Re: Help on Subversion Windows Installer

2012-01-12 Thread David Darj

On 2012-01-12 00:14, Jie Long wrote:

Hi there,

I got the resource from this website:

I am hoping that I am writing to David Darj. I am not a new user to 
svn but it's my first time to compile it. I want to run it on my 
computer to learn about the algorithms and see what I can do from 
there. I am strongly interested in contributing something to this 

I have been working on it for 4 days but the compile still fails. I 
followed the INSTALLATION file with minimum requirement. Later I found 
this resource win32Svn from David. I tried to use your binary files to 
make my compile pass. But it still fails. Now I am wondering if you 
have a VS 2008 project, which is running with proper configuration so 
I can start from there?

I am using VS 2010 on Windows 7. Or could you give me some steps that 
I can follow to do the compiling?



Hi Jay

I use VC++6 to do my build of SVN.
As of this tuesday I committed my build script to the Win32Svn 
project's svn repository on SourceForge.
I don't have any project files newer then this but I think they could be 
generated same way the VC6 project files are.

It took me a while to get a working build, but reading the INSTALL is a 
good start,

also take a look at build/win32/ can give you some clues.

For specific build problems the svn mail lists (users and dev) and 
searching them with google is your friends.

Best luck
David Darj  a.k.a Alagazam

Re: Bug: Subversion Windows installer not setting paths correctly

2011-11-24 Thread David Darj

Hi again Bert.

Today I've tested this on a (almost) clean Win7 installation I had 
without problems.
I did first a clean install to C:\Test\Subversion... APR_ICONV_PATH was 
set correctly.
I also did a install of first 1.6.17 to C:\Program Files\Subversion and 
then an upgrade to 1.7.1 to C:\Test\Subversion and the only traces of 
the 1.6.17 install was some licence files and in the PATH environment 
variable.APR_ICONV_PATH was correct this time too.

I noted that APR_ICONV_PATH is set as User environment variable, maybe 
you did previous installs for another user and that users variable had 
the value from this install ?
I don't know why it's set just for current user. I didn't create the 
install scripts, just using them and making necessary modifications. 
Maybe I should change this for upcoming releases.

It could also be that you used the very old exe-installer from Tigris. 
This one (from what I found in the source code in the repository) did 
set APR_ICONV_PATH for both current user and for system.

You can check the environment variables in the registry by running 
regedit as administrator.

For the users the path is HKEY_USERS\userid\Environement

and for all users 


ps. Please use Reply to all so subsequent mail is also sent to the 
list for others to follow and search for solutions.

On 2011-11-23 23:36, Humberto Madeira wrote:

Hi David,

I actually had 2 installs, one was 1.7.0 and the other was 1.7.1

Both previously had Subversion 1.6.x and Python 2.5.x on them, 
installed on the default path.

I had recently decided that since I put all my Apache products under 
now that Subversion also qualifies as Apache, I should move it under 
the Apache tree, so to speak.

I made both changes on the 1.7.0 box a couple of weeks ago, (updating 
from 1.6.x) ran into this problem,

didn't write it down (too busy) and left that one working.

Then I made the change on the new 1.7.1 this week and ran into the 
same problems (thinking I had set the path properly)
So I ran into the same wild goose chase again until I decided to 
compare the fully working one to the partly working one.

On older versions I just accepted the default path.



23/11/2011 05:05 PM

Humberto Madeira
Re: Bug: Subversion Windows installer not setting paths correctly

On 2011-11-23 21:44, Humberto Madeira wrote:
Hi all,

I ran across a bug with the Windows (msi) Subversion installer where 
it was not setting the paths correctly during an install with a 
non-default path.

To Reproduce:

1) download Setup-Subversion-1.7.1.msi from 

2) use it to install Subversion into c:\Apache\Subversion instead of 
the default c:\Program Files\Subversion

You will find the files in the correct place, but the APR_ICONV_PATH 
and the PATH will still point to c:\Program Files\Subversion

Your operating system
   Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition (32 bit) Service Pack 2
The release and/or revision of Subversion
The compiler and configuration options you built Subversion with
   binary built and packaged by David Darj and up on SourceForge 
(see above)

Any private modifications you made to your Subversion
The version of Berkeley DB you're running Subversion with, if any
   nope - using FSFS
Anything else that could possibly be relevant. Err on the side of too 
much information, rather than too little.
   Using it with Apache httpd-2.2.21-win32-x86-openssl-0.9.8r.msi 
  (not using the SSL)

   Using it with Python2.7.2 from
   Using the python bindings from David 
Darj (as per above)

Note: this path problem is not easy to spot (if you didn't expect it) 
so I first caught it when trying to commit.
Since I use in the pre-commit hook - the problem 
gets reported in the Python stack trace

- which then leads you onto a wild goose chase in the Python path setup
(which is actually fine but since you aren't able to tell, distracts 
you from the real problem)

Best Regards all

Hi Bert.
Thanks for the bug report.
I'll try to look into this problem in the next few days. My first look 
at the installer build file it seems to be set correctly as 
[INSTALLDIR]iconv and a quick test on my old Win2000Server did set 
the correct path (but the notes on the installer end page was wrong).

Is this a fresh install of Subversion or did you upgrade from a 
previous version, maybe installed on the default path?

Have you experiences this problem on previous versions of my installers ?


Re: Windows over linux

2011-01-26 Thread David Darj

On 2011-01-26 03:37, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

On Jan 25, 2011, at 02:43, Oliver Marshall wrote:

If you are equally proficient with all OSes and have no preference, you might 
want to choose a UNIX-like OS, because many hook script examples will be 
written assuming that is what you are running. Some may be written in Bash, for 
example. If you are proficient in writing scripts for windows (batch scripts, 
or perl, ruby, php, python, etc.) and you feel confident in your ability to 
translate a Bash script into another language for use on Windows, or if you 
don't plan to use hook scripts, then using Windows should be no problem.

Hooks are not necessarily scripts.

If you're not comfortable in writing scripts at all, you can use your 
favorite programming environment an write the hook scripts there.
In my department we have a couple of hooks written in C#, and we serve 
our repository through Apache on Windows 2008.

(Of cause these hooks are revision controlled in the svn-repository itself).

So, to sum up  the last couple of post, use the environment you and your 
company are most comfortable with.


Re: Subversion 1.6.15 Released

2010-12-17 Thread David Darj

On 2010-12-17 22:58, Mark Phippard wrote:

On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 4:42 PM,  wrote:

Any idea why TSVN 1.6.12 Build 20536 2010/11/24 claims to be using SVN
1.6.15 before it was released?

Subversion 1.6.15 was released several weeks ago.  David is just one
person of many that creates a binary version and he is simply
announcing availability of his binaries.  TortoiseSVN does not release
until we have officially released the source.

BTW, David is there really any reason to broadcast your release in
these forums?  CollabNet has never done that (and would not want to
see us start).  While I think the info is somewhat useful in general
it would get ugly if everyone that produced binaries announced it on
all the lists every time.  You can announce it on and users can
subscribe to lists or RSS feeds there if they want to be updated on

I just keep up the work where DJ Heap (and Troy Simpson) left off 
building and announcing these binaries.

If it's not appropiate to announce it here I will stop.

Anyway announcment on my Win32 build of Subversion will be announced at 
the sf page at where a RSS 
feed is also available.


Re: Only two Windows binary distribution support SASL encryption?

2010-11-07 Thread David Darj

Glad you got it working and  thank God it's not my build that has an error.
I tried most of this saturday to get SASL to work with it. First using 
TortoiseSVN as client. But didn't got the configuration right.

Maybe you, now you have your configuration experience fresh in mind, 
could write some clarifications for the SVN-book page
or just send some description to this list of your setup (with config 
files, registry dumps etc.)

I think that should help many people out there (or is it here? :-)


On 2010-11-07 05:56, John Alan Belli wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On Fri, 5 Nov 2010 16:59:12 -0400, Mark said:

When I have tested the CollabNet binaries in the past they
supported this fine.  The Cyrus SASL stuff requires registry
entries to work properly.  If you are trying all of these
from the same workstation are  you checking those entries?

OK. Now that you reminded me, I went and put the registry entry
in. I had forgotten that the client required it since installing
1.5. I had to reinstall Windows on my workstation a while back,
and haven't used the command line client since then.

With the registry entry in the proper place, the Win32Svn works
as well. Slik at least doesn't seem to even check for it,
apparently just using the directory the binary is in.

Perhaps this should be noted in the Book somewhere, that the
SearchPath entry may need to be on the clients, as well? Also, on
x64 versions of windows, a 32-bit client needs the entry under

- -- 
John Alan Belli   http:// coming soon

(_...@___#PGP DH/DSS Key ID: 0x9F9A5233  RSA Key ID: 0xFD7399CD
U/~   O-   Available by finger and on various keyservers

Version: GnuPG v2.0.12 (MingW32) - WinPT 1.4.2
Charset: UTF-8


Re: Subversion 1.6.13 Released

2010-10-24 Thread David Darj

 On 2010-10-24 20:12, Andrey Repin wrote:

Greetings, David Darj!

David, I have a strange issue with binaries you provided.
I'm using SVN repository served by Apache under Win32.

In attachment is a httpd-modules-svn.conf - module loading.
Enabling it... here:

VirtualHost *
 ServerName svn.darkdragon

 DocumentRoot C:/home/svn
 AddDefaultCharset utf-8

 ErrorLog C:/home/svn/.log/error_log
 CustomLog C:/home/svn/.log/access_log common env=!SVN-ACTION
 CustomLog C:/home/svn/.log/svn_access_log svn env=SVN-ACTION

 IfModule rewrite_module
some rewrite rules, they are convoluted and pretty much meaningless

 Location /
#AllowOverride Limit AuthConfig
#Options None
 Order allow,deny
 Allow from

 IfModule dav_svn_module
 DAV svn
 SVNParentPath C:/home/svn

 IfModule sspi_auth_module
 Allow from all

 AuthName Subversion repository
 AuthType SSPI
 SSPIAuth On
 SSPIAuthoritative On
 SSPIOfferBasic On
 SSPIOmitDomain On
 SSPIUsernameCase lower
 SSPIBasicPreferred Off

 # only developers may access the repository
 Require group DAEMON1\CVS

 # And they should obey to SVN user permissions file
 IfModule authz_svn_module
 AuthzSVNAccessFile C:/home/svn/.registry

Everything works fine, when I operate with small files.
But once I start submittings megabytes of data (~500 files, ~10Mb size total),
Subversion start to break on authorization, randomly asking for password or
username, again and again.

I don't quite know, if it is specific to your builds, or is a bug in
Subversion. I'll be glad to present any additional info.

  Andrey Repin ( 24.10.2010,21:54

Sorry for my terrible english...

Hi Andrey

I have no problem committing several hundreds om MB.
I got no possibility to test with SSPI authentication though. Can you 
test without it and see if it works?


Re: svn / Apache installation question

2010-10-07 Thread David Darj

 On 2010-10-07 10:10, Cooke, Mark wrote:


I use apache to host subversion and all seems to be working.  However, I
happened to read the TortoiseSVN help file this morning and noticed the

4. Copy the file /bin/libdb*.dll and /bin/intl3_svn.dll
from the Subversion installation directory to the
Apache bin directory. [1]

I checked and these files are not in the apache bin directory but
nothing seems broken!  Is this advice incorrect / out-of-date or is
something broken that I have not noticed yet?

Many thanks for any insights,

~ mark c

 under Installing Subversion

I'm not sure but i think this should only be necessary if you doesn't 
have the subversion/bin in your search path.


Re: Subversion 1.6.13 Released

2010-10-06 Thread David Darj
 I'm happy to announce my release of Subversion 1.6.13 Win32 binaries 
and installer

They are available at my website:
and also on SourceForge:

Release notes for the 1.6.x release series may be found at:

You can find the list of changes between 1.6.13 and earlier versions at:

Questions, comments, and bug reports to


David Darj

Re: Subversion 1.6.13 Released

2010-10-03 Thread David Darj

 You can get my build on


On 2010-10-02 14:36, Sjoerd Kivits wrote:


Is it possible to download windows binaries for subversion server 

I could only find packages including apache and so on...



-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: namens Hyrum Wright
Verzonden: vr 1-10-2010 19:12
Aan: announce
Onderwerp: Subversion 1.6.13 Released

I'm happy to announce Subversion 1.6.13, available from:

This is a bugfix release, part of the 1.6.x release series.  Of note, this
release includes a fix which addresses CVE-2010-3315, a security issue 

using 'SVNPathAuthz short_circuit'.  More information can be found here:

The MD5 checksums are:

7ae1c827689f21cf975804005be30aeb  subversion-1.6.13.tar.bz2
8451f5d771edc0a0302bd9a52d54e150  subversion-1.6.13.tar.gz
2a7d662bac872c61a5e11c89263d7f07  subversion-deps-1.6.13.tar.bz2
688bdb107731f9db2f3b6297b663a68d  subversion-deps-1.6.13.tar.gz

The SHA1 checksums are:

185efd129c3c4b04f1544d62bb9a3fcd0f58ba29  subversion-1.6.13.tar.bz2
06d3afc49182c80ea712c13409c008d27a4e889b  subversion-1.6.13.tar.gz


PGP Signatures are available at:

For this release, the following people have provided PGP signatures:

   Senthil Kumaran S [1024D/6CCD4038] with fingerprint:
8035 16A5 1D6E 50E2 1ECD  DE56 F68D 46FB 6CCD 4038
   Philip Martin [2048R/ED1A599C] with fingerprint:
A844 790F B574 3606 EE95  9207 76D7 88E1 ED1A 599C
   Paul T. Burba [1024D/53FCDC55] with fingerprint:
E630 CF54 792C F913 B13C  32C5 D916 8930 53FC DC55
   Julian Foad [1024D/353E25BC] with fingerprint:
6604 5A4B 43BC F994   5728 351F 33E4 353E 25BC
   Bert Huijben [1024D/9821F7B2] with fingerprint:
2017 F51A 2572 0E78 8827  5329 FCFD 6305 9821 F7B2
   Hyrum K. Wright [1024D/4E24517C] with fingerprint:
3324 80DA 0F8C A37D AEE6  D084 0B03 AE6E 4E24 517C
   Stefan Sperling [1024D/F59D25F0] with fingerprint:
B1CF 1060 A1E9 34D1 9E86  D6D6 E5D3 0273 F59D 25F0
   Mark Phippard [1024D/035A96A9] with fingerprint:
D315 89DB E1C1 E9BA D218  39FD 265D F8A0 035A 96A9

Release notes for the 1.6.x release series may be found at:

You can find the list of changes between 1.6.13 and earlier versions at:

Questions, comments, and bug reports to

- The Subversion Team

Re: Subversion 1.6.13 Released

2010-10-03 Thread David Darj

 On 2010-10-03 20:03, Itamar O wrote:
On Sun, Oct 3, 2010 at 10:11 AM, David Darj wrote:

You can get my build on


Thanks for the binaries.
Any chance you get build also x64 packages?
(especially bindings and .so modules)


Sorry...but I havn't even tried building x64 packages.
Maybe some time in the future I give it a try..but for now my spare time 
doesn't allow it.


Re: Tigris binary packages for Windows

2010-04-26 Thread David Darj

On 2010-04-26 13:58, Cooke, Mark wrote:

Hi David, list,


On 2010-04-22 17:06, Cooke, Mark wrote:

I am resurrecting this thread to ask if anyone has come
forward to volunteer time and/or effort to resurrect the
windoze binaries as we are still on 1.6.6 against 1.6.11
announced a few days ago.


From: David Darj []
Sent: 22 April 2010 21:21

I have built both 1.6.9 and 1.6.11
They are available on my webpage
You (and anyone else) is welcome to download and use it.

The reason I've not announced the release in this (users)
list is that I've hoped some people reading the dev list
(where I did announce it) to download and test it first so
I know my build environment is okey.
As the web page says all test on subversion itself is running
ok., but the bindings has not been tested.


On 2010-04-23 10:29, Cooke, Mark wrote:

You star!  Thanks very much.  I will do some testing with
apache 2.2 on windoze using mod_dav_svn and python bindings
(to Trac using mod_wsgi) and report back...


From: David Darj []
Sent: 23 April 2010 18:08

Thanx that would be gr8.

So far so good.  Minor points but the .11 package readme still refers
to .9

Oh...thats my fault missing to change the version number in some spots.
I think I was focused on getting the dependecies versions right.

and some of the files have a different name format from the
tigris packages, e.g.:

  o svn-python-1.6.6.win32-py2.6.exe

...although I realise one is an installer and the other just the files.
You're right, the first one is an installer and the second one only the 
If you look at tigris download page a bit further down you see the 
corresponding zip-file there as well.

I've just havn't looked into byinding these installers.

Actually, I am unsure about installing the latter, can I just copy the
files over the ones I already have installed or do I need to tell python
about it somehow (probably OT for this list I guess, perhaps Troy is
I'm not a python programmer so I don't really know how to install this 
package (thats why the bindings are not tested).

But I suppose you can just extract the file over the old ones.
Actually it's not Troy that used to build the python installers, it was 
DJ Heap, who also used to build the binaries.

Maybe he has some info on this matter.

Out of interest, did you use VC6 or VC2008 to compile (there were
suggestions earlier in the thread that there might be some potential
issues using VC2008 binaries against the official apache build which


am required to use here):


It's built using the good old VC6 like  D.J Heap previously did.
That way no runtime-dll:s (msvcr*) needs to be distributed with it.


Excellent, thanks again.


Also, did you hook up with Troy about the installers ~ I
assume that he would be able to put them on tigris at least
until we get a new home on apache:


I havn't had any contact with troy, but this mail is cc:d to
him as well.  So if he is reading it it would be great if he
(or anyone else) want to put the there.


It would be really great if Troy could pick up the baton here as that
would negate my python install issues.

All the best,

~ mark c

Re: Tigris binary packages for Windows

2010-04-23 Thread David Darj

On 2010-04-23 10:29, Cooke, Mark wrote:

On 2010-04-22 17:06, Cooke, Mark wrote:

I am resurrecting this thread to ask if anyone has come
forward to volunteer time and/or effort to resurrect the
windoze binaries as we are still on 1.6.6 against 1.6.11
announced a few days ago.


From: David Darj []
Sent: 22 April 2010 21:21

I have built both 1.6.9 and 1.6.11
They are available on my webpage
You (and anyone else) is welcome to download and use it.

The reason I've not announced the release in this (users)
list is that I've hoped some people reading the dev list
(where I did announce it) to download and test it first so
I know my build environment is okey.
As the web page says all test on subversion itself is running
ok., but the bindings has not been tested.


You star!  Thanks very much.  I will do some testing with apache 2.2 on
windoze using mod_dav_svn and python bindings (to Trac using mod_wsgi)
and report back...


Thanx that would be gr8.

Out of interest, did you use VC6 or VC2008 to compile (there were
suggestions earlier in the thread that there might be some potential
issues using VC2008 binaries against the official apache build which I
am required to use here):


It's built using the good old VC6 like  D.J Heap previously did.
That way no runtime-dll:s (msvcr*) needs to be distributed with it.

From: Mark Phippard []
Sent: 03 March 2010 14:27
One other pain I thought of is that ideally the binaries
should be built using MSVC 6.0 (I am assuming DJ has not
changed that).  Since the httpd binaries are built using that
you can have problems if a newer Visual Studio is used for
mod_dav_svn.  You also have to deal with distributing the MS
runtime libraries if a newer version is used.

Also, did you hook up with Troy about the installers ~ I assume that he
would be able to put them on tigris at least until we get a new home on


I havn't had any contact with troy, but this mail is cc:d to him as well.
So if he is reading it it would be great if he (or anyone else) want to 
put the there.

From: Troy Simpson []
Sent: 02 March 2010 02:45

I can still build the installer, but I have never built
binaries.  The installer code in the repository is NOT the
latest code.  I had lost commit access for a time during the
transition and by the time I got that access back there are
no more binaries, so it has been pointless to continue
development.  If someone could produce binaries I could get
the installer back on track, otherwise it's not worth
spending any time on if the project will not support (as in
supply) windows binaries.

~ mark c


Re: Tigris binary packages for Windows

2010-04-22 Thread David Darj

On 2010-04-22 17:06, Cooke, Mark wrote:


I am resurrecting this thread to ask if anyone has come forward to volunteer 
time and/or effort to resurrect the windoze binaries as we are still on 1.6.6 
against 1.6.11 announced a few days ago.

In hope...

~ Mark C


I have built both 1.6.9 and 1.6.11
They are available on my webpage
You (and anyone else) is welcome to download and use it.

The reason I've not announced the release in this (users) list is that 
I've hoped some people reading the dev list (where I did announce it) to 
download and test it first so I know my build environment is okey.
As the web page says all test on subversion itself is running ok., but 
the bindings has not been tested.


Building for Win32 - tests fail

2010-03-29 Thread David Darj


I now started building subversion 1.6.9 for Win32, starting from the template.
Everything looks fine when building (after a very few tweaks) and 
running the test using file:// and svn:// protocol looks good (for both 
fsfs and bdb-backend).

But when running against http:// I get
  22 tests SKIPPED
  25 tests XFAILED
  74 tests FAILED   (list below)
  1 tests XPASSED

Searching for some of them didn't give me any clues.

My environment:
WindowsXP MCE, fully updated (except IE7 and IE8) using WindowsUpdate.
Visual C++ 6 with SP 3
PlatformSDK February 2003 (latest for VC++6)
Python 2.6.5
Apache 2.2.15

Anybody got some ideas?


FAIL: 42: basic relative url target using current dir
FAIL: 43: basic relative url target using other targets
FAIL: 39: set revision props during remote mkdir
FAIL: 40: set revision props during remote delete
FAIL: 41: set revision props during commit
FAIL: 42: set revision props during import
FAIL: 43: set revision props during repos-to-repos copy
FAIL: 44: set revision props during wc-to-repos copy
FAIL: 45: set revision props during repos-to-repos move
FAIL: 46: set revision props during remote property edit
FAIL: 47: set multiple revision props during remote mkdir
FAIL: 48: set revprop without value ('') during remote 

FAIL: 49: set revprop without '=' during remote mkdir
FAIL: 5: 'svn log -r COMMITTED' of dynamic/local WC rev
FAIL: 19: test 'svn log -g' a path added before merge
FAIL: 24: test revprop retrieval
FAIL: 1: skipped paths get overriding mergeinfo
FAIL: 17: status output in XML format
FAIL: 21: status -v -N -u from different current directories
FAIL: 24: run 'status -u' variations w/ incoming propchanges
FAIL: 25: run 'status -uv' w/ incoming propchanges
FAIL: 31: status with tree conflicts
FAIL: 1: commit new files with keywords active from birth
FAIL: 4: blame output in XML format
FAIL: 6: blame targets with peg-revisions
FAIL: 8: ignore whitespace when blaming
FAIL: 9: ignore eol styles when blaming
FAIL: 10: test 'svn blame -g'
FAIL: 11: don't look for merged files out of range
FAIL: 12: blame target not in HEAD with peg-revisions
FAIL: 14: blame -g output with inserted lines
FAIL: 1: lock a file and verify that it's locked
FAIL: 2: commit a file and keep lock
FAIL: 3: commit a file and release lock
FAIL: 4: commit a locked file with a prop change
FAIL: 5: lock a file and verify lock breaking behavior
FAIL: 6: lock a file and verify lock stealing behavior
FAIL: 7: examine the fields of a lockfile for correctness
FAIL: 8: verify behavior when a lock in a wc is defunct
FAIL: 10: verify svn:needs-lock behavior with defunct lock
FAIL: 11: verify lock removal on a deleted path
FAIL: 12: lock and unlock some files
FAIL: 13: verify removal of a directory with locks inside
FAIL: 14: verify status of lock in working copy
FAIL: 15: verify status of stolen lock
FAIL: 16: verify status of broken lock
FAIL: 18: lock an out-of-date file and ensure failure
FAIL: 19: update handles svn:needs-lock correctly
FAIL: 20: verify svn:needs-lock behavior with revert
FAIL: 21: examine the fields of a lock from a URL
FAIL: 22: lock/unlock several files in one go
FAIL: 23: lock/unlock switched files
FAIL: 24: lock and unlock a file with an URI-unsafe name
FAIL: 27: commit file with xml-unsafe name and release lock
FAIL: 28: verify info p...@x or path -rY return repos lock
FAIL: 29: (un)lock set of files, one already (un)locked
FAIL: 30: show correct lock info on moved path
FAIL: 31: ls locked path needing URL encoding
FAIL: 33: verify recursive info shows lock info
FAIL: 35: lock a file using a comment with xml special chars
FAIL: 14: verify that unreadable content is not synced
FAIL: 15: verify that copies from unreadable dirs work
FAIL: 16: verify copies with mods from unreadable dirs
FAIL: 17: verify copies with mods from unreadable dirs 

FAIL: 3: broken authz files cause errors
FAIL: 4: test authz 

Re: Tigris binary packages for Windows

2010-03-03 Thread David Darj
My plan was to build (for a start) what's included in the,

Win32 binaries (svn, svnadmin, svnserve, svnmucc, etc...) both dor BDB 
and FSFS, including OpenSSL

Modules for Apache 2.2.x (,

in short: what's needed for building the Windows msi installer.


On 2010-03-03 10:50, Troy Simpson wrote:

For base-level support, we narrowed that down to apache 2.2x.  Do we really
need to support all the python builds? They were a great service from D.J.
Heap, but now that we don't have that, do we really need to ditch all
windows builds?  What we could look at is a standard base-level windows
build that most people use.  Personally, I just use a windows client, as do
many users - I don't even use the apache bindings, nor do many windows
users.  We could leave specialised builds to teams who want to support them
which in theory would make the job at this end much easier.




-Original Message-
From: Mark Phippard []
Sent: Wednesday, 3 March 2010 7:54 AM
To: Johan Corveleyn
Cc: Daniel Shahaf;
Subject: Re: Tigris binary packages for Windows

On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 4:48 PM, Johan


I also whish you (or anyone who tries to build subversion on Windows)
good luck. It can be done, but it isn't easy. I for one spent a lot


time getting it to work on my machine, just to experiment with some
simple things. Now I have a working build setup, but I wouldn't
consider it standard by any means (and don't have more time to invest
in standardizing this build).

I actually started from Daniel Shahaf's Makefile, which he mentioned
above. See my experiences here:

I do not want to jinx myself for the next time I have to setup a new
system, but I do not find it that difficult.  I have been building SVN
on Windows for years and have set it up on a number of new systems. I
usually get it all working right the first time now.

It is certainly a pain in the *** but it is not that hard.  The
worst part is just that building SVN means building a whole lot of
other software first and tracking down dependencies for those build
processes like Perl/Python that you might not otherwise have

Personally, I would steer people away from volunteering for this task
because I know what a pain it is.  Building the basic binaries is not
too hard, but doing it for all of the bindings and dealing with things
like providing different versions of the binaries built against
different Python versions or Apache versions gets to be a bit much.
Not to mention some of the variants in building in support for some of
the different SSL and authentication packages.  These are basically
the reasons I cannot see this project ever officially supporting any
specific binary.  It should really be the maintainer of the binary
that does the support because there are too many factors involved.


Mark Phippard

Re: Tigris binary packages for Windows

2010-03-02 Thread David Darj

On 2010-03-02 07:57, Olivier Sannier wrote:

Troy Simpson wrote:


I can still build the installer, but I have never built binaries.  
The installer code in the repository is NOT the latest code.  I had 
lost commit access for a time during the transition and by the time I 
got that access back there are no more binaries, so it has been 
pointless to continue development.  If someone could produce binaries 
I could get the installer back on track, otherwise it’s not worth 
spending any time on if the project will not support (as in supply) 
windows binaries.

I was advised to discuss this on the dev list, which is what I did, 
however there has been zero response.  There is more discussion on 
the user end than the developer end.  If anyone in user-land has the 
capability to construct the binaries in a similar fashion to the way 
they were produced before, I for one would bring this to the 
attention of the developer list if nobody else does.  It is my 
opinion that the project should have a ‘supported’ release to assist 
with bug finding and to provide end-users with a standard base-level 

So the situation is as follows:

The previous builder (DJ Heap?) does not have the time to build the 
Win32 binaries anymore.
I, for one, could dedicate a few hours to create the latest ones and 
the next ones as well. It does not seem too much complicated to build 

What I'm lacking is a description of what to run and in what order.
I mean, there are Python scripts related to win32 in the build folder, 
but I am not sure what they are doing. Having a simple step by step 
guide would actually save time.

Is there a way to ask the previous builder to at least document this?


There is instructions how to build Win32 binaries in the INSTALL file.
However, I tried twice (once at work and once at home) and failed with 
compilation errors. Maybe because of using wrong version of dependencies 
or wrong parameters to the build scripts.

And I havn't had the time to track those errors down to their source.

I have a virtual machine I can use for the build process.
I too would be very happy if DJ could come up with a detailed 
description of his build process.

Then I would gladly take over and build upcoming versions for the community.
