Re: Tomcat 5.0.19 - softlink issue

2006-04-15 Thread Sandeep N
Any clues about this issue?

Sandeep N <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Hi,

We have a web application deployed on Tomcat 5.0.19 running on Solaris 9. Our 
connection is https configured on port 8443. The web application runs fine.

Here is my issue.

We have two subfolders under the context folder named folderA and folderB. 
folderB is a softlink pointing to another folder outside of our context folder. 
The resources like images, reports etc stored under this folder is not 
accessible through URL whereas all the content stored under folderA can be 
accessed through url.Why I am not able to access anything stored under folderB?

Am I missing some settings or configuration??

Please advise.


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Re: Relative Link Question

2006-04-15 Thread Hadraba Petr

maybe the  element will solve your problem...


On 4/15/06, Arshad Mahmood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Hmm. What are you trying to do? Surely your images are not actually in a
> directory called "/webapp/images/...". Your images are probably at the top
> level of your docBase. The "webapp" is surely just a context that is being
> mapping to a webapp under tomcat, and you probably want Apache to serve the
> images anyway (since you're fronting it with Apache).
> Are the images really not being displayed? What have you set the
> DocumentRoot to in the apache httpd.conf.
> Regards.
> -Original Message-
> From: Steven Huey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 14 April 2006 23:49
> To:
> Subject: Relative Link Question
> Hello,
> I've got a setup with Apache 2.2, Mod_Jk 1.2.15, and Tomcat 5.5.16
> and things are working pretty well except for relative links in my
> webapp.
> When accessing my webapp at
> any relative links within subdirectories of the mywebapp directory
> don't include /mywebapp/ in the URL. For example I have a mywebapp/
> includes/ directory and some of the files use links such as:
> Instead of linking to the
> link is
> I've read that if I remove the leading "/" from the links it will
> work, but I already have a lot of links in this format and am
> wondering if there is a configuration change or something else I can
> do to resolve this.
> Thanks,
> Steve Huey
> -
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Petr Hadraba
graphic artist and software designer
hadrabap AT bluetone DOT cz

Re: Tomcat 5.0.19 - softlink issue

2006-04-15 Thread Mark Thomas
Sandeep N wrote:
> folderB is a softlink pointing to another folder outside of our context 
> folder. The resources like images, reports etc stored under this folder is 
> not accessible through URL whereas all the content stored under folderA can 
> be accessed through url.Why I am not able to access anything stored under 
> folderB?
> Am I missing some settings or configuration??

For starters please read the FAQ, particularly There is no need to
post your question twice.

Once you have read the above, have a look at

You need to configure one of these attributes (which one should be
obvious as soon as you read the description).


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servlet mapping request

2006-04-15 Thread Raymond P. Jones
Hello Tomcat Users.
I need your help regarding servlet mappings in our WEB-INF/web.xml file running 
on an Apache webserver with a Tomcat container(most recent release) on a public 
website.  After putting our web.xml file in public\WEB-INF and asking our web 
host to restart Tomcat, our servlet mappings stilll do not work in our test web 
I've searched through many books, even a Tomcat Quickstart book and they all 
say Tomcat has to be restarted for the servlet mappings in web.xml to work.  So 
we requested a Tomcat restart and after this, the servlet mapping we use gives 
a  error.  When I use /servlet/EventsServlet in  link, it 
calls the servlet and it works, but according to Tomcat documentation this is a 
security issue that we don't want to implement.

I'm hoping that you know what the solution(s) are and can point me in the right 
I'm appreciative for assist that you may provide.

Raymond P. Jones
Ph:  518-446-9845

[ANN] Apache Tomcat v5.5.17-beta Now Available

2006-04-15 Thread Yoav Shapira
The Apache Tomcat team is proud to announce the immediate availability
of Tomcat v5.5.17-beta. This release contains dozens of bug fixes and
a number of other updates. Please consult the change log below for
more details.

Release Notes:

Change Log:


Thank you,

-- The Apache Tomcat Team

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Re: servlet mapping request

2006-04-15 Thread Mark Thomas
Info we need to help you:

1. Exact Tomcat version. I would be extremely surprised if this really
is the most recent release (5.5.17)

2. The content of your web.xml

3. Given that you are using Apache as well, the relevant Jk directives
from your httpd.conf file

Related to point 3, can you direct your browser to Tomcat directly,
bypassing Apache? If so, does this work?


Raymond P. Jones wrote:
> Hello Tomcat Users.
> I need your help regarding servlet mappings in our WEB-INF/web.xml file 
> running on an Apache webserver with a Tomcat container(most recent release) 
> on a public website.  After putting our web.xml file in public\WEB-INF and 
> asking our web host to restart Tomcat, our servlet mappings stilll do not 
> work in our test web page.
> I've searched through many books, even a Tomcat Quickstart book and they all 
> say Tomcat has to be restarted for the servlet mappings in web.xml to work.  
> So we requested a Tomcat restart and after this, the servlet mapping we use 
> gives a  error.  When I use /servlet/EventsServlet in  
> link, it calls the servlet and it works, but according to Tomcat 
> documentation this is a security issue that we don't want to implement.
> I'm hoping that you know what the solution(s) are and can point me in the 
> right direction.
> I'm appreciative for assist that you may provide.
> Raymond P. Jones
> Ph:  518-446-9845

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Autodeployment of web.xml Does Not Work

2006-04-15 Thread Evan J

First of all I just want to say that this issue has been dragging me
for the last 3 days and I've had it up to here. You have to excuse
my sophomoric knowledge of Tomcat as I've just started learning
servlet and thought Tomcat would be a suitable container for a novice.
Sorry for posting such a long post...

I have an issue with autodeployment of my context. Before I explaing
my problem, allow me to give the specificaitons of the products I
am utilizing:

OS: Linux (Slackware) 2.6.14
Tomcat: 5.5.16
Apache Webserver: 2.0.54
jk_mod: 1.2.15
JDK: 1.5.04

I am trying to setup a virtualhost that would deploy a web application
with Apacha webserver, jk_mod as a connector, and Tomcat as a servlet
engine. Everything has been set up properly and I can deploy my web
application just fine. The issue rises when I try to modify
`WEB-INF/web.xml' (for example changing the url-mapping) but the
changes would not take effect despite the fact it (web.xml) is under
WatchResource monitoring. However, I "can" compile an existing class
and dump it in WEB-INF/classes/ and have the server autodeploys it
without restarting the actual server.

But again, "ANY" classes that does not have "url mapping" in
WEB-INF/web.xml, would not be autodeployed even if Tomcat server is
restarted. So once again, any class that has an existing url-mapping
in WEB-INF/web.xml, can be recompiled and autodeployed upon placement
in WEB-INF/classes but no newly compiled class that does not have
url-mapping in web.xml can be autodeployed or deployed at all (or at
least I get status 404 when I point my browser to the servlet).

Anyway, here are the content of my Apache virtualhost/jk_mod,
Tomcat's conf/server.xml, web application's WEB-INF/web.xml, and
the actual layout of what is placed where.

# apache2/conf/httpd.conf #

JkWorkersFile "/usr/local/apache2/conf/"
JkLogFile "/usr/local/apache2/logs/mod_jk.log"
JkLogLevel info
JkLogStampFormat "[%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y]"

 DocumentRoot /var/webapps/vh/demo
 ErrorLog /var/webapps/vh/logs/error_log
 CustomLog /var/webapps/vh/logs/access_log common
 JkMount /*.jsp wrkr
 JkMount /* wrkr
 # JkMount /servlet/* wrkr # I have tried /otherdirs as well
 # Deny direct access to WEB-INF
 AllowOverride None
 deny from all

# Tomcat's conf/server.xml ##












Regarding conf/server.xml... I have tried to set `appBase' to /var/webapps
and use a relative path with respect to it for my `docBase' to set it
to `vh/demo' or `appBase="/var/webapps/vh"' and `docBase="demo" and ALL
the combinations "WORK." So I don't have any problem as far as running
the servlet or having *.jsp getting compiled and all that. But one thing
that I haven't been to get to work is to apply the recommendation
given for 5.5 to place the `Context' element outside of the
`conf/server.xml'. That is to place  in

`conf/$engine/$host/context.xml.default (or context.xml OR demo.xml)
`conf/appserver/' OR
`conf/appserver/' OR

None of such settings would allow the execution of my servlets. With
having  in its own directory and the same settings. When
I point my browser to the designated servlet URI, I get a blank page.
As soon as I put  back to conf/server.xml, everything works as
before and for the life of me I cannot figure out why. Despite of the fact
logs/catalina.out reports of processing the context from those locations...

I have even changed the Engine name to `Catalina' with no luck. Tomcat
does indeed, as you can see in the logging below, that looks for the context
in `conf/$engine/$host/context.xml.default' but as I have mentioned, if
context is taken out of conf/server.xml to that location, nothing will
work as oppose to autodeploment issue of web.xml.

I have also taken WatchedResource out of the context with no luck. I have
read that placing context of Host in conf/server.xml would only allow
it to be "read" at the start up and at no other time this re-read is being
performed. Is that true? If so, then why can't I get the recommended
version to work!!! Even the default conf/web.xml also has WEB-INF/web.xml
under monitor... (SIGH).

I have even played with various attribute settings thinking maybe
having multiple "deployment" schemes (i.e. autodeploy, reloadable...) would
conflict for some odd reason, but it didn't help.

## logs/catalina.out 

FINE: ContextConfig: Initializing
Apr 15, 2006 5:24:25 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig
FINE: Processing context [] configuration file /usr/local/tomcat
Apr 15, 2006 5:24:25 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig

Re: Autodeployment of web.xml Does Not Work

2006-04-15 Thread Wendy Smoak
On 4/15/06, Evan J <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> But again, "ANY" classes that does not have "url mapping" in
> WEB-INF/web.xml, would not be autodeployed even if Tomcat server is
> restarted. So once again, any class that has an existing url-mapping
> in WEB-INF/web.xml, can be recompiled and autodeployed upon placement
> in WEB-INF/classes but no newly compiled class that does not have
> url-mapping in web.xml can be autodeployed or deployed at all (or at
> least I get status 404 when I point my browser to the servlet).

If there is no mapping in web.xml, Tomcat doesn't know what to do with
the request, so the 404 is expected.  You can't just "point your
browser to the servlet".  At least, not unless you enable the invoker

> (or /servlet/SomeNewClass).

... and this URL containing /servlet/ makes me think you're working
from some old documentation that expects the invoker servlet to be


You should put your servlet classes in packages and explicitly map
them in web.xml.  URLs matching those mappings are the only ones you
can expect to work.

Whether changes to web.xml are picked up without reloading the context
is a different question.  I always re-deploy for web.xml changes, so
I'm not sure.

You might want to try your experiments again, (using only URLs that
match mappings in web.xml,) and post another (shorter!) question if
you're still not seeing the behavior you want.


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Relative Link Question

2006-04-15 Thread Terence M. Bandoian

One possibility might be to make your application the default
application by moving it to the ROOT directory.  Another might be to
configure it as a virtual host.

In the long run though, it's probably worth making all of your image
URLs relative.  The result will be a more flexible application which
will pay dividends if you ever have to move the application.  One
specific example of this would be performing maintenance or further
development on a non-production system.

-Terence M. Bandoian

>>>-Original Message-
>>>From: Steven Huey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>Sent: 14 April 2006 23:49
>>>Subject: Relative Link Question
>>>I've got a setup with Apache 2.2, Mod_Jk 1.2.15, and Tomcat 5.5.16
>>>and things are working pretty well except for relative links in my
>>>When accessing my webapp at
>>>any relative links within subdirectories of the mywebapp directory
>>>don't include /mywebapp/ in the URL. For example I have a mywebapp/
>>>includes/ directory and some of the files use links such as:
>>>Instead of linking to the
>>>link is
>>>I've read that if I remove the leading "/" from the links it will
>>>work, but I already have a lot of links in this format and am
>>>wondering if there is a configuration change or something else I can
>>>do to resolve this.
>>>Steve Huey

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Re: Autodeployment of web.xml Does Not Work

2006-04-15 Thread Evan J
On 4/15/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 4/15/06, Evan J <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > But again, "ANY" classes that does not have "url mapping" in
> > WEB-INF/web.xml, would not be autodeployed even if Tomcat server is
> > restarted. So once again, any class that has an existing url-mapping
> > in WEB-INF/web.xml, can be recompiled and autodeployed upon placement
> > in WEB-INF/classes but no newly compiled class that does not have
> > url-mapping in web.xml can be autodeployed or deployed at all (or at
> > least I get status 404 when I point my browser to the servlet).
> If there is no mapping in web.xml, Tomcat doesn't know what to do with
> the request, so the 404 is expected.  You can't just "point your
> browser to the servlet".  At least, not unless you enable the invoker
> servlet...
> > (or /servlet/SomeNewClass).
> ... and this URL containing /servlet/ makes me think you're working
> from some old documentation that expects the invoker servlet to be
> enabled.
>  *
> You should put your servlet classes in packages and explicitly map
> them in web.xml.  URLs matching those mappings are the only ones you
> can expect to work.
> Whether changes to web.xml are picked up without reloading the context
> is a different question.  I always re-deploy for web.xml changes, so
> I'm not sure.
> You might want to try your experiments again, (using only URLs that
> match mappings in web.xml,) and post another (shorter!) question if
> you're still not seeing the behavior you want.
> --
> Wendy
> -
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The reason I posted my question in such a long thread was because
I did not want any ambiguity as far as what has been done to tackle
the issue. And from your response, I take it you did not read the
post throughly. I wasn't following any document and the reason I
mentioned servlet/MyClass was because, as for one of my settings
in the Apache webserver, I had /servlet/* mounted for servlets but
I had long gone moved away from that. As far as packaging, I
mentioned that I had been trying to only examin this issue with
web.xml redeployment and used packaging where it's applied.

My problem lies in the realm of not being able to re-deploy web.xml for
any modification. If I could get that to work, I would be more than happy
to use the url-mapping to map my new classes. Again, I can access
servlets accordingly with url-mapping already presented in web.xml
but since I cannot redeploy it, I have no other choice but to restart
the server. I wonder if I have understood the purpose of WatchedResource
in Context correctly...

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FW: Tomcat 5.5.16 configuration problem--THIRD RESEND

2006-04-15 Thread Arshad Mahmood


Do you really need that resource-ref in the web.xml. Your resource is
defined under Context so you shouldn't need one. Other than that
Your code looks fine and I can't see any problems with it.



Why have you got servlet-api.jar under your WEB-INF/lib. You should
Be using the servlet implementation that comes with tomcat (under

I don't know enough about tomcat to know what it would mean if you have the
jar under WEB-INF/lib, but I am sure it won't be very happy with it.


>OK, I removed the unnecessary Contexts (at least they are unnecessary
>for the time being) and did notice the following messages.
>WARNING: A docBase c:\webapps\myapp inside the host appBase has been
>specified, and will be ignored
>Apr 15, 2006 2:09:41 AM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader
>let-api.jar) - jar not loaded. See Servlet Spec 2.3, section 9.7.2.
>Offending class: javax/servlet/Servlet.class
>Apr 15, 2006 2:09:41 AM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader
>let.jar) - jar not loaded. See Servlet Spec 2.3, section 9.7.2.
>Offending class: javax/servlet/Servlet.class

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Jasper Exception

2006-04-15 Thread Asad Habib
I ported my Struts application from Tomcat 5.5.9 to Tomcat 5.5.16. When I 
ran the application, I got the following


org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Failed to load or instantiate 
TagExtraInfo class:


I googled the error and realized that others have experienced something 
similar but did not find any solutions. Your help would be appreciated. 
Thank you.

- Asad

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