help migrating

2010-04-27 Thread Aryeh M. Friedman

I am migrating from 6.0.20 on FreeBSD 8-RELEASE (i386) where everything works 
fine to 6.0.26 on Gentoo (unknown ditro version) Linux (kernel version where everything works but some of my servlets can't load some of the 
classes they call.  For example:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: backend/rci2/namespaces/def/InfiniteGlue$1
java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethods0(Native Method)


There has been no change in the servlet code base and/or the instance install 
dir (I am using virtual hosting)... to be clear again all static content works 
and servlets partially work (tomcat can find them but somehow the classpath or 
soemthing is screwy)

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Re: help migrating

2010-04-27 Thread Aryeh M. Friedman

Compare the directory listings for:


for each installation and check that they match, ie have the same jar files.

Then compare the lib dir in the deployed app in each server:


If that doesn't produce any joy, you might need to compare the
WEB-INF/classes directories too.


Except for using WEB-INF/classes and not lib I checked and they are the 
same (comarped by diff'ing the output of find . even the$[some number].class are the same)... I do not define an AppBase 
but a DocBase only in server.xml does that matter... also on machine I 
am migrating from /home is symlinked to /usr/home but it is a real dir 
(not a symlink) on the machine I am migrating to... also I am using JDK 
1.6u3 on the one I am moving to and 1.6u17 on the one I am moving to)

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Re: help migrating

2010-04-27 Thread Aryeh M. Friedman
I found the problem... there was a missing quote in the compile script 
for the project

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Re: unified doXXX()

2010-03-02 Thread Aryeh M. Friedman

Christopher Schultz wrote:

Hash: SHA1


On 3/2/2010 1:51 AM, Aryeh M. Friedman wrote:

Yes we are and thats why I probably mistook the effect of it doing that
as a side effect instead of a designed in feature... now that being said
we have used that content day since the first few lines of our code was
written and until this post (about 2 years) the servlet getting
getParameter via GET *AND* POST was not an issue... but for some reason
a new client side request format (which there is no easy way around not
using) messed it up.

Ok, so what's next? Sometimes you are getting a null when you expect
data, right? Well, are you only getting null when the request is a GET?
POST? Or is it something else?

It gets null's on POST's only but only from the new input format (there 
are parts of the app that still use the old format and they work fine)

If you wanted to get cute, you could implement this
one-parameter-to-rule-them-all strategy as a Filter which wraps the

I will consider that as a future refactoring

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Re: unified doXXX()

2010-03-02 Thread Aryeh M. Friedman

Christopher Schultz wrote:

Hash: SHA1


On 3/2/2010 2:20 PM, Aryeh M. Friedman wrote:

It gets null's on POST's only but only from the new input format (there
are parts of the app that still use the old format and they work fine)

Is this a new client, or just a new data format? Mark's suggestion that
you may be using POST without the proper Content-Type would result in
getting null for this parameter (because Tomcat will not parse it for
you). If this is the case, you should either fix the new client to use
the proper Content-Type, or fall-back to reading and parsing the request
body manually when these requirements are not met.

New format same frontend client code which does use the proper content 
type. (the content type is defined at a lower level then the format and 
that code has not changed [using firebug on firefox confirms that fact])

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Re: unified doXXX()

2010-03-02 Thread Aryeh M. Friedman

Christopher Schultz wrote:

Hash: SHA1


On 3/2/2010 3:48 PM, Aryeh M. Friedman wrote:

Christopher Schultz wrote:

Is this a new client, or just a new data format? Mark's suggestion that
you may be using POST without the proper Content-Type would result in
getting null for this parameter (because Tomcat will not parse it for
you). If this is the case, you should either fix the new client to use
the proper Content-Type, or fall-back to reading and parsing the request
body manually when these requirements are not met.

New format same frontend client code which does use the proper content
type. (the content type is defined at a lower level then the format and
that code has not changed [using firebug on firefox confirms that fact])


So, POST + application/x-www-form-urlencoded yields a null parameter
with your new payload?

I know this sounds silly, but we're getting down to the
grasping-at-straws level, here, so bear with me: have you checked to see
that your request body is actually in the correct format (that is,
urlencoded, etc.)? I haven't looked at the Tomcat code, but Tomcat might
give up if the request body is not parsable.

Have you tried calling request.getInputStream and dumping the request
body when the parameter is null? That might give you some indication of
what's happening.
The client does url encode in addition to translating any chars that are 
used either by tomcat and/or or app to decode the reaquest (namely = is 
translated to ^, comma to #, right/left parens to @ and $ respectivally) 
then I use javascripts escape(string) method to url encode it the 
app by default uses post but if I cut and paste the resulting payload 
into a GET and pass it to the app it works fine (i.e. the app uses POST 
but I do manual testing with GET)

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Re: unified doXXX()

2010-03-02 Thread Aryeh M. Friedman

Aryeh M. Friedman wrote:

Christopher Schultz wrote:

Hash: SHA1


On 3/2/2010 3:48 PM, Aryeh M. Friedman wrote:

Christopher Schultz wrote:

Is this a new client, or just a new data format? Mark's suggestion 

you may be using POST without the proper Content-Type would result in
getting null for this parameter (because Tomcat will not parse it for
you). If this is the case, you should either fix the new client to use
the proper Content-Type, or fall-back to reading and parsing the 

body manually when these requirements are not met.

New format same frontend client code which does use the proper content
type. (the content type is defined at a lower level then the format and
that code has not changed [using firebug on firefox confirms that 


So, POST + application/x-www-form-urlencoded yields a null parameter
with your new payload?

I know this sounds silly, but we're getting down to the
grasping-at-straws level, here, so bear with me: have you checked to see
that your request body is actually in the correct format (that is,
urlencoded, etc.)? I haven't looked at the Tomcat code, but Tomcat might
give up if the request body is not parsable.

Have you tried calling request.getInputStream and dumping the request
body when the parameter is null? That might give you some indication of
what's happening.
The client does url encode in addition to translating any chars that 
are used either by tomcat and/or or app to decode the reaquest (namely 
= is translated to ^, comma to #, right/left parens to @ and $ 
respectivally) then I use javascripts escape(string) method to url 
encode it the app by default uses post but if I cut and paste the 
resulting payload into a GET and pass it to the app it works fine 
(i.e. the app uses POST but I do manual testing with GET)

opps forgot to mention the manual test works for both the new and old 
format but the automated method only works for the old format (both 
formats use the one param to rule them all strategy)

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Re: unified doXXX()

2010-03-02 Thread Aryeh M. Friedman

Christopher Schultz wrote:

Hash: SHA1


On 3/2/2010 3:48 PM, Aryeh M. Friedman wrote:

Christopher Schultz wrote:

Is this a new client, or just a new data format? Mark's suggestion that
you may be using POST without the proper Content-Type would result in
getting null for this parameter (because Tomcat will not parse it for
you). If this is the case, you should either fix the new client to use
the proper Content-Type, or fall-back to reading and parsing the request
body manually when these requirements are not met.

New format same frontend client code which does use the proper content
type. (the content type is defined at a lower level then the format and
that code has not changed [using firebug on firefox confirms that fact])


So, POST + application/x-www-form-urlencoded yields a null parameter
with your new payload?

I know this sounds silly, but we're getting down to the
grasping-at-straws level, here, so bear with me: have you checked to see
that your request body is actually in the correct format (that is,
urlencoded, etc.)? I haven't looked at the Tomcat code, but Tomcat might
give up if the request body is not parsable.

Have you tried calling request.getInputStream and dumping the request
body when the parameter is null? That might give you some indication of
what's happening.

- -chris
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Also forgot to mention I already refactored the servlet to use pure hex 
encoding (namely we convert the entire request into a hex string so for 
example a old format message of call=default.Session.getSession() gets 
translated into 
which the servlet then decodes and then does it own parsing (in both 
formats the call param [our does it all param] has roughly the format 
above [i.e. a psedo method call like format])... by new format I only 
mean we got a query string that exceeds 1k for the first time

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Re: unified doXXX()

2010-03-02 Thread Aryeh M. Friedman

Christopher Schultz wrote:

Hash: SHA1


On 3/2/2010 4:05 PM, Aryeh M. Friedman wrote:

Aryeh M. Friedman wrote:

Aryeh M. Friedman wrote:

Christopher Schultz wrote:

I know this sounds silly, but we're getting down to the
grasping-at-straws level, here, so bear with me: have you checked to see
that your request body is actually in the correct format (that is,
urlencoded, etc.)? I haven't looked at the Tomcat code, but Tomcat might
give up if the request body is not parsable.

Have you tried calling request.getInputStream and dumping the request
body when the parameter is null? That might give you some indication of
what's happening.

The client does url encode in addition to translating any chars that
are used either by tomcat and/or or app to decode the reaquest (namely
= is translated to ^, comma to #, right/left parens to @ and $
respectivally) then I use javascripts escape(string) method to url
encode it the app by default uses post but if I cut and paste the
resulting payload into a GET and pass it to the app it works fine
(i.e. the app uses POST but I do manual testing with GET)

Wait, what? Why all that extra encoding? Well, I guess you know what
you're doing.


opps forgot to mention the manual test works for both the new and old
format but the automated method only works for the old format (both
formats use the one param to rule them all strategy)

Obviously, something is different. Check everything between your manual
and automated tests and see what is different. Maybe it's a trailing
newline. Maybe it's a Content-Length header. Whatever it is, apparently,
it's significant.

- -chris
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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The above issues is why we switched to the hex encoding scheme

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Re: unified doXXX()

2010-03-02 Thread Aryeh M. Friedman

Christopher Schultz wrote:

Hash: SHA1


On 3/2/2010 4:12 PM, Aryeh M. Friedman wrote:

Also forgot to mention I already refactored the servlet to use pure
hex encoding (namely we convert the entire request into a hex string
so for example a old format message of
call=default.Session.getSession() gets translated into 

If that string above is your entire POST request body, then it's not
properly formatted. Instead, it should be:


or whatever. The parameter has to have a name :)

Design decision for two reasons:

1. If we are already decoding the request from hex to plain text 
mightiest  use getReader()

2. Our app needs to support several frontends (not just the web via a 

Just for reference here is the refactored servlet with any trade secret 
code removed (all the tomcat--servlet logic is kept)

// src/backend/servlet/
package backend.servlet;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import backend.util.StringUtil; // hex encoding/decoding

public class Servlet extends HttpServlet
   public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
  HttpServletResponse response)
   throws IOException

   public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request,
  HttpServletResponse response)
   throws IOException

   private void handleRequest(HttpServletRequest request,
  HttpServletResponse response)
   throws IOException
// not possible to do custom error reporting yet 
because we have no writer to write to

   PrintWriter pw=new PrintWriter(response.getWriter());
   String call=null;

   try {
   } catch(IOException e) {
   write out error in custom format

   code to do something with the request

   private String readRequest(HttpServletRequest request)
   throws IOException
   return request.getQueryString();

   String out=;
   Reader reader=request.getReader();

   // reading all the content in one read causes problems 
sometimes so we read it char by char

   for(int i=0;irequest.getContentLength();i++)

   return out;

   private static final long serialVersionUID=0L;

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Re: unified doXXX()

2010-03-01 Thread Aryeh M. Friedman

Pid wrote:

On 28/02/2010 02:00, Aryeh M. Friedman wrote:

I am refactoring a servlet we have used successfully for several years
now to accommodate input that does not amen itself to
HttpServletRequest.getParameter()... The only way it seems to be to
handle our particular input (the nature/format of the input is covered
by an NDA so I can not discuss it in any detail) read the raw
request in the old servlet HttpServletRequest.getParameter() had a
nice side effect that we where able to do something like this:

I don't understand, can you explain what you mean by a side effect?

See below for details but it appears sun's general servlet api model is 
designed to treat each request method differently and getParameter (at 
least how I am using it) is a short-circuit of this model.

public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse 

throws IOException

public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse 

throws IOException

private void handleRequest(HttpServletRequest
request,HttpServletResponse response)
String input=Request.getParameter(foo); // we are only interested in
this one param

Request or request - is this a typo?

thats what I get for writting sample code for a post only and not 
actually compiling it ;-)

process input

I want to preserve the single handler design but since getParameter
barfs on our new input format and there is no unified raw input reader
the only thing I can think of is make it so doGet and doPost use
request.getQueryString() and request.getReader() respectivally... is
there an easier way? (namely I want to keep doXXX as pure wrappers with
nothing but a dispatch to handleRequest()).

Why does request.getParameter() not work, or is that a secret?

I am not actually sure because the input is properly URL encoded and 
works if sent as a GET but fails (getParameter returns null) if done as 
a POST (note every other input sent to this servlet in the past did work 
with both GET and POST) the reason for only caring about one 
parameter for all input is a trade secret though that being said for 
other reasons beyond (that are also trade secrets) the failed 
getParameter call we decided to rewrite the servlet so it's entire 
payload data is a hex encoded string and thus the need for reading the 
raw request instead of using getParameter. I suspect it is because 
we had some funky character encoding (UTF-8 but some characters could be 
parsed in more then one way with the context not giving enough clues to 
which one was correct) [this was why we switched to hex encoding]

Is request.getInputStream() not suitable?

I thought thats what I was asking ;-) namely getReader() and 
getInputStream() only work if it was a POST (if GET we need to use 

As far as I can see, there's absolutely no reason that handleRequest 
won't continue to work, as long as the code inside actually does work.

I thought so also until I traced the bug to the very first line of 
handleRequest when it used getParameter (i.e. disagreement on output of 
the call depending on request method)

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Re: unified doXXX()

2010-03-01 Thread Aryeh M. Friedman

Mark Thomas wrote:

On 01/03/2010 08:01, Aryeh M. Friedman wrote:

Pid wrote:

I want to preserve the single handler design but since getParameter
barfs on our new input format and there is no unified raw input reader
the only thing I can think of is make it so doGet and doPost use
request.getQueryString() and request.getReader() respectivally... is
there an easier way? (namely I want to keep doXXX as pure wrappers 

nothing but a dispatch to handleRequest()).

Why does request.getParameter() not work, or is that a secret?

Take a look at SRV.3.1 in the servlet spec. Are you sure you are using 
application/x-www-form-urlencoded with your POST?

If you use that content type, Tomcat will merge parameters in the POST 
body and the query string.

Yes we are and thats why I probably mistook the effect of it doing that 
as a side effect instead of a designed in feature... now that being said 
we have used that content day since the first few lines of our code was 
written and until this post (about 2 years) the servlet getting 
getParameter via GET *AND* POST was not an issue... but for some reason 
a new client side request format (which there is no easy way around not 
using) messed it up.


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unified doXXX()

2010-02-27 Thread Aryeh M. Friedman
I am refactoring a servlet we have used successfully for several years 
now to accommodate  input that does not amen itself to 
HttpServletRequest.getParameter()... The only way it seems to be to 
handle our particular input (the nature/format of the input is covered 
by an NDA so I can not discuss it in any detail) read the raw 
request in the old servlet HttpServletRequest.getParameter() had a 
nice side effect that we where able to do something like this:

public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response)
   throws IOException

public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response)
   throws IOException

private void handleRequest(HttpServletRequest 
request,HttpServletResponse response)

   String input=Request.getParameter(foo); // we are only interested 
in this one param

   process input

I want to preserve the single handler design but since getParameter 
barfs on our new input format and there is no unified raw input reader 
the only thing I can think of is make it so doGet and doPost use 
request.getQueryString() and request.getReader() respectivally... is 
there an easier way? (namely I want to keep doXXX as pure wrappers with 
nothing but a dispatch to handleRequest()).

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Re: smaller, faster tomcat?

2010-02-01 Thread Aryeh M. Friedman

Edwin Ansicodd wrote:

developing a web app on tomcat, restarting tomcat is taking up time.

Is there a smaller tomcat or settings for development on tomcat that allow
for faster development?  
If your not modifing the files in $CATALINA_BASE/conf then setting 
reloadable=true in your Context in the Host tag in server.xml will do 
it and/or you can use the manager to do this

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Re: public_html config not working

2010-01-30 Thread Aryeh M. Friedman

Caldarale, Charles R wrote:

From: Aryeh Friedman []
Subject: public_html config not working

I took following from cutting and pasting from O'Reilly's Defenative
Tomcat and put it inside each of my virtual hosts (as shown the
default Host) and then I get resource unavaible for any request to
~user but the rest of the (virtual) host works:

Listener className=org.apache.catalina.startup.UserConfig

At the bare minimum, tell us the Tomcat version you're using, the JVM it's 
running on, and the platform - we're not mind readers.  If you tried the above 
on Windows, it will certainly fail.

The real doc for that feature of the current Tomcat version is here:

Tomcat 6.0.20, JDK 1.6 update 3 (with FreeBSD patch 4), FreeBSD 
7.2-RELEASEpl1 (development machine) and 8.0-RELEASE (production 
machine) I also forgot to note I had it working fine on localhost 
but it seems to not like virtual hosts

 - Chuck

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Including a file into server.xml

2010-01-22 Thread Aryeh M. Friedman
I have an Java based XML DB that keeps track of different configurations 
for various sites we host and it is trivial to have it spit out a Host 
entery compatible with server.xml for each site... the only problem we 
have is how to insert the output into server.xml without garbaging 
and/or having to parse the file... the solution I want to use is 
include file X here but I can not find any way of coding that into 
server.xml If it is compatible with standard XML inclusion tag's 
just let me know and I will figure out the rest if not is there a 
special tag or something?

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