not that hard!!!) or if
 he's using MacOS he 
 can call applescripts to the xml-rpc call for him
 and pass back the 

Hi Andre,

Glad to see 'granddaddy' XML-RPC is still alive and
kicking ; while I would agree that it is easier to
use, nearly all of the Web Service implementations in
development tools (such as in WebObjects 5.2, 4th
Dimension 2003, and our beloved Revolution 2.0) are
concentrating around SOAP.
Granted, the specs for SOAP 1.2 are hefty (which is
why it is no longer an acronym for Simple Object
Access Protocol) but they offer a lot of
enterprise-level features, such as parts that are
forwarded to and handled by different web services,
In most cases, overkill. But it's the standard, so we
have to follow suit.
However, implementing XML-RPC using the 'post' command
and employing the revXML library, should be a breeze ;
and I bet you could learn a lot from the SOAP toolbox
if you were to build a library for it.

Best regards,

Jan Schenkel.

As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time.  (La 

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software
use-revolution mailing list

Deleting lines within a 'repeat for each' loop

2003-08-19 Thread Martin Steer
Hello There,

Just a quick question to everyone here.

I've been trying to remove filenames (lines) from the string that the 
'files' function returns. The basic algorithm I've been using is below, 
but I think I've found a problem in the 'repeat for each chunkType' 
control structure in Rev.

Here's a little piece of code I was using to test. I've taken the 
filename checking out of the loop because that's not the problem. Just 
put this in a button's script and step through it using the variable 

on mouseUp
  put .ds_store  return  Help File 1.xml  return  Help File 
3.xml into fileList

  put 1 into i

  repeat for each line currLine in fileList
delete line i of fileList
add 1 to i
  end repeat
end mouseUp
The first iteration, the currLine variable gets .ds_store, and then 
it deletes line 1. All is okay.

The second iteration, the currLine variable gets the sting 1.xml... 
not Help File 1.xml as I assumed.

I tried removing the spaces in the file name thinking that may be 
stuffing up the chunks, but the second iteration results in currLine 
being set to the string xml

If you comment out the line that deletes the line from fileList, the 
repeat loop works fine.

I know the algorithm is flawed i.e. when you delete line 1, increment i 
to 2, then iterate again and delete line 2 it's actually deleting the 
original line 3. This is my buggy test script :) That bug doesn't 
matter though if each 'repeat' iteration the chunkType isn't correctly 
being evaluated. Originally, the deletion of a line occurs when a line 
matches the extension string at the end of the line (can't use 
'contains' so I've been using matchText and regular expressions.)

So, my questions are these:

1) Regardless of weather there's an easier way to remove lines from a 
string that don't match a pattern, is there something wrong with the 
way the 'repeat for each' control structure evaluates chunks when you 
manipulate the string it's repeating 'with'?

2) Is there an easier way to remove filenames from a list that don't 
have specific file extensions?

Oh, I've tried in Rev 2.0.2 and 2.1 and I'm running on Mac OS X 10.2.6

Thanks for reading this far :)

- Marty Steer
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Deleting lines within a 'repeat for each' loop

2003-08-19 Thread Yves COPPE
Le mardi, 19 aoû 2003, à 10:00 Europe/Brussels, Martin Steer a écrit :

Hello There,

Just a quick question to everyone here.

I've been trying to remove filenames (lines) from the string that the 
'files' function returns. The basic algorithm I've been using is 
below, but I think I've found a problem in the 'repeat for each 
chunkType' control structure in Rev.

Here's a little piece of code I was using to test. I've taken the 
filename checking out of the loop because that's not the problem. Just 
put this in a button's script and step through it using the variable 

Try :

 delete line 1 of fileList

on mouseUp

  put .ds_store  return  Help File 1.xml  return  Help File 
3.xml into fileList

  put 1 into i

  repeat for each line currLine in fileList
delete line 1 of fileList
add 1 to i
  end repeat
end mouseUp

use-revolution mailing list

Richmond comes clean

2003-08-19 Thread Mathewson
Ummwould you believe I'm sorry...a little bit...

Alan Coren once said that 'tact is the mortar of society':
but, just occasionally, a sledge hammer can do things too.

I suppose I should feel flattered to have my name included
in an e-mail thread 'Richmond and Copyright' that I did not
even originate.

I should like to point out the following points:

1.  I am not anti-American (in fact I lived in Illinois for
3 years while I studied for an MA); but I am not in favour
of an Americo-Centric worldthe reasoning behind this
reminds me of certain people who accuse anti-Israelis of
being anti-Semitic...doesn't work.

2.  I think Runtime Revolution are F***KING FANTASTIC for
having taken on the HYPERCARD mantle and developed it to
the next, next, next level:  that is why I get F***KING
EMOTIONAL about aspects of RR's development.  I do

3.  I do stand on my right to use words such as F***ING all
over use-lists when I get emotionally worked-up.that is
one of the MOST WONDERFUL things about this use-list...the
possibility to let off steam in a relatively civilised
forum; and receive civilised and well-thought-out

Love you all buckets, Richmond Mathewson

See Mathewson's software at:
Great Macintosh Products 
 The MacLaunch Store!
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Deleting lines within a 'repeat for each' loop

2003-08-19 Thread Ludovic Thébault
On Tue, 19 Aug 2003 18:00:07 +1000, Martin Steer wrote:

Try, (if you are sure that you don't need any empty line) :

on mouseUp
   put .ds_store  return  Help File 1.xml  return  Help File 
 3.xml into fileList
   put 1 into i
   repeat for each line currLine in fileList
put  into line i of fileList
 add 1 to i
   end repeat
 replace crcr with cr in filelist
 end mouseUp
use-revolution mailing list

Richmond hacks Metacard: possible legal pothole???

2003-08-19 Thread Mathewson
I replaced the engine in Metacard 2.5 with the RR 2.1 B3
one as per the recipe provided in this listthis allows
terms such as DRAWER to function in Metacard...

Are the legal thingies the same for Hacked Metacard as for
MC 2.5 ???  If so this means that any old tom, dick or
harry (read 'Richmond') can develop something using the RR
2.1 30 day edition and then 'pump out' standalones using
the Hacked Metacard

There's another notty problem!

Richmond Mathewson

See Mathewson's software at:
Great Macintosh Products 
 The MacLaunch Store!
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Anyone At All Using Valentina?

2003-08-19 Thread Robert Brenstein
Poking around database support in Rev, I spent a bit more time 
looking into Valentina this evening.

Is anyone out there using it? I mean, $200 for a database in an era 
when mySQL -- one of the best databases on the planet -- is free and 
ODBC connectors are also mostly free?

So if someone's using it, I'd be mighty curious to know why. It 
doesn't seem to me to have any advantages at all.

If it was $50 or less, I might license it just for testing locally, 
but I can set up a local instance of mySQL for free, so

What am I missing here, people?

Dan Shafer, Revolutionary
Author of forthcoming 3-book set,
Revolution: Programming at the Speed of Thought for More Info

Well, you can take Valentina for a spin for free. The fully 
functional demo has 10-minute per session timeout. Relaunch and you 
have another 10 min. Also, the  Valentina/AppleScript solution is 
only $50, although the vxcmd product for $200/$250 is way better for 
Rev/MC users.

If you are working under OSX and dealing with networking is not an 
issue for you, then MySQL (among other database options under OSX or 
Linux) is fine. It surely is a more mature product and more widely 
deployed. However, if you are concerned with speed, for example, you 
have millions of records and need really fast sorting and searching, 
Valentina is a winner.

Valentina is a nice match for Rev because of its multiplatform 
support. It runs under OS9, OSX, and Windows. Unix is also in 
Valentina's future AFAIK. Further, Valentina allows you to switch 
development environments should there be a need (as much as we love 
Rev, our clients or projects may require using something else).

Then, many Rev users graduate to using a true database engine after 
using stacks as simple databases and prefer to continue with the 
database fully embedded into the stacks/standalone. Valentina is it 
unless Serendipity Library suffice. Switching from fields/cards as db 
to Valentina (using its full interface not RevDB) is relatively 

Consider also that quite a few people using Valentina distribute 
their products on CDs. I think that excludes MySQL. And the 
forthcoming Valentina server will allow to mix local and remote 
usage, allowing flexible scaling and distributed solutions.

I personally use MC/Valentina combo to produce, programmatically but 
offline, web sites from db content as well as supporting online 
access to databases using MC-based CGI on a server that runs under 
Mac OS 9.2.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Deleting lines within a 'repeat for each' loop

2003-08-19 Thread Robert Brenstein
Hello There,

Just a quick question to everyone here.

I've been trying to remove filenames (lines) from the string that 
the 'files' function returns. The basic algorithm I've been using is 
below, but I think I've found a problem in the 'repeat for each 
chunkType' control structure in Rev.

Here's a little piece of code I was using to test. I've taken the 
filename checking out of the loop because that's not the problem. 
Just put this in a button's script and step through it using the 
variable watcher...

on mouseUp
  put .ds_store  return  Help File 1.xml  return  Help File 
3.xml into fileList

  put 1 into i

  repeat for each line currLine in fileList
delete line i of fileList
add 1 to i
  end repeat
end mouseUp
Martin, your problem is that each delete shifts the content and the 
continued search skips some lines. What you simply need to do is to 
reverse the order. I mean you scan the list of files from the end to 
the beginning, so deletions do not affect your algorithm.

repeat with i=(the number of lines of filelist) down to 1

yes, this form of repeat is slower than repeat for but normally your 
list of files won't have thousands of lines, so it will do fine. If 
the speed is really an issue, then use the repeat for as you have it 
but instead of actually deleting lines, simply collect line numbers 
to be deleted and then delete them in another loop which uses a 
repeat down to 1.

use-revolution mailing list

Button Basics?

2003-08-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I can't seem to select individual items of a pop-up menu button to enter
their scripts in 
the script editor.  I tried

select menuItem X of button Button Y

in the message box, but when I open the script editor, it's just for the
whole button, not 
the individual items in the button.  What am I missing?

mail2web - Check your email from the web at .

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Attaching Fonts

2003-08-19 Thread Toma Tasovac
A propos fonts -- if you need nice looking fonts to bundle with your 
software, check out Bitstream Vera -- it's an open source font, 
released by the GNOME Foundation.  So far, it contains only Basic 
Latin, but no doubt that will be enough for many developers on this 
list.  You can modify and redistribute the font as you please, as long 
as you change the name.

Toma Tasovac
Princeton University
Department of Comparative Literature
91 Prospect Avenue
Princeton, NJ 08544
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Button Basics?

2003-08-19 Thread Jan Schenkel
 I can't seem to select individual items of a pop-up
 menu button to enter
 their scripts in 
 the script editor.  I tried
 select menuItem X of button Button Y
 in the message box, but when I open the script
 editor, it's just for the
 whole button, not 
 the individual items in the button.  What am I


You cannot set individual scripts for each item ;
you'll have to script the menu as a whole, and handle
the 'menuPick' message.

Suppose you have a menu with items :

Example script for that menu button :

on menuPick pWhichItem
  switch pWhichItem
  case Alpha
-- the user chose the item labeled Alpha
-- do what needs done here, before 'break'
  case Beta
-- the user chose the item labeled Beta
-- do what needs done here, before 'break'
  case Gamma
-- the user chose the item labeled Gamma
-- do what needs done here, before 'break'
  case Delta
-- the user chose the item labeled Delta
-- do what needs done here, before 'break'
  end switch
end menuPick

An alternative way of scripting the individual items
is the following :

- make individual handlers for what each item needs to
do, in the card script

- put the names of these handlers as a
return-delimited list into a custom property named
uMenuMessages in the menu button

- set the script of the menu button to 

on menuPick
  put the menuHistory of me into tPickedLine
  put line tPickedLine of the uMenuMessages \
  of me into tMenuMessage
  send tMenuMessage to this card
end menuPick

For more information than you may ever want to know
regarding menus, fire up the Revolution Documentation,
go to the section 'Development Guide' and click on the
item 'Menus' in the left-hand list.

Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.

As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time.  (La 

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Richmond comes clean

2003-08-19 Thread James Lewes
I am confused. How can supporting a Scottish Company be pro-American.  
Also, while I have not followed each and every discussion about  
pricing, I am sure Revolution is available in Euros.

On Tuesday, August 19, 2003, at 03:44  AM, Mathewson wrote:
Ummwould you believe I'm sorry...a little bit...

Alan Coren once said that 'tact is the mortar of society':
but, just occasionally, a sledge hammer can do things too.
I suppose I should feel flattered to have my name included
in an e-mail thread 'Richmond and Copyright' that I did not
even originate.
I should like to point out the following points:

1.  I am not anti-American (in fact I lived in Illinois for
3 years while I studied for an MA); but I am not in favour
of an Americo-Centric worldthe reasoning behind this
reminds me of certain people who accuse anti-Israelis of
being anti-Semitic...doesn't work.
2.  I think Runtime Revolution are F***KING FANTASTIC for
having taken on the HYPERCARD mantle and developed it to
the next, next, next level:  that is why I get F***KING
EMOTIONAL about aspects of RR's development.  I do
3.  I do stand on my right to use words such as F***ING all
over use-lists when I get emotionally worked-up.that is
one of the MOST WONDERFUL things about this use-list...the
possibility to let off steam in a relatively civilised
forum; and receive civilised and well-thought-out
Love you all buckets, Richmond Mathewson

See Mathewson's software at: 
Great Macintosh Products
 The MacLaunch Store!
use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

flame (Richmond et al)

2003-08-19 Thread John Tenny
The etiquette cute of a list, I am told, is to:

1. never flame
2. never respond to a flame on list, but do so privately


Flowing Thought Educational Solutions
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Deleting lines within a 'repeat for each' loop

2003-08-19 Thread Björnke von Gierke
On Dienstag, Aug 19, 2003, at 10:21 Europe/Zurich, Jan Schenkel wrote:

on mouseUp
   put .ds_store  return  Help File 1.xml 
return  Help File
3.xml into fileList
   put 1 into i

   repeat for each line currLine in fileList
 delete line i of fileList
 add 1 to i
   end repeat
end mouseUp
The reason why you are getting such 'strange' results
is that in a repeat for each loop, the engine
remembers where the current line ended, and that's
where it starts looking for the next lineDelimiter.
So in this case, it finds the first line delimiter at
position 9. Then you delete the first line, but the
next repeat loop starts looking at position 10 in the
changed variable. The next lineDelimiter is at new
position 16, so it thinks that line 2 stretches from
position 10 to 16 -- which explains why it gives you 
1.xml the next time around.
Etcetera, etcetera.
As you shouldn't tinker with the variable you're
interating over, here are a few alternative approaches
to your goal :
Eh? I always thought that the repeat for each loop copies the content 
it loops over and then uses that too loop. This is so that looping in 
fields is not slower then looping in a variable. In fact looping a 
variable IS NOT faster then looping a field (I tested that). 
Unfortunately the fact is that deleting lines in a fashion as the above 
WILL result in rubbish. I am kinda lost, shouldn't the one fact 
contradict the other

use-revolution mailing list

flame (Richmond et al)

2003-08-19 Thread Mathewson
Hi there John Tenny,

1.  as my Granny said its all in the mouth

2.  as peer 1. if 'F**K', 'S**T' and 'BR' are all in
the mouth what needs to be examined is the HEART and the
MIND (and not the mouth).

3.  BOO to your 'Peace': there is a REVOLUTION going on,
and,  lest we forget,  Revolutions are often bloody

but they are also, often, creative as well as destructive.

4.  Head over to my website for a dose of downloads.

Love you and all the RR use-list members!  Richmond

See Mathewson's software at:
Great Macintosh Products 
 The MacLaunch Store!
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Anyone At All Using Valentina?

2003-08-19 Thread Chris Sheffield
A couple reasons.  Valentina is a lot easier to setup
and use.  All you need are the externals.  With MySQL
you have to have the MySQL server running in order to
connect to your database, which means that users of
your software must install and administer the MySQL
server on their network servers.  This server does not
run on all platforms (Mac OS X and some versions of
Windows).  So you couldn't create a standalone
database on a Mac OS 9 machine.  It just won't work.

Also mySQL costs big bucks if you plan to use it
commercially.  You have to pay license fees for every
copy of software sold.  Valentina is one flat cost.

I'm not saying MySQL is bad.  It's an awesome
database, and my company will most likely use it for a
networkable version of our software.  But Valentina
definitely has its strengths.

Chris Sheffield

--- Dan Shafer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Poking around database support in Rev, I spent a bit
 more time looking 
 into Valentina this evening.
 Is anyone out there using it? I mean, $200 for a
 database in an era 
 when mySQL -- one of the best databases on the
 planet -- is free and 
 ODBC connectors are also mostly free?
 So if someone's using it, I'd be mighty curious to
 know why. It doesn't 
 seem to me to have any advantages at all.
 If it was $50 or less, I might license it just for
 testing locally, but 
 I can set up a local instance of mySQL for free,
 What am I missing here, people?
 Dan Shafer, Revolutionary
 Author of forthcoming 3-book set,
 Revolution: Programming at the Speed of Thought for More Info
 use-revolution mailing list

Chris Sheffield
Read Naturally

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software
use-revolution mailing list

US copyright

2003-08-19 Thread John Tenny
An earlier message said Copyright in the US is quite different 
from that in Australia. Over there
you need to register the software to claim copyright.

I'm not a lawyer (disclaimer, disclaimer, disclaimer), but when I last 
checked into copyright, all that was required is that the creator print 
the word copyright and the date on the product (the copyright symbol 
is also acceptable) and it's copyrighted.

You CAN register your copyright to avoid any legal hassles by two 
people who both claim copyright, but it's not required. A cheap way 
that one can do the same thing is to put the product in an envelope and 
mail it to yourself. The postage cancellation on the UNOPENED package 
serves as proof of copyright date.

Note that a copyright is different from a patent, as the earlier 
messages indicated. A copyright will not protect a process.

If you read the fine print on a product it will often say Patent 
pending, but never copyright pending as there is no approval system 
for copyrights.

If this topic is important to you, don't pay any attention to any of 
this. I'm not a lawyer and am just making it all up.


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Deleting lines within a 'repeat for each' loop

2003-08-19 Thread Jan Schenkel
--- Björnke_von_Gierke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Eh? I always thought that the repeat for each loop
 copies the content 
 it loops over and then uses that too loop. This is
 so that looping in 
 fields is not slower then looping in a variable. In
 fact looping a 
 variable IS NOT faster then looping a field (I
 tested that). 
 Unfortunately the fact is that deleting lines in a
 fashion as the above 
 WILL result in rubbish. I am kinda lost, shouldn't
 the one fact 
 contradict the other

I don't think there's a contradiction : after all,
MetaCard stacks are entirely RAM-based so it should be
no slower to access a variable than to access the
contents of a field.
In the old HyperCard days, its engine had to load the
field text from disk, and every manipulation meant
writing to disk, updating the hintbits for its quick
find algorithm etc.
But I'm sure there'll be a performance hit when you
manipulate the contents of a field in a repeat for
each loop, as the screen needs to be redrawn.
Of course only Mr Raney knows for sure, but I think
the content isn't copied, and that during a 'repeat
for each' the engine merely remembers the last line
delimiter position and the next line delimiter
position as it munches away the data.

Jan Schenkel.

As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time.  (La 

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Database tool

2003-08-19 Thread Michael Young

Thanks for the database information and links. The combined FMP RR solution
is an interesting idea that I am sure will appeal to some developers, but I
will try the other ideas first. I have used FMP off and on for the last 10
years from version 2 through 6 and for some reason I still don't like it,
but I know there are plenty of people who do like it. And I am glad that FMP
works for them.

Michael Young

clipped my introduction and questions

 Hi Michael,

 As you're looking for an elaborate yet easy-to-use
 general-purpose development tool, Revolution is an
 excellent candidate.

clipped lots of helpful information and links
 Jan Schenkel.

use-revolution mailing list

Daughters of the Revolution

2003-08-19 Thread Mathewson
Hey RR afficionados,

I discovered that the 'drawer' term in RR 2.1 allows both
drop drawers and... drop drawers to have daughter (and
grand-daughter) drawers.

The top download on my website demonstrates this: to get
the full effect drag the mainstack as far to one side of
your screen as it can comfortably go.

Love, Richmond

See Mathewson's software at:
Great Macintosh Products 
 The MacLaunch Store!
use-revolution mailing list

Re: US copyright

2003-08-19 Thread Richard Gaskin
John Tenny wrote:

 You CAN register your copyright to avoid any legal hassles by two
 people who both claim copyright, but it's not required. A cheap way
 that one can do the same thing is to put the product in an envelope and
 mail it to yourself. The postage cancellation on the UNOPENED package
 serves as proof of copyright date.

disclaimer as required by California state law
I am not an attorney.  If you need an attorney you should consult the
services of a qualified professional in your area.

The mailing-to-yourself option was a good one for many years, but if memory
serves it was tested in the 80s and failed as legal proof of date of

If you have questions about copyright and other legal issues, I can't say
enough good things about the fine folks at Nolo Press:

Searching for copyright at their site I found some good links covering the

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Developer of WebMerge: Publish any database on any Web site
 Tel: 323-225-3717   AIM: FourthWorldInc

use-revolution mailing list

Richmond, Monte, Copyright, Consciences and a lot of otherstuff

2003-08-19 Thread Mathewson
All of my offerings whether on the RR developer
contributions page or on my website are COPYRIGHT FREE and
anybody can make MERRY H*LL with them as they see fit.

However, Monte; as you feel you have been paying for my
freebies (???) if you, for some unseen reason, have an urge
to use any of my offerings please pay for them by sending
me a postcard containing the text Bugger You Richmond at
the address that I can supply off-list.

Love, Richmond

See Mathewson's software at:
Great Macintosh Products 
 The MacLaunch Store!
use-revolution mailing list

Re: read from process - example wanted

2003-08-19 Thread Dar Scott
On Tuesday, August 19, 2003, at 06:31 AM, Rodney Tamblyn wrote:

Mostly I'm just looking for a few pointers from anyone on the list who 
has experience working with reading/writing processes.
I have only done this once as an experiment on OS X, but I have done 
this a bunch on Windows.  I don't know the situation on OS X, but on 
Windows it is a mess.

If you possibly can, use shell().

You can't use programs that provide info after the input is closed, 
such as sort or find.  You can't close the pipe to the process without 
closing the pipe from the process.  This isn't a bug, just a design 

Use the most simple read you can.  I'd recommend regularly reading with 
'until empty' to get what is in the buffer.  The others are filled with 
bugs on Windows.

I don't remember why, but I think I had to use a try-catch in the read 
to handle a read attempt after the process closes the pipe.  Or for 
some reason.  A simple condition that one would expect in the result is 
a thrown error.

You should be able to set the shell process used in shell(), if you go 
that way.

(If you are opening a Standalone process, I found problems with stdin, 
stdout, and commandline parsing.  I'd use IP)

If you still want an example, I might be able to find something that is 
not in some intermediate hacked-to-find-combat-bugs state.

I tried to find a path through the mess of open/write/read process and, 
for now, have given up.  I hope to give it a fresh look, but I don't 
know when.

Yes, I do--I will need to use the gnu pgp, soon.  If I can't get 
process to work, I'll redirect files to from the process using shell 
and then burn the files.  You might want to try that.  Only, you 
probably don't need to burn files.  I will have to do some tricks with 
the command line, but that is straight forward if there are no spaces 
in arguments.

Remember, my bad experiences are on Windows 2000 and Windows XP.

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Anyone At All Using Valentina?

2003-08-19 Thread Dan Shafer
Thanks for the answers. I get it now.

Valentina is a stand-alone, requiring no server, therefore ideally 
suited to CD-ROM distributed products.

It is easier to set up than mySQL.

And it is blazingly fast so it wins out in situations where you need a 
local, single-user data store to support  Rev app that is not going to 
be networked.

I had my Web app glasses on when I evaluated it.

But one thing: as far as I can tell, I don't have to pay a dime to 
distribute mySQL-based apps unless I need to deliver the mySQL database 
with it, which is something nobody would do except for a pretty 
high-end enterprise solution which was being deployed off a local 

Back to the Revolution and my book project (news is forthcoming).

Dan Shafer, Revolutionary
Author of forthcoming 3-book set,
Revolution: Programming at the Speed of Thought for More Info
use-revolution mailing list

Newsletter CGI anyone?

2003-08-19 Thread Malte Brill
Hi List,

has anyone developed a Newsletter CGI in Rev/MC?

I´d like something where Useres can subscribe/unsubscribe to, select
Products they want to have information on (so it needs to be expandable) and
sends the information on the products choosen automatically to subscribed
users when I upload the news.

Has anyone coded something like this? What does it cost to purchase a copy?
(As I am a Web technique dum-bee I would also need  help with installing it)

If noone has, do you know a non rev solution?



use-revolution mailing list

Re: Anyone At All Using Valentina?

2003-08-19 Thread Mark Brownell
On Tuesday, August 19, 2003, at 09:17  AM, Dan Shafer wrote:

Valentina is a stand-alone, requiring no server, therefore ideally 
suited to CD-ROM distributed products.

It is easier to set up than mySQL.

And it is blazingly fast so it wins out in situations where you need a 
local, single-user data store to support  Rev app that is not going to 
be networked.

I had my Web app glasses on when I evaluated it.

But one thing: as far as I can tell, I don't have to pay a dime to 
distribute mySQL-based apps unless I need to deliver the mySQL 
database with it, which is something nobody would do except for a 
pretty high-end enterprise solution which was being deployed off a 
local server.
Add to that Valentina's ability to store blob data and encrypt it using 
Blowfish encryption. You can store any binary data as blob to protect 
delivery data. I use this for DRM of externally distributed data that 
can be read by standalone reader software.


use-revolution mailing list

Re: [ANN] A Primer on Message Mechanics--you know, 'send'

2003-08-19 Thread Dar Scott
On Monday, August 18, 2003, at 08:07 PM, Andre Garzia wrote:

Thank you, thank you very much for your primer it's very fun and i 
learned much!
Thanks!  I had fun making it.  (And I can find my own script examples 
faster now.)

Fun and learned much.  Those are just the right words for me to hear.

I'll also download the primer primer so that i can make primers myself.
The current A Simple Primer Primer does not adjust font properties 
for platforms and uses design-time script-callout adjustments instead 
of runtime adjustments.

.. we could really help the community with approaches like this
Though this was fun, it did take a while, and I wouldn't want making 
primers to become a burden for folks.  People can take their time or 
use a different style.

You might have noticed that the last third is a little weak and I 
completely ignored the interaction with 'wait'.  Maybe that is right 
for a primer, but it is mostly because I wanted to get it out the door.

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Re: image paste

2003-08-19 Thread J. Landman Gay
On 8/19/03 1:19 AM, Andrew wrote:

First of all, how do you resize an image object to a 
fomattedWidth and Height?
  set the width of img 1 to the formattedWidth of img 1
  set the height of img 1 to the formattedHeight of img 1
Secondly, I'm still having a lot of trouble getting my second image to 
paste separate from the first image.  I shrink the first image and move 
it over to one side of the card.  Then I click elsewhere on the card (so 
the first image is not selected) and paste my second image.  Still, the 
second image appears right on top of the first one, no matter where the 
first one is located on the screen.
Where are you getting the images in the clipboard from? Are you copying 
from another application, or from another stack? If it is from another 
stack, there are other ways to move the images.

Also, are you sure that the second image is actually going into the 
first one, or is is just getting laid on top? If it is just on top, then 
resizing it should work.

By the way, I'm using Revolution demo.  Could that have anything to do 
with it?
No. The demo will act exactly the same as the licensed version.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list

Way to get backdrop to cover everything in OS X?

2003-08-19 Thread Rob Gould

I'm trying to make an
application that let's the user click on a thumbnail image, and then
the image is displayed full-sized with a black background covering the
whole desktop. Right now, I have the thumbnail viewer as one stack,
and the "full-size viewing page" as a second stack. On the openCard of
the 2nd stack, I set the backdrop to black.

This almost works, except that I have to set the visible of the first
stack to FALSE to hide it, and then there's the remaining issue of the
Mac OSX finder windows being visible on top of the backdrop - - - any
idea how I can make the backdrop go on top of the OS X windows/dock?
(Or perhaps there's a better way to do this altogether?

- Rob

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Button Basics? -thanks Jan!

2003-08-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thanks a million to Jan Schenkel!

Problem solved!  I had looked at every single thing in the Menus chapter
of the 
Documentation by Catagory and while I had seen references to MenuPick I 
couldn't make heads or tails out of implementing it.  Sometimes we non
code writers 
know literally nothing and need tips, like the one you gave me, in real
plain English! I 
am following the documentation and beginners discussions closely and have
up for the Dan Shafer book and I hope to get better at this. Thanks again
and also 
thanks to those of you who answered a couple of other beginners questions
for me in 
the past few weeks!


mail2web - Check your email from the web at .

use-revolution mailing list

Re: [ANN] A Primer on Message Mechanics--you know, 'send'

2003-08-19 Thread Dar Scott
On Monday, August 18, 2003, at 08:33 PM, Kurt Kaufman wrote:

I look forward to studying the message primer in detail- since I 
generally write scripts using the path-of-least-resistance (easiest to 
fathom but often inefficient).
My attempt is to introduce a style that will give you both.

However, I have learned that what I consider simple others do not.  
For example, less lines of code is not always simpler to me.  I like to 
break things down into pieces that I can mentally put aside as done, 
even into handlers or other objects, and then only consider their 
interface in building bigger things.  If one is into that kind of 
thinking, the primer will be a good place to get into messages.  I 
deviated a little for pedagogical reasons, but that theme should be 

Thank you, Dar!
You are quite welcome.

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Re: DB Access in standalones

2003-08-19 Thread Devin Asay
I wrote Monday about my problems trying to get my standalone to connect 
to a mySQL database:

the standalone does not successfully contact the database.
Instead I get a revdberr, invalid database type. (I chose to include
error messages during distribution building.
Jan provided a useful clue:
On Tuesday, August 19, 2003, at 12:45  AM, Jan Schenkel 

You might want to check out the Transcript dictionary
entry for the 'revSetDatabaseDriverPath' command.
What I did was use the startup handler to 1) set the defaultFolder to 
the folder containing the main stack, then 2) use the 
revSetDatabaseDriverPath command to set the database driver path to the 
defaultFolder. In OS X this happens to be in the App 

Now when I do this I can contact the database successfully as long as I 
remain in the main stack. As soon as I go to a substack (where most of 
the queries take place) it stops working. Even when I go back to the 
main stack the database queries no longer work. I am back to the 
situation where I get a revdberr, invalid database type error. This 
sounds a lot like what Jacque wrote about:

On Tuesday, August 19, 2003, at 12:47  AM, J. Landman Gay 

Is the externals property set to the right path? The externals property
is relative to the application bundle, not the engine inside the
Contents folder. That's probably why Rev puts it where you first found
it. I believe Rev also tries to set the externals property during a
build. If you moved the files, the path that Rev sets would no longer 
accurate (and it produces a silent error in that case.)

This sounds a lot like the problems I've had loading externals, which
has almost always been a problem with paths during startup. Also, if it
applies, it seems to help to keep all the database calls in the
mainstack rather than in substacks. There seems to be some problem with
substacks that make calls to externals.
If I insert an answer dialog in the standalone to report the externals 
property, it says revdb.bundle, which, as Jacque said, supposedly 
means relative to the application bundle. I take this to mean inside 
the app bundle, but the Distribution Builder puts it at the same level 
as the app bundle.

What is the real story here? The documentation is not very detailed on 
this point, and in fact does not seem to reflect what's really 
happening. Can someone on the Rev team explain it to me? Tuviah? Geoff? 
I really need to get this application up soon. Thanks.

Devin Asay
Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
Brigham Young University
use-revolution mailing list

RR in Linux help shell and menu

2003-08-19 Thread Glen Bojsza
I am hoping someone can offer a few suggestions for the following:

I wish to use RR for a Linux app. There are several commands that I can run
but they have many switch options!

I plan to list the commands to a user (invest, divest, suggest) and their
available switches via a check box

For example for divest command piped to a file called Hfund Later I will
need to read the file into RR to present the results :

divest -r -s BOB  Hfund

My question is what is the proper way to use the shell command?

And how should I call the check box of options once the command has been

Does it even make sense to use a check box to let the user select their
options (later on I will need to be able to allow the user to input
particular data as an option requires range, threshold etc) So I
would like to plan the proper way in the beginning.

Any suggestions are appreciated.



use-revolution mailing list

Re: How to properly format text in sheet on OS X?

2003-08-19 Thread Toma Tasovac
Mark, I didn't quite get what you had in mind.  I have tried (similar 
to Brian's original post):

answer warning pfont face = Lucida Grande size = 13bMessage 
text/b/fpfont face = Lucida Grande size = 11Informative 
text/f/p with Continue as sheet

because, according to Aqua HUI, the message text has to be bold Lucida 
Grande 13 and informative text has to be regular Lucida Grande 11.  The 
styling of the informative text, however, ends up being regular Lucida 
Grande 13.

Any thoughts on how to fix this?

All best,
Am Montag, 18.08.03 um 18:43 Uhr schrieb Mark Brownell:

I got this to work:
answer  warning pfont size=18message text/font/pbrbrfont 
face=Arial size=12informative text/font/br/br with Continue 
as sheet

I'm thinking that setting the answer textFont to Lucida Grande first, 
somehow might make multiple fonts available.
use-revolution mailing list

RE: Newsletter CGI anyone?

2003-08-19 Thread Edwin Gore
I haven't seen anything just like that, but it seems like it wouldn't be that hard to 

If you are uncomfortable doing CGI stuff, you could even write it as a desktop 
application that generates webpages and uploads them, and at the same time creates 
emails and sends them out the your subscriber list.

I have something already written that does the first part (though it's meant for 
people using the Amazon Associate program), bolting on mass emailing would be pretty 
easy, I think.

- --- Original Message --- -
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Malte Brill)
Sent: Tue, 19 Aug 2003 18:23:48

Hi List,

has anyone developed a Newsletter CGI in Rev/MC?

I=B4d like something where Useres can
subscribe/unsubscribe to, select
Products they want to have information on (so it
needs to be expandable) =
sends the information on the products choosen
automatically to subscribed
users when I upload the news.

Has anyone coded something like this? What does it
cost to purchase a cop=
(As I am a Web technique dum-bee I would also need 
help with installing =

If noone has, do you know a non rev solution?



use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: How to properly format text in sheet on OS X?

2003-08-19 Thread Brian Maher
Hi Toma,

Here is what I got to work at home (and it displayed the correct font and point 

answer warning font size=13bMessage text/b/fontbrbrfont 
text/font with Continue as sheet 

Cheers, Brian

use-revolution mailing list

Re: How to properly format text in sheet on OS X?

2003-08-19 Thread Dar Scott
On Saturday, August 16, 2003, at 07:18 AM, Brian K. Maher wrote:
answer warning font face='Lucida Grande' size='13'bmessage 
text/bbrbr/fontfont face='Lucida Grande' 
size='11'informative text/font with Continue as sheet
Severe Wrap Warning!

on mouseUp
  put font face='Lucida Grande' size='13'bmessage 
text/bbrbr/fontfont face='Lucida Grande' size='11'informative 
text/font into x
  replace ' with quote in x
  answer warning x with Continue as sheet
end mouseUp

The message text looks bigger than the informative text to me for this 

If you need a lot of quotes, consider format with just the format 
string to insert the quotes.  The string constant parsing goes into a 
special mode in the context of the format function.  For example:

 get format(font face=\Lucida Grande\ size=\13\)

Who woulda thought?

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Re: DB Access in standalones

2003-08-19 Thread J. Landman Gay
On 8/19/03 1:21 PM, Devin Asay wrote:

What is the real story here? The documentation is not very detailed on 
this point, and in fact does not seem to reflect what's really 
happening. Can someone on the Rev team explain it to me? Tuviah? Geoff? 
I really need to get this application up soon. Thanks.
I would also appreciate an explanation from someone who knows. After I 
answered you yesterday, I spent almost five hours wrestling with exactly 
the same problem. I never could get the external to load properly. Like 
you, I tried a startup handler that called revSetDatabaseDriverPath but 
it did no good. I also moved all the scripts from a substack that 
contained the DB calls into the main stack script but that didn't help 
either. I tinkered with scripts endlessly and probably built 40 or 50 
trial standalones, none of which worked. The stack works fine in the IDE.

This should not be so hard, and I suspect there is a problem with either 
the engine or the distribution builder. I did find an error in Rev's 
database library scripts which I thought could be the problem, but 
fixing it still didn't cause the externals to load for me.

Even so, you will probably want to try fixing Rev's DB library script. 
It's in the stack called revlibrary.rev, which contains a group that 
gets copied to your standalone during a build. You'll need to edit the 
script of the group called revLibraries which contains a 
preOpenBackground handler. That handler starts out like this:

on preOpenBackGround
  repeat with i = 1 to the number of btns in me
if the short name of button i is among the items of 
revTable,revDatabase then
  insert script of button i of me into front
  insert script of btn i of me into back
end if
  end repeat

If this group isn't the first one placed on the card in the standalone, 
the script will fail to insert the database lib scripts in some cases, 
and will insert non-database button scripts arbitrarily from other 
buttons in your stack. If that happens, all Rev-related database calls 
will fail. The fix is to change line 3 to this:

 if the short name of button i OF ME is among the items of 
revTable,revDatabase then

This ensures that the right set of button scripts are inserted. (It took 
me forever to find this bug, since you can't look at the group's script 
once it is in a standalone.) I've bug-reported it and Runtime fixed it 
yesterday, but people will probably want to alter their current copies 
of the library to accomodate until the next release comes out.

I thought this fix was the clincher and things would work properly after 
that, but as I said, the external still didn't load even with the 
revised library script. I am not at liberty to send Runtime the stacks I 
am working on, but if you can send them yours, I hope you will. It seems 
to be a common problem for many of us and I'd like to see it resolved 
soon. As near as I can tell, there are some stacks which simply cannot 
use the database externals in OS X.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list

Upgrade: where to buy?

2003-08-19 Thread MacGuy
Looking at the bottom of the licensing page

I see Studio  Upgrade from 2.0x to 2.1  $49 (which is an awesome 
price!), but I can find no buy button for these upgrade prices.  If i 
go back to the home page and follow the link for pay for a license 
and then pick upgrades and crossgrades, I can find no reference to 
this $49 upgrade price.  How do I purchase this?  Thanks!

use-revolution mailing list

database issues

2003-08-19 Thread Chris Sheffield
I've been reading both Devin's and Jacque's posts, and
there is definitely something weird going on with
database access in Rev, especially when it comes to
built standalones.  So I have something I'd like
someone to verify for me and see if you get the same
results.  If so, I'm going to report this as another
database bug.

1) Create a new stack with two fields and two buttons
(or just get creative :-)

2) Open the database query builder and create a new
query to connect to a Valentina database (you can
download my database from  Set
the path and all that, then click the Connect button. 
You should be able to connect okay.  You shouldn't
have to change anything on the Record Set tab.

3) Close the query builder and connect the fields and
buttons to the database.  Set field 1 to display first
name, and field two to display last name.  Set button
one to move to the previous record, and button two to
move to the next record.

4) Hit the browse tool and you should be able to move
back and forth between two different records.

5) Now for the fun.  Build a standalone and include
the database library.  Run the standalone and see if
the app connects to the database.  My guesses are that
it won't.

6) Try playing with the externals,
setDatabaseDriversPath, etc. and see if you can make
it work.  If you can, you're my hero and I'll be
eternally grateful for any input you can provide, but
you probably won't be able to.

The Rev docs say, and I quote,

If you check the Database Library option in the
Distribution Builder, all the supporting scripts for
the Database Query Builder are included in the
application (although the Database Query Builder
window is not), along with the Database library
external. You don't need to do anything more to make
automatic database queries work in your application.

It sounds like part of this has been fixed as far as
the necessary scripts being included (thanks to
Jacque), but the part about not having to do anything
else to use automatic queries doesn't seem to be true.

I am experiencing these issues in both Windows and Mac
builds.  If someone has a bit of free time and can try
this out, I would greatly appreciate it.  I'm in the
same boat as Devin and really need to get this
working, and it sounds like to me that the issues are


Chris Sheffield
Read Naturally

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Revolution and fonts

2003-08-19 Thread Dar Scott
On Sunday, August 17, 2003, at 10:05 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

While the lively discussion here is valuable, these issues only affect 
relatively small subset of apps as most simply follow the HIG for each
Even following the HIG for each platform will involve profiles or 
scripting or both to adjust to the platform.  Even then, I would think 
most apps have some part that does not apply.

To my shame, I have ignored HIG.  My Windows book is boxed up and 
probably only applies to 3.1.  Any good online references to HIG for 
Windows, OS X, Mac OS?  Is there such a thing for Linux?  (I have no 
idea whether Linux folks would offended if I suggested there would not 
be one or offended if I suggested there might be one.)

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

RE: Upgrade: where to buy?

2003-08-19 Thread Edwin Gore

She knows all, and sees most.

- --- Original Message --- -
Sent: Tue, 19 Aug 2003 16:24:12

Looking at the bottom of the licensing page

I see Studio  Upgrade from 2.0x to 2.1  $49
(which is an awesome 
price!), but I can find no buy button for these
upgrade prices.  If i 
go back to the home page and follow the link for
pay for a license 
and then pick upgrades and crossgrades, I can
find no reference to 
this $49 upgrade price.  How do I purchase this? 

use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Revolution and fonts

2003-08-19 Thread Dar Scott
On Tuesday, August 19, 2003, at 03:17 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

Why would using any font necessarily require profiles or other complex
My ignorance is showing.  I was imagining a battery of buttons being 
the same length on one and fixed padded on another.  I have one app in 
which I use a fixed width font for a terminal-like window; maybe I can 
use trial and error or Alex's method to find one.  I have no idea how 
labels are supposed to line up with what they label.

I better shut up and go read your HIG documents.

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Revolution and fonts

2003-08-19 Thread Dar Scott
On Tuesday, August 19, 2003, at 03:46 PM, Alex Rice wrote:

- Use the over-40 1 meter squint test to make sure your fonts are 
not too small
I'm available!  I'm over 40 and I have lots of practice squinting!


use-revolution mailing list

Re: [ANN] A Primer on Message Mechanics--you know, 'send'

2003-08-19 Thread Dar Scott
On Tuesday, August 19, 2003, at 03:42 PM, erik hansen wrote:

what does [ANN] mean (and it please you)?
I'm not sure.  I think Ann collects some of these things.

I think it means announcement and is intended as a warning that the 
material is not really a question but might even be somewhat 
self-serving, vain or commercial.

I included it because I wanted to be in the in crowd and use all the 
cool subject labels that those in the in crowd use.

Maybe next time I'll try [NEW] or [XYZZY] and see what happens.

Dar Scott

Dar Scott Consulting
Programming Services

use-revolution mailing list

image pasting

2003-08-19 Thread Andrew
Much thanks for being in contact with me about image problems!

   set the width of img 1 to the formattedWidth of img 1
   set the height of img 1 to the formattedHeight of img 1
Okay, I put this script into the Mouseup handler of a btn on my card, 
and edited the script to say img name of my image instead of 1
However, it doesn't do anything when I click the button.  What gives?  

Secondly, I'm still having a lot of trouble getting my second image to
paste separate from the first image.  I shrink the first image and 
it over to one side of the card.  Then I click elsewhere on the card 
the first image is not selected) and paste my second image.  Still, 
second image appears right on top of the first one, no matter where 
first one is located on the screen.
Where are you getting the images in the clipboard from? Are you copying
from another application, or from another stack? If it is from another
stack, there are other ways to move the images.
I'm copying them from Claris Works
Also, are you sure that the second image is actually going into the
first one, or is is just getting laid on top? If it is just on top, 
resizing it should work.
I'm sure that it is going into the first one.  It pastes on top of the 
first image no matter where the first image is on the screen.  After I 
paste it, when I click on it and move it, both images move together as 
if they were one image (assuming that the second one is smaller and I 
can still see the first image behind it).

Thanks again for your help.  I'm very appreciative
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Revolution and fonts

2003-08-19 Thread Richard Gaskin
Dar Scott wrote:

 Why would using any font necessarily require profiles or other complex
 My ignorance is showing.  I was imagining a battery of buttons being
 the same length on one and fixed padded on another.

I'm having difficulty imagining this.  Why wouldn't the textAlign property
cover that?

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Developer of WebMerge: Publish any database on any Web site
 Tel: 323-225-3717   AIM: FourthWorldInc

use-revolution mailing list

kiosk/game mode

2003-08-19 Thread Alex Rice
Most game software runs fullscreen  it actually grabs the display. 
This doesn't seem to be possible with Rev, but I saw on the list 
archive some rumor of an external to do this but no links or anything. 
The competition seems to be able to do this; I've seen Director games 
that go fullscreen like this. Is there a xplatform solution to enable 
Rev to do this?

Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Richmond comes clean

2003-08-19 Thread erik hansen

--- Mathewson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 not in favour of an Americo-Centric world...

well i am.

i like my Mexican food, Japanese pickup,
English mountain bike, Australian surfboard,
Finnish movies, Indonesian shoes, Taiwanese
shirt, Italian brithches, Scottish software...

you get the picture, bub. love it or leave it.



Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Deleting lines within a 'repeat for each' loop

2003-08-19 Thread Rob Cozens
An alternate approach would be to build a new list and not try to 
delete lines from the original, depending on what you have in mind.
Martin, Dar, et al:

I use this approach in maintaining SDB indexes:

For example, SDB Server maintains a locked record index with a format 
of recordId  tab  clientId  return for each lock.  When a client 
logs off, the sever updates the locked record index like so--

set item delimiter to tab
put empty into newList
put lockedRecordList[sdbDbId] into oldList
repeat for each line lockedRecord in oldList
if item 2 if lockedRecord is sdbClientId then next repeat
put lockedRecord return after newList
end repeat
put newList into lockedRecordList[sdbDbId]
Rob Cozens, CCW
Serendipity Software Company
And I, which was two fooles do so grow three.
 Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee.
From The Triple Foole
by John Donne 1573-1631
use-revolution mailing list

RE: DB Access in standalones

2003-08-19 Thread Ken Ray
I hate to mention this, but I've been using Valentina for over 6 months
now and decided not to use the Rev libraries to connect to or implement
my use of the database. (For those who are wondering why, my main reason
is that I need to do a lot with manipulating data inside of a cursor and
posting that data back to the Valentina DB, plus creating/modifying
tables on the fly, which Rev's functions don't cover very well.)

When I connect directly to the Valentina XCMD using Valentina calls,
everything works fine for me; I recommend that until this situation on
DB access in standalones is fixed/resolved by RunRev that those who need
to work with Valentina just call the XCMD directly. 

Just my 2 cents,

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web Site: 

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
 J. Landman Gay
 Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2003 3:00 PM
 Subject: Re: DB Access in standalones
 On 8/19/03 1:21 PM, Devin Asay wrote:
  What is the real story here? The documentation is not very 
 detailed on
  this point, and in fact does not seem to reflect what's really 
  happening. Can someone on the Rev team explain it to me? 
 Tuviah? Geoff? 
  I really need to get this application up soon. Thanks.
 I would also appreciate an explanation from someone who 
 knows. After I 
 answered you yesterday, I spent almost five hours wrestling 
 with exactly 
 the same problem. I never could get the external to load 
 properly. Like 
 you, I tried a startup handler that called 
 revSetDatabaseDriverPath but 
 it did no good. I also moved all the scripts from a substack that 
 contained the DB calls into the main stack script but that 
 didn't help 
 either. I tinkered with scripts endlessly and probably built 40 or 50 
 trial standalones, none of which worked. The stack works fine 
 in the IDE.
 This should not be so hard, and I suspect there is a problem 
 with either 
 the engine or the distribution builder. I did find an error in Rev's 
 database library scripts which I thought could be the problem, but 
 fixing it still didn't cause the externals to load for me.
 Even so, you will probably want to try fixing Rev's DB 
 library script. 
 It's in the stack called revlibrary.rev, which contains a 
 group that 
 gets copied to your standalone during a build. You'll need to 
 edit the 
 script of the group called revLibraries which contains a 
 preOpenBackground handler. That handler starts out like this:
 on preOpenBackGround
repeat with i = 1 to the number of btns in me
  if the short name of button i is among the items of 
 revTable,revDatabase then
insert script of button i of me into front
insert script of btn i of me into back
  end if
end repeat
 If this group isn't the first one placed on the card in the 
 the script will fail to insert the database lib scripts in 
 some cases, 
 and will insert non-database button scripts arbitrarily from other 
 buttons in your stack. If that happens, all Rev-related 
 database calls 
 will fail. The fix is to change line 3 to this:
   if the short name of button i OF ME is among the items of 
 revTable,revDatabase then
 This ensures that the right set of button scripts are 
 inserted. (It took 
 me forever to find this bug, since you can't look at the 
 group's script 
 once it is in a standalone.) I've bug-reported it and Runtime 
 fixed it 
 yesterday, but people will probably want to alter their 
 current copies 
 of the library to accomodate until the next release comes out.
 I thought this fix was the clincher and things would work 
 properly after 
 that, but as I said, the external still didn't load even with the 
 revised library script. I am not at liberty to send Runtime 
 the stacks I 
 am working on, but if you can send them yours, I hope you 
 will. It seems 
 to be a common problem for many of us and I'd like to see it resolved 
 soon. As near as I can tell, there are some stacks which 
 simply cannot 
 use the database externals in OS X.
 Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 HyperActive Software   |
 use-revolution mailing list
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] revolution

use-revolution mailing list

Re: [ANN] A Primer on Message Mechanics--you know, 'send'

2003-08-19 Thread Alex Rice
On Tuesday, August 19, 2003, at 04:01  PM, Dar Scott wrote:
I included it because I wanted to be in the in crowd and use all the 
cool subject labels that those in the in crowd use.
I think it's good list etiquette, kind of like using [OT] for off-topic 
posts. Also it's interesting to search the list archives for [ANN] to 
see what kind of things people are releasing built with Revolution.

I suppose one could use [EGO], [VAN] or in some cases [$] instead :-)

Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Revolution and fonts

2003-08-19 Thread Richard Gaskin
Alex Rice wrote:

 Here is what Constantine and Lockwood say about HIG and platform
 Unfortunately, the field of standards and style guides is riddled with
 potholes and pitfalls. Industry standards are often ignored, even by
 the very software companies that developed them and that call for
 others to adhere to them.

LOL -- my favorite example is the Large Fonts setting in XP:  while the Win
HIG tells you all the silly hoops you should be jumping through to support
customizable font settings, the very control panel where these are set
ignores them. ;)

While I'm no fan of sheep-like adherence to the HIGs we all agree on the
core principles, and one of those is consistency.  While I'd like to think
my app is the only thing the user bought her machine for, in practice most
things we write will comprise a relatively small part of a larger computing
workflow.  The more apps have similar appearances, layout, and behavior, the
easier it is for users to move between apps seamlessly.

With text being such a central element in communication with the user
(undecipherable icons in toolbar fetishisms notwithstanding) it seems
reasonable to at least adhere to the default font settings for each

Fortunately it's also the easiest solution:  you only need to set two
properties in your mainstack, and you know the fonts are available. ;)

And on most systems, merely setting the textfont to any invalif font name (I
tend to ue 0) will force it to use the default system font, so really the
only platform-specific setting is the textSize.

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Developer of WebMerge: Publish any database on any Web site
 Tel: 323-225-3717   AIM: FourthWorldInc

use-revolution mailing list

Re: kiosk/game mode

2003-08-19 Thread Rob Cozens
 Most game software runs fullscreen  it actually grabs the display. 
This doesn't seem to be possible with Rev
Hi Alex,

A screen-sized stack with no menu doesn't do it?

A smaller stack that sets the backdrop?

What am I missing?
Rob Cozens, CCW
Serendipity Software Company
And I, which was two fooles do so grow three.
 Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee.
From The Triple Foole
by John Donne 1573-1631
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Revolution and fonts

2003-08-19 Thread Dar Scott
On Tuesday, August 19, 2003, at 04:04 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

Why would using any font necessarily require profiles or other 
My ignorance is showing.  I was imagining a battery of buttons being
the same length on one and fixed padded on another.
I'm having difficulty imagining this.  Why wouldn't the textAlign 
cover that?
Ah, that's because you don't realize how wild my imagination might be 
when I'm ignorant.

I was picturing that three buttons in a column (assuming that is 
allowed in both platforms) might be required to be different on two 

Platform 1.  All buttons in a column must be the same width, a multiple 
of 10 pixels in width and greater than 25%  larger than the text 
content.  However, if any button is not related to the other the 
interbutton spacing must be at least 4 pixels greater and the size must 
be at least 10 pixels different.

Platform 2.  All buttons (in a column or not) must be exactly 42 pixels 
wider than the width of the text.

See?  I need to read those HIGs.  My fears are getting the best of me.

I have heard something on this list or related list that the done 
button goes in different places on different platforms.  I assume that 
can be handled with profiles or a tiny bit of scripting.

(Oh, yeah.  When I'm in a hurry, I don't set textAlign right or at 
least not in the most robust way.  Thanks for the reminder.)

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Re: [ANN] A Primer on Message Mechanics--you know, 'send'

2003-08-19 Thread Richard Gaskin
Dar Scott wrote:

 what does [ANN] mean (and it please you)?
 I'm not sure.  I think Ann collects some of these things.

She does indeed.  On some lists I subscribe to the ANN to non-ANN ratio is
quite staggering.  Some users have a mail filter to move those to a special

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Developer of WebMerge: Publish any database on any Web site
 Tel: 323-225-3717   AIM: FourthWorldInc

use-revolution mailing list

QuickTime streaming server

2003-08-19 Thread Mark Talluto
I have a very simple app that plays streaming movies from a QTSS.  The 
app works fine when in the IDE of Rev 2.1 B3.  When I create a 
standalone, and try to play a movie, I get the 5401 error.  The server 
does not even show that I am attempting to watch a movie.  I have tried 
accessing my server (which is local) as well videos on the net.  Keep 
in mind that everything works fine in the IDE.  What could I be missing 

Thanks for any insight.

Best regards,
Mark Talluto
use-revolution mailing list

RE: kiosk/game mode

2003-08-19 Thread Monte Goulding

 Most game software runs fullscreen  it actually grabs the display.
 This doesn't seem to be possible with Rev, but I saw on the list
 archive some rumor of an external to do this but no links or anything.
 The competition seems to be able to do this; I've seen Director games
 that go fullscreen like this. Is there a xplatform solution to enable
 Rev to do this?

Hi Alex

What do you mean by grabs the display. Currently in Rev you can hide the
menubar and taskbar and expand a stack to full screen. This will givbe that
impression. Ideally I'd like to be able to set the screenRect. That way you
could build for 800x600 and switch down to it.



use-revolution mailing list

Re: kiosk/game mode

2003-08-19 Thread Alex Rice
On Tuesday, August 19, 2003, at 04:33  PM, Rob Cozens wrote:

Hi Alex,

A screen-sized stack with no menu doesn't do it?

A smaller stack that sets the backdrop?

What am I missing?
Both of those methods are partial solutions yes. The drawback is the 
user can still see the Dock and the App menu on OS X. The Dock is 
particularly annoying in this respect. I assume one could still see the 
Start menu/toolbar on Windows.

By grab the display this means the game takes control of the entire 
display- sometimes accompanied with a change in the resolution and/or 
color depth.

I have a bunch of educational games for my son and 90% of them do this. 
Most are Director apps, I think.

Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: kiosk/game mode

2003-08-19 Thread Klaus Major
Hi Alex,

On Tuesday, August 19, 2003, at 04:33  PM, Rob Cozens wrote:

Hi Alex,
A screen-sized stack with no menu doesn't do it?
A smaller stack that sets the backdrop?
What am I missing?
Both of those methods are partial solutions yes. The drawback is the 
user can still see
the Dock and the App menu on OS X. The Dock is particularly annoying 
in this respect.
Hmm, good ol' hide menubar hides the menubar and the dock on my OS X 

I assume one could still see the Start menu/toolbar on Windows.
There is a hide taskbar in version 2.1 :-)

Hope that helps

Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.

Klaus Major
use-revolution mailing list

Re: DB Access in standalones

2003-08-19 Thread Trevor DeVore
I had problems with database access in standalones at one point but was able to get 
everything working.  Here is how my project is set up-

1) I have one splash stack whic his used to create the executable (splash.rev)
2) The main program (program.rev) and two additional pop-up windows are .rev files 
stored external to the executable.
3) The main program has a sub stack which has all of the database calls 
4) When the executable launches it opens program.rev and hides itself.

At first, program.rev would simply start using database.rev and that worked fine in 
the Rev development environment.  When I built the standalone this wouldn't work 
though.  I then added a line which would start using splash.rev (the rev file that was 
part of the executable) and then everything started working great.  I assume that the 
splash.rev file had the links to the database external and by using it as a library in 
program.rev it made the database functionality available to it.  Hope this helps.

Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Multimedia
use-revolution mailing list

Re: DB Access in standalones

2003-08-19 Thread J. Landman Gay
On 8/19/03 5:29 PM, Ken Ray wrote:

When I connect directly to the Valentina XCMD using Valentina calls,
everything works fine for me; I recommend that until this situation on
DB access in standalones is fixed/resolved by RunRev that those who need
to work with Valentina just call the XCMD directly. 
That's been my experience too, using Valentina in MetaCard. 
Unfortunately those stacks that start out in Revolution have no access 
to the same external. Rev ships with an unusual combination of drivers 
in one folder and the externals in a separate .bundle (on OS X). I 
couldn't find any way to use them that way (I tried to use MC to build a 
standalone with them, but I couldn't get it to work.) I believe that the 
downloadable external at Valentina's site has the drivers built into the 
same file, while Rev splits them out separately.

Actually some of the main info I want to know from the Rev team is what 
that .bundle does, what the drivers do, what are their required relative 
locations on disk, and what relationship one has with the other.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list

RE: QuickTime streaming server

2003-08-19 Thread Monte Goulding

 I have a very simple app that plays streaming movies from a QTSS.  The
 app works fine when in the IDE of Rev 2.1 B3.  When I create a
 standalone, and try to play a movie, I get the 5401 error.  The server
 does not even show that I am attempting to watch a movie.  I have tried
 accessing my server (which is local) as well videos on the net.  Keep
 in mind that everything works fine in the IDE.  What could I be missing

Does libURL even handle RTSP urls? I can't see it in the code. Or are you
using a reference movie as an intermediary between Rev and QTSS? Are you
testing the Standalone with the IDE open? Maybe QTSS can't deal with two
sockets to the same IP or something?



use-revolution mailing list

Re: kiosk/game mode

2003-08-19 Thread Alex Rice
On Tuesday, August 19, 2003, at 05:03  PM, Klaus Major wrote:
Hmm, good ol' hide menubar hides the menubar and the dock on my OS X 
There is a hide taskbar in version 2.1 :-)

Hope that helps
Double Bingo! I wasn't aware of those commands.


Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Revolution and fonts

2003-08-19 Thread Richard Gaskin
Dar Scott wrote:

 I was picturing that three buttons in a column (assuming that is
 allowed in both platforms) might be required to be different on two
 Platform 1.  All buttons in a column must be the same width, a multiple
 of 10 pixels in width and greater than 25%  larger than the text
 content.  However, if any button is not related to the other the
 interbutton spacing must be at least 4 pixels greater and the size must
 be at least 10 pixels different.
 Platform 2.  All buttons (in a column or not) must be exactly 42 pixels
 wider than the width of the text.
 See?  I need to read those HIGs.  My fears are getting the best of me.
 I have heard something on this list or related list that the done
 button goes in different places on different platforms.  I assume that
 can be handled with profiles or a tiny bit of scripting.

Profiles can work to some degree, but I prefer to script resize stuff by
hand so I can control the execution order, useful for objects placed
relative distances from one another.  It doesn't take long, you only do it
once, and it always works exactly as you want it to.

But your fears are shared by all who make multi-platform apps, regardless of
dev tool or language.

Layout issues that specific are the motivation behind the Universal GUI.
Unless the OS vendor publishes research data supporting a specific layout,
I'd blow it off.

There's enough general information published about how the eye scans a page
that we can all feel fairly confident about placing the confirmation button
in a dialog in the lower-right.

As for exact spacing between controls I tend to favor Aqua over the others
because Mac reviewers are pickier aout such things, and very few developers
on other OSes seem to care at all.

But there's a good argument to be made that since Win holds so much of the
market we might favor their spec.  As soon as enough Win-only developers
demontrate an interest in reading their platform's HIG with any consistency
I might concur.  

But until then, my message for OS vendors pushing this level of minutiae at
us remains the same:  Put up or shut up; you either have the research or
you have merely an opinion.  ;)

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Developer of WebMerge: Publish any database on any Web site
 Tel: 323-225-3717   AIM: FourthWorldInc

use-revolution mailing list

Re: QuickTime streaming server

2003-08-19 Thread Mark Talluto
On Tuesday, August 19, 2003, at 04:15 PM, Monte Goulding wrote:

I have a very simple app that plays streaming movies from a QTSS.  The
app works fine when in the IDE of Rev 2.1 B3.  When I create a
standalone, and try to play a movie, I get the 5401 error.  The server
does not even show that I am attempting to watch a movie.  I have 
accessing my server (which is local) as well videos on the net.  Keep
in mind that everything works fine in the IDE.  What could I be 

Does libURL even handle RTSP urls? I can't see it in the code. Or are 
using a reference movie as an intermediary between Rev and QTSS? Are 
testing the Standalone with the IDE open? Maybe QTSS can't deal with 
sockets to the same IP or something?


I don't know if the libURL is needed.  I tried it both with it 
installed and without.  You can test it with another button that starts 
the player.  The movie is being hosted on the net.  So my exact 
situation can be tested by anyone.

Below is the code I am using.  I have it in a setup button for now:

on mouseUp
  global userSelection
  if exists (player movie) then delete player movie
  new player movie
  set the filename of player movie to empty
  put rtsp:// into movieLocation
  set the filename of player movie to movieLocation
  set the height of player movie to 378
  set the width of player movie to 532
  set the topleft of player movie to 70,134
  exit to top
end mouseUp
I have tried it both with the Rev IDE open and closed.  Thanks for 
taking a look at this.

Best regards,
Mark Talluto
use-revolution mailing list

Re: QuickTime streaming server

2003-08-19 Thread Dar Scott
On Tuesday, August 19, 2003, at 04:43 PM, Mark Talluto wrote:

I have a very simple app that plays streaming movies from a QTSS.
I have used QTSS and the broadcast server some time in the past and 
have put them aside.

How did you build this?  What component allows you to do this?

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Re: image pasting

2003-08-19 Thread Dar Scott
On Tuesday, August 19, 2003, at 04:02 PM, Andrew wrote:

I'm copying them from Claris Works

I was following this because I had just made the same mistake.  Only 
I'm copying from AppleWorks.  Great minds think alike!

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Re: How to properly format text in sheet on OS X?

2003-08-19 Thread Mark Brownell
On Tuesday, August 19, 2003, at 12:12  PM, Toma Tasovac wrote:

Mark, I didn't quite get what you had in mind.  I have tried (similar 
to Brian's original post):

answer warning pfont face = Lucida Grande size = 13bMessage 
text/b/fpfont face = Lucida Grande size = 11Informative 
text/f/p with Continue as sheet

because, according to Aqua HUI, the message text has to be bold Lucida 
Grande 13 and informative text has to be regular Lucida Grande 11.  
The styling of the informative text, however, ends up being regular 
Lucida Grande 13.

Any thoughts on how to fix this?

All best,
Am Montag, 18.08.03 um 18:43 Uhr schrieb Mark Brownell:

I got this to work:
answer  warning pfont size=18message 
text/font/pbrbrfont face=Arial size=12informative 
text/font/br/br with Continue as sheet

I'm thinking that setting the answer textFont to Lucida Grande first, 
somehow might make multiple fonts available.

I did not know that. I was testing different fonts just to see if I 
could cause HTML changes.

remember this; from the docs:

If the prompt contains p or a start/end tag pair, the answer command 
assumes the text is in the same format as the htmlText property. 
Otherwise, the answer command assumes the text is plain text.

answer warning pfont face = Lucida Grande size = 13bMessage 
text/b/fpfont face = Lucida Grande size = 11Informative 
text/f/p with Continue as sheet
Should be properly nested p/p sets:
answer warning pfont face=Lucida Grande size=13bMessage 
pfont face=Lucida Grande size=11Informative text/font/p with 
Continue as sheet

I never saw Lucida Grande size=13 or size=11 available from my font 
choices in Rev; Mac 10.2.4


use-revolution mailing list

RE: QuickTime streaming server

2003-08-19 Thread Monte Goulding

  I have a very simple app that plays streaming movies from a QTSS.  The
  app works fine when in the IDE of Rev 2.1 B3.  When I create a
  standalone, and try to play a movie, I get the 5401 error.  The server
  does not even show that I am attempting to watch a movie.  I have
  accessing my server (which is local) as well videos on the net.  Keep
  in mind that everything works fine in the IDE.  What could I be
  Does libURL even handle RTSP urls? I can't see it in the code. Or are
  using a reference movie as an intermediary between Rev and QTSS? Are
  testing the Standalone with the IDE open? Maybe QTSS can't deal with
  sockets to the same IP or something?


 I don't know if the libURL is needed.  I tried it both with it
 installed and without.  You can test it with another button that starts
 the player.  The movie is being hosted on the net.  So my exact
 situation can be tested by anyone.

 Below is the code I am using.  I have it in a setup button for now:

 on mouseUp
global userSelection
if exists (player movie) then delete player movie
new player movie
set the filename of player movie to empty
put rtsp:// into movieLocation
set the filename of player movie to movieLocation
set the height of player movie to 378
set the width of player movie to 532
set the topleft of player movie to 70,134
exit to top
 end mouseUp

 I have tried it both with the Rev IDE open and closed.  Thanks for
 taking a look at this.

I get a 404 Not Found error but before that I get the Q downloading image in
the player so it looks like rtsp urls do work (in the ide). I tried using
the player also and still got 404 not found so perhaps you've got the
filename wrong???



use-revolution mailing list

Re: DB Access in standalones

2003-08-19 Thread Ron
Hi guys

I've been following this thread with interest since I use val with RR. I
call vxcmd directly, not through the RR db libraries. However, like Jacque,
I have also experienced difficulties with setting the external at startup.
It may very well be my lack of coding ability, but it works in the ide and
doesn't work in a standalone, so I think it may be something else. I've
tried to get it to happen consistently so that I can report it.

I guess I can't add anything constructive here except that there may be
loading issues with vxcmd as well as with the supplied libraries.


 When I connect directly to the Valentina XCMD using Valentina calls,
 everything works fine for me; I recommend that until this situation on
 DB access in standalones is fixed/resolved by RunRev that those who need
 to work with Valentina just call the XCMD directly.
 That's been my experience too, using Valentina in MetaCard.
 Unfortunately those stacks that start out in Revolution have no access
 to the same external. Rev ships with an unusual combination of drivers
 in one folder and the externals in a separate .bundle (on OS X). I
 couldn't find any way to use them that way (I tried to use MC to build a
 standalone with them, but I couldn't get it to work.) I believe that the
 downloadable external at Valentina's site has the drivers built into the
 same file, while Rev splits them out separately.
 Actually some of the main info I want to know from the Rev team is what
 that .bundle does, what the drivers do, what are their required relative
 locations on disk, and what relationship one has with the other.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: QuickTime streaming server

2003-08-19 Thread Mark Talluto
On Tuesday, August 19, 2003, at 04:33 PM, Dar Scott wrote:

On Tuesday, August 19, 2003, at 04:43 PM, Mark Talluto wrote:

I have a very simple app that plays streaming movies from a QTSS.
I have used QTSS and the broadcast server some time in the past and 
have put them aside.

How did you build this?  What component allows you to do this?

I just used a player object.  You can view the code in my other post.

Best regards,
Mark Talluto
use-revolution mailing list

Re: QuickTime streaming server

2003-08-19 Thread Mark Talluto
On Tuesday, August 19, 2003, at 05:37 PM, Monte Goulding wrote:
I get a 404 Not Found error but before that I get the Q downloading 
image in
the player so it looks like rtsp urls do work (in the ide). I tried 
the player also and still got 404 not found so perhaps you've got the
filename wrong???

The url is ok.  I just typed it into the qt player at it plays just 
fine.  In fact, I just clicked on the link from my previous post and it 
opened up Apple's QTPlayer and it began to play.  You could substitute 
the link for any link that you know of.  I have used in the past some 
of the links Apple provides for testing as well.  I pulled the previous 
link from a discussion group on the QTSS on Apple's support site.

I am highly confused as to why this works so well in the IDE, but not 
in a standalone.  I am going to give it a try on MC and see how it goes.

Best regards,
Mark Talluto
use-revolution mailing list

Re: image pasting

2003-08-19 Thread Mark Talluto
On Tuesday, August 19, 2003, at 03:02 PM, Andrew wrote:

Much thanks for being in contact with me about image problems!

   set the width of img 1 to the formattedWidth of img 1
   set the height of img 1 to the formattedHeight of img 1
Okay, I put this script into the Mouseup handler of a btn on my card, 
and edited the script to say img name of my image instead of 1
However, it doesn't do anything when I click the button.  What gives?  

Sounds like the image is at its normal size.  Send me the file and I 
will look at it.

Best regards,
Mark Talluto
use-revolution mailing list

Re: kiosk/game mode

2003-08-19 Thread Judy Perry

Are you thinking of something along the lines of the old HC XCMD that
hides the desktop?

(~Not that I'd know how to do it in Rev, mind you... just trying to follow
the thread; if this is what you mean and somebody knows how to do it, I'm
all ears...)


use-revolution mailing list

Re: XML-RPC Support?

2003-08-19 Thread Andre Garzia
On Tuesday, August 19, 2003, at 04:26  AM, Jan Schenkel wrote:

Hi Andre,

Glad to see 'granddaddy' XML-RPC is still alive and
kicking ; while I would agree that it is easier to
use, nearly all of the Web Service implementations in
development tools (such as in WebObjects 5.2, 4th
Dimension 2003, and our beloved Revolution 2.0) are
concentrating around SOAP.
Granted, the specs for SOAP 1.2 are hefty (which is
why it is no longer an acronym for Simple Object
Access Protocol) but they offer a lot of
enterprise-level features, such as parts that are
forwarded to and handled by different web services,
In most cases, overkill. But it's the standard, so we
have to follow suit.
However, implementing XML-RPC using the 'post' command
and employing the revXML library, should be a breeze ;
and I bet you could learn a lot from the SOAP toolbox
if you were to build a library for it.
Best regards,

Jan Schenkel.

Yes, SOAP do have enterprise level features that XML-RPC lacks... and 
sometimes it's just overkill, think for example a simple blog tool, the 
code required for soap transport would be bigger than the rest of the 
app... :D

I intend to buy Rev Studio this week, if I do, i'll try to implement a 
simple xml-rpc stack so others may improve upon!


Andre Garzia  2003
imac2 ibook p100 e uma torradeira
use-revolution mailing list

RE: QuickTime streaming server

2003-08-19 Thread Monte Goulding

 On Tuesday, August 19, 2003, at 05:37 PM, Monte Goulding wrote:
  I get a 404 Not Found error but before that I get the Q downloading
  image in
  the player so it looks like rtsp urls do work (in the ide). I tried
  the player also and still got 404 not found so perhaps you've got the
  filename wrong???

 The url is ok.  I just typed it into the qt player at it plays just
 fine.  In fact, I just clicked on the link from my previous post and it
 opened up Apple's QTPlayer and it began to play.  You could substitute
 the link for any link that you know of.  I have used in the past some
 of the links Apple provides for testing as well.  I pulled the previous
 link from a discussion group on the QTSS on Apple's support site.

 I am highly confused as to why this works so well in the IDE, but not
 in a standalone.  I am going to give it a try on MC and see how it goes.

OK... I did a test using Darwin Streaming Server and it seems to be as you
say if the player object is already existing but if you create the object on
the fly after loading QuickTime using the QTVersion function then it works.
My guess is you just need to load QuickTime prior to opening a stack with a
player so you might be able to use the startup handler of your splash

I'll leave it up to you to report this to bugzilla


use-revolution mailing list

Re: image pasting

2003-08-19 Thread J. Landman Gay
On 8/19/03 5:02 PM, Andrew wrote:

Okay, I put this script into the Mouseup handler of a btn on my card, 
and edited the script to say img name of my image instead of 1
However, it doesn't do anything when I click the button.  What gives?  :)
I broke down and actually tried it. I should have done that first. Some 
of what I wrote before is wrong.

The first pasted image creates a card-sized image object by default and 
pastes your image into it. No matter what the natural size of the image, 
it now takes up the whole card and its formattedwidth and 
formattedheight are the same as the card size. There's a lot of white 
space around it.

I used the crop command to remove the excess white space:

  crop image 1 to 100,100,200,200 -- use whatever rect you need

If you don't want to figure out a rect, you can place a transparent 
field or button over the image and resize it like a frame around the 
part you want to keep. Then you can use:

  crop image 1 to the rect of btn frame

This gave me a small image object with very little white space, 
containing only the actual picture content.

After that, every new paste operation always replaced the contents of 
the first image object, even if I changed tools in between. I couldn't 
create a second new object just by pasting. So I created one by script:

  create image
This gives me a second image object and the paste goes into that one. An 
interesting side effect is that the default size of the new second image 
is the same as the now-cropped image 1.

To control the size of a new image object, set the imageTemplate to 
whatever properties you need; for example:

  set the rect of the imageTemplate to 100,100,200,200
  create image
That seems to do it.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list

Re: XML-RPC Support?

2003-08-19 Thread Dar Scott
On Tuesday, August 19, 2003, at 09:34 PM, Andre Garzia wrote:

I intend to buy Rev Studio this week, if I do, i'll try to implement a 
simple xml-rpc stack so others may improve upon!
Cool.  Will this be both client and server?  That is, will this emulate 
a simple HTTP server?

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Re: DB Access in standalones

2003-08-19 Thread J. Landman Gay
On 8/19/03 6:06 PM, Trevor DeVore wrote:

I had problems with database access in standalones at one point but was able to get everything working.  Here is how my project is set up-

1) I have one splash stack whic his used to create the executable (splash.rev)
2) The main program (program.rev) and two additional pop-up windows are .rev files stored external to the executable.
3) The main program has a sub stack which has all of the database calls (database.rev).  
4) When the executable launches it opens program.rev and hides itself.

At first, program.rev would simply start using database.rev and that worked fine in the Rev development environment.  When I built the standalone this wouldn't work though.  I then added a line which would start using splash.rev (the rev file that was part of the executable) and then everything started working great.  I assume that the splash.rev file had the links to the database external and by using it as a library in program.rev it made the database functionality available to it.  Hope this helps.

I had great hopes for this, but it didn't work. What handler did you put 
the start using command into? I tried putting it into the preOpenStack 
script of the splash stack. Technically we should never have to start 
using the mainstack in a standalone because its scripts are always in 
use anyway, so if this worked for you it is an unusual requirement. But 
I carried on.

My stack setup is nearly identical to yours. Splash stack becomes the 
standalone mainstack, DB libs in a substack. The externals property is 
set on the mainstack. I was previously closing the main stack before 
going to another stack, and your hint made me think this could be the 
problem. I  think (but am not sure) that closing a stack removes its 
externals from memory. So I left the mainstack open as well as started 
using it. Still didn't work though.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list

RE: DB Access in standalones

2003-08-19 Thread Monte Goulding

 I had great hopes for this, but it didn't work. What handler did you put
 the start using command into? I tried putting it into the preOpenStack
 script of the splash stack. Technically we should never have to start
 using the mainstack in a standalone because its scripts are always in
 use anyway, so if this worked for you it is an unusual requirement. But
 I carried on.

 My stack setup is nearly identical to yours. Splash stack becomes the
 standalone mainstack, DB libs in a substack. The externals property is
 set on the mainstack. I was previously closing the main stack before
 going to another stack, and your hint made me think this could be the
 problem. I  think (but am not sure) that closing a stack removes its
 externals from memory. So I left the mainstack open as well as started
 using it. Still didn't work though.


The Dist Builder sets the externals property of the standalone stack for you
during the build so you don't need to do anything except make sure that the
destroyStack of the standalone stack (splash) isn't true. Externals exit
when the stack they are referenced from is removed from memory.



use-revolution mailing list

Re: DB Access in standalones

2003-08-19 Thread Trevor DeVore
On 8/19/03 J. Landman Gay wrote
I had great hopes for this, but it didn't work. What handler did you put 
the start using command into? I tried putting it into the preOpenStack 
script of the splash stack. Technically we should never have to start 
using the mainstack in a standalone because its scripts are always in 
use anyway, so if this worked for you it is an unusual requirement. But 
I carried on.

My stack setup is nearly identical to yours. Splash stack becomes the 
standalone mainstack, DB libs in a substack. The externals property is 
set on the mainstack. I was previously closing the main stack before 
going to another stack, and your hint made me think this could be the 
problem. I  think (but am not sure) that closing a stack removes its 
externals from memory. So I left the mainstack open as well as started 
using it. Still didn't work though.

The splash stack hides itself and opens the program.rev file which is in the data 
folder.  In the preOpenStack handler of program.rev I start using the splash stack and 
the database stack.  Using the rev database functions works properly this way.  I 
remember having to try A LOT of different combinations before I came across this one.  
It even stumped the Rev tech support people.

Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Multimedia
use-revolution mailing list

Re: DB Access in standalones

2003-08-19 Thread J. Landman Gay
On 8/19/03 11:33 PM, Trevor DeVore wrote:

The splash stack hides itself and opens the program.rev file which is
in the data folder. In the preOpenStack handler of program.rev I start
using the splash stack and the database stack. Using the rev database
functions works properly this way. I remember having to try A LOT of
different combinations before I came across this one. It even stumped
the Rev tech support people.
That's exactly how I set it up, but no go. Maybe there is something else 
wrong besides just the externals.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list

Re: DB Access in standalones

2003-08-19 Thread J. Landman Gay
On 8/19/03 11:28 PM, Monte Goulding wrote:

The Dist Builder sets the externals property of the standalone stack for you
during the build so you don't need to do anything except make sure that the
destroyStack of the standalone stack (splash) isn't true. Externals exit
when the stack they are referenced from is removed from memory.
That's what I figured, it is good to get confirmation. When I said the 
externals were set on the mainstack, I meant that I was letting Rev do 
that. I did try setting them myself once, but the distribution builder 
changed them anyway so I quit trying. The destroystack of the 
splash/standalone is false, but even so, I'm no longer closing it. Still 
doesn't work though.

Did anyone try Chris' database test?

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list