Re: End of U3?

2007-05-15 Thread Judy Perry
Yeah, I need apps that are designed to run around the end line, er,
whatever it's called.

I guess I've got all summer to try to figure it out :-D

As you say, I think I worry about the following:

 Traditionally, apps designed for installation on the hard drive may
 expect to write a preferences file on the drive, and may modify the
 registry to set up file type associations.  Those using VB or some other
 systems may also be dependent on any number of DLLs which will need to
 be installed in specific folders on the drive.

--Uhh, yeah.  I think that's what I'm worried about ;-)

 But an app can be designed not to need that stuff, to keep everything on
 the drive it's running on.  Since Rev standalones are self-contained, as
 long as they don't go out of their way to modify the system (prefs
 files, registry, etc.) they'll run from any removable media.

--but most don't, right??  Like, does Rev?  I have to admit that I never
tried; once I got the no can do dialogue from Win2K, I didn't go any
further.  My bad, I suppose.  I've got this week (read, tomorrow) to give
it the 'old college try'  ;-)


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Has the Community Beta lost its way?

2007-05-15 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Just one observation:  as far as Linux users are concerned, it has not yet 
started.  Now, if you're on Mac or Windows, apart from the fairly small 
limitation of not being able to compile in 2.7 mode for Linux, you are 
basically OK.  You might have issues about quality, but you're getting 

If you're on Linux, you are not.  You are on 2.6.1 and you don't have the alt 

I understand why, its a small organization and its doing what it can.  And 
maybe from a Windows or Mac user point of view its not an important issue.  
Maybe its just something the Linux people have to live with.

But in the context of, how are we doing as Rev, its getting to be a real 
quality issue.  As they used to say when I was in manufacturing:  change the 
output, or change the standard.  

The one thing you must not do is have standards which are different from your 

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Re: Using Rev to Access MySql over the LAN

2007-05-15 Thread Sivakatirswami

Stephen Barncard wrote:

Whoa, I didn't see the ODBC part! No, don't use ODBC!!! not needed.

Extensis Portfolio client app is using ODBC.. but the MySQL dbase that
is built by the Extensis Portfolio server is just a standard MySQL dbase
and in theory we should be able to connect over the LAN on port

i.e yes. we  should be able to (and Extensis Tech Suppor confirms)
just connect directly with MySQL on the server directly without OBDC

And yes it's my intention to use a RevDB UI, but
the Varuna is not listening on that port.

I need to do some more testing.


Aloha Swami,

why are you using ODBC at all, is portfolio forcing that? You can 
access mySQL with standard RevDB calls over socket connection.


On May 14, 2007, at 9:18 PM, Sivakatirswami wrote:

I am a dbase newbie and could use a little guidance.

Context: OSX Server (intel) and Intell Mac Book Pros on the LAN.

Om shanti
(In  Peace)


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Re: 'Community Beta' has lost its way [part 1]

2007-05-15 Thread Bernard Devlin

Hi Ken,

(I'm going to address this to you, but obviously most of this is just  
aimed at a public debate).

Mark Waddingham has personally responded to virtually all the  
questions and

bug-related posts on the Improve list

I put it to you that the love-fest to be found in the improve list  
might not be an experience shared by those who are not members of  
that group.Kudos to Mark for being so responsive to you guys.

But to say that
the overall effort of the Community Beta has 'lost its way' primarily
because a specific bug that most likely affects a very small  

of the Rev community is overstating things IMHO.

The point isn't that bug 3196 has not been fixed.  It's about a  
situation where a long-standing, reported, well-proven bug  was being  
allowed to remain, 6 months into a Beta test program that was  
specifically supposed to remove these long-standing bugs.  Trying to  
get the attention of the bug-squashing process met with a resounding  
silence -- exactly the situation that Bill Marriott was complaining  
about so loudly last October.

In the past few weeks I've written to the list about this bug,  
written to the relevant forum, written to the Bug-Meister himself,  
and updated the bug report in Bugzilla.  Until I 'overstated it', I  
got zero response.  That's a rather different experience to your  

It's great that Bill is collecting information about satisfaction  
levels from participants of the Community Beta.  However, if someone  
has already lost interest in the Beta and in Rev, are they really  
going to bother filling in Bill's survey?  In fact, I let that survey  
sit in my inbox for days before I bothered to complete it, because to  
me the whole thing has seemed like a futile, empty, time-wasting  
exercise.  And I'm one of the people who in the past has loudly  
challenged those who proclaimed that Rev was buggy but who were not  
going to take an active part in trying to make it better.

Tonight I had a look at who was the original poster of bug 3196, to  
see why they have been so quiet in all this.  In October 2006, a  
whole year after logging this bug, he wrote to the list to say he was  
going to stop using Rev because he was so dissatisfied.  And there  
have been no posts from him since, so I guess that means he followed  
through with that decision.  Don't you think that there might be  
quite a few others who would give up on Rev before they got so far as  
to 'overstate' things and get some attention?  Most dissatisfied  
customers will walk away rather than make a fuss

As to the small percentage of the Rev community affected by this  
bug: it affects any OS X user who needs to programmatically interact  
with the many Unix userland tools and applications found on their  
OS.   Searching my Rev mail list archive for the last 4 years brings  
up 99 posts related to open process on OS X, and the vast majority  
of these posts are from luminaries of this list.   Furthermore, I put  
it to you that there would have been even more posts concerning this,  
if people realised what it meant to have this working i.e. once they  
saw what people were doing with this technique.  (When I first  
brought up this long-standing bug on the list a few weeks ago, one of  
the best x-talkers wrote to me privately to ask for more information  
about what is possible using write to process.  That makes me think  
it probable that there has not been much interest in this particular  
bug because most of the Mac Rev users have a history from Classic  
where write to process was quite alien.)  There might also have  
been more interest in this issue if the Dictionary didn't explicitly  
tell us that we shouldn't use write to process on OS X, and that we  
should use shell() instead.  In simple scenarios, shell() will work,  
but it is by no means an adequate substitute beyond the most simple  
cases. And unlike many other bugs, there is no workaround for this.   
It _is_ a blocker (and I'm _not_ the one who categorized it as such  
in Bugzilla - it's had that status for at least 18 months).

[part 2 to follow]

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Re: 'Community Beta' has lost its way [part 2]

2007-05-15 Thread Bernard Devlin


I'm disappointed that people are focusing on how many people might  
have been affected by this particular bug, rather than wondering if  
perhaps the bug-squashing process is not going so well for those  
people outside of the Improve list.Six months into what is being  
trumpeted as the best beta-process Runrev has ever had, should it  
really have taken upwards of 9 actions (and several hours of my  
time), just to get _any_ response to an 18-month-old bug report that  
was clearly receiving no attention? Meanwhile in this blissful  
silence of non-communication, the Quality Manager is sending out  
emails saying they are intending to shake out the last bugs prior to  
making this the official, retail version, which is ready to ship  
[...] unless we find a [..] significant feature failure.   Earth  
calling Bill Marriott: Bug 3196 is a significant feature failure.

And bug 3196 is not the only one.

There are 50 other significant, outstanding, _confirmed_ bugs (i.e.  
those with a status of 'critical' or 'blocker').   It's true that  
Bugzilla lists 324 bugs which have been fixed since January 1st this  
year.  I'm very glad to see that so many bugs have been squashed.   
But by my estimation, a very significant minority of those bug-fixes  
are to do with the incorporation of the ex-Altuit products.  Of  
course, it is great for those users who had not previously bought  
those products, to now have them incorporated into 2.81.   But I  
maintain that it has been a distraction to have grouped the  
incorporation of those products into the Open Community Beta.

I'm not saying I expect every bug to have been fixed.  But I do think  
that this Beta has lost its way when the Quality Partner sends out  
multiple emails about removing the last few bugs and how there are no  
significant feature failures, when there are still more than 50  
outstanding, confirmed, significant bugs.  Trying to draw his  
attention to one of these critical bugs was a total failure,  
consuming hours of my time.   Once again, it's a case of Runrev  
having no idea about how to set expectations -- all I got was more  
emails telling me how there are no more significant bugs, when  
staring me in the face was a bug, which at at the end of last year I  
had every reason to believe would have been fixed by now.

A few people have written lengthy emails to me in private, saying  
that they are glad that I brought up this issue.  To my surprise they  
are far more dissatisfied with the Community Beta than me, and some  
of them are seriously disenchanted with Revolution in general.  One  
of them has told me that he is part of a group of Rev users who are  
collectively in the process of looking at alternative development  
environments.  They must have their own reasons for not wanting to  
discuss these things on the list any longer.   I hope that my loud  
and dogged stance on this matter will give them some reason to stay  
and speak up.

I'm not saying that the release of 2.8.1 should be held up whilst the  
bug that particularly concerns me is fixed.  But I am saying that  
Runrev need to seriously address the ways in which they consistently  
mislead people -- Linux is coming in 2.7; no, it's coming in the  
2.7.5 beta; no, it's coming in the 2.9 beta; prove you have a bug,  
we'll fix it; there are no more significant feature failures; the  
Altuit products will be available in January 2007; version 2.7.5 will  
be a free update - no, it's version 2.9 that will be free    I  
could go on and on.  I'm a huge fan of Revolution, but I'm frustrated  
by what seems to me to be a very poor management style.  If one sets  
expectations too high, one guarantees disappointment.

At the absolute minimum, there should have been a continually updated  
list showing the fixed bugs and the oustanding bugs, and explaining  
why decisions were made.  If by January I'd known that bug 3196 would  
require a total re-write of the OS X engine (maybe that is what is  
required), and that because of that requirement the bug had to wait  
until there were a group of bugs requiring that level of attention, I  
would have had my expectations properly set.   Such a list might have  
encouraged others to persist in making bug reports, knowing that the  
process was rational and measurable.



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Connect to SQL Server via ODBC on Mac?

2007-05-15 Thread Ben Rubinstein

Stephen Barncard wrote:

Is it possible that ODBC support is being phased out on the Mac?

No, not at all.  There's plenty of ODBC software working on the Mac - it's
just more recent versions of Rev, at least in my experience, have this broken.
 This is why I'm unable to move most of my development work off Rev 2.6.1.

Is there a point where upgrading the server might be more cost effective?
Or is this something that you can't control?

I need to connect to client's database servers running SQL Server; and build
tools for Mac-using clients to connect to their organisation's SQL Server 

The idea of middleware for database access always gave me the creeps...

As far as I know there are no direct drivers on the Mac for SQL Server; only
middleware (eg ODBC, JDBC).

Roger.E.Eller wrote:

I haven't tried accessing MS-SQL from Rev since 2.6.x, but it worked after
installing the Actual driver. It costs only $29.95 and worked quite well.
You can try it for free, but it will only return 3 lines from a query until
you acquire a license.

I did try the Actual drivers three years ago (since they're a third of the
cost of the openlink ones - not important for one installation, but if you're
client wants a dozen, it makes a difference).   I could make it work using the
 driver with various test apps, but not with Rev 2.2 (see bug Bugzilla #1557,
which on the basis of your experience must have been fixed).

Your suggestion inspired me to downlaod and try the current Actual drivers.
Unfortunately, after installing this, the Actual driver doesn't work at all
(even just in the ODBC Administrator) - and the installation seems to have
trashed my OpenLink setup!  Aaargh.

But thanks both for taking the time to reply.

Meanwhile, is there anybody out there connecting to SQL Server over ODBC using
any version of Rev since 2.7.1, succesfully or otherwise?


- Ben

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Re: 'Community Beta' has lost its way [part 2]

2007-05-15 Thread Ian Wood
I'm not going to comment on the rest as I don't have a strong opinion  
either way, but:

On 15 May 2007, at 10:21, Bernard Devlin wrote:

version 2.7.5 will be a free update - no, it's version 2.9 that  
will be free

From what I remember of the renaming, version 2.9 *IS* what was  
previously called 2.7.5.

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Rotating fields?

2007-05-15 Thread Tiemo Hollmann TB

I would like to have a field with non editable text rotated by 90, so that I
get vertical text.

As far as I've seen yet I can only rotate images. Is there any trick to
rotate a field?

The last workaround would be to create an image with the vertical text :(

Any other solutions out there?

Thank you





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Flash movies in Rev players on Windows ?

2007-05-15 Thread jbv
 Hi list,

How do you guys play Flash movies in Rev players on Windows
without QT ?


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Re: Flash movies in Rev players on Windows ?

2007-05-15 Thread Ian Wood

altBrowser is probably your best bet.


On 15 May 2007, at 10:52, jbv wrote:

How do you guys play Flash movies in Rev players on Windows
without QT ?

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Re: Rotating fields?

2007-05-15 Thread Ian Wood

On 15 May 2007, at 10:51, Tiemo Hollmann TB wrote:

I would like to have a field with non editable text rotated by 90,  
so that I

get vertical text.

The last workaround would be to create an image with the vertical  
text :(

Images and graphics only, as far as I know, so a snapshot of the  
field looks like it's your only bet. :-(

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Re: Flash movies in Rev players on Windows ?

2007-05-15 Thread jbv

Ian ,

 altBrowser is probably your best bet.

Mmmh... don't think so...

I'm asked to build a front end app that will launch flash movies
but no QT installer and no browser are the main requests...


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AW: Rotating fields?

2007-05-15 Thread Tiemo Hollmann TB
Thanks Ian, That's what I thought :(

 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:use-revolution-
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag von Ian Wood
 Gesendet: Dienstag, 15. Mai 2007 12:02
 An: How to use Revolution
 Betreff: Re: Rotating fields?
 On 15 May 2007, at 10:51, Tiemo Hollmann TB wrote:
  I would like to have a field with non editable text rotated by 90,
  so that I
  get vertical text.
  The last workaround would be to create an image with the vertical
  text :(
 Images and graphics only, as far as I know, so a snapshot of the
 field looks like it's your only bet. :-(
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 subscription preferences:

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Re: Flash movies in Rev players on Windows ?

2007-05-15 Thread Ian Wood

On 15 May 2007, at 11:13, jbv wrote:

Ian ,

altBrowser is probably your best bet.

Mmmh... don't think so...

I'm asked to build a front end app that will launch flash movies
but no QT installer and no browser are the main requests...

Given that Rev has no native support for Flash files, QT or an  
embedded browser window are the only options I can think of. Not that  
QT would help for FLV files anyway...

You might be able to get some info from Jiro Harada (http://www.f- who wrote a Rev app using a custom Netscape plug-in.

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Re: 'Community Beta' has lost its way [any part]

2007-05-15 Thread Scott Kane


You know - this kind of thing really gets my goat.  I'm going to explain why 
presently and I'm going to give examples using other IDE's and compilers to 
support why it gets my goat, plus I'm going to ruffle some feathers, but I'm 
an Aussy and that's what we do best vbg.  From time to time on this list 
we see people having a go at RunRev yet I wonder how much they really know 
about what goes into writing and IDE and compiler let alone writing one to 
run on three major (and several minor) platforms?  I've found Rev to be a 
wonderful product.  It has flaws - heck so do I!  g  But all round it's 
pretty solid for the average developer doing the average developer thing. 
Anybody fired up RealBasic (better named RealBugs IMHO) recently?  It's a 
total joke compared to the stability of Rev and I'm not even running the 
newest version of Rev I'm still on 2.6.1.

It has been a pleasure (and shall continue to be a pleasure) to associate 
with many of the wonderful people on this list and the people at RunRev as 
well.  Heather is an angel - I don't know how she keeps her cool and I'm a 
moderator on Usenet of ten years!  RunRev are also *incredibly* genorous, I 
can't (and will not) give details on some of their genourosty but that has 
been my experience of them.  When fellow developers ask (and I know over a 
thousand of them as a member of several associations) about cross platform 
tools I recommend Rev in an instant.  Sure it's a different paradigm than 
most are used to but compared to RB, Trolltech or the incredibly clumsy 
offerings from Apple (if you want to code in C++) it's a gem.

Having said that let's take a look at some of those examples of other IDE's 
that I work in on a weekly basis:

RealBasic - actually I know longer work in it because it is a total joke in 
my experience.

Borland Delphi - I've worked in Delphi since Beta 1 1994.  I love Object 
Pascal and Delphi - yet there are bugs that date to Version 2 that have 
*not* been fixed.  This is from a *huge* development company (compared to 
RunRev) and yet those bugs remain unfixed.  It's at version TEN!.  Why?  See 
further down.

Borland C++ Builder - same company and yep it's based on Delphi code and it 
inherits the bugs from Delphi 2.

Microsoft Access - to many bugs to list!!

Microsoft Visual Basic - pick a verison!!

Revolution.  I put it in the same experience as the one I've had for Delphi. 
If I want to do something straight forward and not low level I choose Rev. 
If I want to do something complex - like writing direct to the audio card 
then I'd choose Delphi or C++ Builder.  But for most projects these days Rev 
fits the bill because *it just works*.  I've been working on one project for 
two years and hope to bring it to conclusion this year and it's 100% Rev and 
it's lean and efficient despite it's use of 3D graphics and extensive audio. 
Rev gets the credit for this - not me.

Economic pragamatism - it applies to politics too.  You can please some of 
the people some of the time but generally you've got to keep your eye on the 
ball and the ball is where they dollars are and that's with general feature 
sets and tools that appeal and solve the problems of the average developer - 
simple.  How many of us developers (beyond those writing code in a corporate 
situation) add or fix bugs rarely used by our user base as a priority?  How 
many of use can justify doing this?  If one answers honestly in an 
application of reasonable complexity the answer is going to be very few. 
There simply isn't enough money or time to work on every one - so the most 
used or most requested (read desired) issues are worked on first.  Thinking 
that it should be any different - as commercial developers - is 100% 
unrealistic, unfair and down right mean spirited. Rather than blasting away 
on a list frequented potentially by people who are new to Rev and possibly 
development of software in general (and therefore easily scared off) is *no* 
answer to any problem.  If this was the software written by one of us here 
we'd be outraged that somebody would do such a thing to us - so why 
shouldn't the same measure be applied to RunRev?  Respect is earned and 
RunRev have certainly earned respect.   *None* of us are perfect and none of 
us live in an ideal bug free world.  The *only* solution to these kind of 
issues is direct with RunRev, IMHO any other form of reponse is amatuer at 
best and potentially damaging at worst to what is a respectable company 
worthy of our support and assistance where we can give it.

Flames can be directed to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Reasonable discussion of 
course is welcome.

Scott Kane

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Re: Flash movies in Rev players on Windows ?

2007-05-15 Thread Bernard Devlin
You could search the archive for some posts by Jiro Harada.  He  
announced that he wrote an external to play Flash inside a Rev  
stack.  IIRC, it relied on Java being installed, and he reported it  
working on the Mac and Windows.

This is his URL:

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Re: 'Community Beta' has lost its way [any part]

2007-05-15 Thread Bernard Devlin
Well, Scott.  Thanks for sharing your experience of development  
environments with us.  How sad that you think you will be flamed.  I  
certainly don't want this to be a flame-fest.  I want to improve the  
way that Rev works.

I too have a wide experience of development tools - I have a degree  
in CS and I first started programming in Fortran on mainframes in  
1980. And for some tasks I choose Revolution, for others Python, for  
others Java.  When I decide that Rev is not the appropriate tool, I  
use a tool that is more appropriate.   For some things Rev is the  
only tool I currently have that will do the job.

the most used or most requested (read desired) issues are worked on  

That's not quite true.  Hence my accusation that the Community Beta  
has lost its way.

I have been a member of this list for about 4 or 5 years, and I am  
NOT one of the people who has ranted on and on about bugs.   In fact,  
the last time I posted anything as long as this to the list, it was  
to object to someone who moaned endlessly about bugs, but wouldn't  
even bother to log them in Bugzilla.

Over the years I have experienced minor bugs in Rev - they have been  
irritations but almost without exception I've been able to work round  
them, and I wouldn't say that Rev has noticeably more bugs than any  
other development tool I use.   I have Studio licenses for OS X,  
Windows and Linux, paid up for the next 2 years in advance.   Unlike  
Runrev's Quality Control Partner, I do NOT think that the way to get  
Runrev to fix bugs is to starve them of funds.

The Open Community Beta was announced with great fanfare, and I  
publicly welcomed it.  It led me to expect that some long-standing  
bug-reports that I had been waiting to be fixed would finally receive  
treatment.  I patiently waited throughout the Open Community Beta,  
only to find that my most important blocking bug has been deemed not  
important enough, and it was probably bumped out by the introduction  
of the Altuit products, which already existed (and many of us --  
including me -- already owned licenses to them).

When something in Rev has not worked for four years, but has been  
shown to be a bug, and I cannot work round it, what am I supposed to  
do?  I can guarantee that if there was an ancient bug in Rev that  
stopped your 2 year project, and that bug had been shunted out of the  
way, you would be much less sanguine.  Or maybe not - you have  
multiple GUI toolkits to choose from.  I don't - Rev is my only GUI  

Respect is earned and RunRev have certainly earned respect.

I think you mean Respect is earned and RunRev have certainly earned  
MY respect.  You have some special individual circumstances that  
endear them to you.  The fact that you allude to this shows that  
really you know that you are in some kind of special relationship  
with them.  Clearly for you, they are doing something right.   I  
could mention the names of several long-time Rev/Metacard developers  
who want the absolute minimum to do with Runrev the company.   And  
then there are the other users who have slipped away more silently.

I'm suggesting to Runrev that they stop doing something that is wrong.

The *only* solution to these kind of issues is direct with RunRev,  
IMHO any other form of reponse is amatuer at best

Sometimes an organisation has to be publicly shamed before something  
is done.  But thanks for the insult anyway (maybe that's why you're  
expecting a flame fest).  My previous private communications with  
Runrev are precisely what has led me to have so little respect for  
them and their ability to set expectations.   And in case you haven't  
been paying attention - bug 3196 had received NO attention until I  
made this more generalized critique.  If there had been any feedback  
from Runrev at all during the last 6 months about which severe bugs  
they were deciding to ignore, I may have decided some months back to  
look into alternative tools.  I specifically recommended they do this  
so that people would have an idea of what to expect from this Beta.

Anyway, I'm not going to waste any more time on this.  I've learned  
the hard way to set my own expectations of Runrev, and sadly they are  
decidedly lower than they were 6 months ago.



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Re: 'Community Beta' has lost its way [any part]

2007-05-15 Thread Scott Kane
- Original Message - 
From: Bernard Devlin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2007 10:38 PM
Subject: Re: 'Community Beta' has lost its way [any part]

Well, Scott.  Thanks for sharing your experience of development 
environments with us.  How sad that you think you will be flamed.  I 
certainly don't want this to be a flame-fest.  I want to improve the  way 
that Rev works.

I suspect you missed the point of the list.  It's not about me it's about 
the tools.  AFA flaming goes - it's a joke that may have been obscure, 
though anybody who knows me on Usenet would probably get it.

I too have a wide experience of development tools - I have a degree in CS 
and I first started programming in Fortran on mainframes in  1980.

I did not intend this to be a look at me exercise.  I did not start in 
Fortran on mainframes in 1980.  I started in machine code (that and direct 
hex entry) in 1986 on the now gone National Semi-Conductor Datachecker DTS 
500 series terminals.  Before that I admit to use BASIC.   The point of the 
list was to show software that has bugs by *huge companies and in 
one case from version 2 - 10 the same bugs exist.

sigh  Nothing like a developer to get all upity with the old ego.

And for some tasks I choose Revolution, for others Python, for  others 
Java.  When I decide that Rev is not the appropriate tool, I  use a tool 
that is more appropriate.   For some things Rev is the only tool I 
currently have that will do the job.

Which is pretty much what I was saying..

That's not quite true.  Hence my accusation that the Community Beta has 
lost its way.

No my statement is absolutely true of any development company who intends to 
stay in business.

I have been a member of this list for about 4 or 5 years, and I am  NOT 
one of the people who has ranted on and on about bugs.   In fact,  the 
last time I posted anything as long as this to the list, it was  to object 
to someone who moaned endlessly about bugs, but wouldn't  even bother to 
log them in Bugzilla.

Well you have two years seniority on this list to me.  But that does not 
alter one bit the fact that it is bad form to dis' a company on a public 
email list.  If I can put it this way - on forums I run I've banned posters 
for less.  I have no influence here - but it illustrates how I feel about 
angry missives that accuse companies of henious crimes with very little if 
any justrification.

Over the years I have experienced minor bugs in Rev - they have been 
irritations but almost without exception I've been able to work round 
them, and I wouldn't say that Rev has noticeably more bugs than any other 
development tool I use.   I have Studio licenses for OS X,  Windows and 
Linux, paid up for the next 2 years in advance.   Unlike  Runrev's Quality 
Control Partner, I do NOT think that the way to get  Runrev to fix bugs is 
to starve them of funds.

Another side swipe at Rev.  I can't see what part of disrespect you don't 
get.  I made a couple of spelling errors in my post (darn schpell chezcker) 
but I think the content was clear enough.

The Open Community Beta was announced with great fanfare, and I  publicly 
welcomed it.  It led me to expect that some long-standing  bug-reports 
that I had been waiting to be fixed would finally receive  treatment.  I 
patiently waited throughout the Open Community Beta,  only to find that my 
most important blocking bug has been deemed not  important enough, and it 
was probably bumped out by the introduction  of the Altuit products, which 
already existed (and many of us --  including me -- already owned licenses 
to them).

But is the public list the right place?  That is the thrust of my missive. 
I believe the name of this list is How To Use Revolution.  Nowhere in the 
title have I seen How to moan about Revolution.  I'm simply stating that 
this is not the right place.  On top of that I'm stating that it's 
unrealistic to expect any development company to fix every issue every user 
wants fixed, whether you are coding in Fortran on a mainframe or on a 

When something in Rev has not worked for four years, but has been  shown 
to be a bug, and I cannot work round it, what am I supposed to  do?  I can 
guarantee that if there was an ancient bug in Rev that  stopped your 2 
year project, and that bug had been shunted out of the  way, you would be 
much less sanguine.  Or maybe not - you have   multiple GUI toolkits to 
choose from.  I don't - Rev is my only GUI  toolkit.

I believe the channel has been pointed out to you, yet you still keep on 
about it here - tonight.  Hence my post.

I think you mean Respect is earned and RunRev have certainly earned  MY 

No.  I wrote what I meant.

You have some special individual circumstances that  endear them to you. 
The fact that you allude to this shows that  really you know that you are 
in some kind of special relationship  

Re: 'Community Beta' has lost its way [any part]

2007-05-15 Thread Bill Marriott

 My previous private communications with  Runrev are precisely what has led 
 me to have so little respect for  them and their ability to set 
 expectations.   And in case you haven't  been paying attention - bug 3196 
 had received NO attention until I  made this more generalized critique.

I find it increasingly ironic that the apparent trigger for this campaign of 
yours was a request from me to beta members to help identify remaining 
outstanding issues that needed special attention. Forget that such a request 
didn't have to be made. You replied to the request, and contrary to your 
claims it definitely got the special attention you wanted, as it is marked 
in a special internal field set up for the purpose in the RQCC and is in 
another database we're using to strategize/organize how to tackle those 

How is this is anything except you being upset about not getting the 
response you expected to a particular email on a single bug? 

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Re: 'Community Beta' has lost its way [any part]

2007-05-15 Thread Heather Nagey

Ok folks, lets drop this now.

Bernard, we have heard and noted your feelings on this issue. Scott,  
Ken, Richard, Chipp, thanks for the good words. Its nice to get the  
odd word of praise when we are working so hard on something. Peter  
Alcibiades, yes, indeed, Linux is vital and is coming in 2.9. We'll  
get a beta for you to get your teeth into just as soon as we are able.

I'd like to end this thread on a note of appreciation. Without all  
your participation, Bills leadership, and the whole bag of tricks  
from all of you including criticism in measure, 2.8.1 would not be  
half as good as it is, and 2.9 would not have a hope of being the  
fantastic release it is going to be.

End of thread please.



Wearing The Listmom Hat.

On 15 May 2007, at 14:48, Bill Marriott wrote:


My previous private communications with  Runrev are precisely what  
has led

me to have so little respect for  them and their ability to set
expectations.   And in case you haven't  been paying attention -  
bug 3196
had received NO attention until I  made this more generalized  

I find it increasingly ironic that the apparent trigger for this  
campaign of

yours was a request from me to beta members to help identify remaining
outstanding issues that needed special attention. Forget that such  
a request
didn't have to be made. You replied to the request, and contrary to  
claims it definitely got the special attention you wanted, as it  
is marked
in a special internal field set up for the purpose in the RQCC and  
is in
another database we're using to strategize/organize how to tackle  


How is this is anything except you being upset about not getting the
response you expected to a particular email on a single bug?

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Heather Nagey
Customer Services Manager
Runtime Revolution Ltd

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XMLHttpRequest object and Rev cgi

2007-05-15 Thread jbv
Hi list,

Is it possible to use the XMLHttpRequest object in javascript (and
especially the function) to get data from a Rev cgi
script (that returns XML data built on-the-fly) without facing a
permission denied problem ?


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Re: XMLHttpRequest object and Rev cgi

2007-05-15 Thread Andre Garzia


fetch my RevHTTP on it has an  
ajax demo that does that. I am using the prototype library which in  
the end relies on XMLHttpRequest object, it works just fine

Our lexicon works using that too and calling Rev CGI. I do think  
however that you can't open connection to a different server...


On May 15, 2007, at 11:09 AM, jbv wrote:

Hi list,

Is it possible to use the XMLHttpRequest object in javascript (and
especially the function) to get data from a Rev cgi
script (that returns XML data built on-the-fly) without facing a
permission denied problem ?


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Re: Flash movies in Rev players on Windows ?

2007-05-15 Thread Stephen Barncard
What's the big deal about FLV? In my limited experience, the movies 
look like garbage next to Quicktime and they're LARGER. Horrible.

On 15 May 2007, at 11:13, jbv wrote:

Ian ,

altBrowser is probably your best bet.

Mmmh... don't think so...

I'm asked to build a front end app that will launch flash movies
but no QT installer and no browser are the main requests...


stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
- - -  - - - - - - - - -

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Re: XMLHttpRequest object and Rev cgi

2007-05-15 Thread jbv


Many thanks for the quick response.

 . I do think
 however that you can't open connection to a different server...

And actually the source of my problem was that a mismatched
between relative URLs was considered as an attempt to connect
to a different server...

Thanks again for all the code examples,

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Rotating fields?

2007-05-15 Thread Devin Asay

On May 15, 2007, at 3:51 AM, Tiemo Hollmann TB wrote:


I would like to have a field with non editable text rotated by 90,  
so that I

get vertical text.

As far as I've seen yet I can only rotate images. Is there any  
trick to

rotate a field?

The last workaround would be to create an image with the vertical  
text :(

Any other solutions out there?

Last year Scott Rossi made available a typically amazing stack,  
called textSpinner, that does just what you want. It actually does  
create an image from the text on the fly and rotates it to an angle  
you choose. Get it by entering in the message box:

go url;


Devin Asay
Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
Brigham Young University

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: XMLHttpRequest object and Rev cgi

2007-05-15 Thread Andre Garzia


just for the future, in case you need to fetch data from another  
server, you can make a simple cgi that will just pick a http request  
and forward to another server acting like a proxy. This way you'll be  
able to build mashups without dealing with cross browser security  
issues :-)


On May 15, 2007, at 12:05 PM, jbv wrote:


Many thanks for the quick response.

. I do think
however that you can't open connection to a different server...

And actually the source of my problem was that a mismatched
between relative URLs was considered as an attempt to connect
to a different server...

Thanks again for all the code examples,

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subscription preferences:

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standalone revexternalLibrary error

2007-05-15 Thread Robert Mann
When I open the standalone I get this error

Kernel_win32_Release.dll was not found




I also have this in a preopenstack handler


IF the environment is not development THEN

 IF Valentina for Revolution is not among the lines of the
externalpackages of stack revExternalLibrary THEN

 answer The Valentina external was not loaded by the runtime


End if


Which is displaying?  The Valentina external was not loaded by the runtime


In the standalone settings I have the following selected

Ask dialog checked

Answer dialog checked

Cursors checked






script libraries





Remove all profiles on objects checked


What am I missing to get this standalone to run?




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Re: standalone revexternalLibrary error

2007-05-15 Thread Ruslan Zasukhin
On 15/5/07 7:22 PM, Robert Mann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Robert,

 When I open the standalone I get this error
 Kernel_win32_Release.dll was not found

Have you follow this steps:

Best regards,

Ruslan Zasukhin
VP Engineering and New Technology
Paradigma Software, Inc

Valentina - Joining Worlds of Information

[I feel the need: the need for speed]

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Connect to SQL Server via ODBC on Mac?

2007-05-15 Thread Ben Rubinstein
As an update, after reinstalling the OpenLink drivers, I now have both 
OpenLink and Actual DSNs working with Rev 2.6.1.  The Actual one also works in 
Rev 2.8.1; the OpenLink one does not.

So the problem is limited to Rev 2.7.2 or later, with the OpenLink driver.

(That's good, because there's a workaround.  It is unfortunate for the clients 
who I persuaded to pay three times as much per seat, for the OpenLink driver 
instead of the Actual one, because Rev 2.2 bombed using the Actual driver; who 
now, if I'm to use the latest Rev to update their app, would need to buy a new 
driver and go through the installation again on each machine.)

Anyway, thanks for the replies,

- Ben

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RE: standalone revexternalLibrary error

2007-05-15 Thread Robert Mann
Thank you forgot about this

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ruslan
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2007 12:42 PM
To: use-revolution
Subject: Re: standalone revexternalLibrary error

On 15/5/07 7:22 PM, Robert Mann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Robert,

 When I open the standalone I get this error
 Kernel_win32_Release.dll was not found

Have you follow this steps:

Best regards,

Ruslan Zasukhin
VP Engineering and New Technology
Paradigma Software, Inc

Valentina - Joining Worlds of Information

[I feel the need: the need for speed]

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use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Flash movies in Rev players on Windows ?

2007-05-15 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, jbv wrote:

 altBrowser is probably your best bet.
 Mmmh... don't think so...
 I'm asked to build a front end app that will launch flash movies
 but no QT installer and no browser are the main requests...

How does using altBrowser constitute using a browser when it is part of a
stack that you can design any way you want?  How would anyone know that
you're using a browser-based engine to display Flash content and why would
this matter anyway?  Last I checked, Flash is designed to run as a
standalone process (no player needed) or in a Web browser.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

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AW: Rotating fields?

2007-05-15 Thread Tiemo Hollmann TB
Thanks Devin, it's always amazing how simple good solutions can be!

 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:use-revolution-
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag von Devin Asay
 Gesendet: Dienstag, 15. Mai 2007 17:21
 An: How to use Revolution
 Betreff: Re: Rotating fields?
 On May 15, 2007, at 3:51 AM, Tiemo Hollmann TB wrote:
  I would like to have a field with non editable text rotated by 90,
  so that I
  get vertical text.
  As far as I've seen yet I can only rotate images. Is there any
  trick to
  rotate a field?
  The last workaround would be to create an image with the vertical
  text :(
  Any other solutions out there?
 Last year Scott Rossi made available a typically amazing stack,
 called textSpinner, that does just what you want. It actually does
 create an image from the text on the fly and rotates it to an angle
 you choose. Get it by entering in the message box:
 go url;
 Devin Asay
 Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
 Brigham Young University
 use-revolution mailing list
 Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your
 subscription preferences:

use-revolution mailing list
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applescript - do script

2007-05-15 Thread Jim Sims

I looked at the applescript dictionary for my Rev 2.7.4 application
and it had:
do script v : Execute Revolution script

So, I tried telling my application to do the following as a simple  
test from the

applescript script editor:

tell application MyApp
do script  quit
end tell

When I run that applescript it complains with a syntax error about  
the word script.

Can I write an applescript that will tell a Rev app script to run?
Anyone have an example or a tip for me?


use-revolution mailing list
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Re: applescript - do script

2007-05-15 Thread Ian Wood

On 15 May 2007, at 18:26, Jim Sims wrote:

When I run that applescript it complains with a syntax error about  
the word script.

Can I write an applescript that will tell a Rev app script to run?
Anyone have an example or a tip for me?

There's an issue with some of the newer versions not including some  
package or other that allows the AppleScript commands to work.  
Copying the file form older apps was supposed to work.
I don't remember the exact details but it was discussed on the list  
about a year ago.

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Re: End of U3?

2007-05-15 Thread Richard Gaskin

Judy Perry wrote:

But an app can be designed not to need that stuff, to keep everything on
the drive it's running on.  Since Rev standalones are self-contained, as
long as they don't go out of their way to modify the system (prefs
files, registry, etc.) they'll run from any removable media.

--but most don't, right??  Like, does Rev?

That's a good question. I would imagine RunRev has a U3 version, and if 
they've done that much work it's far easier to make one that'll run on 
any flash drive.  I couldn't find either on the Download page, though -- 
anyone know if that's in the works?

For apps that are known to be portable, the directory at is a good starting point:

 Richard Gaskin
 Managing Editor, revJournal
 Rev tips, tutorials and more:
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: End of U3?

2007-05-15 Thread Andre Garzia always felt like a hack for me. It uses NDIS (or  
some other acronym) wrapper to hack around the folders tricking the  
enclosed executable to think it is writting to one place when it is  
actually writting to someplace else like the removable media folder.  
This solves some issues but it brings other problems.

Let us go to the important problems (IMHO):
* Removable media is slow. If your app does a lot of file juggling or  
is very disk based, you'll see performance penalty, specially if  
you're using cheap no brand pendrives.
* Limited writting life of flash drives. You can't write on them  
forever, they have a limit and they will fail. I don't think a  
pendrive can stand like a year of heavy use but some application that  
access the disk too much. I can't quote on the limits but they exist.

Good portable apps are designed to be portable from the start, not  
hacked afterward with some tricky folder-phantomizing-tool. Portable  
apps should load all data they need and run from RAM without touching  
the disk, or only touching the disk when it needs to save permanent  
data. This will not only save your precious pendrive but also run way  
faster than some disk happy tool.

And if you're designing your app to be portable from the start, you  
don't need U3. You can build your own launcher. You can join the U4  
yahoo group and help the efforts. U3 good side is not the technology  
but the marketing, it gave apps exposure and a portal that the user  
could navigate and find stuff. I don't like but it  
gives you exposure and lots of users, from a marketing standpoint it  
is cool, from a tech standpoint it feels like a hack to me.

also, their portableapps menu never worked on win98 or win2000 for me.


That's a good question. I would imagine RunRev has a U3 version,  
and if they've done that much work it's far easier to make one  
that'll run on any flash drive.  I couldn't find either on the  
Download page, though -- anyone know if that's in the works?

For apps that are known to be portable, the directory at is a good starting point:

 Richard Gaskin
 Managing Editor, revJournal
 Rev tips, tutorials and more:
use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your  
subscription preferences:

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Re: applescript - do script

2007-05-15 Thread Mark Schonewille


The issue mentioned by Ian should have been solved, as you can read  

I tried to run Jim's little AppleScript script and it appears that  
something is wrong with standalones. Revolution is able to run the  
syntax sent by the do script command, but a standalone is not.

I have reported the problem to QC. Please add your comments here:




Consultancy and Software Engineering

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Op 15-mei-2007, om 19:33 heeft Ian Wood het volgende geschreven:

On 15 May 2007, at 18:26, Jim Sims wrote:

When I run that applescript it complains with a syntax error about  
the word script.

Can I write an applescript that will tell a Rev app script to run?
Anyone have an example or a tip for me?

There's an issue with some of the newer versions not including some  
package or other that allows the AppleScript commands to work.  
Copying the file form older apps was supposed to work.
I don't remember the exact details but it was discussed on the list  
about a year ago.


use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Connect to SQL Server via ODBC on Mac?

2007-05-15 Thread Roger . E . Eller
Ben Rubinstein wrote:
 Your suggestion inspired me to downlaod and try the current Actual
 Unfortunately, after installing this, the Actual driver doesn't work at
 (even just in the ODBC Administrator) - and the installation seems to
 trashed my OpenLink setup!  Aaargh.

 But thanks both for taking the time to reply.

 Meanwhile, is there anybody out there connecting to SQL Server over ODBC
 any version of Rev since 2.7.1, succesfully or otherwise?


 - Ben

Ben, I am sorry that it trashed your setup. Thinking back, I believe we
were running Panther when we tried it. Even though it worked, the cost was
a factor too since we had 100+ users, so we went with MySQL instead.

Even MySQL access via Rev has been broken in versions newer than 2.6.1
(including the latest 2.8.x release candidates), so we haven't moved
foreward. One thing I have determined is that where the Rev MySQL queries
once were NOT case-sensitive for table names, etc., they now ARE. And of
course this breaks existing stacks that were working fine in 2.6.1 (even if
they shouldn't have been).


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Re: End of U3?

2007-05-15 Thread Stephen Barncard
And there is a BIG difference between USB 1 and 2.. USB 2 can 
approach Firewire400 speeds...

Let us go to the important problems (IMHO):
* Removable media is slow. If your app does a lot of file juggling 
or is very disk based, you'll see performance penalty, specially if 
you're using cheap no brand pendrives.



stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
- - -  - - - - - - - - -

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Re: End of U3?

2007-05-15 Thread J. Landman Gay

Richard Gaskin wrote:

Judy Perry wrote:

But an app can be designed not to need that stuff, to keep everything on
the drive it's running on.  Since Rev standalones are self-contained, as
long as they don't go out of their way to modify the system (prefs
files, registry, etc.) they'll run from any removable media.

--but most don't, right??  Like, does Rev?

That's a good question. I would imagine RunRev has a U3 version, and if 
they've done that much work it's far easier to make one that'll run on 
any flash drive.  I couldn't find either on the Download page, though -- 
anyone know if that's in the works?

Building a U3 app is part of the standalone builder, just tick a 
checkbox. There's no separate download.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
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2007-05-15 Thread Bob Warren
For those who have not read it, I would like to recommend once again my 
article at:-
- particularly the early section headed *Alternative Perception and 
the examples of simple dialogues where people very easily drive one 
another nuts through debate.

The point about the title is that Brazil is both heaven AND hell, just 
like Runtime Revolution: two contradictory perceptions of the same 
reality are present, and denial of either one of them leads to madness.

Personally, I am very happy to see alternative perceptions on this 
UR-List, and I am not at all upset when people demonstrate their 
emotions - positive or negative. For me, the recent debate about bugs 
was enormously enriching.


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Re: applescript - do script

2007-05-15 Thread Andre Garzia
Lack of AETE resources or broken .plist inside the standalone bundle  
is my guess.

Probably the standalone is missing the .plist that binds the do  
script command with the internal routine.

I just checked and the script editor (the applescript editor) can't  
open the dictionary for revolution standalones, I think it is missing  
the AETE resource or whichever tech they use this days for setting  
the apple event terminology gizmo

I also checked with Sdef Editor (wonderful script terminology editor,  
freeware) and it can't find terminology/dictionary for standalones  
but it can find them for Revolution, so my guess is that it is  
missing from the standalone engine or it is not copied when the  
building is done.

just my two brazilian cents (which are measured in nanocents when  
relating to other currencies)

On May 15, 2007, at 3:05 PM, Mark Schonewille wrote:


The issue mentioned by Ian should have been solved, as you can read  

I tried to run Jim's little AppleScript script and it appears that  
something is wrong with standalones. Revolution is able to run the  
syntax sent by the do script command, but a standalone is not.

I have reported the problem to QC. Please add your comments here:




Consultancy and Software Engineering

Get your store on-line within minutes with Salery Web Store  
software. Download at

Op 15-mei-2007, om 19:33 heeft Ian Wood het volgende geschreven:

On 15 May 2007, at 18:26, Jim Sims wrote:

When I run that applescript it complains with a syntax error  
about the word script.

Can I write an applescript that will tell a Rev app script to run?
Anyone have an example or a tip for me?

There's an issue with some of the newer versions not including  
some package or other that allows the AppleScript commands to  
work. Copying the file form older apps was supposed to work.
I don't remember the exact details but it was discussed on the  
list about a year ago.


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subscription preferences:

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Re: End of U3?

2007-05-15 Thread Richard Gaskin

J. Landman Gay wrote:

 Richard Gaskin wrote:
 Judy Perry wrote:
...does Rev?

 That's a good question. I would imagine RunRev has a U3 version,
 and if they've done that much work it's far easier to make one
 that'll run on any flash drive.  I couldn't find either on the
 Download page, though -- anyone know if that's in the works?

 Building a U3 app is part of the standalone builder, just tick
 a checkbox. There's no separate download.

I had the impression Judy was asking about Rev itself.

Does it run from a flash drive, or does it require installation on a 
hard drive?

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation

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Re: End of U3?

2007-05-15 Thread Chipp Walters

From a private email I sent to Lynn,

While I know that question wasn't directed at me, I thought I'd chime in
with an answer. I actually found the U3 spec, device and organization
difficult to work with. I started a dialog with them which never finished,
even after repeated requests to them.

As Richard says, Rev is already out of the box more capable than most in
creating portable apps. In fact, all my apps I release for clients and
Altuit are now 'portablized.' This means they can run and update themselves
including self-healing, all from a standard USB drive.

There are a number of difficulties with standard apps trying to become

1) They may have frequent disk access which can wear on a USB drive. Rev
doesn't typically have this problem as it is RAM based.

2) They require sophisticated installs including registry edits and special
files placed in special folders all over the place (Program Files, My
Documents, App folder, etc.). While Rev can access these file  folder
locations, it's not necessary for Rev to work. Rev has full support for
registry entry and removal.

3) They may require specific Dynamic Linked Libraries (DLLs) to run. This
is the case for VB, .NET, Flash and other RAD tools, but not necessary for

The job over at is to remove many of these dependencies.
It's really not necessary to do so with Rev-- just a bit of smart thinking
up front.

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2007-05-15 Thread Andre Garzia


thanks for the essay, it's hard to come by texts that doesn't picture  
brazilians being carnival lovers, football dream players, cheaters in  
general, heavy coffee drinkers.

You go deep to think a problem that everyone knows and we all pretend  
it's not in there. And you live in dream lands (floripa!), situation  
in Rio is beyond warfare, Statistics show that in one single year in  
Rio and São Paulo more people are killed than in vietnam or something  
crazy like that.

I plan to move south too, where a person can still go out at night  
and trust he will come home later.

On the other side, there's nothing more creative than brazilians,  
solving problems by thinking outside of the box is the standard  
brazilian practice. In a country where careful planning and  
scientific thinking is shunned in favor of intuition and let's try  
this way! where's your spirit of adventure!-felling. Once I saw a  
guy in a jeep with a problem in the engine where not enough gas was  
being pumped into the thing when the car was on a cliff, the guy took  
the water of the windshield clearing thingy and inserted gasoline in  
that thing, cut the tube to the windshield and moved the tube to some  
other part of the engine, so when he was on the cliff and there was  
not enough gas, he could just clean the windshield like a  
madman and pump more casoline into the engine. He arrived safe  
home, he is viewed as a very smart guy and that is the standard  
brazilian way of solving things (hack around them).

he documented the procedure and put it online, it works for toyota  
jeeps from 1981, he own cumpliments of the jeep club for his  
scientific achievement in favor of all jeep owners that were once  
stopped at a high cliff and the betterment of mankind or something  
like that.

(my cs teacher used a stethoscope in old harddrives and machines to  
diagnose problems, but thats another history of brazilian ways)


On May 15, 2007, at 3:25 PM, Bob Warren wrote:

For those who have not read it, I would like to recommend once  
again my article at:-
- particularly the early section headed *Alternative Perception  
and the examples of simple dialogues where people very easily drive  
one another nuts through debate.

The point about the title is that Brazil is both heaven AND hell,  
just like Runtime Revolution: two contradictory perceptions of the  
same reality are present, and denial of either one of them leads to  

Personally, I am very happy to see alternative perceptions on this  
UR-List, and I am not at all upset when people demonstrate their  
emotions - positive or negative. For me, the recent debate about  
bugs was enormously enriching.


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Re: Grep -- How to match segment containing many lines

2007-05-15 Thread Sivakatirswami

I went into production with the script below where. The benchmark on this
I thought was impressive, so I thought to share it:

The fld findChunk has the grep string:

(?s)div id=container(.*?)div id=intro

the fileList has a list of paths already chosen for files to be operated on.
in this case 647  files.

Intel mac running the rev app over   100 baseT opening files
on an OSX intel server over the LAN.

Ok so I thought to myself Hmmm replaceText... this is going to be slow...
If I do this in BBEdit, on a multi-file search and replace, I would go 
for tea...

let's see how Rev does on this new platform.

open, replaceText, save and close

647 interations, 22 seconds!

I had 3 other unique replacements to make on those files,
Job done in 1 min 20 seconds.

The longest part of the operation was running a script to
use FTP to upload all those to the web server... of course
that ran in the background.

next production job will be a complete update of the web design
at  where the same operation
will be done on 3287 files...

on mouseUp

## Warnings!
  answer This is very dangerous! If you are unsure of yourself, stop 
now! do the S n R on a single file and check your work! with OK or 

  if it is  Cancel then exit to top
  put empty into fld pau
  if  (the hilight of btn Use Result List = false) then put empty 
into fld resultList

  answer Are you sure? This operation is\
  If you are nervous be sure to have a back up! with Yes, just do 
it! or No

  if it is No then exit MouseUp
  set the cursor to busy

## Get find and replace strings

  put fld findChunk into tSearchString
  put fld replaceChunk into tReplaceString

## get paths to files

if the hilight  of btn Use Result List then
put fld resultList into tFileList
put fld fileList into tFileList
  end if

## Read, do SnR, save

 repeat for each line y in tFileList
put url (file:y) into theFileData

  if the hilite of btn Use Grep then
 put fld replaceChunk into tReplaceString
  put fld findChunk into tFindString
 put replaceText(theFileData,tFindString,tReplaceString) into 

replace tSearchString with tReplaceString in theFileData
  end if

put theFileData into  url (file:y)

  end repeat
  put Pau! into fld Pau

end mouseUp

Ken Ray wrote:

does it... and I found the section in the BBEdit help on
Perl-Style Pattern Extensions  where all this is

s   allow. to match \r

Marvelous!  The unintuitive part is that this pattern
or toggle must begin the entire expression.

For more on how Rev handles it, go to, which is 
the documentation on the PCRE library that Rev uses for regex handling.

Om shanti
(In  Peace)


Get Hinduism Today Digital Edition. It's Free!
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HDV, DVD and other video formats . . .

2007-05-15 Thread Richmond Mathewson
Well, before we are all drowned under a flood of
Blu-Ray discs and so forth:-

I had another of my midnight fantasies where I merrily
programmed (in RunRev) a front end for small children
to access selected bits of a DVD in either a local or
networked DVD drive . . .

So; presumably just now it cannot be done

[Hm, ripping the DVD ? legal quibbles, etc. ]

Discuss, Argue, Suggest!

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson

A Thorn in the flesh is better than a failed Systems Development Life Cycle.

Yahoo! Answers - Got a question? Someone out there knows the answer. Try it
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2007-05-15 Thread Richmond Mathewson
Let me be the first to make the obvious pun about


and let me also point out that variety of opinions,
shape, size, colour (Hey, my RunRev palettes have been
turned a nifty British Racing-Green!) and so on are
both the spice of life, and good, healthy debate and

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson

A Thorn in the flesh is better than a failed Systems Development Life Cycle.

Yahoo! Mail is the world's favourite email. Don't settle for less, sign up for
your free account today* 
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Re: Script Limits in 2.8.0 [was Spreadsheet]

2007-05-15 Thread David Bovill

Thanks - if thats the right word Andre.
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Re: End of U3?

2007-05-15 Thread Richard Gaskin

Andre Garzia wrote:

And if you're designing your app to be portable from the start, you  
don't need U3. You can build your own launcher. You can join the U4  
yahoo group and help the efforts.

For those interested in contributing to the development of a universal 
flash drive launcher, the U4 Group is at:

 Richard Gaskin
 Managing Editor, revJournal
 Rev tips, tutorials and more:
use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Revolution 2.8.1 now Available for Download

2007-05-15 Thread Heather Nagey

Dear List member,

I'm happy to announce the release of Revolution 2.8.1. If you have a  
current license you can go and download it here:

and unlock it with your existing license. It could be beneficial to  
do a full install from the downloads page rather than using your  
update button inside the program, as this version corrects a number  
of issues with the installer/uninstaller, and you will not see the  
benefit of this unless you do a full installation.

If your license has lapsed, you will need to buy an update to access  
this release, it is a feature release. Those handy urls for updating  
your licenses:


Major changes with this release:

AltBrowser, altSQLite and altFont are now integrated with Revolution,  
and become revBrowser, revSQLite, and revFont respectively.

  - There is a new tabular split form (split/combine by row/column)
  - Private handler support is introduced
  - Date and time handling is revised and improved
  - Long file names are now supported on OS X
  - There are window layering improvements on Windows
  - There are fixes to printing (particularly on OS X)
  - There are fixes to buttons (particularly radio buttons)
  - There are fixes and improvements to menu accelerator dispatch
 - Over 240 other bug fixes and minor enhancements

Many other issues have been addressed, and the feedback from the beta  
test group is very positive - thank you all, your hard work in  
testing is much appreciated.

What are you waiting for? Go and download it now!

Warm Regards,


Heather Nagey
Customer Services Manager
Runtime Revolution Ltd

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Re: Script Limits in 2.8.0 [was Spreadsheet]

2007-05-15 Thread David Bovill

Andre - you made me think of the little guy versus big guy in law issue... I
have known a number of people with similar stories, and it makes me think
always of what to do in the age of the internet about these issues. And
every time I have this thought - so you have the evidence but not the money
to take them to court - so why not publish the story on the net and let them
sue you - so you get your chance to produce your evidence without the cost?
And then I think better of the idea.
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Menus, fields and not activating a mouseUp?

2007-05-15 Thread David Bovill

You have a field with a contextual menu - so when you control-click on the
field a popup menu apears (called in a mouseDown handler). If you do not use
the control key - but simply click the mouseUp handler does something

So how do you prevent the mouseUp handler? Neither exit to top nor the
pending messages seem to help... so I have always set a flag in the menu
code and then checked this in the mouseUp code... still is there a better
way to prevent mouseUp messages from being sent?
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: End of U3?

2007-05-15 Thread J. Landman Gay

Richard Gaskin wrote:

J. Landman Gay wrote:

  Richard Gaskin wrote:
  Judy Perry wrote:
 ...does Rev?
  That's a good question. I would imagine RunRev has a U3 version,
  and if they've done that much work it's far easier to make one
  that'll run on any flash drive.  I couldn't find either on the
  Download page, though -- anyone know if that's in the works?
  Building a U3 app is part of the standalone builder, just tick
  a checkbox. There's no separate download.

I had the impression Judy was asking about Rev itself.

Does it run from a flash drive, or does it require installation on a 
hard drive?

Now *I'm* confused. :): I haven't tried running Rev itself from a flash 
drive. Can't think why it wouldn't though, with the possible exception 
of saving its prefs file or finding any custom plugins. If I get some 
time, I might experiment. If someone else experiments first, that'd be 

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Revolution 2.8.1 now Available for Download

2007-05-15 Thread Mark Talluto

On May 15, 2007, at 12:50 PM, Heather Nagey wrote:

What are you waiting for? Go and download it now!

IMHO this is the very best release of Rev ever!  It is truly a major  
leap in reliability over any other released version thus far.  I can  
only imagine how cool 2.9 is going to be.

Thank you RunRev for all the hard work.  I would also like to thank  
Bill Marriott for all your hard work on keeping us all on track.

Best regards,
Mark Talluto

CANELA Software
31805 Hwy 79 S #791
Temecula, CA 92592
tel: (310) 483-9919
fax: (951) 302-0146

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Revolution 2.8.1 now Available for Download

2007-05-15 Thread Richard Gaskin

Heather Nagey wrote:
I'm happy to announce the release of Revolution 2.8.1. If you have a  
current license you can go and download it here:

Congratulations to the team!  While only an incremental update, it's a 
significant step forward for both overall quality and the process for 
ensuring that quality.  Well done!

 Richard Gaskin
 Managing Editor, revJournal
 Rev tips, tutorials and more:
use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Flash movies in Rev players on Windows ?

2007-05-15 Thread jbv


Well, I should probably update what I know about altBrowser...
I never really used it, only downloaded a demo a couple of years
According to your answer, the browser window can be integrated
in a stack and is transparent to the end user... if so, that's probably
what I'm looking for...

In the meantime, I was wondering if there could be any way to
convert flash files to some format that could be read in a player
via Windows Media Player... But I've been working 15 hrs in a
row and am probably just spacing out...


 Recently, jbv wrote:

  altBrowser is probably your best bet.
  Mmmh... don't think so...
  I'm asked to build a front end app that will launch flash movies
  but no QT installer and no browser are the main requests...

 How does using altBrowser constitute using a browser when it is part of a
 stack that you can design any way you want?  How would anyone know that
 you're using a browser-based engine to display Flash content and why would
 this matter anyway?  Last I checked, Flash is designed to run as a
 standalone process (no player needed) or in a Web browser.

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Re: applescript - do script

2007-05-15 Thread Ken Ray
On Tue, 15 May 2007 19:26:59 +0200, Jim Sims wrote:

 I looked at the applescript dictionary for my Rev 2.7.4 application
 and it had:
 do script v : Execute Revolution script
 So, I tried telling my application to do the following as a simple 
 test from the
 applescript script editor:
 tell application MyApp
   do script  quit
 end tell

BTW, this works perfectly fine in 2.8.1...


And if you want to give your apps custom AppleScript commands, take a 
look at this tip:

ascr006: Creating a Custom AppleScript Dictionary For a Revolution 


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: End of U3?

2007-05-15 Thread Chipp Walters

It would be great is someone ended up with a recipe on how to install Rev as
a portableapp. I'd love to have a Mac and PC copy on a Thumbdrive too!
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: applescript - do script

2007-05-15 Thread Mark Schonewille

Hi Ken,

It doesn't work in 2.8.1 here.




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Op 16-mei-2007, om 0:07 heeft Ken Ray het volgende geschreven:

BTW, this works perfectly fine in 2.8.1...


And if you want to give your apps custom AppleScript commands, take a
look at this tip:

ascr006: Creating a Custom AppleScript Dictionary For a Revolution


Ken Ray

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Menus, fields and not activating a mouseUp?

2007-05-15 Thread Mark Schonewille

Dear David,

on mouseUp
  if the controlkey is up then
-- do your stuff
  end if
end mouseUp

Best regards,



Consultancy and Software Engineering

Get your store on-line within minutes with Salery Web Store software.  
Download at

Op 15-mei-2007, om 22:44 heeft David Bovill het volgende geschreven:

You have a field with a contextual menu - so when you control-click  
on the
field a popup menu apears (called in a mouseDown handler). If you  
do not use

the control key - but simply click the mouseUp handler does something

So how do you prevent the mouseUp handler? Neither exit to top nor the
pending messages seem to help... so I have always set a flag in the  
code and then checked this in the mouseUp code... still is there a  

way to prevent mouseUp messages from being sent?

use-revolution mailing list
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Understanding the long ID?

2007-05-15 Thread Chipp Walters

I'm using the latest release of Rev 2.8.1

I create a new stack, add a single fld and a single button. In the button
script I add:

on mouseUp
 put the long ID of fld 1 into tID
 set the disabled of tID to not the disabled of tID
 put fred into tID
end mouseUp

When I press it, the field becomes disabled alternately (as expected). The
disabled is only here to show that tID is referenced correctly.

But, fred never gets put in the field? I wonder why? Is this a bug?

BTW, this does work:

set the text of tID to fred

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Re: Menus, fields and not activating a mouseUp?

2007-05-15 Thread Mark Schonewille


On second thought, the user probably releases the control key right  
after the mousedown. So, you might want to use the mouseDown handler  

on mouseDown
  if the controlKey is down then
-- do stuff
wait 200 with messages
if the mouse is up then
  -- run mouseup script
end if
  end if
end mouseDown

This could be a better way to do it.

Alternatively, you can check out the flushEvents function. If you  
don't want the mouseUp to run after the mouseDown script finished,  
just execute

get flushEvents(mouseUp)

This is not always a good solution and I tend to avoid it.




Consultancy and Software Engineering

Get your store on-line within minutes with Salery Web Store software.  
Download at

Op 15-mei-2007, om 22:44 heeft David Bovill het volgende geschreven:

You have a field with a contextual menu - so when you control-click  
on the
field a popup menu apears (called in a mouseDown handler). If you  
do not use

the control key - but simply click the mouseUp handler does something

So how do you prevent the mouseUp handler? Neither exit to top nor the
pending messages seem to help... so I have always set a flag in the  
code and then checked this in the mouseUp code... still is there a  

way to prevent mouseUp messages from being sent?

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: applescript - do script

2007-05-15 Thread Ian Wood

It looks like Ken's trick of renaming the .rsrc file does the trick:

1. Open the standalone package.
2. Navigate to
3. Change it to
4. Now trigger the Finder into updating it's list of scriptable  
applications, for instance by archiving the app, deleting the  
original (make sure to empty the Trash) and uncompressing it again.

I'm still getting some odd problems with having to relaunch Script  
Editor etc. but I suspect that's down to the Finder. :-(

I've added this to the bug report (#4970)


On 15 May 2007, at 23:16, Mark Schonewille wrote:

It doesn't work in 2.8.1 here.

Op 16-mei-2007, om 0:07 heeft Ken Ray het volgende geschreven:

BTW, this works perfectly fine in 2.8.1...


And if you want to give your apps custom AppleScript commands, take a
look at this tip:

ascr006: Creating a Custom AppleScript Dictionary For a Revolution

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: End of U3?

2007-05-15 Thread Judy Perry
Thanks, Richard.

I'll have a look for next term.


On Tue, 15 May 2007, Richard Gaskin wrote:

 For apps that are known to be portable, the directory at is a good starting point:

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: applescript - do script

2007-05-15 Thread Mark Schonewille

Restarting the script editor appears to be essential. Thanks Ian!



Consultancy and Software Engineering

Get your store on-line within minutes with Salery Web Store software.  
Download at

Op 16-mei-2007, om 0:59 heeft Ian Wood het volgende geschreven:

It looks like Ken's trick of renaming the .rsrc file does the trick:

1. Open the standalone package.
2. Navigate to
3. Change it to
4. Now trigger the Finder into updating it's list of scriptable  
applications, for instance by archiving the app, deleting the  
original (make sure to empty the Trash) and uncompressing it again.

I'm still getting some odd problems with having to relaunch Script  
Editor etc. but I suspect that's down to the Finder. :-(

I've added this to the bug report (#4970)


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Re: Understanding the long ID?

2007-05-15 Thread Trevor DeVore

On May 15, 2007, at 3:55 PM, Chipp Walters wrote:

I'm using the latest release of Rev 2.8.1

I create a new stack, add a single fld and a single button. In the  

script I add:

on mouseUp
 put the long ID of fld 1 into tID
 set the disabled of tID to not the disabled of tID
 put fred into tID
end mouseUp

Hi Chipp,

You are using put with a variable so fred is put into the  
variable tID.

When using a variable to reference a field you need to:

set the text of tID to fred

Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Learning Systems

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: End of U3?

2007-05-15 Thread Judy Perry

Of course, what I'm specifically looking to do (or, rather have my
students do) IS a hack -- of IT's iron-fisted grip on what software that
can be used in the classroom.

I did think about the speed issue... but our network's so crappy that
slow isn't going to strike the students as particularly odd :-/


On Tue, 15 May 2007, Andre Garzia wrote: always felt like a hack for me. It uses NDIS (or
 some other acronym) wrapper to hack around the folders tricking the
 enclosed executable to think it is writting to one place when it is
 actually writting to someplace else like the removable media folder.
 This solves some issues but it brings other problems.

 Let us go to the important problems (IMHO):
 * Removable media is slow. If your app does a lot of file juggling or
 is very disk based, you'll see performance penalty, specially if
 you're using cheap no brand pendrives.
 * Limited writting life of flash drives. You can't write on them
 forever, they have a limit and they will fail. I don't think a
 pendrive can stand like a year of heavy use but some application that
 access the disk too much. I can't quote on the limits but they exist.

 Good portable apps are designed to be portable from the start, not
 hacked afterward with some tricky folder-phantomizing-tool. Portable
 apps should load all data they need and run from RAM without touching
 the disk, or only touching the disk when it needs to save permanent
 data. This will not only save your precious pendrive but also run way
 faster than some disk happy tool.

 And if you're designing your app to be portable from the start, you
 don't need U3. You can build your own launcher. You can join the U4
 yahoo group and help the efforts. U3 good side is not the technology
 but the marketing, it gave apps exposure and a portal that the user
 could navigate and find stuff. I don't like but it
 gives you exposure and lots of users, from a marketing standpoint it
 is cool, from a tech standpoint it feels like a hack to me.

 also, their portableapps menu never worked on win98 or win2000 for me.


  That's a good question. I would imagine RunRev has a U3 version,
  and if they've done that much work it's far easier to make one
  that'll run on any flash drive.  I couldn't find either on the
  Download page, though -- anyone know if that's in the works?
  For apps that are known to be portable, the directory at is a good starting point:
   Richard Gaskin
   Managing Editor, revJournal
   Rev tips, tutorials and more:
  use-revolution mailing list
  Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your
  subscription preferences:

 use-revolution mailing list
 Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Understanding the long ID?

2007-05-15 Thread Chipp Walters

Thanks Trevor,

I got it...just a bit confusing is all. I do/have used the 'set the text of'
for this.
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Re: End of U3?

2007-05-15 Thread Judy Perry

In the section on reliability I wanted them to experience programming
writ small by having them make their own little stack that did something

But no way, no how is IT going to let us d/l the demo, and my department's
license is only for OS9 :-(  And, even if the students purchased Media,
they'd need me to hand-hold them through an introduction at least, which
gets me back to the chicken-egg conundrum.


On Tue, 15 May 2007, Richard Gaskin wrote:

 I had the impression Judy was asking about Rev itself.

 Does it run from a flash drive, or does it require installation on a
 hard drive?

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Re: End of U3?

2007-05-15 Thread Judy Perry
Sounds like a job for office hours


But, of course, it's the end of the semester now, so I don't have any of


On Tue, 15 May 2007, J. Landman Gay wrote:

  Does it run from a flash drive, or does it require installation on a
  hard drive?

 Now *I'm* confused. :): I haven't tried running Rev itself from a flash
 drive. Can't think why it wouldn't though, with the possible exception
 of saving its prefs file or finding any custom plugins. If I get some
 time, I might experiment. If someone else experiments first, that'd be

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Understanding the long ID?

2007-05-15 Thread Mark Talluto

On May 15, 2007, at 3:55 PM, Chipp Walters wrote:

I'm using the latest release of Rev 2.8.1

I create a new stack, add a single fld and a single button. In the  

script I add:

on mouseUp
 put the long ID of fld 1 into tID
 set the disabled of tID to not the disabled of tID
 put fred into tID
end mouseUp

When I press it, the field becomes disabled alternately (as  
expected). The

disabled is only here to show that tID is referenced correctly.

But, fred never gets put in the field? I wonder why? Is this a bug?

BTW, this does work:

set the text of tID to fred

I think it is a bug.  I guess I have always worked around it with:

put fred into fld id (word 3 of tID)

Mark Talluto
CANELA Software

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Understanding the long ID?

2007-05-15 Thread J. Landman Gay

Trevor DeVore wrote:

On May 15, 2007, at 3:55 PM, Chipp Walters wrote:

I'm using the latest release of Rev 2.8.1

I create a new stack, add a single fld and a single button. In the button
script I add:

on mouseUp
 put the long ID of fld 1 into tID
 set the disabled of tID to not the disabled of tID
 put fred into tID
end mouseUp

Hi Chipp,

You are using put with a variable so fred is put into the variable tID.
When using a variable to reference a field you need to:

set the text of tID to fred

Or the dreaded do:

  do put quote fred quote into tID

Setting the text is easier.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Understanding the long ID?

2007-05-15 Thread Ken Ray
On Tue, 15 May 2007 18:07:27 -0500, Chipp Walters wrote:

 Thanks Trevor,
 I got it...just a bit confusing is all. I do/have used the 'set the text of'
 for this.

I've done the same. But I started to put this rule into my head that I 
can manipulate properties with get/set/put on an object reference in a 
variable, but that anything else to do with that object (esp. 
shorthand stuff like get field 1 instead of get the text of field 
1) should be executed with do:

  do put  quote  Fred  quote  into  tID

But I've tended to go the property way when using references because 
it's less typing (as you saw):

  set the text of tID to Fred

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Understanding the long ID?

2007-05-15 Thread Richard Gaskin

Mark Talluto wrote:

On May 15, 2007, at 3:55 PM, Chipp Walters wrote: 

I'm using the latest release of Rev 2.8.1
I create a new stack, add a single fld and a single button. In the  
button script I add:

on mouseUp
 put the long ID of fld 1 into tID
 set the disabled of tID to not the disabled of tID
 put fred into tID
end mouseUp

When I press it, the field becomes disabled alternately (as  
expected). The disabled is only here to show that tID is 
referenced correctly.

But, fred never gets put in the field? I wonder why? Is this a bug?

BTW, this does work:

set the text of tID to fred

I think it is a bug.

If Rev variables were types and tID was typed as an object reference it 
might be a bug.

But as it is, Rev vars are just buckets into which you can put anything 
you want.  One minute you can store a string that refers to an object, 
the next minute you can store some arbitrary text -- how is Rev to know 
you mean otherwise?

Rev vars don't have properties, but objects do, so when you say:

  set the text of tID to fred knows that you're setting a property so it first evaluates tID to 
get the object reference, then sets that object's property.

The ambiguity is -- once again -- HyperCard compatibility.  In most 
languages, properties are set in a consistent way, and in Rev the text 
property can be set using set the text of

But HyperCard allowed the convenience of setting the text property 
without having to name the property by using put val into obj.

While it's convenient to treat the text property of objects as an 
implied container, the ambiguity inherent in HyperTalk's design has led 
to a great many confusing moments for many people over the last couple 

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
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2007-05-15 Thread Bob Warren


Thanks for that great complementary story and comments. If ever Brazil 
needed a trendy young ambassador, they need look no further. A little 
more quebrando o galho and jeitinho is what a lot of people need. 
But I'll leave you to explain what they are


As one nutter to another, thanks once again for brightening up my day, 
and please don't ever stop.

Best regards,
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Re: Flash movies in Rev players on Windows ?

2007-05-15 Thread Professor Andrew Lian

i Scott,

Try http://www/ It is a website which transforms from one format to
another at no cost (it also does a host of other conversions).

Hope that helps

On 5/15/07, jbv [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Well, I should probably update what I know about altBrowser...
I never really used it, only downloaded a demo a couple of years
According to your answer, the browser window can be integrated
in a stack and is transparent to the end user... if so, that's probably
what I'm looking for...

In the meantime, I was wondering if there could be any way to
convert flash files to some format that could be read in a player
via Windows Media Player... But I've been working 15 hrs in a
row and am probably just spacing out...


 Recently, jbv wrote:

  altBrowser is probably your best bet.
  Mmmh... don't think so...
  I'm asked to build a front end app that will launch flash movies
  but no QT installer and no browser are the main requests...

 How does using altBrowser constitute using a browser when it is part of
 stack that you can design any way you want?  How would anyone know that
 you're using a browser-based engine to display Flash content and why
 this matter anyway?  Last I checked, Flash is designed to run as a
 standalone process (no player needed) or in a Web browser.

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Dr Andrew Lian
Professor and Chair
Dept. of Foreign Languages and Literatures
Western Illinois University
Macomb, IL, 61455, USA
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; website:
Phone: +1 (309) 298-1558; Fax: +1 (309) 298-1060

We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are. (Anaïs Nin)
The universe is made up of stories, not atoms (Muriel Rukeyser)
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Re: Understanding the long ID?

2007-05-15 Thread Mark Talluto

On May 15, 2007, at 4:44 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

If Rev variables were types and tID was typed as an object  
reference it might be a bug.

I see the light.  Working with it has never slowed me down.  There  
are many ways as demonstrated to get that job done.  Rev is such a  
fast environment to work in that I never take the time to understand  
this situation completely.  In seconds one can try this or that and  
it just works.  After that you move on and never look back.  It is  
good to stop and smell the roses once in a while.  :)

Mark Talluto
CANELA Software

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Re: applescript - do script

2007-05-15 Thread Ken Ray
On Wed, 16 May 2007 00:16:20 +0200, Mark Schonewille wrote:

 Hi Ken,
 It doesn't work in 2.8.1 here.

Whoops! Sorry, I was testing Revolution itself, not a standalone built 
with Rev 2.8.1. Ian has the right idea, though...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
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Re: Date Chooser

2007-05-15 Thread Matt Peterson

On 5/13/07, Bill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am interested in your idea of combining both. I would also like to be
to change the format of the date returned easily.  (for example to
or sometimes mm/dd/yy

On 5/12/07 4:45 PM, Matthew [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

using Bjornke's stack, but I think I
 like the calander better. I am going to try and combine both into a
 date chooser stack and write a small handler for it. If anyone is
 interested, I can post it later.

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The format it returns is the seconds format, and you could easily change
that by doing something like:

put choosedate(theseconds,thelabel) into thedate
convert thedate to short date -- or whatever

Any bugs found would be appreciated

Matthew Peterson
Christa McAuliffe Space Education Center
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Re: applescript - do script

2007-05-15 Thread Jim Sims

On May 16, 2007, at 12:59 AM, Ian Wood wrote:

It looks like Ken's trick of renaming the .rsrc file does the trick:

Phew, am I relieved.

Thanks to everyone for looking at this!

Jim Sims
Custom Software Development

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Re: Script Limits in 2.8.0 [was Spreadsheet]

2007-05-15 Thread Chipp Walters

On 5/15/07, David Bovill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

so why not publish the story on the net and let them
sue you - so you get your chance to produce your evidence without the

And exactly how does 'letting them sue you' save money? Lawyers cost money
no matter which side of a case they are on.
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