Re: from Cforms to Wicket

2013-03-15 Thread David Legg

All the cool people swear by [1]  ;-)

Another very new resource is the site [2] which is in 
alpha at the moment but is the first collaboration between all the major 
browser manufacturers to document the browser standards and collate bugs.

So to answer Mika's question: HTML5 is already widely supported by 
browsers.  Or to put it another way the HTML5 doctype was designed to be 
usable without breaking older browsers but also prevent them going into 
quirks mode.   Scripts like modernizr [3],  also enable very old 
browsers (even IE6!) to partially support some of the more desirable 
CSS3 functions.

I don't know about you but 20% of my traffic is mobile based. Whatever 
forms you do generate it is looking more and more like you also need to 
support Responsive Web Design which adapts to the browser window size 
and device input capabilities.  We are living in interesting times at 
the moment from a web perspective and for the past year people have been 
rushing to 'do responsive' by placing most of the logic client side and 
making extensive use of media queries.  Some people are beginning to 
wake up to the fact that it might be better to do a little device 
detection server-side with a technique that Luke Wrobleski coined 'RESS' 
[4]. This is something for which I think Cocoon might be a good solution.

One final thing you may find of interest is a side project of Wicket 
which I tinkered with a while ago called WicketWebBeans [5].  I have no 
idea if it is still being developed but essentially it dynamically 
creates web forms by directly interrogating java beans.  You can tailor 
the behaviour according to your needs.

David Legg


On 18/02/13 12:24, Francesco Chicchiriccò wrote:

On 18/02/2013 13:21, Mika M Lehtonen wrote:
Is HTML5 something you can really use already having wide range of 
browsers supported?

(Or at least FF, IE and Chrome)

Google says (among others)

Notes on getting Cocoon 3.0.0-alpha-2 sample app running

2010-01-28 Thread David Legg
Here are some notes I made while trying to get started with the Cocoon 3 
alpha 2 sample apps running under Windows XP using Maven.

Hopefully it might help others like me starting down the C3 road and 
serve as a record of the corrections needed to the current documentation ;-)

The place to go for documentation on running the sample apps is the 
Cocoon 3 download page [1].  The simplest way to get the sample app up 
and runnning is to use Maven to do the heavy lifting.  As the 
documentation mentions under the 'Maven 2 archetypes' heading you have 
to type the following line to create the sample block: -

 mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-archetype-plugin:1.0-alpha-7:create


Note: you have to place everything on one line before pasting it into a windows 
DOS box or else only the first line will get executed.

This should proceed correctly and a new directory will appear called 'mysample' 
which you should change into for the next part.

I tried typing 'mvn jetty:run' to execute the sample app but I kept getting a 
couple of Maven dependency errors: -


Never having heard of Jersey[2] before (the new Restful API reference implementation 
and not the place or the item of clothing!) I looked it up and noticed the 
dependencies page[3] which led me to add the following to the pom.xml file just below 
the packaging tag: -

 repository Repository for Maven/name
 repository Maven 1 Repository (legacy)/name

After this I could successfully run the sample app... but only after 
looking in the correct URL ;-)  The documentation[1] gives the wrong 
one.  The Jetty server is set up to actually run at http://localhost:

Hope this helps.

David Legg


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Re: Error in documentation of Cocoon forms Union widget

2009-09-16 Thread David Legg

Hi Robby,

Thanks for spotting that. It seems you are not the only one that has 
mentioned it... it was commented on back in December 2005! I have 
updated the daisy version of this document 
but it will have to be published before it makes it to the live site. I 
never have had the courage to do that!

David Legg

Robby Pelssers wrote: has a 
mistake… Inside the fd:group the fd:widgets tags are missing in 
this example.

fd:field id=testcase

fd:datatype base=string/


fd:item value=case1fd:labelCase 1/fd:label/fd:item

fd:item value=case2fd:labelCase 2/fd:label/fd:item



fd:union id=testunion case=testcase


fd:group id=case1

fd:field id=field1

fd:datatype base=string/


fd:field id=field2

fd:datatype base=string/



fd:group id=case2

fd:field id=field1

fd:datatype base=long/


fd:field id=field2

fd:datatype base=long/






Robby Pelssers

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Re: cocoon.forms is undefined when using submit-on-change=true for Field Widget

2009-09-16 Thread David Legg


I somehow got it working… not sure if changing the serializer from 
xhtml to html fixed it though.

In my experience, yes. When using the XHTML serializer it seems that 
the script/ elements in the head are not all recognized as XML 
elements. Adding some newlines now and then helps fixing this issue.

Just for interest you may find my updates to the HTMLSerializer document 
[1] useful in this regard.  I think the script tag is treated 
differently between XHTML and HTML.


David Legg

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Re: cocoon.forms is undefined when using submit-on-change=true for Field Widget

2009-09-16 Thread David Legg

Hi Robby,

@David…Thx for pointing out the differences between those 
serializers… What is needed to get an account to update the 
documentation myself?

No problem.  If you want to contribute to documentation here's what you 
need to know [1].

David Legg


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Re: Alternative to Javascript + continuations?

2009-09-11 Thread David Legg

Hi Gabriel,

we have a huge product based on cocoon 2.1.11 / spring / hibernate and 
started 5 years ago with the flowscript / continuations aproach.

Thanks for that.  Every now and then I need a reminder about why Cocoon 
is worth continuing ;-)

David Legg

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Re: Starting out with Cocoon 2.2

2009-09-10 Thread David Legg

Hi David,

I'm just about to embark on a new project... I'd like to use Cocoon 
2.2 for this, but I'm concerned about the apparent lack of support for it.

It is true that Cocoon has hit a low point at the moment and I'm sure 
many of us wonder if it will ever recover.  Many of the original 
contributors have moved on to other things and officially version 2 (and 
2.2) are in 'maintenance mode'.  Version 3 is still being worked on but 
to be honest it looks so different that you will be starting again from 
scratch compared to version 2.

It's a great shame as I really thought version 2.2 was beginning to gain 

Can anyone suggest any resources that will help me get started with 
Cocoon 2.2?

I would archive that book on version 2!  It will be of little use to you 
when working with 2.2.

Most of the useful documentation can be found here: -

But you should be aware that this is the 'published' version of the 
documentation.  It may be the case that the 'unpublished' versions are 
more up to date.  To get to them you can click on the link at the bottom 
of the page where it mentions 'Errors and Improvements'.  This link will 
take you to the Daisy CMS which is what Cocoon members use to write and 
edit documentation before it gets published.

Yes!... It is a horrible mess and I have commented about this before but 
was persuaded it was for the best.

I'm concerned that interest in and support for Cocoon is dying out. 
Would I be better off choosing a completely different technology for 
my project?

I would say think seriously before you commit another year or two of 
your life to learning it!

David Legg

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Alternative to Javascript + continuations?

2009-09-10 Thread David Legg

Hi Robby,

...Whereas I used flowscript very heavily in the past, I'm tending
towards java based solutions more and more and Cocoon3.0 sounds
promising with it's REST-controllers.

Out of curiosity, when you say you are using less flowscript and more 
Java these days what do you replace the flowscript with?

I thought one of Cocoon's best contributions to humanity was flowscript 
together with continuations so I'm curious to learn what you use 
instead... are you using Apples?

David Legg

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Re: how-to query an xml repository efficiently

2009-09-07 Thread David Legg

Hi Robby,

I have following use case. The customer has an xml repository which is 
nothing more then a directory on filesystem which contains 
subdirectories containing one or more xml files. They now want to 
query those xml files on some predefined criteria which might change 
over time…

Maybe others with more experience could comment but what about Apache 
Xindice [1] ?. Not sure what the status is on this project but it was 
designed from the ground up to be able to store, query and retrieve XML. 
It may be that everyone abandoned it and started using Solr instead ;-)


David Legg

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Re: problem with this line?

2009-02-23 Thread David Legg

Hi Paul,

In my flowscript, I get an error on this line and I don't know 
why--the jar file with this package is on the classpath.
var encoder = new;

Remove the brackets '()' from the end of the line.  You want to create a 
new Object and not call a function.

David Legg

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Re: problem with this line?

2009-02-23 Thread David Legg
Don't quote me but I bet the version of the Rhino JavaScript interpreter 
[1] was upgraded and the new version does a better job of spotting this 
syntax error.

David Legg


Paul Joseph wrote:

Hi David,

Thank you for your reply.

It works perfectly fine AS IS with Cocoon 2.1.7.
Would you know what changed in Cocoon 2.1.11 to make this change needed?


David Legg wrote:

Hi Paul,

In my flowscript, I get an error on this line and I don't know 
why--the jar file with this package is on the classpath.
var encoder = new;

Remove the brackets '()' from the end of the line.  You want to 
create a new Object and not call a function.

David Legg

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Re: problem with this line?

2009-02-23 Thread David Legg


It occurs to me I might be talking complete gibberish here :-)

Unfortunately, I don't have the time to investigate more fully... but 
you might like to peruse the Rhino paper [1] which discusses how to 
communicate between Java and Javascript in far more detail.


David Legg

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Re: Email connector

2009-01-29 Thread David Legg

Hi Peter,

In effect it needs to parse the RFC822 headers to get the subject and 
origin and date, and then reproduce the text-body untouched (replacing 
 and  with character entity references), and drop all attachments on 
the floor.

I thought I saw a reference to a component that did this a couple of 
years ago, but I can't find it again.

You may like to take a look at the Mime4j code which is a subproject of 
the James Apache mail server [1]

David Legg


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Re: AW: AW: [C2.2] Display Upload Progress

2009-01-20 Thread David Legg

Hi Matthias,

first, a big THANKS for helping me and at the same time sorry that i destroyed 
your sample webapp.

No problem!

what i didn't understand so far is:
which instance decides which version of an artifact is the latest? why does 
maven try to download e.g. cocoon-core:2.2.1 when it's not available/released?

If you look for the pom.xml file in the [Cocoon trunk folder]/parent 
folder you will see the dependency for cocoon-core listed as follows: -


As all the other blocks refer to this parent pom file that's where the 
version number is set.  The Cocoon developers could have put the version 
number in each block's local pom.xml file but in a large project like 
Cocoon it makes more sense to set the version number in one place only.

Maven should only try to download an artifact from a remote repository 
if it can't find it in your machine's local repository.  The reason for 
the 'mvn install -P allblocks' command is to ensure that all the Cocoon 
block artifacts get built and then intalled in your local repository.  
If you are running on windows this is usually located in C:\Documents 
and Settings\[user name]\.m2\repository\

If you see maven trying to download a cocoon artifact (as opposed to a 
plugin) from a remote repository it suggests something is wrong.  I 
didn't see that when I built it from scratch though.

David Legg

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Re: AW: AW: [C2.2] Display Upload Progress

2009-01-20 Thread David Legg

David Legg wrote:
If you look for the pom.xml file in the [Cocoon trunk folder]/parent 
folder you will see the dependency for cocoon-core listed as follows: -


As all the other blocks refer to this parent pom file that's where the 
version number is set.  The Cocoon developers could have put the 
version number in each block's local pom.xml file but in a large 
project like Cocoon it makes more sense to set the version number in 
one place only.

Having thought this through some more I realize what I said is not 
strictly true.  The version numbers specified by the pom file in the 
'parent' folder sets the version number that all other artifacts that 
depend on this artifact should ask for.  The version number specified in 
the artifact's local pom file effectively sets the version number of 
this artifact when it gets built.

So to make this clearer if we take the 'cocoon-core' artifact; it's 
pom.xml file is defined in [cocoon trunk]\core\cocoon-core\pom.xml.  It 
contains a couple of lines as follows: -


These effectively set the version number of this artifact when it gets 

However as I showed in my earlier email the pom.xml file in [cocoon 
trunk]\parent\pom.xml also specifies a version number (hopefully the 
same one!) and this is the one that other artifacts will look for if 
they express a dependency on it.

I also realized that maybe I should explain a bit more about the 
difference between the development version of Cocoon and the 'released' 
version.  The development version is obviously managed in a subversion 
repository.  As this is usually in a state of flux it is quite common to 
set the version numbers defined by some code to end in -SNAPSHOT.  This 
tells maven to check the repository to see if a slightly more up to date 
version is ready.  However, you should never see a version ending in 
-SNAPSHOT on the public maven repository.  In theory when a release is 
made only non-snapshot versions are copied onto the repository.

David Legg

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Re: AW: AW: [C2.2] Display Upload Progress

2009-01-19 Thread David Legg

Hi Matthias,

ok, maybe i was too fast. after downloading the trunk mvn can't find some artifacts for 
cocoon-webapp to be build (e.g. cocoon-core-2.2.1-SNAPSHOT)
i specified the following remote repositories:
- central (
- gkossakowski-maven2 (
- apache.snapshots (

i tried to manually download the artifacts, but didn't find them

My earlier instructions were only an outline ;-)

You should go through the 'Building Cocoon 2.2' page [1] first so that 
you have all the required blocks installed.  Then you should be able to 
run the mvn jetty:run command as I wrote it.

David Legg


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Re: AW: AW: AW: [C2.2] Display Upload Progress

2009-01-19 Thread David Legg

Hi Benjamin,

I found this [1] blog post some time ago and the process described 
there still works fine for me.


I'm pretty sure that when I tried, it failed to build if you skip the 
tests as mentioned in that blog.  The reason is one of the artifacts 
generated for the tests is actually required by the rest of Cocoon.

If I get chance, I'll try building it from fresh to see what the problem is.

David Legg

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Re: AW: [C2.2] Display Upload Progress

2009-01-19 Thread David Legg

Hi Matthias,

Hi i compiled all the samples as you described. but when i type mvn -P allblocks jetty:run in core/cocoon-webapp i still have the problem with the missing artifacts. 
don't you have problem that maven wants to download artifacts that doesn't exist in the specified remote repositories?

To check what's going on I've rebuilt Cocoon from the latest subversion 

I deleted my maven repository (to ensure the build process starts from 

I updated my subversion copy of Cocoon.
I ran 'mvn clean'

Here I ran into a few error messages.  Not sure why it would need a 
plugin in order to cleanup a few files: -

 from the specified remote repositories:
   central (


I ignored this and then executed the main build command: -

 mvn install -P allblocks

After a very long time and lots of messages and tests it built 
successfully: -


 [INFO] Total time: 36 minutes 54 seconds
 [INFO] Finished at: Mon Jan 19 16:00:33 GMT 2009
 [INFO] Final Memory: 134M/240M


Now for the moment of truth... to run the webapp!

 cd core\cocoon-webapp
 mvn jetty:run

Uh oh!  It runs jetty but only after spewing out loads of errors about 
bean configuration.  I've attached the messages to this email.

If I persevere and try accessing the sample webapp it not unexpectedly 
returns error 503 (Service unavailable).

So... *I guess the answer is the subversion trunk is currently 
broken*... which is unfortunate for me because now I cannot run the 
examples either :-(

I was using Maven version 2.0.9 which is the bare minimum you need to 
build Cocoon.  As for accessing those other repositories I had no 
problem (even though I think it is probably time to remove the 
dependency on some things from Grek's personal site!).  Actually, if you 
look in the 'parent' folder you will see these other repositories listed 
in the pom.xml: -

 nameMaven central repository/name
   !-- only look for jars here when they are not present locally --
   !-- This is temporary repository --

David Legg

 INFO [main] ( - Overriding bean definition 
for bean 'org.apache.cocoon.caching.Even
tRegistry': replacing [Generic bean: class 
[org.apache.cocoon.caching.impl.StoreEventRegistryImpl]; scope=singleton; abs
tract=false; lazyInit=false; autowireMode=0; dependencyCheck=0; 
autowireCandidate=true; primary=false; factoryBeanName=n
ull; factoryMethodName=null; initMethodName=initialize; destroyMethodName=null; 
defined in URL [jar:file:/D:/projects/co
/cocoon/spring/cocoon-eventcache.xml]] with [Root bean: class 
[org.apache.cocoon.caching.impl.StoreEventRegistryImpl]; s
cope=singleton; abstract=false; lazyInit=false; autowireMode=0; 
dependencyCheck=0; autowireCandidate=true; primary=false
; factoryBeanName=null; factoryMethodName=null; initMethodName=null; 
ERROR [main] ( - Context initialization failed
org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanDefinitionStoreException: Unable to read 
Avalon configuration from 'resource://org
/apache/cocoon/cocoon.xconf'.; nested exception is 
org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.ConfigurationException: Una
ble to create class for component with role 
org.apache.cocoon.caching.impl.JMSEventMessageListener with class: org.apach

Re: Cocoon 2.1.8 Forms + AJAX : Final call for help!

2009-01-17 Thread David Legg
That's a shame... all your links require a username and password to get 
in... :-(

have a look at :

and more specifically at

David Legg

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Re: C2.2 - Where is bu.js? (AJAX related)

2009-01-15 Thread David Legg

That suggests to me that, even though I'm sure the 
BrowserUpdateTransformer is listed in my pipeline, it isn't working 
yet.  I'll experiment.

As you suspected, it turns out the BrowserUpdateTransformer was *not* 
being called as it was in the wrong pipeline!  Thanks for the hint.

So, now I've moved on to being able to display the form correctly with 
no exceptions but no Ajax based updates are occurring either.  When I 
run the Cocoon suggestion list demo in Firefox using Firebug I can see 
the following requests everytime I press another key in the suggestion 


However, my test application isn't doing this so I suspect there is 
something else I need to enable first.

David Legg

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C2.2 - Where is bu.js? (AJAX related)

2009-01-14 Thread David Legg
I'm getting myself into a terrible mess trying to make a simple 
suggestion list using CFORMS and Ajax.

I've no problem with the cocoon-webapp samples... they run fine.  The 
problem arises in knowing which bits of the samples to extract to make a 
single stand-alone app.  Perhaps I approached this process the wrong way 
around but I thought I'd start with a brand new Cocoon block fresh from 
running maven and build it up from that.

I'm now getting a version of my form appearing in a browser but instead 
of a list of autocompleting names I get a plain textbox with an index 
number in it and a long exception list gets generated.  The upshot of 
the exception list is a couple of missing pipeline matchers: -

 Caused by: org.apache.cocoon.ResourceNotFoundException: No pipeline 
matched request: resource/external/bu/manifest.js

org.apache.cocoon.ResourceNotFoundException: No pipeline matched 
request: resource/external/bu.js


I've searched the entire cocoon trunk but can't find bu.js anywhere...  
I presume it is short for 'browser update' but where is this file located?

David Legg

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Re: C2.2 - Where is bu.js? (AJAX related)

2009-01-14 Thread David Legg

Hi Benjamin,

Solution is to make sure you use the browser-update transformer 
correctly. Let me know if I am right.

Thanks for the explanations.  That makes a lot more sense.  If I look at 
the source of the generated page it still has tags like:

 bu:replace id=name

surrounding the various fields. That suggests to me that, even though 
I'm sure the BrowserUpdateTransformer is listed in my pipeline, it isn't 
working yet.  I'll experiment.

David Legg

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Re: Java for generating suggestion-list

2009-01-12 Thread David Legg
In searching for information on how to use Java generated data as a 
*suggestion* list in a CFORM multivaluefield I came across the 3 month 
old email thread below.

I am interested in using this... did it get resolved?

David Legg

Jeroen Reijn wrote:
Ah.. I must have been still a sleep. I'll try to have a look today as 
well. The suggestion list has the ability for an attribute 
type='java', but the flowscript part I have no idea yet.


Gabriel Gruber wrote:

Hmm, thanx for your quick replies.

however you are referring to the selection-list while I would like 
to use the new suggestion-list.
an example is provided within the latest cocoon cforms samples, but 
the suggestion-list is created via javascript (which is very hard to 
debug). so my question is: is there a way to do that in java?

  fd:field id=personId
  fd:datatype base=integer/
  fd:suggestion-list type=javascript
function addSuggestion(bean) {
suggestions.push({value: bean.value, label: bean.label});

function personList() {
  return [
  {value: 1, label: Donald Ball},
  {value: 2, label: Sylvain Wallez},
  {value: 3, label: Carsten Ziegeler},
  {value: 4, label: Torsten Curdt},
  {value: 5, label: Marcus Crafter},
  {value: 6, label: Ovidiu Predescu},
  {value: 7, label: Christian Haul},
  {value: 8, label: Jeremy Quinn},
  {value: 9, label: Stefano Mazzocchi},
  {value: 10, label: Pierpaolo Fumagalli},
  {value: 11, label: Davanum Srinivas},
  {value: 12, label: Antonio Gallardo},
  {value: 13, label: Ugo Cei},
  {value: 14, label: David Crossley},
  {value: 15, label: Bertrand Delacr#233;taz},
  {value: 16, label: Bruno Dumon},
  {value: 17, label: Daniel Fagerstrom},
  {value: 18, label: Leszek Gawron},
  {value: 19, label: Ralph Goers},
  {value: 20, label: Vadim Gritsenko},
  {value: 21, label: Jorg Heymans},
  {value: 22, label: J#246;rg Heinicke},
  {value: 23, label: Jean-Baptiste Quenot}

function startsWith(string1, string2) {
  return (new java.lang.String(string1)).startsWith(string2);
   function searchByString() {
  for (var i = 0; i  list.length; i++) {
if (startsWith(list[i].label, filter)) {
   function searchById() {
  for (var i = 0; i  list.length; i++) {
if (list[i].value == parseInt(filter)) {
   var suggestions = [];
var list = personList();
if (filter) {
  var phase = cocoon.request.getParameter(phase);
  if (phase  phase.equals(init)) {
if (!isNaN(parseInt(filter))) {
} else {
  cocoon.log.error(The filter: ' + filter + ' must be 
a number.);

  } else {  searchByString();
  }  } else {
  suggestions = list;
return suggestions;

thanx for you help


Gabriel Gruber wrote:
  I was just wondering, if it is possible to use java instead of
  javascript to generate a suggestion-list for a cforms widget. this 

  aims to query a database (via hibernate) and should return a list of
  something like this...
  fd:field id=person
  fd:datatype base=string/
  fd:suggestion-list type=java
  any ideas?  from looking in the api i couldn't find a way for this 
to work.

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Re: Serialize with type html removes input tags, why? How to fix?

2009-01-12 Thread David Legg

Hi Smigge,

There is a little more detailed account of how the default HTML 
serializer works here: -

Both Jasha and I don't know what you mean when you say it drops 
stuff.  Do you mean it completely removes the whole 'input' tag or 
somehow munges the attributes?

If it's the latter then it may be something to do with how the default 
HTML serializer treats boolean attributes.  For example, option 
selected=selected is output as option selected.

David Legg

Smigge wrote:


I'm serializing an html document, but for some reason it drops stuff like
input type=checkbox checked=yes name=what value=something/


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Re: How to force a Save As prompt?

2008-10-09 Thread David Legg


Please add the reference/link for why URLs in Cocoon should not
have an extension -   I know its required, but why is it bad?

It's not specific to Cocoon.  I only mentioned that because Cocoon's 
sitemap makes it particularly easy to map a URL without an extension to 
some content.

So in general, it is not a good idea to include extensions in a URL if 
you want that URL to be useful for a long time to come.  The extension 
may contain implementation specific details which may not always be 
true.  It's generally considered better to publish a generic URL and 
then let the browser use content negotiation to determine whether it can 
accept that content.  For example, what if your organization regularly 
published an important document as a Microsoft Word file (*.doc) and 
published it on your site with a URL of:

That's great and you would probably bookmark it and everything would be 
fine... until your organization decided to move with the times and 
publish it as a styled xml document.  Now you have a dilemma... do you 
change the url so it contains a .xml extension and risk losing your 
loyal followers (whose bookmarks no longer work) or do you keep the same 
url which ends in .doc but is actually an xml file?

A great resource for all this is the W3C's own Cool URIs [1] page.  
There are a lot of other url advocates out there like this one [2].

I suppose though, if you are talking about downloads this might all be a 
bit academic.  After all if you want to download an executable file the 
chances are it will remain in the same format forever... but you should 
at least spend half a second thinking about the format of the URL you 
expose it with.

David Legg


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Re: How to force a Save As prompt?

2008-10-09 Thread David Legg


Before getting into detail, I'd like to say that I do agree in principle with what you 
said below.

Oh Good!  I was worried for a moment when I saw the size of your 
response ;-)

My real issue probably lies in the fact that I have been around computers too 

Ah yes... I remember building my own bi-stable flip flop circuits!

PS The answer to your question of Microsoft Word file is - neither!The existing 
URL (poor though it might be) is still a valid one and should be kept.

Ok.  I was thinking off the top of my head.  A better example might be 
publishing a page with a URL of 'today.asp' or 'today.jsp'.  The 
extension here is irrelevant and simply overcomplicates the URL for the 
poor humans that might have to type it in or remember it.  I see URLs in 
a more semantic way now after following the workings of the semantic web 

Another simple example occurs with images.  We don't really need to note 
the fact that an image is in gif format by stating that in a URL.  Times 
change and it may be that for legal reasons you can no longer use GIF 
format at all on your site and you have to use PNG instead.  So all 
those URL references to mylogo.gif have now got to change.  Whereas if 
you had supplied a url of /images/mylogo the change would be invisible 
and the URL could remain unchanged.

I think I'll stop now... I might catch the zealot bug ;-)

David Legg

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Re: How to force a Save As prompt?

2008-10-08 Thread David Legg


Does anyone still care about IE4 - the stats from different sites suggest not:

By chance I came across another item [1] which seems to suggest that 
perhaps the problem is not exclusive to IE4.  Maybe IE5 and IE6 are 
involved too.

The article gets a few developers worked up after the beginning.  My 
reading of it seems to imply that mime-sniffing takes place if IE can't 
work out the mime-type from the url.  So if your url ends in .html you 
are ok, but if it ends in no extension (something which is considered 
good practice in Cocoon) it will sniff the file content and use that to 
decide what to do with the downloaded file.

It would be interesting to know if anyone else has come across this 
issue with IE7.

David Legg


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Re: How to force a Save As prompt?

2008-10-07 Thread David Legg

is there a way or workaround how i can force a Save As prompt 
for my cocoon output? The problem is that the browser knows 
the mime types of the generated files (xml, pdfs) and 
displays it instead of prompting.

 (Content disposition header)

Ah! this all brings back some memories.

This article summarizes what you need nicely [1]

Just for reference, I presume you don't care about IE4?  The technique 
of setting the content-disposition header doesn't work for that browser 
because even if you used the content-disposition header it still sniffed 
the file you were downloading and acted on what it found there rather 
than what you told it [2].

David Legg


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Re: Floating button in CForms

2008-10-02 Thread David Legg

Hi Paul,

Hey David,

Thanks for your suggestions.

I took a different tack though--used javascript--and this library:

Glad you found a solution... and hopefully it doesn't impede 
accessibility ;-)

David Legg

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Re: overwrite block's properties with an external .properties-file

2008-09-25 Thread David Legg

Hi Benjamin,

Benjamin Boksa wrote:
I have created a simple ConfigReader which implements PropertyProvider 
and the properties are read fine - however they are overwritten by the 
block's properties :-(

How do I configure Cocoon to use default properties from whithin a 
block which can be overwritten by a file on the file system?

Did you get any further with this?  I think I have run into a similar 

David Legg

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Re: [C2.2] Overriding default properties? - SOLVED

2008-09-25 Thread David Legg

I wrote:

I'm a little confused about the best way to change or override default 
settings for properties in Cocoon 2.2.

I'm less confused now ;-)

Out of the box the 'html' serializer is set to produce Transitional 
4.01 HTML.  So if I put the following in sitemap.xmap:

   map:serialize type=html/
then that's what I get.

Now if I try overriding the defaults by explicitly adding extra 
parameters to the sitemap as follows:

   map:serialize type=html
 doctype-public-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN/doctype-public

I get no change in the output.  Is this because the spring beans which 
define the default settings have a higher priority than the sitemap?

I realize now that doing things this way is the 'old' or pre-cocoon 2.2 
way and I must empty my head of such thoughts!

As an experiment I located the following file:


which I believe to be the file responsible for setting the default 
properties of the 'xml', 'html' and 'xhtml' serializers as well as some 
others.  I then copied this file to my own block here:


I then edited this file to remove all the other bean definitions except 
the one with the name: 
'org.apache.cocoon.serialization.Serializer/html'.  I also changed the 
doctype-public and doctype-system to the HTML 4.01 strict definition.  
After restarting my C2.2 application I was pleased to see that the 
pipeline which had been outputting 4.01 loose doctype was now outputting 
4.01 strict HTML as required.

So it works!  I have successfully overridden the default config for a 
Cocoon component without having to resort to the sitemap.xmap file.  
Having read other user's comments on this I can see how useful this is.

David Legg

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[C2.2] Overriding default properties?

2008-09-24 Thread David Legg
I'm a little confused about the best way to change or override default 
settings for properties in Cocoon 2.2.

Out of the box the 'html' serializer is set to produce Transitional 4.01 
HTML.  So if I put the following in sitemap.xmap:

   map:serialize type=html/
then that's what I get.

Now if I try overriding the defaults by explicitly adding extra 
parameters to the sitemap as follows:

   map:serialize type=html
 doctype-public-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN/doctype-public

I get no change in the output.  Is this because the spring beans which 
define the default settings have a higher priority than the sitemap?

I've looked at the Block directory structure documentation [1] and get 
the feeling that that page is trying to tell me something about the 
order of priority that a property has depending on which directory it is 
defined in... but am I right?  and what is the order?

If I explicitly define my own spring bean and place it in 
[block]/src/main/resources/META-INF/cocoon/spring/something.xml and 
refer to this bean from the sitemap then all is well and the properties 
get set.

It seems to me that the priorities are a little askew.  I would have 
thought the local sitemap settings should have more sway than the Cocoon 
defaults stored as beans in another block somewhere?

David Legg


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Cocoon svn server is down

2008-09-23 Thread David Legg
After looking at the continuum build errors this morning I notice the 
cause is the lack of a svn repository! is not responding to requests (although you can 
ping it).

David Legg

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Re: Cocoon svn server is down

2008-09-23 Thread David Legg

Thanks Reinhard,  it is back.  Thanks for the status page url too.

According to a mail on [EMAIL PROTECTED], SVN is up again.

David Legg

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Re: Error building a form with CForms

2008-09-17 Thread David Legg

Hi Yosauron,

It looks like you have several issues to fix.

Your error report seems to show the javascript file was expected in two 
different places: -

 No pipeline matched request: resource/external/jx/manifest.js
 No pipeline matched request: resource/external/ft/manifest.js

What URL did you type in to your browser to get that error report?
What's the path of your sitemap file?

I'm working on the assumption that perhaps you edited the wrong sitemap :-)

David Legg

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Re: C22 - Maven artifact missing

2008-09-08 Thread David Legg

Hi Yosauron,

finally, in other machine and in other place (without proxy) I could build
sucessfully Cocoon!!!

Glad to hear you now have a way to build it.  Proxies can be very useful 
for lots of reasons... but they can also be infuriating too!

Actually, I did pick up on this list that there may be a problem with 
the Maven archetype plugin when it comes to downloading an archetype 
catalog through a proxy [1].  So even if you did manage to solve your 
initial proxy problem there might be another one waiting for you after that.

Glad your mental health is better :-)

David Legg


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Re: Error reading archetype catalog

2008-09-03 Thread David Legg

Hi lswa,

I can't execute Your first Cocoon application using Maven 2. Error occur
during execution:
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=

I'm not sure, but there may have been a glitch on the Cocoon web site... 
when I looked at the home page it looked different for a few minutes.

Anyhow, when you give that command to Maven it is supposed to find the 
catalog at and I've just 
checked it and it is ok at the moment.

Check that you can see this file yourself.  If you can't then that would 
be a problem.

Alternatively, if you just type mvn archetype:generate without the -D 
option it should use the default maven archetype catalog where you 
should find Cocoon archetypes listed around entry 42 to 44 in the list.

The reason we give you the -D option is for convenience so that new 
users aren't so scared of the long list of archetype possibilities!

David Legg

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Re: cforms + javaflow + sitemap problem

2008-09-03 Thread David Legg

Hi Maria,

I'm very rusty on XSLT I'm afraid

Here is the file main.xsl:

xsl:template match=@*|node() priority=-1xsl:copyxsl:apply-templates 

What is the purpose of this line?  What happens if you remove it?

David Legg

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Re: C22 - Maven artifact missing

2008-09-03 Thread David Legg

yosauron wrote:

I can't determine which is my problem... I've tried all the solutions of
this thread and the tests errors are still there :'(. I'm crazy..

Sorry I can't think of anything else... except maybe try the machine 
from another (non-proxied) internet connection if you have access to one.

Hope you don't stay crazy for too long ;-)


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Re: C22 - Maven artifact missing

2008-09-02 Thread David Legg

Hi Yosauron,

I've updated to rev. 690861 and I've still gotten the same tests errors.
Could anyone help me?
Which revision do i have to download to compile cocoon successfully?

I can confirm that on my windows XP system I updated my copy of the 
Cocoontrunk to revision 691183 (the latest version) and then ran:

 mvn install -P allblocks

23 minutes and 21 seconds later it had built everything with no failures.

I think you will have more success if you use subversion to get the 
latest release and try again.  The revision you quoted is about 300 
revisions old.

At the beginning of this email thread we quickly established that trying 
to build without running the tests causes a problem.  This is why I used 
the command above to build it ( does something similar inside 
but only if you give it the 'build' parameter) .  Don't try disabling 
the tests with the maven.test.skip flag.

David Legg

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Re: C22 - Maven artifact missing

2008-09-02 Thread David Legg

I'm behind a proxy, could be this the source of the problem

Is this new info that you omitted to tell us?!!! ;-)

I'm not a subversion expert and I'm not personally behind a proxy here 
but I did notice that you have to make some adjustments if you are 
behind a proxy.  See here [1] for more info.

I hope this helps!

David Legg


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Re: C22 - Maven artifact missing

2008-09-02 Thread David Legg

Hi Martin,

I think that the subversion checkout works well, but maven is the problem.

I think your right.  Tak, probably avoided problems with svn because he 
was using https protocol which might have been allowed by the proxy.

Maybe you should try the following:

Correctly configure maven to use the proxy.

Then try this command:

mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean package install

My only comment here would be to avoid skipping the tests full stop... 
at least for the first time.  Grek and I discovered that 
cocoon-pipeline-components depends on cocoon-pipeline-impl:test-jar but 
test-jar only gets built as part of the test phase.

David Legg.

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Re: C22 - Maven artifact missing

2008-09-02 Thread David Legg


Cocoon is a big project.  Not all people need all features.  For the 
newbies, we can always go back to the old tag that we know, and 
use that version.  Could that be a solution?

That's not the issue.  One of the reasons for making Cocoon 2.2 the way 
it is is to allow people to only add the features (read Blocks) they 
require.  So for example, in your case you wanted to use CForms and 
that's why you had to add the cocoon forms block to your list of 

David Legg

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Re: C22 - Maven artifact missing

2008-09-02 Thread David Legg


I can confirm that on my windows XP system I updated my copy of the 
Cocoontrunk to revision 691183 (the latest version) and then ran:

  mvn install -P allblocks

23 minutes and 21 seconds later it had built everything with no failures.

I've followed these step:

% rm -R ~/.m2
% svn checkout[EMAIL PROTECTED]
% cd cocoon-2.2.0-691183
% mvn install -P allblocks

And I got the same tests errors :S.

I'm behind a proxy, could be this the source of the problem?

Just to be sure I've also tried your steps on my Ubuntu server  (despite 
the pain of having to upgrade maven to 2.0.9 from 2.0.8 because Cocoon 
refuses to build under the old version and the apt-get update command 
doesn't know about 2.0.9 yet!).  This time it only took 18 mins 34 
seconds to build successfully.

So the conclusion I make is that the repository version is currently ok 
and maybe the problem you are having is down to your proxy or some other 

Ubuntu version 8.04 (hardy)
The Java version used was 1.6.0_03-b05 from Sun
The svn client was version 1.4.6 from CollabNet

David Legg

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Re: [OFF TOPIC] Reinhard Poetz' blog?

2008-09-01 Thread David Legg

It's working for me.

David Legg

Derek Hohls wrote:

Anyone know what is happening with/at this website:
I keep getting a 502 proxy error...

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Re: floating button in CForms

2008-09-01 Thread David Legg

Hi Paul,

Do you mean that the position:fixed style will keep the button fixed 
in the visible browser pane, regardless of me scrolling?

Yes that's correct.

Actually, there's probably no need to buy the book I mentioned.  After I 
wrote that email I typed position:fixed into Google and was surprised 
how many examples and tutorials came up ;-)

These look interesting...

David Legg

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Re: [Announce] Apache Lenya 2.0.2 released

2008-09-01 Thread David Legg

Hi Ken,

The insect has emerged from its cocoon, lived its life, and is now 

in amber as a thing of beauty, a little jewel.

That's very poetic... I tend to visualize it more like a tin can filled 
with worms ;-)

David Legg

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Re: floating button in CForms

2008-08-31 Thread David Legg

Hi Paul,

I have a Lg CForm and the client would like the Save button 
to float so that it is always visible?

I should think your best bet would be to use a CSS stylesheet to fix the 
position of the save button.  You could treat the save button like the 
contents of a fixed footer at the bottom of the page.  I'd suggest 
looking up the 'position:fixed' style.  Be warned though that IE 5 and 
friends doesn't support this, so a work-around has to be done for 
those.  I'd recommend the sitepoint book: 'The CSS Anthology: 101 
Essential Tips, Tricks  Hacks' [1] by Rachel Andrew if you are looking 
for ready made examples.  [I'm not affiliated to this book in any way!].

Another approach might be to break up the form into smaller groups and 
only show one group at a time.  An example can be found in the 
Multi-page wizard demo [2]

Hope that helps.
David Legg


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Re: cforms + javaflow + sitemap problem

2008-08-31 Thread David Legg

Мария Григорьева wrote:

map:match pattern=*/*

map:aggregate element=content

map:part src=index.xml/

map:part src=cocoon:/main/{1}/{2} element=main/


map:transform src=styles/main.xsl/

map:serialize type=html/



map:match pattern=main/experiments/*.do

map:call function={1}/


map:match pattern=main/form-template/*

map:generate type=jx src=form-template/{1}.xml/

map:transform src=styles/input-forms.xsl/




In my flowscript :

sendPage(form-template/experiment-template, new 
VarMap().add(experiment, results));

But at the output - I have double-header part! (The part map:part 
src=index.xml/ from the sitemap)

I’ve have had this problem with the flowscript with the redirect function.

So, I decide it with the help of param “false” --- redirect(“url”, false);

Help please!!!

It looks like your route takes you through two separate stylesheets 
(styles/main.xsl and styles/input-forms.xsl). Is it possible both these 
stylesheets add a header? Or perhaps, index.xml contains a header?

Without more info it's difficult to tell.

David Legg

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Re: cforms

2008-08-31 Thread David Legg

Hi Tak,

How should I install Cforms block into getting-strat-app 
environment?  Should I generate myBlock3 and copy 
cocoon-cforms-impl-1.1.0.jar (unzipped from the cform .zip file) into 
some directory and link all three blocks together?

There is a tutorial on the Cocoon website showing how to add a Cocoon 
form under Cocoon 2.2 [1].  It may be a tiny bit out of date but it 
should tell you what you want to know.

Just to recap; a Cocoon Block is nothing more than a jar file containing 
files in a certain expected directory structure.  When you come to build 
a Cocoon application all you are doing is mixing the pre-built Cocoon 
Blocks that go with a certain release of Cocoon together with your own 
Cocoon blocks that get generated from your project's source and resource 

There is no need to create 'myBlock3' as that has effectively already 
been done for you... that is what the cocoon-forms-impl jar file is.

All you have to do is tell Maven that your project depends on this jar 
by adding it to the dependency list in the pom.xml file and Maven will 
download it and install it into its own local repository ready to be 
added to the class path when you run your app.

Hope that makes it clearer.

David Legg


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Re: C2.2 - Cannot remove jar files from classpath using Maven

2008-07-24 Thread David Legg

Reinhard Pötz wrote:

I'm sorry, I forgot to respond earlier. Find my comments inline.

No problem, thanks for responding.

I don't understand... if the wrapper web application depends on 
commons-logging and makes arrangements to load the commons-logging 
jar into the classpath it should clash when I attempt to load the 
jcl-over-slf4j jar file
not necessarily, though I'm not sure what exactly is happening. My 
guess: When the reloading classloader is used, most of the libraries 
are loaded by a separate classloader (- the reloading classloader) 
than the context classloader. The context classloader only loads the 
libraries that are necessary to use the reloading classloader itself.

I suspect you're right.

For the moment at least, I now have slf4j working and am using LogBack 
in all new code.  I was a little worried that it was just luck that the 
classloader decided to use the 'correct' jar file.  I thought maybe the 
loading order might change with the addition of new code at any time and 
randomly stop the app working... but I'm happier that that won't happen now.

Thanks again for pointing out the 'mvn dependency:tree' command... 
that's a very useful one to know.  I'm feeling a lot more comfortable 
using Maven now that I've read up on exclusions and transitive dependencies.

David Legg

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Re: Java bean puzzle. using ecliplse plugin or not.

2008-07-24 Thread David Legg

Hi Grek,

Unfortunately, it's not fixed in trunk. Take a look at the history of 
this file[1] and you will see that is has not changed for more than a 
year now.

The problem we see here is that archetype plug-in for Maven tries to 
find all expressions in files that it creates...
Unfortunately, #{message} is treated as an expression too but it 
shouldn't. It's [not] aimed at archetype plug-in but Cocoon's 
template generator.

According to this[2] page (archetype uses velocity) the fix should be 
easy: we need to escape # character using \# and everything 
should work just fine...

Aha!  Well spotted ;-)

I'll try to fix this issue ASAP.

Thanks.  As this is may be someone's very first close encounter with 
Cocoon 2.2 we want to set a good example.

David Legg

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Re: Java bean puzzle. using ecliplse plugin or not.

2008-07-22 Thread David Legg

Hi Ken,

It depends which way I do things, but I am still having
problems with 'Your first Cocoon 2.2 Application'
because the Java Bean doesn't work.

Can anyone explain this behaviour, in terms that a
non-java-speaker might understand?

I think the problem is that the 
'src/main/resources/COB-INF/demo/spring-bean.jx.xml' file contains an 
old version of the JX syntax for getting hold of a javabean's property.

Try editing the file so that instead of: -


It should say this: -


David Legg

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Re: servlet URLs in the XSL template

2008-07-22 Thread David Legg

Hi Peter,

I'm getting an error unknown protocol: serlvet.

I'm hoping you did a cut 'n' paste in your email and the problem is 
simply a typo servlet and not serlvet ?

David Legg

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Re: Java bean puzzle. using ecliplse plugin or not.

2008-07-22 Thread David Legg

Thankyou very much, David. I can confirm that the spring-bean now does 
work properly.

Thanks for confirming that.

How do we report this to the developers?

Normally, you would open a new item in the bugs database (called JIRA) [1].

However, I've just looked at the latest version of that file in the SVN 
repository and it looks like it is fixed already.  I think it is in the 
'trunk' at this location: -


 The code looks like this: -


I suspect though that getting this change incorporated into the wide 
world is a little more involved than just issuing a new release of 
Cocoon because someone has to upload the new version to the official 
maven site I think.

Anyhow... the main thing is it has been covered and at some point the 
corrected version will be available.  In the meantime we can sit back; 
smug in the knowledge that we know the answer ;-)

David Legg


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Re: C2.2 - Cannot remove jar files from classpath using Maven

2008-07-21 Thread David Legg

Hi Patrick,

Just for getting it clear - is 'myblock' some block, or are you listing 
dependencies for the whole web-application, since there could be a dep on 
commons-logging wich is not mentioned out of 'myblock'

I realised my message was a bit ambiguous after I sent it.

To be clear, 'myblock', is *exactly* the same as 'myBlock1' in the 
tutorial [1].  All I did to get the dependency tree listing was to add 
some exclusion tags to the myblock/pom.xml file to exclude 
commons-logging and log4j jar files from all of the dependencies listed 
in the pom.  The reason I'm flagellating myself like this is because I 
need to effectively replace these two jar files with some slf4j 
equivalents that redirect log messages created using legacy 
(commons-logging and log4j) code to the slf4j logging framework.

Since that message and thanks to the hint about 'mvn dependency:tree' 
from Reinhard I've realized that only cocoon-core has a dependency on 
those two jar files.  I updated pom.xml to only have the exclusion 
tags on cocoon-core and now the dependency tree shows no reference to 
the two jar files I wanted to be excluded.

This is great!... but my quest to use slf4j as my logging solution is 
still not fulfilled.  The question now is why when I run 'mvn package' 
or 'mvn jetty:run' when in the myblock directory does maven insist on 
placing the commons-logging and log4j jar files into WEB-INF/lib even 
though I've expressly excluded them?  Maybe the answer has something to 
do with the cocoon-maven-plugin?

Also, since my last message, I came across the Shielded Classloader [2] 
which explicitly mentions the problem of using your own logging 
framework and how the shielded classloader may help.

I'm hoping that once I have these issues sorted out I'll write it up to 
help others travelling this route for the first time.

David Legg


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Re: C2.2 - Cannot remove jar files from classpath using Maven

2008-07-21 Thread David Legg

This is great!... but my quest to use slf4j as my logging solution is 
still not fulfilled.  The question now is why when I run 'mvn 
package' or 'mvn jetty:run' when in the myblock directory does maven 
insist on placing the commons-logging and log4j jar files into 
WEB-INF/lib even though I've expressly excluded them?

What WEB-INF/lib directory are you referring to? Is it 
./target/rcl/webapp/WEB-INF/lib or is it the WEB-INF/lib directory of 
the web application Maven module?

If it is the first, the answer is that the wrapper web application (a 
minimal web application that wraps a block) uses the reloading 
classloader (commons-jci.jar) which has a dependency on commons-logging.

It is the first.

I don't understand... if the wrapper web application depends on 
commons-logging and makes arrangements to load the commons-logging jar 
into the classpath it should clash when I attempt to load the 
jcl-over-slf4j jar file which is supposed to replace the classes in 
commons-logging so that messages get forwarded to the slf4j logging 
framework... but they don't!

If I change the dependencies section of myblock/pom.xml to the 
following, then when I run mvn jetty:run I get bucketloads of debug 
messages on my console... which I think means SLF4J is working... or 
maybe I'm deceiving myself!

   !-- Logging related dependencies --


David Legg

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Re: Java bean puzzle. using ecliplse plugin or not.

2008-07-21 Thread David Legg

Anyone else see this too?  I've tried both approaches and have the same results.

Yes I see it too.  I haven't looked too closely at the cause yet.

David Legg

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C2.2 - Cannot remove jar files from classpath using Maven

2008-07-20 Thread David Legg
In order to use another logging package I need to ensure commons-logging 
and log4j jar files are not in the class path.  I cannot get Maven to 
exclude them.  I'm using Maven 2.0.9.

Here's the scenario: -

Following the Cocoon tutorial [1] I created a Cocoon block called 
'myblock' (number 2 on the list of archetypes)

If I change into the 'myblock' folder and run 'mvn package' I notice the 
following lines in the output: -

 [INFO] [cocoon:prepare {execution: prepare}]
 [INFO] Preparing a Cocoon web application.
 [INFO] Deploying string-template to WEB-INF/log4j.xml
 [INFO] Adding lib to WEB-INF/lib: commons-logging:commons-logging:1.1:jar
 [INFO] Adding lib to WEB-INF/lib: 

 [INFO] Adding lib to WEB-INF/lib: commons-io:commons-io:1.3.1:jar
 [INFO] Adding lib to WEB-INF/lib: log4j:log4j:1.2.14:jar

That means those jar files will be in the classpath when the web app is run.

So, then I edit the myblock/pom.xml file and add 'exclusion' tags to 
all the dependencies I can see like this: -


When I run 'mvn clean package' I get exactly the same results!

When I use the mvn -X parameter to see the debug output as maven runs I 
get the impression that the maven plugins seem to be adding dependencies 
to the dependency tree: -

 [DEBUG] Retrieving parent-POM: org.apache.cocoon:cocoon::6 for 
project: null:cocoon-tools-modules:pom:6 from the repository.

 [DEBUG] Adding managed dependencies for unknown:cocoon-maven-plugin
 [DEBUG]   commons-logging:commons-logging:jar:1.1

I suppose I could start fiddling with plugin exclusions but this is 
getting silly.  Do I really have to work this hard to try to make sure a 
jar file isn't included in the classpath?

David Legg


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Re: C2.2 - Cannot remove jar files from classpath using Maven

2008-07-20 Thread David Legg

Thanks again Reinhard,

I ran 'mvn dependency:tree' from the 'myblock' folder and got the 
following: -

[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] Searching repository for plugin with prefix: 'dependency'.

[INFO] Building myblock
[INFO]task-segment: [dependency:tree]

[INFO] [dependency:tree]
[INFO] com.mycompany:myblock:jar:1.0.0
[INFO] +- org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-core:jar:2.2.0:compile
[INFO] |  +- org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-spring-configurator:jar:1.0.2:compile
[INFO] |  |  +- org.springframework:spring-core:jar:2.5.1:compile
[INFO] |  |  +- org.springframework:spring-context:jar:2.5.1:compile
[INFO] |  |  |  \- aopalliance:aopalliance:jar:1.0:compile
[INFO] |  |  +- org.springframework:spring-beans:jar:2.5.1:compile
[INFO] |  |  +- org.springframework:spring-aop:jar:2.5.1:compile
[INFO] |  |  \- org.springframework:spring-web:jar:2.5.1:compile
[INFO] |  +- org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-configuration-api:jar:1.0.2:compile
[INFO] |  +- org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-pipeline-components:jar:1.0.0:compile
[INFO] |  |  +- org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-pipeline-impl:jar:1.0.0:compile
[INFO] |  |  |  +- org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-pipeline-api:jar:1.0.0:compile
[INFO] |  |  |  |  \- 
[INFO] |  |  |  +- 

[INFO] |  |  |  \- jakarta-regexp:jakarta-regexp:jar:1.4:compile
[INFO] |  |  +- org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-util:jar:1.0.0:compile
[INFO] |  |  \- org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-xml-api:jar:1.0.0:compile
[INFO] |  +- org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-sitemap-impl:jar:1.0.0:compile
[INFO] |  |  +- org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-sitemap-api:jar:1.0.0:compile
[INFO] |  |  +- commons-collections:commons-collections:jar:3.2:compile
[INFO] |  |  \- commons-jxpath:commons-jxpath:jar:1.2:compile
[INFO] |  | \- junit:junit:jar:3.8:compile
[INFO] |  +- org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-sitemap-components:jar:1.0.0:compile
[INFO] |  +- org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-xml-resolver:jar:1.0.0:compile
[INFO] |  |  \- org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-xml-impl:jar:1.0.0:compile
[INFO] |  +- org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-thread-api:jar:1.0.0:compile
[INFO] |  |  \- concurrent:concurrent:jar:1.3.4:compile
[INFO] |  +- org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-xml-util:jar:1.0.0:compile
[INFO] |  +- 
[INFO] |  |  \- 
[INFO] |  +- 
[INFO] |  +- 
[INFO] |  +- 

[INFO] |  +- commons-io:commons-io:jar:1.3.1:compile
[INFO] |  +- commons-jexl:commons-jexl:jar:1.0:compile
[INFO] |  +- xalan:xalan:jar:2.7.0:compile
[INFO] |  +- xerces:xercesImpl:jar:2.8.1:compile
[INFO] |  +- xml-apis:xml-apis:jar:1.3.02:compile
[INFO] |  +- xml-resolver:xml-resolver:jar:1.2:compile
[INFO] |  +- org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-store-impl:jar:1.0.0:runtime
[INFO] |  |  \- net.sf.ehcache:ehcache:jar:1.2.4:runtime
[INFO] |  \- org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-thread-impl:jar:1.0.0:runtime
[INFO] +- 

[INFO] |  +- org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-servlet-service-impl:jar:1.0.0:compile
[INFO] |  |  \- 

[INFO] |  \- org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-linkrewriter-impl:jar:1.0.0:compile
[INFO] +- org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-template-impl:jar:1.1.0:compile
[INFO] |  +- 
[INFO] |  \- 

[INFO] | \- commons-lang:commons-lang:jar:2.3:compile
[INFO] +- org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-flowscript-impl:jar:1.0.0:compile
[INFO] |  \- rhino:js:jar:1.6R7:compile
[INFO] \- javax.servlet:servlet-api:jar:2.4:provided

Interestingly, there is no mention of commons-logging after I added the 
exclusions to the pom file.  But why does it bother to copy the 
commons-logging jar to the WEB-INF/lib folder if it knows nothing 
depends on it?

David Legg

Reinhard Pötz wrote:
I suppose I could start fiddling with plugin exclusions but this is 
getting silly.  Do I really have to work this hard to try to make 
sure a jar file isn't included in the classpath?

Use the Maven dependency plugin (the 'tree' goal) to find out what 
dependencies have a dependency on the libraries that you want to 
remove. Then you have to remove them from ALL occurrences by adding 
exclusions sections.

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Re: C2.2 - Mixing SLF4J with Cocoon

2008-07-17 Thread David Legg

Thanks for responding Ralph.

Cocoon 2.2 is using commons-logging, so in the environment shown by 
your stack trace it would also be going to SLF4J and the SimpleLogger 
via the jcl adapter.

I guess it would help to know what version of SLF4J is in use and 
where its jars are in the various places they could be.

Maybe part of the problem is that the slf4j-log4j12 pom file on the 
Maven repo has a bad checksum: -


 406b downloaded

 [WARNING] *** CHECKSUM FAILED - Checksum failed on download: local = 
'37304fd56d9cdda797718e6710637d232986c442'; remote = 
'15558150f0136e9802bb95a347e0045fb4ffe697' - RETRYING


 406b downloaded

 [WARNING] *** CHECKSUM FAILED - Checksum failed on download: local = 
'37304fd56d9cdda797718e6710637d232986c442'; remote = 
'15558150f0136e9802bb95a347e0045fb4ffe697' - IGNORING

Cocoon does not directly use Log4j. It uses an abstraction layer that 
defaults to log4j. slf4j is also an abstraction layer. In the stack 
trace you have shown below it is using its SimpleLogger 
implementation. This can be replaced with Logback, Log4j or 
java.util.logging. You might simply try replacing slf4j-simple.jar 
with slf4j-log4j12.jar.

I'll give it a go but I'm not sure how to do that where Maven is 
involved.  I guess I change a dependency in a pom.xml file?  If I don't 
edit a file won't Maven simply put the old jar file in the classpath again?

I've heard that Commons Logging is now considered evil by some.  Would 
it make sense to try to  get everything in my app to use SLF4J?

David Legg

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Re: Installing 2.2

2008-07-16 Thread David Legg

Hi Patrick,

Is it right, that one has just to fire 

  mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=

and maven will install all (standard) dependencies transitive by itself (and 
copy everything into my local repository as always)?

Pretty much!  You should think of C2.2 applications as being a 
collection of different blocks some generated using the command you show 
above and some from different archetypes.  Not all of your blocks have 
to be 'Cocoon blocks'.

And how is one able to get the 'old' cocoon-samples page running (normally I've 
just hit mvn jetty:run to start the samples inside the 

It sounds like you did all the right things except maybe you forgot to 
change into the '[cocoon trunk]\core\cocoon-webapp' folder and then 
issue the 'mvn jetty:run' command and view the result at 

David Legg

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Re: Installing 2.2

2008-07-16 Thread David Legg


It sounds like you did all the right things except maybe you forgot to 
change into the '[cocoon trunk]\core\cocoon-webapp' folder

here is the problem. After downloading the 2.2.0 binary, there is no such 
folder. Should I better stick with a version from trunk during development ?? 
So building cocoon by myself is still the way to go (I mean with -P allblocks 
semantics etc.

Ah!  I see.

What I would do is checkout the latest version from trunk (see [1] for 
details).  But *don't* use this for development of your apps.  Simply 
use it for reference.

Once you have that installed you should be able to run the sample webapp 
as I described by changing into the '[cocoon trunk]\core\cocoon-webapp' 
folder and then typing 'mvn jetty:run' and viewing 'http://localhost:/'.

When actually developing your own Cocoon web app follow the pattern 
shown in the tutorials [2].  If you want to do something in your own app 
that you've seen demonstrated in the sample app you could copy 
appropriate bits from the sample into your own blocks.  For example you 
might see useful items in the sitemap or required dependencies in the 
pom.xml files or various configuration beans that you could adapt.

David Legg


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Re: Installing 2.2

2008-07-16 Thread David Legg


Why is there a binary download available, if (hopefully most) users build their 
apps with maven and
dependencies are obtained automatically?

I guess it's a comfort for those not able to use Maven for some reason.  
I think of it as a transitional thing.

For those of us trying to get to grips with Maven, SSF, Blocks etc this 
is a scary time!  The results are well worth it though.
When I think back to the Joy I felt getting Bertrand's Cocoon Bricks 
demo working and how it magically patched various files automatically 
when a new version of Cocoon was released I knew there had to be a 
better way ;-)

David Legg

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Re: Installing 2.2

2008-07-16 Thread David Legg

Hi Mika,

as an semi-amateur web application developer I have to say that moving 
on to 2.2 has been too big step for me. Not familiar with the Maven 
and even figuring out of the examples has caused me pain to understand 
what's going on...

I understand exactly what you mean ;-)

So I would appreciate a lot if someone could wrote a stepping stone 
page to those who aren't familiar with the framework which 2.2 uses, 
but who know something about 2.1. Or does it already exist?

Well... there was one attempt [1] but don't get your hopes up!

I think you're right though.  We do need something a bit more general 
than the tutorials [2] to introduce people to the new concepts used in 
Cocoon 2.2  Just as important we need to say where they fit in and what 
they replace compared to earlier versions.

I did update the Cocoon tutorial recently [3].  If you haven't read it 
for a while have another look and see if it makes more sense to you.
If I have time I'll see if I can create a more introductory page which 
could be read before following the tutorials.

David Legg


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C2.2 - Mixing SLF4J with Cocoon

2008-07-16 Thread David Legg
I'm trying to add a new block to a Cocoon web app and every time I try 
to do a 'mvn jetty:run' command I get a 'java.lang.AbstractMethodError' 
and the web app just seems to stop serving web pages (error list shown 
at end of this message).

The block in question makes calls to the Sesame [1] RDF triplestore.  
The important thing is that, like a lot of modern Java apps, Sesame 
makes use of SLF4J [2] to do its logging.  I'm not familiar with the 
various logging frameworks but I think I've accidently walked into a 
minefield here!  Cocoon seems to use Log4j, Jetty might be using 
something else and my block might need slf4j.  Add to this that I've 
seen a report about slf4j not playing well with the Reloading Class 
Loader (RCL) and I think I'm well and truly stuffed!

Please, if anyone knows how to get a library that uses slf4j to play 
nicely in a Cocoon environment I'd be very grateful ;-)

David Legg

 [INFO] [jetty:run]
 [INFO] Configuring Jetty for project: meerkat-browser
 2008-07-15 16:57:35.032::INFO:  Logging to STDERR via 

 [INFO] Starting jetty 6.1.7 ...
 2008-07-15 16:57:35.112::INFO:  jetty-6.1.7
 2008-07-15 16:57:36.964::WARN:  failed 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/,D:\projects\meerkat\meerkat-browser\target\rcl\webapp}



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Re: C2.2 - Web archetype whodunnit!

2008-07-14 Thread David Legg

Barbara Slupik wrote:
I test my blocks in maven/jetty. After everything works I do the 

Thanks Barbara,  I went back and tested my blocks again before trying to 
turn them into a webapp and one of them stopped working... so I'll go 
and figure out why.  I suspect it boils down to a checksum problem with 
the SL4J  package on the maven repository.  I think I downloaded this 
separately last time and now that I've cleaned my local repository it 
has gone away :-(

David Legg

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C2.2 - Web archetype whodunnit!

2008-07-13 Thread David Legg
In true detective style I'm trying to work out whodunnit!  It's probably 
the butler! but in case it's not I'd appreciate any help.

I've successfully built a Cocoon block and a brand new Cocoon generator 
and between them created a pipline to produce some HTML.  When I change 
into the Cocoon block's directory and type 'mvn jetty:run' all is well 
and I can view the block's output in a browser with no trouble.

I now want to create a Cocoon web application block in order to generate 
a war file and also begin adding other blocks to handle other aspects of 
the web application.  I've followed (and edited!) the tutorials so I 
wasn't expecting any problems here... but I wasn't so lucky!

Having created the web app block (as per the deployment tutorial [1]) I 
updated the pom file so that the web app block knew about the other 
blocks.  When I changed into the Web app block's directory and ran 'mvn 
jetty:run' I noticed a lot of messages scroll off the screen but Jetty 
seemed to launch ok.  However when I try viewing the output in a browser 
I get 404 errors.  So it looks like Jetty is running but the browser 
requests are either not being passed on to Cocoon at all or the Cocoon 
web app block is not passing the request on to the appropriate Cocoon 
block underneath it.

The trouble is I'm looking at a lot of messages from various systems 
that mean nothing to me.

When I looked at the messages that scrolled off the screen they 
contained the following: -

2008-07-13 12:57:46.840::INFO:  jetty-6.1.7
2008-07-13 12:57:53.708::INFO:  No Transaction manager found - if your 
webapp requires one, please configure one.
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger 

log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
2008-07-13 12:57:55.126::WARN:  failed 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/,D:\projects\meerkat\meerkat-webapp\target\meerkat-webapp-1.0-SNAPSHOT}

   at org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLog.trace(


It looks like I've got a lot of homework to do...

Should I be worried about not having a transaction manager?
Do I need appenders for my logger?
What might cause a java.lang.AbstractMethod error and where do I start 

I'm willing to add additional documentation to the site but I suspect 
there are some fundamental things I need to add to the tutorial like how 
to set up the logger, how to do simple spring bean configuration and how 
the Cocoon web application archetype works.

David Legg


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Re: Firefox 3 and URL

2008-07-01 Thread David Legg
Have you checked that the DOCTYPE being returned by Cocoon is identical 
between Firefox 2 and 3?

I just wondered if when you use Firefox 3 Cocoon serves a page in quirks 
mode or application/xml+xhtml or something else which would make 
getElementsByTagName() behave differently.

David Legg

Alexandre Mazouz wrote:

Okay, it seems that getElementsByTagName() has different behavior in FireFox
2.0 and Firefox 3.0.

why? i don't know may be to give us more bug to fix.

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Daisy repository is down

2008-06-26 Thread David Legg
I'm sure the right people probably know already but... the Daisy site 
[1] is down.  I don't think the repository manager is working.

 Initialization Problem

Message: null

Description: No details available.

Sender: org.apache.cocoon.servlet.CocoonServlet

Source: Cocoon Servlet


Could not find component (key [daisy-repository-manager])



Apache Cocoon 2.1.9


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Re: some words about property configuration

2008-06-25 Thread David Legg


until someone with real knowledge comes along I think the Cocoon 2.2 way 
of configuring a project is to use the Spring Configurator [1].  In 
particular you should look at the property handling page [2].

It looks scary to me ;-)

David Legg

Johannes Hoechstaedter wrote:


I want to have some infomations about configuration of cocoon by 
property files. The documentation on seems 
to be not up to date. Can you please point out a place where I can 
find some updated documentation?

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Re: question about how to reference a css file from within xslt (cocoon 2.2)

2008-06-24 Thread David Legg

Jasha wrote:
Your reference to the CSS is relative to the request URI of the page. 
If the request URI for the page is /foo/bar/page.html your browser 
will attempt to request the CSS on 
/foo/bar/resource/external/css/myDemo.css. This may not be matched in 
your sitemap.

That's right and of course if you use relative URLs in your CSS file (to 
include background images etc) they are relative to the CSS file and not 
the web page so your site map may have to cope with those too.

David Legg

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Documentation - the update process

2008-06-23 Thread David Legg
After a documentation page has been edited by someone with doc:editor 
role, how does that change then appear on the public site?

Do I have to manually inform a committer or raise a JIRA each time I 
change a simple typo?  or do all changes get posted somewhere for 
committers to see?

David Legg

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Re: Documentation - the update process

2008-06-23 Thread David Legg

Thanks Reinhard,

Do I have to manually inform a committer or raise a JIRA each time I 
change a simple typo?  or do all changes get posted somewhere for 
committers to see?

Notifications are sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Additionally, contains a 
section, that shows all docs that haven't been released by a docs 
committer yet.

I hoped that was the case.  Great!

David Legg

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[C22] Custom generator config

2008-06-20 Thread David Legg

I would like to write a custom Cocoon generator in a Cocoon 2.2 application.

I've come across the excellent Creating a Generator [1] page on the 
Cocoon site but I haven't spotted how Cocoon knows that when you use 
map:generate type=bean / in the sitemap it should use the new class 
BeanGenerator as defined in the article.

I understand the 'old' way of doing this by creating a sitemap.xconf 
file but I'd like to master the new technique.

I suspect if I read and re-read the Cocoon spring configurator [2] pages 
it might sink in... but it would have to sink a long way ;-)

David Legg



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Re: [C22] Custom generator config

2008-06-20 Thread David Legg

Robin Wyles wrote:

Yes, you may define them in your Spring config, like so:

bean name=org.apache.cocoon.generation.Generator/myGenerator
class=com.mycom.MyGenerator scope=prototype
   !-- Property injection --

Excellent!  I will try it out immediately.  I'm sure Bng will be happy 
too ;-)

David Legg

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Re: [C22] Custom generator config

2008-06-20 Thread David Legg

Boris Goldowsky wrote:

I do think improving the documentation would help tremendously with the
general public perception of the quality/maturity of the Cocoon
framework.  Are there things the community can do to help out?

I thought the same thing, Bng.  So after Grek pointed me to the 
contribution page [1] I signed up right away!
The documentation system is a complex beast; but I couldn't sit back any 
longer ;-)

David Legg


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Re: Tutorial improvement suggestion

2008-06-18 Thread David Legg


The only missing thing is the actual archetype catalog XML file. 
David, would you like to prepare own? I'm not sure how archetype 
plug-in supports this file generation but even if support is bad you 
could always prepare the catalog by hand (fortunately enough, the list 
is not long for us).

I've generated the archetype catalog.  I've attached it to this email.  
It wasn't too difficult... just had to run mvn archetype:crawl and it 
placed the new file in my local repository 
([MAVEN_REPO]/.m2/repository/archetype-catalog.xml).  I then edited this 
manually to change the order of the archetypes listed from simplest to 
most complex and added some human understandable descriptions.  I've 
confirmed that the following command works with a local copy of the 
catalog: -

 mvn archetype:generate 

and generates the following interactive questions: -

 [INFO] Scanning for projects...
 [INFO] Searching repository for plugin with prefix: 'archetype'.
 [INFO] [archetype:generate]
 [INFO] Generating project in Interactive mode
 [INFO] No archetype defined. Using maven-archetype-quickstart 

 Choose archetype:
 1: local - cocoon-22-archetype-block-plain (Creates an empty Cocoon 

 2: local - cocoon-22-archetype-block (Creates a minimal Cocoon block)
 3: local - cocoon-22-archetype-webapp (Creates a web application 
Cocoon block)

 Choose a number:  (1/2/3): Choose archetype:

There is a caveat though.  I noticed on the Maven bug list [3] that some 
earlier versions of the plugin didn't handle local or remote catalog 
files.  However this seems to have been fixed in the 2.0 alpha-3 version.

So if someone would place this file on the site and update the 
documentation page we should be good to go.  I registered on the Cocoon 
documentation site [2] to see if I could update the pages myself but 
quickly discovered this doesn't let me actually create or edit the 
documentation :-(

Of course this file will have to be updated from time to time.

I have a feeling that Reinhard Pötz is our man for this ;-)  He authored 
the Maven archetype plugin list [2].  This page isn't easy to find so 
there should at least be a link to it from the tutorial pages.

David Legg

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
  descriptionCreates an empty Cocoon block/description
  descriptionCreates a minimal Cocoon block/description
  descriptionCreates a web application Cocoon block/description
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Re: Tutorial improvement suggestion

2008-06-18 Thread David Legg

Thanks for taking care of creating of this file. However, if we are 
going to upload it to our site we need an explicit sign of 
contribution for legal reasons. Therefore I would like to ask you to 
create a JIRA issue and attach your file to it. Then we can proceed.

No problem.  I have created COCOON-2214 [1]

This page isn't easy to find so there should at least be a link to it 
from the tutorial pages.

David, what about the link in the horizontal menu below search field?

Doh!  Where'd that come from ;-)

Thanks for the information about how to contribute.  I've signed up.

David Legg


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Tutorial improvement suggestion

2008-06-17 Thread David Legg
Just thought I'd mention a tiny improvement that could be made to the 
Your first Cocoon application using Maven 2 [1] web page.

The section titled Creating a block gives a maven command which uses 
the deprecated goal archetype:create instead of archetype:generate 
leading to the following disconcerting message during the build: -

 [INFO] [archetype:create]
 [WARNING] This goal is deprecated. Please use mvn archetype:generate 

If I use archetype:generate instead then Maven interactively asks me 
some questions I have to guess the answers to ;-)

David Legg


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Re: Tutorial improvement suggestion

2008-06-17 Thread David Legg


The section titled Creating a block gives a maven command which 
uses the deprecated goal archetype:create instead of 

1. Let's switch to interactive mode and provide archetype catalog...
2. Give up interactive mode completely and stick to utterly long 

The question is which one we prefer? What do you, dear users, think 
about it?

I think I prefer option 1 as well.

I don't mind the interactivity as it helps beginners get it right first 
time... especially if you give clear instructions in the tutorial about 
what to answer at each prompt and what the answers mean.  The Maven 
manual page for this plugin [1] is more like I would expect to see in 
the tutorial (although I'd definitely want the responses highlighted 

I can't believe that Maven attempts to list *every* archetype.  That 
list is going to get awfully long, very quickly.

David Legg


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C22 - Maven artifact missing

2008-06-11 Thread David Legg
I Just tried building Cocoon from svn by following these instructions 
[1] and got the build error listed below.

I've tried deleting my local repository and tried building all the 
blocks with:

 mvn install -Dmaven.test.skip=true -P allblocks

All with the same result.  Should I just try again later or is their 
something I can do to resolve this?

I'm still trying to get to grips with Maven and this sort of thing is 
very frustrating ;-)

David Legg



[INFO] Failed to resolve artifact.

1) org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-pipeline-impl:test-jar:tests:1.1.0-SNAPSHOT

 Try downloading the file manually from the project website.
 Path to dependency:
   1) org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-pipeline-components:jar:1.1.0-SNAPSHOT

1 required artifact is missing.

for artifact:

from the specified remote repositories:
 apache.snapshots (,
 central (


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Re: C22 - Maven artifact missing

2008-06-11 Thread David Legg

Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:
David, you are the second person reporting this issue, the first one 
was Alexander[1] so there must be an issue with Cocoon dependencies here.

I noticed that thread already thanks, but as it didn't conclude I 
wondered if it had been resolved.

Since I'm now sure that's a problem of Cocoon and not local 
configuration I'll investigate into this issue a little more.

Thanks Grek.

If it's any help I tried this under Win XP SP2, with Maven 2.0.9 and JDK 

David Legg


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Re: C22 - Maven artifact missing

2008-06-11 Thread David Legg

Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:
Skipping test phase is not a good idea anymore and docs need an update 
(I've done it already). Anyway, this flag shouldn't make the build fail.

Would you believe it!  I tried it without the -Dmaven.test.skip=true 
flag and it passed all the tests and completed the build :-)

I suspect that an artifact created as a result of the tests is a 
required dependency somewhere.

David Legg

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Re: C22 - Maven artifact missing

2008-06-11 Thread David Legg

Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:
I don't have an idea why it behaves differently. Maybe it's another 
bug in Maven that we have found here?

I think it's a conspiracy to always make us run regression tests ;-)

Thanks for updating the web site.


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Re: Setting a pipeline for true XHTML

2008-05-21 Thread David Legg

Kjetil Kjernsmo wrote:

If you're interested, there is a very good classic article of the
reasons why using XHTML is considered harmful.

Yup, I know hixie both personally and technically (we worked together at 
Opera), and I think all his arguments are invalid...

That's never happened to me before ;-)

Thanks for the background info.  I'm interested in your quest too.  I've 
done something similar with pre 2.2 versions of Cocoon... but that was 
easy because the included sample apps showed you how to do it.

David Legg

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Re: Setting a pipeline for true XHTML

2008-05-20 Thread David Legg

Kjetil Kjernsmo wrote:


I much prefer to work with XHTML, and do so sending application/xhtml+xml, but 
when sending to browsers, certain clients fail.

It's still a difficult decision on whether to use XHTML or HTML as the 
final output to a user's browser.  I've seen valid arguments for both sides.

If you're interested, there is a very good classic article [1] of the 
reasons why using XHTML is considered harmful.

David Legg


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C2.2 Tutorial comment

2008-05-19 Thread David Legg
I've been prompted by the recent C2.2 release announcement to follow the 
web tutorial [1].

On the whole it's been very good but I've come across a stumbling block 
(no pun intended!) toward the end of the series.  Having got to the part 
which talks about deploying web applications [2] the text under the 
sub-heading Using a block within the web application says to use: -

 mvn package jetty:run

to get the newly created Cocoon web application to run.  Unfortunately, 
I get the following which makes me suspect a step in the instructions is 
missing somewhere: -

D:\projects\cocoon\getting-started-app\myCocoonWebappmvn package jetty:run
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] Searching repository for plugin with prefix: 'jetty'.

[INFO] Building myCocoonWebapp
[INFO]task-segment: [package, jetty:run]

[INFO] [resources:resources]
[INFO] Using default encoding to copy filtered resources.


[INFO] Failed to resolve artifact.

1) com.mycompany:myBlock1:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT

 Try downloading the file manually from the project website.

 Then, install it using the command:
 mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=com.mycompany 
-DartifactId=myBlock1 -Dv

ersion=1.0-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file

 Alternatively, if you host your own repository you can deploy the file 

 mvn deploy:deploy-file -DgroupId=com.mycompany 
-DartifactId=myBlock1 -Dver
sion=1.0-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file -Durl=[url] 


 Path to dependency:
   1) com.mycompany:myCocoonWebapp:war:1.0-SNAPSHOT
   2) com.mycompany:myBlock1:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT

1 required artifact is missing.

for artifact:

from the specified remote repositories:
 central (

[INFO] Total time: 9 seconds
[INFO] Finished at: Mon May 19 17:43:11 BST 2008
[INFO] Final Memory: 13M/24M

I'm using Maven 2.0.9 on Windows XP but I have a feeling that would make 
little difference here.

David Legg


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Re: C2.2 Tutorial comment

2008-05-19 Thread David Legg

Hi Grek,

Yep, there is missing step in tutorials. Go to myBlock1/ and execute:

  mvn install

then do the same for myBlock2. This will install blocks into local 
Maven repository so myCocoonWebapp can find them. Then you can return 
to back to the tutorial on deployment.

Thanks.  That did it.


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Re: RESTful API using Cocoon

2008-03-26 Thread David Legg

I have these two references in my bookmarks ...

David Legg

Luca Morandini wrote:
As per subject: can someone point me to a RESTful API built using 
Cocoon ?

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Re: Cocoon Sparql Transformer ?

2008-02-26 Thread David Legg

Hi Bernard,

So I'm looking for a Sparql Cocoon Transformer both to extract triples 
with a SELECT query ...

... or to build others triples tith a CONSTRUCT query ...
... to be able to send this result to a XSLT transformer for exemple ...
... and then produce some Web Page

I've toyed with this idea too.  You may want to check out Fresnel [1].

When you think about it, RDF deals with graphs and graphs are difficult 
to manipulate with XPath (and hence XSLT) because XPath assumes the data 
is in the form of a tree.

Fresnel is a bit like XSLT for RDF.  Given a set of instructions, some 
RDF data and a location in the RDF to be displayed it transforms some or 
all of the RDF into a DOM tree and then optionally formats the tree 
ready for display on a web page or further processing using XSLT.

Now the question is... how to fit it into Cocoon in a modular way!

David Legg.


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Re: Cocoon 2.2 install

2007-12-21 Thread David Legg

Babak Farhang wrote:

Ah!... I understand ;-)

Maven does all the 'installing' for you..

I'd like to get the source code when 'installing' Coccon 2.2.  Can I
get the source code for 2.2 using maven, also?

Um?  No I don't think so.

I download the source from the subversion server [1].

The instructions to build that are in the README file (and yes... Maven 
is also used to build that!)  This file also contains some very useful 
links [2] and [3] which may answer all your questions.

- David.


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Re: Cocoon 2.2 install

2007-12-20 Thread David Legg

Fawzib Rojas wrote:

Cocoon 2.2 is radically different but I definitely think it's worth it.
I don't mind it being different, the problem is no documentation on 
how to do things (or if there is, I can't find it) and I can't even 
figure out how to install it.

Ah!... I understand ;-)

Maven does all the 'installing' for you.  As I said, Cocoon 2.2 is very 
different from earlier versions.  Maven is the key.  If you run Maven 
from the command line as shown in the tutorial [1] it will download what 
it needs from a remote repository and build a skeletal Cocoon 2.2 
application for you.  Then you have to figure out how to split up your 
existing app into suitable blocks and fit them into the new structure.  
Following the other tutorials in sequence will help you understand how 
to connect up other blocks.

Maven is used to do most of the heavy lifting from compiling your source 
files to creating javadocs, running tests and deploying your final 
application.  It would be wise to read up on Maven a little.

- David.


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Re: Cocoon 2.2 install

2007-12-19 Thread David Legg

Hi Fawzib,

The main overview of Cocoon 2.2 can be found on the apache web site. [1]

You should also take a close look at the section titled 'Your first 
Cocoon application using Maven 2' [2]

Cocoon 2.2 is radically different but I definitely think it's worth it.  
The fact it uses Maven and Spring and makes a decent attempt to 
modularize are reasons enough for me to update.

Keep in mind that you no longer get a bucket-load of examples ready to 
run once you have built it and the documentation is still very 
fragmentary at this stage.  I wonder why the version number went from 
2.1 to 2.2 when things have changed so much?

- David.


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Re: Cocoon 2.2 Trunk build against JDK 6 and Maven 2.0.7

2007-08-03 Thread David Legg
Just for information the 200m figure quoted below didn't work for me 
until I increased it to 300m on Win XP sp2.

Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:

In Cocoon's README.txt there is a paragraph:

  If you have build failures due to out-of-memory conditions, increase
  the JVM maximum memory limit:

$ MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx200m
$ export MAVEN_OPTS

I must say, I was a little afraid that Cocoon was moving over to Maven 
when I first found out.  However, after looking into it and playing with 
the Block based build system I'm all for it!!

David Legg

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Re: Spring Contexts

2007-03-22 Thread David Legg

Lally Singh wrote:

If anyone knows a _short_ book on getting up to speed on using
Spring, I'd appreciate it.  The tomes I've got on Cocoon  Hibernate
are already pretty heavy.

My favourite is Spring A developer's Notebook by Tate  Gehtland 
published by O'Reilly: ISBN 0-596-00910-0 in a Purple cover.

O'Reilly also do a Hibernate A Developer's Notebook in the same series 
which I found very readable too.

I might get shot for this... but I'd be tempted to use the 'Singleton' 
pattern to manage the Spring context.  I think the 'proper' way to do it 
is to create your own Cocoon component which implements ThreadSafe and 
Contextualizable.  You could then create and inject the Spring context 
into this at initialization time.  It should then be available from the 
context of your application and not have to be explicitly passed around 
as a parameter.

I did this once for the HiveMind Registry so I could follow the Bricks 
CMS demo (

David Legg

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Fresnel + Cocoon = Metadata Marriage made in heaven?

2006-11-27 Thread David Legg

Sorry for the cryptic subject line!

In essence I'm wrestling with a conceptual problem... how to format 
information for presentation in a manageable way.  In most Database 
projects you have a fixed schema that rarely changes except perhaps when 
the project is revised.  My data will be in the form of RDF in which the 
properties radiating from a resource can be many and varied.  Worse 
still, new types of RDF resources could be added on a daily basis.  An 
update cycle which involves manually re-writing an XSLT style sheet 
every day is untenable!

If you haven't come across it yet, Fresnel [1][2] is a newish language 
that allows you to express which bits of a given RDF resource should be 
displayed, which bits shouldn't, the order in which they should be 
listed, what styles should be applied to it, etc.  In many ways it looks 
to me to be a sort of XSLT for RDF.  It uses an XPATH selector-like 
structure to specify RDF resources and its own OWL based language to 
define the transformations.  The result is an XML tree structure; ripe 
for processing through Cocoon's pipeline.  Some older Cocoon users may 
even recognize Stefano Mazzocchi's name in the contributor list ;-)

With Fresnel, it might be possible to dynamically add new resource 
formatting instructions and hence solve the problem.

Has anyone looked at using an implementation of Fresnel in a Cocoon project?
Has anyone got any constructive ideas on how to employ Cocoon to format 
data in a dynamic, non-manually updateable fashion?

[1] Fresnel info -
[2] Fresnel presentation -

- David

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Re: IE AJAX Focus Stuff (maybe a little off topic)

2006-11-13 Thread David Legg

Hi Gary,

Replying to my own messages. Sad ;).

I can't stand seeing a grown man cry ;-)  So I thought I'd chip in with 
some ideas.

Looking at the Microsoft documentation ( 
) it would seem that an item's focus cannot be set until the document 
has fully loaded.  Further more it will only work if the tabindex 
attribute is set.  From my cursory look it would seem the general 
consensus is this is a documented bug.  This may explain why your fix 
only worked after you put a debug alert() box on screen.

- David.

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CocoonGT 2006 lecture videos?

2006-11-02 Thread David Legg

Was this years Cocoon Get Together lectures captured on audio or video?

I found the 2005 videos[1] extremely useful and have been scanning the 
Wiki[2] while holding my breath.

With the printed notes on my lap and the video player running it is 
almost like being there (especially with a drink in my hand!).

David Legg

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Re: Serving up XHTML?

2006-10-12 Thread David Legg

Joerg Heinicke wrote:

All this producing XHTML which must not conform to XHTML is really awkward -
but I know it's necessary for IE.

This is slightly off topic but choosing between using XHTML and HTML 
4.01 strict is a real can of worms.  The classic text on this subject is

In summary I don't believe it is a case of use XHTML because it uses XML 
and therefore must be better... choose carefully!  Choosing XHTML has 
serious implications when it comes to supporting AJAX and for CSS too.  
As Cocoon users we are in the privileged position of being able to 
dynamically configure what gets sent to the user depending on their 
browser... but you have to ask if all the extra work involved in 
designing suitable content and all the extra permutation checking is 
worth it.

David Legg

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