Re: [OT] Bogus MX opinions

2008-02-22 Thread Richard Frovarp

Marc Perkel wrote:

Mark Johnson wrote:

Marc Perkel wrote:

Because there is occasionally some server doing something very weird 
you might have to open up port 25 one some specific IP who is 
running something really dumb. I think I've had to do this only once 
or twice. But once you open up port 25 to the problem user you 
solved the problem.

For the most part if you do an MX sandwich as above you'll get rid 
of 80% of your spam and not lose good email. If you are fearful of 
going all the way then just do the higher numbered MX and leave the 
bottom as is.

This has been interesting and I want to give this a try.  What's the 
easiest way to give out a 421 on a bogus MX and log the attempt? 
Build a separate server?  Use an existing server and run a service on 
another port?  I've got extra IP's but don't want to over complicate 
the process.

I'm using Exim and I have it listening on several IP addresses. If you 
aren't using Exim then you'll have to get someone to help you.

defercondition = ${if match{$interface_address}{}}

You could just point it to a dead IP address which is the simple way 
to do it.

Yours doesn't give 421's. It gives 451's.

Re: [OT] Bogus MX opinions

2008-02-21 Thread Matthias Leisi

Hash: SHA1

Michael Scheidell schrieb:
| Postini uses it for their clients.
| They set up 4 'real' mx records (priority 100,200,300,400) that point to
| real postini servers.  They set up priority 500 that points to the
| (firewalled) smtp server of the client. (as in firewalled to the world,
| except to postini)

Where do you get this information from? I only see Postini customers
with four MX records at the priorities you mentioned, but none with a
fifth MX record.

Is this Postini's recommended procedure (as customers retain control of
their DNS records), or a (new) requirement for their service?

- -- Matthias

Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (Darwin)


Re: [OT] Bogus MX opinions

2008-02-21 Thread Richard Frovarp

Marc Perkel wrote:

Michael Scheidell wrote:

Didn't qmail have a problem if it hit a 'dead' primary mx server first?


Qmail has a problem if it gets a 421 on the lowest MX. But if the 
lowest MX is totally dead Qmail is fine with it.

We issue tcp-reset via iptables and have never heard of any problems. 
Doing this also makes connecting servers fail out quickest, instead of 
waiting to timeout.

Re: [OT] Bogus MX opinions

2008-02-21 Thread Marc Perkel

Richard Frovarp wrote:
We issue tcp-reset via iptables and have never heard of any problems. 
Doing this also makes connecting servers fail out quickest, instead of 
waiting to timeout.

Interesting. How do you do that?

Re: [OT] Bogus MX opinions

2008-02-21 Thread Richard Frovarp

Marc Perkel wrote:

Richard Frovarp wrote:
We issue tcp-reset via iptables and have never heard of any problems. 
Doing this also makes connecting servers fail out quickest, instead 
of waiting to timeout.

Interesting. How do you do that?

-A ports_deny -d -p tcp -m tcp --dport 25 -j REJECT 
--reject-with tcp-reset

Re: [OT] Bogus MX opinions

2008-02-21 Thread David B Funk
On Wed, 20 Feb 2008, Aaron Wolfe wrote:

 Quotes from this  thread (and the nolisting site which was posted as a

 Michael Scheidell  -  Do NOT use a bogus mx as your lowest priority.
 Bowie Bailey - I would say that it is too risky to put a non-smtp
 host as your primary
 MX - longterm use has yet to yield a single false positive 
 Marc Perkel - YES - it works... I have had no false positives at all
 using this.

 I am interested in this technique, and have been for some time.  It
 seems like every discussion of it leads to a group saying you will
 lose mail and a group saying you will not lose mail.   Is there any
 way to resolve this once and for all?   It's hard for me to see why
 either side would misrepresent the truth, but obviously someone is
 wrong here.

 One thing I notice (and I certainly could be wrong here)... the
 proponents seem to be actually using nolisting and claiming no
 problems, whilst those against the idea seem to be predicting problems
 rather than reporting on actual issues they have experienced.


OK, here's a real-world report of an actual issue that we experienced
using a modified Marc Perkel method (actually almost exactly the
same as Richard Frovarp's setup: firwalled primary, open secondary,
421'ed tertiary).

We got complaints from one of our users about missing mail from a local
governmental site that was being delivered before I had implemented the
firwalled primary setup. After doing a lot of investigation (both at our
side and by the admin of the afflicted sending system) it turned out that
their mail server was behind a smart firewall that would only let smtp
traffic -out- going to the first MX record of a smtp stream (the damnd
firewall was making the determination ;(.
The mail admin had a compliant server but he had no luck getting the
network admins to fix/change their firewall, so effectivly legimate mail
was being blocked by that setup.

So when Marc Perkel says: YES - it works... I have had no false positives
at all using this. it means that he has not yet run into this kind of
senario (or doesn't know that he has).
If you want to run that kind of config, as Richard Frovarp found, you'll
have to have some kind of mechanism for handling exceptions and problem

Dave Funk  University of Iowa
dbfunk (at) engineering.uiowa.eduCollege of Engineering
319/335-5751   FAX: 319/384-0549   1256 Seamans Center
Sys_admin/Postmaster/cell_adminIowa City, IA 52242-1527
#include std_disclaimer.h
Better is not better, 'standard' is better. B{

Re: [OT] Bogus MX opinions

2008-02-21 Thread Marc Perkel

David B Funk wrote:

On Wed, 20 Feb 2008, Aaron Wolfe wrote:


Quotes from this  thread (and the nolisting site which was posted as a

Michael Scheidell  -  Do NOT use a bogus mx as your lowest priority.
Bowie Bailey - I would say that it is too risky to put a non-smtp
host as your primary
MX - longterm use has yet to yield a single false positive 
Marc Perkel - YES - it works... I have had no false positives at all
using this.

I am interested in this technique, and have been for some time.  It
seems like every discussion of it leads to a group saying you will
lose mail and a group saying you will not lose mail.   Is there any
way to resolve this once and for all?   It's hard for me to see why
either side would misrepresent the truth, but obviously someone is
wrong here.

One thing I notice (and I certainly could be wrong here)... the
proponents seem to be actually using nolisting and claiming no
problems, whilst those against the idea seem to be predicting problems
rather than reporting on actual issues they have experienced.


OK, here's a real-world report of an actual issue that we experienced
using a modified Marc Perkel method (actually almost exactly the
same as Richard Frovarp's setup: firwalled primary, open secondary,
421'ed tertiary).

We got complaints from one of our users about missing mail from a local
governmental site that was being delivered before I had implemented the
firwalled primary setup. After doing a lot of investigation (both at our
side and by the admin of the afflicted sending system) it turned out that
their mail server was behind a smart firewall that would only let smtp
traffic -out- going to the first MX record of a smtp stream (the damnd
firewall was making the determination ;(.
The mail admin had a compliant server but he had no luck getting the
network admins to fix/change their firewall, so effectivly legimate mail
was being blocked by that setup.

So when Marc Perkel says: YES - it works... I have had no false positives
at all using this. it means that he has not yet run into this kind of
senario (or doesn't know that he has).
If you want to run that kind of config, as Richard Frovarp found, you'll
have to have some kind of mechanism for handling exceptions and problem


I would add that bogus primary MX settings have this issue. However 
bogus MX on the high numbered end are completely safe. 10 20 30

This would be totally safe.

Here's a little script for processing exceptions if you ise a bogus 
primary MX

for ipaddress in $( grep -v ^# /etc/whiteip.txt | awk '{print $1}' ); do
  /sbin/iptables -v -I INPUT -s $ipaddress -d primary ip -p tcp 
--dport 25 -j ACCEPT


Re: [OT] Bogus MX opinions

2008-02-21 Thread Marc Perkel

Mark Johnson wrote:

Marc Perkel wrote:

Because there is occasionally some server doing something very weird 
you might have to open up port 25 one some specific IP who is running 
something really dumb. I think I've had to do this only once or 
twice. But once you open up port 25 to the problem user you solved 
the problem.

For the most part if you do an MX sandwich as above you'll get rid of 
80% of your spam and not lose good email. If you are fearful of going 
all the way then just do the higher numbered MX and leave the bottom 
as is.

This has been interesting and I want to give this a try.  What's the 
easiest way to give out a 421 on a bogus MX and log the attempt? 
Build a separate server?  Use an existing server and run a service on 
another port?  I've got extra IP's but don't want to over complicate 
the process.

I'm using Exim and I have it listening on several IP addresses. If you 
aren't using Exim then you'll have to get someone to help you.

defercondition = ${if match{$interface_address}{}}

You could just point it to a dead IP address which is the simple way to 
do it.

Re: [OT] Bogus MX opinions

2008-02-21 Thread Mark Johnson

Marc Perkel wrote:

I'm using Exim and I have it listening on several IP addresses. If you 
aren't using Exim then you'll have to get someone to help you.

defercondition = ${if match{$interface_address}{}}

You could just point it to a dead IP address which is the simple way to 
do it.

I'll try it this way.  I'd like to be able to log the connection 
attempts to see what's going on.  It sounds like you run a number of 
servers.  What are you doing to combine your logging information?

Thanks for the advice!

Mark Johnson

Re: [OT] Bogus MX opinions

2008-02-21 Thread Marc Perkel

Mark Johnson wrote:

Marc Perkel wrote:

I'm using Exim and I have it listening on several IP addresses. If 
you aren't using Exim then you'll have to get someone to help you.

defercondition = ${if match{$interface_address}{}}

You could just point it to a dead IP address which is the simple way 
to do it.

I'll try it this way.  I'd like to be able to log the connection 
attempts to see what's going on.  It sounds like you run a number of 
servers.  What are you doing to combine your logging information?

Thanks for the advice!

I have a main primary server that has the primary MX and all bogus MX. 
SA and MySQL are on separate servers. I also have 4 other backup servers 
3 separate locations that handle load spikes and process email should 
the main colo die for some reason. So I have a bogus level, a primary 
level, a ring of secondary backup servers and a bunch of high numbered 
bogus MX records.

Re: [OT] Bogus MX opinions

2008-02-21 Thread Mark Johnson

Marc Perkel wrote:

Because there is occasionally some server doing something very weird you 
might have to open up port 25 one some specific IP who is running 
something really dumb. I think I've had to do this only once or twice. 
But once you open up port 25 to the problem user you solved the problem.

For the most part if you do an MX sandwich as above you'll get rid of 
80% of your spam and not lose good email. If you are fearful of going 
all the way then just do the higher numbered MX and leave the bottom as is.

This has been interesting and I want to give this a try.  What's the 
easiest way to give out a 421 on a bogus MX and log the attempt? 
Build a separate server?  Use an existing server and run a service on 
another port?  I've got extra IP's but don't want to over complicate the 

Mark Johnson

Re: [OT] Bogus MX opinions

2008-02-21 Thread mouss

Marc Perkel wrote:

David B Funk wrote:

On Wed, 20 Feb 2008, Aaron Wolfe wrote:


Quotes from this  thread (and the nolisting site which was posted as a

Michael Scheidell  -  Do NOT use a bogus mx as your lowest priority.
Bowie Bailey - I would say that it is too risky to put a non-smtp
host as your primary
MX - longterm use has yet to yield a single false 

Marc Perkel - YES - it works... I have had no false positives at all
using this.

I am interested in this technique, and have been for some time.  It
seems like every discussion of it leads to a group saying you will
lose mail and a group saying you will not lose mail.   Is there any
way to resolve this once and for all?   It's hard for me to see why
either side would misrepresent the truth, but obviously someone is
wrong here.

One thing I notice (and I certainly could be wrong here)... the
proponents seem to be actually using nolisting and claiming no
problems, whilst those against the idea seem to be predicting problems
rather than reporting on actual issues they have experienced.


OK, here's a real-world report of an actual issue that we experienced
using a modified Marc Perkel method (actually almost exactly the
same as Richard Frovarp's setup: firwalled primary, open secondary,
421'ed tertiary).

We got complaints from one of our users about missing mail from a local
governmental site that was being delivered before I had implemented the
firwalled primary setup. After doing a lot of investigation (both at our
side and by the admin of the afflicted sending system) it turned out 

their mail server was behind a smart firewall that would only let smtp
traffic -out- going to the first MX record of a smtp stream (the damnd
firewall was making the determination ;(.
The mail admin had a compliant server but he had no luck getting the
network admins to fix/change their firewall, so effectivly legimate mail
was being blocked by that setup.

So when Marc Perkel says: YES - it works... I have had no false 

at all using this. it means that he has not yet run into this kind of
senario (or doesn't know that he has).
If you want to run that kind of config, as Richard Frovarp found, you'll
have to have some kind of mechanism for handling exceptions and problem


I would add that bogus primary MX settings have this issue. However 
bogus MX on the high numbered end are completely safe. 10 20 30

This would be totally safe.

No. it is not totally safe. I will be happy to see your argumentation 
that this would be safe. until then, ...

Here's a little script for processing exceptions if you ise a bogus 
primary MX

for ipaddress in $( grep -v ^# /etc/whiteip.txt | awk '{print $1}' ); do
  /sbin/iptables -v -I INPUT -s $ipaddress -d primary ip -p tcp 
--dport 25 -j ACCEPT


Re: [OT] Bogus MX opinions

2008-02-21 Thread Michael Scheidell
I guess just customers who want a fall back in case postini goes down.

 host -t mx mail is handled by 100 mail is handled by 200 mail is handled by 300 mail is handled by 400 is only using 4.

I have seen 5 a lot.  I didn't check and do statistics on which ones do and
which ones don't.

Michael Scheidell, CTO
|SECNAP Network Security
Winner 2008 Network Products Guide Hot Companies
FreeBsd SpamAssassin Ports maintainer
Charter member, ICSA labs anti-spam consortium

This email has been scanned and certified safe by SpammerTrap(tm). 
For Information please see

Re: [OT] Bogus MX opinions

2008-02-20 Thread Richard Frovarp

mouss wrote:

Francesco Abeni wrote:
Good morning everyone, i'm in charge of reducing SPAM at a customer 
site. Already have SPAMASSASSIN, sa-update weeklyexecuted.

I'd like to implement a Bogus MX for further filtering of SPAM. I 
don't know if this is the correct name, by Bogus MX i mean setting 
up a low priority MX record which points at a non-smtp server.

I'd like to know some first-hand experience about two questions.

1. Has it caused any lost mail issue or client complaints?
I know every half decent mail server should try other MX. In real 
life, have you often received complaints from valid senders?

2. Has it reduced significantly SPAM?
I'd like to know if it's worth the (little) trouble of setup and 
verifying question #1.

We do something like nolisting. You will lose legit mail no matter which 
trick you use. So it's best if you have a method of fixing that. Our 
first mx record is a real smtp server, it's just firewalled off to most 
of the world. It's used as a fast lane for our internal networks so they 
aren't slowed down by spam attacks. If we run into a legit server having 
issues (and there will be, don't let anyone else fool you into thinking 
there won't be), we can just open up the firewall to their SMTP and 
problem is solved.


Re: [OT] Bogus MX opinions

2008-02-20 Thread Aaron Wolfe
Quotes from this  thread (and the nolisting site which was posted as a

Michael Scheidell  -  Do NOT use a bogus mx as your lowest priority.
Bowie Bailey - I would say that it is too risky to put a non-smtp
host as your primary
MX - longterm use has yet to yield a single false positive 
Marc Perkel - YES - it works... I have had no false positives at all
using this.

I am interested in this technique, and have been for some time.  It
seems like every discussion of it leads to a group saying you will
lose mail and a group saying you will not lose mail.   Is there any
way to resolve this once and for all?   It's hard for me to see why
either side would misrepresent the truth, but obviously someone is
wrong here.

One thing I notice (and I certainly could be wrong here)... the
proponents seem to be actually using nolisting and claiming no
problems, whilst those against the idea seem to be predicting problems
rather than reporting on actual issues they have experienced.


Re: [OT] Bogus MX opinions

2008-02-20 Thread mouss

Richard Frovarp wrote:

We do something like nolisting. You will lose legit mail no matter 
which trick you use. So it's best if you have a method of fixing that. 
Our first mx record is a real smtp server, it's just firewalled off to 
most of the world. It's used as a fast lane for our internal networks 
so they aren't slowed down by spam attacks. If we run into a legit 
server having issues (and there will be, don't let anyone else fool 
you into thinking there won't be), we can just open up the firewall to 
their SMTP and problem is solved.

I don't use anything like that. I just tried to post the pointer while 
avoiding getting into a hot debate. my opinion is that the MX retry 
strategy is not very clearly defined/implemented, so there is always a 
risk of losing mail. on the other hand, it is not hard for a bot owner 
to use N clients to get around whatever combination of MX games you 
play. I am not saying that fake MXes do not work today. I am just not 
sure they don't require some amount of work (contantly watch for 
possible FPs...). things like I have not seen a single FP are useless 
without justification (what methods are used to show that there are no 

Re: [OT] Bogus MX opinions

2008-02-20 Thread Richard Frovarp

mouss wrote:

Richard Frovarp wrote:

We do something like nolisting. You will lose legit mail no matter 
which trick you use. So it's best if you have a method of fixing 
that. Our first mx record is a real smtp server, it's just firewalled 
off to most of the world. It's used as a fast lane for our internal 
networks so they aren't slowed down by spam attacks. If we run into a 
legit server having issues (and there will be, don't let anyone else 
fool you into thinking there won't be), we can just open up the 
firewall to their SMTP and problem is solved.

I don't use anything like that. I just tried to post the pointer while 
avoiding getting into a hot debate. my opinion is that the MX retry 
strategy is not very clearly defined/implemented, so there is always a 
risk of losing mail. on the other hand, it is not hard for a bot owner 
to use N clients to get around whatever combination of MX games you 
play. I am not saying that fake MXes do not work today. I am just not 
sure they don't require some amount of work (contantly watch for 
possible FPs...). things like I have not seen a single FP are 
useless without justification (what methods are used to show that 
there are no FPs).

I completely agree with you. I have no idea what effect our solution is 
having on spam. I know that our internal mail isn't slowed down by large 
influxes of spam as they can't get to the server that processes internal 
mail, which was the goal of our system. I know for a fact we've rejected 
legit mail because of our solution. Since my solution allows for the 
opening of the fake MX to legit systems having issues, the problems 
are reduced, but certainly not eliminated. Our FP detection method is 
waiting for someone to call up and complain.

RE: [OT] Bogus MX opinions

2008-02-20 Thread Bowie Bailey
Aaron Wolfe wrote:
 Quotes from this  thread (and the nolisting site which was posted as a
 Michael Scheidell  -  Do NOT use a bogus mx as your lowest
 priority. Bowie Bailey - I would say that it is too risky to put a
 host as your primary
 MX - longterm use has yet to yield a single false
 positive  Marc Perkel - YES - it works... I have had no false
 positives at all using this.
 I am interested in this technique, and have been for some time.  It
 seems like every discussion of it leads to a group saying you will
 lose mail and a group saying you will not lose mail.   Is there any
 way to resolve this once and for all?   It's hard for me to see why
 either side would misrepresent the truth, but obviously someone is
 wrong here.
 One thing I notice (and I certainly could be wrong here)... the
 proponents seem to be actually using nolisting and claiming no
 problems, whilst those against the idea seem to be predicting problems
 rather than reporting on actual issues they have experienced.

It is quite true that I have not used the nolisting approach.  I have
followed a couple of quite long threads on this list discussing
(arguing over?) this approach.  My take on it is that there are probably
enough flawed servers out there to cause problems with this approach.

My main point was that you can list a non-responsive secondary server
instead.  This will give you less of a drop in spam, but it should be
less likely to cause problems.

By all means...try it and report your results.  Someone else reported
that they use a functional primary mailserver, but it is firewalled off
from the Internet.  This gives the same effect, but allows for opening
holes to allow problem servers to get through.  This may be a good


RE: [OT] Bogus MX opinions

2008-02-20 Thread Bowie Bailey
Richard Frovarp wrote:
 mouss wrote:
  Richard Frovarp wrote:

   We do something like nolisting. You will lose legit mail no matter
   which trick you use. So it's best if you have a method of fixing
   that. Our first mx record is a real smtp server, it's just
   firewalled off to most of the world. It's used as a fast lane for
   our internal networks so they aren't slowed down by spam attacks.
   If we run into a legit server having issues (and there will be,
   don't let anyone else fool you into thinking there won't be), we
   can just open up the firewall to their SMTP and problem is solved.
  I don't use anything like that. I just tried to post the pointer
  while avoiding getting into a hot debate. my opinion is that the
  MX retry strategy is not very clearly defined/implemented, so there
  is always a risk of losing mail. on the other hand, it is not hard
  for a bot owner to use N clients to get around whatever combination
  of MX games you play. I am not saying that fake MXes do not work
  today. I am just not sure they don't require some amount of work
  (contantly watch for possible FPs...). things like I have not seen
  a single FP are useless without justification (what methods are
  used to show that there are no FPs). 
 I completely agree with you. I have no idea what effect our solution
 is having on spam. I know that our internal mail isn't slowed down by
 large influxes of spam as they can't get to the server that processes
 internal mail, which was the goal of our system. I know for a fact
 we've rejected legit mail because of our solution. Since my solution
 allows for the opening of the fake MX to legit systems having
 issues, the problems are reduced, but certainly not eliminated. Our
 FP detection method is waiting for someone to call up and complain.

How many systems have you had to allow through the firewall due to mail
problems so far?


Re: [OT] Bogus MX opinions

2008-02-20 Thread Richard Frovarp

Bowie Bailey wrote:

I completely agree with you. I have no idea what effect our solution
is having on spam. I know that our internal mail isn't slowed down by
large influxes of spam as they can't get to the server that processes
internal mail, which was the goal of our system. I know for a fact
we've rejected legit mail because of our solution. Since my solution
allows for the opening of the fake MX to legit systems having
issues, the problems are reduced, but certainly not eliminated. Our
FP detection method is waiting for someone to call up and complain.

How many systems have you had to allow through the firewall due to mail
problems so far?



Re: [OT] Bogus MX opinions

2008-02-20 Thread Kevin W. Gagel
- Original Message -
Quotes from this  thread (and the nolisting site which was posted as a

Michael Scheidell  -  Do NOT use a bogus mx as your lowest priority.
Bowie Bailey - I would say that it is too risky to put a non-smtp
host as your primary

I can't disagree with having a non-smtp host being strange or non-standard.
But having a bogus lowest mx record that points to a non-existing host is
something to consider. I've seen it recomended and was considering doing it
last year when my RBL rejections were increasing. Durring the month of
November last year I replaced my gateway server - which required a change
in my mx records. From that point on the number of rejects dropped
dramatically. Even now in February the number is stable and low and not on
the rise (yet).

So I can see a direct benifit to having a false mx record that will point
spambots to nothing. In fact the recomendation I read was to have a fake mx
record above and below the real one. RFC compliant servers will try the
lowest and move on to the next highest till they can send the message.
Spambots will typically try the highest and leave when they can't deliver.

Right now I only have one mx record so the fact that my rbl rejections has
dropped so much gives support to the above. As for any lost email. I
haven't had a complaint yet. Why? Real senders are using real servers which
are RFC compliant...

seems like every discussion of it leads to a group saying you will
lose mail and a group saying you will not lose mail.   Is there any
way to resolve this once and for all?   It's hard for me to see why
either side would misrepresent the truth, but obviously someone is
wrong here.

One thing I notice (and I certainly could be wrong here)... the
proponents seem to be actually using nolisting and claiming no
problems, whilst those against the idea seem to be predicting problems
rather than reporting on actual issues they have experienced.

You'll always have your supporters and detractors. That's life. The really
important thing for you to do is figure out what conditions are acceptable
to you for your site and what is not. Then go about and configure your site
to work for you.

Email streams vary by site and what they want at each site varies as well.
Here, we're an educational institute so I have to give some leniancy to
educationaly related emails. A lumber mill on the other hand may not
care/need or want messages about diploma's etc...

So your job is to figure out the why someone is opposed or in favour to a
particular method and see if it would be the same reason for you at your
site. Only then can you judge a method as good or bad for your users.

Kevin W. Gagel
Network Administrator
Information Technology Services
(250) 562-2131 local 5448
My Blog:
My File share:

The College of New Caledonia, Visit us at
Virus scanning is done on all incoming and outgoing email.
Anti-spam information for CNC can be found at

Re: [OT] Bogus MX opinions

2008-02-20 Thread Marc Perkel
Let me clarify something about using bogus MX records. Let's assume the 
following. - MX 10 - MX 20 MX 30 MX 40 MX 50

The host bogus1 and bogus2 are 100% safe and effective. The bogus IPs 
can be dead on port 25 or can return 421 and let it retry. The 421 will 
let you log hits if you want to see it working.

The bogus on the low end is trickier. What you have to do there is 
firewall off port 25 to almost everyone. You can't do a 421 error 
because it breaks Qmail servers. Qmail won't retry higher numbered MX 
records after seeing a 421 but will try if the port is closed.

Because there is occasionally some server doing something very weird you 
might have to open up port 25 one some specific IP who is running 
something really dumb. I think I've had to do this only once or twice. 
But once you open up port 25 to the problem user you solved the problem.

For the most part if you do an MX sandwich as above you'll get rid of 
80% of your spam and not lose good email. If you are fearful of going 
all the way then just do the higher numbered MX and leave the bottom as is.

RE: [OT] Bogus MX opinions

2008-02-20 Thread Robert - elists
 Quotes from this  thread (and the nolisting site which was posted as a
 Michael Scheidell  -  Do NOT use a bogus mx as your lowest priority.
 Bowie Bailey - I would say that it is too risky to put a non-smtp
 host as your primary
 MX - longterm use has yet to yield a single false positive 
 Marc Perkel - YES - it works... I have had no false positives at all
 using this.
 I am interested in this technique, and have been for some time.  It
 seems like every discussion of it leads to a group saying you will
 lose mail and a group saying you will not lose mail.   Is there any
 way to resolve this once and for all?   It's hard for me to see why
 either side would misrepresent the truth, but obviously someone is
 wrong here.
 One thing I notice (and I certainly could be wrong here)... the
 proponents seem to be actually using nolisting and claiming no
 problems, whilst those against the idea seem to be predicting problems
 rather than reporting on actual issues they have experienced.


You know, that discrepancy is kinda funny in a way.

Almost like the recent congressional testimony over steroid use between the
player and his ex-fake-diploma-trainer

It is obvious to me he did use because we are told he allowed his WIFE to be
shot up with a substance in question. If you allow those you love and that
are closest to you to do that which you wont, they you realistically did it
too.  ;-)

One has to by wrong.

Well, in a perfect world of tcp/ip and all other network layers, you lose
nothing. So theoretically, they are correct.

The other camp is taking about what is practical and real world based upon
usage and error. So practically, they are correct.

The world errors on the side of erroring, meaning there will be errors.

Remember science class and the 10% error or fudge factor.

Well, 10% is too much here yet way way way less than 1% is probably gonna be

The percent of errors is what matters vrs the return on investment of
decreased network resources wasted.

 - rh

Re: [OT] Bogus MX opinions

2008-02-20 Thread mouss

Marc Perkel wrote:
Let me clarify something about using bogus MX records. Let's assume 
the following. - MX 10 - MX 20 MX 30 MX 40 MX 50

The host bogus1 and bogus2 are 100% safe and effective. The bogus IPs 
can be dead on port 25 or can return 421 and let it retry. The 421 
will let you log hits if you want to see it working.
The bogus on the low end is trickier. What you have to do there is 
firewall off port 25 to almost everyone. You can't do a 421 error 
because it breaks Qmail servers. Qmail won't retry higher numbered MX 
records after seeing a 421 but will try if the port is closed.

But then you are adding a useless connection to every MTA out there. if 
you want to avoid this, you need to whitelist legitimate MTAs (MTAs from 
which you got ham or that you decided to whitelist before receiving mail 
from) and this whitelist is to be used on the firewall (which may be 
feasible/acceptable depending on what FW you use). also, care is to be 
taken for MTAs that send from pools with different IPs.

while this may be usable, it's not something I would embark on without 
a serious cost/benefit analysis...

Because there is occasionally some server doing something very weird 
you might have to open up port 25 one some specific IP who is running 
something really dumb. I think I've had to do this only once or twice. 
But once you open up port 25 to the problem user you solved the problem.

For the most part if you do an MX sandwich as above you'll get rid of 
80% of your spam and not lose good email. If you are fearful of going 
all the way then just do the higher numbered MX and leave the bottom 
as is.

Re: [OT] Bogus MX opinions

2008-02-20 Thread SM

At 08:05 20-02-2008, Aaron Wolfe wrote:

I am interested in this technique, and have been for some time.  It
seems like every discussion of it leads to a group saying you will
lose mail and a group saying you will not lose mail.   Is there any

In my opinion, it may cause mail delivery problems.  As the 
proponents said that there are no problems at all, I encourage you to 
do it. :-)


Re: [OT] Bogus MX opinions

2008-02-20 Thread Michael Scheidell
Postini uses it for their clients.

They set up 4 'real' mx records (priority 100,200,300,400) that point to
real postini servers.  They set up priority 500 that points to the
(firewalled) smtp server of the client. (as in firewalled to the world,
except to postini)

Works great.  Spammers hitting mx 5 (or anyone else) deserve to have their
email dropped. Legit clients have 4 tries to get a valid server.

Didn't qmail have a problem if it hit a 'dead' primary mx server first?

Michael Scheidell, CTO
|SECNAP Network Security
Winner 2008 Network Products Guide Hot Companies
FreeBsd SpamAssassin Ports maintainer
Charter member, ICSA labs anti-spam consortium

This email has been scanned and certified safe by SpammerTrap(tm). 
For Information please see

Re: [OT] Bogus MX opinions

2008-02-20 Thread Marc Perkel

Michael Scheidell wrote:

Didn't qmail have a problem if it hit a 'dead' primary mx server first?


Qmail has a problem if it gets a 421 on the lowest MX. But if the lowest 
MX is totally dead Qmail is fine with it.

RE: [OT] Bogus MX opinions

2008-02-19 Thread Thomas Raef
 Good morning everyone, i'm in charge of reducing SPAM at a customer
 site. Already have SPAMASSASSIN, sa-update weeklyexecuted.
 I'd like to implement a Bogus MX for further filtering of SPAM. I
 don't know if this is the correct name, by Bogus MX i mean setting up
 a low priority MX record which points at a non-smtp server.
 I'd like to know some first-hand experience about two questions.
 1. Has it caused any lost mail issue or client complaints?
 I know every half decent mail server should try other MX. In real life,
 have you often received complaints from valid senders?
 2. Has it reduced significantly SPAM?
 I'd like to know if it's worth the (little) trouble of setup and
 verifying question #1.
 Thank you for your time.

[Tom Replied With:] 

Isn't that what Marc Perkel had been working on?

I'm sorry if I messed up the name. But I think I'm correct. You may want to 
search the archives for information from Marc Perkel and see if any of that 
answers your questions.

Marc, if that's not you, please flame me directly. (Sorry)

Thomas J. Raef

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.20.7/1285 - Release Date: 2/18/2008 5:50 

Re: [OT] Bogus MX opinions

2008-02-19 Thread Michael Scheidell

 From: Francesco Abeni [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2008 11:55:59 +0100
 Subject: [OT] Bogus MX opinions
 Good morning everyone, i'm in charge of reducing SPAM at a customer
 site. Already have SPAMASSASSIN, sa-update weeklyexecuted.
 I'd like to implement a Bogus MX for further filtering of SPAM. I
 don't know if this is the correct name, by Bogus MX i mean setting up
 a low priority MX record which points at a non-smtp server.
Do NOT use a bogus mx as your lowest priority.
#1, there are mis configured MTA from legit sources that will hit your low
mta and STOP.
#2, You don't have to.  A lot of spam will go to the HIGHEST mx only.
#3, even for fully RFC compliance MTA's, you may see them hit your low MX
and delay checking the higher one for 30 mins to 2 hours. You might as well
implement greylisting (no, don't)
#4, don't use a bogus mx record (, rfc1818 ip, cname, etc) you WILL
get blacklisted in the bogus mx list.

We run a hosted anti-spam service based on our SpammerTrap product and for
ANY client we see 30% more spam hitting the highest MX record.

For domains with three mx records, we see 25% more spam hitting mx 2 and 35%
more hitting mx3 (don't ask, I don't understand why).

Just looks like some malware/spam is sent to mx2, and some is smart enough
to look for the last mx record.

So, answer #1, if you use low priority, it will lose email and delay email.
As to answer #2, if you use a higher priority mx, it will reduce spam. And
its free.

Also, depending on your MTA type, just using something like
blacklist will do a much better job

This email has been scanned and certified safe by SpammerTrap(tm). 
For Information please see

Re: [OT] Bogus MX opinions

2008-02-19 Thread Francesco Abeni

Thomas Raef ha scritto:

(...) I'd like to implement a Bogus MX for further filtering of
SPAM. I don't know if this is the correct name, by Bogus MX i
mean setting up a low priority MX record which points at a non-smtp

I'd like to know some first-hand experience about two questions. 

Isn't that what Marc Perkel had been working on?

I'm sorry if I messed up the name. But I think I'm correct. You may
want to search the archives for information from Marc Perkel and see
if any of that answers your questions.

I did, but, though it gave some useful advice, i can't seem to find 
anything related to my question. Anyway, thank you for your suggestion. 
Any other experience?

Thank you for your time.


RE: [OT] Bogus MX opinions

2008-02-19 Thread Bowie Bailey
Francesco Abeni wrote:
 Good morning everyone, i'm in charge of reducing SPAM at a customer
 site. Already have SPAMASSASSIN, sa-update weeklyexecuted.
 I'd like to implement a Bogus MX for further filtering of SPAM. I
 don't know if this is the correct name, by Bogus MX i mean setting
 up a low priority MX record which points at a non-smtp server.
 I'd like to know some first-hand experience about two questions.
 1. Has it caused any lost mail issue or client complaints?
 I know every half decent mail server should try other MX. In real
 life, have you often received complaints from valid senders?
 2. Has it reduced significantly SPAM?
 I'd like to know if it's worth the (little) trouble of setup and
 verifying question #1.
 Thank you for your time.

I would say that it is too risky to put a non-smtp host as your primary
MX.  There are some servers which will have a problem with that setup
and either be unable to deliver mail to you or delay the mail.

Another option is to do this as a secondary MX record.  Many spam
sources tend to prefer the higher priority servers on the assumption
that they may not be as well protected as the primary server.  I am
doing this as a side effect of disabling my secondary server and never
replacing it.  I haven't had any problems.

Something else that can be useful is using an MTA blacklist.  I use the blacklist on my MTA.  I resisted using an MTA blacklist
for a long time, but the spam volume finally got to be too much, so I
implemented this one since it seemed to be the most reliable.  It cuts
down on my spam considerably and I haven't had any complaints about
blocked emails yet.  It blocked almost 14,000 emails yesterday on my
server, which is over 10x the amount of mail that made it to the users'
mailboxes (and over 60% of that is marked as spam).


Re: [OT] Bogus MX opinions

2008-02-19 Thread Francesco Abeni

Bowie Bailey ha scritto:

Francesco Abeni wrote:

(...) I'd like to implement a Bogus MX ...

I would say that it is too risky to put a non-smtp host as your primary
MX.  There are some servers which will have a problem with that setup
and either be unable to deliver mail to you or delay the mail.

Thank you Micheal and Bowie for your replies.
I think i'll go with setting up an higher priority bogus MX server 
just in case it helps stopping some spam, since it won't cost me much.

Something else that can be useful is using an MTA blacklist.  I use the blacklist on my MTA. (...)

Using SpamAssassin, i think these checks should be already active. Am i 
wrong? I checked, it contains spamhaus query as well 
as other ones.

Francesco Abeni
tel. 328 317 85 48
skype f.abeni

RE: [OT] Bogus MX opinions

2008-02-19 Thread Bowie Bailey
Francesco Abeni wrote:
 Bowie Bailey ha scritto:
  Francesco Abeni wrote:
   (...) I'd like to implement a Bogus MX ...
  I would say that it is too risky to put a non-smtp host as your
  primary MX.  There are some servers which will have a problem with
  that setup and either be unable to deliver mail to you or delay the
 Thank you Micheal and Bowie for your replies.
 I think i'll go with setting up an higher priority bogus MX server
 just in case it helps stopping some spam, since it won't cost me much.
  Something else that can be useful is using an MTA blacklist.  I use
  the blacklist on my MTA. (...)
 Using SpamAssassin, i think these checks should be already active. Am
 i wrong? I checked, it contains spamhaus query as
 well as other ones.

SpamAssassin uses this blacklist and others to determine if the message
is spam.  Putting the blacklist in the MTA allows the MTA to reject the
connection before it even gets the chance to send the spam.  This lowers
the number of messages that your server (and SpamAssassin) needs to deal


RE: [OT] Bogus MX opinions

2008-02-19 Thread James E. Pratt
-Original Message-
From: Francesco Abeni [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2008 11:12 AM
To:  Spamassassin
Subject: Re: [OT] Bogus MX opinions

 Something else that can be useful is using an MTA blacklist.  I use
the blacklist on my MTA. (...)

Using SpamAssassin, i think these checks should be already active. Am i 
wrong? I checked, it contains spamhaus query as well 
as other ones.


Yes, but by utilizing the spamhaus DNSBL at the smtp level, you can
reject the email before it even touches SA. :)


Re: [OT] Bogus MX opinions

2008-02-19 Thread mouss

Francesco Abeni wrote:
Good morning everyone, i'm in charge of reducing SPAM at a customer 
site. Already have SPAMASSASSIN, sa-update weeklyexecuted.

I'd like to implement a Bogus MX for further filtering of SPAM. I 
don't know if this is the correct name, by Bogus MX i mean setting 
up a low priority MX record which points at a non-smtp server.

I'd like to know some first-hand experience about two questions.

1. Has it caused any lost mail issue or client complaints?
I know every half decent mail server should try other MX. In real 
life, have you often received complaints from valid senders?

2. Has it reduced significantly SPAM?
I'd like to know if it's worth the (little) trouble of setup and 
verifying question #1.

Re: [OT] Bogus MX opinions - YES - it works!

2008-02-19 Thread Marc Perkel

Thomas Raef wrote:

Good morning everyone, i'm in charge of reducing SPAM at a customer
site. Already have SPAMASSASSIN, sa-update weeklyexecuted.

I'd like to implement a Bogus MX for further filtering of SPAM. I
don't know if this is the correct name, by Bogus MX i mean setting up
a low priority MX record which points at a non-smtp server.

I'd like to know some first-hand experience about two questions.

1. Has it caused any lost mail issue or client complaints?
I know every half decent mail server should try other MX. In real life,
have you often received complaints from valid senders?

2. Has it reduced significantly SPAM?
I'd like to know if it's worth the (little) trouble of setup and
verifying question #1.

Thank you for your time.

[Tom Replied With:] 

Isn't that what Marc Perkel had been working on?

I'm sorry if I messed up the name. But I think I'm correct. You may want to 
search the archives for information from Marc Perkel and see if any of that 
answers your questions.

Marc, if that's not you, please flame me directly. (Sorry)

Thomas J. Raef


Yes - and you have my name right.

I have a front end spam filtering service currently filtering spam for 
2500+ domains. I'm been using bogus MX records for about 2 years now. I 
can tell you that I lose NO good email from using bogus high numbered 
low priority MX records. You can either leave port 25 closed or you can 
return a 421 error in case you want to count hits in your log file. And 
you will see a significant reduction in spam bot spam.

Not only do you get rid of a huge amount of spam but you cut your server 
load significantly. This is spam that no longer goes through spam 
assassin. So it speeds up the processing of your good email.

The way it works is that spambot hit the low priority MX records, 
nothing happens, and they move on. Spambots don't retry. So it's 100% 
accurate for what it blocks. I have had no false positives at all using 

In fact I recommend using several low priority MX records to increase 
the effect.

I have taken the idea several steps further. In addition to tracking 
hits on low priority MX I also monitor if the connection issues a quit 
to close. Spambots don't issue a quit. So if the spambot hits the bogus 
MX, gets a 421 error, and doesn't issue a quit, and commits some other 
sins they make my blacklist. I am currently tracking over a million 
spambot IP addresses that have hit my servers in the last 4 days. As a 
result of these tricks I have managed to block 100% of all spambot spam. 
What little spam gets through is mostly yahoo, hotmail, and gmail spam. 
And spamassassin takes care of most of that.

So - bottom line - do it - it works! It's simple - and no down side.