Re: Error deploying struts webapp to sunone 6.1

2005-06-29 Thread Richard Reyes
thanks ill try and let you know.

On 6/30/05, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: "Richard Reyes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > On the JSP,
> > <%@ taglib uri="/tags/struts-bean" prefix="bean" %>
> See:
> What version of the Servlet specification does Sun One 6.1 support?  If it's
> 2.3 or better, try this:
> Try this:
> <%@ taglib uri=""; prefix="bean" %>
> I think that's the right URI... I don't use this particular taglib, but I
> looked in struts.jar, found the struts-bean.tld file, and copied the URI
> from it.
> If that works, you can delete the "loose" tld files under WEB-INF, and
> remove the  tags from web.xml.
> --
> Wendy Smoak
> -
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Re: Error deploying struts webapp to sunone 6.1

2005-06-29 Thread Wendy Smoak

From: "Richard Reyes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On the JSP,
<%@ taglib uri="/tags/struts-bean" prefix="bean" %>


What version of the Servlet specification does Sun One 6.1 support?  If it's 
2.3 or better, try this:

Try this:
<%@ taglib uri=""; prefix="bean" %>

I think that's the right URI... I don't use this particular taglib, but I 
looked in struts.jar, found the struts-bean.tld file, and copied the URI 
from it.

If that works, you can delete the "loose" tld files under WEB-INF, and 
remove the  tags from web.xml.

Wendy Smoak 

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Re: multiselect checkbox inside multiselect dropdown

2005-06-29 Thread Wendy Smoak

From: "Vicky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Based on above UI (which I don't quite sure how to
achieve in multi select dropdown) if user selects
office1 thenregion1 should get selected automatically.
If user selects Region 2 then it should select all
offices underneadh automatically.

can anyone guide me how do i go achieve these two

Take a look at Struts Menu:

Wendy Smoak

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Re: Unacceptable Behaviour of Mark Galbreath @

2005-06-29 Thread Carlos Duque
Actually, I wonder just how happy the State of Maryland would be know the 
amount of time this fellow expends pontificating on topics far removed from 
any work for the Department of Elections.

A troll is a troll is a troll.  Trolls spam.  Span is odious in any form.

This long time lurker, and beneficiary of the discussions, says:  Stop the 


At 07:08 PM 6/29/2005, Niall Pemberton wrote:

Pretty much all of Mark Galbreath's posts to this mailing list are IMO
either rude, obnoxious or irrelevant. Its obvious that he has no interest in
Struts or contributing constructively to this community and his only purpose
is to disrupt. Below I include a selection of the rubbish he has posted - I
find this unacceptable and propose that we remove/bar him from the struts


- Original Message -
From: "Mark Galbreath" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Users Mailing List"

* I just asked one of our analysts about this and she said, "Don't be silly,
it's ALL about the TOOL!"  When I asked her what she meant, exactly, she
replied, "The bigger the tool, the more room for error."  "And that's a GOOD
thing?" I asked astounded.  She assured me that the best programmers she
ever dated had the biggest tools.

* Us "old" guys still know a quiche-eater like you when we see one. If you
can't debug with Lint, get the hell off the keyboard.

*I have noticed over the years that those who are the most adamant about the
virtues of IDEs are the worst programmers...and think emacs is a kid's meal
from McDonalds.

* Craig?  Is that old fart still around?  I thought he was deeply involved
in JSF now.

* Does it spell-check for you, too?  No wonder you need an IDE

* I see the morons around this list are as gullible to my posts as ever

* Sun's Creator Studio rulez the inexpensive Java IDE world; JetBrain's IDEA
rulez the $300+ IDEs.  Eclipse isn't worth a shit. But REAL programmers
prefer ed or vi.

* Aside from the fact that Validator is a kluge, why ru developing for an
obsolete browser?

* Yes - use .NET or JSF; Struts is dead.

* I have "no doubt" my boss is looking for a friggin' H-1B Indian faggot to
replace me for 1/2 the rate.  And I'm leaving for home in a few, so I'll be
back on #funkycodemonkey in about a half an hour.  Rick: did you send those
nekid pics of your wife yet?  James: when ru going to port struts to a Lisp

* I know you've missed me!  When I signed off the list a couple of years ago
(wow!  that long???) I was doing an R&D PHP/MySQL/Linux gig with the Dept of
State; for the past year I've been building C#.NET/SQL Server/IIS apps for
the local county fire and rescue dept.  Now, I'm at the Maryland State Board
of Erec..., er, Elections doing system and application upgrades on a
Python/PHP/phpWiki/PostgreSQL-Oracle/Linux portal
( - horrendous, isn't it?).  Covertly, I'm sticking
Mono and Java frameworks in the rebuild, and since I haven't used Struts
since 1.0, thought I'd lurk around and see what's going on.

* Your sure did: C#.NET makes stuff like this soo easy!  Struts is dead.

* That would be the "Friggin' Ignorant Newbie Encyclopaedia?"

* Your root problem is using Validator in the first place.  (1) It is a
bogus design from the start, and (2) it never has worked as advertised

* huh?  Me thinks you better be reading the J2EE spec first

* Validator is crap...and always has been.  If you look in the archive, you
will see more complaints about Validator working over the past 3 years and
any other 2 subjects combined.

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This is a private email address and is explicitly and expressly not 
intended for addition to or use in any mass distribution list without the 
author's prior and express written consent.  Absent the specified consent, 
please remove this email address from any such list.

Copyright (C) 2004 Cariz  

Re: Unacceptable Behaviour of Mark Galbreath @

2005-06-29 Thread James Mitchell
Actually, IMNSHO, by holding this thread we are simply feeding the little 

James Mitchell
Software Engineer / Open Source Evangelist
Consulting / Mentoring / Freelance
EdgeTech, Inc.
AIM:   jmitchtx
Skype: jmitchtx

- Original Message - 
From: "Niall Pemberton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Struts Users Mailing List" 
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 10:08 PM
Subject: Unacceptable Behaviour of Mark Galbreath @

Pretty much all of Mark Galbreath's posts to this mailing list are IMO
either rude, obnoxious or irrelevant. Its obvious that he has no interest 
Struts or contributing constructively to this community and his only 
is to disrupt. Below I include a selection of the rubbish he has posted - 

find this unacceptable and propose that we remove/bar him from the struts


- Original Message - 
From: "Mark Galbreath" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Struts Users Mailing List"

* I just asked one of our analysts about this and she said, "Don't be 

it's ALL about the TOOL!"  When I asked her what she meant, exactly, she
replied, "The bigger the tool, the more room for error."  "And that's a 

thing?" I asked astounded.  She assured me that the best programmers she
ever dated had the biggest tools.

* Us "old" guys still know a quiche-eater like you when we see one. If you
can't debug with Lint, get the hell off the keyboard.

*I have noticed over the years that those who are the most adamant about 
virtues of IDEs are the worst programmers...and think emacs is a kid's 

from McDonalds.

* Craig?  Is that old fart still around?  I thought he was deeply involved
in JSF now.

* Does it spell-check for you, too?  No wonder you need an IDE

* I see the morons around this list are as gullible to my posts as 

* Sun's Creator Studio rulez the inexpensive Java IDE world; JetBrain's 

rulez the $300+ IDEs.  Eclipse isn't worth a shit. But REAL programmers
prefer ed or vi.

* Aside from the fact that Validator is a kluge, why ru developing for an
obsolete browser?

* Yes - use .NET or JSF; Struts is dead.

* I have "no doubt" my boss is looking for a friggin' H-1B Indian faggot 
replace me for 1/2 the rate.  And I'm leaving for home in a few, so I'll 
back on #funkycodemonkey in about a half an hour.  Rick: did you send 
nekid pics of your wife yet?  James: when ru going to port struts to a 


* I know you've missed me!  When I signed off the list a couple of years 
(wow!  that long???) I was doing an R&D PHP/MySQL/Linux gig with the Dept 

State; for the past year I've been building C#.NET/SQL Server/IIS apps for
the local county fire and rescue dept.  Now, I'm at the Maryland State 

of Erec..., er, Elections doing system and application upgrades on a
Python/PHP/phpWiki/PostgreSQL-Oracle/Linux portal
( - horrendous, isn't it?).  Covertly, I'm 

Mono and Java frameworks in the rebuild, and since I haven't used Struts
since 1.0, thought I'd lurk around and see what's going on.

* Your sure did: C#.NET makes stuff like this soo easy!  Struts is 

* That would be the "Friggin' Ignorant Newbie Encyclopaedia?"

* Your root problem is using Validator in the first place.  (1) It is a
bogus design from the start, and (2) it never has worked as advertised

* huh?  Me thinks you better be reading the J2EE spec first

* Validator is crap...and always has been.  If you look in the archive, 

will see more complaints about Validator working over the past 3 years and
any other 2 subjects combined.

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For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Error deploying struts webapp to sunone 6.1

2005-06-29 Thread Richard Reyes
Hi Laurie,

Heres my directory structure...

and I have a VS

All JSP are in

Heres a sample of my tld in web.xml

On the JSP,
<%@ taglib uri="/tags/struts-bean" prefix="bean" %>

Thanks for the reply, hope you can help me

On 6/30/05, Laurie Harper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What does your taglib directive look like? Where is the TLD file withing
> the webapp?
> Richard Reyes wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > I have a working struts webapp ( working in tomcat 5 ), now i need to
> > deploy this app to a sunone web server 6.1.
> > Upon copying the whole webapp folder to the new instance I have
> > encountered this filenot found exception...
> >
> > Any help will be appreciated. Anybody know on a doc that properly
> > deploys webapp to this web server.
> >
> > Error:
> > ---
> > ApplicationDispatcher[] WEB2649: Servlet.service() for servlet jsp
> > threw exception
> >
> > org.apache.jasper.compiler.CompileException:
> > /netcomm/serverpages/login.jsp(1,0) WEB4059: can't find
> > /struts-bean.tld (File not found)
> >
> > at 
> > org.apache.jasper.compiler.JspParseEventListener.handleDirective(
> >
> > at 
> > org.apache.jasper.compiler.DelegatingListener.handleDirective(
> >
> > at 
> > org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser$Directive.accept(
> >
> > at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parse(
> >
> > at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parse(
> >
> > at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parse(
> >
> > at 
> > org.apache.jasper.compiler.ParserController.parse(
> >
> > at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.compile(
> >
> > at 
> > com.iplanet.ias.web.jsp.JspServlet$JspServletWrapper.loadJSP(
> >
> > at 
> > com.iplanet.ias.web.jsp.JspServlet$JspServletWrapper.access$000(
> >
> > at 
> > com.iplanet.ias.web.jsp.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(
> >
> > at com.iplanet.ias.web.jsp.JspServlet.service(
> >
> > at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
> >
> > at 
> > org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationDispatcher.invoke(
> >
> > at 
> > org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationDispatcher.doForward(
> >
> > at 
> > org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationDispatcher.forward(
> >
> > at 
> > org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.doForward(
> >
> > at 
> > org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.internalModuleRelativeForward(
> >
> > at 
> > org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.processForward(
> >
> > at 
> > org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.process(
> >
> > at 
> > org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.process(
> >
> > at 
> > org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.doGet(
> >
> > at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
> >
> > at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
> >
> > at 
> > org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationDispatcher.invoke(
> >
> > at 
> > org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationDispatcher.doForward(
> >
> > at 
> > org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationDispatcher.forward(
> >
> > at 
> > org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.doForward(
> >
> > at 
> > org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.processForwardConfig(
> >
> > at 
> > org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.process(
> >
> > at 
> > org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.process(
> >
> > at 
> > org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.doGet(
> >
> > at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
> >
> > at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
> >
> > at 
> > org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invokeServletService(
> >
> > at 
> > org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(
> >
> > at 
> > org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(
> >
> > at 
> > org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.i

Re: Is there any Jsp template like Smarty template ?

2005-06-29 Thread Zarar Siddiqi
Sun's Creator Studio rulez the inexpensive Java IDE world; JetBrain's IDEA 
rulez the $300+ IDEs.  Eclipse isn't worth a shit.

But REAL programmers prefer ed or vi.


An old woodcutter once had to chop down a very large tree and all he owned 
was a hacksaw.  He was really really good at using this hacksaw since he had 
used it all his life.  Just as he was about to start cutting the tree 
another woodcutter who had just cut a similar tree walked by with a powerful 
chainsaw and said to him, "Use this to cut your tree, I cut a similar tree 
in five minutes", offering him his chainsaw.   The old woodcutter gave him a 
dirty look and brushed him off saying, "No thanks idiot, I'm a REAL 
woodcutter, I prefer the hacksaw even if it takes me a day"

Which woodcutter is smarter?

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Re: Unacceptable Behaviour of Mark Galbreath @

2005-06-29 Thread Frank W. Zammetti
Niall, you'll get no debate from me that his posts are exactly as you 
describe them.  I think the quotes you provide illustrate it perfectly 
well (and I myself replied to that comment about Indians a few days ago 
because it offended me, and I'm about the hardest guy to offend on the 

But... I would be against removing him from the list because I believe 
it sets a dangerous precedent.  You know, the slippery slope and all... 
it would be too easy in the future to ban others for lesser offenses 
(and no matter how everyone says that would never happen, that's what 
everyone ALWAYS says when sch things are done for the first time).

The only situation I can think of where I'd be OK with someone being 
removed is if they are actually spamming the list regularly.  While he 
is annoying, obnoxious and inappropriate, I don't believe it rises to 
the level of spam.

Besides that, you know as well as I do that banning a particular eMail 
address is all but useless if someone is intent on continually annoying 
the community like this.  I doubt anyone wants to play cop and keep 
banning each new address such a person would go and sign up with.

Just my opinion though. :)


Niall Pemberton wrote:

Pretty much all of Mark Galbreath's posts to this mailing list are IMO
either rude, obnoxious or irrelevant. Its obvious that he has no interest in
Struts or contributing constructively to this community and his only purpose
is to disrupt. Below I include a selection of the rubbish he has posted - I
find this unacceptable and propose that we remove/bar him from the struts


- Original Message - 
From: "Mark Galbreath" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Struts Users Mailing List"

* I just asked one of our analysts about this and she said, "Don't be silly,
it's ALL about the TOOL!"  When I asked her what she meant, exactly, she
replied, "The bigger the tool, the more room for error."  "And that's a GOOD
thing?" I asked astounded.  She assured me that the best programmers she
ever dated had the biggest tools.

* Us "old" guys still know a quiche-eater like you when we see one. If you
can't debug with Lint, get the hell off the keyboard.

*I have noticed over the years that those who are the most adamant about the
virtues of IDEs are the worst programmers...and think emacs is a kid's meal
from McDonalds.

* Craig?  Is that old fart still around?  I thought he was deeply involved
in JSF now.

* Does it spell-check for you, too?  No wonder you need an IDE

* I see the morons around this list are as gullible to my posts as ever

* Sun's Creator Studio rulez the inexpensive Java IDE world; JetBrain's IDEA
rulez the $300+ IDEs.  Eclipse isn't worth a shit. But REAL programmers
prefer ed or vi.

* Aside from the fact that Validator is a kluge, why ru developing for an
obsolete browser?

* Yes - use .NET or JSF; Struts is dead.

* I have "no doubt" my boss is looking for a friggin' H-1B Indian faggot to
replace me for 1/2 the rate.  And I'm leaving for home in a few, so I'll be
back on #funkycodemonkey in about a half an hour.  Rick: did you send those
nekid pics of your wife yet?  James: when ru going to port struts to a Lisp

* I know you've missed me!  When I signed off the list a couple of years ago
(wow!  that long???) I was doing an R&D PHP/MySQL/Linux gig with the Dept of
State; for the past year I've been building C#.NET/SQL Server/IIS apps for
the local county fire and rescue dept.  Now, I'm at the Maryland State Board
of Erec..., er, Elections doing system and application upgrades on a
Python/PHP/phpWiki/PostgreSQL-Oracle/Linux portal
( - horrendous, isn't it?).  Covertly, I'm sticking
Mono and Java frameworks in the rebuild, and since I haven't used Struts
since 1.0, thought I'd lurk around and see what's going on.

* Your sure did: C#.NET makes stuff like this soo easy!  Struts is dead.

* That would be the "Friggin' Ignorant Newbie Encyclopaedia?"

* Your root problem is using Validator in the first place.  (1) It is a
bogus design from the start, and (2) it never has worked as advertised

* huh?  Me thinks you better be reading the J2EE spec first

* Validator is crap...and always has been.  If you look in the archive, you
will see more complaints about Validator working over the past 3 years and
any other 2 subjects combined.

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Unacceptable Behaviour of Mark Galbreath @

2005-06-29 Thread Niall Pemberton
Pretty much all of Mark Galbreath's posts to this mailing list are IMO
either rude, obnoxious or irrelevant. Its obvious that he has no interest in
Struts or contributing constructively to this community and his only purpose
is to disrupt. Below I include a selection of the rubbish he has posted - I
find this unacceptable and propose that we remove/bar him from the struts


- Original Message - 
From: "Mark Galbreath" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Users Mailing List"

* I just asked one of our analysts about this and she said, "Don't be silly,
it's ALL about the TOOL!"  When I asked her what she meant, exactly, she
replied, "The bigger the tool, the more room for error."  "And that's a GOOD
thing?" I asked astounded.  She assured me that the best programmers she
ever dated had the biggest tools.

* Us "old" guys still know a quiche-eater like you when we see one. If you
can't debug with Lint, get the hell off the keyboard.

*I have noticed over the years that those who are the most adamant about the
virtues of IDEs are the worst programmers...and think emacs is a kid's meal
from McDonalds.

* Craig?  Is that old fart still around?  I thought he was deeply involved
in JSF now.

* Does it spell-check for you, too?  No wonder you need an IDE

* I see the morons around this list are as gullible to my posts as ever

* Sun's Creator Studio rulez the inexpensive Java IDE world; JetBrain's IDEA
rulez the $300+ IDEs.  Eclipse isn't worth a shit. But REAL programmers
prefer ed or vi.

* Aside from the fact that Validator is a kluge, why ru developing for an
obsolete browser?

* Yes - use .NET or JSF; Struts is dead.

* I have "no doubt" my boss is looking for a friggin' H-1B Indian faggot to
replace me for 1/2 the rate.  And I'm leaving for home in a few, so I'll be
back on #funkycodemonkey in about a half an hour.  Rick: did you send those
nekid pics of your wife yet?  James: when ru going to port struts to a Lisp

* I know you've missed me!  When I signed off the list a couple of years ago
(wow!  that long???) I was doing an R&D PHP/MySQL/Linux gig with the Dept of
State; for the past year I've been building C#.NET/SQL Server/IIS apps for
the local county fire and rescue dept.  Now, I'm at the Maryland State Board
of Erec..., er, Elections doing system and application upgrades on a
Python/PHP/phpWiki/PostgreSQL-Oracle/Linux portal
( - horrendous, isn't it?).  Covertly, I'm sticking
Mono and Java frameworks in the rebuild, and since I haven't used Struts
since 1.0, thought I'd lurk around and see what's going on.

* Your sure did: C#.NET makes stuff like this soo easy!  Struts is dead.

* That would be the "Friggin' Ignorant Newbie Encyclopaedia?"

* Your root problem is using Validator in the first place.  (1) It is a
bogus design from the start, and (2) it never has worked as advertised

* huh?  Me thinks you better be reading the J2EE spec first

* Validator is crap...and always has been.  If you look in the archive, you
will see more complaints about Validator working over the past 3 years and
any other 2 subjects combined.

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

multiselect checkbox inside multiselect dropdown

2005-06-29 Thread Vicky
I need to design a control on Struts UI page with
following functionalities.

* I have two attributes: Region, office. I have to
design following tree structure on UI
+Region 1 (checkbox)
office1 (checkbox)
office2 (checkbox)
office3 (checkbox)

+Region 2 (checkbox)
office1 (checkbox)
office2 (checkbox)

Based on above UI (which I don't quite sure how to
achieve in multi select dropdown) if user selects
office1 thenregion1 should get selected automatically.
If user selects Region 2 then it should select all
offices underneadh automatically.

can anyone guide me how do i go achieve these two
first to auto select things and second how do I build
this kind of UI (multi select , multi select in drop
down). Any help with code examples would be much


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Re: [OT] Stinking 2 cents

2005-06-29 Thread Adam Hardy

Yan Hu on 29/06/05 22:35, wrote:
Look at the job market for the server side now. 3 years ago, .Net 
took only 20% of the server side market. Now it is creeping up to 
40%. .Net is better or faster than Java?  Nah.. Some .Net zealots 
otained some benchmarks on Tiger and .Net1.1 using linPack.  Tiger

outperformed .Net. But why is .NET creeping up so fast?
contributes to a great portion of its success. One of my friends is a
NET develepor. I envy his speed of rolling out (small to medium
sized) web applications like they were egg rolls. Only the market
tells what is good nor not. You have one thousand sound reasons
to back up what you claim. If the market says "no", then it is

In my humble opinion the struts community has not grasped an opportunity
which would see it compete against .NET and other java frameworks. 
Struts should shrink.

I'm thinking of Maven. The most contentious yet inspired point about
Maven is that you just have to follow the 'Maven way' or you won't gain
any advantage over Ant. Yet if you do make that paradigm shift and do
your project the Maven way, the benefits are massive.

Struts should offer a best-of approach, and offer a whole set of
documentation that steers the web developer down that path.

Such a focus during future struts development would allow many
compromises to be thrown out in favour of the more efficient but
limiting choices, which would translate into shorter turn-around times
for struts web-app developers who went along with it.

My 2 cents.


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Re: [OT] Stinking IDEs

2005-06-29 Thread Jason King

I have never liked IDEs. I have never used an IDE that didn't get in my way
more than it helped. VS.NET is no exception. Below I'll give you some
reasons why .NET is popular that have nothing to do with the quality, or
lack thereof, of VS.NET as an IDE.



That said, ASP.NET beats the pants off JSP. I can tell you definitively
that ASP.NET's custom web control stuff (both ascx files and just plain
class instances) beats hell out of JSP's tag libraries. The EL is not a big
enough plus to make up for the difficulty of wrapping functionality in a
custom tag. 

If you used one of those IDEs you hate this wouldn't be so hard.  In 
jdeveloper you'd create the class, with a wizard that builds the boring 
part of the code, declare any variables you needed for this tag, use 
jdev to generate the getters and setters and then use the idea to put 
the tag in a library.  I'll have to confess if I had to do all that 
grunt-work by hand, I'd hate it too.

That being said, I do believe its a good idea to do some of your 
development in a new environment using a text editor as it helps you to 
understand when the whiz-bang tool goes ker-blooey and dumps out cryptic 
error messages.

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Re: [OT] Stinking IDEs

2005-06-29 Thread netsql


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Re: [OT] Stinking IDEs

2005-06-29 Thread Yan Hu
Hi Gregory:
C# is a simple, clean yet very powerful language. I love it. I admit it is a 
bit painful to do the
front develpment in J2EE. But we have JSF now which is just as good as's server controlls.
 I believe it is better than ASP.NET 1.1. I like the idea of externalizing 
something(not too much)
in XML files. Page navigations are one of the coolest futures in Creator  I 
belive you have to
hard code page-navigations in source code right?  In JSF, page navigations are 
centralized, which
is very easy to manage Oh, besides that, the business tire and data access 
tire is very easy
work on now since we have spring,hibernate,toplink and other great OR mappers.. 
So for medium to
large apps, we are very productive in the middle tier and back end .NET 
seems lacking in these

--- Gregory Seidman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> So I hate to feed the trolls, but...
> On Wed, Jun 29, 2005 at 02:35:50PM -0700, Yan Hu wrote:
> } Look at the job market for the server side now. 3 years ago, .Net took
> } only 20% of the server side market. Now it is creeping up to 40%. .Net is
> } better or faster than Java?  Nah.. Some .Net zealots otained some
> } benchmarks on Tiger and .Net1.1 using linPack.  Tiger outperformed .Net.
> } But why is .NET creeping up so fast? contributes to a great
> } portion of its success. One of my friends is a NET develepor. I envy his
> } speed of rolling out (small to medium sized) web applications like they
> } were egg rolls. Only the market tells what is good nor not. You have
> } one thousand sound reasons to back up what you claim. If the market says
> } "no", then it is garbage
> I have never liked IDEs. I have never used an IDE that didn't get in my way
> more than it helped. VS.NET is no exception. Below I'll give you some
> reasons why .NET is popular that have nothing to do with the quality, or
> lack thereof, of VS.NET as an IDE.
> I recently developed an ASP.NET web app. This involved writing in the
> following languages: ASP.NET (JSP-ish), C#, CSS, and JavaScript. It was
> only because I could convince VS.NET to let me edit these files with Vim
> that I did not tear out all my hair.
> That said, ASP.NET beats the pants off JSP. I can tell you definitively
> that ASP.NET's custom web control stuff (both ascx files and just plain
> class instances) beats hell out of JSP's tag libraries. The EL is not a big
> enough plus to make up for the difficulty of wrapping functionality in a
> custom tag. I haven't done anything significant with Struts, but I didn't
> have any trouble separating model, view, and controller in ASP.NET.
> In addition, C# is what Java always should have been. Here are a few Java
> mistakes that are done right in C#:
> 1. The language and virtual machine are internationally standardized.
> 2. JavaBeans use a naming convention (get/set methods), rather than
>first-class, syntactically clear, reflectable properties. (Yes, you find
>the methods by reflection, but they are "properties" because of the
>naming convention, not because the reflection API knows anything about
> 3. Namespaces (packages) are hierarchical in name, but not in scope.
> 4. The source filename must match the (public) class defined in it.
> 5. The source file must be located in a directory hierarchy that matches
>the package hierarchy to which it belongs.
> 6. C/C++ precompiler directives were simply dropped, rather than fixed to
>be less prone to misuse.
> 7. Receiving an event requires implementing an interface, with its
>associated method(s), and calling a method on the event producer to
>register the handler; producing an event requires writing add and remove
>handler methods, as well as writing a loop to invoke the appropriate
>method on each registered handler.
>What makes this wrong can be seen by comparing it to the C# event
>handling mechanism: a delegate type (essentially an OO function pointer,
>which includes the object reference almost exactly like Obj-C's
>selectors) is declared to handle a particular event, an event is
>declared in the producer class of the delegate type, a method with the
>appropriate signature can be registered with the event using += and
>unregistered using -=, and the handlers are invoked by the producer
>class by calling the event like a method. Oh, yeah, and a class's events
>are available through the reflection API.
> 8. Special casing value types (e.g. int, char, etc.), rather than either
>making everything a proper object (like SmallTalk) or making it possible
>for developers to define value types.
> I'll admit that Java has gotten better with the release of 1.5, and about
> damn time. It has generics, which are not yet available in C# (currently in
> beta). It also has anonymous classes, which are primarily valuable for
> event handling. Java now has the e

Re: [OT]VS.NET is awesome

2005-06-29 Thread Martin Gainty
Thread Synchronisation and integration of graphics libraries are a bit 
lacking in the CLR implementations I have seen

But I would imagine Bill will rectify that -
- Original Message - 
From: "Larry Meadors" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Struts Users Mailing List" 
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 6:49 PM
Subject: Re: [OT]VS.NET is awesome

Nope, in 2k5, refactoring is still not as good as eclipse or IDEA.

But M$ has come up with this really innovative idea of doing testing,
and test coverage.

it is the most revolutionary idea since the Java versions came out a
couple of years back. ;-)


On 6/29/05, Dave Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Yan Hu wrote:

>I love VS.NET very much.
VS.NET pretty much blows chunks and is outpaced even by Eclipse.

The 2005 version may raise my opinion of it (gee, refactoring... what an
idea), but I haven't had a chance to play with it much yet.

Not too impressed by .NET, though.


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Re: [OT] Stinking IDEs

2005-06-29 Thread Gregory Seidman
So I hate to feed the trolls, but...

On Wed, Jun 29, 2005 at 02:35:50PM -0700, Yan Hu wrote:
} Look at the job market for the server side now. 3 years ago, .Net took
} only 20% of the server side market. Now it is creeping up to 40%. .Net is
} better or faster than Java?  Nah.. Some .Net zealots otained some
} benchmarks on Tiger and .Net1.1 using linPack.  Tiger outperformed .Net.
} But why is .NET creeping up so fast? contributes to a great
} portion of its success. One of my friends is a NET develepor. I envy his
} speed of rolling out (small to medium sized) web applications like they
} were egg rolls. Only the market tells what is good nor not. You have
} one thousand sound reasons to back up what you claim. If the market says
} "no", then it is garbage

I have never liked IDEs. I have never used an IDE that didn't get in my way
more than it helped. VS.NET is no exception. Below I'll give you some
reasons why .NET is popular that have nothing to do with the quality, or
lack thereof, of VS.NET as an IDE.

I recently developed an ASP.NET web app. This involved writing in the
following languages: ASP.NET (JSP-ish), C#, CSS, and JavaScript. It was
only because I could convince VS.NET to let me edit these files with Vim
that I did not tear out all my hair.

That said, ASP.NET beats the pants off JSP. I can tell you definitively
that ASP.NET's custom web control stuff (both ascx files and just plain
class instances) beats hell out of JSP's tag libraries. The EL is not a big
enough plus to make up for the difficulty of wrapping functionality in a
custom tag. I haven't done anything significant with Struts, but I didn't
have any trouble separating model, view, and controller in ASP.NET.

In addition, C# is what Java always should have been. Here are a few Java
mistakes that are done right in C#:

1. The language and virtual machine are internationally standardized.

2. JavaBeans use a naming convention (get/set methods), rather than
   first-class, syntactically clear, reflectable properties. (Yes, you find
   the methods by reflection, but they are "properties" because of the
   naming convention, not because the reflection API knows anything about

3. Namespaces (packages) are hierarchical in name, but not in scope.

4. The source filename must match the (public) class defined in it.

5. The source file must be located in a directory hierarchy that matches
   the package hierarchy to which it belongs.

6. C/C++ precompiler directives were simply dropped, rather than fixed to
   be less prone to misuse.

7. Receiving an event requires implementing an interface, with its
   associated method(s), and calling a method on the event producer to
   register the handler; producing an event requires writing add and remove
   handler methods, as well as writing a loop to invoke the appropriate
   method on each registered handler.
   What makes this wrong can be seen by comparing it to the C# event
   handling mechanism: a delegate type (essentially an OO function pointer,
   which includes the object reference almost exactly like Obj-C's
   selectors) is declared to handle a particular event, an event is
   declared in the producer class of the delegate type, a method with the
   appropriate signature can be registered with the event using += and
   unregistered using -=, and the handlers are invoked by the producer
   class by calling the event like a method. Oh, yeah, and a class's events
   are available through the reflection API.

8. Special casing value types (e.g. int, char, etc.), rather than either
   making everything a proper object (like SmallTalk) or making it possible
   for developers to define value types.

I'll admit that Java has gotten better with the release of 1.5, and about
damn time. It has generics, which are not yet available in C# (currently in
beta). It also has anonymous classes, which are primarily valuable for
event handling. Java now has the enhanced for loop (C#'s foreach), automatic
un-/boxing (C# has it), and typesafe enums (C# has it). There is also the
metadata facility, which is similar to C#'s attributes. In some ways, Java
has caught up with C# (though I'm not likely to forgive Sun for the
unpleasantness that is the JavaBean convention).

Of course, C# is moving forward as well. (See and for a
rundown of its coming features.) It's getting generics. It's also getting
anonymous methods (a lot like anonymous classes, and intended for the same
sort of use, i.e. event handling, but see mistake #7 above). It's also
getting an absolutely brilliant way of expressing iteration, using the
"yield return" construct. Basically, all the bookkeeping you have to do in
an iterator is done for you, and you just write a loop (or whatever other
traversal) around your data, executing yield return on each element. Also

Re: Checkbox question

2005-06-29 Thread Phani
Hi Apte..

Here is another simple sol. which gives you an array
containing the row id's of all the checkBoxes which
are checked...

I am using Display Tag to display the lists:


In my ActionForm I have an

int[] intarray

which collects the values of the selected checkboxes.
See the documentation of  at

My Action works on the intarray to do the proper thing
with the values.

Remember to set intarray to zero length in the reset
method of the ActionForm.   


--- "Apte, Dhanashree (Noblestar)"

> Hi all,
> I have a jsp which shows rows of data. Each row is
> preceded by a checkbox. i
> can check the boxes and hit a delete button and it
> is supposed to delete the
> selected rows. In my page i have:
>  property="allRecords">
>  class=<%RecordCounter++;
> bgcolor = "alternateRow";
> if (RecordCounter % 2 == 1)
> bgcolor = "normalRow";
> out.print(bgcolor);%>>
>  property="temporaryId"
> value="temporaryId" />   
>  property="attr1" />
>  property="attr2" />
>  property="attr3" />
>  property="attr4" />
>  property="attr5" />  
> I am unable to identify the rows uniquely by
> clicking on the checkboxes. The
> syntax for one of the two would help:
> I would like to use the value of the RecordCounter
> to get submitted as the
> checkbox value. (but i dont know the syntax). OR..
> I would like to have the vaue of the field
> temporaryId passed back. right
> now, with what i have, i just get a String array
> called temporaryId and
> temporaryId[0] = "temporaryId",
> temporaryID[1]="temporaryId". I want the
> actual value of the temporaryId attribute back
> instead of just
> "temporaryId".
> Any help is appreciated.
> Thanks!
> Dhanashree.

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RE: This is how wonderful VS.NET is

2005-06-29 Thread Jesse Alexander (KBSA 21)
-Original Message-
hey stop personal attacks!  ... What is wrong with that? 
-Original Message-

IF you had read my post correctly you would have noticed the smiley
at the end... which makes it a "joke" between colleagues (you pretend
to be one...)
SO what's wrong with that?

And then: This kind of jokingly harrassing people who defend the
NON-Struts side of everything is one of the traditions in this list...

so long and thanks for all the fish
have a disney day

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RE: This is how wonderful VS.NET is

2005-06-29 Thread Yan Hu
hey stop personal attacks!  I did not start the IDE war.  I use Struts a lot. 
That is why I am on
this list. Why are some of your guys so jumpy? Competition spurs innovation. I 
know it is not a
good place to talk about IDEs. But I did not start it.  Some of your guys only 
like to hear nice
things... human nature.sigh.. I just hope that we could get as much of the 
server side as
possible... What is wrong with that? 

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Re: [OT]VS.NET is awesome

2005-06-29 Thread Larry Meadors
Nope, in 2k5, refactoring is still not as good as eclipse or IDEA.

But M$ has come up with this really innovative idea of doing testing,
and test coverage.

it is the most revolutionary idea since the Java versions came out a
couple of years back. ;-)


On 6/29/05, Dave Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yan Hu wrote:
> >I love VS.NET very much.
> >
> VS.NET pretty much blows chunks and is outpaced even by Eclipse.
> The 2005 version may raise my opinion of it (gee, refactoring... what an
> idea), but I haven't had a chance to play with it much yet.
> Not too impressed by .NET, though.
> Dave
> -
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Re: Checkbox question

2005-06-29 Thread Laurie Harper

Apte, Dhanashree (Noblestar) wrote:



I would like to have the vaue of the field temporaryId passed back. right
now, with what i have, i just get a String array called temporaryId and
temporaryId[0] = "temporaryId", temporaryID[1]="temporaryId". I want the
actual value of the temporaryId attribute back instead of just

That's because you've explicitly set value="temporaryId". Either remove the 
value attribute, or use an expression to set it to what you want instead of 
a static string.

Laurie, Open Source advocate, Java geek and novice blogger:

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Re: This is how wonderful VS.NET is

2005-06-29 Thread Dave Newton

Jesse Alexander (KBSA 21) wrote:

-Original Message-
I'm sure you can find someplace else.
-/Original Message-
Most probably he is everywhere else already banned for lifetime ;-)

I still think it's Mark.


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Re: This is how wonderful VS.NET is

2005-06-29 Thread Dave Newton

Yan Hu wrote:

WTF you expect from bums(they are not retards) is cheap labor The means 
do not matter too
much. Only the end results matter

"End results"...


I guess if you don't need your developers to understand anything they're 
doing, maybe VS.NET _is_ a Great Choice.

Of course, your total cost will skyrocket over time as you have to stick 
bags on warts on kludges to fix what the stupid bum did "automagically," 
but if you define "end results" as being "oh, look, I have a completely 
functional website with three mouse clicks." Of course, this can happen 
with Java as easily (almost as easily, anyway) as .NET, I reckon.

That said, I have a quarter-million dollar .NET site I have to 
maintain/enhance/upgrade and I have had nothing but battles trying to 
get it to do anything it wasn't originally coded to do due to a 
developer writing in VS.NET w/o understanding what was Really Happening.

My life sucks because of the "ease" of developing applications in VS.NET.


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RE: This is how wonderful VS.NET is

2005-06-29 Thread Jesse Alexander (KBSA 21)
-Original Message-
I'm sure you can find someplace else.
-/Original Message-

Do you think so?
Most probably he is everywhere else already banned for lifetime ;-)


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Re: This is how wonderful VS.NET is

2005-06-29 Thread Joe Germuska

At 3:27 PM -0700 6/29/05, Yan Hu wrote:
We will use a WEB application as an example, 
especially the frond end.  We have 2 bums on the
street. We give them 10 dollars per hour to 
write a simple front end. One uses Struts or 
J2ee MVC frameworks excluding JSF (using 
Creator). The other has no choice but VS.NET.

The VS.NET bum walks in and looks at the graphs 
I drew ahead of time. And It will talk him 2
minutes to learn how to drag and drop and click 
a button to make that page work as a form and 

a controller.

The J2EE bum walks in and looks at all the tags, 
Actions, Actionforms and blah, blah. He starts to
feel dizzy………..after a while. Now you will have 
to promise him that you would pay him more to get

him going again…..

Need I go on?

Actually, no, you don't.  Do you really think a 
list dedicated to answering questions for people 
who have chosen to use Struts is a good place to 
go on about a development environment that has 
nothing to do with Struts?

I'm sure you can find someplace else.


Joe Germuska
"Narrow minds are weapons made for mass destruction"  -The Ex

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Re: AW: [OT]Linux server market share...

2005-06-29 Thread Larry Meadors
Cool site.

Runs Java using Apache on Linux , FWIW.


On 6/29/05, Yan Hu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Even then, most of us will agree that 20.54% for IIS is about 20% to much
> 2 years make it even worse.. Search on monster for .NET and J2EE 
> Compare the number of
> jobs and do the same thing at,which aggregate everything from 
> All big jobsites in
> the US.  Job numbers for NET and J2EE on is almost scary...
> -
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Re: This is how wonderful VS.NET is…

2005-06-29 Thread Yan Hu
WTF you expect from bums(they are not retards) is cheap labor The means 
do not matter too
much. Only the end results matter

--- Larry Meadors <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> WTF do you expect with retards writing code?
> Fire them, and hire smart people.
> Larry
> On 6/29/05, Yan Hu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > We will use a WEB application as an example, especially the frond end.  We 
> > have 2 bums on the
> > street. We give them 10 dollars per hour to write a simple front end. One 
> > uses Struts or
> whatever
> > J2ee MVC frameworks excluding JSF (using Creator). The other has no choice 
> > but VS.NET.
> > 
> > The VS.NET bum walks in and looks at the graphs I drew ahead of time. And 
> > It will talk him 2
> > minutes to learn how to drag and drop and click a button to make that page 
> > work as a form and
> also
> > a controller.
> > 
> > The J2EE bum walks in and looks at all the tags, Actions, Actionforms and 
> > blah, blah. He
> starts to
> > feel dizzy………..after a while. Now you will have to promise him that you 
> > would pay him more to
> get
> > him going again…..
> > 
> > Need I go on?
> > 
> > 
> > -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 
> >

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Re: This is how wonderful VS.NET is…

2005-06-29 Thread Larry Meadors
WTF do you expect with retards writing code?

Fire them, and hire smart people.


On 6/29/05, Yan Hu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We will use a WEB application as an example, especially the frond end.  We 
> have 2 bums on the
> street. We give them 10 dollars per hour to write a simple front end. One 
> uses Struts or whatever
> J2ee MVC frameworks excluding JSF (using Creator). The other has no choice 
> but VS.NET.
> The VS.NET bum walks in and looks at the graphs I drew ahead of time. And It 
> will talk him 2
> minutes to learn how to drag and drop and click a button to make that page 
> work as a form and also
> a controller.
> The J2EE bum walks in and looks at all the tags, Actions, Actionforms and 
> blah, blah. He starts to
> feel dizzy………..after a while. Now you will have to promise him that you would 
> pay him more to get
> him going again…..
> Need I go on?
> -
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Re: AW: [OT]Linux server market share...

2005-06-29 Thread Yan Hu
> Even then, most of us will agree that 20.54% for IIS is about 20% to much
2 years make it even worse.. Search on monster for .NET and J2EE 
Compare the number of
jobs and do the same thing at,which aggregate everything from 
All big jobsites in
the US.  Job numbers for NET and J2EE on is almost scary...

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Re: [OT]Linux server market share...

2005-06-29 Thread Larry Meadors
Nope, we are drinking the Kool-aide here and converting ev-er-y-thing
(Lock, Stock, and Barrel) to M$ "technology".

That is what happens when former M$ execs migrate into the real world
and are allowed to make decisions.


On 6/29/05, Leon Rosenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I suspect a large portion of those apache boxen are running
> > Solaris and BSD as well as linux, but some shops (here for
> > instance) do run apache on Winblows. Of course, we have an
> > AS/400, too. :-(
> I assume you also have a mod_dotnet for running .aspx on your apache? :-)
> Regards
> Leon
> -
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Re: This is how wonderful VS.NET is

2005-06-29 Thread Dave Newton

Yan Hu wrote:

The other has no choice but VS.NET.

Man, bums NEVER get a break.

Need I go on?

We're considering taking up a collection to pay you to not.


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Re: [OT]Linux server market share...

2005-06-29 Thread Dave Newton

Yan Hu wrote:

If Apache web server takes 60% where did the 40% go? IIS right? I think other 
web servers are
almost negoligiable.

I responded to your comment that "Linux has never had more than 30% of 
the server market" by stating my belief that I thought the poster was 
referring to web server market share. I never disputed a 40% claim for 
ASP; I have no idea (or care) what % ASP has.


--- Dave Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Yan Hu wrote:

ince linux has clearly more then 50% of the server market

inux has never had more than 30% of the server market

Was probably referring to web server market share.

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This is how wonderful VS.NET is…

2005-06-29 Thread Yan Hu
We will use a WEB application as an example, especially the frond end.  We have 
2 bums on the
street. We give them 10 dollars per hour to write a simple front end. One uses 
Struts or whatever
J2ee MVC frameworks excluding JSF (using Creator). The other has no choice but 

The VS.NET bum walks in and looks at the graphs I drew ahead of time. And It 
will talk him 2
minutes to learn how to drag and drop and click a button to make that page work 
as a form and also
a controller.

The J2EE bum walks in and looks at all the tags, Actions, Actionforms and blah, 
blah. He starts to
feel dizzy………..after a while. Now you will have to promise him that you would 
pay him more to get
him going again….. 

Need I go on? 

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Re: [OT]Linux server market share...

2005-06-29 Thread Leon Rosenberg
> I suspect a large portion of those apache boxen are running 
> Solaris and BSD as well as linux, but some shops (here for 
> instance) do run apache on Winblows. Of course, we have an 
> AS/400, too. :-(

I assume you also have a mod_dotnet for running .aspx on your apache? :-)


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Re: [OT]Linux server market share...

2005-06-29 Thread Leon Rosenberg
> I suspect a large portion of those apache boxen are running 
> Solaris and BSD as well as linux, but some shops (here for 
> instance) do run apache on Winblows. Of course, we have an 
> AS/400, too. :-(

I assume you also have a mod_dotnet for running .aspx on your apache? :-)


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AW: [OT]Linux server market share...

2005-06-29 Thread Leon Rosenberg
Sorry, my mistake, apache is at 69.37% and rising.

Microsoft has 20.54% and stagnating ...

Others are ncsa, sun and even others... 

By the way... I think you are kidding, since you original statement: 
"Look at the job market for the server side now. 3 years ago, .Net took only
20% of the server side market. Now it is creeping up to 40%. " is nonesence,
since there were no .Net 3 years ago... .Net was first released end of 2002,

Even then, most of us will agree that 20.54% for IIS is about 20% to much



> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Yan Hu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 30. Juni 2005 00:15
> An: Struts Users Mailing List
> Betreff: Re: [OT]Linux server market share...
> If Apache web server takes 60% where did the 40% go? IIS 
> right? I think other web servers are almost negoligiable.
> --- Dave Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Yan Hu wrote:
> > 
> > >>Since linux has clearly more then 50% of the server market
> > >>
> > >>
> > >Linux has never had more than 30% of the server market 
> > >
> > >  
> > >
> > Was probably referring to web server market share.
> > 
> > Dve
> > 
> > 
> -
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AW: [OT]Linux server market share...

2005-06-29 Thread Leon Rosenberg
Sorry, my mistake, apache is at 69.37% and rising.

Microsoft has 20.54% and stagnating ...

Others are ncsa, sun and even others... 

By the way... I think you are kidding, since you original statement: 
"Look at the job market for the server side now. 3 years ago, .Net took only
20% of the server side market. Now it is creeping up to 40%. " is nonesence,
since there were no .Net 3 years ago... .Net was first released end of 2002,

Even then, most of us will agree that 20.54% for IIS is about 20% to much



> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Yan Hu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 30. Juni 2005 00:15
> An: Struts Users Mailing List
> Betreff: Re: [OT]Linux server market share...
> If Apache web server takes 60% where did the 40% go? IIS 
> right? I think other web servers are almost negoligiable.
> --- Dave Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Yan Hu wrote:
> > 
> > >>Since linux has clearly more then 50% of the server market
> > >>
> > >>
> > >Linux has never had more than 30% of the server market 
> > >
> > >  
> > >
> > Was probably referring to web server market share.
> > 
> > Dve
> > 
> > 
> -
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Re: [OT]Linux server market share...

2005-06-29 Thread Larry Meadors
Apache = 69.70%
Microsoft = 20.26%
Sun = 2.85%
Zeus = 0.90%
Total = 93.71% (not sure where the other 6-7% went...)

I suspect a large portion of those apache boxen are running Solaris
and BSD as well as linux, but some shops (here for instance) do run
apache on Winblows. Of course, we have an AS/400, too. :-(


On 6/29/05, Yan Hu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If Apache web server takes 60% where did the 40% go? IIS right? I think other 
> web servers are
> almost negoligiable.
> --- Dave Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Yan Hu wrote:
> >
> > >>Since linux has clearly more then 50% of the server market
> > >>
> > >>
> > >Linux has never had more than 30% of the server market
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > Was probably referring to web server market share.
> >
> > Dve
> >
> >
> -
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RE: EL expression not getting evaluated

2005-06-29 Thread Karr, David
If by asking "if it is so", you're referring to the question of whether your 
container is a JSP 2.0 container, I thought that was answered pretty clearly. 
Your container is NOT a JSP 2.0 container, so you'll have to use the Struts-EL 
I would also qualify a couple of items from the reply by "[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
It is not strictly necessary to include the "taglib" element in your web.xml 
file. If your taglib element in the JSP (notice that there is a "taglib" 
element in the JSP, and a "taglib" element in the web.xml, which are different 
things) references the URI that is specified in the TLD that is inside the 
taglib jar file, then you can skip the "taglib" element in the web.xml.
In your JSP pages that use Struts-EL, I don't recommend using a different 
prefix ("html-el", as opposed to "html"). If you use the same prefix as is 
normal, then it will decrease the number of changes you'll need to make to your 
pages when you move to a JSP 2.0 container.

From: Phani [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wed 06/29/2005 1:42 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List; Rahul Akolkar
Subject: Re: EL expression not getting evaluated

If it is so..

why is my expression not getting evaluated...


--- Rahul Akolkar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 6/29/05, Karr, David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I don't know whether WSAD 5.1.2 is a JSP 2.0
> container.  If it is not, then you'll need to use
> the Struts-EL taglib. If it is a JSP 2.0 container,
> then you'll need to make sure that your web.xml is
> using the Servlet 2.4 schema.
> >
> For completion, WSAD 5.1.2 is J2EE 1.2/1.3. J2EE 1.4
> (JSP 2.0) is RAD
> 6.0 and up.
> -Rahul
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Re: [OT]Linux server market share...

2005-06-29 Thread Yan Hu
If Apache web server takes 60% where did the 40% go? IIS right? I think other 
web servers are
almost negoligiable.

--- Dave Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Yan Hu wrote:
> >>Since linux has clearly more then 50% of the server market
> >>
> >>
> >Linux has never had more than 30% of the server market
> >
> >  
> >
> Was probably referring to web server market share.
> Dve

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Re: [OT]VS.NET is awesome

2005-06-29 Thread Dave Newton

Yan Hu wrote:

I love VS.NET very much. 

VS.NET pretty much blows chunks and is outpaced even by Eclipse.

The 2005 version may raise my opinion of it (gee, refactoring... what an 
idea), but I haven't had a chance to play with it much yet.

Not too impressed by .NET, though.


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Re: [OT]VS.NET is awesome

2005-06-29 Thread Simon Chappell
Err, yes, lovely. Thank you for sharing that. I'm very happy for.
Really. Very happy. I hope that you and live happily ever
after, if not longer than that. I haven't been this happy since ...
ummm, since . m, really, it'll come to me in a moment .
sliced bread, that's it, I haven't been so happy since I discovered
sliced bread.

Can we go back to debating vi and emacs now? Please?

On 6/29/05, Yan Hu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I love VS.NET very much. It looks,feels and works like a wonder. Anyone who 
> agrees with me please
> raise your hands or feet if you don't thik your 2 hands are enough to express 
> how much you love
> Plese do not insult me if you don't like You could 
> insult since it dos
> not have any feelingsIt is all about technolgies,nothing presonal, right?
> -
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Re: [OT]Linux server market share...

2005-06-29 Thread Dave Newton

Yan Hu wrote:

Since linux has clearly more then 50% of the server market

Linux has never had more than 30% of the server market

Was probably referring to web server market share.


[OT]VS.NET is awesome

2005-06-29 Thread Yan Hu
I love VS.NET very much. It looks,feels and works like a wonder. Anyone who 
agrees with me please
raise your hands or feet if you don't thik your 2 hands are enough to express 
how much you love Plese do not insult me if you don't like You could insult since it dos
not have any feelingsIt is all about technolgies,nothing presonal, right?

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Re: [OT] Stinking text editors

2005-06-29 Thread Gareth Meyrick

Frank W. Zammetti wrote:
> (although I'm not really sure allegory is the correct term


anyway, work to do (um.. yes.. using vim;).


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AW: [OT]Linux server market share...

2005-06-29 Thread Leon Rosenberg
Lies, bad lies, statistics...

Are we talking about sales or about servers? 

Check this out:

I hardly believe that there are servers running apache on windoz... Or how
do you explain 60% apache?

Most of companies I know do not buy servers by hp or ibm, and therefore fall
out of your statistics...


> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Yan Hu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 30. Juni 2005 00:01
> An: Struts Users Mailing List
> Betreff: [OT]Linux server market share...
> > Since linux has clearly more then 50% of the server market
> Linux has never had more than 30% of the server market 
> -
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AW: [OT]Linux server market share...

2005-06-29 Thread Leon Rosenberg
Lies, bad lies, statistics...

Are we talking about sales or about servers? 

Check this out:

I hardly believe that there are servers running apache on windoz... Or how
do you explain 60% apache?

Most of companies I know do not buy servers by hp or ibm, and therefore fall
out of your statistics...


> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Yan Hu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 30. Juni 2005 00:01
> An: Struts Users Mailing List
> Betreff: [OT]Linux server market share...
> > Since linux has clearly more then 50% of the server market
> Linux has never had more than 30% of the server market 
> -
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[OT]Linux server market share...

2005-06-29 Thread Yan Hu
> Since linux has clearly more then 50% of the server market
Linux has never had more than 30% of the server market

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RE: [OT] Stinking IDEs

2005-06-29 Thread Mark Benussi
My woman has no complaints

Yours WSAD 5.0 Migrating this week to Rational Application Developer

I know this is a tongue in cheek conversation but IDE's do all the frilly
stuff so that I can get on with designing my application. Refactoring etc is
a big part of my design work as 'he' often disagrees with 'me'. Code
completion is a God send, and I swear that my CTRL and space keys are
wearing out.

-Original Message-
From: Larry Meadors [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 29 June 2005 22:32
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: [OT] Stinking IDEs

IMO, the IDE bigots are engaged in some sort of Freudian phallic

I am confident enough to code with vi (it is even smaller than emacs).

So...what does that say about people who use "WebSphere Application
Developer" or "Sun Java Studio Creator 2004Q2"?

Think about it...


On 6/29/05, Mark Galbreath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just asked one of our analysts about this and she said, "Don't be silly,
it's ALL about the TOOL!"  When I asked her what she meant, exactly, she
replied, "The bigger the tool, the more room for error."  "And that's a GOOD
thing?" I asked astounded.  She assured me that the best programmers she
ever dated had the biggest tools.
> I thought it best to leave it at that...for the time being.
> ~mark
> -Original Message-
> From: Martin Kindler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 4:37 PM
> It is the (wo)man, not the tool.

> This email and any file transmitted with it may be confidential and is
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> This email has been scanned by networkMaryland Antivirus Service for the
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> -
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re: [OT] Stinking IDEs

2005-06-29 Thread Leon Rosenberg

Since linux has clearly more then 50% of the server market and solaris and
windows 2003 fights for remaining market i don't see how asp can possibly
have 40% of the cake. 


> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Yan Hu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 29. Juni 2005 23:48
> An: Struts Users Mailing List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Betreff: Re: [OT] Stinking IDEs
> > I use VS.NET - it is a turd with icing. 
>  This is an empty statement without any hard evidence to back it up. 
> > Better than just a turd, but still not a brownie.
> The market says the turd is good... So you will have to eat 
> it or lose 40% of the pie and that number is still going up. 
> Thanks to JSF, Spring and Hibernate, we can now fight back. 
> -
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re: [OT] Stinking IDEs

2005-06-29 Thread Leon Rosenberg

Since linux has clearly more then 50% of the server market and solaris and
windows 2003 fights for remaining market i don't see how asp can possibly
have 40% of the cake. 


> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Yan Hu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 29. Juni 2005 23:48
> An: Struts Users Mailing List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Betreff: Re: [OT] Stinking IDEs
> > I use VS.NET - it is a turd with icing. 
>  This is an empty statement without any hard evidence to back it up. 
> > Better than just a turd, but still not a brownie.
> The market says the turd is good... So you will have to eat 
> it or lose 40% of the pie and that number is still going up. 
> Thanks to JSF, Spring and Hibernate, we can now fight back. 
> -
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Re: [OT] Stinking IDEs

2005-06-29 Thread Yan Hu
> I use VS.NET - it is a turd with icing. 
 This is an empty statement without any hard evidence to back it up. 

> Better than just a turd, but still not a brownie.

The market says the turd is good... So you will have to eat it or lose 40% of 
the pie and that
number is still going up. Thanks to JSF, Spring and Hibernate, we can now fight 

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Re: [OT] Stinking IDEs

2005-06-29 Thread Leon Rosenberg
What is his speed to roll out small to medium sized web applications? And
how you define a small to medium size web-application?
I'd just be interested because we have 5 different portals in the company, 2
written in java and 3 in .asp, and we have to provide 
the management with good analysis which to choose for the future.


> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Yan Hu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 29. Juni 2005 23:36
> An: Struts Users Mailing List
> Betreff: RE: [OT] Stinking IDEs
> Look at the job market for the server side now. 3 years ago, 
> .Net took only 20% of the server side market. Now it is 
> creeping up to 40%. .Net is better or faster than Java?  
> Nah.. Some .Net zealots otained some benchmarks on Tiger and 
> .Net1.1 using linPack.  Tiger outperformed .Net. But why is 
> .NET creeping up so fast? contributes to a great 
> portion of its success. One of my friends is a NET develepor. 
> I envy his speed of rolling out (small to medium sized) web 
> applications like they were egg rolls. Only the market tells 
> what is good nor not. You have one thousand sound reasons 
> to back up what you claim. If the market says "no", then it 
> is garbage
> -
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Re: [OT] Stinking IDEs

2005-06-29 Thread Leon Rosenberg
What is his speed to roll out small to medium sized web applications? And
how you define a small to medium size web-application?
I'd just be interested because we have 5 different portals in the company, 2
written in java and 3 in .asp, and we have to provide 
the management with good analysis which to choose for the future.


> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Yan Hu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 29. Juni 2005 23:36
> An: Struts Users Mailing List
> Betreff: RE: [OT] Stinking IDEs
> Look at the job market for the server side now. 3 years ago, 
> .Net took only 20% of the server side market. Now it is 
> creeping up to 40%. .Net is better or faster than Java?  
> Nah.. Some .Net zealots otained some benchmarks on Tiger and 
> .Net1.1 using linPack.  Tiger outperformed .Net. But why is 
> .NET creeping up so fast? contributes to a great 
> portion of its success. One of my friends is a NET develepor. 
> I envy his speed of rolling out (small to medium sized) web 
> applications like they were egg rolls. Only the market tells 
> what is good nor not. You have one thousand sound reasons 
> to back up what you claim. If the market says "no", then it 
> is garbage
> -
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re: [OT] Serialization and no-arg constructor. Is it needed?

2005-06-29 Thread Leon Rosenberg
Because when you create an object in java a constructor of each extending
type in the hierarchy is called.
If there is no explicit constructor called (at first line in your
constructor, the default (emptyargs) constructor is called automatically. 

Object -> A -> B
If you do something like B b = new B(); following happens:

B() is called 
A() is called
Object() is called
Object() is finished
A() is finished 
B() is finished, call returns.

You can simply try it out with following objects:

class A{
int foo;
public A(int aFoo){
foo = aFoo;

class B{
public B(){

class B will not compile, because it needs A to have a no args constructor.
If you change the constructor of B to do:
public B(){
It would compile, because since you explicitely called the constructor no
automatic call to an empty constructor of the superobject is needed anymore
(this call is generated by javac by the way).


> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Yaakov Chaikin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 29. Juni 2005 23:34
> An: Struts Users Mailing List
> Betreff: Re: [OT] Serialization and no-arg constructor. Is it needed?
> On 6/29/05, Laurie Harper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Yaakov Chaikin wrote:
> > > Here is the line from the spec:
> > > A Serializable class must do the following:
> > > .
> > > Have access to the no-arg constructor of its first 
> non-serializable 
> > > superclass 
> > >
> > > What does this mean and why do you need this requirement? But it 
> > > does
> > 
> > It means that if you have an inheritance hierarchy and any class in 
> > that hierarchy implements serializable, that class's parent must 
> > provide a no-arg constructor. That's necessary so that the 
> > serializable class can be instantiated by the 
> deserialization process.
> Yes, I understand the obvious. How does the deserialization 
> use the no-arg constructor of the parent? Why wouldn't you 
> need the no-arg constructor of this class itself (assuming it 
> would call the
> newInstance() method)? Why "first non-serializatible superclass"?
> This is what I am really asking.
> Thanks,
> Yaakov.
> -
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re: [OT] Serialization and no-arg constructor. Is it needed?

2005-06-29 Thread Leon Rosenberg
Because when you create an object in java a constructor of each extending
type in the hierarchy is called.
If there is no explicit constructor called (at first line in your
constructor, the default (emptyargs) constructor is called automatically. 

Object -> A -> B
If you do something like B b = new B(); following happens:

B() is called 
A() is called
Object() is called
Object() is finished
A() is finished 
B() is finished, call returns.

You can simply try it out with following objects:

class A{
int foo;
public A(int aFoo){
foo = aFoo;

class B{
public B(){

class B will not compile, because it needs A to have a no args constructor.
If you change the constructor of B to do:
public B(){
It would compile, because since you explicitely called the constructor no
automatic call to an empty constructor of the superobject is needed anymore
(this call is generated by javac by the way).


> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Yaakov Chaikin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 29. Juni 2005 23:34
> An: Struts Users Mailing List
> Betreff: Re: [OT] Serialization and no-arg constructor. Is it needed?
> On 6/29/05, Laurie Harper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Yaakov Chaikin wrote:
> > > Here is the line from the spec:
> > > A Serializable class must do the following:
> > > .
> > > Have access to the no-arg constructor of its first 
> non-serializable 
> > > superclass 
> > >
> > > What does this mean and why do you need this requirement? But it 
> > > does
> > 
> > It means that if you have an inheritance hierarchy and any class in 
> > that hierarchy implements serializable, that class's parent must 
> > provide a no-arg constructor. That's necessary so that the 
> > serializable class can be instantiated by the 
> deserialization process.
> Yes, I understand the obvious. How does the deserialization 
> use the no-arg constructor of the parent? Why wouldn't you 
> need the no-arg constructor of this class itself (assuming it 
> would call the
> newInstance() method)? Why "first non-serializatible superclass"?
> This is what I am really asking.
> Thanks,
> Yaakov.
> -
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Re: [OT] Stinking IDEs

2005-06-29 Thread Larry Meadors
I use VS.NET - it is a turd with icing. 

Better than just a turd, but still not a brownie.


On 6/29/05, Yan Hu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Look at the job market for the server side now. 3 years ago, .Net took only 
> 20% of the server side
> market. Now it is creeping up to 40%. .Net is better or faster than Java?  
> Nah.. Some .Net zealots
> otained some benchmarks on Tiger and .Net1.1 using linPack.  Tiger 
> outperformed .Net. But why is
> .NET creeping up so fast? contributes to a great portion of its 
> success. One of my friends
> is a NET develepor. I envy his speed of rolling out (small to medium sized) 
> web applications like
> they were egg rolls. Only the market tells what is good nor not. You have 
> one thousand sound
> reasons to back up what you claim. If the market says "no", then it is 
> garbage
> -
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Re: [OT] Stinking text editors

2005-06-29 Thread Frank W. Zammetti

Simon Chappell wrote:

It's kinda like mud-wrestling with a pig, sooner or later you'll
realise that he's enjoying it.

Best... allegory... EVER.

(although I'm not really sure allegory is the correct term, I think the 
point gets across none the less)

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

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RE: [OT] Stinking IDEs

2005-06-29 Thread Yan Hu
Look at the job market for the server side now. 3 years ago, .Net took only 20% 
of the server side
market. Now it is creeping up to 40%. .Net is better or faster than Java?  
Nah.. Some .Net zealots
otained some benchmarks on Tiger and .Net1.1 using linPack.  Tiger outperformed 
.Net. But why is
.NET creeping up so fast? contributes to a great portion of its 
success. One of my friends
is a NET develepor. I envy his speed of rolling out (small to medium sized) web 
applications like
they were egg rolls. Only the market tells what is good nor not. You have 
one thousand sound
reasons to back up what you claim. If the market says "no", then it is 

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Re: [OT] Serialization and no-arg constructor. Is it needed?

2005-06-29 Thread Yaakov Chaikin
On 6/29/05, Laurie Harper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yaakov Chaikin wrote:
> > Here is the line from the spec:
> > A Serializable class must do the following:
> > .
> > Have access to the no-arg constructor of its first non-serializable 
> > superclass
> > 
> >
> > What does this mean and why do you need this requirement? But it does
> It means that if you have an inheritance hierarchy and any class in that
> hierarchy implements serializable, that class's parent must provide a
> no-arg constructor. That's necessary so that the serializable class can be
> instantiated by the deserialization process.

Yes, I understand the obvious. How does the deserialization use the
no-arg constructor of the parent? Why wouldn't you need the no-arg
constructor of this class itself (assuming it would call the
newInstance() method)? Why "first non-serializatible superclass"?

This is what I am really asking.


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Re: [OT] Stinking IDEs

2005-06-29 Thread Larry Meadors
IMO, the IDE bigots are engaged in some sort of Freudian phallic compensation. 

I am confident enough to code with vi (it is even smaller than emacs).

So...what does that say about people who use "WebSphere Application
Developer" or "Sun Java Studio Creator 2004Q2"?

Think about it...


On 6/29/05, Mark Galbreath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just asked one of our analysts about this and she said, "Don't be silly, 
> it's ALL about the TOOL!"  When I asked her what she meant, exactly, she 
> replied, "The bigger the tool, the more room for error."  "And that's a GOOD 
> thing?" I asked astounded.  She assured me that the best programmers she ever 
> dated had the biggest tools.
> I thought it best to leave it at that...for the time being.
> ~mark
> -Original Message-
> From: Martin Kindler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 4:37 PM
> It is the (wo)man, not the tool.
> This email and any file transmitted with it may be confidential and is 
> intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is 
> addressed.  If you received this email in error please notify the DBM Service 
> Desk by forwarding this message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [OT] Stinking text editors

2005-06-29 Thread Simon Chappell

In case you hadn't noticed by now, Mark is one of the extra special
members of the mailing list (short bus special if you understand the
strictly American cultural reference). Those of us who have been on
the list a while know better than to get into mud slinging with him.
It's kinda like mud-wrestling with a pig, sooner or later you'll
realise that he's enjoying it.

On 6/29/05, Mark Galbreath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Yan:
> Byte me.


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RE: [OT] Stinking text editors

2005-06-29 Thread Mark Galbreath
Hi Yan:

Byte me.

-Original Message-
From: Yan Hu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 4:21 PM

Hi Mark:
Tell Craig to stop pouring money into Sun's studio creator. If you don't know 
not to call
people"morons", get the heck off the list. Most morons think the majorty are 

This email and any file transmitted with it may be confidential and is intended 
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RE: [OT] Stinking IDEs

2005-06-29 Thread Mark Galbreath
I just asked one of our analysts about this and she said, "Don't be silly, it's 
ALL about the TOOL!"  When I asked her what she meant, exactly, she replied, 
"The bigger the tool, the more room for error."  "And that's a GOOD thing?" I 
asked astounded.  She assured me that the best programmers she ever dated had 
the biggest tools.

I thought it best to leave it at that...for the time being.


-Original Message-
From: Martin Kindler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 4:37 PM

It is the (wo)man, not the tool.

This email and any file transmitted with it may be confidential and is intended 
solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed.  If you 
received this email in error please notify the DBM Service Desk by forwarding 
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Re: [OT] Stinking text editors

2005-06-29 Thread Simon Chappell
Never apologise for insulting Mark. Or, at least, I don't. :-)

On 6/29/05, Yan Hu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hahahha. Then we would be all morons. And so there will be no morons. 
> Anyways, I perhaps should
> not  have used that tone. After all, it is all about technologies not 
> flamewars.And it is
> getting a bit too personl which is not right.  I will stop first... And 
> apologize to those
> that might have been offened by my messages.:)
> --- Dave Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Yan Hu wrote:
> >
> > >Most morons think the majorty are morons..
> > >
> > >
> > And we're right.
> >
> > Dave "Hey! You tricked me!" Newton
> >
> >
> >
> > -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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Re: [OT] RE: Is there any Jsp template like Smarty template ?

2005-06-29 Thread Simon Chappell
Take a look at some code generated by lex or yacc and be prepared for
an eye-opening! :-)

On 6/29/05, Durham David R Jr Ctr 805 CSPTS/SCE
> > I stick to my assertion that it is not auto-generated. It might
> > be inserted by the IDE, but it is not written by the IDE.
> Maybe we are splitting the auto-generated hair, but I'll concede the
> point.  There probably is some level of code generation complexity that
> distinguishes between simple macros and auto-generated code.
> - Dave
> -
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RE: [OT] Stinking IDEs

2005-06-29 Thread Jesse Alexander (KBSA 21)
-Original Message-
Monochrome 80x25 ADM31A or Hazeltine 1510 w/ 9600 baud serial link.
-/Original Message-

Do not exagerate...
80x25 is too big a 20x4 lcd-display is big enough
also because: no modem back to acoutstic-coupler at 300 baud

are thow them back to the teletyper single (but endless) line at 150/75 baud...

have a disney day

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Re: EL expression not getting evaluated

2005-06-29 Thread Phani
If it is so..

why is my expression not getting evaluated...


--- Rahul Akolkar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 6/29/05, Karr, David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I don't know whether WSAD 5.1.2 is a JSP 2.0
> container.  If it is not, then you'll need to use
> the Struts-EL taglib. If it is a JSP 2.0 container,
> then you'll need to make sure that your web.xml is
> using the Servlet 2.4 schema.
> > 
> For completion, WSAD 5.1.2 is J2EE 1.2/1.3. J2EE 1.4
> (JSP 2.0) is RAD
> 6.0 and up.
> -Rahul
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AW: [OT] Stinking IDEs

2005-06-29 Thread Martin Kindler
Hi guys,

I think this lovely discussion is losing focus.

Remember there have been great programmers and programs before any of us was

Do you think the guys creating e. g. Unix had  Emacs or an IDE

And we (well, some of us) today are great programmers using better tools.

It is the (wo)man, not the tool.


BTW: quiche is absolutely marvelous!!! Want a recipe?

> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Mark Galbreath [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 29. Juni 2005 22:12
> An: Struts Users Mailing List
> Betreff: RE: [OT] Stinking IDEs
> Yan,
> Us "old" guys still know a quiche-eater like you when we see one:
> If you can't debug with Lint, get the hell off the keyboard.
> ~mark
> -Original Message-
> From: Mark Galbreath 
> Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 4:06 PM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: [OT] Stinking IDEs
> I have noticed over the years that those who are the most 
> adamant about the virtues of IDEs are the worst 
> programmers...and think emacs is a kid's meal from McDonalds.
> ~mark
> -Original Message-
> From: Yan Hu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 1:33 PM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: Re: Is there any Jsp template like Smarty template ?
> > > 
> > > tml
> It is the most stupid blog I have ever seen. Go back to the 
> cave where you belong to. Maybe we should ask MS guys to use 
> vi and Emacs too. Why do some people call them "real 
> programmers" just because they do not like IDEs?  Why 85% of 
> the Java developers use Eclipse?  You think they are all 
> wrong and you are right?  You should be thankful since 
> Eclipse is such a good IDE and it is free. Haa. I know when 
> you get too old, you tend to hate anything new due to 
> uncertainty that the new technologies might bring to 
> you Hey that is understable that you might still want 
> to use Cobol or even assembly.. Why do you want to program in 
> java anyway?  You could do a lot
> more(control) using assembly than Java as you could program 
> in the stinking text editors such as vi and Emacs. They suck 
> big time.
> -
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> *
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> -
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RE: EL expression not getting evaluated

2005-06-29 Thread Pushkala_Iyer
1. Add the EL tag library descriptor to your web.xml.


2. Include the required jar files in WEB-INF/lib:
struts-el.jar, standard.jar

3. Import the tag library in your jsp and use the el tags:

<%@ taglib uri="/tags/struts-html-el" prefix="html-el" %>


Hope this helps,

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Re: [OT] Stinking text editors

2005-06-29 Thread Yan Hu
Hahahha. Then we would be all morons. And so there will be no morons. Anyways, 
I perhaps should
not  have used that tone. After all, it is all about technologies not 
flamewars.And it is
getting a bit too personl which is not right.  I will stop first... And 
apologize to those
that might have been offened by my messages.:)

--- Dave Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Yan Hu wrote:
> >Most morons think the majorty are morons..
> >  
> >
> And we're right.
> Dave "Hey! You tricked me!" Newton
> -
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Re: EL expression not getting evaluated

2005-06-29 Thread Rahul Akolkar
On 6/29/05, Karr, David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't know whether WSAD 5.1.2 is a JSP 2.0 container.  If it is not, then 
> you'll need to use the Struts-EL taglib. If it is a JSP 2.0 container, then 
> you'll need to make sure that your web.xml is using the Servlet 2.4 schema.

For completion, WSAD 5.1.2 is J2EE 1.2/1.3. J2EE 1.4 (JSP 2.0) is RAD
6.0 and up.


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Re: [OT] Stinking text editors

2005-06-29 Thread Dave Newton

Yan Hu wrote:

Most morons think the majorty are morons..

And we're right.

Dave "Hey! You tricked me!" Newton

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RE: [OT] Stinking text editors

2005-06-29 Thread Yan Hu
Hi Mark:
Tell Craig to stop pouring money into Sun's studio creator. If you don't know 
not to call
people"morons", get the heck off the list. Most morons think the majorty are 

--- Mark Galbreath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Yan,
> Us "old" guys still know a quiche-eater like you when we see one:
> If you can't debug with Lint, get the hell off the keyboard.
> ~mark
> -Original Message-
> From: Mark Galbreath 
> Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 4:06 PM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: [OT] Stinking IDEs
> I have noticed over the years that those who are the most adamant about the 
> virtues of IDEs are
> the worst programmers...and think emacs is a kid's meal from McDonalds.
> ~mark
> -Original Message-
> From: Yan Hu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 1:33 PM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: Re: Is there any Jsp template like Smarty template ?
> > >
> It is the most stupid blog I have ever seen. Go back to the cave where you 
> belong to. Maybe we
> should ask MS guys to use vi and Emacs too. Why do some people call them 
> "real programmers" just
> because they do not like IDEs?  Why 85% of the Java developers use Eclipse?  
> You think they are
> all wrong and you are right?  You should be thankful since Eclipse is such a 
> good IDE and it is
> free. Haa. I know when you get too old, you tend to hate anything new due to 
> uncertainty that
> the
> new technologies might bring to you Hey that is understable that you 
> might still want to
> use Cobol or even assembly.. Why do you want to program in java anyway?  You 
> could do a lot
> more(control) using assembly than Java as you could program in the stinking 
> text editors such as
> vi and Emacs. They suck big time.
> -
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> This email and any file transmitted with it may be confidential and is 
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> this email in error
> please notify the DBM Service Desk by forwarding this message to [EMAIL 
> This email has been scanned by networkMaryland Antivirus Service for the 
> presence of computer
> viruses.
> -
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> -
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Re: [OT] Stinking IDEs

2005-06-29 Thread Dave Newton

Durham David R Jr Ctr 805 CSPTS/SCE wrote:

How exactly do you fix a worst programmer?  Take away their keyboard?
Actually, with all this auto-generation stuff, you'll have to take their
mouse too.

Monochrome 80x25 ADM31A or Hazeltine 1510 w/ 9600 baud serial link.


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Re: [OT] Stinking IDEs

2005-06-29 Thread Dave Newton

Brian Lee wrote:

I've also noticed that programmers who talk about how other 
programmers are the worst, are the worst programmers. Real programmers 
are too busy fixing the worst programmers to complain.

No no, we must take complain-breaks in order to keep from pulling our 
own heads off.


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Re: [OT] Stinking IDEs

2005-06-29 Thread Larry Meadors
Don't forget this one:

My personal favorite: Creative Miss-spelling!

Long live VI!!!


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RE: [OT] Stinking IDEs

2005-06-29 Thread Durham David R Jr Ctr 805 CSPTS/SCE
> I've noticed over the years that people who start IDE threads 
> are unappreciated.
> I've also noticed that programmers who talk about how other 
> programmers are the worst, are the worst programmers. Real 
> programmers are too busy fixing the worst programmers to 
> complain.

How exactly do you fix a worst programmer?  Take away their keyboard?
Actually, with all this auto-generation stuff, you'll have to take their
mouse too.

- Dave

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RE: [OT] Stinking IDEs

2005-06-29 Thread Brian Lee
I've noticed over the years that people who start IDE threads are 

I've also noticed that programmers who talk about how other programmers are 
the worst, are the worst programmers. Real programmers are too busy fixing 
the worst programmers to complain.


From: "Mark Galbreath" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" 
Subject: [OT] Stinking IDEs
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2005 16:06:18 -0400

I have noticed over the years that those who are the most adamant about the 
virtues of IDEs are the worst programmers...and think emacs is a kid's meal 
from McDonalds.


-Original Message-
From: Yan Hu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 1:33 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Is there any Jsp template like Smarty template ?

> >

It is the most stupid blog I have ever seen. Go back to the cave where you 
belong to. Maybe we
should ask MS guys to use vi and Emacs too. Why do some people call them 
"real programmers" just
because they do not like IDEs?  Why 85% of the Java developers use Eclipse? 
 You think they are
all wrong and you are right?  You should be thankful since Eclipse is such 
a good IDE and it is
free. Haa. I know when you get too old, you tend to hate anything new due 
to uncertainty that the
new technologies might bring to you Hey that is understable that 
you might still want to
use Cobol or even assembly.. Why do you want to program in java anyway?  
You could do a lot
more(control) using assembly than Java as you could program in the stinking 
text editors such as

vi and Emacs. They suck big time.

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RE: [OT] Stinking IDEs

2005-06-29 Thread Mark Galbreath

Us "old" guys still know a quiche-eater like you when we see one:

If you can't debug with Lint, get the hell off the keyboard.


-Original Message-
From: Mark Galbreath 
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 4:06 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: [OT] Stinking IDEs

I have noticed over the years that those who are the most adamant about the 
virtues of IDEs are the worst programmers...and think emacs is a kid's meal 
from McDonalds.


-Original Message-
From: Yan Hu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 1:33 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Is there any Jsp template like Smarty template ?

> >

It is the most stupid blog I have ever seen. Go back to the cave where you 
belong to. Maybe we
should ask MS guys to use vi and Emacs too. Why do some people call them "real 
programmers" just
because they do not like IDEs?  Why 85% of the Java developers use Eclipse?  
You think they are
all wrong and you are right?  You should be thankful since Eclipse is such a 
good IDE and it is
free. Haa. I know when you get too old, you tend to hate anything new due to 
uncertainty that the
new technologies might bring to you Hey that is understable that you 
might still want to
use Cobol or even assembly.. Why do you want to program in java anyway?  You 
could do a lot
more(control) using assembly than Java as you could program in the stinking 
text editors such as
vi and Emacs. They suck big time.

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RE: EL expression not getting evaluated

2005-06-29 Thread Karr, David
I don't know whether WSAD 5.1.2 is a JSP 2.0 container.  If it is not, then 
you'll need to use the Struts-EL taglib. If it is a JSP 2.0 container, then 
you'll need to make sure that your web.xml is using the Servlet 2.4 schema.

From: Phani [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wed 06/29/2005 11:59 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: EL expression not getting evaluated

I am using WSAD 5.1.2.

I have the following code to insert a checkBox for a
Display Tag table..




The expression "${partItem.intproperty}" is not
getting evaluated..

I see the following in the view source of the page for
each checkBox:

value = ${partItem.intproperty}, instead of a literal.

Shud I have to use EL version of the struts tags?? If
so how ?? as I haven't used them..


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RE: [OT] RE: Is there any Jsp template like Smarty template ?

2005-06-29 Thread Durham David R Jr Ctr 805 CSPTS/SCE
> I stick to my assertion that it is not auto-generated. It might 
> be inserted by the IDE, but it is not written by the IDE.

Maybe we are splitting the auto-generated hair, but I'll concede the
point.  There probably is some level of code generation complexity that
distinguishes between simple macros and auto-generated code.

- Dave

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Struts validation framework

2005-06-29 Thread Zakir Magdum
I use Map backed ActionForm in which I generate the controls(text, select)
dynamically from a map and all the properties are collected in a map in the 

I can add server side validation on these properties. I did not find a way to
generate dynamically client side validation. The validation I need are simple
ones like required etc. 

Do you have a solution for similar situation? 

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[OT] Stinking IDEs

2005-06-29 Thread Mark Galbreath
I have noticed over the years that those who are the most adamant about the 
virtues of IDEs are the worst programmers...and think emacs is a kid's meal 
from McDonalds.


-Original Message-
From: Yan Hu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 1:33 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Is there any Jsp template like Smarty template ?

> >

It is the most stupid blog I have ever seen. Go back to the cave where you 
belong to. Maybe we
should ask MS guys to use vi and Emacs too. Why do some people call them "real 
programmers" just
because they do not like IDEs?  Why 85% of the Java developers use Eclipse?  
You think they are
all wrong and you are right?  You should be thankful since Eclipse is such a 
good IDE and it is
free. Haa. I know when you get too old, you tend to hate anything new due to 
uncertainty that the
new technologies might bring to you Hey that is understable that you 
might still want to
use Cobol or even assembly.. Why do you want to program in java anyway?  You 
could do a lot
more(control) using assembly than Java as you could program in the stinking 
text editors such as
vi and Emacs. They suck big time.

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Very [OT] Is RAID1 really fault tolerant?

2005-06-29 Thread Dahnke, Eric \(Company IT\)
In a RAID 1 (mirrored) configuration, if I pull the power cable out from
one of the disks, will my system stay up? Real world experience
preferred to marketing claims.

Sorry, this is so OT, but since everyone's enamored with the text editor
vs. IDE threads that happen every two weeks here, I don't feel I'm
wasting anyone's time too badly. Thx

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RE: [OT] RE: Is there any Jsp template like Smarty template ?

2005-06-29 Thread Mark Galbreath
Craig?  Is that old fart still around?  I thought he was deeply involved in JSF 



-Original Message-
From: Durham David R Jr Ctr 805 CSPTS/SCE
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 3:51 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: [OT] RE: Is there any Jsp template like Smarty template ?

> I see the morons around this list are as gullible to my posts 
> as ever

Careful, you could get modded -1 troll and have your messages sent to
Craig's noise folder.

- Dave

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Re: [OT] RE: Is there any Jsp template like Smarty template ?

2005-06-29 Thread Simon Chappell
On 6/29/05, Durham David R Jr Ctr 805 CSPTS/SCE
> > Most autogenerated code is less programmer friendly than it could
> > be, it's purpose being to be easily created rather than read and
> > maintained.
> I call throwing out the baby with the bathwater.  The "unreadable" code

I'd never do that. You've obviously never read my blog:

> that is being spoken of, I presume, is basically UI stuff.   IMO, UI
> code has a tendency towards being difficult to follow regardless of how
> it was generated.  Anyway, that's only one type of IDE-generated code.

True, but a very real sort, nonetheless.

> Probably the most useful code generation available to good editors is
> code completion, and it's a big time and frustration saver, especially

I understand code completion but reject it as an example of good
auto-generated code. It is programmer code stored and retrieved by the
programmer for the programmer. It is not auto-generated.

> for new programmers.  Beyond that, some examples of fully readable code
> generation are File templates and Macros (Live templates in IDEA
> parlance).
> As an example, when I want to right a debug statement, I simply type:
> and hit 'tab'.  IntelliJ then writes the following:
>if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
> I then type my log statement and hit enter.  Much faster than typing the
> whole thing out or even cutting and pasting.
> Here's the IntelliJ Live template if anyone is interested:
>if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
> That's one, overly simple, example of very readable IDE-generated code.

I stick to my assertion that it is not auto-generated. It might be
inserted by the IDE, but it is not written by the IDE.

> Just to finish this post, the biggest mistake I see being made wrt IDE's
> is to become completely dependent on them.  For example, it's worthwhile
> to have IDE independent build processes and unit testing.

Now, here is a point where I can agree with you. Our deployment builds
at work are done in ant for just exactly the purpose of being
independent from specific IDEs.



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[OT] RE: Is there any Jsp template like Smarty template ?

2005-06-29 Thread Durham David R Jr Ctr 805 CSPTS/SCE
> I see the morons around this list are as gullible to my posts 
> as ever

Careful, you could get modded -1 troll and have your messages sent to
Craig's noise folder.

- Dave

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Set other bundled in common-validator

2005-06-29 Thread Armando Siem
How can i set or specified another bundled file when
using common-validator to output message in javascript
(client side validations) ??

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RE: [OT] RE: Is there any Jsp template like Smarty template ?

2005-06-29 Thread Mark Galbreath
Does it spell-check for you, too?  No wonder you need an IDE

-Original Message-
From: Durham David R Jr Ctr 805 CSPTS/SCE
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 3:43 PM

As an example, when I want to right a debug statement, I simply type:


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RE: Is there any Jsp template like Smarty template ?

2005-06-29 Thread Mark Galbreath
Hey, Simon!  Good to see you are still kickin'

I see the morons around this list are as gullible to my posts as ever


~mark (a REAL programmer)

-Original Message-
From: Simon Chappell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 2:49 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Is there any Jsp template like Smarty template ?

On 6/29/05, Yan Hu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Maybe IDEs are helpful,
> It is not "Maybe" that IDEs are useful.  It is  that they are definiately 
> useful.

Under certain circumstances they are useful. I am fully of the opinion
that no beginner should ever be allowed to use an IDE. IDEs are an
inhibitor of learning and understanding and should only be used by
experienced programmers who have already gotten the necessary concepts
full groked.

> > but if you can't do your programming in a
> > straight text editor, you shouldn't be programming at all.
> When you programm in a text editor, you may very likely to have snytax errors.

A small price to pay and a problem that the compiler will catch for us.

 The java lib is so
> huge you can not possiably remember every single method name correctly. For 
> example, you should
> have object.toString and you accidently wrote object.tostrig. You would catch 
> this kind of errors

Again, the compiler will catch it. And for the standard library,
that's why they invented documentation, such as either the Java
Almanacs or the standard JavaDoc for the JDK.

> in realy time due to code inspection on the fly in an IDE. In a text editor, 
> you would catch it
> when you compile it or rely on your eyes(Your eyes work well when you are 
> young and That is one of
> the reasons why we use Junit.. right? . Does it mean you do not know how to 
> program?

I use JUnit because I give a rip about writing quality code that I can
prove the quality of, not because of the lack or otherwise of an IDE.

> > auto-generate some code (mostly awful code) but that's about it.
> If that is all the person("should not even be called "programmer") knows, he 
> is not supposed to be
> hired in the first place.  Auto code generation should be used only for very 
> tedious boilerplate
> code such as getters and setters...

Most autogenerated code is less programmer friendly than it could be,
it's purpose being to be easily created rather than read and


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[OT] RE: Is there any Jsp template like Smarty template ?

2005-06-29 Thread Durham David R Jr Ctr 805 CSPTS/SCE
> Most autogenerated code is less programmer friendly than it could 
> be, it's purpose being to be easily created rather than read and
> maintained.

I call throwing out the baby with the bathwater.  The "unreadable" code
that is being spoken of, I presume, is basically UI stuff.   IMO, UI
code has a tendency towards being difficult to follow regardless of how
it was generated.  Anyway, that's only one type of IDE-generated code.
Probably the most useful code generation available to good editors is
code completion, and it's a big time and frustration saver, especially
for new programmers.  Beyond that, some examples of fully readable code
generation are File templates and Macros (Live templates in IDEA

As an example, when I want to right a debug statement, I simply type:


and hit 'tab'.  IntelliJ then writes the following:

if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {

I then type my log statement and hit enter.  Much faster than typing the
whole thing out or even cutting and pasting.

Here's the IntelliJ Live template if anyone is interested:

if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {

That's one, overly simple, example of very readable IDE-generated code.

Just to finish this post, the biggest mistake I see being made wrt IDE's
is to become completely dependent on them.  For example, it's worthwhile
to have IDE independent build processes and unit testing.

- Dave

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Checkbox question

2005-06-29 Thread Apte, Dhanashree (Noblestar)
Hi all,

I have a jsp which shows rows of data. Each row is preceded by a checkbox. i
can check the boxes and hit a delete button and it is supposed to delete the
selected rows. In my page i have:



I am unable to identify the rows uniquely by clicking on the checkboxes. The
syntax for one of the two would help:

I would like to use the value of the RecordCounter to get submitted as the
checkbox value. (but i dont know the syntax). OR..

I would like to have the vaue of the field temporaryId passed back. right
now, with what i have, i just get a String array called temporaryId and
temporaryId[0] = "temporaryId", temporaryID[1]="temporaryId". I want the
actual value of the temporaryId attribute back instead of just

Any help is appreciated.


EL expression not getting evaluated

2005-06-29 Thread Phani
I am using WSAD 5.1.2.

I have the following code to insert a checkBox for a
Display Tag table..

The expression "${partItem.intproperty}" is not
getting evaluated..

I see the following in the view source of the page for
each checkBox:

value = ${partItem.intproperty}, instead of a literal.

Shud I have to use EL version of the struts tags?? If
so how ?? as I haven't used them..


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Re: Is there any Jsp template like Smarty template ?

2005-06-29 Thread Dave Newton

Yan Hu wrote:

Why 85% of the Java developers use Eclipse?

Because Java programmers are cheap bastards?

You should be thankful since Eclipse is such a good IDE and it is free.

Pah. Any "programmer's editor" that doesn't have macros...

You could do a lot
more(control) using assembly than Java as you could program in the stinking 
text editors such as
vi and Emacs. They suck big time.

I dunno, I have refactoring, completion, etc. in Emacs, and if I don't 
like something I can change it w/ a wave of my magic (almost-)Lisp wand.


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Re: Is there any Jsp template like Smarty template ?

2005-06-29 Thread Simon Chappell
On 6/29/05, Yan Hu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Maybe IDEs are helpful,
> It is not "Maybe" that IDEs are useful.  It is  that they are definiately 
> useful.

Under certain circumstances they are useful. I am fully of the opinion
that no beginner should ever be allowed to use an IDE. IDEs are an
inhibitor of learning and understanding and should only be used by
experienced programmers who have already gotten the necessary concepts
full groked.

> > but if you can't do your programming in a
> > straight text editor, you shouldn't be programming at all.
> When you programm in a text editor, you may very likely to have snytax errors.

A small price to pay and a problem that the compiler will catch for us.

 The java lib is so
> huge you can not possiably remember every single method name correctly. For 
> example, you should
> have object.toString and you accidently wrote object.tostrig. You would catch 
> this kind of errors

Again, the compiler will catch it. And for the standard library,
that's why they invented documentation, such as either the Java
Almanacs or the standard JavaDoc for the JDK.

> in realy time due to code inspection on the fly in an IDE. In a text editor, 
> you would catch it
> when you compile it or rely on your eyes(Your eyes work well when you are 
> young and That is one of
> the reasons why we use Junit.. right? . Does it mean you do not know how to 
> program?

I use JUnit because I give a rip about writing quality code that I can
prove the quality of, not because of the lack or otherwise of an IDE.

> > auto-generate some code (mostly awful code) but that's about it.
> If that is all the person("should not even be called "programmer") knows, he 
> is not supposed to be
> hired in the first place.  Auto code generation should be used only for very 
> tedious boilerplate
> code such as getters and setters...

Most autogenerated code is less programmer friendly than it could be,
it's purpose being to be easily created rather than read and


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Re: Is there any Jsp template like Smarty template ?

2005-06-29 Thread Yan Hu
> Maybe IDEs are helpful, 
It is not "Maybe" that IDEs are useful.  It is  that they are definiately 
> but if you can't do your programming in a
> straight text editor, you shouldn't be programming at all.
When you programm in a text editor, you may very likely to have snytax errors. 
The java lib is so
huge you can not possiably remember every single method name correctly. For 
example, you should
have object.toString and you accidently wrote object.tostrig. You would catch 
this kind of errors
in realy time due to code inspection on the fly in an IDE. In a text editor, 
you would catch it
when you compile it or rely on your eyes(Your eyes work well when you are young 
and That is one of
the reasons why we use Junit.. right? . Does it mean you do not know how to 

> auto-generate some code (mostly awful code) but that's about it. 
If that is all the person("should not even be called "programmer") knows, he is 
not supposed to be
hired in the first place.  Auto code generation should be used only for very 
tedious boilerplate
code such as getters and setters...

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Re: 1.2.7 only highlights the first error

2005-06-29 Thread Michael Taylor
Check your struts-config.xml file.  ValidatorPlugin has a property, 
"stopOnFirstError".  Make sure that is set correctly.

... snip...


Denham, Martin wrote:


I can't get struts 1.2.7 to highlight all the error fields on my form - only 
the first error field is highlighted.  Is this a known bug, or am I doing 
something wrong?

Here is a simplified extract of my code:

ActionForm validation:

ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
errors.add("firstName", new ActionMessage("errors.firstName.invalid"));
errors.add("lastName", new ActionMessage("errors.lastName.invalid"));


Only the 'firstName' text field is highlighted, not the 'lastName' text field.  
If I reverse the order of the fields then only 'lastName' is highlighted.



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Re: [OT] Serialization and no-arg constructor. Is it needed?

2005-06-29 Thread Laurie Harper

Yaakov Chaikin wrote:

Here is the line from the spec:
A Serializable class must do the following: 

Have access to the no-arg constructor of its first non-serializable superclass

What does this mean and why do you need this requirement? But it does

It means that if you have an inheritance hierarchy and any class in that 
hierarchy implements serializable, that class's parent must provide a 
no-arg constructor. That's necessary so that the serializable class can be 
instantiated by the deserialization process.

seem to say that you do NOT need your class declared with "implements
Serializable" to have a no-arg constructor, correct?

Correct. Neither does the class need to declare 'implements Serializable' 
if a parent class already does so.

Laurie, Open Source advocate, Java geek and novice blogger:

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Re: Is there any Jsp template like Smarty template ?

2005-06-29 Thread Andrew Tomaka
Maybe IDEs are helpful, but if you can't do your programming in a
straight text editor, you shouldn't be programming at all.  The
biggest problem with programmers today is that they don't actually
know how to program.  They know how to click some buttons and
auto-generate some code (mostly awful code) but that's about it.  Grab
a text editor, learn to program, then, and only then, if you feel the
need, you can pick up an IDE.

~ Andrew Tomaka

On 6/29/05, Yan Hu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> It is the most stupid blog I have ever seen. Go back to the cave where you 
> belong to. Maybe we
> should ask MS guys to use vi and Emacs too. Why do some people call them 
> "real programmers" just
> because they do not like IDEs?  Why 85% of the Java developers use Eclipse?  
> You think they are
> all wrong and you are right?  You should be thankful since Eclipse is such a 
> good IDE and it is
> free. Haa. I know when you get too old, you tend to hate anything new due to 
> uncertainty that the
> new technologies might bring to you Hey that is understable that you 
> might still want to
> use Cobol or even assembly.. Why do you want to program in java anyway?  You 
> could do a lot
> more(control) using assembly than Java as you could program in the stinking 
> text editors such as
> vi and Emacs. They suck big time.
> -
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