Re: OT Web Tutorial Suggestions?

2004-08-20 Thread Dan Shafer
For this kind of thing, I wouldn't take the time to roll your own. Most 
good shopping carts (e.g., can handle affiliate 
payments pretty automatically for you, even down to two or more levels.

On Aug 20, 2004, at 9:30 PM, Mark Swindell wrote:
I'm not a beginner at site building and static page development, but I 
am a complete novice at anything interactive, Perl, databases, etc.  I 
need to have a page that will take a button with multiple items on it, 
and depending on which one is chosen, go to another page and place a 
corresponding SKU into a field to be used for paying a percentage of a 
sale to the account of the "partner" that was chosen on the original 
button.  Does that make sense?  Each button item will have a 
corresponding SKU, and that will be a "partner" that gets a cut of a 

Anyway, can anyone recommend a web-based or other tutorial that will 
teach me how to do this type of thing, or is this something that 
Revolution can do for me behind the scenes?  As I say, I'm truly 
clueless how to make this (and other things of the sort) happen 
remotely, but I'd like to learn.  Referrals to the appropriate 
learning tools would be greatly appreciated.

use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

OT Web Tutorial Suggestions?

2004-08-20 Thread Mark Swindell
I'm not a beginner at site building and static page development, but I 
am a complete novice at anything interactive, Perl, databases, etc.  I 
need to have a page that will take a button with multiple items on it, 
and depending on which one is chosen, go to another page and place a 
corresponding SKU into a field to be used for paying a percentage of a 
sale to the account of the "partner" that was chosen on the original 
button.  Does that make sense?  Each button item will have a 
corresponding SKU, and that will be a "partner" that gets a cut of a 

Anyway, can anyone recommend a web-based or other tutorial that will 
teach me how to do this type of thing, or is this something that 
Revolution can do for me behind the scenes?  As I say, I'm truly 
clueless how to make this (and other things of the sort) happen 
remotely, but I'd like to learn.  Referrals to the appropriate learning 
tools would be greatly appreciated.

use-revolution mailing list

"live" event capture and MIDI

2004-08-20 Thread Kurt Kaufman
Many years ago I tried, using SuperCard, to create a realtime recording 
device, i.e. set a metronomic pulse and trap for mouseclicks in 
relation to that pulse.  If I remember correctly the problem lay in the 
runtime's response to the mouseclicks, which would throw off the timing 
of the pulse.
Perhaps the Rev engine is fast enough to deal with both.  Then again, 
maybe I was completely wrong in how I attempted to use the SC runtime 
and the same problems would apply, more or less, to Revolution.

I imagine that dedicated MIDI applications are optimized to run the two 
threads (do I use that word correctly here?) simultaneously.  Perhaps 
this is an area where a set of external functions written to the OS 
directly would be of great benefit.  In other words, the input of live 
MIDI data would require the receiving MIDI app to be able to recognize 
the parts of the MIDI data being streamed- including the timing pulse 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: OT: Virtual PC vs "Real" PC

2004-08-20 Thread Sannyasin Sivakatirswami
Thanks for everyone's input.  As always, many ways to describe an 

Our Apple repair-lady was here today. She said "Forget VPC, you will 
not only waste time but destabilize your whole system if you plan to do 
anything else on that machine."

But, I would be running VPC on OSX G4 dual-processor desktop model, (in 
another room) to upgraded to a G5 soon... so I think the speed will be 

But productivity can be an issue... fiddling with VPC, vs having a 
little DEL sitting on the corner of my own desk, plugged into the 
network would mean instant review. If  you are trying to wrap something 
up in 2 hours... it could mean a lot.

I'll see for now if I can live with VPC and also see if budgets will 
allow for a PC box...


On Aug 20, 2004, at 12:25 PM, Thomas McGrath III wrote:
I finished my second very large media project in Rev in MacOSX and the 
PC side was checked only in Virtual PC (Windows XP and Windows 2000). 
So far I have not had any responses about issues or problems.

So far it works for me.
On Aug 20, 2004, at 2:52 PM, Sannyasin Sivakatirswami wrote:
I'm coming to a point where it's imperative that we see how things 
look on Windows machines. Up to now have just been "winging it." But 
that won't do in the long run.

Question: Is Virtual PC on the Mac a reliable representation of the 
user experience on a real PC running Windows?

Obviously there can be underlying hardware issues that Virtual PC 
cannot address, but for now just the presentation, font sizes, etc. 
is what i am looking for and, aside from rev presentations:  viewing 
web pages in IE5-6 on Windows... to see if the CSS is rendering as 

Does Virtual PC really do a good enough job? Or do I need to 
requisition a cheap Dell running windows 2000. The "lo-end" Windows 
user experience would be the target.

Which leads to the next question, should we test under 2000  or XP?
Sannyasin Sivakatirswami
Himalayan Academy Publications
at Kauai's Hindu Monastery
use-revolution mailing list

Thomas J. McGrath III
1000 Killarney Dr.
Pittsburgh, PA 15234
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Edit menu recipe?

2004-08-20 Thread Richard Gaskin
J. Landman Gay wrote:
On 8/20/04 11:04 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:
If one's picky about minimizing typing, because most of those are 
handled by the engine you can use the case block's fall-through 
feature to trim the code -- this version also handles "Select All" for 

on menuPick which
   switch which
   case "Cut"
   case "Copy"
   case "Paste"
   case "Undo"
 do which

Picky purist point: using "do" forces the compiler to run and can slow 
the script, which is why I use the redundant form.
Yes, in older, slower xTalks one might get a noticeable difference 
between "do" and the natural message path.

But it's a whole other world with Transcript -- this script tests timing 
of both the natural message path and the "do" command:

on mouseUp
  put 1000 into n
  -- test 1: natural message flow
  put the millisecs into s
  repeat n
  end repeat
  put the millisecs - s into s1
  -- test 2: do:
  put the millisecs into s
  repeat n
do "SomethingElse"
  end repeat
  put the millisecs - s into s2
  put "Natural: "& (s1/n) &"ms/iterationDo: "&(s2/n)&"ms/iteration"
end mouseUp
on DoSomething
  get 1+1
end DoSomething
on SomethingElse
  get 1+1
end SomethingElse
When I run it on my PBG4 1GH I get:
  Natural: 0.013ms/iterationDo: 0.016ms/iteration
So yes, using the do command is slower, but only by about 0.003ms.
Given that the menu script is responding to a user action and no user 
will be faster than 0.003ms, there's no perceptable savings to the 
system's performance, but using do can offer immediate savings for 
developer productivity.

While curmudgeonly, there is a practical point here:
With Transcript you can often make choices that put your productivity as 
a developer over concerns about "fast" or "slow".  Those terms are 
relative, and as we've seen with accessing custom properties vs. globals 
the actual differences are often very small, imperceptable at even 
10,000 iterations or more.

When in doubt benchmark, and consider whether the script in question 
will be responding to a direct user action

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
use-revolution mailing list

Re: shilling for my feature request [1926]

2004-08-20 Thread Mark Brownell
On Friday, August 20, 2004, at 03:46 PM, Alex Tweedly wrote:
At 10:27 20/08/2004 -0700, Mark Brownell wrote:
I finally found what I was looking for in the basic core for all my
pull-parser needs. With the help of those at Run Rev this was found:
Sorry Mark, I'm going to have to ask for another lesson :-)
How does this proposal help with a pull-parser ?
It replaces the need to run a loop to find all instances of a tag. If 
you control the schema type of the XML and write it so that pulling the 
information makes the pull-parser design optimal then you have a simple 
fast solution. If you need to validate then use a standard XML parser. 
So adding to the example:

 get matchGlobal("foobarbaz", "") would give
  it[1] = 1
  it[2] = 10
  it[3] = 20
get matchGlobal("foobarbaz", "") would give
  it[1] = 7
  it[2] = 17
  it[3] = 27
so I would use:
put get matchGlobal(myString", "") into startTagArray
put get matchGlobal(myString", "") into endTagArray
put char ( startTagArray[1] +3) to (endTagArray[1] - 1) of mystring 
into A1-1
put char ( startTagArray[2] +3) to (endTagArray[2] - 1) of mystring 
into A2-1
put char ( startTagArray[3] +3) to (endTagArray[3] - 1) of mystring 
into A3-1

My XML example uses 3 instances of "" tag-sets for each instance of 

So if I were to encapsulate these three previous sets into multiple 
sets with another tag-set I could create an array of "" sets.

So this:
put get matchGlobal(myString", "") into startTagArray
put get matchGlobal(myString", "") into endTagArray
So I have the start points and end points for each respective 
occurrence of a tag-sets, "".

All I have to do is use them to populate an array. (the old tried and 
true way that is)

Now this matchGlobal( ) function is starting to get faster than using 
an array because you have to loop through the array and this thing can 
drop that loop step. You know how offset() has the ability to start the 
next search after a certain point. Well you could use this 
matchGlobal() function to find the resultant contents of an "" set  
that matched your search and then build a pulled array from the 
numerical numbers that were just below in the startTagArray[?] and just 
above in the endTagArray[?] for each instance found of "" that fits.

 itS[1] = 1
  itS[2] = 10
  itS[3] = 20
  itE[1] = 7
  itE[2] = 17
  itE[3] = 27
If the one I like is at  char 14 so I build the data from char (itS[2] 
+ 3) to (itE[2] - 1)

All I need is a quick way to loop once through the itS[] and itE[] 
arrays to get the ones that I want. I should be able to do this in one 
pass through the arrays. I might add that I'm now not storing my data 
in an "" data array. MyString is now the permanent container of 
data and subject to high speed   changes using the replace function. If 
I can control the XML schema then I can make this pull technique negate 
the use of databases and just use the data in the XML state. I can't 
wait to test the results on MTML were currently pages are stored in 
each numerical key of an array receptively {1], [2], [3]. etc...

This looks (simply) like a scheme to do fast searching for multiple 
occurrences of a string; could give a significant speed gain over 
repeated calls to offset, if only because the B-M setup time can be 
done once rather than each call (or each call with caching), as well 
as the speed gain from a single call versus multiple calls.
That's what I think also.
But this seems less useful than your earlier
   split by string1 to string2
proposal, which would (more obviously) allow incremental parsing.
This "split by string1 to string2" idea put it into an array. I think 
that matchGlobal() might be faster if the loop through that "split by" 
array is eliminated.

I could use a form of repeat that exits after my target is greater than 
the last result of looping through the matchGlobal( ) arrays. Anyway I 
would search for the fastest repeat technique to get the start and end 
points I was interested in.

It all means less arrays and less trips through arrays using repeat 

Not that that means it wouldn't be a useful high-speed parsing 
technique - I just don't see how it could be used to create a 
pull-parser.-- Alex.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Re :Windows MIDI conversion question

2004-08-20 Thread Erik Hansen
--- "J. Landman Gay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I was able to grab the file, haven't tested it

HyperTalk scripted notation
using QuickTime Musical Instruments.

It includes the application and the Read Me file.

One way is from the command line:

PlayCmdAgent quit
PlayCmdAgent play musicbox 100 eq cq eq qr eq cq
PlayCmdAgent playstr musicbox eq cq eq qr eq cq
eq tempo 100
PlayCmdAgent playnote musicbox 60 127

The syntax is:

PlayCmdAgent quit
PlayCmdAgent play   
PlayCmdAgent playstr 
PlayCmdAgent playnote  

The other way is to write one of these commands
to a text file in
C:\WINDOWS\ called PLAYCMD.EVT. As soon as the
file is readable and
nonempty, the command will be picked up and the
file will be deleted

BIf you have any questions, please send them to

Instrument = name|number.
Pitch: middle C = 60
Velocity = volume, from 1 to 127.

To stop a note started with playnote,
call playnote again with the same instrument
and pitch but a velocity of 0.
For best results, use only single spaces 
between parameters.


so we are still dependent on Quicktime,
so be it.

the Velocity (Volume) parameter does not exist
in HyperTalk, that's a QT specific activation?

Erik Hansen


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use-revolution mailing list

Re: shilling for my feature request [1926]

2004-08-20 Thread Alex Tweedly
At 10:27 20/08/2004 -0700, Mark Brownell wrote:
I finally found what I was looking for in the basic core for all my
pull-parser needs. With the help of those at Run Rev this was found:
Sorry Mark, I'm going to have to ask for another lesson :-)
How does this proposal help with a pull-parser ?
This looks (simply) like a scheme to do fast searching for multiple 
occurrences of a string; could give a significant speed gain over repeated 
calls to offset, if only because the B-M setup time can be done once rather 
than each call (or each call with caching), as well as the speed gain from 
a single call versus multiple calls.

But this seems less useful than your earlier
   split by string1 to string2
proposal, which would (more obviously) allow incremental parsing.
Not that that means it wouldn't be a useful high-speed parsing technique - 
I just don't see how it could be used to create a pull-parser.

On Wednesday, August 18, 2004, at 03:10 AM, Mark Waddingham wrote:
The one of most interest is the Boyer-Moore algorithm as this is
to be the fastest.
So, one idea is to implement a function:
  matchGlobal(stringToSearch, token)
returning a list of all indices in stringToSearch of token.
  get matchGlobal("foobarbaz", "")
would give
  it[1] = 1
  it[2] = 10
  it[3] = 20
-- Alex.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: OT: Virtual PC vs "Real" PC

2004-08-20 Thread Thomas McGrath III
I finished my second very large media project in Rev in MacOSX and the 
PC side was checked only in Virtual PC (Windows XP and Windows 2000). 
So far I have not had any responses about issues or problems.

So far it works for me.
On Aug 20, 2004, at 2:52 PM, Sannyasin Sivakatirswami wrote:
I'm coming to a point where it's imperative that we see how things 
look on Windows machines. Up to now have just been "winging it." But 
that won't do in the long run.

Question: Is Virtual PC on the Mac a reliable representation of the 
user experience on a real PC running Windows?

Obviously there can be underlying hardware issues that Virtual PC 
cannot address, but for now just the presentation, font sizes, etc. is 
what i am looking for and, aside from rev presentations:  viewing web 
pages in IE5-6 on Windows... to see if the CSS is rendering as 

Does Virtual PC really do a good enough job? Or do I need to 
requisition a cheap Dell running windows 2000. The "lo-end" Windows 
user experience would be the target.

Which leads to the next question, should we test under 2000  or XP?
Sannyasin Sivakatirswami
Himalayan Academy Publications
at Kauai's Hindu Monastery
use-revolution mailing list

Thomas J. McGrath III
1000 Killarney Dr.
Pittsburgh, PA 15234
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Re :Windows MIDI conversion question

2004-08-20 Thread Erik Hansen
--- "J. Landman Gay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> create a lookup table that
>  has pairs of time stamps
> and graphics. You'd have to 
> do each piece of music individually, which is
> the tedious part. You'd 
> note the place in the music where each graphic
> needs to change and store 
> a table where the first number is the time in
> the movie and the second 
> is the graphics number, something like this:
> 0,1
> 155,2
> 423,3
> and so forth. Then create a handler that sends
> itself a message every 
> few milliseconds. The handler would check the
> currentTime of the movie 
> and if it matches an entry in the table, it
> sets the dancer to the 
> graphic indicated by the second item in the
> line.
> local myTable -- contains the numbers list
> on andale
>   get the currentTime of player "myMusic"
>   put lineoffset(cr&it,cr&myTable) into
> theMatch
>   if theMatch > 0 then
> setDancers (item 2 of line theMatch of
> cr&myTable)
>   end if
>   send "andale" to me in 100 milliseconds
> end andale
> The carriage returns are to make sure that only
> numbers at the 
> beginnings of the lines match. The above is
> untested, so you may need to 
> tweak it. You'd also have to write something
> that stops the messaging 
> when the player stops.

well, the first part is working!
the loc, icon, vis are stored.

> Alternately, you could try the Shakobox for
> Windows file that Judy 
> posted. The link still works and I was able to
> grab the file, haven't had time to test it yet.

thanks, i will get going on all of the above.

Erik Hansen


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use-revolution mailing list

Re: Edit menu recipe?

2004-08-20 Thread J. Landman Gay
On 8/20/04 11:04 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:
If one's picky about minimizing typing, because most of those are 
handled by the engine you can use the case block's fall-through feature 
to trim the code -- this version also handles "Select All" for objects:

on menuPick which
   switch which
   case "Cut"
   case "Copy"
   case "Paste"
   case "Undo"
 do which
Picky purist point: using "do" forces the compiler to run and can slow 
the script, which is why I use the redundant form.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Send variables back to Rev from Applescript

2004-08-20 Thread Ken Ray
On 8/20/04 2:35 PM, "Marian Petrides" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ken,
> Works great on my end, too. (although the number of memos returned is
> one more than the number Palm Desktop thinks are there--but I'm sure
> that's a function of an error in the AppleScript--I suspect in the line
> that increments the counter)

Yes, it's the line counter... personally I don't understand why the
loopIndex is used when you can just return 'numberOfMemos', but that's me...

> So now we know it CAN be done. Thanks so much everyone.  You guys are
> great--not only do you help with Rev scripts, you debug other people's
> AppleScripts!  Amazing!

We aim's to please... ;-)

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

use-revolution mailing list

Re: OT: Virtual PC vs "Real" PC

2004-08-20 Thread Marian Petrides
What is the problem using XP Home Edition for development?
I develop on Mac, then port, tweak and test the WinTel version on a 
laptop running XP Home Ed.  I haven't had any problems, but my exposure 
to XP Home is inherently minimal.

On Aug 20, 2004, at 4:05 PM, MisterX wrote:
Dont get xp home edition to develop.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: OT: Virtual PC vs "Real" PC

2004-08-20 Thread Pierre Sahores
Le 20 août 04, à 21:16, Marian Petrides a écrit :
No, I don't think you mentioned how absolutely, pathetically, 
ridiculously slow VPC is. ;-
In my remind, Virtual PC 2 was, in 1997 and under a G3 266, running 
Win95 faster than VirtualPC 6 is running Win2000 Pro under my actual 
PWB G4 1 Ghz with 1 Go of RAM... Just a toy, only able to start 
anything today and finish it next month, if the weather... ;)
Besides a cheap low-end WinTel box (the one I use to test low end 
configurations is a P2, 300 mHz laptop running Win98)  is probably not 
a whole lot more than what VPC would cost.

On Aug 20, 2004, at 3:09 PM, Dan Shafer wrote:
3. Did I mention how slooow VPC is? :-D
use-revolution mailing list

That's all for yet, Friends, Kind Regards, Pierre
use-revolution mailing list

Re: OT: Virtual PC vs "Real" PC

2004-08-20 Thread Troy Rollins
On Aug 20, 2004, at 2:52 PM, Sannyasin Sivakatirswami wrote:
Question: Is Virtual PC on the Mac a reliable representation of the 
user experience on a real PC running Windows?
From a look and feel perspective it is, yes. From a performance level, 
no, of course not. If you have a very powerful Mac, performance becomes 
pretty acceptable... probably figure about half the MHz of your Mac.

Obviously there can be underlying hardware issues that Virtual PC 
cannot address, but for now just the presentation, font sizes, etc. is 
what i am looking for and, aside from rev presentations:  viewing web 
pages in IE5-6 on Windows... to see if the CSS is rendering as 
It is fine for that. The interface is actually being generated by 
Windows, not Mac. Again, rendering performance will not be accurately 
reflected, but the final render will.

Does Virtual PC really do a good enough job? Or do I need to 
requisition a cheap Dell running windows 2000. The "lo-end" Windows 
user experience would be the target.
I do both. During development I get in my "test early, test often" 
stuff on VPC. Toward the end of a cycle, I usually move the stuff onto 
an actual - especially if performance is an issue... (see the running 
theme here?  ;-)

Which leads to the next question, should we test under 2000  or XP?
That really is one of the beauties of VPC. I maintain a system with 
each, all stored on a single external Firewire drive. Once one of them 
freaks out, grabs a virus, whatever, I just drag a clean and setup copy 
off my archives (it is one file for the whole installed OS with apps 
in) and I'm ready to go again. I also have 2 different Linux 
installations the same way.

There really is no full replacement for having an actual PC, but you 
can indeed do most of your testing in VPC, and for many types of apps, 
even get all the way through shipping based on it. VPC is the only PC 
I've ever owned which hasn't given me fits of rage. (And I used to do 
everything exclusively on PC.)

A tip if you start using VPC - render performance is MUCH improved if 
you set your monitor, or one of them if you have a dual monitor setup, 
to having VPC full-screen, rather than in a window. Probably doubles 
the display updates.

RPSystems, Ltd.
use-revolution mailing list

RE: OT: Virtual PC vs "Real" PC

2004-08-20 Thread MisterX
A couple of points:

Dont get xp home edition to develop.

Try the XP theme, quit RR then try the W98/2000 theme. 
Dont use BMPs for images (last lesson learned from Pie Control)

To try different versions of RR (and or themes), 
just create different users in XP. 

Just remember not to use the same files across 2 different
RR applications or use the same RR app by two users at the
same time - unless you like trouble...

And with RR, you dont need MS software, you just write your
own office anyway dont you? ;) 

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Dar Scott
> Sent: Friday, August 20, 2004 21:16
> To: How to use Revolution
> Subject: Re: OT: Virtual PC vs "Real" PC
> On Aug 20, 2004, at 12:52 PM, Sannyasin Sivakatirswami wrote:
> > Does Virtual PC really do a good enough job? Or do I need to 
> > requisition a cheap Dell running windows 2000. The "lo-end" Windows 
> > user experience would be the target.
> For checking it out, Virtual PC is good.  It can be slow on Mac.  The 
> plus of slow is that it exposes some silly gui and graphics things you 
> might be doing.  The minus of slow is that it may not be sufficient to 
> get the feel of a user's interaction.
> A used computer with an OS can be cheap.  The greater cost might 
> finding a place to set it up.  And lugging in a monitor.
> If you need to test on lots of Windows platforms, I'd consider a good 
> PC with XP Pro and then Virtual PC for Windows with several operating 
> systems.  If this qualifies (and I think it would), you might get most 
> or all the software you need with the right msdn level.
> Dar
>  Dar Scott Consulting
>  Programming Services
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: OT: Virtual PC vs "Real" PC

2004-08-20 Thread Roger . E . Eller
> No, I don't think you mentioned how absolutely,
> pathetically, ridiculously slow VPC is. ;-

Yeah, I'd rather eat a cup of boogers collected from the attendees of the 
EuroRevDevCon on Fear Factor!

-- Sorry 'bout the mental image people. --


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Send variables back to Rev from Applescript

2004-08-20 Thread Marian Petrides
Works great on my end, too. (although the number of memos returned is 
one more than the number Palm Desktop thinks are there--but I'm sure 
that's a function of an error in the AppleScript--I suspect in the line 
that increments the counter)

So now we know it CAN be done. Thanks so much everyone.  You guys are 
great--not only do you help with Rev scripts, you debug other people's 
AppleScripts!  Amazing!

Thanks again, everyone,

Marian, I got Palm Desktop and tried the code in Script Editor and got 
access error in trying to access the memo with "item loopIndex of 
When I changed the code to this:

tell application "Palm Desktop"
set numberOfMemos to count of memos
set memoMemos to {}
set loopIndex to 1
-- find all Memo Pad Memos (memos with no attachments) and put 
them in
repeat with x from 1 to numberOfMemos
set theMemo to memo x
if (count of attachments of theMemo) is 0 then
set end of memoMemos to theMemo
end if
set loopIndex to loopIndex + 1
end repeat
return loopIndex
end tell

It worked in Script Editor. I then tried it by pasting it into a Rev 
and did "do fld 1 as applescript;put the result" and it came back with 
same number.

Try it on your end...
Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

RE: Filter and regex

2004-08-20 Thread Ludovic Thébault
On Fri, 20 Aug 2004 19:54:37 +0200, MisterX wrote:

> You'll have to find the right syntax that works with RR
>i feel better when I dont mess with grep's nasty syntax

Thanks, but these is not yet the right script ! ( i doesn't want the 
real week -- Monday to sunday) but only the day 1 to day 7, ...
Finally, i use this script, which work :

for first "week" (day 1 to 7):
filter myList with "*0[1-7]/05/*"

for second week (day 8 to 14):
put mylist into mylist2
filter myList with "*0[8-9]/05/*"
filter myList2 with "*1[0-4]/05/*"
put mylist&cr&mylist2 into mylist


use-revolution mailing list

Re: OT: Virtual PC vs "Real" PC

2004-08-20 Thread Dar Scott
On Aug 20, 2004, at 12:52 PM, Sannyasin Sivakatirswami wrote:
Question: Is Virtual PC on the Mac a reliable representation of the 
user experience on a real PC running Windows?
BTW, speaking of options.  I was at the Microsoft site the other day 
and saw a remote desktop client that ran on OS X.  I was busy looking 
for something else, so I didn't look at it, but it might be useful in 


Dar Scott Consulting
Programming Services

use-revolution mailing list

Re: OT: Virtual PC vs "Real" PC

2004-08-20 Thread Marian Petrides
No, I don't think you mentioned how absolutely, pathetically, 
ridiculously slow VPC is. ;-

Besides a cheap low-end WinTel box (the one I use to test low end 
configurations is a P2, 300 mHz laptop running Win98)  is probably not 
a whole lot more than what VPC would cost.

On Aug 20, 2004, at 3:09 PM, Dan Shafer wrote:
3. Did I mention how slooow VPC is? :-D
use-revolution mailing list

Re: OT: Virtual PC vs "Real" PC

2004-08-20 Thread Dar Scott
On Aug 20, 2004, at 12:52 PM, Sannyasin Sivakatirswami wrote:
Does Virtual PC really do a good enough job? Or do I need to 
requisition a cheap Dell running windows 2000. The "lo-end" Windows 
user experience would be the target.
For checking it out, Virtual PC is good.  It can be slow on Mac.  The 
plus of slow is that it exposes some silly gui and graphics things you 
might be doing.  The minus of slow is that it may not be sufficient to 
get the feel of a user's interaction.

A used computer with an OS can be cheap.  The greater cost might 
finding a place to set it up.  And lugging in a monitor.

If you need to test on lots of Windows platforms, I'd consider a good 
PC with XP Pro and then Virtual PC for Windows with several operating 
systems.  If this qualifies (and I think it would), you might get most 
or all the software you need with the right msdn level.


Dar Scott Consulting
Programming Services

use-revolution mailing list

Re: OT: Virtual PC vs "Real" PC

2004-08-20 Thread Dan Shafer
While there are few if any real differences between a real PC and 
Virtual PC from the perspective of how an app looks and feels, 
particularly since MS now owns VPC, there are three good reasons to buy 
an inexpensive Windows box for this testing:

1. VPC runs like a dog. Responsiveness is absolutely impossible to test 
in that environment.

2. There is some crossover functionality between VPC Windows and Mac OS 
X that involve sharing of some resources. Those could become gotchas in 
an app that makes use of things like printers, network connections, 

3. Did I mention how slooow VPC is? :-D
On Aug 20, 2004, at 12:02 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Or do I need to requisition a cheap Dell running windows 2000.
I would recommend getting an inexpensive Windows PC like the Dell.
I am a die-hard Mac-guy, but I would still rather buy an actual
Windows PC for development testing.  Even if I was running the best
virtual PC app, I would always have that voice in the back of
my mind wondering, "Yeah, but how will it run on actual PC
That's my 2.18403 JPYJames

Sannyasin Sivakatirswami <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
08/20/04 02:52 PM
Please respond to How to use Revolution
Subject:OT: Virtual PC vs "Real" PC
I'm coming to a point where it's imperative that we see how things look
on Windows machines. Up to now have just been "winging it." But that
won't do in the long run.
Question: Is Virtual PC on the Mac a reliable representation of the
user experience on a real PC running Windows?
Obviously there can be underlying hardware issues that Virtual PC
cannot address, but for now just the presentation, font sizes, etc. is
what i am looking for and, aside from rev presentations:  viewing web
pages in IE5-6 on Windows... to see if the CSS is rendering as
Does Virtual PC really do a good enough job? Or do I need to
requisition a cheap Dell running windows 2000. The "lo-end" Windows
user experience would be the target.
Which leads to the next question, should we test under 2000  or XP?
Sannyasin Sivakatirswami
Himalayan Academy Publications
at Kauai's Hindu Monastery
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Dan Shafer, Revolutionary
Author of  "Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought" for more info
Available at Runtime Revolution Store (
use-revolution mailing list

Re: OT: Virtual PC vs "Real" PC

2004-08-20 Thread Bill
Virtual PC is probably fine but a cheap windows box cost less than Virtual
PC (without monitor - you can use an existing monitor with a switch). The
other advantage is the windoz machine can run stuff off the network without
tying up your real working machine that you are coding on. But why wouldn't
you shoot for the Windoz XP market as that is what they all have. And Windoz
XP is a very close copy of the Mac GUI. No one uses Windoz 2000 anymore as
it crashes when you look at it. I have two of those cheap boxes. One I just
use to play movies (I'd rather use a Mac for that but $450 for a Windoz box
or $2000 for a Mac -- where is the choice?).

On 8/20/04 2:52 PM, "Sannyasin Sivakatirswami" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm coming to a point where it's imperative that we see how things look
> on Windows machines. Up to now have just been "winging it." But that
> won't do in the long run.
> Question: Is Virtual PC on the Mac a reliable representation of the
> user experience on a real PC running Windows?
> Obviously there can be underlying hardware issues that Virtual PC
> cannot address, but for now just the presentation, font sizes, etc. is
> what i am looking for and, aside from rev presentations:  viewing web
> pages in IE5-6 on Windows... to see if the CSS is rendering as
> expected...
> Does Virtual PC really do a good enough job? Or do I need to
> requisition a cheap Dell running windows 2000. The "lo-end" Windows
> user experience would be the target.
> Which leads to the next question, should we test under 2000  or XP?
> Sannyasin Sivakatirswami
> Himalayan Academy Publications
> at Kauai's Hindu Monastery
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list

   )_)  )_)  )_)
---\   /-
 ^ ^

24 hour cell: (787) 378-6190
fax: (787) 809-8426

Blue Water Maritime
P.O. Box 91
Puerto Real, PR 00740

use-revolution mailing list

Re: OT: Virtual PC vs "Real" PC

2004-08-20 Thread James . Cass
> Or do I need to requisition a cheap Dell running windows 2000.

I would recommend getting an inexpensive Windows PC like the Dell.
I am a die-hard Mac-guy, but I would still rather buy an actual 
Windows PC for development testing.  Even if I was running the best 
virtual PC app, I would always have that voice in the back of
my mind wondering, "Yeah, but how will it run on actual PC 

That's my 2.18403 JPYJames

Sannyasin Sivakatirswami <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
08/20/04 02:52 PM
Please respond to How to use Revolution
Subject:OT: Virtual PC vs "Real" PC

I'm coming to a point where it's imperative that we see how things look
on Windows machines. Up to now have just been "winging it." But that
won't do in the long run.

Question: Is Virtual PC on the Mac a reliable representation of the
user experience on a real PC running Windows?

Obviously there can be underlying hardware issues that Virtual PC
cannot address, but for now just the presentation, font sizes, etc. is
what i am looking for and, aside from rev presentations:  viewing web
pages in IE5-6 on Windows... to see if the CSS is rendering as

Does Virtual PC really do a good enough job? Or do I need to
requisition a cheap Dell running windows 2000. The "lo-end" Windows
user experience would be the target.

Which leads to the next question, should we test under 2000  or XP?

Sannyasin Sivakatirswami
Himalayan Academy Publications
at Kauai's Hindu Monastery

use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

OT: Virtual PC vs "Real" PC

2004-08-20 Thread Sannyasin Sivakatirswami
I'm coming to a point where it's imperative that we see how things look 
on Windows machines. Up to now have just been "winging it." But that 
won't do in the long run.

Question: Is Virtual PC on the Mac a reliable representation of the 
user experience on a real PC running Windows?

Obviously there can be underlying hardware issues that Virtual PC 
cannot address, but for now just the presentation, font sizes, etc. is 
what i am looking for and, aside from rev presentations:  viewing web 
pages in IE5-6 on Windows... to see if the CSS is rendering as 

Does Virtual PC really do a good enough job? Or do I need to 
requisition a cheap Dell running windows 2000. The "lo-end" Windows 
user experience would be the target.

Which leads to the next question, should we test under 2000  or XP?
Sannyasin Sivakatirswami
Himalayan Academy Publications
at Kauai's Hindu Monastery
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Send variables back to Rev from Applescript

2004-08-20 Thread Ken Ray
On 8/20/04 11:05 AM, "Marian Petrides" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> tell application "Palm Desktop"
>> set numberOfMemos to count of memos
>> set memoMemos to {}
>> set loopIndex to 1
>> -- find all Memo Pad Memos (memos with no attachments) and put
>> them
>> in memoMemos
>> repeat numberOfMemos times
>> set theMemo to item loopIndex of memos
>> if (count of attachments of theMemo) is 0 then
>> set end of memoMemos to theMemo
>> end if
>> set loopIndex to loopIndex + 1
>> end repeat
>> return loopIndex
>> end tell

Marian, I got Palm Desktop and tried the code in Script Editor and got an
access error in trying to access the memo with "item loopIndex of memos".
When I changed the code to this:

tell application "Palm Desktop"
set numberOfMemos to count of memos
set memoMemos to {}
set loopIndex to 1

-- find all Memo Pad Memos (memos with no attachments) and put them in
repeat with x from 1 to numberOfMemos
set theMemo to memo x
if (count of attachments of theMemo) is 0 then
set end of memoMemos to theMemo
end if
set loopIndex to loopIndex + 1
end repeat
return loopIndex
end tell

It worked in Script Editor. I then tried it by pasting it into a Rev field
and did "do fld 1 as applescript;put the result" and it came back with the
same number.

Try it on your end...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

use-revolution mailing list

RE: Filter and regex

2004-08-20 Thread MisterX

set itemdelimiter to "/" -- or the french liberty item delimiter ;)
put "1/5/2004" into adate
-- find first monday
repeat while word 1 of thisdate is not "monday" --(or sunday
  put adate into thisdate
  add 1 to item 1 of adate -- assume french date
  convert thisdate to the long date
end repeat
-- end of find first monday...
get item 2 of adate
-- we found our day, let's calculate the week
add (myweeknumber-1) * 7 to it
put it into item 1 of adate -- this is the first day of any week.

--now you can replace

-- You'll have to find the right syntax that works with RR
   i feel better when I dont mess with grep's nasty syntax
-- I put 0* in the grep code in case there is or not a 0
   before a day/month less than 10.
-- put in the last "/" in the grep but not the year unless 
   you need to check the year. This way you're sure you have 
   a date and not force the engine to search for more than 
   what's required.

bon weekend!

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Ludovic
> Thebault
> Sent: Friday, August 20, 2004 19:16
> To: How to use Revolution
> Subject: Re: Filter and regex
> On Fri, 20 Aug 2004 09:58:21 -0700, Mark Wieder wrote:
> > Well, if that's what you really want, then this does the trick:
> > 
> > 0[1-7]/05/*
> Thanks, but it's more difficult. I'm on french system, also the date 
> format is DD/MM/YY.
> I want to found for example all datas of the first week of a month, or 
> the second week, the third week..
> For the first week, your script work fine but for the rest.. i've tried 
> (to find datas from 8 may to 14 may)
> ((0[8-9])|(1[0-4]))/05/* but it doesn't work. 
> PS : This regex works with BBedit (without *).
> Ludovic
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: shilling for my feature request [1926]

2004-08-20 Thread Mark Brownell
I finally found what I was looking for in the basic core for all my  
pull-parser needs. With the help of those at Run Rev this was found:

This is exactly what I've been searching for all this time. It goes to  
the heart of a speedy
solution for creating high speed custom parsers. This could be useful  
to everyone for all
kinds of high speed searching not just parsers.

Please vote for this: 

On Wednesday, August 18, 2004, at 03:10 AM, Mark Waddingham wrote:
The one of most interest is the Boyer-Moore algorithm as this is  
to be the fastest.

So, one idea is to implement a function:
  matchGlobal(stringToSearch, token)
returning a list of all indices in stringToSearch of token.
  get matchGlobal("foobarbaz", "")
would give
  it[1] = 1
  it[2] = 10
  it[3] = 20
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Filter and regex

2004-08-20 Thread Ludovic Thébault
On Fri, 20 Aug 2004 09:58:21 -0700, Mark Wieder wrote:
> Well, if that's what you really want, then this does the trick:
> 0[1-7]/05/*

Thanks, but it's more difficult. I'm on french system, also the date 
format is DD/MM/YY.
I want to found for example all datas of the first week of a month, or 
the second week, the third week..

For the first week, your script work fine but for the rest.. i've tried 
(to find datas from 8 may to 14 may)
((0[8-9])|(1[0-4]))/05/* but it doesn't work. 

PS : This regex works with BBedit (without *).

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Send variables back to Rev from Applescript

2004-08-20 Thread Marian Petrides
>>>FWIW, I did a bunch of testing in the process of building my stack, 
and I didn't find much problem with retrieving data from external 

I think I'm just having trouble figuring out what the syntax would be 
on the sending (applescript) end and the receiving (rev) side.

I'll keep an eye out for your stack in RevOnline if it shows up there. 

On Aug 20, 2004, at 12:35 PM, Troy Rollins wrote:
On Aug 20, 2004, at 12:05 PM, Marian Petrides wrote:
 Is your registered users stack available someplace. It sounds like 
you are using it to do things similar to what my friend is interested 
in doing (he wants to retrieve text from memos in Palm Desktop), so 
maybe the answer he needs is there.
Not yet, but I'm considering making it into a submission for the new 
RevOnline. I started it with all the intentions of generalization and 
encapsulation in the world, but as it progressed, it became just 
slightly proprietary ( a couple of things that should be variables or 
external references are "hard" coded, etc.)

My project is mostly one which sends information out to the other 
program, it sounds like your friend wants to pull it in. FWIW, I did a 
bunch of testing in the process of building my stack, and I didn't 
find much problem with retrieving data from external sources.

RPSystems, Ltd.
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Filter and regex

2004-08-20 Thread Mark Wieder

Friday, August 20, 2004, 7:57:32 AM, you wrote:

LT> Hello,

LT> I want to filter a list by date. For example i want all lines which
LT> contains a date between 01/05/* to 07/05/*

Well, if that's what you really want, then this does the trick:


but note that that will give you "January through July of any year" or
"05 January through 05 July of any year", depending on the local date
system. If what you really want is "January through July of 2005" then
this is what you want:


-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Send variables back to Rev from Applescript

2004-08-20 Thread Troy Rollins
On Aug 20, 2004, at 12:05 PM, Marian Petrides wrote:
 Is your registered users stack available someplace. It sounds like 
you are using it to do things similar to what my friend is interested 
in doing (he wants to retrieve text from memos in Palm Desktop), so 
maybe the answer he needs is there.
Not yet, but I'm considering making it into a submission for the new 
RevOnline. I started it with all the intentions of generalization and 
encapsulation in the world, but as it progressed, it became just 
slightly proprietary ( a couple of things that should be variables or 
external references are "hard" coded, etc.)

My project is mostly one which sends information out to the other 
program, it sounds like your friend wants to pull it in. FWIW, I did a 
bunch of testing in the process of building my stack, and I didn't find 
much problem with retrieving data from external sources.

RPSystems, Ltd.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Rev 2.5

2004-08-20 Thread Richard Gaskin
Has the underlying engine also been modified, or Rev only? If so, is there  a 
list of what has been modified?
The Whats_New.txt file included in the package summarizes the changes. 
While it doesn't differentiate between engine and UI, as a general rule 
any command or function that begins with "rev" is part of the IDE's 
libraries, and all the rest are in the engine.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
use-revolution mailing list

Rev 2.5

2004-08-20 Thread FlexibleLearning
Has the underlying engine also been modified, or Rev only? If so, is there  a 
list of what has been modified?
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Simulating password entry

2004-08-20 Thread Devin Asay
Good point, Roger. My little app is intended for Mac OS X only, so I 
overlooked that detail.

On Aug 20, 2004, at 7:27 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Your final script is WONDERFUL! I only made a slight modification to 
it more X-platform, On windows, ascii 165 looks kinda like a chicken
footprint. Also, the default font apparently doesn't contain the bullet
character on Win. I changed the font in the script, but of course that
could be moved to preOpenStack so it only happens once. Anyways, here 
what I changed/added.

switch (the platform)
  case "MacOS"
put numtochar(165) after char eChar of me
  case "Win32"
set the textFont of me to "Arial Black"
set the textSize of me to "12"
put numtochar(149) after char eChar of me
end switch
Kind regards,
Roger Eller  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Thanks to all who sent suggestions. Here's what I came up with (beware
line wraps):
global passwd
on keydown whichKey
put word 2 of the selectedChunk of me into sChar
put word 4 of the selectedChunk of me into eChar
if eChar > sChar then -- some text is selected
delete char sChar to eChar of me
delete char sChar to eChar of passwd
end if
put word 2 of the selectedChunk of me into sChar
put word 4 of the selectedChunk of me into eChar
put whichKey after char eChar of passwd
put numtochar(165) after char eChar of me
end keyDown
on backspaceKey
put word 2 of the selectedChunk of me into sChar
put word 4 of the selectedChunk of me into eChar
if eChar > sChar then -- text is selected
delete char sChar to eChar of me
delete char sChar to eChar of passwd
delete char eChar of me
delete char eChar of passwd
end if
end backspaceKey
on deleteKey
put word 2 of the selectedChunk of me into sChar
put word 4 of the selectedChunk of me into eChar
if eChar > sChar then -- text is selected
delete char sChar to eChar of me
delete char sChar to eChar of passwd
delete char eChar of me
delete char eChar of passwd
end if
end deleteKey
on returnInField
click at the loc of btn "connect"
end returnInField
Devin Asay
Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
Brigham Young University
use-revolution mailing list

Devin Asay
Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
Brigham Young University
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Send variables back to Rev from Applescript

2004-08-20 Thread Ken Ray
On 8/20/04 9:10 AM, "Marian Petrides" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I tried:
> on mouseup
> do fld 1 as applescript
> put the result into fld 2
> end mouseup
> but all that gets me is "handler run" in field 2.

Marian, I think it is the "run" structure that is causing the problem. I
don't have Palm Desktop either, but if you try this:

tell application "Palm Desktop"
set numberOfMemos to count of memos
set memoMemos to {}
set loopIndex to 1

-- find all Memo Pad Memos (memos with no attachments) and put them
in memoMemos
repeat numberOfMemos times
set theMemo to item loopIndex of memos
if (count of attachments of theMemo) is 0 then
set end of memoMemos to theMemo
end if
set loopIndex to loopIndex + 1
end repeat
return loopIndex
end tell

It should probably work. Note that I moved the "return loopIndex" inside the
"tell" and removed the "run/end run" statements.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Edit menu recipe?

2004-08-20 Thread J. Landman Gay
On 8/20/04 7:19 AM, Frank Leahy wrote:
Does anyone have an edit menu recipe they'd like to share?  I've got one 
that works for the main stack, but doesn't seem to work for other 
My Edit menus tend to be very simple most of the time, because the 
functionality I usually need is is already built in. It looks like all 
you are working with is text; if that is the case, then you don't need 
to do any more than this:

on menuPick which
  switch which
  case "Cut"
  case "Copy"
  case "Paste"
  case "Undo"
  case "select all"
if the selectedField <> ""
then select text of the selectedField
  end switch
end menuPick
The engine automatically handles all the text operations. If you want to 
manage the editing of objects, then it gets more complicated. But not 
many apps need to do that, and it looks like all you need is text 

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Send variables back to Rev from Applescript

2004-08-20 Thread Troy Rollins
On Aug 20, 2004, at 9:46 AM, Thierry Arbellot wrote:
you should remove the quotes if you put the script into a field
try like this:
get (system attribute "ram ") / 1048 div 1000
Yes, I have to say, the AppleScript is fun. After Scott Rossi posted 
his iTunes app for review I got inspired, and created something I 
needed for my application. Now my "registered users" stack has a 
library stack which -

- creates an email to the selected user in
- sets the subject
- adds the body based on template fields
- adds a specified signature
- chooses the proper "send from" account
- adds a file attachment
So one click of a button sends them an email, from the correct account, 
which includes their registration codes, default messages, a tech 
support vCard, etc. Of course, the entire process is pretty slow, 
comparatively. Takes probably a second. ;-)

Very cool and fun stuff.
RPSystems, Ltd.
use-revolution mailing list

Filter and regex

2004-08-20 Thread Ludovic Thébault

I want to filter a list by date. For example i want all lines which 
contains a date between 01/05/* to 07/05/*
I try this :

filter myList with "(01|07)/05/*"
filter myList with "((01)|(07))/05/*"
filter myList with "[01|07]/05/*"

but it doesn't seem to work.

Any idea ? thanks

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Send variables back to Rev from Applescript

2004-08-20 Thread Thierry Arbellot
Woaw, it becomes hard
I don't have the "Palm Desktop" app, then I can't test.
Anyway, let's try something (just an idea)
put the following line
get loopIndex
into the Applescript  just before the return.
I guess the get command put the variable (loopIndex) into the result
I hope it will work
Otherwise, you must have to learn Applescript ;-)
Here is the link to the online documentation:
On Friday, Aug 20, 2004, at 16:10 Europe/Paris, Marian Petrides wrote:
Thanks, Thierry. I'm looking into this for a friend who is considering 
Rev and who does some Applescript. Unfortunately, I know no 

Other listers:  That fixed the problem with Thierry's sample but I am 
still having problem with more complex scripts. My friend sent me the 
following Applescript:

on run
	tell application "Palm Desktop"
		set numberOfMemos to count of memos
		set memoMemos to {}
		set loopIndex to 1
		-- find all Memo Pad Memos (memos with no attachments) and put them 
in memoMemos
		repeat numberOfMemos times
			set theMemo to item loopIndex of memos
			if (count of attachments of theMemo) is 0 then
set end of memoMemos to theMemo
			end if
			set loopIndex to loopIndex + 1
		end repeat
	end tell
 get loopIndex
return loopIndex
end run
What he would like is to be able to capture the value of loopIndex and 
then manipulate it using Rev.  And I am having trouble figuring out 
how to get loopIndex passed from Applescript to Rev.

I tried:
on mouseup
do fld 1 as applescript
put the result into fld 2
end mouseup
but all that gets me is "handler run" in field 2.
I also tried  put loopIndex into fld 2 but I didn't expect that to 
work and, of course, it didn't.


On Aug 20, 2004, at 9:46 AM, Thierry Arbellot wrote:
you should remove the quotes if you put the script into a field
try like this:
get (system attribute "ram ") / 1048 div 1000
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Send variables back to Rev from Applescript

2004-08-20 Thread Marian Petrides
Thanks, Thierry. I'm looking into this for a friend who is considering 
Rev and who does some Applescript. Unfortunately, I know no 

Other listers:  That fixed the problem with Thierry's sample but I am 
still having problem with more complex scripts. My friend sent me the 
following Applescript:

on run
	tell application "Palm Desktop"
		set numberOfMemos to count of memos
		set memoMemos to {}
		set loopIndex to 1
		-- find all Memo Pad Memos (memos with no attachments) and put them 
in memoMemos
		repeat numberOfMemos times
			set theMemo to item loopIndex of memos
			if (count of attachments of theMemo) is 0 then
set end of memoMemos to theMemo
			end if
			set loopIndex to loopIndex + 1
		end repeat
	end tell
	return loopIndex
end run

What he would like is to be able to capture the value of loopIndex and 
then manipulate it using Rev.  And I am having trouble figuring out how 
to get loopIndex passed from Applescript to Rev.

I tried:
on mouseup
do fld 1 as applescript
put the result into fld 2
end mouseup
but all that gets me is "handler run" in field 2.
I also tried  put loopIndex into fld 2 but I didn't expect that to work 
and, of course, it didn't.


On Aug 20, 2004, at 9:46 AM, Thierry Arbellot wrote:
you should remove the quotes if you put the script into a field
try like this:
get (system attribute "ram ") / 1048 div 1000
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Edit menu recipe?

2004-08-20 Thread Rob Cozens
Does anyone have an edit menu recipe they'd like to share?
Hi Frank,
Following is the script of the Edit button from revMenubar.rev:
on menuPick which
  global gREVChunkStore, gREVUndoList
  switch which
  case "Undo"
if gREVUndoList is not empty then
  if line -1 of gREVUndoList is "width" then
delete last line of gREVUndoList
repeat for each line l in gREVUndoList
  put item 1 to -2 of l into tObject
  if there is a tObject then set the width of tObject to item -1 of l
end repeat
delete last line of gREVUndoList
repeat for each line l in gREVUndoList
  put item 1 to -2 of l into tObject
  if there is a tObject then set the height of tObject to item -1 of l
end repeat
  end if
  put empty into gREVUndoList
end if
  case "Cut Object(s)"
  case "Cut Objects"
  case "Cut Card"
  case "Cut"
  case "Cut Text"
if the selectedField is not empty and the lockText of the 
selectedField then
  exit to top
end if
if the selectedField is not empty then
  put true into tField
  put the long id of the selectedField into tFieldID
end if
if revCheckGroupDelete() then
end if
if tField then
  if char 1 to 18 of revTargetStack(tFieldID) is "REVPropertyPalette" then
put revTargetStack(tFieldID) into tStackName
if the short name of this cd of stack tStackName is not among 
the items of "revBasic,revScript,revCustom" then
  --work around the object delete / crash bug
  lock screen
  put the selectedChunk into tRestore
  set the traversalOn of fld "hidden text" of stack 
"revMenuBar" to true
  select text of fld "hidden text" of stack "revMenuBar"
  select text of fld "hidden text" of stack "revMenuBar"
  set the traversalOn of fld "hidden text" of stack 
"revMenuBar" to false
end if
  end if
end if
exit to top
  case "Copy Objects"
  case "Copy Object(s)"
  case "Copy Card"
  case "Copy"
  case "Copy Text"
if the selectedField is not empty then
  if char 1 to 18 of revTargetStack(the long id of the 
selectedField) is "REVPropertyPalette" then
put revTargetStack(the long id of the selectedField) into tStackName
if the short name of this cd of stack tStackName is not among 
the items of "revBasic,revScript,revCustom" then
  --work around the object delete / crash bug
  lock screen
  put the selectedChunk into tRestore
  set the traversalOn of fld "hidden text" of stack 
"revMenuBar" to true
  select text of fld "hidden text" of stack "revMenuBar"
  select text of fld "hidden text" of stack "revMenuBar"
  set the traversalOn of fld "hidden text" of stack 
"revMenuBar" to false
  do "select" && tRestore && "of stack" && quote & tStackname & quote
end if
  end if
else if (the selObj) is not empty then
end if
exit to top
  case "Paste"
  case "Paste Object(s)"
  case "Paste Objects"
  case "Paste Text"
write "starting paste" & cr to file "output"
write "clipboard:" && the clipboard & cr to file "output"
write "the selectedChunk:" && (the selectedChunk) & cr to file "output"
write "gREVChunkStore:" && gREVChunkStore & cr to file "output"
if the clipBoard is "text" and (the selectedChunk) is empty and 
(gREVChunkStore) is not empty then
write "paste 1" & cr to file "output"
select gREVChunkStore
write "paste 2" & cr to file "output"
write "paste 3" & cr to file "output"
--if pasting into the script editor, enable the Revert/Apply buttons
put (the focusedObject) into tFocusedObject
write "paste 4" & cr to file "output"
put word 5 to -1 of tFocusedObject into tOwnerCard
write "paste 5" & cr to file "output"
--check the Script field of the script editor is focused
write "paste 6" & cr to file "output"
if the name of tFocusedObject is "field" &"e&"Script""e \
and the name of tOwnerCard is "card" &"e&"revScript""e
then send "rawKeyUp" to tFocusedObject
write "paste 7" & cr to file "output"
exit menuPick
  catch someError
write "paste 8" & cr to file "output"
  end try
  write "paste 9" & cr to file "output"
  exit menuPick
end if
lock messages
write "paste B1" & cr to file "output"
set the defaultStack to the topStack
write "paste B2" & cr to file "output"
write "paste B3" & cr to file "output"
unlock messages
write "paste B4" & cr to file "output"
if the clipBoard is "objects" then send "selectedObjectChanged" 
to btn "revBackScript" of stack "revLibr

Re: Should I wait for 2.5 to be released?

2004-08-20 Thread Marian Petrides
Can't beat that!
On Aug 20, 2004, at 9:50 AM, Kevin Miller wrote:
On 20/8/04 5:46 am, "Paul Arnott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm keen to get started with Rev, but am wondering whether I should 
for ver2.5 to be released. As I read it, a Rev license doesn't entitle
you to any upgrades. I've had a look at 2.5 and it has some features I
would like, such as SSL. My question is should I wait, or should I go
with 2.2?
No need to wait, if you purchase now you will get a free upgrade to 
2.5 when
it ships.  Put a note on your order if you want a 2.5 key with it now. 
announced this when we first started testing beta 1 (though I don't 
think I
posted that information again since).

Kind regards,
Kevin Miller ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~
Runtime Revolution - User-Centric Development Tools
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Should I wait for 2.5 to be released?

2004-08-20 Thread Kevin Miller
On 20/8/04 5:46 am, "Paul Arnott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm keen to get started with Rev, but am wondering whether I should wait
> for ver2.5 to be released. As I read it, a Rev license doesn't entitle
> you to any upgrades. I've had a look at 2.5 and it has some features I
> would like, such as SSL. My question is should I wait, or should I go
> with 2.2?

No need to wait, if you purchase now you will get a free upgrade to 2.5 when
it ships.  Put a note on your order if you want a 2.5 key with it now.  We
announced this when we first started testing beta 1 (though I don't think I
posted that information again since).

Kind regards,


Kevin Miller ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~
Runtime Revolution - User-Centric Development Tools

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Send variables back to Rev from Applescript

2004-08-20 Thread Thierry Arbellot
you should remove the quotes if you put the script into a field
try like this:
get (system attribute "ram ") / 1048 div 1000
On Friday, Aug 20, 2004, at 15:05 Europe/Paris, Marian Petrides wrote:
When I implement Thierry's suggest exactly as written in a button 
script everything works fine.

on mouseup
  do "get (system attribute " "e& "ram " "e& ") / 1048 div 
1000" as appleScript
  put the result into theRAM
  put theRAM into fld 1

 --now see if I can manipulate the variable which was passed
  put theRAM/2 into halfRAM
  put halfRAM into line 2 of field 1
end mouseup
However, if I paste the very same command into field 2 and change the 
button script to read

on mouseup
  do fld 2 as appleScript
  put the result into theRAM
  put theRAM into fld 1
end mouseup
I now get a compiler error.  And this isn't simply a copy/paste error 
since I get the same error if I manually type:
get (system attribute " "e& "ram " "e& ") / 1048 
div 1000
into field 2

Any one have thoughts as to why this should be happening?

On Aug 20, 2004, at 8:34 AM, Thierry Arbellot wrote:
I haven't too much experience with Applescript in Rev, but I can help 
in a simple script.
I use the following script to get the physical ram of the computer 
and I get the returned value into "the result" variable.

do "get (system attribute " "e& "ram " "e& ") / 1048 div 
1000" as appleScript
put the result into theRAM

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Re: Simulating password entry

2004-08-20 Thread Roger . E . Eller

Your final script is WONDERFUL! I only made a slight modification to make 
it more X-platform, On windows, ascii 165 looks kinda like a chicken 
footprint. Also, the default font apparently doesn't contain the bullet 
character on Win. I changed the font in the script, but of course that 
could be moved to preOpenStack so it only happens once. Anyways, here is 
what I changed/added.

switch (the platform)
  case "MacOS"
put numtochar(165) after char eChar of me
  case "Win32"
set the textFont of me to "Arial Black"
set the textSize of me to "12"
put numtochar(149) after char eChar of me
end switch

Kind regards,
Roger Eller  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Thanks to all who sent suggestions. Here's what I came up with (beware
> line wraps):
> global passwd
> on keydown whichKey
> put word 2 of the selectedChunk of me into sChar
> put word 4 of the selectedChunk of me into eChar
> if eChar > sChar then -- some text is selected
> delete char sChar to eChar of me
> delete char sChar to eChar of passwd
> end if
> put word 2 of the selectedChunk of me into sChar
> put word 4 of the selectedChunk of me into eChar
> put whichKey after char eChar of passwd
> put numtochar(165) after char eChar of me
> end keyDown
> on backspaceKey
> put word 2 of the selectedChunk of me into sChar
> put word 4 of the selectedChunk of me into eChar
> if eChar > sChar then -- text is selected
> delete char sChar to eChar of me
> delete char sChar to eChar of passwd
> else
> delete char eChar of me
> delete char eChar of passwd
> end if
> end backspaceKey
> on deleteKey
> put word 2 of the selectedChunk of me into sChar
> put word 4 of the selectedChunk of me into eChar
> if eChar > sChar then -- text is selected
> delete char sChar to eChar of me
> delete char sChar to eChar of passwd
> else
> delete char eChar of me
> delete char eChar of passwd
> end if
> end deleteKey
> on returnInField
> click at the loc of btn "connect"
> end returnInField
> Devin Asay
> Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
> Brigham Young University

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Send variables back to Rev from Applescript

2004-08-20 Thread Marian Petrides
When I implement Thierry's suggest exactly as written in a button 
script everything works fine.

on mouseup
  do "get (system attribute " "e& "ram " "e& ") / 1048 div 
1000" as appleScript
  put the result into theRAM
  put theRAM into fld 1

 --now see if I can manipulate the variable which was passed
  put theRAM/2 into halfRAM
  put halfRAM into line 2 of field 1
end mouseup
However, if I paste the very same command into field 2 and change the 
button script to read

on mouseup
  do fld 2 as appleScript
  put the result into theRAM
  put theRAM into fld 1
end mouseup
I now get a compiler error.  And this isn't simply a copy/paste error 
since I get the same error if I manually type:
get (system attribute " "e& "ram " "e& ") / 1048 
div 1000
into field 2

Any one have thoughts as to why this should be happening?

On Aug 20, 2004, at 8:34 AM, Thierry Arbellot wrote:
I haven't too much experience with Applescript in Rev, but I can help 
in a simple script.
I use the following script to get the physical ram of the computer and 
I get the returned value into "the result" variable.

do "get (system attribute " "e& "ram " "e& ") / 1048 div 
1000" as appleScript
put the result into theRAM

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Send variables back to Rev from Applescript

2004-08-20 Thread Marian Petrides
Thanks. That's just the kind of thing I had in mind.
On Aug 20, 2004, at 8:34 AM, Thierry Arbellot wrote:
I haven't too much experience with Applescript in Rev, but I can help 
in a simple script.
I use the following script to get the physical ram of the computer and 
I get the returned value into "the result" variable.

do "get (system attribute " "e& "ram " "e& ") / 1048 div 
1000" as appleScript
put the result into theRAM

On Friday, Aug 20, 2004, at 14:21 Europe/Paris, Marian Petrides wrote:
Richard's query about Applescript got me thinking about ways to use 
Applescripts in Rev code.  One thing that isn't clear to me, however, 
is whether if you execute an Applescript using:

do fld 1  as applescript
and that Applescript  returns a value, is there a way to capture that 
value and use it in other Revolution code?  If so, how would one send 
a value (or better yet a list of values) back from Applescript to 

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Re: Send variables back to Rev from Applescript

2004-08-20 Thread Thierry Arbellot
I haven't too much experience with Applescript in Rev, but I can help 
in a simple script.
I use the following script to get the physical ram of the computer and 
I get the returned value into "the result" variable.

do "get (system attribute " "e& "ram " "e& ") / 1048 div 
1000" as appleScript
put the result into theRAM

On Friday, Aug 20, 2004, at 14:21 Europe/Paris, Marian Petrides wrote:
Richard's query about Applescript got me thinking about ways to use 
Applescripts in Rev code.  One thing that isn't clear to me, however, 
is whether if you execute an Applescript using:

do fld 1  as applescript
and that Applescript  returns a value, is there a way to capture that 
value and use it in other Revolution code?  If so, how would one send 
a value (or better yet a list of values) back from Applescript to Rev?

use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Send variables back to Rev from Applescript

2004-08-20 Thread Marian Petrides
Richard's query about Applescript got me thinking about ways to use 
Applescripts in Rev code.  One thing that isn't clear to me, however, 
is whether if you execute an Applescript using:

do fld 1  as applescript
and that Applescript  returns a value, is there a way to capture that 
value and use it in other Revolution code?  If so, how would one send a 
value (or better yet a list of values) back from Applescript to Rev?

use-revolution mailing list

Edit menu recipe?

2004-08-20 Thread Frank Leahy
Does anyone have an edit menu recipe they'd like to share?  I've got 
one that works for the main stack, but doesn't seem to work for other 
stacks.  I thought it was working at one point, but now I'm not sure 
whether it was ever working correctly.

Here's what I've got currently:
on DoMenuEditMenu theMenuItem
  switch (theMenuItem)
--- Edit menu
  case "Undo"
-- do nothing for now, not yet implemented
  case "Cut"
put the selectedChunk into curChunk
if curChunk <> "" then
  put "put " & curChunk & " into theText" into theCmd
  do theCmd
  set the clipboardData["text"] to theText
  put "put empty into " & curChunk into theCmd
  do theCmd
end if
  case "Copy"
put the selectedChunk into curChunk
if curChunk <> "" then
  put "put " & curChunk & " into theText" into theCmd
  do theCmd
  set the clipboardData["text"] to theText
end if
  case "Paste"
put the selectedChunk into curChunk
put the clipboardData["text"] into pasteChunk
put the focusedObject into theSelectedField
if theSelectedField = "" then break
put the short name of the focusedObject into fieldName
if not fieldName contains "Description" then
  replace (numToChar(10) & numToChar(13)) with " " in pasteChunk
  replace numToChar(10) with " " in pasteChunk
  replace numToChar(13) with " " in pasteChunk
end if
put "put pasteChunk into " & curChunk into theCmd
do theCmd
put the selectedChunk into curSelection
select curSelection
  case "Clear"
put the selectedChunk into curChunk
if curChunk <> "" then
  put "put empty into " & curChunk into theCmd
  do theCmd
end if
  case "Select All"
put the focusedObject into fieldName
if word 1 of fieldName = "field" then
  put the short name of the focusedObject into shortFieldName
  put "select text of " & fieldName into theCmd
  do theCmd
end if
answer error "Error: forgot to handle '" & theMenuItem & "' in List 
of Albums menuPickEditMenu" titled getPhotoAlbumDialogName()
  end switch
end DoMenuEditMenu

-- Frank
Web Photos Pro: Software for Photo Bloggers and Other Photo Power Users
See us on the web at
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Links: QA forums

2004-08-20 Thread MisterX
Some of you seemed interested in some testing,
quality, etc...

Here's just the site. And it's free!

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Re: Localizer - Transcriptlator - opinion request

2004-08-20 Thread David Bovill
MisterX wrote:
The last piece I added to this stack is a parser that finds
all your local assignments and puts them into the script if
missing. This script also recognizes also the locals assigned 
outside of the script's handlers and puts them on top of the 
script to avoid some conflicts when locals are used before
before the local assignment.

Outside as a nice defined and if possible optional component would be 
the optimal methinks?
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