Re: test data location question

2009-05-08 Thread Stephen Connolly
use getResource to get the URL of the resource and then parsethe URL
to find the file path

On 07/05/2009, Pete Siemsen wrote:
 That seems reasonable, but I still don't understand how to make it work.

 The program I'm trying to test is like a compiler.  It reads source
 files that can contain include statements.  When it parses such a
 statement, the program needs to open the include file and start
 parsing statements in the include file.

 If I use getResourceAsStream, what can I do when I encounter the
 include statement?  How can I open the include file if I can't
 specify the path that leads to the include file, relative to the
 initial input stream?

 As I wrote, the program is working just fine.  It reads a file name
 from the command line.  My question is how to test it within the maven
 framework, without specifying absolute test file names.

 -- Pete

 On May 5, 2009, at 3:55 PM, Jeff MAURY wrote:

 You should store your files under src/test/resources and load your
 files using getResourceAsStream


 On Tue, May 5, 2009 at 11:37 PM, Pete Siemsen

 This is a basic question about how to run Java unit tests that
 require file names.

 I use maven to develop a program that reads input file names from
 the command line.  It's working fine, but now I want to share the
 code with someone else.  The test programs live in ../src/test/
 java, and the test data lives in ../src/test/data.  Until now, I've
 used fully-qualified paths hard-coded into my test programs, like /

 If I tar up my development directory and give it to someone else,
 the fully-qualified paths obviously don't work.  I want to make the
 paths relative somehow.  The program reads an input file that may
 contain include statements that cause the program to open other
 files relative to the first input file.  It seems to my newbie eyes
 that using resources and getResourceAsStream won't allow me to open

 What I think I want is a runtime environment variable or something
 that tells me the path to the maven development directory.

 Any suggestion would be appreciated.

 -- Pete

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Re: Transitive and inherited dependencies - potential bug, or my misunderstanding of the mechanism

2009-05-08 Thread Mark Hobson
This is really a symptom of the nearest-wins mentality of Maven 2,
since scopes specified in the current POM take precedence over their
transitive values, and not widened as expected.  AFAIK Mercury will
replace nearest-wins version conflict resolution with a more usable
highest-wins, so I was hoping that it'd also take a similar approach
with scope conflicts and always widen them, irrespective of where they
are defined.  Perhaps Oleg could clarify?



2009/5/7 Brian Fox
 I think this will help you understand it better:
 Think of inheritance as including the contents of the parents inside your
 own pom. (obviously merging occurs). I used to be a C programmer so I refer
 to this as #include-ing the contents.

 Therefore the result of inheritance is that it updates your local pom.
 Things declared in your local pom always superceede transitive, thus the
 behavior seems to be correct.

 So to restate the problem, you are using in one module a jar LIB that you
 only need in your tests, but transitively you depend on something which
 needs LIB at runtime and thus it should be packed into your war? If so, just
 flip your dependency to a compile scope since this is also included in test
 classpaths. This is generally an unusual scenario, I don't think it's solved
 yet with Mercury.

 My suggestion is to provide a sample project as an IT and write up an issue
 for this.

 On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 5:29 AM, Stevo Slavić wrote:

 Hello Maven users,

 If a parent module (e.g. P) of a multi module project defines a test scope
 dependency to some library (e.g. library LIB), and if one of projects's
 child modules which inherit P (e.g. jar module A) defines compile scope
 dependency to the same (LIB) library, and if some other child module which
 also inherits P (e.g. war module B) defines compile scope dependency on
 module A, then (at least when using maven 2.1.0) library LIB does not get
 included in war of module B. It seems that scope (in this example test
 scope) of inherited dependency wins over scope (in this example compile
 scope) of transitive dependency.

 This looks like a bug to me (maybe just in maven-war-plugin:2.1-beta-1, or
 maven-dependency-plugin:2.1) - even though module B (through inheritance)
 defines LIB as test scope dependency but on the other hand it's dependency
 defines same LIB as compile scope dependency so LIB should be included in
 module B war. Currently a workaround is to explicitly define compile time
 dependency to LIB in module B, even though it doesn't make direct use of the
 LIB. As subject states, maybe I've misunderstood the dependency resolution

 Attached is example project which demonstrates the issue.


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Unknown source for assertion in surefire driven JUnit test with Tellurium

2009-05-08 Thread Ernst Persson

I've started looking at the Tellurium web testing framework. I'm using
their template with Maven, Surefire and JUnit to drive the tests. It's
very easy to test it, just follow this guide.

What happens is that when I have an assertion failure the JVM (?)
doesn't provide the source file and line number! See stacktrace (1)
This leads to a number of issues, i.e. you can't build reports. See
stacktrace (2)

I can't see that anything Tellurium-specific goes on here and neither
can the Tellurium maintainer.
Does anyone have a clue what might be causing this?

Using surefire 2.4.3.

/Ernst Persson

more target/surefire-reports/test.SomethingTestCase.txt
Test set: test.SomethingTestCase
Tests run: 2, Failures: 1, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 18.251
testDuplicateName(test.SomethingTestCase)  Time elapsed: 2.231 sec   FAILURE!
java.lang.AssertionError: expected not same
at org.junit.Assert.failSame(
at org.junit.Assert.assertNotSame(
at org.junit.Assert.assertNotSame(
 at test.SomethingTestCase.testDuplicateName(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.junit.internal.runners.TestMethod.invoke(
at org.junit.internal.runners.MethodRoadie$
at org.junit.internal.runners.MethodRoadie.runTest(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(

[INFO] String index out of range: -1
[INFO] Trace
java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -1
at java.lang.String.substring(

Re: Transitive and inherited dependencies - potential bug, or my misunderstanding of the mechanism

2009-05-08 Thread Jörg Schaible
Mark Hobson wrote at Freitag, 8. Mai 2009 11:05:

 This is really a symptom of the nearest-wins mentality of Maven 2,
 since scopes specified in the current POM take precedence over their
 transitive values, and not widened as expected.  AFAIK Mercury will
 replace nearest-wins version conflict resolution with a more usable
 highest-wins, so I was hoping that it'd also take a similar approach
 with scope conflicts and always widen them, irrespective of where they
 are defined.  Perhaps Oleg could clarify?

This would be the show stopper for me for ever using Mercury. If I narrow
the scope in the local POM it is done *because I want it so*, e.g.
preventing compile time deps to a specific implementation that's hidden
behind an interface.

- Jörg

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setup maven2 with icefaces

2009-05-08 Thread hrbaer

Hi folks,

I'm triing since a few days to setup an maven2-project in eclipse using
Unfortunatly I fail to get a running example.

My problem is that the examples for icefaces aren't provided for maven2.
Specially with the dependencies I have a lot of problems.

Is anybody here who already setup a running iceface-project for eclipse
using maven?
I'm very interested in the web.xml an the pom-file..

I'm running out of ideas - sorry. Maybe someone can help me?
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[ANN] Flexmojos 3.2 Released

2009-05-08 Thread Marvin Froeder
Hi people,

I released last night the latest version of flexmojos, version 3.2.0.

Release notes:

This release was mainly focused on improving the unit test support.  The
greatest new is for Linux headless machines (CI servers).  Now flexmojos
will automatically launch Xvfb to run the tests.  It is only necessary to
have xvfb-run installed.

Fork mode for unit test is now configurable.


  forkModeonce/forkMode!-- valid values once and always, default once


Fork once means all unit test classes will be compiled into a single SWF
file, and all tests will be run at once.
Fork always means one SWF per unit test classes.  This is very helpful on
automated UI tests using flexmonkey.

Changes on html-wrapper mojo too, it does now interpolate all files on the
template.  On previous versions it only interpolate the index.template.html.

Optimization is now available to SWF projects too.  Now, if for any reason
you need to optimize your SWF that can be done using optimizer mojo.

That is it.  For 3.3 we are planning some improvements on ActionScript

Stay tunned.


General questions regarding dependencies

2009-05-08 Thread Doug Hughes

I'm rather new to Maven, but I've been working through the Maven: The
Definitive Guide, 1st Edition book.  I've been fairly successful so far
making Java and Groovy projects and adding dependencies.  I've even got it
working with Eclipse, which for various reasons was rather painful.

I have some questions about how dependencies are handled within Maven.  I
understand that when you add a dependency that Maven looks at the central
repository, finds the correct files and downloads them.  I'm wondering if
this can only be done for JAR/WAR files?

For the record, I'm a ColdFusion/CFML developer.  ColdFusion applications
are made up of a collection of CFML files.  These files are compiled to Java
byte code at runtime and executed by the Java server.  ColdFusion itself is
really just a servlet that handles this process for you.

The thing is, there are a number of ColdFusion frameworks that are commonly
used.  There's a framework similar to Spring called ColdSpring, there's an
MVC framework called Model-Glue (which has a dependency on ColdSpring), and
there are a few ORM frameworks to choose frome.  A framework in CF are
really just a directory filled with various CFML files.  There isn't a
concept like a JAR file in CF.  So, if I wanted to use a framework in my
application the simplest way to do it is simply copy it into the root of my

My question then is, is it possible to somehow define a dependency which is
a collection of files?  Also, if I did somehow define that dependency, is
there a way to make sure that the dependency is coppied to a specific
directory within he webapp?  Or, should I be looking at plugins to
accomplish this, or something else entirely?

Thanks for your help,

Doug Hughes, President
Alagad Inc.
888 Alagad4 (x300)
Office: 919-550-0755
Fax: 888-248-7836

Re: Transitive and inherited dependencies - potential bug, or my misunderstanding of the mechanism

2009-05-08 Thread Stevo Slavić
Issue is elsewhere. Initial example I gave included inheritance, but
unwanted behavior happens even without it.

E.g. if project P has test scoped dependency to a LIB1, and compile scoped
dependency to LIB2, while LIB2 has compile scope dependency to LIB1,
currently project P's war will wrongly end up without LIB1 included. In P
one expects LIB1 to be available for testing, but that shouldn't affect
availability of LIB1 as compile scoped transitive dependency, it should be
the other way round, in this case scope of declared test scoped dependency
should be broadened.

As I wrote earlier, things are made worse by fact that during regular
packaging/install of such an artifact no warning message is printed about
narrower scope being chosen, so without appropriate (functional) tests or
checking of dependency:tree one ends up knowing that dependency is missing
only at runtime (it's a thril when it happens very late, at production... :)


On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 1:43 PM, Jörg Schaible wrote:

 Mark Hobson wrote at Freitag, 8. Mai 2009 11:05:

  This is really a symptom of the nearest-wins mentality of Maven 2,
  since scopes specified in the current POM take precedence over their
  transitive values, and not widened as expected.  AFAIK Mercury will
  replace nearest-wins version conflict resolution with a more usable
  highest-wins, so I was hoping that it'd also take a similar approach
  with scope conflicts and always widen them, irrespective of where they
  are defined.  Perhaps Oleg could clarify?

 This would be the show stopper for me for ever using Mercury. If I narrow
 the scope in the local POM it is done *because I want it so*, e.g.
 preventing compile time deps to a specific implementation that's hidden
 behind an interface.

 - Jörg

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Re: setup maven2 with icefaces

2009-05-08 Thread Wayne Fay
 My problem is that the examples for icefaces aren't provided for maven2.
 Specially with the dependencies I have a lot of problems.

You will probably have a lot more luck asking this question on the
Icefaces Users list (where everyone uses Icefaces, and probably some
of them also use Maven) than on the Maven Users list (where very few
people use Icefaces).


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Re: General questions regarding dependencies

2009-05-08 Thread Wayne Fay
 My question then is, is it possible to somehow define a dependency which is
 a collection of files?  Also, if I did somehow define that dependency, is
 there a way to make sure that the dependency is coppied to a specific
 directory within he webapp?  Or, should I be looking at plugins to
 accomplish this, or something else entirely?

I would package those framework files etc into jars or zips, deploy
them to your Corporate repo, and then use dependency:unpack or similar
plugins/approaches to put them in the right place during the
construction of your webapp.


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Multiple resources directory for site plugin

2009-05-08 Thread Daniel Maier

is it possible to change the resources directory for the site plugin? 
And is it possible to use multiple resources directories with this plugin?


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Re: Transitive and inherited dependencies - potential bug, or my misunderstanding of the mechanism

2009-05-08 Thread Jörg Schaible
Hi Stevo,

Stevo Slavić wrote at Freitag, 8. Mai 2009 14:15:

 Issue is elsewhere. Initial example I gave included inheritance, but
 unwanted behavior happens even without it.
 E.g. if project P has test scoped dependency to a LIB1, and compile scoped
 dependency to LIB2, while LIB2 has compile scope dependency to LIB1,
 currently project P's war will wrongly end up without LIB1 included.

This is the whole point: This is not wrong, Maven did it right! Actually we
use scope narrowing to trim down dependencies that are not needed/only
needed for test or provided by the container.

 In P 
 one expects LIB1 to be available for testing, but that shouldn't affect
 availability of LIB1 as compile scoped transitive dependency, it should be
 the other way round, in this case scope of declared test scoped dependency
 should be broadened.

Although Maven helps you with Dependency management, it is still your task
as dev to actively maintain them. This implies a check of the dependency

 As I wrote earlier, things are made worse by fact that during regular
 packaging/install of such an artifact no warning message is printed about
 narrower scope being chosen, so without appropriate (functional) tests or
 checking of dependency:tree one ends up knowing that dependency is missing
 only at runtime (it's a thril when it happens very late, at production...
 :) ).

Broadening the scope will have some really nasty other side-effects which
will again put you in the role of actively maintaining the dep tree ;-)

- Jörg

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Re: setup maven2 with icefaces

2009-05-08 Thread hrbaer

Wayne Fay wrote:
 You will probably have a lot more luck asking this question on the
 Icefaces Users list (where everyone uses Icefaces, and probably some
 of them also use Maven) than on the Maven Users list (where very few
 people use Icefaces).

Thanks for your quick reply.
But I can't find an icefaces user list in here :(

In Nabble1 you can approximate by clicking from root element to the next one
(for example: Software - Java - ...). I can't find this posibility in the
new nabble. Am I doing something wrong?

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Re: General questions regarding dependencies

2009-05-08 Thread Graham Leggett
Doug Hughes wrote:

 I have some questions about how dependencies are handled within Maven.  I
 understand that when you add a dependency that Maven looks at the central
 repository, finds the correct files and downloads them.  I'm wondering if
 this can only be done for JAR/WAR files?

No, any artifact from your build can be deployed into a maven
repository. The maven-rpm-plugin for example creates an RPM file as an
artifact, and the maven deploy step will deploy the RPM into a
repository, it doesn't have to be a jar or a war (or an ear, or whatever).

 My question then is, is it possible to somehow define a dependency which is
 a collection of files?

Yes, group the files together into some kind of archive (zip is good, or
jar seeing we are in the java universe), and then deploy that.

 Also, if I did somehow define that dependency, is
 there a way to make sure that the dependency is coppied to a specific
 directory within he webapp?


The maven-dependency-plugin can be asked to unpack directories and put
them in certain places during your build.

Alternatively, for more general purpose stuff, the maven-assembly-plugin
can be used to produce an assembly of multiple things combined into a
single tree.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Child POM inherit reporting configurtaion from parent POM?

2009-05-08 Thread REMIJAN, MICHAEL J [AG/1000]
I have javadoc reporting configuration in a PARENT POM an it looks like


Now for a CHILD POM I want to add a new link for a library which the
CHILD project uses.  So I have this in the CHILD POM


My problem is Maven isn't combining the two.  I expected
help:effective-pom to have 3 link tags but it only shows the one from
the CHILD POM.  So the CHILD POM configuration is overriding the PARENT
POM.  Is there a way to get Maven to combine the two?


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Re: setup maven2 with icefaces

2009-05-08 Thread Nayan Hajratwala
Contact me off list -- I recently completed two projects using  
IceFaces and Maven. I can share the config files with you, but would  
prefer not to post them to the list as they need to be stripped of  
proprietary info.

Nayan Hajratwala

On May 8, 2009, at 7:49 AM, hrbaer wrote:

Hi folks,

I'm triing since a few days to setup an maven2-project in eclipse  

Unfortunatly I fail to get a running example.

My problem is that the examples for icefaces aren't provided for  

Specially with the dependencies I have a lot of problems.

Is anybody here who already setup a running iceface-project for  

using maven?
I'm very interested in the web.xml an the pom-file..

I'm running out of ideas - sorry. Maybe someone can help me?
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Re: setup maven2 with icefaces

2009-05-08 Thread Nayan Hajratwala
After looking at the files, it turned out to be pretty simple to sanitize them, so here you go. Hope it helps:pom.xml.generic is the WAR project, and pom.xml.generic-parent is from the parent moduleunder WEB-INF/faces-config.xmlweb.xml?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?

faces-config xmlns=;



Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data
 ---Nayan Hajratwalahttp://agileshrugged.com On May 8, 2009, at 9:21 AM, hrbaer wrote:Wayne Fay wrote:You will probably have a lot more luck asking this question on theIcefaces Users list (where everyone uses Icefaces, and probably someof them also use Maven) than on the Maven Users list (where very fewpeople use Icefaces).WayneThanks for your quick reply.But I can't find an icefaces user list in here :(In Nabble1 you can approximate by clicking from root element to the next one(for example: Software -> Java -> ...). I can't find this posibility in the"new" nabble. Am I doing something wrong?-- View this message in context: from the maven users mailing list archive at unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@maven.apache.orgFor additional commands, e-mail:

RE: Re: Transitive and inherited dependencies - potential bug, or my misunderstanding of the mechanism

2009-05-08 Thread Todd Thiessen
Your argument Jorg I think applies to provided and runtime scope, but not to 

The root smell here lies in the definition of scope.  Test scope means needed 
to compile test code. Compile scope means needed to compile production and test 
code.  These are both related to when a dependency is needed to compile.

Provided and runtime scope are related to when a dependency is needed at 

So the way I see it, a compile transitive dependency should always override a 
test dependency but not provided or runtime.

There is some technical debt here in terms of how scoping works. You really 
need a further scope classification like:

Scope = compile
   classifier = test
   classifier = production

Scope = runtime
   classifier = provided

Something like this. You likely get the idea.   

Todd Thiessen

 -Original Message-
 From: news [] On Behalf Of Jörg Schaible
 Sent: Friday, May 08, 2009 9:11 AM
 Subject: Re: Transitive and inherited dependencies - 
 potential bug, or my misunderstanding of the mechanism
 Hi Stevo,
 Stevo Slavić wrote at Freitag, 8. Mai 2009 14:15:
  Issue is elsewhere. Initial example I gave included 
 inheritance, but 
  unwanted behavior happens even without it.
  E.g. if project P has test scoped dependency to a LIB1, and compile 
  scoped dependency to LIB2, while LIB2 has compile scope 
 dependency to 
  LIB1, currently project P's war will wrongly end up without 
 LIB1 included.
 This is the whole point: This is not wrong, Maven did it 
 right! Actually we use scope narrowing to trim down 
 dependencies that are not needed/only needed for test or 
 provided by the container.
  In P
  one expects LIB1 to be available for testing, but that shouldn't 
  affect availability of LIB1 as compile scoped transitive 
  it should be the other way round, in this case scope of 
 declared test 
  scoped dependency should be broadened.
 Although Maven helps you with Dependency management, it is 
 still your task as dev to actively maintain them. This 
 implies a check of the dependency tree.
  As I wrote earlier, things are made worse by fact that 
 during regular 
  packaging/install of such an artifact no warning message is printed 
  about narrower scope being chosen, so without appropriate 
  tests or checking of dependency:tree one ends up knowing that 
  dependency is missing only at runtime (it's a thril when it 
 happens very late, at production...
  :) ).
 Broadening the scope will have some really nasty other 
 side-effects which will again put you in the role of actively 
 maintaining the dep tree ;-)
 - Jörg
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Undocumented Feature: Usage of negation for profile activation

2009-05-08 Thread TM


I just found a---to my best knowledge---undocumented feature and though I
should share it with the community in the hope that it will made its way
into the Maven documentation.

The feature is that you can use the negation symbol ! within a profile
activation specifification not only to test the absence of a property but
also within the os tag, for instance, to express something like activate
the profile if the OS family name is _not_ xyz. The following example
illustrates this:

!-- ... --
!-- We need to exclude Mac OS X since it is in 
family 'unix' --
name!mac os x/name
!-- ... --
profile!-- Mac OSX Java JDK doesn't has separate tools.jar. --
!-- We can not only use 'family' discriminator 
since Mac also has
'family = unix' --
namemac os x/name
!-- ... --

So in this example I use name!mac os x/name to specify that the profile
idtools-jar-unix/id should be applied to all UNIX family operating
systems _except_ Mac OS X.

This example was tested with Maven 2.0.9, 2.0.10, 2.1.0 on Windows, Linux,
and Mac OS X and it works for all of them. Nice :-)

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Re: General questions regarding dependencies

2009-05-08 Thread Doug Hughes
So, I'm getting the impression that the dependencys need to be a single file
such as a jar, zip, or something else.  I can't have a folder of files as my
dependency?  This is fine, it seems that dependency  or assembly plugin can
be used to explode this as needed.

Where can I find documentation on creating my own repository and using it
with Maven?


Doug Hughes, President
Alagad Inc.
888 Alagad4 (x300)
Office: 919-550-0755
Fax: 888-248-7836

On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 9:28 AM, Graham Leggett wrote:

 Doug Hughes wrote:

  I have some questions about how dependencies are handled within Maven.  I
  understand that when you add a dependency that Maven looks at the central
  repository, finds the correct files and downloads them.  I'm wondering if
  this can only be done for JAR/WAR files?

 No, any artifact from your build can be deployed into a maven
 repository. The maven-rpm-plugin for example creates an RPM file as an
 artifact, and the maven deploy step will deploy the RPM into a
 repository, it doesn't have to be a jar or a war (or an ear, or whatever).

  My question then is, is it possible to somehow define a dependency which
  a collection of files?

 Yes, group the files together into some kind of archive (zip is good, or
 jar seeing we are in the java universe), and then deploy that.

  Also, if I did somehow define that dependency, is
  there a way to make sure that the dependency is coppied to a specific
  directory within he webapp?


 The maven-dependency-plugin can be asked to unpack directories and put
 them in certain places during your build.

 Alternatively, for more general purpose stuff, the maven-assembly-plugin
 can be used to produce an assembly of multiple things combined into a
 single tree.


Re: setup maven2 with icefaces

2009-05-08 Thread hrbaer

Thank you very much for the files.
I'm realy looking forward to try these in my application!
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Re: hi, how to specify java_opts in maven

2009-05-08 Thread Brian Fox
I said below to set MAVEN_OPTS in your environment ;-)

On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 1:46 AM, shrimpywu wrote:

 so what should i do???

 BRIAN FOX-5 wrote:
  set MAVEN_OPTS = -Xmx512m for example. It can't be done directly from the
  On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 1:39 AM, shrimpywu wrote:
  Before i run my program like this
 classpath /
  however i have to pass arguments in run time,
  so i have to do things like this
   mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=org.myproject.Main
  but i found out that, if i do in comand line, i can specify any argument
  the POM any more,
  coz it will complain and throws exception.
  but i do want to increase the java heap size, otherwise i will get Out
  memory exception
  So...can any one help me how can i do both???
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Re: Re: Transitive and inherited dependencies - potential bug, or my misunderstanding of the mechanism

2009-05-08 Thread Brian Fox
2009/5/8 Todd Thiessen

 Your argument Jorg I think applies to provided and runtime scope, but not
 to test.

 The root smell here lies in the definition of scope.  Test scope means
 needed to compile test code. Compile scope means needed to compile
 production and test code.  These are both related to when a dependency is
 needed to compile.

 Provided and runtime scope are related to when a dependency is needed at

 So the way I see it, a compile transitive dependency should always override
 a test dependency but not provided or runtime.

What do you mean by override?

 There is some technical debt here in terms of how scoping works. You really
 need a further scope classification like:

 Scope = compile
   classifier = test
   classifier = production

 Scope = runtime
   classifier = provided

 Something like this. You likely get the idea.

Lost me

Re: General questions regarding dependencies

2009-05-08 Thread Brian Fox
You can't have a pile of files as dependencies, not the way I think you're
looking at it. You want to zip them up as a single artifact and then use
those as the dependency. You can use the dependency:unpack /
unpack-dependencies goal to extract the files from the artifact prior to

For documentation, take a look at the links below.

On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 10:01 AM, Doug Hughes wrote:

 So, I'm getting the impression that the dependencys need to be a single
 such as a jar, zip, or something else.  I can't have a folder of files as
 dependency?  This is fine, it seems that dependency  or assembly plugin can
 be used to explode this as needed.

 Where can I find documentation on creating my own repository and using it
 with Maven?


 Doug Hughes, President
 Alagad Inc.
 888 Alagad4 (x300)
 Office: 919-550-0755
 Fax: 888-248-7836

 On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 9:28 AM, Graham Leggett wrote:

  Doug Hughes wrote:
   I have some questions about how dependencies are handled within Maven.
   understand that when you add a dependency that Maven looks at the
   repository, finds the correct files and downloads them.  I'm wondering
   this can only be done for JAR/WAR files?
  No, any artifact from your build can be deployed into a maven
  repository. The maven-rpm-plugin for example creates an RPM file as an
  artifact, and the maven deploy step will deploy the RPM into a
  repository, it doesn't have to be a jar or a war (or an ear, or
   My question then is, is it possible to somehow define a dependency
   a collection of files?
  Yes, group the files together into some kind of archive (zip is good, or
  jar seeing we are in the java universe), and then deploy that.
   Also, if I did somehow define that dependency, is
   there a way to make sure that the dependency is coppied to a specific
   directory within he webapp?
  The maven-dependency-plugin can be asked to unpack directories and put
  them in certain places during your build.
  Alternatively, for more general purpose stuff, the maven-assembly-plugin
  can be used to produce an assembly of multiple things combined into a
  single tree.

Re: Transitive and inherited dependencies - potential bug, or my misunderstanding of the mechanism

2009-05-08 Thread Mark Hobson
2009/5/8 Jörg Schaible
 This would be the show stopper for me for ever using Mercury. If I narrow
 the scope in the local POM it is done *because I want it so*, e.g.
 preventing compile time deps to a specific implementation that's hidden
 behind an interface.

This should be done in dependency management though, not as a direct
dependency.  At least it could when MNG-3695 is fixed.


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Re: Transitive and inherited dependencies - potential bug, or my misunderstanding of the mechanism

2009-05-08 Thread Mark Hobson
2009/5/8 Jörg Schaible
 E.g. if project P has test scoped dependency to a LIB1, and compile scoped
 dependency to LIB2, while LIB2 has compile scope dependency to LIB1,
 currently project P's war will wrongly end up without LIB1 included.

 This is the whole point: This is not wrong, Maven did it right! Actually we
 use scope narrowing to trim down dependencies that are not needed/only
 needed for test or provided by the container.

I don't follow that logic, adding a test dependency shouldn't affect
the compile classpath.  What's a use case for scope-narrowing?  I've
had scopes being narrowed before due to bugs (such as MNG-2686) and
they're pretty hard to track down in large dependency trees.


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RE: Re: Transitive and inherited dependencies - potential bug, or my misunderstanding of the mechanism

2009-05-08 Thread Todd Thiessen
Override the dependency defined in the POM, as Steve outline in his
earlier response. Let me quote his explanation for ease of reference:

E.g. if project P has test scoped dependency to a LIB1, and compile
scoped dependency to LIB2, while LIB2 has compile scope dependency to
LIB1, currently project P's war will wrongly end up without LIB1
included. In P one expects LIB1 to be available for testing, but that
shouldn't affect availability of LIB1 as compile scoped transitive
dependency, it should be the other way round, in this case scope of
declared test scoped dependency should be broadened.

I used the term override to descibe the situation when project P
should have LIB1 defined as a compile dependency, when the POM actually
defines it as test. But it should should only override for test
dependencies, not for provided or runtime.

As for your lost me comment I am not sure what you would like
explained. Scope basically has multiple meanings.  Compile/test are both
related to requiring a dependency for compilation; runtime/provided are
both related to requiring a dependency only at runtime. These multiple
meanings are not suited to a single variable.

Todd Thiessen

 -Original Message-
 From: Brian Fox [] 
 Sent: Friday, May 08, 2009 11:00 AM
 To: Maven Users List
 Subject: Re: Re: Transitive and inherited dependencies - 
 potential bug, or my misunderstanding of the mechanism
 2009/5/8 Todd Thiessen
  Your argument Jorg I think applies to provided and runtime 
 scope, but 
  not to test.
  The root smell here lies in the definition of scope.  Test scope 
  means needed to compile test code. Compile scope means needed to 
  compile production and test code.  These are both related to when a 
  dependency is needed to compile.
  Provided and runtime scope are related to when a dependency 
 is needed 
  at runtime.
  So the way I see it, a compile transitive dependency should always 
  override a test dependency but not provided or runtime.
 What do you mean by override?
  There is some technical debt here in terms of how scoping 
 works. You 
  really need a further scope classification like:
  Scope = compile
classifier = test
classifier = production
  Scope = runtime
classifier = provided
  Something like this. You likely get the idea.
 Lost me

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Re: Child POM inherit reporting configurtaion from parent POM?

2009-05-08 Thread Brian Fox
The merging inside the configuration doesn't add the things together because
it isn't known ahead of time if replacement or merging makes sense for a
given plugin.

On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 9:33 AM, REMIJAN, MICHAEL J [AG/1000] wrote:

 I have javadoc reporting configuration in a PARENT POM an it looks like




 Now for a CHILD POM I want to add a new link for a library which the
 CHILD project uses.  So I have this in the CHILD POM


 My problem is Maven isn't combining the two.  I expected
 help:effective-pom to have 3 link tags but it only shows the one from
 the CHILD POM.  So the CHILD POM configuration is overriding the PARENT
 POM.  Is there a way to get Maven to combine the two?


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duplicate entry error with maven eclipse and tomcat

2009-05-08 Thread Jeroen Dijkmeijer


I'm working on a private/solo project  and I've set up a project  
with maven on eclipse using the m2 plugin. A parent project and 2  
maven subprojects (modules?). 1 module is a spring project, the  
other a web project wicket.
In the spring project I want to use profiles to dispatch the  
database configuration per environment (dev, tst, uat, prd)
In all of the environments I need an file which i call and which is fed to a  
PropertyPlaceHolderConfigurer like:
bean id=propertyConfigurer  
  	property name=location /

apart from that I also want to unittest both projects (but starting  
with the spring project) so I also have testResources element in my  
pom, also containing the
The unittest are working fine, and I can successfully add the web  
project to a tomcat configuration in eclipse. However when I try to  
startup tomcat it fails telling me:

Error creating zip file mypoll-domain.jar: duplicate entry:

duplicate entry:

I suspect it has to do with the testResources, commenting it out in  
the pom doesnt solve the problem however explicitly renaming the in the src/test/resource directory solves the  
problem (and brings me to the next file in line (hibernate.cfg.xml)

Is there a way to solve this and prevent the test/resource's  
contents to appear on the tomcat project? Or is there something I'm  
completely overlooking and should I use other approaches?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

PS I did check on google but I could not find any useful information.
PPS versions:
eclipse ganymede.
java 1.5 (mac os x).
maven version 2.0.9 (on the command line, and I hope eclipse is  
using the same version..?)

Re: Maven scm:checkin requires developerConnectionUrl ?

2009-05-08 Thread Baptiste MATHUS

Well, connectionUrl is used for readonly access (for example, when you
provide users with public access), and access for developers
(developerConnection) is the one used for committing (write access).

IMO, your problem also comes from the fact that you should put connection
information into the project/scm block and not in some configuration
specific to the scm plugin.


2009/5/8 Nafter

 I have to profiles in my pom.xml. The first profile does a scm:update in a
 workingDirectory using the connectionUrl. This works just fine.

 Then later during the same build within Hudson, another profile is
 which is also using the maven scm plugin. Now I would like to commit
 (checkin) a modified file.
 I did configure the workingDirectory and the connectionUrl.
 But now an exception is thrown about the fact that the
 developerConnectionUrl is missing! Why?

 Why can't I just use the connectionUrl to do the checkin/commit?
 Now I did try using the developerConnectionUrl and providing a message. But
 now the actual file is not committed, but it seems it is looking at a time
 file instead of the location of my workingdirectory.
 I use tortoisesvn and the workingdirectory does already have a svn
 And doing a commit with tortoisesvn is working just fine.

 This is a part of my configuration:

  messageAutomatically generated build id/message


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Baptiste Batmat MATHUS -
Sauvez un arbre,
Mangez un castor !

Re: Undocumented Feature: Usage of negation for profile activation

2009-05-08 Thread Wendy Smoak
On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 6:59 AM, TM wrote:


 I just found a---to my best knowledge---undocumented feature and though I
 should share it with the community in the hope that it will made its way
 into the Maven documentation.

 The feature is that you can use the negation symbol ! within a profile
 activation specifification not only to test the absence of a property but
 also within the os tag, for instance, to express something like activate
 the profile if the OS family name is _not_ xyz. The following example
 illustrates this:

It could go on

Can you open a JIRA issue if there isn't one, and possibly suggest a patch?


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RE: Undocumented Feature: Usage of negation for profile activation

2009-05-08 Thread Martin Gainty

fantastic..what are the chances of opening the capability to use regular 

Martin Gainty 
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 Date: Fri, 8 May 2009 14:39:33 -0700
 Subject: Re: Undocumented Feature: Usage of negation for profile activation
 On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 6:59 AM, TM wrote:
  I just found a---to my best knowledge---undocumented feature and though I
  should share it with the community in the hope that it will made its way
  into the Maven documentation.
  The feature is that you can use the negation symbol ! within a profile
  activation specifification not only to test the absence of a property but
  also within the os tag, for instance, to express something like activate
  the profile if the OS family name is _not_ xyz. The following example
  illustrates this:
 It could go on
 Can you open a JIRA issue if there isn't one, and possibly suggest a patch?
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Dynamically Modifying the Classpath

2009-05-08 Thread Jeffrey N Hagelberg


We are trying to find a way to add some jars that are generated during the
pre-integration-test phase to the class path when the integration tests
run.  There is also a folder with configuration files that is created at
the same time that we also need to add to the class path.  The jar and
directory are both built programatically by another plugin, and maven does
not know anything about them.  Does anyone know a way to do this?

I have an idea about how to do this, but it is rather convoluted. My idea
is to create a plugin that basically calls mvn install:install-file on
each jar to put it in the local maven repository and then programatically
add the jars as a dependencies of the project by adding artifacts for them
to the list returned by project.getDependencies().  My plan is to make the
plugin invoke the install:install-file plugin by doing something similar to
what the maven invoker plugin does.  I don't think we can do this by using
install:install-file plugin directly because we don't know ahead of time
what the exact set of jars will be.  We want to add jars in a certain
directory whose name matches a certain pattern.  There's also the fact that
it would have to happen during the pre-integration-test phase, and as far
as I know the execution order is undefined for goals executing in different
execution groups within the same phase.  That is, I don't think you can't
tell whether the executions for plugin1 or plugin2 will happen first if
they are both in the same phase.  We can't have this run before the jars
are generated!  I'd love to find out I'm wrong about this, though.

As for adding the directory to the classpath, I am somewhat at a loss.  If
the folder was created earler, I think we could add it as a test resource.
However, I think that the copying happens before the pre-integration-test
phase.  Right now, the only thing I can think of is to manually copy the
contents of the folder into the test-classes directory where the compiled
classes are.  Does anyone have any other ideas?

Does anyone know to do these things or if what I suggested above will work?

We're using maven 2.1.0.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.


Jeffrey Hagelberg, Software Engineer
XMeta Development
IBM Software Group
Phone: 978-899-2055 T/L:276-2055)

Maven 2.1.0, threads in tests failing for site

2009-05-08 Thread Lee Meador
I have a test that is suddenly failing in 2.1.0 but only when I do a site

The test is a little wierd in that it is testing some code that makes the
2nd thread to enter a method pause with a thread wait until the 1st thread
to enter is finished. To do this the test makes up a couple of runnables,
starts one, waits a bit and starts the other and makes sure the 2nd thread
in takes longer to run than it otherwise would. This wasn't something I got
right the first time. (The way Java decides what thread to run and when
isn't immediately obvious to my mind at least.)

I know that this isn't the final word on testing thread stuff.

But the test works on multi and single CPU workstations under Windows XP and
on a VmWare vm under Linux (RHE 4.2) so I haven't worried about it. Its been
okay for a year or so under Maven 2.0.7 and 2.0.8.

Further, it runs on all those machines when not doing the site build. (mvn
clean install site)

My first thought has to do with reports using instrumentation and such which
causes the tests run multiple times. So I have turned off the Dashboard
Report and the Cobertura Report first.

Before I go through all the pain of taking out reports until it starts
working I was wondering if this rung any bells with any of you. Clues are
good. Answers are better. Whatever someone finds. (Oh, it runs for 32
minutes before failing so taking out reports trial and error takes forever.
There is a parent POM and a whole bunch of its children building a RAR and
an EAR.)


-- Lee Meador

Re: Maven 2.1.0, threads in tests failing for site

2009-05-08 Thread Lee Meador
Oh ... I do have the plugins locked down except for two that I just found
courtesy of the Versions plugin. Source and Deploy plugins weren't locked
down. I think I updated to the latest release on SureFire plugins too.


-- Lee

On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 10:12 PM, Lee Meador wrote:

 I have a test that is suddenly failing in 2.1.0 but only when I do a site

 The test is a little wierd in that it is testing some code that makes the
 2nd thread to enter a method pause with a thread wait until the 1st thread
 to enter is finished. To do this the test makes up a couple of runnables,
 starts one, waits a bit and starts the other and makes sure the 2nd thread
 in takes longer to run than it otherwise would. This wasn't something I got
 right the first time. (The way Java decides what thread to run and when
 isn't immediately obvious to my mind at least.)

 I know that this isn't the final word on testing thread stuff.

 But the test works on multi and single CPU workstations under Windows XP
 and on a VmWare vm under Linux (RHE 4.2) so I haven't worried about it. Its
 been okay for a year or so under Maven 2.0.7 and 2.0.8.

 Further, it runs on all those machines when not doing the site build. (mvn
 clean install site)

 My first thought has to do with reports using instrumentation and such
 which causes the tests run multiple times. So I have turned off the
 Dashboard Report and the Cobertura Report first.

 Before I go through all the pain of taking out reports until it starts
 working I was wondering if this rung any bells with any of you. Clues are
 good. Answers are better. Whatever someone finds. (Oh, it runs for 32
 minutes before failing so taking out reports trial and error takes forever.
 There is a parent POM and a whole bunch of its children building a RAR and
 an EAR.)


 -- Lee Meador

-- Lee Meador
Sent from gmail. My real email address is lee AT