Re: train filter based on spam to ex-employees?

2015-02-17 Thread Reindl Harald

Am 17.02.2015 um 00:54 schrieb ttgh:

@Antony, I particularly appreciated your response (and the spelling of your
name).  To clarify: I am not saying that all messages to ALL ex-staff are
spam, only the messages to specific ex-staff.  Also, this email server is
acting as relay/filter for an internal Exchange server and does not have a
list of still-valid internal accounts so until recently it accepted and
scanned any message, even to long-gone employees.  (And then wasted time
trying to send the polite 'Unknown user' reply from Exchange.)

than just fix your exchange to response correctly for nvalid users and 
enable on your 
MX - voila now it knows valid accounts - you should always solve 
problems where they exists and not screw around them in the config below contains domains where we 
know the RCPT and given that all targets where we don't know are a 
wildcahrd on the postfix server "reject_unlisted_recipient" is finein 
the relay restrictions

unverified_recipient_reject_code = 550
unverified_recipient_reject_reason   = Recipient address lookup failed
address_verify_positive_expire_time  = 24h
address_verify_positive_refresh_time = 12h
address_verify_negative_expire_time  = 2h
address_verify_negative_refresh_time = 1h
address_verify_poll_delay= 5s

smtpd_relay_restrictions =
 check_recipient_access proxy:hash:/etc/postfix/

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Uptick in spam

2015-02-17 Thread LuKreme
On 16 Feb 2015, at 12:01 , Reindl Harald  wrote:
> given that 24266 messages had BAYES_00 with a total number of 30401 delivered 
> mails in the current month that training strategy seems to work well
> [root@mail-gw:~]$

What is

I have a cunning plan.

Re: Uptick in spam

2015-02-17 Thread Reindl Harald

Am 17.02.2015 um 15:19 schrieb LuKreme:

On 16 Feb 2015, at 12:01 , Reindl Harald  wrote:

given that 24266 messages had BAYES_00 with a total number of 30401 delivered 
mails in the current month that training strategy seems to work well


What is

as simple shell script


su -c "/usr/bin/sa-learn --dump magic" sa-milt
echo ""

su -c "/usr/bin/ls -l -h --color=tty -X --group-directories-first 
--time-style=long-iso /var/lib/spamass-milter/.spamassassin/" sa-milt

echo ""

su -c "echo \"BAYES_00:  `grep 'BAYES_00,' /var/log/maillog | 
grep -c 'spamd: result:'`\"" wwwcron
su -c "echo \"BAYES_05:  `grep 'BAYES_05,' /var/log/maillog | 
grep -c 'spamd: result:'`\"" wwwcron
su -c "echo \"BAYES_20:  `grep 'BAYES_20,' /var/log/maillog | 
grep -c 'spamd: result:'`\"" wwwcron
su -c "echo \"BAYES_40:  `grep 'BAYES_40,' /var/log/maillog | 
grep -c 'spamd: result:'`\"" wwwcron
su -c "echo \"BAYES_50:  `grep 'BAYES_50,' /var/log/maillog | 
grep -c 'spamd: result:'`\"" wwwcron
su -c "echo \"BAYES_60:  `grep 'BAYES_60,' /var/log/maillog | 
grep -c 'spamd: result:'`\"" wwwcron
su -c "echo \"BAYES_80:  `grep 'BAYES_80,' /var/log/maillog | 
grep -c 'spamd: result:'`\"" wwwcron
su -c "echo \"BAYES_95:  `grep 'BAYES_95,' /var/log/maillog | 
grep -c 'spamd: result:'`\"" wwwcron
su -c "echo \"BAYES_99:  `grep 'BAYES_99,' /var/log/maillog | 
grep -c 'spamd: result:'`\"" wwwcron
su -c "echo \"BAYES_999: `grep 'BAYES_999,' /var/log/maillog | 
grep -c 'spamd: result:'`\"" wwwcron

echo ""

su -c "echo \"Delivered: `grep 'relay=' /var/log/maillog | grep 
-c 'status=sent'`\"" wwwcron
su -c "echo \"SpamAssassin:  `grep -c 'Blocked by SpamAssassin' 
/var/log/maillog`\"" wwwcron

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Training new spamass-milter setup

2015-02-17 Thread LuKreme
OK, so I have spamass-milter running, but I need to train it. What is the 
proper way to do this?

What beep from yonder speaker sounds?

Re: Training new spamass-milter setup

2015-02-17 Thread Reindl Harald

Am 17.02.2015 um 16:13 schrieb LuKreme:

OK, so I have spamass-milter running, but I need to train it. What is the 
proper way to do this?

cat /var/lib/spamass-milter/training/

# Home-Directory und Name des Milter-Users

# Sicherstellen dass wir nicht als 'root' laufen
if test `whoami` = "$SA_MILTER_USER"
 /bin/echo "" > /dev/null
 /bin/echo "Das Script '' muss als Benutzer '$SA_MILTER_USER' 
aufgerufen werden"


# Wechsel in Home-Directory damit sich 'find' nicht beschwert

# Check ob erster Parameter leer 'rebuild' oder eine Zahl ist
if [ "$1" == "rebuild" ] || [ "$1" == "" ] || [ `echo $((($1*2)/2))` == 
"$1" ]; then

 # Kompletter Rebuild angefordert (Temp-Folder und Move nach Abschluss)
 if [ "$1" == "rebuild" ]; then
  # Temp-Folder sicherstellen in dem wir die neue Datenbank aufbauen
  mkdir "$BAYES_TEMP" 2> /dev/null > /dev/null
  # Bayes-Reset
  /usr/bin/sa-learn --dbpath "$BAYES_TEMP/bayes" --clear
  # SPAM-Training
  MY_TIME=$(/usr/bin/date "+%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S")
  echo "$MY_TIME: Verarbeite SPAM Samples"
  nice -n 19 /usr/bin/sa-learn --dbpath "$BAYES_TEMP/bayes" 
--max-size=0 --no-sync --progress --spam "$SA_MILTER_HOME/training/spam/"

  MY_TIME=$(/usr/bin/date "+%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S")
  echo "$MY_TIME: Synchronisiere Journal"
  nice -n 19 /usr/bin/sa-learn --dbpath "$BAYES_TEMP/bayes" --sync
  echo ""
  # HAM-Training
  MY_TIME=$(/usr/bin/date "+%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S")
  echo "$MY_TIME: Verarbeite HAM Samples"
  nice -n 19 /usr/bin/sa-learn --dbpath "$BAYES_TEMP/bayes" 
--max-size=0 --no-sync --progress --ham "$SA_MILTER_HOME/training/ham/"

  MY_TIME=$(/usr/bin/date "+%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S")
  echo "$MY_TIME: Synchronisiere Journal"
  nice -n 19 /usr/bin/sa-learn --dbpath "$BAYES_TEMP/bayes" --sync
  echo ""
  # Neu generierte Datenbank in den eigentlichen Folder verschieben
  mv -f "$BAYES_TEMP/bayes_seen" "$BAYES_TEMP/bayes_toks" 

 # Nur neue Samples direkt in die Live-Datenbank verarbeiten
  # Default auf aktuellen Tag oder Parameter
  if [ "$1" == "" ]; then
  # SPAM-Training
  MY_TIME=$(/usr/bin/date "+%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S")
  echo "$MY_TIME: Verarbeite SPAM Samples"
  nice -n 19 /usr/bin/find "$SA_MILTER_HOME/training/spam/" -type f 
-mtime -$TRAIN_DAYS | xargs -r /usr/bin/sa-learn --max-size=0 --no-sync 

  nice -n 19 /usr/bin/sa-learn --sync
  echo ""
  # HAM-Training
  MY_TIME=$(/usr/bin/date "+%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S")
  echo "$MY_TIME: Verarbeite HAM Samples"
  nice -n 19 /usr/bin/find "$SA_MILTER_HOME/training/ham/" -type f 
-mtime -$TRAIN_DAYS | xargs -r /usr/bin/sa-learn --max-size=0 --no-sync 

  nice -n 19 /usr/bin/sa-learn --sync
  echo ""

# Hilfe ausgeben
if [ "$1" == "--help" ] || [ "$1" == "-h" ] || [ "$SHOW_HELP" == "1" ]; then
 echo "Bayes-Maintaining-Skript"
 echo "Usage:"
 echo "  rebuild: Bayes komplett zuruecksetzen und anhand der Samples 
neu aufbauen"

 echo "  :  Alter der zu trainierenden Samples in Tagen (Default: 1)"

# Training abgeschlossen
MY_TIME=$(/usr/bin/date "+%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S")
echo "$MY_TIME: Done"
echo ""

# Bayes-Statistik ausgeben
nice -n 19 /usr/bin/sa-learn --dump magic
echo ""

# Listing des Userhomes ausgeben (Size 'bayes_toks' interessant)
/usr/bin/ls -l -h --time-style=long-is "$SA_MILTER_HOME/.spamassassin/"
echo ""

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Training new spamass-milter setup

2015-02-17 Thread Robert Schetterer
Am 17.02.2015 um 16:13 schrieb LuKreme:
> OK, so I have spamass-milter running, but I need to train it. What is the 
> proper way to do this?

you dont train spamass-milter, you should train spamassassin

Best Regards
MfG Robert Schetterer

[*] sys4 AG, +49 (89) 30 90 46 64
Franziskanerstraße 15, 81669 München

Sitz der Gesellschaft: München, Amtsgericht München: HRB 199263
Vorstand: Patrick Ben Koetter, Marc Schiffbauer
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Florian Kirstein

Re: Training new spamass-milter setup

2015-02-17 Thread Matus UHLAR - fantomas

On 17.02.15 08:13, LuKreme wrote:

OK, so I have spamass-milter running, but I need to train it. What is the 
proper way to do this?

if you use "-u" parameter (maybe with "-x"), you should train it as the user
who receives the mail

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, ;
Warning: I wish NOT to receive e-mail advertising to this address.
Varovanie: na tuto adresu chcem NEDOSTAVAT akukolvek reklamnu postu.
How does cat play with mouse? cat /dev/mouse

Re: DKIM dependency issues

2015-02-17 Thread Alex Regan


Feb 15 18:44:41.383 [16434] dbg: spf: [...] Compilation failed in
require at
line 500.

Looks to me like the same issue (but a different symptom) as reported
my mls mid January 2015 on the SA users mailing list:
"Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Check::_head_tests_0_1, skipping ..."

I can now reproduce it here now (only with SPF, not with DKIM
or in compiling header tests).

configuration issue, but it only happens on mbox files.
The ones I've tested have only one message.

The "only happens on mbox files" was a key, thanks!
It does not seem to be a misconfiguration, more like a genuine bug
somewhere in the @INC or 'require' logic.

Awesome. it really looked like a configuration problem, but there
wasn't nothing in my mail logs along these lines - it was only when
run from the command-line.

I was also pretty sure that mail-spf-query has long been deprecated in
favor of mail-spf so I didn't want to go that route, and I know my
config has been working well on multiple machines for quite a while.

Is there now a bug report submitted for this?

Not yet. I'm trying to boil it down to a manageable test case.
So far it seems it will end up as a perl bug report.

Please open a SA problem report so that the issue can be tracked.
There may be a workaround, but first the problem must be understood.

Bug opened here:


FreeMail Plugin

2015-02-17 Thread ricky gutierrez
Hi,  I have been updating some dependencies CPAN, but spamassassin
shows that warn:

spamassassin --lint
[18198] warn: Use of uninitialized value $tlds in regexp compilation
at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Mail/SpamAssassin/Plugin/
line 121.

someone on the list could explain this warn?

my best regards


Re: FreeMail Plugin

2015-02-17 Thread Kevin A. McGrail

On 2/17/2015 11:42 AM, ricky gutierrez wrote:

Hi,  I have been updating some dependencies CPAN, but spamassassin
shows that warn:

spamassassin --lint
[18198] warn: Use of uninitialized value $tlds in regexp compilation
at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Mail/SpamAssassin/Plugin/
line 121.

someone on the list could explain this warn?

my best regards

That variable comes from 

Sounds like you might have some mish-mash of SpamAssassin versions and 

Re: FreeMail Plugin

2015-02-17 Thread ricky gutierrez
2015-02-17 10:52 GMT-06:00 Kevin A. McGrail :
> That variable comes from
> $Mail::SpamAssassin::Util::RegistrarBoundaries::VALID_TLDS_RE;

Hi Kevin, good to hear around here,

> Sounds like you might have some mish-mash of SpamAssassin versions and
> plugins.

well ,  update to version  spamassassin-3.3.2-4.el6.rfx.x86_64


Re: FreeMail Plugin

2015-02-17 Thread Kevin A. McGrail

On 2/17/2015 12:21 PM, ricky gutierrez wrote:

2015-02-17 10:52 GMT-06:00 Kevin A. McGrail :

That variable comes from

Hi Kevin, good to hear around here,

Sounds like you might have some mish-mash of SpamAssassin versions and

well ,  update to version  spamassassin-3.3.2-4.el6.rfx.x86_64
That sounds like an RPM.  Missing RPMs and CPAN may lead to issues. What 
did you update from CPAN?  What distribution, etc. are you using?

Re: FreeMail Plugin

2015-02-17 Thread John Hardin

On Tue, 17 Feb 2015, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:

On 2/17/2015 12:21 PM, ricky gutierrez wrote:

 2015-02-17 10:52 GMT-06:00 Kevin A. McGrail :
>  That variable comes from
>  $Mail::SpamAssassin::Util::RegistrarBoundaries::VALID_TLDS_RE;
 Hi Kevin, good to hear around here,

>  Sounds like you might have some mish-mash of SpamAssassin versions and
>  plugins.
 well ,  update to version  spamassassin-3.3.2-4.el6.rfx.x86_64

That sounds like an RPM.  Missing RPMs and CPAN may lead to issues.

Very minor clarification there: Kevin meant to say "mixing".

CPAM modules should either be installed using RPMs (or whatever package 
your distro uses) OR directly from CPAN. If you mix methods you can't rely 
on getting clean results, things may not be properly updated.

What did you update from CPAN?  What distribution, etc. are you using?

 John Hardin KA7OHZ
 jhar...@impsec.orgFALaholic #11174 pgpk -a
 key: 0xB8732E79 -- 2D8C 34F4 6411 F507 136C  AF76 D822 E6E6 B873 2E79
  ...for a nation to tax itself into prosperity is like a man
  standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.
 -- Winston Churchill
 5 days until George Washington's 283rd Birthday

Re: FreeMail Plugin

2015-02-17 Thread ricky gutierrez
2015-02-17 11:49 GMT-06:00 Kevin A. McGrail :

> That sounds like an RPM.  Missing RPMs and CPAN may lead to issues. What did
> you update from CPAN?  What distribution, etc. are you using?

CentOS release 6.6 (Final)

add a list cpan modules.

CPAN: Storable loaded ok (v2.20)
Reading '/root/.cpan/Metadata'
  Database was generated on Tue, 17 Feb 2015 17:41:02 GMT

Package namespace installedlatest  in CPAN file
AppConfig  1.66  1.69  NEILB/AppConfig-1.69.tar.gz
Archive::Extract   0.38  0.74  
Attribute::Handlers0.85  0.96  
Authen::SASL   2.13  2.16  GBARR/Authen-SASL-2.16.tar.gz
AutoLoader 5.68  5.74  SMUELLER/AutoLoader-5.74.tar.gz
B::Debug   1.11  1.23  RURBAN/B-Debug-1.23.tar.gz
B::Lint1.11  1.20  RJBS/B-Lint-1.20.tar.gz
BerkeleyDB 0.43  0.54  PMQS/BerkeleyDB-0.54.tar.gz
Bit::Vector 7.1   7.4  STBEY/Bit-Vector-7.4.tar.gz
CGI3.51  4.13  LEEJO/CGI-4.13.tar.gz
CGI::Fast  1.08  2.05  LEEJO/CGI-Fast-2.05.tar.gz
CPAN::Meta::Requirements  2.127 2.132  
CPANPLUS   0.880.9152  BINGOS/CPANPLUS-0.9152.tar.gz
CPANPLUS::Dist::Build  0.36  0.78  
Carp   1.111.3301  ZEFRAM/Carp-1.3301.tar.gz
Carp::Clan 6.03  6.04  STBEY/Carp-Clan-6.04.tar.gz
Class::ISA 0.33  0.36  SMUELLER/Class-ISA-0.36.tar.gz
Convert::ASN1  0.22  0.27  GBARR/Convert-ASN1-0.27.tar.gz
Version string '1.119 ' contains invalid data; ignoring: ' ' at 
/usr/local/share/perl5/ExtUtils/ line 2784.
Convert::BinHex   1.119 1.123  
Convert::UUlib 1.34   1.4  MLEHMANN/Convert-UUlib-1.4.tar.gz
Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA0.25  0.28  
Crypt::OpenSSL::Random 0.04  0.10  
Crypt::SSLeay  0.57  0.72  NANIS/Crypt-SSLeay-0.72.tar.gz
DBD::SQLite1.27  1.46  ISHIGAKI/DBD-SQLite-1.46.tar.gz
DBD::mysql4.013 4.029  CAPTTOFU/DBD-mysql-4.029.tar.gz
DBIx::Simple   1.32  1.35  JUERD/DBIx-Simple-1.35.tar.gz
Data::UUID1.203 1.220  RJBS/Data-UUID-1.220.tar.gz
Devel::DProf  20080331.00 20110802.00  
Devel::PPPort  3.19  3.28  WOLFSAGE/Devel-PPPort-3.28.tar.gz
Devel::SelfStubber 1.03  1.05  
Digest 1.16  1.17  GAAS/Digest-1.17.tar.gz
Digest::HMAC   1.01  1.03  GAAS/Digest-HMAC-1.03.tar.gz
Dumpvalue  1.13  1.17  FLORA/Dumpvalue-1.17.tar.gz
Encode 2.35  2.70  DANKOGAI/Encode-2.70.tar.gz
Env1.00  1.04  FLORA/Env-1.04.tar.gz
Error   0.17015   0.17023  SHLOMIF/Error-0.17023.tar.gz
Exporter   5.63  5.70  TODDR/Exporter-5.70.tar.gz
ExtUtils::Command  1.16  1.20  
ExtUtils::Install  1.54  2.04  
ExtUtils::Manifest 1.65  1.70  
ExtUtils::ParseXS2.2203  3.24  
File::CheckTree 4.4  4.42  RJBS/File-CheckTree-4.42.tar.gz
File::Fetch0.24  0.48  BINGOS/File-Fetch-0.48.tar.gz
File::Path 2.08  2.09  DLAND/File-Path-2.09.tar.gz
Filter::Simple 0.84  0.91  
GSSAPI 0.26  0.28  AGROLMS/GSSAPI-0.28.tar.gz
Git0.01  0.40  MSOUTH/Git-0.40.tgz
HTML::Form5.829  6.03  GAAS/HTML-Form-6.03.tar.gz
I18N::Collate  1.01  1.02  FLORA/I18N-Collate-1.02.tar.gz
IP::Country2.27  2.28  NWETTERS/IP-Country-2.28.tar.gz
IPC::Cmd   0.56  0.92  BINGOS/IPC-Cmd-0.92.tar.gz
IPC::SysV  2.01  2.04  MHX/IPC-SysV-2.04.tar.gz
JSON::PP2.27203   2.27300  MAKAMAKA/JSON-PP-2.27300.tar.gz
LWP::Protocol::http10 undef  6.03  
LWP::Protocol::https  undef  6.06  
Locale::Maketext   1.13  1.26  TODDR/Locale-Maketext-1.26.tar.gz

Some tips email gateway

2015-02-17 Thread ricky gutierrez
Hi , I have mounted one gateway filtering me all spam in the business,
I have to postfix + centos6.6 + amavisd-new 2.8 + clamav +
spamassassin, currently captures 65% of spam the other 35 gets
through, I want to improve the effectiveness making a Bayesian db.

I am not an expert in postfix and spamassassin, I was thinking to
leave a copy of all messages for the domain and classify emails as
spam and ham, and then build the db, the problem is that postfix is
only a gateway and leaves no emails locally! ,

someone has faced this type of situation?


Re: Some tips email gateway

2015-02-17 Thread Jeremy McSpadden
Are you using any RBLs with postfix ?

Jeremy McSpadden
Flux Labs | | Endless 
Office : 850-250-5590x501 | Cell : 
850-890-2543 | Fax : 850-254-2955

On Feb 17, 2015, at 1:05 PM, ricky gutierrez>> wrote:

Hi , I have mounted one gateway filtering me all spam in the business,
I have to postfix + centos6.6 + amavisd-new 2.8 + clamav +
spamassassin, currently captures 65% of spam the other 35 gets
through, I want to improve the effectiveness making a Bayesian db.

I am not an expert in postfix and spamassassin, I was thinking to
leave a copy of all messages for the domain and classify emails as
spam and ham, and then build the db, the problem is that postfix is
only a gateway and leaves no emails locally! ,

someone has faced this type of situation?


Re: Some tips email gateway

2015-02-17 Thread Reindl Harald

Am 17.02.2015 um 20:06 schrieb Jeremy McSpadden:

Are you using any RBLs with postfix ?

that was not the question

the question was how to get spam/ham-samples for train bayes after all 
other filters and RBL's are running in a sane setup long before 

see me response to that topic

Jeremy McSpadden
Flux Labs |  | Endless
Office : 850-250-5590x501  | Cell : 850-890-2543
 | Fax : 850-254-2955 

On Feb 17, 2015, at 1:05 PM, ricky gutierrez>> wrote:

Hi , I have mounted one gateway filtering me all spam in the business,
I have to postfix + centos6.6 + amavisd-new 2.8 + clamav +
spamassassin, currently captures 65% of spam the other 35 gets
through, I want to improve the effectiveness making a Bayesian db.

I am not an expert in postfix and spamassassin, I was thinking to
leave a copy of all messages for the domain and classify emails as
spam and ham, and then build the db, the problem is that postfix is
only a gateway and leaves no emails locally! ,

someone has faced this type of situation?

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Some tips email gateway

2015-02-17 Thread Reindl Harald

Am 17.02.2015 um 20:03 schrieb ricky gutierrez:

Hi , I have mounted one gateway filtering me all spam in the business,
I have to postfix + centos6.6 + amavisd-new 2.8 + clamav +
spamassassin, currently captures 65% of spam the other 35 gets
through, I want to improve the effectiveness making a Bayesian db.

I am not an expert in postfix and spamassassin, I was thinking to
leave a copy of all messages for the domain and classify emails as
spam and ham, and then build the db, the problem is that postfix is
only a gateway and leaves no emails locally! ,

someone has faced this type of situation?

update to Postfix 3.0 and use the new BCC feature for header_checks on 
the *downstream servers* to use that as training data *but* be sure you 
place a sieve rule there to discard all the BCC's to users without a 
explicit opt-in for *legal* reasons!

and protect that BCC account from receive mails on the MX!

the sieve rule just lists the subscribed Users in the To/Cc-Header with 
'keep' and the elseif 'discard'

if you want to optimize that add your own enevlope-headers on the MX 
which covers also BCC and can be used by the sieve-rules instead From/Cc
header_checks = pcre:/etc/postfix/
nested_header_checks =
mime_header_checks =

/^X\-Spam\-Flag: Yes/ BCC
/^X\-Spam\-Report: Flag: No.*(BAYES_80|BAYES_95|BAYES_99)/ BCC
/^X\-Spam\-Report: Flag: No.*(BAYES_50)/ BCC

fold_headers 1
add_header spam Flag _YESNO_
add_header all Status _YESNO_, score=_SCORE_, tag-level=_REQD_, 

report_safe 0
add_header all Report Flag: _YESNO_, _REPORT_
rewrite_header Subject [SPAM]

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Some tips email gateway

2015-02-17 Thread ricky gutierrez
2015-02-17 13:06 GMT-06:00 Jeremy McSpadden :
> Are you using any RBLs with postfix ?
> --

Yes , only these two: reject_rbl_client,


Re: Some tips email gateway

2015-02-17 Thread Reindl Harald

Am 17.02.2015 um 20:25 schrieb ricky gutierrez:

2015-02-17 13:06 GMT-06:00 Jeremy McSpadden :

Are you using any RBLs with postfix ?

Yes , only these two: reject_rbl_client,

while my other answer solves the "how to get training messages" problem 
with a recent postfix you have postscreen and can add a ton of RBL's 
with different scoring to prevent false positives while reject much more 

with the postscreen config below your SA will mostly have only to handle 
junk from compromised accounts and so the remaining bayes training 
according to my previous answer is way less work

postscreen_dnsbl_ttl = 5m
postscreen_dnsbl_threshold = 8
postscreen_dnsbl_action = enforce
postscreen_greet_action = enforce
postscreen_dnsbl_sites =*7*7*5[10;11;12]*4*8*6*3*2*2*2[10;11]*8[4..7]*6*4*3*3*1*1[18;19;20]*-2[0..255].0*-2[0..255].1*-3[0..255].2*-4[0..255].3*-5*-2

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Some tips email gateway

2015-02-17 Thread ricky gutierrez
this solution looks cool , I was thinking of putting another server
with a specific account and through transport map from the gw send
e-mail server to another server with a specific account.

I was looking for how to handle this with postfix

2015-02-17 13:14 GMT-06:00 Reindl Harald :
> Am 17.02.2015 um 20:03 schrieb ricky gutierrez:
>> Hi , I have mounted one gateway filtering me all spam in the business,
>> I have to postfix + centos6.6 + amavisd-new 2.8 + clamav +
>> spamassassin, currently captures 65% of spam the other 35 gets
>> through, I want to improve the effectiveness making a Bayesian db.
>> I am not an expert in postfix and spamassassin, I was thinking to
>> leave a copy of all messages for the domain and classify emails as
>> spam and ham, and then build the db, the problem is that postfix is
>> only a gateway and leaves no emails locally! ,
>> someone has faced this type of situation?
> update to Postfix 3.0 and use the new BCC feature for header_checks on the
> *downstream servers* to use that as training data *but* be sure you place a
> sieve rule there to discard all the BCC's to users without a explicit opt-in
> for *legal* reasons!
> and protect that BCC account from receive mails on the MX!
> _
> the sieve rule just lists the subscribed Users in the To/Cc-Header with
> 'keep' and the elseif 'discard'
> if you want to optimize that add your own enevlope-headers on the MX which
> covers also BCC and can be used by the sieve-rules instead From/Cc
> _
> header_checks = pcre:/etc/postfix/
> nested_header_checks =
> mime_header_checks =
> /etc/postfix/
> /^X\-Spam\-Flag: Yes/ BCC
> /^X\-Spam\-Report: Flag: No.*(BAYES_80|BAYES_95|BAYES_99)/ BCC
> /^X\-Spam\-Report: Flag: No.*(BAYES_50)/ BCC
> Spamassassin
> clear_headers
> fold_headers 1
> add_header spam Flag _YESNO_
> add_header all Status _YESNO_, score=_SCORE_, tag-level=_REQD_,
> block-level=8.0
> report_safe 0
> add_header all Report Flag: _YESNO_, _REPORT_
> rewrite_header Subject [SPAM]


Re: Some tips email gateway

2015-02-17 Thread Reindl Harald

Am 17.02.2015 um 20:38 schrieb ricky gutierrez:

this solution looks cool , I was thinking of putting another server
with a specific account and through transport map from the gw send
e-mail server to another server with a specific account.

I was looking for how to handle this with postfix

where the ccount lives don't matter

the only resticiton is that "header_checks" BCC in Postfix 3.0 only 
works for "header_checks" and *not* "smtp_header_checks", hence it need 
to be defined on the downstream server instead on the MX

where the target address itself is located don't matter, postfix just 
generates a BCC and sends it to that local or remote address

but be sure you consider the legal implications!

2015-02-17 13:14 GMT-06:00 Reindl Harald :

Am 17.02.2015 um 20:03 schrieb ricky gutierrez:

Hi , I have mounted one gateway filtering me all spam in the business,
I have to postfix + centos6.6 + amavisd-new 2.8 + clamav +
spamassassin, currently captures 65% of spam the other 35 gets
through, I want to improve the effectiveness making a Bayesian db.

I am not an expert in postfix and spamassassin, I was thinking to
leave a copy of all messages for the domain and classify emails as
spam and ham, and then build the db, the problem is that postfix is
only a gateway and leaves no emails locally! ,

someone has faced this type of situation?

update to Postfix 3.0 and use the new BCC feature for header_checks on the
*downstream servers* to use that as training data *but* be sure you place a
sieve rule there to discard all the BCC's to users without a explicit opt-in
for *legal* reasons!

and protect that BCC account from receive mails on the MX!

the sieve rule just lists the subscribed Users in the To/Cc-Header with
'keep' and the elseif 'discard'

if you want to optimize that add your own enevlope-headers on the MX which
covers also BCC and can be used by the sieve-rules instead From/Cc
header_checks = pcre:/etc/postfix/
nested_header_checks =
mime_header_checks =

/^X\-Spam\-Flag: Yes/ BCC
/^X\-Spam\-Report: Flag: No.*(BAYES_80|BAYES_95|BAYES_99)/ BCC
/^X\-Spam\-Report: Flag: No.*(BAYES_50)/ BCC

fold_headers 1
add_header spam Flag _YESNO_
add_header all Status _YESNO_, score=_SCORE_, tag-level=_REQD_,
report_safe 0
add_header all Report Flag: _YESNO_, _REPORT_
rewrite_header Subject [SPAM]

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Some tips email gateway

2015-02-17 Thread ricky gutierrez
2015-02-17 13:44 GMT-06:00 Reindl Harald :
> where the ccount lives don't matter
> the only resticiton is that "header_checks" BCC in Postfix 3.0 only works
> for "header_checks" and *not* "smtp_header_checks", hence it need to be
> defined on the downstream server instead on the MX

Reindl let me understand, the postfix could leave a copy BCC locally
on the gateway, or send a copy to another MX server defined in my

> where the target address itself is located don't matter, postfix just
> generates a BCC and sends it to that local or remote address
> but be sure you consider the legal implications!

if this is'll have to talk to my boss.


Re: Some tips email gateway

2015-02-17 Thread Antony Stone
On Tuesday 17 Feb 2015 at 20:05, ricky gutierrez wrote:

> 2015-02-17 13:44 GMT-06:00 Reindl Harald :
> > where the ccount lives don't matter
> > 
> > the only resticiton is that "header_checks" BCC in Postfix 3.0 only works
> > for "header_checks" and *not* "smtp_header_checks", hence it need to be
> > defined on the downstream server instead on the MX
> Reindl let me understand, the postfix could leave a copy BCC locally
> on the gateway, or send a copy to another MX server defined in my
> bind?

BCCs will be delivered wherever the address points to.  If your gateway has 
mail accounts (unlikely?) then they can be delivered there; otherwise they'll 
go to whichever is the MX for the BCC address.

> > where the target address itself is located don't matter, postfix just
> > generates a BCC and sends it to that local or remote address
> > 
> > but be sure you consider the legal implications!
> if this is'll have to talk to my boss.

Basically, you must ensure that nobody ever sees the emails - they must only 
be used for automated processing, unless there is a very good and justified 
reason for looking at some of them to investigate problems etc (and even in 
this case the person is only allowed to look at the part of the email needed 
to investigate - so if they need to see the body of a false-positive ham-
identified-as-spam, they shouldn't look at the headers.  If they need to see 
the headers, they almost certainly shouldn't see the recipient (since that's 
very unlikely ever to be involved in classifying an email as ham or spam)).

Hope that helps,


#define SIX 1+5
#define NINE 8+1

int main() {
printf("%d\n", SIX * NINE);
- thanks to ECB for bringing this to my attention

   Please reply to the list;
 please *don't* CC me.

Re: Some tips email gateway

2015-02-17 Thread Reindl Harald

Am 17.02.2015 um 21:05 schrieb ricky gutierrez:

2015-02-17 13:44 GMT-06:00 Reindl Harald :

where the ccount lives don't matter

the only resticiton is that "header_checks" BCC in Postfix 3.0 only works
for "header_checks" and *not* "smtp_header_checks", hence it need to be
defined on the downstream server instead on the MX

Reindl let me understand, the postfix could leave a copy BCC locally
on the gateway, or send a copy to another MX server defined in my

the gateway *can't fo* anything than add the headers so that they match 
the regex from my first response on the destinations servers

header_checks apply for incoming smtp
smtp_header_checks apply for outgoing smtp

BCC is only valid for *incoming* smtp
hence these rules needs to be on the *final destination*

we have also a global postfix running all sort of filters and deliver 
filtered mail to currently 2 postfix servers with dbmail as 
storage/IMAP/POP3 and hence on both downstream server are identical 
"header_checks" with the same BCC adress which is finally on one of them

both final destination servers are stoarge and submission only, hence 
the MX delivers on a own port in defined skipping milters to 
not re-scan messages again (-o receive_override_options=no_milters)

BCC user@domain
 Add the specified address as a BCC recipient
 This feature is available in Postfix 3.0 and later.
 This feature is not supported with smtp header/body checks.

where the target address itself is located don't matter, postfix just
generates a BCC and sends it to that local or remote address

but be sure you consider the legal implications!

if this is'll have to talk to my boss

do that and in any case write a sieve-rule for the central account which 
get's the BCC to discard anything but messages to listed envelopes

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Some tips email gateway

2015-02-17 Thread ricky gutierrez
ok I'll be test with their advice, I will be in touch with you


2015-02-17 14:16 GMT-06:00 Antony Stone
> On Tuesday 17 Feb 2015 at 20:05, ricky gutierrez wrote:
>> 2015-02-17 13:44 GMT-06:00 Reindl Harald :
>> > where the ccount lives don't matter
>> >
>> > the only resticiton is that "header_checks" BCC in Postfix 3.0 only works
>> > for "header_checks" and *not* "smtp_header_checks", hence it need to be
>> > defined on the downstream server instead on the MX
>> Reindl let me understand, the postfix could leave a copy BCC locally
>> on the gateway, or send a copy to another MX server defined in my
>> bind?
> BCCs will be delivered wherever the address points to.  If your gateway has
> mail accounts (unlikely?) then they can be delivered there; otherwise they'll
> go to whichever is the MX for the BCC address.
>> > where the target address itself is located don't matter, postfix just
>> > generates a BCC and sends it to that local or remote address
>> >
>> > but be sure you consider the legal implications!
>> if this is'll have to talk to my boss.
> Basically, you must ensure that nobody ever sees the emails - they must only
> be used for automated processing, unless there is a very good and justified
> reason for looking at some of them to investigate problems etc (and even in
> this case the person is only allowed to look at the part of the email needed
> to investigate - so if they need to see the body of a false-positive ham-
> identified-as-spam, they shouldn't look at the headers.  If they need to see
> the headers, they almost certainly shouldn't see the recipient (since that's
> very unlikely ever to be involved in classifying an email as ham or spam)).
> Hope that helps,
> Antony.
> --
> #define SIX 1+5
> #define NINE 8+1
> int main() {
> printf("%d\n", SIX * NINE);
> }
> - thanks to ECB for bringing this to my attention
>Please reply to the list;
>  please *don't* CC me.


Re: Some tips email gateway

2015-02-17 Thread Reindl Harald

Am 17.02.2015 um 21:16 schrieb Antony Stone:

On Tuesday 17 Feb 2015 at 20:05, ricky gutierrez wrote:

2015-02-17 13:44 GMT-06:00 Reindl Harald :

where the ccount lives don't matter

the only resticiton is that "header_checks" BCC in Postfix 3.0 only works
for "header_checks" and *not* "smtp_header_checks", hence it need to be
defined on the downstream server instead on the MX

Reindl let me understand, the postfix could leave a copy BCC locally
on the gateway, or send a copy to another MX server defined in my

BCCs will be delivered wherever the address points to.  If your gateway has
mail accounts (unlikely?) then they can be delivered there; otherwise they'll
go to whichever is the MX for the BCC address.

but the BCC option for "header_checks" is not available at the gateway 
because it runs *before* contentfilters and so makes no sense and since 
it's not available for "smtp_header_checks" you can't do anything on the 

where the target address itself is located don't matter, postfix just
generates a BCC and sends it to that local or remote address

but be sure you consider the legal implications!

if this is'll have to talk to my boss.

Basically, you must ensure that nobody ever sees the emails - they must only
be used for automated processing, unless there is a very good and justified
reason for looking at some of them to investigate problems etc (and even in
this case the person is only allowed to look at the part of the email needed
to investigate - so if they need to see the body of a false-positive ham-
identified-as-spam, they shouldn't look at the headers.  If they need to see
the headers, they almost certainly shouldn't see the recipient (since that's
very unlikely ever to be involved in classifying an email as ham or spam))

to be honest that is wrong and hence you need *explicit* opt-in from the 
users, you typically need only a handful of users for both ham/spam 
because spam repeats as well as newletters, registration confirmations, 
bookings and so on have common tokens

to train a global bayes you need to complete context from headers to 
body and in doubt also the RCPT until you want take the phone and speak 
with the user before classify and in that case you can skip the whole 
idea and just setup shared folders where users move samples to

if someone believes he could train without the complete context he can 
also enable autolearning and forget the whole idea about a manual and 
with care maintained bayes

at the end of the day the manual trained, global bayes will win for 
several reasons:

* you ignore not 100% clear samples
* train BAYES_50 samples where you are sure in the correct direction
* train clear spam not hitting BAYS_99
* the user won't train it at the end of the day enough and balanced
* if the users trains he makes too much mistakes
* while in theory a user-specific bayes would be better the
  problem is the balance of enough ham *and* spam and most user bayes
  won't get enabled at all by miss the 200/200 requirement

not only once a took the phone and asked "seriously?" for a message 
moved by a user by hand in the SPAM-folder for training and it turned 
out to be a commpletly wrong classification even a candiate for HAM

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Some tips email gateway

2015-02-17 Thread Matus UHLAR - fantomas

2015-02-17 13:06 GMT-06:00 Jeremy McSpadden :

Are you using any RBLs with postfix ?

On 17.02.15 13:25, ricky gutierrez wrote:

Yes , only these two: reject_rbl_client,

why not reject_rbl_client ? it makes exactly the same job,
but halves number of queries
Matus UHLAR - fantomas, ;
Warning: I wish NOT to receive e-mail advertising to this address.
Varovanie: na tuto adresu chcem NEDOSTAVAT akukolvek reklamnu postu.
BSE = Mad Cow Desease ... BSA = Mad Software Producents Desease

Re: Some tips email gateway

2015-02-17 Thread Reindl Harald

Am 17.02.2015 um 22:04 schrieb Matus UHLAR - fantomas:

2015-02-17 13:06 GMT-06:00 Jeremy McSpadden :

Are you using any RBLs with postfix ?

On 17.02.15 13:25, ricky gutierrez wrote:

Yes , only these two: reject_rbl_client,

why not reject_rbl_client ? it makes exactly the same job,
but halves number of queries

it contains more zenhaus lists and hence more false positives

but honestly "" is asking for troubles and should never 
be scored the same way as xbl, the same for ""

look at one of my previous replies to that thread, the different scores 
for different sorbs/zen respones are not random - they prevent way too 
much false positives and support calls even in scoring setups

hence i also disabled most builtin RBL scores in SA and write my own 
rules feeded from the same table and even that needs to be combined with 
a sensitive DNSWL list with different scores

what we *never* should forget as mailadmin is the our primary job is 
make sure that mail is received and not blocked - that#s in any case a 
hard job but one false positive does so much more harm than 10 slipped 
junk mails.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Some tips email gateway

2015-02-17 Thread Martin Gregorie
On Tue, 2015-02-17 at 13:38 -0600, ricky gutierrez wrote:
> this solution looks cool , I was thinking of putting another server
> with a specific account and through transport map from the gw send
> e-mail server to another server with a specific account.
> I was looking for how to handle this with postfix
The Postfix 'always_bcc' directive writes copies of all incoming and
outgoing e-mail to a mail user you'd set up to receive that mail stream.
I use it to feed my mail archiving system, but of course you can do
pretty much anything you want with it.


Re: Some tips email gateway

2015-02-17 Thread Reindl Harald

Am 17.02.2015 um 22:44 schrieb Martin Gregorie:

On Tue, 2015-02-17 at 13:38 -0600, ricky gutierrez wrote:

this solution looks cool , I was thinking of putting another server
with a specific account and through transport map from the gw send
e-mail server to another server with a specific account.

I was looking for how to handle this with postfix

The Postfix 'always_bcc' directive writes copies of all incoming and
outgoing e-mail to a mail user you'd set up to receive that mail stream.
I use it to feed my mail archiving system, but of course you can do
pretty much anything you want with it

but that won't help you with train a bayes
you don't want to have all mails as BCC for that task :-)

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Some tips email gateway

2015-02-17 Thread Axb

On 02/17/2015 10:44 PM, Martin Gregorie wrote:

On Tue, 2015-02-17 at 13:38 -0600, ricky gutierrez wrote:

this solution looks cool , I was thinking of putting another server
with a specific account and through transport map from the gw send
e-mail server to another server with a specific account.

I was looking for how to handle this with postfix

The Postfix 'always_bcc' directive writes copies of all incoming and
outgoing e-mail to a mail user you'd set up to receive that mail stream.
I use it to feed my mail archiving system, but of course you can do
pretty much anything you want with it.

including ugly backscattering if your bCC target has a hickup.

Smart glue applications give you the option to selectively quarantine 
spam without extra risky smtp sesssions.

Re: Some tips email gateway

2015-02-17 Thread Reindl Harald

Am 17.02.2015 um 22:50 schrieb Axb:

On 02/17/2015 10:44 PM, Martin Gregorie wrote:

On Tue, 2015-02-17 at 13:38 -0600, ricky gutierrez wrote:

this solution looks cool , I was thinking of putting another server
with a specific account and through transport map from the gw send
e-mail server to another server with a specific account.

I was looking for how to handle this with postfix

The Postfix 'always_bcc' directive writes copies of all incoming and
outgoing e-mail to a mail user you'd set up to receive that mail stream.
I use it to feed my mail archiving system, but of course you can do
pretty much anything you want with it.

including ugly backscattering if your bCC target has a hickup

not really

Note: with Postfix 2.3 and later the BCC address is added as if it was 
specified with NOTIFY=NONE. The sender will not be notified when the BCC 
address is undeliverable, as long as all down-stream software implements 
RFC 3461.


also prevented by my suggestion of "header_checks" BCC with Postfix 3.0

Note 1: the  BCC  address is added as if it was specified with 
NOTIFY=NONE. The sender will not be notified when the BCC
address is undeliverable,  as long as all down-stream software 
implements RFC 3461.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Some tips email gateway

2015-02-17 Thread Axb

On 02/17/2015 10:54 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:

Am 17.02.2015 um 22:50 schrieb Axb:

On 02/17/2015 10:44 PM, Martin Gregorie wrote:

On Tue, 2015-02-17 at 13:38 -0600, ricky gutierrez wrote:

this solution looks cool , I was thinking of putting another server
with a specific account and through transport map from the gw send
e-mail server to another server with a specific account.

I was looking for how to handle this with postfix

The Postfix 'always_bcc' directive writes copies of all incoming and
outgoing e-mail to a mail user you'd set up to receive that mail stream.
I use it to feed my mail archiving system, but of course you can do
pretty much anything you want with it.

including ugly backscattering if your bCC target has a hickup

not really

Note: with Postfix 2.3 and later the BCC address is added as if it was
specified with NOTIFY=NONE. The sender will not be notified when the BCC
address is undeliverable, as long as all down-stream software implements
RFC 3461.

also prevented by my suggestion of "header_checks" BCC with Postfix 3.0

Note 1: the  BCC  address is added as if it was specified with
NOTIFY=NONE. The sender will not be notified when the BCC
address is undeliverable,  as long as all down-stream software
implements RFC 3461.

to each his own...

I'd endorse lighweight Fuglu ( and its plugin framework 
which give you all the bells & whistles without bending & depending of a 
particular Postfix version.

Re: Some tips email gateway

2015-02-17 Thread ricky gutierrez
2015-02-17 16:10 GMT-06:00 Axb :

>> _
>> also prevented by my suggestion of "header_checks" BCC with Postfix 3.0
>> Note 1: the  BCC  address is added as if it was specified with
>> NOTIFY=NONE. The sender will not be notified when the BCC
>> address is undeliverable,  as long as all down-stream software
>> implements RFC 3461.
> to each his own...
> I'd endorse lighweight Fuglu ( and its plugin framework
> which give you all the bells & whistles without bending & depending of a
> particular Postfix version.

this replaces amavisd-new?


Re: Training new spamass-milter setup

2015-02-17 Thread LuKreme
On 17 Feb 2015, at 08:27 , Robert Schetterer  wrote:
> Am 17.02.2015 um 16:13 schrieb LuKreme:
>> OK, so I have spamass-milter running, but I need to train it. What is the 
>> proper way to do this?
> you dont train spamass-milter, you should train spamassassin

spamassassin has existing user-specific training already in place. 
Spamass-milter isn’t using the user DBs.

Don't just *do* something: *sit* there!

Re: Training new spamass-milter setup

2015-02-17 Thread Reindl Harald

Am 17.02.2015 um 23:37 schrieb LuKreme:

On 17 Feb 2015, at 08:27 , Robert Schetterer  wrote:

Am 17.02.2015 um 16:13 schrieb LuKreme:

OK, so I have spamass-milter running, but I need to train it. What is the 
proper way to do this?

you dont train spamass-milter, you should train spamassassin

spamassassin has existing user-specific training already in place. 
Spamass-milter isn’t using the user DBs.

because in a default milter-setup the one and only user is the user 
which SA and the miler service are running as, hence my script which 
needs maybe small adjustments for your environment (--no-sync and so on 
depend on the config, directories needs to exist and permissions for 
samples needs to be correct)

no mysql and what not, just a default bayes-db, two traing-folders for 
ham and spam and the script for feed new eml-samples as well as the 
option for ac omplete rebuild based on the current samples, the corpus 
will stay forever on that machines and samples are named 

hence we start spamd as well as the milter service with the same user, 
both on a high port and directly with the correct user and group with 

after that all relevant is in milter-home below .spamassassin and the 
global settings as usal in ""

that setup with the global bayes is now running for 6 months replacing a 
commercial solution after 10 years and after all the training and 
adjustment effort i have never faced a more accurate filter in case of 
spam as well of ham to prevent false positives

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Some tips email gateway

2015-02-17 Thread Axb

On 02/17/2015 11:16 PM, ricky gutierrez wrote:

2015-02-17 16:10 GMT-06:00 Axb :


also prevented by my suggestion of "header_checks" BCC with Postfix 3.0

Note 1: the  BCC  address is added as if it was specified with
NOTIFY=NONE. The sender will not be notified when the BCC
address is undeliverable,  as long as all down-stream software
implements RFC 3461.

to each his own...

I'd endorse lighweight Fuglu ( and its plugin framework
which give you all the bells & whistles without bending & depending of a
particular Postfix version.

this replaces amavisd-new?

it's an alternative,
different approach, different language..

Re: Training new spamass-milter setup

2015-02-17 Thread Reindl Harald

Am 17.02.2015 um 23:37 schrieb LuKreme:

On 17 Feb 2015, at 08:27 , Robert Schetterer  wrote:

Am 17.02.2015 um 16:13 schrieb LuKreme:

OK, so I have spamass-milter running, but I need to train it. What is the 
proper way to do this?

you dont train spamass-milter, you should train spamassassin

spamassassin has existing user-specific training already in place. 
Spamass-milter isn’t using the user DBs.

additionally do my previous mail some technical facts how the milter works:

* postfix connects to the milter
* the milter connects to spamd via TCP
* spamd fires up if not present spamc forks
* they are running as the ilter user
* spamassassin running as that user proceeds the scan
* spamassassin adds his headers to the messge
* the new message with headers is passed back to the milter
* the milter parses the headers
* especially the score
* based on that score it gives back to postfix the reject command
* the parsing of that headers is *case sensitive*
* replace the "score=_SCORE_" below with "Score=_SCORE_" and
  spamass-milter won't ever reject a mail, been there, done that
* add_header spam Flag _YESNO_ needs to be present in case of
  spam not rejected, otherwise "rewrite_header" won't work
  which is where i called to "outright lying" as i reported
  that back here months ago

# header configuration
fold_headers 1
add_header spam Flag _YESNO_
add_header all Status _YESNO_, score=_SCORE_, tag-level=_REQD_, 

report_safe 0
add_header all Report Flag: _YESNO_, _REPORT_
rewrite_header Subject [SPAM]

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Training new spamass-milter setup

2015-02-17 Thread @lbutlr
On 17 Feb 2015, at 15:46 , Reindl Harald  wrote:
> because in a default milter-setup the one and only user is the user which SA 
> and the miler service are running as, hence my script which needs maybe small 
> adjustments for your environment (--no-sync and so on depend on the config, 
> directories needs to exist and permissions for samples needs to be correct)

Right. I’m going through your scripts now. They look interesting and with only 
a few weeks should drop in perfectly.

> no mysql and what not, just a default bayes-db, two traing-folders for ham 
> and spam and the script for feed new eml-samples as well as the option for ac 
> omplete rebuild based on the current samples, the corpus will stay forever on 
> that machines and samples are named -mm-dd-number.eml

Setting up the spam and ham corpus separately is  on thing holding me up right 
now, and I’d honestly rather run with a mysql database, but I’m sure that is 
possible with some tweaking to the scripts, which I may or may not do.

There is a road, no simple highway, between the dawn and the dark of