Re: Dependency scope - provided or optional.. ?

2008-05-11 Thread Paul Smith

Which of your dependencies do you need help with? I did the POM for  
Commons Logging 1.1.1, so I have a pretty good idea of what's needed.

I had marked all the other dependencies for log4j as optional, because  
prior to Maven, that is technically what people had been doing  
naturally anyway ("Oh, SMTPAppender needs javax.mail, I'll get that  
included").  There was some debate about provided/optional, so I  
wanted to have my facts straight should the discussion come up again.   
Provided did not sit right with me, but I couldn't find the docs on  
optional.  I wonder if the Maven dependency scope documentation should  
be amended to add a reference to that flag, given relevance in making  
the decision on scope (especially for new people)>

I'd love to see a working POM for log4j, see my patches to the issue  
mentioned above.

Me too, it's a long time in coming.  I'm planning on committing your  
patch shortly, the very least for the whitespace tidy up! :)


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Re: Dependency scope - provided or optional.. ?

2008-05-09 Thread Paul Smith

On 10/05/2008, at 9:38 AM, Brianefox wrote:

Provided means to include in the compile do but not in the package  
Optional means that it wont be pulled in transitively by users of  
your jar

From this, I gather Optional is actually what we want.  Would it be  
fair to say that Optional is a sort of extension to provided.  Whereas  
Provided indicates that it is actually needed downstream, but the  
downstream projects need to arrange their own bundling of it.  A  
dependency marked as Provided still indicates to the downstream  
project that they need it to run it.

Would you agree that Optional is what we want for log4j?



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Dependency scope - provided or optional.. ?

2008-05-09 Thread Paul Smith
Could some explain the difference between the dependency scope  
"provided" versus "optional" if there actually is any..

We have converted log4j over to Maven recently and accidently forgot  
to mark a few dependencies with flags indicating that, while needing  
for compile time, should not necessarily be enforced on the end user.

I refer people to this issue:

I originally used 'optional' because I saw this being used in the  
ActiveMQ project, but now I can't find any real definitive reference  
to what that means.

I've read:

and that makes no mention of the 'optional' scope type.  Is it a  
legacy marker?

If someone could provide advice here I would appreciate it.



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Re: Feedback on maven repository managers

2007-08-14 Thread Paul Smith

On 14/08/2007, at 5:05 PM, Brett Porter wrote: 

I have some more detailed notes I've been meaning to post, will get
around to it some time this month.

Archiva has just had another (beta) release too, and is now feature
complete for an upcoming 1.0 and the known issues are pretty well
covered in JIRA.

- Brett

I'd have to give Archiva a +1 too, despite having a couple of niggly  
UI issues, and being bitten by this one (we are starting to use the  
'mvn release' plugin ):

it's damn handy, particularly if you're not near the Central Maven  
Repo anyway (being in Australia, we literally are on the other side  
of the world).  If you have a nicely cached Archiva, that first  
install of Maven on a new box is beautifully fast with the mirrors  
set to Archiva.


Paul Smith
Core Engineering Manager

The easy way to save time and money on your project

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VIC 3000, Australia
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this message upon the recipient's computer system.

Re: Very odd central maven repo problem

2007-07-31 Thread Paul Smith

It looks like your running a *nix, but can you tell us specifically
what OS, JDK version, Maven version, etc? We've had Windows users run
into similar problems who were having troubles due to overzealous
antivirus software, etc.

maven 2.0.6 running on both OSX and RedHat EL3 (happens across  
everything at the moment).

If I manually install that 2.0.6 pom from the one copy I have locally  
(I must have retrieved it successfully through maven at one point) it  
works fine, obviously because it doesn't have to download it.

Can someone please try moving aside their 2.0.6 maven plugin pom  
directory and seeing if they get the same thing?


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Re: Very odd central maven repo problem

2007-07-31 Thread Paul Smith

On 01/08/2007, at 4:01 PM, Milos Kleint wrote:

AFAIK that's intentional. To avoid people downloading the whole  
repo through wget. rsynch is the preferred method I think.

Then why is curl not rejected?  Why is Archiva failing?  Why is my  
local mvn retrieval also failing?

I'm happy to rsync, but I don't understand why I have to do this,  
given it should be one of the initial things that a fresh maven  
install would need to pull down?



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Very odd central maven repo problem

2007-07-31 Thread Paul Smith
This has happened before, and then appeared to magically resolve  
itself, but it's quite sticky at the moment.

It seems to stem from this weirdness. Given a URL on the central Repo: 

1) I can browse using Firefox - OK
2) I can use command line 'curl' to view (curl 
3) I CANNOT use 'wget' to retrieve it (wget 

wget reports 403 Forbidden:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] tmp]$ wget 

   => `maven-2.0.4.pom'
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 403 Forbidden
15:37:18 ERROR 403: Forbidden.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] tmp]$ wget 

   => `maven-2.0.6.pom'
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 403 Forbidden
15:38:22 ERROR 403: Forbidden.


I think this is why our Archiva repo says this:

337271615 [SocketListener0-0] ERROR  
org.apache.maven.archiva.policies.PreDownloadPolicy:cache-failures -  
Unknown checksum policyCode [cache]
337271615 [SocketListener0-0] INFO  
org.apache.maven.archiva.proxy.RepositoryProxyConnectors:default -  
Failed pre-download policies - /volume2/maven2/org/apache/maven/maven/ 
337273843 [SocketListener0-0] WARN  
org.apache.maven.archiva.policies.PostDownloadPolicy:checksum - SHA1  
is incorrect for /volume2/maven2/org/apache/maven/maven/2.0.6/ 
337273843 [SocketListener0-0] WARN  
org.apache.maven.archiva.policies.PostDownloadPolicy:checksum - MD5  
is incorrect for /volume2/maven2/org/apache/maven/maven/2.0.6/ 
337273843 [SocketListener0-0] INFO  
org.apache.maven.archiva.proxy.RepositoryProxyConnectors:default -  
Failed post-download policies - /volume2/maven2/org/apache/maven/ 

And why when I temporarily remove the mirror settings to archiva and  
manually move an originally downloaded 2.0.6 set of pom details, I  
still get this:

[WARNING] *** CHECKSUM FAILED - Checksum failed on download: local =  
'1991be0ed3e1820e135201406d5acabf8c08d426'; remote =  
'218016709d90d14b64bfb1de3a86a2247e8873db' - RETRYING

8K downloaded
[WARNING] *** CHECKSUM FAILED - Checksum failed on download: local =  
'1991be0ed3e1820e135201406d5acabf8c08d426'; remote =  
'218016709d90d14b64bfb1de3a86a2247e8873db' - IGNORING

Is there something wacky with the repository?  It seems to eventually  
go away.

Paul Smith
Core Engineering Manager

The easy way to save time and money on your project

696 Bourke Street, Melbourne,
VIC 3000, Australia
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this mail and all copies. If you are not the intended recipient of  
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this message upon the recipient's computer system.

Re: Stumped with dependency problem

2007-07-24 Thread Paul Smith

On 24/07/2007, at 5:16 PM, Paul Smith wrote:

I've been (slowly) porting our application to Maven 2.0.x.  Run up  
against a very weird dependency problem with a project that refuses  
to build anymore.  See the full mvn -X output, but the snippet that  
appears to me to be the problem is this:

[INFO] [resources:resources]
[INFO] Using default encoding to copy filtered resources.
Downloading: http://forge.engr.acx:8080/archiva/repository/ 
Downloading: http://forge.engr.acx:8080/archiva/repository/internal/ 


[INFO] Failed to resolve artifact.

No versions are present in the repository for the artifact with a  
range [1.4,)


Ok, after playing around and having some guesses as to what the -X  
output is actually telling me, I tried upgrading the Jasperreports  
artifact from 1.2.0->1.3.4 (latest), and now it no longer complains.   
I've now hit a similar problem in a different area, so I think it's a  
matter of finding the right version of things.

I think the error message could do with some extra detail in this  
case, because one can only see which dependency is being manipulated  
through though the -X.  I think the error message should include the  
parent dependency that (might) be the root of the problem.



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Re: Stumped with dependency problem

2007-07-24 Thread Paul Smith
I'm not sure whether it's the xmlbeans bit that it's worried about  
but then complaining about commons-beanutils, I've specifically  
excluded xmlbeans-jsr173 in my pom from the dependency I _think_  
it's coming from:

I managed to 'find' a version of xmlbeans-jsr173 and deployed that to  
Archiva with the standard mvn deploy:deploy-file syntax to get rid of  
that, but it still complains with the commons-beanutils bit.

Totally stumped.  I've even had enough caffeine today.



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Re: I must be doing something dumb, surely

2007-07-17 Thread Paul Smith

Can you point out where you read that?

Michael is correct.  Right now, it should be dav:http:// for  

Ok, now I'm starting to think I ate some bad cheese and was  
hallucinating. the dav:http://... works.I had tried "dav://..."  
and "http://"; but not "dav:http://";.  I was probably just tired when  
reading things.

Thanks for your help peoples.



I must be doing something dumb, surely

2007-07-17 Thread Paul Smith
I tried the archiva alpha-2 distribution and trunk, but I'm having  
trouble do a simple 'mvn deploy' to an Archiva snapshot repo that has  
been freshly setup with just the admin user.

I get this output:

[INFO] [deploy:deploy]
altDeploymentRepository = null
[INFO] Retrieving previous build number from aconex.snapshots
Uploading: http://forge.engr.acx:9091/archiva/repository/snapshots/ 

4K uploaded


[INFO] Error deploying artifact: Failed to transfer file: http:// 
SessionPersistence-1.0.1-20070717.080731-1.jar. Return code is: 405

What I don't get is any logging output is the Archiva console under a  
'mvn clean jetty:run'.

I have verified with a Windows Webdav client that I can write to the  
repository using the same username/password combo as defined via  
settings.xml, and I'm pretty sure that my distributionManagement  
matches the ones that are intimated (save for the 'dav://' reference,  
I've searched and found it still should be http://) in the Maven  
configuration guide.

Any ideas?  405 is Method not Allowed.

[my pom.xml snippet]

  Aconex Internal Repository

  Aconex Internal Snapshot Repository


[just to verify that I'm using the correct wagon-webdav bit]


[my settings.xml snippet]

  Aconex Repository Proxy


  Archiva Managed Internal Repository


  Archiva Managed Snapshot Repository







Re: Profile activation hierarchy question

2007-06-05 Thread Paul Smith
and to be clear (sorry), the build still completes ok, but the  
resulting filtering is using the one derived from settings.xml, and  
not the explicit profile asked for on the command line..

On 06/06/2007, at 9:56 AM, Paul Smith wrote:

mvn 2.0.4

I'm sure this is plainly my misunderstanding or something I'm doing  
wrong, but I have the following setup (see below).  I'm trying to  
configure it such that by default, the local settings.xml gets used  
by default, unless you specify the -P setting to use one specified  
in the pom.xml.

I'd like it such that:

mvn package

builds the native one based on the activeProfile defined in  
settings.xml, BUT if I do this:

mvn-Pfrontend_au_prod package

It ignores the active profile in settings.xml, and uses the one  
specified on the command line:

Using mvn help:active-profiles shows that it looks like it might work:

mvn help:active-profiles

The following profiles are active:

- frontend-au (source: settings.xml)

mvn -Pfrontend_au_prod help:active-profiles

The following profiles are active:

- frontend_au_prod (source: pom)
- frontend-au (source: settings.xml)

I thought the pom.xml one was supposed to take precedence.. ?

I'm extremely new to Maven, so this just may be a  
misunderstanding.  Any help appreciated.








in my pom.xml:









Paul Smith
Core Engineering Manager

The easy way to save time and money on your project

696 Bourke Street, Melbourne,
VIC 3000, Australia
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Paul Smith
Core Engineering Manager

The easy way to save time and money on your project

696 Bourke Street, Melbourne,
VIC 3000, Australia
Tel: +61 3 9240 0200  Fax: +61 3 9240 0299

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Profile activation hierarchy question

2007-06-05 Thread Paul Smith

mvn 2.0.4

I'm sure this is plainly my misunderstanding or something I'm doing  
wrong, but I have the following setup (see below).  I'm trying to  
configure it such that by default, the local settings.xml gets used  
by default, unless you specify the -P setting to use one specified in  
the pom.xml.

I'd like it such that:

mvn package

builds the native one based on the activeProfile defined in  
settings.xml, BUT if I do this:

mvn-Pfrontend_au_prod package

It ignores the active profile in settings.xml, and uses the one  
specified on the command line:

Using mvn help:active-profiles shows that it looks like it might work:

mvn help:active-profiles

The following profiles are active:

- frontend-au (source: settings.xml)

mvn -Pfrontend_au_prod help:active-profiles

The following profiles are active:

- frontend_au_prod (source: pom)
- frontend-au (source: settings.xml)

I thought the pom.xml one was supposed to take precedence.. ?

I'm extremely new to Maven, so this just may be a misunderstanding.   
Any help appreciated.








in my pom.xml:









Paul Smith
Core Engineering Manager

The easy way to save time and money on your project

696 Bourke Street, Melbourne,
VIC 3000, Australia
Tel: +61 3 9240 0200  Fax: +61 3 9240 0299

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