RE: How to integrate a resource file into the final JAR

2024-06-24 Thread Joseph Huber

See the link below.  I think you may need to explicitly add your Resources 
folder to the Project sources, since it is outside the src folder, and this is 
done with the project properties as shown in the link.

I wouldn't worry too much about using Ant.  I still use it.  Many still use it. 
 Use what works for you.

Thank You!

Joe Huber
Standard Refrigeration LLC

From: Ulf Zibis 
Sent: Sunday, June 23, 2024 1:06 PM
Subject: Re: How to integrate a resource file into the final JAR

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Hi Stephen,

thanks for your inspiration.

I'm using an ANT project. I never managed how to go with Maven. So my file 
structure is:


+ src

  + Java ...

+ test

  + Java ...

+ resources

  + Palm8BitColors.pal

+ TestData

  + ...

So you mean, that I should move the resource file into the src path. I was 
thinking, that there is a way to configure the NetBeans build properties, so 
that the file will be included into the JAR. But I have forgotten how to do.

Using getResourceAsInputStream() is a good idea. Actually I need the file 
content in a byte array or ByteBuffer.

Am 23.06.24 um 19:20 schrieb Stephen G. Parry:
Are you using a Java with Maven project? Assuming so, the process for what you 
are asking is a two step one:
1) Ensure the files you wish to access are located under the src/main/resources 
folder as shown here:
Doing this should ensure that the file is picked and included in the compiled 
jar file.
2) You will need to add to your code. What exactly you add will depend on 
whether you are opening the file from a static member or a proper member 
function and whether you really need an FileInputStream or just an InputStream. 
I have pasted some code to illustrate:







import java.util.Scanner;



 * @author parrysg


public class ResourceTest {

public static void main(String[] args) throws URISyntaxException, 
FileNotFoundException {

URL url = ResourceTest.class.getResource("/simpleResource.txt");

FileInputStream fs = new FileInputStream(new File(url.toURI()));

Scanner input = new Scanner(fs);


InputStream is = 

Scanner input2 = new Scanner(fs);



In the above code, I have used main (i.e. a static member), but if you are 
opening within a non-static member, it is better to use getClass():

InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsInputStream();

Note that, if you do just use InputStream, the Exception imports and throws are 
not needed; it's overall much simpler.


Stephen Parry

On 23 June 2024 15:50:14 BST, Ulf Zibis 


I have a resource file im my project under the folder "resources".

>From my code, the file is accessed by:

FileInputStream rs = new FileInputStream(new 

This works fine, when I run the application under NetBeans IDE.

But the resource file is not included in the JAR file under "dist", so it won't 
run independently of NetBeans.

How is the correct way to integrate and access the file into the JAR?



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Issues/capabilities of the NetBeans GUI builder

2024-02-22 Thread Joseph Huber

I am modifying a small application that was designed with the NetBeans GUI 
builder.  One of the JPanels displays three JTables side-by-side.  The JTables 
have three columns and are inside of individual JScrollPanes.  My task is to 
add more tables to display additional data.   The JTable columns were very 
wide, in order to fully display the widest expected data.  Unfortunately, this 
often leaves much dead space in the tables that could be reclaimed to display 
more tables.

I have modified the JTables to nicely adjust their column widths to match the 
actual data, but I cannot get the JScrollPanes to shrink down to the  width of 
the optimized JTables.  Thus, there is often a bunch of wasted empty white 
space in the JScrollPanes.  After the data is added to the table, 
table.getPreferredScrollableViewportSize() correctly reports the size of the 
viewport to display the optimized table, but I cannot figure out how to change 
the JScrollPane width from the size that it is set to in the GUI Designer to 
match the viewport size requested by the JTable; scrollpane.setSize() and 
scrollpane.setPreferredSize() don't seem to have any effect.  It seems that the 
upstream Swing objects aren't querying the JTables for display information 
after the data is added.

Internet search indicates that (in addition to a general disdain for GUI 
builders) this may be due to the GroupLayout layout manager used by the 
NetBeans GUI builder or some other limitations of how layout is done in the GUI 
Builder.  Any thoughts on how to get the JScrollPane to resize?

My second challenge would be making this JPanel horizontally scrollable.  Even 
using JTables with optimized column widths, with the number of tables I have to 
add, the JPanel would end up wider than a feasible desktop window size.  I 
tried adding the JTables/JScrollPanels into one larger JScrollPanel with the 
GUI Builder, but the GUI Builder does not seem to be able  to do that.

Is it feasible to do what I need to do with the NetBeans GUI builder, or do I 
need to scrap the existing GUI Builder JPanel and switch to a manually 
coded/designed JPanel?

Thank You!

Joe Huber
Standard Refrigeration LLC

changing wsimport used by the IDE

2024-01-31 Thread Joseph Huber

I need to bring online a mothballed NB 8/Java 8 java application Ant-based 
project that accesses a 3rd party webservice.  I am presently on NB 15 IDE and 
Java 17 (those can't change right now).

An option is to just run against Java 8, which works fine, but our other tools 
use Java 17, so I don't really want to have to deal with another Java runtime.

Another option, as the project is Ant, is to add all the necessary Jakarta jars 
to the project for Jakarta support.  That does work too, but with one issue.  
Whenever I clean and build, the import statements in the Generated Sources 
automatically created by the wsimport task all reference the javax.jws 
namespace, instead of the jakarta.jws namespace.  I can change those import 
statements manually and then build, but my corrections are wiped out by any 
subsequent clean action, which automatically recreates the Generated Sources.

In looking at the verbose output, it appears that NB IDE is using the wsimport 
bundled with the IDE, and it seems as though I need to tell the IDE to use the 
wsimport in the Jakarta package jars, or change some other setting in the IDE 
get the correct import statements in the Generated Sources, but I don't know 
how to do that.

Any suggestions?

Thank You!

Joe Huber
Standard Refrigeration LLC

Viewing html files in a jar file

2024-01-16 Thread Joseph Huber

In the NetBeans IDE, if I go to the "Files" tab and examine a jar file that has 
some Javadoc, and right-click an html file in the jar file, there will be a 
"View" action in the context menu that pops up.  This opens the html file in 
the external (system default) browser.

It seems that this "View" action might be starting a webserver and serving the 
html pages through that webserver, because the URL in the external browser tab 
is of the form:

I want to do this in my platform application.  I've browsed around in the 
NetBeans source code, but I haven't been able to find this View action.  I've 
found something called URLUtil that is part of org.netbeans.modules.extbrowser, 
and it has a createExternalURL method.  It seems that the View action might be 
using this.  I experimented with this class, but couldn't get it produce a URL 
similar to the one above.

Does anyone know where the code for that this right-click View action might be, 
so I could take a look at it?

Thank You!

Joe Huber
Standard Refrigeration LLC

enabling javascript in the internal Netbeans browser

2024-01-12 Thread Joseph Huber

In my NetBeans platform application, I would like to display some Javadoc for a 
helper class in a separate tab using the internal NetBeans browser.  The 
Javadoc is bundled up with the application.
Opening a URL in the internal browser is described at

My code looks like:
URL url1 = di1.getClass().getResource("/index.html");

This opens up in a tab within my application with the note "JavaScript is 
disabled on your browser".  Unfortunately the Javadoc, while it does basically 
work, is not rendered properly, and as such does not look nice and doesn't seem 
to function well without javascript.

The link in the internal browser's address bar (running in debug mode) is

I could use
to open the default system browser, but the external system browser can't deal 
with the abovet URL.  Also, if possible, I would prefer to use the internal 
browser in tab within my app.

Is there a way to enable javascript in the internal NetBeans browser?

>From within the NetBeans IDE, if I examine the jar file that contains the 
>javadoc, right-click on index.html and select "View", the Javadoc is opened in 
>the external browser with link below;  it looks great and works fine.  So if 
>the internal browser can't do javascript, is there a way to emulate what the 
>NetBeans IDE's "View" command is doing to modify the URL so it can be used in 
>the external browser?

Thank You!

Joe Huber
Standard Refrigeration LLC

RE: How to make the IDE open Excel files with Excel?

2024-01-10 Thread Joseph Huber
Well...I use NetBeans 15 because it works.  I have a customized platform and I 
don't have the time resources to rebuild it every time a new NB release comes 
out.  When I use NB 20 with my customized platform (based on NB 15), my modules 
are littered with "cannot find symbol" errors for classes that are present; and 
I can't find a way to resolve these errors.  I can debug and run the 
application from within NB 20, and things seem to work.  But the app is mission 
critical to our company, so I can't risk deploying it and then have something 
fail because the unresolved IDE errors are actually indicative of some issue I 
don't understand.

As an example, see the screenshot below.  The necessary module is there and 
added to the project, but NB 20 still thinks there is a problem.  I cleaned 
caches and reloaded modules.


Thank You!

Joe Huber

Standard Refrigeration LLC

-Original Message-
From: Neil C Smith 
Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2024 12:03 PM
To: Joseph Huber 
Subject: Re: How to make the IDE open Excel files with Excel?

[You don't often get email from<>. Learn why this is 
important at ]

On Wed, 10 Jan 2024 at 16:28, Joseph Huber>> wrote:

> How can I make the NetBeans IDE (I'm using NB 15) open an Excel document with 
> Excel?


> Apparently NetBeans sees Excel spreadsheets as zip files (which they are).  
> Unfortunately, that seems to eliminate the "Open From System" item from the 
> right click menu.

Why are you still using NetBeans 15?  NetBeans 20 is the supported release.  
And as 18 & 19 enhanced the "Open in System" action to be available for all 
files you might find it useful to upgrade!<><>

Best wishes,


Format used in Replace Code Format editor

2023-09-08 Thread Joseph Huber

Does anybody know where to change the default Replace Code Format, which is 
used for setting Swing control properties?

It used to be: 

But now appears to be: 
org.openide.util.NbBundle.getMessage({sourceFileName}.class, "{key}")

The new default is a pain if you want to change the resource bundle to a 
different class, because the default autogenerated code doesn't pick up the new 
resource bundle, but rather is coded to the name of the source file that 
contains the Swing control. New control text-type properties are all created 
with the latter code format.  Please see the screenshot below for additional 

I used NetBeans 8.2 up until about a year ago, and then jumped to NetBeans 15, 
which I am now using.


Thank You!

Joe Huber
Standard Refrigeration LLC

RE: Creating a new platform application: Maven or Ant?

2023-02-26 Thread Joseph Huber
I just finished doing what you are starting (moving a substantial NetBeans 
8/Java 8 platform application to NetBeans 15/Java 17).  In my case, I didn't 
have to "start over" like you are doing.  The move was not trivial, and issues 
came up that required research to solve, but fortunately there were no issues 
that derailed the process.  All is working good now.  

I considered moving from Ant to Maven, but really found no good reason to do 
so.  I have customized build macros in Ant (creating installers, copy 
installers to download sites, auto-generating Windows DLLs with ikvm from my 
java support classes, etc.), and I am proficient enough in Ant to handle the 
build changes that come up from time to time.  I use only a couple of third 
party libraries in my application.  The Ant build scripts were working fine in 
NetBeans 15.

If you are good at Ant, don't have a lot of third party dependencies to manage, 
and are the primary person working on the project, stick with Ant.  A downside 
might be that if you have to turn this application over to someone else at some 
point, that person might not know Ant.

Thank You!

Joe Huber
Standard Refrigeration LLC

-Original Message-
From: Thomas Kellerer  
Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2023 6:15 AM
To: NetBeans Mailing List 
Subject: Creating a new platform application: Maven or Ant?


I am trying to "migrate" an old NetBeans platform application that I created 
with NetBeans 8.0 about 10 years ago

I decided to create a new NetBeans platform application from scratch as there 
is a lot of stuff I would do differently today.

However, I am not sure if I should go for Maven or Ant as the basis for my new 

What is the recommendation from the NetBeans team for a new platform project?

I am using Java 17 if that matters.


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RE: Setting default toolbar appearance in Platform App

2022-12-23 Thread Joseph Huber
I seem to have figured out how to fix this.   In the Project tree, I 
right-clicked on  in my branding module and searched for 
"clipboard".  One file was found called Standard.xml. Interestingly, I couldn't 
find a physical file named Standard.xml anywhere in the project folders using 
Windows search.   I right-clicked on the file and selected Edit.  That opened 
an editor tab that had the following:>



I modified that file to be:



And now, after Clean and Build, the Performance tool bar is unchecked, and the 
Clipboard toolbar is checked!  I also noticed that this process created a 
physical file called Standard.xml in the source tree under my branding module 
in the folder where layer.xml and are located.  I verified 
from my daily computer backup that this file did not exist previously.  So, 
apparently Standard.xml is some kind of default or autogenerated pseudo-file, 
and once the build system determines that it has been modified, a real physical 
file is created.  At least that seems to be what is going on.

Thank You!

Joe Huber
Standard Refrigeration LLC
2005 Reverchon Dr
Arlington, TX  76017
Desk: 608-855-5808
Mobile: 682-777-8374

From: Eirik Bakke 
Sent: Friday, December 23, 2022 5:49 AM
To: Joseph Huber ;
Subject: RE: Setting default toolbar appearance in Platform App

>From the branding module's layer.xml file, you should be able to do something 
>like this:



-- Eirik

From: Joseph Huber>>
Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2022 5:46 PM
Subject: Setting default toolbar appearance in Platform App


In the branding module for my Netbeans Platform application, under |Toolbars, I have:  File, Clipboard, Undo/Redo, Performance, and 
Standard.  After a Clean and Build of my app, Clipboard will be turned off in 
the application, and all the others will be on, as shown below.

How can I turn Clipboard on and Performance off as "default", so that after 
Clean and Build, Clipboard will be on, and Performance well be off?  One can 
make this adjustment after the app runs, and the app will remember the Toolbar 
settings upon subsequent restarts, but I would like to set the default 
appearance.  Probably something simple, but I can't seem to find it.


Thank You!

Joe Huber
Standard Refrigeration LLC

RE: Setting default toolbar appearance in Platform App

2022-12-23 Thread Joseph Huber
Thanks for the reply!

I tried your suggested solution with the Memory toolbar. I added the following 
to my branding module's layer.xml:

That seemed to remove the toolbar entirely, not just uncheck it.  I would like 
to keep the toolbar, just have in unchecked as default.


Thank You!

Joe Huber
Standard Refrigeration LLC
2005 Reverchon Dr
Arlington, TX  76017
Desk: 608-855-5808
Mobile: 682-777-8374

From: Eirik Bakke 
Sent: Friday, December 23, 2022 5:49 AM
To: Joseph Huber ;
Subject: RE: Setting default toolbar appearance in Platform App

>From the branding module's layer.xml file, you should be able to do something 
>like this:



-- Eirik

From: Joseph Huber>>
Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2022 5:46 PM
Subject: Setting default toolbar appearance in Platform App


In the branding module for my Netbeans Platform application, under |Toolbars, I have:  File, Clipboard, Undo/Redo, Performance, and 
Standard.  After a Clean and Build of my app, Clipboard will be turned off in 
the application, and all the others will be on, as shown below.

How can I turn Clipboard on and Performance off as "default", so that after 
Clean and Build, Clipboard will be on, and Performance well be off?  One can 
make this adjustment after the app runs, and the app will remember the Toolbar 
settings upon subsequent restarts, but I would like to set the default 
appearance.  Probably something simple, but I can't seem to find it.


Thank You!

Joe Huber
Standard Refrigeration LLC

Setting default toolbar appearance in Platform App

2022-12-22 Thread Joseph Huber

In the branding module for my Netbeans Platform application, under |Toolbars, I have:  File, Clipboard, Undo/Redo, Performance, and 
Standard.  After a Clean and Build of my app, Clipboard will be turned off in 
the application, and all the others will be on, as shown below.

How can I turn Clipboard on and Performance off as "default", so that after 
Clean and Build, Clipboard will be on, and Performance well be off?  One can 
make this adjustment after the app runs, and the app will remember the Toolbar 
settings upon subsequent restarts, but I would like to set the default 
appearance.  Probably something simple, but I can't seem to find it.


Thank You!

Joe Huber
Standard Refrigeration LLC

RE: The Print Screen key and NetBeans

2022-11-02 Thread Joseph Huber
Are you using Print Screen to activate an app like SnagIt or GreenShot,  or are 
you using the normal Windows Print Screen behavior.

Thank You!

Joe Huber
Standard Refrigeration LLC
2005 Reverchon Dr
Arlington, TX  76017
Desk: 608-855-5808
Mobile: 682-777-8374

From: Judi Rastall 
Sent: Wednesday, November 2, 2022 3:52 PM
Subject: Re: The Print Screen key and NetBeans

I am running Windows 10 and printscreen works as expected for me. That's within 
Netbeans and when running the compiled app.

Judi Rastall

On 02/11/2022 19:52, Joseph Huber wrote:
Interesting…I don’t have Windows 11; am using Windows 10.

Thank You!

Joe Huber
Standard Refrigeration LLC
2005 Reverchon Dr
Arlington, TX  76017
Desk: 608-855-5808
Mobile: 682-777-8374

From: Eirik Bakke <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 2, 2022 2:48 PM
To: Joseph Huber 
Subject: RE: The Print Screen key and NetBeans

I tried this on Windows 11 and NetBeans 15 (on Java 17.0.3); I don't see this 
problem either when doing Print Screen or Alt+Print Screen (single window 
mode). I don't observe the problem on my NetBeans Platform app either.

-- Eirik

From: Joseph Huber>>
Sent: Wednesday, November 2, 2022 3:01 PM
Subject: The Print Screen key and NetBeans

In Windows, screen capture apps, like SnagIt and Greenshot, that capture the 
Print Screen key to trigger a screen shot don’t work when NetBeans or NetBeans 
platform apps have the focus.  In order to take a screenshot, one has to move 
the mouse to another application, hit the Print Screen key, and then move the 
mouse over the NetBeans or the NetBeans platform app window to capture the 
screen shot.  It’s been this way since I started using NetBeans.

I haven’t run into this behavior with other apps.  Is this a Java issue or a 
NetBeans issue?  It’s a convenience thing that I get comments about from users 
of our NetBeans platform app, so I was wondering if there is something I can do 
in the application to make screen capture work better.

Thank You!
Joe Huber

RE: The Print Screen key and NetBeans

2022-11-02 Thread Joseph Huber
Interesting...I don't have Windows 11; am using Windows 10.

Thank You!

Joe Huber
Standard Refrigeration LLC
2005 Reverchon Dr
Arlington, TX  76017
Desk: 608-855-5808
Mobile: 682-777-8374

From: Eirik Bakke 
Sent: Wednesday, November 2, 2022 2:48 PM
To: Joseph Huber ;
Subject: RE: The Print Screen key and NetBeans

I tried this on Windows 11 and NetBeans 15 (on Java 17.0.3); I don't see this 
problem either when doing Print Screen or Alt+Print Screen (single window 
mode). I don't observe the problem on my NetBeans Platform app either.

-- Eirik

From: Joseph Huber>>
Sent: Wednesday, November 2, 2022 3:01 PM
Subject: The Print Screen key and NetBeans

In Windows, screen capture apps, like SnagIt and Greenshot, that capture the 
Print Screen key to trigger a screen shot don't work when NetBeans or NetBeans 
platform apps have the focus.  In order to take a screenshot, one has to move 
the mouse to another application, hit the Print Screen key, and then move the 
mouse over the NetBeans or the NetBeans platform app window to capture the 
screen shot.  It's been this way since I started using NetBeans.

I haven't run into this behavior with other apps.  Is this a Java issue or a 
NetBeans issue?  It's a convenience thing that I get comments about from users 
of our NetBeans platform app, so I was wondering if there is something I can do 
in the application to make screen capture work better.

Thank You!
Joe Huber

The Print Screen key and NetBeans

2022-11-02 Thread Joseph Huber
In Windows, screen capture apps, like SnagIt and Greenshot, that capture the 
Print Screen key to trigger a screen shot don't work when NetBeans or NetBeans 
platform apps have the focus.  In order to take a screenshot, one has to move 
the mouse to another application, hit the Print Screen key, and then move the 
mouse over the NetBeans or the NetBeans platform app window to capture the 
screen shot.  It's been this way since I started using NetBeans.

I haven't run into this behavior with other apps.  Is this a Java issue or a 
NetBeans issue?  It's a convenience thing that I get comments about from users 
of our NetBeans platform app, so I was wondering if there is something I can do 
in the application to make screen capture work better.

Thank You!
Joe Huber

" does not export yyy.zzz to unamed module" for NetBeans classes

2022-09-16 Thread Joseph Huber

I am in the process of converting my RCP app from NetBeans 8.2/Java 8 to 
NetBeans 15/Java 17.  As I am debugging in NB15/J17, I am noticing a number of 
warnings such as below, this particular one being from a NetBeans module.  In 
searching through the user list message archive, a couple of years ago the 
solution was to add a bunch of "-J--add-opens" to the app's command line.  Is 
this still the proper method to eliminate this issue?  I haven't found yet how 
this is actually affecting my application.

INFO [org.netbeans.ui.metrics.laf]: USG_LOOK_AND_FEEL
java.lang.IllegalAccessException: class org.netbeans.TopSecurityManager cannot 
access class sun.awt.AppContext (in module java.desktop) because module 
java.desktop does not export sun.awt to unnamed module @27d6c5e0
at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.netbeans.core.startup.Main.start(
at java.base/

Thank You!

Joe Huber
Standard Refrigeration LLC
2005 Reverchon Dr
Arlington, TX  76017
Desk: 608-855-5808
Mobile: 682-777-8374

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RE: problem with the Properties>Libraries window in NetBeans 15

2022-09-16 Thread Joseph Huber

I opened an issue.  Unfortunately, resizing the window does not bring back the 
"+" signs.

Thank You!

Joe Huber
Standard Refrigeration LLC
2005 Reverchon Dr
Arlington, TX  76017
Desk: 608-855-5808
Mobile: 682-777-8374

From: Neil C Smith 
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2022 10:06 AM
To: Joseph Huber 
Subject: Re: problem with the Properties>Libraries window in NetBeans 15


Please open an issue for this -<>

Is this related to the scrollbars appearing?  If you resize the window do they 
come back?

Best wishes.


On Mon, 12 Sept 2022 at 19:39, Joseph Huber>> wrote:

I've been using NetBeans 15 for a few days on Windows 10 Pro.  There seems to 
be an issue with the Properties>Libraries windows (Ant project) as shown below. 
 After adding a certain number of libraires (somewhere around 5-7), the "+" 
signs for adding things to Modulepath and Classpath disappear.   It seems that 
they will come back if enough libraries are deleted.  When the "+" signs have 
disappeared, one can still add libraries by right-clicking "Libraries" in the 
Projects tree.  Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong?



Thank You!

Joe Huber
Standard Refrigeration LLC

NetBeans 15 giving last used notification for NetBeans 11

2022-09-15 Thread Joseph Huber

I'm running NetBeans 15 from the zip distribution on Windows 10 Professional.  
Periodically, when I start the program, I get the notification "NetBeans 11 was 
last used X days ago."  This message is also listed in the Notifications 
window.  I don't have NetBeans 11 installed anymore.  

Is there a way to make this stop?

Thank You!

Joe Huber
Standard Refrigeration LLC

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problem with the Properties>Libraries window in NetBeans 15

2022-09-12 Thread Joseph Huber

I've been using NetBeans 15 for a few days on Windows 10 Pro.  There seems to 
be an issue with the Properties>Libraries windows (Ant project) as shown below. 
 After adding a certain number of libraires (somewhere around 5-7), the "+" 
signs for adding things to Modulepath and Classpath disappear.   It seems that 
they will come back if enough libraries are deleted.  When the "+" signs have 
disappeared, one can still add libraries by right-clicking "Libraries" in the 
Projects tree.  Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong?



Thank You!

Joe Huber
Standard Refrigeration LLC

RE: Hide Netbeans internal modules in "update center"

2022-01-03 Thread Joseph Huber

I am still using Netbeans 8, but I patched the Netbeans platform to allow the 
RCP application to intercept and modify the installed module list before it is 
displayed.  For my application, different versions go to different customers 
with certain modules disabled, and this patch allows the different customers to 
only see the modules we want them to see in the update center.  This may be 
what you are looking for.

I have included a couple of pictures demonstrating the patch, a text file 
describing the patch that I made to the platform (taken from a post I made to 
the old NetBeans forums a number of years ago), and a text file describing how 
to patch the platform (taken from the old NetBeans Developers FAQ).

There may be better ways to do this in the newer versions of Netbeans.  And I 
don’t know if this approach can still be used with newer NetBeans versions.

Thank You!

Joe Huber
Standard Refrigeration LLC

From: Alexander Faust 
Sent: Monday, January 3, 2022 9:00 AM
Subject: Hide Netbeans internal modules in "update center"


it is possible to hide some internal Netbeans modules in the "update center" of 
the own RCP application. I want to show only modules of my own cluster / RCP. 
The most modules are hided by default, but some modules e.g. "JavaScript 2 
Editor" defines the attribute "AutoUpdate-Show-In-Client: true" in the module 
MANIFEST.MF. This leads to it being displayed. Is it possible to overwrite the 
attribute of the MANIFEST.MF file in the corresponding module, e.g. by using 
-J-D switches / parameter with specifying the code name base of the module? Or 
is there another mechanism to solve my problem?

Thanks in advance

Best regards
In case anyone is interested, I finally got back to this issue after being
shuffled around between projects and came up with a solution.  

This involves patching the Auto Update UI platform module.  I'm working with NB
platform 8.0.2.

In org.netbeans.modules.autoupdate.ui.api, which is a public package, I added a
new class UpdateUnitListModifier, which very simply is

package org.netbeans.modules.autoupdate.ui.api;

import java.util.List;
import org.netbeans.api.autoupdate.UpdateUnit;

/** UpdateUnitListModifier modifies a list of {@link 
org.netbeans.api.autoupdate.UpdateUnit} items. 
 * After {@link org.netbeans.modules.autoupdate.ui.PluginManagerUI} creates the 
 * it looks for providers of this service registered in the global lookup, and 
calls them to modify the list.
 * @author jhuber
public interface UpdateUnitListModifier {
public List modifyList(List uList);

Then, in org.netbeans.modules.autoupdate.ui, I modified by
adding code noted below to initialize() after line 251:

private void initialize () {
try {
final List uu = 
//List precompute1 = Utilities.makeUpdateCategories 
(uu, false);
if (localTable != null) {
final List nbms = 
List precompute2 = 
Utilities.makeUpdateCategories(nbms, true);

//new code
Collection col1 = 
if (!col1.isEmpty()) {
for (Object k1 : col1) {
//end new code

// postpone later

Finally in my application, I have an UpdateUnitListModifier service provider to
manipulate the UpdateUnit list.

public class UpdateModifier implements UpdateUnitListModifier {

public List modifyList(List uList) {  
  Iterator it1 = uList.iterator();
  while (it1.hasNext()) {
UpdateUnit u1 =;
String s1 = "";
if ((u1.getInstalled() == null) && 
u1.getCodeName().contentEquals(s1)) {
   System.out.println ("This module should be removed from the 
list: " + u1.getCodeName());
return uList;

When one selects Tools>Plugins, PluginManagerUI goes about figuring out what is
installed, what needs to be updated, and creates an UpdateUnit list with these
items. Per the above modification, after this list is created and before the
default Plugins window is displayed, PluginManagerUI now looks for service
providers to modify this list.  The service provider(s) can go through the list
and remove items from (or add items to) the list.  

Question regarding console INFO message from platform application

2020-09-21 Thread Joseph Huber

I have a Netbeans 8.2 platform application with just over 20 modules.  Whenever 
the program starts (run or debug), I see the message down below in the console 
output.  I have done numerous cleans/builds, looked through the various 
properties and xml files for that module, and I can't seem to figure out what 
the issue is.  The module successfully builds without any errors.   All the 
modules have updates centers, and there are no other such messages when the 
application starts.

So, what does the INFO message mean exactly regarding the update center in 
question?  I'm trying to figure out if this is a serious issue or something 
that can be ignored.

Any suggestions on how to trouble shoot this?

INFO [org.openide.loaders.FolderLookup]: Bad file: 
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Will not load classes from default package 
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
[catch] at 
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(
at java.awt.EventQueue.access$500(
at java.awt.EventQueue$
at java.awt.EventQueue$
at Method)
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(

Thank You!

Joe Huber

RE: Font scaling on High Res displays

2020-06-26 Thread Joseph Huber
I have a Dell Precision 7720 laptop with the same issue.  In Windows 10, you 
can adjust the scaling behavior for individual apps.  Right-click on the 
shortcut for the app, select the “Compatibility” tab, and then click “Change 
high DPI settings” and switch between “System” and “Application”.  See the 
screenshot below.   I’m still running NB 8.2, and this is how I deal with the 
scaling issue when I travel and am using the laptop display instead of external 
monitors.  See the screenshot below.


Thank You!

Joe Huber
Standard Refrigeration LLC
2005 Reverchon Dr
Arlington, TX  76017
Desk: 608-855-5808
Cell: 682-777-8374

From: Jeff 
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2020 11:48 PM
Subject: Font scaling on High Res displays

I got a new Dell Precision 5540 laptop through work that is running a native 
resolution of 3840 x 2160 on a 15" screen.  Windows defaults to 250% scaling to 
make text and icons readable at this resolution.

However, Netbeans project/source views don't seem to detect/honor the scaling 
settings and it is literally unreadable except with a magnifying glass.   The 
tool bar seems to honor the system scaling/font settings.  I can also change 
the editor text size but it does nothing for the project/Files/Services view 
nor the output/debug windows.

Enabling "Maximize use of native look and feel" didn't help.  Is there another 
setting I'm missing or do I just need to change the resolution?


RE: Icons displayed for Netbeans Platform application on MacOS

2019-11-07 Thread Joseph Huber
Further testing...

As it was easy enough, I modified the shell script in "bin" and took out the 
extra "../" from the line discussed below, and removed the -J-Xdock:icon tag 
from the default_options property in myapp.conf.  The dock icon behaves as 
expected.  So, I guess the question is whether the shell script line is wrong, 
or whether the NetBeans code that builds the Mac Installer is storing the icon 
in the wrong place. A Mac OS expert will have to answer that.

Getting the dock icon set properly also has an interesting effect on the Aqua 
LAF (NetBeans default for Mac OS).  In the DialogDisplayer/NotifyDescriptor 
dialog boxes, the branding icon is shown, where in the other LAFs, the 
question, info, etc. icons are shown.  Previous to getting the dock icon set 
properly, the generic java icon was shown in those dialog boxes for the Aqua 

Another question would be why the Aqua LAF uses the branding icon in the 
DialogDisplayer/NotfifyDescriptor dialog boxes instead of the question, info 
etc. icons that are used in the other LAFs.  Is this something prescribed by 
Mac OS?

Thank You!

Joe Huber
Standard Refrigeration LLC
2005 Reverchon Dr
Arlington, TX  76017
Cell: 682-777-8374

-Original Message-
From: Joseph Huber  
Sent: Thursday, November 7, 2019 11:41 AM
Subject: RE: Icons displayed for Netbeans Platform application on MacOS

From: Neil C Smith 
> Reminds me that those dock icon and name arguments are set in the launcher 
> already
 >  Shows where it, by default, is looking for the icon.  Be good if the dock 
 > name could be set separately to ${APPNAME} there though.

The referenced shell script line is below:


In looking at the launcher shell script, it seems that $progdir is supposed to 
be the bin folder, where the launcher shell script is.  If that is the case, it 
does not seem that the above command from the shell script will work with the 
way the NetBeans Mac installer is making the program distribution.  
$APPNAME.icns is only one level above $progdir.  If you want to go two levels 
above $progdir, you would need to use icon.icns instead of $APPNAME.icns.  
icons.icns is just a symbolic link to $APPNAME.icns.

That is probably why the dock icon changes to a generic java icon when the 
program starts if the -J-Xdock:icon option is not used provide the explicit 
location of the icon, because the launcher can't find the dock icon specified 

I have included a screen shot of the file layout produced by the NetBeans Mac 
installer.  Ignore the PNG files...I copied those in there 
manually...everything else is as the NetBeans Mac installer created it.

Thank You!

Joe Huber
Standard Refrigeration LLC
2005 Reverchon Dr
Arlington, TX  76017
Cell: 682-777-8374

RE: Icons displayed for Netbeans Platform application on MacOS

2019-11-07 Thread Joseph Huber
From: Neil C Smith 
> Reminds me that those dock icon and name arguments are set in the launcher 
> already
 >  Shows where it, by default, is looking for the icon.  Be good if the dock 
 > name could be set separately to ${APPNAME} there though.

The referenced shell script line is below:


In looking at the launcher shell script, it seems that $progdir is supposed to 
be the bin folder, where the launcher shell script is.  If that is the case, it 
does not seem that the above command from the shell script will work with the 
way the NetBeans Mac installer is making the program distribution.  
$APPNAME.icns is only one level above $progdir.  If you want to go two levels 
above $progdir, you would need to use icon.icns instead of $APPNAME.icns.  
icons.icns is just a symbolic link to $APPNAME.icns.

That is probably why the dock icon changes to a generic java icon when the 
program starts if the -J-Xdock:icon option is not used provide the explicit 
location of the icon, because the launcher can't find the dock icon specified 

I have included a screen shot of the file layout produced by the NetBeans Mac 
installer.  Ignore the PNG files...I copied those in there 
manually...everything else is as the NetBeans Mac installer created it.

Thank You!

Joe Huber
Standard Refrigeration LLC
2005 Reverchon Dr
Arlington, TX  76017
Cell: 682-777-8374

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RE: Icons displayed for Netbeans Platform application on MacOS

2019-11-07 Thread Joseph Huber
From: Andreas Ernst 
> I use this, i start my App at the moment from the Project/bin
> default_options="--branding tachyon -J-Xms256m -J-Xmx256m 
> -J-Dapple.laf.useScreenMenuBar=true
> -J-Xdock:icon=$progdir/../$APPNAME/applicationIcon.icns
> -J-Xdock:name=Tachyon"
> The icon is not shown, and the dock name is still java.
> Maybe you can investigate a little bit.

I have made some progress.  In the myapp.conf file, I have the following 

default_options="--branding prosuitena
-J-Xms512m -J-Xmx1024m
-J-Xdock:name=\"ProSuite NA\""

I was able to successfully set the dock icon and prevent it from changing to 
the generic java icon with the above -J-Xdock:icon setting.

The above -J-Xdoc:name option does not change the name that pops up when the 
mouse hovers over the app icon in the dock, but IT DOES change the name shown 
beside the apple icon in the Finder menu at the top of the screen.

I have also been searching for some documentation on the list of variables 
(like ${HOME} and ${APPNAME}) that are supported in the myapp.conf file, but I 
haven't been able to find one.

Also, Apple now states that the PNG format should be used instead of ICNS.  I 
copied PNGs into my app and modified the settings to use them, and they do work 
in 10.15 Catalina.

Again, this is all with Netbeans 8.2 with OpenJDK 8u212-b04.

Thank You!

Joe Huber
Standard Refrigeration LLC
2005 Reverchon Dr
Arlington, TX  76017
Cell: 682-777-8374

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RE: Icons displayed for Netbeans Platform application on MacOS

2019-11-06 Thread Joseph Huber
Hello Andreas!

I am using Ant, not Maven, but I believe that I am basically doing everything 
through Ant that you are with Maven.

Also, I am actually using NotifyDescriptor to display messages, not JDialog as 
I mentioned before.

I did find something regarding the icons that show up in the NotifyDescriptor 
boxes.  If I specify --laf Nimbus or --laf Metal on the command line when 
starting my app, those LAFs are used, and the appropriate question, 
information, etc. icons will show up in the NotifyDescriptor dialogs.  If I 
don't specify an LAF, or specify "--laf Aqua" (which is the default for Mac and 
the same as not specifying an LAF), the generic java icon shows up in all the 
NotifyDescriptor dialogs.  

Specifying an LAF, however, does not affect the dock icon.  For all LAFs, the 
dock icon still changes from my branding icon to the generic Java icon after it 
is done bouncing, and then back to my branding icon once the application is 
closed.  I checked the application log file, but there is nothing in there that 
would indicate any issues with icons.

I am still using Netbeans 8.2, and the Mac installer is working there, so I 
can't comment on that issue.

Thank You!

Joe Huber
Standard Refrigeration LLC
2005 Reverchon Dr
Arlington, TX  76017
Cell: 682-777-8374

-Original Message-
From: Andreas Ernst  
Sent: Tuesday, November 5, 2019 12:49 AM
Subject: Re: Icons displayed for Netbeans Platform application on MacOS

Hi Joseph,

Am 05.11.19 um 03:59 schrieb Joseph Huber:
> Hello!
> I've managed to get my Netbeans Platform (8.2) application running in 
> MacOS 10.15 Catalina (I know next to nothing about MacOS).  In Windows
> 10 and Ubuntu 18.04, my application runs at all times using the icon I 
> have branded it with.  However, in MacOS, that is not the case.  I am 
> bundling OpenJDK 8u212-b04 with all three installations.
> In the MacOS dock, my application shows up with my branded icon, and 
> once clicked, my branded icon starts bouncing.  But about the same 
> time that my application's splash screen appears, the icon changes to 
> a generic java icon, and stays that way until the application ends, at 
> which time the dock icon changes back to my branded icon.  I have 
> included a couple of screen shots to show this.
> I converted my icon to the ICNS format, added that to the project, and 
> have set the app.icon.icns property in my suite's  
> I assume that this is working, or else I wouldn't be getting my brand 
> icon at all.
> Also, it seems that the JDialog icons are also not correct in MacOS 
> either, as the generic Java icon shows up in the dialog boxes instead 
> of the information, question, etc. icon.  I have included a couple of 
> screenshots of that as well.
> Is there something else I need to do on the NetBeans side, or is this 
> just a consequence of Java on MacOS?

this is a bit tricky.

Take a look at app.conf in XXX-app. You can also check the etc/netbeans.conf of 
your NetBeans installation.

I use this, i start my App at the moment from the Project/bin

default_options="--branding tachyon -J-Xms256m -J-Xmx256m 

The icon is not shown, and the dock name is still java.

Maybe you can investigate a little bit.

Are you using Maven? The part for the installer.



But at the moment the installer (10.0 - 11.2) is broken, if you try to install 
your app. I got issues with missing Apple packages:

[2019-11-05 07:31:15.030]: An unexpected exception happened in 
thread main
[2019-11-05 07:31:15.030]: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 
[2019-11-05 07:31:15.030]:  at 
[2019-11-05 07:31:15.030]:  at
[2019-11-05 07:31:15.030]:  at 
[2019-11-05 07:31:15.030]:  at 
[2019-11-05 07:31:15.030]: Caused by: 
[2019-11-05 07:31:15.030]:  at 

Icons displayed for Netbeans Platform application on MacOS

2019-11-04 Thread Joseph Huber

I've managed to get my Netbeans Platform (8.2) application running in MacOS 
10.15 Catalina (I know next to nothing about MacOS).  In Windows 10 and Ubuntu 
18.04, my application runs at all times using the icon I have branded it with.  
However, in MacOS, that is not the case.  I am bundling OpenJDK 8u212-b04 with 
all three installations.

In the MacOS dock, my application shows up with my branded icon, and once 
clicked, my branded icon starts bouncing.  But about the same time that my 
application's splash screen appears, the icon changes to a generic java icon, 
and stays that way until the application ends, at which time the dock icon 
changes back to my branded icon.  I have included a couple of screen shots to 
show this.

I converted my icon to the ICNS format, added that to the project, and have set 
the app.icon.icns property in my suite's  I assume that 
this is working, or else I wouldn't be getting my brand icon at all.

Also, it seems that the JDialog icons are also not correct in MacOS either, as 
the generic Java icon shows up in the dialog boxes instead of the information, 
question, etc. icon.  I have included a couple of screenshots of that as well.

Is there something else I need to do on the NetBeans side, or is this just a 
consequence of Java on MacOS?

Thank You!

Joe Huber
Standard Refrigeration LLC
2005 Reverchon Dr
Arlington, TX  76017
Cell: 682-777-8374

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RE: Updates don't be applied

2019-07-31 Thread Joseph Huber
Can you open an arbitrary command window and just try to run the command 

It should output some usage help...

Thank You!

Joe Huber
Standard Refrigeration LLC
2005 Reverchon Dr
Arlington, TX  76017
Cell: 682-777-8374

-Original Message-
From: Marco Rossi  
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2019 3:24 PM
To: List NetBeans Mailing 
Subject: Re: Updates don't be applied

Hi to all,
after further investigations I found the following error occurs: error=2, No such file or directory
at java.lang.UNIXProcess.forkAndExec(Native Method)
at java.lang.UNIXProcess.(
at java.lang.ProcessImpl.start(
at java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start(
Caused: Cannot run program "/Applications/ISNet" (in 
directory "/Applications/ISNet"): error=2, No such file or 
at java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start(
[catch] at org.netbeans.updater.ModuleUpdater.unpack200(
at org.netbeans.updater.ModuleUpdater.unpack(

I’ve verified that there is the executable unpack200 in ../Contents/Home/bin 
with the right permissions. Maybe is it something related to OpenJDK instead of 

> Il giorno 30 lug 2019, alle ore 09:04, Marco Rossi  ha 
> scritto:
> Hi everybody,
> I built my RCP application over platform version 8.2 and create a macOS 
> bundle with JVM 1.8.0_212 OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 25.212-b04 that run on my 
> 10.14.6 system.
> Now I discovered that my application is unable to apply updates from my 
> custom update center: it download it and asks to restart as usual; updates 
> are then (apparently) installed and then application starts itself again, but 
> it proposes the same updates!
> Where are they installed the updates of an RCP application? I’ve already 
> tried to remove the cache folder in my ~/Library/Application Support/ and 
> also already checked permission of my /Applications/
> Can someone give me a hand to understand what’s wrong?
> Thank you.
> Marco Rossi

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RE: Trouble patching NetBeans 11.0 platform module

2019-05-09 Thread Joseph Huber
Arsi wrote:
> I see no reason to compile the entire ANB when you need to change one class:

I am not compiling the entire ANB.  That’s the whole point of the “orphaned 
modules” FAQ.  You just pick out the modules you want to work on.  The ant 
“bootstrap” command is just building a few things necessary to facilitate that 

To me, it seems that 
is essentially doing what you have outlined below.

Thank You!

Joe Huber
Standard Refrigeration LLC
2005 Reverchon Dr
Arlington, TX  76017
Cell: 682-777-8374

From: arsi 
Sent: Thursday, May 9, 2019 3:09 AM
Cc: Joseph Huber 
Subject: Re: Trouble patching NetBeans 11.0 platform module


I see no reason to compile the entire ANB when you need to change one class:

Java Hacker's guide ;)

Jar is a plain zip file and nothing prevents us from replacing any class with 
our version.
Assuming that we preserve the original definition of methods and Inheritances.
We can change the body of methods without any problem.
Of course, you can also add a new method and additionally implement any 
interface in classpath.

If the patched library is available as maven artifact create a maven project 
and add that library as a dependency.
Otherwise, we will use the Ant project and we manually add that library and 
necessary dependencies.
Be sure to set the correct Java target level in the project..
Now we will create a package and a class that we want to patch.
After making the necessary adjustments, we will compile the project.
And in the ../target/classes directory, our patched classes are waiting for us.

You can find the Maven project with your patch here:

Now we just have to add / overwrite the original classes with ours in the jar.

Download the ANB 11 distribution zip and unpack it somewhere. Goto 
./netbeans/platform/modules/ and add the generated classes to 
org-netbeans-modules-autoupdate-ui.jar to correct package/folder

If you are developing the NB modules via ant, just add that unpacked ANB dist 
directory as the NB platform.
For maven it is necessary to modify original maven artifact jar file and  
publish this jar as new maven artifact version (locally) and use it as 
And when you pack that unpacked distribution directory, you have a patched 

I used this procedure to port Android tools libraries to support java > 8 in 


From: Joseph Huber <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2019 11:56PM
To: Arsi <>, Users 
Subject: RE: Trouble patching NetBeans 11.0 platform module

I have a solution that works quite well in Netbeans 8.2. I believe that the 
question is whether or not this approach should still work with NetBeans 11.0.  
If it should, then I would like to find out why it isn’t working.  If the 
approach described at 
is no longer valid for NetBeans 11.0, then so be it, and I will move to a 
different approach.

In the bigger picture, it would probably be helpful for others in the community 
using the method in the aforementioned FAQ to know whether the method is still 
valid for 11.0.

I don’t know if my platform patch is useful for others.  There didn’t seem to 
be much interest when it was being discussed on back in 

Thank You!

Joe Huber
Standard Refrigeration LLC
2005 Reverchon Dr
Arlington, TX  76017
Cell: 682-777-8374<>

From: arsi <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 8, 2019 4:47 PM
Subject: Re: Trouble patching NetBeans 11.0 platform module


If you only want a private patch, you can do a patch module:

Maven example:

From: Joseph Huber <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2019 11:30PM
To: Geertjan Wielenga <>
Cc: Users <>
Subject: RE: Trouble patching NetBeans 11.0 platform module
My patch is described here:

As for patching the zip, I am familiar with that process, and I am not familiar 
with the GitHub/pull request process.   Patching the zip previously worked fine.

Thank You!

Joe Huber
Standard Refrigeration LLC
2005 Reverchon Dr
Arlington, TX  76017
Cell: 682-777-8374<>

From: Geertjan Wielenga <>
Sent: Wednes

RE: Trouble patching NetBeans 11.0 platform module

2019-05-09 Thread Joseph Huber

The problem is solved!  The error was on my part.  In NB 8.2, the “javahelp” 
folder is in the root (i.e. nb_all) of the source files.  However, in NB11.0, 
the javahelp folder has been moved into the “platform” folder.  When I was 
setting up the files for the build, I dragged the “javahelp” folder to the root 
again.  To correct, I just had to create a “platform” folder, and put the 
“javahelp” folder into the “platform” folder.   The bootstrap build completes 
without error.

Thank You!

Joe Huber
Standard Refrigeration LLC

From: Geertjan Wielenga 
Sent: Wednesday, May 8, 2019 10:07 PM
To: Emilian Bold 
Cc: Joseph Huber ;
Subject: Re: Trouble patching NetBeans 11.0 platform module

But the build should succeed anyway, i.e., I don't see JavaHelp absence 
blocking the build from succeeding for me. So, I'd advise to try the build 
again and if it fails post the error message here. The build should succeed 
with later JDKs, but safest is to use JDK 8.


On Thu, May 9, 2019 at 1:00 AM Emilian Bold>> wrote:
JavaHelp was removed from Apache NetBeans due to an Apache licensing policy.

It's on my todo list for re-inclusion in CoolBeans (as some older
Platform apps use it).


On Wed, May 8, 2019 at 11:34 PM Joseph Huber>> wrote:
> Hello!
> I am in the initial phase of trying to patch a NetBeans 11.0 platform module 
> (which I have successfully done in NetBeans 8.2) per the procedure at 
>  I downloaded the 
> 11.0 source from the links at
> The process is crashing at the “ant -f nbbuild/build.xml bootstrap” step with 
> numerous errors regarding, such as:
> nb_all\nbbuild\antsrc\org\netbeans\nbbuild\ error: 
> package does not exist
> In the netbeans 8.2 platform source, javahelp\external contains the following 
> files: binaries-list, jhall-2.0_05.jar, jhall-2.0_05-license.txt
> In the netbeans 11.0 platform source, javahelp\external contains the 
> following files:  binaries-list,  jhall-2.0_05-license.txt
> jhall-2.0_05.jar is missing in 11.0, which I believe is the source of the 
> above error.  The 11.0 binaries-list file contains the following text:
> # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
> # or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
> # distributed with this work for additional information
> # regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
> # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
> # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
> # with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
> #
> #
> #
> # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
> # software distributed under the License is distributed on an
> # KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
> # specific language governing permissions and limitations
> # under the License.
> CA70822C47A67FC3A11670270567C2D01566DAE1 jhall-2.0_05.jar
> It seems that jhall-2.0_05.jar should be in the 11.0, javahelp\external 
> folder (like it is in 8.2), but it is missing.  Is this a bug?  I searched 
> through the 11.0 source, and I don’t find jhall-2.0_05.jar included.
> Thank You for any help!
> Joe Huber
> Standard Refrigeration LLC
> 2005 Reverchon Dr
> Arlington, TX  76017
> Cell: 682-777-8374

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RE: Trouble patching NetBeans 11.0 platform module

2019-05-08 Thread Joseph Huber

I have a solution that works quite well in Netbeans 8.2. I believe that the 
question is whether or not this approach should still work with NetBeans 11.0.  
If it should, then I would like to find out why it isn’t working.  If the 
approach described at 
is no longer valid for NetBeans 11.0, then so be it, and I will move to a 
different approach.

In the bigger picture, it would probably be helpful for others in the community 
using the method in the aforementioned FAQ to know whether the method is still 
valid for 11.0.

I don’t know if my platform patch is useful for others.  There didn’t seem to 
be much interest when it was being discussed on back in 

Thank You!

Joe Huber
Standard Refrigeration LLC
2005 Reverchon Dr
Arlington, TX  76017
Cell: 682-777-8374

From: arsi 
Sent: Wednesday, May 8, 2019 4:47 PM
Subject: Re: Trouble patching NetBeans 11.0 platform module


If you only want a private patch, you can do a patch module:

Maven example:


From: Joseph Huber <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2019 11:30PM
To: Geertjan Wielenga <>
Cc: Users <>
Subject: RE: Trouble patching NetBeans 11.0 platform module
My patch is described here:

As for patching the zip, I am familiar with that process, and I am not familiar 
with the GitHub/pull request process.   Patching the zip previously worked fine.

Thank You!

Joe Huber
Standard Refrigeration LLC
2005 Reverchon Dr
Arlington, TX  76017
Cell: 682-777-8374<>

From: Geertjan Wielenga <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 8, 2019 4:03 PM
To: Joseph Huber <>
Subject: Re: Trouble patching NetBeans 11.0 platform module

I believe they should be downloaded during the build process.

But rather than patching via the ZIP, why not clone the GitHub repo and then 
provide a pull request there?

What does your patch do?


On Wed, 8 May 2019 at 22:34, Joseph Huber>> wrote:

I am in the initial phase of trying to patch a NetBeans 11.0 platform module 
(which I have successfully done in NetBeans 8.2) per the procedure at  I downloaded the 
11.0 source from the links at

The process is crashing at the “ant -f nbbuild/build.xml bootstrap” step with 
numerous errors regarding, such as:
nb_all\nbbuild\antsrc\org\netbeans\nbbuild\ error: 
package does not exist

In the netbeans 8.2 platform source, javahelp\external contains the following 
files: binaries-list, jhall-2.0_05.jar, jhall-2.0_05-license.txt

In the netbeans 11.0 platform source, javahelp\external contains the following 
files:  binaries-list,  jhall-2.0_05-license.txt

jhall-2.0_05.jar is missing in 11.0, which I believe is the source of the above 
error.  The 11.0 binaries-list file contains the following text:

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
CA70822C47A67FC3A11670270567C2D01566DAE1 jhall-2.0_05.jar

It seems that jhall-2.0_05.jar should be in the 11.0, javahelp\external folder 
(like it is in 8.2), but it is missing.  Is this a bug?  I searched through the 
11.0 source, and I don’t find jhall-2.0_05.jar included.
Thank You for any help!

Joe Huber
Standard Refrigeration LLC
2005 Reverchon 

RE: Trouble patching NetBeans 11.0 platform module

2019-05-08 Thread Joseph Huber
My patch is described here:

As for patching the zip, I am familiar with that process, and I am not familiar 
with the GitHub/pull request process.   Patching the zip previously worked fine.

Thank You!

Joe Huber
Standard Refrigeration LLC
2005 Reverchon Dr
Arlington, TX  76017
Cell: 682-777-8374

From: Geertjan Wielenga 
Sent: Wednesday, May 8, 2019 4:03 PM
To: Joseph Huber 
Subject: Re: Trouble patching NetBeans 11.0 platform module

I believe they should be downloaded during the build process.

But rather than patching via the ZIP, why not clone the GitHub repo and then 
provide a pull request there?

What does your patch do?


On Wed, 8 May 2019 at 22:34, Joseph Huber>> wrote:

I am in the initial phase of trying to patch a NetBeans 11.0 platform module 
(which I have successfully done in NetBeans 8.2) per the procedure at  I downloaded the 
11.0 source from the links at

The process is crashing at the “ant -f nbbuild/build.xml bootstrap” step with 
numerous errors regarding, such as:
nb_all\nbbuild\antsrc\org\netbeans\nbbuild\ error: 
package does not exist

In the netbeans 8.2 platform source, javahelp\external contains the following 
files: binaries-list, jhall-2.0_05.jar, jhall-2.0_05-license.txt

In the netbeans 11.0 platform source, javahelp\external contains the following 
files:  binaries-list,  jhall-2.0_05-license.txt

jhall-2.0_05.jar is missing in 11.0, which I believe is the source of the above 
error.  The 11.0 binaries-list file contains the following text:

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
CA70822C47A67FC3A11670270567C2D01566DAE1 jhall-2.0_05.jar

It seems that jhall-2.0_05.jar should be in the 11.0, javahelp\external folder 
(like it is in 8.2), but it is missing.  Is this a bug?  I searched through the 
11.0 source, and I don’t find jhall-2.0_05.jar included.
Thank You for any help!

Joe Huber
Standard Refrigeration LLC
2005 Reverchon 
Cell: 682-777-8374<>

Trouble patching NetBeans 11.0 platform module

2019-05-08 Thread Joseph Huber

I am in the initial phase of trying to patch a NetBeans 11.0 platform module 
(which I have successfully done in NetBeans 8.2) per the procedure at  I downloaded the 
11.0 source from the links at

The process is crashing at the "ant -f nbbuild/build.xml bootstrap" step with 
numerous errors regarding, such as:
nb_all\nbbuild\antsrc\org\netbeans\nbbuild\ error: 
package does not exist

In the netbeans 8.2 platform source, javahelp\external contains the following 
files: binaries-list, jhall-2.0_05.jar, jhall-2.0_05-license.txt

In the netbeans 11.0 platform source, javahelp\external contains the following 
files:  binaries-list,  jhall-2.0_05-license.txt

jhall-2.0_05.jar is missing in 11.0, which I believe is the source of the above 
error.  The 11.0 binaries-list file contains the following text:

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
CA70822C47A67FC3A11670270567C2D01566DAE1 jhall-2.0_05.jar

It seems that jhall-2.0_05.jar should be in the 11.0, javahelp\external folder 
(like it is in 8.2), but it is missing.  Is this a bug?  I searched through the 
11.0 source, and I don't find jhall-2.0_05.jar included.
Thank You for any help!

Joe Huber
Standard Refrigeration LLC
2005 Reverchon Dr
Arlington, TX  76017
Cell: 682-777-8374

RE: Netbeans 10.0 - doesn't start

2019-02-19 Thread Joseph Huber
Hello Davide!

In the reply to your question on stack overflow, there was a suggestion to 
check if netbeans is creating any kind of logs,
i.e. C:\Users\[yourusername]\AppData\Roaming\NetBeans\10.0\var\log

Did you happen to check that location to see if anything is there?  I didn’t 
see any mention in the email chain here. Although, you might not be getting far 
enough along in the launch process for anything to be written there.

Thank You!

Joe Huber
Standard Refrigeration LLC

From: Davide Moschini 
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2019 10:48 AM
To: Geertjan Wielenga 
Cc: Peter Nabbefeld ; NetBeans Mailing List 

Subject: Re: Netbeans 10.0 - doesn't start

Changed the java installation folder to one in root folder without spaces in 
the name, and changed the environment variables.
Changed the netbeans.conf file using my jdk folder as parameter.
Tried to execute from cmd using no parameters... same output as before
Tried with parameter --jdkhome and path using slashes or backslashes... same 
output :/

Tried both cmd in user and administrator mode.

On Tue, Feb 19, 2019 at 5:41 PM Geertjan Wielenga>> 
After you install the JDK in a folder without a space, don't use the --jdkhome 
flag, instead use this in etc/netbeans.conf, which I have just tried and it 


I.e., replace 'C:\Users\g_wie\Downloads\' above with 


On Tue, Feb 19, 2019 at 5:29 PM Davide Moschini>> wrote:
Nothing else,
these are the only things printed out.

Now I try to invert the slash and to move the java installation to a folder 
path without spaces

On Tue, Feb 19, 2019 at 5:20 PM Peter Nabbefeld>> wrote:
(see inline)

Am 19.02.19 um 17:16 schrieb Davide Moschini:
> Using CMD cli:
> changed the directory to Netbeans bin folder.
> this is the command I wrote:
> netbeans64.exe --jdk-home "C:\.\jdk-11.0.2"
> This is the answer:
> The launcher has determined that the parent process has a console and
> will reuse it for its own console output.
> Closing the console will result in termination of the running program.
> Use '--console suppress' to suppress console output.
> Use '--console new' to create a separate console window.
Nothing more? Did it stop right after the last line? Without complaining
about anything?
BTW, probably try to use forward slashes, I'm not sure if Java needs
them to be doubled otherwise (as backslashes are also escape characters
in Java)


> On Tue, Feb 19, 2019 at 4:47 PM Peter Steele 
> >> wrote:
> Can you send the contents of the set command from the CMD cli? I'd
> recommending replacing personal identifiable information with
> dummy values. There is something odd going on
> On Tue, 19 Feb 2019, 15:43 Davide Moschini
> > wrote:
> Moved everything in C:\Netbeans_10.0
> no differences... the program doesn't start
> On Tue, Feb 19, 2019 at 4:31 PM Geertjan Wielenga
> >>
>  wrote:
> And maybe the fact that you have NetBeans at D: and JDK at
> C: is the problem.
> Gj
> On Tue, Feb 19, 2019 at 4:30 PM Geertjan Wielenga
> >>
>  wrote:
> Just double-click the executable and forget about that
> --jdkhome flag, you don't need it.
> Gj
> On Tue, Feb 19, 2019 at 4:26 PM Davide Moschini
> >> wrote:
> I would like to summarize the steps taken (sorry I
> forgot to include the netbeans mailing list in the
> last emails sent)
> - Netbeans 10.0 is "installed" in a folder on a D:
> partition.
> - JDK (openJDK at the moment) is installed in
> folder "C:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-11.0.2+9"
> - I'm using Windows 10 64 bit
> * JAVA_HOME: C:\Program
> Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-11.0.2+9\
> * JRE_HOME: C:\Program

Java Syntax checking problem/bug

2018-11-29 Thread Joseph Huber

Please see the screenshots below (hopefully they come through on the mailing 
list).  I am working with Netbeans 8.2 in Windows 10.  The variable "x1" is not 
defined, but Netbeans stops showing the hint identifying it as a problem after 
it encounters a particular statement.  "x1" is italicized, but no lightbulb in 
the margin or red underscore.  The scope of the problem is not limited to the 
shown method.  The "cannot find symbol" hint stops working for the remainder of 
the file, although other syntax errors are found, and other hints seem to be 
working fine in the remainder of the file.


Now, commenting out a couple of statements, things work for a little while 


Commenting out another statement fixes the problem for the rest of the file.   
There are nearly 1000 lines of code after this code fragment, and the "cannot 
find symbol" checking works fine for the rest of the file after this last 
statement is commented out.


dptc1 is another DxProTopComponent defined at the class level, jpIB1 is a 
JPanel, and jcbModelFam is a JComboBox.

This is mostly an annoyance, in that if I make a typo, it crashes during debug 
or build, rather than being identified in the editor.

Any thoughts on what might be going on?

Thank You!

Joe Huber

How to exclude generated sources from javadoc

2018-07-12 Thread Joseph Huber

I have a Netbeans 8.2/JDK 1.8/ant project that has a web service client.  
Unfortunately, JDK 1.8 wsimport generates invalid Javadoc code for JDK 1.8 
javadoc.  Thus, when Javadoc runs, there are numerous fatal errors in when 
Javadoc is processing the code generated by wsimport.

I found the  tags in the JAVADOC SECTION in build-impl.xml that 
include the generated sources, and commented them out.  That prevents Javadoc 
from running on the generated files, but then Javadoc crashes on my java code 
on the “import” lines that reference the generated sources with “error: package does not exist”

Is there some workaround for this?

Thank You!

Joe Huber

RE: Another Question

2018-06-13 Thread Joseph Huber

Just a simple thing to try...

I actually ran into a similar problem yesterday with NB 8 when setting up a Web 
Services Client.  I was pointed to the wsdl and the code using the web service 
had no errors, but wouldn't run or debug due to missing classes for the web 
service.  I did a "Clean and Build", which solved the problem.  Apparently, 
Clean and Build created some missing resources.

Thank You!

Joe Huber
Standard Refrigeration LLC
2005 Reverchon Dr
Arlington, TX  76017
Cell: 682-777-8374

From: Mike Billman []
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2018 1:28 PM
Subject: Another Question

I was trying to use the web services feature in NB 9.  I point to my wsdl and 
it shows me all the methods as I would expect.  However, when I test I get the 
following stack trace:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError at
java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)

Mike Billman
Senior Software Engineer


11800 Conrey Rd
Suite 150
Cincinnati, OH 45249

T +1 513 469 1424
F +1 513 469 1425

RE: [GUI Editor]

2018-04-18 Thread Joseph Huber
Thanks a bunch!  That did the trick!  I think I looked at that setting tab, but 
must have just overlooked that setting.

Thank again!

Joe Huber