Re: [videoblogging] Re: Example of how video could change things

2006-11-19 Thread Jan / The Faux Press
Interlineations appear below, Ferd. Thanks for asking the right questions.


On 11/18/06, Ferd Eggan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jay, thanks for zeroing in on this and posting the video.  I think it
>  raises some important questions.  The following are some examples:


> 4. Is this an attack on the freedom of all?  Are middle
>  eastern-looking persons part of "all?"

Evidently, when at war, enemies and anyone related to the enemy group
are separated from humanity. That's wartime strategy. How do we fight
the impulse to profile folks?

 5. What responsibility do I or you or anyone have to people who are
 "other?"  Is the Christian story of the good samaritan relevant?  What
 if the "other" is objectionable somehow, like homeless and smelly, or
 loud and obnoxious, or speaking another language?

That is the challenge, isn't it? To kiss and break bread with the
smelly among us. Why, oh why haven't we put more resources into
alternative energy R & D? Oops. Digression.

 6. If the person who videoed the whole tazing episode was a
 journalist, would that have changed the situation?  Would being an
 "objective" journalist be an ethical position in this case?

I don't think the situation would have changed were the videographer a
journalist, but perhaps the news aftermath might have been different.

Of course objectivity among the press corps is ethical. Journalism has
become confused with opinion and entertainment of late so perhaps
you're missing those elements in this case. It would be refreshing to
have objective reportage in the television news. I think the video of
the incident was totally objective. Do you not see it that way?

 7. Besides showing or viewing the video, what other responses could we

Blog/vlog it. Get it out there. Google it. Link to sites that report
the news and ongoing discussion and what happens.

Lots of communities are discussing this taser phenom. Perhaps your own
community debates the wisdom of its use. Find out and vlog it.

 8. Would technical skills have helped either the student who was tazed
 or the student who shot the video?

This comment is what caught my eye and imagination. Yes! Yes! Shooting
with a cell phone is its own motion picture animal. Had the
videographer more experience, the footage would have been much better.
Everybody would benefit from learning the in's and out's of shooting
cell phone video.

The student knowing his rights and how to deal effectively with police
would have helped him a lot, no doubt. Saw a video on YouTube from a
group that follows police officers with video cameras. There was a
segment on how to intersect effectively with police when filming. We
need a freevlog-type series on how faux journalists and dissenters can
best use a police encounter to advantage rather than disadvantage.
Will try to find a link to that video again and post it under this

 9. Is the mission of helping everyone get access to video
 communication enough to prevent police attacks?  If not, what is enough?

I think local police departments have civilian review committees, at
least they do in New York. Get involved. Make sure your local police
understand that a police state is un-American, etc.

 Jay, as you know from our interview, I ask these questions all the
 time.  I do not mean to imply anything about you or Gena or others who
 respond.  I just think the questions are useful for people like us who
 do videoblogging.
 What do you--anyone--think?

 Ferd Eggan
 and Cranky agrees with me

Re: [videoblogging] OurTube

2006-11-19 Thread fsinton
I am joining this discussion late (been busy launching a new online 
movie download service - more on that later), but here goes...

I understand the need for OurTube, but isn't the whole discussion of 
video blog creators "versus" the big business/exploitation of 
creative product very relevant to his group? 

This discussion has been going on for years in the music (the band 
versus the record labels) and the movie (the talent versus the 
studios) industries we should take some lessons learned from 
those industries (both good and bad) and try to achieve something 

Whether your concern is financial compensation, protecting your 
artistic creation, name recognition, or protecting your privacy - 
video bloggers are all subject to exploitation by these entities 
unless there is some way to enable the community to "protect" 
ourselves no suggestions just yet - still processing those 

-Frank - Blogging about Video Blogs - Parenting Social Network

--- In, sull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> from rox:
> Re: Re: [videoblogging] everyone wants you
> Yes Jay - I've gotten the emails, one referencing the Vloggies. So
> that is one list apparently being mined.
> I am very interested in us continuing this discussion, and yes Ted,
> perhaps a wiki or spinoff makes sense = not everyone is interested 
> making money.
> For those who are, I am feeling like change due - double entendre 
> The people who are aggregating content and setting up servers are 
> easiest to reach right now - It's one person to deal with for
> potential sponsors and buyers, and it's one place to go to host 
> files. So they have the leverage from multiple points of view. Few 
> these networks are willing to pay for content, they have lawyerly 
> and we the lovely lemmings alternate between "doing it for the 
love of
> it" and feeling somewhat powerless in the face of the enormous grab
> for eyeballs and dollars, I think. (Some exagerration for effect.)
> When VC's are funding video hosting sites, they see big returns. I
> want us to slow this train down, and let everyone know that at 
> some of us, people who are creating original content (not re-
> snippets of tv shows on youtube) are a force to be reckoned with. 
> numbers may not be huge but they are growing, and our audience 
> is extreme.
> As was posted on a separate thread, $1.65B from Google to YouTube, 
> not a dime went for content. I was not altogether joking when I
> suggested coming up with some sort of act of "commercial
> dispobedience" to start injecting our voices into the business 
> discussions.
> Doing it for love is great until you see someone else living the 
> life selling your heartfelt stuff while you get nada in return.Then
> bitterness often sets in. It's one thing for iTunes, etc to get run
> over with big media commercial content. It's one more thing for 
all of
> us to stand by while old commercial thinking co-ops our new media.
> That's why I am wanting us to claim some space here - as a place 
> sponsors to go, to negotiate with us, not just the hosting 
> If any group could come up with some genuinely new thinking on how 
> leverage a community for the community's good, this one can. Right?
> We can reclaim the concept of "commercial" so it is not a dirty 
> but in fact becomes part of sustainability for us to keep doing our
> stuff.
> Anyone interested?
> rox
> On 11/18/06, sull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > hey mike.
> >
> > rox was the motivation behind having a focused discussion on some
> > issues i will just link to her post and include it here.  I 
think the
> > "OurTube" discussions, once they get going, will cover a small 
mix of topics
> > associated with taking more control, as video content creators, 
of business
> > relationships and necessary services for the furtherance of the 
> > internet tv revolution.  does this involve YouTubers who want to 
leave and
> > associate their content elsewhere?  Not sure.  That could bleed 
> > discussions but i dont see it as a core goal.  It doesnt matter 
what service
> > you use, where your stuff is hosted etc... but for prolific 
video creators
> > who feel that they dont have to totally revolve around and/or 
depend on
> > hosting services, ad networks, aggregators etc in order to 
achieve certain
> > types of success... OurTube is where to discuss, then, what the 
> > concepts are and can exist (co-exist) in this space.  What comes 
out of
> > those discussions remains to be seen.  But anything is possible 
in this
> > space at this time.
> >
> > Maybe its taking the hype of the industry and the monetizing 
babble and
> > the "frothy" online video phenomena. and turning it upside 
> > yelling HOLD UP!  not ge

[videoblogging] Re: Open source documentary about net neutrality

2006-11-19 Thread Michael Ambs
You rock, Rick!

--- In, "Rick Rey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey folks,
> The fight for net neutrality continues.
> Check out Mike Ambs' edit of "Human Lobotomy" --  an excellent
> documentary that summarizes the historical parallels between what
> we're facing now and other corporate take-overs that restricted free
> speech and communication over the last 100 years -- e.g. newspapers,
> radio airwaves, etc.
> Watch it here:
> The original documentary was put together by Arin Crumley of Four Eyed
> Monsters. It's open source -- which means they want people to add,
> edit, and mash up their work. More details on Caliblog and the
> original project page:
> --
> Rick Rey

[videoblogging] external light source

2006-11-19 Thread DK
Hello peeps - I'm after some advice regarding an external light  
source to be used whilst shooting in a dark venue. I have a Sony DCR- 
VX1000E and it has a hot shoe if tat helps?

I'm a total noobie so please go gentle on the jargon and I'm based in  
the UK :-)

Thanks in advance for your time.

MediaSnackers Founder
+44 07787 535 737

NEWS: MediaSnackers training is for young people and youth  
professionals focusing on new media/technology. For course details  
and references check out the training section of the website: (features short films of previous  
training plus downloadable .pdf with full details)


Any ideas contained in this email remain the intellectual property of  
© MediaSnackers 2006 - if you have received this email by error or  
you are not the intended recipient then please inform us and we will  
ensure the problem is rectified.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [videoblogging] external light source

2006-11-19 Thread Paul Knight
Why not also join the UKvideobloggers group also.  As for the  
lighting I picked up a rechargable light from Jessops for about £30  
fits of the hot shoe just nice and gives a nice strong beam.  Lats  
only about 15 minutes though and there is no way of getting another  
battery unless you buy another light.

Paul Knight

On 19 Nov 2006, at 12:41, DK wrote:

> Hello peeps - I'm after some advice regarding an external light
> source to be used whilst shooting in a dark venue. I have a Sony DCR-
> VX1000E and it has a hot shoe if tat helps?
> I'm a total noobie so please go gentle on the jargon and I'm based in
> the UK :-)
> Thanks in advance for your time.
> DK
> MediaSnackers Founder
> +44 07787 535 737
> NEWS: MediaSnackers training is for young people and youth
> professionals focusing on new media/technology. For course details
> and references check out the training section of the website:
> (features short films of previous
> training plus downloadable .pdf with full details)
> -
> Any ideas contained in this email remain the intellectual property of
> © MediaSnackers 2006 - if you have received this email by error or
> you are not the intended recipient then please inform us and we will
> ensure the problem is rectified.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [videoblogging] Re: The other videoblogging community

2006-11-19 Thread Peter Leppik

I think the source of your problem is that you don't understand the  
meaning of the words "videoblogger," "videoblogging," and  
"videoblog."  Let me clarify these terms for you, based on what I've  
learned from reading this list:

VIDEOBLOGGER: One who belongs to the videoblogging group hosted at  
Yahoo Groups.

VIDEOBLOGGING: That activity engaged in by videobloggers.

VIDEOBLOG: The end result of videoblogging.

So the fundamental problem is that there's all these people on  
YouTube who clearly aren't videobloggers (by definition), yet they  
engage in an activity which looks suspiciously like videoblogging.

The debate is over what to do about it,  Should we (a) reach out to  
these people, invite them to join the videoblogging group, and  
thereby turn them into videobloggers; or (b) make sure people  
understand that--all appearances to the contrary notwithstanding-- 
those people aren't videobloggers but something else.  "Youtubers"  

It is a debate I expect to see continue for quite some time.


On Nov 18, 2006, at 9:07 PM, sull wrote:

> I just finished reading this thread with a sorta confused look on  
> my face
> for most of it
> And it fitting that the last message here by Charles Hope jives  
> with how I
> feel.
> This seems to be a case of over-analyzing a specific perspective of
> communities who are using video to socialize, create, inform,  
> entertain,
> insult, inspire etcetera.
> As for the video. yeah its a good job making a montage of some notable
> clips and clips that kind of express whats going on at YouTube. Add  
> the sad
> sounding violin and piano and booya Change the soundtrack to  
> some thrash
> metal... and you have something entirely different. But whatever.  
> its a
> good video and thanks for sharing it here, eric.

Re: [videoblogging] external light source

2006-11-19 Thread Gary Short
Hello, and good to see another UK vlogger on the scene.


DK wrote:
> Hello peeps - I'm after some advice regarding an external light
> source to be used whilst shooting in a dark venue. I have a Sony DCR-
> VX1000E and it has a hot shoe if tat helps?
> I'm a total noobie so please go gentle on the jargon and I'm based in
> the UK :-)
> Thanks in advance for your time.
> DK
> MediaSnackers Founder
> +44 07787 535 737

[videoblogging] Re: The other videoblogging community

2006-11-19 Thread Steve Watkins
Id like to see an example of any post by anybody here that has ever
suggested that you are only a videoblogger if you are in this yahoo
group. Whether you have ever read or posted to this group has
absolutely nothing to do with whether the videoblogger label is deemed
to fit you or not. And I cant actually recall people on this list
suggesting otherwise, at any time. I think its a myth that there are
really any people who take this group so seriously as to think it is a
factor in the wider scheme of things.

Sure internet groups may attact the attention of people who are
hypersensitive about the possibility of 'insider groups', 'cliquey
cool gangs', 'gaurdians of the guild', forming and claiming somethign
as their own, but I really dont think it much of an issue in reality.
Now if groups such as this have the ears of those who put on awards
shows, design products, blog about things, provide video services on
the net, etc etc, then of course the opinions of a few can have undue
influence. But in the grand scheme of things I like to think that any
distoritons like that are soon corrected, by the sheer force of the
numbers of people out there in the wider reality, actually using the
stuff (or not), far beyond the bubble here.

Steve Elbows
--- In, Peter Leppik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sull:
> I think the source of your problem is that you don't understand the  
> meaning of the words "videoblogger," "videoblogging," and  
> "videoblog."  Let me clarify these terms for you, based on what I've  
> learned from reading this list:
> VIDEOBLOGGER: One who belongs to the videoblogging group hosted at  
> Yahoo Groups.
> VIDEOBLOGGING: That activity engaged in by videobloggers.
> VIDEOBLOG: The end result of videoblogging.
> So the fundamental problem is that there's all these people on  
> YouTube who clearly aren't videobloggers (by definition), yet they  
> engage in an activity which looks suspiciously like videoblogging.
> The debate is over what to do about it,  Should we (a) reach out to  
> these people, invite them to join the videoblogging group, and  
> thereby turn them into videobloggers; or (b) make sure people  
> understand that--all appearances to the contrary notwithstanding-- 
> those people aren't videobloggers but something else.  "Youtubers"  
> maybe.
> It is a debate I expect to see continue for quite some time.
>   -Peter
> On Nov 18, 2006, at 9:07 PM, sull wrote:
> > I just finished reading this thread with a sorta confused look on  
> > my face
> > for most of it
> > And it fitting that the last message here by Charles Hope jives  
> > with how I
> > feel.
> > This seems to be a case of over-analyzing a specific perspective of
> > communities who are using video to socialize, create, inform,  
> > entertain,
> > insult, inspire etcetera.
> >
> > As for the video. yeah its a good job making a montage of some notable
> > clips and clips that kind of express whats going on at YouTube. Add  
> > the sad
> > sounding violin and piano and booya Change the soundtrack to  
> > some thrash
> > metal... and you have something entirely different. But whatever.  
> > its a
> > good video and thanks for sharing it here, eric.
> >

Re: [videoblogging] Re: The other videoblogging community

2006-11-19 Thread sull

VIDEOBLOGGER: One who belongs to the videoblogging group hosted at
> Yahoo Groups.

Tell me you are kidding.

Trust me, I know what I know to be true ;)


On 11/19/06, Peter Leppik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Sull:
> I think the source of your problem is that you don't understand the
> meaning of the words "videoblogger," "videoblogging," and
> "videoblog." Let me clarify these terms for you, based on what I've
> learned from reading this list:
> VIDEOBLOGGER: One who belongs to the videoblogging group hosted at
> Yahoo Groups.
> VIDEOBLOGGING: That activity engaged in by videobloggers.
> VIDEOBLOG: The end result of videoblogging.
> So the fundamental problem is that there's all these people on
> YouTube who clearly aren't videobloggers (by definition), yet they
> engage in an activity which looks suspiciously like videoblogging.
> The debate is over what to do about it, Should we (a) reach out to
> these people, invite them to join the videoblogging group, and
> thereby turn them into videobloggers; or (b) make sure people
> understand that--all appearances to the contrary notwithstanding--
> those people aren't videobloggers but something else. "Youtubers"
> maybe.
> It is a debate I expect to see continue for quite some time.
> -Peter
> On Nov 18, 2006, at 9:07 PM, sull wrote:
> > I just finished reading this thread with a sorta confused look on
> > my face
> > for most of it
> > And it fitting that the last message here by Charles Hope jives
> > with how I
> > feel.
> > This seems to be a case of over-analyzing a specific perspective of
> > communities who are using video to socialize, create, inform,
> > entertain,
> > insult, inspire etcetera.
> >
> > As for the video. yeah its a good job making a montage of some notable
> > clips and clips that kind of express whats going on at YouTube. Add
> > the sad
> > sounding violin and piano and booya Change the soundtrack to
> > some thrash
> > metal... and you have something entirely different. But whatever.
> > its a
> > good video and thanks for sharing it here, eric.
> >

Sull (a project) (my blog) (otherly)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Open source documentary about net neutrality

2006-11-19 Thread Mark Smith
Excellent edit, excellent project. Love it.


On 11/19/06, Michael Ambs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   You rock, Rick!
> --- In ,
> "Rick Rey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hey folks,
> >
> > The fight for net neutrality continues.
> >
> > Check out Mike Ambs' edit of "Human Lobotomy" -- an excellent
> > documentary that summarizes the historical parallels between what
> > we're facing now and other corporate take-overs that restricted free
> > speech and communication over the last 100 years -- e.g. newspapers,
> > radio airwaves, etc.
> >
> > Watch it here:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > The original documentary was put together by Arin Crumley of Four Eyed
> > Monsters. It's open source -- which means they want people to add,
> > edit, and mash up their work. More details on Caliblog and the
> > original project page:
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Rick Rey
> >
> >

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Proposal

2006-11-19 Thread Paul Knight
Vloggercon 07 in Ohio, woot!! lets do it!!! it's only 11 hours in the  
air for me.  Maybe this time I get to see some real Americans, lol.   
Mind you wait until June/Julyish then I will have enough money to do it!

Paul Knight

On 18 Nov 2006, at 19:30, Mike Moon wrote:

> Hey, I just took a look. Columbus would be about an 8 hour drive for
> me from Ontario, Canada... very feasible. Drive there, pitch a tent...
> Yup, works for me.
> I'd like to also support the a Ohio location for vloggercon07.
> Mike
> --- In, "Erin Nealey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
> wrote:
> >
> > There are some folks in the Carolinas (though not a lot) but I know
> > for me, the possibility of going to Ohio for Vloggercon '07 is much
> > more likely than the west coast! I like the idea too :)
> >
> > Erin Nealey
> > Mom's Brag Vlog
> >
> >
> > --- In, groups-yahoo-com@ wrote:
> > >
> > > I think you're better off keeping the conversation here and just
> > > titling your posts "vloggercon midwest". I would absolutely  
> love to
> > > attend if it's in Columbus.
> > >
> > > I know Columbus well.
> > >
> > > The problem is there's not enough of a critical mass in any one  
> city
> > > in the midwest.
> > >
> > > Well... maybe Chicago.
> > >
> > > We've got a bunch of vloggers in IOWA, Minnesotta, St. Louis, a  
> few in
> > > Michigan, One in Toledo Ohio.
> > >
> > > I've been slowly trying to put together comprehensive lists of  
> these
> > > geographic pockets on mefeedia.
> > >
> > > It's hard work, trying to track people down, but it's well  
> worth it.
> > >
> > > Minnesotta --
> > >
> > > Midwest general --
> > >
> > > Chicago --
> > >
> > > Iowa --
> > >
> > > Please give me your feed urls, name and locations either here  
> or leave
> > > a comment on mefeedia and I'll add it to one of the lists.
> > >
> > > It you know an area not covered with a bunch of active vloggers.
> > > Please signup and create your own list.
> > >
> > > Trying to make this a more collaborative process. I hope in the  
> future
> > > these channels will be places where discussion on specific  
> topics and
> > > interests just naturally collects.
> > >
> > > It's still just a big experiment.
> > >
> > > -Mike
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > On 11/17/06, CarLBanks  wrote:
> > > > Josh, would you be interested in helping? I live in Columbus so
> > this is why
> > > > I wanted to finally meet all of the cool people I see.
> > > >
> > > > I created a vloggercon '07 group at
> > > > and  
> anyone is
> > welcome
> > > > to join to help create one of the coolest conventions in Ohio!
> > > >
> > > > On 11/17/06, Josh Leo  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > ohio is closer for me than any coast :)
> > > > >
> > > > > On 11/17/06, Heath > wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Yeah, that would be cool, I would LOVE to see something in
> > Ohio.btw
> > > > > > who is this "Batman Geek" you speak of that you have  
> enlisted to
> > > > > > help.. ;)
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Heath
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > --- In
> > > >>,
> > > > > > CarLBanks  wrote:
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > I'd really like to see Vloggercon held in Ohio! I am
> > proposing that,
> > > > > > Batman
> > > > > > > Geek, myself, and ANYONE ELSE, setup a Vloggercon for 2007
> > in Ohio!
> > > > > > This is
> > > > > > > no joke and I'm saying it because I want to help and I  
> want
> > to meet
> > > > > > all of
> > > > > > > you crazy people! Who would like to help me set this up?
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > --
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> > > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > --
> > > > > Josh Leo
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Yahoo! Groups Links
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Proposal

2006-11-19 Thread David Meade
Vloggercon in the midwest would be pretty cool!

Oh and:
  Ahk I'm not listed on meFeedia's Chicago list?!  I'm ... I'm 
I'm  going to offer som suggested additions   check out all
the poeople listed at: for a good
starter list :-)

- Dave

> I think you're better off keeping the conversation here and just
> titling your posts "vloggercon midwest". I would absolutely love to
> attend if it's in Columbus.
> I know Columbus well.
> The problem is there's not enough of a critical mass in any one city
> in the midwest.
> Well... maybe Chicago.
> We've got a bunch of vloggers in IOWA, Minnesotta, St. Louis, a few in
> Michigan, One in Toledo Ohio.
> I've been slowly trying to put together comprehensive lists of these
> geographic pockets on mefeedia.
> It's hard work, trying to track people down, but it's well worth it.
> Minnesotta --
> Midwest general --
> Chicago --
> Iowa --
> Please give me your feed urls, name and locations either here or leave
> a comment on mefeedia and I'll add it to one of the lists.
> It you know an area not covered with a bunch of active vloggers.
> Please signup and create your own list.
> Trying to make this a more collaborative process. I hope in the future
> these channels will be places where discussion on specific topics and
> interests just naturally collects.
> It's still just a big experiment.
> -Mike
> On 11/17/06, CarLBanks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Josh, would you be interested in helping? I live in Columbus so this is why
> > I wanted to finally meet all of the cool people I see.
> >
> > I created a vloggercon '07 group at
> > and anyone is welcome
> > to join to help create one of the coolest conventions in Ohio!
> >
> > On 11/17/06, Josh Leo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > >   ohio is closer for me than any coast :)
> > >
> > > On 11/17/06, Heath <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Yeah, that would be cool, I would LOVE to see something in Ohio.btw
> > > > who is this "Batman Geek" you speak of that you have enlisted to
> > > > help.. ;)
> > > >
> > > > Heath
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --- In
> > ,
> > > > CarLBanks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > I'd really like to see Vloggercon held in Ohio! I am proposing that,
> > > > Batman
> > > > > Geek, myself, and ANYONE ELSE, setup a Vloggercon for 2007 in Ohio!
> > > > This is
> > > > > no joke and I'm saying it because I want to help and I want to meet
> > > > all of
> > > > > you crazy people! Who would like to help me set this up?
> > > > >
> > > > > --
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > Josh Leo
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> >
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> Yahoo! Groups Links


Re: [videoblogging] Re: The other videoblogging community

2006-11-19 Thread Steve Garfield
Hello Peter,

In case you are not kidding, and for those new to the Yahoo!  
Videoblogging group, here is my definition of video blogging:

Videoblogging = Video on a Blog.

A blog entry typically consists of the following:

 * Title - main title of the post,
 * Body - main content of the post,
 * Permalink - the URL of the full, individual article,
 * Post Date - date and time the post was published

Please view my video blog on YouTube:

So clearly, the people on YouTube are videobloggers.


On Nov 19, 2006, at 8:52 AM, Peter Leppik wrote:

> I think the source of your problem is that you don't understand the
> meaning of the words "videoblogger," "videoblogging," and
> "videoblog."  Let me clarify these terms for you, based on what I've
> learned from reading this list:
> VIDEOBLOGGER: One who belongs to the videoblogging group hosted at
> Yahoo Groups.
> VIDEOBLOGGING: That activity engaged in by videobloggers.
> VIDEOBLOG: The end result of videoblogging.
> So the fundamental problem is that there's all these people on
> YouTube who clearly aren't videobloggers (by definition), yet they
> engage in an activity which looks suspiciously like videoblogging.

Steve Garfield

[videoblogging] 4-H Network News Video Blogging Capitol Christmas Tree

2006-11-19 Thread Jack Olmsted
We are seeking video bloggers to capture the 2006 Capitol Christmas Tree as it 
makes its 
way from Washington State to Washington DC.

Here is a map of its route:

Here is where it is now:

All 2006 Capitol Christmas Tree videos are published here:
(Note: There is a link to this blog from the official website: http://

More Information about the project:



Re: [videoblogging] Re: The other videoblogging community

2006-11-19 Thread Peter Leppik
Of course I'm kidding, but a martian reading this group for the first  
time would think that we're inordinately concerned about what  
"videoblogging" is, who qualifies as a "videoblogger" (as opposed to,  
say, "mainstream media posted online"), and what it all means in the  
grand scheme of things.

Me, I just like to play around with my camcorder and Final Cut, and  
maybe sometimes I wind up with something my mother might be  
interested in watching.


On Nov 19, 2006, at 8:15 AM, sull wrote:

> Peter,
> VIDEOBLOGGER: One who belongs to the videoblogging group hosted at
> > Yahoo Groups.
> Tell me you are kidding.
> Trust me, I know what I know to be true ;)
> sull

[videoblogging] Are there any UK based video producers in this group who would like to join up?

2006-11-19 Thread Paul Knight
Hi all,

Things are definitely looking up at the moment in the UK, what with  
this and that, so now is your chance to join the ranks of the  
UKvideobloogers group here on yahoo! 
group/UKVideobloggers/ We need more members and I look forward to  
seeing you swell the ranks.  This is not a break away group from the  
videobloggers worldwide site, merely a chance to discuss the things  
that are happening over this side of the pond, that most of the  
members neither care or know about.
I know that Americans can be exciting, hell! I have been to America  
twice this year, but the growth of interest in british home grown  
video is just about to take off in a very very big way.  So it is  
time for discussion and debate.

Come on down and join the fun the British way, with Tea and Cakes and  
Yorkshire Pudding, yes we have one of those.

Paul Knight

[videoblogging] Re: Proposal/VloggerCon Midwest

2006-11-19 Thread Amanda Congdon
Bill Streeter and I were talking about the midwest for Vloggercon
2007what about having it in St. Louis at City Museum? That place
is nuts.

Could be amazing. We could take a lot of fun video there... and it
really isn't fair that all the events are usually on the coasts. My
only concern would be for those flying in from overseas... it's
probably easier for them to meet up on the coasts...

For those in the US though, St. Louis would be a great way to meet in
the middle, literally.

--- In, "David Meade" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Vloggercon in the midwest would be pretty cool!
> Oh and:
>   Ahk I'm not listed on meFeedia's Chicago list?!  I'm ... I'm 
> I'm  going to offer som suggested additions   check out all
> the poeople listed at: for a good
> starter list :-)
> - Dave
> On 11/18/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I think you're better off keeping the conversation here and just
> > titling your posts "vloggercon midwest". I would absolutely love to
> > attend if it's in Columbus.
> >
> > I know Columbus well.
> >
> > The problem is there's not enough of a critical mass in any one city
> > in the midwest.
> >
> > Well... maybe Chicago.
> >
> > We've got a bunch of vloggers in IOWA, Minnesotta, St. Louis, a few in
> > Michigan, One in Toledo Ohio.
> >
> > I've been slowly trying to put together comprehensive lists of these
> > geographic pockets on mefeedia.
> >
> > It's hard work, trying to track people down, but it's well worth it.
> >
> > Minnesotta --
> >
> > Midwest general --
> >
> > Chicago --
> >
> > Iowa --
> >
> > Please give me your feed urls, name and locations either here or leave
> > a comment on mefeedia and I'll add it to one of the lists.
> >
> > It you know an area not covered with a bunch of active vloggers.
> > Please signup and create your own list.
> >
> > Trying to make this a more collaborative process. I hope in the future
> > these channels will be places where discussion on specific topics and
> > interests just naturally collects.
> >
> > It's still just a big experiment.
> >
> > -Mike
> >
> >
> >
> > On 11/17/06, CarLBanks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Josh, would you be interested in helping? I live in Columbus so
this is why
> > > I wanted to finally meet all of the cool people I see.
> > >
> > > I created a vloggercon '07 group at
> > > and anyone
is welcome
> > > to join to help create one of the coolest conventions in Ohio!
> > >
> > > On 11/17/06, Josh Leo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > >
> > > >   ohio is closer for me than any coast :)
> > > >
> > > > On 11/17/06, Heath <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > Yeah, that would be cool, I would LOVE to see something in
> > > > > who is this "Batman Geek" you speak of that you have enlisted to
> > > > > help.. ;)
> > > > >
> > > > > Heath
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > --- In
> > > ,
> > > > > CarLBanks  wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > I'd really like to see Vloggercon held in Ohio! I am
proposing that,
> > > > > Batman
> > > > > > Geek, myself, and ANYONE ELSE, setup a Vloggercon for 2007
in Ohio!
> > > > > This is
> > > > > > no joke and I'm saying it because I want to help and I
want to meet
> > > > > all of
> > > > > > you crazy people! Who would like to help me set this up?
> > > > > >
> > > > > > --
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> > > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > > Josh Leo
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Yahoo! Groups Links
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> -- 

[videoblogging] Best Video Camera under $1000?

2006-11-19 Thread fisboman
What are some opinions on the best camcorder to buy(use)for good 
quality Vidlogs, but is under $1000. I have been doing some research 
for over a month now and keep coming back to the Sony DCR-SR100. I 
like the idea of recording straight to a hard drive. The reports say 
the video is great for the money but the touch pad on the small LCD 
screen is tough to use. 
I know this is probably the best place to get solid opinions and 
I'm sorry I haven't posted before but I'm getting really close to 
buying one and don't want to screw up with that much money. Any help 
would be greatly appreciated.

[videoblogging] A wireless micrphone from Santa? Suggestions

2006-11-19 Thread john coffey
Hey techy vloggers. How about a little help with 
suggesting a wireless microphone to fit a standard DVR
with a 1/8 inch jack. The size of iPod earphones I think.
A Philadelphia based vlog about Craic, Travel and Sailing the Chesapeake Bay!


The all-new Yahoo! Mail beta
Fire up a more powerful email and get things done faster.

[videoblogging] Re: Proposal

2006-11-19 Thread Andreas Haugstrup
Ohio is easy to say, but a shit place to go to for those of us from 
outside the US. Anything that requires a domestic flight is not a 
good choice if you want an international audience. New York, San 
Francisco are much easier to get to - not to mention much much 

Secondly, why use the vloggercon name? It seems a bit silly to me. 
Just do your own thing and give it your own name.

- Andreas

--- In, Paul Knight <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Vloggercon 07 in Ohio, woot!! lets do it!!! it's only 11 hours in 
> air for me.  Maybe this time I get to see some real Americans, 
> Mind you wait until June/Julyish then I will have enough money to 
do it!
> Paul Knight
> On 18 Nov 2006, at 19:30, Mike Moon wrote:
> > Hey, I just took a look. Columbus would be about an 8 hour drive 
> > me from Ontario, Canada... very feasible. Drive there, pitch a 
> > Yup, works for me.
> >
> > I'd like to also support the a Ohio location for vloggercon07.
> >
> > Mike
> >
> >
> > --- In, "Erin Nealey"   
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > There are some folks in the Carolinas (though not a lot) but I 
> > > for me, the possibility of going to Ohio for Vloggercon '07 is 
> > > more likely than the west coast! I like the idea too :)
> > >
> > > Erin Nealey
> > > Mom's Brag Vlog
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In, groups-yahoo-com@ wrote:
> > > >
> > > > I think you're better off keeping the conversation here and 
> > > > titling your posts "vloggercon midwest". I would absolutely  
> > love to
> > > > attend if it's in Columbus.
> > > >
> > > > I know Columbus well.
> > > >
> > > > The problem is there's not enough of a critical mass in any 
> > city
> > > > in the midwest.
> > > >
> > > > Well... maybe Chicago.
> > > >
> > > > We've got a bunch of vloggers in IOWA, Minnesotta, St. Louis, 
> > few in
> > > > Michigan, One in Toledo Ohio.
> > > >
> > > > I've been slowly trying to put together comprehensive lists 
> > these
> > > > geographic pockets on mefeedia.
> > > >
> > > > It's hard work, trying to track people down, but it's well  
> > worth it.
> > > >
> > > > Minnesotta --
> > > >
> > > > Midwest general --
> > > >
> > > > Chicago --
> > > >
> > > > Iowa --
> > > >
> > > > Please give me your feed urls, name and locations either 
> > or leave
> > > > a comment on mefeedia and I'll add it to one of the lists.
> > > >
> > > > It you know an area not covered with a bunch of active 
> > > > Please signup and create your own list.
> > > >
> > > > Trying to make this a more collaborative process. I hope in 
> > future
> > > > these channels will be places where discussion on specific  
> > topics and
> > > > interests just naturally collects.
> > > >
> > > > It's still just a big experiment.
> > > >
> > > > -Mike
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > On 11/17/06, CarLBanks  wrote:
> > > > > Josh, would you be interested in helping? I live in 
Columbus so
> > > this is why
> > > > > I wanted to finally meet all of the cool people I see.
> > > > >
> > > > > I created a vloggercon '07 group at
> > > > > and  
> > anyone is
> > > welcome
> > > > > to join to help create one of the coolest conventions in 
> > > > >
> > > > > On 11/17/06, Josh Leo  wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > ohio is closer for me than any coast :)
> > > > > >
> > > > > > On 11/17/06, Heath > 
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Yeah, that would be cool, I would LOVE to see something 
> > > Ohio.btw
> > > > > > > who is this "Batman Geek" you speak of that you have  
> > enlisted to
> > > > > > > help.. ;)
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Heath
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > --- In
> > > > >  >>,
> > > > > > > CarLBanks  wrote:
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > I'd really like to see Vloggercon held in Ohio! I am
> > > proposing that,
> > > > > > > Batman
> > > > > > > > Geek, myself, and ANYONE ELSE, setup a Vloggercon for 
> > > in Ohio!
> > > > > > > This is
> > > > > > > > no joke and I'm saying it because I want to help and 
> > want
> > > to meet
> > > > > > > all of
> > > > > > > > you crazy people! Who would like to help me set this 
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > --
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > --
> > > > > > Josh Leo
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> > >