LetsEncrypt not working with multiple domains managed by Apache web server running on Apache Tomcat.

2016-05-13 Thread Akshay Sulakhe

Hello friends,

To start of with, my apologies for sending the mail to two lists, but
as the problem involves around both Tomcat and Apache, I am sending
this email on both lists.

Situation : I have a Debian X64 server running Apache Web-server which
is running a CMS on its own and also redirecting requests to Tomcat
based upon the URL. I have a single Tomcat, which hosts 3 webapps for 3
different domains. In Apache web-server I have set the ServerName and
ServerAlias, which will then redirect the request to Apache Tomcat, and
the proper webapp will be called.

Now, this all works when we are dealing only with HTTP, situation with
HTTPS is completely different though. WHenever I install SSL
certificate for one domain, redirect based on domain-name and port 443,
then I get a redirection error or I am simply redirected to the hosted
CMS. Other domains which are not on https keep working.

This setup works very nicely with port-80 or http, but with HTTPs it's
completely useless. What changes do I need to make such a setup work.
Thank you.

 Apache config :

workers.properties :

>  worker.list = worker_app1
> worker.worker_app1.type = lb
> worker.worker_app1.balance_workers = app1_instance1
> worker.worker_app1.sticky_session = true
> worker.worker_app1.sticky_session_force = false
> worker.worker_app1.method = busyness
> worker.app1_instance1.type = ajp13
> worker.app1_instance1.host =
> worker.app1_instance1.port = 8010
> worker.app1_instance1.host = localhost
> worker.app1_instance1.lbfactor = 1
> worker.app1_instance1.socket_timeout = 40
> worker.app1_instance1.socket_keepalive = true
> worker.app1_instance1.reply_timeout = 3

000-default below :

> Listen 443
> ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
> ServerName www.webserver-domain.com
> ServerAlias webserver-domain.com
> DocumentRoot /var/www
> Options FollowSymLinks
> AllowOverride None
> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
> AllowOverride All
>  Order allow,deny
> allow from all
> ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/
> AllowOverride None
> Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
> Order allow,deny
> Allow from all
> ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
> # Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error,
> crit,
> # alert, emerg.
> LogLevel warn
> ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/
> AllowOverride None
> Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
> Order allow,deny
> Allow from all
> ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
> # Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error,
> crit,
> # alert, emerg.
> LogLevel warn
> CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined
> ServerName www.tomcat-domain1.de
> ServerAlias tomcat-domain1.de
> ProxyRequests off
> ProxyPreserveHost On
> Order deny,allow
> Allow from all
> #ErrorDocument 503 /maintenance.html
> # ErrorDocument 404 /maintenance.html
> # ErrorDocument 500 /maintenance.html
> #ProxyPass /maintenance.html !
> ProxyPass / http://localhost:8080/
> ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8080/
> Order allow,deny
> Allow from all
> ServerName www.tomcat-domain2.de
> ServerAlias tomcat-domain2.de
> ProxyRequests off
> ProxyPreserveHost On
> Order deny,allow
> Allow from all
> SSLProxyCheckPeerExpire off
> SSLEngine on
> SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
> www.tomcat-domain2.de/ende.crt
> SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
> www.tomcat-domain2.de/private.key
> ErrorDocument 503 /maintenance.html
>  ErrorDocument 404 /maintenance.html
>  ErrorDocument 500 /maintenance.html
> ProxyPass /maintenance.html !
> ProxyPass / http://localhost:8080/
> ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8080/
> Order allow,deny
> Allow from all
> ServerName www.tomcat-domain3.de
> ServerAlias tomcat-domain3.de
> ProxyRequests off
> ProxyPreserveHost On
> Order deny,allow
> Allow from all
> ErrorDocument 503 /maintenance.html
>  ErrorDocument 404 /maintenance.html
>  ErrorDocument 500 /maintenance.html
> ProxyPass /maintenance.html !
> ProxyPass / http://localhost:8080/
> ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8080/
> Order allow,deny
> Allow from all
> ServerName www.tomcat-domain4.com
> ServerAlias tomcat-domain4.com
> ProxyRequests off
> ProxyPreserveHost On
> Order deny,allow
> Allow from all
> ErrorDocument 503 /maintenance.html
>  ErrorDocument 404 /maintenance.html
>  ErrorDocument 500 /maintenance.html
> ProxyPass /maintenance.html !

Multiple domains accessing same Tomcat content

2013-03-30 Thread Chris Arnold
I thought i would understand how to config a 2nd domain to access the same 
content after configuring for the first domain but that proved wrong. I have 
multiple domains that need to access the same content. For example, 
http://share.domain1.com should result in http://share.domain1.com/share and 
http://share.domain2.com should result in http://share.domain2.com/share. 
Thanks to Ranier, i have 1 working config accessing http://share.domain.com. 
Now, how do i add a 2nd domain so they will type http://share.domain2.com and 
get http://share.domain2.com/share?
Here is the workers.properties file configured for domain2:


# Define two status worker:
# - jk-status for read-only use
# - jk-manager for read/write use


# We define a load balancer worker
# with name balancer
# error_escalation_time: seconds, default = recover_time/2 (=30)
# Determines, how fast a detected error should switch from
# local error state to global error state
# Since: 1.2.28

# - max_reply_timeouts: number, default=0
#   If there are to many reply timeouts, a worker
#   is put into the error state, i.e. it will become
#   unavailable for all sessions residing on the respective
#   Tomcat. The number of tolerated reply timeouts is
#   configured with max_reply_timeouts. The number of
#   timeouts occuring is divided by 2 once a minute and the
#   resulting counter is compared against max_reply_timeouts.
#   If you set max_reply_timeouts to N and the errors are
#   occuring equally distributed over time, you will
#   tolerate N/2 errors per minute. If they occur in a burst
#   you will tolerate N errors.
#   Since: 1.2.24

# Now we add members to the load balancer
# First member is node1, most
# attributes are inherited from the
# template worker.template.
# Activation allows to configure
# whether this node should actually be used
# A: active (use node fully)
# D: disabled (only use, if sticky session needs this node)
# S: stopped (do not use)
#   Since: 1.2.19

# Second member is node2, most
# attributes are inherited from the
# template worker.template.
# Activation allows to configure
# whether this node should actually be used
# A: active (use node fully)
# D: disabled (only use, if sticky session needs this node)
# S: stopped (do not use)
#   Since: 1.2.19

# Finally we put the parameters
# which should apply to all our ajp13
# workers into the referenced template
# - Type is ajp13

# - socket_connect_timeout: milliseconds, default=0
#   Since: 1.2.27
#worker.template.socket_connect_timeout=5000//not supported in the version of 
mod_jk running 1.2.26

# - socket_keepalive: boolean, default=false
#   Should we send TCP keepalive packets
#   when connection is idle (socket option)?

# - ping_mode: Character, default=none
#   When should we use cping/cpong connection probing?
#   C = directly after establishing a new connection
#   P = directly before sending each request
#   I = in regular intervals for idle connections
#   using the watchdog thread
#   A = all of the above
#   Since: 1.2.27
#worker.template.ping_mode=A//not supported in the version of mod_jk running 

# - ping_timeout: milliseconds, default=1
#   Wait timeout for cpong after cping
#   Can be overwritten for modes C and P
#   Using connect_timeout and prepost_timeout.
#   Since: 1.2.27
#worker.template.ping_timeout=1//not supported in the version of mod_jk 
running 1.2.26

# - connection_pool_minsize: number, default=connection_pool_size
#   Lower pool size when shrinking pool due
#   to idle connections
#   We want all connections to be closed when
#   idle for a long time in order to prevent
#   firewall problems.
#   Since: 1.2.16

# - connection_pool_timeout: seconds, default=0
#   Idle time, before a connection is eligible
#   for being closed (pool shrinking).
#   This should be the same value as connectionTimeout
#   in the Tomcat AJP connector, but there it is
#   milliseconds, here seconds.

# - reply_timeout: milliseconds, default=0
#   Any pause longer than this timeout during waiting
#   for a part of the reply will abort handling the request
#   in mod_jk. The request will proceed running in
#   Tomcat, but the web server resources will be freed

RE: Tomcat with multiple domains

2012-12-03 Thread Jeffrey Janner
 -Original Message-
 From: André Warnier [mailto:a...@ice-sa.com]
 Sent: Friday, November 30, 2012 9:11 AM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: Tomcat with multiple domains
 Jeffrey Janner wrote:
  -Original Message-
  From: Paul van Hoven [mailto:paul.van.ho...@googlemail.com]
  Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2012 5:29 PM
  To: Tomcat Users List
  Subject: Re: Tomcat with multiple domains
  Thanks for your quick and detailed answers. Actually I think I did
  all the things you mentioned but it still does not work. So here are
  the changes I made:
  1. I checked that the following entries are in the engine tag:
  Server port=8005 shutdown=SHUTDOWN ...
  Service name=Catalina
  Engine name=Catalina defaultHost=localhost Host
  unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=true
   [Jeff Janner] You need a /Host here.  All elements must have a
 begin tag and an end tag!
 If there are no sub-elements, you can combine the
 begin and end tags as tagname ... /.
 Please find a good introductory reference on XML
 markup language before continuing.
  appBase=/opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.32/my2nddomain unpackWARs=true
  autoDeploy=true xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false
 Haaa. Good catch, Jeffrey. Everyone else missed that.
 So it probably swallowed the second Host's tags in the first, with
 who knows which results.
 Surprising that Tomcat still starts.

You wouldn't believe how any times I've had to correct something like this for 
customer self-installs, even with what I think is proper documentation to guide 
It really does come down to understanding the structure of XML.

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Re: Tomcat with multiple domains

2012-12-01 Thread Paul van Hoven
Thank you guys for your great help. It was indeed an error in the xml
that I entered in the server.xml file. I put something like this:

Server port=8005 shutdown=SHUTDOWN
Service name=Catalina
Engine name=Catalina defaultHost=localhost
Host name=localhost  appBase=webapps
unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=true
Host name=www.my2nddomain.com
appBase=/opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.32/my2nddomain unpackWARs=true
autoDeploy=true xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false

Notice that I nested the virtual host definition within the host
definition tags of the default host. So, therefore it did not work and
I didn't see it.

Okay now it works perfectly fine. Again, thanks for your fantastic support!

2012/11/30 Hassan Schroeder hassan.schroe...@gmail.com:
 On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 2:12 PM, Christopher Schultz
 ch...@christopherschultz.net wrote:

 OP never posted the whole XML, so we don't know that it's definitely
 not well-formed.

 Good point -- should have asked for the whole file before jumping to
 that conclusion. But it certainly looked sketchy :-)

 Hassan Schroeder  hassan.schroe...@gmail.com
 twitter: @hassan

 To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@tomcat.apache.org
 For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@tomcat.apache.org

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For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@tomcat.apache.org

Re: Tomcat with multiple domains

2012-12-01 Thread André Warnier
Paul, you shouldn't top-post.  It makes it hard to follow the logical gist of the 

2012/11/30 Hassan Schroeder hassan.schroe...@gmail.com:

On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 2:12 PM, Christopher Schultz
ch...@christopherschultz.net wrote:

OP never posted the whole XML, so we don't know that it's definitely
not well-formed.

Good point -- should have asked for the whole file before jumping to
that conclusion. But it certainly looked sketchy :-)


Paul van Hoven wrote:
 Thank you guys for your great help. It was indeed an error in the xml
 that I entered in the server.xml file. I put something like this:

 Server port=8005 shutdown=SHUTDOWN
 Service name=Catalina
 Engine name=Catalina defaultHost=localhost
 Host name=localhost  appBase=webapps
 unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=true
 Host name=www.my2nddomain.com
 appBase=/opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.32/my2nddomain unpackWARs=true
 autoDeploy=true xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false

 Notice that I nested the virtual host definition within the host
 definition tags of the default host. So, therefore it did not work and
 I didn't see it.

 Okay now it works perfectly fine. Again, thanks for your fantastic support!

So, taking into account Christoper's detailed explanation of why Tomcat would not detect 
this as an error in server.xml, we are still left with something strange here.

Assuming that Paul previously reported the result correctly (he requested a URL mapping to 
the first host, and got a response from an app of the second Host instead), that would 
mean that in the process of parsing the above, Tomcat somehow overwrote the appBase of the 
first Host tag, with the appBase of the second Host tag, no ?

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RE: Tomcat with multiple domains

2012-11-30 Thread Jeffrey Janner
 -Original Message-
 From: Paul van Hoven [mailto:paul.van.ho...@googlemail.com]
 Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2012 5:29 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: Tomcat with multiple domains
 Thanks for your quick and detailed answers. Actually I think I did all
 the things you mentioned but it still does not work. So here are the
 changes I made:
 1. I checked that the following entries are in the engine tag:
 Server port=8005 shutdown=SHUTDOWN ...
 Service name=Catalina
 Engine name=Catalina defaultHost=localhost Host name=localhost
 unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=true

 [Jeff Janner] You need a /Host here.  All elements must have a begin tag 
and an end tag!
   If there are no sub-elements, you can combine the begin and end 
tags as tagname ... /.
   Please find a good introductory reference on XML markup language 
before continuing.

 appBase=/opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.32/my2nddomain unpackWARs=true
 autoDeploy=true xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false
 2. In the host file I altered the entries to  www.my2nddomain.com  www.my1rstdomain.com
 3. I actually did not really understand what you meant by
  Also, since you are using the /etc/hosts file instead of the DNS
 system, the client (browser) also has those entries in its hosts file.
 And, as Konstantin pointed out, you don't put the port number in the
 /etc/hosts file.
  If you are using DNS for the clients, make sure that it has entries
 for both hosts, pointing to the same IP address.
 I'm not shure if I understand the meaning of DNS in this case
 correctly. Do you mean a DNS on my local machine or do you mean the DNS
 on a remote machine? I've got a pure domain hoster and I set an A
 record entry such that the domain is forwarded to my server / ip
 address Both domains are actually pointing to this ip
 address since both are hosted by the same domain hoster. I do not
 explicitly use DNS on my local machine, at least I did not configure
 And how can the client (browser) have entries in a host file?
 The current status is that when calling www.my1rstdomain.com:8080
 points to the webapp installed for www.my2nddomain.com:8080.
 2012/11/27 Jeffrey Janner jeffrey.jan...@polydyne.com:
  -Original Message-
  From: Paul van Hoven [mailto:paul.van.ho...@googlemail.com]
  Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2012 2:13 PM
  To: Tomcat Users List
  Subject: Re: Tomcat with multiple domains
  Thanks for the answer. I followed the tutorial you propose (
  http://wiki.apache.org/tomcat/TomcatDevelopmentVirtualHosts ). But
  is still not working. Here is my new configuration
  Host name=2nddomain.com
  appBase=/opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.32/2nddomain.com unpackWARs=true
  autoDeploy=true xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false
  The directory
  contains a ROOT.war file.
  I edited the /etc/hosts file and added the following entries:  www.2nddomain.com:8080  www.1rstdomain.com:8080
  Then I restarted the system and the tomcat server. Entering
  www.2nddomain.com:8080 sends me to 1rstdomain.com. I noticed that
  file  /opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.32/2nddomain.com/ROOT.war remains
  untouched by tomcat, at least nothing is extracted from the war
  So what else am I missing here?
  Make sure that the new Host/Host definition is nested inside the
 Engine/Engine tags.
  You also do not need the first Alias line.  The name= parameter
 takes care of that mapping for you.
  In general, the nesting works this way:
  Server ... 
Service ... 
  Connector ... /
  Connector ... /
  Engine ... 
Host name=host1.com ... 
Host name=www.host2.com ... 
Host name=www.myhost.com ... /
  There are a myriad other tag sets that could be included in there and
 it's very important that they be nested properly to work properly.
  Also, since you are using the /etc/hosts file instead of the DNS
 system, the client (browser) also has those entries in its hosts file.
 And, as Konstantin pointed out, you don't put the port number in the
 /etc/hosts file.
  If you are using DNS for the clients, make sure that it has entries
 for both hosts, pointing to the same IP address.
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 To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@tomcat.apache.org

Re: Tomcat with multiple domains

2012-11-30 Thread André Warnier

Jeffrey Janner wrote:

-Original Message-
From: Paul van Hoven [mailto:paul.van.ho...@googlemail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2012 5:29 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Tomcat with multiple domains


Thanks for your quick and detailed answers. Actually I think I did all
the things you mentioned but it still does not work. So here are the
changes I made:

1. I checked that the following entries are in the engine tag:
Server port=8005 shutdown=SHUTDOWN ...
Service name=Catalina
Engine name=Catalina defaultHost=localhost Host name=localhost
unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=true

 [Jeff Janner] You need a /Host here.  All elements must have a begin tag 
and an end tag!
   If there are no sub-elements, you can combine the begin and end tags 
as tagname ... /.
   Please find a good introductory reference on XML markup language 
before continuing.

appBase=/opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.32/my2nddomain unpackWARs=true
autoDeploy=true xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false

Haaa. Good catch, Jeffrey. Everyone else missed that.
So it probably swallowed the second Host's tags in the first, with who knows 
which results.
Surprising that Tomcat still starts.

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Re: Tomcat with multiple domains

2012-11-30 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA1


On 11/30/12 10:11 AM, André Warnier wrote:
 Jeffrey Janner wrote:
 -Original Message- From: Paul van Hoven
 [mailto:paul.van.ho...@googlemail.com] Sent: Wednesday,
 November 28, 2012 5:29 PM To: Tomcat Users List Subject: Re:
 Tomcat with multiple domains
 Thanks for your quick and detailed answers. Actually I think I
 did all the things you mentioned but it still does not work. So
 here are the changes I made:
 1. I checked that the following entries are in the engine tag: 
 Server port=8005 shutdown=SHUTDOWN ... Service
 name=Catalina ... Engine name=Catalina
 defaultHost=localhost Host name=localhost 
 appBase=webapps unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=true
 [Jeff Janner] You need a /Host here.  All elements must have
 a begin tag and an end tag! If there are no sub-elements, you can
 combine the begin and end tags as tagname ... /. Please find a
 good introductory reference on XML markup language before
 Host name=www.my2nddomain.com 
 unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=true xmlValidation=false
 xmlNamespaceAware=false /Host
 Haaa. Good catch, Jeffrey. Everyone else missed that.


 So it probably swallowed the second Host's tags in the first,
 with who knows which results. Surprising that Tomcat still starts.

Unfortunately, Tomcat does not validate against an XML schema or DTD
and so otherwise insane configurations can generally be launched
without any errors being generated.

This is a double-edged sword. In this case, it made it difficult to
detect a configuration error. In other cases, it makes it possible to
use very complex configuration that the Tomcat developers didn't
expect beforehand.

One reason Tomcat cannot validate against a schema or DTD is because
of things like Resource: they allow a user to specify any attribute
name and have its value get set on the component being configured.
This is not possible with a strictly-validating parser.

I'm unaware of a technique to allow partial structural validity (say,
element nesting) without also explicitly specifying which attributes
are allowed.

Use of the Apache commons-digester component means that detecting
structural missteps would require that the component be configured
with all possible missteps in advance which is quite impossible.

I haven't looked, but it might be nice if the digester supported
fallback rules where an event that didn't match an existing rule could
fire a catch-all rule. That way, an unexpected element could generate
an error message and possibly prevent Tomcat from even starting.

- -chris
Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.17 (Darwin)
Comment: GPGTools - http://gpgtools.org
Comment: Using GnuPG with undefined - http://www.enigmail.net/


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For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@tomcat.apache.org

Re: Tomcat with multiple domains

2012-11-30 Thread Hassan Schroeder
On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 1:50 PM, Christopher Schultz
ch...@christopherschultz.net wrote:

 I'm unaware of a technique to allow partial structural validity (say,
 element nesting) without also explicitly specifying which attributes
 are allowed.

Wait, what? The OP's example isn't even well-formed XML, and any
decent text editor should flag that.

Attribute names and values aren't relevant to well-formed-ness.

Hassan Schroeder  hassan.schroe...@gmail.com
twitter: @hassan

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Re: Tomcat with multiple domains

2012-11-30 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA1


On 11/30/12 5:04 PM, Hassan Schroeder wrote:
 On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 1:50 PM, Christopher Schultz 
 ch...@christopherschultz.net wrote:
 I'm unaware of a technique to allow partial structural validity
 (say, element nesting) without also explicitly specifying which
 attributes are allowed.
 Wait, what? The OP's example isn't even well-formed XML, and any 
 decent text editor should flag that.
 Attribute names and values aren't relevant to well-formed-ness.

OP never posted the whole XML, so we don't know that it's definitely
not well-formed.

Tomcat definitely bombs if the document isn't well-formed:

Nov 30, 2012 5:08:28 PM org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.Digester
WARNING:   No rules found matching 'Server/Service/Engine/Host/Host'.
Nov 30, 2012 5:08:28 PM org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.Digester
SEVERE: Parse Fatal Error at line 152 column 7: The element type
Host must be terminated by the matching end-tag /Host.
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; systemId:
file:/CATALINA_BASE/conf/server.xml; lineNumber: 152; columnNumber: 7;
The element type Host must be terminated by the matching end-tag

If the OP was using an XML editor (again, without any Schema or DTD),
it might have let him (or even auto-fixed the structure to) do this:


This message would have showed up in catalina.out:

Nov 30, 2012 5:11:47 PM org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.Digester
WARNING:   No rules found matching 'Server/Service/Engine/Host/Host'.

...but such a thing is easy to miss.

- -chris
Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.17 (Darwin)
Comment: GPGTools - http://gpgtools.org
Comment: Using GnuPG with undefined - http://www.enigmail.net/


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Re: Tomcat with multiple domains

2012-11-30 Thread André Warnier

Christopher Schultz wrote:

Hash: SHA1


On 11/30/12 10:11 AM, André Warnier wrote:

Jeffrey Janner wrote:

-Original Message- From: Paul van Hoven
[mailto:paul.van.ho...@googlemail.com] Sent: Wednesday,
November 28, 2012 5:29 PM To: Tomcat Users List Subject: Re:
Tomcat with multiple domains


Thanks for your quick and detailed answers. Actually I think I
did all the things you mentioned but it still does not work. So
here are the changes I made:

1. I checked that the following entries are in the engine tag: 
Server port=8005 shutdown=SHUTDOWN ... Service

name=Catalina ... Engine name=Catalina
defaultHost=localhost Host name=localhost 
appBase=webapps unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=true

[Jeff Janner] You need a /Host here.  All elements must have
a begin tag and an end tag! If there are no sub-elements, you can
combine the begin and end tags as tagname ... /. Please find a
good introductory reference on XML markup language before

Host name=www.my2nddomain.com 

unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=true xmlValidation=false
xmlNamespaceAware=false /Host

Haaa. Good catch, Jeffrey. Everyone else missed that.


So it probably swallowed the second Host's tags in the first,
with who knows which results. Surprising that Tomcat still starts.

Unfortunately, Tomcat does not validate against an XML schema or DTD
and so otherwise insane configurations can generally be launched
without any errors being generated.

This is a double-edged sword. In this case, it made it difficult to
detect a configuration error. In other cases, it makes it possible to
use very complex configuration that the Tomcat developers didn't
expect beforehand.

One reason Tomcat cannot validate against a schema or DTD is because
of things like Resource: they allow a user to specify any attribute
name and have its value get set on the component being configured.
This is not possible with a strictly-validating parser.

I'm unaware of a technique to allow partial structural validity (say,
element nesting) without also explicitly specifying which attributes
are allowed.

Use of the Apache commons-digester component means that detecting
structural missteps would require that the component be configured
with all possible missteps in advance which is quite impossible.

I haven't looked, but it might be nice if the digester supported
fallback rules where an event that didn't match an existing rule could
fire a catch-all rule. That way, an unexpected element could generate
an error message and possibly prevent Tomcat from even starting.

I wasn't complaining or criticising, just wondering.
It isn't so easy to compose an XML document, miss a closing tag and still having it be 
valid XML.
If you go back the the OP's last post and the described symptoms, and assume that he did 
describe accurately what happened, it means that the missing /Host tag had some really 
interesting effects.

What we really need on this user list, is an interactive XML parser where we can check 
configuration snippets posted by users.
(one which would of course first and automatically get rid of all the email artifacts, 
in-between comments etc.)

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Re: Tomcat with multiple domains

2012-11-30 Thread Hassan Schroeder
On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 2:12 PM, Christopher Schultz
ch...@christopherschultz.net wrote:

 OP never posted the whole XML, so we don't know that it's definitely
 not well-formed.

Good point -- should have asked for the whole file before jumping to
that conclusion. But it certainly looked sketchy :-)

Hassan Schroeder  hassan.schroe...@gmail.com
twitter: @hassan

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Re: Tomcat with multiple domains

2012-11-29 Thread André Warnier


Here is a brief tutorial on how the virtual host thing works.
(I find that many times, reminding someone of these basic things helps in diagnosing 
things quickly).

1) the browser is given a URL to retrieve, say 

2) the browser parses this URL in :
protocol : http
hostname : myhost.mycompany.com
port : 8080
URI : /home.html
(note : if the port is not given, it becomes the default for the protocol; for example, 
for http this would be 80, and for https it would be 443)

2) the browser first asks it's local O.S. resolver, to translate the hostname into an IP 

The resolver is the part of the OS which does these translations, and usually
- it first looks at the local hosts file, to find a name-to-address 
(under Unix/Linux, this is /etc/hosts; under Windows, it is usually 
(windows_dir)/system32/drivers/etc/hosts )
- if it is not in the local hosts file, it will contact a DNS server host, and ask it to 
tranalate the address.
In a LAN, the DNS host is usually a local DNS server system.  Otherwise, it is a DNS 
server on the Internet.

(Note: DNS stands for Domain Name System and is a standard feature on the 

3) if the browser could not get a name-to-address translation, it will print an error 
message host 'myhost.mycompany.com' could not be found.
If the browser received an IP address from the resolver, it believes it unconditionally, 
even if it happens to be false, and goes to the next step.

4) the browser establishes a TCP connection to the obtained IP address, and the port 
determined from the URL.
If the browser cannot establish this connection, it will print an error message host 
'myhost.mycompany.com' is not responding - try again later.

(Note: if you get this far, it means at least that the hostname was translated to an IP 
address in some way. It does not mean that the IP address is correct, but it's a start.)

5) on this established TCP connection, the browser sends a HTTP request, consisting of 
several lines, as a minimum the following 2 lines :

GET /home.html HTTP/1.1
Host: myhost.mycompany.com

6) at the receiving end, it is assumed that a webserver has accepted the TCP connection, 
and is reading what the browser sends on it.  It thus reads the request, as a minimum the 
same 2 lines :

GET /home.html HTTP/1.1
Host: myhost.mycompany.com

7) the webserver parses the HTTP request headers, in particular the Host: 
This tells it the name of the virtual host to which this request is addressed.

8) the webserver looks through it's own list of virtual hosts, to find one of which either 
the hostname or an alias matches the Host: header exactly.

9) If the webserver finds such a virtual host, then it sets itself up so that this request 
is handled according to the configuration of that virtual host.

10) If the webserver does not find such a virtual host (neither hostname nor alias match 
any defined virtual host), then it will direct the request to its default virtual host.

This varies a bit from webserver to webserver, but
- for Tomcat it is the Host named in the Engine tag
- for Apache httpd, it is the first VirtualHost named in the httpd configuration

Now, I suggest that you go through the above steps, one by one, really thinking about what 
happens and if it happens, and make sure that you eliminate all the possibilities that do 
not apply.
And as Sherlock Holmes would say, once you have eliminated all the unlikely things, what 
remains, even if it is impossible, must be the truth.

In your case, according to your last post, you send a request with a URL of http:// 
www.my1rstdomain.com:8080, and you say that the webapp which answers is started in the 
Host with hostname www.my2nddomain.com.

That does /not/ make sense according to the above scenario.
So either you are not showing us your real configuration, or you have not restarted Tomcat 
after making configuration changes, or you are not describing accurately what you are doing.

Check again.

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Re: Tomcat with multiple domains

2012-11-29 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA1


On 11/28/12 6:29 PM, Paul van Hoven wrote:
 Thanks for your quick and detailed answers. Actually I think I did
 all the things you mentioned but it still does not work. So here
 are the changes I made:
 1. I checked that the following entries are in the engine tag: 
 Server port=8005 shutdown=SHUTDOWN ... Service
 name=Catalina ... Engine name=Catalina
 defaultHost=localhost Host name=localhost  appBase=webapps 
 unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=true Host
 appBase=/opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.32/my2nddomain unpackWARs=true 
 autoDeploy=true xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false 
 /Host /Engine /Service /Server

This looks correct to me.

 2. In the host file I altered the entries to
 www.my2nddomain.com  www.my1rstdomain.com

Is this on the server or the client? Or both?

Go to the machine you are using as an HTTP client (e.g. web browser)
and type this on the command line:

nslookup www.my2nddomain.com

You should get back.

Next, you need to make sure that the client is sending a Host header
with the HTTP message. The Host header is required for HTTP/1.1, so if
the client is not specifying the Host, it is non-compliant.

Tomcat can't determine the virtual host to use if the Host header is
absent. If the Host header is absent or the value of Host does not
match anything Tomcat has configured, the default Host for the Engine
will be used. In your case, it's the localhost host.

 The current status is that when calling www.my1rstdomain.com:8080 
 points to the webapp installed for www.my2nddomain.com:8080.

That seems very odd, since you don't have any configuration for
www.my1rstdomain.com, so you should get the default. What happens when
you request www.my2nddomain.com?

Can you post an HTTP protocol trace of a request/response?

- -chris
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Re: Tomcat with multiple domains

2012-11-28 Thread Paul van Hoven

Thanks for your quick and detailed answers. Actually I think I did all
the things you mentioned but it still does not work. So here are the
changes I made:

1. I checked that the following entries are in the engine tag:
Server port=8005 shutdown=SHUTDOWN
Service name=Catalina
Engine name=Catalina defaultHost=localhost
Host name=localhost  appBase=webapps
unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=true
Host name=www.my2nddomain.com
appBase=/opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.32/my2nddomain unpackWARs=true
autoDeploy=true xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false

2. In the host file I altered the entries to

3. I actually did not really understand what you meant by
 Also, since you are using the /etc/hosts file instead of the DNS system, the 
 client (browser) also has those entries in its hosts file.  And, as 
 Konstantin pointed out, you don't put the port number in the /etc/hosts file.
 If you are using DNS for the clients, make sure that it has entries for both 
 hosts, pointing to the same IP address.

I'm not shure if I understand the meaning of DNS in this case
correctly. Do you mean a DNS on my local machine or do you mean the
DNS on a remote machine? I've got a pure domain hoster and I set an A
record entry such that the domain is forwarded to my server / ip
address Both domains are actually pointing to this ip
address since both are hosted by the same domain hoster. I do not
explicitly use DNS on my local machine, at least I did not configure

And how can the client (browser) have entries in a host file?

The current status is that when calling www.my1rstdomain.com:8080
points to the webapp installed for www.my2nddomain.com:8080.

2012/11/27 Jeffrey Janner jeffrey.jan...@polydyne.com:
 -Original Message-
 From: Paul van Hoven [mailto:paul.van.ho...@googlemail.com]
 Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2012 2:13 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: Tomcat with multiple domains

 Thanks for the answer. I followed the tutorial you propose (
 http://wiki.apache.org/tomcat/TomcatDevelopmentVirtualHosts ). But it
 is still not working. Here is my new configuration

 Host name=2nddomain.com
 appBase=/opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.32/2nddomain.com unpackWARs=true
 autoDeploy=true xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false

 The directory
 contains a ROOT.war file.

 I edited the /etc/hosts file and added the following entries:  www.2nddomain.com:8080  www.1rstdomain.com:8080

 Then I restarted the system and the tomcat server. Entering
 www.2nddomain.com:8080 sends me to 1rstdomain.com. I noticed that the
 file  /opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.32/2nddomain.com/ROOT.war remains
 untouched by tomcat, at least nothing is extracted from the war file.

 So what else am I missing here?

 Make sure that the new Host/Host definition is nested inside the 
 Engine/Engine tags.
 You also do not need the first Alias line.  The name= parameter takes care 
 of that mapping for you.
 In general, the nesting works this way:
 Server ... 
   Service ... 
 Connector ... /
 Connector ... /
 Engine ... 
   Host name=host1.com ... 
   Host name=www.host2.com ... 
   Host name=www.myhost.com ... /

 There are a myriad other tag sets that could be included in there and it's 
 very important that they be nested properly to work properly.

 Also, since you are using the /etc/hosts file instead of the DNS system, the 
 client (browser) also has those entries in its hosts file.  And, as 
 Konstantin pointed out, you don't put the port number in the /etc/hosts file.
 If you are using DNS for the clients, make sure that it has entries for both 
 hosts, pointing to the same IP address.

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Re: Tomcat with multiple domains

2012-11-27 Thread Paul van Hoven
Thanks for the answer. I followed the tutorial you propose (
http://wiki.apache.org/tomcat/TomcatDevelopmentVirtualHosts ). But it
is still not working. Here is my new configuration

Host name=2nddomain.com
appBase=/opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.32/2nddomain.com unpackWARs=true
autoDeploy=true xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false

The directory
contains a ROOT.war file.

I edited the /etc/hosts file and added the following entries:

Then I restarted the system and the tomcat server. Entering
www.2nddomain.com:8080 sends me to 1rstdomain.com. I noticed that the
file  /opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.32/2nddomain.com/ROOT.war remains
untouched by tomcat, at least nothing is extracted from the war file.

So what else am I missing here?

2012/11/22 Caldarale, Charles R chuck.caldar...@unisys.com:
 From: Paul van Hoven [mailto:paul.van.ho...@googlemail.com]
 Subject: Tomcat with multiple domains

 I found the following tutorial (very old) on the web:

 Probably best to completely ignore anything that old.

 I payed attention to the offical Tomcat documentation in regard of this:

 That's good to look at, as is this:

 The steps apply to production as well as development.

 In my $CATALINA_HOME (which is /opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.32) I created
 the folder my2ndDomain

 This is only speculation (too lazy to look at the code right now), but domain 
 names are defined to be case-insensitive, and typically presented only in 
 lower case.  What happens if you change my2ndDomain to my2nddomain everywhere?

 Context path=my2ndDomain debug=0 reloadable=false/

 The above is really, really bad.  You shouldn't be putting Context elements 
 in server.xml, and besides, the contents of that one are gibberish.  What did 
 you expect to achieve with it?

  - Chuck

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Re: Tomcat with multiple domains

2012-11-27 Thread Konstantin Kolinko
2012/11/28 Paul van Hoven paul.van.ho...@googlemail.com:

 I edited the /etc/hosts file and added the following entries:

Domain Name Service resolves host names.  A port number is not part of
a host name. The above two lines are invalid.

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RE: Tomcat with multiple domains

2012-11-27 Thread Jeffrey Janner
 -Original Message-
 From: Paul van Hoven [mailto:paul.van.ho...@googlemail.com]
 Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2012 2:13 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: Tomcat with multiple domains
 Thanks for the answer. I followed the tutorial you propose (
 http://wiki.apache.org/tomcat/TomcatDevelopmentVirtualHosts ). But it
 is still not working. Here is my new configuration
 Host name=2nddomain.com
 appBase=/opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.32/2nddomain.com unpackWARs=true
 autoDeploy=true xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false
 The directory
 contains a ROOT.war file.
 I edited the /etc/hosts file and added the following entries:  www.2nddomain.com:8080  www.1rstdomain.com:8080
 Then I restarted the system and the tomcat server. Entering
 www.2nddomain.com:8080 sends me to 1rstdomain.com. I noticed that the
 file  /opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.32/2nddomain.com/ROOT.war remains
 untouched by tomcat, at least nothing is extracted from the war file.
 So what else am I missing here?

Make sure that the new Host/Host definition is nested inside the 
Engine/Engine tags.
You also do not need the first Alias line.  The name= parameter takes care of 
that mapping for you.
In general, the nesting works this way:
Server ... 
  Service ... 
Connector ... /
Connector ... /
Engine ... 
  Host name=host1.com ... 
  Host name=www.host2.com ... 
  Host name=www.myhost.com ... /

There are a myriad other tag sets that could be included in there and it's very 
important that they be nested properly to work properly.

Also, since you are using the /etc/hosts file instead of the DNS system, the 
client (browser) also has those entries in its hosts file.  And, as Konstantin 
pointed out, you don't put the port number in the /etc/hosts file.
If you are using DNS for the clients, make sure that it has entries for both 
hosts, pointing to the same IP address.  

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Tomcat with multiple domains

2012-11-21 Thread Paul van Hoven

I'm trying to setup virtual hosts for my single tomcat webserver. I've
got the following setup: Apache Tomcat 7.0.32 running on a server with
one IP address. I forward any requests coming in on port 80 to port
8080 and from 443 to 8443 with a firewall rule. I have 2 domains and I
would like to run these two domains on the same Tomcat machine.
Therefore I had a look at the virtual host concept.

I found the following tutorial (very old) on the web:

and I payed attention to the offical Tomcat documentation in regard of this:

So I made the following:
1. In my $CATALINA_HOME (which is /opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.32) I created
the folder my2ndDomain

2. Then I copied the war file I'd like to deploy into the folder and
renamed it. Such that now I have the following file in my folder

3. Then I modified my /opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.32/conf/server.xml the
following way:
Host name=localhost  appBase=webapps unpackWARs=true
Host name=wettprofi appBase=my2ndDomain unpackWARs=true
autoDeploy=true xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false
Context path=my2ndDomain debug=0 reloadable=false/
4. I restarted my Tomcat but nothing happened, entering
www.my2ndDomain.com was routed to the standard first domain running.

I'm wondering what I am doing wrong here.

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RE: Tomcat with multiple domains

2012-11-21 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
 From: Paul van Hoven [mailto:paul.van.ho...@googlemail.com] 
 Subject: Tomcat with multiple domains

 I found the following tutorial (very old) on the web:

Probably best to completely ignore anything that old.

 I payed attention to the offical Tomcat documentation in regard of this:

That's good to look at, as is this:

The steps apply to production as well as development.

 In my $CATALINA_HOME (which is /opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.32) I created
 the folder my2ndDomain

This is only speculation (too lazy to look at the code right now), but domain 
names are defined to be case-insensitive, and typically presented only in lower 
case.  What happens if you change my2ndDomain to my2nddomain everywhere?

 Context path=my2ndDomain debug=0 reloadable=false/

The above is really, really bad.  You shouldn't be putting Context elements 
in server.xml, and besides, the contents of that one are gibberish.  What did 
you expect to achieve with it?  

 - Chuck

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Re: Splitting Content Across Multiple Domains

2010-10-19 Thread Pid
On 19/10/2010 03:49, Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
 From: Ðavîd Låndïs [mailto:dlan...@gmail.com] 
 Subject: Splitting Content Across Multiple Domains
 I am considering creating another Host in my Tomcat 
 server and creating another .war file with static 
 content for that additional host. So the links to 
 static content generated by my primary application 
 will point to the domain name of this new host.
 Here is an article discussing this general technique:
 I think you may be wasting your time.  Have you determined that you actually 
 have a performance problem, or are you fixing a non-existent problem?
 The cited article is over three years old, and since then all of the popular 
 browsers have increased their default for the number of parallel connections 
 to something larger than two - usually six.  I'd suggest just putting things 
 back the way they were, so your images are automatically protected by the 
 main logon.

And I'm not sure what actual performance gain you'd get from hosting it
on the same IP address.  From memory, my experience was that the
performance gain was barely detectable and only occurred when the app
was on a separate IP address.

Have you configured the Tomcat native (APR) component?  That'll give you
improved performance, if it's an issue.


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Re: Splitting Content Across Multiple Domains

2010-10-19 Thread Ðavîd Låndïs
On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 10:49 PM, Caldarale, Charles R
chuck.caldar...@unisys.com wrote:

 I think you may be wasting your time.  Have you determined that you actually 
 have a performance problem, or are you fixing a non-existent problem?

I don't expect the technique to make that much difference on its own,
but it's an architecture that seems like it would better facilitate
creating a cookie-free domain as well as eventually migrating to a
CDN. But I guess that's part of my problem, I haven't been able to
find any information on splitting content across multiple domains
while still protecting the stuff that is outside the primary app. And
don't worry I don't want to do anything too crazy with hacking
jsession Ids I'm more just wondering if there is a legitimate way to
actually accomplish this on Tomcat.

 The cited article is over three years old, and since then all of the popular 
 browsers have increased their default for the number of parallel connections 
 to something larger than two - usually six.  I'd suggest just putting things 
 back the way they were, so your images are automatically protected by the 
 main logon.

Yes you are right, here is a handy site listing the differences
between some of the browsers we are supporting:


And in the business world as I'm sure you know, popular still means
IE 6 and IE 7. Anyway I am just investigating the technique at this
point, thanks for your response.

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Re: Splitting Content Across Multiple Domains

2010-10-19 Thread Ðavîd Låndïs
On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 7:35 AM, Pid p...@pidster.com wrote:

 And I'm not sure what actual performance gain you'd get from hosting it
 on the same IP address.  From memory, my experience was that the
 performance gain was barely detectable and only occurred when the app
 was on a separate IP address.

Hmm, interesting. I think in theory at least it shouldn't matter if
it's on the same IP unless the increased load offset any gains made
with the parallelization of the downloads. In any case once I had
everything split up I think then it would be easy to add more IP's
into the mix as needed.

Also I did find a newer article from Google that recommends this technique:


If your pages serve large numbers of static resources, such as
images, from a single hostname, consider splitting them across
multiple hostnames using DNS aliases. We recommend this technique for
any page that serves more than 10 resources from a single host.

But yes your point is taken that probably there are more important
optimizations to make at this point.

 Have you configured the Tomcat native (APR) component?  That'll give you
 improved performance, if it's an issue.

That is on my very short list of things to do, thanks.

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Splitting Content Across Multiple Domains

2010-10-18 Thread Ðavîd Låndïs
I am considering creating another Host in my Tomcat server and
creating another .war file with static content for that additional
host. So the links to static content generated by my primary
application will point to the domain name of this new host. Here are
the two hostnames for example:


Here is an article discussing this general technique (not Tomcat
specific): http://www.yuiblog.com/blog/2007/04/11/performance-research-part-4/

Creating the new Host elements is no problem and creating new DNS
aliases that refer to those Hosts is also no problem. My issue is that
my application requires a login and I only want to expose those static
resources to someone who has logged into the primary application. Does
anyone have any recommendations on how to accomplish that? Or is this
the wrong approach entirely?

One thing I thought might be possible would be to append a session Id
onto the url's of the images located on the static content host and
then just create a Filter that would check that id somehow. That's
pretty much as far as I've got; any advice would be appreciated.


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Re: Multiple Domains on one Tomcat Server now MySQL not working

2009-10-13 Thread Paul van Hoven

Hi Chuck,

thanks for this detailed answer. I'm running tomcat 6 on an ubuntu 
server. I read the official documentation and modified the configuration 
of my tomcat.
The complete current server.xml (without comments and after my latest 
modification) looks like this:


Server port=8005 shutdown=SHUTDOWN

 Listener className=org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener 
SSLEngine=on /

 Listener className=org.apache.catalina.core.JasperListener /
className=org.apache.catalina.mbeans.ServerLifecycleListener /
className=org.apache.catalina.mbeans.GlobalResourcesLifecycleListener /

   Resource name=UserDatabase auth=Container
 description=User database that can be updated and saved
 pathname=conf/tomcat-users.xml /

 Service name=Catalina

   Connector port=8080 protocol=HTTP/1.1
  redirectPort=8443 /

   Connector port=8009 protocol=AJP/1.3 redirectPort=8443 /

   Engine name=Catalina defaultHost=localhost
 Realm className=org.apache.catalina.realm.UserDatabaseRealm

 Host name=localhost  appBase=webapps
   unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=true
   xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false

 Host name=localhost.localdomain

I checked that in /etc/hosts the two domains localhost and 
localhost.localdomain are assigned to

Now, i have the following directory structure:

In CATALINA_HOME/conf/Catalina/localhost.localdomain i got the 
following files:

ROOT.xml  log4j_errors.log  manager.xml

And the latter ROOT.xml looks like this:
?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?
Context displayName=localhost.localdomain

I also copied my war file into the CATALINA_HOME/webapps2 directory and 
tomcat has deploied the file.

Okay, i when enter the url www.clubpirat.de but i get an 404 error. The 
other url works fine, no problems.

Caldarale, Charles R schrieb:

From: Paul van Hoven [mailto:paul.van.ho...@googlemail.com]
Subject: Multiple Domains on one Tomcat Server now MySQL not working

I'm not shure if this problem really relates to Tomcat but it happened
after altering the tomcat configuration.

Care to give us a hint about version of Tomcat you're using?  Configuration is 
different from level to level.


Therefore i search on the internet how to manage
multiple domains on Tomcat.

Might be better to read the real documentation first:


I found this resource:

It's unfortunate you found that, since it's chock full of errors.


 Host name=localhost  appBase=webapps
unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=true
xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false
  Host name=mydomain.de

The above is not good; the different appBase directories must be distinct, not 
one under another.


Logger className=org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger
   suffix=.txt timestamp=true/

Logger elements have not been used in Tomcat for some years.



and i added the follwing ROOT.xml file in the folder


?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?
Context displayName=mydomain.de

Both the docBase and path attributes have invalid values; luckily, neither one 
is allowed here, and they are hopefully being ignored.


Actually it works fine, i can now differentiate between the two webapps
by the domain.

What two webapps?  You have only shown us one Context element.


But while the first webapp has no problems accessing the
mysql database i do have problems with the second webapp for which i
added the new configuration.

What's the first webapp?  What Resource

Re: Multiple Domains on one Tomcat Server now MySQL not working

2009-10-13 Thread Hassan Schroeder
On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 11:40 PM, Paul van Hoven
paul.van.ho...@googlemail.com wrote:

     Host name=localhost.localdomain

 I checked that in /etc/hosts the two domains localhost and
 localhost.localdomain are assigned to

 Okay, i when enter the url www.clubpirat.de but i get an 404 error.

And does www.clubpirat.de resolve to your local computer? Either
through an entry in /etc/hosts or DNS?

Hassan Schroeder  hassan.schroe...@gmail.com
twitter: @hassan

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Re: Multiple Domains on one Tomcat Server now MySQL not working

2009-10-13 Thread Paul van Hoven

Hi Hassan,

yeah, acutually that was the problem, I just discovered it an instant 
before you answered me :). I made the appropriate changes and now it is 
working fine. Thanks for your answer anyway.


Hassan Schroeder schrieb:

On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 11:40 PM, Paul van Hoven
paul.van.ho...@googlemail.com wrote:


Host name=localhost.localdomain


I checked that in /etc/hosts the two domains localhost and
localhost.localdomain are assigned to


Okay, i when enter the url www.clubpirat.de but i get an 404 error.

And does www.clubpirat.de resolve to your local computer? Either
through an entry in /etc/hosts or DNS?


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Multiple Domains on one Tomcat Server now MySQL not working

2009-10-12 Thread Paul van Hoven
I'm not shure if this problem really relates to Tomcat but it happened 
after altering the tomcat configuration. I've two different domains for 
two differnt webapps. Therefore i search on the internet how to manage 
multiple domains on Tomcat. I found this resource: 
http://www.westsoftware.net/java/domains-on-tomcat.jsp. I modified the 
corrensponding configuration file in the following way:

Extract server.xml:
Host name=localhost  appBase=webapps
   unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=true
   xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false


 Host name=mydomain.de
   Logger className=org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger

  suffix=.txt timestamp=true/

and i added the follwing ROOT.xml file in the folder

?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?
   Context displayName=mydomain.de

Actually it works fine, i can now differentiate between the two webapps 
by the domain. But while the first webapp has no problems accessing the 
mysql database i do have problems with the second webapp for which i 
added the new configuration. The problem that i have now: I don't know 
what is happening here. I already checked the log files in the 
CATALINA_HOME/logs folder but i could not find anything. I also checked 
that the mysql connection for the second webapp works when invoking it 
by www.regulardomain.de/myapp2. Has anybody an idea what could cause 
this problem?

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RE: Multiple Domains on one Tomcat Server now MySQL not working

2009-10-12 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
 From: Paul van Hoven [mailto:paul.van.ho...@googlemail.com]
 Subject: Multiple Domains on one Tomcat Server now MySQL not working
 I'm not shure if this problem really relates to Tomcat but it happened
 after altering the tomcat configuration.

Care to give us a hint about version of Tomcat you're using?  Configuration is 
different from level to level.

 Therefore i search on the internet how to manage
 multiple domains on Tomcat.

Might be better to read the real documentation first:

 I found this resource:

It's unfortunate you found that, since it's chock full of errors.

  Host name=localhost  appBase=webapps
 unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=true
 xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false
   Host name=mydomain.de

The above is not good; the different appBase directories must be distinct, not 
one under another.

 Logger className=org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger
suffix=.txt timestamp=true/

Logger elements have not been used in Tomcat for some years.

 and i added the follwing ROOT.xml file in the folder

 ?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?
 Context displayName=mydomain.de

Both the docBase and path attributes have invalid values; luckily, neither one 
is allowed here, and they are hopefully being ignored.

 Actually it works fine, i can now differentiate between the two webapps
 by the domain.

What two webapps?  You have only shown us one Context element.

 But while the first webapp has no problems accessing the
 mysql database i do have problems with the second webapp for which i
 added the new configuration.

What's the first webapp?  What Resource elements have you defined, and where 
are they?  You might want to post your complete server.xml and all Context 

 - Chuck

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Hosting multiple domains on a single application

2009-08-31 Thread mailvgarg


I have a webapplication with different pages for each client which is
accessible from URL

client Id is different for each client.

Now I want to provide different domains to these clients and want to map
them to these URLs.. So that
www.domain1.com  automatically hit my application at
www.domain2.com automatically hit my application at

and in the browser the URL should be www.domain1.com only.

can any body tell me what should be the process to handle such mapping.

Thanks in advance.

Vikas Garg
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RE: Hosting multiple domains on a single application

2009-08-31 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
 From: mailvgarg [mailto:mailvg...@gmail.com]
 Subject: Hosting multiple domains on a single application
 can any body tell me what should be the process to handle such mapping.

Try this:

 - Chuck

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Re: Hosting multiple domains on a single application

2009-08-31 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA1


On 8/31/2009 5:53 AM, mailvgarg wrote:
 I have a webapplication with different pages for each client which is
 accessible from URL
 client Id is different for each client.
 Now I want to provide different domains to these clients and want to map
 them to these URLs.. So that
 www.domain1.com  automatically hit my application at
 www.domain2.com automatically hit my application at

Other than Chuck's suggestion to use the Tuckey's venerable url-rewrite,
you could also deploy your webapps differently, like this:

Host name=www.domain1.com appBase=./domain1 /
Host name=www.domain2.com appBase=./domain2 /
Host name=www.domain3.com appBase=./domain3 /

...and then deploy your webapp into each of the appBase directories as
the ROOT webapp. Of course, each one would need to be configured to
act as the appropriate webapp for that client id. I'm not sure how
complicated that would be for you.

- -chris
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how do i configure multiple domains in one tomcat inatance

2009-03-25 Thread Srinivas Jonnalagadda

I am using apache http server, openSSL, mod_jk and tomcat 5.5.9 on solaris 10 
server. I need a way to create multiple domains in the same tomcat instance or 
server. for example i should be able to copy my war files into two dirs dir1 
and dir2. Same Tomcat should be able to pickup applications and host them from 
both the directories. I know that this is possible in Weblogic but not sure how 
to implement this in tomcat.

Srinivas Jonnalagadda  

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Re: how do i configure multiple domains in one tomcat inatance

2009-03-25 Thread Mark Thomas
Srinivas Jonnalagadda wrote:
 I am using apache http server, openSSL, mod_jk and tomcat 5.5.9 on solaris 10 
 server. I need a way to create multiple domains in the same tomcat instance 
 or server. for example i should be able to copy my war files into two dirs 
 dir1 and dir2. Same Tomcat should be able to pickup applications and host 
 them from both the directories. I know that this is possible in Weblogic but 
 not sure how to implement this in tomcat.

This is for 6 but should gove you the idea.



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How to have multiple domains/contexts with Tomcat ? they all go to same context ..

2008-09-26 Thread Morgan Cox

This is a simple question (i think)

After playing with server,xml (and various other .xml files) I am unable to
work out how to host multiple domains on a Tomcat 6 (standalone)  server
(running on port 80) ..

 I have read -

I.e - I have uploaded 2 contexts


- mrpink was uploaded first (as root context).

- I have 2 domains


- both domains point to the same ip (tomcat server)
- however when visiting both sites they go to the ROOT context.

- I want www.mrpink.com to go to www.mrpink.com/mrpink  and
www.mrblue.comto go to
- how is this possible ?

Please note : that both contexts are fine when you put the URL in (i.e
www.mrpink.com/mrpink) - I just want Tomcat to understand when you visit
www.mrpink.com to automatically goes to www.mrpink.com/mrpink

I have tried editing server.xml (as shown in above link)

also tried using the tomcat host-manager  - every time I try to use this I
get file/folder not found when visiting the page - i.e the host-manager
seems to work fine but visiting the page after adding a virtual host i get a
blank page (in firefox) - file/folder not found in konqueror 

Here is an example I tried - to get www.mrblue.com to point to
www.mrblue.com/mrblue using the host-manager

- First I uploaded the mrblue tomcat application using the tomcat manager..

Using host-manager ... www.mrpink.com/host-manager/html

name : mrblue.com
alias : www.mrblue.com
app base : /opt/tomcat/webapps/mrblue/

The webapp is located in - /opt/tomcat/webapps/mrblue/

I understand I can do what I want using mod_jk - however it seems crazy
using apache when I do not really need to ...

Can anyone help - its slowly driving me mad..


Re: How to have multiple domains/contexts with Tomcat ? they all go to same context ..

2008-09-26 Thread André Warnier

Can you tell us on what kind of host system you are running this ?
It would help guessing where the files are.



I am not the expert, but it should indeed be relatively simple, so I'll 
try. In a nutshell :

- start again from the original server.xml file.
- in it, locate the Host name=localhost ./Host section, copy 
it, and re-insert it after the original section.

- then replace the name=localhost attribute by name=www.mrpink.com
- then redo the same one more time, this time with www.mrblue.com

The above takes care of letting Tomcat known that there are 3 Virtual 
Hosts :

- www.mrpink.com
- www.mrblue.com
- and localhost, which will also be (remain) the Host by default, if the 
name given in the request does not match either of the other ones (for 
example, if someone calls up http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8180 (with the IP 
address of your server). (I suggest to keep that one as it is, to access 
the documentation etc..)

Now what is left is to tell Tomcat where, for each of the virtual hosts, 
he finds the corresponding documents and webapps.
I would recommend to create 2 additional directories, at the same level 
as your current webapps, say webapps-pink and webapps-blue.
Then move the respective documents/applications in these directories, 
checking ownership and permissions etc.. They must at least be readable 
by the user-id running Tomcat.

Now go back to your individual Hosts sections, and change 
appBase=webapps by  appBase=webapps-pink and appBase=webapps-blue

Now restart Tomcat.

You should now be able to access blue by calling up 

To make this trailing /mrblue go away, you should make this webapp into 
the ROOT webapp for that virtual server, but for that I'll let an expert 
give you the instructions.

Have I got it right ?

Morgan Cox wrote:


This is a simple question (i think)

After playing with server,xml (and various other .xml files) I am unable to
work out how to host multiple domains on a Tomcat 6 (standalone)  server
(running on port 80) ..

 I have read -

I.e - I have uploaded 2 contexts


- mrpink was uploaded first (as root context).

- I have 2 domains


- both domains point to the same ip (tomcat server)
- however when visiting both sites they go to the ROOT context.

- I want www.mrpink.com to go to www.mrpink.com/mrpink  and
www.mrblue.comto go to
- how is this possible ?

Please note : that both contexts are fine when you put the URL in (i.e
www.mrpink.com/mrpink) - I just want Tomcat to understand when you visit
www.mrpink.com to automatically goes to www.mrpink.com/mrpink

I have tried editing server.xml (as shown in above link)

also tried using the tomcat host-manager  - every time I try to use this I
get file/folder not found when visiting the page - i.e the host-manager
seems to work fine but visiting the page after adding a virtual host i get a
blank page (in firefox) - file/folder not found in konqueror 

Here is an example I tried - to get www.mrblue.com to point to
www.mrblue.com/mrblue using the host-manager

- First I uploaded the mrblue tomcat application using the tomcat manager..

Using host-manager ... www.mrpink.com/host-manager/html

name : mrblue.com
alias : www.mrblue.com
app base : /opt/tomcat/webapps/mrblue/

The webapp is located in - /opt/tomcat/webapps/mrblue/

I understand I can do what I want using mod_jk - however it seems crazy
using apache when I do not really need to ...

Can anyone help - its slowly driving me mad..


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Re: How to have multiple domains/contexts with Tomcat ? they all go to same context ..

2008-09-26 Thread Morgan Cox

It is on an Ubuntu Gutsy server..

As mentioned the tomcat applications are working I can just figure out to
point domains at the contexts..


2008/9/26 André Warnier [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Can you tell us on what kind of host system you are running this ?
 It would help guessing where the files are.



 I am not the expert, but it should indeed be relatively simple, so I'll
 try. In a nutshell :

 - start again from the original server.xml file.
 - in it, locate the Host name=localhost ./Host section, copy it,
 and re-insert it after the original section.
 - then replace the name=localhost attribute by name=www.mrpink.com
 - then redo the same one more time, this time with www.mrblue.com

 The above takes care of letting Tomcat known that there are 3 Virtual Hosts
 - www.mrpink.com
 - www.mrblue.com
 - and localhost, which will also be (remain) the Host by default, if the
 name given in the request does not match either of the other ones (for
 example, if someone calls up http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8180 (with the IP
 address of your server). (I suggest to keep that one as it is, to access the
 documentation etc..)

 Now what is left is to tell Tomcat where, for each of the virtual hosts, he
 finds the corresponding documents and webapps.
 I would recommend to create 2 additional directories, at the same level as
 your current webapps, say webapps-pink and webapps-blue.
 Then move the respective documents/applications in these directories,
 checking ownership and permissions etc.. They must at least be readable by
 the user-id running Tomcat.

 Now go back to your individual Hosts sections, and change appBase=webapps
 by  appBase=webapps-pink and appBase=webapps-blue

 Now restart Tomcat.

 You should now be able to access blue by calling up 

 To make this trailing /mrblue go away, you should make this webapp into the
 ROOT webapp for that virtual server, but for that I'll let an expert give
 you the instructions.

 Have I got it right ?

 Morgan Cox wrote:


 This is a simple question (i think)

 After playing with server,xml (and various other .xml files) I am unable
 work out how to host multiple domains on a Tomcat 6 (standalone)  server
 (running on port 80) ..

  I have read -

 I.e - I have uploaded 2 contexts


 - mrpink was uploaded first (as root context).

 - I have 2 domains


 - both domains point to the same ip (tomcat server)
 - however when visiting both sites they go to the ROOT context.

 - I want www.mrpink.com to go to www.mrpink.com/mrpink  and
 www.mrblue.comto go to
 - how is this possible ?

 Please note : that both contexts are fine when you put the URL in (i.e
 www.mrpink.com/mrpink) - I just want Tomcat to understand when you visit
 www.mrpink.com to automatically goes to www.mrpink.com/mrpink

 I have tried editing server.xml (as shown in above link)

 also tried using the tomcat host-manager  - every time I try to use this I
 get file/folder not found when visiting the page - i.e the host-manager
 seems to work fine but visiting the page after adding a virtual host i get
 blank page (in firefox) - file/folder not found in konqueror 

 Here is an example I tried - to get www.mrblue.com to point to
 www.mrblue.com/mrblue using the host-manager

 - First I uploaded the mrblue tomcat application using the tomcat

 Using host-manager ... www.mrpink.com/host-manager/html

 name : mrblue.com
 alias : www.mrblue.com
 app base : /opt/tomcat/webapps/mrblue/

 The webapp is located in - /opt/tomcat/webapps/mrblue/

 I understand I can do what I want using mod_jk - however it seems crazy
 using apache when I do not really need to ...

 Can anyone help - its slowly driving me mad..


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Re: How to have multiple domains/contexts with Tomcat ? they all go to same context ..

2008-09-26 Thread Morgan Cox
Sorry - didn't see your complete response...

http://www.mrblue.com/mrblu http://www.mrblue.com/mrbluee - already goes
to the mrblue context - i want
http://www.mrblue.comhttp://www.mrblue.com/mrblueto go the mrblue

Thanks for the advise - it seems that I do need to set the ROOT webapp for
each virtual server

- anyone got any ideas of how to do this.

Thanks for your response André


2008/9/26 Morgan Cox [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 It is on an Ubuntu Gutsy server..

 As mentioned the tomcat applications are working I can just figure out to
 point domains at the contexts..


 2008/9/26 André Warnier [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Can you tell us on what kind of host system you are running this ?
 It would help guessing where the files are.



 I am not the expert, but it should indeed be relatively simple, so I'll
 try. In a nutshell :

 - start again from the original server.xml file.
 - in it, locate the Host name=localhost ./Host section, copy it,
 and re-insert it after the original section.
 - then replace the name=localhost attribute by name=www.mrpink.com
 - then redo the same one more time, this time with www.mrblue.com

 The above takes care of letting Tomcat known that there are 3 Virtual
 Hosts :
 - www.mrpink.com
 - www.mrblue.com
 - and localhost, which will also be (remain) the Host by default, if the
 name given in the request does not match either of the other ones (for
 example, if someone calls up http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8180 (with the IP
 address of your server). (I suggest to keep that one as it is, to access the
 documentation etc..)

 Now what is left is to tell Tomcat where, for each of the virtual hosts,
 he finds the corresponding documents and webapps.
 I would recommend to create 2 additional directories, at the same level as
 your current webapps, say webapps-pink and webapps-blue.
 Then move the respective documents/applications in these directories,
 checking ownership and permissions etc.. They must at least be readable by
 the user-id running Tomcat.

 Now go back to your individual Hosts sections, and change
 appBase=webapps by  appBase=webapps-pink and appBase=webapps-blue

 Now restart Tomcat.

 You should now be able to access blue by calling up 

 To make this trailing /mrblue go away, you should make this webapp into
 the ROOT webapp for that virtual server, but for that I'll let an expert
 give you the instructions.

 Have I got it right ?

 Morgan Cox wrote:


 This is a simple question (i think)

 After playing with server,xml (and various other .xml files) I am unable
 work out how to host multiple domains on a Tomcat 6 (standalone)  server
 (running on port 80) ..

  I have read -

 I.e - I have uploaded 2 contexts


 - mrpink was uploaded first (as root context).

 - I have 2 domains


 - both domains point to the same ip (tomcat server)
 - however when visiting both sites they go to the ROOT context.

 - I want www.mrpink.com to go to www.mrpink.com/mrpink  and
 www.mrblue.comto go to
 - how is this possible ?

 Please note : that both contexts are fine when you put the URL in (i.e
 www.mrpink.com/mrpink) - I just want Tomcat to understand when you visit
 www.mrpink.com to automatically goes to www.mrpink.com/mrpink

 I have tried editing server.xml (as shown in above link)

 also tried using the tomcat host-manager  - every time I try to use this
 get file/folder not found when visiting the page - i.e the host-manager
 seems to work fine but visiting the page after adding a virtual host i
 get a
 blank page (in firefox) - file/folder not found in konqueror 

 Here is an example I tried - to get www.mrblue.com to point to
 www.mrblue.com/mrblue using the host-manager

 - First I uploaded the mrblue tomcat application using the tomcat

 Using host-manager ... www.mrpink.com/host-manager/html

 name : mrblue.com
 alias : www.mrblue.com
 app base : /opt/tomcat/webapps/mrblue/

 The webapp is located in - /opt/tomcat/webapps/mrblue/

 I understand I can do what I want using mod_jk - however it seems crazy
 using apache when I do not really need to ...

 Can anyone help - its slowly driving me mad..


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Re: How to have multiple domains/contexts with Tomcat ? they all go to same context ..

2008-09-26 Thread Mark Thomas
Morgan Cox wrote:
 Sorry - didn't see your complete response...
 http://www.mrblue.com/mrblu http://www.mrblue.com/mrbluee - already goes
 to the mrblue context - i want
 http://www.mrblue.comhttp://www.mrblue.com/mrblueto go the mrblue
 Thanks for the advise - it seems that I do need to set the ROOT webapp for
 each virtual server
 - anyone got any ideas of how to do this.

Rename $CATALINA_BASE\webapps-blue\mrblue ro  $CATALINA_BASE\webapps-blue\ROOT

Note that each virtual host must have its own appBase.


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RE: How to have multiple domains/contexts with Tomcat ? they all go to same context ..

2008-09-26 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
 From: Morgan Cox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: How to have multiple domains/contexts with
 Tomcat ? they all go to same context ..

 Thanks for the advise - it seems that I do need to set the
 ROOT webapp for each virtual server

 - anyone got any ideas of how to do this.

Read *all* of Andre's post - he already told you, in great detail, exactly how 
to do it.

 - Chuck

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Re: How to have multiple domains/contexts with Tomcat ? they all go to same context ..

2008-09-26 Thread Morgan Cox
Thanks to everybody whos responded.

I shall try these suggestions and let you know how it goes..

2008/9/26 Caldarale, Charles R [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  From: Morgan Cox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: How to have multiple domains/contexts with
  Tomcat ? they all go to same context ..
  Thanks for the advise - it seems that I do need to set the
  ROOT webapp for each virtual server
  - anyone got any ideas of how to do this.

 Read *all* of Andre's post - he already told you, in great detail, exactly
 how to do it.

  - Chuck

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 this in error, please contact the sender and delete the e-mail and its
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Re: How to have multiple domains/contexts with Tomcat ? they all go to same context ..

2008-09-26 Thread André Warnier

Caldarale, Charles R wrote:

From: Morgan Cox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: How to have multiple domains/contexts with
Tomcat ? they all go to same context ..

Thanks for the advise - it seems that I do need to set the
ROOT webapp for each virtual server

- anyone got any ideas of how to do this.

Read *all* of Andre's post - he already told you, in great detail, exactly how 
to do it.

Well, not really about making them the ROOT application.
So I'll try that one too, but someone should probably come after me to 
clean up.


if you followed the previous instructions, you now have this directory 
structure :

(CATALINA_HOME being the top of your Tomcat installation)

 (with the standard webapps and documents from the original 
Tomcat installation)

with your pink webapp

with your blue webapp

Turn off Tomcat.

Under /webapps-pink/, rename the directory /mrpink to /ROOT (uppercase).
Under /webapps-blue/, rename the directory /mrblue to /ROOT (uppercase).

And restart Tomcat.

And unless someone contradicts the above within the next 15 minutes, you 
should now be able to access your applications directly via


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Re: How to have multiple domains/contexts with Tomcat ? they all go to same context ..

2008-09-26 Thread Morgan Cox
Hi André - between yours and Mark's advice I have managed to do what i
needed to.

Thank you all - i'm amazed at the level of response... (half expected to
look in a month and see no responses.)

One last thing - If you upload the .war files with the tomcat manager /
host-manager is there a way to do this - or will it always involve hand
editing the server.xml file (and renaming directories). ?

Thanks again everybody - you've possible just saved my monitor from being
throw out the window.

Cheers !

2008/9/26 André Warnier [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Caldarale, Charles R wrote:

 From: Morgan Cox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: How to have multiple domains/contexts with
 Tomcat ? they all go to same context ..

 Thanks for the advise - it seems that I do need to set the
 ROOT webapp for each virtual server

 - anyone got any ideas of how to do this.

 Read *all* of Andre's post - he already told you, in great detail, exactly
 how to do it.

  Well, not really about making them the ROOT application.
 So I'll try that one too, but someone should probably come after me to
 clean up.


 if you followed the previous instructions, you now have this directory
 structure :

 (CATALINA_HOME being the top of your Tomcat installation)

 (with the standard webapps and documents from the original Tomcat

with your pink webapp

with your blue webapp

 Turn off Tomcat.

 Under /webapps-pink/, rename the directory /mrpink to /ROOT (uppercase).
 Under /webapps-blue/, rename the directory /mrblue to /ROOT (uppercase).

 And restart Tomcat.

 And unless someone contradicts the above within the next 15 minutes, you
 should now be able to access your applications directly via

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Re: How to have multiple domains/contexts with Tomcat ? they all go to same context ..

2008-09-26 Thread Mark Thomas
Morgan Cox wrote:
 Hi André - between yours and Mark's advice I have managed to do what i
 needed to.
 Thank you all - i'm amazed at the level of response... (half expected to
 look in a month and see no responses.)
 One last thing - If you upload the .war files with the tomcat manager /
 host-manager is there a way to do this - or will it always involve hand
 editing the server.xml file (and renaming directories). ?

You'll need to configure the manager webapp for each virtual host. See the
end of http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-6.0-doc/virtual-hosting-howto.html

Once you have done that, if you upload a file called ROOT.war it will be
treated as the ROOT application.


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RE: How to have multiple domains/contexts with Tomcat ? they all go to same context ..

2008-09-26 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
 From: Morgan Cox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: How to have multiple domains/contexts with
 Tomcat ? they all go to same context ..

 One last thing - If you upload the .war files with the tomcat
 manager / host-manager is there a way to do this

Once the Host elements are set up, you shouldn't have to do any more editing 
of server.xml - just deploy the default webapp as ROOT under each Host.  
However, you will have to deploy the manager app for each Host, since each 
instance is tied to a given Host (at least it was last time I tried).

The easiest way to do that is just copy the manager directory to each of your 
Host's appBase directories.  You can also do it by putting a Context 
element for each manager in conf/Catalina/[host]/manager.xml, but all that does 
is save a minimal amount of disk space.

 - Chuck

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Re: How to have multiple domains/contexts with Tomcat ? they all go to same context ..

2008-09-26 Thread Morgan Cox
Thanks everybody for your input.

I'll try to deploy the manager for each host as suggested.

Cheers everybody.

2008/9/26 Caldarale, Charles R [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  From: Morgan Cox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: How to have multiple domains/contexts with
  Tomcat ? they all go to same context ..
  One last thing - If you upload the .war files with the tomcat
  manager / host-manager is there a way to do this

 Once the Host elements are set up, you shouldn't have to do any more
 editing of server.xml - just deploy the default webapp as ROOT under each
 Host.  However, you will have to deploy the manager app for each Host,
 since each instance is tied to a given Host (at least it was last time I

 The easiest way to do that is just copy the manager directory to each of
 your Host's appBase directories.  You can also do it by putting a
 Context element for each manager in conf/Catalina/[host]/manager.xml, but
 all that does is save a minimal amount of disk space.

  - Chuck

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Re: How to have multiple domains/contexts with Tomcat ? they all go to same context ..

2008-09-26 Thread Johnny Kewl

- Original Message - 
From: André Warnier [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Tomcat Users List users@tomcat.apache.org
Sent: Friday, September 26, 2008 12:10 PM
Subject: Re: How to have multiple domains/contexts with Tomcat ? they all go 
to same context ..

Can you tell us on what kind of host system you are running this ?
It would help guessing where the files are.



I am not the expert, but it should indeed be relatively simple, so I'll 
try. In a nutshell :

- start again from the original server.xml file.
- in it, locate the Host name=localhost ./Host section, copy it, 
and re-insert it after the original section.

- then replace the name=localhost attribute by name=www.mrpink.com
- then redo the same one more time, this time with www.mrblue.com

The above takes care of letting Tomcat known that there are 3 Virtual 
Hosts :

- www.mrpink.com
- www.mrblue.com
- and localhost, which will also be (remain) the Host by default, if the 
name given in the request does not match either of the other ones (for 
example, if someone calls up http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8180 (with the IP 
address of your server). (I suggest to keep that one as it is, to access 
the documentation etc..)

Now what is left is to tell Tomcat where, for each of the virtual hosts, 
he finds the corresponding documents and webapps.
I would recommend to create 2 additional directories, at the same level as 
your current webapps, say webapps-pink and webapps-blue.
Then move the respective documents/applications in these directories, 
checking ownership and permissions etc.. They must at least be readable by 
the user-id running Tomcat.

Now go back to your individual Hosts sections, and change 
appBase=webapps by  appBase=webapps-pink and appBase=webapps-blue

Now restart Tomcat.

You should now be able to access blue by calling up 

To make this trailing /mrblue go away, you should make this webapp into 
the ROOT webapp for that virtual server, but for that I'll let an expert 
give you the instructions.

Have I got it right ?

Any better... and we'll have to pay you a consulting fee ;)

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multiple domains

2008-03-05 Thread Angelo Chen

Hi guys,

I have this server that has two domains pointing at it, the tomcat server 5
is running there, I have two wep applications for the two domains, so i

www.domain1.com will call the app1
www.domain2.com will call the app2

how to configure tomcat to work like this? thanks

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Re: multiple domains

2008-03-05 Thread quikpak

dont send me tomcat hereafter!!
- Original Message - 
From: Angelo Chen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: users@tomcat.apache.org
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2008 8:29 AM
Subject: multiple domains

Hi guys,

I have this server that has two domains pointing at it, the tomcat server 

is running there, I have two wep applications for the two domains, so i

www.domain1.com will call the app1
www.domain2.com will call the app2

how to configure tomcat to work like this? thanks

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RE: multiple domains

2008-03-05 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
 From: Angelo Chen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Subject: multiple domains
 www.domain1.com will call the app1
 www.domain2.com will call the app2

In conf/server.xml, configure two Host elements, one for each domain.
Create a separate appBase directory for each Host, and configure the
appBase in each appropriately.  Place app1 under domain1's appBase as
ROOT, app2 under domain2's appBase as ROOT.  You're done.

Doc references:

 - Chuck

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Re: Can Tomcat support multiple SSL certificates for multiple domains?

2008-02-11 Thread Jan Mönnich
Ooops, my fault! I've read and replied too fast (maybe because it's Monday? :-))
Of course this shouldn't be done with *two domain names* only with
two host names in the same domain... I suppose it won't work in
actual browsers but if it does I let you all know...


Hassan Schroeder schrieb:
 On Feb 11, 2008 5:00 AM, Jan Mönnich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You can get one certificate with both domain names in the Subject
 Alternative Name of the Certificate. All modern browsers can handle that
 and you can use just one Certificate for both domains. That's the
 workaround we are recommending to all of our customers.
 Have you actually seen this deployed?
 I ask because I've only seen Subject Alternative Name used as e.g.
  foo.example.com, bar.example.com -- never two *domain* names.
 If that really works, it'd be good to know :-)

Dipl.-Inf. (FH) Jan Mönnich, PKI Team
Phone: +49 40 808077-632, Fax: +49 40 808077-556, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Can Tomcat support multiple SSL certificates for multiple domains?

2008-02-11 Thread Hassan Schroeder
On Feb 11, 2008 5:00 AM, Jan Mönnich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You can get one certificate with both domain names in the Subject
 Alternative Name of the Certificate. All modern browsers can handle that
 and you can use just one Certificate for both domains. That's the
 workaround we are recommending to all of our customers.

Have you actually seen this deployed?

I ask because I've only seen Subject Alternative Name used as e.g.
 foo.example.com, bar.example.com -- never two *domain* names.

If that really works, it'd be good to know :-)

Hassan Schroeder  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Can Tomcat support multiple SSL certificates for multiple domains?

2008-02-09 Thread Dave
  I have one JBoss instance (4.0.5GA) running on Linux. The machine has one IP 
with two domains.
  I have two SSL certificates, one for each domain, imported into keystore.
  I need to use both without any warnings from browser
  Can Tomcat pick the right certificate based on current domain name?
  But according to
  keyAlias  Add this element if your have more than one key in the 
KeyStore. If the element is not present the first key read in the KeyStore will 
be used.
  How to work around this?
  Thanks for help!

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Re: Can Tomcat support multiple SSL certificates for multiple domains?

2008-02-09 Thread Gabe Wong

Dave wrote:

  I have one JBoss instance (4.0.5GA) running on Linux. The machine has one IP with two domains.

  I have two SSL certificates, one for each domain, imported into keystore.

  I need to use both without any warnings from browser
  Can Tomcat pick the right certificate based on current domain name?
  But according to

  keyAlias  Add this element if your have more than one key in the KeyStore. If the element is not present the first key read in the KeyStore will be used.
  How to work around this?
  Thanks for help!


Refer to the following link:

For additional info:


Gabe Wong
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Tomcat SSL for multiple domains

2008-02-07 Thread Dave
Hi I am running JBoss w/tomcat on a Linux machine. the machine has one IP 
address. But there are two top-level domains (not subdomains) mapping to the ip 
  I need to setup SSL. As far as I know, SSL certificate is set up for one 
domain only. Using the different domains will get a security warning from web 
browser. (domain name does not match)
  Can SSL certificate be ip address based? Or Tomcat support SSL multiple 
domains(prevent warnings from browser)?

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RE: Tomcat SSL for multiple domains

2008-02-07 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: Dave [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 machine has one IP address. But there are two top-level
 domains (not subdomains) mapping to the ip address.


   I need to setup SSL. As far as I know, SSL certificate is
 set up for one domain only. Using the different domains will
 get a security warning from web browser. (domain name does not match)

 Can SSL certificate be ip address based? Or Tomcat support
 SSL multiple domains(prevent warnings from browser)?

Tomcat can support multiple SSL domains.  *But* there is a fundamental point 
about SSL: the secure connection is negotiated before the HTTP host header is 
sent.  That means that _no web server, of any kind, can successfully host SSL 
for multiple domains on the same port on the same IP address_.

You have two possible workarounds:

- Get a second IP address assigned to the machine.  This is often easier than 
it sounds.  Map one domain to each IP address, and bind each of your two SSL 
connectors to one IP.  At this point, everything Just Works for the user.

- Run SSL for one domain on port 443, and for the other domain on a different 
port - say 8443.  This gives a slightly messy user experience, as you have 
https://www.domain1.com but https://www.domain2.com:8443.

This is a limitation of SSL; it is not Tomcat-specific.

- Peter

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Re: Tomcat SSL for multiple domains

2008-02-07 Thread Hassan Schroeder
On Feb 7, 2008 7:25 AM, Dave [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi I am running JBoss w/tomcat on a Linux machine. the machine has one IP 
 address. But there are two top-level domains (not subdomains) mapping to the 
 ip address.

   I need to setup SSL. As far as I know, SSL certificate is set up for one 
 domain only.

Yep, you need two IPs, and a cert for each domain.

That's just the way it works. :-)

Hassan Schroeder  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Windows Authentication against multiple domains

2007-02-11 Thread Pulkit Singhal

I can't suggest any open-source/free products but allow me to suggest
reading the following article if you want to roll your own solution one of
these days in the windows world:

Once you read it, I hope you will be able to see how you can put some amount
of work in from your side and leverage Kerberos as a solution across Windows

But may be I misunderstood your problem, may be you don't want SSO across
multiple domains. Maybe you simply want a piece of code that can connect to
multiple ADs instead of just one? I suggest a bit more clarification so that
the list readers may understand your use-case.


On 2/9/07, Suneet Shah [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

We have this capability in our open source identity and access management
solution where you can use more then one use more then one repository for
authentication. You may be able to use just the authentication service as
taking on the rest of it may be more then what you need.  The project is
OpenIAM on sourceforge. We will be putting a new release this weekend. If
you are interested in taking a look, let me know and I can send you a


On 2/9/07, Uwe_77 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sure, I will let you know. Perhaps we need third party tools. Doese
 knows a solution?
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Windows Authentication against multiple domains

2007-02-09 Thread kbpo4
I am having a tomcat webapplication and logon needs to be done via
windows-authentication (ldap). I configured authentication against ldap,
that works fine for one domain. The problem is, that we are having users in
multiple domains. Is there a way to configure authentication against the
whole active directory forest?
Thanks for your help!

RE: Windows Authentication against multiple domains

2007-02-09 Thread Propes, Barry L [GCG-NAOT]
if you find out, please let me know...I'm barking up that tree, too.

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, February 09, 2007 4:50 PM
To: users@tomcat.apache.org
Subject: Windows Authentication against multiple domains

I am having a tomcat webapplication and logon needs to be done via
windows-authentication (ldap). I configured authentication against ldap,
that works fine for one domain. The problem is, that we are having users in
multiple domains. Is there a way to configure authentication against the
whole active directory forest?
Thanks for your help!

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RE: Windows Authentication against multiple domains

2007-02-09 Thread Uwe_77

Sure, I will let you know. Perhaps we need third party tools. Doese someone
knows a solution?
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Re: Windows Authentication against multiple domains

2007-02-09 Thread Suneet Shah

We have this capability in our open source identity and access management
solution where you can use more then one use more then one repository for
authentication. You may be able to use just the authentication service as
taking on the rest of it may be more then what you need.  The project is
OpenIAM on sourceforge. We will be putting a new release this weekend. If
you are interested in taking a look, let me know and I can send you a link.


On 2/9/07, Uwe_77 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Sure, I will let you know. Perhaps we need third party tools. Doese
knows a solution?
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RE: Windows Authentication against multiple domains

2007-02-09 Thread John Najarian
I am yet another barking up that tree.
--- Propes, Barry L [GCG-NAOT]

 if you find out, please let me know...I'm barking up
 that tree, too.
 -Original Message-
 Sent: Friday, February 09, 2007 4:50 PM
 To: users@tomcat.apache.org
 Subject: Windows Authentication against multiple
 I am having a tomcat webapplication and logon needs
 to be done via
 windows-authentication (ldap). I configured
 authentication against ldap,
 that works fine for one domain. The problem is, that
 we are having users in
 multiple domains. Is there a way to configure
 authentication against the
 whole active directory forest?
 Thanks for your help!

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configure tomcat and iis for multiple domains

2006-06-11 Thread homauoon mahboobi
Hi all
I want to configure Tomcat with IIS to service multiple domains same as Web 
Hostings.My purpose is establish an Internet Hosting server.
Can any one help me or address useful documet for this?

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