RE: Import ontology information and imports ontology information

2014-01-29 Thread Iturraspe Barturen, Urtza
Thanks for your answer.

I think that my problem is in the process of importing ontologies using 
¿Someone use something like this for importing ontologies that are imported in 
a root ontology?, I need to get all the information from all ontologies and 
using  I only have information related root ontology.

Thanks in advance.

Urtza Iturraspe

-Mensaje original-
De: Joshua TAYLOR [] 
Enviado el: martes, 28 de enero de 2014 17:02
Asunto: Re: Import ontology information and imports ontology information

On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 10:00 AM, Iturraspe Barturen, Urtza wrote:

 This is my code. I get it, I obtain all the classes, properties, 
 individuals from all ontologies  but when I translate the model to an 
 owl file I can’t open this with an ontology editor (Neon…)

 Someone has any idea?

You didn't how the OWL ontology that you're generating, so it's not really 
clear whether it an OWL ontology editor _should_ be able to open it or not.  
Can you show that?  If it's a legal OWL document, or if you can open it in 
other editors (e.g,. Protégé), then this sounds more like a question for the 
Neon mailing list than the Jena mailing list. Have you tried running the 
document through an OWL validator?

Joshua Taylor,

Re: Fuseki + tdb + reasoner config

2014-01-29 Thread Dave Reynolds
Sorry, I missed this while travelling and just realized it hasn't been 

There is no named graph support in the reasoners nor is there 
reasoner/tdb integration so that I'm afraid that what you want is not 
possible out of the box.


On 24/01/14 16:26, Rohana Rajapakse wrote:


Can someone pass me a jena tdb config with a reasoner (say rdfs reasoner)
that applies to all named-graphs.

My application requirements are such that i need to insert/delete data into
existing named-graphs as well as add new datasets into new named graphs on
the fly. I will be making sparql queries against a given named-graph and/or
the union graph. In both cases, I would like to find infered-triples.

If the above is not possible, is it possible to configure Fuseki tdb to
have inferred-triples in the union (default) graph. I am thinking of adding
data into named graphs and querying them on the union graph. In this case,
when data is inserted into named graphs, the inference engine should
kick-in and add inferred triples into either into the corresponding named
graph or if possible into the default union graph.

Hope I explained my requirement clearly.


Re: Default graph issue (tdb-backed Fuseki)

2014-01-29 Thread Andy Seaborne

On 24/01/14 09:52, Rohana Rajapakse wrote:

Thanks Andy.

I am now trying to use GenericRuleReasoner. The tdb config is given below.
It works fine with data added to the default graph.
The query you sent me does not show any triples when I insert data into a
graph. I am not sure if the way I configure the inference engine is
correct. Can you please see what is wrong.

The defaultUnionGraph is a feature of SPARQL query processing - it's a 
read-only view of the data.

It does not apply to the API (because updates have to go to the real 
default graph) which is what the inference engine is using.

You might try using a named graph instead of ja:defaultGraph with a name 
of union: urn:x-arq:UnionGraph  That gets you a read-only view similar 
to SPARQL (TDB actually does it differently for efficiency).

Inference uses memory so there may be scale issues here.

The other approach is to apply your rules while loading the data, 
expanding the triples once at load time - then at runtime, you are 
running with a non-inference dataset (which is faster).


Data Insert Query:

  PREFIX owl:
   GRAPH http://test
http://localhost:3030/resource/Kevin foaf:lastName Fernando .
http://localhost:3030/resource/Peter foaf:lastName Fernando .
http://localhost:3030/resource/Kevin2 foaf:lastName Fernando .
http://localhost:3030/resource/Kevin owl:sameAs 
http://localhost:3030/resource/Peter .
http://localhost:3030/resource/Peter owl:sameAs 
http://localhost:3030/resource/Kevin2 .

Select Query:

  PREFIX owl:
  SELECT ?s ?s1 ?s2  {
{ ?s owl:sameAs ?o }
   { GRAPH urn:x-arq:DefaultGraph { ?s1 owl:sameAs ?o1 } }
  { GRAPH ?g2 { ?s2 owl:sameAs ?o2 } }

TDB Config file:

@prefix :# .
@prefix fuseki: .
@prefix rdf: .
@prefix rdfs: .
@prefix tdb: .
@prefix ja: .
[] rdf:type fuseki:Server ;
# Timeout - server-wide default: milliseconds.
# Format 1: 1000 -- 1 second timeout
# Format 2: 1,6 -- 10s timeout to first result, then 60s
timeout to for rest of query.
# See java doc for ARQ.queryTimeout
# ja:context [ ja:cxtName arq:queryTimeout ;  ja:cxtValue 1 ] ;
# ja:loadClass your.code.Class ;
fuseki:services (
) .

[] ja:loadClass com.hp.hpl.jena.tdb.TDB .
tdb:DatasetTDB  rdfs:subClassOf  ja:RDFDataset .
tdb:GraphTDBrdfs:subClassOf  ja:Model .

#service_rulesinf  rdf:type   fuseki:Service ;
rdfs:label TDB Service with
Generic Rule Reasoner ;
; # http://host/data
;  # SPARQL query service
fuseki:serviceQueryquery ;
fuseki:serviceUpdate   update ;
fuseki:serviceUpload   upload ;
fuseki:serviceReadWriteGraphStore  data  ;
fuseki:dataset#dataset ;
  #dataset   a   ja:RDFDataset;
   ja:defaultGraph [
a  ja:InfModel;
   ja:reasoner [
  ja:reasonerURL ;
  ja:rulesFrom file:inference_rules.rules ;
   ja:baseModel #data_and_ontology_graph
  #data_and_ontology_graph   a tdb:GraphTDB ;
   tdb:location MYTDB ;
 # tdb:unionDefaultGraph true ;

Rules File:

@prefix owl: .
@include OWLMini.
[rule1: (?S1 owl:sameAs ?S2),(?S2 owl:sameAs ?S3) -(?S1 owl:sameAs ?S3) ]

On 23 January 2014 16:11, Andy Seaborne wrote:

Hi Rohana,

#tdb_dataset_read rdf:type  tdb:DatasetTDB ;
  tdb:location MYTDB ;
  tdb:unionDefaultGraph true ;

#tdb_dataset_readwrite rdf:type  tdb:DatasetTDB ;
  tdb:location MYTDB ;

The two descriptions of the datasets point to the same set of files so,
internally, there is one TDB dataset engine, which has to manage all

tdb:unionDefaultGraph true is going to set a property of the engine, and
not be sensitive to the route used to name it, so it sets it on the shared
engine.  It will apply to both services.

Sorry that wasn't documented anywhere.


On 23/01/14 15:06, Rohana Rajapakse wrote:

Hi Andy,

I have tested inserting and querying data using with two tdb
configs. Having 

API : detecting isInTransaction and closed Dataset ?

2014-01-29 Thread Jean-Marc Vanel

I have an API that wraps Jena's, and I want to detect isInTransaction in
all cases.
Apparently this implies to detect whether a Dataset is closed.

Currently I'm obliged (not sure !) to do :

public boolean isInTransaction() {
try {
return dataset.isInTransaction();
} catch ( JenaTransactionException e){
if (e.getMessage().contains( Already closed))
return false;
else throw e;

Is there a better way ?

Jean-Marc Vanel
Déductions SARL - Consulting, services, training,
Rule-based programming, Semantic Web
+33 (0)6 89 16 29 52
Twitter: @jmvanel , @jmvanel_fr ; chat: irc://

Re: BlockException: No such block

2014-01-29 Thread Steve Groeger

Adding the code as mentioned in your earlier post I get the following:

RecordRangeIterator.iterator -- No such block (pageId=117440534, 


Steve Groeger

From:   Andy Seaborne
Date:   26/01/2014 19:57
Subject:Re: BlockException: No such block


I'm not getting systematic failures, even after running multiple times 
for well over 4 hours.  I saw one failure but had several runs with no 
failure at all.  Looks like my setup does not have the right timing.

I've changed the internal exception point to print (stderr) some details 
and exit the VM:

if ( ! pageMgr.valid(pageId) ) {
String msg =
   RecordRangeIterator.iterator -- No such block (pageId=+
   , fromRec=+fromRec+, toRec=+toRec+ ) ;
System.err.println(msg) ;
System.exit(0) ;
throw new BlockException(msg) ;

Do you have some test servers you could run your test code with the 
development Jena? Ideally, running multiple tests so we build up a 
number of outcomes to see if there is a pattern.

apache-jena/2.11.2-SNAPSHOT for a binary build or use maven directly on 

The other thing that may well be needed is a more sensitive test case. 
Running in the debugger is too slow to be practical.

What other patterns of transactions have you tried?


On 24/01/14 16:00, Steve Groeger wrote:

 I am currently running with the TDB being written to my harddrive (of my
 Linux RHEL 64bit machine). This failure can sometimes take up to 3-4 
 before it fails.
 I have tried using a RAM disk but it fills up before the failure occurs 
 I can only give it 10Gb of space and due the test the TDB does get very
 large due to all the creates  deletes.
 I am running on RHEL 6.4 with the following JVM:
  java version 1.6.0
  Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build
  IBM J9 VM (build 2.4, JRE 1.6.0 IBM J9 2.4 Linux amd64-64
 jvmxa6460sr15-20131016_170922 (JIT enabled, AOT enabled)
  J9VM - 20131016_170922
  JIT  - r9_20130920_46510ifx2
  GC   - GA24_Java6_SR15_20131016_1337_B170922)
  JCL  - 20131015_01

 Steve Groeger
 IBM WebSphere Service Registry Development
 MP 211,  Hursley
 Tel: (44) 1962 816911  Mobex: 279990  Mobile: 07718 517 129
 Fax (44) 1962 816800
 Lotus Notes: Steve Groeger/UK/IBM

 From:   Andy Seaborne
 Date:   24/01/2014 13:57
 Subject:Re: BlockException: No such block

 On 24/01/14 07:18, Steve Groeger wrote:
 It took 16690 iterations of the writer thread to obtain this error but
 you can see the reader thread gets the exception when trying to execute
 this line:

 How long in time did that take?  As it may be a timing issue, do you
 have an SSD?


 java version 1.7.0_51
 OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 2.4.4) 
 OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.45-b08, mixed mode)


 Unless stated otherwise above:
 IBM United Kingdom Limited - Registered in England and Wales with number
 Registered office: PO Box 41, North Harbour, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO6 

Unless stated otherwise above:
IBM United Kingdom Limited - Registered in England and Wales with number 
Registered office: PO Box 41, North Harbour, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO6 3AU

2.11.1 TBD throws ClosedException: already closed

2014-01-29 Thread Jean-Marc Vanel

Jena 2.11.1 TBD throws ClosedException: already closed, when 2.11.0 did
The test below involves adding a triple in a named model,
closing the model,
re-opening the dataset and the same model.

Note that closing the whole dataset instead of the model works fine.

Here is the test (sorry , it's in Scala):

  @Test def storeTripleinNamedDatasetandRetrieve() {
val directory = new File(bbtest);
val dataset = TDBFactory.createDataset(directory.getAbsolutePath());
val modelName = test // test
val model = dataset.getNamedModel(modelName);

val obj = a
val subject = c
val predicate = model.createProperty(p);
val subjectResource = model.createResource(subject);
val objectResource = model.createResource(obj);
model.add(model.createStatement(subjectResource, predicate,

if (!model.isClosed()) {
  model.close(); // com.hp.hpl.jena.shared.ClosedException: already
  //dataset.close(); // OK!
  System.out.println(Test TDB: model closed:\t + dataset)

  val dataset = TDBFactory.createDataset(directory.getAbsolutePath());
  val model = dataset.getNamedModel(modelName);
  System.out.println(Test TDB: model reopened:\t + dataset)

model.size()  +
  val sIter = model.listStatements()
  for (st - sIter) {
  assertTrue(model.size == 1, model.size == 1);

Complete code:

Jean-Marc Vanel
Déductions SARL - Consulting, services, training,
Rule-based programming, Semantic Web
+33 (0)6 89 16 29 52
Twitter: @jmvanel , @jmvanel_fr ; chat: irc://

Re: Fuseki + tdb + reasoner config

2014-01-29 Thread Rohana Rajapakse
Thanks Dave.



On 29 January 2014 08:58, Dave Reynolds wrote:

 Sorry, I missed this while travelling and just realized it hasn't been

 There is no named graph support in the reasoners nor is there reasoner/tdb
 integration so that I'm afraid that what you want is not possible out of
 the box.


 On 24/01/14 16:26, Rohana Rajapakse wrote:


 Can someone pass me a jena tdb config with a reasoner (say rdfs reasoner)
 that applies to all named-graphs.

 My application requirements are such that i need to insert/delete data
 existing named-graphs as well as add new datasets into new named graphs on
 the fly. I will be making sparql queries against a given named-graph
 the union graph. In both cases, I would like to find infered-triples.

 If the above is not possible, is it possible to configure Fuseki tdb to
 have inferred-triples in the union (default) graph. I am thinking of
 data into named graphs and querying them on the union graph. In this case,
 when data is inserted into named graphs, the inference engine should
 kick-in and add inferred triples into either into the corresponding named
 graph or if possible into the default union graph.

 Hope I explained my requirement clearly.


Update an existing TDB with a RDF file

2014-01-29 Thread Frederic Toublanc
Hello there,

Here is my question.

I have an existing TDB containing triples.
I have a RDF file and i want to update the existing TDB with the data
contained in the RDF file.
If nodes already exist they should be updated and new data added.

Is it possible to do it with the Jena API ?

Re: Update an existing TDB with a RDF file

2014-01-29 Thread Jean-Marc Vanel
Cher Frédéric,

You just have to use the basic RDF API :

with the TDB API :

Note that update nodes is not the right wording for what happens.
An RDF model is bascally a collection of triples.
So adding
a p o2 .

to a model that contains already:
a p o1 .

will not update a ;
there is just one more triples having a as subject.

2014-01-29 Frederic Toublanc

 Hello there,

 Here is my question.

 I have an existing TDB containing triples.
 I have a RDF file and i want to update the existing TDB with the data
 contained in the RDF file.
 If nodes already exist they should be updated and new data added.

 Is it possible to do it with the Jena API ?

Jean-Marc Vanel
Déductions SARL - Consulting, services, training,
Rule-based programming, Semantic Web
+33 (0)6 89 16 29 52
Twitter: @jmvanel , @jmvanel_fr ; chat: irc://

Re: Update an existing TDB with a RDF file

2014-01-29 Thread Jean-Marc Vanel
For your convenience, I pasted together the first lines of both API

// Make a TDB-backed dataset
String directory = MyDatabases/Dataset1 ;
Dataset dataset = TDBFactory.createDataset(directory) ;
dataset.begin(ReadWrite.READ) ;
// Get model inside the transaction
Model model = dataset.getDefaultModel();
  paste from basic RDF API
Model model2 = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();

 String inputFileName = f;
// use the FileManager to find the input file
 InputStream in = FileManager.get().open( inputFileName  );
if (in == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
 File:  + inputFileName +  not found);

// read the RDF/XML file, null);
* model.add(model2);*


2014-01-29 Jean-Marc Vanel

 Cher Frédéric,

 You just have to use the basic RDF API :

 with the TDB API :

 Note that update nodes is not the right wording for what happens.
 An RDF model is bascally a collection of triples.
 So adding
 a p o2 .

 to a model that contains already:
 a p o1 .

 will not update a ;
 there is just one more triples having a as subject.

 2014-01-29 Frederic Toublanc

 Hello there,

 Here is my question.

 I have an existing TDB containing triples.
 I have a RDF file and i want to update the existing TDB with the data
 contained in the RDF file.
 If nodes already exist they should be updated and new data added.

 Is it possible to do it with the Jena API ?

 Jean-Marc Vanel
 Déductions SARL - Consulting, services, training,
 Rule-based programming, Semantic Web
 +33 (0)6 89 16 29 52
 Twitter: @jmvanel , @jmvanel_fr ; chat: irc://

Jean-Marc Vanel
Déductions SARL - Consulting, services, training,
Rule-based programming, Semantic Web
+33 (0)6 89 16 29 52
Twitter: @jmvanel , @jmvanel_fr ; chat: irc://

Re: Update an existing TDB with a RDF file

2014-01-29 Thread Martynas Jusevičius
Frederic, are you sure this hasn't been done before? I've used
JenaBean [1], but I know there are at least several other similar



On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 2:58 PM, Frederic Toublanc wrote:
 Ok thx a lot :)

 I will implement a way to map a java object model to tripples :)

 2014/1/29 Jean-Marc Vanel

 For your convenience, I pasted together the first lines of both API

 // Make a TDB-backed dataset
 String directory = MyDatabases/Dataset1 ;
 Dataset dataset = TDBFactory.createDataset(directory) ;
 dataset.begin(ReadWrite.READ) ;
 // Get model inside the transaction
 Model model = dataset.getDefaultModel();
   paste from basic RDF API
 Model model2 = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();

  String inputFileName = f;
 // use the FileManager to find the input file
  InputStream in = FileManager.get().open( inputFileName  );
 if (in == null) {
 throw new IllegalArgumentException(
  File:  + inputFileName +  not found);

 // read the RDF/XML file, null);
 * model.add(model2);*

 2014-01-29 Jean-Marc Vanel

  Cher Frédéric,
  You just have to use the basic RDF API :
  with the TDB API :
  Note that update nodes is not the right wording for what happens.
  An RDF model is bascally a collection of triples.
  So adding
  a p o2 .
  to a model that contains already:
  a p o1 .
  will not update a ;
  there is just one more triples having a as subject.
  2014-01-29 Frederic Toublanc
  Hello there,
  Here is my question.
  I have an existing TDB containing triples.
  I have a RDF file and i want to update the existing TDB with the data
  contained in the RDF file.
  If nodes already exist they should be updated and new data added.
  Is it possible to do it with the Jena API ?
  Jean-Marc Vanel
  Déductions SARL - Consulting, services, training,
  Rule-based programming, Semantic Web
  +33 (0)6 89 16 29 52
  Twitter: @jmvanel , @jmvanel_fr ; chat: irc://

 Jean-Marc Vanel
 Déductions SARL - Consulting, services, training,
 Rule-based programming, Semantic Web
 +33 (0)6 89 16 29 52
 Twitter: @jmvanel , @jmvanel_fr ; chat: irc://

Re: Update an existing TDB with a RDF file

2014-01-29 Thread Frederic Toublanc
Ok thx a lot :) You just have saved me a lot of time lol

2014/1/29 Martynas Jusevičius

 Frederic, are you sure this hasn't been done before? I've used
 JenaBean [1], but I know there are at least several other similar



 On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 2:58 PM, Frederic Toublanc wrote:
  Ok thx a lot :)
  I will implement a way to map a java object model to tripples :)
  2014/1/29 Jean-Marc Vanel
  For your convenience, I pasted together the first lines of both API
  // Make a TDB-backed dataset
  String directory = MyDatabases/Dataset1 ;
  Dataset dataset = TDBFactory.createDataset(directory) ;
  dataset.begin(ReadWrite.READ) ;
  // Get model inside the transaction
  Model model = dataset.getDefaultModel();
    paste from basic RDF API
  Model model2 = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
   String inputFileName = f;
  // use the FileManager to find the input file
   InputStream in = FileManager.get().open( inputFileName  );
  if (in == null) {
  throw new IllegalArgumentException(
   File:  + inputFileName +  not found);
  // read the RDF/XML file, null);
  * model.add(model2);*
  2014-01-29 Jean-Marc Vanel
   Cher Frédéric,
   You just have to use the basic RDF API :
   with the TDB API :
   Note that update nodes is not the right wording for what happens.
   An RDF model is bascally a collection of triples.
   So adding
   a p o2 .
   to a model that contains already:
   a p o1 .
   will not update a ;
   there is just one more triples having a as subject.
   2014-01-29 Frederic Toublanc
   Hello there,
   Here is my question.
   I have an existing TDB containing triples.
   I have a RDF file and i want to update the existing TDB with the data
   contained in the RDF file.
   If nodes already exist they should be updated and new data added.
   Is it possible to do it with the Jena API ?
   Jean-Marc Vanel
   Déductions SARL - Consulting, services, training,
   Rule-based programming, Semantic Web
   +33 (0)6 89 16 29 52
   Twitter: @jmvanel , @jmvanel_fr ; chat: irc://
  Jean-Marc Vanel
  Déductions SARL - Consulting, services, training,
  Rule-based programming, Semantic Web
  +33 (0)6 89 16 29 52
  Twitter: @jmvanel , @jmvanel_fr ; chat: irc://

Re: [ANN] Jena 2.11.1

2014-01-29 Thread Rob Vesse
Comments inline:

On 28/01/2014 22:36, Michael Brunnbauer wrote:

Hello Rob,

On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 02:20:22PM -0800, Rob Vesse wrote:
 The 2.11.0 release was only last week so do not expect another official
 release for a while.


 The somewhat toy query in your bug seems to imply that you have some set
 of SPARQL smoke tests or similar that you use.

It's a complete minimal example. I have an application that broke due to
one when I upgraded to 1.0.1.

Really, that is actually a real application query.  That seems like an odd
query to use in the real world although I guess the intention is that it
guarantees you one possibly empty row?

Note that we publicise on the developer list ( when we
are about to do a release and specifically request users beyond just the
committers test the release candidates before we go ahead and make the
release -
If developers who rely heavily on Jena are not subscribed to that list and
do not take the time to test release candidates in advance and tell us if
they break things for them we don't find out about these things until
after the release is done.

As I said in a previous email while we try to provide as many tests as we
can think of (Jena as a whole has ~31K at the moment) once the code is out
in the wild users do things with it that we don't expect or have
queries/data that exposes corner cases we haven't covered.  If you have a
set of mission critical queries then contributing those as test cases
would be most appreciated and reduces the risks that we unintentionally
introduce regressions in the future.

BTW: We are not able to implement a feature for the same application

Contributions are always welcome, you are free to go look at the code and
provide a fix yourselves.  Everyone is volunteers here and a side effect
of that is that people tend to focus their energy on things that matter to



Michael Brunnbauer

++  Michael Brunnbauer
++  netEstate GmbH
++  Geisenhausener Straße 11a
++  81379 München
++  Tel +49 89 32 19 77 80
++  Fax +49 89 32 19 77 89
++  E-Mail
++  Sitz: München, HRB Nr.142452 (Handelsregister B München)
++  USt-IdNr. DE221033342
++  Geschäftsführer: Michael Brunnbauer, Franz Brunnbauer
++  Prokurist: Dipl. Kfm. (Univ.) Markus Hendel

Re: FUSEKI Concurrent runs issues

2014-01-29 Thread Rob Vesse
We don't give any specific guarantees about concurrent query performance
because it depends on various factors.

At the TDB layer you have the issue of caches, depending on the query load
you may have different queries modifying the caches which can result in
data one query uses dropping out of the cache forcing it to go to the
memory mapped data structures for the lookups.  Potentially you could get
in a race conditions where the queries keep forcing each other to get
cache misses.

At the ARQ layer the evaluation of the query produces some load on the JVM
(both in terms of heap memory usage and CPU usage) and depending on the
query there may be more CPU/memory usage (or both) needed resulting in
slowdowns for all queries.  On the other hand for simple queries this load
may be light and the queries don't compete for resources too much so the
benefits of concurrent evaluation shows through.

At the Fuseki layer you may also have outbound bandwidth constraints,
generally Fuseki writes results for most formats to the client as soon as
it has them available so if you have poor outbound bandwidth there may be
a bottleneck here.  Also if you chose a format that cannot be stream
written (e.g. Text) then all the results get cached into memory before
being written out which can result in high heap memory usage and you
possibly start to hit swap and GC issues.

In terms of your specific queries your first query makes heavy use of
STR() which as Andy pointed out previously requires looking at the actual
string value of the term which means a round trip to the node table to
lookup this value.  AFAIK there is a cache on top of this so you can get
into the frequent cache miss behaviour I talked about.  In your second
query the functions are predominantly on dates which are inlined in TDB
meaning the value can be read directly from the internal node ID without a
trip to the node table which will be much faster since there is no cache
contention involved.


On 29/01/2014 05:11, Ewa Szwed wrote:


Since this group is so responsive I would like to sick advise in another

Area: concurrent calls to Fuseki:

I am performing concurrent SPARQL queries against freebase data using
Fuseki and have noticed that for some queries running them in parallel
versus in series results in a big difference in running time, whereas for
others the difference in time is minimal or non-existent.

For example my first query (notice new FILTER placement that improves
performance a lot for me!):

 prefix fb:

prefix fn:

prefix xsd:

select ?entity ?mID ?height ?wikipedia_url




 ?mID_raw fb:type.object.type fb:people.person .

 ?mID_raw ?entity .

 ?mID_raw fb:people.person.height_meters ?height_in_meters .

 ?mID_raw fb:common.topic.topic_equivalent_webpage ?wikipedia_url

 FILTER (lang(?entity) = en  regex (str(?wikipedia_url),
en.wikipedia, i)  !regex (str(?wikipedia_url), curid=, i)) .


BIND(REPLACE(str(?mID_raw),;, ) as ?mID)

BIND(round(xsd:float(?height_in_meters)* xsd:float(100))/
xsd:float(100) as ?height_rounded)

BIND(xsd:float(?height_in_meters)* xsd:float(3.2808) AS

BIND(str(?height_in_feet) AS ?feet_str_value)

BIND(str(floor(xsd:decimal(?feet_str_value))) AS ?feet_final)

BIND(round(xsd:float(?height_in_feet -
floor(xsd:decimal(?feet_str_value))) * 12) AS ?inches)

BIND(str(floor(xsd:decimal(str(?inches as ?inches_final)

BIND(fn:concat(?feet_final, ' ,?inches_final,\
(,?height_rounded,  m) ) AS ?height)


Has the following runtime for a single query: 2 mins, 44 seconds

and for 5 concurrent queries: 24 mins, 27 seconds

Whereas for our second query:

  prefix fb:

 prefix fn:

 select ?entity ?mID ?age_at_death ?wikipedia_url




?mID_raw fb:type.object.type fb:people.person .

?mID_raw fb:type.object.type fb:people.deceased_person .

?mID_raw ?entity .

?mID_raw fb:people.deceased_person.date_of_death ?date_of_death .

?mID_raw fb:people.person.date_of_birth ?date_of_birth .

?mID_raw fb:common.topic.topic_equivalent_webpage ?wikipedia_url .

FILTER (lang(?entity) = en  regex (str(?wikipedia_url),
en.wikipedia, i)  !regex (str(?wikipedia_url), curid=, i)).


   BIND(REPLACE(str(?mID_raw),;, ) as ?mID)

   BIND(fn:year-from-dateTime(?date_of_birth) AS ?year_of_birth)

   BIND(fn:year-from-dateTime(?date_of_death) AS 

Re: [ANN] Jena 2.11.1

2014-01-29 Thread Michael Brunnbauer

Hello Rob,

On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 09:12:04AM -0800, Rob Vesse wrote:
 It's a complete minimal example. I have an application that broke due to
 one when I upgraded to 1.0.1.
 Really, that is actually a real application query.

No - a complete minimal example. This is one of the real queries:

PREFIX rdfs:
PREFIX dcterms:
select ?img (SAMPLE(?x) as ?xs) ?p (SAMPLE(?xtype) as ?xtypes) where {
{ graph ?s {
 { ?x ?p a lio:Image. }
 { ?x1 a ?x ?p ?x1.?img a 
lio:Image. }
OPTIONAL { ?x a ?xtype }}}
 FILTER isIRI(?d1)
 FILTER regex(str(?d1),;)
 graph ?s { { ?x ?p ?d1 } UNION { ?x1 a ?d1. ?x ?p ?x1 } }
 graph ?s { ?img a lio:Image. }
 OPTIONAL { graph ?s { ?x a ?xtype } }
 SERVICE { ?d1 rdfs:subClassOf+ }
 graph ?s { { ?x ?p ?d1 } UNION { ?x1 a ?d1. ?x ?p ?x1 } }
 graph ?s { ?img a lio:Image. }
 OPTIONAL { graph ?s { ?x a ?xtype } }
FILTER(?p !=
FILTER(?p !=
FILTER(?p != lio:hasVisualPart )
} group by ?img ?p 

The first and the second or third outer UNION - together with the FILTERs at
the bottom seem to cause the error.

Can I skip the time consuming step of producing a minimal example next time?
It took me maybe an hour.

 If developers who rely heavily on Jena are not subscribed to that list and
 do not take the time to test release candidates in advance and tell us if
 they break things for them we don't find out about these things until
 after the release is done.

That's OK for me.

 As I said in a previous email while we try to provide as many tests as we
 can think of (Jena as a whole has ~31K at the moment)

How about this one ?

 queries/data that exposes corner cases we haven't covered.  If you have a
 set of mission critical queries then contributing those as test cases
 would be most appreciated and reduces the risks that we unintentionally
 introduce regressions in the future.

Why not use the minimal example as new test case ?

 BTW: We are not able to implement a feature for the same application
 Contributions are always welcome, you are free to go look at the code and
 provide a fix yourselves.

Yes. I am free to learn SPARQL Algebra, the inner workings and optimizations
of it in Jena, to get more familiar with Java and Java IDEs and then to fix 
the things you guys overlooked. I'd prefer not to and to stay in Jena quality 

However, I could 

1) pay my employee more familiar with Java to look into this and submit a fix
2) do a donation
3) put a bounty on it

What would you prefer ?


Michael Brunnbauer

++  Michael Brunnbauer
++  netEstate GmbH
++  Geisenhausener Straße 11a
++  81379 München
++  Tel +49 89 32 19 77 80
++  Fax +49 89 32 19 77 89 
++  E-Mail
++  Sitz: München, HRB Nr.142452 (Handelsregister B München)
++  USt-IdNr. DE221033342
++  Geschäftsführer: Michael Brunnbauer, Franz Brunnbauer
++  Prokurist: Dipl. Kfm. (Univ.) Markus Hendel

Description: PGP signature

Re: Can I pass a model in a parameter list?

2014-01-29 Thread Mona Salem
Hi again
My project is basically: 1) to come in with an abstract/ scientific
article, 2) call an existing Annotator from, 3) get good
labels, and 4) return model with all the new labels to

I have created my jena model in, and wish to call to load the preferred labels into my model, via the
property AnnotationLabel in
The labels are loaded in the printAnnotations method of class
TextAnnotation.  (I need to return model back to
I wish to use only one model.  I am running into compile time errors.

THANKS in ADVANCE for your help.

import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Resource;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Property;

public class Parser {
   public static Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();

 /* create the Resource, using the product URI  */
Resource softwareproduct =

 //create the properties

Property extracteddata = model.createProperty(;);

Property annotationLabel = model.createProperty(;);

  SAXparsingExtractedText saxparser = new
abstractinfo = saxparser.parseDocument(urlAddress);


 //---  I call the  TEXT ANNOTATOR with abstractinfo
and model (??) and url address

   TextAnnotation annotateText = new
model, urlAddress);


import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Property;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Resource;

public class TextAnnotation {

static final String REST_URL =;;
static final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

public void stringToAnnotate(String abstractInfo, Model model2, String
URLaddress) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {

String textToAnnotate = URLEncoder.encode(abstractInfo, UTF-8);

Resource SoftwareProduct = model2.createResource(URLaddress);
Property AnnotationLabel = model2.createProperty(;);
// Get just annotations
JsonNode annotations = jsonToNode(get(REST_URL +
/annotator?ontologies=NCITtext= + textToAnnotate));


private model2 printAnnotations(JsonNode annotations) {
for (JsonNode annotation : annotations) {
// Get the details for the class that was found in the
annotation and print
JsonNode classDetails =

  //Don't print preferred Labels, load prefLabels into the
 //   System.out.println(\tprefLabel:  +



private static JsonNode jsonToNode(String json) {
JsonNode root = null;
try {
root = mapper.readTree(json);
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
return root;

private static String get(String urlToGet) {
URL url;
HttpURLConnection conn;
BufferedReader rd;
String line;
String result = ;
try {
url = new URL(urlToGet);
conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
conn.setRequestProperty(Authorization, apikey token= +
conn.setRequestProperty(Accept, application/json);
rd = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream()));
while ((line = rd.readLine()) != null) {
result += line;
} catch (Exception e) {
return result;

Compilation errors:
Exception in thread main java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation
SoftwareProduct cannot be resolved
AnnotationLabel cannot be resolved to a variable

at TextAnnotation.printAnnotations(
at TextAnnotation.stringToAnnotate(
at Parser.getTitle(
at Parser.getAllUrlNames(
at Parser.main(

On Mon, 

Re: Can I pass a model in a parameter list?

2014-01-29 Thread Joshua TAYLOR
On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 4:03 PM, Mona Salem wrote:
 Compilation errors:
 Exception in thread main java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems:
 SoftwareProduct cannot be resolved
 AnnotationLabel cannot be resolved to a variable

 at TextAnnotation.printAnnotations(
 at TextAnnotation.stringToAnnotate(
 at Parser.getTitle(
 at Parser.getAllUrlNames(
 at Parser.main(

The fact that there's a stack trace of this code running makes it seem
like this isn't purely a compilation error.  Did you compile part of
the project separately from others, or something like that?  In any
case, this doesn't sound like a Jena issue.  E.g.,

AnnotationLabel cannot be resolved to a variable

The code you've provided doesn't look right, in the first place.  E.g.,

public class TextAnnotation {

static final String REST_URL =;;
static final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

   // ...

private model2 printAnnotations(JsonNode annotations) {
for (JsonNode annotation : annotations) {
// Get the details for the class that was found in the
annotation and print
JsonNode classDetails =

  //Don't print preferred Labels, load prefLabels into the model
 //   System.out.println(\tprefLabel:  +



ends with too many closing braces.  This isn't compilable code.  Even
if the braces were right,  the line


references a variable AnnotationLabel, but it's nowhere to be found.
That's why you'd get that particular error message.  This isn't
particular to Jena at all.  If you're not, I'd suggest that you use a
Java aware IDE such as Eclipse or NetBeans that can help with these
sorts of Java issues.  For non-Jena related questions, you should
probably try a non-Jena specific mailing list or QA site (e.g.,


Joshua Taylor,

Re: Can I pass a model in a parameter list?

2014-01-29 Thread Mona Salem
I am using Eclipse actually.  I am working with a jena model and can print
out my triples.
The problem that I am running into is adding a property to my model in a
second class;  most properties are added in the Parser class, except for
the annotation labels.  I am calling a third party
api(? and wish to load the labels into my model there.

This is a jena question.  I do not know how to pass the model in a
parameter list, and have the object returned to

Sorry to be persistent, but this is how I perceive the problem.

On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 1:51 PM, Rob Vesse wrote:

 Your code is not complete and you haven't shown how you run your code
 (i.e. command line invocation) so we can only guess at the cause of the

 However your error is a standard Java compiler error completely unrelated
 to Jena and indicates one of two things:

 1 - You do not have the appropriate import statements at the start of your
 Java file
 2 - You're trying to run a single Java file and don't have your compiled
 code for those classes available on the class path


 On 29/01/2014 13:03, Mona Salem wrote:

 Hi again
 My project is basically: 1) to come in with an abstract/ scientific
 article, 2) call an existing Annotator from, 3) get good
 labels, and 4) return model with all the new labels to
 I have created my jena model in, and wish to call to load the preferred labels into my model, via the
 property AnnotationLabel in
 The labels are loaded in the printAnnotations method of class
 TextAnnotation.  (I need to return model back to
 I wish to use only one model.  I am running into compile time errors.
 THANKS in ADVANCE for your help.
 import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model;
 import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory;
 import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Resource;
 import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Property;
 public class Parser {
public static Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
  /* create the Resource, using the product URI  */
 Resource softwareproduct =
  //create the properties
 Property extracteddata = model.createProperty(;);
 Property annotationLabel = model.createProperty(;);
   SAXparsingExtractedText saxparser = new
 abstractinfo =
  //---  I call the  TEXT ANNOTATOR with abstractinfo
 and model (??) and url address
TextAnnotation annotateText = new
 model, urlAddress);
 import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
 import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
 import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
 import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model;
 import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Property;
 import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Resource;
 public class TextAnnotation {
 static final String REST_URL =;;
 static final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
 public void stringToAnnotate(String abstractInfo, Model model2, String
 URLaddress) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
 String textToAnnotate = URLEncoder.encode(abstractInfo, UTF-8);
 Resource SoftwareProduct = model2.createResource(URLaddress);
 Property AnnotationLabel = model2.createProperty(;);
 // Get just annotations
 JsonNode annotations = jsonToNode(get(REST_URL +
 /annotator?ontologies=NCITtext= + textToAnnotate));
 private model2 printAnnotations(JsonNode annotations) {
 for (JsonNode annotation : annotations) {
 // Get the details for the class that was found in the
 annotation and print
 JsonNode classDetails =
   //Don't print preferred Labels, load prefLabels into the
  //   System.out.println(\tprefLabel:  +
 private static JsonNode jsonToNode(String json) {
 JsonNode root = null;
 try {
 root = mapper.readTree(json);
 } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
 } catch 

Re: Can I pass a model in a parameter list?

2014-01-29 Thread Joshua TAYLOR
On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 4:45 PM, Mona Salem wrote:
 AnnotationLabel is a property of model2.

It's not though.  In your main method you have a local variable called

Property AnnotationLabel =

but that's a local variable.  It doesn't have scope in the
printAnnotations method:

private model2 printAnnotations(JsonNode annotations) {

And actually, now that I see that method declaration again, I'm confused.

private model2 printAnnotations(JsonNode annotations) {

says that printAnnotations is a private method that returns something
that has type model2.  Is model2 even the name of a class in your
code?  (I know it's the name of a variable, but that's completely
unrelated.)  It certainly doesn't follow standard Java naming
conventions.  The problems you're running into here are Java problems,
and aren't particular to Jena at all.


Joshua Taylor,

Re: Can I pass a model in a parameter list?

2014-01-29 Thread Joshua TAYLOR
On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 5:01 PM, Mona Salem wrote:
 I am using Eclipse actually.  I am working with a jena model and can print
 out my triples.
 The problem that I am running into is adding a property to my model in a
 second class;  most properties are added in the Parser class, except for
 the annotation labels.  I am calling a third party
 api(? and wish to load the labels into my model there.

 This is a jena question.  I do not know how to pass the model in a
 parameter list, and have the object returned to

I think you may have a misconception about how properties are
represented in Jena.  Code like

//create the properties
Property extracteddata =

Property annotationLabel =

doesn't actually do anything to the Model.  (In the case of an
OntModel, where it takes some triples to declare a property, there
might be some data added to a model.)  All this is doing is using a
model to return a Property that you could use later on when you're
trying to add property values to things.   Here's some example code
that shows that you can pass Models as parameters, and illustrates
that creating Properties doesn't change the model.  Adding triples to
a model changes the model.

import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Property;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Resource;

public class CreatePropertyExample {
  private final static String NS =;;

  public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create a model and show it.
final Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
System.out.println( === );
model.write( System.out );

// Create a property from the model, and
// show the property and the model again (nothing's changed).
final Property p = model.createProperty( NS+p );
System.out.println( === );
System.out.println( p );
model.write( System.out );

// Pass the model as a parameter to a method that
// will modify the model.  This time there's some
// new stuff in the model.
addTripleToModel( model );
System.out.println( === );
model.write( System.out );


  private static void addTripleToModel( final Model m ) {
// Create some resources and properties.
Resource x = m.createResource( NS+x );
Resource y = m.createResource( NS+y );
Resource z = m.createResource( NS+z );
Property p = m.createProperty( NS+p );
Property q = m.createProperty( NS+q );

// Add a triple to the model by adding a property to x.
x.addProperty( q, y );

// Add a triple to the model by adding it directly.
m.add( y, p, z );

The output is

  rdf:Description rdf:about=;
j.0:q rdf:resource=
  rdf:Description rdf:about=;
j.0:p rdf:resource=
  rdf:Description rdf:about=;
j.0:q rdf:resource=
  rdf:Description rdf:about=;
j.0:p rdf:resource=

Joshua Taylor,