Re: Single word mails .

2007-04-26 Thread Tim B.

Matt Kettler wrote:

ram wrote:
Are the spammers testing some new spamtool 
I am getting mails with just a single word like "gushes" "using"  etc 

what is this about  now ? 

Read the archives for more details, however the general consensus is
it's due to:

1) a mass run of short-emails to a broader-range of randomly generated
addresses in an attempt to
disover new ones. (aka Rumpelstiltskin attack)

- OR -

2) some spammer screwed up their template when they last pushed one out
to their botnet, and as a result the bots are generating emails with no
useful payload.

Both are quite plausible.

Is there a good test for these? 

The first days run seemed to be related to the german stock market, but 
todays run so far I can not seem to find a common thread as the subject 
is getting the same one word as the body

Re: Google Summer of Code 2007 ...

2007-02-18 Thread Tim B.

Justin Mason wrote:

Graham Murray writes:

Theo Van Dinter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Doesn't SA have at least 3 of those already?  Razor, DCC, and Pyzor.

Not quite. Those show how many times *others* have seen it, not how
many times *I* have seen it. Also, these have hysteresis so if you are
unfortunately to be at the start of the spam run and receive multiple
mails all with the same body then Razor, DCC and Pyzor might not
help. Though if this were implemented then there would have to a
whitelist for mailing lists to which multiple users have subscribed.

I know that a few big organisations use a private DCC server for this
purpose, with good results; doing it with a DCC server works well
if you have multiple scanner machines.


Humm... I didn't realize DC C could be  used  this way... I will 

Re: Google Summer of Code 2007 ...

2007-02-17 Thread Tim B.

Justin Mason wrote:

Theo Van Dinter writes:

I'm assuming that there will be a Google Summer of Code 2007 going on, and
that the ASF will be involved again.  So it's a good time to start thinking
about things we'd like to put up as possible projects.

We still have a number of items from last year that we could use again.
Anything else that we'd like people to code up?

Also, any suggestions from outside the dev team?  Anyone got good ideas
for new SpamAssassin features that would be good to pay someone to work on
for 3 months?



How about a "How many times have I seen this message body" plugin...

So each time SA see's the same or similar enough message body, it 
increases the score. 

Re: Botnet 0.7 soon

2006-12-21 Thread Tim B.

John Rudd wrote:

New things:

1) BOTNET_SOHO -- If the sender's (chosen from Envelope-From, 
Return-Path, or From, in that order) mail domain (the part after the @ 
sign) resolves back to the relay's IP address, or has an MX host which 
resolves back to the IP address, AND the sender's mail domain does NOT 
match the PTR record for the relay, then we'll assume this is a "small 
office/home office" mail server.  We'll exempt them from BOTNET being 
triggered.  (note: someone suggested that this check also try to 
resolve the HELO string, I make a note in my code as to why this is an 
extremely bad idea, and have a commented out block of code there for 
anyone who wants to go down that path ... but, really, don't)

2) Botnet API -- want to include the module in other Perl 
code?  Maybe call "check_botnet" from mimedefang-filter so you can 
block before a message gets to SpamAssassin?  I've made an API for 
it.  The routines that SA calls use this API, so it's the _exact_same_ 
code. There's now an included perl program "" which takes an 
IP address CLI argument, and an optional main-domain CLI argument.  It 
will tell you which rules do and don't get triggered.  It also serves 
as an example of using the API.  (you will still need to have 
SpamAssassin installed in order to use in this fashion, even 
if you're using the API in a program that doesn't call SA)

3) BOTNET_CLIENT and BOTNET are now actual rules instead of meta 
rules.  The individual rules are still there, just with zero'd 
scores.  You can now easily pick between 1 big rule (BOTNET doing 
eval:botnet()), meta rules (detailed in the file 
Botnet.variations.txt), or piece-meal calling of the individual checks 
(also detailed in Botnet.variations.txt).

4) config option: botnet_pass_trusted (all|public|private|ignore)
This defaults to "public".  If you have any public IP addresses in 
your relays-trusted list, then Botnet wont trigger.  Private means 
"any private IP addresses", where that includes 127.*, 10.*, etc..  
All means either of those two.  Ignore means "do what Botnet used to 
do: not even look at the trusted relays, just look past them".  The 
idea is: if you got this from a trusted relay, we can assume it wasn't 
a Botnet.

5) botnet_pass_auth now looks at the trusted relays.  It probably 
should have been doing that all along.  It no longer looks at the 
untrusted relays.

6) Rules that get triggered now use $permsgstatus->test_log to record 
information.  The individual rules just list 
"[rulename,ip=$ip,hostname=$host,maildomain=$domain]" or an 
appropriate subset of that based on which rule it is.  BOTNET_CLIENT 
and BOTNET also include a list of sub-rule names that were triggered.  
So, you might see this:






(once I'm more comfortable with the output, I'll probably take out the 
leading rule name, but for now, I'm keeping it there)

7) and seem to also be botnet sources, but 
their hostnames don't fit any of my other patterns.  Luckily, they DO 
fit some pattern, and it's simple enough to not need a code based 
rule, just a regular conventional expression based rule.  I've created 
BOTNET_SHAWCABLE and BOTNET_OCNNEJP rules to cover these two.

8) The file Botnet.variations.txt exists now with different suggested 
alternative ways to do Botnet rules.

9) Botnet.credits.txt exists, but is far from complete.

I think that's everything...

Just need another day or two of testing before I release it.

out of curiosity, which release branches of SA is supported with this 
plugin?  the 3.1.x & 3.0.x or just the 3.1.x?

Re: High CPU running SA in a VMware VM

2006-10-26 Thread Tim B.

Sammy Anderson wrote:
We recently migrated our SpamAssassin installation from a physical 3.6 
GHz system running RHEL 4 and SA 3.0.4 to a VMware VM (ESX 2.5.4) with 
RHEL 4 as the guest OS and SA 3.1.7.  Each user has their own Bayes 
files (Berkeley DB) and these were copied from the old to the new 
server.  Now whenever an expiry process runs on a user's database, the 
CPU spikes, sometimes for a minute or longer.  We did not notice 
spikes on the old server, but it is really hammering the VM.  Has 
anyone else experienced this problem?  For now I have disabled Bayes 
altogether because of the unacceptable load.


Do you Yahoo!?
Get on board. You're invited 
to try the new Yahoo! Mail. 
I'm no VMware expert, but it's been my experience that any kind of 
database should not be run in a VMware VM.

Re: Bombarded by German political spam

2005-05-17 Thread Tim B
David B Funk wrote:
Tonight our site is being bombarded by German political spam or
Joe-jobbed bounce fall-out. So far it appears to all be coming
from trojaned PCs. Other than the specific URLs in the messages
havn't found any easily identified parts to create rules for.
anybody else seeing this?
Did this suddendly stop today for anyone else and now your just dealing 
with the NDR's?

Re: Bombarded by German political spam

2005-05-15 Thread Tim B
Chr. von Stuckrad wrote:
On Sun, May 15, 2005 at 10:59:12AM -0500, Steven Stern wrote:
I received about 500 on the webmaster account.
Now we know what "sober" was all about.

I see *no* connection to any Virus or Trojan!
I got about 200 of them into a few accounts and
seemingly I'm receiving more every few minutes.
BUT I do *not* think it is more than 'Propaganda'!
It mostly is just one URL of a genuine Article
of a german Newspaper (only the 'collection' of
Articles and tendency of subject making it 'political').
No attachments seem to be sent and our Mail-filter would
have 'eaten' anyway all the current Sober-Viruses/Variants.
(I'm pretty sure about that, I'm its admin)
Stucki (postmaster at math/inf/
Look at your AV logs of those sending sober.p and look at the 
connections sending the german political spam.  you will start to see a 
connection.  In fact I'm going through my logs right now finding the 
hosts which sent sober.p and starting to block those because they so far 
seem to be the main ones sending the political spam

Re: SpamAssassin score factors?

2005-03-30 Thread Tim B
Lisheng Sun wrote:
Could anyone here tell me how many different factors that will involve with SA?
Say, IP is belong to blacklist, URL is belong to blacklist, etc. What else?
Not include user-defined one.
You should probably visit

Re: Barracuda's Spam firewall

2005-02-28 Thread Tim B
Gray, Richard wrote:
Anyone care to comment on how successful/effective this particular 
product is? (
There is something of a major dispute going regarding whether this 
represents better value for mney than other solutions (including our 
own, self built service)
If any of you fine people has any experience with this (tested it, use 
it, know someone else who uses it) I'd really appreciate any feedback 
you could give me on its pros/cons.

This email from dns has been validated by dnsMSS Managed Email Security 
and is free from all known viruses.

For further information contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Barracuda devices are a spammer's dream.  They make it very easy to 
backscatter spam.

They bounce EVERYTHING causing a ton of backscatter.  They seem to 
accept all mail, process it then bounce it back to the "sender" which is 
usually fake.

Here's one such log entry from one of my postfix servers...  This is 
just one entry of over 10,000 in the last 6 hours alone (of course I 
removed the recipient address):

Feb 28 06:52:23 inbound1 postfix/cleanup[24781]: 3065B31A769: reject: 
header Subject: **Message you sent blocked by our bulk email filter** 
from[]; from=<> to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
proto=ESMTP helo=: 550 Uknown User

Spamc wrapper script to bypass spamscanning for some users?

2005-02-03 Thread Tim B
I thought I saw here a while back a script which would check to see if 
user wanted spam scanning or not.  I've tried going through the list but 
alas I just can't seem to find it.  Any help would be appreciated.


Re: Request for spam from Kennedy-Western/

2005-01-18 Thread Tim B
William Stearns wrote:
Good evening, all,
I have a favor to ask.  Kennedy Western has written in asking to be 
removed from the sa-blacklist - the audacity!  :-)
Could I trouble any of you that keep your back spam to grab any 
Kennedy Wester spams and send them along to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(obviously, this address is for spam only; if you have questions or want 
to reach me, please use [EMAIL PROTECTED])?  Strings to look for are:

Kennedy Western
I sincerely appreciate the help.
- Bill
"It is easy to be blinded to the essential uselessness of
computers by the sense of accomplishment you get from getting them to
work at all."
-- Douglas Adams
William Stearns ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).  Mason, Buildkernel, freedups, p0f,
rsync-backup, ssh-keyinstall, dns-check, more at:
if it's any help I have nothing for the last 4 weeks

Re: OT Boincing Spam

2004-12-26 Thread Tim B

What I've do now is:
1) Spam over a certain score goes to /dev/null
2) Spam under a certain score, and over a certain score go to spamtrap 
incase someone's looking for something.
3) Low scoring spam gets delivered the user with **SPAM** in the 
subject  which the users have a client side rules to move those to a 
spam folder.

That seems sane. What levels do you set?

First off, I use Postfix Policyd to greylist delivery.
With all the sare rules for SA 3.x, Razor, Dcc, and pyzor, I set our 
thresholds to:

Over 15 --> /dev/null
Over 9 --> /spamtrap
Over 5.5 --> Rewrite Subject
Most false positives fall between 5.5 & 6.5 (maybe 2 a day and it is 
usually due to a raher high score RBL). I have yet to have to into 
spamtrap to find good mail and I've used this for 4 months now.  Just 
once was I given a false negative.

Re: OT Boincing Spam

2004-12-25 Thread Tim B
  1. Generate a bounce message to the envelope sender of the message, and
  2. During the SMTP session, refuse to accept mail from the client,
by returning a 500-series SMTP error code.
Option 1 is almost always a terrible idea, unless perhaps the sender
has published an SPF record and the result of an SPF check at the
server is pass (but definitely not anything else, including neutral or
none).  Anyway, option 1 is strictly inferior to option 2, as it will
always require more resources at the mail server.
Option 2 is actually in my opinion a good idea, because in the case of
false positives, it lets the sender know that the mail might not be
read.  In the case of actual spam, assuming you refuse the mail at the
outermost mail relay at your organization, very often the mail is
coming from a spambot that will never generate the bounce message.  In
other cases, the client may be an open mail relay, but such machines
are very often blacklisted anyway, so I don't view causing them to
send bounces as a terrible thing.  Others may disagree on that point,
but at any rate you are not risking getting your own server
blacklisted--only the open mail relay is in danger of being
blacklisted (which it should be anyway).
I've been quite interested in this issue of bouncing/refusing spam
messages, and so built an SMTP server that makes it easy for
individual users to refuse spam at the SMTP level.  (See for details.)
Recently, I have set up my account to reject with a 554 SMTP error
code anything that spamassassin flags as spam, using the default
threshold of 5.0, which is more aggressive than other people have been
suggesting here.  However, I also keep a copy of the messages I
bounce, both so as to monitor how this is working out, and to build a
corpus with which to train the Bayesian filter.  At least anecdotally,
this seems to be working well for me.  When I spot check spams, I
don't think I'm causing a lot of innocent people to get bounce
Well I've reached the point with those that bounce spam using Option 1 I 
 block with the following bounce:

554 Tell your admin to quit bouncing spam as that type of thing does 
nothing but DoS innocent domains.

Bouncing spam is IMHO just as big a problem as the spam itself.
It seems a certain appliance named after a fish likes to bounce spam by 
default which has caused our server to receive over 30,000 false bounces 
to legitimate email addresses in less an hour yesterday.

What I've do now is:
1) Spam over a certain score goes to /dev/null
2) Spam under a certain score, and over a certain score go to spamtrap 
incase someone's looking for something.
3) Low scoring spam gets delivered the user with **SPAM** in the subject 
 which the users have a client side rules to move those to a spam folder.

1) Identifiable viruses go to /dev/null
2) Executeable's get quarantined in a filetrap

Re: How can I catch these messages?

2004-11-20 Thread Tim B
Rob Blomquist wrote:
I run Kmail with SA 3.0.1, and I filter by piping incoming mail to spamc.

All I want to do is push the scores into the spam range. And frankly I think I 
could lower the bar, too. Are their rulesets that might help, or custom rules 
that I could write, and as a single user I don't need perfection, I just want 
something like a 95% catch ratio instead of the 60% I am currently getting.

Foobar replaces a couple of the words in the headers that I am sensitive about 
releasing to the net.

Here are the headers for brevity:
Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Received: from ([]) by
  (InterMail vM. 201-253-122-130-106-20030910) with ESMTP
  for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Fri, 19 Nov 2004 01:59:35 -0600
Received: from ( by (MailPass 
SMTP server v1.1.1 - 121803235448JY) with  SMTP id 
<1-995-125-995-132708-13-1100851174> for; Fri, 19 Nov 2004 
01:59:36 -0600
From: Hair Care Specialist<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Medical Hair Restoration - A Permanent Solution
Date: 19 Nov 2004 02:52:49 -0500
Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]/peno>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.0.1 (2004-10-22) on Timmy
X-Spam-Level: ***
X-Spam-Status: No, score=3.1 required=5.0 tests=ALL_NATURAL,BAYES_99,
	HTML_IMAGE_RATIO_04,HTML_MESSAGE autolearn=no version=3.0.1
Status: RO
X-Status: RC
X-KMail-EncryptionState: N
X-KMail-SignatureState: N

Content-Type: text/plain;
charset = "ISO-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Received: from ([])
  (InterMail vM. 201-253-122-130-106-20030910) with ESMTP
  for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Fri, 19 Nov 2004 00:27:28 -0600
Received: from ( by 
(MailPass SMTP server v1.1.1 - 121803235448JY) with  SMTP id 
<3-32004-215-32004-58673-27-1100845648> for; Fri, 19 Nov 
2004 00:27:29 -0600
From: Natural Beauty<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Welcome Gifts from Yves Rocher 
Date: 19 Nov 2004 01:24:22 -0500
Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]/peno>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.0.1 (2004-10-22) on Timmy
X-Spam-Level: **
X-Spam-Status: No, score=2.3 required=5.0 tests=BAYES_99,HTML_50_60,
	SARE_HTML_P_JUSTIFY autolearn=no version=3.0.1
Status: RO
X-Status: RC
X-KMail-EncryptionState: N
X-KMail-SignatureState: N

Content-Type: text/plain;
charset = "ISO-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Received: from ([]) by
  (InterMail vM. 201-253-122-130-106-20030910) with ESMTP
  Thu, 18 Nov 2004 17:27:42 -0600
Received: from ( by (MailPass SMTP 
server v1.1.1 - 121803235448JY) with  SMTP id 
<2-9271-77-9271-60461-1-1100820446> for; Thu, 18 Nov 2004 
17:27:43 -0600
Received: from by;
	Thu, 18 Nov 2004 23:29:34 +
From: "Brooke Corbett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Order Rolex or other Swiss watches online
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2004 19:29:03 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.0.1 (2004-10-22) on Timmy
X-Spam-Status: No, score=4.5 required=5.0 tests=BAYES_99,MSGID_DOLLARS 
	autolearn=no version=3.0.1
Status: RO
X-Status: RC
X-KMail-EncryptionState: N
X-KMail-SignatureState: N

Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Received: from ([])
  (InterMail vM. 201-253-122-130-106-20030910) with ESMTP
  for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Thu, 18 Nov 2004 10:58:11 -0600
Received: from ( by 
(MailPass SMTP server v1.1.1 - 121803235448JY) with  SMTP id 

Re: spamd still burning CPU in 3.0.1

2004-10-23 Thread Tim B
email builder wrote:
I hurried out and installed 3.0.1, thinking one of those memory/language
improvements mentioned in the release notes were going to be my savior...
Sadly, 3.0.1's spamd has the same CPU-intensive behavior here.  I am s at
a loss; tried everything I've read... spent days reading... please, anyone
have anything more?  

If spamd isn't I/O bound, my memory isn't swapping, I have no other processes
that are out of control, I can't for the life of me figure out why this is
Again, my specs:
A sample from top:
1401 maildrop  16   0 39744  34m 6840 R 28.3  3.4   3:04.18 spamd
spamd children average around 30% CPU, but even 50% not too unusual.

load average is around 15 to 18 during the middle of the day
And this is how I start spamd:
LANG=en_US; export LANG; TMPDIR=/tmp/spamassassin; export TMPDIR
spamd -d -q -x --max-children=5 -H /etc/razor -u maildrop -r
(also tried with -L to no avail)
/tmp/spamassassin is mounted with tmpfs
prefs/bayes/awl all in SQL, but bayes/awl not being used right now
we also run named on the same machine
if it's important, this is 3.0.1, downloaded and compiled manually (not a
CPAN install)
I have installed no custom rulesets, nothing extra beside whatever comes 100%
stock.  This is a Fedora Core 2 machine (2.8P-IV hyperthreaded, 1GB RAM)
spamc is called from maildrop as such:
if ( $SIZE < 262144 )
   exception {
  xfilter "/usr/bin/spamc -u $LOGNAME"
(also tried running inside of amavis to no avail)
Any advice or even just pointers on any more reading I can do would be highly

What in the world is going on?  Isn't it true that spamd (beside DCC)
its thing w/out disk I/O?  If so, what else could be chewing up so much
I don't know - The same thing happens to me a couple of times a day, and I
only get about 350 messages per day.  Today it was at 12:25p:
12:25:07 4496511804 99.13  2532  9420 65088
432884 86.93
12:25:07091  5.47  2.35  0.89 <<< LA
When this happens, the HDD is constantly active.  I'm using v2.64 with
network checks.  The load average for the 21 hrs of this day is about 0.1 

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail - Helps protect you from nasty viruses.
Have you tried doing a force-expire on your bayes db?
I found this helped me.  Disabling autoexpire, and twice a day running 
sa-learn --force-expire

Re: SMP and Make

2004-10-04 Thread Tim B
Theo Van Dinter wrote:
On Mon, Oct 04, 2004 at 05:24:02PM -0400, Tim B wrote:
what are the best options to use when building SpamAssassin on an SMP 
system?  and during which step do I use those switches?

You don't really get any benefit out of the "-j" switch in our "make".
There's only 1 thing which gets compiled, and a handful of file/copy
But "make -j 2" (or whatever number) will do it.
Thanks  I won't sweat it then, was just looking to make the most out of 
a nice shiny new 4way server

SMP and Make

2004-10-04 Thread Tim B
what are the best options to use when building SpamAssassin on an SMP 
system?  and during which step do I use those switches?

Re: Install Problem V 3.0

2004-09-25 Thread Tim B
abusquets wrote:
I try to install Spamassassin v 3.0 with perl 5.8.5 and i have this error
/usr/bin/perl: error while loading shared libraries:
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/i686-linux/auto/DBI/ undefined symbol:

I had funky problem which referenced /DBI/ which I fixed real 
quick by installing the latest version of DB_File from cpan