[FIRDAY] Re : Is Struts Dying?

2005-08-26 Thread Leon Rosenberg
 The only reason for Struts to improve is keeping Front 
 controller aka web MVC as a cornerstone pattern.

The other reason is, that we all love struts just too much to let it die.

Btw, is anyone working on improvements of the struts-taglibs (logic and


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File Upload enctype

2005-08-26 Thread Anuradha S.Athreya

I have 2 different issues, which are listed below 
(1) To upload a file , is it necessary to specify the
enctype=multipart/form-data. Can Struts handle file upload in another way
when the enctype has not been specified.
function validateDelete()
return confirm(Delete Data);  

html:link action=deleteData name=deleteDataParams scope=page
onclick=return validateDelete() 
Delete Data 

To the validateDelete() Javascript function, I want to pass a java
variable. How do I do it? 
Once I pass the variable, my javascript function has to be :

function validateDelete(data)
return confirm(Delete Data+data); 

(JSF question) Checkbox for Each Record in a List and Scroll Bars

2005-08-26 Thread Caroline Jen
I have a list of records to render to a web page. I
provide a checkbox to each record in that list for
users to make multiple selections.

My list of records can be very long. And each record
can contain many columns. Therefore, the list will be
displayed in a kind of pane with a vertical scroll bar
on the right and a horizontal scroll bar at the

How do I put my list in such a pane using JSF? 

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Re: Is Struts Dying?

2005-08-26 Thread Craig McClanahan
On 8/25/05, Paul Benedict [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The subject line asks it all. Is it true?

Like a lot of journalism nowdays :-(, the subject line (and the
thinking behind it) presumes that the real world is binary in its
response to changing conditions.  That is decidedly not the case --
indeed, I would likely contend that the real world response isn't even
responsive to *analog* (versus digital) design analysis -- it's much
more fractal than that.

(Translation, if you want a short answer that lets you skip the rest
of this response -- there is no such thing as a single answer to this
kind of question, so it's pretty useless to debate what that answer
might be.)

 I hope we see a version 1.2.8 and a 1.3 soon, but I am
 sorry to see all the innovation going into Spring
 (YEAH!) and Shale (YAWN!), with no one really wanting
 to continue growing the classic framework.

Whatever you think of Shale, you're totally naive if you believe
nobody cares about Struts Classic -- no matter what the development
activity level at any point of time might be.  Besides the efforts
going into the 1.3 refactoring train, think outside the box for a
minute.  Even if Struts Classic development stopped *totally*, would
that impact the fact that there are *thousands* of existing apps
dependent on these APIs.  Those apps do not go away simply because
some new framework comes along and has cool new ideas.  The needs of
the developers of those apps need to be paid attention to ... and the
Struts community is responding to those needs.

 Is it viable to evolve Struts Classic into Shale, and
 mix into the Shale source support for good old Struts?
 I say it sounds like a good idea to me but I hope
 there are better ideas than mine, or we'd all be in
 trouble ;-)

Actually, I'm coming to the conclusion that this is not *necessarily*
a good idea.

The basic ideas that drove the development of Struts were formed a
little over five years ago.  (OK, to be precise, I typed the original
Struts 0.x code into my laptop over a vacation at the Oregon coast in
May 2000, much to the chagrin of my wife, but after 31 years together
she's started to get the idea of who I am and what I do :-).  The
world of web development has changed *dramatically* in that amount of
time ... so one common viewpoint is that (negatively expressed) Struts
Classic is dead.  But another viewpoint should be shouldn't the
Struts community evolve Struts to take advantage of everything the
world has learned since then?

If I were a Struts user, I would be *really* unhappy if the Struts
developers were not paying attention to what is going on in the world.

What happens to Struts itself, however, is only part of a broader
picture.  The world has definitely come up with some better (and, in
some cases *much* better -- think about the fact that this is the very
creator of Struts telling you this) ideas.  How should the Struts
community react?

I believe that *all* of the following responses are appropriate:

* Continue to maintain and enhance a kind of Struts that is
  fundamentally backwards compatible, thus protecting the
  investment people have made in both understanding Struts APIs,
  and the fact that nobody can afford to convert all their existing
  apps, all at once, to the greatest thing since sliced bread today.
  Struts 1.3.x is doing this.

* Embrace an integration with new technologies as they emerge,
  without changing the underlying nature of the platform.  Struts has
  demonstrated that it likes this path -- look at what happened when
  JSTL 1.0 was released.  The new capabilities were leveraged,
  the existing tags were given a new lease on life (struts-el), and
  the world got better for Struts users.

* Recognize that five years, in Internet time, is an infinity -- eventually,
  some other technology is going to obsolete you.  Given that this
  is *absolutely certain* to occur, does the Struts community choose
  to provide to their users a path to take advantage of what has now
  become possible, or do they act like ostriches and assume everyone
  should extend Action and ActionForm now until the end of time.

 With that said, this is my opinion based on
 observation of the amazing industry progression in the
 MVC area. I hope the Struts committers aren't burnt
 out. I love Struts which is why I ask this tough
 question. I hope I get some good news and be told I am
 wrong :)

As I said at the beginning, the world is not simplistic enough for
binary answers like you are right or you are wrong.  Yes, Struts
Classic is evolving.  Yes, there is a way to integrate new mainstream
technologies with Struts Classic (the struts-faces integration
library).  Yes, the Struts community is actively developing (more than
one) possible successors to Struts Classic.

Given that successors to Struts Classic are *guaranteed* to emerge,
would you rather have them come from the Struts community (who might
actually care about providing transition paths) or not?


Re: CSS not working with JSF

2005-08-26 Thread Ivan Rodriguez


Rick, classes seem to work.  Thank You.  But the requirement is to use ID.  May 
be I can convince my team.  I will go try Geeta's idea now to see how fun that 

Keep in mind that ID must be unique in the same HTML page. You can`t 
write for example, 2 links A with the same ID.

( XHTML mode of course)

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creditCard Validator plugin problems

2005-08-26 Thread jonathan gilmore


No matter what I type into my creditCard field the creditCard validator 
check allways comes back with the message Card Number is not a valid credit 
card number.  If I substitute the 'creditCard' check to a 'long' check then 
I can pass validation by placing a 16 digit long number.  Come somebody 
check my code snippets below to ensure I'm not doing anything wrong..

from validation.xml...

   !-- Charging form validation --
   form name=ChargingForm
 field property=paymentMethod depends=required
arg0 key = charging.paymentMethod/
 field property=cardNumber depends=required,creditCard
arg0 key = charging.cardNumber/
 field property=expirationMonth depends=required,date
arg0 key = charging.expirationMonth/


 field property=expirationYear depends=required,date
arg0 key = charging.expirationYear/


 field property=cardHoldersName depends=required
arg0 key = charging.cardHoldersName/

from struts-config.xml...

   form-bean  name=ChargingForm
 form-property name=paymentMethod type=java.lang.String/
 form-property name=cardNumber type=java.lang.String/
 form-property name=expirationMonth type=java.lang.String/
 form-property name=expirationYear type=java.lang.String/
 form-property name=cardHoldersName type=java.lang.String/


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Re: File Upload enctype

2005-08-26 Thread David Delbecq
Le Vendredi 26 Août 2005 08:23, Anuradha S.Athreya a écrit :
 I have 2 different issues, which are listed below 
 (1)   To upload a file , is it necessary to specify the
 enctype=multipart/form-data. Can Struts handle file upload in another way
 when the enctype has not been specified.

not that i know about (struts uses jakarta http fileupload library, supporting 
only multipart/form-date for files)
and am not sure another method has been defined by w3c.

 function validateDelete()
   return confirm(Delete Data);  
   html:link action=deleteData name=deleteDataParams scope=page
 onclick=return validateDelete() 
   Delete Data 
   To the validateDelete() Javascript function, I want to pass a java
 variable. How do I do it? 
   Once I pass the variable, my javascript function has to be :
 function validateDelete(data)
   return confirm(Delete Data+data); 

Have you tried this?
html:link action=deleteData name=deleteDataParams scope=page 
onclick=return validateDelete('${someBean.someValue}') 
Delete Data 
David Delbecq
Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium

Is there life after /sbin/halt -p?

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Re: Is Struts Evolving (was ... Dying?)

2005-08-26 Thread Ted Husted
On 8/25/05, Paul Benedict [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The subject line asks it all. Is it true?

The original subject line, no. The new line, yes. 

Externally, Struts is evolving from a monolithic package into a set of
subprojects, with their own release cycles. Internally, Struts is
evolving from a framework with a lockstep request gauntlet, to a
framework toolkit, that you can adapt and extend anyway you like.

Struts does move more slowly than some other projects. Always have,
probably always will. But, we tend to attract pragmatic committers
with busy careers, and the volunteer hours are few and far between. In
five years, we've yet to have anyone work on Struts fulltime. :(

 I hope we see a version 1.2.8 and a 1.3 soon, but I am
 sorry to see all the innovation going into Spring
 (YEAH!) and Shale (YAWN!), with no one really wanting
 to continue growing the classic framework.

A lot of the growth has been outside of the project. For example,
Hubert's very cool FormDef extension that manufactures DynaForms from
POJO's. Frank's AjaxTags. Michael's Struts Dialog extension.

* https://formdef.dev.java.net/
* http://struts.sourceforge.net/ajaxtags/index.html
* http://struts.sourceforge.net/strutsdialogs/

In the early days, we were careful to chronicle all of the Struts
happenings and extensions on the website, but after awhile, there just
got to be too much to report. We probably need a newsletter or
something to help keep everyone abreast of new developments, and to
help summarize the coolest tools.

 Is it viable to evolve Struts Classic into Shale, and
 mix into the Shale source support for good old Struts?
 I say it sounds like a good idea to me but I hope
 there are better ideas than mine, or we'd all be in
 trouble ;-)

Personally, I think the underlying problem is that  we need more
support on the business side of things, so that developers do not
become so dependant on the presentation framework. Most of us are
still developing with Struts, rather than into Struts.

In my own work, we're having great success using Spring and the
Commons Chain of Responsibility as the basis of a business layer
framework. Once Struts 1.3.x ships, I'd like to publish more best
practices applications that demonstration how to minimize
dependencies on the presentation layer frameworks. This way, when the
next big thing comes along (I doubt that JSF is the end of the line),
we won't have to go through this all over again.

 With that said, this is my opinion based on
 observation of the amazing industry progression in the
 MVC area. I hope the Struts committers aren't burnt
 out. I love Struts which is why I ask this tough
 question. I hope I get some good news and be told I am
 wrong :)

At the ASF, we expect committers to come and go, and so we make
everything a team effort. As committers drift away, and new volunteers
step up to take their place. For example, scope the very excellent
work our latest committer, Wendy Smoaks, has been doing for the web

* http://svn.apache.org/builds/struts/maven/trunk/site-test/

We hope that by making Struts a collection of focussed subprojects,
instead of a monolithic distribution, we can avoid some of the
gridlock that afflicts mature projects. And, happily, this approach
also makes room for the new kids on the block, like Shale and Ti

 HTH, Ted.

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Re: Struts Taglibs (was ... Dying?)

2005-08-26 Thread Ted Husted
On 8/26/05, Leon Rosenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Btw, is anyone working on improvements of the struts-taglibs (logic and

Sadly, no. The committers all seem to be using JSTL or alternate view
technologies. We've been looking for someone to help in this area for
a very long time. In Struts 1.3.x, Taglibs is a separate subproject,
so we can make new releases without having to release everything else
as well.

Heretofore, the Struts HTML Taglib seems to have been feature-locked
on the HTML 4.01 specification. Though, once it is a subproject,
perhaps we can rethink that position. Alternatively, we could also
consider hosting another taglib module or taglib project.

I've always thought that Struts Layout
[http://struts.application-servers.com/] would be a good addition to
the project, if we had people to maintain it.

HTH, Ted.

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Re: CSS not working with JSF

2005-08-26 Thread Frank W. Zammetti
Just a semi-on-topic aside... I believe the best approach is to use IDs 
as their name implies: as a unique ID for a given element, and use class 
to mark the element as using a given CSS class.  Unless you know you 
have a requirement to change a batch of elements together, and its a 
change that can't be made via CSS (i.e., content changes for a batch of 
DIVs), then this approach gives you maximum flexibility I believe.  That 
has been my experience anyway.


Ivan Rodriguez wrote:


Rick, classes seem to work.  Thank You.  But the requirement is to use 
ID.  May be I can convince my team.  I will go try Geeta's idea now to 
see how fun that is...:=)

Keep in mind that ID must be unique in the same HTML page. You can`t 
write for example, 2 links A with the same ID.

( XHTML mode of course)

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[Shale] org.apache.tiles unresolved

2005-08-26 Thread Edwin Mercado
I just started playing around with Shale, but I just can't seem to
find a tiles.jar (org.apache.tiles) library file. From where can I
download it?


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Re: [Shale] org.apache.tiles unresolved

2005-08-26 Thread gramani
Edwin Mercado [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 08/26/2005 09:43:23 AM:

 I just started playing around with Shale, but I just can't seem to
 find a tiles.jar (org.apache.tiles) library file. From where can I
 download it?

Here you go



Re: [Shale] org.apache.tiles unresolved

2005-08-26 Thread Edwin Mercado
Awesome! Thank you, Geeta, for the prompt reply!


 Edwin Mercado [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 08/26/2005 09:43:23 AM:
  I just started playing around with Shale, but I just can't seem to
  find a tiles.jar (org.apache.tiles) library file. From where can I
  download it?
 Here you go

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[Fwd: [solved] Re: [SHALE] Still not getting to resulting page based on navigation rules]

2005-08-26 Thread Rick Reumann
Odd, I posted this yesterday but it still hasn't made it to the list. 
Please ignore if this ends up a duplicate.

 Original Message 
Subject: [solved] Re: [SHALE] Still not getting to resulting page based 
on navigation rules

Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2005 16:41:37 -0400
From: Rick Reumann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List user@struts.apache.org

I knew I was trying to combine to many different things at once
(MyFaces/Shale) but it took Craig to wake me up to realize it and
recommended I go back to starting small. I backed out the Shale stuff
and said let me go back to just MyFaces. By comparing my web.xml with
the MyFaces example web.xml, I realized that I had somehow left out:

!-- Listener, that does all the startup work (configuration, init). --

What's odd is thte application was sort of working without it. My
navigation rules weren't working without it though. I put back the shale
stuff and now I both are behaving nicely.

Oh well, thanks for all your patience. When I finally get a handle on
this, I'll have a simple MyFaces/Shale app that will be VERY basic that
others will hopefully get some use from when just starting out. I'll try
to write it up in a step-by-step guide at some point.

Rick Reumann wrote the following on 8/25/2005 3:03 PM:
Once again I'm stuck and I'm not sure what the problem is. Not sure if 
this is Shale or MyFaces related, but I'll post here first.

Before the problem some background:





jsp:forward page=/employees.faces/

backing bean
has prerender()
getEmployees() //returns list of EmployeeVO objects

backing bean with vars matching EmployeeVO for form use
has method:
   public String retrieveEmployeeAction() {
log.debug(in retrieveEmployeeAction());
return success;

h:dataTable var=emp value=#{employees.employees} 
 h:commandButton value=test 



 never reached:(



When I click on the link for retrieveEmployeeAction from employees.jsp, 
I see the log message fire in the appropriate method but I never reach 
employeeForm.jsp. I also see right after the log message in 
retrieveEmployeeAction, the log message in my prerrender of 
Employees.java - that prerrender *shouldn't* fire becuase I don't see 
why that file would be bound since I shouldn't be returning to 
employees.jsp. The only thing I can think of is that success isn't 
being picked up correctly by the navigation rules so it's trying to 
return back to employees.jsp - in which case I could see why the 
prerender would fire since it should. The error I keep getting after 
clicking on the retrieveEmployeeAction link is:

2005-08-25 14:56:07 StandardWrapperValve[Faces Servlet]: 
Servlet.service() for servlet Faces Servlet threw exception
javax.faces.FacesException: javax.servlet.ServletException: 
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Unrecognized Content Type.




Caused by: javax.servlet.ServletException: 
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Unrecognized Content Type.



at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(HttpJspBase.java:94)

If it matters here is my web.xml


  !-- Shale Application Controller Filter 

Re: Struts Taglibs (was ... Dying?)

2005-08-26 Thread Michael Rasmussen
On 8/26/05, Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 8/26/05, Leon Rosenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Btw, is anyone working on improvements of the struts-taglibs (logic and
 Sadly, no. The committers all seem to be using JSTL or alternate view
 technologies. We've been looking for someone to help in this area for
 a very long time. In Struts 1.3.x, Taglibs is a separate subproject,
 so we can make new releases without having to release everything else
 as well.

I thought that there was documentation in the Struts taglibs that said
the library was esentially deprecated in favor of JSTL.  Did I
misread that?  I'm too lazy to look it up right now...but I remember
reading that somewhere.


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Configurable Forms Fields Authorization

2005-08-26 Thread Ajaya Agrawalla

I am working on simple struts application and using formdef plugin.  I need
to have customizable way where I can control whether users are allowed to
fill in values for some fields.  This requirement varies depending on

I am thinking of having a config file where we can specify whether a form
field is accesible or not and then display the fields accordingly in JSP.

Any thoughts??


Re: (JSF question) Checkbox for Each Record in a List and Scroll Bars

2005-08-26 Thread Michael Rasmussen
I would look at some of the oracle components...they do a lot with
data and tables that go beyond what a JSF DataTable will do.  Here is
their list of components.


I don't see anything here that meets your exact requirements, but I
see some that come close.  They might be customizable and cleaner than
your implementation too.

You might also want to check 

http://myfaces.apache.org/tomahawk/overview.html for some components.


On 8/25/05, Caroline Jen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a list of records to render to a web page. I
 provide a checkbox to each record in that list for
 users to make multiple selections.
 My list of records can be very long. And each record
 can contain many columns. Therefore, the list will be
 displayed in a kind of pane with a vertical scroll bar
 on the right and a horizontal scroll bar at the
 How do I put my list in such a pane using JSF?
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[Shale] Shale with Tiles web app example - was CSS not working with JSF

2005-08-26 Thread gramani
Hi Rick, bjester, anyone else who's interested:

As promised, I have uploaded a very trivial app which integrates Shale and 
Tiles using the new code which David Geary committed a couple of days back 
(btw, I built the jars here using the source from a couple of days back.. 
so am not sure if they are different from what's available now..):


Please note that I am a complete newbie at this whole Shale thing so it is 
perhaps best not to learn any Shale using this app..:) 

Also, you will doubtless find better ways of doing almost everything I've 
done.  All comments and suggestions will be gratefully received.


Re: Struts-Tiles Design question

2005-08-26 Thread Michael Rasmussen
The tiles controller sounds like an interesting way to do it, but I
have never used it.  I agree with Nels that you should stay away from
a JSP implementation of this.  I have stretched tiles pretty far as to
what it can do conditionally, and I have been very happy with it.  I
would suggest using an action to make decisions about where to go, and
use tiles templates to put the right fragments in the right places.


On 8/25/05, Nels Overgaard-Cook [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If you put the business logic in the JSPs, then it seems to me that you're
 essentially mixing the business and presentation layers. I would put the
 business login in an action and figure out which tile to forward to from
 there. Of course, I haven't used the Tiles Controller that Greg suggested...
 On 8/25/05, Dilip Ladhani [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have an application built on struts and tiles. I have a design question
  and would like some of your valuable opinions.
  I have a huge jsp, which is broken into many includes, say abc.jsp and
  includes one.jsp, two.jsp etc.
  As, I mentioned I use tiles so in the config file, I have a forward
  which is like this
  forward name=abc path=abc contextRelative=true/
  The abc is defined in the tiles as
  put name=body-content value=/abc.jsp /
  Now for the design question...
  I am going to have to switch the includes (one.jsp, two.jsp etc) based on
  some business rules like the geographical area, app type etc.
  1) Should I just put this logic in the jsp (using if statements like :if
  apptype = A use one.jsp else use one-next.jsp etc) or
  2)Should I use tiles by having different action mappings based on
  business parameters(say app type) and have each mapping forward to a
  different forward defined in tiles-def.
  Also the business parameters (based on which jsp is selected) may change
  the future.
  Thanks for your input
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Version information for Struts Commons libraries included with Struts 1.1

2005-08-26 Thread Richard Yee
Does anyone know how to determine the versions of the
commons libraries that are included as part of Struts?
Specifically, I need to find out the versions of the
commons libraries that are part of the Struts 1.1
distribution. I am using the display tag library
(www.displaytag.org) and found that it has a
dependency on the 2.0 version commons-lang.jar file.
Struts 1.1 has an earlier version than that and I'd
like to check the versions of the other commons
libraries to see if I need to upgrade to newer
versions of them as well.



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Executing java code w/out forwarding to another page

2005-08-26 Thread Van Henreich Rontal

I'm not sure if this has been tackled already or it's
a feature available to Struts cause I don't think it
is normally use.

I have all these messages on a webpage and at a
certain point in time, I want to abort the generation
of these messages so i press an abort button. I would
then need some java code to be executed for cleanup. I
thought of placing it inside a struts action class,
but the problem with that is that in needs a forward
page, but I would not want my messages in the the
current page to be lost they'll be replaced with the
new forward page. Any idea how to get away with these?
I've thought of caching them. One way is to pass
messages on the request or session objects, which I
doubt if it is efficient enough cause there might be a
lot of these messages, or is it just ok and it's not
really inefficient?

I tried returning a null instead of an ActionForward
on the Action's execute() method, but the webpage
generates an error. Any suggestions? 

Thanks a lot.

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Re: [Shale] Shale with Tiles web app example - was CSS not working with JSF

2005-08-26 Thread gramani
Sure thing. I would love to work with you and come up with something 
useful. I too am currently working on a web app which would demo Shark 
(the open source workflow engine). I already had written it using Struts, 
but now am attempting to rewrite that using Shale.  Not sure how much 
success I will have plus may not be of that much interest to the community 
at large.. I think a simple CRUD app like you are working on will be more 
useful. So let me know if I can help..:)


Rick Reumann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 08/26/2005 11:45:53 AM:

 Cool thanks so much! Probably together we can come up with some good 
 stuff. I'm going to work on a simple CRUD app for demo purposes and I'll 

 end up using tiles also so your app will help me. Thanks again.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote the following on 8/26/2005 11:33 AM:
  Hi Rick, bjester, anyone else who's interested:
  As promised, I have uploaded a very trivial app which integrates Shale 

  and Tiles using the new code which David Geary committed a couple of 
  days back (btw, I built the jars here using the source from a couple 
  days back.. so am not sure if they are different from what's available 

  Please note that I am a complete newbie at this whole Shale thing so 
  is perhaps best not to learn any Shale using this app..:)
  Also, you will doubtless find better ways of doing almost everything 
  I've done.  All comments and suggestions will be gratefully received.
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Re: Executing java code w/out forwarding to another page

2005-08-26 Thread Martin Gainty

Who/what is/are generating the messages?
(Im thinking that if you have capability to communicate with generator 
perhaps you can cut it off at the source)
If its logging I know log4j has capabilities to redirect from console to 
socket to file based on variable assignments within your app's context

- Original Message - 
From: Van Henreich Rontal [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: user@struts.apache.org
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2005 11:47 AM
Subject: Executing java code w/out forwarding to another page


I'm not sure if this has been tackled already or it's
a feature available to Struts cause I don't think it
is normally use.

I have all these messages on a webpage and at a
certain point in time, I want to abort the generation
of these messages so i press an abort button. I would
then need some java code to be executed for cleanup. I
thought of placing it inside a struts action class,
but the problem with that is that in needs a forward
page, but I would not want my messages in the the
current page to be lost they'll be replaced with the
new forward page. Any idea how to get away with these?
I've thought of caching them. One way is to pass
messages on the request or session objects, which I
doubt if it is efficient enough cause there might be a
lot of these messages, or is it just ok and it's not
really inefficient?

I tried returning a null instead of an ActionForward
on the Action's execute() method, but the webpage
generates an error. Any suggestions?

Thanks a lot.

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Re: Executing java code w/out forwarding to another page

2005-08-26 Thread Sudhaker Raj
U need AJAX to rescue you.

On 8/26/05, Van Henreich Rontal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm not sure if this has been tackled already or it's
 a feature available to Struts cause I don't think it
 is normally use.
 I have all these messages on a webpage and at a
 certain point in time, I want to abort the generation
 of these messages so i press an abort button. I would
 then need some java code to be executed for cleanup. I
 thought of placing it inside a struts action class,
 but the problem with that is that in needs a forward
 page, but I would not want my messages in the the
 current page to be lost they'll be replaced with the
 new forward page. Any idea how to get away with these?
 I've thought of caching them. One way is to pass
 messages on the request or session objects, which I
 doubt if it is efficient enough cause there might be a
 lot of these messages, or is it just ok and it's not
 really inefficient?
 I tried returning a null instead of an ActionForward
 on the Action's execute() method, but the webpage
 generates an error. Any suggestions?
 Thanks a lot.
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Re: Executing java code w/out forwarding to another page

2005-08-26 Thread Sudhaker Raj
When you return null from any Action class execute method, that tells
framework not to bother about doing any forward or include or
anything. This means you need to handle the response by yourself.
Something like...

response.getWriter().write(Bingo, you got it.);

Since you are not doing anything to handle the response, you will get errors. 

Like I said in my last mail, you need AJAX to do something without
reloading the page. Check these:


On 8/26/05, Sudhaker Raj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 U need AJAX to rescue you.
 On 8/26/05, Van Henreich Rontal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm not sure if this has been tackled already or it's
  a feature available to Struts cause I don't think it
  is normally use.
  I have all these messages on a webpage and at a
  certain point in time, I want to abort the generation
  of these messages so i press an abort button. I would
  then need some java code to be executed for cleanup. I
  thought of placing it inside a struts action class,
  but the problem with that is that in needs a forward
  page, but I would not want my messages in the the
  current page to be lost they'll be replaced with the
  new forward page. Any idea how to get away with these?
  I've thought of caching them. One way is to pass
  messages on the request or session objects, which I
  doubt if it is efficient enough cause there might be a
  lot of these messages, or is it just ok and it's not
  really inefficient?
  I tried returning a null instead of an ActionForward
  on the Action's execute() method, but the webpage
  generates an error. Any suggestions?
  Thanks a lot.
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Sudhaker Raj

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Re: Executing java code w/out forwarding to another page

2005-08-26 Thread Van Henreich Rontal
Thanks for the reply. I'm trying to debug a machine
remotely for 10 minutes and set-up a streaming
connection. I get all those debug messages through the

I'm not familiar with log4j, but base on what you're
saying it needs variable assignment within my app's
context, so i guess that means a java code? It's what
I'm trying to achieve, execute some java code, but
it's only through calling a Struts path(then execute()
method) that i could think of. 

--- Martin Gainty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Who/what is/are generating the messages?
 (Im thinking that if you have capability to
 communicate with generator 
 perhaps you can cut it off at the source)
 If its logging I know log4j has capabilities to
 redirect from console to 
 socket to file based on variable assignments within
 your app's context
 - Original Message - 
 From: Van Henreich Rontal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: user@struts.apache.org
 Sent: Friday, August 26, 2005 11:47 AM
 Subject: Executing java code w/out forwarding to
 another page
  I'm not sure if this has been tackled already or
  a feature available to Struts cause I don't think
  is normally use.
  I have all these messages on a webpage and at a
  certain point in time, I want to abort the
  of these messages so i press an abort button. I
  then need some java code to be executed for
 cleanup. I
  thought of placing it inside a struts action
  but the problem with that is that in needs a
  page, but I would not want my messages in the the
  current page to be lost they'll be replaced with
  new forward page. Any idea how to get away with
  I've thought of caching them. One way is to pass
  messages on the request or session objects, which
  doubt if it is efficient enough cause there might
 be a
  lot of these messages, or is it just ok and it's
  really inefficient?
  I tried returning a null instead of an
  on the Action's execute() method, but the webpage
  generates an error. Any suggestions?
  Thanks a lot.
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 protection around

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Re: Configurable Forms Fields Authorization

2005-08-26 Thread Gareth Evans


I use a similar method to generate a form,
Use a xml file to define the form e.g.

 group name=section1
  field property=value1 type=text /
  field property=value2 type=date /

I then use a custom tag to parse the xml tag and set the form config within the page context for me 
to iterate through and display.

I've added options to display a date selector, or a select box based on either values defined in the 
 xml or on a collection within the request context.

I use the grouping function to wrap fieldsets around parts of the form just to 
split it up.

Another nice feature is to pull the label for a field directly from the message resources e.g 
field.name.value1 or group.name.section1.

This approach works well for me!



Ajaya Agrawalla wrote:


I am working on simple struts application and using formdef plugin.  I need
to have customizable way where I can control whether users are allowed to
fill in values for some fields.  This requirement varies depending on

I am thinking of having a config file where we can specify whether a form
field is accesible or not and then display the fields accordingly in JSP.

Any thoughts??


Gareth Evans

MSoft eSolutions Limited
Technology Centre
Inward Way
Rossmore Business Park
Ellesmere Port
CH65 3EN

Tel:+44 (0)870 0100 704
Fax:+44 (0)870 9010 705

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was sent to you in error, please notify the sender and delete this
message. MSoft eSolutions Limited cannot accept responsibility for viruses,
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Re-use field validations?

2005-08-26 Thread Quinn Stone
Is there any way to define the validation for a common form field once in
validation.xml and re-use the validation in other form blocks?

This would allow validation.xml to be updated in one place rather than many
places, if validation requirements change for a field that is used on many
forms. It would also help ensure that I (or others) won't accidentally
incorrectly code different validations for the same field on different forms.
The benefits will compound if I start writing custom validation routines.

I am new to Struts, and this is my first project using it, so I hope I'm not
missing something obvious.

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RE: [SPAM - Bayesian] - Re: Configurable Forms Fields Authorizati on - Bayesian Filter detected spam

2005-08-26 Thread Ajaya Agrawalla
What I was looking was...

Is there any framework which would read a form definition file either based
on a form bean or not and allow or disallow access to those fields.

I have looked around and the struts-layout has some built in feature for
access to fields.  but layout tag seems too much for my application.  Any
other idea??


-Original Message-
From: Gareth Evans [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2005 12:34 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: [SPAM - Bayesian] - Re: Configurable Forms Fields Authorization
- Bayesian Filter detected spam


I use a similar method to generate a form,
Use a xml file to define the form e.g.

  group name=section1
   field property=value1 type=text /
   field property=value2 type=date /

I then use a custom tag to parse the xml tag and set the form config within
the page context for me 
to iterate through and display.

I've added options to display a date selector, or a select box based on
either values defined in the 
  xml or on a collection within the request context.

I use the grouping function to wrap fieldsets around parts of the form just
to split it up.

Another nice feature is to pull the label for a field directly from the
message resources e.g 
field.name.value1 or group.name.section1.

This approach works well for me!



Ajaya Agrawalla wrote:

 I am working on simple struts application and using formdef plugin.  I
 to have customizable way where I can control whether users are allowed to
 fill in values for some fields.  This requirement varies depending on
 I am thinking of having a config file where we can specify whether a form
 field is accesible or not and then display the fields accordingly in JSP.
 Any thoughts??

Gareth Evans

MSoft eSolutions Limited
Technology Centre
Inward Way
Rossmore Business Park
Ellesmere Port
CH65 3EN

Tel:+44 (0)870 0100 704
Fax:+44 (0)870 9010 705

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RE: [Shale] Shale with Tiles web app example - was CSS not working with JSF

2005-08-26 Thread Walton, Kaleb \(ISS Southfield\)

I'd like to get your app up and running, although, I'm having trouble. I
keep getting Assertion Failed errors when trying to get to index.faces
or index.jsp. Any ideas? :)



-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2005 11:54 AM
To: Rick Reumann
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Shale] Shale with Tiles web app example - was CSS not
working with JSF

Sure thing. I would love to work with you and come up with something
useful. I too am currently working on a web app which would demo Shark
(the open source workflow engine). I already had written it using
Struts, but now am attempting to rewrite that using Shale.  Not sure how
much success I will have plus may not be of that much interest to the
community at large.. I think a simple CRUD app like you are working on
will be more useful. So let me know if I can help..:)


Rick Reumann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 08/26/2005 11:45:53 AM:

 Cool thanks so much! Probably together we can come up with some good 
 stuff. I'm going to work on a simple CRUD app for demo purposes and

 end up using tiles also so your app will help me. Thanks again.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote the following on 8/26/2005 11:33 AM:
  Hi Rick, bjester, anyone else who's interested:
  As promised, I have uploaded a very trivial app which integrates

  and Tiles using the new code which David Geary committed a couple of

  days back (btw, I built the jars here using the source from a couple

  days back.. so am not sure if they are different from what's

  Please note that I am a complete newbie at this whole Shale thing so

  is perhaps best not to learn any Shale using this app..:)
  Also, you will doubtless find better ways of doing almost everything

  I've done.  All comments and suggestions will be gratefully
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RE: [Shale] Shale with Tiles web app example - was CSS not working with JSF

2005-08-26 Thread gramani
Walton, Kaleb \(ISS Southfield\) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 08/26/2005 
12:48:16 PM:

 I'd like to get your app up and running, although, I'm having trouble. I
 keep getting Assertion Failed errors when trying to get to index.faces
 or index.jsp. Any ideas? :)

Could you post the stack trace? I know I hav eseen that error before, but 
can't remeber how I solved it.



RE: [Shale] Shale with Tiles web app example - was CSS not working with JSF

2005-08-26 Thread Walton, Kaleb \(ISS Southfield\)
javax.faces.FacesException: Assertion Failed
at com.sun.faces.util.Util.doAssert(Util.java:1302)
at _jsp._layout._layout__jsp._jspService(layout/layout.jsp:7)
at com.caucho.jsp.JavaPage.service(JavaPage.java:63)
at com.caucho.jsp.Page.pageservice(Page.java:570)
at org.apache.tiles.TilesUtil.doInclude(TilesUtil.java:149)
at _jsp._logon__jsp._jspService(logon.jsp:4)
at com.caucho.jsp.JavaPage.service(JavaPage.java:63)
at com.caucho.jsp.Page.pageservice(Page.java:570)
at _jsp._index__jsp._jspService(index.jsp:1)
at com.caucho.jsp.JavaPage.service(JavaPage.java:63)
at com.caucho.jsp.Page.pageservice(Page.java:570)

Re: Struts Taglibs (was ... Dying?)

2005-08-26 Thread Ted Husted
Most the committers would suggest that using JSTL is a better way to
go, and the volunteers have been relunctant to extend the libraries in
ways that overlap with JSTL. But if there are other volunteers ready,
willing, and able to maintain the library in the Apache Way, we've had
a help wanted sign up for a very long time.

* http://wiki.apache.org/struts/StrutsJobJar

At one time, we had hoped that all the universe would see the light
and migrate to JSTL,  but I do know some teams that are quite happy
using the original tags. I don't use the taglibs myself, but I do
apply patches as needed.


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RE: [Shale] Shale with Tiles web app example - was CSS not working with JSF

2005-08-26 Thread gramani
Walton, Kaleb \(ISS Southfield\) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 08/26/2005 
12:54:19 PM:

 javax.faces.FacesException: Assertion Failed
at com.sun.faces.util.Util.doAssert(Util.java:1302)
at _jsp._layout._layout__jsp._jspService(layout/layout.jsp:7)

Hmm.. Not that illuminating to me, it isn't!... My version of 
layout/layout.jsp:7 just says f:view so I am not sure why that would be 
a problem.. I have currently hosed my application entirely (:( so am in a 
bit of a mess myself, so am not sure how I can help. Sorry! Hopefully 
somebody will tell us what this error means..?

Btw, you didn't change anything in the war you downloaded, right? ..just 
grasping for straws here..

RE: [Shale] Shale with Tiles web app example - was CSS not working with JSF

2005-08-26 Thread Walton, Kaleb \(ISS Southfield\)
Nope - downloaded and deployed. 

One note though - I'm using Resin 3.0.12 rather than Tomcat.

Don't worry about it not working for me - I realize it was a quick test
implementation. I'm just trying to learn like the rest of you :)


-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2005 1:08 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: [Shale] Shale with Tiles web app example - was CSS not
working with JSF

Walton, Kaleb \(ISS Southfield\) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 08/26/2005
12:54:19 PM:

 javax.faces.FacesException: Assertion Failed
at com.sun.faces.util.Util.doAssert(Util.java:1302)



at _jsp._layout._layout__jsp._jspService(layout/layout.jsp:7)

Hmm.. Not that illuminating to me, it isn't!... My version of
layout/layout.jsp:7 just says f:view so I am not sure why that would
be a problem.. I have currently hosed my application entirely (:( so am
in a bit of a mess myself, so am not sure how I can help. Sorry!
Hopefully somebody will tell us what this error means..?

Btw, you didn't change anything in the war you downloaded, right? ..just
grasping for straws here..

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Re: Version information for Struts Commons libraries included with Struts 1.1

2005-08-26 Thread Laurie Harper

Richard Yee wrote:

Does anyone know how to determine the versions of the
commons libraries that are included as part of Struts?
Specifically, I need to find out the versions of the
commons libraries that are part of the Struts 1.1
distribution. I am using the display tag library
(www.displaytag.org) and found that it has a
dependency on the 2.0 version commons-lang.jar file.
Struts 1.1 has an earlier version than that and I'd
like to check the versions of the other commons
libraries to see if I need to upgrade to newer
versions of them as well.

You're best bet is to un-jar each library and look at META-INF/MANIFEST.MF 
in each. Often there will be an Implementation-Version property defined 
which will tell you the version of the library. I'm not sure how 
consistently the commons-* libraries supply this (and I've seen at least 
one case where the Implementation-Version was incorrect) so you may need to 
fall back to comparing file sizes against the distribution jars :-( I don't 
know any more reliable approach than that...

Laurie Harper
Open Source advocate, Java geek: http://www.holoweb.net/laurie
Founder, Zotech Software: http://www.zotechsoftware.com/

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Re: Version information for Struts Commons libraries included with Struts 1.1

2005-08-26 Thread Wendy Smoak

From: Richard Yee [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Does anyone know how to determine the versions of the
commons libraries that are included as part of Struts?
Specifically, I need to find out the versions of the
commons libraries that are part of the Struts 1.1

Scroll down to the What's Included section of the release notes:

Wendy Smoak

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Re: Re-use field validations?

2005-08-26 Thread Laurie Harper

Quinn Stone wrote:

Is there any way to define the validation for a common form field once in
validation.xml and re-use the validation in other form blocks?

This would allow validation.xml to be updated in one place rather than many
places, if validation requirements change for a field that is used on many
forms. It would also help ensure that I (or others) won't accidentally
incorrectly code different validations for the same field on different forms.
The benefits will compound if I start writing custom validation routines.

I am new to Struts, and this is my first project using it, so I hope I'm not
missing something obvious.

I guess what you're looking for is the ability to specify a list/set of 
validations (e.g. 'depends=required,mask') and associated parameters, 
messages, etc. once for a field and have that same configuration applied on 
different forms using that field, right? Unfortunately, as far as I know, 
validator doesn't provide any facility to accomplish that directly. 
However, I can think of one or two ways you could achieve it.

The first would be using XML entities to setup and reference your re-used 
validations, something like:

!ENTITY field1   field name=loginid depends=required...
form ...

(it may take some fiddling with syntax in the entity definition, and using 
external entities might be easier).

The second would be to define custom validation rules that encapsulate the 
required composition and parameterization under a single name so that 
everywhere the field is used you'd specify 'depends=my-composite-validation'.

If there are any better ways to do this, I'd be interested to hear about 
them too :-)

Laurie Harper
Open Source advocate, Java geek: http://www.holoweb.net/laurie
Founder, Zotech Software: http://www.zotechsoftware.com/

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Re: Executing java code w/out forwarding to another page

2005-08-26 Thread Martin Gainty
Basically reconfiguring log4j to switch logs based upon initial eval of 
log4j.xml and then re-evaluation of set of conditions later on

for Log4j re-configuration example take a look at

- Original Message - 
From: Van Henreich Rontal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List user@struts.apache.org; Martin Gainty 

Sent: Friday, August 26, 2005 12:13 PM
Subject: Re: Executing java code w/out forwarding to another page

Thanks for the reply. I'm trying to debug a machine
remotely for 10 minutes and set-up a streaming
connection. I get all those debug messages through the

I'm not familiar with log4j, but base on what you're
saying it needs variable assignment within my app's
context, so i guess that means a java code? It's what
I'm trying to achieve, execute some java code, but
it's only through calling a Struts path(then execute()
method) that i could think of.

--- Martin Gainty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Who/what is/are generating the messages?
(Im thinking that if you have capability to
communicate with generator
perhaps you can cut it off at the source)
If its logging I know log4j has capabilities to
redirect from console to
socket to file based on variable assignments within
your app's context
- Original Message - 
From: Van Henreich Rontal [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: user@struts.apache.org
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2005 11:47 AM
Subject: Executing java code w/out forwarding to
another page


 I'm not sure if this has been tackled already or
 a feature available to Struts cause I don't think
 is normally use.

 I have all these messages on a webpage and at a
 certain point in time, I want to abort the
 of these messages so i press an abort button. I
 then need some java code to be executed for
cleanup. I
 thought of placing it inside a struts action
 but the problem with that is that in needs a
 page, but I would not want my messages in the the
 current page to be lost they'll be replaced with
 new forward page. Any idea how to get away with
 I've thought of caching them. One way is to pass
 messages on the request or session objects, which
 doubt if it is efficient enough cause there might
be a
 lot of these messages, or is it just ok and it's
 really inefficient?

 I tried returning a null instead of an
 on the Action's execute() method, but the webpage
 generates an error. Any suggestions?

 Thanks a lot.

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Smart forwarding with different input pages

2005-08-26 Thread Letícia Álvares Barbalho
Hello everyone,

I'm working with smart forwarding in my application. I have an action with 
this mapping in struts-config:

action path=/DeterminaColecao 
forward name=add path=/AddColecao.do/ 
forward name=del path=/DelColecao.do/ 
forward name=upd path=/UpdColecao.do/ 

The actions for which it forwards are configured like this one:

forward name=success path=/pages/colecao/colecao.jsp redirect=true/ 
forward name=error path=/pages/erro.jsp/ 

As you can see, the second action has a different input page. It is because 
is I have 3 actions to which I will forward and one of them has a different 
input page. So, when the validator returns me an error, and returns me to 
the input page specified at DeterminaColecao, and not at the action 
executed. I tried ommiting the input option at DeterminaColecao, but 
then it returns me an error instead of using the action input.

Is there any way my html:form could call the DeterminaColecao but use the 
input page of the action to which it forwarded?

Thank you.

Letícia Álvares Barbalho

Re: Version information for Struts Commons libraries included with Struts 1.1

2005-08-26 Thread Laurie Harper

Wendy Smoak wrote:

From: Richard Yee [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Does anyone know how to determine the versions of the
commons libraries that are included as part of Struts?
Specifically, I need to find out the versions of the
commons libraries that are part of the Struts 1.1

Scroll down to the What's Included section of the release notes:

Doh! That's certainly a lot easier! :-) Thanks for the pointer Wendy.

Laurie Harper
Open Source advocate, Java geek: http://www.holoweb.net/laurie
Founder, Zotech Software: http://www.zotechsoftware.com/

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Re: Smart forwarding with different input pages

2005-08-26 Thread Laurie Harper

Letícia Álvares Barbalho wrote:

Hello everyone,

I'm working with smart forwarding in my application. I have an action with 
this mapping in struts-config:

action path=/DeterminaColecao 
forward name=add path=/AddColecao.do/ 
forward name=del path=/DelColecao.do/ 
forward name=upd path=/UpdColecao.do/ 

The actions for which it forwards are configured like this one:

forward name=success path=/pages/colecao/colecao.jsp redirect=true/ 
forward name=error path=/pages/erro.jsp/ 

As you can see, the second action has a different input page. It is because 
is I have 3 actions to which I will forward and one of them has a different 
input page. So, when the validator returns me an error, and returns me to 
the input page specified at DeterminaColecao, and not at the action 
executed. I tried ommiting the input option at DeterminaColecao, but 
then it returns me an error instead of using the action input.

Is there any way my html:form could call the DeterminaColecao but use the 
input page of the action to which it forwarded?

Thank you.

You can't get exactly what you want, since that doesn't fit the processing 
model. What happens is, your form submits to /DeterminaColecao and, since 
you have validate=true, validation occurs before your action executes. If 
validation succeeds, processing proceeds into your action and you can 
forward to wherever you want. However, if validation fails, the /UpdColecao 
action doesn't get called. At this point, there's no way for validator to 
know where your action would have forwarded to had the /DeterminaColecao 
action executed, so it can only forward to the current (/DeterminaColecao) 
action's input page.

To do what you want (have /DeterminaColecao forward to different input 
pages depending on what the next action would have been), you will need to 
override validate() (calling super.validate() to invoke validator) and have 
your /DeterminaColecao action perform the forwarding when validation fails.

Another option you may be able to use would be to turn off validation on 
the /DeterminaColecao action and rely on validation in each of the actions 
it forwards to. Since you're not specifying redirect=true on the 
forwards, the action you forward to will see the same request data as the 
/DeterminaColecao action and can validate after the forward. That's only an 
option if you don't mind /DeterminaColecao executing against invalid 
inputs, though. If that's not acceptable you'll have to use option one.

Laurie Harper
Open Source advocate, Java geek: http://www.holoweb.net/laurie
Founder, Zotech Software: http://www.zotechsoftware.com/

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Re: Struts Taglibs (was ... Dying?)

2005-08-26 Thread Leon Rosenberg
Count me in :-) 

 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von: Ted Husted [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Gesendet: Freitag, 26. August 2005 19:06
 An: Struts Users Mailing List
 Betreff: Re: Struts Taglibs (was ... Dying?)
 Most the committers would suggest that using JSTL is a better 
 way to go, and the volunteers have been relunctant to extend 
 the libraries in ways that overlap with JSTL. But if there 
 are other volunteers ready, willing, and able to maintain the 
 library in the Apache Way, we've had a help wanted sign up 
 for a very long time.
 * http://wiki.apache.org/struts/StrutsJobJar
 At one time, we had hoped that all the universe would see the 
 light and migrate to JSTL,  but I do know some teams that are 
 quite happy using the original tags. I don't use the taglibs 
 myself, but I do apply patches as needed.
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Re: Executing java code w/out forwarding to another page

2005-08-26 Thread Frank W. Zammetti
Thanks for pointing out AjaxTags... I think it might indeed be a decent 
answer in this case.

However, I'd like to point out that the Struts-specific version of 
AjaxTags referenced here is no longer being developed.  There is now a 
non-Struts-specific version which is a part of Java Web Parts 
(http://javawebparts.sourceforge.net).  This version, in addition to not 
being tied to Struts at all, is more flexible and powerful than the 
original version.  I highly suggest anyone thinking of using this 
approach look at that version.  Just go to the above web site and click 
on the Javadocs link, then head to the AjaxTags package in the taglib 
package.  The package summary should do a decent job of getting someone 
familiar with it.

It should also be mentioned that there is now a separate AjaxTags 
project that IS NOT the same as my AjaxTags... the authors of that 
project were less than cooperative in dealing with the conflicting name, 
so I now feel obliged to point out and differentiate whenever either is 
brought up :)


Sudhaker Raj wrote:

When you return null from any Action class execute method, that tells
framework not to bother about doing any forward or include or
anything. This means you need to handle the response by yourself.
Something like...

response.getWriter().write(Bingo, you got it.);

Since you are not doing anything to handle the response, you will get errors. 

Like I said in my last mail, you need AJAX to do something without
reloading the page. Check these:


On 8/26/05, Sudhaker Raj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

U need AJAX to rescue you.

On 8/26/05, Van Henreich Rontal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I'm not sure if this has been tackled already or it's
a feature available to Struts cause I don't think it
is normally use.

I have all these messages on a webpage and at a
certain point in time, I want to abort the generation
of these messages so i press an abort button. I would
then need some java code to be executed for cleanup. I
thought of placing it inside a struts action class,
but the problem with that is that in needs a forward
page, but I would not want my messages in the the
current page to be lost they'll be replaced with the
new forward page. Any idea how to get away with these?
I've thought of caching them. One way is to pass
messages on the request or session objects, which I
doubt if it is efficient enough cause there might be a
lot of these messages, or is it just ok and it's not
really inefficient?

I tried returning a null instead of an ActionForward
on the Action's execute() method, but the webpage
generates an error. Any suggestions?

Thanks a lot.

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Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

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Struts Deployment with the Commons jar files - What jar files can be put at the container level?

2005-08-26 Thread Richard Yee
Does anyone on the list have any recommendations
regarding putting the commons-XXX jar files that are
deployed with struts at the application server
container level instead of at the application level in
the WEB-INF/lib directory? I'm interested in doing
this in order to save on the memory consumption in the
app server. I know that struts.jar cannot be put at
the container level.



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debugging tomcat with eclipse

2005-08-26 Thread Jay Sheth

It would be great if you could give some hints on how to debug tomcat
with eclipse.

I have tried the following:

* Running tomcat with option jpda start and then running a remote java
application to debug but doesn't work.
* Running the tomcat application with start option. When I run the
webapp, the break point is caught in the code, however it doesn't let
me evaluate expression/ see the details of variable, saying The
selected stack frame must be associated with a java project in the
workspace to perform an evaluation.

The project is already in eclipse. We are copying the jar file to the
tomcat lib folder and then running the tomcat app.

Any help / pointers would be useful. 


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Re: debugging tomcat with eclipse

2005-08-26 Thread Martijn Smit
I'm running Tomcat within Eclipse with the Sysdeo plugin since the dawn 
of time. As long as you handle your own context definitions (keep a 
close watch on the occasional xml sysdeo generates) and define the 
source directories within the Sysdeo general option, you can debug and 
trace your source perfectly per thread and look at your variables.


Jay Sheth wrote:


It would be great if you could give some hints on how to debug tomcat
with eclipse.

I have tried the following:

* Running tomcat with option jpda start and then running a remote java
application to debug but doesn't work.
* Running the tomcat application with start option. When I run the
webapp, the break point is caught in the code, however it doesn't let
me evaluate expression/ see the details of variable, saying The
selected stack frame must be associated with a java project in the
workspace to perform an evaluation.

The project is already in eclipse. We are copying the jar file to the
tomcat lib folder and then running the tomcat app.

Any help / pointers would be useful. 


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