Re: Deleting files on Vista

2007-07-02 Thread Dave Cragg

On 1 Jul 2007, at 17:30, Ken Ray wrote:

That's correct - anything that gets virtualized ends up being
virtualized for only that user... so until we get a tool that lets our
apps get elevated permission levels on Vista (hint, hint, RunRev?), we
cannot install in a universally accessible area to all users without
having someone with a specific set of permissions log in and do it.

I see Rev's own updater tool is affected by this. (Need to set the  
app to "Run as Administrator" to get it to work.) Hopefully that will  
provide the appropriate incentive for them to come up with a solution.

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Re: AW: newbie video player questions

2007-07-02 Thread eddie d
I actually like that handler name a lot :-)
I'll see if I can get it all together and read the dictionary.


> OK, here is the EASY NEW YORK DJ "Aufulitch" LIVE REMIX version ;-)
> on opensthecorrectstackaccordingtothecurrentdaytime


> OK the handler name is incredible :-), but the rest of the
> script should be easier to understand.
> Please look up all unknown terms in the dictionary.
> Hope that helps.

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Re: Delimiting thousandths..converting 12345678 to 12, 345, 678 for example

2007-07-02 Thread Brian Yennie
If you just need something for whole integers, how about something  
simple like:

function thousandsDelimit pNum
repeat with i=-1 down to (0 - length(pNum))
put char i of pNum before temp
if (i mod 3 = 0) then put comma before temp
end repeat
if (char 1 of temp is comma) then delete char 1 of temp
return temp
end thousandsDelimit

If you needed to work with decimals, you could call it with something  

set the itemDelimiter to "."
put thousandsDelimit(item 1 of tNum) into item 1 of tNum


If there a built-in "thousandths delimit" function that takes a  
number and inserts the appropriate delimiter (e.g. commas for  
USA).  Alternately, does someone have an idea for a really fast and  
efficient custom function that does it?  I have maybe a hundred  
thousand numbers at a time to convert and cannot think of how to do  
it reliably in less than a dozen lines of code.

Corollary to this question is, any way to read user's system  
preferences about which delimiter to use?



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Re: Revolution Freezing or Quitting Unexpectedly

2007-07-02 Thread Shari
Hey, when you guys report things like this, it would be very helpful 
if we knew what you're using. Computer and OS and Rev version.

Joe Wilkins

In my case this has occurred on two computers:

MacPro Macintel 10.4.7 running a standalone built with 2.8.1.  The 
standalone was built as a Universal Binary.

Also on a Mac G-5 running 10.4.9 using the same standalone.

I did encounter unexpected quits during development as well, when it 
was just a stack.  I had thought it was related to the screensaver 
coming up when the computer was idle for a few minutes but never was 
able to verify.  When I tried to intentionally make it quit, it did 
not.  Then the quits stopped, so I thought somehow it had resolved 
itself.  But now in standalone mode, they are back again.

It doesn't freeze for me, it just up and quits unexpectedly.  I do 
have a crash log from the other fella on the G-5.

I don't know how to read the crash log as I don't speak C.  But one 
thing that jumps out at me is the frequent reference to 
com.gypsyking.BlackjackGold.  This is the name of the pList file, 
which does not get created when you launch the standalone.  Even 
though I have a custom pList file in the appropriate place in the 
Contents folder, and I know my pList is solid, the engine does not 
re-create it in the users main Preferences folder.  Previous 
standalones have successfully created this file.  I do not know if 
this missing file in some way causes the quits.

### begin crash log ###

Date/Time:  2007-06-18 18:27:05.601 -0700
OS Version: 10.4.9 (Build 8P135)
Report Version: 4

Command: Gold
Path:/Applications/Blackjack Gold 127 OSX/Blackjack

Parent:  WindowServer [64]

Version: 1.2.7 (1.2.7)

Thread: 0

Exception:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001)
Codes:  KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE (0x0002) at 0x0004

Thread 0 Crashed:
0   com.gypsyking.BlackjackGold 0x000ef8c0 
MCScreenDC::lockpixmap(drawable*, void*&, unsigned&) + 24
1   com.gypsyking.BlackjackGold 0x000ef858 
MCScreenDC::createpixmap(unsigned short, unsigned short, unsigned 
short, unsigned char) + 148
2   com.gypsyking.BlackjackGold 0x00149b1c 
MCUIDC::resizepixmaps_new(drawable*&, drawable*&, unsigned short, 
unsigned short, drawable*&, drawable*&, unsigned short, unsigned 
short, MCBitmap*&, MCBitmap*&, MCBitmap*&, unsigned char) + 596

3   com.gypsyking.BlackjackGold 0x000ba4b0 MCImage::resize() + 188
4   com.gypsyking.BlackjackGold 0x000d1b18 
MCObject::setprop(unsigned, Properties, MCExecPoint&, MCString 
const&, MCString const&, unsigned char) + 12752
5   com.gypsyking.BlackjackGold 0x00049f70 
MCControl::setprop(unsigned, Properties, MCExecPoint&, MCString 
const&, MCString const&, unsigned char) + 844
6   com.gypsyking.BlackjackGold 0x000b5bc0 
MCImage::setprop(unsigned, Properties, MCExecPoint&, MCString const&, 
MCString const&, unsigned char) + 7088
7   com.gypsyking.BlackjackGold 0x00029c48 
MCChunk::setprop(Properties, MCExecPoint&, MCString const&, MCString 
const&, unsigned char) + 348
8   com.gypsyking.BlackjackGold 0x0011b904 
MCProperty::set(MCExecPoint&) + 19484

9   com.gypsyking.BlackjackGold 0x0002e00c MCSet::exec(MCExecPoint&) + 136
10  com.gypsyking.BlackjackGold 0x00097c70 
MCHandler::exec(MCExecPoint&, MCParameter*) + 1460
11  com.gypsyking.BlackjackGold 0x000205e0 
MCCard::handle(Handler_type, MCString const&, MCParameter*, unsigned 
char, unsigned char) + 584
12  com.gypsyking.BlackjackGold 0x00143978 
MCComref::exec(MCExecPoint&) + 800

13  com.gypsyking.BlackjackGold 0x000bde80 MCIf::exec(MCExecPoint&) + 508
14  com.gypsyking.BlackjackGold 0x00097c70 
MCHandler::exec(MCExecPoint&, MCParameter*) + 1460
15  com.gypsyking.BlackjackGold 0x000205e0 
MCCard::handle(Handler_type, MCString const&, MCParameter*, unsigned 
char, unsigned char) + 584
16  com.gypsyking.BlackjackGold 0x00143978 
MCComref::exec(MCExecPoint&) + 800
17  com.gypsyking.BlackjackGold 0x000bf834 
MCRepeat::exec(MCExecPoint&) + 4172
18  com.gypsyking.BlackjackGold 0x000bf834 
MCRepeat::exec(MCExecPoint&) + 4172
19  com.gypsyking.BlackjackGold 0x00097c70 
MCHandler::exec(MCExecPoint&, MCParameter*) + 1460
20  com.gypsyking.BlackjackGold 0x000205e0 
MCCard::handle(Handler_type, MCString const&, MCParameter*, unsigned 
char, unsigned char) + 584
21  com.gypsyking.BlackjackGold 0x00143978 
MCComref::exec(MCExecPoint&) + 800
22  com.gypsyking.BlackjackGold 0x00097c70 
MCHandler::exec(MCExecPoint&, MCParameter*) + 1460
23  com.gypsyking.BlackjackGold 0x000205e0 
MCCard::handle(Handler_type, MCString const&, MCParameter*, unsigned 
char, unsigned char) + 584
24  com.gypsyking.BlackjackGold 0x000d2140 
MCObject::handle(Handler_type, MCString const&, MCParameter*, 
unsigned char, unsigned char) + 200
25  com.gypsyking.BlackjackGold 0x00143978 
MCComref::exec(MCExecPoint&) + 800

26  com.gypsyking.BlackjackGold 0x000bde80 MCIf

Re: Location of Handlers that Trap Messages

2007-07-02 Thread Gregory Lypny
Thanks for your thoughtful response, Devin.  Except in the simplest  
of stacks, my intuition has always been to place handlers that trap  
messages in or close to the objects for which they are intended.  It  
may be for this reason that I've yet to encounter the group-as-a- 
background problem you describe.  However, the standalone problem  
that you also mention would never have occurred to me, so many thanks  
for the heads up.


On Tue, Jun 19, 2007, at 1:00 PM, Devin Asay wrote:

Message: 4
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 09:32:10 -0600
From: Devin Asay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Location of Handlers that Trap Messages
To: How to use Revolution 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; delsp=yes; format=flowed

On Jun 19, 2007, at 6:36 AM, Gregory Lypny wrote:

Hello everyone,

I'm a little rusty here.  Does it matter much where I place
handlers that trap openCard, closeField, and such messages?  In a
simple stack, I put them all in the stack script, but I guess I
could put them in group script.  I'm interested in speed as opposed
to which controls will receive a message because they lie in its  

Hi, Gregory.

My rule of thumb (thanks to Jerry Daniels for stating it in a
succinct formula,) which I pass on to my students is:

"Place a handler as far up the message hierarchy as it needs to be,
but no farther."

In other words, if several controls do virtually the same thing, a
handler placed in an enclosing group or a card might be the most
efficient placement. On the other hand, don't just throw all of your
handlers in a stack script, since not all handlers are needed
everywhere in the stack.

In fact, a handler placed too far up the hierarchy can have the
unintended effect of being triggered too often. I see a common
problem in beginner stacks that starts to show up right after I
introduce groups, and I urge students to place handlers in the group
script rather than in individual buttons within the group, when
appropriate. So often what happens is students rightly create a group
of navigation buttons with, say, a "go next" button, that is to be
placed on every card. Then they put a mouseup handler in the group,
something like this:

on mouseUp
   go next card
end mouseUp

But what happens if the group inadvertently gets set to be a
backgroundBehavior group (which happens often; see the "undocumented
feature" described in  .) Suddenly every click on any object on the
card, or even on the card itself, can trigger mouseUp in the group,
unless those objects have their own mouseUp handler. A much better
placement, of course, is in the "next" button itself, since no other
control really needs to trigger that action. This is maybe a
simplistic example, but it's a good illustration of what can happen
if you expose a handler to too many objects by placing it too high in
the message hierarchy.

More insidious are preOpenStack and openStack handlers placed in the
stack script of a stack that is used to launch other stacks. In the
IDE everything is fine. But as soon as you  create a standalone from
that stack, it essentially becomes the Rev engine, and every stack it
opens will potentially pass openStack messages up to it. As someone
else mentioned, you can avoid this problem by placing these handlers
in the card script of card 1 of the stack, but even that can lead to
unintended consequences.


Devin Asay
Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
Brigham Young University

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Re: the files functions doesn't work correctly withdiacriticalcharacters

2007-07-02 Thread xavier . bury
thanks Viktoras!


[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 21/06/2007 11:37:07:

> Hi Xavier,
> this may be related to a collection of semi-resolved/partially-fixed
>  unicode support?..) bugs where characters outside of the standard
> European character set are not being translated correctly. I guess it is
> same problem that prevents me from developing software in my own native
> language as revolution does not understand input from my keyboard when
> to LT. These issues are fixed for some languages (it was reported for
>  Hungarian, Czech some time ago and now it seems like it is fixed), and
> fixed for others.
> See the quality reports 4677, 441, 1038, 1040, 1358. Look like a
> long-standing issues with priority downgraded to minor...
> All the best!
> Viktoras
> ---Original Message---
> Date: 20/06/2007 16:21:46
> To: How to use Revolution
> Subject: Re: the files functions doesn't work correctly
> withdiacriticalcharacters
> I think i found the problem:
> The font (ms sans serif) of the fields in the revVariableWatcher doesn't

> show the diacriticals as expected!!!
> The Tahoma font works fine... well, sometimes...
> set the directory to fld "path"
> put the files into fld "log" -- works great at least in a tahoma field.
> Which doesn't explain why the filename comparisons dont work yet but the

> files functions works correctly at least!
> I changed all the revVariableWatcher's field to Tahoma but the shell's
> output was still unreadable!
> So it's the shell! But in the shell (cmd.exe) dir displays correctly !!!

> ;)
> Next step was to change the encoding of the shell from the standard 850
> western1 codes to 1252. Because i found out
> meanwhile that when piped to a file dir didn't show the text as expected

> (sorry rev if i blamed this on you)!!!
> And with chcp 1252 it did work as expected!
> But then wabam, I can't get shell to do the right thing now!
> I need to tell the shell that it needs to do first a chcp 1252 and then
> the same shell call, a dir of the folder but ...
> Only the first line of the shell gets evaluated it seems! This is a
> serious limitation in this case... And a speed problem since
> the shell can't be done in rev but needs to be sent via a start.exe then

> piped out then reinjected in rev in the right chr set...
> And I thought rev was easy all over! If anyone is interested in
> shell calls in rev let me know, i'll make a bugzilla...
> cheers
> Xa
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 20/06/2007 13:42:56:
> > Hi everyone,
> >
> > I have this file scanner that does some file listings and which needs
> > compare outputs with a shell dir.exe command (in windows 2003).
> > The shell is too slow but it is the only one that shows me which files

> are
> > DHSM based (offline storage off the main storage).
> >
> > The problem i found is that the shell based dir output works correctly

> but
> > the runrev "the files" functions doesn't.
> >
> > The runrev output doesn't translate correctly the diacritical
> > such as umlauts, or other german/french style characters.
> >
> > Has anyone seen this and better resolved it? Is there already a
> > for this?
> >
> > For the funny part, when i ask in rev if the file is there with the
> > shell's file name output, rev does recognize it but i do a comparison
> > strings between
> > the shell and rev's the file output, they do not match!!! Meaning that

> the
> > files functions is not compliant with windows?
> >
> > The shell's codepage is 850 in case anyone wondered. Is there anyway
> > change the codepage of rev's output?
> >
> > Thanks in advance for any help
> >
> > Regards,
> > Xavier
> >
> >
> >

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Re: AW: newbie video player questions

2007-07-02 Thread Klaus Major

Dag Eddie,


Graag gedaan :-)

I actually like that handler name a lot :-)
I'll see if I can get it all together and read the dictionary.

OK, here is the EASY NEW YORK DJ "Aufulitch" LIVE REMIX version ;-)
on opensthecorrectstackaccordingtothecurrentdaytime


OK the handler name is incredible :-), but the rest of the
script should be easier to understand.
Please look up all unknown terms in the dictionary.

Hope that helps.

Tot dan

Klaus Major

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AW: The Art of Dissolving Splash Screens

2007-07-02 Thread Peter Alcibiades
Yes, the same thing works in Linux standalones compiled in Linux.  You just 
open the 'other' file, the non-splash substack, in the IDE.   Then save, no 
need to recompile. 

Doesn't work for the main stack of course.  But who cares, since it only calls 
the substack which does all the work.  Very nice.  Best of both worlds, 
interpreted and compiled.

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core image transitions

2007-07-02 Thread Claudi Cornaz

Hi all,

Currently I am working on a "arty" project. In a kind of dark box 
images (actually
always tiling patterns) will be projected on all 4 sides. In this box 
will be tables and chairs
and people will be sitting there. These patters (hundreds of them) will 
dissolve one in the other. This part I got working beautifully with 
blendLevels and
different inks. (the patterns will be choosen at random and also the 
timing will have

a random component)

The next part is more complicated and I don't know if it can be done in 
rev. (I hope so)
Over these background patterns I need to move spot's of other patterns, 
bit like clouds. These "clouds" should change the undelying pattern in 
or color, or luminosity etc. I was hoping I might use the new core 
transitions to

achieve this but I can't get them to work.

I manage the CIDissolveTransition to work but alas I can't get any of 
blendModes to do anything. I hope there is something obvious I am 

I have a stack with 2 images and a btn with the script.

on mouseUp
   hide img "testImg"
   do "show img" && quote & testImg & quote && "with visual effect 
CISaturationBlendMode slowly"   -- for instance, I tried all blendModes

end mouseUp

I also tryed to put the destination img after the blendMode (with 
visual effect CISaturationBlendMode slowly to "bgImg")

Alas no dice. After a delay the testImg just pops in front of the 
bgImg. No transition no combining of the 2 images, nothing.

If anyone has a sugestion, please I am in a bit of a fix now, not 
knowing if it can be done with rev or that I
need to find some other way to do this (other solutions are very 
welcome as well of course)

All the best

Ps. I have the newest macBook and of course 10.4 and the latest build 
of rev.

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Re: Revolution Freezing or Quitting Unexpectedly

2007-07-02 Thread Joe Lewis Wilkins

Hi Shari,

I was under the impression this thread ended a long time ago; and how  
did it finally come through with the crash log in it?

Joe Wilkins

On Jun 19, 2007, at 5:01 AM, Shari wrote:

Hey, when you guys report things like this, it would be very  
helpful if we knew what you're using. Computer and OS and Rev  

Joe Wilkins

In my case this has occurred on two computers:

MacPro Macintel 10.4.7 running a standalone built with 2.8.1.  The  
standalone was built as a Universal Binary.

Also on a Mac G-5 running 10.4.9 using the same standalone.

< huge snip >

### end crash log ###


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Re: [OT] iPhone anyone?

2007-07-02 Thread Andre Garzia

What I always wanted was a phone that exposed itself in some sane API for
some lightweight language such as lisp or forth.
For example, here in Brazil you have your phone number as a 8 digits phone.
If you're on a different state (or city) you need to put the 2 digits DDD
(distance direct call) for your city in front of those 8 numbers and since
we have more than one carrier for landlines you also need to put the 2
digits code of the carrier you want to use.

So whenever I travel for example to são paulo, my home phone which is
26095048 becomes something like 01121-26095048, now, all my numbers in my
contact list don't have that prefix, if the damn phone exposed some API I
could code a 'add prefix to all numbers' function or something like that.

There's no limit what an open architecture can do. Almost all Richards wants
below are resolved if the iPhone had an open API and one single USB port for
missing hardware. Presto! All your GPS, sat phone, anything needs are thus
solved, just take code and some new pcbs.


On 7/2/07, Judy Perry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You don't want much, do you ?



On Sun, 1 Jul 2007, Richard Gaskin wrote:

> No iPhone for me.  I'm holding out for a device with:
> - Phone
> - Still camera (5mpx or greater
> - Video (HD)
> - Voice recorder
> - MP3/OGG player
> - GPS
> - AM, FM, NOAA/weather band, and most importantly Shortwave radio
> - Internet/web/email
> - Optional satellite phone service module
> - OPEN ARCHITECTURE so I can write my own programs for it

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Converting Image to Line Drawing

2007-07-02 Thread
I'm looking to make a small application that converts an image to a line
Any help would be appreciated.


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Re: core image transitions

2007-07-02 Thread David Bovill

Claudi - I have not tried the core transition blend modes, but looking at
the Apple documentation it seems that you may need some parameters:


Uses the luminance and hue values of the background with the saturation of
the source image.

A CIImage class whose display name is Image.

A CIImage class whose display name is Background Image.
Now - I'm not sure what the parameters are in Rev - but it should look
something like:

show image "Target Image" with visual effect CISaturationBlendMode with *
inputImage* id 5389 and *inputBackgroundImage* id 5394

As others look like this:

show image "Target Image" with visual effect CISaturationBlendMode with

backsideImage id 5389 and shadingImage id 5394

You may want to look at using Quartz Composer - You should be able to create
movies in which you can move and animate the various layers with the effects
you describe. These are then simple QuickTime movies so you can play them in
Rev stacks - on OSX Tiger and above. You should be able to add inputs so
that the videos talk to each other, and you may need to make Rev loop the
videos and have some problems with glitches on looping

If I get you right you are doing a four sided cube installation? Can i come
and see it :)
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Re: ANN: Snapper Screen Recorder for Mac OS X

2007-07-02 Thread Andre Garzia

nice software! I am one that is always using such tools! :D

just one question, is there a way to show the cursor during capture?



On 7/1/07, Mark Schonewille <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dear List,

It is a pleasure to announce Snapper for Mac OS X, a simple utility
to capture your on-screen work into movies. You can read about it at
and download it from .

This project would not have been possible without Trevor's wonderful
EnhancedQT External. Many thanks, Trevor!

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille


Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

Quickly extract data from your HyperCard stacks with DIFfersifier.

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Re: ANN: Snapper Screen Recorder for Mac OS X

2007-07-02 Thread David Bovill

Nice mark - I need to do something similar for a project - good to know it
works !!! NB - what sort of fps can you get?
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Re: ANN: Snapper Screen Recorder for Mac OS X

2007-07-02 Thread Mark Schonewille

Hi Andre,

I can't show the cursor yet. I have been thinking of several  
solutions. Maybe I can show a cursor in a cursor-shaped system window  
during recording, but I am sure this will be annoying. Perhaps I  
could remember the cursor location in a list and add a picture of the  
cursor later. As far as I know, there is no way to show the cursor  
when making a snapshot in Revolution. Ideas to solve this problem are  
highly appreciated!

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille


Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

Quickly extract data from your HyperCard stacks with DIFfersifier.

Op 2-jul-2007, om 16:08 heeft Andre Garzia het volgende geschreven:

nice software! I am one that is always using such tools! :D

just one question, is there a way to show the cursor during capture?



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Re: core image transitions

2007-07-02 Thread Shao Sean

The following worked fine for me

on mouseUp
  hide img "testImg"
  show img "testImg" with visual effect CICopyMachineTransition slow
end mouseUp
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Re: ANN: Snapper Screen Recorder for Mac OS X

2007-07-02 Thread Mark Schonewille

Hi David,

On a fast computer (2.16 Mhz MacBook) I get easily 12 to 24 frames  
per second, but when core image techniques are used, such as the  
dock's ghost-out-of-bottle effect (as it is called in Dutch), the  
application stalls. To show these effects, we probably need some  
changes at engine level.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille


Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

Quickly extract data from your HyperCard stacks with DIFfersifier.

Op 2-jul-2007, om 16:12 heeft David Bovill het volgende geschreven:

Nice mark - I need to do something similar for a project - good to  
know it

works !!! NB - what sort of fps can you get?
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Using Rev to learn CS or How I coded an assembler interpreter in one night.

2007-07-02 Thread Andre Garzia

I wrote a little article about how I coded in less than five hours a simple
Assembly interpreter. I had a problem that in my university they teach us
some Assembly for a simulated machine called SIMx86 that only runs on
windows. I use macs and had no way to study (except watching the powerpoint
presentations on keynote), my assembly examination was approaching so I took
the job of coding myself an intepreter that was compatible with the
instructions of SIMx86 to a level that I was able to run all the examples we
learned in class and experiment on my own.

In the end, I coded it all, it works and it even has a line by line

The article is here:

Thats one success story of using Revolution in Education :-)

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Re: ANN: Snapper Screen Recorder for Mac OS X

2007-07-02 Thread Andre Garzia

Hello Mark,

try this, get the global cursor location for each frame, if you can't do
that in Rev, then you can do that with applescript, I am sure. just record
the positions for each frame. Then before packing the images together, use
an PNG with alpha channel and put it on the location for each frame and take
a new snapshot. This will take more time rendering but I think it will work.
With such technique you can also implement cursor trails to help people see
what is happening or custom cursors.

two things come to mind:
Applescript OSAX ExtraSuite
This suite has mouse location functions.

Or you can for each frame capture, lock the screen, show a stack the size of
the screen, get the mouseloc() for that stack, hide the stack. Don't know
how fast you can do this and how it affects the fps.

Some better coders in here may have better ideas!!! :-D


On 7/2/07, Mark Schonewille <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Andre,

I can't show the cursor yet. I have been thinking of several
solutions. Maybe I can show a cursor in a cursor-shaped system window
during recording, but I am sure this will be annoying. Perhaps I
could remember the cursor location in a list and add a picture of the
cursor later. As far as I know, there is no way to show the cursor
when making a snapshot in Revolution. Ideas to solve this problem are
highly appreciated!

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille


Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

Quickly extract data from your HyperCard stacks with DIFfersifier.

Op 2-jul-2007, om 16:08 heeft Andre Garzia het volgende geschreven:

> Mark,
> nice software! I am one that is always using such tools! :D
> just one question, is there a way to show the cursor during capture?
> Congratulations!
> Cheers
> andre

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Re: type ahead search and typing speed

2007-07-02 Thread Devin Asay

On Jul 1, 2007, at 12:04 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

Francis Nugent Dixon wrote:

Hi from Paris,
Devin, I would just love to take a look at the
"type ahead and search" stack, but I get an
error message "no such card" when I execute
your command from the message box.
Is it because I run an "olde" version of Rev (2.6.1) ?

Yes. I've just sent you a copy saved in 2.4 format.

It would be helpful if list folks who generously offer stacks or  
who upload to RevOnline would always save in legacy format, since  
not everyone can open newer format stacks. The one exception would  
be for stacks that use syntax or features that require version 2.7  
or higher. Requirements for these stacks should be mentioned in the  
description or announcement. Also, Media users cannot save in  
legacy format, so they should also mention that their contributions  
require Rev 2.7 (or ask someone with Studio or Enterprise to resave  
the stack for them.)

Noted, Jacque. Sorry, folks, for that oversight. I've posted a legacy- 
formatted stack at

go stack url "";

I hope you find it useful.


Devin Asay
Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
Brigham Young University

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Re: Converting Image to Line Drawing

2007-07-02 Thread Viktoras Didziulis
---Original Message--- 
Date: 07/02/07 16:35:19 
Subject: Converting Image to Line Drawing 
I'm looking to make a small application that converts an image to a line 
Any help would be appreciated. 
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Re: Using Rev to learn CS or How I coded an assembler interpreter in one night.

2007-07-02 Thread Joe Lewis Wilkins
Andre, I am truly, truly impressed with your even having recognized  
that you might do something like this; much less actually doing it.  
Not that it will be all that useful for anyone else, but impressive  
none the less.

Congratulations on a job well done. Really makes me feel old!

Joe Wilkins

On Jul 2, 2007, at 7:53 AM, Andre Garzia wrote:

I wrote a little article about how I coded in less than five hours  
a simple
Assembly interpreter. I had a problem that in my university they  
teach us

some Assembly for a simulated machine called SIMx86 that only runs on
windows. I use macs and had no way to study (except watching the  
presentations on keynote), my assembly examination was approaching  
so I took

the job of coding myself an intepreter that was compatible with the
instructions of SIMx86 to a level that I was able to run all the  
examples we

learned in class and experiment on my own.

In the end, I coded it all, it works and it even has a line by line

The article is here:

Thats one success story of using Revolution in Education :-)


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Re: Revolution Freezing or Quitting Unexpectedly

2007-07-02 Thread Devin Asay
I'm seeing a similar thing today--responses to message threads that  
are a few weeks old suddenly showing up in my mail today. It's almost  
like the mail server was holding them hostage, and finally released  
them. Did someone pay a ransom? ;-)


On Jul 2, 2007, at 7:12 AM, Joe Lewis Wilkins wrote:

Hi Shari,

I was under the impression this thread ended a long time ago; and  
how did it finally come through with the crash log in it?

Joe Wilkins

On Jun 19, 2007, at 5:01 AM, Shari wrote:

Hey, when you guys report things like this, it would be very  
helpful if we knew what you're using. Computer and OS and Rev  

Joe Wilkins

In my case this has occurred on two computers:

MacPro Macintel 10.4.7 running a standalone built with 2.8.1.  The  
standalone was built as a Universal Binary.

Also on a Mac G-5 running 10.4.9 using the same standalone.

< huge snip >

### end crash log ###


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Devin Asay
Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
Brigham Young University

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Re: Revolution Freezing or Quitting Unexpectedly

2007-07-02 Thread Scott Kane

From: "Devin Asay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I'm seeing a similar thing today--responses to message threads that  
are a few weeks old suddenly showing up in my mail today. It's almost  
like the mail server was holding them hostage, and finally released  
them. Did someone pay a ransom? ;-)

The list is retro moderated for posts that exceed a certain size.  

Scott Kane
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Re: [OT] iPhone anyone?

2007-07-02 Thread Peter T. Evensen
It shouldn't be that hard.  The code should be the same, just a 
different database of words.  I would assume they put more frequently 
used words first.

Joe Lewis Wilkins wrote:
Well, what Apple has already done is pretty extraordinary; but 
handling the "anticipation/substitution/completion" factor to the 
keyboard selections with all of the various languages has got to be 
much harder by a factor of  "really huge". I wish them luck. I 
think I'd been inclined to take an easier path, but when has Apple 
ever done that? (smile)

Joe Wilkins

On Jul 1, 2007, at 12:01 PM, Ken Ray wrote:

On Sun, 1 Jul 2007 10:08:22 -0700, Joe Lewis Wilkins wrote:

This is going to make the keyboard highly "english" dependent, I
should think. I haven't even been concerned with "localizing" my
projects, but for the iPhone to have truly universal appeal that is
probably a must concern for its software.

I don't know about that... I would think that the keyboard and internal
lookup dictionary would be different based on the targeted country...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:

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Re: core image transitions

2007-07-02 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Claudi Cornaz wrote:

> Over these background patterns I need to move spot's of other patterns,
> a
> bit like clouds. These "clouds" should change the undelying pattern in
> contrast,
> or color, or luminosity etc. I was hoping I might use the new core
> transitions to
> achieve this but I can't get them to work.

I was told by Mark W at RunRev that currently only Core Effects which are
transitions work within Revolution (transitions have a source and
destination).  Effects do not.

You might want to look at Rev's ink effects as the range of these were
recently expanded to include blend effects like those found in Photoshop's
layer styles and more.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

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Re: core image transitions

2007-07-02 Thread David Bovill

On 02/07/07, Scott Rossi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I was told by Mark W at RunRev that currently only Core Effects which are
transitions work within Revolution (transitions have a source and
destination).  Effects do not.

In which case that would mean only:

  - CICopyMachineTransition
  - CIDisintegrateWithMaskTransition
  - CIDissolveTransition
  - CIFlashTransition
  - CIModTransition
  - CIPageCurlTransition
  - CIRippleTransition
  - CISwipeTransition
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Re: Converting Image to Line Drawing

2007-07-02 Thread Judy Perry
I get a 404 on this.

Anybody else?


On Mon, 2 Jul 2007, Viktoras Didziulis wrote:

> mspx
> ---Original Message---

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Automatic mail send (RevMail?)

2007-07-02 Thread Beynon, Rob
HI All, 


I'm writing an instrument error reporting application and I'd like the bug 
report page to automatically send an email, via our smtp/imap mail server, to a 
recipient. I understand that revMail invokes a client, but because these 
machines aren't set up for email, this is inconvenient. 


Any ideas about sending an email automatically? (I will program the entire 
content, including the body in plain text).

Is there a PC shell command that I could use that could be called to automate 
the process?


Thanks in advance



Prof R J Beynon[h]
Proteomics and Functional Genomics Group
Faculty of Veterinary Science
University of Liverpool
Crown Street, Liverpool L69 7ZJ

Phone: +44 151 794 4312

Fax: +44 151 794 4243



This email was sent on Mon, 02 Jul, 2007 at 6:29 PM.

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Re: Automatic mail send (RevMail?)

2007-07-02 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Beynon, Rob wrote:

> Any ideas about sending an email automatically? (I will program the entire
> content, including the body in plain text).

Andre Garzia wrote a mail stack (SMTP Raw) some time ago that handles mail
within Rev (no external mail app needed).  I don't see his stack posted
anywhere but you could email him.  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Also, Shao Sean has written a stack called libEmail (perhaps this is now
called SMTP Library?) which I haven't used but also might be an option.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

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Re: Deleting files on Vista

2007-07-02 Thread J. Landman Gay

Dave Cragg wrote:

On 1 Jul 2007, at 17:30, Ken Ray wrote:

That's correct - anything that gets virtualized ends up being
virtualized for only that user... so until we get a tool that lets our
apps get elevated permission levels on Vista (hint, hint, RunRev?), we
cannot install in a universally accessible area to all users without
having someone with a specific set of permissions log in and do it.

I see Rev's own updater tool is affected by this. (Need to set the app 
to "Run as Administrator" to get it to work.)

I don't have Vista yet but I know this is going to come up for my 
clients eventually. Could someone give a step by step instruction for 
setting an app to run as administrator, something that I can quote until 
I break down and get my own copy?

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
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Re: Automatic mail send (RevMail?)

2007-07-02 Thread Mark Smith
I have an app which uses Shao Seans libSmtp to send email everyday,  
and it's been working perfectly for at least a year.



On 2 Jul 2007, at 18:57, Scott Rossi wrote:

Recently, Beynon, Rob wrote:

Any ideas about sending an email automatically? (I will program  
the entire

content, including the body in plain text).

Andre Garzia wrote a mail stack (SMTP Raw) some time ago that  
handles mail
within Rev (no external mail app needed).  I don't see his stack  

anywhere but you could email him.  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Also, Shao Sean has written a stack called libEmail (perhaps this  
is now
called SMTP Library?) which I haven't used but also might be an  


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

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Re: Deleting files on Vista

2007-07-02 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, J. Landman Gay wrote:

> I don't have Vista yet but I know this is going to come up for my
> clients eventually. Could someone give a step by step instruction for
> setting an app to run as administrator, something that I can quote until
> I break down and get my own copy?

I don't have Vista in front of me but IIRC, I do it by right-clicking on the
Rev app and choosing the selection from the contextual menu.  I couldn't
find a way to make the setting "stick" but there may be one.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

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Re: lifURL -- FTP upload folder

2007-07-02 Thread Mark Talluto

On Jun 28, 2007, at 7:55 PM, Sivakatirswami wrote:

I'm not finding a facile cmd in libURL for uploading an entire  

libUrlFtpUploadFolder  does not exist

Am I missing something?

Of course we can jump thru hoops and do a "mkdir" first and
then repeat loop thru the files using libURLDownloadToFile
for each one in the new folder, but I was hoping for something
already glued together ... Anyone have script for this already done?
or is there a "secret" libURL cmd not in the docs?

Hello Sivakatirswami,

You can take a look at my simple FTP program on RevNet "CS FTP".  It  
has a routine that will do just that for you.

Mark Talluto
CANELA Software

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Re: Deleting files on Vista

2007-07-02 Thread Ken Ray
On Mon, 02 Jul 2007 13:07:46 -0500, J. Landman Gay wrote:

> I don't have Vista yet but I know this is going to come up for my 
> clients eventually. Could someone give a step by step instruction for 
> setting an app to run as administrator, something that I can quote 
> until I break down and get my own copy?

What you do is right-click on the application and choose "Run as 
Administrator" from the menu. If you're logged in with Admin privileges 
and UAC turned ON, you'll get the "approval" dialog (excuse the 
ASCII-only representation here):

User Account Control
An unidentified program wants access to your computer

Don't run the program unless you know where it's from or you've used it 

[icon] YourProgramName.exe
 Unidentified Publisher

-> Cancel
I don't know where this program is from or what it's for.

-> Allow
I trust this program. I know where it's from or I've used it before.

(v) Details

User Account Control helps stop unauthorized changes to your computer

If you're logged in as a non-Admin user with UAC turned ON, you'll get 
the "authentication" dialog:

User Account Control
An unidentified program wants access to your computer

Don't run the program unless you know where it's from or you've used it 

[icon] YourProgramName.exe
 Unidentified Publisher

To continue, type an administrator password, and then click OK.

[icon] AdministratorName
 [---Password entry field---]

(v) Details   [OK]  [Cancel]

User Account Control helps stop unauthorized changes to your computer

And if you're logged in with UAC turned off, you have the option in the 
menu, but you don't get any prompts - it justs runs the prorgam as an 


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
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spell checking ?

2007-07-02 Thread jbv
Hi list,

I know this has been discussed already, but I haven't found anything
in my own archives nor in the list archives...

I was wondering if there was any french dictionnary available somewhere
download for use as a spellchecker in a Rev cgi script...

Or, on the same topic, has anyone tried to use the google api for
spellchecking ?


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Re: Best Practices in Rev development

2007-07-02 Thread Hershel Fisch

>> I read somewhere a long time ago that switch statements run faster than
>> if/else.


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Re: Converting Image to Line Drawing

2007-07-02 Thread Viktoras Didziulis
the very end should be lineart.mspx 
---Original Message--- 
From: Judy Perry 
Date: 02/07/2007 20:21:22 
To: How to use Revolution 
Subject: Re: Converting Image to Line Drawing 
I get a 404 on this. 
Anybody else? 
On Mon, 2 Jul 2007, Viktoras Didziulis wrote: 
> mspx 
> ---Original Message--- 
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Re: ANN: Snapper Screen Recorder for Mac OS X

2007-07-02 Thread Mark Schonewille

Hi Andre,

It should be possible to get the global mouseLoc in Rev. At least, I  
am going to try this. I don't really feel like taking another  
snapshot of the images and an AppleScript OSAX is no option for this  
application, but I am sure I can work out something. The idea of a  
cursor trail is very nice. I will definitely implement that when I  
find the time for it.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille


Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

Quickly extract data from your HyperCard stacks with DIFfersifier.

Op 2-jul-2007, om 17:05 heeft Andre Garzia het volgende geschreven:

Hello Mark,

try this, get the global cursor location for each frame, if you  
can't do
that in Rev, then you can do that with applescript, I am sure. just  
the positions for each frame. Then before packing the images  
together, use
an PNG with alpha channel and put it on the location for each frame  
and take
a new snapshot. This will take more time rendering but I think it  
will work.
With such technique you can also implement cursor trails to help  
people see

what is happening or custom cursors.

two things come to mind:
Applescript OSAX ExtraSuite 

This suite has mouse location functions.

Or you can for each frame capture, lock the screen, show a stack  
the size of
the screen, get the mouseloc() for that stack, hide the stack.  
Don't know

how fast you can do this and how it affects the fps.

Some better coders in here may have better ideas!!! :-D


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RunRev Support

2007-07-02 Thread william humphrey

I just read the support page at RunRev. Wow, doesn't come cheap.

I just spent the whole day working on a stack which has thirteen
substacks. For some reason one of the substacks disappeared. I figured
it just got renamed or something but when I opened the main stack
again all the substacks were gone. I found that I could go to a
substack but it wasn't a substack any longer.

I am using galaxy which I thought made automatic back-ups but I can't
find those either.

I know things are seriously awry because the main stack is not visible
in the application browser although it is open.

Is there some RunRev preferences Revolution Studio 2.8.1 that I should
start erasing?
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Re: Deleting files on Vista

2007-07-02 Thread J. Landman Gay

Scott Rossi wrote:

Recently, J. Landman Gay wrote:

I don't have Vista yet but I know this is going to come up for my
clients eventually. Could someone give a step by step instruction for
setting an app to run as administrator, something that I can quote until
I break down and get my own copy?

I don't have Vista in front of me but IIRC, I do it by right-clicking on the
Rev app and choosing the selection from the contextual menu.  I couldn't
find a way to make the setting "stick" but there may be one.

Thanks to both you and Ken. I did some poking around and found you can 
do this:

   1. Right-click the program icon and click Properties.
   2. On the Property sheet, click the Compatibility tab.
   3. Under Privilege Level, select the Run this program as an 
administrator check box, and then click OK.

Elsewhere I also found this note: Since you’re running this program with 
administrative privileges you’ll be prompted by UAC every time you use 
the software as a security precaution.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
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Re: RunRev Support

2007-07-02 Thread william humphrey

I found the missing stack by opening all the substacks one by one and
ignoring the fact that runrev claimed they were not substacks, saving
everything and then re-opening. Then the missing stack turned up
renamed something else.

So if the application browser had continued to work the whole time
this would have been easier to figure out.

This is also something which I hope to never repeat so I don't see how
it can be a "repeatable bug"

But for other newbees (since this has happened to me before) usually
when a stack disappears it is because it got renamed somehow.

On 7/2/07, william humphrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I just read the support page at RunRev. Wow, doesn't come cheap.

I just spent the whole day working on a stack which has thirteen
substacks. For some reason one of the substacks disappeared. I figured
it just got renamed or something but when I opened the main stack
again all the substacks were gone. I found that I could go to a
substack but it wasn't a substack any longer.

I am using galaxy which I thought made automatic back-ups but I can't
find those either.

I know things are seriously awry because the main stack is not visible
in the application browser although it is open.

Is there some RunRev preferences Revolution Studio 2.8.1 that I should
start erasing?

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Re: Using Rev to learn CS or How I coded an assembler interpreter inone night.

2007-07-02 Thread Mark Wieder

Very nice. And one of the nice things about doing it this way is that you 
have to internalize the knowledge of how the registers work in order to code 
it, so you end up with a deep understanding of the process. Much better than 
if you were just working with the canned simulator.

I do think you're going to run into problems with subroutines, though - 
you'd probably be best off turning your tCL variable into a FILO stack.

 Mark Wieder

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[ANN} Writing (not drawing) with the pencil

2007-07-02 Thread James Hurley
I originally  thought it would be useful to see if Run Rev could  
mimic ads I have seen on television in which an animated pencil is  
used to write a signature at the bottom of a page of text.

Alas, it was not to be. Couldn't find a way to  convert the alphabet  
to Run Rev graphic  objects.

Maybe someone has some ideas.

In any event, here are some examples of the pencil in animation.

In the message box run:

go url "";


P. S. This works best in Run Rev 2.6. The pencil took a beating in  
subsequent upgrades.

P.S. If the number one pencil in America is the No. 2 lead pencil,  
why is it No. 2?

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the pencil

2007-07-02 Thread Mark Wieder

On this anniversary of the first pencil made in America (2 July 1812), I 
offer the following:

...and also the fact that the first pencil-making machine was invented by 

...wait for it...

Ebenezer Wood

 Mark Wieder

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Re: [ANN} Writing (not drawing) with the pencil

2007-07-02 Thread Jim Ault

> P.S. If the number one pencil in America is the No. 2 lead pencil,
> why is it No. 2?
Because the No. 1 lead pencil was too hard to use :-)

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

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Re: [ANN} Writing (not drawing) with the pencil

2007-07-02 Thread Joe Lewis Wilkins

Jim, I think you missed the point! (chuckle)

Joe Wilkins

On Jul 2, 2007, at 4:31 PM, Jim Ault wrote:

P.S. If the number one pencil in America is the No. 2 lead pencil,
why is it No. 2?

Because the No. 1 lead pencil was too hard to use :-)

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

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Re: [ANN} Writing (not drawing) with the pencil

2007-07-02 Thread john
If the number 1 lead pencil was so hard to use maybe the user documentation 
should have been better? wait, that reminds me of another thread...
: )

>-Original Message-
>From: Joe Lewis Wilkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Monday, July 2, 2007 07:50 PM
>To: 'How to use Revolution'
>Subject: Re: [ANN} Writing (not drawing) with the pencil
>Jim, I think you missed the point! (chuckle)
>Joe Wilkins
>On Jul 2, 2007, at 4:31 PM, Jim Ault wrote:
>>> P.S. If the number one pencil in America is the No. 2 lead pencil,
>>> why is it No. 2?
>> Because the No. 1 lead pencil was too hard to use :-)
>> Jim Ault
>> Las Vegas
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Re: Converting Image to Line Drawing

2007-07-02 Thread Judy Perry

Sorry for being such a dolt.  I had it all BUT the .


On Mon, 2 Jul 2007, Viktoras Didziulis wrote:

> the very end should be lineart.mspx
> -Viktoras
> ---Original Message---
> From: Judy Perry
> Date: 02/07/2007 20:21:22
> To: How to use Revolution
> Subject: Re: Converting Image to Line Drawing
> I get a 404 on this.
> Anybody else?
> Judy
> On Mon, 2 Jul 2007, Viktoras Didziulis wrote:
> >
> com/windowsxp/using/digitalphotography/prophoto/lineart
> > mspx
> >
> > ---Original Message---
> ___
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> preferences:
> ___
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Re: Astrology and Art

2007-07-02 Thread Sivakatirswami

Bill Marriott wrote:
It's interesting you ask about this. Revolution is used to create what is 
perhaps the most powerful and sophisticated astrology program out there: 
Astrological Bureau of Ideas (ABOI)

Hmm. uses the tropical system, unfortunately,
so, doesn't really come close to "most powerful and sophisticated"
except perhaps from a software implementation angle.

A sideraeal version, where houses, signs etc are
based on their real, astrophysical, true visible locations
 would be a *huge* seller.

"Dale Pond" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in 
message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

A couple of newbie type questions.

1) Does anyone know of a Revolution stack or pluggin that calculates  an 
astrological chart also giving the positions and houses?

2) What is the print resolution/format from drawings in Revolution?  Or 
what format can be exported to be imported into say PhotoShop for 

Life, Light, Love & Laughter,
Dale Pond
Sympathetic Vibratory Physics
Be a victor - not a victim:

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Om shanti
(In  Peace)


Get Hinduism Today Digital Edition. It's Free!
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Re: Astrology and Art

2007-07-02 Thread Joe Lewis Wilkins
I've been seriously involved with astrology for over 35 years and  
most of the manual charting that is done by individual astrologers,  
and used to be taught in classes, utilizes the tropical system, so  
this implementation should be widely accepted. I was very impressed  
with what I saw. One of the books in my library was pressed from  
copper plates back in 1784. It has accurate natal charts for all the  
reining monarchs of that period.

Joe Wilkins

On Jul 2, 2007, at 6:29 PM, Sivakatirswami wrote:

Bill Marriott wrote:
It's interesting you ask about this. Revolution is used to create  
what is perhaps the most powerful and sophisticated astrology  
program out there: Astrological Bureau of Ideas (ABOI)

Hmm. uses the tropical system, unfortunately,
so, doesn't really come close to "most powerful and sophisticated"
except perhaps from a software implementation angle.

A sideraeal version, where houses, signs etc are
based on their real, astrophysical, true visible locations
 would be a *huge* seller.

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HTML mail on the Mac.

2007-07-02 Thread Sivakatirswami

is there a way to pass styled text to on the mac via:

revMail address[,ccAddress[,mailSubject[,messageBody]]]

where messageBody will be seen as html or styled text by the recipient?


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Re: lifURL -- FTP upload folder

2007-07-02 Thread Sivakatirswami

Mark Talluto wrote:

On Jun 28, 2007, at 7:55 PM, Sivakatirswami wrote:

I'm not finding a facile cmd in libURL for uploading an entire directory.

libUrlFtpUploadFolder  does not exist

Am I missing something?

Of course we can jump thru hoops and do a "mkdir" first and
then repeat loop thru the files using libURLDownloadToFile
for each one in the new folder, but I was hoping for something
already glued together ... Anyone have script for this already done?
or is there a "secret" libURL cmd not in the docs?

Hello Sivakatirswami,

You can take a look at my simple FTP program on RevNet "CS FTP".  It has 
a routine that will do just that for you.

Mark Talluto

Mark, got it thanks!

btw... poking around your web site does your multi-media presentation
tool box do the two screen thing? ala PowerPoint and KeyNote where
the projector plugged into the external monitor (monitor 2)
automatically defaults becoming is the primary screen for the viewing
audience  and on the actual CPU  internal screen, running the
show there are presentor's notes tied to the slide that appears
in the external window (projector)

I'm thinking this can be done now with Rev 2 monitor support, but
would need to be built from the ground up...

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Re: HTML mail on the Mac.

2007-07-02 Thread Shao Sean
I have an old library that can take a Rev text field (including  
embedded images) and create a properly encoded HTML message.. I'll  
dig it out of the archives and post it in the next day or two :-)

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